1 /**
2  * \file
3  *
4  * \brief Component description for SUPC
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2016 Atmel Corporation,
7  *                    a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.
8  *
9  * \asf_license_start
10  *
11  * \page License
12  *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
14  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15  * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at
16  *
17  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18  *
19  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23  * limitations under the License.
24  *
25  * \asf_license_stop
26  *
27  */
29 #ifndef _SAML21_SUPC_COMPONENT_
30 #define _SAML21_SUPC_COMPONENT_
32 /* ========================================================================== */
34 /* ========================================================================== */
35 /** \addtogroup SAML21_SUPC Supply Controller */
36 /*@{*/
38 #define SUPC_U2117
39 #define REV_SUPC                    0x110
41 /* -------- SUPC_INTENCLR : (SUPC Offset: 0x00) (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable Clear -------- */
42 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
43 typedef union {
44   struct {
45     uint32_t BOD33RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      0  BOD33 Ready                        */
46     uint32_t BOD33DET:1;       /*!< bit:      1  BOD33 Detection                    */
47     uint32_t B33SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      2  BOD33 Synchronization Ready        */
48     uint32_t BOD12RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      3  BOD12 Ready                        */
49     uint32_t BOD12DET:1;       /*!< bit:      4  BOD12 Detection                    */
50     uint32_t B12SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      5  BOD12 Synchronization Ready        */
51     uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit:  6.. 7  Reserved                           */
52     uint32_t VREGRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      8  Voltage Regulator Ready            */
53     uint32_t APWSRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      9  Automatic Power Switch Ready       */
54     uint32_t VCORERDY:1;       /*!< bit:     10  VDDCORE Ready                      */
55     uint32_t :21;              /*!< bit: 11..31  Reserved                           */
56   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
57   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
59 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
61 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_OFFSET        0x00         /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR offset) Interrupt Enable Clear */
62 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_RESETVALUE    _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR reset_value) Interrupt Enable Clear */
64 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33RDY_Pos  0            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD33 Ready */
65 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33RDY      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33RDY_Pos)
66 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33DET_Pos  1            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD33 Detection */
67 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33DET      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD33DET_Pos)
68 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_B33SRDY_Pos   2            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD33 Synchronization Ready */
69 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_B33SRDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_B33SRDY_Pos)
70 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12RDY_Pos  3            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD12 Ready */
71 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12RDY      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12RDY_Pos)
72 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12DET_Pos  4            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD12 Detection */
73 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12DET      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_BOD12DET_Pos)
74 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_B12SRDY_Pos   5            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) BOD12 Synchronization Ready */
75 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_B12SRDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENCLR_B12SRDY_Pos)
76 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_VREGRDY_Pos   8            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) Voltage Regulator Ready */
78 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_APWSRDY_Pos   9            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) Automatic Power Switch Ready */
80 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_VCORERDY_Pos  10           /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) VDDCORE Ready */
82 #define SUPC_INTENCLR_MASK          _U(0x0000073F) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENCLR) MASK Register */
84 /* -------- SUPC_INTENSET : (SUPC Offset: 0x04) (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable Set -------- */
85 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
86 typedef union {
87   struct {
88     uint32_t BOD33RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      0  BOD33 Ready                        */
89     uint32_t BOD33DET:1;       /*!< bit:      1  BOD33 Detection                    */
90     uint32_t B33SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      2  BOD33 Synchronization Ready        */
91     uint32_t BOD12RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      3  BOD12 Ready                        */
92     uint32_t BOD12DET:1;       /*!< bit:      4  BOD12 Detection                    */
93     uint32_t B12SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      5  BOD12 Synchronization Ready        */
94     uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit:  6.. 7  Reserved                           */
95     uint32_t VREGRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      8  Voltage Regulator Ready            */
96     uint32_t APWSRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      9  Automatic Power Switch Ready       */
97     uint32_t VCORERDY:1;       /*!< bit:     10  VDDCORE Ready                      */
98     uint32_t :21;              /*!< bit: 11..31  Reserved                           */
99   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
100   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
102 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
104 #define SUPC_INTENSET_OFFSET        0x04         /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET offset) Interrupt Enable Set */
105 #define SUPC_INTENSET_RESETVALUE    _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET reset_value) Interrupt Enable Set */
107 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33RDY_Pos  0            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD33 Ready */
108 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33RDY      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33RDY_Pos)
