1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2001-2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5  */
7 #ifndef _CC_COMMON_H
8 #define _CC_COMMON_H
10 #include "cc_common_error.h"
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C"
15 {
16 #endif
19 /************************ Defines ******************************/
21 /************************ Enums ********************************/
23 /************************ Typedefs  ****************************/
25 /************************ Structs  *****************************/
27 /************************ Public Variables *********************/
29 /************************ Public Functions *********************/
33 /***********************************************************************
34  **
35  * @brief This function executes a reverse bytes copying from one buffer to another buffer.
36  *
37  *        Overlapping of buffers is not allowed, excluding the case, when destination and source
38  *        buffers are the same.
39  *        Example of a 5 byte buffer:
40  *
41  *        dst_ptr[4] = src_ptr[0]
42  *        dst_ptr[3] = src_ptr[1]
43  *        dst_ptr[2] = src_ptr[2]
44  *        dst_ptr[1] = src_ptr[3]
45  *        dst_ptr[0] = src_ptr[4]
46  *
47  * @param[in] dst_ptr - The pointer to destination buffer.
48  * @param[in] src_ptr - The pointer to source buffer.
49  * @param[in] size    - The size in bytes.
50  *
51  */
52  CCError_t CC_CommonReverseMemcpy( uint8_t *dst_ptr , uint8_t *src_ptr , uint32_t size );
55 /***********************************************************************
56  **
57  * @brief This function converts aligned words array to bytes array/
58  *
59  *            1. Assumed, that input buffer is aligned to 4-bytes word and
60  *               bytes order is set according to machine endianness.
61  *            2. Output buffer receives data as bytes stream from LSB to MSB.
62  *               For increasing performance on small buffers, the output data is given
63  *               by rounded down pointer and alignment.
64  *            3. This implementation is given for both Big and Little endian machines.
65  *
66  *
67  * @param[in] in32_ptr - The pointer to aligned input buffer.
68  * @param[in] out32_ptr - The 32-bits pointer to output buffer (rounded down to 4 bytes) .
69  * @param[in] outAlignBits - The actual output data alignment;
70  * @param[in] sizeWords - The size in words (sizeWords >= 1).
71  *
72  *  return - no return value.
73  */
74  void CC_CommonAlignedWordsArrayToBytes( uint32_t *in32_ptr , uint32_t *out32_ptr ,
75                                             uint32_t outAlignBits, uint32_t sizeWords );
77 /***********************************************************************/
78  /**
79   * @brief This function converts in place words byffer to bytes buffer with
80   *        reversed endianity of output array.
81   *
82   *        The function can convert:
83   *           - big endian bytes array to words array with little endian order
84   *             of words and backward.
85   *
86   *      Note:
87   *      1. Endianness of each word in words buffer should be set allways
88   *      according to processor used.
89   *      2. Implementation is given for both big and little endianness of
90   *      processor.
91   *
92   * @param[in]  buf_ptr - The 32-bits pointer to input/output buffer.
93   * @param[in]  sizeWords - The size in words (sizeWords > 0).
94   *
95   * @return - no return value.
96   */
97 void CC_CommonInPlaceConvertBytesWordsAndArrayEndianness(
98                     uint32_t *buf_ptr,
99                     uint32_t  sizeWords);
102 /***********************************************************************/
103   /**
104   * @brief This function converts big endianness bytes array to aligned words
105   *        array with words order according to little endian.
106   *
107   *            1. Assumed, that input bytes order is set according
108   *           to big endianness: MS Byte is most left, i.e. order is from
109   *           Msb to Lsb.
110   *            2. Output words array should set according to
111   *           little endianness words order: LSWord is most left, i.e. order
112   *           is from Lsw to Msw. Order bytes in each word - according to
113   *           processor endianness.
114   *            3. Owerlapping of buffers is not allowed, besides in
115   *           place operation and size aligned to full words.
116   *            4. Implementation is given for both big and little
117   *           endianness of processor.
118   *
119   * @param[out] out32_ptr - The 32-bits pointer to output buffer.
120   * @param[in] sizeOutBuffBytes - The size in bytes of output buffer, must be
121   *            aligned to 4 bytes and not less than inpSizeInBytes.
122   * @param[in] in8_ptr - The pointer to input buffer.
123   * @param[in] inpSizeInBytes - The size in bytes of input data, where
124   *                  0 < inpSizeInBytes < UINT32_MAX - CC_32BIT_WORD_SIZE.
