1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32wba54xx.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   CMSIS STM32WBA54xx Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File.
6   *
7   *          This file contains:
8   *           - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
9   *           - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
10   *           - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
11   *
12   ******************************************************************************
13   * @attention
14   *
15   * Copyright (c) 2022 STMicroelectronics.
16   * All rights reserved.
17   *
18   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
19   * in the root directory of this software component.
20   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
21   *
22   ******************************************************************************
23   */
24 #ifndef STM32WBA54xx_H
25 #define STM32WBA54xx_H
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
31 /** @addtogroup ST
32   * @{
33   */
35 /** @addtogroup STM32WBA54xx
36   * @{
37   */
39 /** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
40   * @{
41   */
43 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
44 /* ================                                Interrupt Number Definition                                ================ */
45 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
46 typedef enum
47 {
48 /* =======================================  ARM Cortex-M33 Specific Interrupt Numbers  ======================================= */
49   Reset_IRQn                = -15,    /*!< -15 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset              */
50   NonMaskableInt_IRQn       = -14,    /*!< -14 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted        */
51   HardFault_IRQn            = -13,    /*!< -13 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault                              */
52   MemoryManagement_IRQn     = -12,    /*!< -12 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
53                                                and No Match                                                  */
54   BusFault_IRQn             = -11,    /*!< -11 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
55                                                related Fault                                                 */
56   UsageFault_IRQn           = -10,    /*!< -10 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
57   SecureFault_IRQn          =  -9,    /*!< -9  Secure Fault                                                  */
58   SVCall_IRQn               =  -5,    /*!< -5  System Service Call via SVC instruction                       */
59   DebugMonitor_IRQn         =  -4,    /*!< -4  Debug Monitor                                                 */
60   PendSV_IRQn               =  -2,    /*!< -2  Pendable request for system service                           */
61   SysTick_IRQn              =  -1,    /*!< -1  System Tick Timer                                             */
63 /* ===========================================  STM32WBA54xx Specific Interrupt Numbers  ====================================== */
64   WWDG_IRQn                 = 0,      /*!< Window WatchDog interrupt                                         */
65   PVD_IRQn                  = 1,      /*!< PVD through EXTI Line detection Interrupt                         */
66   RTC_IRQn                  = 2,      /*!< RTC non-secure interrupt                                          */
67   RTC_S_IRQn                = 3,      /*!< RTC secure interrupt                                              */
68   TAMP_IRQn                 = 4,      /*!< Tamper global interrupt                                           */
69   RAMCFG_IRQn               = 5,      /*!< RAMCFG global interrupt                                           */
70   FLASH_IRQn                = 6,      /*!< FLASH non-secure global interrupt                                 */
71   FLASH_S_IRQn              = 7,      /*!< FLASH secure global interrupt                                     */
72   GTZC_IRQn                 = 8,      /*!< Global TrustZone Controller interrupt                             */
73   RCC_IRQn                  = 9,      /*!< RCC non secure global interrupt                                   */
74   RCC_S_IRQn                = 10,     /*!< RCC secure global interrupt                                       */
75   EXTI0_IRQn                = 11,     /*!< EXTI Line0 interrupt                                              */
76   EXTI1_IRQn                = 12,     /*!< EXTI Line1 interrupt                                              */
77   EXTI2_IRQn                = 13,     /*!< EXTI Line2 interrupt                                              */
78   EXTI3_IRQn                = 14,     /*!< EXTI Line3 interrupt                                              */
79   EXTI4_IRQn                = 15,     /*!< EXTI Line4 interrupt                                              */
80   EXTI5_IRQn                = 16,     /*!< EXTI Line5 interrupt                                              */
81   EXTI6_IRQn                = 17,     /*!< EXTI Line6 interrupt                                              */
82   EXTI7_IRQn                = 18,     /*!< EXTI Line7 interrupt                                              */
83   EXTI8_IRQn                = 19,     /*!< EXTI Line8 interrupt                                              */
84   EXTI9_IRQn                = 20,     /*!< EXTI Line9 interrupt                                              */
85   EXTI10_IRQn               = 21,     /*!< EXTI Line10 interrupt                                             */
86   EXTI11_IRQn               = 22,     /*!< EXTI Line11 interrupt                                             */
87   EXTI12_IRQn               = 23,     /*!< EXTI Line12 interrupt                                             */
88   EXTI13_IRQn               = 24,     /*!< EXTI Line13 interrupt                                             */
89   EXTI14_IRQn               = 25,     /*!< EXTI Line14 interrupt                                             */
90   EXTI15_IRQn               = 26,     /*!< EXTI Line15 interrupt                                             */
91   IWDG_IRQn                 = 27,     /*!< IWDG global interrupt                                             */
92   SAES_IRQn                 = 28,     /*!< Secure AES global interrupt                                       */
93   GPDMA1_Channel0_IRQn      = 29,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 0 global interrupt                                 */
94   GPDMA1_Channel1_IRQn      = 30,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 1 global interrupt                                 */
95   GPDMA1_Channel2_IRQn      = 31,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 2 global interrupt                                 */
96   GPDMA1_Channel3_IRQn      = 32,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 3 global interrupt                                 */
97   GPDMA1_Channel4_IRQn      = 33,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 4 global interrupt                                 */
98   GPDMA1_Channel5_IRQn      = 34,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 5 global interrupt                                 */
99   GPDMA1_Channel6_IRQn      = 35,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 6 global interrupt                                 */
100   GPDMA1_Channel7_IRQn      = 36,     /*!< GPDMA1 Channel 7 global interrupt                                 */
101   TIM1_BRK_IRQn             = 37,     /*!< TIM1 Break interrupt                                              */
102   TIM1_UP_IRQn              = 38,     /*!< TIM1 Update interrupt                                             */
103   TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQn         = 39,     /*!< TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupt                            */
104   TIM1_CC_IRQn              = 40,     /*!< TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt                                    */
105   TIM2_IRQn                 = 41,     /*!< TIM2 global interrupt                                             */
106   TIM3_IRQn                 = 42,     /*!< TIM3 global interrupt                                             */
107   I2C1_EV_IRQn              = 43,     /*!< I2C1 Event interrupt                                              */
108   I2C1_ER_IRQn              = 44,     /*!< I2C1 Error interrupt                                              */
109   SPI1_IRQn                 = 45,     /*!< SPI1 global interrupt                                             */
110   USART1_IRQn               = 46,     /*!< USART1 global interrupt                                           */
111   USART2_IRQn               = 47,     /*!< USART2 global interrupt                                           */
112   LPUART1_IRQn              = 48,     /*!< LPUART1 global interrupt                                          */
113   LPTIM1_IRQn               = 49,     /*!< LPTIM1 global interrupt                                           */
114   LPTIM2_IRQn               = 50,     /*!< LPTIM2 global interrupt                                           */
115   TIM16_IRQn                = 51,     /*!< TIM16 global interrupt                                            */
116   TIM17_IRQn                = 52,     /*!< TIM17 global interrupt                                            */
117   COMP_IRQn                 = 53,     /*!< COMP1 and COMP2 through EXTI Lines interrupts                     */
118   I2C3_EV_IRQn              = 54,     /*!< I2C3 Event interrupt                                              */
119   I2C3_ER_IRQn              = 55,     /*!< I2C3 Error interrupt                                              */
120   SAI1_IRQn                 = 56,     /*!< Serial Audio Interface 1 global interrupt                         */
121   TSC_IRQn                  = 57,     /*!< Touch Sense Controller global interrupt                           */
122   AES_IRQn                  = 58,     /*!< AES global interrupt                                              */
123   RNG_IRQn                  = 59,     /*!< RNG global interrupt                                              */
124   FPU_IRQn                  = 60,     /*!< FPU global interrupt                                              */
125   HASH_IRQn                 = 61,     /*!< HASH global interrupt                                             */
126   PKA_IRQn                  = 62,     /*!< PKA global interrupt                                              */
127   SPI3_IRQn                 = 63,     /*!< SPI3 global interrupt                                             */
128   ICACHE_IRQn               = 64,     /*!< Instruction cache global interrupt                                */
129   ADC4_IRQn                 = 65,     /*!< ADC4 global interrupt                                             */
130   RADIO_IRQn                = 66,     /*!< 2.4GHz RADIO global interrupt                                     */
131   WKUP_IRQn                 = 67,     /*!< PWR global WKUP pin interrupt                                     */
132   HSEM_IRQn                 = 68,     /*!< HSEM non-secure global interrupt                                  */
133   HSEM_S_IRQn               = 69,     /*!< HSEM secure global interrupt                                      */
134 } IRQn_Type;
137 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
138 /* ================                           Processor and Core Peripheral Section                           ================ */
139 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
140 /* -------  Start of section using anonymous unions and disabling warnings  ------- */
141 #if   defined (__CC_ARM)
142   #pragma push
143   #pragma anon_unions
144 #elif defined (__ICCARM__)
145   #pragma language=extended
146 #elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
147   #pragma clang diagnostic push
148   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc11-extensions"
149   #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
150 #elif defined (__GNUC__)
151   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
152 #elif defined (__TMS470__)
153   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
154 #elif defined (__TASKING__)
155   #pragma warning 586
156 #elif defined (__CSMC__)
157   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
158 #else
159   #warning Not supported compiler type
160 #endif
162 /* --------  Configuration of the STM32WBAxx System On Chip ------ */
163 #define STM32WBAXX_SI_CUT1_0
165 /* --------  Configuration of the Cortex-M33 Processor and Core Peripherals  ------ */
166 #define __CM33_REV                0x0000U   /* Core revision r0p1 */
167 #define __SAUREGION_PRESENT       1U        /* SAU regions present */
168 #define __MPU_PRESENT             1U        /* MPU present */
169 #define __VTOR_PRESENT            1U        /* VTOR present */
170 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS          4U        /* Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
171 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig    0U        /* Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
172 #define __FPU_PRESENT             1U        /* FPU present */
173 #define __DSP_PRESENT             1U        /* DSP extension present */
175 /** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
177 #include <core_cm33.h>                   /*!< ARM Cortex-M33 processor and core peripherals */
178 #include "system_stm32wbaxx.h"           /*!< system_stm32wbaxx System */
181 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
182 /* ================                            Device Specific Peripheral Section                             ================ */
183 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
184 /** @addtogroup STM32WBAxx_peripherals
185   * @{
186   */
188 /**
189   * @brief Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
190   */
191 typedef struct
192 {
193   __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< ADC interrupt and status register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
194   __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< ADC interrupt enable register,                 Address offset: 0x04 */
195   __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< ADC control register,                          Address offset: 0x08 */
196   __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< ADC configuration register 1,                  Address offset: 0x0C */
197   __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< ADC configuration register 2,                  Address offset: 0x10 */
198   __IO uint32_t SMPR;         /*!< ADC sampling time register,                    Address offset: 0x14 */
199        uint32_t RESERVED0[2]; /*!< Reserved,                                      Address offset: 0x18-0x1C */
200   __IO uint32_t AWD1TR;       /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 threshold register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
201   __IO uint32_t AWD2TR;       /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,               Address offset: 0x24 */
202   __IO uint32_t CHSELR;       /*!< ADC channel select register,                   Address offset: 0x28 */
203   __IO uint32_t AWD3TR;       /*!< ADC watchdog threshold register,               Address offset: 0x02C */
204        uint32_t RESERVED1[4]; /*!< Reserved,                                      Address offset: 0x30-0x3C */
205   __IO uint32_t DR;           /*!< ADC group regular data register,               Address offset: 0x40 */
206   __IO uint32_t PWRR;         /*!< ADC power register,                            Address offset: 0x44 */
207        uint32_t RESERVED2[22];/*!< Reserved,                                      Address offset: 0x48-0x9C */
208   __IO uint32_t AWD2CR;       /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 configuration register,  Address offset: 0xA0 */
209   __IO uint32_t AWD3CR;       /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 configuration register,  Address offset: 0xA4 */
210        uint32_t RESERVED3[7]; /*!< Reserved,                                      Address offset: 0xA8-0xC0 */
211   __IO uint32_t CALFACT;      /*!< ADC Calibration factor register,               Address offset: 0xC4 */
212 } ADC_TypeDef;
214 typedef struct
215 {
216   __IO uint32_t CCR;          /*!< ADC common configuration register,             Address offset: 0x308 */
217 } ADC_Common_TypeDef;
219 /**
220   * @brief Analog comparators (COMP)
221   */
222 typedef struct
223 {
224   __IO uint32_t CSR;            /*!< Comparator control and status register,   Address offset: 0x00 */
225 } COMP_TypeDef;
227 typedef struct
228 {
229   __IO uint32_t CSR_ODD;        /*!< COMP control and status register located in register of comparator instance odd, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x00 */
230   __IO uint32_t CSR_EVEN;       /*!< COMP control and status register located in register of comparator instance even, used for bits common to several COMP instances, Address offset: 0x04 */
231 } COMP_Common_TypeDef;
233 /**
234   * @brief CRC calculation unit
235   */
236 typedef struct
237 {
238   __IO uint32_t DR;             /*!< CRC Data register,                           Address offset: 0x00 */
239   __IO uint32_t IDR;            /*!< CRC Independent data register,               Address offset: 0x04 */
240   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< CRC Control register,                        Address offset: 0x08 */
241        uint32_t RESERVED0;      /*!< Reserved,                                                    0x0C */
242   __IO uint32_t INIT;           /*!< Initial CRC value register,                  Address offset: 0x10 */
243   __IO uint32_t POL;            /*!< CRC polynomial register,                     Address offset: 0x14 */
244 } CRC_TypeDef;
246 /**
247   * @brief AES hardware accelerator
248   */
249 typedef struct
250 {
251   __IO uint32_t CR;          /*!< AES control register,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
252   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< AES status register,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
253   __IO uint32_t DINR;        /*!< AES data input register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
254   __IO uint32_t DOUTR;       /*!< AES data output register,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
255   __IO uint32_t KEYR0;       /*!< AES key register 0,                          Address offset: 0x10 */
256   __IO uint32_t KEYR1;       /*!< AES key register 1,                          Address offset: 0x14 */
257   __IO uint32_t KEYR2;       /*!< AES key register 2,                          Address offset: 0x18 */
258   __IO uint32_t KEYR3;       /*!< AES key register 3,                          Address offset: 0x1C */
259   __IO uint32_t IVR0;        /*!< AES initialization vector register 0,        Address offset: 0x20 */
260   __IO uint32_t IVR1;        /*!< AES initialization vector register 1,        Address offset: 0x24 */
261   __IO uint32_t IVR2;        /*!< AES initialization vector register 2,        Address offset: 0x28 */
262   __IO uint32_t IVR3;        /*!< AES initialization vector register 3,        Address offset: 0x2C */
263   __IO uint32_t KEYR4;       /*!< AES key register 4,                          Address offset: 0x30 */
264   __IO uint32_t KEYR5;       /*!< AES key register 5,                          Address offset: 0x34 */
265   __IO uint32_t KEYR6;       /*!< AES key register 6,                          Address offset: 0x38 */
266   __IO uint32_t KEYR7;       /*!< AES key register 7,                          Address offset: 0x3C */
267   __IO uint32_t SUSP0R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 0,                      Address offset: 0x40 */
268   __IO uint32_t SUSP1R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 1,                      Address offset: 0x44 */
269   __IO uint32_t SUSP2R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 2,                      Address offset: 0x48 */
270   __IO uint32_t SUSP3R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 3,                      Address offset: 0x4C */
271   __IO uint32_t SUSP4R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 4,                      Address offset: 0x50 */
272   __IO uint32_t SUSP5R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 5,                      Address offset: 0x54 */
273   __IO uint32_t SUSP6R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 6,                      Address offset: 0x58 */
274   __IO uint32_t SUSP7R;      /*!< AES Suspend register 7,                      Address offset: 0x5C */
275        uint32_t RESERVED1[168];/*!< Reserved,                                  Address offset: 0x60 -- 0x2FC */
276   __IO uint32_t IER;         /*!< AES Interrupt Enable Register,               Address offset: 0x300 */
277   __IO uint32_t ISR;         /*!< AES Interrupt Status Register,               Address offset: 0x304 */
278   __IO uint32_t ICR;         /*!< AES Interrupt Clear Register,                Address offset: 0x308 */
279 } AES_TypeDef;
281 /**
282   * @brief Debug MCU
283   */
284 typedef struct
285 {
286   __IO uint32_t IDCODE;      /*!< MCU device ID code,                 Address offset: 0x00 */
287   __IO uint32_t SCR;         /*!< Debug MCU status and configuration register,   Address offset: 0x04 */
288   __IO uint32_t APB1LFZR;    /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register 1,   Address offset: 0x08 */
289   __IO uint32_t APB1HFZR;    /*!< Debug MCU APB1 freeze register 2,   Address offset: 0x0C */
290   __IO uint32_t APB2FZR;     /*!< Debug MCU APB2 freeze register,     Address offset: 0x10 */
291        uint32_t RESERVED1[4];/*!< Reserved,                                    0x14 - 0x20 */
292   __IO uint32_t APB7FZR;     /*!< Debug MCU APB7 freeze register,     Address offset: 0x24 */
293   __IO uint32_t AHB1FZR;     /*!< Debug MCU AHB1 freeze register,     Address offset: 0x28 */
294 } DBGMCU_TypeDef;
296 /**
297   * @brief DMA Controller
298   */
299 typedef struct
300 {
301   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;      /*!< DMA secure configuration register,               Address offset: 0x00  */
302   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;     /*!< DMA privileged configuration register,           Address offset: 0x04  */
303   __IO uint32_t RCFGLOCKR;    /*!< DMA secure and privilege lock register,          Address offset: 0x08  */
304   __IO uint32_t MISR;         /*!< DMA non secure masked interrupt status register, Address offset: 0x0C  */
305   __IO uint32_t SMISR;        /*!< DMA secure masked interrupt status register,     Address offset: 0x10  */
306 } DMA_TypeDef;
308 typedef struct
309 {
310   __IO uint32_t CLBAR;         /*!< DMA channel x linked-list base address register, Address offset: 0x50 + (x * 0x80) */
311        uint32_t RESERVED1[2];  /*!< Reserved 1,                                      Address offset: 0x54 -- 0x58      */
312   __IO uint32_t CFCR;          /*!< DMA channel x flag clear register,               Address offset: 0x5C + (x * 0x80) */
313   __IO uint32_t CSR;           /*!< DMA channel x flag status register,              Address offset: 0x60 + (x * 0x80) */
314   __IO uint32_t CCR;           /*!< DMA channel x control register,                  Address offset: 0x64 + (x * 0x80) */
315        uint32_t RESERVED2[10]; /*!< Reserved 2,                                      Address offset: 0x68 -- 0x8C      */
316   __IO uint32_t CTR1;          /*!< DMA channel x transfer register 1,               Address offset: 0x90 + (x * 0x80) */
317   __IO uint32_t CTR2;          /*!< DMA channel x transfer register 2,               Address offset: 0x94 + (x * 0x80) */
318   __IO uint32_t CBR1;          /*!< DMA channel x block register 1,                  Address offset: 0x98 + (x * 0x80) */
319   __IO uint32_t CSAR;          /*!< DMA channel x source address register,           Address offset: 0x9C + (x * 0x80) */
320   __IO uint32_t CDAR;          /*!< DMA channel x destination address register,      Address offset: 0xA0 + (x * 0x80) */
321        uint32_t RESERVED3[10]; /*!< Reserved 3,                                      Address offset: 0xA4 -- 0xC8      */
322   __IO uint32_t CLLR;          /*!< DMA channel x linked-list address register,      Address offset: 0xCC + (x * 0x80) */
323 } DMA_Channel_TypeDef;
325 /**
326   * @brief Asynch Interrupt/Event Controller (EXTI)
327   */
328 typedef struct
329 {
330   __IO uint32_t RTSR1;          /*!< EXTI Rising Trigger Selection Register 1,        Address offset:   0x00 */
331   __IO uint32_t FTSR1;          /*!< EXTI Falling Trigger Selection Register 1,       Address offset:   0x04 */
332   __IO uint32_t SWIER1;         /*!< EXTI Software Interrupt event Register 1,        Address offset:   0x08 */
333   __IO uint32_t RPR1;           /*!< EXTI Rising Pending Register 1,                  Address offset:   0x0C */
334   __IO uint32_t FPR1;           /*!< EXTI Falling Pending Register 1,                 Address offset:   0x10 */
335   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR1;       /*!< EXTI Security Configuration Register 1,          Address offset:   0x14 */
336   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR1;      /*!< EXTI Privilege Configuration Register 1,         Address offset:   0x18 */
337        uint32_t RESERVED1[17];  /*!< Reserved 1,                                                0x1C -- 0x5C */
338   __IO uint32_t EXTICR[4];      /*!< EXIT External Interrupt Configuration Register,            0x60 -- 0x6C */
339   __IO uint32_t LOCKR;          /*!< EXTI Lock Register,                              Address offset:   0x70 */
340        uint32_t RESERVED2[3];   /*!< Reserved 2,                                                0x74 -- 0x7C */
341   __IO uint32_t IMR1;           /*!< EXTI Interrupt Mask Register 1,                  Address offset:   0x80 */
342   __IO uint32_t EMR1;           /*!< EXTI Event Mask Register 1,                      Address offset:   0x84 */
343 } EXTI_TypeDef;
345 /**
346   * @brief FLASH Registers
347   */
348 typedef struct
349 {
350   __IO uint32_t ACR;              /*!< FLASH access control register,                  Address offset: 0x00 */
351        uint32_t RESERVED0;        /*!< RESERVED1,                                      Address offset: 0x04 */
352   __IO uint32_t NSKEYR;           /*!< FLASH non-secure key register,                  Address offset: 0x08 */
353   __IO uint32_t SECKEYR;          /*!< FLASH secure key register,                      Address offset: 0x0C */
354   __IO uint32_t OPTKEYR;          /*!< FLASH option key register,                      Address offset: 0x10 */
355        uint32_t RESERVED1;        /*!< Reserved1,                                      Address offset: 0x14 */
356   __IO uint32_t PDKEYR;           /*!< FLASH Bank power-down key register,             Address offset: 0x18 */
357        uint32_t RESERVED2;        /*!< Reserved2,                                      Address offset: 0x1C */
358   __IO uint32_t NSSR;             /*!< FLASH non-secure status register,               Address offset: 0x20 */
359   __IO uint32_t SECSR;            /*!< FLASH secure status register,                   Address offset: 0x24 */
360   __IO uint32_t NSCR1;            /*!< FLASH non-secure control register,              Address offset: 0x28 */
361   __IO uint32_t SECCR1;           /*!< FLASH secure control register,                  Address offset: 0x2C */
362   __IO uint32_t ECCR;             /*!< FLASH ECC register,                             Address offset: 0x30 */
363   __IO uint32_t OPSR;             /*!< FLASH OPSR register,                            Address offset: 0x34 */
364   __IO uint32_t NSCR2;            /*!< FLASH non-secure control register,              Address offset: 0x38 */
365   __IO uint32_t SECCR2;           /*!< FLASH secure control register,                  Address offset: 0x3C */
366   __IO uint32_t OPTR;             /*!< FLASH option control register,                  Address offset: 0x40 */
367   __IO uint32_t NSBOOTADD0R;      /*!< FLASH non-secure boot address 0 register,       Address offset: 0x44 */
368   __IO uint32_t NSBOOTADD1R;      /*!< FLASH non-secure boot address 1 register,       Address offset: 0x48 */
369   __IO uint32_t SECBOOTADD0R;     /*!< FLASH secure boot address 0 register,           Address offset: 0x4C */
370   __IO uint32_t SECWMR1 ;         /*!< FLASH secure watermark1 register 1,             Address offset: 0x50 */
371   __IO uint32_t SECWMR2;          /*!< FLASH secure watermark1 register 2,             Address offset: 0x54 */
372   __IO uint32_t WRPAR;            /*!< FLASH WRP area A address register,              Address offset: 0x58 */
373   __IO uint32_t WRPBR;            /*!< FLASH WRP area B address register,              Address offset: 0x5C */
374        uint32_t RESERVED3[4];     /*!< Reserved3,                                      Address offset: 0x60-0x6C */
375   __IO uint32_t OEM1KEYR1;        /*!< FLASH OEM1 key register 1,                      Address offset: 0x70 */
376   __IO uint32_t OEM1KEYR2;        /*!< FLASH OEM1 key register 2,                      Address offset: 0x74 */
377   __IO uint32_t OEM2KEYR1;        /*!< FLASH OEM2 key register 1,                      Address offset: 0x78 */
378   __IO uint32_t OEM2KEYR2;        /*!< FLASH OEM2 key register 2,                      Address offset: 0x7C */
379   __IO uint32_t SECBBR1;          /*!< FLASH secure block-based bank register 1,       Address offset: 0x80 */
380   __IO uint32_t SECBBR2;          /*!< FLASH secure block-based bank register 2,       Address offset: 0x84 */
381   __IO uint32_t SECBBR3;          /*!< FLASH secure block-based bank register 3,       Address offset: 0x88 */
382   __IO uint32_t SECBBR4;          /*!< FLASH secure block-based bank register 4,       Address offset: 0x8C */
383        uint32_t RESERVED4[12];    /*!< Reserved4,                                      Address offset: 0x90-0xBC */
384   __IO uint32_t SECHDPCR;         /*!< FLASH secure HDP control register,              Address offset: 0xC0 */
385   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;         /*!< FLASH privilege configuration register,         Address offset: 0xC4 */
386        uint32_t RESERVED5[2];     /*!< Reserved5,                                      Address offset: 0xC8-0xCC */
387   __IO uint32_t PRIVBBR1;         /*!< FLASH privilege block-based bank register 1,    Address offset: 0xD0 */
388   __IO uint32_t PRIVBBR2;         /*!< FLASH privilege block-based bank register 2,    Address offset: 0xD4 */
389   __IO uint32_t PRIVBBR3;         /*!< FLASH privilege block-based bank register 3,    Address offset: 0xD8 */
390   __IO uint32_t PRIVBBR4;         /*!< FLASH privilege block-based bank register 4,    Address offset: 0xDC */
391 } FLASH_TypeDef;
393 /**
394   * @brief General Purpose I/O
395   */
396 typedef struct
397 {
398   __IO uint32_t MODER;       /*!< GPIO port mode register,               Address offset: 0x00      */
399   __IO uint32_t OTYPER;      /*!< GPIO port output type register,        Address offset: 0x04      */
400   __IO uint32_t OSPEEDR;     /*!< GPIO port output speed register,       Address offset: 0x08      */
401   __IO uint32_t PUPDR;       /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register,  Address offset: 0x0C      */
402   __IO uint32_t IDR;         /*!< GPIO port input data register,         Address offset: 0x10      */
403   __IO uint32_t ODR;         /*!< GPIO port output data register,        Address offset: 0x14      */
404   __IO uint32_t BSRR;        /*!< GPIO port bit set/reset  register,     Address offset: 0x18      */
405   __IO uint32_t LCKR;        /*!< GPIO port configuration lock register, Address offset: 0x1C      */
406   __IO uint32_t AFR[2];      /*!< GPIO alternate function registers,     Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
407   __IO uint32_t BRR;         /*!< GPIO Bit Reset register,               Address offset: 0x28      */
408        uint32_t RESERVED1;   /*!< RESERVED1,                             Address offset: 0x2C      */
409   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;     /*!< GPIO secure configuration register,    Address offset: 0x30      */
410 } GPIO_TypeDef;
412 /**
413   * @brief Global TrustZone Controller
414   */
415 typedef struct
416 {
417   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< TZSC control register,                                                Address offset: 0x00      */
418        uint32_t RESERVED1[3];   /*!< Reserved1,                                                            Address offset: 0x04-0x0C */
419   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR1;       /*!< TZSC secure configuration register 1,                                 Address offset: 0x10      */
420   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR2;       /*!< TZSC secure configuration register 2,                                 Address offset: 0x14      */
421   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR3;       /*!< TZSC secure configuration register 3,                                 Address offset: 0x18      */
422        uint32_t RESERVED2;      /*!< Reserved2,                                                            Address offset: 0x1C      */
423   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR1;      /*!< TZSC privilege configuration register 1,                              Address offset: 0x20      */
424   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR2;      /*!< TZSC privilege configuration register 2,                              Address offset: 0x24      */
425   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR3;      /*!< TZSC privilege configuration register 3,                              Address offset: 0x28      */
426 } GTZC_TZSC_TypeDef;
428 typedef struct
429 {
