1# PSA Crypto Testcase checklist
5| Group                        | Test      | Function                         | Scenario                                                                               | Return Value                                | Steps                                                                                                            | Test Case                                                                                |   |
7| Library Initialization       | test_c001 | psa_crypto_init                  | Library initialization                                                                 | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | Calling this function should return SUCCESS                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
8|                              |           |                                  | Applications must call this function before calling any other function in this module. | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | Try calling crypto operations doing a crypto_init should be successful(can be covered as part of other testcase) |                                                                                          |   |
9|                              |           |                                  | Applications may call this function more than once. Once a call succeeds               | subsequent calls are guaranteed to succeed. | PSA_SUCCESS                                                                                                      | Try calling multiple crypto init and should return SUCCESS                               |   |
10|                              |           |                                  | Applications must call this function before calling any other function in this module. | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Try calling crypto operations without doing a crypto_init should return FAILURE                                  |                                                                                          |   |
11|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
12| Key Management               | test_c002 | psa_import_key                   | Import a key in binary format.                                                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
13|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
14|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
15|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get basic metadata about a key                                                                                | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
16|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Export a key in binary format                                                                                 | 5. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
17|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data                                                     | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
18|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Reset the key attributes                                                                                      | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
19|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
20|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
21|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. EC keypair                                                                           |   |
22|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with incorrect key type                                                                    | Incorrect key type                                                                       |   |
23|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Key data greater than the algorithm size                                              |   |
24|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incorrect key data size                                                               |   |
25|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    | Calling this function with invalid key handle should return this error                                           |                                                                                          |   |
26| Key Management               | test_c003 | psa_export_key                   | Export a key in binary format                                                          | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
27|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
28|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
29|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get basic metadata about a key                                                                                | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
30|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Export a key in binary format                                                                                 | 5. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
31|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data                                                     | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
32|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Reset the key attributes                                                                                      | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
33|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
34|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
35|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. EC keypair                                                                           |   |
36|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  | Calling this function with buffer size less than required                                                        | Less buffer size                                                                         |   |
37|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     | Calling this function with with key policy as verify should return this error                                    | Key policy as PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY                                                       |   |
38|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Destroyed key slot                                                                    |   |
39| Key Management               | test_c004 | psa_export_public_key            | Export a public key or the public part of a key pair in binary format.                 | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
40|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
41|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
42|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get basic metadata about a key                                                                                | 4. EC keypair                                                                            |   |
43|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Export a key in binary format                                                                                 |                                                                                          |   |
44|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if original key data matches with the exported data                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
45|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Reset the key attributes                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
46|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
47|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  | Calling this function with buffer size less than required                                                        | Less buffer size                                                                         |   |
48|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid  parameter should return this error                                           | 1. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
49|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
50|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
51|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     | Calling this function with with key policy as verify should return this error                                    | Key usage as PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY                                                        |   |
52|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    | Calling this function with invalid key handle should return this error                                           | 1. Destroyed key slot                                                                    |   |
53|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function with key policy that cannot be exported                                                    | Invalid key policy usage                                                                 |   |
54|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST                    | Calling this function with empty key slot                                                                        | Empty key slot                                                                           |   |
55| Key Management               | test_c005 | psa_destroy_key                  | Destroy a key and restore the slot to its default state.                               | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
56|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
57|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
58|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get basic metadata about a key                                                                                | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
59|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Destroy a key and restore the slot to its default state                                                       | 5. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
60|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check that if the key metadata are destroyed                                                                  | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
61|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
62|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
63|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
64|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. EC keypair                                                                           |   |
65|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | Already destroyed key slot                                                               |   |
66| Message Digests              | test_c006 | psa_hash_compute                 | Calculate the hash (digest) of a message                                               | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
67|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Calculate the hash (digest) of a message                                                                      | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
68|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Check if it matches with the expected values                                                                  | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
69|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
70|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
71|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
72|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
73|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
74|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
75|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  | Calling this function with small buffer size  should return this error                                           | small buffer size                                                                        |   |
76|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with invalid algorithm  should return this error                                           | Invalid algorithm                                                                        |   |
77| Message Digests              | test_c007 | psa_hash_compare                 | Calculate the hash (digest) of a message and compare it with a reference value         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
78|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Calculate the hash (digest) of a message and compare it with a reference value                                | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
79|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
80|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
81|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
82|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
83|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
84|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
85|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
86|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 | Calling this function with incorrect expected hash                                                               | Incorrect expected hash                                                                  |   |
87|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | Calling this function with incorrect expected hash                                                               | Incorrect expected hash length                                                           |   |
88| Key Derivation               | test_c008 | psa_key_derivation_setup         | Set up a key derivation operation.                                                     | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. ECDH + HKDF-SHA-256                                                                   |   |
89|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2.  Set up a key derivation operation                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
90|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Abort the key derivation operation                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
91|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Bad key derivation algorithm                                                          |   |
92|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid Algorithm                                                                     |   |
93|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with unsupported parameter should return this error                                        | ECDH, unknown KDF                                                                        |   |
94| Key Derivation               | test_c009 | psa_key_derivation_input_bytes   | Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement                                   | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. Step as Info                                                                          |   |
95|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Initialize a key policy structure to a default that forbids all usage of the key                              | 2. Step as salt                                                                          |   |
96|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement                                                          | 3. Step as label                                                                         |   |
