1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2016, The OpenThread Authors.
3  *  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
7  *  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
8  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9  *  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
10  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
11  *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
12  *  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
13  *     names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
14  *     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
15  *
27  */
29 /**
30  * @file
31  * @brief
32  *  This file defines the OpenThread IPv6 API.
33  */
35 #ifndef OPENTHREAD_IP6_H_
36 #define OPENTHREAD_IP6_H_
38 #include <openthread/message.h>
39 #include <openthread/platform/radio.h>
41 #ifdef __cplusplus
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
45 /**
46  * @addtogroup api-ip6
47  *
48  * @brief
49  *   This module includes functions that control IPv6 communication.
50  *
51  * @{
52  *
53  */
55 #define OT_IP6_PREFIX_SIZE 8                             ///< Size of an IPv6 prefix (bytes)
56 #define OT_IP6_PREFIX_BITSIZE (OT_IP6_PREFIX_SIZE * 8)   ///< Size of an IPv6 prefix (bits)
57 #define OT_IP6_IID_SIZE 8                                ///< Size of an IPv6 Interface Identifier (bytes)
58 #define OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE 16                           ///< Size of an IPv6 address (bytes)
59 #define OT_IP6_ADDRESS_BITSIZE (OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE * 8) ///< Size of an IPv6 address (bits)
60 #define OT_IP6_HEADER_SIZE 40                            ///< Size of an IPv6 header (bytes)
61 #define OT_IP6_HEADER_PROTO_OFFSET 6                     ///< Offset of the proto field in the IPv6 header (bytes)
63 /**
64  * @struct otIp6InterfaceIdentifier
65  *
66  * Represents the Interface Identifier of an IPv6 address.
67  *
68  */
70 struct otIp6InterfaceIdentifier
71 {
73     {
74         uint8_t  m8[OT_IP6_IID_SIZE];                     ///< 8-bit fields
75         uint16_t m16[OT_IP6_IID_SIZE / sizeof(uint16_t)]; ///< 16-bit fields
76         uint32_t m32[OT_IP6_IID_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)]; ///< 32-bit fields
77     } mFields;                                            ///< The Interface Identifier accessor fields
80 /**
81  * Represents the Interface Identifier of an IPv6 address.
82  *
83  */
84 typedef struct otIp6InterfaceIdentifier otIp6InterfaceIdentifier;
86 /**
87  * @struct otIp6NetworkPrefix
88  *
89  * Represents the Network Prefix of an IPv6 address (most significant 64 bits of the address).
90  *
91  */
93 struct otIp6NetworkPrefix
94 {
95     uint8_t m8[OT_IP6_PREFIX_SIZE]; ///< The Network Prefix.
98 /**
99  * Represents the Network Prefix of an IPv6 address (most significant 64 bits of the address).
100  *
101  */
102 typedef struct otIp6NetworkPrefix otIp6NetworkPrefix;
104 /**
105  * @struct otIp6AddressComponents
106  *
107  * Represents the components of an IPv6 address.
108  *
109  */
111 struct otIp6AddressComponents
112 {
113     otIp6NetworkPrefix       mNetworkPrefix; ///< The Network Prefix (most significant 64 bits of the address)
114     otIp6InterfaceIdentifier mIid;           ///< The Interface Identifier (least significant 64 bits of the address)
117 /**
118  * Represents the components of an IPv6 address.
119  *
120  */
121 typedef struct otIp6AddressComponents otIp6AddressComponents;
123 /**
124  * @struct otIp6Address
125  *
126  * Represents an IPv6 address.
127  *
128  */
130 struct otIp6Address
131 {
132     union OT_TOOL_PACKED_FIELD
133     {
134         uint8_t                m8[OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE];                     ///< 8-bit fields
135         uint16_t               m16[OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE / sizeof(uint16_t)]; ///< 16-bit fields
136         uint32_t               m32[OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)]; ///< 32-bit fields
137         otIp6AddressComponents mComponents;                                 ///< IPv6 address components
138     } mFields;                                                              ///< IPv6 accessor fields
141 /**
142  * Represents an IPv6 address.
143  *
144  */
145 typedef struct otIp6Address otIp6Address;
147 /**
148  * @struct otIp6Prefix
149  *
150  * Represents an IPv6 prefix.
151  *
152  */
154 struct otIp6Prefix
155 {
156     otIp6Address mPrefix; ///< The IPv6 prefix.
157     uint8_t      mLength; ///< The IPv6 prefix length (in bits).
160 /**
161  * Represents an IPv6 prefix.
