1 /**
2  * \file
3  *
4  * \brief Header file for SAML21J17B
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2016 Atmel Corporation,
7  *                    a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.
8  *
9  * \asf_license_start
10  *
11  * \page License
12  *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15  * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at
16  *
17  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18  *
19  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23  * limitations under the License.
24  *
25  * \asf_license_stop
26  *
27  */
29 #ifndef _SAML21J17B_
30 #define _SAML21J17B_
32 /**
33  * \ingroup SAML21_definitions
34  * \addtogroup SAML21J17B_definitions SAML21J17B definitions
35  * This file defines all structures and symbols for SAML21J17B:
36  *   - registers and bitfields
37  *   - peripheral base address
38  *   - peripheral ID
39  *   - PIO definitions
40 */
41 /*@{*/
43 #ifdef __cplusplus
44  extern "C" {
45 #endif
47 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
48 #include <stdint.h>
49 #ifndef __cplusplus
50 typedef volatile const uint32_t RoReg;   /**< Read only 32-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
51 typedef volatile const uint16_t RoReg16; /**< Read only 16-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
52 typedef volatile const uint8_t  RoReg8;  /**< Read only  8-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
53 #else
54 typedef volatile       uint32_t RoReg;   /**< Read only 32-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
55 typedef volatile       uint16_t RoReg16; /**< Read only 16-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
56 typedef volatile       uint8_t  RoReg8;  /**< Read only  8-bit register (volatile const unsigned int) */
57 #endif
58 typedef volatile       uint32_t WoReg;   /**< Write only 32-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
59 typedef volatile       uint16_t WoReg16; /**< Write only 16-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
60 typedef volatile       uint32_t WoReg8;  /**< Write only  8-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
61 typedef volatile       uint32_t RwReg;   /**< Read-Write 32-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
62 typedef volatile       uint16_t RwReg16; /**< Read-Write 16-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
63 typedef volatile       uint8_t  RwReg8;  /**< Read-Write  8-bit register (volatile unsigned int) */
64 #if !defined(_UL)
65 #define _U(x)          x ## U            /**< C code: Unsigned integer literal constant value */
66 #define _L(x)          x ## L            /**< C code: Long integer literal constant value */
67 #define _UL(x)         x ## UL           /**< C code: Unsigned Long integer literal constant value */
68 #endif
69 #else
70 #if !defined(_UL)
71 #define _U(x)          x                 /**< Assembler: Unsigned integer literal constant value */
72 #define _L(x)          x                 /**< Assembler: Long integer literal constant value */
73 #define _UL(x)         x                 /**< Assembler: Unsigned Long integer literal constant value */
74 #endif
75 #endif
77 /* ************************************************************************** */
79 /* ************************************************************************** */
80 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_cmsis CMSIS Definitions */
81 /*@{*/
83 /** Interrupt Number Definition */
84 typedef enum IRQn
85 {
86   /******  Cortex-M0+ Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************/
87   NonMaskableInt_IRQn      = -14,/**<  2 Non Maskable Interrupt                 */
88   HardFault_IRQn           = -13,/**<  3 Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt        */
89   SVCall_IRQn              = -5, /**< 11 Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt           */
90   PendSV_IRQn              = -2, /**< 14 Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt           */
91   SysTick_IRQn             = -1, /**< 15 Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt       */
92   /******  SAML21J17B-specific Interrupt Numbers ***********************/
93   SYSTEM_IRQn              =  0, /**<  0 SAML21J17B System Interrupts */
94   WDT_IRQn                 =  1, /**<  1 SAML21J17B Watchdog Timer (WDT) */
95   RTC_IRQn                 =  2, /**<  2 SAML21J17B Real-Time Counter (RTC) */
96   EIC_IRQn                 =  3, /**<  3 SAML21J17B External Interrupt Controller (EIC) */
97   NVMCTRL_IRQn             =  4, /**<  4 SAML21J17B Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMCTRL) */
98   DMAC_IRQn                =  5, /**<  5 SAML21J17B Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) */