109 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33DET_Pos  1            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD33 Detection */
110 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33DET      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_BOD33DET_Pos)
111 #define SUPC_INTENSET_B33SRDY_Pos   2            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD33 Synchronization Ready */
112 #define SUPC_INTENSET_B33SRDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_B33SRDY_Pos)
113 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12RDY_Pos  3            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD12 Ready */
114 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12RDY      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12RDY_Pos)
115 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12DET_Pos  4            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD12 Detection */
116 #define SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12DET      (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_BOD12DET_Pos)
117 #define SUPC_INTENSET_B12SRDY_Pos   5            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) BOD12 Synchronization Ready */
118 #define SUPC_INTENSET_B12SRDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTENSET_B12SRDY_Pos)
119 #define SUPC_INTENSET_VREGRDY_Pos   8            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) Voltage Regulator Ready */
121 #define SUPC_INTENSET_APWSRDY_Pos   9            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) Automatic Power Switch Ready */
123 #define SUPC_INTENSET_VCORERDY_Pos  10           /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) VDDCORE Ready */
125 #define SUPC_INTENSET_MASK          _U(0x0000073F) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTENSET) MASK Register */
127 /* -------- SUPC_INTFLAG : (SUPC Offset: 0x08) (R/W 32) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear -------- */
128 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
129 typedef union { // __I to avoid read-modify-write on write-to-clear register
130   struct {
131     __I uint32_t BOD33RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      0  BOD33 Ready                        */
132     __I uint32_t BOD33DET:1;       /*!< bit:      1  BOD33 Detection                    */
133     __I uint32_t B33SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      2  BOD33 Synchronization Ready        */
134     __I uint32_t BOD12RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      3  BOD12 Ready                        */
135     __I uint32_t BOD12DET:1;       /*!< bit:      4  BOD12 Detection                    */
136     __I uint32_t B12SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      5  BOD12 Synchronization Ready        */
137     __I uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit:  6.. 7  Reserved                           */
138     __I uint32_t VREGRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      8  Voltage Regulator Ready            */
139     __I uint32_t APWSRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      9  Automatic Power Switch Ready       */
140     __I uint32_t VCORERDY:1;       /*!< bit:     10  VDDCORE Ready                      */
141     __I uint32_t :21;              /*!< bit: 11..31  Reserved                           */
142   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
143   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
144 } SUPC_INTFLAG_Type;
145 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
147 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_OFFSET         0x08         /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG offset) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
148 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_RESETVALUE     _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG reset_value) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
150 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33RDY_Pos   0            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD33 Ready */
151 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33RDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33RDY_Pos)
152 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33DET_Pos   1            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD33 Detection */
153 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33DET       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD33DET_Pos)
154 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_B33SRDY_Pos    2            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD33 Synchronization Ready */
155 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_B33SRDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_B33SRDY_Pos)
156 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12RDY_Pos   3            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD12 Ready */
157 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12RDY       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12RDY_Pos)
158 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12DET_Pos   4            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD12 Detection */
159 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12DET       (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_BOD12DET_Pos)
160 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_B12SRDY_Pos    5            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) BOD12 Synchronization Ready */
161 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_B12SRDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_B12SRDY_Pos)
162 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_VREGRDY_Pos    8            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) Voltage Regulator Ready */
163 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_VREGRDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_VREGRDY_Pos)
164 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_APWSRDY_Pos    9            /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) Automatic Power Switch Ready */
165 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_APWSRDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_INTFLAG_APWSRDY_Pos)
166 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_VCORERDY_Pos   10           /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) VDDCORE Ready */
168 #define SUPC_INTFLAG_MASK           _U(0x0000073F) /**< \brief (SUPC_INTFLAG) MASK Register */
170 /* -------- SUPC_STATUS : (SUPC Offset: 0x0C) (R/  32) Power and Clocks Status -------- */
171 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
172 typedef union {
173   struct {
174     uint32_t BOD33RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      0  BOD33 Ready                        */
175     uint32_t BOD33DET:1;       /*!< bit:      1  BOD33 Detection                    */
176     uint32_t B33SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      2  BOD33 Synchronization Ready        */
177     uint32_t BOD12RDY:1;       /*!< bit:      3  BOD12 Ready                        */
178     uint32_t BOD12DET:1;       /*!< bit:      4  BOD12 Detection                    */
179     uint32_t B12SRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      5  BOD12 Synchronization Ready        */
180     uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit:  6.. 7  Reserved                           */