162  *
163  */
164 typedef struct otIp6Prefix otIp6Prefix;
166 /**
167  * IPv6 Address origins
168  *
169  */
170 enum
171 {
172     OT_ADDRESS_ORIGIN_THREAD = 0, ///< Thread assigned address (ALOC, RLOC, MLEID, etc)
173     OT_ADDRESS_ORIGIN_SLAAC  = 1, ///< SLAAC assigned address
174     OT_ADDRESS_ORIGIN_DHCPV6 = 2, ///< DHCPv6 assigned address
175     OT_ADDRESS_ORIGIN_MANUAL = 3, ///< Manually assigned address
176 };
178 /**
179  * Represents an IPv6 network interface unicast address.
180  *
181  */
182 typedef struct otNetifAddress
183 {
184     otIp6Address mAddress;                ///< The IPv6 unicast address.
185     uint8_t      mPrefixLength;           ///< The Prefix length (in bits).
186     uint8_t      mAddressOrigin;          ///< The IPv6 address origin.
187     bool         mPreferred : 1;          ///< TRUE if the address is preferred, FALSE otherwise.
188     bool         mValid : 1;              ///< TRUE if the address is valid, FALSE otherwise.
189     bool         mScopeOverrideValid : 1; ///< TRUE if the mScopeOverride value is valid, FALSE otherwise.
190     unsigned int mScopeOverride : 4;      ///< The IPv6 scope of this address.
191     bool         mRloc : 1;               ///< TRUE if the address is an RLOC, FALSE otherwise.
192     bool         mMeshLocal : 1;          ///< TRUE if the address is mesh-local, FALSE otherwise.
193     bool         mSrpRegistered : 1;      ///< Used by OT core only (indicates whether registered by SRP Client).
194     const struct otNetifAddress *mNext;   ///< A pointer to the next network interface address.
195 } otNetifAddress;
197 /**
198  * Represents an IPv6 network interface multicast address.
199  *
200  */
201 typedef struct otNetifMulticastAddress
202 {
203     otIp6Address                          mAddress; ///< The IPv6 multicast address.
204     const struct otNetifMulticastAddress *mNext;    ///< A pointer to the next network interface multicast address.
205 } otNetifMulticastAddress;
207 /**
208  * Represents an IPv6 socket address.
209  *
210  */
211 typedef struct otSockAddr
212 {
213     otIp6Address mAddress; ///< An IPv6 address.
214     uint16_t     mPort;    ///< A transport-layer port.
215 } otSockAddr;
217 /**
218  * ECN statuses, represented as in the IP header.
219  *
220  */
221 enum
222 {
223     OT_ECN_NOT_CAPABLE = 0x0, ///< Non-ECT
224     OT_ECN_CAPABLE_0   = 0x2, ///< ECT(0)
225     OT_ECN_CAPABLE_1   = 0x1, ///< ECT(1)
226     OT_ECN_MARKED      = 0x3, ///< Congestion encountered (CE)
227 };
229 /**
230  * Represents the local and peer IPv6 socket addresses.
231  *
232  */
233 typedef struct otMessageInfo
234 {
235     otIp6Address mSockAddr; ///< The local IPv6 address.
236     otIp6Address mPeerAddr; ///< The peer IPv6 address.
237     uint16_t     mSockPort; ///< The local transport-layer port.
238     uint16_t     mPeerPort; ///< The peer transport-layer port.
239     uint8_t      mHopLimit; ///< The IPv6 Hop Limit value. Only applies if `mAllowZeroHopLimit` is FALSE.
240                             ///< If `0`, IPv6 Hop Limit is default value `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_HOP_LIMIT_DEFAULT`.
241                             ///< Otherwise, specifies the IPv6 Hop Limit.
242     uint8_t mEcn : 2;       ///< The ECN status of the packet, represented as in the IPv6 header.
243     bool    mIsHostInterface : 1;   ///< TRUE if packets sent/received via host interface, FALSE otherwise.
244     bool    mAllowZeroHopLimit : 1; ///< TRUE to allow IPv6 Hop Limit 0 in `mHopLimit`, FALSE otherwise.
245     bool    mMulticastLoop : 1;     ///< TRUE to allow looping back multicast, FALSE otherwise.
246 } otMessageInfo;
248 /**
249  * Internet Protocol Numbers.
250  *
251  */
252 enum
253 {
254     OT_IP6_PROTO_HOP_OPTS = 0,  ///< IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option
255     OT_IP6_PROTO_TCP      = 6,  ///< Transmission Control Protocol
256     OT_IP6_PROTO_UDP      = 17, ///< User Datagram
257     OT_IP6_PROTO_IP6      = 41, ///< IPv6 encapsulation
258     OT_IP6_PROTO_ROUTING  = 43, ///< Routing Header for IPv6
259     OT_IP6_PROTO_FRAGMENT = 44, ///< Fragment Header for IPv6
260     OT_IP6_PROTO_ICMP6    = 58, ///< ICMP for IPv6
261     OT_IP6_PROTO_NONE     = 59, ///< No Next Header for IPv6
262     OT_IP6_PROTO_DST_OPTS = 60, ///< Destination Options for IPv6
263 };
265 /**
266  * Brings the IPv6 interface up or down.