430   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< MPCBBx control register,                  Address offset: 0x00        */
431   uint32_t RESERVED1[3];        /*!< Reserved1,                                Address offset: 0x04-0x0C   */
432   __IO uint32_t CFGLOCK;        /*!< MPCBBx lock register,                     Address offset: 0x10        */
433   uint32_t RESERVED2[59];       /*!< Reserved2,                                Address offset: 0x14-0xFC   */
434   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR[4];     /*!< MPCBBx security configuration registers,  Address offset: 0x100-0x10C */
435   uint32_t RESERVED3[60];       /*!< Reserved3,                                Address offset: 0x110-0x1FC */
436   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR[4];    /*!< MPCBBx privilege configuration registers, Address offset: 0x200-0x20C */
437 } GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef;
439 typedef struct
440 {
441   __IO uint32_t IER1;           /*!< TZIC interrupt enable register 1, Address offset: 0x00 */
442   __IO uint32_t IER2;           /*!< TZIC interrupt enable register 2, Address offset: 0x04 */
443   __IO uint32_t IER3;           /*!< TZIC interrupt enable register 3, Address offset: 0x08 */
444   __IO uint32_t IER4;           /*!< TZIC interrupt enable register 4, Address offset: 0x0C */
445   __IO uint32_t SR1;            /*!< TZIC status register 1,           Address offset: 0x10 */
446   __IO uint32_t SR2;            /*!< TZIC status register 2,           Address offset: 0x14 */
447   __IO uint32_t SR3;            /*!< TZIC status register 3,           Address offset: 0x18 */
448   __IO uint32_t SR4;            /*!< TZIC status register 4,           Address offset: 0x1C */
449   __IO uint32_t FCR1;           /*!< TZIC flag clear register 1,       Address offset: 0x20 */
450   __IO uint32_t FCR2;           /*!< TZIC flag clear register 2,       Address offset: 0x24 */
451   __IO uint32_t FCR3;           /*!< TZIC flag clear register 3,       Address offset: 0x28 */
452   __IO uint32_t FCR4;           /*!< TZIC flag clear register 3,       Address offset: 0x2C */
453 } GTZC_TZIC_TypeDef;
455 /**
456   * @brief HASH
457   */
458 typedef struct
459 {
460   __IO uint32_t CR;               /*!< HASH control register,          Address offset: 0x00        */
461   __IO uint32_t DIN;              /*!< HASH data input register,       Address offset: 0x04        */
462   __IO uint32_t STR;              /*!< HASH start register,            Address offset: 0x08        */
463   __IO uint32_t HR[5];            /*!< HASH digest registers,          Address offset: 0x0C-0x1C   */
464   __IO uint32_t IMR;              /*!< HASH interrupt enable register, Address offset: 0x20        */
465   __IO uint32_t SR;               /*!< HASH status register,           Address offset: 0x24        */
466        uint32_t RESERVED0[52];    /*!< Reserved,                       Address offset: 0x28-0xF4   */
467   __IO uint32_t CSR[54];          /*!< HASH context swap registers,    Address offset: 0x0F8-0x1CC */
468 } HASH_TypeDef;
470 /**
471   * @brief HASH_DIGEST
472   */
473 typedef struct
474 {
475   __IO uint32_t HR[8];     /*!< HASH digest registers,          Address offset: 0x310-0x32C */
476 } HASH_DIGEST_TypeDef;
478 /**
479   * @brief HW Semaphore HSEM
480   */
481 typedef struct
482 {
483   __IO uint32_t R[16];      /*!< HSEM 2-step write lock and read back registers, Address offset: 00h-3Ch   */
484    uint32_t  Reserved1[16]; /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 40h-7Ch   */
485   __IO uint32_t RLR[16];    /*!< HSEM 1-step read lock registers,                Address offset: 80h-BCh   */
486    uint32_t  Reserved2[16]; /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: C0h-FCh   */
487   __IO uint32_t IER;        /*!< HSEM interrupt enable register,                 Address offset: 100h      */
488   __IO uint32_t ICR;        /*!< HSEM interrupt clear register,                  Address offset: 104h      */
489   __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< HSEM interrupt status register,                 Address offset: 108h      */
490   __IO uint32_t MISR;       /*!< HSEM masked interrupt status register,          Address offset: 10Ch      */
491    uint32_t  Reserved3[28]; /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 110h-17Ch */
492   __IO uint32_t SIER;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt enable register,          Address offset: 180h      */
493   __IO uint32_t SICR;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt clear register,           Address offset: 184h      */
494   __IO uint32_t SISR;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt status register,          Address offset: 188h      */
495   __IO uint32_t SMISR;      /*!< HSEM secure masked interrupt status register,   Address offset: 18Ch      */
496    uint32_t  Reserved4[28]; /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 190h-1FCh */
497   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;    /*!< HSEM security configuration register,           Address offset: 200h      */
498    uint32_t  Reserved5[3];  /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 204h-20Ch */
499   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;   /*!< HSEM privilege configuration register,          Address offset: 210h      */
500    uint32_t  Reserved6[7];  /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 214h-22Ch */
501   __IO uint32_t CR;         /*!< HSEM Semaphore clear register,                  Address offset: 230h      */
502   __IO uint32_t KEYR;       /*!< HSEM Semaphore clear key register,              Address offset: 234h      */
503 } HSEM_TypeDef;
505 typedef struct
506 {
507   __IO uint32_t IER;        /*!< HSEM interrupt enable register,                 Address offset:   0h      */
508   __IO uint32_t ICR;        /*!< HSEM interrupt clear register,                  Address offset:   4h      */
509   __IO uint32_t ISR;        /*!< HSEM interrupt status register,                 Address offset:   8h      */
510   __IO uint32_t MISR;       /*!< HSEM masked interrupt status register,          Address offset:   Ch      */
511    uint32_t  Reserved3[28]; /*!< Reserved                                        Address offset: 10h-7Ch   */
512   __IO uint32_t SIER;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt enable register,          Address offset: 80h       */
513   __IO uint32_t SICR;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt clear register,           Address offset: 84h       */
514   __IO uint32_t SISR;       /*!< HSEM secure interrupt status register,          Address offset: 88h       */
515   __IO uint32_t SMISR;      /*!< HSEM secure masked interrupt status register,   Address offset: 8Ch       */
516 } HSEM_Common_TypeDef;
518 /**
519   * @brief Instruction Cache
520   */
521 typedef struct
522 {
523   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< ICACHE control register,                Address offset: 0x00 */
524   __IO uint32_t SR;             /*!< ICACHE status register,                 Address offset: 0x04 */
525   __IO uint32_t IER;            /*!< ICACHE interrupt enable register,       Address offset: 0x08 */
526   __IO uint32_t FCR;            /*!< ICACHE Flag clear register,             Address offset: 0x0C */
527   __IO uint32_t HMONR;          /*!< ICACHE hit monitor register,            Address offset: 0x10 */
528   __IO uint32_t MMONR;          /*!< ICACHE miss monitor register,           Address offset: 0x14 */
529        uint32_t RESERVED1[2];   /*!< Reserved,                               Address offset: 0x018-0x01C */
530   __IO uint32_t CRR0;           /*!< ICACHE region 0 configuration register, Address offset: 0x20 */
531   __IO uint32_t CRR1;           /*!< ICACHE region 1 configuration register, Address offset: 0x24 */
532   __IO uint32_t CRR2;           /*!< ICACHE region 2 configuration register, Address offset: 0x28 */
533   __IO uint32_t CRR3;           /*!< ICACHE region 3 configuration register, Address offset: 0x2C */
534 } ICACHE_TypeDef;
536 /**
537   * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
538   */
539 typedef struct
540 {
541   __IO uint32_t CR1;         /*!< I2C Control register 1,                         Address offset: 0x00 */
542   __IO uint32_t CR2;         /*!< I2C Control register 2,                         Address offset: 0x04 */
543   __IO uint32_t OAR1;        /*!< I2C Own address 1 register,                     Address offset: 0x08 */
544   __IO uint32_t OAR2;        /*!< I2C Own address 2 register,                     Address offset: 0x0C */
545   __IO uint32_t TIMINGR;     /*!< I2C Timing register,                            Address offset: 0x10 */
546   __IO uint32_t TIMEOUTR;    /*!< I2C Timeout register,                           Address offset: 0x14 */
547   __IO uint32_t ISR;         /*!< I2C Interrupt and status register,              Address offset: 0x18 */
548   __IO uint32_t ICR;         /*!< I2C Interrupt clear register,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
549   __IO uint32_t PECR;        /*!< I2C PEC register,                               Address offset: 0x20 */
550   __IO uint32_t RXDR;        /*!< I2C Receive data register,                      Address offset: 0x24 */
551   __IO uint32_t TXDR;        /*!< I2C Transmit data register,                     Address offset: 0x28 */
552   __IO uint32_t AUTOCR;      /*!< I2C Autonomous mode control register,           Address offset: 0x2C */
553 } I2C_TypeDef;
555 /**
556   * @brief IWDG
557   */
558 typedef struct
559 {
560   __IO uint32_t KR;            /*!< IWDG Key register,          Address offset: 0x00 */
561   __IO uint32_t PR;            /*!< IWDG Prescaler register,    Address offset: 0x04 */
562   __IO uint32_t RLR;           /*!< IWDG Reload register,       Address offset: 0x08 */
563   __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< IWDG Status register,       Address offset: 0x0C */
564   __IO uint32_t WINR;          /*!< IWDG Window register,       Address offset: 0x10 */
565   __IO uint32_t EWCR;          /*!< IWDG Early Wakeup register, Address offset: 0x14 */
566 } IWDG_TypeDef;
568 /**
569   * @brief LPTIMER
570   */
571 typedef struct
572 {
573   __IO uint32_t ISR;            /*!< LPTIM Interrupt and Status register,    Address offset: 0x00 */
574   __IO uint32_t ICR;            /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Clear register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
575   __IO uint32_t DIER;           /*!< LPTIM Interrupt Enable register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
576   __IO uint32_t CFGR;           /*!< LPTIM Configuration register,           Address offset: 0x0C */
577   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< LPTIM Control register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
578   __IO uint32_t CCR1;           /*!< LPTIM Capture/Compare register 1,       Address offset: 0x14 */
579   __IO uint32_t ARR;            /*!< LPTIM Autoreload register,              Address offset: 0x18 */
580   __IO uint32_t CNT;            /*!< LPTIM Counter register,                 Address offset: 0x1C */
581   __IO uint32_t RESERVED0;      /*!< Reserved,                               Address offset: 0x20 */
582   __IO uint32_t CFGR2;          /*!< LPTIM Configuration register 2,         Address offset: 0x24 */
583   __IO uint32_t RCR;            /*!< LPTIM Repetition register,              Address offset: 0x28 */
584   __IO uint32_t CCMR1;          /*!< LPTIM Capture/Compare mode register,    Address offset: 0x2C */
585   __IO uint32_t RESERVED1;      /*!< Reserved,                               Address offset: 0x30 */
586   __IO uint32_t CCR2;           /*!< LPTIM Capture/Compare register 2,       Address offset: 0x34 */
587 } LPTIM_TypeDef;
589 /**
590   * @brief PKA
591   */
592 typedef struct
593 {
594   __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< PKA control register,             Address offset: 0x00 */
595   __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< PKA status register,              Address offset: 0x04 */
596   __IO uint32_t CLRFR;         /*!< PKA clear flag register,          Address offset: 0x08 */
597   uint32_t Reserved[253];      /*!< Reserved memory area              Address offset: 0x0C  -> 0x03FC */
598   __IO uint32_t RAM[1334];     /*!< PKA RAM                           Address offset: 0x400 -> 0x18D4 */
599 } PKA_TypeDef;
601 /**
602   * @brief PTACONV
603   */
604 typedef struct
605 {
606   __IO uint32_t ACTCR;         /*!< PTACONV active control register,                     Address offset: 0x00 */
607   __IO uint32_t PRICR;         /*!< PTACONV priority control register,                   Address offset: 0x04 */
608   __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< PTACONV control register,                            Address offset: 0x08 */
609 } PTACONV_TypeDef;
611 /**
612   * @brief Power Control
613   */
614 typedef struct
615 {
616   __IO uint32_t CR1;           /*!< PWR power control register 1,                        Address offset: 0x00 */
617   __IO uint32_t CR2;           /*!< PWR power control register 2,                        Address offset: 0x04 */
618   __IO uint32_t CR3;           /*!< PWR power control register 3,                        Address offset: 0x08 */
619   __IO uint32_t VOSR;          /*!< PWR voltage scaling register,                        Address offset: 0x0C */
620   __IO uint32_t SVMCR;         /*!< PWR supply voltage monitoring control register,      Address offset: 0x10 */
621   __IO uint32_t WUCR1;         /*!< PWR wakeup control register 1,                       Address offset: 0x14 */
622   __IO uint32_t WUCR2;         /*!< PWR wakeup control register 2,                       Address offset: 0x18 */
623   __IO uint32_t WUCR3;         /*!< PWR wakeup control register 3,                       Address offset: 0x1C */
624   __IO uint32_t RESERVED0[2];  /*!< Reserved,                                            Address offset: 0x20 -- 0x24 */
625   __IO uint32_t DBPR;          /*!< PWR disable backup domain register,                  Address offset: 0x28 */
626        uint32_t RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                            Address offset: 0x2C */
627   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;       /*!< PWR Security configuration register,                 Address offset: 0x30 */
628   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;      /*!< PWR privilege control register,                      Address offset: 0x34 */
629   __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< PWR status register,                                 Address offset: 0x38 */
630   __IO uint32_t SVMSR;         /*!< PWR supply voltage monitoring status register,       Address offset: 0x3C */
631        uint32_t RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                            Address offset: 0x40 */
632   __IO uint32_t WUSR;          /*!< PWR wakeup status register,                          Address offset: 0x44 */
633   __IO uint32_t WUSCR;         /*!< PWR wakeup status clear register,                    Address offset: 0x48 */
634   __IO uint32_t APCR;          /*!< PWR apply pull configuration register,               Address offset: 0x4C */
635   __IO uint32_t IORETENRA;     /*!< PWR Port A IO retention in Standby register,         Address offset: 0x50 */
636   __IO uint32_t IORETRA;       /*!< PWR Port A IO retention status in Standby register,  Address offset: 0x54 */
637   __IO uint32_t IORETENRB;     /*!< PWR Port B IO retention in Standby register,         Address offset: 0x58 */
638   __IO uint32_t IORETRB;       /*!< PWR Port A IO retention status in Standby register,  Address offset: 0x5C */
639   __IO uint32_t IORETENRC;     /*!< PWR Port C IO retention in Standby register,         Address offset: 0x60 */
640   __IO uint32_t IORETRC;       /*!< PWR Port A IO retention status in Standby register,  Address offset: 0x64 */
641        uint32_t RESERVED3[8];  /*!< Reserved,                                            Address offset: 0x68 -- 0x84 */
642   __IO uint32_t IORETENRH;     /*!< PWR Port H IO retention in Standby register,         Address offset: 0x88 */
643   __IO uint32_t IORETRH;       /*!< PWR Port A IO retention status in Standby register,  Address offset: 0x8C */
644        uint32_t RESERVED4[28]; /*!< Reserved,                                            Address offset: 0x90 -- 0xFC */
645   __IO uint32_t RADIOSCR;      /*!< PWR 2.4 GHZ radio status and control register,       Address offset: 0x100 */
646 } PWR_TypeDef;
648 /**
649   * @brief SRAMs configuration controller
650   */
651 typedef struct
652 {
653   __IO uint32_t CR;           /*!< Control Register,                  Address offset: 0x00 */
654   __IO uint32_t IER;          /*!< Interrupt enable register,         Address offset: 0x04 */
655   __IO uint32_t ISR;          /*!< Interrupt status register,         Address offset: 0x08 */
656   uint32_t      RESERVED0;    /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x0C */
657   __IO uint32_t PEAR;         /*!< Parity error address register,     Address offset: 0x10 */
658   __IO uint32_t ICR;          /*!< Interrupt clear register,          Address offset: 0x14 */
659   __IO uint32_t WPR1;         /*!< Write protection register 1,       Address offset: 0x18 */
660   __IO uint32_t WPR2;         /*!< Write protection register 2,       Address offset: 0x1C */
661   uint32_t      RESERVED1[2]; /*!< Reserved,                          Address offset: 0x20 -- 0x24 */
662   __IO uint32_t ERKEYR;       /*!< Erase key register,                Address offset: 0x28 */
663 }RAMCFG_TypeDef;
665 /**
666   * @brief Reset and Clock Control
667   */
668 typedef struct
669 {
670   __IO uint32_t CR;             /*!< RCC clock control register                             Address offset: 0x000 */
671   uint32_t      RESERVED0[3];   /*!< Reserved                                                      0x004 -- 0x00C */
672   __IO uint32_t ICSCR3;         /*!< RCC internal clock sources calibration register 3      Address offset: 0x010 */
673   uint32_t      RESERVED1[2];   /*!< Reserved                                                      0x014 -- 0x018 */
674   __IO uint32_t CFGR1;          /*!< RCC clock configuration register 1                     Address offset: 0x01C */
675   __IO uint32_t CFGR2;          /*!< RCC clock configuration register 2                     Address offset: 0x020 */
676   __IO uint32_t CFGR3;          /*!< RCC clock configuration register 3                     Address offset: 0x024 */
677   __IO uint32_t PLL1CFGR;       /*!< PLL1 Configuration Register                            Address offset: 0x028 */
678   uint32_t      RESERVED2[2];   /*!< Reserved                                                      0x02C -- 0x030 */
679   __IO uint32_t PLL1DIVR;       /*!< PLL1 Dividers Configuration Register                   Address offset: 0x034 */
680   __IO uint32_t PLL1FRACR;      /*!< PLL1 Fractional Divider Configuration Register         Address offset: 0x038 */
681   uint32_t      RESERVED3[5];   /*!< Reserved                                                      0x03C -- 0x04C */
682   __IO uint32_t CIER;           /*!< Clock Interrupt Enable Register                        Address offset: 0x050 */
683   __IO uint32_t CIFR;           /*!< Clock Interrupt Flag Register                          Address offset: 0x054 */
684   __IO uint32_t CICR;           /*!< Clock Interrupt Clear Register                         Address offset: 0x058 */
685   uint32_t      RESERVED4;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x05C */
686   __IO uint32_t AHB1RSTR;       /*!< AHB1 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x060 */
687   __IO uint32_t AHB2RSTR;       /*!< AHB2 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x064 */
688   uint32_t      RESERVED5;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x068 */
689   __IO uint32_t AHB4RSTR;       /*!< AHB4 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x06C */
690   __IO uint32_t AHB5RSTR;       /*!< AHB5 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x070 */
691   __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR1;      /*!< APB1 Peripherals Reset Low Register                    Address offset: 0x074 */
692   __IO uint32_t APB1RSTR2;      /*!< APB1 Peripherals Reset High Register                   Address offset: 0x078 */
693   __IO uint32_t APB2RSTR;       /*!< APB2 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x07C */
694   __IO uint32_t APB7RSTR;       /*!< APB7 Peripherals Reset Register                        Address offset: 0x080 */
695   uint32_t      RESERVED6;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x084 */
696   __IO uint32_t AHB1ENR;        /*!< AHB1 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x088 */
697   __IO uint32_t AHB2ENR;        /*!< AHB2 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x08C */
698   uint32_t      RESERVED7;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x090 */
699   __IO uint32_t AHB4ENR;        /*!< AHB4 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x094 */
700   __IO uint32_t AHB5ENR;        /*!< AHB5 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x098 */
701   __IO uint32_t APB1ENR1;       /*!< APB1 Peripherals Clock Enable Low Register             Address offset: 0x09C */
702   __IO uint32_t APB1ENR2;       /*!< APB1 Peripherals Clock Enable High Register            Address offset: 0x0A0 */
703   __IO uint32_t APB2ENR;        /*!< APB2 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x0A4 */
704   __IO uint32_t APB7ENR;        /*!< APB7 Peripherals Clock Enable Register                 Address offset: 0x0A8 */
705   uint32_t      RESERVED8;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x0AC */
706   __IO uint32_t AHB1SMENR;      /*!< AHB1 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0B0 */
707   __IO uint32_t AHB2SMENR;      /*!< AHB2 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0B4 */
708   uint32_t      RESERVED9;      /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x0B8 */
709   __IO uint32_t AHB4SMENR;      /*!< AHB4 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0BC */
710   __IO uint32_t AHB5SMENR;      /*!< AHB5 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0C0 */
711   __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR1;     /*!< APB1 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Low Register   Address offset: 0x0C4 */
712   __IO uint32_t APB1SMENR2;     /*!< APB1 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable High Register  Address offset: 0x0C8 */
713   __IO uint32_t APB2SMENR;      /*!< APB2 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0CC */
714   __IO uint32_t APB7SMENR;      /*!< APB7 Peripherals Clock Low Power Enable Register       Address offset: 0x0D0 */
715   uint32_t      RESERVED10[3];  /*!< Reserved                                                      0x0D4 -- 0x0DC */
716   __IO uint32_t CCIPR1;         /*!< IPs Clocks Configuration Register 1                    Address offset: 0x0E0 */
717   __IO uint32_t CCIPR2;         /*!< IPs Clocks Configuration Register 2                    Address offset: 0x0E4 */
718   __IO uint32_t CCIPR3;         /*!< IPs Clocks Configuration Register 3                    Address offset: 0x0E8 */
719   uint32_t      RESERVED11;     /*!< Reserved,                                              Address offset: 0x0EC */
720   __IO uint32_t BDCR1;          /*!< Backup Domain Control Register 1                       Address offset: 0x0F0 */
721   __IO uint32_t CSR;            /*!< V33 Clock Control & Status Register                    Address offset: 0x0F4 */
722   __IO uint32_t BDCR2;          /*!< Backup Domain Control Register 2                       Address offset: 0x0F8 */
723   uint32_t      RESERVED12[5];  /*!< Reserved                                                     0x0FC -- 0x010C */
724   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;        /*!< RCC secure configuration register                      Address offset: 0x110 */
725   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;       /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x114 */
726 #if !defined (STM32WBAXX_SI_CUT1_0)
727   uint32_t      RESERVED13[42]; /*!< Reserved                                                      0x118 -- 0x1BC */
728   __IO uint32_t ASCR;           /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1C0 */
729   __IO uint32_t ASIER;          /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1C4 */
730   __IO uint32_t ASSR;           /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1C8 */
731   __IO uint32_t ASCNTR;         /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1CC */
732   __IO uint32_t ASARR;          /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1D0 */
733   __IO uint32_t ASCAR;          /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1D4 */
734   __IO uint32_t ASCOR;          /*!< RCC privilege configuration register                   Address offset: 0x1D8 */
735   uint32_t      RESERVED14[9];  /*!< Reserved                                                      0x1DC -- 0x1FC */
736 #else
737   uint32_t      RESERVED13[58]; /*!< Reserved                                                      0x118 -- 0x1FC */
738 #endif
739   __IO uint32_t CFGR4;          /*!< RCC clock configuration register 4                     Address offset: 0x200 */
740   uint32_t      RESERVED15;     /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x204 */
741   __IO uint32_t RADIOENR;       /*!< RCC RADIO peripheral clock enable register             Address offset: 0x208 */
742   uint32_t      RESERVED16;     /*!< Reserved                                               Address offset: 0x20C */
743   __IO uint32_t ECSCR1;         /*!< RCC external clock sources calibration register 1      Address offset: 0x210 */
744 } RCC_TypeDef;
746 /**
747   * @brief RNG
748   */
749 typedef struct
750 {
751   __IO uint32_t CR;    /*!< RNG control register, Address offset: 0x00 */
752   __IO uint32_t SR;    /*!< RNG status register,  Address offset: 0x04 */
753   __IO uint32_t DR;    /*!< RNG data register,    Address offset: 0x08 */
754   uint32_t RESERVED;
755   __IO uint32_t HTCR;  /*!< RNG health test configuration register, Address offset: 0x10 */
756 } RNG_TypeDef;
758 /*
759 * @brief RTC Specific device feature definitions
760 */
761 #define RTC_BKP_NB         32U
762 #define RTC_BACKUP_NB      RTC_BKP_NB
764 #define RTC_TAMP_NB        6U
766 /**
767   * @brief Real-Time Clock
768   */
769 typedef struct
770 {
771   __IO uint32_t TR;          /*!< RTC time register,                              Address offset: 0x00 */
772   __IO uint32_t DR;          /*!< RTC date register,                              Address offset: 0x04 */
773   __IO uint32_t SSR;         /*!< RTC sub second register,                        Address offset: 0x08 */
774   __IO uint32_t ICSR;        /*!< RTC initialization control and status register, Address offset: 0x0C */
775   __IO uint32_t PRER;        /*!< RTC prescaler register,                         Address offset: 0x10 */
776   __IO uint32_t WUTR;        /*!< RTC wakeup timer register,                      Address offset: 0x14 */
777   __IO uint32_t CR;          /*!< RTC control register,                           Address offset: 0x18 */
778   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;    /*!< RTC privilege mode control register,            Address offset: 0x1C */
779   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;     /*!< RTC secure mode control register,               Address offset: 0x20 */
780   __IO uint32_t WPR;         /*!< RTC write protection register,                  Address offset: 0x24 */
781   __IO uint32_t CALR;        /*!< RTC calibration register,                       Address offset: 0x28 */
782   __IO uint32_t SHIFTR;      /*!< RTC shift control register,                     Address offset: 0x2C */
783   __IO uint32_t TSTR;        /*!< RTC time stamp time register,                   Address offset: 0x30 */
784   __IO uint32_t TSDR;        /*!< RTC time stamp date register,                   Address offset: 0x34 */
785   __IO uint32_t TSSSR;       /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register,             Address offset: 0x38 */
786        uint32_t RESERVED1;   /*!< Reserved,                                       Address offset: 0x3C */
787   __IO uint32_t ALRMAR;      /*!< RTC alarm A register,                           Address offset: 0x40 */
788   __IO uint32_t ALRMASSR;    /*!< RTC alarm A sub second register,                Address offset: 0x44 */
789   __IO uint32_t ALRMBR;      /*!< RTC alarm B register,                           Address offset: 0x48 */
790   __IO uint32_t ALRMBSSR;    /*!< RTC alarm B sub second register,                Address offset: 0x4C */
791   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< RTC Status register,                            Address offset: 0x50 */
792   __IO uint32_t MISR;        /*!< RTC masked interrupt status register,           Address offset: 0x54 */
793   __IO uint32_t SMISR;       /*!< RTC secure masked interrupt status register,    Address offset: 0x58 */
794   __IO uint32_t SCR;         /*!< RTC status Clear register,                      Address offset: 0x5C */
795        uint32_t RESERVED3[4];/*!< Reserved,                                       Address offset: 0x58 */
796   __IO uint32_t ALRABINR;    /*!< RTC alarm A binary mode register,               Address offset: 0x70 */
797   __IO uint32_t ALRBBINR;    /*!< RTC alarm B binary mode register,               Address offset: 0x74 */
798 } RTC_TypeDef;
800 /**
801   * @brief Serial Audio Interface
802   */
803 typedef struct
804 {
805   __IO uint32_t GCR;          /*!< SAI global configuration register,        Address offset: 0x00 */
806   uint32_t      RESERVED[16]; /*!< Reserved,                         Address offset: 0x04 to 0x40 */
807   __IO uint32_t PDMCR;        /*!< SAI PDM control register,                 Address offset: 0x44 */
808   __IO uint32_t PDMDLY;       /*!< SAI PDM delay register,                   Address offset: 0x48 */
809 } SAI_TypeDef;
811 typedef struct
812 {
813   __IO uint32_t CR1;         /*!< SAI block x configuration register 1,     Address offset: 0x04 */
814   __IO uint32_t CR2;         /*!< SAI block x configuration register 2,     Address offset: 0x08 */
815   __IO uint32_t FRCR;        /*!< SAI block x frame configuration register, Address offset: 0x0C */
816   __IO uint32_t SLOTR;       /*!< SAI block x slot register,                Address offset: 0x10 */
817   __IO uint32_t IMR;         /*!< SAI block x interrupt mask register,      Address offset: 0x14 */
818   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< SAI block x status register,              Address offset: 0x18 */
819   __IO uint32_t CLRFR;       /*!< SAI block x clear flag register,          Address offset: 0x1C */
820   __IO uint32_t DR;          /*!< SAI block x data register,                Address offset: 0x20 */
821 } SAI_Block_TypeDef;
823 /**
824   * @brief SPI
825   */
826 typedef struct
827 {
828   __IO uint32_t CR1;           /*!< SPI/I2S Control register 1,                      Address offset: 0x00 */
829   __IO uint32_t CR2;           /*!< SPI Control register 2,                          Address offset: 0x04 */
830   __IO uint32_t CFG1;          /*!< SPI Configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x08 */
831   __IO uint32_t CFG2;          /*!< SPI Configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x0C */
832   __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< SPI Interrupt Enable register,                   Address offset: 0x10 */
833   __IO uint32_t SR;            /*!< SPI Status register,                             Address offset: 0x14 */
834   __IO uint32_t IFCR;          /*!< SPI Interrupt/Status Flags Clear register,       Address offset: 0x18 */
835   __IO uint32_t AUTOCR;        /*!< SPI Autonomous Mode Control register,            Address offset: 0x1C */
836   __IO uint32_t TXDR;          /*!< SPI Transmit data register,                      Address offset: 0x20 */
837   uint32_t      RESERVED1[3];  /*!< Reserved, 0x24-0x2C                                                   */
838   __IO uint32_t RXDR;          /*!< SPI/I2S data register,                           Address offset: 0x30 */
839   uint32_t      RESERVED2[3];  /*!< Reserved, 0x34-0x3C                                                   */
840   __IO uint32_t CRCPOLY;       /*!< SPI CRC Polynomial register,                     Address offset: 0x40 */
841   __IO uint32_t TXCRC;         /*!< SPI Transmitter CRC register,                    Address offset: 0x44 */
842   __IO uint32_t RXCRC;         /*!< SPI Receiver CRC register,                       Address offset: 0x48 */
843   __IO uint32_t UDRDR;         /*!< SPI Underrun data register,                      Address offset: 0x4C */
844 } SPI_TypeDef;
846 /**
847   * @brief System configuration controller
848   */
849 typedef struct
850 {
851   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;      /*!< SYSCFG secure configuration register,            Address offset: 0x00 */
852   __IO uint32_t CFGR1;        /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 1,                 Address offset: 0x04 */
853   __IO uint32_t FPUIMR;       /*!< SYSCFG FPU interrupt mask register,              Address offset: 0x08 */
854   __IO uint32_t CNSLCKR;      /*!< SYSCFG CPU non-secure lock register,             Address offset: 0x0C */
855   __IO uint32_t CSLCKR;       /*!< SYSCFG CPU secure lock register,                 Address offset: 0x10 */
856   __IO uint32_t CFGR2;        /*!< SYSCFG configuration register 2,                 Address offset: 0x14 */
857   __IO uint32_t MESR;         /*!< SYSCFG Memory Erase Status register,             Address offset: 0x18 */
858   __IO uint32_t CCCSR;        /*!< SYSCFG Conpensaion Cell Control&Status register, Address offset: 0x1C */
859   __IO uint32_t CCVR;         /*!< SYSCFG Conpensaion Cell value register,          Address offset: 0x20 */
860   __IO uint32_t CCCR;         /*!< SYSCFG Conpensaion Cell Code register,           Address offset: 0x24 */