99   USB_IRQn                 =  6, /**<  6 SAML21J17B Universal Serial Bus (USB) */
100   EVSYS_IRQn               =  7, /**<  7 SAML21J17B Event System Interface (EVSYS) */
101   SERCOM0_IRQn             =  8, /**<  8 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 0 (SERCOM0) */
102   SERCOM1_IRQn             =  9, /**<  9 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 1 (SERCOM1) */
103   SERCOM2_IRQn             = 10, /**< 10 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 2 (SERCOM2) */
104   SERCOM3_IRQn             = 11, /**< 11 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 3 (SERCOM3) */
105   SERCOM4_IRQn             = 12, /**< 12 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 4 (SERCOM4) */
106   SERCOM5_IRQn             = 13, /**< 13 SAML21J17B Serial Communication Interface 5 (SERCOM5) */
107   TCC0_IRQn                = 14, /**< 14 SAML21J17B Timer Counter Control 0 (TCC0) */
108   TCC1_IRQn                = 15, /**< 15 SAML21J17B Timer Counter Control 1 (TCC1) */
109   TCC2_IRQn                = 16, /**< 16 SAML21J17B Timer Counter Control 2 (TCC2) */
110   TC0_IRQn                 = 17, /**< 17 SAML21J17B Basic Timer Counter 0 (TC0) */
111   TC1_IRQn                 = 18, /**< 18 SAML21J17B Basic Timer Counter 1 (TC1) */
112   TC2_IRQn                 = 19, /**< 19 SAML21J17B Basic Timer Counter 2 (TC2) */
113   TC3_IRQn                 = 20, /**< 20 SAML21J17B Basic Timer Counter 3 (TC3) */
114   TC4_IRQn                 = 21, /**< 21 SAML21J17B Basic Timer Counter 4 (TC4) */
115   ADC_IRQn                 = 22, /**< 22 SAML21J17B Analog Digital Converter (ADC) */
116   AC_IRQn                  = 23, /**< 23 SAML21J17B Analog Comparators (AC) */
117   DAC_IRQn                 = 24, /**< 24 SAML21J17B Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) */
118   PTC_IRQn                 = 25, /**< 25 SAML21J17B Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) */
119   AES_IRQn                 = 26, /**< 26 SAML21J17B Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) */
120   TRNG_IRQn                = 27, /**< 27 SAML21J17B True Random Generator (TRNG) */
122   PERIPH_COUNT_IRQn        = 29  /**< Number of peripheral IDs */
123 } IRQn_Type;
125 typedef struct _DeviceVectors
126 {
127   /* Stack pointer */
128   void* pvStack;
130   /* Cortex-M handlers */
131   void* pfnReset_Handler;
132   void* pfnNMI_Handler;
133   void* pfnHardFault_Handler;
134   void* pvReservedM12;
135   void* pvReservedM11;
136   void* pvReservedM10;
137   void* pvReservedM9;
138   void* pvReservedM8;
139   void* pvReservedM7;
140   void* pvReservedM6;
141   void* pfnSVC_Handler;
142   void* pvReservedM4;
143   void* pvReservedM3;
144   void* pfnPendSV_Handler;
145   void* pfnSysTick_Handler;
147   /* Peripheral handlers */
148   void* pfnSYSTEM_Handler;                /*  0 Main Clock, 32k Oscillators Control, Oscillators Control, Peripheral Access Controller, Power Manager, Supply Controller, Trigger Allocator */
149   void* pfnWDT_Handler;                   /*  1 Watchdog Timer */
150   void* pfnRTC_Handler;                   /*  2 Real-Time Counter */
151   void* pfnEIC_Handler;                   /*  3 External Interrupt Controller */
152   void* pfnNVMCTRL_Handler;               /*  4 Non-Volatile Memory Controller */
153   void* pfnDMAC_Handler;                  /*  5 Direct Memory Access Controller */
154   void* pfnUSB_Handler;                   /*  6 Universal Serial Bus */
155   void* pfnEVSYS_Handler;                 /*  7 Event System Interface */
156   void* pfnSERCOM0_Handler;               /*  8 Serial Communication Interface 0 */
157   void* pfnSERCOM1_Handler;               /*  9 Serial Communication Interface 1 */
158   void* pfnSERCOM2_Handler;               /* 10 Serial Communication Interface 2 */
159   void* pfnSERCOM3_Handler;               /* 11 Serial Communication Interface 3 */
160   void* pfnSERCOM4_Handler;               /* 12 Serial Communication Interface 4 */
161   void* pfnSERCOM5_Handler;               /* 13 Serial Communication Interface 5 */
162   void* pfnTCC0_Handler;                  /* 14 Timer Counter Control 0 */
163   void* pfnTCC1_Handler;                  /* 15 Timer Counter Control 1 */
164   void* pfnTCC2_Handler;                  /* 16 Timer Counter Control 2 */
165   void* pfnTC0_Handler;                   /* 17 Basic Timer Counter 0 */
166   void* pfnTC1_Handler;                   /* 18 Basic Timer Counter 1 */
167   void* pfnTC2_Handler;                   /* 19 Basic Timer Counter 2 */
168   void* pfnTC3_Handler;                   /* 20 Basic Timer Counter 3 */
169   void* pfnTC4_Handler;                   /* 21 Basic Timer Counter 4 */
170   void* pfnADC_Handler;                   /* 22 Analog Digital Converter */