267  *
268  * Call this to enable or disable IPv6 communication.
269  *
270  * @param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
271  * @param[in] aEnabled  TRUE to enable IPv6, FALSE otherwise.
272  *
273  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE            Successfully brought the IPv6 interface up/down.
274  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE   IPv6 interface is not available since device is operating in raw-link mode
275  *                                  (applicable only when `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_LINK_RAW_ENABLE` feature is enabled).
276  *
277  */
278 otError otIp6SetEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
280 /**
281  * Indicates whether or not the IPv6 interface is up.
282  *
283  * @param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
284  *
285  * @retval TRUE   The IPv6 interface is enabled.
286  * @retval FALSE  The IPv6 interface is disabled.
287  *
288  */
289 bool otIp6IsEnabled(otInstance *aInstance);
291 /**
292  * Adds a Network Interface Address to the Thread interface.
293  *
294  * The passed-in instance @p aAddress is copied by the Thread interface. The Thread interface only
295  * supports a fixed number of externally added unicast addresses. See `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_MAX_EXT_UCAST_ADDRS`.
296  *
297  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
298  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to a Network Interface Address.
299  *
300  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully added (or updated) the Network Interface Address.
301  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS  The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress is an internal address.
302  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS       The Network Interface is already storing the maximum allowed external addresses.
303  *
304  */
305 otError otIp6AddUnicastAddress(otInstance *aInstance, const otNetifAddress *aAddress);
307 /**
308  * Removes a Network Interface Address from the Thread interface.
309  *
310  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
311  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to an IP Address.
312  *
313  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully removed the Network Interface Address.
314  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS  The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress is an internal address.
315  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress was not found.
316  *
317  */
318 otError otIp6RemoveUnicastAddress(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aAddress);
320 /**
321  * Gets the list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the Thread interface.
322  *
323  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
324  *
325  * @returns A pointer to the first Network Interface Address.
326  *
327  */
328 const otNetifAddress *otIp6GetUnicastAddresses(otInstance *aInstance);
330 /**
331  * Indicates whether or not a unicast IPv6 address is assigned to the Thread interface.
332  *
333  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
334  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to the unicast address.
335  *
336  * @retval TRUE   If @p aAddress is assigned to the Thread interface.
337  * @retval FALSE  If @p aAddress is not assigned to the Thread interface.
338  *
339  */
340 bool otIp6HasUnicastAddress(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aAddress);
342 /**
343  * Subscribes the Thread interface to a Network Interface Multicast Address.
344  *
345  * The passed in instance @p aAddress will be copied by the Thread interface. The Thread interface only
346  * supports a fixed number of externally added multicast addresses. See `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_MAX_EXT_MCAST_ADDRS`.
347  *
348  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
349  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to an IP Address.
350  *
351  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully subscribed to the Network Interface Multicast Address.
352  * @retval OT_ERROR_ALREADY        The multicast address is already subscribed.
353  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress is an invalid multicast address.
354  * @retval OT_ERROR_REJECTED       The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress is an internal multicast address.
355  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS        The Network Interface is already storing the maximum allowed external multicast
356  *                                 addresses.
357  *
358  */
359 otError otIp6SubscribeMulticastAddress(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aAddress);
361 /**
362  * Unsubscribes the Thread interface to a Network Interface Multicast Address.
363  *
364  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
365  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to an IP Address.
366  *
367  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE          Successfully unsubscribed to the Network Interface Multicast Address.
368  * @retval OT_ERROR_REJECTED      The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress is an internal address.
369  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND     The IP Address indicated by @p aAddress was not found.
370  *
371  */
372 otError otIp6UnsubscribeMulticastAddress(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Address *aAddress);
374 /**
375  * Gets the list of IPv6 multicast addresses subscribed to the Thread interface.
376  *
377  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
378  *
379  * @returns A pointer to the first Network Interface Multicast Address.
380  *
381  */
382 const otNetifMulticastAddress *otIp6GetMulticastAddresses(otInstance *aInstance);
384 /**
385  * Allocate a new message buffer for sending an IPv6 message.
386  *
387  * @note If @p aSettings is 'NULL', the link layer security is enabled and the message priority is set to
389  *
390  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
391  * @param[in]  aSettings  A pointer to the message settings or NULL to set default settings.
392  *
393  * @returns A pointer to the message buffer or NULL if no message buffers are available or parameters are invalid.