861        uint32_t RESERVED1;    /*!< RESERVED1,                                       Address offset: 0x28 */
862   __IO uint32_t RSSCMDR;      /*!< SYSCFG RSS command mode register,                Address offset: 0x2C */
863 } SYSCFG_TypeDef;
865 /**
866   * @brief Tamper and backup registers
867   */
868 typedef struct
869 {
870   __IO uint32_t CR1;         /*!< TAMP configuration register 1,                    Address offset: 0x00 */
871   __IO uint32_t CR2;         /*!< TAMP configuration register 2,                    Address offset: 0x04 */
872   __IO uint32_t CR3;         /*!< TAMP configuration register 3,                    Address offset: 0x08 */
873   __IO uint32_t FLTCR;       /*!< TAMP filter control register,                     Address offset: 0x0C */
874   __IO uint32_t ATCR1;       /*!< TAMP filter control register 1                    Address offset: 0x10 */
875   __IO uint32_t ATSEEDR;     /*!< TAMP active tamper seed register,                 Address offset: 0x14 */
876   __IO uint32_t ATOR;        /*!< TAMP active tamper output register,               Address offset: 0x18 */
877   __IO uint32_t ATCR2;       /*!< TAMP filter control register 2,                   Address offset: 0x1C */
878   __IO uint32_t SECCFGR;     /*!< TAMP secure mode control register,                Address offset: 0x20 */
879   __IO uint32_t PRIVCFGR;    /*!< TAMP privilege mode control register,             Address offset: 0x24 */
880        uint32_t RESERVED0;   /*!< Reserved,                                         Address offset: 0x28 */
881   __IO uint32_t IER;         /*!< TAMP interrupt enable register,                   Address offset: 0x2C */
882   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< TAMP status register,                             Address offset: 0x30 */
883   __IO uint32_t MISR;        /*!< TAMP masked interrupt status register,            Address offset: 0x34 */
884   __IO uint32_t SMISR;       /*!< TAMP secure masked interrupt status register,     Address offset: 0x38 */
885   __IO uint32_t SCR;         /*!< TAMP status clear register,                       Address offset: 0x3C */
886   __IO uint32_t COUNT1R;     /*!< TAMP monotonic counter 1 register,                Address offset: 0x40 */
887        uint32_t RESERVED2[4];/*!< Reserved,                                         Address offset: 0x44 -- 0x50 */
888   __IO uint32_t RPCFGR;      /*!< TAMP resources protection configuration register, Address offset: 0x54 */
889        uint32_t RESERVED3[42];/*!< Reserved,                                        Address offset: 0x58 -- 0xFC */
890   __IO uint32_t BKP0R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 0,                   Address offset: 0x100 */
891   __IO uint32_t BKP1R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 1,                   Address offset: 0x104 */
892   __IO uint32_t BKP2R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 2,                   Address offset: 0x108 */
893   __IO uint32_t BKP3R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 3,                   Address offset: 0x10C */
894   __IO uint32_t BKP4R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 4,                   Address offset: 0x110 */
895   __IO uint32_t BKP5R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 5,                   Address offset: 0x114 */
896   __IO uint32_t BKP6R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 6,                   Address offset: 0x118 */
897   __IO uint32_t BKP7R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 7,                   Address offset: 0x11C */
898   __IO uint32_t BKP8R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 8,                   Address offset: 0x120 */
899   __IO uint32_t BKP9R;       /*!< TAMP backup register 9,                   Address offset: 0x124 */
900   __IO uint32_t BKP10R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 10,                  Address offset: 0x128 */
901   __IO uint32_t BKP11R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 11,                  Address offset: 0x12C */
902   __IO uint32_t BKP12R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 12,                  Address offset: 0x130 */
903   __IO uint32_t BKP13R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 13,                  Address offset: 0x134 */
904   __IO uint32_t BKP14R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 14,                  Address offset: 0x138 */
905   __IO uint32_t BKP15R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 15,                  Address offset: 0x13C */
906   __IO uint32_t BKP16R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 16,                  Address offset: 0x140 */
907   __IO uint32_t BKP17R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 17,                  Address offset: 0x144 */
908   __IO uint32_t BKP18R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 18,                  Address offset: 0x148 */
909   __IO uint32_t BKP19R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 19,                  Address offset: 0x14C */
910   __IO uint32_t BKP20R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 20,                  Address offset: 0x150 */
911   __IO uint32_t BKP21R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 21,                  Address offset: 0x154 */
912   __IO uint32_t BKP22R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 22,                  Address offset: 0x158 */
913   __IO uint32_t BKP23R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 23,                  Address offset: 0x15C */
914   __IO uint32_t BKP24R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 24,                  Address offset: 0x160 */
915   __IO uint32_t BKP25R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 25,                  Address offset: 0x164 */
916   __IO uint32_t BKP26R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 26,                  Address offset: 0x168 */
917   __IO uint32_t BKP27R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 27,                  Address offset: 0x16C */
918   __IO uint32_t BKP28R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 28,                  Address offset: 0x170 */
919   __IO uint32_t BKP29R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 29,                  Address offset: 0x174 */
920   __IO uint32_t BKP30R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 30,                  Address offset: 0x178 */
921   __IO uint32_t BKP31R;      /*!< TAMP backup register 31,                  Address offset: 0x17C */
922 } TAMP_TypeDef;
924 /**
925   * @brief TIM
926   */
927 typedef struct
928 {
929   __IO uint32_t CR1;         /*!< TIM control register 1,                   Address offset: 0x00 */
930   __IO uint32_t CR2;         /*!< TIM control register 2,                   Address offset: 0x04 */
931   __IO uint32_t SMCR;        /*!< TIM slave mode control register,          Address offset: 0x08 */
932   __IO uint32_t DIER;        /*!< TIM DMA/interrupt enable register,        Address offset: 0x0C */
933   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< TIM status register,                      Address offset: 0x10 */
934   __IO uint32_t EGR;         /*!< TIM event generation register,            Address offset: 0x14 */
935   __IO uint32_t CCMR1;       /*!< TIM capture/compare mode register 1,      Address offset: 0x18 */
936   __IO uint32_t CCMR2;       /*!< TIM capture/compare mode register 2,      Address offset: 0x1C */
937   __IO uint32_t CCER;        /*!< TIM capture/compare enable register,      Address offset: 0x20 */
938   __IO uint32_t CNT;         /*!< TIM counter register,                     Address offset: 0x24 */
939   __IO uint32_t PSC;         /*!< TIM prescaler,                            Address offset: 0x28 */
940   __IO uint32_t ARR;         /*!< TIM auto-reload register,                 Address offset: 0x2C */
941   __IO uint32_t RCR;         /*!< TIM repetition counter register,          Address offset: 0x30 */
942   __IO uint32_t CCR1;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 1,           Address offset: 0x34 */
943   __IO uint32_t CCR2;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 2,           Address offset: 0x38 */
944   __IO uint32_t CCR3;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 3,           Address offset: 0x3C */
945   __IO uint32_t CCR4;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 4,           Address offset: 0x40 */
946   __IO uint32_t BDTR;        /*!< TIM break and dead-time register,         Address offset: 0x44 */
947   __IO uint32_t CCR5;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 5,           Address offset: 0x48 */
948   __IO uint32_t CCR6;        /*!< TIM capture/compare register 6,           Address offset: 0x4C */
949   __IO uint32_t CCMR3;       /*!< TIM capture/compare mode register 3,      Address offset: 0x50 */
950   __IO uint32_t DTR2;        /*!< TIM deadtime register 2,                  Address offset: 0x54 */
951   __IO uint32_t ECR;         /*!< TIM encoder control register,             Address offset: 0x58 */
952   __IO uint32_t TISEL;       /*!< TIM Input Selection register,             Address offset: 0x5C */
953   __IO uint32_t AF1;         /*!< TIM alternate function option register 1, Address offset: 0x60 */
954   __IO uint32_t AF2;         /*!< TIM alternate function option register 2, Address offset: 0x64 */
955   __IO uint32_t OR;          /*!< TIM option register,                      Address offset: 0x68 */
956        uint32_t RESERVED0[220];/*!< Reserved,                               Address offset: 0x68-0x3D8 */
957   __IO uint32_t DCR;         /*!< TIM DMA control register,                 Address offset: 0x3DC */
958   __IO uint32_t DMAR;        /*!< TIM DMA address for full transfer,        Address offset: 0x3E0 */
959 } TIM_TypeDef;
961 /**
962   * @brief TSC
963   */
964 typedef struct
965 {
966   __IO uint32_t CR;            /*!< TSC Control register,                            Address offset: 0x00 */
967   __IO uint32_t IER;           /*!< TSC Interrupt Enable register,                   Address offset: 0x04 */
968   __IO uint32_t ICR;           /*!< TSC Interrupt Control register,                  Address offset: 0x08 */
969   __IO uint32_t ISR;           /*!< TSC Interrupt Status register,                   Address offset: 0x0C */
970   __IO uint32_t IOHCR;         /*!< TSC I/O hysteresis control register,             Address offset: 0x10 */
971   uint32_t      RESERVED0;     /*!< Reserved,                                        Address offset: 0x14 */
972   __IO uint32_t IOASCR;        /*!< TSC I/O analog switch control register,          Address offset: 0x18 */
973   uint32_t      RESERVED1;     /*!< Reserved,                                        Address offset: 0x1C */
974   __IO uint32_t IOSCR;         /*!< TSC I/O sampling control register,               Address offset: 0x20 */
975   uint32_t      RESERVED2;     /*!< Reserved,                                        Address offset: 0x24 */
976   __IO uint32_t IOCCR;         /*!< TSC I/O channel control register,                Address offset: 0x28 */
977   uint32_t      RESERVED3;     /*!< Reserved,                                        Address offset: 0x2C */
978   __IO uint32_t IOGCSR;        /*!< TSC I/O group control status register,           Address offset: 0x30 */
979   __IO uint32_t IOGXCR[6];     /*!< TSC I/O group x counter register,                Address offset: 0x34-48 */
980 } TSC_TypeDef;
982 /**
983   * @brief Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
984   */
985 typedef struct
986 {
987   __IO uint32_t CR1;         /*!< USART Control register 1,                 Address offset: 0x00  */
988   __IO uint32_t CR2;         /*!< USART Control register 2,                 Address offset: 0x04  */
989   __IO uint32_t CR3;         /*!< USART Control register 3,                 Address offset: 0x08  */
990   __IO uint32_t BRR;         /*!< USART Baud rate register,                 Address offset: 0x0C  */
991   __IO uint32_t GTPR;        /*!< USART Guard time and prescaler register,  Address offset: 0x10  */
992   __IO uint32_t RTOR;        /*!< USART Receiver Time Out register,         Address offset: 0x14  */
993   __IO uint32_t RQR;         /*!< USART Request register,                   Address offset: 0x18  */
994   __IO uint32_t ISR;         /*!< USART Interrupt and status register,      Address offset: 0x1C  */
995   __IO uint32_t ICR;         /*!< USART Interrupt flag Clear register,      Address offset: 0x20  */
996   __IO uint32_t RDR;         /*!< USART Receive Data register,              Address offset: 0x24  */
997   __IO uint32_t TDR;         /*!< USART Transmit Data register,             Address offset: 0x28  */
998   __IO uint32_t PRESC;       /*!< USART Prescaler register,                 Address offset: 0x2C  */
999   __IO uint32_t AUTOCR;      /*!< USART Autonomous mode control register    Address offset: 0x30  */
1000 } USART_TypeDef;
1002 /**
1003   * @brief WWDG
1004   */
1005 typedef struct
1006 {
1007   __IO uint32_t CR;          /*!< WWDG Control register,       Address offset: 0x00 */
1008   __IO uint32_t CFR;         /*!< WWDG Configuration register, Address offset: 0x04 */
1009   __IO uint32_t SR;          /*!< WWDG Status register,        Address offset: 0x08 */
1010 } WWDG_TypeDef;
1012 /*@}*/ /* end of group STM32WBA54xx_Peripherals */
1014 /* --------  End of section using anonymous unions and disabling warnings  -------- */
1015 #if   defined (__CC_ARM)
1016   #pragma pop
1017 #elif defined (__ICCARM__)
1018   /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
1019 #elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
1020   #pragma clang diagnostic pop
1021 #elif defined (__GNUC__)
1022   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
1023 #elif defined (__TMS470__)
1024   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
1025 #elif defined (__TASKING__)
1026   #pragma warning restore
1027 #elif defined (__CSMC__)
1028   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
1029 #else
1030   #warning Not supported compiler type
1031 #endif
1034 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
1035 /* ================                          Device Specific Peripheral Address Map                           ================ */
1036 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
1037 /** @addtogroup STM32WBAxx_Peripheral_peripheralAddr
1038   * @{
1039   */
1041 /* Flash, Peripheral and internal SRAMs base addresses - Non secure */
1042 #define FLASH_BASE_NS                   0x08000000UL  /*!< FLASH non-secure base address                      */
1043 #define SYSTEM_FLASH_BASE_NS            0x0BF88000UL  /*!< System FLASH non-secure base address               */
1044 #define SRAM1_BASE_NS                   0x20000000UL  /*!< SRAM1 non-secure base address                      */
1045 #define SRAM2_BASE_NS                   0x20010000UL  /*!< SRAM2 non-secure base address                      */
1046 #define SRAM6_BASE_NS                   0x48028000UL  /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO TXRX SRAM non-secure base address    */
1047 #define SEQSRAM_BASE_NS                 0x48021000UL  /*!< SRAM Sequence / retention non-secure base address  */
1048 #define PERIPH_BASE_NS                  0x40000000UL  /*!< Peripheral non-secure base address                 */
1049 #define DBGMCU_BASE                     0xE0044000UL  /*!< Debug MCU registers base address                   */
1051 /*!< Memory sizes */
1052 /* Internal Flash size */
1053 #define FLASH_SIZE                      ((((*((uint16_t *)FLASHSIZE_BASE)) == 0xFFFFU)) ? 0x100000U : \
1054                                          ((((*((uint16_t *)FLASHSIZE_BASE)) == 0x0000U)) ? 0x100000U : \
1055                                            (((uint32_t)(*((uint16_t *)FLASHSIZE_BASE)) & (0xFFFFU)) << 10U)))
1057 /* Internal SRAMs size */
1058 #define SRAM1_SIZE                      0x00010000UL  /*!< SRAM1 = 64 Kbytes */
1059 #define SRAM2_SIZE                      0x00010000UL  /*!< SRAM2 = 64 Kbytes */
1060 #define SRAM6_SIZE                      0x00004000UL  /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO TXRX SRAM 16 Kbytes   */
1061 #define SEQSRAM_SIZE                    0x00000200UL  /*!< SRAM Sequence / retention 512 bytes */
1063 /*!< OTP, Engineering bytes, Option bytes defines */
1064 #define FLASH_OTP_BASE                  (SYSTEM_FLASH_BASE_NS + 0x00008000UL)
1065 #define FLASH_OTP_SIZE                  0x00000200U  /*!< 512 bytes OTP (one-time programmable)          */
1067 #define FLASH_ENGY_BASE                 (SYSTEM_FLASH_BASE_NS + 0x00008500UL)
1068 #define PACKAGE_BASE                    (FLASH_ENGY_BASE)                 /*!< Package data register base address     */
1069 #define UID_BASE                        (FLASH_ENGY_BASE + 0x00000200UL)  /*!< Unique device ID register base address */
1070 #define FLASHSIZE_BASE                  (FLASH_ENGY_BASE + 0x000002A0UL)  /*!< Flash size data register base address  */
1071 #define UID64_BASE                      (FLASH_ENGY_BASE + 0x00000500UL)  /*!< 64-bit Unique device Identification    */
1073 /* Peripheral memory map - Non secure */
1074 #define APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS              PERIPH_BASE_NS
1075 #define APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x00010000UL)
1076 #define AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x00020000UL)
1077 #define AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x02020000UL)
1078 #define APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x06000000UL)
1079 #define AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x06020000UL)
1080 #define AHB5PERIPH_BASE_NS              (PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x08020000UL)
1082 /*!< APB1 Non secure peripherals */
1083 #define TIM2_BASE_NS                    APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS
1084 #define TIM3_BASE_NS                    (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x0400UL)
1085 #define WWDG_BASE_NS                    (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2C00UL)
1086 #define IWDG_BASE_NS                    (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x3000UL)
1087 #define USART2_BASE_NS                  (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x4400UL)
1088 #define I2C1_BASE_NS                    (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x5400UL)
1089 #define LPTIM2_BASE_NS                  (APB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x9400UL)
1091 /*!< APB2 Non secure peripherals */
1092 #define TIM1_BASE_NS                    (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2C00UL)
1093 #define SPI1_BASE_NS                    (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x3000UL)
1094 #define USART1_BASE_NS                  (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x3800UL)
1095 #define TIM16_BASE_NS                   (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x4400UL)
1096 #define TIM17_BASE_NS                   (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x4800UL)
1097 #define SAI1_BASE_NS                    (APB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x5400UL)
1098 #define SAI1_Block_A_BASE_NS            (SAI1_BASE_NS + 0x004UL)
1099 #define SAI1_Block_B_BASE_NS            (SAI1_BASE_NS + 0x024UL)
1101 /*!< AHB1 Non secure peripherals */
1102 #define GPDMA1_BASE_NS                  AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS
1103 #define FLASH_R_BASE_NS                 (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x02000UL)
1104 #define CRC_BASE_NS                     (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x03000UL)
1105 #define TSC_BASE_NS                     (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x04000UL)
1106 #define RAMCFG_BASE_NS                  (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x06000UL)
1107 #define ICACHE_BASE_NS                  (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x10400UL)
1108 #define GTZC_TZSC_BASE_NS               (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x12400UL)
1109 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_NS             (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x12C00UL)
1110 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_NS             (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x13000UL)
1111 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_NS             (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x14000UL)
1113 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x0050UL)
1114 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x00D0UL)
1115 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x0150UL)
1116 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x01D0UL)
1117 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x0250UL)
1118 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x02D0UL)
1119 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x0350UL)
1120 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_NS         (GPDMA1_BASE_NS + 0x03D0UL)
1122 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_NS            (RAMCFG_BASE_NS)
1123 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_NS            (RAMCFG_BASE_NS + 0x0040UL)
1124 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_NS            (RAMCFG_BASE_NS + 0x0140UL)
1126 /*!< AHB2 Non secure peripherals */
1127 #define GPIOA_BASE_NS                   AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS
1128 #define GPIOB_BASE_NS                   (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x00400UL)
1129 #define GPIOC_BASE_NS                   (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x00800UL)
1130 #define GPIOH_BASE_NS                   (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x01C00UL)
1131 #define AES_BASE_NS                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA0000UL)
1132 #define HASH_BASE_NS                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA0400UL)
1133 #define HASH_DIGEST_BASE_NS             (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA0710UL)
1134 #define RNG_BASE_NS                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA0800UL)
1135 #define SAES_BASE_NS                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA0C00UL)
1136 #define HSEM_BASE_NS                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA1C00UL)
1137 #define PKA_BASE_NS                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA2000UL)
1138 #define PKA_RAM_BASE_NS                 (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0xA2400UL)
1140 /*!< APB7 Non secure peripherals */
1141 #define SYSCFG_BASE_NS                  (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x0400UL)
1142 #define SPI3_BASE_NS                    (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2000UL)
1143 #define LPUART1_BASE_NS                 (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2400UL)
1144 #define I2C3_BASE_NS                    (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2800UL)
1145 #define LPTIM1_BASE_NS                  (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x4400UL)
1146 #define COMP12_BASE_NS                  (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x5400UL)
1147 #define COMP1_BASE_NS                   (COMP12_BASE_NS)
1148 #define COMP2_BASE_NS                   (COMP12_BASE_NS + 0x04UL)
1149 #define RTC_BASE_NS                     (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x7800UL)
1150 #define TAMP_BASE_NS                    (APB7PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x7C00UL)
1152 /*!< AHB4 Non secure peripherals */
1153 #define PWR_BASE_NS                     (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x0800UL)
1154 #define RCC_BASE_NS                     (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x0C00UL)
1155 #define ADC4_BASE_NS                    (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x1000UL)
1156 #define ADC4_COMMON_BASE_NS             (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x1308UL)
1157 #define EXTI_BASE_NS                    (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x2000UL)
1159 /*!< AHB5 Non secure peripherals */
1160 #define RADIO_BASE_NS                   AHB5PERIPH_BASE_NS
1161 #define PTACONV_BASE_NS                 (AHB5PERIPH_BASE_NS + 0x18000UL)
1164 #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
1165 /* Flash, Peripheral and internal SRAMs base addresses - Secure */
1166 #define FLASH_BASE_S                    0x0C000000UL  /*!< FLASH secure base address                          */
1167 #define SYSTEM_FLASH_BASE_S             0x0FF80000UL  /*!< System FLASH non-secure base address               */
1168 #define SRAM1_BASE_S                    0x30000000UL  /*!< SRAM1 secure base address                          */
1169 #define SRAM2_BASE_S                    0x30010000UL  /*!< SRAM2 secure base address                          */
1170 #define SRAM6_BASE_S                    0x58028000UL  /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO TXRX SRAM secure base address        */
1171 #define SEQSRAM_BASE_S                  0x58021000UL  /*!< SRAM Sequence / retention non-secure base address  */
1172 #define PERIPH_BASE_S                   0x50000000UL  /*!< Peripheral secure base address                     */
1174 /* Peripheral memory map - Secure */
1175 #define APB1PERIPH_BASE_S               PERIPH_BASE_S
1176 #define APB2PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x00010000UL)
1177 #define AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x00020000UL)
1178 #define AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x02020000UL)
1179 #define APB7PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x06000000UL)
1180 #define AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x06020000UL)
1181 #define AHB5PERIPH_BASE_S               (PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x08020000UL)
1183 /*!< APB1 Secure peripherals */
1184 #define TIM2_BASE_S                      APB1PERIPH_BASE_S
1185 #define TIM3_BASE_S                     (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x0400UL)
1186 #define WWDG_BASE_S                     (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2C00UL)
1187 #define IWDG_BASE_S                     (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x3000UL)
1188 #define USART2_BASE_S                   (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x4400UL)
1189 #define I2C1_BASE_S                     (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x5400UL)
1190 #define LPTIM2_BASE_S                   (APB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x9400UL)
1192 /*!< APB2 Secure peripherals */
1193 #define TIM1_BASE_S                     (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2C00UL)
1194 #define SPI1_BASE_S                     (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x3000UL)
1195 #define USART1_BASE_S                   (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x3800UL)
1196 #define TIM16_BASE_S                    (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x4400UL)
1197 #define TIM17_BASE_S                    (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x4800UL)
1198 #define SAI1_BASE_S                     (APB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x5400UL)
1199 #define SAI1_Block_A_BASE_S             (SAI1_BASE_S + 0x004UL)
1200 #define SAI1_Block_B_BASE_S             (SAI1_BASE_S + 0x024UL)
1202 /*!< AHB1 Secure peripherals */
1203 #define GPDMA1_BASE_S                   AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S
1204 #define FLASH_R_BASE_S                  (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x02000UL)
1205 #define CRC_BASE_S                      (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x03000UL)
1206 #define TSC_BASE_S                      (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x04000UL)
1207 #define RAMCFG_BASE_S                   (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x06000UL)
1208 #define ICACHE_BASE_S                   (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x10400UL)
1209 #define GTZC_TZSC_BASE_S                (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x12400UL)
1210 #define GTZC_TZIC_BASE_S                (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x12800UL)
1211 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_S              (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x12C00UL)
1212 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_S              (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x13000UL)
1213 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_S              (AHB1PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x14000UL)
1215 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x0050UL)
1216 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x00D0UL)
1217 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x0150UL)
1218 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x01D0UL)
1219 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x0250UL)
1220 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x02D0UL)
1221 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x0350UL)
1222 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_S          (GPDMA1_BASE_S + 0x03D0UL)
1224 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_S             (RAMCFG_BASE_S)
1225 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_S             (RAMCFG_BASE_S + 0x0040UL)
1226 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_S             (RAMCFG_BASE_S + 0x0140UL)
1228 /*!< AHB2 Secure peripherals */
1229 #define GPIOA_BASE_S                    AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S
1230 #define GPIOB_BASE_S                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x00400UL)
1231 #define GPIOC_BASE_S                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x00800UL)
1232 #define GPIOH_BASE_S                    (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x01C00UL)
1233 #define AES_BASE_S                      (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA0000UL)
1234 #define HASH_BASE_S                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA0400UL)
1235 #define HASH_DIGEST_BASE_S              (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA0710UL)
1236 #define RNG_BASE_S                      (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA0800UL)
1237 #define SAES_BASE_S                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA0C00UL)
1238 #define HSEM_BASE_S                     (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA1C00UL)
1239 #define PKA_BASE_S                      (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA2000UL)
1240 #define PKA_RAM_BASE_S                  (AHB2PERIPH_BASE_S + 0xA2400UL)
1242 /*!< APB7 Secure peripherals */
1243 #define SYSCFG_BASE_S                   (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x0400UL)
1244 #define SPI3_BASE_S                     (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2000UL)
1245 #define LPUART1_BASE_S                  (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2400UL)
1246 #define I2C3_BASE_S                     (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2800UL)
1247 #define LPTIM1_BASE_S                   (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x4400UL)
1248 #define COMP12_BASE_S                   (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x5400UL)
1249 #define COMP1_BASE_S                    (COMP12_BASE_S)
1250 #define COMP2_BASE_S                    (COMP12_BASE_S + 0x04UL)
1251 #define RTC_BASE_S                      (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x7800UL)
1252 #define TAMP_BASE_S                     (APB7PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x7C00UL)
1254 /*!< AHB4 Secure peripherals */
1255 #define PWR_BASE_S                      (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x0800UL)
1256 #define RCC_BASE_S                      (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x0C00UL)
1257 #define ADC4_BASE_S                     (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x1000UL)
1258 #define ADC4_COMMON_BASE_S              (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x1308UL)
1259 #define EXTI_BASE_S                     (AHB4PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x2000UL)
1261 /*!< AHB5 Secure peripherals */
1262 #define RADIO_BASE_S                    AHB5PERIPH_BASE_S
1263 #define PTACONV_BASE_S                  (AHB5PERIPH_BASE_S + 0x18000UL)
1264 #endif
1266 /************ RSSLIB SAU system Flash region definition constants *************/
1270 /************ RSSLIB function return constants ********************************/
1271 #define RSSLIB_ERROR                    0xF5F5F5F5UL
1272 #define RSSLIB_SUCCESS                  0xEAEAEAEAUL
1274 /*!< RSSLIB  pointer function structure address definition */
1276 #define RSSLIB_PFUNC                    ((RSSLIB_pFunc_TypeDef *)RSSLIB_PFUNC_BASE)
1278 /*!< HDP Area constant definition */
1279 #define RSSLIB_HDP_AREA_Pos             (0U)
1280 #define RSSLIB_HDP_AREA_Msk             (0x1UL << RSSLIB_HDP_AREA_Pos )
1282 /**
1283   * @brief  Prototype of RSSLIB Close and exit HDP Function
1284   * @detail This function close the requested hdp area passed in input
1285   *         parameter and jump to the reset handler present within the
1286   *         Vector table. The function does not return on successful execution.
1287   * @param  HdpArea notifies which hdp area to close, can be a combination of
1288   *         hdpa area 1 and hdp area 2
1289   * @param  pointer on the vector table containing the reset handler the function
1290   *         jumps to.
1291   * @retval RSSLIB_RSS_ERROR on error on input parameter, otherwise does not return.