181     uint32_t VREGRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      8  Voltage Regulator Ready            */
182     uint32_t APWSRDY:1;        /*!< bit:      9  Automatic Power Switch Ready       */
183     uint32_t VCORERDY:1;       /*!< bit:     10  VDDCORE Ready                      */
184     uint32_t BBPS:1;           /*!< bit:     11  Battery Backup Power Switch        */
185     uint32_t :20;              /*!< bit: 12..31  Reserved                           */
186   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
187   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
188 } SUPC_STATUS_Type;
189 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
191 #define SUPC_STATUS_OFFSET          0x0C         /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS offset) Power and Clocks Status */
192 #define SUPC_STATUS_RESETVALUE      _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS reset_value) Power and Clocks Status */
194 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD33RDY_Pos    0            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD33 Ready */
195 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD33RDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_BOD33RDY_Pos)
196 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD33DET_Pos    1            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD33 Detection */
197 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD33DET        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_BOD33DET_Pos)
198 #define SUPC_STATUS_B33SRDY_Pos     2            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD33 Synchronization Ready */
199 #define SUPC_STATUS_B33SRDY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_B33SRDY_Pos)
200 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD12RDY_Pos    3            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD12 Ready */
201 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD12RDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_BOD12RDY_Pos)
202 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD12DET_Pos    4            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD12 Detection */
203 #define SUPC_STATUS_BOD12DET        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_BOD12DET_Pos)
204 #define SUPC_STATUS_B12SRDY_Pos     5            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) BOD12 Synchronization Ready */
205 #define SUPC_STATUS_B12SRDY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_B12SRDY_Pos)
206 #define SUPC_STATUS_VREGRDY_Pos     8            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) Voltage Regulator Ready */
207 #define SUPC_STATUS_VREGRDY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_VREGRDY_Pos)
208 #define SUPC_STATUS_APWSRDY_Pos     9            /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) Automatic Power Switch Ready */
209 #define SUPC_STATUS_APWSRDY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_APWSRDY_Pos)
210 #define SUPC_STATUS_VCORERDY_Pos    10           /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) VDDCORE Ready */
211 #define SUPC_STATUS_VCORERDY        (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_VCORERDY_Pos)
212 #define SUPC_STATUS_BBPS_Pos        11           /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) Battery Backup Power Switch */
213 #define SUPC_STATUS_BBPS            (_U(0x1) << SUPC_STATUS_BBPS_Pos)
214 #define SUPC_STATUS_MASK            _U(0x00000F3F) /**< \brief (SUPC_STATUS) MASK Register */
216 /* -------- SUPC_BOD33 : (SUPC Offset: 0x10) (R/W 32) BOD33 Control -------- */
217 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
218 typedef union {
219   struct {
220     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      0  Reserved                           */
221     uint32_t ENABLE:1;         /*!< bit:      1  Enable                             */
222     uint32_t HYST:1;           /*!< bit:      2  Hysteresis Enable                  */
223     uint32_t ACTION:2;         /*!< bit:  3.. 4  Action when Threshold Crossed      */
224     uint32_t STDBYCFG:1;       /*!< bit:      5  Configuration in Standby mode      */
225     uint32_t RUNSTDBY:1;       /*!< bit:      6  Run during Standby                 */
226     uint32_t RUNBKUP:1;        /*!< bit:      7  Configuration in Backup mode       */
227     uint32_t ACTCFG:1;         /*!< bit:      8  Configuration in Active mode       */
228     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      9  Reserved                           */
229     uint32_t VMON:1;           /*!< bit:     10  Voltage Monitored in active and standby mode */
230     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:     11  Reserved                           */
231     uint32_t PSEL:4;           /*!< bit: 12..15  Prescaler Select                   */
232     uint32_t LEVEL:6;          /*!< bit: 16..21  Threshold Level for VDD            */
233     uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit: 22..23  Reserved                           */
234     uint32_t BKUPLEVEL:6;      /*!< bit: 24..29  Threshold Level in backup sleep mode or for VBAT */
235     uint32_t :2;               /*!< bit: 30..31  Reserved                           */
236   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
237   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
238 } SUPC_BOD33_Type;
239 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
241 #define SUPC_BOD33_OFFSET           0x10         /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33 offset) BOD33 Control */
242 #define SUPC_BOD33_RESETVALUE       _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33 reset_value) BOD33 Control */
244 #define SUPC_BOD33_ENABLE_Pos       1            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Enable */
245 #define SUPC_BOD33_ENABLE           (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_ENABLE_Pos)
246 #define SUPC_BOD33_HYST_Pos         2            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Hysteresis Enable */
247 #define SUPC_BOD33_HYST             (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_HYST_Pos)
248 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Pos       3            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Action when Threshold Crossed */
249 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Msk       (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Pos)
250 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTION(value)    (SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Pos))
251 #define   SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_NONE_Val      _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) No action */
252 #define   SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_RESET_Val     _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) The BOD33 generates a reset */
253 #define   SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_INT_Val       _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) The BOD33 generates an interrupt */
254 #define   SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_BKUP_Val      _U(0x3)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) The BOD33 puts the device in backup sleep mode if VMON=0 */
257 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_INT       (SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_INT_Val     << SUPC_BOD33_ACTION_Pos)