394  *
395  * @sa otMessageFree
396  *
397  */
398 otMessage *otIp6NewMessage(otInstance *aInstance, const otMessageSettings *aSettings);
400 /**
401  * Allocate a new message buffer and write the IPv6 datagram to the message buffer for sending an IPv6 message.
402  *
403  * @note If @p aSettings is NULL, the link layer security is enabled and the message priority is obtained from IPv6
404  *       message itself.
405  *       If @p aSettings is not NULL, the @p aSetting->mPriority is ignored and obtained from IPv6 message itself.
406  *
407  * @param[in]  aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
408  * @param[in]  aData        A pointer to the IPv6 datagram buffer.
409  * @param[in]  aDataLength  The size of the IPv6 datagram buffer pointed by @p aData.
410  * @param[in]  aSettings    A pointer to the message settings or NULL to set default settings.
411  *
412  * @returns A pointer to the message or NULL if malformed IPv6 header or insufficient message buffers are available.
413  *
414  * @sa otMessageFree
415  *
416  */
417 otMessage *otIp6NewMessageFromBuffer(otInstance              *aInstance,
418                                      const uint8_t           *aData,
419                                      uint16_t                 aDataLength,
420                                      const otMessageSettings *aSettings);
422 /**
423  * Pointer is called when an IPv6 datagram is received.
424  *
425  * @param[in]  aMessage  A pointer to the message buffer containing the received IPv6 datagram. This function transfers
426  *                       the ownership of the @p aMessage to the receiver of the callback. The message should be
427  *                       freed by the receiver of the callback after it is processed (see otMessageFree()).
428  * @param[in]  aContext  A pointer to application-specific context.
429  *
430  */
431 typedef void (*otIp6ReceiveCallback)(otMessage *aMessage, void *aContext);
433 /**
434  * Registers a callback to provide received IPv6 datagrams.
435  *
436  * By default, this callback does not pass Thread control traffic.  See otIp6SetReceiveFilterEnabled() to
437  * change the Thread control traffic filter setting.
438  *
439  * @param[in]  aInstance         A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
440  * @param[in]  aCallback         A pointer to a function that is called when an IPv6 datagram is received or
441  *                               NULL to disable the callback.
442  * @param[in]  aCallbackContext  A pointer to application-specific context.
443  *
444  * @sa otIp6IsReceiveFilterEnabled
445  * @sa otIp6SetReceiveFilterEnabled
446  *
447  */
448 void otIp6SetReceiveCallback(otInstance *aInstance, otIp6ReceiveCallback aCallback, void *aCallbackContext);
450 /**
451  * Represents IPv6 address information.
452  *
453  */
454 typedef struct otIp6AddressInfo
455 {
456     const otIp6Address *mAddress;       ///< A pointer to the IPv6 address.
457     uint8_t             mPrefixLength;  ///< The prefix length of mAddress if it is a unicast address.
458     uint8_t             mScope : 4;     ///< The scope of this address.
459     bool                mPreferred : 1; ///< Whether this is a preferred address.
460     bool                mMeshLocal : 1; ///< Whether this is a mesh-local unicast/anycast address.
461 } otIp6AddressInfo;
463 /**
464  * Pointer is called when an internal IPv6 address is added or removed.
465  *
466  * @param[in]   aAddressInfo        A pointer to the IPv6 address information.
467  * @param[in]   aIsAdded            TRUE if the @p aAddress was added, FALSE if @p aAddress was removed.
468  * @param[in]   aContext            A pointer to application-specific context.
469  *
470  */
471 typedef void (*otIp6AddressCallback)(const otIp6AddressInfo *aAddressInfo, bool aIsAdded, void *aContext);
473 /**
474  * Registers a callback to notify internal IPv6 address changes.
475  *
476  * @param[in]   aInstance           A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
477  * @param[in]   aCallback           A pointer to a function that is called when an internal IPv6 address is added or
478  *                                  removed. NULL to disable the callback.
479  * @param[in]   aCallbackContext    A pointer to application-specific context.
480  *
481  */
482 void otIp6SetAddressCallback(otInstance *aInstance, otIp6AddressCallback aCallback, void *aCallbackContext);
484 /**
485  * Indicates whether or not Thread control traffic is filtered out when delivering IPv6 datagrams
486  * via the callback specified in otIp6SetReceiveCallback().
487  *
488  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
489  *
490  * @returns  TRUE if Thread control traffic is filtered out, FALSE otherwise.
491  *
492  * @sa otIp6SetReceiveCallback
493  * @sa otIp6SetReceiveFilterEnabled
494  *
495  */
496 bool otIp6IsReceiveFilterEnabled(otInstance *aInstance);
498 /**
499  * Sets whether or not Thread control traffic is filtered out when delivering IPv6 datagrams
500  * via the callback specified in otIp6SetReceiveCallback().