171   void* pfnAC_Handler;                    /* 23 Analog Comparators */
172   void* pfnDAC_Handler;                   /* 24 Digital-to-Analog Converter */
173   void* pfnPTC_Handler;                   /* 25 Peripheral Touch Controller */
174   void* pfnAES_Handler;                   /* 26 Advanced Encryption Standard */
175   void* pfnTRNG_Handler;                  /* 27 True Random Generator */
176   void* pvReserved28;
177 } DeviceVectors;
179 /* Cortex-M0+ processor handlers */
180 void Reset_Handler               ( void );
181 void NMI_Handler                 ( void );
182 void HardFault_Handler           ( void );
183 void SVC_Handler                 ( void );
184 void PendSV_Handler              ( void );
185 void SysTick_Handler             ( void );
187 /* Peripherals handlers */
188 void SYSTEM_Handler              ( void );
189 void WDT_Handler                 ( void );
190 void RTC_Handler                 ( void );
191 void EIC_Handler                 ( void );
192 void NVMCTRL_Handler             ( void );
193 void DMAC_Handler                ( void );
194 void USB_Handler                 ( void );
195 void EVSYS_Handler               ( void );
196 void SERCOM0_Handler             ( void );
197 void SERCOM1_Handler             ( void );
198 void SERCOM2_Handler             ( void );
199 void SERCOM3_Handler             ( void );
200 void SERCOM4_Handler             ( void );
201 void SERCOM5_Handler             ( void );
202 void TCC0_Handler                ( void );
203 void TCC1_Handler                ( void );
204 void TCC2_Handler                ( void );
205 void TC0_Handler                 ( void );
206 void TC1_Handler                 ( void );
207 void TC2_Handler                 ( void );
208 void TC3_Handler                 ( void );
209 void TC4_Handler                 ( void );
210 void ADC_Handler                 ( void );
211 void AC_Handler                  ( void );
212 void DAC_Handler                 ( void );
213 void PTC_Handler                 ( void );
214 void AES_Handler                 ( void );
215 void TRNG_Handler                ( void );
217 /*
218  * \brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals
219  */
221 #define LITTLE_ENDIAN          1
222 #define __CM0PLUS_REV          1         /*!< Core revision r0p1 */
223 #define __MPU_PRESENT          0         /*!< MPU present or not */
224 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS       2         /*!< Number of bits used for Priority Levels */
225 #define __VTOR_PRESENT         1         /*!< VTOR present or not */
226 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0         /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
228 /**
229  * \brief CMSIS includes
230  */
232 #include <core_cm0plus.h>
233 #if !defined DONT_USE_CMSIS_INIT
234 #include "system_saml21.h"
235 #endif /* DONT_USE_CMSIS_INIT */
237 /*@}*/
239 /* ************************************************************************** */
241 /* ************************************************************************** */
242 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_api Peripheral Software API */
243 /*@{*/
245 #include "component/ac.h"
246 #include "component/adc.h"
247 #include "component/aes.h"
248 #include "component/ccl.h"
249 #include "component/dac.h"
250 #include "component/dmac.h"
251 #include "component/dsu.h"
252 #include "component/eic.h"
253 #include "component/evsys.h"
254 #include "component/gclk.h"
255 #include "component/mclk.h"
256 #include "component/mtb.h"
257 #include "component/nvmctrl.h"
258 #include "component/opamp.h"
259 #include "component/oscctrl.h"
260 #include "component/osc32kctrl.h"
261 #include "component/pac.h"
262 #include "component/pm.h"
263 #include "component/port.h"
264 #include "component/rstc.h"
265 #include "component/rtc.h"
266 #include "component/sercom.h"
267 #include "component/supc.h"
268 #include "component/tal.h"
269 #include "component/tc.h"
270 #include "component/tcc.h"
271 #include "component/trng.h"
272 #include "component/usb.h"
273 #include "component/wdt.h"
274 /*@}*/
276 /* ************************************************************************** */
278 /* ************************************************************************** */
279 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_reg Registers Access Definitions */
280 /*@{*/
282 #include "instance/ac.h"
283 #include "instance/adc.h"
284 #include "instance/aes.h"
285 #include "instance/ccl.h"
286 #include "instance/dac.h"
287 #include "instance/dmac.h"
288 #include "instance/dsu.h"
289 #include "instance/eic.h"
290 #include "instance/evsys.h"
291 #include "instance/gclk.h"
292 #include "instance/mclk.h"
293 #include "instance/mtb.h"
294 #include "instance/nvmctrl.h"
295 #include "instance/opamp.h"