125   *
126   * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
127   *                        value MODULE_* as defined in .
128   */
129 CCError_t CC_CommonConvertMsbLsbBytesToLswMswWords(
130                     uint32_t *out32_ptr,
131                     uint32_t  sizeOutBuffBytes,
132                     const uint8_t  *in8_ptr,
133                     uint32_t  inpSizeInBytes);
136 /***********************************************************************/
137   /**
138   * @brief This function converts LE 32bit-words array to BE bytes array.
139   *
140   *            1. Assumed, that output bytes order is according
141   *           to big endianness: MS Byte is most left, i.e. order is from
142   *           Msb to Lsb.
143   *            2. Input words array should be set according to
144   *           little endianness words order: LSWord is most left, i.e. order
145   *           is from Lsw to Msw. Bytes order in each word - according to
146   *           processor endianness.
147   *            3. Owerlapping of buffers is not allowed, besides in
148   *           place operation and size aligned to full words.
149   *            4. Implementation is given for both big and little
150   *           endianness of processor.
151   *
152   * @param[in] out32_ptr - The 32-bits pointer to output buffer.
153   * @param[in] sizeOutBuffBytes - The size in bytes of output buffer, must be
154   *       not less than sizeInBytes.
155   * @param[out] in8_ptr - The pointer to input buffer.
156   * @param[in] sizeInBytes - The size in bytes. The size must be not 0 and
157   *       aligned to 4 bytes word.
158   *
159   * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
160   *                        value MODULE_* as defined in .
161   */
162 CCError_t CC_CommonConvertLswMswWordsToMsbLsbBytes(
163                     uint8_t  *out8_ptr,
164                     size_t    sizeOutBuffBytes,
165                     uint32_t *in32_ptr,
166                     uint32_t  sizeInBytes);
169 /***********************************************************************/
170 /**
171  * @brief VOS_GetGlobalData get the global random key hidden inside the function
172  *  the global data implemented for now are random key buffer and AES secret key buffer
173  *
174  * When no_rtos is declared then we allow a global data. The random key/AES secret key are hidden as static inside the function
175  *
176  *
177  * @param[in] Globalid     select the buffer
178  * @param[in] GlobalDataSizeWords      - the global data buffer size needed in words - this value must be a predetermined value
179  * @param[out] GlobalData_ptr - Pointer to the global buffer returned. The buffer must be at least GlobalDataSizeWords size
180  *
181  * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure an Error as defined in VOS_error
182  */
183 CCError_t CC_CommonGetGlobalData(uint16_t Globalid, uint32_t *GlobalData_ptr, uint16_t GlobalDataSizeWords);
186 /***********************************************************************/
187 /**
188 * @brief CC_CommonStoreGlobalData store the global random key into the global buffer hidden inside the function
189 *   the global data implemented for now are random key buffer and AES secret key buffer
190 *
191 *
192 * @param[in] Globalid      - random key / AES secret key
193 * @param[in] GlobalDataSizeWords       - the global data buffer size needed in words - this value must be a predetermined value
194 * @param[in] GlobalData_ptr - Pointer to the global buffer to be saved. The buffer must be at least GlobalDataSizeWords size
195 *
196 *   Return Value:
197 */
198 CCError_t CC_CommonStoreGlobalData(uint16_t Globalid, uint32_t *GlobalData_ptr, uint16_t GlobalDataSizeWords);
201 /***********************************************************************/
202 /**
203  * @brief The CC_CommonCutAndSaveEndOfLliData() function saves the data from end of source
204  *        memory, pointed by LLI table, to destination memory, and decreases the LLI table accordingly.
205  *
206  *        The function executes the following major steps:
207  *
208  *        1. Starts copy bytes from last byte of last chunk of source LLI table into
209  *           last byte of destination memory.
210  *        2. Continues copy bytes in reverse order while not completes copying of all amount of data.
211  *        3. If last chunk of source or destination data is not enough, the function crosses
212  *           to next chunk of LLI table.
213  *        4. Decreases the Data size of last updated LLI entry and sets the LAST bit.
214  *        5. Exits with the OK code.
215  *
216  *
217  * @param[in] SrcLliTab_ptr - The pointer to the LLI table, containing pointers and sizes of
218  *                            chunks of source data. The table need to be aligned and placed
219  *                            in SEP SRAM.