1292   */
1293 typedef uint32_t ( *RSSLIB_S_CloseExitHDP_TypeDef)( uint32_t HdpArea, uint32_t VectorTableAddr );
1295 /**
1296   * @brief RSSLib non-secure callable function pointer structure
1297   */
1298 typedef struct
1299 {
1300   __IM uint32_t Reserved[8];
1301 }NSC_pFuncTypeDef;
1303 /**
1304   * @brief RSSLib secure callable function pointer structure
1305   */
1306 typedef struct
1307 {
1308   __IM uint32_t Reserved2[2];
1309   __IM RSSLIB_S_CloseExitHDP_TypeDef CloseExitHDP;        /*!< RSSLIB Bootloader Close and exit HDP  Address offset: 0x28 */
1310 }S_pFuncTypeDef;
1312 /**
1313   * @brief RSSLib function pointer structure
1314   */
1315 typedef struct
1316 {
1317   NSC_pFuncTypeDef NSC;
1318   S_pFuncTypeDef S;
1319 }RSSLIB_pFunc_TypeDef;
1322 /** @} */ /* End of group STM32WBAxx_Peripheral_peripheralAddr */
1323 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
1324 /* ================                                  Peripheral declaration                                   ================ */
1325 /* =========================================================================================================================== */
1326 /** @addtogroup STM32WBAxx_Peripheral_declaration
1327   * @{
1328   */
1329 #define DBGMCU                          ((DBGMCU_TypeDef *) DBGMCU_BASE)
1331 #define ADC4_NS                         ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC4_BASE_NS)
1332 #define ADC4_COMMON_NS                  ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC4_COMMON_BASE_NS)
1333 #define AES_NS                          ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE_NS)
1334 #define COMP1_NS                        ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE_NS)
1335 #define COMP2_NS                        ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE_NS)
1336 #define COMP12_COMMON_NS                ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE_NS)
1337 #define CRC_NS                          ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE_NS)
1338 #define EXTI_NS                         ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE_NS)
1339 #define FLASH_NS                        ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE_NS)
1340 #define GPDMA1_NS                       ((DMA_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_BASE_NS)
1341 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_NS)
1342 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_NS)
1343 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_NS)
1344 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_NS)
1345 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_NS)
1346 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_NS)
1347 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_NS)
1348 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_NS              ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_NS)
1349 #define GPIOA_NS                        ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE_NS)
1350 #define GPIOB_NS                        ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE_NS)
1351 #define GPIOC_NS                        ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE_NS)
1352 #define GPIOH_NS                        ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE_NS)
1353 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_NS                  ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_NS)
1354 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_NS                  ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_NS)
1355 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_NS                  ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_NS)
1356 #define GTZC_TZSC_NS                    ((GTZC_TZSC_TypeDef *) GTZC_TZSC_BASE_NS)
1357 #define HASH_NS                         ((HASH_TypeDef *) HASH_BASE_NS)
1358 #define HASH_DIGEST_NS                  ((HASH_DIGEST_TypeDef *) HASH_DIGEST_BASE_NS)
1359 #define HSEM_NS                         ((HSEM_TypeDef *) HSEM_BASE_NS)
1360 #define HSEM_COMMON_NS                  ((HSEM_Common_TypeDef *) (HSEM_BASE_NS + 0x100U))
1361 #define I2C1_NS                         ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE_NS)
1362 #define I2C3_NS                         ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE_NS)
1363 #define ICACHE_NS                       ((ICACHE_TypeDef *) ICACHE_BASE_NS)
1364 #define IWDG_NS                         ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE_NS)
1365 #define LPTIM1_NS                       ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE_NS)
1366 #define LPTIM2_NS                       ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM2_BASE_NS)
1367 #define LPUART1_NS                      ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE_NS)
1368 #define PKA_NS                          ((PKA_TypeDef *) PKA_BASE_NS)
1369 #define PTACONV_NS                      ((PTACONV_TypeDef *) PTACONV_BASE_NS)
1370 #define PWR_NS                          ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE_NS)
1371 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_NS                 ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_NS)
1372 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS                 ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_NS)
1373 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_NS                 ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_NS)
1374 #define RCC_NS                          ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE_NS)
1375 #define RNG_NS                          ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE_NS)
1376 #define RTC_NS                          ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE_NS)
1377 #define SAES_NS                         ((AES_TypeDef *) SAES_BASE_NS)
1378 #define SAI1_NS                         ((SAI_TypeDef *) SAI1_BASE_NS)
1379 #define SAI1_Block_A_NS                 ((SAI_Block_TypeDef *)SAI1_Block_A_BASE_NS)
1380 #define SAI1_Block_B_NS                 ((SAI_Block_TypeDef *)SAI1_Block_B_BASE_NS)
1381 #define SPI1_NS                         ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE_NS)
1382 #define SPI3_NS                         ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI3_BASE_NS)
1383 #define SYSCFG_NS                       ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE_NS)
1384 #define TAMP_NS                         ((TAMP_TypeDef *) TAMP_BASE_NS)
1385 #define TIM1_NS                         ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM1_BASE_NS)
1386 #define TIM2_NS                         ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE_NS)
1387 #define TIM3_NS                         ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE_NS)
1388 #define TIM16_NS                        ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM16_BASE_NS)
1389 #define TIM17_NS                        ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM17_BASE_NS)
1390 #define TSC_NS                          ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE_NS)
1391 #define USART1_NS                       ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE_NS)
1392 #define USART2_NS                       ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE_NS)
1393 #define WWDG_NS                         ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE_NS)
1395 /*!< Memory & Instance aliases and base addresses for Non-Secure/Secure peripherals */
1396 #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
1397 #define ADC4_S                          ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC4_BASE_S)
1398 #define ADC4_COMMON_S                   ((ADC_Common_TypeDef *) ADC4_COMMON_BASE_S)
1399 #define AES_S                           ((AES_TypeDef *) AES_BASE_S)
1400 #define COMP1_S                         ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE_S)
1401 #define COMP2_S                         ((COMP_TypeDef *) COMP2_BASE_S)
1402 #define COMP12_COMMON_S                 ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE_S)
1403 #define CRC_S                           ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE_S)
1404 #define EXTI_S                          ((EXTI_TypeDef *) EXTI_BASE_S)
1405 #define FLASH_S                         ((FLASH_TypeDef *) FLASH_R_BASE_S)
1406 #define GPDMA1_S                        ((DMA_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_BASE_S)
1407 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_S)
1408 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_S)
1409 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_S)
1410 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_S)
1411 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_S)
1412 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_S)
1413 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_S)
1414 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_S               ((DMA_Channel_TypeDef *) GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_S)
1415 #define GPIOA_S                         ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE_S)
1416 #define GPIOB_S                         ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE_S)
1417 #define GPIOC_S                         ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE_S)
1418 #define GPIOH_S                         ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOH_BASE_S)
1419 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_S                   ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_S)
1420 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_S                   ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_S)
1421 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_S                   ((GTZC_MPCBB_TypeDef *) GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_S)
1422 #define GTZC_TZIC_S                     ((GTZC_TZIC_TypeDef *) GTZC_TZIC_BASE_S)
1423 #define GTZC_TZSC_S                     ((GTZC_TZSC_TypeDef *) GTZC_TZSC_BASE_S)
1424 #define HASH_S                          ((HASH_TypeDef *) HASH_BASE_S)
1425 #define HASH_DIGEST_S                   ((HASH_DIGEST_TypeDef *) HASH_DIGEST_BASE_S)
1426 #define HSEM_S                          ((HSEM_TypeDef *) HSEM_BASE_S)
1427 #define HSEM_COMMON_S                   ((HSEM_Common_TypeDef *) (HSEM_BASE_S + 0x100U))
1428 #define I2C1_S                          ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE_S)
1429 #define I2C3_S                          ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C3_BASE_S)
1430 #define ICACHE_S                        ((ICACHE_TypeDef *) ICACHE_BASE_S)
1431 #define IWDG_S                          ((IWDG_TypeDef *) IWDG_BASE_S)
1432 #define LPTIM1_S                        ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM1_BASE_S)
1433 #define LPTIM2_S                        ((LPTIM_TypeDef *) LPTIM2_BASE_S)
1434 #define LPUART1_S                       ((USART_TypeDef *) LPUART1_BASE_S)
1435 #define PKA_S                           ((PKA_TypeDef *) PKA_BASE_S)
1436 #define PTACONV_S                       ((PTACONV_TypeDef *) PTACONV_BASE_S)
1437 #define PWR_S                           ((PWR_TypeDef *) PWR_BASE_S)
1438 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_S                  ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_S)
1439 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_S                  ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_S)
1440 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_S                  ((RAMCFG_TypeDef *) RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_S)
1441 #define RCC_S                           ((RCC_TypeDef *) RCC_BASE_S)
1442 #define RNG_S                           ((RNG_TypeDef *) RNG_BASE_S)
1443 #define RTC_S                           ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE_S)
1444 #define SAES_S                          ((AES_TypeDef *) SAES_BASE_S)
1445 #define SAI1_S                          ((SAI_TypeDef *) SAI1_BASE_S)
1446 #define SAI1_Block_A_S                  ((SAI_Block_TypeDef *)SAI1_Block_A_BASE_S)
1447 #define SAI1_Block_B_S                  ((SAI_Block_TypeDef *)SAI1_Block_B_BASE_S)
1448 #define SPI1_S                          ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE_S)
1449 #define SPI3_S                          ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI3_BASE_S)
1450 #define SYSCFG_S                        ((SYSCFG_TypeDef *) SYSCFG_BASE_S)
1451 #define TAMP_S                          ((TAMP_TypeDef *) TAMP_BASE_S)
1452 #define TIM1_S                          ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM1_BASE_S)
1453 #define TIM2_S                          ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM2_BASE_S)
1454 #define TIM3_S                          ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM3_BASE_S)
1455 #define TIM16_S                         ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM16_BASE_S)
1456 #define TIM17_S                         ((TIM_TypeDef *) TIM17_BASE_S)
1457 #define TSC_S                           ((TSC_TypeDef *) TSC_BASE_S)
1458 #define USART1_S                        ((USART_TypeDef *) USART1_BASE_S)
1459 #define USART2_S                        ((USART_TypeDef *) USART2_BASE_S)
1460 #define WWDG_S                          ((WWDG_TypeDef *) WWDG_BASE_S)
1463 /*!< Memory base addresses for Secure peripherals */
1464 #define FLASH_BASE                      FLASH_BASE_S
1465 #define SRAM1_BASE                      SRAM1_BASE_S
1466 #define SRAM2_BASE                      SRAM2_BASE_S
1467 #define SRAM6_BASE                      SRAM6_BASE_S
1468 #define SEQSRAM_BASE                    SEQSRAM_BASE_S
1470 /*!< Instance aliases and base addresses for Secure peripherals */
1471 #define ADC4                            ADC4_S
1472 #define ADC4_BASE                       ADC4_BASE_S
1473 #define ADC4_COMMON                     ADC4_COMMON_S
1474 #define ADC4_COMMON_BASE                ADC4_COMMON_BASE_S
1475 #define AES                             AES_S
1476 #define AES_BASE                        AES_BASE_S
1477 #define COMP1                           COMP1_S
1478 #define COMP1_BASE                      COMP1_BASE_S
1479 #define COMP2                           COMP2_S
1480 #define COMP2_BASE                      COMP2_BASE_S
1481 #define COMP12_COMMON                   COMP12_COMMON_S
1482 #define CRC                             CRC_S
1483 #define CRC_BASE                        CRC_BASE_S
1484 #define EXTI                            EXTI_S
1485 #define EXTI_BASE                       EXTI_BASE_S
1486 #define FLASH                           FLASH_S
1487 #define FLASH_R_BASE                    FLASH_R_BASE_S
1488 #define GPDMA1                          GPDMA1_S
1489 #define GPDMA1_BASE                     GPDMA1_BASE_S
1490 #define GPDMA1_Channel0                 GPDMA1_Channel0_S
1491 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_S
1492 #define GPDMA1_Channel1                 GPDMA1_Channel1_S
1493 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_S
1494 #define GPDMA1_Channel2                 GPDMA1_Channel2_S
1495 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_S
1496 #define GPDMA1_Channel3                 GPDMA1_Channel3_S
1497 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_S
1498 #define GPDMA1_Channel4                 GPDMA1_Channel4_S
1499 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_S
1500 #define GPDMA1_Channel5                 GPDMA1_Channel5_S
1501 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_S
1502 #define GPDMA1_Channel6                 GPDMA1_Channel6_S
1503 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_S
1504 #define GPDMA1_Channel7                 GPDMA1_Channel7_S
1505 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_S
1506 #define GPIOA                           GPIOA_S
1507 #define GPIOA_BASE                      GPIOA_BASE_S
1508 #define GPIOB                           GPIOB_S
1509 #define GPIOB_BASE                      GPIOB_BASE_S
1510 #define GPIOC                           GPIOC_S
1511 #define GPIOC_BASE                      GPIOC_BASE_S
1512 #define GPIOH                           GPIOH_S
1513 #define GPIOH_BASE                      GPIOH_BASE_S
1514 #define GTZC_MPCBB1                     GTZC_MPCBB1_S
1515 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_S
1516 #define GTZC_MPCBB2                     GTZC_MPCBB2_S
1517 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_S
1518 #define GTZC_MPCBB6                     GTZC_MPCBB6_S
1519 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_S
1520 #define GTZC_TZIC                       GTZC_TZIC_S
1521 #define GTZC_TZIC_BASE                  GTZC_TZIC_BASE_S
1522 #define GTZC_TZSC                       GTZC_TZSC_S
1523 #define GTZC_TZSC_BASE                  GTZC_TZSC_BASE_S
1524 #define HASH                            HASH_S
1525 #define HASH_BASE                       HASH_BASE_S
1526 #define HASH_DIGEST                     HASH_DIGEST_S
1527 #define HASH_DIGEST_BASE                HASH_DIGEST_BASE_S
1528 #define HSEM                            HSEM_S
1529 #define HSEM_BASE                       HSEM_BASE_S
1530 #define HSEM_COMMON                     HSEM_COMMON_S
1531 #define I2C1                            I2C1_S
1532 #define I2C1_BASE                       I2C1_BASE_S
1533 #define I2C3                            I2C3_S
1534 #define I2C3_BASE                       I2C3_BASE_S
1535 #define ICACHE                          ICACHE_S
1536 #define ICACHE_BASE                     ICACHE_BASE_S
1537 #define IWDG                            IWDG_S
1538 #define IWDG_BASE                       IWDG_BASE_S
1539 #define LPTIM1                          LPTIM1_S
1540 #define LPTIM1_BASE                     LPTIM1_BASE_S
1541 #define LPTIM2                          LPTIM2_S
1542 #define LPTIM2_BASE                     LPTIM2_BASE_S
1543 #define LPUART1                         LPUART1_S
1544 #define LPUART1_BASE                    LPUART1_BASE_S
1545 #define PKA                             PKA_S
1546 #define PKA_BASE                        PKA_BASE_S
1547 #define PKA_RAM_BASE                    PKA_RAM_BASE_S
1548 #define PTACONV_BASE                    PTACONV_BASE_S
1549 #define PTACONV                         PTACONV_S
1550 #define PWR                             PWR_S
1551 #define PWR_BASE                        PWR_BASE_S
1552 #define RADIO_BASE                      RADIO_BASE_S
1553 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1                    RAMCFG_SRAM1_S
1554 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_S
1555 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2                    RAMCFG_SRAM2_S
1556 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_S
1557 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6                    RAMCFG_SRAM6_S
1558 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_S
1559 #define RCC                             RCC_S
1560 #define RCC_BASE                        RCC_BASE_S
1561 #define RNG                             RNG_S
1562 #define RNG_BASE                        RNG_BASE_S
1563 #define RTC                             RTC_S
1564 #define RTC_BASE                        RTC_BASE_S
1565 #define SAES                            SAES_S
1566 #define SAES_BASE                       SAES_BASE_S
1567 #define SAI1                            SAI1_S
1568 #define SAI1_BASE                       SAI1_BASE_S
1569 #define SAI1_Block_A                    SAI1_Block_A_S
1570 #define SAI1_Block_A_BASE               SAI1_Block_A_BASE_S
1571 #define SAI1_Block_B                    SAI1_Block_B_S
1572 #define SAI1_Block_B_BASE               SAI1_Block_B_BASE_S
1573 #define SPI1                            SPI1_S
1574 #define SPI1_BASE                       SPI1_BASE_S
1575 #define SPI3                            SPI3_S
1576 #define SPI3_BASE                       SPI3_BASE_S
1577 #define SYSCFG                          SYSCFG_S
1578 #define SYSCFG_BASE                     SYSCFG_BASE_S
1579 #define TAMP                            TAMP_S
1580 #define TAMP_BASE                       TAMP_BASE_S
1581 #define TIM1                            TIM1_S
1582 #define TIM1_BASE                       TIM1_BASE_S
1583 #define TIM2                            TIM2_S
1584 #define TIM2_BASE                       TIM2_BASE_S
1585 #define TIM3                            TIM3_S
1586 #define TIM3_BASE                       TIM3_BASE_S
1587 #define TIM16                           TIM16_S
1588 #define TIM16_BASE                      TIM16_BASE_S
1589 #define TIM17                           TIM17_S
1590 #define TIM17_BASE                      TIM17_BASE_S
1591 #define TSC                             TSC_S
1592 #define TSC_BASE                        TSC_BASE_S
1593 #define USART1                          USART1_S
1594 #define USART1_BASE                     USART1_BASE_S
1595 #define USART2                          USART2_S
1596 #define USART2_BASE                     USART2_BASE_S
1597 #define WWDG                            WWDG_S
1598 #define WWDG_BASE                       WWDG_BASE_S
1600 #else
1601 /*!< Memory base addresses for Non secure peripherals */
1602 #define FLASH_BASE                     FLASH_BASE_NS
1603 #define SRAM1_BASE                     SRAM1_BASE_NS
1604 #define SRAM2_BASE                     SRAM2_BASE_NS
1605 #define SRAM6_BASE                     SRAM6_BASE_NS
1606 #define SEQSRAM_BASE                   SEQSRAM_BASE_NS
1608 /*!< Instance aliases and base addresses for Non secure peripherals */
1609 #define ADC4                            ADC4_NS
1610 #define ADC4_BASE                       ADC4_BASE_NS
1611 #define ADC4_COMMON                     ADC4_COMMON_NS
1612 #define ADC4_COMMON_BASE                ADC4_COMMON_BASE_NS
1613 #define AES                             AES_NS
1614 #define AES_BASE                        AES_BASE_NS
1615 #define COMP1                           COMP1_NS
1616 #define COMP1_BASE                      COMP1_BASE_NS
1617 #define COMP2                           COMP2_NS
1618 #define COMP2_BASE                      COMP2_BASE_NS
1619 #define COMP12_COMMON                   COMP12_COMMON_NS
1620 #define CRC                             CRC_NS
1621 #define CRC_BASE                        CRC_BASE_NS
1622 #define EXTI                            EXTI_NS
1623 #define EXTI_BASE                       EXTI_BASE_NS
1624 #define FLASH                           FLASH_NS
1625 #define FLASH_R_BASE                    FLASH_R_BASE_NS
1626 #define GPDMA1                          GPDMA1_NS
1627 #define GPDMA1_BASE                     GPDMA1_BASE_NS
1628 #define GPDMA1_Channel0                 GPDMA1_Channel0_NS
1629 #define GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel0_BASE_NS
1630 #define GPDMA1_Channel1                 GPDMA1_Channel1_NS
1631 #define GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel1_BASE_NS
1632 #define GPDMA1_Channel2                 GPDMA1_Channel2_NS
1633 #define GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel2_BASE_NS
1634 #define GPDMA1_Channel3                 GPDMA1_Channel3_NS
1635 #define GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel3_BASE_NS
1636 #define GPDMA1_Channel4                 GPDMA1_Channel4_NS
1637 #define GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel4_BASE_NS
1638 #define GPDMA1_Channel5                 GPDMA1_Channel5_NS
1639 #define GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel5_BASE_NS
1640 #define GPDMA1_Channel6                 GPDMA1_Channel6_NS
1641 #define GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel6_BASE_NS
1642 #define GPDMA1_Channel7                 GPDMA1_Channel7_NS
1643 #define GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE            GPDMA1_Channel7_BASE_NS
1644 #define GPIOA                           GPIOA_NS
1645 #define GPIOA_BASE                      GPIOA_BASE_NS
1646 #define GPIOB                           GPIOB_NS
1647 #define GPIOB_BASE                      GPIOB_BASE_NS
1648 #define GPIOC                           GPIOC_NS
1649 #define GPIOC_BASE                      GPIOC_BASE_NS
1650 #define GPIOH                           GPIOH_NS
1651 #define GPIOH_BASE                      GPIOH_BASE_NS
1652 #define GTZC_MPCBB1                     GTZC_MPCBB1_NS
1653 #define GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB1_BASE_NS
1654 #define GTZC_MPCBB2                     GTZC_MPCBB2_NS
1655 #define GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB2_BASE_NS
1656 #define GTZC_MPCBB6                     GTZC_MPCBB6_NS
1657 #define GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE                GTZC_MPCBB6_BASE_NS
1658 #define GTZC_TZSC                       GTZC_TZSC_NS
1659 #define GTZC_TZSC_BASE                  GTZC_TZSC_BASE_NS
1660 #define HASH                            HASH_NS
1661 #define HASH_BASE                       HASH_BASE_NS
1662 #define HASH_DIGEST                     HASH_DIGEST_NS
1663 #define HASH_DIGEST_BASE                HASH_DIGEST_BASE_NS
1664 #define HSEM                            HSEM_NS
1665 #define HSEM_BASE                       HSEM_BASE_NS
1666 #define HSEM_COMMON                     HSEM_COMMON_NS
1667 #define I2C1                            I2C1_NS
1668 #define I2C1_BASE                       I2C1_BASE_NS
1669 #define I2C3                            I2C3_NS
1670 #define I2C3_BASE                       I2C3_BASE_NS
1671 #define ICACHE                          ICACHE_NS
1672 #define ICACHE_BASE                     ICACHE_BASE_NS
1673 #define IWDG                            IWDG_NS
1674 #define IWDG_BASE                       IWDG_BASE_NS
1675 #define LPTIM1                          LPTIM1_NS
1676 #define LPTIM1_BASE                     LPTIM1_BASE_NS
1677 #define LPTIM2                          LPTIM2_NS
1678 #define LPTIM2_BASE                     LPTIM2_BASE_NS
1679 #define LPUART1                         LPUART1_NS
1680 #define LPUART1_BASE                    LPUART1_BASE_NS
1681 #define PKA                             PKA_NS
1682 #define PKA_BASE                        PKA_BASE_NS
1683 #define PKA_RAM_BASE                    PKA_RAM_BASE_NS
1684 #define PTACONV_BASE                    PTACONV_BASE_NS
1685 #define PTACONV                         PTACONV_NS
1686 #define PWR                             PWR_NS
1687 #define PWR_BASE                        PWR_BASE_NS
1688 #define RADIO_BASE                      RADIO_BASE_NS
1689 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1                    RAMCFG_SRAM1_NS
1690 #define RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM1_BASE_NS
1691 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2                    RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS
1692 #define RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM2_BASE_NS
1693 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6                    RAMCFG_SRAM6_NS
1694 #define RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE               RAMCFG_SRAM6_BASE_NS
1695 #define RCC                             RCC_NS
1696 #define RCC_BASE                        RCC_BASE_NS
1697 #define RNG                             RNG_NS
1698 #define RNG_BASE                        RNG_BASE_NS
1699 #define RTC                             RTC_NS
1700 #define RTC_BASE                        RTC_BASE_NS
1701 #define SAES                            SAES_NS
1702 #define SAES_BASE                       SAES_BASE_NS
1703 #define SAI1                            SAI1_NS
1704 #define SAI1_BASE                       SAI1_BASE_NS
1705 #define SAI1_Block_A                    SAI1_Block_A_NS
1706 #define SAI1_Block_A_BASE               SAI1_Block_A_BASE_NS
1707 #define SAI1_Block_B                    SAI1_Block_B_NS
1708 #define SAI1_Block_B_BASE               SAI1_Block_B_BASE_NS
1709 #define SPI1                            SPI1_NS
1710 #define SPI1_BASE                       SPI1_BASE_NS
1711 #define SPI3                            SPI3_NS
1712 #define SPI3_BASE                       SPI3_BASE_NS
1713 #define SYSCFG                          SYSCFG_NS
1714 #define SYSCFG_BASE                     SYSCFG_BASE_NS
1715 #define TAMP                            TAMP_NS
1716 #define TAMP_BASE                       TAMP_BASE_NS
1717 #define TIM1                            TIM1_NS
1718 #define TIM1_BASE                       TIM1_BASE_NS
1719 #define TIM2                            TIM2_NS
1720 #define TIM2_BASE                       TIM2_BASE_NS
1721 #define TIM3                            TIM3_NS
1722 #define TIM3_BASE                       TIM3_BASE_NS
1723 #define TIM16                           TIM16_NS
1724 #define TIM16_BASE                      TIM16_BASE_NS
1725 #define TIM17                           TIM17_NS
1726 #define TIM17_BASE                      TIM17_BASE_NS
1727 #define TSC                             TSC_NS
1728 #define TSC_BASE                        TSC_BASE_NS
1729 #define USART1                          USART1_NS
1730 #define USART1_BASE                     USART1_BASE_NS
1731 #define USART2                          USART2_NS
1732 #define USART2_BASE                     USART2_BASE_NS
1733 #define WWDG                            WWDG_NS
1734 #define WWDG_BASE                       WWDG_BASE_NS
1735 #endif
1738 /** @addtogroup Exported_constants
1739   * @{
1740   */
1742 /** @addtogroup Hardware_Constant_Definition
1743   * @{
1744   */
1745 #define LSI_STARTUP_TIME                16000U /*!< LSI Maximum startup time in us : 4 cycles @ 250 Hz = 16 ms */
1746 /**
1747   * @}
1748   */
1750 /** @addtogroup Peripheral_Registers_Bits_Definition
1751   * @{
1752   */
1754 /******************************************************************************/
1755 /*                                                                            */
1756 /*                      Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)                     */
1757 /*                                                                            */
1758 /******************************************************************************/
1759 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_ISR register  *******************/
1760 #define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos              (0U)
1761 #define ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
1762 #define ADC_ISR_ADRDY                  ADC_ISR_ADRDY_Msk                       /*!< ADC ready flag */
1763 #define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos              (1U)
1764 #define ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
1765 #define ADC_ISR_EOSMP                  ADC_ISR_EOSMP_Msk                       /*!< ADC group regular end of sampling flag */
1766 #define ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos                (2U)
1767 #define ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
1768 #define ADC_ISR_EOC                    ADC_ISR_EOC_Msk                         /*!< ADC group regular end of unitary conversion flag */
1769 #define ADC_ISR_EOS_Pos                (3U)
1770 #define ADC_ISR_EOS_Msk                (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
1771 #define ADC_ISR_EOS                    ADC_ISR_EOS_Msk                         /*!< ADC group regular end of sequence conversions flag */
1772 #define ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos                (4U)
1773 #define ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_OVR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
1774 #define ADC_ISR_OVR                    ADC_ISR_OVR_Msk                         /*!< ADC group regular overrun flag */
1775 #define ADC_ISR_AWD1_Pos               (7U)
1776 #define ADC_ISR_AWD1_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
1777 #define ADC_ISR_AWD1                   ADC_ISR_AWD1_Msk                        /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 flag */
1778 #define ADC_ISR_AWD2_Pos               (8U)
1779 #define ADC_ISR_AWD2_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
1780 #define ADC_ISR_AWD2                   ADC_ISR_AWD2_Msk                        /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 flag */
1781 #define ADC_ISR_AWD3_Pos               (9U)
1782 #define ADC_ISR_AWD3_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_AWD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
1783 #define ADC_ISR_AWD3                   ADC_ISR_AWD3_Msk                        /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 flag */
1784 #define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos              (11U)
1785 #define ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
1786 #define ADC_ISR_EOCAL                  ADC_ISR_EOCAL_Msk                       /*!< ADC end of calibration flag */
1787 #define ADC_ISR_LDORDY_Pos             (12U)
1788 #define ADC_ISR_LDORDY_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_ISR_LDORDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
1789 #define ADC_ISR_LDORDY                 ADC_ISR_LDORDY_Msk                      /*!< ADC internal voltage regulator ready flag */
1791 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_IER register  *******************/
1792 #define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos            (0U)
1793 #define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
1794 #define ADC_IER_ADRDYIE                ADC_IER_ADRDYIE_Msk                     /*!< ADC ready interrupt */
1795 #define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos            (1U)
1796 #define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
1797 #define ADC_IER_EOSMPIE                ADC_IER_EOSMPIE_Msk                     /*!< ADC group regular end of sampling interrupt */
1798 #define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos              (2U)
1799 #define ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
1800 #define ADC_IER_EOCIE                  ADC_IER_EOCIE_Msk                       /*!< ADC group regular end of unitary conversion interrupt */
1801 #define ADC_IER_EOSIE_Pos              (3U)
1802 #define ADC_IER_EOSIE_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOSIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
1803 #define ADC_IER_EOSIE                  ADC_IER_EOSIE_Msk                       /*!< ADC group regular end of sequence conversions interrupt */
1804 #define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos              (4U)
1805 #define ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk              (0x1UL << ADC_IER_OVRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
1806 #define ADC_IER_OVRIE                  ADC_IER_OVRIE_Msk                       /*!< ADC group regular overrun interrupt */
1807 #define ADC_IER_AWD1IE_Pos             (7U)
1808 #define ADC_IER_AWD1IE_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWD1IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
1809 #define ADC_IER_AWD1IE                 ADC_IER_AWD1IE_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 interrupt */
1810 #define ADC_IER_AWD2IE_Pos             (8U)
1811 #define ADC_IER_AWD2IE_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWD2IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
1812 #define ADC_IER_AWD2IE                 ADC_IER_AWD2IE_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 interrupt */
1813 #define ADC_IER_AWD3IE_Pos             (9U)
1814 #define ADC_IER_AWD3IE_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_IER_AWD3IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
1815 #define ADC_IER_AWD3IE                 ADC_IER_AWD3IE_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 interrupt */
1816 #define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos            (11U)
1817 #define ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
1818 #define ADC_IER_EOCALIE                ADC_IER_EOCALIE_Msk                     /*!< ADC end of calibration interrupt */
1819 #define ADC_IER_LDORDYIE_Pos           (12U)
1820 #define ADC_IER_LDORDYIE_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_IER_LDORDYIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
1821 #define ADC_IER_LDORDYIE               ADC_IER_LDORDYIE_Msk                    /*!< ADC Voltage Regulator Ready interrupt source */
1823 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CR register  ********************/
1824 #define ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos                (0U)
1825 #define ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
1826 #define ADC_CR_ADEN                    ADC_CR_ADEN_Msk                         /*!< ADC enable */
1827 #define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos               (1U)
1828 #define ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADDIS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
1829 #define ADC_CR_ADDIS                   ADC_CR_ADDIS_Msk                        /*!< ADC disable */
1830 #define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos             (2U)
1831 #define ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTART_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
1832 #define ADC_CR_ADSTART                 ADC_CR_ADSTART_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular conversion start */
1833 #define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos               (4U)
1834 #define ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADSTP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
1835 #define ADC_CR_ADSTP                   ADC_CR_ADSTP_Msk                        /*!< ADC group regular conversion stop */
1836 #define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos            (28U)
1837 #define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x10000000 */
1838 #define ADC_CR_ADVREGEN                ADC_CR_ADVREGEN_Msk                     /*!< ADC voltage regulator enable */
1839 #define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos               (31U)
1840 #define ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_CR_ADCAL_Pos)             /*!< 0x80000000 */
1841 #define ADC_CR_ADCAL                   ADC_CR_ADCAL_Msk                        /*!< ADC calibration */
1843 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
1844 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos            (0U)
1845 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
1846 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN                ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN_Msk                     /*!< ADC DMA transfer enable */
1847 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos           (1U)
1848 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
1849 #define ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG               ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG_Msk                    /*!< ADC DMA transfer configuration */
1851 #define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos              (2U)
1852 #define ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk              (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000000C */
1853 #define ADC_CFGR1_RES                  ADC_CFGR1_RES_Msk                       /*!< ADC Data resolution */
1854 #define ADC_CFGR1_RES_0                (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
1855 #define ADC_CFGR1_RES_1                (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_RES_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
1857 #define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos          (4U)
1858 #define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
1859 #define ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR              ADC_CFGR1_SCANDIR_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer scan direction */
1860 #define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos            (5U)
1861 #define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
1862 #define ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN                ADC_CFGR1_ALIGN_Msk                     /*!< ADC data alignment */
1864 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos           (6U)
1865 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk           (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x000001C0 */
1866 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL               ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Msk                    /*!< ADC group regular external trigger source */
1867 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_0             (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
1868 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_1             (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
1869 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_2             (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
1871 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos            (10U)
1872 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk            (0x3UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000C00 */
1873 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN                ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Msk                     /*!< ADC group regular external trigger polarity */
1874 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_0              (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
1875 #define ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_1              (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR1_EXTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
1877 #define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos           (12U)
1878 #define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
1879 #define ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD               ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD_Msk                    /*!< ADC group regular overrun configuration */
1880 #define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos             (13U)
1881 #define ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
1882 #define ADC_CFGR1_CONT                 ADC_CFGR1_CONT_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular continuous conversion mode */
1883 #define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos             (14U)
1884 #define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
1885 #define ADC_CFGR1_WAIT                 ADC_CFGR1_WAIT_Msk                      /*!< ADC low power auto wait */
1886 #define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos           (16U)
1887 #define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
1888 #define ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN               ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN_Msk                    /*!< ADC group regular sequencer discontinuous mode */
1889 #define ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD_Pos        (21U)
1890 #define ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD_Msk        (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
1891 #define ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD            ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD_Msk                 /*!< ADC group regular sequencer mode */
1893 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1SGL_Pos          (22U)
1894 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1SGL_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1SGL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
1895 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1SGL              ADC_CFGR1_AWD1SGL_Msk                   /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 monitoring a single channel or all channels */
1896 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1EN_Pos           (23U)
1897 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1EN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
1898 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1EN               ADC_CFGR1_AWD1EN_Msk                    /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 enable on scope ADC group regular */
1900 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos           (26U)
1901 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Msk           (0x1FUL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x7C000000 */
1902 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH               ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Msk                    /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 monitored channel selection */
1903 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_0             (0x01UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
1904 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_1             (0x02UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
1905 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_2             (0x04UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
1906 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_3             (0x08UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
1907 #define ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_4             (0x10UL << ADC_CFGR1_AWD1CH_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
1909 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CFGR2 register  *****************/
1910 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos             (0U)
1911 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
1912 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSE                 ADC_CFGR2_OVSE_Msk                      /*!< ADC oversampler enable on scope ADC group regular */
1914 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos             (2U)
1915 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk             (0x7UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000001C */
1916 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR                 ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Msk                      /*!< ADC oversampling ratio */
1917 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
1918 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
1919 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
1921 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos             (5U)
1922 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001E0 */
1923 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS                 ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Msk                      /*!< ADC oversampling shift */
1924 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
1925 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
1926 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
1927 #define ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CFGR2_OVSS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
1929 #define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos             (9U)
1930 #define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
1931 #define ADC_CFGR2_TOVS                 ADC_CFGR2_TOVS_Msk                      /*!< ADC oversampling discontinuous mode (triggered mode) for ADC group regular */
1933 #define ADC_CFGR2_LFTRIG_Pos           (29U)
1934 #define ADC_CFGR2_LFTRIG_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_CFGR2_LFTRIG_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
1935 #define ADC_CFGR2_LFTRIG               ADC_CFGR2_LFTRIG_Msk                    /*!< ADC low frequency trigger mode */
1937 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_SMPR register  ******************/
1938 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Pos              (0U)
1939 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Msk              (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000007 */
1940 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1                  ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Msk                       /*!< ADC group of channels sampling time 1 */
1941 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1_0                (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
1942 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1_1                (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
1943 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP1_2                (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
1945 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Pos              (4U)
1946 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Msk              (0x7UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000070 */
1947 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2                  ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Msk                       /*!< ADC group of channels sampling time 2 */
1948 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2_0                (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
1949 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2_1                (0x2UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
1950 #define ADC_SMPR_SMP2_2                (0x4UL << ADC_SMPR_SMP2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
1952 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL_Pos            (8U)
1953 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL_Msk            (0x3FFFFUL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x03FFFF00 */
1954 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL                ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL_Msk                     /*!< ADC all channels sampling time selection */
1955 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL0_Pos           (8U)
1956 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL0_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
1957 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL0               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL0_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 0 sampling time selection */
1958 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL1_Pos           (9U)
1959 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL1_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
1960 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL1               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL1_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 1 sampling time selection */
1961 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL2_Pos           (10U)
1962 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL2_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
1963 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL2               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL2_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 2 sampling time selection */
1964 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL3_Pos           (11U)
1965 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL3_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
1966 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL3               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL3_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 3 sampling time selection */
1967 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL4_Pos           (12U)
1968 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL4_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
1969 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL4               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL4_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 4 sampling time selection */
1970 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL5_Pos           (13U)
1971 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL5_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
1972 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL5               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL5_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 5 sampling time selection */
1973 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL6_Pos           (14U)
1974 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL6_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
1975 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL6               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL6_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 6 sampling time selection */
1976 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL7_Pos           (15U)
1977 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL7_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
1978 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL7               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL7_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 7 sampling time selection */
1979 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL8_Pos           (16U)
1980 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL8_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
1981 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL8               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL8_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 8 sampling time selection */
1982 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL9_Pos           (17U)
1983 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL9_Msk           (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
1984 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL9               ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL9_Msk                    /*!< ADC channel 9 sampling time selection */
1985 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL10_Pos          (18U)
1986 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL10_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
1987 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL10              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL10_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 10 sampling time selection */
1988 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL11_Pos          (19U)
1989 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL11_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
1990 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL11              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL11_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 11 sampling time selection */
1991 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL12_Pos          (20U)
1992 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL12_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
1993 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL12              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL12_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 12 sampling time selection */
1994 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL13_Pos          (21U)
1995 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL13_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
1996 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL13              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL13_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 13 sampling time selection */
1997 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL14_Pos          (22U)
1998 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL14_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
1999 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL14              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL14_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 14 sampling time selection */
2000 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL15_Pos          (23U)
2001 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL15_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
2002 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL15              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL15_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 15 sampling time selection */
2003 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL16_Pos          (24U)
2004 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL16_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL16_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
2005 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL16              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL16_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 16 sampling time selection */
2006 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL17_Pos          (25U)
2007 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL17_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL17_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
2008 #define ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL17              ADC_SMPR_SMPSEL17_Msk                   /*!< ADC channel 17 sampling time selection */
2010 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_AWD1TR register  *******************/
2011 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos             (0U)
2012 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000FFF */
2013 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1                 ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 1 threshold low */
2014 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
2015 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
2016 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
2017 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
2018 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
2019 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
2020 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
2021 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
2022 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
2023 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
2024 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
2025 #define ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD1TR_LT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
2027 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos             (16U)
2028 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
2029 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1                 ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Msk                      /*!< ADC Analog watchdog 1 threshold high */
2030 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
2031 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
2032 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
2033 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
2034 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
2035 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00200000 */
2036 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
2037 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
2038 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
2039 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
2040 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
2041 #define ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD1TR_HT1_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
2043 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_AWDTR2 register  *******************/
2044 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos             (0U)
