1"""Generate test data for cryptographic mechanisms.
3This module is a work in progress, only implementing a few cases for now.
6# Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
7# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
10import hashlib
11from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional #pylint: disable=unused-import
13from . import crypto_knowledge
14from . import psa_information
15from . import test_case
18def psa_low_level_dependencies(*expressions: str) -> List[str]:
19    """Infer dependencies of a PSA low-level test case by looking for PSA_xxx symbols.
21    This function generates MBEDTLS_PSA_BUILTIN_xxx symbols.
22    """
23    high_level = psa_information.automatic_dependencies(*expressions)
24    for dep in high_level:
25        assert dep.startswith('PSA_WANT_')
26    return ['MBEDTLS_PSA_BUILTIN_' + dep[9:] for dep in high_level]
29class HashPSALowLevel:
30    """Generate test cases for the PSA low-level hash interface."""
32    def __init__(self, info: psa_information.Information) -> None:
33        self.info = info
34        base_algorithms = sorted(info.constructors.algorithms)
35        all_algorithms = \
36            [crypto_knowledge.Algorithm(expr)
37             for expr in info.constructors.generate_expressions(base_algorithms)]
38        self.algorithms = \
39            [alg
40             for alg in all_algorithms
41             if (not alg.is_wildcard and
42                 alg.can_do(crypto_knowledge.AlgorithmCategory.HASH))]
44    # CALCULATE[alg] = function to return the hash of its argument in hex
45    # TO-DO: implement the None entries with a third-party library, because
46    # hashlib might not have everything, depending on the Python version and
47    # the underlying OpenSSL. On Ubuntu 16.04, truncated sha512 and sha3/shake
48    # are not available. On Ubuntu 22.04, md2, md4 and ripemd160 are not
49    # available.
50    CALCULATE = {
51        'PSA_ALG_MD5': lambda data: hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest(),
52        'PSA_ALG_RIPEMD160': None, #lambda data: hashlib.new('ripdemd160').hexdigest()
53        'PSA_ALG_SHA_1': lambda data: hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest(),
54        'PSA_ALG_SHA_224': lambda data: hashlib.sha224(data).hexdigest(),
55        'PSA_ALG_SHA_256': lambda data: hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest(),
56        'PSA_ALG_SHA_384': lambda data: hashlib.sha384(data).hexdigest(),
57        'PSA_ALG_SHA_512': lambda data: hashlib.sha512(data).hexdigest(),
58        'PSA_ALG_SHA_512_224': None, #lambda data: hashlib.new('sha512_224').hexdigest()
59        'PSA_ALG_SHA_512_256': None, #lambda data: hashlib.new('sha512_256').hexdigest()
60        'PSA_ALG_SHA3_224': None, #lambda data: hashlib.sha3_224(data).hexdigest(),
61        'PSA_ALG_SHA3_256': None, #lambda data: hashlib.sha3_256(data).hexdigest(),
62        'PSA_ALG_SHA3_384': None, #lambda data: hashlib.sha3_384(data).hexdigest(),
63        'PSA_ALG_SHA3_512': None, #lambda data: hashlib.sha3_512(data).hexdigest(),
64        'PSA_ALG_SHAKE256_512': None, #lambda data: hashlib.shake_256(data).hexdigest(64),
65    } #type: Dict[str, Optional[Callable[[bytes], str]]]
67    @staticmethod
68    def one_test_case(alg: crypto_knowledge.Algorithm,
69                      function: str, note: str,
70                      arguments: List[str]) -> test_case.TestCase:
71        """Construct one test case involving a hash."""
72        tc = test_case.TestCase()
73        tc.set_description('{}{} {}'
74                           .format(function,
75                                   ' ' + note if note else '',
76                                   alg.short_expression()))
77        tc.set_dependencies(psa_low_level_dependencies(alg.expression))
78        tc.set_function(function)
79        tc.set_arguments([alg.expression] +
80                         ['"{}"'.format(arg) for arg in arguments])
81        return tc
83    def test_cases_for_hash(self,
84                            alg: crypto_knowledge.Algorithm
85                            ) -> Iterator[test_case.TestCase]:
86        """Enumerate all test cases for one hash algorithm."""
87        calc = self.CALCULATE[alg.expression]
88        if calc is None:
89            return # not implemented yet
91        short = b'abc'
92        hash_short = calc(short)
93        long = (b'Hello, world. Here are 16 unprintable bytes: ['
94                b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a'
95                b'\x80\x81\x82\x83\xfe\xff]. '
96                b' This message was brought to you by a natural intelligence. '
97                b' If you can read this, good luck with your debugging!')
98        hash_long = calc(long)
100        yield self.one_test_case(alg, 'hash_empty', '', [calc(b'')])
101        yield self.one_test_case(alg, 'hash_valid_one_shot', '',
102                                 [short.hex(), hash_short])
103        for n in [0, 1, 64, len(long) - 1, len(long)]:
104            yield self.one_test_case(alg, 'hash_valid_multipart',
105                                     '{} + {}'.format(n, len(long) - n),
106                                     [long[:n].hex(), calc(long[:n]),
107                                      long[n:].hex(), hash_long])
109    def all_test_cases(self) -> Iterator[test_case.TestCase]:
110        """Enumerate all test cases for all hash algorithms."""
111        for alg in self.algorithms:
112            yield from self.test_cases_for_hash(alg)