1BLINKY := k64f_blinky 2BLINKY2 := k64f_blinky2 3 4SLINKY := k64f_slinky 5SLINKY2 := k64f_slinky2 6 7BOOT_RSA := k64f_boot_rsa 8BOOT_RSA_PSS := k64f_boot_rsa_pss 9BOOT_EC := k64f_boot_ec 10BOOT_EC256 := k64f_boot_ec256 11BOOT_RSA_EC := k64f_boot_rsa_ec 12BOOT_RSA_VALIDATE0 := k64f_boot_rsa_validate0 13BOOT_RSA_NOSWAP := k64f_boot_rsa_noswap 14 15RSA_KEY_1 := key_rsa.pem 16RSA_KEY_2 := key_rsa_2.pem 17 18BLINKY2_IMG := bin/targets/$(BLINKY2)/app/apps/blinky/blinky.img 19 20FLASH_ERASE := pyocd-flashtool -ce 21 22NEWTMGR_CONN := --conn k64f 23NEWTMGR_IMG := newtmgr $(NEWTMGR_CONN) image 24 25all: build-apps build-mcuboot 26 27build-blinky: 28 @echo "* Building blinky for the primary slot... \c" 29 @newt build -q $(BLINKY) 30 @echo "ok" 31 32build-blinky2: 33 @echo "* Building blinky2 for the secondary slot... \c" 34 @newt build -q $(BLINKY2) 35 @echo "ok" 36 37build-slinky: 38 @echo "* Building slinky for the primary slot... \c" 39 @newt build -q $(SLINKY) 40 @echo "ok" 41 42build-slinky2: 43 @echo "* Building slinky2 for the secondary slot... \c" 44 @newt build -q $(SLINKY2) 45 @echo "ok" 46 47build-boot-rsa: 48 @echo "* Building mcuboot with RSA... \c" 49 @newt build -q $(BOOT_RSA) 50 @echo "ok" 51 52build-boot-rsa-pss: 53 @echo "* Building mcuboot with RSA/PSS... \c" 54 @newt build -q $(BOOT_RSA_PSS) 55 @echo "ok" 56 57build-boot-ec: 58 @echo "* Building mcuboot with EC... \c" 59 @newt build -q $(BOOT_EC) 60 @echo "ok" 61 62build-boot-ec256: 63 @echo "* Building mcuboot with EC256... \c" 64 @newt build -q $(BOOT_EC256) 65 @echo "ok" 66 67# FIXME: multi-key signing does not work yet... 68build-boot-rsa-ec: 69 @echo "* Building mcuboot with RSA + EC... \c" 70 @newt build -q $(BOOT_RSA_EC) 71 @echo "ok" 72 73build-boot-rsa-validate0: 74 @echo "* Building mcuboot with primary slot validation... \c" 75 @newt build -q $(BOOT_RSA_VALIDATE0) 76 @echo "ok" 77 78build-boot-rsa-noswap: 79 @echo "* Building mcuboot with overwrite only upgrade... \c" 80 @newt build -q $(BOOT_RSA_NOSWAP) 81 @echo "ok" 82 83build-apps: build-blinky build-blinky2 build-slinky build-slinky2 84 85build-mcuboot: build-boot-rsa build-boot-rsa-pss build-boot-ec \ 86 build-boot-ec256 build-boot-rsa-validate0 build-boot-rsa-noswap 87 88clean: 89 rm -rf bin/ 90 91.PHONY: all clean 92