1README.txt for the SEGGER RTT Implementation Pack. 2 3Included files: 4=============== 5Root Directory 6 - Examples 7 - Main_RTT_InputEchoApp.c - Sample application which echoes input on Channel 0. 8 - Main_RTT_MenuApp.c - Sample application to demonstrate RTT bi-directional functionality. 9 - Main_RTT_PrintfTest.c - Sample application to test RTT small printf implementation. 10 - Main_RTT_SpeedTestApp.c - Sample application for measuring RTT performance. embOS needed. 11 - RTT 12 - SEGGER_RTT.c - The RTT implementation. 13 - SEGGER_RTT.h - Header for RTT implementation. 14 - SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h - Pre-processor configuration for the RTT implementation. 15 - SEGGER_RTT_Printf.c - Simple implementation of printf to write formatted strings via RTT. 16 - Syscalls 17 - RTT_Syscalls_GCC.c - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with GCC / Newlib. 18 - RTT_Syscalls_IAR.c - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with IAR compiler. 19 - RTT_Syscalls_KEIL.c - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with KEIL/uVision compiler. 20 - RTT_Syscalls_SES.c - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with SEGGER Embedded Studio. 21