501  *
502  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
503  * @param[in]  aEnabled  TRUE if Thread control traffic is filtered out, FALSE otherwise.
504  *
505  * @sa otIp6SetReceiveCallback
506  * @sa otIsReceiveIp6FilterEnabled
507  *
508  */
509 void otIp6SetReceiveFilterEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
511 /**
512  * Sends an IPv6 datagram via the Thread interface.
513  *
514  * The caller transfers ownership of @p aMessage when making this call. OpenThread will free @p aMessage when
515  * processing is complete, including when a value other than `OT_ERROR_NONE` is returned.
516  *
517  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
518  * @param[in]  aMessage  A pointer to the message buffer containing the IPv6 datagram.
519  *
520  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE                    Successfully processed the message.
521  * @retval OT_ERROR_DROP                    Message was well-formed but not fully processed due to packet processing
522  * rules.
523  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS                 Could not allocate necessary message buffers when processing the datagram.
524  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_ROUTE                No route to host.
525  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE_ADDRESS  Source address is invalid, e.g. an anycast address or a multicast address.
526  * @retval OT_ERROR_PARSE                   Encountered a malformed header when processing the message.
527  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS            The message's metadata is invalid, e.g. the message uses
528  *                                          `OT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_THREAD_NETIF` as the origin.
529  *
530  */
531 otError otIp6Send(otInstance *aInstance, otMessage *aMessage);
533 /**
534  * Adds a port to the allowed unsecured port list.
535  *
536  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
537  * @param[in]  aPort     The port value.
538  *
539  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE         The port was successfully added to the allowed unsecure port list.
540  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS The port is invalid (value 0 is reserved for internal use).
541  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS      The unsecure port list is full.
542  *
543  */
544 otError otIp6AddUnsecurePort(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aPort);
546 /**
547  * Removes a port from the allowed unsecure port list.
548  *
549  * @note This function removes @p aPort by overwriting @p aPort with the element after @p aPort in the internal port
550  *       list. Be careful when calling otIp6GetUnsecurePorts() followed by otIp6RemoveUnsecurePort() to remove unsecure
551  *       ports.
552  *
553  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
554  * @param[in]  aPort     The port value.
555  *
556  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE         The port was successfully removed from the allowed unsecure port list.
557  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS The port is invalid (value 0 is reserved for internal use).
558  * @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND    The port was not found in the unsecure port list.
559  *
560  */
561 otError otIp6RemoveUnsecurePort(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aPort);
563 /**
564  * Removes all ports from the allowed unsecure port list.
565  *
566  * @param[in]  aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
567  *
568  */
569 void otIp6RemoveAllUnsecurePorts(otInstance *aInstance);
571 /**
572  * Returns a pointer to the unsecure port list.
573  *
574  * @note Port value 0 is used to indicate an invalid entry.
575  *
576  * @param[in]   aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
577  * @param[out]  aNumEntries  The number of entries in the list.
578  *
579  * @returns A pointer to the unsecure port list.
580  *
581  */
582 const uint16_t *otIp6GetUnsecurePorts(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aNumEntries);
584 /**
585  * Test if two IPv6 addresses are the same.
586  *
587  * @param[in]  aFirst   A pointer to the first IPv6 address to compare.
588  * @param[in]  aSecond  A pointer to the second IPv6 address to compare.
589  *
590  * @retval TRUE   The two IPv6 addresses are the same.
591  * @retval FALSE  The two IPv6 addresses are not the same.
592  *
593  */
594 bool otIp6IsAddressEqual(const otIp6Address *aFirst, const otIp6Address *aSecond);
596 /**
597  * Test if two IPv6 prefixes are the same.
598  *
599  * @param[in]  aFirst   A pointer to the first IPv6 prefix to compare.
600  * @param[in]  aSecond  A pointer to the second IPv6 prefix to compare.
601  *
602  * @retval TRUE   The two IPv6 prefixes are the same.
603  * @retval FALSE  The two IPv6 prefixes are not the same.
604  *
605  */
606 bool otIp6ArePrefixesEqual(const otIp6Prefix *aFirst, const otIp6Prefix *aSecond);
608 /**
609  * Converts a human-readable IPv6 address string into a binary representation.
610  *
611  * @param[in]   aString   A pointer to a NULL-terminated string.
612  * @param[out]  aAddress  A pointer to an IPv6 address.
613  *
614  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE   Successfully parsed @p aString and updated @p aAddress.
615  * @retval OT_ERROR_PARSE  Failed to parse @p aString as an IPv6 address.
616  *
617  */
618 otError otIp6AddressFromString(const char *aString, otIp6Address *aAddress);
620 /**
621  * Converts a human-readable IPv6 prefix string into a binary representation.