2045 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000FFF */
2046 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2                 ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 threshold low */
2047 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
2048 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
2049 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
2050 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
2051 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
2052 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
2053 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
2054 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
2055 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
2056 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
2057 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
2058 #define ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD2TR_LT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
2060 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos             (16U)
2061 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
2062 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2                 ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 threshold high */
2063 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
2064 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
2065 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
2066 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
2067 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
2068 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00200000 */
2069 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
2070 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
2071 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
2072 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
2073 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
2074 #define ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD2TR_HT2_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
2076 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register  ****************/
2077 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos           (0U)
2078 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk           (0x3FFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0003FFFF */
2079 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL               ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL_Msk                    /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channels, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2080 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos         (17U)
2081 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
2082 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL17_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 17, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2083 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos         (16U)
2084 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
2085 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL16_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 16, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2086 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos         (15U)
2087 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
2088 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL15_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 15, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2089 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos         (14U)
2090 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
2091 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL14_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 14, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2092 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos         (13U)
2093 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
2094 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL13_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 13, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2095 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos         (12U)
2096 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
2097 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL12_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 12, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2098 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos         (11U)
2099 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
2100 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL11_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 11, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2101 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos         (10U)
2102 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk         (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
2103 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10             ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL10_Msk                  /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 10, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2104 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos          (9U)
2105 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
2106 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL9_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 9, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2107 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos          (8U)
2108 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
2109 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL8_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 8, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2110 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos          (7U)
2111 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
2112 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL7_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 7, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2113 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos          (6U)
2114 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
2115 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL6_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 6, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2116 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos          (5U)
2117 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
2118 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL5_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 5, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2119 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos          (4U)
2120 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
2121 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL4_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 4, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2122 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos          (3U)
2123 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
2124 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL3_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 3, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2125 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos          (2U)
2126 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
2127 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL2_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 2, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2128 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos          (1U)
2129 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
2130 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL1_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 1, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2131 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos          (0U)
2132 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk          (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
2133 #define ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0              ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL0_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer channel 0, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is reset */
2135 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ_ALL_Pos          (0U)
2136 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ_ALL_Msk          (0xFFFFFFFFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ_ALL_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2137 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ_ALL              ADC_CHSELR_SQ_ALL_Msk                   /*!< ADC group regular sequencer all ranks, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2139 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos             (28U)
2140 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
2141 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 8, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2142 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
2143 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
2144 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
2145 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ8_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
2147 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos             (24U)
2148 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos)           /*!< 0x0F000000 */
2149 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 7, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2150 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
2151 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
2152 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
2153 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ7_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
2155 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos             (20U)
2156 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00F00000 */
2157 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 6, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2158 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
2159 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
2160 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
2161 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
2163 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos             (16U)
2164 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos)           /*!< 0x000F0000 */
2165 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 5, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2166 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
2167 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
2168 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
2169 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
2171 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos             (12U)
2172 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000F000 */
2173 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 4, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2174 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
2175 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
2176 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
2177 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
2179 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos             (8U)
2180 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000F00 */
2181 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 3, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2182 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
2183 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
2184 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
2185 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
2187 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos             (4U)
2188 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000F0 */
2189 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 2, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2190 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
2191 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
2192 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
2193 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
2195 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos             (0U)
2196 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Msk             (0xFUL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000000F */
2197 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1                 ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Msk                      /*!< ADC group regular sequencer rank 1, available when ADC_CFGR1_CHSELRMOD is set */
2198 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_0               (0x1UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
2199 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_1               (0x2UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
2200 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_2               (0x4UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
2201 #define ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_3               (0x8UL << ADC_CHSELR_SQ1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
2203 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_AWD3TR register  *******************/
2204 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos             (0U)
2205 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000FFF */
2206 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3                 ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 threshold low */
2207 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
2208 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
2209 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
2210 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
2211 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
2212 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
2213 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
2214 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
2215 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
2216 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
2217 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
2218 #define ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD3TR_LT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
2220 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos             (16U)
2221 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Msk             (0xFFFUL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
2222 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3                 ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Msk                      /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 threshold high */
2223 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_0               (0x001UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
2224 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_1               (0x002UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
2225 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_2               (0x004UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
2226 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_3               (0x008UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
2227 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_4               (0x010UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
2228 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_5               (0x020UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00200000 */
2229 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_6               (0x040UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
2230 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_7               (0x080UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
2231 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_8               (0x100UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
2232 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_9               (0x200UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
2233 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_10              (0x400UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
2234 #define ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_11              (0x800UL << ADC_AWD3TR_HT3_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
2236 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_DR register  ********************/
2237 #define ADC_DR_DATA_Pos                (0U)
2238 #define ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                (0xFFFFUL << ADC_DR_DATA_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
2239 #define ADC_DR_DATA                    ADC_DR_DATA_Msk                         /*!< ADC group regular conversion data */
2241 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_PWRR register  ******************/
2242 #define ADC_PWRR_AUTOFF_Pos            (0U)
2243 #define ADC_PWRR_AUTOFF_Msk            (0x1UL << ADC_PWRR_AUTOFF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
2244 #define ADC_PWRR_AUTOFF                ADC_PWRR_AUTOFF_Msk                     /*!< ADC auto-off mode */
2245 #define ADC_PWRR_DPD_Pos               (1U)
2246 #define ADC_PWRR_DPD_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_PWRR_DPD_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
2247 #define ADC_PWRR_DPD                   ADC_PWRR_DPD_Msk                        /*!< ADC deep power down mode */
2249 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_AWD2CR register  ****************/
2250 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos          (0U)
2251 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Msk          (0x3FFFFUL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x0003FFFF */
2252 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH              ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Msk                   /*!< ADC analog watchdog 2 monitored channel selection */
2253 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_0            (0x00001UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
2254 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_1            (0x00002UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
2255 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_2            (0x00004UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
2256 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_3            (0x00008UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
2257 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_4            (0x00010UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
2258 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_5            (0x00020UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
2259 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_6            (0x00040UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
2260 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_7            (0x00080UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
2261 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_8            (0x00100UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
2262 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_9            (0x00200UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
2263 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_10           (0x00400UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
2264 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_11           (0x00800UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
2265 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_12           (0x01000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
2266 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_13           (0x02000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
2267 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_14           (0x04000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
2268 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_15           (0x08000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
2269 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_16           (0x10000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
2270 #define ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_17           (0x20000UL << ADC_AWD2CR_AWD2CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
2272 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_AWD3CR register  ****************/
2273 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos          (0U)
2274 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Msk          (0x3FFFFUL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x0003FFFF */
2275 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH              ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Msk                   /*!< ADC analog watchdog 3 monitored channel selection */
2276 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_0            (0x00001UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
2277 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_1            (0x00002UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
2278 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_2            (0x00004UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
2279 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_3            (0x00008UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
2280 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_4            (0x00010UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
2281 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_5            (0x00020UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
2282 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_6            (0x00040UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
2283 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_7            (0x00080UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
2284 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_8            (0x00100UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000100 */
2285 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_9            (0x00200UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
2286 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_10           (0x00400UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
2287 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_11           (0x00800UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
2288 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_12           (0x01000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
2289 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_13           (0x02000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
2290 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_14           (0x04000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
2291 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_15           (0x08000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
2292 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_16           (0x10000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
2293 #define ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_17           (0x20000UL << ADC_AWD3CR_AWD3CH_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
2295 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CALFACT register  ***************/
2296 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos        (0U)
2297 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk        (0x7FUL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000007F */
2298 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT            ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk                 /*!< ADC calibration factor in single-ended mode */
2299 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_0          (0x01UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
2300 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_1          (0x02UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
2301 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_2          (0x04UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
2302 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_3          (0x08UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
2303 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_4          (0x10UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
2304 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_5          (0x20UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
2305 #define ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_6          (0x40UL << ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
2307 /*************************  ADC Common registers  *****************************/
2308 /********************  Bit definition for ADC_CCR register  *******************/
2309 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos              (18U)
2310 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk              (0xFUL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)            /*!< 0x003C0000 */
2311 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC                  ADC_CCR_PRESC_Msk                       /*!< ADC common clock prescaler */
2312 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_0                (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
2313 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_1                (0x2UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
2314 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_2                (0x4UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
2315 #define ADC_CCR_PRESC_3                (0x8UL << ADC_CCR_PRESC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
2317 #define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos             (22U)
2318 #define ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk             (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
2319 #define ADC_CCR_VREFEN                 ADC_CCR_VREFEN_Msk                      /*!< ADC internal path to VrefInt enable */
2320 #define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos               (23U)
2321 #define ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk               (0x1UL << ADC_CCR_TSEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
2322 #define ADC_CCR_TSEN                   ADC_CCR_TSEN_Msk                        /*!< ADC internal path to temperature sensor enable */
2325 /******************************************************************************/
2326 /*                                                                            */
2327 /*                      Analog comparators (COMP)                             */
2328 /*                                                                            */
2329 /******************************************************************************/
2330 /**********************  Bit definition for COMP_CSR register  ****************/
2331 #define COMP_CSR_EN_Pos                (0U)
2332 #define COMP_CSR_EN_Msk                (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_EN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
2333 #define COMP_CSR_EN                    COMP_CSR_EN_Msk                         /*!< Comparator enable */
2335 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos            (4U)
2336 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Msk            (0xFUL << COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000F0 */
2337 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL                COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Msk                     /*!< Comparator input minus selection */
2338 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0              (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
2339 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1              (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
2340 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2              (0x4UL << COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
2341 #define COMP_CSR_INMSEL_3              (0x8UL << COMP_CSR_INMSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
2343 #define COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Pos            (8U)
2344 #define COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Msk            (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000300 */
2345 #define COMP_CSR_INPSEL                COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Msk                     /*!< Comparator input plus selection */
2346 #define COMP_CSR_INPSEL_0              (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
2347 #define COMP_CSR_INPSEL_1              (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_INPSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
2349 #define COMP_CSR_WINMODE_Pos           (11U)
2350 #define COMP_CSR_WINMODE_Msk           (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_WINMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
2351 #define COMP_CSR_WINMODE               COMP_CSR_WINMODE_Msk                    /*!< Pair of comparators window mode. Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef) */
2353 #define COMP_CSR_WINOUT_Pos            (14U)
2354 #define COMP_CSR_WINOUT_Msk            (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_WINOUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
2355 #define COMP_CSR_WINOUT                COMP_CSR_WINOUT_Msk                     /*!< Pair of comparators window output level. Bit intended to be used with COMP common instance (COMP_Common_TypeDef) */
2357 #define COMP_CSR_POLARITY_Pos          (15U)
2358 #define COMP_CSR_POLARITY_Msk          (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_POLARITY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00008000 */
2359 #define COMP_CSR_POLARITY              COMP_CSR_POLARITY_Msk                   /*!< Comparator output polarity */
2361 #define COMP_CSR_HYST_Pos              (16U)
2362 #define COMP_CSR_HYST_Msk              (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_HYST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00030000 */
2363 #define COMP_CSR_HYST                  COMP_CSR_HYST_Msk                       /*!< Comparator input hysteresis */
2364 #define COMP_CSR_HYST_0                (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_HYST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
2365 #define COMP_CSR_HYST_1                (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_HYST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
2367 #define COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Pos           (18U)
2368 #define COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Msk           (0x3UL << COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
2369 #define COMP_CSR_PWRMODE               COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Msk                    /*!< Comparator power mode */
2370 #define COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_0             (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
2371 #define COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_1             (0x2UL << COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
2373 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos          (20U)
2374 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Msk          (0x1FUL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x01F00000 */
2375 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL              COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Msk                   /*!< Comparator blanking source */
2376 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_0            (0x01UL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
2377 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_1            (0x02UL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
2378 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_2            (0x04UL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
2379 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_3            (0x08UL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
2380 #define COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_4            (0x10UL << COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
2382 #define COMP_CSR_VALUE_Pos             (30U)
2383 #define COMP_CSR_VALUE_Msk             (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_VALUE_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
2384 #define COMP_CSR_VALUE                 COMP_CSR_VALUE_Msk                      /*!< Comparator output level */
2386 #define COMP_CSR_LOCK_Pos              (31U)
2387 #define COMP_CSR_LOCK_Msk              (0x1UL << COMP_CSR_LOCK_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
2388 #define COMP_CSR_LOCK                  COMP_CSR_LOCK_Msk                       /*!< Comparator lock */
2392 /******************************************************************************/
2393 /*                                                                            */
2394 /*                          CRC calculation unit                              */
2395 /*                                                                            */
2396 /******************************************************************************/
2397 /*******************  Bit definition for CRC_DR register  *********************/
2398 #define CRC_DR_DR_Pos                       (0U)
2399 #define CRC_DR_DR_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_DR_DR_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2400 #define CRC_DR_DR                           CRC_DR_DR_Msk                           /*!< Data register bits */
2402 /*******************  Bit definition for CRC_IDR register  ********************/
2403 #define CRC_IDR_IDR_Pos                     (0U)
2404 #define CRC_IDR_IDR_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_IDR_IDR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2405 #define CRC_IDR_IDR                         CRC_IDR_IDR_Msk                         /*!< General-purpose 32-bits data register bits */
2407 /********************  Bit definition for CRC_CR register  ********************/
2408 #define CRC_CR_RESET_Pos                    (0U)
2409 #define CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                    (0x1UL << CRC_CR_RESET_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
2410 #define CRC_CR_RESET                        CRC_CR_RESET_Msk                        /*!< RESET the CRC computation unit bit */
2411 #define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos                 (3U)
2412 #define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                 (0x3UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000018 */
2413 #define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE                     CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Msk                     /*!< Polynomial size bits */
2414 #define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_0                   (0x1UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
2415 #define CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_1                   (0x2UL << CRC_CR_POLYSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
2416 #define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos                   (5U)
2417 #define CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                   (0x3UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000060 */
2418 #define CRC_CR_REV_IN                       CRC_CR_REV_IN_Msk                       /*!< REV_IN Reverse Input Data bits */
2419 #define CRC_CR_REV_IN_0                     (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
2420 #define CRC_CR_REV_IN_1                     (0x2UL << CRC_CR_REV_IN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
2421 #define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos                  (7U)
2422 #define CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                  (0x1UL << CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
2423 #define CRC_CR_REV_OUT                      CRC_CR_REV_OUT_Msk                      /*!< REV_OUT Reverse Output Data bits */
2425 /*******************  Bit definition for CRC_INIT register  *******************/
2426 #define CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos                   (0U)
2427 #define CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                   (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_INIT_INIT_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2428 #define CRC_INIT_INIT                       CRC_INIT_INIT_Msk                       /*!< Initial CRC value bits */
2430 /*******************  Bit definition for CRC_POL register  ********************/
2431 #define CRC_POL_POL_Pos                     (0U)
2432 #define CRC_POL_POL_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << CRC_POL_POL_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2433 #define CRC_POL_POL                         CRC_POL_POL_Msk                         /*!< Coefficients of the polynomial */
2436 /******************************************************************************/
2437 /*                                                                            */
2438 /*                       Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                   */
2439 /*                                                                            */
2440 /******************************************************************************/
2441 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_CR register  *********************/
2442 #define AES_CR_EN_Pos                       (0U)
2443 #define AES_CR_EN_Msk                       (0x1UL << AES_CR_EN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
2444 #define AES_CR_EN                           AES_CR_EN_Msk                           /*!< AES Enable */
2445 #define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos                 (1U)
2446 #define AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                 (0x3UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000006 */
2447 #define AES_CR_DATATYPE                     AES_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                     /*!< Data type selection */
2448 #define AES_CR_DATATYPE_0                   (0x1UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
2449 #define AES_CR_DATATYPE_1                   (0x2UL << AES_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
2450 #define AES_CR_MODE_Pos                     (3U)
2451 #define AES_CR_MODE_Msk                     (0x3UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000018 */
2452 #define AES_CR_MODE                         AES_CR_MODE_Msk                         /*!< AES Mode Of Operation */
2453 #define AES_CR_MODE_0                       (0x1UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
2454 #define AES_CR_MODE_1                       (0x2UL << AES_CR_MODE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
2455 #define AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos                    (5U)
2456 #define AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                    (0x803UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010060 */
2457 #define AES_CR_CHMOD                        AES_CR_CHMOD_Msk                        /*!< AES Chaining Mode */
2458 #define AES_CR_CHMOD_0                      (0x001UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
2459 #define AES_CR_CHMOD_1                      (0x002UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
2460 #define AES_CR_CHMOD_2                      (0x800UL << AES_CR_CHMOD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
2461 #define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos                  (11U)
2462 #define AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAINEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
2463 #define AES_CR_DMAINEN                      AES_CR_DMAINEN_Msk                      /*!< Enable data input phase DMA management  */
2464 #define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos                 (12U)
2465 #define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
2466 #define AES_CR_DMAOUTEN                     AES_CR_DMAOUTEN_Msk                     /*!< Enable data output phase DMA management */
2467 #define AES_CR_GCMPH_Pos                    (13U)
2468 #define AES_CR_GCMPH_Msk                    (0x3UL << AES_CR_GCMPH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00006000 */
2469 #define AES_CR_GCMPH                        AES_CR_GCMPH_Msk                        /*!< GCM Phase */
2470 #define AES_CR_GCMPH_0                      (0x1UL << AES_CR_GCMPH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
2471 #define AES_CR_GCMPH_1                      (0x2UL << AES_CR_GCMPH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
2472 #define AES_CR_KEYSIZE_Pos                  (18U)
2473 #define AES_CR_KEYSIZE_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_CR_KEYSIZE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
2474 #define AES_CR_KEYSIZE                      AES_CR_KEYSIZE_Msk                      /*!< Key size selection */
2475 #define AES_CR_KEYPROT_Pos                  (19U)
2476 #define AES_CR_KEYPROT_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_CR_KEYPROT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
2477 #define AES_CR_KEYPROT                      AES_CR_KEYPROT_Msk                      /*!<  Key protection */
2478 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos                    (20U)
2479 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_Msk                    (0xFUL << AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos)             /*!< 0x00F00000 */
2480 #define AES_CR_NPBLB                        AES_CR_NPBLB_Msk                        /*!< Number of padding bytes in payload last block */
2481 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_0                      (0x1UL << AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
2482 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_1                      (0x2UL << AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
2483 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_2                      (0x4UL << AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
2484 #define AES_CR_NPBLB_3                      (0x8UL << AES_CR_NPBLB_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
2485 #define AES_CR_KMOD_Pos                     (24U)
2486 #define AES_CR_KMOD_Msk                     (0x3UL << AES_CR_KMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x03000000 */
2487 #define AES_CR_KMOD                         AES_CR_KMOD_Msk                         /*!< Key mode selection */
2488 #define AES_CR_KMOD_0                       (0x1UL << AES_CR_KMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
2489 #define AES_CR_KMOD_1                       (0x2UL << AES_CR_KMOD_Pos)              /*!< 0x02000000 */
2490 #define AES_CR_KSHAREID_Pos                 (26U)
2491 #define AES_CR_KSHAREID_Msk                 (0x3UL << AES_CR_KSHAREID_Pos)          /*!< 0x0C000000 */
2492 #define AES_CR_KSHAREID                     AES_CR_KSHAREID_Msk                     /*!< Key Shared ID */
2493 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL_Pos                   (28U)
2494 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL_Msk                   (0x7UL << AES_CR_KEYSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x70000000 */
2495 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL                       AES_CR_KEYSEL_Msk                       /*!< Key Selection */
2496 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL_0                     (0x1UL << AES_CR_KEYSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x10000000 */
2497 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL_1                     (0x2UL << AES_CR_KEYSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x20000000 */
2498 #define AES_CR_KEYSEL_2                     (0x4UL << AES_CR_KEYSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x40000000 */
2499 #define AES_CR_IPRST_Pos                    (31U)
2500 #define AES_CR_IPRST_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_CR_IPRST_Pos)             /*!< 0x80000000 */
2501 #define AES_CR_IPRST                        AES_CR_IPRST_Msk                        /*!< AES IP software reset */
2504 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SR register  *********************/
2505 #define AES_SR_CCF_Pos                      (0U)
2506 #define AES_SR_CCF_Msk                      (0x1UL << AES_SR_CCF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
2507 #define AES_SR_CCF                          AES_SR_CCF_Msk                          /*!< Computation Complete Flag */
2508 #define AES_SR_RDERR_Pos                    (1U)
2509 #define AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_SR_RDERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
2510 #define AES_SR_RDERR                        AES_SR_RDERR_Msk                        /*!< Read Error Flag */
2511 #define AES_SR_WRERR_Pos                    (2U)
2512 #define AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_SR_WRERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
2513 #define AES_SR_WRERR                        AES_SR_WRERR_Msk                        /*!< Write Error Flag */
2514 #define AES_SR_BUSY_Pos                     (3U)
2515 #define AES_SR_BUSY_Msk                     (0x1UL << AES_SR_BUSY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
2516 #define AES_SR_BUSY                         AES_SR_BUSY_Msk                         /*!< Busy Flag */
2517 #define AES_SR_KEYVALID_Pos                 (7U)
2518 #define AES_SR_KEYVALID_Msk                 (0x1UL << AES_SR_KEYVALID_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
2519 #define AES_SR_KEYVALID                     AES_SR_KEYVALID_Msk                     /*!< Key Valid Flag */
2521 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_DINR register  *******************/
2522 #define AES_DINR_Pos                        (0U)
2523 #define AES_DINR_Msk                        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_DINR_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2524 #define AES_DINR                            AES_DINR_Msk                            /*!< AES Data Input Register */
2526 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_DOUTR register  ******************/
2527 #define AES_DOUTR_Pos                       (0U)
2528 #define AES_DOUTR_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_DOUTR_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2529 #define AES_DOUTR                           AES_DOUTR_Msk                           /*!< AES Data Output Register */
2531 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR0 register  ******************/
2532 #define AES_KEYR0_Pos                       (0U)
2533 #define AES_KEYR0_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR0_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2534 #define AES_KEYR0                           AES_KEYR0_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 0 */
2536 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR1 register  ******************/
2537 #define AES_KEYR1_Pos                       (0U)
2538 #define AES_KEYR1_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR1_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2539 #define AES_KEYR1                           AES_KEYR1_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 1 */
2541 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR2 register  ******************/
2542 #define AES_KEYR2_Pos                       (0U)
2543 #define AES_KEYR2_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR2_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2544 #define AES_KEYR2                           AES_KEYR2_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 2 */
2546 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR3 register  ******************/
2547 #define AES_KEYR3_Pos                       (0U)
2548 #define AES_KEYR3_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR3_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2549 #define AES_KEYR3                           AES_KEYR3_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 3 */
2551 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR4 register  ******************/
2552 #define AES_KEYR4_Pos                       (0U)
2553 #define AES_KEYR4_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR4_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2554 #define AES_KEYR4                           AES_KEYR4_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 4 */
2556 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR5 register  ******************/
2557 #define AES_KEYR5_Pos                       (0U)
2558 #define AES_KEYR5_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR5_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2559 #define AES_KEYR5                           AES_KEYR5_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 5 */
2561 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR6 register  ******************/
2562 #define AES_KEYR6_Pos                       (0U)
2563 #define AES_KEYR6_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR6_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2564 #define AES_KEYR6                           AES_KEYR6_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 6 */
2566 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_KEYR7 register  ******************/
2567 #define AES_KEYR7_Pos                       (0U)
2568 #define AES_KEYR7_Msk                       (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_KEYR7_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2569 #define AES_KEYR7                           AES_KEYR7_Msk                           /*!< AES Key Register 7 */
2571 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR0 register   ******************/
2572 #define AES_IVR0_Pos                        (0U)
2573 #define AES_IVR0_Msk                        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_IVR0_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2574 #define AES_IVR0                            AES_IVR0_Msk                            /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 0 */
2576 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR1 register   ******************/
2577 #define AES_IVR1_Pos                        (0U)
2578 #define AES_IVR1_Msk                        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_IVR1_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2579 #define AES_IVR1                            AES_IVR1_Msk                            /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 1 */
2581 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR2 register   ******************/
2582 #define AES_IVR2_Pos                        (0U)
2583 #define AES_IVR2_Msk                        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_IVR2_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2584 #define AES_IVR2                            AES_IVR2_Msk                            /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 2 */
2586 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_IVR3 register   ******************/
2587 #define AES_IVR3_Pos                        (0U)
2588 #define AES_IVR3_Msk                        (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_IVR3_Pos)          /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2589 #define AES_IVR3                            AES_IVR3_Msk                            /*!< AES Initialization Vector Register 3 */
2591 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP0R register  ******************/
2592 #define AES_SUSP0R_Pos                      (0U)
2593 #define AES_SUSP0R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP0R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2594 #define AES_SUSP0R                          AES_SUSP0R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 0 */
2596 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP1R register  ******************/
2597 #define AES_SUSP1R_Pos                      (0U)
2598 #define AES_SUSP1R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP1R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2599 #define AES_SUSP1R                          AES_SUSP1R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 1 */
2601 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP2R register  ******************/
2602 #define AES_SUSP2R_Pos                      (0U)
2603 #define AES_SUSP2R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP2R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2604 #define AES_SUSP2R                          AES_SUSP2R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 2 */
2606 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP3R register  ******************/
2607 #define AES_SUSP3R_Pos                      (0U)
2608 #define AES_SUSP3R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP3R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2609 #define AES_SUSP3R                          AES_SUSP3R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 3 */
2611 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP4R register  ******************/
2612 #define AES_SUSP4R_Pos                      (0U)
2613 #define AES_SUSP4R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP4R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2614 #define AES_SUSP4R                          AES_SUSP4R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 4 */
2616 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP5R register  ******************/
2617 #define AES_SUSP5R_Pos                      (0U)
2618 #define AES_SUSP5R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP5R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2619 #define AES_SUSP5R                          AES_SUSP5R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 5 */
2621 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP6R register  ******************/
2622 #define AES_SUSP6R_Pos                      (0U)
2623 #define AES_SUSP6R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP6R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2624 #define AES_SUSP6R                          AES_SUSP6R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 6 */
2626 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_SUSP7R register  ******************/
2627 #define AES_SUSP7R_Pos                      (0U)
2628 #define AES_SUSP7R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << AES_SUSP7R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
2629 #define AES_SUSP7R                          AES_SUSP7R_Msk                          /*!< AES Suspend registers 7 */
2631 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_IER register     ******************/
2632 #define AES_IER_CCFIE_Pos                   (0U)
2633 #define AES_IER_CCFIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << AES_IER_CCFIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
2634 #define AES_IER_CCFIE                       AES_IER_CCFIE_Msk                       /*!< Computation complete flag interrupt enable */
2635 #define AES_IER_RWEIE_Pos                   (1U)
2636 #define AES_IER_RWEIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << AES_IER_RWEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
2637 #define AES_IER_RWEIE                       AES_IER_RWEIE_Msk                       /*!< Read or write error Interrupt Enable */
2638 #define AES_IER_KEIE_Pos                    (2U)
2639 #define AES_IER_KEIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_IER_KEIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
2640 #define AES_IER_KEIE                        AES_IER_KEIE_Msk                        /*!< Key error interrupt enable */
2641 #define AES_IER_RNGEIE_Pos                  (3U)
2642 #define AES_IER_RNGEIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_IER_RNGEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
2643 #define AES_IER_RNGEIE                      AES_IER_RNGEIE_Msk                      /*!< SAES Rng error interrupt enable */
2645 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_ISR register     ******************/
2646 #define AES_ISR_CCF_Pos                     (0U)
2647 #define AES_ISR_CCF_Msk                     (0x1UL << AES_ISR_CCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
2648 #define AES_ISR_CCF                         AES_ISR_CCF_Msk                         /*!< Computation complete flag */
2649 #define AES_ISR_RWEIF_Pos                   (1U)
2650 #define AES_ISR_RWEIF_Msk                   (0x1UL << AES_ISR_RWEIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
2651 #define AES_ISR_RWEIF                       AES_ISR_RWEIF_Msk                       /*!< Read or write error Interrupt flag */
2652 #define AES_ISR_KEIF_Pos                    (2U)
2653 #define AES_ISR_KEIF_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_ISR_KEIF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
2654 #define AES_ISR_KEIF                        AES_ISR_KEIF_Msk                        /*!< Key error interrupt flag */
2655 #define AES_ISR_RNGEIF_Pos                  (3U)
2656 #define AES_ISR_RNGEIF_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_ISR_RNGEIF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
2657 #define AES_ISR_RNGEIF                      AES_ISR_RNGEIF_Msk                      /*!< SAES Rng error interrupt flag */
2659 /*******************  Bit definition for AES_ICR register     ******************/
2660 #define AES_ICR_CCF_Pos                     (0U)
2661 #define AES_ICR_CCF_Msk                     (0x1UL << AES_ICR_CCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
2662 #define AES_ICR_CCF                         AES_ICR_CCF_Msk                         /*!< Computation complete flag clear */
2663 #define AES_ICR_RWEIF_Pos                   (1U)
2664 #define AES_ICR_RWEIF_Msk                   (0x1UL << AES_ICR_RWEIF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
2665 #define AES_ICR_RWEIF                       AES_ICR_RWEIF_Msk                       /*!< Read or write error Interrupt flag clear */
2666 #define AES_ICR_KEIF_Pos                    (2U)
2667 #define AES_ICR_KEIF_Msk                    (0x1UL << AES_ICR_KEIF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
2668 #define AES_ICR_KEIF                        AES_ICR_KEIF_Msk                        /*!< Key error interrupt flag clear */
2669 #define AES_ICR_RNGEIF_Pos                  (3U)
2670 #define AES_ICR_RNGEIF_Msk                  (0x1UL << AES_ICR_RNGEIF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
2671 #define AES_ICR_RNGEIF                      AES_ICR_RNGEIF_Msk                      /*!< SAES Rng error interrupt flag clear */
2673 /******************************************************************************/
2674 /*                                                                            */
