1 /******************************************************************************
2  * @file     usbd.h
3  * @version  V3.00
4  * @brief    M2354 series USBD driver header file
5  *
6  * @copyright SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright Copyright (C) 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8  ******************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __USBD_H__
10 #define __USBD_H__
12 #define SUPPORT_LPM     // define to support LPM
14 #ifdef __cplusplus
15 extern "C"
16 {
17 #endif
20 /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
21   @{
22 */
24 /** @addtogroup USBD_Driver USBD Driver
25   @{
26 */
28 /** @addtogroup USBD_EXPORTED_STRUCTS USBD Exported Structs
29   @{
30 */
32 typedef struct s_usbd_info
33 {
34     uint8_t *gu8DevDesc;            /*!< Pointer for USB Device Descriptor          */
35     uint8_t *gu8ConfigDesc;         /*!< Pointer for USB Configuration Descriptor   */
36     uint8_t **gu8StringDesc;        /*!< Pointer for USB String Descriptor pointers */
37     uint8_t **gu8HidReportDesc;     /*!< Pointer for USB HID Report Descriptor      */
38     uint8_t *gu8BosDesc;            /*!< Pointer for USB BOS Descriptor             */
39     uint32_t *gu32HidReportSize;    /*!< Pointer for HID Report descriptor Size */
40     uint32_t *gu32ConfigHidDescIdx; /*!< Pointer for HID Descriptor start index */
42 } S_USBD_INFO_T;  /*!< Device description structure */
44 extern const S_USBD_INFO_T gsInfo;
46 /**@}*/ /* end of group USBD_EXPORTED_STRUCTS */
49 /** @addtogroup USBD_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS USBD Exported Constants
50   @{
51 */
53 #define USBD_BUF_BASE      (uint32_t)(((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (USBD_BASE+NS_OFFSET+0x100UL):(USBD_BASE+0x100UL))  /*!< USBD buffer base address */
54 #define USBD_MAX_EP        12UL  /*!< Total EP number */
56 #define EP0     0UL       /*!< Endpoint 0 */
57 #define EP1     1UL       /*!< Endpoint 1 */
58 #define EP2     2UL       /*!< Endpoint 2 */
59 #define EP3     3UL       /*!< Endpoint 3 */
60 #define EP4     4UL       /*!< Endpoint 4 */
61 #define EP5     5UL       /*!< Endpoint 5 */
62 #define EP6     6UL       /*!< Endpoint 6 */
63 #define EP7     7UL       /*!< Endpoint 7 */
64 #define EP8     8UL       /*!< Endpoint 8 */
65 #define EP9     9UL       /*!< Endpoint 9 */
66 #define EP10    10UL      /*!< Endpoint 10 */
67 #define EP11    11UL      /*!< Endpoint 11 */
69 /** @cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS */
70 /* USB Request Type */
71 #define REQ_STANDARD        0x00UL
72 #define REQ_CLASS           0x20UL
73 #define REQ_VENDOR          0x40UL
75 /* USB Standard Request */
76 #define GET_STATUS          0x00UL
77 #define CLEAR_FEATURE       0x01UL
78 #define SET_FEATURE         0x03UL
79 #define SET_ADDRESS         0x05UL
80 #define GET_DESCRIPTOR      0x06UL
81 #define SET_DESCRIPTOR      0x07UL
82 #define GET_CONFIGURATION   0x08UL
83 #define SET_CONFIGURATION   0x09UL
84 #define GET_INTERFACE       0x0AUL
85 #define SET_INTERFACE       0x0BUL
86 #define SYNC_FRAME          0x0CUL
88 /* USB Descriptor Type */
89 #define DESC_DEVICE         0x01UL
90 #define DESC_CONFIG         0x02UL
91 #define DESC_STRING         0x03UL
92 #define DESC_INTERFACE      0x04UL
93 #define DESC_ENDPOINT       0x05UL
94 #define DESC_QUALIFIER      0x06UL
95 #define DESC_OTHERSPEED     0x07UL
96 #define DESC_IFPOWER        0x08UL
97 #define DESC_OTG            0x09UL
98 #define DESC_BOS            0x0FUL
99 #define DESC_CAPABILITY     0x10UL
101 /* USB Device Capability Type */
102 #define CAP_WIRELESS        0x01UL
103 #define CAP_USB20_EXT       0x02UL
105 /*!<USB HID Descriptor Type */
106 #define DESC_HID            0x21UL
107 #define DESC_HID_RPT        0x22UL
109 /* USB Descriptor Length */
110 #define LEN_DEVICE          18UL
111 #define LEN_QUALIFIER       10UL
112 #define LEN_CONFIG          9UL
113 #define LEN_INTERFACE       9UL
114 #define LEN_ENDPOINT        7UL
115 #define LEN_OTG             5UL
116 #define LEN_BOS             5UL
117 #define LEN_HID             9UL
118 #define LEN_CCID            0x36UL
119 #define LEN_BOSCAP          7UL
121 /* USB Endpoint Type */
122 #define EP_ISO              0x01
123 #define EP_BULK             0x02
124 #define EP_INT              0x03
126 #define EP_INPUT            0x80
127 #define EP_OUTPUT           0x00
129 /* USB Feature Selector */
131 #define FEATURE_ENDPOINT_HALT           0x00UL
132 /** @endcond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS */
134 /******************************************************************************/
135 /*                USB Specific Macros                                         */
136 /******************************************************************************/
138 #define USBD_WAKEUP_EN          USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Msk         /*!< USB Wake-up Enable */
139 #define USBD_DRVSE0             USBD_SE0_SE0_Msk            /*!< Drive SE0 */
141 #define USBD_LPMACK             USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Msk        /*!< LPM Enable */
142 #define USBD_BYTEM              USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk         /*!< Access Size Mode Selection */
143 #define USBD_DPPU_EN            USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Msk        /*!< USB D+ Pull-up Enable */
