1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3"""Analyze the test outcomes from a full CI run.
5This script can also run on outcomes from a partial run, but the results are
6less likely to be useful.
9import argparse
10import sys
11import traceback
12import re
13import subprocess
14import os
15import typing
17import check_test_cases
20# `ComponentOutcomes` is a named tuple which is defined as:
21# ComponentOutcomes(
22#     successes = {
23#         "<suite_case>",
24#         ...
25#     },
26#     failures = {
27#         "<suite_case>",
28#         ...
29#     }
30# )
31# suite_case = "<suite>;<case>"
32ComponentOutcomes = typing.NamedTuple('ComponentOutcomes',
33                                      [('successes', typing.Set[str]),
34                                       ('failures', typing.Set[str])])
36# `Outcomes` is a representation of the outcomes file,
37# which defined as:
38# Outcomes = {
39#     "<component>": ComponentOutcomes,
40#     ...
41# }
42Outcomes = typing.Dict[str, ComponentOutcomes]
45class Results:
46    """Process analysis results."""
48    def __init__(self):
49        self.error_count = 0
50        self.warning_count = 0
52    def new_section(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
53        self._print_line('\n*** ' + fmt + ' ***\n', *args, **kwargs)
55    def info(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
56        self._print_line('Info: ' + fmt, *args, **kwargs)
58    def error(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
59        self.error_count += 1
60        self._print_line('Error: ' + fmt, *args, **kwargs)
62    def warning(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
63        self.warning_count += 1
64        self._print_line('Warning: ' + fmt, *args, **kwargs)
66    @staticmethod
67    def _print_line(fmt, *args, **kwargs):
68        sys.stderr.write((fmt + '\n').format(*args, **kwargs))
70def execute_reference_driver_tests(results: Results, ref_component: str, driver_component: str, \
71                                   outcome_file: str) -> None:
72    """Run the tests specified in ref_component and driver_component. Results
73    are stored in the output_file and they will be used for the following
74    coverage analysis"""
75    results.new_section("Test {} and {}", ref_component, driver_component)
77    shell_command = "tests/scripts/all.sh --outcome-file " + outcome_file + \
78                    " " + ref_component + " " + driver_component
79    results.info("Running: {}", shell_command)
80    ret_val = subprocess.run(shell_command.split(), check=False).returncode
82    if ret_val != 0:
83        results.error("failed to run reference/driver components")
85def analyze_coverage(results: Results, outcomes: Outcomes,
86                     allow_list: typing.List[str], full_coverage: bool) -> None:
87    """Check that all available test cases are executed at least once."""
88    available = check_test_cases.collect_available_test_cases()
89    for suite_case in available:
90        hit = any(suite_case in comp_outcomes.successes or
91                  suite_case in comp_outcomes.failures
92                  for comp_outcomes in outcomes.values())
94        if not hit and suite_case not in allow_list:
95            if full_coverage:
96                results.error('Test case not executed: {}', suite_case)
97            else:
98                results.warning('Test case not executed: {}', suite_case)
99        elif hit and suite_case in allow_list:
100            # Test Case should be removed from the allow list.
101            if full_coverage:
102                results.error('Allow listed test case was executed: {}', suite_case)
103            else:
104                results.warning('Allow listed test case was executed: {}', suite_case)
106def name_matches_pattern(name: str, str_or_re) -> bool:
107    """Check if name matches a pattern, that may be a string or regex.
108    - If the pattern is a string, name must be equal to match.
109    - If the pattern is a regex, name must fully match.
110    """
111    # The CI's python is too old for re.Pattern
112    #if isinstance(str_or_re, re.Pattern):
113    if not isinstance(str_or_re, str):
114        return str_or_re.fullmatch(name) is not None
115    else:
116        return str_or_re == name
118def analyze_driver_vs_reference(results: Results, outcomes: Outcomes,
119                                component_ref: str, component_driver: str,
120                                ignored_suites: typing.List[str], ignored_tests=None) -> None:
121    """Check that all tests passing in the reference component are also
122    passing in the corresponding driver component.