259 #define SUPC_BOD33_STDBYCFG_Pos     5            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Configuration in Standby mode */
260 #define SUPC_BOD33_STDBYCFG         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_STDBYCFG_Pos)
261 #define SUPC_BOD33_RUNSTDBY_Pos     6            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Run during Standby */
262 #define SUPC_BOD33_RUNSTDBY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_RUNSTDBY_Pos)
263 #define SUPC_BOD33_RUNBKUP_Pos      7            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Configuration in Backup mode */
264 #define SUPC_BOD33_RUNBKUP          (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_RUNBKUP_Pos)
265 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTCFG_Pos       8            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Configuration in Active mode */
266 #define SUPC_BOD33_ACTCFG           (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_ACTCFG_Pos)
267 #define SUPC_BOD33_VMON_Pos         10           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Voltage Monitored in active and standby mode */
268 #define SUPC_BOD33_VMON             (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD33_VMON_Pos)
269 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos         12           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Prescaler Select */
270 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Msk         (_U(0xF) << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
271 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL(value)      (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos))
272 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2_Val        _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 2 */
273 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4_Val        _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 4 */
274 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8_Val        _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 8 */
275 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16_Val       _U(0x3)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 16 */
276 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32_Val       _U(0x4)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 32 */
277 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV64_Val       _U(0x5)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 64 */
278 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV128_Val      _U(0x6)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 128 */
279 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV256_Val      _U(0x7)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 256 */
280 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV512_Val      _U(0x8)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 512 */
281 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV1024_Val     _U(0x9)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 1024 */
282 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2048_Val     _U(0xA)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 2048 */
283 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4096_Val     _U(0xB)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 4096 */
284 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8192_Val     _U(0xC)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 8192 */
285 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16384_Val    _U(0xD)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 16384 */
286 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32768_Val    _U(0xE)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 32768 */
287 #define   SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV65536_Val    _U(0xF)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Divide clock by 65536 */
288 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2        (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2_Val      << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
289 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4        (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4_Val      << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
290 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8        (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8_Val      << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
291 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16       (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16_Val     << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
292 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32       (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32_Val     << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
293 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV64       (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV64_Val     << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
294 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV128      (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV128_Val    << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
295 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV256      (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV256_Val    << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
296 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV512      (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV512_Val    << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
297 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV1024     (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV1024_Val   << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
298 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2048     (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV2048_Val   << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
299 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4096     (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV4096_Val   << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
300 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8192     (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV8192_Val   << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
301 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16384    (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV16384_Val  << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
302 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32768    (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV32768_Val  << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
303 #define SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV65536    (SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_DIV65536_Val  << SUPC_BOD33_PSEL_Pos)
304 #define SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL_Pos        16           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Threshold Level for VDD */
305 #define SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL_Msk        (_U(0x3F) << SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL_Pos)
306 #define SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL(value)     (SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD33_LEVEL_Pos))
