1Building Mbed TLS with PSA cryptoprocessor drivers 2================================================== 3 4**This is a specification of work in progress. The implementation is not yet merged into Mbed TLS.** 5For a description of the current state of drivers Mbed TLS, see our [PSA Cryptoprocessor driver development examples](../psa-driver-example-and-guide.html). 6 7This document describes how to build Mbed TLS with additional cryptoprocessor drivers that follow the PSA cryptoprocessor driver interface. 8 9The interface is not fully implemented in Mbed TLS yet. Please note that the interface may still change: until further notice, we do not guarantee backward compatibility with existing driver code. 10 11## Introduction 12 13The PSA cryptography driver interface provides a way to build Mbed TLS with additional code that implements certain cryptographic primitives. This is primarily intended to support platform-specific hardware. 14 15Note that such drivers are only available through the PSA cryptography API (crypto functions beginning with `psa_`, and X.509 and TLS interfaces that reference PSA types). 16 17Concretely speaking, a driver consists of one or more **driver description files** in JSON format and some code to include in the build. The driver code can either be provided in binary form as additional object file to link, or in source form. 18 19## How to build Mbed TLS with drivers 20 21To build Mbed TLS with drivers: 22 231. Pass the driver description files through the Make variable `PSA_DRIVERS` when building the library. 24 25 ``` 26 cd /path/to/mbedtls 27 make PSA_DRIVERS="/path/to/acme/driver.json /path/to/nadir/driver.json" lib 28 ``` 29 302. Link your application with the implementation of the driver functions. 31 32 ``` 33 cd /path/to/application 34 ld myapp.o -L/path/to/acme -lacmedriver -L/path/to/nadir -lnadirdriver -L/path/to/mbedtls -lmbedcrypto 35 ``` 36 37<!-- TODO: what if the driver is provided as C source code? --> 38 39<!-- TODO: what about additional include files? --> 40