144 #define USBD_USB_EN             USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Msk         /*!< USB Enable */
145 #define USBD_RWAKEUP            USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Msk       /*!< Remote Wake-Up */
146 #define USBD_PHY_EN             USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Msk         /*!< PHY Enable */
148 #define USBD_INT_BUS            USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Msk       /*!< USB Bus Event Interrupt */
149 #define USBD_INT_USB            USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Msk       /*!< USB Event Interrupt */
150 #define USBD_INT_FLDET          USBD_INTEN_VBDETIEN_Msk     /*!< USB VBUS Detection Interrupt */
151 #define USBD_INT_WAKEUP         (USBD_INTEN_NEVWKIEN_Msk | USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Msk)     /*!< USB No-Event-Wake-Up Interrupt */
153 #define USBD_INTSTS_WAKEUP      USBD_INTSTS_NEVWKIF_Msk     /*!< USB No-Event-Wake-Up Interrupt Status */
154 #define USBD_INTSTS_FLDET       USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Msk     /*!< USB Float Detect Interrupt Status */
155 #define USBD_INTSTS_BUS         USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Msk       /*!< USB Bus Event Interrupt Status */
156 #define USBD_INTSTS_USB         USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Msk       /*!< USB Event Interrupt Status */
157 #define USBD_INTSTS_SETUP       USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Msk       /*!< USB Setup Event */
158 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP0         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 0 Event */
159 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP1         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 1 Event */
160 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP2         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 2 Event */
161 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP3         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 3 Event */
162 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP4         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 4 Event */
163 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP5         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 5 Event */
164 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP6         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 6 Event */
165 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP7         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 7 Event */
166 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP8         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT8_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 8 Event */
167 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP9         USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT9_Msk      /*!< USB Endpoint 9 Event */
168 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP10        USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT10_Msk     /*!< USB Endpoint 10 Event */
169 #define USBD_INTSTS_EP11        USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT11_Msk     /*!< USB Endpoint 11 Event */
171 #define USBD_STATE_USBRST       USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Msk        /*!< USB Bus Reset */
172 #define USBD_STATE_SUSPEND      USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Msk       /*!< USB Bus Suspend */
173 #define USBD_STATE_RESUME       USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Msk        /*!< USB Bus Resume */
174 #define USBD_STATE_TIMEOUT      USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Msk          /*!< USB Bus Timeout */
176 #define USBD_STATE_L1RESUME     USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Msk      /*!< USB Bus L1RESUME */
178 #define USBD_CFG_DB_EN          USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk           /*!< Double Buffer Enable */
179 #define USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE     USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE_Msk     /*!< Double Buffer Toggle Active */
181 #define USBD_CFGP_SSTALL        USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk        /*!< Set Stall */
182 #define USBD_CFG_CSTALL         USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Msk         /*!< Clear Stall */
184 #define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_DISABLE (0UL << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)/*!< Endpoint Disable */
185 #define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_OUT     (1UL << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)/*!< Out Endpoint */
186 #define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_IN      (2UL << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)/*!< In Endpoint */
187 #define USBD_CFG_TYPE_ISO       (1UL << USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos)/*!< Isochronous */
189 /**@}*/ /* end of group USBD_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
192 /** @addtogroup USBD_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS USBD Exported Functions
193   @{
194 */
196 /**
197   * @brief      Compare two input numbers and return maximum one.