220  * @param[in] SrcLliTabSize_ptr -   The pointer to buffer, containing th size of the LLI table in words.
221  * @param[in] Dest_ptr  -  The destination address for copying the data.
222  * @param[in] DataSize  -  The count of bytes to copy.
223  *
224  * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned,
225  *                     - CC_COMMON_ERROR_IN_SAVING_LLI_DATA_ERROR
226  *
227  * NOTE: 1. Because the function is intended for internal using, it is presumed that all input parameters
228  *          are valid.
229  *       2. Assumed, that copied source not may to take more than two last chunks of source memory.
230  */
231  CCError_t  CC_CommonCutAndSaveEndOfLliData(
232                                          uint32_t   *SrcLliTab_ptr,
233                                          uint32_t   *SrcLliTabSize_ptr,
234                                          uint8_t    *Dst_ptr,
235                                          uint32_t    DataSize);
237 /***********************************************************************/
238 /**
239  * @brief The CC_CommonCutAndSaveBeginOfLliData() function saves the data from beginning of source
240  *        memory, pointed by LLI table, to destination memory, and decreases the LLI table accordingly.
241  *
242  *        The function executes the following major steps:
243  *
244  *        1. Starts copy bytes from first byte of first chunk of source LLI table into
245  *           destination memory.
246  *        2. If first chunk of source is not enough, the function crosses
247  *           to next chunk of LLI table.
248  *        3. Updates LLI table pointer and size according to copied amount of data.
249  *        5. Exits with the OK code.
250  *
251  * @param[in/out] SrcLliTab_ptr_ptr - The pointer to pointer to the LLI table, containing pointers and
252  *                            sizes of the chunks of source data. The table need to be aligned and
253  *                            placed in SRAM.
254  * @param[in/out] SrcLliTabSize_ptr -   The pointer to buffer, containing th size of the LLI table in words.
255  * @param[in] Dest_ptr  -  The destination address for copying the data.
256  * @param[in] DataSize  -  The count of bytes to copy.
257  *
258  * @return - no return value.
259  *
260  * NOTE: 1. Because the function is intended for internal using, it is presumed that all input parameters
261  *          are valid.
262  *       2. Assumed, that copied source not may to take more than two first chunks of source memory.
263  */
264  void  CC_CommonCutAndSaveBeginOfLliData(
265                                          uint32_t  **SrcLliTab_ptr_ptr,
266                                          uint32_t   *SrcLliTabSize_ptr,
267                                          uint8_t    *Dst_ptr,
268                                          uint32_t    DataSize);
270 /***********************************************************************/
271   /**
272   * @brief This function converts 32-bit words array with little endian
273   *        order of words to bytes array with little endian (LE) order of bytes.
274   *
275   *    Assuming: no buffers overlapping, in/out pointers and sizes not equall to NULL,
276                  the buffer size must be not less, than input data size.
277   *
278   * @param[out] out8Le - The bytes pointer to output buffer.
279   * @param[in] in32Le - The pointer to input 32-bit words buffer.
280   * @param[in] sizeInWords - The size in words of input data (sizeWords >= 0).
281   *
282   * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
283   *                        value MODULE_* as defined in .
284   */
285 void CC_CommonConvertLswMswWordsToLsbMsbBytes(
286                     uint8_t  *out8Le,
287                     const uint32_t *in32Le,
288                     size_t  sizeInWords);
291 /***********************************************************************/
292 /**
293  * @brief This function converts bytes array with little endian (LE) order of
294  *        bytes to 32-bit words array with little endian order of words and bytes.
295  *
296  *   Assuming:  No owerlapping of buffers; in/out pointers and sizes are not equall to NULL.
297  *              If is in-place conversion, then the size must be multiple of 4 bytes.
298  * @param[out] out32Le - The 32-bits pointer to output buffer. The buffer size must be
299  *                       not less, than input data size.
300  * @param[in] in8Le - The pointer to input buffer.
301  * @param[in] sizeInBytes - The size in bytes of input data(sizeBytes > 0).
302  *
303  * @return CCError_t - On success CC_OK is returned, on failure a
304  *                        value MODULE_* as defined in .
305  */
306 void CC_CommonConvertLsbMsbBytesToLswMswWords(
307                     uint32_t *out32Le,
308                     const uint8_t  *in8Le,
309                     size_t  sizeInBytes);
312 #ifdef __cplusplus
313 }
314 #endif
316 #endif