97|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Allocate a key slot for a transient key                                                                       | 4. Step as seed                                                                          |   |
98|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Step as secret                                                                        |   |
99|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid step                                                                          |   |
100|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Key derivation on an aborted operation                                                                           | Aborted operation                                                                        |   |
101| Key Attributes               | test_c010 | psa_set_key_id                   | Set the attributes for the key                                                         | NA                                          | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | Testing only volatile keys and persistence key types will be supported in future release |   |
102|                              |           | psa_set_key_lifetime             |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Check if all the attributes are initialized to zero                                                           |                                                                                          |   |
103|                              |           | psa_set_key_type                 |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
104|                              |           | psa_set_key_bits                 |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Check if all the attributes are as per the input                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
105|                              |           | psa_set_key_usage_flags          |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset the attributes                                                                                          |                                                                                          |   |
106|                              |           | psa_set_key_algorithm            |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if all the attributes are erased                                                                        |                                                                                          |   |
107|                              |           | psa_get_key_id                   | Get the attributes for the key                                                         |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
108|                              |           | psa_get_key_lifetime             |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
109|                              |           | psa_get_key_type                 |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
110|                              |           | psa_get_key_bits                 |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
111|                              |           | psa_get_key_usage_flags          |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
112|                              |           | psa_get_key_algorithm            |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
113|                              |           | psa_reset_key_attributes         |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
114| Message Digests              | test_c011 | psa_hash_start                   | Start a multipart hash operation.                                                      | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
115|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
116|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Abort the hash operation                                                                                      | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
117|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
118|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
119|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
120|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
121|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA512                                                                                |   |
122|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512_224                                                                            |   |
123|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. SHA512_256                                                                           |   |
124|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 11. SHA3_224 1                                                                           |   |
125|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. SHA3_256 1                                                                            |   |
126|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. SHA3_384 1                                                                            |   |
127|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. SHA3_512                                                                              |   |
128|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with unsupported algorithm should return error                                             | Invalid hash algorithm                                                                   |   |
129|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function again after setup                                                                          | Multiple setup calls after one another                                                   |   |
130|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Invalid algorithm                                                                     |   |
131|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. CTR algorithm                                                                         |   |
132| Message Digests              | test_c012 | psa_hash_update                  | Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation.                                  | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
133|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
134|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation                                                          | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
135|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Abort the hash operation                                                                                      | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
136|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
137|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
138|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
139|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
140|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
141|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | 1. Calling this function without calling the psa_hash_setup() should return error                                | Operation handle without setup                                                           |   |
142|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Calling this function with completed operation handle should return error                                     | Completed operation handle                                                               |   |
143| Message Digests              | test_c013 | psa_hash_verify                  | Finish the calculation of the hash of a message and compare it with an expected value. | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
144|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
145|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation                                                          | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
146|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message and compare it with an expected value                         | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
147|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort the hash operation                                                                                      | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
148|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
149|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
150|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
151|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
152|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function with inactive operation handle should return error                                         | 1. Inactive operation handle                                                             |   |
153|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | Calling this function with invalid operation handle should return error                                          | 2. Invalid operation handle                                                              |   |
154|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 | Calling this function with incorrect expected value should return error                                          | 1. Incorrect expected hash value                                                         |   |
155|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incorrect expected hash length                                                        |   |
156| Message Digests              | test_c014 | psa_hash_finish                  | Finish the calculation of the hash of a message.                                       | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
157|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
158|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash operation                                                          | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
159|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message                                                               | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
160|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Compare it with the expected value                                                                            | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
161|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the hash operation                                                                                      | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
162|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
163|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
164|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
165|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with an inactive operation handle should return error                                      | Inactive operation handle                                                                |   |
166|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  | Calling this function with a hash buffer whose size is less than the algorithm output should return error        | Buffer size less than required                                                           |   |
167|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function with completed operation handle                                                            | completed operation handle                                                               |   |
168| Message Digests              | test_c015 | psa_hash_abort                   | Abort a hash operation.                                                                | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
169|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
170|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Abort a hash operation                                                                                        | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
171|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
172|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
173|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
174|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
175|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA384                                                                                |   |
176|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. SHA512                                                                                |   |
177| Generation                   | test_c016 | psa_generate_key                 | Generate a key or key pair                                                             | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES                                                                                   |   |
178|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. DES                                                                                   |   |
179|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Generate a key or key pair                                                                                    | 3. ECC                                                                                   |   |
180|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get basic metadata about a key                                                                                | 4. RSA                                                                                   |   |
181|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if key type and key length matches                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
182|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Export a key in binary format                                                                                 |                                                                                          |   |
183|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Check if the metadata matches                                                                                 |                                                                                          |   |
184|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
185|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
186|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid usage flags                                                                   | invalid usage flags                                                                      |   |
187|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS                    | Calling this function with pre-occupied key slot should return this error                                        | Pre-occupied key slot                                                                    |   |
188|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function to generate only public key should return this error                                       | 1. Key type as public key                                                                |   |
189|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
190| Generation                   | test_c017 | psa_generate_random              | Generate random bytes                                                                  | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte data                                                                          |   |