622  *
623  * The @p aString parameter should be a string in the format "<address>/<plen>", where `<address>` is an IPv6
624  * address and `<plen>` is a prefix length.
625  *
626  * @param[in]   aString  A pointer to a NULL-terminated string.
627  * @param[out]  aPrefix  A pointer to an IPv6 prefix.
628  *
629  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE   Successfully parsed the string as an IPv6 prefix and updated @p aPrefix.
630  * @retval OT_ERROR_PARSE  Failed to parse @p aString as an IPv6 prefix.
631  *
632  */
633 otError otIp6PrefixFromString(const char *aString, otIp6Prefix *aPrefix);
635 #define OT_IP6_ADDRESS_STRING_SIZE 40 ///< Recommended size for string representation of an IPv6 address.
637 /**
638  * Converts a given IPv6 address to a human-readable string.
639  *
640  * The IPv6 address string is formatted as 16 hex values separated by ':' (i.e., "%x:%x:%x:...:%x").
641  *
642  * If the resulting string does not fit in @p aBuffer (within its @p aSize characters), the string will be truncated
643  * but the outputted string is always null-terminated.
644  *
645  * @param[in]  aAddress  A pointer to an IPv6 address (MUST NOT be NULL).
646  * @param[out] aBuffer   A pointer to a char array to output the string (MUST NOT be NULL).
647  * @param[in]  aSize     The size of @p aBuffer (in bytes). Recommended to use `OT_IP6_ADDRESS_STRING_SIZE`.
648  *
649  */
650 void otIp6AddressToString(const otIp6Address *aAddress, char *aBuffer, uint16_t aSize);
652 #define OT_IP6_SOCK_ADDR_STRING_SIZE 48 ///< Recommended size for string representation of an IPv6 socket address.
654 /**
655  * Converts a given IPv6 socket address to a human-readable string.
656  *
657  * The IPv6 socket address string is formatted as [`address`]:`port` where `address` is shown
658  * as 16 hex values separated by `:` and `port` is the port number in decimal format,
659  * for example "[%x:%x:...:%x]:%u".
660  *
661  * If the resulting string does not fit in @p aBuffer (within its @p aSize characters), the string will be truncated
662  * but the outputted string is always null-terminated.
663  *
664  * @param[in]  aSockAddr A pointer to an IPv6 socket address (MUST NOT be NULL).
665  * @param[out] aBuffer   A pointer to a char array to output the string (MUST NOT be NULL).
666  * @param[in]  aSize     The size of @p aBuffer (in bytes). Recommended to use `OT_IP6_SOCK_ADDR_STRING_SIZE`.
667  *
668  */
669 void otIp6SockAddrToString(const otSockAddr *aSockAddr, char *aBuffer, uint16_t aSize);
671 #define OT_IP6_PREFIX_STRING_SIZE 45 ///< Recommended size for string representation of an IPv6 prefix.
673 /**
674  * Converts a given IPv6 prefix to a human-readable string.
675  *
676  * The IPv6 address string is formatted as "%x:%x:%x:...[::]/plen".
677  *
678  * If the resulting string does not fit in @p aBuffer (within its @p aSize characters), the string will be truncated
679  * but the outputted string is always null-terminated.
680  *
681  * @param[in]  aPrefix   A pointer to an IPv6 prefix (MUST NOT be NULL).
682  * @param[out] aBuffer   A pointer to a char array to output the string (MUST NOT be NULL).
683  * @param[in]  aSize     The size of @p aBuffer (in bytes). Recommended to use `OT_IP6_PREFIX_STRING_SIZE`.
684  *
685  */
686 void otIp6PrefixToString(const otIp6Prefix *aPrefix, char *aBuffer, uint16_t aSize);
688 /**
689  * Returns the prefix match length (bits) for two IPv6 addresses.
690  *
691  * @param[in]  aFirst   A pointer to the first IPv6 address.
692  * @param[in]  aSecond  A pointer to the second IPv6 address.
693  *
694  * @returns  The prefix match length in bits.
695  *
696  */
697 uint8_t otIp6PrefixMatch(const otIp6Address *aFirst, const otIp6Address *aSecond);
699 /**
700  * Gets a prefix with @p aLength from @p aAddress.
701  *
702  * @param[in]  aAddress   A pointer to an IPv6 address.
703  * @param[in]  aLength    The length of prefix in bits.
704  * @param[out] aPrefix    A pointer to output the IPv6 prefix.
705  *
706  */
707 void otIp6GetPrefix(const otIp6Address *aAddress, uint8_t aLength, otIp6Prefix *aPrefix);
709 /**
710  * Indicates whether or not a given IPv6 address is the Unspecified Address.