307 #define SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL_Pos    24           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) Threshold Level in backup sleep mode or for VBAT */
308 #define SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL_Msk    (_U(0x3F) << SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL_Pos)
309 #define SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL(value) (SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD33_BKUPLEVEL_Pos))
310 #define SUPC_BOD33_MASK             _U(0x3F3FF5FE) /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD33) MASK Register */
312 /* -------- SUPC_BOD12 : (SUPC Offset: 0x14) (R/W 32) BOD12 Control -------- */
313 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
314 typedef union {
315   struct {
316     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      0  Reserved                           */
317     uint32_t ENABLE:1;         /*!< bit:      1  Enable                             */
318     uint32_t HYST:1;           /*!< bit:      2  Hysteresis Enable                  */
319     uint32_t ACTION:2;         /*!< bit:  3.. 4  Action when Threshold Crossed      */
320     uint32_t STDBYCFG:1;       /*!< bit:      5  Configuration in Standby mode      */
321     uint32_t RUNSTDBY:1;       /*!< bit:      6  Run during Standby                 */
322     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      7  Reserved                           */
323     uint32_t ACTCFG:1;         /*!< bit:      8  Configuration in Active mode       */
324     uint32_t :3;               /*!< bit:  9..11  Reserved                           */
325     uint32_t PSEL:4;           /*!< bit: 12..15  Prescaler Select                   */
326     uint32_t LEVEL:6;          /*!< bit: 16..21  Threshold Level                    */
327     uint32_t :10;              /*!< bit: 22..31  Reserved                           */
328   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
329   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
330 } SUPC_BOD12_Type;
331 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
333 #define SUPC_BOD12_OFFSET           0x14         /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12 offset) BOD12 Control */
334 #define SUPC_BOD12_RESETVALUE       _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12 reset_value) BOD12 Control */
336 #define SUPC_BOD12_ENABLE_Pos       1            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Enable */
337 #define SUPC_BOD12_ENABLE           (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD12_ENABLE_Pos)
338 #define SUPC_BOD12_HYST_Pos         2            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Hysteresis Enable */
339 #define SUPC_BOD12_HYST             (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD12_HYST_Pos)
340 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Pos       3            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Action when Threshold Crossed */
341 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Msk       (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Pos)
342 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTION(value)    (SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Pos))
343 #define   SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_NONE_Val      _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) No action */
344 #define   SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_RESET_Val     _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) The BOD12 generates a reset */
345 #define   SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_INT_Val       _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) The BOD12 generates an interrupt */
348 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_INT       (SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_INT_Val     << SUPC_BOD12_ACTION_Pos)
349 #define SUPC_BOD12_STDBYCFG_Pos     5            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Configuration in Standby mode */
350 #define SUPC_BOD12_STDBYCFG         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD12_STDBYCFG_Pos)
351 #define SUPC_BOD12_RUNSTDBY_Pos     6            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Run during Standby */
352 #define SUPC_BOD12_RUNSTDBY         (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD12_RUNSTDBY_Pos)
353 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTCFG_Pos       8            /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Configuration in Active mode */
354 #define SUPC_BOD12_ACTCFG           (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BOD12_ACTCFG_Pos)
355 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos         12           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Prescaler Select */
356 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Msk         (_U(0xF) << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
357 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL(value)      (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos))
358 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2_Val        _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 2 */
359 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4_Val        _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 4 */
360 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8_Val        _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 8 */
361 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16_Val       _U(0x3)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 16 */
362 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32_Val       _U(0x4)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 32 */
363 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV64_Val       _U(0x5)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 64 */
364 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV128_Val      _U(0x6)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 128 */
365 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV256_Val      _U(0x7)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 256 */
366 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV512_Val      _U(0x8)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 512 */
367 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV1024_Val     _U(0x9)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 1024 */
368 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2048_Val     _U(0xA)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 2048 */
369 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4096_Val     _U(0xB)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 4096 */
370 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8192_Val     _U(0xC)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 8192 */
371 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16384_Val    _U(0xD)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 16384 */
372 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32768_Val    _U(0xE)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 32768 */
373 #define   SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV65536_Val    _U(0xF)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Divide clock by 65536 */
374 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2        (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2_Val      << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