123    Skip:
124    - full test suites provided in ignored_suites list
125    - only some specific test inside a test suite, for which the corresponding
126      output string is provided
127    """
128    ref_outcomes = outcomes.get("component_" + component_ref)
129    driver_outcomes = outcomes.get("component_" + component_driver)
131    if ref_outcomes is None or driver_outcomes is None:
132        results.error("required components are missing: bad outcome file?")
133        return
135    if not ref_outcomes.successes:
136        results.error("no passing test in reference component: bad outcome file?")
137        return
139    for suite_case in ref_outcomes.successes:
140        # suite_case is like "test_suite_foo.bar;Description of test case"
141        (full_test_suite, test_string) = suite_case.split(';')
142        test_suite = full_test_suite.split('.')[0] # retrieve main part of test suite name
144        # Immediately skip fully-ignored test suites
145        if test_suite in ignored_suites or full_test_suite in ignored_suites:
146            continue
148        # For ignored test cases inside test suites, just remember and:
149        # don't issue an error if they're skipped with drivers,
150        # but issue an error if they're not (means we have a bad entry).
151        ignored = False
152        if full_test_suite in ignored_tests:
153            for str_or_re in ignored_tests[full_test_suite]:
154                if name_matches_pattern(test_string, str_or_re):
155                    ignored = True
157        if not ignored and not suite_case in driver_outcomes.successes:
158            results.error("PASS -> SKIP/FAIL: {}", suite_case)
159        if ignored and suite_case in driver_outcomes.successes:
160            results.error("uselessly ignored: {}", suite_case)
162def analyze_outcomes(results: Results, outcomes: Outcomes, args) -> None:
163    """Run all analyses on the given outcome collection."""
164    analyze_coverage(results, outcomes, args['allow_list'],
165                     args['full_coverage'])
167def read_outcome_file(outcome_file: str) -> Outcomes:
168    """Parse an outcome file and return an outcome collection.
169    """
170    outcomes = {}
171    with open(outcome_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
172        for line in input_file:
173            (_platform, component, suite, case, result, _cause) = line.split(';')
174            # Note that `component` is not unique. If a test case passes on Linux
175            # and fails on FreeBSD, it'll end up in both the successes set and
176            # the failures set.
177            suite_case = ';'.join([suite, case])
178            if component not in outcomes:
179                outcomes[component] = ComponentOutcomes(set(), set())
180            if result == 'PASS':
181                outcomes[component].successes.add(suite_case)
182            elif result == 'FAIL':
183                outcomes[component].failures.add(suite_case)
185    return outcomes
187def do_analyze_coverage(results: Results, outcomes: Outcomes, args) -> None:
188    """Perform coverage analysis."""
189    results.new_section("Analyze coverage")
190    analyze_outcomes(results, outcomes, args)
192def do_analyze_driver_vs_reference(results: Results, outcomes: Outcomes, args) -> None:
193    """Perform driver vs reference analyze."""
194    results.new_section("Analyze driver {} vs reference {}",
195                        args['component_driver'], args['component_ref'])
197    ignored_suites = ['test_suite_' + x for x in args['ignored_suites']]
199    analyze_driver_vs_reference(results, outcomes,
200                                args['component_ref'], args['component_driver'],
201                                ignored_suites, args['ignored_tests'])
203# List of tasks with a function that can handle this task and additional arguments if required
205    'analyze_coverage':                 {
206        'test_function': do_analyze_coverage,
207        'args': {
208            'allow_list': [
209                # Algorithm not supported yet
210                'test_suite_psa_crypto_metadata;Asymmetric signature: pure EdDSA',
211                # Algorithm not supported yet
212                'test_suite_psa_crypto_metadata;Cipher: XTS',
213            ],
214            'full_coverage': False,
215        }
216    },
217    # There are 2 options to use analyze_driver_vs_reference_xxx locally:
218    # 1. Run tests and then analysis:
219    #   - tests/scripts/all.sh --outcome-file "$PWD/out.csv" <component_ref> <component_driver>
220    #   - tests/scripts/analyze_outcomes.py out.csv analyze_driver_vs_reference_xxx
221    # 2. Let this script run both automatically:
222    #   - tests/scripts/analyze_outcomes.py out.csv analyze_driver_vs_reference_xxx
223    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_hash': {
224        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
225        'args': {
226            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_hash_use_psa',
227            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_hash_use_psa',
228            'ignored_suites': [
229                'shax', 'mdx', # the software implementations that are being excluded
230                'md.psa',  # purposefully depends on whether drivers are present
231                'psa_crypto_low_hash.generated', # testing the builtins
232            ],
233            'ignored_tests': {
234                'test_suite_platform': [
235                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
236                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
237                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
238                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
239                ],
240            }
241        }
242    },
243    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_hmac': {
244        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
245        'args': {
246            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_hmac',
247            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_hmac',
248            'ignored_suites': [
249                # These suites require legacy hash support, which is disabled
250                # in the accelerated component.