296 #include "instance/oscctrl.h"
297 #include "instance/osc32kctrl.h"
298 #include "instance/pac.h"
299 #include "instance/pm.h"
300 #include "instance/port.h"
301 #include "instance/rstc.h"
302 #include "instance/rtc.h"
303 #include "instance/sercom0.h"
304 #include "instance/sercom1.h"
305 #include "instance/sercom2.h"
306 #include "instance/sercom3.h"
307 #include "instance/sercom4.h"
308 #include "instance/sercom5.h"
309 #include "instance/supc.h"
310 #include "instance/tal.h"
311 #include "instance/tc0.h"
312 #include "instance/tc1.h"
313 #include "instance/tc2.h"
314 #include "instance/tc3.h"
315 #include "instance/tc4.h"
316 #include "instance/tcc0.h"
317 #include "instance/tcc1.h"
318 #include "instance/tcc2.h"
319 #include "instance/trng.h"
320 #include "instance/usb.h"
321 #include "instance/wdt.h"
322 /*@}*/
324 /* ************************************************************************** */
326 /* ************************************************************************** */
327 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_id Peripheral Ids Definitions */
328 /*@{*/
330 // Peripheral instances on HPB0 bridge
331 #define ID_PM             0 /**< \brief Power Manager (PM) */
332 #define ID_MCLK           1 /**< \brief Main Clock (MCLK) */
333 #define ID_RSTC           2 /**< \brief Reset Controller (RSTC) */
334 #define ID_OSCCTRL        3 /**< \brief Oscillators Control (OSCCTRL) */
335 #define ID_OSC32KCTRL     4 /**< \brief 32k Oscillators Control (OSC32KCTRL) */
336 #define ID_SUPC           5 /**< \brief Supply Controller (SUPC) */
337 #define ID_GCLK           6 /**< \brief Generic Clock Generator (GCLK) */
338 #define ID_WDT            7 /**< \brief Watchdog Timer (WDT) */
339 #define ID_RTC            8 /**< \brief Real-Time Counter (RTC) */
340 #define ID_EIC            9 /**< \brief External Interrupt Controller (EIC) */
341 #define ID_PORT          10 /**< \brief Port Module (PORT) */
342 #define ID_TAL           11 /**< \brief Trigger Allocator (TAL) */
344 // Peripheral instances on HPB1 bridge
345 #define ID_USB           32 /**< \brief Universal Serial Bus (USB) */
346 #define ID_DSU           33 /**< \brief Device Service Unit (DSU) */
347 #define ID_NVMCTRL       34 /**< \brief Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVMCTRL) */
348 #define ID_MTB           35 /**< \brief Cortex-M0+ Micro-Trace Buffer (MTB) */
350 // Peripheral instances on HPB2 bridge
351 #define ID_SERCOM0       64 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 0 (SERCOM0) */
352 #define ID_SERCOM1       65 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 1 (SERCOM1) */
353 #define ID_SERCOM2       66 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 2 (SERCOM2) */
354 #define ID_SERCOM3       67 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 3 (SERCOM3) */
355 #define ID_SERCOM4       68 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 4 (SERCOM4) */
356 #define ID_TCC0          69 /**< \brief Timer Counter Control 0 (TCC0) */
357 #define ID_TCC1          70 /**< \brief Timer Counter Control 1 (TCC1) */
358 #define ID_TCC2          71 /**< \brief Timer Counter Control 2 (TCC2) */
359 #define ID_TC0           72 /**< \brief Basic Timer Counter 0 (TC0) */
360 #define ID_TC1           73 /**< \brief Basic Timer Counter 1 (TC1) */
361 #define ID_TC2           74 /**< \brief Basic Timer Counter 2 (TC2) */
362 #define ID_TC3           75 /**< \brief Basic Timer Counter 3 (TC3) */
363 #define ID_DAC           76 /**< \brief Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) */
364 #define ID_AES           77 /**< \brief Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) */
365 #define ID_TRNG          78 /**< \brief True Random Generator (TRNG) */
367 // Peripheral instances on HPB3 bridge
368 #define ID_EVSYS         96 /**< \brief Event System Interface (EVSYS) */
369 #define ID_SERCOM5       97 /**< \brief Serial Communication Interface 5 (SERCOM5) */
370 #define ID_TC4           98 /**< \brief Basic Timer Counter 4 (TC4) */
371 #define ID_ADC           99 /**< \brief Analog Digital Converter (ADC) */
372 #define ID_AC           100 /**< \brief Analog Comparators (AC) */
373 #define ID_PTC          101 /**< \brief Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) */
374 #define ID_OPAMP        102 /**< \brief Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) */
375 #define ID_CCL          103 /**< \brief Configurable Custom Logic (CCL) */
377 // Peripheral instances on HPB4 bridge
378 #define ID_PAC          128 /**< \brief Peripheral Access Controller (PAC) */
379 #define ID_DMAC         129 /**< \brief Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) */
381 #define ID_PERIPH_COUNT 130 /**< \brief Max number of peripheral IDs */
382 /*@}*/