198   *
199   * @param[in]  a   First number to be compared.
200   * @param[in]  b   Second number to be compared.
201   *
202   * @return     Maximum value between a and b.
203   *
204   * @details    If a > b, then return a. Otherwise, return b.
205   */
206 #define USBD_Maximum(a,b)        ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
208 /**
209   * @brief      Compare two input numbers and return minimum one
210   *
211   * @param[in]  a   First number to be compared
212   * @param[in]  b   Second number to be compared
213   *
214   * @return     Minimum value between a and b
215   *
216   * @details    If a < b, then return a. Otherwise, return b.
217   */
218 #define USBD_Minimum(a,b)        ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
220 /**
221   * @brief    Enable USB
222   *
223   * @param    None
224   *
225   * @return   None
226   *
227   * @details  To set USB ATTR control register to enable USB and PHY.
228   *
229   */
230 #define USBD_ENABLE_USB()           (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->ATTR |= 0x7D0)):((uint32_t)(USBD->ATTR |= 0x7D0)))
232 /**
233   * @brief    Disable USB
234   *
235   * @param    None
236   *
237   * @return   None
238   *
239   * @details  To set USB ATTR control register to disable USB.
240   *
241   */
242 #define USBD_DISABLE_USB()          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->ATTR &= ~USBD_USB_EN)):((uint32_t)(USBD->ATTR &= ~USBD_USB_EN)))
244 /**
245   * @brief    Enable USB PHY
246   *
247   * @param    None
248   *
249   * @return   None
250   *
251   * @details  To set USB ATTR control register to enable USB PHY.
252   *
253   */
254 #define USBD_ENABLE_PHY()           (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->ATTR |= USBD_PHY_EN)):((uint32_t)(USBD->ATTR |= USBD_PHY_EN)))
256 /**
257   * @brief    Disable USB PHY
258   *
259   * @param    None
260   *
261   * @return   None
262   *
263   * @details  To set USB ATTR control register to disable USB PHY.
264   *
265   */
266 #define USBD_DISABLE_PHY()          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->ATTR &= ~USBD_PHY_EN)):((uint32_t)(USBD->ATTR &= ~USBD_PHY_EN)))
268 /**
269   * @brief    Enable SE0. Force USB PHY transceiver to drive SE0.
270   *
271   * @param    None
272   *
273   * @return   None
274   *
275   * @details  Set DRVSE0 bit of USB_DRVSE0 register to enable software-disconnect function. Force USB PHY transceiver to drive SE0 to bus.
276   *
277   */
278 #define USBD_SET_SE0()              (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->SE0 |= USBD_DRVSE0)):((uint32_t)(USBD->SE0 |= USBD_DRVSE0)))
280 /**
281   * @brief    Disable SE0
282   *
283   * @param    None
284   *
285   * @return   None
286   *
287   * @details  Clear DRVSE0 bit of USB_DRVSE0 register to disable software-disconnect function.
288   *
289   */
290 #define USBD_CLR_SE0()              (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->SE0 &= ~USBD_DRVSE0)):((uint32_t)(USBD->SE0 &= ~USBD_DRVSE0)))
292 /**
293   * @brief       Set USB device address
294   *
295   * @param[in]   addr The USB device address.