251                'shax', 'mdx',
252                # This suite tests builtins directly, but these are missing
253                # in the accelerated case.
254                'psa_crypto_low_hash.generated',
255            ],
256            'ignored_tests': {
257                'test_suite_md': [
258                    # Builtin HMAC is not supported in the accelerate component.
259                    re.compile('.*HMAC.*'),
260                    # Following tests make use of functions which are not available
261                    # when MD_C is disabled, as it happens in the accelerated
262                    # test component.
263                    re.compile('generic .* Hash file .*'),
264                    'MD list',
265                ],
266                'test_suite_md.psa': [
267                    # "legacy only" tests require hash algorithms to be NOT
268                    # accelerated, but this of course false for the accelerated
269                    # test component.
270                    re.compile('PSA dispatch .* legacy only'),
271                ],
272                'test_suite_platform': [
273                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
274                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
275                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
276                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
277                ],
278            }
279        }
280    },
281    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_cipher_aead_cmac': {
282        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
283        'args': {
284            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_cipher_aead_cmac',
285            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_cipher_aead_cmac',
286            # Modules replaced by drivers.
287            'ignored_suites': [
288                # low-level (block/stream) cipher modules
289                'aes', 'aria', 'camellia', 'des', 'chacha20',
290                # AEAD modes and CMAC
291                'ccm', 'chachapoly', 'cmac', 'gcm',
292                # The Cipher abstraction layer
293                'cipher',
294            ],
295            'ignored_tests': {
296                # PEM decryption is not supported so far.
297                # The rest of PEM (write, unencrypted read) works though.
298                'test_suite_pem': [
299                    re.compile(r'PEM read .*(AES|DES|\bencrypt).*'),
300                ],
301                'test_suite_platform': [
302                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
303                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
304                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
305                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
306                ],
307                # Following tests depend on AES_C/DES_C but are not about
308                # them really, just need to know some error code is there.
309                'test_suite_error': [
310                    'Low and high error',
311                    'Single low error'
312                ],
313                # Similar to test_suite_error above.
314                'test_suite_version': [
315                    'Check for MBEDTLS_AES_C when already present',
316                ],
317                # The en/decryption part of PKCS#12 is not supported so far.
318                # The rest of PKCS#12 (key derivation) works though.
319                'test_suite_pkcs12': [
320                    re.compile(r'PBE Encrypt, .*'),
321                    re.compile(r'PBE Decrypt, .*'),
322                ],
323                # The en/decryption part of PKCS#5 is not supported so far.
324                # The rest of PKCS#5 (PBKDF2) works though.
325                'test_suite_pkcs5': [
326                    re.compile(r'PBES2 Encrypt, .*'),
327                    re.compile(r'PBES2 Decrypt .*'),
328                ],
329                # Encrypted keys are not supported so far.
