1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
3  * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  *
7  */
12 #include <stddef.h>
13 #include <stdint.h>
15 #ifdef __cplusplus
16 extern "C" {
17 #endif
20 /**
21  * \brief Struct containing information required from the platform to perform
22  *        encryption/decryption of ITS files.
23  */
24 struct tfm_hal_its_auth_crypt_ctx {
25     uint8_t *deriv_label;    /* The derivation label for AEAD */
26     size_t deriv_label_size; /* Size of the deriv_label in bytes */
27     uint8_t *aad;            /* The additional authenticated data for AEAD */
28     size_t add_size;         /* Size of the add in bytes */
29     uint8_t *nonce;          /* The nonce for AEAD */
30     size_t nonce_size;       /* Size of the nonce in bytes */
31 };
33 /**
34  * \brief Generate an encryption nonce
35  *
36  * \details The nonce has to be unique for every encryption using the same key,
37  *          even across resets.
38  * \param [out] nonce           Pointer to the nonce
39  * \param [in]  nonce_size      Size of the nonce in bytes
40  *
41  * \retval TFM_HAL_SUCCESS             The operation completed successfully
42  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT Invalid argument
43  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_GENERIC       Failed to fill the nonce seed because of
44  *                                     an internal error
45  */
46 enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_generate_nonce(uint8_t *nonce,
47                                                       const size_t nonce_size);
49 /**
50  * \brief Perform authenticated encryption.
51  *
52  * \details Perform the the AEAD encryption.
53  *          It will start with deriving a key based long-term key-derivation
54  *          key and the provided derivation label.
55  *          This derived key will then be used to perform the AEAD operation.
56  *          Therefore the following members of the ctx struct must be set:
57  *          nonce
58  *          nonce_size
59  *          deriv_label
60  *          deriv_label_size
61  *          If additional data should be authenticated also
62  *          aad
63  *          aad_size
64  *          must be set.
65  *
66  * \param [in]  ctx               AEAD context for ITS object
67  * \param [in]  plaintext         Pointer to the plaintext
68  * \param [in]  plaintext_size    Size of the plaintext in bytes
69  * \param [out] ciphertext        Pointer to the ciphertext
70  * \param [in]  ciphertext_size   Size of the ciphertext in bytes
71  * \param [out] tag               Authentication tag
72  * \param [in]  tag_size          Authentication tag size in bytes
73  *
74  * \retval TFM_HAL_SUCCESS             The operation completed successfully
75  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT Invalid argument
76  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_GENERIC       Failed to encrypt
77  */
78 enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_encrypt(
79                                          struct tfm_hal_its_auth_crypt_ctx *ctx,
80                                          const uint8_t *plaintext,
81                                          const size_t plaintext_size,
82                                          uint8_t *ciphertext,
83                                          const size_t ciphertext_size,
84                                          uint8_t *tag,
85                                          const size_t tag_size);
87 /**
88  * \brief Perform authenticated decryption.
89  *
90  * \details To perform the the AEAD decryption, the following members of the
91  *          ctx struct must be set:
92  *          nonce
93  *          nonce_size
94  *          deriv_label
95  *          deriv_label_size
96  *          If additional data should be authenticated also
97  *          aad
98  *          aad_size
99  *          must be set.
100  *
101  *
102  * \param [in]  ctx               AEAD context for ITS object
103  * \param [in]  ciphertext        Pointer to the ciphertext
104  * \param [in]  ciphertext_size   Size of the ciphertext in bytes
105  * \param [in]  tag               Authentication tag
106  * \param [in]  tag_size          Authentication tag size in bytes
107  * \param [out] plaintext         Pointer to the plaintext
108  * \param [in]  plaintext_size    Size of the plaintext in bytes
109  *
110  * \retval TFM_HAL_SUCCESS             The operation completed successfully
111  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT Invalid argument
112  * \retval TFM_HAL_ERROR_GENERIC       Failed to decrypt
113  */
114 enum tfm_hal_status_t tfm_hal_its_aead_decrypt(
115                                          struct tfm_hal_its_auth_crypt_ctx *ctx,
116                                          const uint8_t *ciphertext,
117                                          const size_t ciphertext_size,
118                                          uint8_t *tag,
119                                          const size_t tag_size,
120                                          uint8_t *plaintext,
121                                          const size_t plaintext_size);
124 #ifdef __cplusplus
125 }
126 #endif
128 #endif /* __TFM_HAL_ITS_ENCRYPTION_H__ */