191|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Generate random bytes Run several times to ensure that every output byte will be nonzero at least once        | 2. 24 Byte data                                                                          |   |
192|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Check that no more than bytes have been overwritten                                                           | 3. 32 Byte data                                                                          |   |
193|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Check that every byte was changed to nonzero at least once.                                                   | 4. 64 Byte data                                                                          |   |
194|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. 128 Byte data                                                                         |   |
195|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. 256 Byte data                                                                         |   |
196|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. 512 Byte data                                                                         |   |
197|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. 1000 Byte data                                                                        |   |
198|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. 1024 Byte data                                                                        |   |
199| Key Derivation               | test_c018 | psa_key_derivation_input_key     | Provide an input for key derivation in the form of a key                               | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte key                                                                           |   |
200|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
201|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
202|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set up a key derivation operation                                                                             |                                                                                          |   |
203|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Provide an input for key derivation or key agreement                                                          |                                                                                          |   |
204|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the key derivation operation                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
205|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     | Calling this function with incorrect data                                                                        | 1. Invalid usage                                                                         |   |
206|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incorrect key algorithm                                                               |   |
207|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Step as label                                                                         |   |
208|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Step as info                                                                          |   |
209|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Step as seed                                                                          |   |
210|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Step as salt                                                                          |   |
211|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. Input key type as AES (not derive)                                                    |   |
212|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. Key type a RSA public key                                                             |   |
213|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. Key type as RSA Keypair                                                               |   |
214|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    | Calling this function with destroyed key handle                                                                  | 1. No key in slot                                                                        |   |
215|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function without setup should return this error                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
216| Key Derivation               | test_c019 | psa_key_derivation_key_agreement | Perform a key agreement and use the shared secret as input to a key derivation         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. ECDH SECP256R1                                                                        |   |
217|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. ECDH SECP384R1                                                                        |   |
218|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
219|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set up a key agreement operation                                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
220|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Perform a key agreement                                                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
221|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort                                                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
222|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Invalid step                                                                          |   |
223|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid usage                                                                         |   |
224|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. KDF instead of a key agreement algorithm                                              |   |
225|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Public key on different curve                                                         |   |
226|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. Public key instead of private key                                                     |   |
227|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Zero as key slot                                                                      |   |
228|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Empty key handle                                                                      |   |
229| Key Derivation               | test_c020 | psa_key_derivation_output_bytes  | Read some data from a key derivation operation                                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. Key                                                                                   |   |
230|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. Info                                                                                  |   |
231|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key if the derivation input is key                                                                 |                                                                                          |   |
232|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set up a key derivation operation                                                                             |                                                                                          |   |
233|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the capacity for the generator                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
234|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Provide input as key or data depending on the step                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
235|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Read some data from a key derivation operation                                                                |                                                                                          |   |
236|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Abort the derivation operation                                                                                |                                                                                          |   |
237|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function with only supportive step                                                                  | 1. Salt                                                                                  |   |
238|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Label                                                                                 |   |
239|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Seed                                                                                  |   |
240|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Aborted operation                                                                     |   |
241|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA                 | Calling this function when there are no capacity                                                                 | 1. Requesting greater capacity than available                                            |   |
242|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. No data available in the operation                                                    |   |
243| Key Derivation               | test_c021 | psa_key_derivation_output_key    | Derive a key from an ongoing key derivation operation                                  | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. Key                                                                                   |   |
244|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. Indo                                                                                  |   |
245|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key if the derivation input is key                                                                 | 3. Label                                                                                 |   |
246|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set up a key derivation operation                                                                             | 4. Seed                                                                                  |   |
247|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the capacity for the generator                                                                            | 5. Salt                                                                                  |   |
248|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Provide input as key or data depending on the step                                                            | 6. DES key export                                                                        |   |
249|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Setup the attributes for the new key                                                                          | 7. ECC keypair                                                                           |   |
250|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Derive a key from an ongoing key derivation operation                                                         | 9. RSA keypair                                                                           |   |
251|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Abort the derivation operation                                                                                |                                                                                          |   |
252|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA                 | Calling this function with insufficient data                                                                     | 1. Requesting greater capacity than available                                            |   |
253|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. No data available in the operation                                                    |   |
254|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function on an aborted operation shoukd return this error                                           | Aborted operation                                                                        |   |
255|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Generating public key                                                                                            | 1. RSA public key                                                                        |   |
256|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. ECC public key                                                                        |   |
257| Key Derivation               | test_c022 | psa_key_derivation_abort         | Abort a key derivation operation                                                       | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             |                                                                                          |   |
258|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Abort the key derivation operation for the different types of initialization                                  |                                                                                          |   |
259|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Read some data from a key derivation operation with no data in the operation                                  |                                                                                          |   |
260| Key Derivation               | test_c023 | psa_key_derivation_set_capacity  | Set the maximum capacity of a key derivation operation                                 | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. Less than operation's capacity                                                        |   |
261|                              |           | psa_key_derivation_get_capacity  | Retrieve the current capacity of a key derivation operation                            |                                             | 2. Start the key derivation operation                                                                            | 2. Equal to operation's capacity                                                         |   |
262|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Set the capacity for the generator                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
263|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Get the capacity for the generator                                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
264|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the capacity as per the expected value                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
265|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the operation                                                                                           |                                                                                          |   |
266|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | More than operation's capacity                                                           |   |
267|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Calling this function on an aborted operation shoukd return this error                                           | 1. Get capacity on an aborted operation                                                  |   |