375 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4        (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4_Val      << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
376 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8        (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8_Val      << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
377 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16       (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16_Val     << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
378 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32       (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32_Val     << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
379 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV64       (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV64_Val     << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
380 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV128      (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV128_Val    << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
381 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV256      (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV256_Val    << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
382 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV512      (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV512_Val    << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
383 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV1024     (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV1024_Val   << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
384 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2048     (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV2048_Val   << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
385 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4096     (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV4096_Val   << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
386 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8192     (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV8192_Val   << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
387 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16384    (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV16384_Val  << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
388 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32768    (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV32768_Val  << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
389 #define SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV65536    (SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_DIV65536_Val  << SUPC_BOD12_PSEL_Pos)
390 #define SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL_Pos        16           /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) Threshold Level */
391 #define SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL_Msk        (_U(0x3F) << SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL_Pos)
392 #define SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL(value)     (SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BOD12_LEVEL_Pos))
393 #define SUPC_BOD12_MASK             _U(0x003FF17E) /**< \brief (SUPC_BOD12) MASK Register */
395 /* -------- SUPC_VREG : (SUPC Offset: 0x18) (R/W 32) VREG Control -------- */
396 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
397 typedef union {
398   struct {
399     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      0  Reserved                           */
400     uint32_t ENABLE:1;         /*!< bit:      1  Enable                             */
401     uint32_t SEL:2;            /*!< bit:  2.. 3  Voltage Regulator Selection in active mode */
402     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      4  Reserved                           */
403     uint32_t STDBYPL0:1;       /*!< bit:      5  Standby in PL0                     */
404     uint32_t RUNSTDBY:1;       /*!< bit:      6  Run during Standby                 */
405     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      7  Reserved                           */
406     uint32_t LPEFF:1;          /*!< bit:      8  Low Power Efficiency               */
407     uint32_t :7;               /*!< bit:  9..15  Reserved                           */
408     uint32_t VSVSTEP:4;        /*!< bit: 16..19  Voltage Scaling Voltage Step       */
409     uint32_t :4;               /*!< bit: 20..23  Reserved                           */
410     uint32_t VSPER:8;          /*!< bit: 24..31  Voltage Scaling Period             */
411   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
412   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
413 } SUPC_VREG_Type;
414 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
416 #define SUPC_VREG_OFFSET            0x18         /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG offset) VREG Control */
417 #define SUPC_VREG_RESETVALUE        _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG reset_value) VREG Control */
419 #define SUPC_VREG_ENABLE_Pos        1            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Enable */
420 #define SUPC_VREG_ENABLE            (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREG_ENABLE_Pos)
421 #define SUPC_VREG_SEL_Pos           2            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Voltage Regulator Selection in active mode */
422 #define SUPC_VREG_SEL_Msk           (_U(0x3) << SUPC_VREG_SEL_Pos)
423 #define SUPC_VREG_SEL(value)        (SUPC_VREG_SEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_VREG_SEL_Pos))
424 #define   SUPC_VREG_SEL_LDO_Val           _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) LDO selection */
425 #define   SUPC_VREG_SEL_BUCK_Val          _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Buck selection */
426 #define   SUPC_VREG_SEL_SCVREG_Val        _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Switched Cap selection */
427 #define SUPC_VREG_SEL_LDO           (SUPC_VREG_SEL_LDO_Val         << SUPC_VREG_SEL_Pos)
428 #define SUPC_VREG_SEL_BUCK          (SUPC_VREG_SEL_BUCK_Val        << SUPC_VREG_SEL_Pos)
430 #define SUPC_VREG_STDBYPL0_Pos      5            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Standby in PL0 */
431 #define SUPC_VREG_STDBYPL0          (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREG_STDBYPL0_Pos)
432 #define SUPC_VREG_RUNSTDBY_Pos      6            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Run during Standby */
433 #define SUPC_VREG_RUNSTDBY          (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREG_RUNSTDBY_Pos)
434 #define SUPC_VREG_LPEFF_Pos         8            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Low Power Efficiency */
435 #define SUPC_VREG_LPEFF             (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREG_LPEFF_Pos)
436 #define SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP_Pos       16           /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Voltage Scaling Voltage Step */
437 #define SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP_Msk       (_U(0xF) << SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP_Pos)
438 #define SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP(value)    (SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_VREG_VSVSTEP_Pos))