2675 /*                                 Debug MCU                                  */
2676 /*                                                                            */
2677 /******************************************************************************/
2678 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_IDCODE register  *************/
2679 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos            (0U)
2680 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk            (0xFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000FFF */
2681 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID                DBGMCU_IDCODE_DEV_ID_Msk
2682 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos            (16U)
2683 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
2684 #define DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID                DBGMCU_IDCODE_REV_ID_Msk
2686 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_SCR register  *****************/
2687 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOP_Pos             (1U)
2688 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOP_Msk             (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOP_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
2689 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOP                 DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOP_Msk
2690 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos          (2U)
2691 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STANDBY_Msk          (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STANDBY_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000004 */
2693 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Pos             (16U)
2694 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Msk             (0x7UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00070000 */
2695 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS                 DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Msk
2696 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_0               (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Pos)
2697 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_1               (0x2UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Pos)
2698 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_2               (0x4UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_LPMS_Pos)
2699 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOPF_Pos            (19U)
2700 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOPF_Msk            (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOPF_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
2701 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOPF                DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_STOPF_Msk
2702 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_SBF_Pos              (20U)
2703 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_SBF_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_SBF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
2704 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_SBF                  DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_SBF_Msk
2705 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CS_Pos               (24U)
2706 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CS_Msk               (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CS_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
2707 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CS                   DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CS_Msk
2708 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CDS_Pos              (25U)
2709 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CDS_Msk              (0x1UL << DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CDS_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
2710 #define DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CDS                  DBGMCU_SCR_DBG_CDS_Msk
2712 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1LFZR register  ***********/
2713 #define DBGMCU_APB1LFZR_DBG_TIM2_STOP_Pos   (0U)
2716 #define DBGMCU_APB1LFZR_DBG_TIM3_STOP_Pos   (1U)
2719 #define DBGMCU_APB1LFZR_DBG_WWDG_STOP_Pos   (11U)
2722 #define DBGMCU_APB1LFZR_DBG_IWDG_STOP_Pos   (12U)
2725 #define DBGMCU_APB1LFZR_DBG_I2C1_STOP_Pos   (21U)
2729 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB1HFZR register  ***********/
2734 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB2FZR register  ***********/
2735 #define DBGMCU_APB2FZR_DBG_TIM1_STOP_Pos    (11U)
2738 #define DBGMCU_APB2FZR_DBG_TIM16_STOP_Pos   (17U)
2741 #define DBGMCU_APB2FZR_DBG_TIM17_STOP_Pos   (18U)
2745 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_APB7FZR register  ***********/
2746 #define DBGMCU_APB7FZR_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos    (10U)
2747 #define DBGMCU_APB7FZR_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Msk    (0x1UL << DBGMCU_APB7FZR_DBG_I2C3_STOP_Pos)
2749 #define DBGMCU_APB7FZR_DBG_LPTIM1_STOP_Pos  (17U)
2752 #define DBGMCU_APB7FZR_DBG_RTC_STOP_Pos     (30U)
2756 /********************  Bit definition for DBGMCU_AHB1FZR register  ***********/
2757 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH0_STOP_Pos  (0U)
2760 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH1_STOP_Pos  (1U)
2763 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH2_STOP_Pos  (2U)
2766 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH3_STOP_Pos  (3U)
2769 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH4_STOP_Pos  (4U)
2772 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH5_STOP_Pos  (5U)
2775 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH6_STOP_Pos  (6U)
2778 #define DBGMCU_AHB1FZR_DBG_GPDMA1_CH7_STOP_Pos  (7U)
2783 /******************************************************************************/
2784 /*                                                                            */
2785 /*                           DMA Controller (DMA)                             */
2786 /*                                                                            */
2787 /******************************************************************************/
2789 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_SECCFGR register  ****************/
2790 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos                (0U)
2791 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
2792 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC0                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 0 */
2793 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos                (1U)
2794 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
2795 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC1                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 1 */
2796 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos                (2U)
2797 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
2798 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC2                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 2 */
2799 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos                (3U)
2800 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
2801 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC3                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 3 */
2802 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos                (4U)
2803 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
2804 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC4                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 4 */
2805 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos                (5U)
2806 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
2807 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC5                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 5 */
2808 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos                (6U)
2809 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
2810 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC6                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 6 */
2811 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos                (7U)
2812 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk                (0x1UL << DMA_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
2813 #define DMA_SECCFGR_SEC7                    DMA_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk                    /*!< Secure State of Channel 7 */
2815 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_PRIVCFGR register  ****************/
2816 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Pos              (0U)
2817 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
2818 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 0 */
2819 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Pos              (1U)
2820 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
2821 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 1 */
2822 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Pos              (2U)
2823 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
2824 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 2 */
2825 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Pos              (3U)
2826 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
2827 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 3 */
2828 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Pos              (4U)
2829 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
2830 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 4 */
2831 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Pos              (5U)
2832 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
2833 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 5 */
2834 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Pos              (6U)
2835 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
2836 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 6 */
2837 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Pos              (7U)
2838 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
2839 #define DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7                  DMA_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Msk                  /*!< Privileged State of Channel 7 */
2841 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_RCFGLOCKR register  ****************/
2842 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK0_Pos              (0U)
2843 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK0_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
2844 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK0                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK0_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 0 */
2845 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK1_Pos              (1U)
2846 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK1_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
2847 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK1                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK1_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 1 */
2848 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK2_Pos              (2U)
2849 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK2_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
2850 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK2                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK2_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 2 */
2851 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK3_Pos              (3U)
2852 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK3_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
2853 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK3                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK3_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 3 */
2854 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK4_Pos              (4U)
2855 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK4_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
2856 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK4                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK4_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 4 */
2857 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK5_Pos              (5U)
2858 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK5_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
2859 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK5                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK5_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 5 */
2860 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK6_Pos              (6U)
2861 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK6_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
2862 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK6                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK6_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 6 */
2863 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK7_Pos              (7U)
2864 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK7_Msk              (0x1UL << DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK7_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
2865 #define DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK7                  DMA_RCFGLOCKR_LOCK7_Msk                  /*!< Privileged and Secure State Lock of Channel 7 */
2867 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_MISR register  ****************/
2868 #define DMA_MISR_MIS0_Pos                   (0U)
2869 #define DMA_MISR_MIS0_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
2870 #define DMA_MISR_MIS0                       DMA_MISR_MIS0_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 0 */
2871 #define DMA_MISR_MIS1_Pos                   (1U)
2872 #define DMA_MISR_MIS1_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
2873 #define DMA_MISR_MIS1                       DMA_MISR_MIS1_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 1 */
2874 #define DMA_MISR_MIS2_Pos                   (2U)
2875 #define DMA_MISR_MIS2_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
2876 #define DMA_MISR_MIS2                       DMA_MISR_MIS2_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 2 */
2877 #define DMA_MISR_MIS3_Pos                   (3U)
2878 #define DMA_MISR_MIS3_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
2879 #define DMA_MISR_MIS3                       DMA_MISR_MIS3_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 3 */
2880 #define DMA_MISR_MIS4_Pos                   (4U)
2881 #define DMA_MISR_MIS4_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
2882 #define DMA_MISR_MIS4                       DMA_MISR_MIS4_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 4 */
2883 #define DMA_MISR_MIS5_Pos                   (5U)
2884 #define DMA_MISR_MIS5_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
2885 #define DMA_MISR_MIS5                       DMA_MISR_MIS5_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 5 */
2886 #define DMA_MISR_MIS6_Pos                   (6U)
2887 #define DMA_MISR_MIS6_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
2888 #define DMA_MISR_MIS6                       DMA_MISR_MIS6_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 6 */
2889 #define DMA_MISR_MIS7_Pos                   (7U)
2890 #define DMA_MISR_MIS7_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_MISR_MIS7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
2891 #define DMA_MISR_MIS7                       DMA_MISR_MIS7_Msk                       /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Non-Secure Channel 7 */
2893 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_SMISR register  ****************/
2894 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS0_Pos                  (0U)
2895 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS0_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
2896 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS0                      DMA_SMISR_MIS0_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 0 */
2897 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS1_Pos                  (1U)
2898 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS1_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
2899 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS1                      DMA_SMISR_MIS1_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 1 */
2900 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS2_Pos                  (2U)
2901 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS2_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
2902 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS2                      DMA_SMISR_MIS2_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 2 */
2903 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS3_Pos                  (3U)
2904 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS3_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
2905 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS3                      DMA_SMISR_MIS3_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 3 */
2906 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS4_Pos                  (4U)
2907 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS4_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
2908 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS4                      DMA_SMISR_MIS4_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 4 */
2909 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS5_Pos                  (5U)
2910 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS5_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
2911 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS5                      DMA_SMISR_MIS5_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 5 */
2912 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS6_Pos                  (6U)
2913 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS6_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
2914 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS6                      DMA_SMISR_MIS6_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 6 */
2915 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS7_Pos                  (7U)
2916 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS7_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_SMISR_MIS7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
2917 #define DMA_SMISR_MIS7                      DMA_SMISR_MIS7_Msk                      /*!< Masked Interrupt State of Secure Channel 7 */
2919 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CLBAR register  ****************/
2920 #define DMA_CLBAR_LBA_Pos                   (16U)
2921 #define DMA_CLBAR_LBA_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CLBAR_LBA_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
2922 #define DMA_CLBAR_LBA                       DMA_CLBAR_LBA_Msk                       /*!< Linked-list Base Address of DMA channel x */
2924 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CFCR register  *******************/
2925 #define DMA_CFCR_TCF_Pos                    (8U)
2926 #define DMA_CFCR_TCF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_TCF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
2927 #define DMA_CFCR_TCF                        DMA_CFCR_TCF_Msk                        /*!< Transfer complete flag clear */
2928 #define DMA_CFCR_HTF_Pos                    (9U)
2929 #define DMA_CFCR_HTF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_HTF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
2930 #define DMA_CFCR_HTF                        DMA_CFCR_HTF_Msk                        /*!< Half transfer complete flag clear */
2931 #define DMA_CFCR_DTEF_Pos                   (10U)
2932 #define DMA_CFCR_DTEF_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_DTEF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
2933 #define DMA_CFCR_DTEF                       DMA_CFCR_DTEF_Msk                       /*!< Data transfer error flag clear */
2934 #define DMA_CFCR_ULEF_Pos                   (11U)
2935 #define DMA_CFCR_ULEF_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_ULEF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
2936 #define DMA_CFCR_ULEF                       DMA_CFCR_ULEF_Msk                       /*!< Update linked-list item error flag clear */
2937 #define DMA_CFCR_USEF_Pos                   (12U)
2938 #define DMA_CFCR_USEF_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_USEF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
2939 #define DMA_CFCR_USEF                       DMA_CFCR_USEF_Msk                       /*!< User setting error flag clear */
2940 #define DMA_CFCR_SUSPF_Pos                  (13U)
2941 #define DMA_CFCR_SUSPF_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_SUSPF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
2942 #define DMA_CFCR_SUSPF                      DMA_CFCR_SUSPF_Msk                      /*!< Completed suspension flag clear */
2943 #define DMA_CFCR_TOF_Pos                    (14U)
2944 #define DMA_CFCR_TOF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CFCR_TOF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
2945 #define DMA_CFCR_TOF                        DMA_CFCR_TOF_Msk                        /*!< Trigger overrun flag clear */
2947 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSR register  *******************/
2948 #define DMA_CSR_IDLEF_Pos                   (0U)
2949 #define DMA_CSR_IDLEF_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_IDLEF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
2950 #define DMA_CSR_IDLEF                       DMA_CSR_IDLEF_Msk                       /*!< Idle flag */
2951 #define DMA_CSR_TCF_Pos                     (8U)
2952 #define DMA_CSR_TCF_Msk                     (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_TCF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
2953 #define DMA_CSR_TCF                         DMA_CSR_TCF_Msk                         /*!< Transfer complete flag */
2954 #define DMA_CSR_HTF_Pos                     (9U)
2955 #define DMA_CSR_HTF_Msk                     (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_HTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
2956 #define DMA_CSR_HTF                         DMA_CSR_HTF_Msk                         /*!< Half transfer complete flag */
2957 #define DMA_CSR_DTEF_Pos                    (10U)
2958 #define DMA_CSR_DTEF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_DTEF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
2959 #define DMA_CSR_DTEF                        DMA_CSR_DTEF_Msk                        /*!< Data transfer error flag */
2960 #define DMA_CSR_ULEF_Pos                    (11U)
2961 #define DMA_CSR_ULEF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_ULEF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
2962 #define DMA_CSR_ULEF                        DMA_CSR_ULEF_Msk                        /*!< Update linked-list item error flag */
2963 #define DMA_CSR_USEF_Pos                    (12U)
2964 #define DMA_CSR_USEF_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_USEF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
2965 #define DMA_CSR_USEF                        DMA_CSR_USEF_Msk                        /*!< User setting error flag */
2966 #define DMA_CSR_SUSPF_Pos                   (13U)
2967 #define DMA_CSR_SUSPF_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_SUSPF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
2968 #define DMA_CSR_SUSPF                       DMA_CSR_SUSPF_Msk                       /*!< User setting error flag */
2969 #define DMA_CSR_TOF_Pos                     (14U)
2970 #define DMA_CSR_TOF_Msk                     (0x1UL << DMA_CSR_TOF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
2971 #define DMA_CSR_TOF                         DMA_CSR_TOF_Msk                         /*!< Trigger overrun event flag */
2972 #define DMA_CSR_FIFOL_Pos                   (16U)
2973 #define DMA_CSR_FIFOL_Msk                   (0xFFUL << DMA_CSR_FIFOL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
2974 #define DMA_CSR_FIFOL                       DMA_CSR_FIFOL_Msk                       /*!< Monitored FIFO level in bytes */
2976 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CCR register  ********************/
2977 #define DMA_CCR_EN_Pos                      (0U)
2978 #define DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                      (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_EN_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
2979 #define DMA_CCR_EN                          DMA_CCR_EN_Msk                          /*!< Channel enable */
2980 #define DMA_CCR_RESET_Pos                   (1U)
2981 #define DMA_CCR_RESET_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_RESET_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
2982 #define DMA_CCR_RESET                       DMA_CCR_RESET_Msk                       /*!< Channel reset */
2983 #define DMA_CCR_SUSP_Pos                    (2U)
2984 #define DMA_CCR_SUSP_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_SUSP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
2985 #define DMA_CCR_SUSP                        DMA_CCR_SUSP_Msk                        /*!< Channel suspend */
2986 #define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos                    (8U)
2987 #define DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
2988 #define DMA_CCR_TCIE                        DMA_CCR_TCIE_Msk                        /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
2989 #define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos                    (9U)
2990 #define DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_HTIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
2991 #define DMA_CCR_HTIE                        DMA_CCR_HTIE_Msk                        /*!< Half transfer complete interrupt enable */
2992 #define DMA_CCR_DTEIE_Pos                   (10U)
2993 #define DMA_CCR_DTEIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_DTEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
2994 #define DMA_CCR_DTEIE                       DMA_CCR_DTEIE_Msk                       /*!< Data transfer error interrupt enable */
2995 #define DMA_CCR_ULEIE_Pos                   (11U)
2996 #define DMA_CCR_ULEIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_ULEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
2997 #define DMA_CCR_ULEIE                       DMA_CCR_ULEIE_Msk                       /*!< Update linked-list item error interrupt enable */
2998 #define DMA_CCR_USEIE_Pos                   (12U)
2999 #define DMA_CCR_USEIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_USEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
3000 #define DMA_CCR_USEIE                       DMA_CCR_USEIE_Msk                       /*!< User setting error interrupt enable */
3001 #define DMA_CCR_SUSPIE_Pos                  (13U)
3002 #define DMA_CCR_SUSPIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_SUSPIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
3003 #define DMA_CCR_SUSPIE                      DMA_CCR_SUSPIE_Msk                      /*!< Completed suspension interrupt enable */
3004 #define DMA_CCR_TOIE_Pos                    (14U)
3005 #define DMA_CCR_TOIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_TOIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
3006 #define DMA_CCR_TOIE                        DMA_CCR_TOIE_Msk                        /*!< Trigger overrun interrupt enable */
3007 #define DMA_CCR_LSM_Pos                     (16U)
3008 #define DMA_CCR_LSM_Msk                     (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_LSM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
3009 #define DMA_CCR_LSM                         DMA_CCR_LSM_Msk                         /*!< Link step mode */
3010 #define DMA_CCR_LAP_Pos                     (17U)
3011 #define DMA_CCR_LAP_Msk                     (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_LAP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
3012 #define DMA_CCR_LAP                         DMA_CCR_LAP_Msk                         /*!< Linked-list allocated port */
3013 #define DMA_CCR_PRIO_Pos                    (22U)
3014 #define DMA_CCR_PRIO_Msk                    (0x3UL << DMA_CCR_PRIO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00C00000 */
3015 #define DMA_CCR_PRIO                        DMA_CCR_PRIO_Msk                        /*!< Priority level */
3016 #define DMA_CCR_PRIO_0                      (0x1UL << DMA_CCR_PRIO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
3017 #define DMA_CCR_PRIO_1                      (0x2UL << DMA_CCR_PRIO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
3019 /*******************  Bit definition for DMA_CTR1 register  *******************/
3020 #define DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Pos               (0U)
3021 #define DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Msk               (0x3UL << DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000003 */
3022 #define DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2                   DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Msk                   /*!< Binary logarithm of the source data width of a burst */
3023 #define DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_0                 (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< Bit 0 */
3024 #define DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_1                 (0x2UL << DMA_CTR1_SDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< Bit 1 */
3025 #define DMA_CTR1_SINC_Pos                   (3U)
3026 #define DMA_CTR1_SINC_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_SINC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
3027 #define DMA_CTR1_SINC                       DMA_CTR1_SINC_Msk                       /*!< Source incrementing burst */
3028 #define DMA_CTR1_SBL_1_Pos                  (4U)
3029 #define DMA_CTR1_SBL_1_Msk                  (0x3FUL << DMA_CTR1_SBL_1_Pos)          /*!< 0x000003F0 */
3030 #define DMA_CTR1_SBL_1                      DMA_CTR1_SBL_1_Msk                      /*!< Source burst length minus 1 */
3031 #define DMA_CTR1_PAM_Pos                    (11U)
3032 #define DMA_CTR1_PAM_Msk                    (0x3UL << DMA_CTR1_PAM_Pos)             /*!< 0x0001800 */
3033 #define DMA_CTR1_PAM                        DMA_CTR1_PAM_Msk                        /*!< Padding / alignment mode */
3034 #define DMA_CTR1_PAM_0                      (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_PAM_Pos)             /*!< Bit 0 */
3035 #define DMA_CTR1_PAM_1                      (0x2UL << DMA_CTR1_PAM_Pos)             /*!< Bit 1 */
3036 #define DMA_CTR1_SBX_Pos                    (13U)
3037 #define DMA_CTR1_SBX_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_SBX_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
3038 #define DMA_CTR1_SBX                        DMA_CTR1_SBX_Msk                        /*!< Source byte exchange within the unaligned half-word of each source word */
3039 #define DMA_CTR1_SAP_Pos                    (14U)
3040 #define DMA_CTR1_SAP_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_SAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
3041 #define DMA_CTR1_SAP                        DMA_CTR1_SAP_Msk                        /*!< Source allocated port */
3042 #define DMA_CTR1_SSEC_Pos                   (15U)
3043 #define DMA_CTR1_SSEC_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_SSEC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
3044 #define DMA_CTR1_SSEC                       DMA_CTR1_SSEC_Msk                       /*!< Security attribute of the DMA transfer from the source */
3045 #define DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Pos               (16U)
3046 #define DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Msk               (0x3UL << DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< 0x00030000 */
3047 #define DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2                   DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Msk                   /*!< Binary logarithm of the destination data width of a burst */
3048 #define DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_0                 (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< Bit 0 */
3049 #define DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_1                 (0x2UL << DMA_CTR1_DDW_LOG2_Pos)        /*!< Bit 1 */
3050 #define DMA_CTR1_DINC_Pos                   (19U)
3051 #define DMA_CTR1_DINC_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DINC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
3052 #define DMA_CTR1_DINC                       DMA_CTR1_DINC_Msk                       /*!< Destination incrementing burst */
3053 #define DMA_CTR1_DBL_1_Pos                  (20U)
3054 #define DMA_CTR1_DBL_1_Msk                  (0x3FUL << DMA_CTR1_DBL_1_Pos)          /*!< 0x03F00000 */
3055 #define DMA_CTR1_DBL_1                      DMA_CTR1_DBL_1_Msk                      /*!< Destination burst length minus 1 */
3056 #define DMA_CTR1_DBX_Pos                    (26U)
3057 #define DMA_CTR1_DBX_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DBX_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
3058 #define DMA_CTR1_DBX                        DMA_CTR1_DBX_Msk                        /*!< Destination byte exchange */
3059 #define DMA_CTR1_DHX_Pos                    (27U)
3060 #define DMA_CTR1_DHX_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DHX_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
3061 #define DMA_CTR1_DHX                        DMA_CTR1_DHX_Msk                        /*!< Destination half-word exchange */
3062 #define DMA_CTR1_DAP_Pos                    (30U)
3063 #define DMA_CTR1_DAP_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DAP_Pos)             /*!< 0x40000000 */
3064 #define DMA_CTR1_DAP                        DMA_CTR1_DAP_Msk                        /*!< Destination allocated port */
3065 #define DMA_CTR1_DSEC_Pos                   (31U)
3066 #define DMA_CTR1_DSEC_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR1_DSEC_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
3067 #define DMA_CTR1_DSEC                       DMA_CTR1_DSEC_Msk                       /*!< Security attribute of the DMA transfer from the destination */
3069 /******************  Bit definition for DMA_CTR2 register  *******************/
3070 #define DMA_CTR2_REQSEL_Pos                 (0U)
3071 #define DMA_CTR2_REQSEL_Msk                 (0x3FUL << DMA_CTR2_REQSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000003F */
3072 #define DMA_CTR2_REQSEL                     DMA_CTR2_REQSEL_Msk                     /*!< DMA hardware request selection */
3073 #define DMA_CTR2_SWREQ_Pos                  (9U)
3074 #define DMA_CTR2_SWREQ_Msk                  (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_SWREQ_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
3075 #define DMA_CTR2_SWREQ                      DMA_CTR2_SWREQ_Msk                      /*!< Software request */
3076 #define DMA_CTR2_DREQ_Pos                   (10U)
3077 #define DMA_CTR2_DREQ_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_DREQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
3078 #define DMA_CTR2_DREQ                       DMA_CTR2_DREQ_Msk                       /*!< Destination hardware request */
3079 #define DMA_CTR2_BREQ_Pos                   (11U)
3080 #define DMA_CTR2_BREQ_Msk                   (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_BREQ_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
3081 #define DMA_CTR2_BREQ                       DMA_CTR2_BREQ_Msk                       /*!< Block hardware request */
3082 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Pos                  (14U)
3083 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Msk                  (0x3UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000C000 */
3084 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGM                      DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Msk                      /*!< Trigger mode */
3085 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_0                    (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Pos)           /*!< Bit 0 */
3086 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_1                    (0x2UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGM_Pos)           /*!< Bit 1 */
3087 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGSEL_Pos                (16U)
3088 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGSEL_Msk                (0x1FUL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x001F0000 */
3089 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGSEL                    DMA_CTR2_TRIGSEL_Msk                    /*!< Trigger event input selection */
3090 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Pos                (24U)
3091 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Msk                (0x3UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Pos)         /*!< 0x03000000 */
3092 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL                    DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Msk                    /*!< Trigger event polarity */
3093 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_0                  (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Pos)         /*!< Bit 0 */
3094 #define DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_1                  (0x2UL << DMA_CTR2_TRIGPOL_Pos)         /*!< Bit 1 */
3095 #define DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Pos                   (30U)
3096 #define DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Msk                   (0x3UL << DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Pos)            /*!< 0xC0000000 */
3097 #define DMA_CTR2_TCEM                       DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Msk                       /*!< Transfer complete event mode */
3098 #define DMA_CTR2_TCEM_0                     (0x1UL << DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Pos)            /*!< Bit 0 */
3099 #define DMA_CTR2_TCEM_1                     (0x2UL << DMA_CTR2_TCEM_Pos)            /*!< Bit 1 */
3101 /******************  Bit definition for DMA_CBR1 register  *******************/
3102 #define DMA_CBR1_BNDT_Pos                   (0U)
3103 #define DMA_CBR1_BNDT_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << DMA_CBR1_BNDT_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
3104 #define DMA_CBR1_BNDT                       DMA_CBR1_BNDT_Msk                       /*!< Block number of data bytes to transfer from the source */
3106 /******************  Bit definition for DMA_CSAR register  ********************/
3107 #define DMA_CSAR_SA_Pos                     (0U)
3108 #define DMA_CSAR_SA_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CSAR_SA_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
3109 #define DMA_CSAR_SA                         DMA_CSAR_SA_Msk                         /*!< Source Address */
3111 /******************  Bit definition for DMA_CDAR register  *******************/
3112 #define DMA_CDAR_DA_Pos                     (0U)
3113 #define DMA_CDAR_DA_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << DMA_CDAR_DA_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
3114 #define DMA_CDAR_DA                         DMA_CDAR_DA_Msk                         /*!< Destination address */
3116 /******************  Bit definition for DMA_CLLR register  *******************/
3117 #define DMA_CLLR_LA_Pos                     (2U)
3118 #define DMA_CLLR_LA_Msk                     (0x3FFFUL << DMA_CLLR_LA_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFC */
3119 #define DMA_CLLR_LA                         DMA_CLLR_LA_Msk                         /*!< Pointer to the next linked-list data structure */
3120 #define DMA_CLLR_ULL_Pos                    (16U)
3121 #define DMA_CLLR_ULL_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_ULL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
3122 #define DMA_CLLR_ULL                        DMA_CLLR_ULL_Msk                        /*!< Update link address register from memory */
3123 #define DMA_CLLR_UDA_Pos                    (27U)
3124 #define DMA_CLLR_UDA_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_UDA_Pos)             /*!< 0x08000000 */
3125 #define DMA_CLLR_UDA                        DMA_CLLR_UDA_Msk                        /*!< Update destination address register from SRAM */
3126 #define DMA_CLLR_USA_Pos                    (28U)
3127 #define DMA_CLLR_USA_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_USA_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
3128 #define DMA_CLLR_USA                        DMA_CLLR_USA_Msk                        /*!< Update source address register from SRAM */
3129 #define DMA_CLLR_UB1_Pos                    (29U)
3130 #define DMA_CLLR_UB1_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_UB1_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
3131 #define DMA_CLLR_UB1                        DMA_CLLR_UB1_Msk                        /*!< Update block register 1 from SRAM */
3132 #define DMA_CLLR_UT2_Pos                    (30U)
3133 #define DMA_CLLR_UT2_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_UT2_Pos)             /*!< 0x40000000 */
3134 #define DMA_CLLR_UT2                        DMA_CLLR_UT2_Msk                        /*!< Update transfer register 2 from SRAM */
3135 #define DMA_CLLR_UT1_Pos                    (31U)
3136 #define DMA_CLLR_UT1_Msk                    (0x1UL << DMA_CLLR_UT1_Pos)             /*!< 0x80000000 */
3137 #define DMA_CLLR_UT1                        DMA_CLLR_UT1_Msk                        /*!< Update transfer register 1 from SRAM */
3139 /******************************************************************************/
3140 /*                                                                            */
3141 /*                    External Interrupt/Event Controller                     */
3142 /*                                                                            */
3143 /******************************************************************************/
3144 /******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RTSR1 register  ******************/
3145 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT0_Pos                  (0U)
3146 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT0_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
3147 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT0                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT0_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 0 */
3148 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT1_Pos                  (1U)
3149 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT1_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
3150 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT1                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT1_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 1 */
3151 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT2_Pos                  (2U)
3152 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT2_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
3153 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT2                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT2_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 2 */
3154 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT3_Pos                  (3U)
3155 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT3_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
3156 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT3                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT3_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 3 */
3157 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT4_Pos                  (4U)
3158 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT4_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
3159 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT4                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT4_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 4 */
3160 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT5_Pos                  (5U)
3161 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT5_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
3162 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT5                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT5_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 5 */
3163 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT6_Pos                  (6U)
3164 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT6_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
3165 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT6                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT6_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 6 */
3166 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT7_Pos                  (7U)
3167 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT7_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
3168 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT7                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT7_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 7 */
3169 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT8_Pos                  (8U)
3170 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT8_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
3171 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT8                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT8_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 8 */
3172 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT9_Pos                  (9U)
3173 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT9_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
3174 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT9                      EXTI_RTSR1_RT9_Msk                      /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 9 */
3175 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT10_Pos                 (10U)
3176 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT10_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
3177 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT10                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT10_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 10 */
3178 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT11_Pos                 (11U)
3179 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT11_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
3180 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT11                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT11_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 11 */
3181 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT12_Pos                 (12U)
3182 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT12_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
3183 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT12                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT12_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 12 */
3184 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT13_Pos                 (13U)
3185 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT13_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
3186 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT13                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT13_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 13 */
3187 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT14_Pos                 (14U)
3188 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT14_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
3189 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT14                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT14_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 14 */
3190 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT15_Pos                 (15U)
3191 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT15_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
3192 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT15                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT15_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 15 */
3193 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT16_Pos                 (16U)
3194 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT16_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT16_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
3195 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT16                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT16_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 16 */
3196 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT17_Pos                 (17U)
3197 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT17_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT17_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
3198 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT17                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT17_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 17 */
3199 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT18_Pos                 (18U)
3200 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT18_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RTSR1_RT18_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
3201 #define EXTI_RTSR1_RT18                     EXTI_RTSR1_RT18_Msk                     /*!< Rising trigger configuration for input line 18 */
3203 /******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FTSR1 register  ******************/
3204 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT0_Pos                  (0U)
3205 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT0_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
3206 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT0                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT0_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 0 */
3207 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT1_Pos                  (1U)
3208 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT1_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
3209 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT1                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT1_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 1 */
3210 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT2_Pos                  (2U)
3211 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT2_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
3212 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT2                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT2_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 2 */
3213 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT3_Pos                  (3U)
3214 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT3_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
3215 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT3                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT3_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 3 */
3216 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT4_Pos                  (4U)
3217 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT4_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
3218 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT4                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT4_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 4 */
3219 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT5_Pos                  (5U)
3220 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT5_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
3221 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT5                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT5_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 5 */
3222 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT6_Pos                  (6U)
3223 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT6_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
3224 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT6                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT6_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 6 */
3225 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT7_Pos                  (7U)
3226 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT7_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
3227 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT7                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT7_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 7 */
3228 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT8_Pos                  (8U)
3229 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT8_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
3230 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT8                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT8_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 8 */
3231 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT9_Pos                  (9U)
3232 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT9_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
3233 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT9                      EXTI_FTSR1_FT9_Msk                      /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 9 */
3234 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT10_Pos                 (10U)
3235 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT10_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
3236 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT10                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT10_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 10 */
3237 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT11_Pos                 (11U)
3238 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT11_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
3239 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT11                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT11_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 11 */
3240 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT12_Pos                 (12U)
3241 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT12_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
3242 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT12                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT12_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 12 */
3243 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT13_Pos                 (13U)
3244 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT13_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
3245 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT13                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT13_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 13 */
3246 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT14_Pos                 (14U)
3247 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT14_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
3248 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT14                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT14_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 14 */
3249 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT15_Pos                 (15U)
3250 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT15_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
3251 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT15                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT15_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 15 */
3252 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT16_Pos                 (16U)
3253 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT16_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT16_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
3254 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT16                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT16_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 16 */
3255 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT17_Pos                 (17U)
3256 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT17_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT17_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
3257 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT17                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT17_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 17 */
3258 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT18_Pos                 (18U)
3259 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT18_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FTSR1_FT18_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
3260 #define EXTI_FTSR1_FT18                     EXTI_FTSR1_FT18_Msk                     /*!< Falling trigger configuration for input line 18 */
3262 /******************  Bit definition for EXTI_SWIER1 register  *****************/
3263 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI0_Pos                (0U)
3264 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI0_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
3265 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI0                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI0_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 0 */
3266 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI1_Pos                (1U)
3267 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI1_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
3268 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI1                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI1_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 1 */
3269 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI2_Pos                (2U)
3270 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI2_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
3271 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI2                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI2_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 2 */
3272 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI3_Pos                (3U)
3273 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI3_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
3274 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI3                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI3_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 3 */
3275 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI4_Pos                (4U)