268|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Set capacity on an aborted operation                                                  |   |
269| AEAD                         | test_c024 | psa_aead_encrypt                 | Process an authenticated encryption operation                                          | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. CCM - 16B AES - 13B Nounce & 8B addi data                                             |   |
270|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
271|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
272|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Call aead encrypt                                                                                             | 4. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
273|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the status is expected                                                                               | 5                                                                                        |   |
274|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if the cipher text and length is as expected                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
275|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Destroy and reset the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
276|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. DES key                                                                               |   |
277|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unsupported algorithm                                                                 |   |
278|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Operation on a destroyed key handle                                                      |   |
279|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. Small output buffer size                                                              |   |
280|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid key usage                                                                     |   |
281| AEAD                         | test_c025 | psa_aead_decrypt                 | Process an authenticated decryption operation                                          | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. GCM -16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                             |   |
282|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. CCM - 16B AES - 13B Nounce & 8B addi data                                             |   |
283|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES CCM                                                                               |   |
284|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Call aead decrypt                                                                                             | 4. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
285|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the status is expected                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
286|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if the cipher text and length is as expected                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
287|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Destroy and reset the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
288|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
289|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. DES key                                                                               |   |
290|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unsupported algorithm                                                                 |   |
291|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer size                                                                 |   |
292|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | Invalid tag length                                                                       |   |
293|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Destroyed key handle                                                                     |   |
294|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid key usage                                                                        |   |
295|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid cipher text                                                                   |   |
296|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid cipher text size                                                              |   |
297| Message Authentication Codes | test_c026 | psa_mac_sign_setup               | Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                            | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 64 Byte HMAC                                                                          |   |
298|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC                                                                    |   |
299|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
300|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
301|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort the MAC operation                                                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
302|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
303|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. 16 Byte AES - GMAC                                                                    |   |
304|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incompatible HMAC for CMAC                                                            |   |
305|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)                                                 |   |
306|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Truncated MAC too small                                                               |   |
307|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
308|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
309|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Truncated MAC too large                                                               |   |
310|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Bad algorithm (not a MAC algorithm)                                                   |   |
311|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key handle                                                                    |   |
312|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero as key handle                                                                    |   |
313| Message Authentication Codes | test_c027 | psa_mac_update                   | Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation                                    | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1.64 Byte HMAC SHA256                                                                    |   |
314|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC                                                                    |   |
315|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte HMAC SHA512                                                                   |   |
316|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
317|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation                                                           |                                                                                          |   |
318|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message                                                                |                                                                                          |   |
319|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Abort a MAC operation                                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
320|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
321|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | 1. Completed operation as input                                                          |   |
322|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Uninitialized operation as input                                                      |   |
323| Message Authentication Codes | test_c028 | psa_mac_sign_finish              | Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message                                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. HMAC SHA 224                                                                          |   |
324|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. HMAC SHA 256                                                                          |   |
325|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. HMAC SHA 512                                                                          |   |
326|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   | 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)                                                    |   |
327|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation                                                           | 5. CMAC AES 128                                                                          |   |
328|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message                                                                |                                                                                          |   |
329|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7.  Check if the MAC length matches with the expected length                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
330|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Check if the MAC data matches with the expected data                                                          |                                                                                          |   |
331|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small size buffer                                                                        |   |
332|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message using same operation should return error                          | Aborted operation as input                                                               |   |
333| Message Authentication Codes | test_c029 | psa_mac_verify_setup             |                                                                                        | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 64 Byte HMAC                                                                          |   |
334|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 16 Byte AES - CMAC                                                                    |   |
335|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
336|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
337|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort the MAC operation                                                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
338|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
339|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. 16 Byte AES - GMAC                                                                    |   |
340|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incompatible HMAC for CMAC                                                            |   |
341|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)                                                 |   |
342|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Truncated MAC too small                                                               |   |
343|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
344|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
345|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Truncated MAC too large                                                               |   |
346|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)                                                 |   |
347|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key handle                                                                    |   |
348|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero as key handle                                                                    |   |
349| Message Authentication Codes | test_c030 | psa_mac_verify_finish            | Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message and compare it with an expected value   | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. HMAC SHA 224                                                                          |   |
350|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. HMAC SHA 256                                                                          |   |
351|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. HMAC SHA 512                                                                          |   |
352|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   | 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)                                                    |   |
353|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Add a message fragment to a multipart MAC operation                                                           | 5. CMAC AES 128                                                                          |   |
354|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Finish the calculation of the MAC of a message and compare with expected value                                |                                                                                          |   |
355|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 |                                                                                                                  | 1. Small size buffer                                                                     |   |
356|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incorrect expected hash                                                               |   |
357|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | Invalid operation as input                                                               |   |
358| Message Authentication Codes | test_c031 | psa_mac_abort                    | Abort a MAC operation                                                                  | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. HMAC SHA 224                                                                          |   |
359|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. HMAC SHA 256                                                                          |   |
360|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. HMAC SHA 512                                                                          |   |
361|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Start a multipart MAC calculation operation                                                                   | 4. CMAC AES 128                                                                          |   |
362|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort the MAC operation                                                                                       | 5. HMAC truncated                                                                        |   |
363|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Destroy the key                                                                                               | 6. Multiple abort                                                                        |   |