296   *
297   * @return      None
298   *
299   * @details     Write USB device address to USB_FADDR register.
300   *
301   */
302 #define USBD_SET_ADDR(addr)         (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (USBD_NS->FADDR = (addr)):(USBD->FADDR = (addr)))
304 /**
305   * @brief    Get USB device address
306   *
307   * @param    None
308   *
309   * @return   USB device address
310   *
311   * @details  Read USB_FADDR register to get USB device address.
312   *
313   */
314 #define USBD_GET_ADDR()             (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->FADDR)):((uint32_t)(USBD->FADDR)))
316 /**
317   * @brief      Enable USB interrupt function
318   *
319   * @param[in]  intr The combination of the specified interrupt enable bits.
320   *             Each bit corresponds to a interrupt enable bit.
321   *             This parameter decides which interrupts will be enabled.
323   *
324   * @return     None
325   *
326   * @details    Enable USB related interrupt functions specified by intr parameter.
327   *
328   */
329 #define USBD_ENABLE_INT(intr)       (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (USBD_NS->INTEN |= (intr)):(USBD->INTEN |= (intr)))
331 /**
332   * @brief    Get interrupt status
333   *
334   * @param    None
335   *
336   * @return   The value of USB_INTSTS register
337   *
338   * @details  Return all interrupt flags of USB_INTSTS register.
339   *
340   */
341 #define USBD_GET_INT_FLAG()         (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->INTSTS)):((uint32_t)(USBD->INTSTS)))
343 /**
344   * @brief      Clear USB interrupt flag
345   *
346   * @param[in]  flag The combination of the specified interrupt flags.
347   *             Each bit corresponds to a interrupt source.
348   *             This parameter decides which interrupt flags will be cleared.
350   *
351   * @return     None
352   *
353   * @details    Clear USB related interrupt flags specified by flag parameter.
354   *
355   */
356 #define USBD_CLR_INT_FLAG(flag)     (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (USBD_NS->INTSTS = (flag)):(USBD->INTSTS = (flag)))
358 /**
359   * @brief    Get endpoint status
360   *
361   * @param    None
362   *
363   * @return   The value of USB_EPSTS register.
364   *
365   * @details  Return all endpoint status.
366   *
367   */
368 #define USBD_GET_EP_FLAG()          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->EPSTS)):((uint32_t)(USBD->EPSTS)))
370 /**
371   * @brief    Get USB bus state
372   *
373   * @param    None
374   *
375   * @return   The value of USB_ATTR[13:12] and USB_ATTR[3:0].
376   *           Bit 0  indicates USB bus reset status.
377   *           Bit 1  indicates USB bus suspend status.
378   *           Bit 2  indicates USB bus resume status.
379   *           Bit 3  indicates USB bus time-out status.
380   *           Bit 12 indicates USB bus LPM L1 suspend status.
381   *           Bit 13 indicates USB bus LPM L1 resume status.
382   *
383   * @details  Return USB_ATTR[13:12] and USB_ATTR[3:0] for USB bus events.
384   *
385   */
386 #define USBD_GET_BUS_STATE()        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->ATTR & 0x300F)):((uint32_t)(USBD->ATTR & 0x300F)))
388 /**
389   * @brief    Check cable connection state
390   *
391   * @param    None
392   *
393   * @retval   0 USB cable is not attached.
394   * @retval   1 USB cable is attached.
395   *
396   * @details  Check the connection state by FLDET bit of USB_FLDET register.
397   *
398   */
399 #define USBD_IS_ATTACHED()          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)(USBD_NS->VBUSDET & USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Msk)):((uint32_t)(USBD->VBUSDET & USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Msk)))
401 /**
402   * @brief      Stop USB transaction of the specified endpoint ID
403   *
404   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
405   *
406   * @return     None
407   *
408   * @details    Write 1 to CLRRDY bit of USB_CFGPx register to stop USB transaction of the specified endpoint ID.
409   *
410   */
411 #define USBD_STOP_TRANSACTION(ep)      (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Msk))
413 /**
414   * @brief      Set USB DATA1 PID for the specified endpoint ID
415   *
416   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
417   *
418   * @return     None
419   *
420   * @details    Set DSQ_SYNC bit of USB_CFGx register to specify the DATA1 PID for the following IN token transaction.