3276 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI4_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
3277 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI4                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI4_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 4 */
3278 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI5_Pos                (5U)
3279 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI5_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
3280 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI5                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI5_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 5 */
3281 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI6_Pos                (6U)
3282 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI6_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
3283 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI6                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI6_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 6 */
3284 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI7_Pos                (7U)
3285 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI7_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
3286 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI7                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI7_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 7 */
3287 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI8_Pos                (8U)
3288 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI8_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
3289 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI8                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI8_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 8 */
3290 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI9_Pos                (9U)
3291 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI9_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
3292 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI9                    EXTI_SWIER1_SWI9_Msk                    /*!< Software Interrupt on line 9 */
3293 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI10_Pos               (10U)
3294 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI10_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
3295 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI10                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI10_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 10 */
3296 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI11_Pos               (11U)
3297 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI11_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
3298 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI11                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI11_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 11 */
3299 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI12_Pos               (12U)
3300 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI12_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
3301 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI12                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI12_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 12 */
3302 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI13_Pos               (13U)
3303 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI13_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
3304 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI13                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI13_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 13 */
3305 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI14_Pos               (14U)
3306 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI14_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI14_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
3307 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI14                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI14_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 14 */
3308 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI15_Pos               (15U)
3309 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI15_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI15_Pos)        /*!< 0x00008000 */
3310 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI15                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI15_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 15 */
3311 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI16_Pos               (16U)
3312 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI16_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI16_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
3313 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI16                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI16_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 16 */
3314 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI17_Pos               (17U)
3315 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI17_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI17_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
3316 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI17                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI17_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 17 */
3317 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI18_Pos               (18U)
3318 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI18_Msk               (0x1UL << EXTI_SWIER1_SWI18_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
3319 #define EXTI_SWIER1_SWI18                   EXTI_SWIER1_SWI18_Msk                   /*!< Software Interrupt on line 18 */
3321 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_RPR1 register  ******************/
3322 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF0_Pos                 (0U)
3323 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF0_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF0_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
3324 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF0                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF0_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 0 */
3325 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF1_Pos                 (1U)
3326 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF1_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
3327 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF1                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF1_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 1 */
3328 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF2_Pos                 (2U)
3329 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF2_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
3330 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF2                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF2_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 2 */
3331 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF3_Pos                 (3U)
3332 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF3_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
3333 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF3                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF3_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 3 */
3334 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF4_Pos                 (4U)
3335 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF4_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF4_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
3336 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF4                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF4_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 4 */
3337 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF5_Pos                 (5U)
3338 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF5_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
3339 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF5                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF5_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 5 */
3340 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF6_Pos                 (6U)
3341 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF6_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF6_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
3342 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF6                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF6_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 6 */
3343 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF7_Pos                 (7U)
3344 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF7_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
3345 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF7                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF7_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 7 */
3346 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF8_Pos                 (8U)
3347 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF8_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
3348 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF8                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF8_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 8 */
3349 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF9_Pos                 (9U)
3350 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF9_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF9_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
3351 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF9                     EXTI_RPR1_RPIF9_Msk                     /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 9 */
3352 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF10_Pos                (10U)
3353 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF10_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF10_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
3354 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF10                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF10_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 10 */
3355 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF11_Pos                (11U)
3356 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF11_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF11_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
3357 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF11                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF11_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 11 */
3358 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF12_Pos                (12U)
3359 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF12_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF12_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
3360 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF12                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF12_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 12 */
3361 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF13_Pos                (13U)
3362 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF13_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF13_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
3363 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF13                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF13_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 13 */
3364 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF14_Pos                (14U)
3365 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF14_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF14_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
3366 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF14                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF14_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 14 */
3367 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF15_Pos                (15U)
3368 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF15_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF15_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
3369 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF15                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF15_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 15 */
3370 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF16_Pos                (16U)
3371 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF16_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF16_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
3372 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF16                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF16_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 16 */
3373 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF17_Pos                (17U)
3374 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF17_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF17_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
3375 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF17                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF17_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 17 */
3376 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF18_Pos                (18U)
3377 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF18_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_RPR1_RPIF18_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
3378 #define EXTI_RPR1_RPIF18                    EXTI_RPR1_RPIF18_Msk                    /*!< Rising Pending Interrupt Flag on line 18 */
3380 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_FPR1 register  ******************/
3381 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF0_Pos                 (0U)
3382 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF0_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF0_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
3383 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF0                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF0_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 0 */
3384 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF1_Pos                 (1U)
3385 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF1_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
3386 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF1                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF1_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 1 */
3387 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF2_Pos                 (2U)
3388 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF2_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
3389 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF2                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF2_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 2 */
3390 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF3_Pos                 (3U)
3391 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF3_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
3392 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF3                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF3_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 3 */
3393 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF4_Pos                 (4U)
3394 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF4_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF4_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
3395 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF4                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF4_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 4 */
3396 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF5_Pos                 (5U)
3397 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF5_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
3398 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF5                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF5_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 5 */
3399 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF6_Pos                 (6U)
3400 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF6_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF6_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
3401 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF6                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF6_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 6 */
3402 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF7_Pos                 (7U)
3403 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF7_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
3404 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF7                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF7_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 7 */
3405 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF8_Pos                 (8U)
3406 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF8_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
3407 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF8                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF8_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 8 */
3408 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF9_Pos                 (9U)
3409 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF9_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF9_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
3410 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF9                     EXTI_FPR1_FPIF9_Msk                     /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 9 */
3411 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF10_Pos                (10U)
3412 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF10_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF10_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
3413 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF10                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF10_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 10 */
3414 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF11_Pos                (11U)
3415 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF11_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF11_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
3416 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF11                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF11_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 11 */
3417 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF12_Pos                (12U)
3418 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF12_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF12_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
3419 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF12                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF12_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 12 */
3420 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF13_Pos                (13U)
3421 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF13_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF13_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
3422 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF13                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF13_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 13 */
3423 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF14_Pos                (14U)
3424 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF14_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF14_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
3425 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF14                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF14_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 14 */
3426 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF15_Pos                (15U)
3427 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF15_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF15_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
3428 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF15                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF15_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 15 */
3429 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF16_Pos                (16U)
3430 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF16_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF16_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
3431 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF16                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF16_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 16 */
3432 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF17_Pos                (17U)
3433 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF17_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF17_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
3434 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF17                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF17_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 17 */
3435 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF18_Pos                (18U)
3436 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF18_Msk                (0x1UL << EXTI_FPR1_FPIF18_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
3437 #define EXTI_FPR1_FPIF18                    EXTI_FPR1_FPIF18_Msk                    /*!< Falling Pending Interrupt Flag on line 18 */
3439 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_SECCFGR1 register  ******************/
3440 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Pos              (0U)
3441 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
3442 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC0                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 0 */
3443 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Pos              (1U)
3444 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
3445 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC1                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 1 */
3446 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Pos              (2U)
3447 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
3448 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC2                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 2 */
3449 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Pos              (3U)
3450 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3451 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC3                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 3 */
3452 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Pos              (4U)
3453 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
3454 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC4                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 4 */
3455 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Pos              (5U)
3456 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
3457 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC5                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 5 */
3458 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Pos              (6U)
3459 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
3460 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC6                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 6 */
3461 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Pos              (7U)
3462 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
3463 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC7                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 7 */
3464 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Pos              (8U)
3465 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
3466 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC8                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 8 */
3467 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Pos              (9U)
3468 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Msk              (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
3469 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC9                  EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Msk                  /*!< Security enable on line 9 */
3470 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Pos             (10U)
3471 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
3472 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC10                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 10 */
3473 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Pos             (11U)
3474 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
3475 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC11                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 11 */
3476 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Pos             (12U)
3477 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
3478 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC12                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 12 */
3479 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Pos             (13U)
3480 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
3481 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC13                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 13 */
3482 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Pos             (14U)
3483 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
3484 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC14                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 14 */
3485 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Pos             (15U)
3486 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
3487 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC15                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 15 */
3488 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Pos             (16U)
3489 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
3490 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC16                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 16 */
3491 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Pos             (17U)
3492 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
3493 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC17                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 17 */
3494 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Pos             (18U)
3495 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Msk             (0x1UL << EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
3496 #define EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC18                 EXTI_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Msk                 /*!< Security enable on line 18 */
3498 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_PRIVCFGR1 register  ******************/
3499 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Pos            (0U)
3500 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
3501 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 0 */
3502 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Pos            (1U)
3503 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
3504 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 1 */
3505 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Pos            (2U)
3506 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
3507 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 2 */
3508 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Pos            (3U)
3509 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
3510 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 3 */
3511 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Pos            (4U)
3512 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
3513 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 4 */
3514 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Pos            (5U)
3515 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
3516 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 5 */
3517 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Pos            (6U)
3518 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
3519 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 6 */
3520 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Pos            (7U)
3521 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
3522 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 7 */
3523 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Pos            (8U)
3524 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000100 */
3525 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 8 */
3526 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Pos            (9U)
3527 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Msk            (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
3528 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9                EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Msk                /*!< Privilege enable on line 9 */
3529 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Pos           (10U)
3530 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000400 */
3531 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 10 */
3532 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Pos           (11U)
3533 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000800 */
3534 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 11 */
3535 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Pos           (12U)
3536 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
3537 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 12 */
3538 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Pos           (13U)
3539 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
3540 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 13 */
3541 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Pos           (14U)
3542 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
3543 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 14 */
3544 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Pos           (15U)
3545 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
3546 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 15 */
3547 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Pos           (16U)
3548 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
3549 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 16 */
3550 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Pos           (17U)
3551 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
3552 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 17 */
3553 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Pos           (18U)
3554 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Msk           (0x1UL << EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
3555 #define EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18               EXTI_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Msk               /*!< Privilege enable on line 18 */
3557 /*****************  Bit definition for EXTI_EXTICR1 register  **************/
3558 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos              (0U)
3559 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)      /*!< 0x000000FF */
3560 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0                  EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 0 configuration */
3561 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
3562 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
3563 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
3564 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3565 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
3566 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
3567 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
3568 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI0_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
3569 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos              (8U)
3570 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
3571 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1                  EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 1 configuration */
3572 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
3573 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
3574 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
3575 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
3576 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
3577 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
3578 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
3579 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI1_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
3580 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos              (16U)
3581 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
3582 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2                  EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 2 configuration */
3583 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
3584 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
3585 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
3586 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
3587 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
3588 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
3589 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
3590 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI2_Pos)      /*!< 0x00800000 */
3591 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos              (24U)
3592 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
3593 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3                  EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 3 configuration */
3594 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
3595 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
3596 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
3597 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
3598 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
3599 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)      /*!< 0x20000000 */
3600 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
3601 #define EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR1_EXTI3_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
3603 /*****************  Bit definition for EXTI_EXTICR2 register  **************/
3604 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos              (0U)
3605 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)      /*!< 0x000000FF */
3606 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4                  EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 4 configuration */
3607 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
3608 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
3609 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
3610 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3611 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
3612 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
3613 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
3614 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI4_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
3615 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos              (8U)
3616 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
3617 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5                  EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 5 configuration */
3618 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
3619 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
3620 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
3621 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
3622 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
3623 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
3624 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
3625 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI5_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
3626 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos              (16U)
3627 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
3628 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6                  EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 6 configuration */
3629 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
3630 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
3631 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
3632 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
3633 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
3634 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
3635 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
3636 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI6_Pos)      /*!< 0x00800000 */
3637 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos              (24U)
3638 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
3639 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7                  EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 7 configuration */
3640 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
3641 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
3642 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
3643 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
3644 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
3645 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)      /*!< 0x20000000 */
3646 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
3647 #define EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR2_EXTI7_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
3649 /*****************  Bit definition for EXTI_EXTICR3 register  **************/
3650 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos              (0U)
3651 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)      /*!< 0x000000FF */
3652 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8                  EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 8 configuration */
3653 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
3654 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
3655 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
3656 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3657 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
3658 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
3659 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
3660 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI8_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
3661 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos              (8U)
3662 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk              (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
3663 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9                  EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 9 configuration */
3664 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_0                (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
3665 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_1                (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
3666 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_2                (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
3667 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_3                (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
3668 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_4                (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
3669 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_5                (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
3670 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_6                (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
3671 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_7                (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI9_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
3672 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos             (16U)
3673 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
3674 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10                 EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 10 configuration */
3675 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
3676 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
3677 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
3678 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
3679 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
3680 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
3681 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
3682 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI10_Pos)      /*!< 0x00800000 */
3683 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos             (24U)
3684 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
3685 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11                 EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 11 configuration */
3686 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
3687 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
3688 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
3689 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
3690 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
3691 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)      /*!< 0x20000000 */
3692 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
3693 #define EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR3_EXTI11_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
3695 /*****************  Bit definition for EXTI_EXTICR4 register  **************/
3696 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos             (0U)
3697 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)      /*!< 0x000000FF */
3698 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12                 EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 12 configuration */
3699 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
3700 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
3701 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
3702 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3703 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
3704 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
3705 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
3706 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI12_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
3707 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos             (8U)
3708 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
3709 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13                 EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 13 configuration */
3710 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
3711 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
3712 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
3713 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
3714 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
3715 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
3716 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
3717 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI13_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
3718 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos             (16U)
3719 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
3720 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14                 EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 14 configuration */
3721 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
3722 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
3723 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
3724 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
3725 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
3726 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
3727 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
3728 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI14_Pos)      /*!< 0x00800000 */
3729 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos             (24U)
3730 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk             (0xFFUL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)      /*!< 0xFF000000 */
3731 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15                 EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Msk                  /*!< EXTI 15 configuration */
3732 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_0               (0x1UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
3733 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_1               (0x2UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
3734 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_2               (0x4UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
3735 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_3               (0x8UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
3736 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_4               (0x10UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
3737 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_5               (0x20UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)      /*!< 0x20000000 */
3738 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_6               (0x40UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
3739 #define EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_7               (0x80UL << EXTI_EXTICR4_EXTI15_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
3741 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_LOCKR register  ******************/
3742 #define EXTI_LOCKR_LOCK_Pos                 (0U)
3743 #define EXTI_LOCKR_LOCK_Msk                 (0x1UL << EXTI_LOCKR_LOCK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
3744 #define EXTI_LOCKR_LOCK                     EXTI_LOCKR_LOCK_Msk                       /*!< Security and privilege configuration lock */
3746 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_IMR1 register  ******************/
3747 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM0_Pos                   (0U)
3748 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM0_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
3749 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM0                       EXTI_IMR1_IM0_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 0 */
3750 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM1_Pos                   (1U)
3751 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM1_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
3752 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM1                       EXTI_IMR1_IM1_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 1 */
3753 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM2_Pos                   (2U)
3754 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM2_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
3755 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM2                       EXTI_IMR1_IM2_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 2 */
3756 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM3_Pos                   (3U)
3757 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM3_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
3758 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM3                       EXTI_IMR1_IM3_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 3 */
3759 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM4_Pos                   (4U)
3760 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM4_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
3761 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM4                       EXTI_IMR1_IM4_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 4 */
3762 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM5_Pos                   (5U)
3763 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM5_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
3764 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM5                       EXTI_IMR1_IM5_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 5 */
3765 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM6_Pos                   (6U)
3766 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM6_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
3767 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM6                       EXTI_IMR1_IM6_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 6 */
3768 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM7_Pos                   (7U)
3769 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM7_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
3770 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM7                       EXTI_IMR1_IM7_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 7 */
3771 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM8_Pos                   (8U)
3772 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM8_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
3773 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM8                       EXTI_IMR1_IM8_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 8 */
3774 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM9_Pos                   (9U)
3775 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM9_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
3776 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM9                       EXTI_IMR1_IM9_Msk                       /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 9 */
3777 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM10_Pos                  (10U)
3778 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM10_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
3779 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM10                      EXTI_IMR1_IM10_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 10 */
3780 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM11_Pos                  (11U)
3781 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM11_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
3782 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM11                      EXTI_IMR1_IM11_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 11 */
3783 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM12_Pos                  (12U)
3784 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM12_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
3785 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM12                      EXTI_IMR1_IM12_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 12 */
3786 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM13_Pos                  (13U)
3787 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM13_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
3788 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM13                      EXTI_IMR1_IM13_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 13 */
3789 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM14_Pos                  (14U)
3790 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM14_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
3791 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM14                      EXTI_IMR1_IM14_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 14 */
3792 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM15_Pos                  (15U)
3793 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM15_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
3794 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM15                      EXTI_IMR1_IM15_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 15 */
3795 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM16_Pos                  (16U)
3796 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM16_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
3797 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM16                      EXTI_IMR1_IM16_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 16 */
3798 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM17_Pos                  (17U)
3799 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM17_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
3800 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM17                      EXTI_IMR1_IM17_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 17 */
3801 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM18_Pos                  (18U)
3802 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM18_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_IMR1_IM18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
3803 #define EXTI_IMR1_IM18                      EXTI_IMR1_IM18_Msk                      /*!< Interrupt Mask on line 18 */
3805 /*******************  Bit definition for EXTI_EMR1 register  ******************/
3806 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM0_Pos                   (0U)
3807 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM0_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
3808 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM0                       EXTI_EMR1_EM0_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 0 */
3809 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM1_Pos                   (1U)
3810 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM1_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
3811 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM1                       EXTI_EMR1_EM1_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 1 */
3812 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM2_Pos                   (2U)
3813 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM2_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
3814 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM2                       EXTI_EMR1_EM2_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 2 */
3815 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM3_Pos                   (3U)
3816 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM3_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
3817 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM3                       EXTI_EMR1_EM3_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 3 */
3818 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM4_Pos                   (4U)
3819 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM4_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
3820 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM4                       EXTI_EMR1_EM4_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 4 */
3821 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM5_Pos                   (5U)
3822 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM5_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
3823 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM5                       EXTI_EMR1_EM5_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 5 */
3824 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM6_Pos                   (6U)
3825 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM6_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
3826 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM6                       EXTI_EMR1_EM6_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 6 */
3827 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM7_Pos                   (7U)
3828 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM7_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
3829 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM7                       EXTI_EMR1_EM7_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 7 */
3830 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM8_Pos                   (8U)
3831 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM8_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
3832 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM8                       EXTI_EMR1_EM8_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 8 */
3833 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM9_Pos                   (9U)
3834 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM9_Msk                   (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
3835 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM9                       EXTI_EMR1_EM9_Msk                       /*!< Event Mask on line 9 */
3836 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM10_Pos                  (10U)
3837 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM10_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
3838 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM10                      EXTI_EMR1_EM10_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 10 */
3839 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM11_Pos                  (11U)
3840 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM11_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
3841 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM11                      EXTI_EMR1_EM11_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 11 */
3842 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM12_Pos                  (12U)
3843 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM12_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
3844 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM12                      EXTI_EMR1_EM12_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 12 */
3845 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM13_Pos                  (13U)
3846 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM13_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
3847 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM13                      EXTI_EMR1_EM13_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 13 */
3848 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM14_Pos                  (14U)
3849 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM14_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
3850 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM14                      EXTI_EMR1_EM14_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 14 */
3851 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM15_Pos                  (15U)
