1Crypto Service design
4:Author: Antonio de Angelis
5:Organization: Arm Limited
6:Contact: Antonio de Angelis <antonio.deangelis@arm.com>
8.. contents:: Table of Contents
13This document describes the design of the TF-M Cryptographic Secure Service
14(in short, TF-M Crypto service).
19The TF-M Crypto service provides an implementation of the PSA Crypto API
20in a PSA RoT secure partition in TF-M. It is based on Mbed Crypto, which
21is a reference implementation of the PSA Crypto API. For more details on
22the PSA Crypto API or the Mbed Crypto implementation, please refer
23directly to the ``mbed-crypto`` GitHub repository [1]_ .
25The service can be used by other services running in the SPE, or by
26applications running in the NSPE, to provide cryptographic
32The TF-M Crypto service is implemented by a number of different software
33components, which are listed below:
35.. table:: Components table
36   :widths: auto
38   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
39   | **Component name**          | **Description**                                               | **Location**                                                         |
40   +=============================+===============================================================+======================================================================+
41   | Client API interface        | This module exports the client API of PSA Crypto to the users.| ``./interface/src/tfm_crypto_api.c``                                 |
42   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
43   | Mbed Crypto                 | The Mbed Crypto library is used in the service as a           | Needed as dependency at the same level of the TF-M folder,           |
44   |                             | cryptographic library exposing the PSA Crypto API interface.  | i.e. ``../mbed-crypto``                                              |
45   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
46   | Init module                 | This module handles the initialisation of the service objects | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_init.c``                      |
47   |                             | during TF-M boot and provides the infrastructure to service   |                                                                      |
48   |                             | requests when TF-M is built for IPC model.                    |                                                                      |
49   |                             | The dispatching mechanism of IPC requests is based on a look  |                                                                      |
50   |                             | up table of function pointers.                                |                                                                      |
51   |                             | This design allows for better scalability and support of a    |                                                                      |
52   |                             | higher number of Secure functions with minimal overhead and   |                                                                      |
53   |                             | duplication of code.                                          |                                                                      |
54   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
55   | Alloc module                | This module handles the allocation of contexts for multipart  | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_alloc.c``                     |
56   |                             | operations in the Secure world.                               |                                                                      |
57   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
58   | Service modules             | These modules (AEAD, Asymmetric, Cipher, Key Deriv, Hash, Key,| ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_aead.c``                      |
59   |                             | MAC) represent a thin layer which is in charge of servicing   | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_asymmetric.c``                |
60   |                             | the calls from the SPE/NSPE client API interfaces.            | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_cipher.c``                    |
61   |                             | They provide parameter sanitation and context retrieval for   | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_key_derivation.c``            |
62   |                             | multipart operations, and dispatching to the corresponding    | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_hash.c``                      |
63   |                             | library function exposed by Mbed Crypto for the desired       | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_key.c``                       |
64   |                             | functionality.                                                | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_mac.c``                       |
65   |                             |                                                               | ''./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/crypto_key_management.c''            |
66   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
67   | Manifest                    | The manifest file is a description of the service components. | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/manifest.yaml``                      |
68   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
69   | CMake files and headers     | The CMake files are used by the TF-M CMake build system to    | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/CMakeLists.inc``                     |
70   |                             | build the service as part of the Secure FW build. The service | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/CMakeLists.txt``                     |
71   |                             | is built as a static library (``tfm_crypto.a``).              | ``./interface/include/tfm_crypto_defs.h``                            |
72   |                             | The build system allows to build as well the Mbed Crypto      | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/tfm_crypto_api.h``                   |
73   |                             | library as part of the Secure FW build process and archive it | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/tfm_crypto_signal.h``                |
74   |                             | with the static library of the Crypto service.                | ``./secure_fw/partitions/crypto/spe_crypto.h``                       |
75   |                             | The headers are used to export the public prototypes of the   |                                                                      |
76   |                             | functions in the Service modules ``tfm_crypto_api.h``, and    |                                                                      |
77   |                             | to provide the necessary defines (i.e. ``TFM_CRYPTO_SIG``).   |                                                                      |
78   |                             | In particular ``TFM_CRYPTO_SIG`` identifies the signal on     |                                                                      |
79   |                             | which the service handler waits for requests when the service |                                                                      |
80   |                             | is built for IPC model.                                       |                                                                      |
81   |                             | The header available in the interface, ``tfm_crypto_defs.h``  |                                                                      |
82   |                             | , contains types and defines for building the NSPE interface  |                                                                      |
83   |                             | as part of a Non-Secure application.                          |                                                                      |
84   |                             | Finally, the ``crypto_spe.h`` header is used during the       |                                                                      |
85   |                             | build of the Mbed Crypto library, when the Mbed Crypto config |                                                                      |
86   |                             | option ``MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SPM`` is defined, to add a        |                                                                      |
87   |                             | custom prefix to the PSA API symbols  so that duplication of  |                                                                      |
88   |                             | symbol names is avoided.                                      |                                                                      |
89   |                             | The prefix used for the PSA API symbols of the Mbed Crypto    |                                                                      |
90   |                             | library is chosen to be ``mbedcrypto__``.                     |                                                                      |
91   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
92   | Documentation               | The integration guide contains the description of the TF-M    | ``./user_guides/services/tfm_crypto_integration_guide.rst``          |
93   |                             | Crypto service modules and interfaces.                        |                                                                      |
94   +-----------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+
96The interaction between the different components is described by the
97following block diagram:
99.. figure:: media/tfm_crypto_design.png
101   Block diagram of the different components of the TF-M Crypto service. A
102   dotted line is used to indicate the interaction with a library.