364|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. psa_mac_finish after psa_mac_abort should return failure                              |   |
365| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c032 | psa_cipher_encrypt_setup         | Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation                             | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
366|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
367|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
368|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation                                                    | 4. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
369|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 5. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
370|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
371|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. 16 Byte raw data                                                                      |   |
372|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unknown cipher algorithm                                                              |   |
373|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Incompatible key ARC4                                                                 |   |
374|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Not a cipher algorithm                                                                |   |
375|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. RSA public key                                                                        |   |
376|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. RSA keypair                                                                           |   |
377|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
378|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. EC keypair                                                                            |   |
379|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Incorrect usage                                                                          |   |
380|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Unallocated key handle                                                                |   |
381|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero as key handle                                                                    |   |
382| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c033 | psa_cipher_decrypt_setup         | Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation                             | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
383|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
384|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
385|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation                                                    | 4. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
386|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 5. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
387|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 6. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
388|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. 16 Byte raw data                                                                      |   |
389|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unknown cipher algorithm                                                              |   |
390|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Incompatible key ARC4                                                                 |   |
391|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Not a cipher algorithm                                                                |   |
392|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. RSA public key                                                                        |   |
393|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. RSA keypair                                                                           |   |
394|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
395|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. EC keypair                                                                            |   |
396|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Unallocated key handle                                                                |   |
397|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero as key handle                                                                    |   |
398|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
399| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c034 | psa_cipher_generate_iv           | Generate an IV for a symmetric encryption operation                                    | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
400|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
401|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
402|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric decryption operation                                                    | 4. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
403|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Generate an IV for a symmetric encryption operation                                                           | 5. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
404|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check that if generated iv length match the expected length                                                   | 6. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
405|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Check that if generated iv are not zero                                                                       | 7. AES - large iv buffer                                                                 |   |
406|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 8. DES - large iv buffer                                                                 |   |
407|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. AES - small iv buffer                                                                 |   |
408|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. DES - small iv buffer                                                                 |   |
409|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | 1. Completed operation handle                                                            |   |
410| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c035 | psa_cipher_set_iv                | Set the IV for a symmetric encryption or decryption operation                          | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
411|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
412|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
413|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption/decryption operation                                         | 4. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
414|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption/decryption operation                                                     | 5. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
415|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 6. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
416|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. AES - small iv buffer                                                                 |   |
417|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. DES - small iv buffer                                                                 |   |
418|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. AES - large iv buffer                                                                 |   |
419|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. DES - large iv buffer                                                                 |   |
420|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Setting an IV for a symmetric encryption/decryption operation using the same operator should fail                | 1. Completed operation handle                                                            |   |
421| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c036 | psa_cipher_update                | Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation                    | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                                    |   |
422|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES CBC_NO_PADDING (Short input)                                                      |   |
423|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES CBC_PKCS7                                                                         |   |
424|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation                                                    | 4. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)                                                           |   |
425|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption operation                                                                | 5. AES CTR                                                                               |   |
426|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation                                           | 6. DES CBC (nopad)                                                                       |   |
427|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Check if the output length matches the expected length                                                        | 7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
428|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Check if the output data matches the expected data                                                            | 8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
429|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
430|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an invalid cipher operation should fail                                 | Invalid operation as input                                                               |   |
431|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer size                                                                 |   |
432| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c037 | psa_cipher_finish                | Finish encrypting or decrypting a message in a cipher operation                        | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                                    |   |
433|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES CBC_PKCS7                                                                         |   |
434|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)                                                           |   |
435|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption operation                                                    | 4. AES CTR                                                                               |   |
436|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set an IV for a symmetric encryption operation                                                                | 5. DES CBC (nopad)                                                                       |   |
437|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active cipher operation                                           | 6. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
438|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Finish encrypting or decrypting a message in a cipher operation                                               | 7. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
439|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Check if the output length matches the expected length                                                        |                                                                                          |   |
440|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Check if the output data matches the expected data                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
441|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 10. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
442|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an invalid cipher operation should fail                                 | Invalid operation as input                                                               |   |
443|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer size                                                                 |   |
444|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | AES CBC_NO_PADDING (Short input)                                                         |   |
445| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c038 | psa_cipher_abort                 | Abort a cipher operation                                                               | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. Encrypt - AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                          |   |
446|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. Encrypt - AES CBC_PKCS7                                                               |   |
447|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. Encrypt - AES CTR                                                                     |   |
448|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart symmetric encryption/decryption operation                                         | 4. Encrypt - DES CBC (nopad)                                                             |   |
449|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort a cipher operation                                                                                      | 5. Encrypt - 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                      |   |
450|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Multiple abort cipher operation should return success                                                         | 6. Encrypt - 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                      |   |
451|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. Decrypt - AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                          |   |
452|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. Decrypt - AES CBC_PKCS7                                                               |   |
453|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. Decrypt - AES CTR                                                                     |   |
454|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. Decrypt - DES CBC (nopad)                                                            |   |
455|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 11. Decrypt - 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                     |   |
456|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 12. Decrypt - 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                     |   |
457|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 13. psa_cipher_update after psa_cipher_abort should fail                                 |   |
458| Asymmetric Cryptography      | test_c039 | psa_asymmetric_encrypt           | Encrypt a short message with a public key                                              | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. RSA PKCS1V15                                                                          |   |
459|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. RSA OAEP SHA256                                                                       |   |