421   *             Base on this setting, hardware will toggle PID between DATA0 and DATA1 automatically for IN token transactions in single buffer mode.
422   *
423   */
424 #define USBD_SET_DATA1(ep)          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk))
426 /**
427   * @brief      Set USB DATA0 PID for the specified endpoint ID
428   *
429   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
430   *
431   * @return     None
432   *
433   * @details    Clear DSQ_SYNC bit of USB_CFGx register to specify the DATA0 PID for the following IN token transaction.
434   *             Base on this setting, hardware will toggle PID between DATA0 and DATA1 automatically for IN token transactions in single buffer mode.
435   *
436   */
437 #define USBD_SET_DATA0(ep)          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk)))
439 /**
440   * @brief      Set USB payload size (IN data)
441   *
442   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
443   *
444   * @param[in]  size The transfer length.
445   *
446   * @return     None
447   *
448   * @details    This macro will write the transfer length to USB_MXPLDx register for IN data transaction.
449   *
450   */
451 #define USBD_SET_PAYLOAD_LEN(ep, size)  (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (size)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (size)))
453 /**
454   * @brief      Get USB payload size (OUT data)
455   *
456   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
457   *
458   * @return     The value of USB_MXPLDx register.
459   *
460   * @details    Get the data length of OUT data transaction by reading USB_MXPLDx register.
461   *
462   */
463 #define USBD_GET_PAYLOAD_LEN(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4)))):((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4)))))
465 /**
466   * @brief      Configure endpoint
467   *
468   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
469   *
470   * @param[in]  config The USB configuration.
471   *
472   * @return     None
473   *
474   * @details    This macro will write config parameter to USB_CFGx register of specified endpoint ID.
475   *
476   */
477 #define USBD_CONFIG_EP(ep, config)      (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (config)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (config)))
479 /**
480   * @brief      Set USB endpoint buffer
481   *
482   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
483   *
484   * @param[in]  offset The SRAM offset.
485   *
486   * @return     None
487   *
488   * @details    This macro will set the SRAM offset for the specified endpoint ID.
489   *
490   */
491 #define USBD_SET_EP_BUF_ADDR(ep, offset)    (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (offset)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (offset)))
493 /**
494   * @brief      Get the offset of the specified USB endpoint buffer
495   *
496   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
497   *
498   * @return     The offset of the specified endpoint buffer.
499   *
500   * @details    This macro will return the SRAM offset of the specified endpoint ID.
501   *
502   */
503 #define USBD_GET_EP_BUF_ADDR(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? ((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4)))):((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4)))))
505 /**
506   * @brief       Set USB endpoint stall state
507   *
508   * @param[in]   ep  The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
509   *
510   * @return      None
511   *
512   * @details     Set USB endpoint stall state for the specified endpoint ID. Endpoint will respond STALL token automatically.
513   *
514   */
515 #define USBD_SET_EP_STALL(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk))
517 /**
518   * @brief       Clear USB endpoint stall state
519   *
520   * @param[in]   ep  The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
521   *
522   * @return      None
523   *
524   * @details     Clear USB endpoint stall state for the specified endpoint ID. Endpoint will respond ACK/NAK token.
525   *
526   */
527 #define USBD_CLR_EP_STALL(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= ~USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= ~USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk))
529 /**
530   * @brief       Get USB endpoint stall state
531   *
532   * @param[in]   ep  The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
533   *
534   * @retval      0      USB endpoint is not stalled.
535   * @retval      Others USB endpoint is stalled.
536   *
537   * @details     Get USB endpoint stall state of the specified endpoint ID.
538   *
539   */
540 #define USBD_GET_EP_STALL(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) & USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFGP + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) & USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk))
542 /**
543   * @brief      Set USB double buffer mode for the specified endpoint ID
544   *
545   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
546   *
547   * @return     None
548   *
549   * @details    Set DBEN bit of USB_CFGx register to enable the double buffer mode of the specified endpoint ID.
