1## Segger module for Zephyr RTOS
3This repository is the Zephyr project module for integrating Segger [RTT][1] ([wiki][2]),
4[SystemView][3] ([wiki][4]) and [Monitor mode debugging][5] with Zephyr RTOS.
6The code here is predominantly untouched public Segger source code with changes to support Zephyr
9This README identifies the origin of upstream Segger files and suggests a procedure to follow when
10updating to a new Segger release.
12### Upstream Segger source code
13Segger's [official GitHub repository][6] is not currently actively maintained, hence Segger code is
14obtained from publicly accessible download links posted on Segger's website.
16#### RTT and SystemView
17[Download][7] "SystemView, Target Sources" from the SystemView downloads [webpage][8]. This
18download contains both RTT and SystemView sources.
20#### Monitor mode debugging
21[Download][9] "Example project" from the Monitor mode debugging [webpage][10].
23### Updating to a new Segger release
24Upgrading to a new Segger release means migrating existing Zephyr changes to the latest Segger
25code. There are many tools (`diff`, `patch`, `git diff`, etc.) and different approaches to
26accomplishing this -- use what you are familiar with. The following procedure is a guide to
27achieving the desired result.
291. Obtain the updated Segger code and prepare for subsequent steps
30    1. Download upstream code from the links above
31    2. Extract the SystemView update and delete the `Samples` directory
32    3. Extract the Monitor mode example and delete _non_-JLINK_MONITOR* files
33    4. Organize the files to match the directory structure of this repository
34    5. Convert line endings of all files to Unix style LF (`\n`)
35    6. Strip trailing white space of all files
362. Establish the Zephyr patches that will be applied in step 3
37    1. Download the SystemView release this repository is _currently_ based on (refer to
38       "SystemView version: x.yy" in the source files to determine the current release)
39    2. Repeat step 1 parts ii-vi for these downloaded files
40    3. Compare the files of this repository to those of step 2 part ii to identify the existing
41       Zephyr changes (the "diff", or "patch") needed for step 3
423. Apply the Zephyr changes to the new Segger release
43    1. Apply the patches from step 2 part iii to the files of step 1
44    2. Sanity check the result and revise as needed
454. Review/update the list of patched files below
465. Commit the updated + modified Segger files and push the change
476. Open a pull-request to merge the change into this repository
49### Patched files
50Segger source files with Zephyr specific changes:
511. `Config/SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h`
52    * Defines related to RTT buffers, memory region, locking mechanism
532. `Config/SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h`
54    * Defines related to SystemView buffers, memory region, locking mechanism
56    * RTT initialization options
58[1]: https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/technology/about-real-time-transfer
59[2]: https://wiki.segger.com/RTT
60[3]: https://www.segger.com/products/development-tools/systemview
61[4]: https://wiki.segger.com/SystemView
62[5]: https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/technology/monitor-mode-debugging
63[6]: https://github.com/SEGGERMicro
64[7]: https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/systemview_target_src
65[8]: https://www.segger.com/downloads/systemview
66[9]: https://www.segger.com/downloads/pub/Generic_Cortex-M_MonitorModeSystickExample_SES.zip
67[10]: https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/technology/monitor-mode-debugging