384 /* ************************************************************************** */
386 /* ************************************************************************** */
387 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_base Peripheral Base Address Definitions */
388 /*@{*/
390 #if defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)
391 #define AC                            (0x43001000) /**< \brief (AC) APB Base Address */
392 #define ADC                           (0x43000C00) /**< \brief (ADC) APB Base Address */
393 #define AES                           (0x42003400) /**< \brief (AES) APB Base Address */
394 #define CCL                           (0x43001C00) /**< \brief (CCL) APB Base Address */
395 #define DAC                           (0x42003000) /**< \brief (DAC) APB Base Address */
396 #define DMAC                          (0x44000400) /**< \brief (DMAC) APB Base Address */
397 #define DSU                           (0x41002000) /**< \brief (DSU) APB Base Address */
398 #define EIC                           (0x40002400) /**< \brief (EIC) APB Base Address */
399 #define EVSYS                         (0x43000000) /**< \brief (EVSYS) APB Base Address */
400 #define GCLK                          (0x40001800) /**< \brief (GCLK) APB Base Address */
401 #define MCLK                          (0x40000400) /**< \brief (MCLK) APB Base Address */
402 #define MTB                           (0x41006000) /**< \brief (MTB) APB Base Address */
403 #define NVMCTRL                       (0x41004000) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) APB Base Address */
404 #define NVMCTRL_CAL                   (0x00800000) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) CAL Base Address */
405 #define NVMCTRL_LOCKBIT               (0x00802000) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) LOCKBIT Base Address */
406 #define NVMCTRL_OTP1                  (0x00806000) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP1 Base Address */
407 #define NVMCTRL_OTP2                  (0x00806008) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP2 Base Address */
408 #define NVMCTRL_OTP3                  (0x00806010) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP3 Base Address */
409 #define NVMCTRL_OTP4                  (0x00806018) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP4 Base Address */
410 #define NVMCTRL_OTP5                  (0x00806020) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP5 Base Address */
411 #define NVMCTRL_TEMP_LOG              (0x00806030) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) TEMP_LOG Base Address */
412 #define NVMCTRL_USER                  (0x00804000) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) USER Base Address */
413 #define OPAMP                         (0x43001800) /**< \brief (OPAMP) APB Base Address */
414 #define OSCCTRL                       (0x40000C00) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) APB Base Address */
415 #define OSC32KCTRL                    (0x40001000) /**< \brief (OSC32KCTRL) APB Base Address */
416 #define PAC                           (0x44000000) /**< \brief (PAC) APB Base Address */
417 #define PM                            (0x40000000) /**< \brief (PM) APB Base Address */
418 #define PORT                          (0x40002800) /**< \brief (PORT) APB Base Address */
419 #define PORT_IOBUS                    (0x60000000) /**< \brief (PORT) IOBUS Base Address */
420 #define PTC                           (0x43001400) /**< \brief (PTC) APB Base Address */
421 #define RSTC                          (0x40000800) /**< \brief (RSTC) APB Base Address */
422 #define RTC                           (0x40002000) /**< \brief (RTC) APB Base Address */
423 #define SERCOM0                       (0x42000000) /**< \brief (SERCOM0) APB Base Address */
424 #define SERCOM1                       (0x42000400) /**< \brief (SERCOM1) APB Base Address */
425 #define SERCOM2                       (0x42000800) /**< \brief (SERCOM2) APB Base Address */
426 #define SERCOM3                       (0x42000C00) /**< \brief (SERCOM3) APB Base Address */
427 #define SERCOM4                       (0x42001000) /**< \brief (SERCOM4) APB Base Address */
428 #define SERCOM5                       (0x43000400) /**< \brief (SERCOM5) APB Base Address */
429 #define SUPC                          (0x40001400) /**< \brief (SUPC) APB Base Address */
430 #define TAL                           (0x40002C00) /**< \brief (TAL) APB Base Address */
431 #define TC0                           (0x42002000) /**< \brief (TC0) APB Base Address */
432 #define TC1                           (0x42002400) /**< \brief (TC1) APB Base Address */
433 #define TC2                           (0x42002800) /**< \brief (TC2) APB Base Address */