330                # pylint: disable=line-too-long
331                'test_suite_pkparse': [
332                    'Key ASN1 (Encrypted key PKCS12, trailing garbage data)',
333                    'Key ASN1 (Encrypted key PKCS5, trailing garbage data)',
334                    re.compile(r'Parse (RSA|EC) Key .*\(.* ([Ee]ncrypted|password).*\)'),
335                ],
336            }
337        }
338    },
339    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecp_light_only': {
340        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
341        'args': {
342            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_ecp_light_only',
343            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_ecp_light_only',
344            'ignored_suites': [
345                # Modules replaced by drivers
346                'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
347            ],
348            'ignored_tests': {
349                'test_suite_platform': [
350                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
351                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
352                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
353                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
354                ],
355                # This test wants a legacy function that takes f_rng, p_rng
356                # arguments, and uses legacy ECDSA for that. The test is
357                # really about the wrapper around the PSA RNG, not ECDSA.
358                'test_suite_random': [
359                    'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
360                ],
361                # In the accelerated test ECP_C is not set (only ECP_LIGHT is)
362                # so we must ignore disparities in the tests for which ECP_C
363                # is required.
364                'test_suite_ecp': [
365                    re.compile(r'ECP check public-private .*'),
366                    re.compile(r'ECP calculate public: .*'),
367                    re.compile(r'ECP gen keypair .*'),
368                    re.compile(r'ECP point muladd .*'),
369                    re.compile(r'ECP point multiplication .*'),
370                    re.compile(r'ECP test vectors .*'),
371                ],
372                'test_suite_ssl': [
373                    # This deprecated function is only present when ECP_C is On.
374                    'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',
375                ],
376            }
377        }
378    },
379    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_no_ecp_at_all': {
380        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
381        'args': {
382            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_no_ecp_at_all',
383            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_no_ecp_at_all',
384            'ignored_suites': [
385                # Modules replaced by drivers
386                'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
387            ],
388            'ignored_tests': {
389                'test_suite_platform': [
390                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
391                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
392                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
393                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
394                ],
395                # See ecp_light_only
396                'test_suite_random': [
397                    'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
398                ],
399                'test_suite_pkparse': [
400                    # When PK_PARSE_C and ECP_C are defined then PK_PARSE_EC_COMPRESSED
401                    # is automatically enabled in build_info.h (backward compatibility)
402                    # even if it is disabled in config_psa_crypto_no_ecp_at_all(). As a
403                    # consequence compressed points are supported in the reference
404                    # component but not in the accelerated one, so they should be skipped
405                    # while checking driver's coverage.
406                    re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
407                    re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
408                ],
409                # See ecp_light_only
410                'test_suite_ssl': [
411                    'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',
412                ],
413            }
414        }
415    },
416    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecc_no_bignum': {
417        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
418        'args': {
419            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_no_bignum',
420            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_no_bignum',
421            'ignored_suites': [
422                # Modules replaced by drivers
423                'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
424                'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
425                'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
426            ],
427            'ignored_tests': {
428                'test_suite_platform': [
429                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
430                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
431                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
432                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
433                ],
434                # See ecp_light_only
435                'test_suite_random': [
436                    'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
437                ],
438                # See no_ecp_at_all
439                'test_suite_pkparse': [
440                    re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
441                    re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
442                ],
443                'test_suite_asn1parse': [
444                    'INTEGER too large for mpi',
445                ],
446                'test_suite_asn1write': [
447                    re.compile(r'ASN.1 Write mpi.*'),
448                ],
449                'test_suite_debug': [
450                    re.compile(r'Debug print mbedtls_mpi.*'),
451                ],
452                # See ecp_light_only
453                'test_suite_ssl': [
454                    'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',
455                ],
456            }
457        }
458    },
459    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum': {
460        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
461        'args': {
462            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum',
463            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum',
464            'ignored_suites': [
465                # Modules replaced by drivers
466                'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake', 'dhm',