460|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. RSA OAEP SHA256 with label                                                            |   |
461|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Encrypt a short message with a public key                                                                     | 4. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15                                                                  |   |
462|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the output length matches with the expected output length                                            |                                                                                          |   |
463|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Decrypt the cipher text                                                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
464|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Check if the output length matches with the input length                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
465|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Check if the output matches with the given input data                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
466|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
467|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
468|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
469|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid algorithm                                                                     |   |
470|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
471|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer                                                                      |   |
472|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid handle                                                                        |   |
473|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero as key handle                                                                    |   |
474| Asymmetric Cryptography      | test_c040 | psa_asymmetric_decrypt           | Decrypt a short message with a private key                                             | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15                                                                  |   |
475|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. RSA KEYPAIR OAEP SHA256                                                               |   |
476|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. RSA KEYPAIR OAEP SHA256 with label                                                    |   |
477|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Decrypt a short message with a private key                                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
478|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the output length matches with the expected length                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
479|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check if the output matches with the expected data                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
480|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
481|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT+E524             |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key type (RSA public key)                                                     |   |
482|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid algorithm                                                                     |   |
483|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Invalid key type (AES Key)                                                            |   |
484|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST                    |                                                                                                                  | Empty key slot                                                                           |   |
485|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
486|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Uninitialized key handle                                                                 |   |
487|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer                                                                      |   |
488| Asymmetric Cryptography      | test_c041 | psa_sign_hash              | Sign a hash or short message with a private key                                        | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 RAW                                                              |   |
489|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 SHA-256                                                          |   |
490|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. ECDSA KEYPAIR SECP256R1 SHA-256                                                       |   |
491|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Sign a hash or short message with a private key                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
492|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Check if the output length matches with the expected length                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
493|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the output matches with the expected data                                                            |                                                                                          |   |
494|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
495|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid key type (RSA public key)                                                     |   |
496|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid algorithm                                                                     |   |
497|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Invalid key type (AES Key)                                                            |   |
498|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Wrong hash size                                                                       |   |
499|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Uninitialized key handle                                                                 |   |
500|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST                    |                                                                                                                  | Empty key slot                                                                           |   |
501|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
502|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer                                                                      |   |
503| Asymmetric Cryptography      | test_c042 | psa_verify_hash            | Verify the signature a hash or short message using a public key                        | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 RAW                                                              |   |
504|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. RSA KEYPAIR PKCS1V15 SHA-256                                                          |   |
505|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. ECDSA KEYPAIR SECP256R1 SHA-256                                                       |   |
506|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Verify the signature a hash or short message using a public key                                               | 4. RSA public key                                                                        |   |
507|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 5. EC public key                                                                         |   |
508|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Invalid algorithm                                                                     |   |
509|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Wrong hash size                                                                       |   |
510|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  |                                                                                          |   |
511|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 |                                                                                                                  | Wrong signature size                                                                     |   |
512|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | Wrong signature                                                                          |   |
513|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST                    |                                                                                                                  | Empty key slot                                                                           |   |
514|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
515|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid key type (AES Key)                                                               |   |
516|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer                                                                      |   |
517| Key Derivation               | test_c043 | psa_raw_key_agreement            | Perform a key agreement and return the raw shared secret                               | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. ECDH SECP256R1                                                                        |   |
518|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. ECDH SECP384R1                                                                        |   |
519|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
520|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set up a key agreement operation                                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
521|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
522|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Not a key agreement alg                                                               |   |
523|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Public key on different curve                                                         |   |
524|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Public key instead of private key                                                     |   |
525|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Unknown KDF                                                                           |   |
526|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 5. Small size buffer                                                                     |   |
527|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Uninitialized key handle                                                                 |   |
528|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid usage                                                                            |   |
529| Key Management               | test_c044 | psa_copy_key                     | Copy key material from one location to another                                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
530|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
531|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES with constraints                                                          |   |
532|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Setup the attributes for the target key                                                                       | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
533|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Make a copy of a key                                                                                          | 5. 2048 RSA key pair                                                                     |   |
534|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Destroy the source to ensure that this doesn't affect the target                                              | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
535|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Export a key in binary format and check if it matches with source material                                    | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
536|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
537|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
538|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. EC key pair                                                                          |   |
539|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Incompatible target policy(source and target)                                         |   |
540|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incompatible constraint                                                               |   |
541|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Incompatible target policy                                                            |   |
542|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Copy on a destroyed source                                                            |   |
543|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | 1. Unallocated target key slot                                                           |   |
544|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Usage set as export (not copy)                                                           |   |
545| Key Management               | test_c045 | psa_hash_clone                   | Clone a hash operation.                                                                | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. MD2                                                                                   |   |
546|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Start a multipart hash operation                                                                              | 2. MD4                                                                                   |   |
547|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Clone a hash operation                                                                                        | 3. MD5                                                                                   |   |
548|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Add a message fragment to a multipart hash source_operation                                                   | 4. RIPEMD160                                                                             |   |
549|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Finish the calculation of the hash of a message                                                               | 5. SHA1                                                                                  |   |
550|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the hash operation                                                                                      | 6. SHA224                                                                                |   |
551|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. SHA256                                                                                |   |
552|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. SHA512                                                                                |   |
553|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         | Cloning to an active hash operation should be an error                                                           | 1. Active clone hash                                                                     |   |