550   *
551   */
552 #define USBD_SET_DB_MODE(ep)          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk))
554 /**
555   * @brief      Set USB single buffer mode for the specified endpoint ID
556   *
557   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
558   *
559   * @return     None
560   *
561   * @details    Clear DBEN bit of USB_CFGx register to enable the single buffer mode of the specified endpoint ID.
562   *
563   */
564 #define USBD_SET_SB_MODE(ep)          (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk)))
566 /**
567   * @brief      Get the buffer mode of the specified USB endpoint buffer
568   *
569   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
570   *
571   * @retval     0 USB is single buffer mode.
572   * @retval     1 USB is double buffer mode.
573   *
574   * @details    This macro will return the buffer mode of the specified endpoint ID.
575   *
576   */
577 #define USBD_IS_DB_MODE(ep)           (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) & USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) & USBD_CFG_DBEN_Msk))
579 /**
580   * @brief      Set to active in USB double buffer mode for the specified endpoint ID
581   *
582   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
583   *
584   * @return     None
585   *
586   * @details    Set DBTGACTIVE bit of USB_CFGx register for toggle active in the double buffer mode of the specified endpoint ID.
587   *
588   */
589 #define USBD_SET_DB_ACTIVE(ep)        (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE_Msk):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE_Msk))
591 /**
592   * @brief      Set to inactive in USB double buffer mode for the specified endpoint ID
593   *
594   * @param[in]  ep The USB endpoint ID. M2354 Series supports 12 hardware endpoint ID. This parameter could be 0 ~ 11.
595   *
596   * @return     None
597   *
598   * @details    Clear DBTGACTIVE bit of USB_CFGx register for toggle inactive in the double buffer mode of the specified endpoint ID.
599   *
600   */
601 #define USBD_SET_DB_INACTIVE(ep)      (((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)? (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD_NS->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE_Msk)):(*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DBTGACTIVE_Msk)))
603 /**
604   * @brief      To support byte access between USB SRAM and system SRAM
605   *
606   * @param[in]  dest Destination pointer.
607   *
608   * @param[in]  src  Source pointer.
609   *
610   * @param[in]  size Byte count.
611   *
612   * @return     None
613   *
614   * @details    This function will copy the number of data specified by size and src parameters to the address specified by dest parameter.
615   *
616   */
USBD_MemCopy(uint8_t dest[],uint8_t src[],uint32_t size)617 __STATIC_INLINE void USBD_MemCopy(uint8_t dest[], uint8_t src[], uint32_t size)
618 {
619     uint32_t volatile i = 0UL;
621     while(size--)
622     {
623         dest[i] = src[i];
624         i++;
625     }
626 }
628 /**
629   * @brief       Set USB endpoint stall state
630   *
631   * @param[in]   epnum  USB endpoint number
632   *
633   * @return      None
634   *
635   * @details     Set USB endpoint stall state. Endpoint will respond STALL token automatically.
636   *
637   */
USBD_SetStall(uint8_t epnum)638 __STATIC_INLINE void USBD_SetStall(uint8_t epnum)
639 {
640     uint32_t u32CfgAddr;
641     uint32_t u32Cfg;
642     uint32_t i;
643     USBD_T *pUSBD;
645     if((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)
646     {
647         pUSBD = USBD_NS;
648     }
649     else
650     {
651         pUSBD = USBD;
652     }
654     for(i = 0UL; i < USBD_MAX_EP; i++)
655     {
656         u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
657         u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr));
659         if((u32Cfg & 0xFUL) == epnum)
660         {
661             u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFGP; /* USBD_CFGP0 */
662             u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr));
664             *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr)) = (u32Cfg | USBD_CFGP_SSTALL);
665             break;
666         }
667     }
668 }
670 /**
671   * @brief       Clear USB endpoint stall state
672   *
673   * @param[in]   epnum  USB endpoint number
674   *
675   * @return      None
676   *
677   * @details     Clear USB endpoint stall state. Endpoint will respond ACK/NAK token.