434 #define TC3                           (0x42002C00) /**< \brief (TC3) APB Base Address */
435 #define TC4                           (0x43000800) /**< \brief (TC4) APB Base Address */
436 #define TCC0                          (0x42001400) /**< \brief (TCC0) APB Base Address */
437 #define TCC1                          (0x42001800) /**< \brief (TCC1) APB Base Address */
438 #define TCC2                          (0x42001C00) /**< \brief (TCC2) APB Base Address */
439 #define TRNG                          (0x42003800) /**< \brief (TRNG) APB Base Address */
440 #define USB                           (0x41000000) /**< \brief (USB) APB Base Address */
441 #define WDT                           (0x40001C00) /**< \brief (WDT) APB Base Address */
442 #else
443 #define AC                ((Ac       *)0x43001000UL) /**< \brief (AC) APB Base Address */
444 #define AC_INST_NUM       1                          /**< \brief (AC) Number of instances */
445 #define AC_INSTS          { AC }                     /**< \brief (AC) Instances List */
447 #define ADC               ((Adc      *)0x43000C00UL) /**< \brief (ADC) APB Base Address */
448 #define ADC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (ADC) Number of instances */
449 #define ADC_INSTS         { ADC }                    /**< \brief (ADC) Instances List */
451 #define AES               ((Aes      *)0x42003400UL) /**< \brief (AES) APB Base Address */
452 #define AES_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (AES) Number of instances */
453 #define AES_INSTS         { AES }                    /**< \brief (AES) Instances List */
455 #define CCL               ((Ccl      *)0x43001C00UL) /**< \brief (CCL) APB Base Address */
456 #define CCL_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (CCL) Number of instances */
457 #define CCL_INSTS         { CCL }                    /**< \brief (CCL) Instances List */
459 #define DAC               ((Dac      *)0x42003000UL) /**< \brief (DAC) APB Base Address */
460 #define DAC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (DAC) Number of instances */
461 #define DAC_INSTS         { DAC }                    /**< \brief (DAC) Instances List */
463 #define DMAC              ((Dmac     *)0x44000400UL) /**< \brief (DMAC) APB Base Address */
464 #define DMAC_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (DMAC) Number of instances */
465 #define DMAC_INSTS        { DMAC }                   /**< \brief (DMAC) Instances List */
467 #define DSU               ((Dsu      *)0x41002000UL) /**< \brief (DSU) APB Base Address */
468 #define DSU_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (DSU) Number of instances */
469 #define DSU_INSTS         { DSU }                    /**< \brief (DSU) Instances List */
471 #define EIC               ((Eic      *)0x40002400UL) /**< \brief (EIC) APB Base Address */
472 #define EIC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (EIC) Number of instances */
473 #define EIC_INSTS         { EIC }                    /**< \brief (EIC) Instances List */
475 #define EVSYS             ((Evsys    *)0x43000000UL) /**< \brief (EVSYS) APB Base Address */
476 #define EVSYS_INST_NUM    1                          /**< \brief (EVSYS) Number of instances */
477 #define EVSYS_INSTS       { EVSYS }                  /**< \brief (EVSYS) Instances List */
479 #define GCLK              ((Gclk     *)0x40001800UL) /**< \brief (GCLK) APB Base Address */
480 #define GCLK_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (GCLK) Number of instances */
481 #define GCLK_INSTS        { GCLK }                   /**< \brief (GCLK) Instances List */
483 #define MCLK              ((Mclk     *)0x40000400UL) /**< \brief (MCLK) APB Base Address */
484 #define MCLK_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (MCLK) Number of instances */
485 #define MCLK_INSTS        { MCLK }                   /**< \brief (MCLK) Instances List */
487 #define MTB               ((Mtb      *)0x41006000UL) /**< \brief (MTB) APB Base Address */
488 #define MTB_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (MTB) Number of instances */
489 #define MTB_INSTS         { MTB }                    /**< \brief (MTB) Instances List */
491 #define NVMCTRL           ((Nvmctrl  *)0x41004000UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) APB Base Address */
492 #define NVMCTRL_CAL                   (0x00800000UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) CAL Base Address */
493 #define NVMCTRL_LOCKBIT               (0x00802000UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) LOCKBIT Base Address */
494 #define NVMCTRL_OTP1                  (0x00806000UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP1 Base Address */
495 #define NVMCTRL_OTP2                  (0x00806008UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP2 Base Address */