104Note: in IPC model, the interaction between components is slightly
105different, as the Service modules are not called directly through the
106TF-M Secure Partition Manager but through the IPC handler which resides
107in the Init module.
109Service API description
112Most of the APIs exported by the TF-M Crypto service (i.e. from the Service
113modules) have a direct correspondence with the PSA Crypto API. The Alloc and
114Init modules instead export some APIs which are specific to the TF-M Crypto
115service, and are available only to the Service modules or the SPM. For a
116detailed description of the prototypes please refer to the ``tfm_crypto_api.h``
119.. table:: Init and Alloc modules APIs
120   :widths: auto
122   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
123   | **Function**                   | **Module**   | **Caller**      | **Scope**                                            |
124   +================================+==============+=================+======================================================+
125   | tfm_crypto_init()              | Init         | SPM             | Called during TF-M boot for initialisation. In IPC   |
126   |                                |              |                 | model, it calls the IPC service request handler.     |
127   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
128   | tfm_crypto_init_alloc()        | Alloc        | Init            | Called by tfm_crypto_init(), it initialises the      |
129   |                                |              |                 | concurrent operation contexts storage area.          |
130   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
131   | tfm_crypto_operation_alloc()   | Alloc        | Service modules | It allocates a new operation context for a multipart |
132   |                                |              |                 | operation. It returns an handle to the allocated     |
133   |                                |              |                 | context in secure memory.                            |
134   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
135   | tfm_crypto_operation_lookup()  | Alloc        | Service modules | It retrieves a previously allocated operation context|
136   |                                |              |                 | of a multipart operation, based on the handle given  |
137   |                                |              |                 | as input.                                            |
138   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
139   | tfm_crypto_operation_release() | Alloc        | Service modules | It releases a previously allocated operation context |
140   |                                |              |                 | of a multipart operation, based on the handle given  |
141   |                                |              |                 | as input.                                            |
142   +--------------------------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+
144Configuration parameters
147The TF-M Crypto service exposes some configuration parameters to tailor
148the service configuration in terms of supported functionalities and
149hence FLASH/RAM size to meet the requirements of different platforms and
150use cases. These parameters can be provided via CMake parameters during
151the CMake configuration step and as a configuration header to allow the
152configuration of the Mbed Crypto library.
154.. table:: Configuration parameters table
155   :widths: auto
157   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
158   | **Parameter**                      | **Type**                  | **Description**                                                | **Scope**                               | **Default**                                                                |
159   +====================================+===========================+================================================================+=========================================+============================================================================+
160   | ``CRYPTO_ENGINE_BUF_SIZE``         | CMake build               | Buffer used by Mbed Crypto for its own allocations at runtime. | To be configured based on the desired   | 8096 (bytes)                                                               |
161   |                                    | configuration parameter   | This is a buffer allocated in static memory.                   | use case and application requirements.  |                                                                            |
162   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
163   | ``CRYPTO_CONC_OPER_NUM``           | CMake build               | This parameter defines the maximum number of possible          | To be configured based on the desire    | 8                                                                          |
164   |                                    | configuration parameter   | concurrent operation contexts (cipher, MAC, hash and key deriv)| use case and platform requirements.     |                                                                            |
165   |                                    |                           | for multi-part operations, that can be allocated simultaneously|                                         |                                                                            |
166   |                                    |                           | at any time.                                                   |                                         |                                                                            |
167   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
168   | ``CRYPTO_IOVEC_BUFFER_SIZE``       | CMake build               | This parameter applies only to IPC model builds. In IPC model, | To be configured based on the desired   | 5120 (bytes)                                                               |
169   |                                    | configuration parameter   | during a Service call, input and outputs are allocated         | use case and application requirements.  |                                                                            |
170   |                                    |                           | temporarily in an internal scratch buffer whose size is        |                                         |                                                                            |
171   |                                    |                           | determined by this parameter.                                  |                                         |                                                                            |
172   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
173   | ``MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE``            | Configuration header      | The Mbed Crypto library can be configured to support different | To be configured based on the           | ``./lib/ext/mbedcrypto/mbedcrypto_config/tfm_mbedcrypto_config_default.h`` |
174   |                                    |                           | algorithms through the usage of a a configuration header file  | application and platform requirements.  |                                                                            |
175   |                                    |                           | at build time. This allows for tailoring FLASH/RAM requirements|                                         |                                                                            |
176   |                                    |                           | for different platforms and use cases.                         |                                         |                                                                            |
177   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
178   | ``MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG_FILE`` | Configuration header      | This header file specifies which cryptographic mechanisms are  | To be configured based on the           | ``./lib/ext/mbedcrypto/mbedcrypto_config/crypto_config_default.h``         |
179   |                                    |                           | available through the PSA API when #MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG  | application and platform requirements.  |                                                                            |
180   |                                    |                           | is enabled, and is not used when #MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_CONFIG is |                                         |                                                                            |
181   |                                    |                           | disabled.                                                      |                                         |                                                                            |
182   +------------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
187.. [1] ``mbed-crypto`` repository which holds the PSA Crypto API specification and the Mbed Crypto reference implementation: \ https://github.com/Mbed-TLS
192*Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.*