554|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Aborted operator                                                                      |   |
555| Message Authentication Codes | test_c046 | psa_mac_compute                  | Calculate the MAC (message authentication code) of a message.                          | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. HMAC SHA 224                                                                          |   |
556|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. CMAC AES 128                                                                          |   |
557|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte                                                     |   |
558|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Calculate the MAC (message authentication code) of a message                                                  | 4. HMAC SHA 512                                                                          |   |
559|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the MAC length and data  matches with the expected  values                                           | 5. HMAC SHA 256                                                                          |   |
560|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
561|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with unsupported values                                                                    | 1. Incompactible HMAC for CMAC                                                           |   |
562|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid usage                                                                         |   |
563|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Truncated MAC too small                                                               |   |
564|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)                                                 |   |
565|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  | Calling this function with invalid parameter should return this error                                            | 1. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
566|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Truncated MAC too large                                                               |   |
567|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small size buffer                                                                        |   |
568|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Destroyed key handle                                                                     |   |
569| Message Authentication Codes | test_c047 | psa_mac_verify                   | Calculate the MAC of a message and compare it with a reference value                   | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. HMAC SHA 224                                                                          |   |
570|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. HMAC SHA 256                                                                          |   |
571|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. HMAC SHA 512                                                                          |   |
572|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Calculate and verify MAC with reference value                                                                 | 4. HMAC SHA 224 (truncated to 8 Byte)                                                    |   |
573|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 5. CMAC AES 128                                                                          |   |
574|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     | Calling this function with unsupported values                                                                    | 1. Incompactible HMAC for CMAC                                                           |   |
575|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid usage                                                                         |   |
576|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Truncated MAC too small                                                               |   |
577|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Bad algorithm (unknown MAC algorithm)                                                 |   |
578|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE                 |                                                                                                                  | 1. Small size buffer                                                                     |   |
579|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Incorrect expected MAC                                                                |   |
580|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Truncated MAC too large                                                               |   |
581|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Invalid key type                                                                      |   |
582|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Destroyed key handle                                                                     |   |
583| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c048 | psa_cipher_encrypt               | Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher.                                            | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                                    |   |
584|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES CBC_PKCS7                                                                         |   |
585|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)                                                           |   |
586|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher                                                                    | 4. AES CTR                                                                               |   |
587|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the output  matches the expected value                                                               | 5. AES CTR (short input)                                                                 |   |
588|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 6. DES CBC (nopad)                                                                       |   |
589|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
590|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
591|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Decrypt - AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                             |   |
592|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer size                                                                 |   |
593|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | AES CBC_NO_PADDING (Short input)                                                         |   |
594|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Aborted key handle                                                                       |   |
595| Symmetric Ciphers            | test_c049 | psa_cipher_decrypt               | Decrypt a message using a symmetric cipher.                                            | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                                    |   |
596|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES CBC_PKCS7                                                                         |   |
597|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. AES CBC_PKCS7 (Short input)                                                           |   |
598|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Encrypt a message using a symmetric cipher                                                                    | 4. AES CTR                                                                               |   |
599|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if the output  matches the expected value                                                               | 5. AES CTR (short input)                                                                 |   |
600|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     | 6. DES CBC (nopad)                                                                       |   |
601|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. 2-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
602|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. 3-key 3DE -CBC (nopad)                                                                |   |
603|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | AES CBC_NO_PADDING (Short input)                                                         |   |
604|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | AES CBC_NO_PADDING                                                                       |   |
605|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small output buffer size                                                                 |   |
606|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Aborted key handle                                                                       |   |
607| Key Management               | test_c050 | psa_open_key                     | Open a handle to an existing persistent key                                            | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
608|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
609|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
610|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Save the details of current check, key id and key handle value in NV memory                                   | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
611|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Reset the system                                                                                              | 5. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
612|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. After reset, get the values of check, key id and key handle value before the system was reset from NV         | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
613|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Get the attributes of the imported key and check if it matches the given value                                | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
614|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Export a key in binary format                                                                                 | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
615|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Check the value of the exported key                                                                           | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
616|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 10. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                    | 10. EC keypair                                                                           |   |
617|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | Key data greater than the algorithm size                                                 |   |
618| Key Management               | test_c051 | psa_close_key                    | Close a key handle                                                                     | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. 16 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
619|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. 24 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
620|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. 32 Byte AES                                                                           |   |
621|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Close the key handle                                                                                          | 4. 2048 RSA public key                                                                   |   |
622|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Check if all the attributes are erased                                                                        | 5. 2048 RSA keypair                                                                      |   |
623|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Open the key handle and retrieve the data                                                                     | 6. DES 64 bit key                                                                        |   |
624|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 7. Triple DES 2-Key                                                                      |   |
625|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 8. Triple DES 3-Key                                                                      |   |
626|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 9. EC Public key                                                                         |   |
627|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 10. EC keypair                                                                           |   |
628|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Closing an empty key handle                                                              |   |
629| AEAD                         | test_c052 | psa_aead_encrypt_setup           | Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
630|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
631|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
632|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated encryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
633|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
634|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
635|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. DES Key                                                                               |   |
636|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unsupported Algorithm                                                                 |   |
637|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid key usage                                                                        |   |
638|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Destroyed key handle                                                                     |   |
639| AEAD                         | test_c053 | psa_aead_decrypt_setup           | Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                         | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
640|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
641|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
642|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
643|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
644|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
645|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED                     |                                                                                                                  | 1. DES Key                                                                               |   |
646|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Unsupported Algorithm                                                                 |   |
647|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED                     |                                                                                                                  | Invalid key usage                                                                        |   |