496 #define NVMCTRL_OTP3                  (0x00806010UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP3 Base Address */
497 #define NVMCTRL_OTP4                  (0x00806018UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP4 Base Address */
498 #define NVMCTRL_OTP5                  (0x00806020UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) OTP5 Base Address */
499 #define NVMCTRL_TEMP_LOG              (0x00806030UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) TEMP_LOG Base Address */
500 #define NVMCTRL_USER                  (0x00804000UL) /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) USER Base Address */
501 #define NVMCTRL_INST_NUM  1                          /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) Number of instances */
502 #define NVMCTRL_INSTS     { NVMCTRL }                /**< \brief (NVMCTRL) Instances List */
504 #define OPAMP             ((Opamp    *)0x43001800UL) /**< \brief (OPAMP) APB Base Address */
505 #define OPAMP_INST_NUM    1                          /**< \brief (OPAMP) Number of instances */
506 #define OPAMP_INSTS       { OPAMP }                  /**< \brief (OPAMP) Instances List */
508 #define OSCCTRL           ((Oscctrl  *)0x40000C00UL) /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) APB Base Address */
509 #define OSCCTRL_INST_NUM  1                          /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Number of instances */
510 #define OSCCTRL_INSTS     { OSCCTRL }                /**< \brief (OSCCTRL) Instances List */
512 #define OSC32KCTRL        ((Osc32kctrl *)0x40001000UL) /**< \brief (OSC32KCTRL) APB Base Address */
513 #define OSC32KCTRL_INST_NUM 1                          /**< \brief (OSC32KCTRL) Number of instances */
514 #define OSC32KCTRL_INSTS  { OSC32KCTRL }             /**< \brief (OSC32KCTRL) Instances List */
516 #define PAC               ((Pac      *)0x44000000UL) /**< \brief (PAC) APB Base Address */
517 #define PAC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (PAC) Number of instances */
518 #define PAC_INSTS         { PAC }                    /**< \brief (PAC) Instances List */
520 #define PM                ((Pm       *)0x40000000UL) /**< \brief (PM) APB Base Address */
521 #define PM_INST_NUM       1                          /**< \brief (PM) Number of instances */
522 #define PM_INSTS          { PM }                     /**< \brief (PM) Instances List */
524 #define PORT              ((Port     *)0x40002800UL) /**< \brief (PORT) APB Base Address */
525 #define PORT_IOBUS        ((Port     *)0x60000000UL) /**< \brief (PORT) IOBUS Base Address */
526 #define PORT_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (PORT) Number of instances */
527 #define PORT_INSTS        { PORT }                   /**< \brief (PORT) Instances List */
528 #define PORT_IOBUS_INST_NUM 1                          /**< \brief (PORT) Number of instances */
529 #define PORT_IOBUS_INSTS  { PORT_IOBUS }             /**< \brief (PORT) Instances List */
531 #define PTC               ((void     *)0x43001400UL) /**< \brief (PTC) APB Base Address */
532 #define PTC_GCLK_ID       33
533 #define PTC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (PTC) Number of instances */
534 #define PTC_INSTS         { PTC }                    /**< \brief (PTC) Instances List */
536 #define RSTC              ((Rstc     *)0x40000800UL) /**< \brief (RSTC) APB Base Address */
537 #define RSTC_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (RSTC) Number of instances */
538 #define RSTC_INSTS        { RSTC }                   /**< \brief (RSTC) Instances List */
540 #define RTC               ((Rtc      *)0x40002000UL) /**< \brief (RTC) APB Base Address */
541 #define RTC_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (RTC) Number of instances */
542 #define RTC_INSTS         { RTC }                    /**< \brief (RTC) Instances List */
544 #define SERCOM0           ((Sercom   *)0x42000000UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM0) APB Base Address */
545 #define SERCOM1           ((Sercom   *)0x42000400UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM1) APB Base Address */
546 #define SERCOM2           ((Sercom   *)0x42000800UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM2) APB Base Address */
547 #define SERCOM3           ((Sercom   *)0x42000C00UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM3) APB Base Address */
548 #define SERCOM4           ((Sercom   *)0x42001000UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM4) APB Base Address */
549 #define SERCOM5           ((Sercom   *)0x43000400UL) /**< \brief (SERCOM5) APB Base Address */
550 #define SERCOM_INST_NUM   6                          /**< \brief (SERCOM) Number of instances */