711  *
712  * @param[in]  aAddress   A pointer to an IPv6 address.
713  *
714  * @retval TRUE   If the IPv6 address is the Unspecified Address.
715  * @retval FALSE  If the IPv6 address is not the Unspecified Address.
716  *
717  */
718 bool otIp6IsAddressUnspecified(const otIp6Address *aAddress);
720 /**
721  * Perform OpenThread source address selection.
722  *
723  * @param[in]      aInstance     A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
724  * @param[in,out]  aMessageInfo  A pointer to the message information.
725  *
726  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NONE       Found a source address and is filled into mSockAddr of @p aMessageInfo.
727  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND  No source address was found and @p aMessageInfo is unchanged.
728  *
729  */
730 otError otIp6SelectSourceAddress(otInstance *aInstance, otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo);
732 /**
733  * Indicates whether the SLAAC module is enabled or not.
734  *
735  * `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_SLAAC_ENABLE` build-time feature must be enabled.
736  *
737  * @retval TRUE    SLAAC module is enabled.
738  * @retval FALSE   SLAAC module is disabled.
739  *
740  */
741 bool otIp6IsSlaacEnabled(otInstance *aInstance);
743 /**
744  * Enables/disables the SLAAC module.
745  *
746  * `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_SLAAC_ENABLE` build-time feature must be enabled.
747  *
748  * When SLAAC module is enabled, SLAAC addresses (based on on-mesh prefixes in Network Data) are added to the interface.
749  * When SLAAC module is disabled any previously added SLAAC address is removed.
750  *
751  * @param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
752  * @param[in] aEnabled  TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
753  *
754  */
755 void otIp6SetSlaacEnabled(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnabled);
757 /**
758  * Pointer allows user to filter prefixes and not allow an SLAAC address based on a prefix to be added.
759  *
760  * `otIp6SetSlaacPrefixFilter()` can be used to set the filter handler. The filter handler is invoked by SLAAC module
761  * when it is about to add a SLAAC address based on a prefix. Its boolean return value determines whether the address
762  * is filtered (not added) or not.
763  *
764  * @param[in] aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
765  * @param[in] aPrefix     A pointer to prefix for which SLAAC address is about to be added.
766  *
767  * @retval TRUE    Indicates that the SLAAC address based on the prefix should be filtered and NOT added.
768  * @retval FALSE   Indicates that the SLAAC address based on the prefix should be added.
769  *
770  */
771 typedef bool (*otIp6SlaacPrefixFilter)(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6Prefix *aPrefix);
773 /**
774  * Sets the SLAAC module filter handler.
775  *
776  * `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_SLAAC_ENABLE` build-time feature must be enabled.
777  *
778  * The filter handler is called by SLAAC module when it is about to add a SLAAC address based on a prefix to decide
779  * whether the address should be added or not.
780  *
781  * A NULL filter handler disables filtering and allows all SLAAC addresses to be added.
782  *
783  * If this function is not called, the default filter used by SLAAC module will be NULL (filtering is disabled).
784  *
785  * @param[in] aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
786  * @param[in] aFilter      A pointer to SLAAC prefix filter handler, or NULL to disable filtering.
787  *
788  */
789 void otIp6SetSlaacPrefixFilter(otInstance *aInstance, otIp6SlaacPrefixFilter aFilter);
791 /**
792  * Pointer is called with results of `otIp6RegisterMulticastListeners`.
793  *
794  * @param[in]  aContext  A pointer to the user context.
795  * @param[in]  aError    OT_ERROR_NONE when successfully sent MLR.req and received MLR.rsp,
796  *                       OT_ERROR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT when failed to receive MLR.rsp,
797  *                       OT_ERROR_PARSE when failed to parse MLR.rsp.
798  * @param[in]  aMlrStatus         The Multicast Listener Registration status when @p aError is OT_ERROR_NONE.
799  * @param[in]  aFailedAddresses   A pointer to the failed IPv6 addresses when @p aError is OT_ERROR_NONE.
800  * @param[in]  aFailedAddressNum  The number of failed IPv6 addresses when @p aError is OT_ERROR_NONE.
801  *
802  * @sa otIp6RegisterMulticastListeners
803  *
804  */
805 typedef void (*otIp6RegisterMulticastListenersCallback)(void               *aContext,
806                                                         otError             aError,
807                                                         uint8_t             aMlrStatus,
808                                                         const otIp6Address *aFailedAddresses,
809                                                         uint8_t             aFailedAddressNum);
811 #define OT_IP6_MAX_MLR_ADDRESSES 15 ///< Max number of IPv6 addresses supported by Multicast Listener Registration.
813 /**
814  * Registers Multicast Listeners to Primary Backbone Router.
815  *
817  * must be enabled.