439 #define SUPC_VREG_VSPER_Pos         24           /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) Voltage Scaling Period */
440 #define SUPC_VREG_VSPER_Msk         (_U(0xFF) << SUPC_VREG_VSPER_Pos)
441 #define SUPC_VREG_VSPER(value)      (SUPC_VREG_VSPER_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_VREG_VSPER_Pos))
442 #define SUPC_VREG_MASK              _U(0xFF0F016E) /**< \brief (SUPC_VREG) MASK Register */
444 /* -------- SUPC_VREF : (SUPC Offset: 0x1C) (R/W 32) VREF Control -------- */
445 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
446 typedef union {
447   struct {
448     uint32_t :1;               /*!< bit:      0  Reserved                           */
449     uint32_t TSEN:1;           /*!< bit:      1  Temperature Sensor Output Enable   */
450     uint32_t VREFOE:1;         /*!< bit:      2  Voltage Reference Output Enable    */
451     uint32_t :3;               /*!< bit:  3.. 5  Reserved                           */
452     uint32_t RUNSTDBY:1;       /*!< bit:      6  Run during Standby                 */
453     uint32_t ONDEMAND:1;       /*!< bit:      7  On Demand Contrl                   */
454     uint32_t :8;               /*!< bit:  8..15  Reserved                           */
455     uint32_t SEL:4;            /*!< bit: 16..19  Voltage Reference Selection        */
456     uint32_t :12;              /*!< bit: 20..31  Reserved                           */
457   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
458   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
459 } SUPC_VREF_Type;
460 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
462 #define SUPC_VREF_OFFSET            0x1C         /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF offset) VREF Control */
463 #define SUPC_VREF_RESETVALUE        _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF reset_value) VREF Control */
465 #define SUPC_VREF_TSEN_Pos          1            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) Temperature Sensor Output Enable */
466 #define SUPC_VREF_TSEN              (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREF_TSEN_Pos)
467 #define SUPC_VREF_VREFOE_Pos        2            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) Voltage Reference Output Enable */
468 #define SUPC_VREF_VREFOE            (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREF_VREFOE_Pos)
469 #define SUPC_VREF_RUNSTDBY_Pos      6            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) Run during Standby */
470 #define SUPC_VREF_RUNSTDBY          (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREF_RUNSTDBY_Pos)
471 #define SUPC_VREF_ONDEMAND_Pos      7            /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) On Demand Contrl */
472 #define SUPC_VREF_ONDEMAND          (_U(0x1) << SUPC_VREF_ONDEMAND_Pos)
473 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos           16           /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) Voltage Reference Selection */
474 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_Msk           (_U(0xF) << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
475 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL(value)        (SUPC_VREF_SEL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos))
476 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V0_Val           _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 1.0V voltage reference typical value */
477 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V1_Val           _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 1.1V voltage reference typical value */
478 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V2_Val           _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 1.2V voltage reference typical value */
479 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V25_Val          _U(0x3)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 1.25V voltage reference typical value */
480 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V0_Val           _U(0x4)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 2.0V voltage reference typical value */
481 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V2_Val           _U(0x5)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 2.2V voltage reference typical value */
482 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V4_Val           _U(0x6)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 2.4V voltage reference typical value */
483 #define   SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V5_Val           _U(0x7)   /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) 2.5V voltage reference typical value */
484 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V0           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V0_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
485 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V1           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V1_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
486 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V2           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V2_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
487 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V25          (SUPC_VREF_SEL_1V25_Val        << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
488 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V0           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V0_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
489 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V2           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V2_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
490 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V4           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V4_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
491 #define SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V5           (SUPC_VREF_SEL_2V5_Val         << SUPC_VREF_SEL_Pos)
492 #define SUPC_VREF_MASK              _U(0x000F00C6) /**< \brief (SUPC_VREF) MASK Register */
494 /* -------- SUPC_BBPS : (SUPC Offset: 0x20) (R/W 32) Battery Backup Power Switch -------- */
495 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
496 typedef union {
497   struct {
498     uint32_t CONF:2;           /*!< bit:  0.. 1  Battery Backup Configuration       */
499     uint32_t WAKEEN:1;         /*!< bit:      2  Wake Enable                        */
500     uint32_t PSOKEN:1;         /*!< bit:      3  Power Supply OK Enable             */
501     uint32_t :28;              /*!< bit:  4..31  Reserved                           */
502   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
503   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
504 } SUPC_BBPS_Type;
505 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
507 #define SUPC_BBPS_OFFSET            0x20         /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS offset) Battery Backup Power Switch */
508 #define SUPC_BBPS_RESETVALUE        _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS reset_value) Battery Backup Power Switch */
510 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos          0            /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) Battery Backup Configuration */
511 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Msk          (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos)