678   */
USBD_ClearStall(uint8_t epnum)679 __STATIC_INLINE void USBD_ClearStall(uint8_t epnum)
680 {
681     uint32_t u32CfgAddr;
682     uint32_t u32Cfg;
683     uint32_t i;
684     USBD_T *pUSBD;
686     if((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)
687     {
688         pUSBD = USBD_NS;
689     }
690     else
691     {
692         pUSBD = USBD;
693     }
695     for(i = 0UL; i < USBD_MAX_EP; i++)
696     {
697         u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
698         u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr));
700         if((u32Cfg & 0xFUL) == epnum)
701         {
702             u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFGP; /* USBD_CFGP0 */
703             u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr));
705             *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr)) = (u32Cfg & ~USBD_CFGP_SSTALL);
706             break;
707         }
708     }
709 }
711 /**
712   * @brief       Get USB endpoint stall state
713   *
714   * @param[in]   epnum  USB endpoint number
715   *
716   * @retval      0      USB endpoint is not stalled.
717   * @retval      Others USB endpoint is stalled.
718   *
719   * @details     Get USB endpoint stall state.
720   *
721   */
USBD_GetStall(uint8_t epnum)722 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t USBD_GetStall(uint8_t epnum)
723 {
724     uint32_t u32CfgAddr = 0UL;
725     uint32_t u32Cfg;
726     uint32_t i;
727     USBD_T *pUSBD;
729     if((__PC() & NS_OFFSET) == NS_OFFSET)
730     {
731         pUSBD = USBD_NS;
732     }
733     else
734     {
735         pUSBD = USBD;
736     }
738     for(i = 0UL; i < USBD_MAX_EP; i++)
739     {
740         u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
741         u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr));
743         if((u32Cfg & 0xFUL) == epnum)
744         {
745             u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&pUSBD->EP[0].CFGP; /* USBD_CFGP0 */
746             break;
747         }
748     }
750     return ((*((__IO uint32_t *)(u32CfgAddr))) & USBD_CFGP_SSTALL);
751 }
753 extern uint8_t g_USBD_au8SetupPacket[8];
754 extern volatile uint8_t g_USBD_u8RemoteWakeupEn;
756 typedef void (*VENDOR_REQ)(void);           /*!< Functional pointer type definition for Vendor class */
757 typedef void (*CLASS_REQ)(void);            /*!< Functional pointer type declaration for USB class request callback handler */
758 typedef void (*SET_INTERFACE_REQ)(uint32_t u32AltInterface);    /*!< Functional pointer type declaration for USB set interface request callback handler */
759 typedef void (*SET_CONFIG_CB)(void);       /*!< Functional pointer type declaration for USB set configuration request callback handler */
761 extern const S_USBD_INFO_T *g_USBD_sInfo;
763 extern VENDOR_REQ g_USBD_pfnVendorRequest;
764 extern CLASS_REQ g_USBD_pfnClassRequest;
765 extern SET_INTERFACE_REQ g_USBD_pfnSetInterface;
766 extern SET_CONFIG_CB g_USBD_pfnSetConfigCallback;
767 extern uint32_t g_USBD_u32EpStallLock;
769 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
770 void USBD_Open(const S_USBD_INFO_T *param, CLASS_REQ pfnClassReq, SET_INTERFACE_REQ pfnSetInterface);
771 void USBD_Start(void);
772 void USBD_GetSetupPacket(uint8_t *buf);
773 void USBD_ProcessSetupPacket(void);
774 void USBD_GetDescriptor(void);
775 void USBD_StandardRequest(void);
776 void USBD_PrepareCtrlIn(uint8_t pu8Buf[], uint32_t u32Size);
777 void USBD_CtrlIn(void);
778 void USBD_PrepareCtrlOut(uint8_t *pu8Buf, uint32_t u32Size);
779 void USBD_CtrlOut(void);
780 void USBD_SwReset(void);
781 void USBD_SetVendorRequest(VENDOR_REQ pfnVendorReq);
782 void USBD_SetConfigCallback(SET_CONFIG_CB pfnSetConfigCallback);
783 void USBD_LockEpStall(uint32_t u32EpBitmap);
786 /**@}*/ /* end of group USBD_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
788 /**@}*/ /* end of group USBD_Driver */
790 /**@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
792 #ifdef __cplusplus
793 }
794 #endif
796 #endif /* __USBD_H__ */