648|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE                    |                                                                                                                  | Destroyed key handle                                                                     |   |
649| AEAD                         | test_c054 | psa_aead_generate_nonce          | Generate a random nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                      | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
650|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
651|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
652|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
653|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Generate a random nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                             |                                                                                          |   |
654|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Check that if generated iv are non zero                                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
655|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Destroy the key                                                                                               |                                                                                          |   |
656|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset the key attributes                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
657|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small buffer size                                                                        |   |
658|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | 1. Call generate a random nonce twice                                                    |   |
659|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Aborted operation                                                                     |   |
660| AEAD                         | test_c055 | psa_aead_set_nonce               | Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption or decryption operation                  | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
661|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
662|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
663|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
664|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
665|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
666|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Small nounce size                                                                     |   |
667|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Large nonce size                                                                      |   |
668|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | 1. Call set nonce twice                                                                  |   |
669|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Aborted operation                                                                     |   |
670| AEAD                         | test_c056 | psa_aead_set_lengths             | Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                        | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
671|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
672|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
673|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
674|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
675|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                                               |                                                                                          |   |
676|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
677|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
678|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Zero ad size                                                                          |   |
679|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero plaintext size                                                                   |   |
680|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Invalid lengths                                                                       |   |
681|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Vey large lengths                                                                     |   |
682|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | 1. Failed operation                                                                      |   |
683|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Aborted operation                                                                     |   |
684| AEAD                         | test_c057 | psa_aead_update_ad               | Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation                                       | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
685|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
686|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         |                                                                                          |   |
687|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
688|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
689|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                                               |                                                                                          |   |
690|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
691|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
692|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Zero ad size                                                                          |   |
693|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Zero plaintext size                                                                   |   |
694|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 3. Invalid lengths                                                                       |   |
695|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 4. Vey large lengths                                                                     |   |
696|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | Inactive AEAD operation                                                                  |   |
697| AEAD                         | test_c058 | psa_aead_update                  | Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation                      | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
698|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
699|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
700|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
701|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
702|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                                               |                                                                                          |   |
703|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
704|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation                                             |                                                                                          |   |
705|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Compare the output and its length with the expected values                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
706|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 10. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
707|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 11. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
708|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Zero plaintext size                                                                   |   |
709|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Input length overflows plaintext length                                               |   |
710|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small buffer size                                                                        |   |
711|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | Inactive AEAD operation                                                                  |   |
712| AEAD                         | test_c059 | psa_aead_finish                  | Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation                                       | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
713|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
714|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
715|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
716|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
717|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                                               |                                                                                          |   |
718|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
719|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation                                             |                                                                                          |   |
720|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Finish encrypting a message in an AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
721|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 10. Compare the output and its length with the expected values                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
722|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 11. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
723|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 12. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
724|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | 1. Zero plaintext size                                                                   |   |
725|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             |                                                                                                                  | 2. Input length overflows plaintext length                                               |   |
726|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small buffer size                                                                        |   |
727|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | Inactive AEAD operation                                                                  |   |
728| AEAD                         | test_c060 | psa_aead_abort                   | Abort an AEAD operation                                                                | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
729|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
730|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
731|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
732|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                      |                                                                                          |   |
733|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
734| AEAD                         | test_c061 | psa_aead_verify                  | Finish authenticating and decrypting a message in an AEAD operation                    | PSA_SUCCESS                                 | 1. Initialize the PSA crypto library                                                                             | 1. AES-CCM                                                                               |   |
735|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 2. Setup the attributes for the key                                                                              | 2. AES-CCM 24 bytes Tag length = 4                                                       |   |
736|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 3. Import the key data into the key slot                                                                         | 3. GCM - 16B AES - 12B Nounce & 12B addi data                                            |   |
737|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 4. Set the key for a multipart authenticated decryption operation                                                |                                                                                          |   |
738|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 5. Set the nonce for an authenticated encryption operation                                                       |                                                                                          |   |
739|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 6. Declare the lengths of the message and additional data for AEAD                                               |                                                                                          |   |
740|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 7. Pass additional data to an active AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
741|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 8. Encrypt or decrypt a message fragment in an active AEAD operation                                             |                                                                                          |   |
742|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 9. Finish decrypting a message in an AEAD operation                                                              |                                                                                          |   |
743|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 10. Compare the output and its length with the expected values                                                   |                                                                                          |   |
744|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 11. Abort the AEAD operation                                                                                     |                                                                                          |   |
745|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        |                                             | 12. Reset and destroy the key                                                                                    |                                                                                          |   |
746|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT                  |                                                                                                                  | Input length is less than plaintext length                                               |   |
747|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                  |                                                                                                                  | Small buffer size                                                                        |   |
748|                              |           |                                  |                                                                                        | PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE                         |                                                                                                                  | Inactive operator                                                                        |   |
750## License
751Arm PSA test suite is distributed under Apache v2.0 License.
755*Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.*