512 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF(value)       (SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos))
513 #define   SUPC_BBPS_CONF_NONE_Val         _U(0x0)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) The backup domain is always supplied by main power */
514 #define   SUPC_BBPS_CONF_APWS_Val         _U(0x1)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) The power switch is handled by the automatic power switch */
515 #define   SUPC_BBPS_CONF_FORCED_Val       _U(0x2)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) The backup domain is always supplied by battery backup power */
516 #define   SUPC_BBPS_CONF_BOD33_Val        _U(0x3)   /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) The power switch is handled by the BOD33 */
517 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF_NONE         (SUPC_BBPS_CONF_NONE_Val       << SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos)
518 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF_APWS         (SUPC_BBPS_CONF_APWS_Val       << SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos)
520 #define SUPC_BBPS_CONF_BOD33        (SUPC_BBPS_CONF_BOD33_Val      << SUPC_BBPS_CONF_Pos)
521 #define SUPC_BBPS_WAKEEN_Pos        2            /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) Wake Enable */
522 #define SUPC_BBPS_WAKEEN            (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BBPS_WAKEEN_Pos)
523 #define SUPC_BBPS_PSOKEN_Pos        3            /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) Power Supply OK Enable */
524 #define SUPC_BBPS_PSOKEN            (_U(0x1) << SUPC_BBPS_PSOKEN_Pos)
525 #define SUPC_BBPS_MASK              _U(0x0000000F) /**< \brief (SUPC_BBPS) MASK Register */
527 /* -------- SUPC_BKOUT : (SUPC Offset: 0x24) (R/W 32) Backup Output Control -------- */
528 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
529 typedef union {
530   struct {
531     uint32_t EN:2;             /*!< bit:  0.. 1  Enable Output                      */
532     uint32_t :6;               /*!< bit:  2.. 7  Reserved                           */
533     uint32_t CLR:2;            /*!< bit:  8.. 9  Clear Output                       */
534     uint32_t :6;               /*!< bit: 10..15  Reserved                           */
535     uint32_t SET:2;            /*!< bit: 16..17  Set Output                         */
536     uint32_t :6;               /*!< bit: 18..23  Reserved                           */
537     uint32_t RTCTGL:2;         /*!< bit: 24..25  RTC Toggle Output                  */
538     uint32_t :6;               /*!< bit: 26..31  Reserved                           */
539   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
540   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
541 } SUPC_BKOUT_Type;
542 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
544 #define SUPC_BKOUT_OFFSET           0x24         /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT offset) Backup Output Control */
545 #define SUPC_BKOUT_RESETVALUE       _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT reset_value) Backup Output Control */
547 #define SUPC_BKOUT_EN_Pos           0            /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT) Enable Output */
548 #define SUPC_BKOUT_EN_Msk           (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BKOUT_EN_Pos)
549 #define SUPC_BKOUT_EN(value)        (SUPC_BKOUT_EN_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BKOUT_EN_Pos))
550 #define SUPC_BKOUT_CLR_Pos          8            /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT) Clear Output */
551 #define SUPC_BKOUT_CLR_Msk          (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BKOUT_CLR_Pos)
552 #define SUPC_BKOUT_CLR(value)       (SUPC_BKOUT_CLR_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BKOUT_CLR_Pos))
553 #define SUPC_BKOUT_SET_Pos          16           /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT) Set Output */
554 #define SUPC_BKOUT_SET_Msk          (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BKOUT_SET_Pos)
555 #define SUPC_BKOUT_SET(value)       (SUPC_BKOUT_SET_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BKOUT_SET_Pos))
556 #define SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL_Pos       24           /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT) RTC Toggle Output */
557 #define SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL_Msk       (_U(0x3) << SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL_Pos)
558 #define SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL(value)    (SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BKOUT_RTCTGL_Pos))
559 #define SUPC_BKOUT_MASK             _U(0x03030303) /**< \brief (SUPC_BKOUT) MASK Register */
561 /* -------- SUPC_BKIN : (SUPC Offset: 0x28) (R/  32) Backup Input Control -------- */
562 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
563 typedef union {
564   struct {
565     uint32_t BKIN:8;           /*!< bit:  0.. 7  Backup Input Value                 */
566     uint32_t :24;              /*!< bit:  8..31  Reserved                           */
567   } bit;                       /*!< Structure used for bit  access                  */
568   uint32_t reg;                /*!< Type      used for register access              */
569 } SUPC_BKIN_Type;
570 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
572 #define SUPC_BKIN_OFFSET            0x28         /**< \brief (SUPC_BKIN offset) Backup Input Control */
573 #define SUPC_BKIN_RESETVALUE        _U(0x00000000) /**< \brief (SUPC_BKIN reset_value) Backup Input Control */
575 #define SUPC_BKIN_BKIN_Pos          0            /**< \brief (SUPC_BKIN) Backup Input Value */
576 #define SUPC_BKIN_BKIN_Msk          (_U(0xFF) << SUPC_BKIN_BKIN_Pos)
577 #define SUPC_BKIN_BKIN(value)       (SUPC_BKIN_BKIN_Msk & ((value) << SUPC_BKIN_BKIN_Pos))
578 #define SUPC_BKIN_MASK              _U(0x000000FF) /**< \brief (SUPC_BKIN) MASK Register */
580 /** \brief SUPC hardware registers */
581 #if !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
582 typedef struct {
583   __IO SUPC_INTENCLR_Type        INTENCLR;    /**< \brief Offset: 0x00 (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable Clear */
584   __IO SUPC_INTENSET_Type        INTENSET;    /**< \brief Offset: 0x04 (R/W 32) Interrupt Enable Set */
585   __IO SUPC_INTFLAG_Type         INTFLAG;     /**< \brief Offset: 0x08 (R/W 32) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
586   __I  SUPC_STATUS_Type          STATUS;      /**< \brief Offset: 0x0C (R/  32) Power and Clocks Status */
587   __IO SUPC_BOD33_Type           BOD33;       /**< \brief Offset: 0x10 (R/W 32) BOD33 Control */
588   __IO SUPC_BOD12_Type           BOD12;       /**< \brief Offset: 0x14 (R/W 32) BOD12 Control */
589   __IO SUPC_VREG_Type            VREG;        /**< \brief Offset: 0x18 (R/W 32) VREG Control */
590   __IO SUPC_VREF_Type            VREF;        /**< \brief Offset: 0x1C (R/W 32) VREF Control */
591   __IO SUPC_BBPS_Type            BBPS;        /**< \brief Offset: 0x20 (R/W 32) Battery Backup Power Switch */
592   __IO SUPC_BKOUT_Type           BKOUT;       /**< \brief Offset: 0x24 (R/W 32) Backup Output Control */
593   __I  SUPC_BKIN_Type            BKIN;        /**< \brief Offset: 0x28 (R/  32) Backup Input Control */
594 } Supc;
595 #endif /* !(defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
597 /*@}*/
599 #endif /* _SAML21_SUPC_COMPONENT_ */