551 #define SERCOM_INSTS      { SERCOM0, SERCOM1, SERCOM2, SERCOM3, SERCOM4, SERCOM5 } /**< \brief (SERCOM) Instances List */
553 #define SUPC              ((Supc     *)0x40001400UL) /**< \brief (SUPC) APB Base Address */
554 #define SUPC_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (SUPC) Number of instances */
555 #define SUPC_INSTS        { SUPC }                   /**< \brief (SUPC) Instances List */
557 #define TAL               ((Tal      *)0x40002C00UL) /**< \brief (TAL) APB Base Address */
558 #define TAL_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (TAL) Number of instances */
559 #define TAL_INSTS         { TAL }                    /**< \brief (TAL) Instances List */
561 #define TC0               ((Tc       *)0x42002000UL) /**< \brief (TC0) APB Base Address */
562 #define TC1               ((Tc       *)0x42002400UL) /**< \brief (TC1) APB Base Address */
563 #define TC2               ((Tc       *)0x42002800UL) /**< \brief (TC2) APB Base Address */
564 #define TC3               ((Tc       *)0x42002C00UL) /**< \brief (TC3) APB Base Address */
565 #define TC4               ((Tc       *)0x43000800UL) /**< \brief (TC4) APB Base Address */
566 #define TC_INST_NUM       5                          /**< \brief (TC) Number of instances */
567 #define TC_INSTS          { TC0, TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 } /**< \brief (TC) Instances List */
569 #define TCC0              ((Tcc      *)0x42001400UL) /**< \brief (TCC0) APB Base Address */
570 #define TCC1              ((Tcc      *)0x42001800UL) /**< \brief (TCC1) APB Base Address */
571 #define TCC2              ((Tcc      *)0x42001C00UL) /**< \brief (TCC2) APB Base Address */
572 #define TCC_INST_NUM      3                          /**< \brief (TCC) Number of instances */
573 #define TCC_INSTS         { TCC0, TCC1, TCC2 }       /**< \brief (TCC) Instances List */
575 #define TRNG              ((Trng     *)0x42003800UL) /**< \brief (TRNG) APB Base Address */
576 #define TRNG_INST_NUM     1                          /**< \brief (TRNG) Number of instances */
577 #define TRNG_INSTS        { TRNG }                   /**< \brief (TRNG) Instances List */
579 #define USB               ((Usb      *)0x41000000UL) /**< \brief (USB) APB Base Address */
580 #define USB_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (USB) Number of instances */
581 #define USB_INSTS         { USB }                    /**< \brief (USB) Instances List */
583 #define WDT               ((Wdt      *)0x40001C00UL) /**< \brief (WDT) APB Base Address */
584 #define WDT_INST_NUM      1                          /**< \brief (WDT) Number of instances */
585 #define WDT_INSTS         { WDT }                    /**< \brief (WDT) Instances List */
587 #endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
588 /*@}*/
590 /* ************************************************************************** */
592 /* ************************************************************************** */
593 /** \defgroup SAML21J17B_port PORT Definitions */
594 /*@{*/
596 #include "pio/saml21j17b.h"
597 /*@}*/
599 /* ************************************************************************** */
601 /* ************************************************************************** */
603 #define FLASH_SIZE            _UL(0x00020000) /* 128 kB */
604 #define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE       64
605 #define FLASH_NB_OF_PAGES     2048
606 #define FLASH_USER_PAGE_SIZE  64
607 #define HSRAM_SIZE            _UL(0x00004000) /* 16 kB */
608 #define LPRAM_SIZE            _UL(0x00002000) /* 8 kB */
610 #define FLASH_ADDR            _UL(0x00000000) /**< FLASH base address */
611 #define FLASH_USER_PAGE_ADDR  _UL(0x00800000) /**< FLASH_USER_PAGE base address */
612 #define HSRAM_ADDR            _UL(0x20000000) /**< HSRAM base address */
613 #define LPRAM_ADDR            _UL(0x30000000) /**< LPRAM base address */
614 #define HPB0_ADDR             _UL(0x40000000) /**< HPB0 base address */
615 #define HPB1_ADDR             _UL(0x41000000) /**< HPB1 base address */
616 #define HPB2_ADDR             _UL(0x42000000) /**< HPB2 base address */
617 #define HPB3_ADDR             _UL(0x43000000) /**< HPB3 base address */
618 #define HPB4_ADDR             _UL(0x44000000) /**< HPB4 base address */
619 #define PPB_ADDR              _UL(0xE0000000) /**< PPB base address */
621 #define DSU_DID_RESETVALUE    _UL(0x10810210)
622 #define NVMCTRL_RWW_EEPROM_SIZE _UL(0x00001000) /* 4 kB */
623 #define PORT_GROUPS           2
626 /* ************************************************************************** */
628 /* ************************************************************************** */
631 #ifdef __cplusplus
632 }
633 #endif
635 /*@}*/
637 #endif /* SAML21J17B_H */