1 /**
2  * \file ecp.h
3  *
4  * \brief This file provides an API for Elliptic Curves over GF(P) (ECP).
5  *
6  * The use of ECP in cryptography and TLS is defined in
7  * <em>Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG): SEC1
8  * Elliptic Curve Cryptography</em> and
9  * <em>RFC-4492: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites
10  * for Transport Layer Security (TLS)</em>.
11  *
12  * <em>RFC-2409: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)</em> defines ECP
13  * group types.
14  *
15  */
17 /*
18  *  Copyright (C) 2006-2018, Arm Limited (or its affiliates), All Rights Reserved
19  *  Copyright (C) 2019, STMicroelectronics, All Rights Reserved
20  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
21  *
22  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
23  *  not use this file except in compliance with the License.
24  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
25  *
26  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
27  *
28  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
29  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
30  *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
31  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
32  *  limitations under the License.
33  *
34  *  This file implements STMicroelectronics EC API for HW services based
35  *  on mbed TLS API
36  */
38 #ifndef MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT_H
39 #define MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT_H
41 #ifdef __cplusplus
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
45 #if defined (MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT)
46 #include "mbedtls/platform.h"
47 #include "stm32hal.h"
49 /*
50  * default mbed TLS elliptic curve arithmetic implementation
51  *
52  * (in case MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT is defined then the developer has to provide an
53  * alternative implementation for the whole module and it will replace this
54  * one.)
55  */
57 /**
58  * \brief           The ECP group structure.
59  *
60  * We consider two types of curve equations:
61  * <ul><li>Short Weierstrass: <code>y^2 = x^3 + A x + B mod P</code>
62  * (SEC1 + RFC-4492)</li>
63  * <li>Montgomery: <code>y^2 = x^3 + A x^2 + x mod P</code> (Curve25519,
64  * Curve448)</li></ul>
65  * In both cases, the generator (\p G) for a prime-order subgroup is fixed.
66  *
67  * For Short Weierstrass, this subgroup is the whole curve, and its
68  * cardinality is denoted by \p N. Our code requires that \p N is an
69  * odd prime as mbedtls_ecp_mul() requires an odd number, and
70  * mbedtls_ecdsa_sign() requires that it is prime for blinding purposes.
71  *
72  * For Montgomery curves, we do not store \p A, but <code>(A + 2) / 4</code>,
73  * which is the quantity used in the formulas. Additionally, \p nbits is
74  * not the size of \p N but the required size for private keys.
75  *
76  * If \p modp is NULL, reduction modulo \p P is done using a generic algorithm.
77  * Otherwise, \p modp must point to a function that takes an \p mbedtls_mpi in the
78  * range of <code>0..2^(2*pbits)-1</code>, and transforms it in-place to an integer
79  * which is congruent mod \p P to the given MPI, and is close enough to \p pbits
80  * in size, so that it may be efficiently brought in the 0..P-1 range by a few
81  * additions or subtractions. Therefore, it is only an approximative modular
82  * reduction. It must return 0 on success and non-zero on failure.
83  *
84  * \note        Alternative implementations must keep the group IDs distinct. If
85  *              two group structures have the same ID, then they must be
86  *              identical.
87  *
88  * STMicroelectronics edition
89  */
90 typedef struct mbedtls_ecp_group
91 {
92     mbedtls_ecp_group_id id;    /*!< An internal group identifier. */
93     mbedtls_mpi P;              /*!< The prime modulus of the base field. */
94     mbedtls_mpi A;              /*!< For Short Weierstrass: \p A in the equation. For
95                                      Montgomery curves: <code>(A + 2) / 4</code>. */
96     mbedtls_mpi B;              /*!< For Short Weierstrass: \p B in the equation.
97                                      For Montgomery curves: unused. */
98     mbedtls_ecp_point G;        /*!< The generator of the subgroup used. */
99     mbedtls_mpi N;              /*!< The order of \p G. */
100     size_t pbits;               /*!< The number of bits in \p P.*/
101     size_t nbits;               /*!< For Short Weierstrass: The number of bits in \p P.
102                                      For Montgomery curves: the number of bits in the
103                                      private keys. */
104     unsigned int h;             /*!< \internal 1 if the constants are static. */
105     int (*modp)(mbedtls_mpi *); /*!< The function for fast pseudo-reduction
106                                      mod \p P (see above).*/
107     int (*t_pre)(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *);  /*!< Unused. */
108     int (*t_post)(mbedtls_ecp_point *, void *); /*!< Unused. */
109     void *t_data;               /*!< Unused. */
110     mbedtls_ecp_point *T;       /*!< Pre-computed points for ecp_mul_comb(). */
111     size_t T_size;              /*!< The number of pre-computed points. */
113                                 /*!< Below, for Short Weierstrass: curve coefs in ST HW
114                                      expected format. For Montogomery curves: unused */
115     uint32_t st_modulus_size;   /*!< Number of bytes in prime modulus */
116     uint32_t st_order_size;     /*!< Number of bytes in prime order */
117     uint8_t *st_p;              /*!< Prime modulus p */
118     uint32_t st_a_sign;         /*!< Sign of A coef */
119     uint8_t *st_a_abs;          /*!< abs(A) coef */
120     uint8_t *st_b;              /*!< B coef */
121     uint8_t *st_gx;             /*!< Gx basepoint */
122     uint8_t *st_gy;             /*!< Gy basepoint */
123     uint8_t *st_n;              /*!< Prime Order n */
124 }
125 mbedtls_ecp_group;
127 /**
128  * \name SECTION: Module settings
129  *
130  * The configuration options you can set for this module are in this section.
131  * Either change them in config.h, or define them using the compiler command line.
132  * \{
133  */
135 #define MBEDTLS_ECP_MAX_BYTES    ( ( MBEDTLS_ECP_MAX_BITS + 7 ) / 8 )
138 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_WINDOW_SIZE)
139 /*
140  * Maximum "window" size used for point multiplication.
141  * Default: 6.
142  * Minimum value: 2. Maximum value: 7.
143  *
144  * Result is an array of at most ( 1 << ( MBEDTLS_ECP_WINDOW_SIZE - 1 ) )
145  * points used for point multiplication. This value is directly tied to EC
146  * peak memory usage, so decreasing it by one should roughly cut memory usage
147  * by two (if large curves are in use).
148  *
149  * Reduction in size may reduce speed, but larger curves are impacted first.
150  * Sample performances (in ECDHE handshakes/s, with FIXED_POINT_OPTIM = 1):
151  *      w-size:     6       5       4       3       2
152  *      521       145     141     135     120      97
153  *      384       214     209     198     177     146
154  *      256       320     320     303     262     226
155  *      224       475     475     453     398     342
156  *      192       640     640     633     587     476
157  */
158 #define MBEDTLS_ECP_WINDOW_SIZE    6   /**< The maximum window size used. */
159 #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_WINDOW_SIZE */
162 /*
163  * Trade memory for speed on fixed-point multiplication.
164  *
165  * This speeds up repeated multiplication of the generator (that is, the
166  * multiplication in ECDSA signatures, and half of the multiplications in
167  * ECDSA verification and ECDHE) by a factor roughly 3 to 4.
168  *
169  * The cost is increasing EC peak memory usage by a factor roughly 2.
170  *
171  * Change this value to 0 to reduce peak memory usage.
172  */
173 #define MBEDTLS_ECP_FIXED_POINT_OPTIM  1   /**< Enable fixed-point speed-up. */
176 /* \} name SECTION: Module settings */
178 #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT */
180 #ifdef __cplusplus
181 }
182 #endif
184 #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_ALT_H */