818  *
819  * @param[in]  aInstance    A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
820  * @param[in]  aAddresses   A Multicast Address Array to register.
821  * @param[in]  aAddressNum  The number of Multicast Address to register (0 if @p aAddresses is NULL).
822  * @param[in]  aTimeout     A pointer to the timeout value (in seconds) to be included in MLR.req. A timeout value of 0
823  *                          removes the corresponding Multicast Listener. If NULL, MLR.req would have no Timeout Tlv by
824  *                          default.
825  * @param[in]  aCallback    A pointer to the callback function.
826  * @param[in]  aContext     A pointer to the user context.
827  *
828  * @retval OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully sent MLR.req. The @p aCallback will be called iff this method
829  *                                 returns OT_ERROR_NONE.
830  * @retval OT_ERROR_BUSY           If a previous registration was ongoing.
831  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS   If one or more arguments are invalid.
832  * @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  If the device was not in a valid state to send MLR.req (e.g. Commissioner not
833  *                                 started, Primary Backbone Router not found).
834  * @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS        If insufficient message buffers available.
835  *
836  * @sa otIp6RegisterMulticastListenersCallback
837  *
838  */
839 otError otIp6RegisterMulticastListeners(otInstance                             *aInstance,
840                                         const otIp6Address                     *aAddresses,
841                                         uint8_t                                 aAddressNum,
842                                         const uint32_t                         *aTimeout,
843                                         otIp6RegisterMulticastListenersCallback aCallback,
844                                         void                                   *aContext);
846 /**
847  * Sets the Mesh Local IID (for test purpose).
848  *
850  *
851  * @param[in]   aInstance   A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
852  * @param[in]   aIid        A pointer to the Mesh Local IID to set.
853  *
854  * @retval  OT_ERROR_NONE           Successfully set the Mesh Local IID.
855  * @retval  OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE  Thread protocols are enabled.
856  *
857  */
858 otError otIp6SetMeshLocalIid(otInstance *aInstance, const otIp6InterfaceIdentifier *aIid);
860 /**
861  * Converts a given IP protocol number to a human-readable string.
862  *
863  * @param[in] aIpProto   An IP protocol number (`OT_IP6_PROTO_*` enumeration).
864  *
865  * @returns A string representing @p aIpProto.
866  *
867  */
868 const char *otIp6ProtoToString(uint8_t aIpProto);
870 /**
871  * Represents the counters for packets and bytes.
872  *
873  */
874 typedef struct otPacketsAndBytes
875 {
876     uint64_t mPackets; ///< The number of packets.
877     uint64_t mBytes;   ///< The number of bytes.
878 } otPacketsAndBytes;
880 /**
881  * Represents the counters of packets forwarded via Border Routing.
882  *
883  */
884 typedef struct otBorderRoutingCounters
885 {
886     otPacketsAndBytes mInboundUnicast;    ///< The counters for inbound unicast.
887     otPacketsAndBytes mInboundMulticast;  ///< The counters for inbound multicast.
888     otPacketsAndBytes mOutboundUnicast;   ///< The counters for outbound unicast.
889     otPacketsAndBytes mOutboundMulticast; ///< The counters for outbound multicast.
890     otPacketsAndBytes mInboundInternet;   ///< The counters for inbound Internet when DHCPv6 PD enabled.
891     otPacketsAndBytes mOutboundInternet;  ///< The counters for outbound Internet when DHCPv6 PD enabled.
892     uint32_t          mRaRx;              ///< The number of received RA packets.
893     uint32_t          mRaTxSuccess;       ///< The number of RA packets successfully transmitted.
894     uint32_t          mRaTxFailure;       ///< The number of RA packets failed to transmit.
895     uint32_t          mRsRx;              ///< The number of received RS packets.
896     uint32_t          mRsTxSuccess;       ///< The number of RS packets successfully transmitted.
897     uint32_t          mRsTxFailure;       ///< The number of RS packets failed to transmit.
898 } otBorderRoutingCounters;
900 /**
901  * Gets the Border Routing counters.
902  *
903  * `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_IP6_BR_COUNTERS_ENABLE` build-time feature must be enabled.
904  *
905  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
906  *
907  * @returns A pointer to the Border Routing counters.
908  *
909  */
910 const otBorderRoutingCounters *otIp6GetBorderRoutingCounters(otInstance *aInstance);
912 /**
913  * Resets the Border Routing counters.
914  *
915  * @param[in]  aInstance  A pointer to an OpenThread instance.
916  *
917  */
918 void otIp6ResetBorderRoutingCounters(otInstance *aInstance);
920 /**
921  * @}
922  *
923  */
925 #ifdef __cplusplus
926 } // extern "C"
927 #endif
929 #endif // OPENTHREAD_IP6_H_