467                'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
468                'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
469            ],
470            'ignored_tests': {
471                'test_suite_platform': [
472                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
473                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
474                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
475                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
476                ],
477                # See ecp_light_only
478                'test_suite_random': [
479                    'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
480                ],
481                # See no_ecp_at_all
482                'test_suite_pkparse': [
483                    re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
484                    re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
485                ],
486                'test_suite_asn1parse': [
487                    'INTEGER too large for mpi',
488                ],
489                'test_suite_asn1write': [
490                    re.compile(r'ASN.1 Write mpi.*'),
491                ],
492                'test_suite_debug': [
493                    re.compile(r'Debug print mbedtls_mpi.*'),
494                ],
495                # See ecp_light_only
496                'test_suite_ssl': [
497                    'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',
498                ],
499            }
500        }
501    },
502    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ffdh_alg': {
503        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
504        'args': {
505            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ffdh',
506            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ffdh',
507            'ignored_suites': ['dhm'],
508            'ignored_tests': {
509                'test_suite_platform': [
510                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
511                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
512                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
513                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
514                ],
515            }
516        }
517    },
518    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_tfm_config': {
519        'test_function':  do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
520        'args': {
521            'component_ref': 'test_tfm_config',
522            'component_driver': 'test_tfm_config_p256m_driver_accel_ec',
523            'ignored_suites': [
524                # Modules replaced by drivers
525                'asn1parse', 'asn1write',
526                'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
527                'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
528                'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
529            ],
530            'ignored_tests': {
531                'test_suite_platform': [
532                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
533                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
534                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
535                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
536                ],
537                # See ecp_light_only
538                'test_suite_random': [
539                    'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
540                ],
541            }
542        }
543    },
544    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_rsa': {
545        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
546        'args': {
547            'component_ref': 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_rsa_crypto',
548            'component_driver': 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_rsa_crypto',
549            'ignored_suites': [
550                # Modules replaced by drivers.
551                'rsa', 'pkcs1_v15', 'pkcs1_v21',
552                # We temporarily don't care about PK stuff.
553                'pk', 'pkwrite', 'pkparse'
554            ],
555            'ignored_tests': {
556                'test_suite_platform': [
557                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
558                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
559                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
560                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
561                ],
562                # Following tests depend on RSA_C but are not about
563                # them really, just need to know some error code is there.
564                'test_suite_error': [
565                    'Low and high error',
566                    'Single high error'
567                ],
568                # Constant time operations only used for PKCS1_V15
569                'test_suite_constant_time': [
570                    re.compile(r'mbedtls_ct_zeroize_if .*'),
571                    re.compile(r'mbedtls_ct_memmove_left .*')
572                ],
573                'test_suite_psa_crypto': [
574                    # We don't support generate_key_ext entry points
575                    # in drivers yet.
576                    re.compile(r'PSA generate key ext: RSA, e=.*'),
577                ],
578            }
579        }
580    },
581    'analyze_block_cipher_dispatch': {
582        'test_function': do_analyze_driver_vs_reference,
583        'args': {
584            'component_ref': 'test_full_block_cipher_legacy_dispatch',
585            'component_driver': 'test_full_block_cipher_psa_dispatch',
586            'ignored_suites': [
587                # Skipped in the accelerated component
588                'aes', 'aria', 'camellia',
589                # These require AES_C, ARIA_C or CAMELLIA_C to be enabled in
590                # order for the cipher module (actually cipher_wrapper) to work
591                # properly. However these symbols are disabled in the accelerated
592                # component so we ignore them.
593                'cipher.ccm', 'cipher.gcm', 'cipher.aes', 'cipher.aria',
594                'cipher.camellia',
595            ],
596            'ignored_tests': {
597                'test_suite_cmac': [
598                    # Following tests require AES_C/ARIA_C/CAMELLIA_C to be enabled,
599                    # but these are not available in the accelerated component.
600                    'CMAC null arguments',
601                    re.compile('CMAC.* (AES|ARIA|Camellia).*'),
602                ],
603                'test_suite_cipher.padding': [
604                    # Following tests require AES_C/CAMELLIA_C to be enabled,
605                    # but these are not available in the accelerated component.
606                    re.compile('Set( non-existent)? padding with (AES|CAMELLIA).*'),
607                ],
608                'test_suite_pkcs5': [
609                    # The AES part of PKCS#5 PBES2 is not yet supported.
610                    # The rest of PKCS#5 (PBKDF2) works, though.
611                    re.compile(r'PBES2 .* AES-.*')
612                ],
613                'test_suite_pkparse': [
614                    # PEM (called by pkparse) requires AES_C in order to decrypt
615                    # the key, but this is not available in the accelerated
616                    # component.
617                    re.compile('Parse RSA Key.*(password|AES-).*'),
618                ],
619                'test_suite_pem': [
620                    # Following tests require AES_C, but this is diabled in the
621                    # accelerated component.
622                    re.compile('PEM read .*AES.*'),
623                    'PEM read (unknown encryption algorithm)',
624                ],
625                'test_suite_error': [
626                    # Following tests depend on AES_C but are not about them
627                    # really, just need to know some error code is there.
628                    'Single low error',
629                    'Low and high error',
630                ],
631                'test_suite_version': [
632                    # Similar to test_suite_error above.
633                    'Check for MBEDTLS_AES_C when already present',
634                ],
635                'test_suite_platform': [
636                    # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
637                    # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
638                    # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
639                    'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
640                ],
641            }
642        }
643    }
646def main():
647    main_results = Results()
649    try:
650        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
651        parser.add_argument('outcomes', metavar='OUTCOMES.CSV',
652                            help='Outcome file to analyze')
653        parser.add_argument('specified_tasks', default='all', nargs='?',
654                            help='Analysis to be done. By default, run all tasks. '
655                                 'With one or more TASK, run only those. '
656                                 'TASK can be the name of a single task or '
657                                 'comma/space-separated list of tasks. ')
658        parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true',
659                            help='List all available tasks and exit.')
660        parser.add_argument('--require-full-coverage', action='store_true',
661                            dest='full_coverage', help="Require all available "
662                            "test cases to be executed and issue an error "
663                            "otherwise. This flag is ignored if 'task' is "
664                            "neither 'all' nor 'analyze_coverage'")
665        options = parser.parse_args()
667        if options.list:
668            for task in KNOWN_TASKS:
669                print(task)
670            sys.exit(0)
672        if options.specified_tasks == 'all':
673            tasks_list = KNOWN_TASKS.keys()
674        else:
675            tasks_list = re.split(r'[, ]+', options.specified_tasks)
676            for task in tasks_list:
677                if task not in KNOWN_TASKS:
678                    sys.stderr.write('invalid task: {}\n'.format(task))
679                    sys.exit(2)
681        KNOWN_TASKS['analyze_coverage']['args']['full_coverage'] = options.full_coverage
683        # If the outcome file exists, parse it once and share the result
684        # among tasks to improve performance.
685        # Otherwise, it will be generated by execute_reference_driver_tests.
686        if not os.path.exists(options.outcomes):
687            if len(tasks_list) > 1:
688                sys.stderr.write("mutiple tasks found, please provide a valid outcomes file.\n")
689                sys.exit(2)
691            task_name = tasks_list[0]
692            task = KNOWN_TASKS[task_name]
693            if task['test_function'] != do_analyze_driver_vs_reference: # pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable
694                sys.stderr.write("please provide valid outcomes file for {}.\n".format(task_name))
695                sys.exit(2)
697            execute_reference_driver_tests(main_results,
698                                           task['args']['component_ref'],
699                                           task['args']['component_driver'],
700                                           options.outcomes)
702        outcomes = read_outcome_file(options.outcomes)
704        for task in tasks_list:
705            test_function = KNOWN_TASKS[task]['test_function']
706            test_args = KNOWN_TASKS[task]['args']
707            test_function(main_results, outcomes, test_args)
709        main_results.info("Overall results: {} warnings and {} errors",
710                          main_results.warning_count, main_results.error_count)
712        sys.exit(0 if (main_results.error_count == 0) else 1)
714    except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
715        # Print the backtrace and exit explicitly with our chosen status.
716        traceback.print_exc()
717        sys.exit(120)
719if __name__ == '__main__':
720    main()