3852 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM15_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
3853 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM15                      EXTI_EMR1_EM15_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 15 */
3854 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM16_Pos                  (16U)
3855 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM16_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
3856 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM16                      EXTI_EMR1_EM16_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 16 */
3857 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM17_Pos                  (17U)
3858 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM17_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
3859 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM17                      EXTI_EMR1_EM17_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 17 */
3860 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM18_Pos                  (18U)
3861 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM18_Msk                  (0x1UL << EXTI_EMR1_EM18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
3862 #define EXTI_EMR1_EM18                      EXTI_EMR1_EM18_Msk                      /*!< Event Mask on line 18 */
3865 /******************************************************************************/
3866 /*                                                                            */
3867 /*                                    FLASH                                   */
3868 /*                                                                            */
3869 /******************************************************************************/
3870 #define FLASH_LATENCY_DEFAULT               FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_0                     /* FLASH Latency 1 Wait State */
3872 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_ACR register  *****************/
3873 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos               (0U)
3874 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk               (0xFUL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000000F */
3875 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY                   FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Msk                   /*!< Latency    */
3876 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_0                 (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
3877 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_1                 (0x2UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
3878 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_2                 (0x4UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
3879 #define FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_3                 (0x8UL << FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
3880 #define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos                (8U)
3881 #define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
3882 #define FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN                    FLASH_ACR_PRFTEN_Msk                    /*!< Prefetch enable */
3883 #define FLASH_ACR_LPM_Pos                   (11U)
3884 #define FLASH_ACR_LPM_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_LPM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
3885 #define FLASH_ACR_LPM                       FLASH_ACR_LPM_Msk                       /*!< Low-Power read mode */
3886 #define FLASH_ACR_PDREQ_Pos                 (12U)
3887 #define FLASH_ACR_PDREQ_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_PDREQ_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
3888 #define FLASH_ACR_PDREQ                     FLASH_ACR_PDREQ_Msk                     /*!< Flash power-down mode request */
3889 #define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos              (14U)
3890 #define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
3891 #define FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD                  FLASH_ACR_SLEEP_PD_Msk                  /*!< Flash power-down mode during sleep */
3893 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSKEYR register  *****************/
3894 #define FLASH_NSKEYR_NSKEY_Pos              (0U)
3895 #define FLASH_NSKEYR_NSKEY_Msk              (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_NSKEYR_NSKEY_Pos)    /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
3896 #define FLASH_NSKEYR_NSKEY                  FLASH_NSKEYR_NSKEY_Msk                      /*!< Flash memory non-secure key */
3898 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECKEYR register  *****************/
3899 #define FLASH_SECKEYR_SECKEY_Pos            (0U)
3901 #define FLASH_SECKEYR_SECKEY                FLASH_SECKEYR_SECKEY_Msk                    /*!< Flash memory secure key */
3903 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OPTKEYR register  *****************/
3904 #define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEY_Pos            (0U)
3906 #define FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEY                FLASH_OPTKEYR_OPTKEY_Msk                    /*!< Option byte key */
3908 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_PDKEYR register  *****************/
3909 #define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEY_Pos              (0U)
3910 #define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEY_Msk              (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEY_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
3911 #define FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEY                  FLASH_PDKEYR_PDKEY_Msk                    /*!< Flash power-down key */
3913 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSSR register  *****************/
3914 #define FLASH_NSSR_EOP_Pos                  (0U)
3915 #define FLASH_NSSR_EOP_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_EOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
3916 #define FLASH_NSSR_EOP                      FLASH_NSSR_EOP_Msk                      /*!< Non-secure end of operation */
3917 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPERR_Pos                (1U)
3918 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPERR_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_OPERR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
3919 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPERR                    FLASH_NSSR_OPERR_Msk                    /*!< Non-secure operation error */
3920 #define FLASH_NSSR_PROGERR_Pos              (3U)
3921 #define FLASH_NSSR_PROGERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_PROGERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
3922 #define FLASH_NSSR_PROGERR                  FLASH_NSSR_PROGERR_Msk                  /*!< Non-secure programming error */
3923 #define FLASH_NSSR_WRPERR_Pos               (4U)
3924 #define FLASH_NSSR_WRPERR_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_WRPERR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
3925 #define FLASH_NSSR_WRPERR                   FLASH_NSSR_WRPERR_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure write protection error */
3926 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGAERR_Pos               (5U)
3927 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGAERR_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_PGAERR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
3928 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGAERR                   FLASH_NSSR_PGAERR_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure programming alignment error */
3929 #define FLASH_NSSR_SIZERR_Pos               (6U)
3930 #define FLASH_NSSR_SIZERR_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_SIZERR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
3931 #define FLASH_NSSR_SIZERR                   FLASH_NSSR_SIZERR_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure size error */
3932 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGSERR_Pos               (7U)
3933 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGSERR_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_PGSERR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
3934 #define FLASH_NSSR_PGSERR                   FLASH_NSSR_PGSERR_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure programming sequence error */
3935 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPTWERR_Pos              (13U)
3936 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPTWERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_OPTWERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
3937 #define FLASH_NSSR_OPTWERR                  FLASH_NSSR_OPTWERR_Msk                  /*!< Option write error */
3938 #define FLASH_NSSR_BSY_Pos                  (16U)
3939 #define FLASH_NSSR_BSY_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_BSY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
3940 #define FLASH_NSSR_BSY                      FLASH_NSSR_BSY_Msk                      /*!< Non-secure busy */
3941 #define FLASH_NSSR_WDW_Pos                  (17U)
3942 #define FLASH_NSSR_WDW_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_WDW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
3943 #define FLASH_NSSR_WDW                      FLASH_NSSR_WDW_Msk                      /*!< Non-secure wait data to write */
3944 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM1LOCK_Pos             (18U)
3945 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM1LOCK_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_OEM1LOCK_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
3946 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM1LOCK                 FLASH_NSSR_OEM1LOCK_Msk                 /*!< OEM1 lock */
3947 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM2LOCK_Pos             (19U)
3948 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM2LOCK_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_OEM2LOCK_Pos)      /*!< 0x00080000 */
3949 #define FLASH_NSSR_OEM2LOCK                 FLASH_NSSR_OEM2LOCK_Msk                 /*!< OEM2 lock */
3950 #define FLASH_NSSR_PD_Pos                   (20U)
3951 #define FLASH_NSSR_PD_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_NSSR_PD_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
3952 #define FLASH_NSSR_PD                       FLASH_NSSR_PD_Msk                       /*!< Flash in power-down mode */
3954 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECSR register  ****************/
3955 #define FLASH_SECSR_EOP_Pos                 (0U)
3956 #define FLASH_SECSR_EOP_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_EOP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
3957 #define FLASH_SECSR_EOP                     FLASH_SECSR_EOP_Msk                     /*!< Secure end of operation */
3958 #define FLASH_SECSR_OPERR_Pos               (1U)
3959 #define FLASH_SECSR_OPERR_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_OPERR_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
3960 #define FLASH_SECSR_OPERR                   FLASH_SECSR_OPERR_Msk                   /*!< Secure operation error */
3961 #define FLASH_SECSR_PROGERR_Pos             (3U)
3962 #define FLASH_SECSR_PROGERR_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_PROGERR_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000008 */
3963 #define FLASH_SECSR_PROGERR                 FLASH_SECSR_PROGERR_Msk                 /*!< Secure programming error */
3964 #define FLASH_SECSR_WRPERR_Pos              (4U)
3965 #define FLASH_SECSR_WRPERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_WRPERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
3966 #define FLASH_SECSR_WRPERR                  FLASH_SECSR_WRPERR_Msk                  /*!< Secure write protection error */
3967 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGAERR_Pos              (5U)
3968 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGAERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_PGAERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
3969 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGAERR                  FLASH_SECSR_PGAERR_Msk                  /*!< Secure programming alignment error */
3970 #define FLASH_SECSR_SIZERR_Pos              (6U)
3971 #define FLASH_SECSR_SIZERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_SIZERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
3972 #define FLASH_SECSR_SIZERR                  FLASH_SECSR_SIZERR_Msk                  /*!< Secure size error */
3973 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGSERR_Pos              (7U)
3974 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGSERR_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_PGSERR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
3975 #define FLASH_SECSR_PGSERR                  FLASH_SECSR_PGSERR_Msk                  /*!< Secure programming sequence error */
3976 #define FLASH_SECSR_BSY_Pos                 (16U)
3977 #define FLASH_SECSR_BSY_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_BSY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
3978 #define FLASH_SECSR_BSY                     FLASH_SECSR_BSY_Msk                     /*!< Secure busy */
3979 #define FLASH_SECSR_WDW_Pos                 (17U)
3980 #define FLASH_SECSR_WDW_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECSR_WDW_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
3981 #define FLASH_SECSR_WDW                     FLASH_SECSR_WDW_Msk                     /*!< Secure wait data to write */
3983 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSCR1 register  *****************/
3984 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PG_Pos                  (0U)
3985 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PG_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_PG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
3986 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PG                      FLASH_NSCR1_PG_Msk                      /*!< Non-secure Programming */
3987 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PER_Pos                 (1U)
3988 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PER_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_PER_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
3989 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PER                     FLASH_NSCR1_PER_Msk                     /*!< Non-secure Page Erase */
3990 #define FLASH_NSCR1_MER_Pos                 (2U)
3991 #define FLASH_NSCR1_MER_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_MER_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
3992 #define FLASH_NSCR1_MER                     FLASH_NSCR1_MER_Msk                     /*!< Non-secure Mass Erase */
3993 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PNB_Pos                 (3U)
3994 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PNB_Msk                 (0x7FUL << FLASH_NSCR1_PNB_Pos)         /*!< 0x000003F8 */
3995 #define FLASH_NSCR1_PNB                     FLASH_NSCR1_PNB_Msk                     /*!< Non-secure Page Number selection */
3996 #define FLASH_NSCR1_BWR_Pos                 (14U)
3997 #define FLASH_NSCR1_BWR_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_BWR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
3998 #define FLASH_NSCR1_BWR                     FLASH_NSCR1_BWR_Msk                     /*!< Non-secure Burst Write Programming mode */
3999 #define FLASH_NSCR1_STRT_Pos                (16U)
4000 #define FLASH_NSCR1_STRT_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_STRT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
4001 #define FLASH_NSCR1_STRT                    FLASH_NSCR1_STRT_Msk                    /*!< Non-secure Start */
4002 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTSTRT_Pos             (17U)
4003 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTSTRT_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_OPTSTRT_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
4004 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTSTRT                 FLASH_NSCR1_OPTSTRT_Msk                 /*!< Option Modification Start */
4005 #define FLASH_NSCR1_EOPIE_Pos               (24U)
4006 #define FLASH_NSCR1_EOPIE_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_EOPIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
4007 #define FLASH_NSCR1_EOPIE                   FLASH_NSCR1_EOPIE_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure End of operation interrupt enable */
4008 #define FLASH_NSCR1_ERRIE_Pos               (25U)
4009 #define FLASH_NSCR1_ERRIE_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_ERRIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
4010 #define FLASH_NSCR1_ERRIE                   FLASH_NSCR1_ERRIE_Msk                   /*!< Non-secure error interrupt enable */
4011 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos          (27U)
4012 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk          (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_OBL_LAUNCH_Pos)   /*!< 0x08000000 */
4013 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OBL_LAUNCH              FLASH_NSCR1_OBL_LAUNCH_Msk              /*!< Force the option byte loading */
4014 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTLOCK_Pos             (30U)
4015 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTLOCK_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_OPTLOCK_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
4016 #define FLASH_NSCR1_OPTLOCK                 FLASH_NSCR1_OPTLOCK_Msk                 /*!< Option Lock */
4017 #define FLASH_NSCR1_LOCK_Pos                (31U)
4018 #define FLASH_NSCR1_LOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR1_LOCK_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
4019 #define FLASH_NSCR1_LOCK                    FLASH_NSCR1_LOCK_Msk                    /*!< Non-secure Lock */
4021 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECCR1 register  ****************/
4022 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PG_Pos                 (0U)
4023 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PG_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_PG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
4024 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PG                     FLASH_SECCR1_PG_Msk                      /*!< Secure Programming */
4025 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PER_Pos                (1U)
4026 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PER_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_PER_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
4027 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PER                    FLASH_SECCR1_PER_Msk                     /*!< Secure Page Erase */
4028 #define FLASH_SECCR1_MER_Pos                (2U)
4029 #define FLASH_SECCR1_MER_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_MER_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
4030 #define FLASH_SECCR1_MER                    FLASH_SECCR1_MER_Msk                     /*!< Secure Bank 1 Mass Erase */
4031 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PNB_Pos                (3U)
4032 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PNB_Msk                (0x7FUL << FLASH_SECCR1_PNB_Pos)         /*!< 0x000003F8 */
4033 #define FLASH_SECCR1_PNB                    FLASH_SECCR1_PNB_Msk                     /*!< Secure Page Number selection */
4034 #define FLASH_SECCR1_BWR_Pos                (14U)
4035 #define FLASH_SECCR1_BWR_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_BWR_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
4036 #define FLASH_SECCR1_BWR                    FLASH_SECCR1_BWR_Msk                     /*!< Secure Burst Write programming mode */
4037 #define FLASH_SECCR1_STRT_Pos               (16U)
4038 #define FLASH_SECCR1_STRT_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_STRT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
4039 #define FLASH_SECCR1_STRT                   FLASH_SECCR1_STRT_Msk                    /*!< Secure Start */
4040 #define FLASH_SECCR1_EOPIE_Pos              (24U)
4041 #define FLASH_SECCR1_EOPIE_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_EOPIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
4042 #define FLASH_SECCR1_EOPIE                  FLASH_SECCR1_EOPIE_Msk                   /*!< Secure end of operation interrupt enable */
4043 #define FLASH_SECCR1_ERRIE_Pos              (25U)
4044 #define FLASH_SECCR1_ERRIE_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_ERRIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
4045 #define FLASH_SECCR1_ERRIE                  FLASH_SECCR1_ERRIE_Msk                   /*!< Secure error interrupt enable */
4046 #define FLASH_SECCR1_INV_Pos                (29U)
4047 #define FLASH_SECCR1_INV_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_INV_Pos)          /*!< 0x20000000 */
4048 #define FLASH_SECCR1_INV                    FLASH_SECCR1_INV_Msk                     /*!< Flash Security State Invert */
4049 #define FLASH_SECCR1_LOCK_Pos               (31U)
4050 #define FLASH_SECCR1_LOCK_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR1_LOCK_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
4051 #define FLASH_SECCR1_LOCK                   FLASH_SECCR1_LOCK_Msk                    /*!< Secure Lock */
4053 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_ECCR register  ***************/
4054 #define FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC_Pos             (0U)
4055 #define FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC_Msk             (0xFFFFFUL << FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC_Pos)  /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
4056 #define FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC                 FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC_Msk                 /*!< ECC fail address */
4057 #define FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC_Pos             (22U)
4058 #define FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
4059 #define FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC                 FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC_Msk                 /*!< System Flash ECC fail */
4060 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCIE_Pos                (24U)
4061 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCIE_Msk                (0x1UL << FLASH_ECCR_ECCIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
4062 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCIE                    FLASH_ECCR_ECCIE_Msk                    /*!< ECC correction interrupt enable */
4063 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCC_Pos                 (30U)
4064 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCC_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_ECCR_ECCC_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
4065 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCC                     FLASH_ECCR_ECCC_Msk                     /*!< ECC correction */
4066 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCD_Pos                 (31U)
4067 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCD_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_ECCR_ECCD_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
4068 #define FLASH_ECCR_ECCD                     FLASH_ECCR_ECCD_Msk                     /*!< ECC detection */
4070 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OPSR register  ***************/
4071 #define FLASH_OPSR_ADDR_OP_Pos              (0U)
4072 #define FLASH_OPSR_ADDR_OP_Msk              (0xFFFFFUL << FLASH_OPSR_ADDR_OP_Pos)   /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
4073 #define FLASH_OPSR_ADDR_OP                  FLASH_OPSR_ADDR_OP_Msk                  /*!< Interrupted operation address */
4074 #define FLASH_OPSR_SYSF_OP_Pos              (22U)
4075 #define FLASH_OPSR_SYSF_OP_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_OPSR_SYSF_OP_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
4076 #define FLASH_OPSR_SYSF_OP                  FLASH_OPSR_SYSF_OP_Msk                  /*!< Operation in system Flash memory interrupted */
4077 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Pos              (29U)
4078 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Msk              (0x7UL << FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Pos)       /*!< 0x07000000 */
4079 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP                  FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Msk                  /*!<  Flash memory operation code */
4080 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_0                (0x1UL << FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
4081 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_1                (0x2UL << FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
4082 #define FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_2                (0x4UL << FLASH_OPSR_CODE_OP_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
4084 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSCR2 register  ***************/
4085 #define FLASH_NSCR2_PS_Pos                  (0U)
4086 #define FLASH_NSCR2_PS_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR2_PS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
4087 #define FLASH_NSCR2_PS                      FLASH_NSCR2_PS_Msk                      /*!< Program suspend request */
4088 #define FLASH_NSCR2_ES_Pos                  (1U)
4089 #define FLASH_NSCR2_ES_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_NSCR2_ES_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
4090 #define FLASH_NSCR2_ES                      FLASH_NSCR2_ES_Msk                      /*!< Erase suspend request */
4092 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECCR2 register  ***************/
4093 #define FLASH_SECCR2_PS_Pos                 (0U)
4094 #define FLASH_SECCR2_PS_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR2_PS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
4095 #define FLASH_SECCR2_PS                     FLASH_SECCR2_PS_Msk                      /*!< Program suspend request */
4096 #define FLASH_SECCR2_ES_Pos                 (1U)
4097 #define FLASH_SECCR2_ES_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_SECCR2_ES_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
4098 #define FLASH_SECCR2_ES                     FLASH_SECCR2_ES_Msk                      /*!< Erase suspend request */
4100 /*******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OPTR register  ***************/
4101 #define FLASH_OPTR_RDP_Pos                  (0U)
4102 #define FLASH_OPTR_RDP_Msk                  (0xFFUL << FLASH_OPTR_RDP_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
4103 #define FLASH_OPTR_RDP                      FLASH_OPTR_RDP_Msk                      /*!< Readout protection level */
4104 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos              (8U)
4105 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk              (0x7UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
4106 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV                  FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Msk                  /*!< BOR reset Level */
4107 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_0                (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
4108 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_1                (0x2UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
4109 #define FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_2                (0x4UL << FLASH_OPTR_BOR_LEV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
4110 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos            (12U)
4111 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk            (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Pos)     /*!< 0x00001000 */
4112 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP                FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STOP_Msk                /*!< nRST_STOP */
4113 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos           (13U)
4114 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00002000 */
4115 #define FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY               FLASH_OPTR_nRST_STDBY_Msk               /*!< nRST_STDBY */
4116 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM1_RST_Pos            (15U)
4117 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM1_RST_Msk            (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_SRAM1_RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00008000 */
4118 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM1_RST                FLASH_OPTR_SRAM1_RST_Msk                /*!< SRAM1 erase upon system reset */
4119 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos              (16U)
4120 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
4121 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW                  FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_SW_Msk                  /*!< Independent watchdog selection */
4122 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP_Pos            (17U)
4123 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP_Msk            (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
4124 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP                FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STOP_Msk                /*!< Independent watchdog counter freeze in Stop mode */
4125 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY_Pos           (18U)
4126 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
4127 #define FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY               FLASH_OPTR_IWDG_STDBY_Msk               /*!< Independent watchdog counter freeze in Standby mode */
4128 #define FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW_Pos              (19U)
4129 #define FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
4130 #define FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW                  FLASH_OPTR_WWDG_SW_Msk                  /*!< Window watchdog selection */
4131 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_PE_Pos             (24U)
4132 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_PE_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_PE_Pos)     /*!< 0x01000000 */
4133 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_PE                 FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_PE_Msk                /*!< SRAM2 ECC detection and correction enable*/
4134 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_RST_Pos            (25U)
4135 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_RST_Msk            (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x02000000 */
4136 #define FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_RST                FLASH_OPTR_SRAM2_RST_Msk                /*!< SRAM2 erase when system reset */
4137 #define FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0_Pos             (26U)
4138 #define FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
4139 #define FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0                 FLASH_OPTR_nSWBOOT0_Msk                 /*!< Software BOOT0 */
4140 #define FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0_Pos               (27U)
4141 #define FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0_Msk               (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
4142 #define FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0                   FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0_Msk                   /*!< nBOOT0 option bit */
4143 #define FLASH_OPTR_TZEN_Pos                 (31U)
4144 #define FLASH_OPTR_TZEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << FLASH_OPTR_TZEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
4145 #define FLASH_OPTR_TZEN                     FLASH_OPTR_TZEN_Msk                     /*!< Global TrustZone security enable */
4147 /****************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSBOOTADD0R register  ************/
4148 #define FLASH_NSBOOTADD0R_NSBOOTADD0_Pos    (7U)
4150 #define FLASH_NSBOOTADD0R_NSBOOTADD0        FLASH_NSBOOTADD0R_NSBOOTADD0_Msk        /*!< Non-secure boot address 0 */
4152 /****************  Bits definition for FLASH_NSBOOTADD1R register  ************/
4153 #define FLASH_NSBOOTADD1R_NSBOOTADD1_Pos    (7U)
4155 #define FLASH_NSBOOTADD1R_NSBOOTADD1        FLASH_NSBOOTADD1R_NSBOOTADD1_Msk        /*!< Non-secure boot address 1 */
4157 /****************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R register  ***********/
4158 #define FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_BOOT_LOCK_Pos    (0U)
4159 #define FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_BOOT_LOCK_Msk    (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_BOOT_LOCK_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
4160 #define FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_BOOT_LOCK        FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_BOOT_LOCK_Msk        /*!< Boot Lock */
4163 #define FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_SECBOOTADD0      FLASH_SECBOOTADD0R_SECBOOTADD0_Msk      /*!< Secure boot address 0 */
4165 /*****************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECWMR1 register  **************/
4166 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PSTRT_Pos       (0U)
4167 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PSTRT_Msk       (0x7FUL << FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PSTRT_Pos) /*!< 0x0000007F */
4168 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PSTRT           FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PSTRT_Msk         /*!< Start page of first secure area */
4169 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PEND_Pos        (16U)
4170 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PEND_Msk        (0x7FUL << FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PEND_Pos) /*!< 0x007F0000 */
4171 #define FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PEND            FLASH_SECWMR1_SECWM_PEND_Msk          /*!< End page of first secure area */
4173 /*****************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECWMR2 register  **************/
4174 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDP_PEND_Pos          (16U)
4175 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDP_PEND_Msk          (0x7FUL << FLASH_SECWMR2_HDP_PEND_Pos) /*!< 0x007F0000 */
4176 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDP_PEND              FLASH_SECWMR2_HDP_PEND_Msk            /*!< End page of first hide protection area */
4177 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDPEN_Pos             (31U)
4178 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDPEN_Msk             (0x1UL << FLASH_SECWMR2_HDPEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
4179 #define FLASH_SECWMR2_HDPEN                 FLASH_SECWMR2_HDPEN_Msk               /*!< Hide protection first area enable */
4181 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_WRPAR register  ***************/
4182 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PSTRT_Pos          (0U)
4183 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PSTRT_Msk          (0x7FUL << FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PSTRT_Pos) /*!< 0x0000007F */
4184 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PSTRT              FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PSTRT_Msk            /*!< WPR first area A start page */
4185 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PEND_Pos           (16U)
4186 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PEND_Msk           (0x7FUL << FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PEND_Pos) /*!< 0x007F0000 */
4187 #define FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PEND               FLASH_WRPAR_WRPA_PEND_Msk             /*!< WPR first area A end page */
4188 #define FLASH_WRPAR_UNLOCK_Pos              (31U)
4189 #define FLASH_WRPAR_UNLOCK_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_WRPAR_UNLOCK_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
4190 #define FLASH_WRPAR_UNLOCK                  FLASH_WRPAR_UNLOCK_Msk                 /*!< WPR first area A unlock */
4192 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_WRPBR register  ***************/
4193 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PSTRT_Pos          (0U)
4194 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PSTRT_Msk          (0x7FUL << FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PSTRT_Pos) /*!< 0x0000007F */
4195 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PSTRT              FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PSTRT_Msk            /*!< WPR second area B start page */
4196 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PEND_Pos           (16U)
4197 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PEND_Msk           (0x7FUL << FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PEND_Pos) /*!< 0x007F0000 */
4198 #define FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PEND               FLASH_WRPBR_WRPB_PEND_Msk             /*!< WPR second area B end page */
4199 #define FLASH_WRPBR_UNLOCK_Pos              (31U)
4200 #define FLASH_WRPBR_UNLOCK_Msk              (0x1UL << FLASH_WRPBR_UNLOCK_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
4201 #define FLASH_WRPBR_UNLOCK                  FLASH_WRPBR_UNLOCK_Msk                 /*!< WPR first area B unlock */
4203 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OEM1KEYR1 register  *****************/
4204 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR1_OEM1KEY_Pos         (0U)
4205 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR1_OEM1KEY_Msk         (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_OEM1KEYR1_OEM1KEY_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
4206 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR1_OEM1KEY             FLASH_OEM1KEYR1_OEM1KEY_Msk                    /*!< OEM1 least significant bytes key */
4208 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OEM1KEYR2 register  *****************/
4209 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR2_OEM1KEY_Pos         (0U)
4210 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR2_OEM1KEY_Msk         (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_OEM1KEYR2_OEM1KEY_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
4211 #define FLASH_OEM1KEYR2_OEM1KEY             FLASH_OEM1KEYR2_OEM1KEY_Msk                    /*!< OEM1 most significant bytes key */
4213 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OEM2KEYR1 register  *****************/
4214 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR1_OEM2KEY_Pos         (0U)
4215 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR1_OEM2KEY_Msk         (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_OEM2KEYR1_OEM2KEY_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
4216 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR1_OEM2KEY             FLASH_OEM2KEYR1_OEM2KEY_Msk                    /*!< OEM2 least significant bytes key */
4218 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_OEM2KEYR2 register  *****************/
4219 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR2_OEM2KEY_Pos         (0U)
4220 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR2_OEM2KEY_Msk         (0xFFFFFFFFUL << FLASH_OEM2KEYR2_OEM2KEY_Pos)  /*!< 0xFFFFFFFFF */
4221 #define FLASH_OEM2KEYR2_OEM2KEY             FLASH_OEM2KEYR2_OEM2KEY_Msk                    /*!< OEM2 most significant bytes key */
4223 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SECBBR1 register  ******************/
4224 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4225 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4226 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB0                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 0 in Flash block-based secure */
4227 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4228 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4229 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB1                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 1 in Flash block-based secure */
4230 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4231 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4232 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB2                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 2 in Flash block-based secure */
4233 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4234 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4235 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB3                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 3 in Flash block-based secure */
4236 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4237 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4238 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB4                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 4 in Flash block-based secure */
4239 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4240 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4241 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB5                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 5 in Flash block-based secure */
4242 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4243 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4244 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB6                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 6 in Flash block-based secure */
4245 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4246 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4247 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB7                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 7 in Flash block-based secure */
4248 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4249 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4250 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB8                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 8 in Flash block-based secure */
4251 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4252 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4253 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB9                       FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 9 in Flash block-based secure */
4254 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4255 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4256 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB10                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 10 in Flash block-based secure */
4257 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4258 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4259 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB11                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 11 in Flash block-based secure */
4260 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4261 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4262 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB12                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 12 in Flash block-based secure */
4263 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4264 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4265 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB13                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 13 in Flash block-based secure */
4266 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4267 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4268 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB14                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 14 in Flash block-based secure */
4269 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4270 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4271 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB15                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 15 in Flash block-based secure */
4272 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4273 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4274 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB16                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 16 in Flash block-based secure */
4275 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4276 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4277 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB17                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 17 in Flash block-based secure */
4278 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4279 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4280 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB18                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 18 in Flash block-based secure */
4281 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4282 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4283 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB19                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 19 in Flash block-based secure */
4284 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4285 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4286 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB20                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 20 in Flash block-based secure */
4287 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4288 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4289 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB21                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 21 in Flash block-based secure */
4290 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4291 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4292 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB22                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 22 in Flash block-based secure */
4293 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4294 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4295 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB23                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 23 in Flash block-based secure */
4296 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4297 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4298 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB24                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 24 in Flash block-based secure */
4299 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4300 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4301 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB25                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 25 in Flash block-based secure */
4302 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4303 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4304 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB26                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 26 in Flash block-based secure */
4305 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4306 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4307 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB27                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 27 in Flash block-based secure */
4308 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4309 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4310 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB28                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 28 in Flash block-based secure */
4311 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4312 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4313 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB29                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 29 in Flash block-based secure */
4314 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4315 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4316 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB30                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 30 in Flash block-based secure */
4317 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4318 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4319 #define FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB31                      FLASH_SECBBR1_SECBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 31 in Flash block-based secure */
4321 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SECBBR2 register  ******************/
4322 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4323 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4324 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB0                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 32 in Flash block-based secure */
4325 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4326 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4327 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB1                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 33 in Flash block-based secure */
4328 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4329 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4330 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB2                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 34 in Flash block-based secure */
4331 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4332 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4333 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB3                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 35 in Flash block-based secure */
4334 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4335 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4336 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB4                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 36 in Flash block-based secure */
4337 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4338 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4339 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB5                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 37 in Flash block-based secure */
4340 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4341 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4342 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB6                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 38 in Flash block-based secure */
4343 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4344 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4345 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB7                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 39 in Flash block-based secure */
4346 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4347 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4348 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB8                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 40 in Flash block-based secure */
4349 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4350 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4351 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB9                       FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 41 in Flash block-based secure */
4352 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4353 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4354 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB10                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 42 in Flash block-based secure */
4355 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4356 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4357 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB11                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 43 in Flash block-based secure */
4358 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4359 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4360 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB12                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 44 in Flash block-based secure */
4361 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4362 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4363 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB13                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 45 in Flash block-based secure */
4364 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4365 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4366 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB14                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 46 in Flash block-based secure */
4367 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4368 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4369 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB15                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 47 in Flash block-based secure */
4370 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4371 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4372 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB16                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 48 in Flash block-based secure */
4373 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4374 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4375 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB17                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 49 in Flash block-based secure */
4376 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4377 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4378 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB18                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 50 in Flash block-based secure */
4379 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4380 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4381 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB19                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 51 in Flash block-based secure */
4382 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4383 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4384 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB20                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 52 in Flash block-based secure */
4385 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4386 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4387 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB21                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 53 in Flash block-based secure */
4388 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4389 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4390 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB22                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 54 in Flash block-based secure */
4391 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4392 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4393 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB23                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 55 in Flash block-based secure */
4394 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4395 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4396 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB24                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 56 in Flash block-based secure */
4397 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4398 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4399 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB25                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 57 in Flash block-based secure */
4400 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4401 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4402 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB26                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 58 in Flash block-based secure */
4403 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4404 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4405 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB27                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 59 in Flash block-based secure */
4406 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4407 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4408 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB28                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 60 in Flash block-based secure */
4409 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4410 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4411 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB29                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 61 in Flash block-based secure */
4412 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4413 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4414 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB30                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 62 in Flash block-based secure */
4415 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4416 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4417 #define FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB31                      FLASH_SECBBR2_SECBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 63 in Flash block-based secure */
4419 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SECBBR3 register  ******************/
4420 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4421 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4422 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB0                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 64 in Flash block-based secure */
4423 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4424 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4425 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB1                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 65 in Flash block-based secure */
4426 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4427 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4428 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB2                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 66 in Flash block-based secure */
4429 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4430 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4431 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB3                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 67 in Flash block-based secure */
4432 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4433 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4434 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB4                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 68 in Flash block-based secure */
4435 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4436 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4437 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB5                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 69 in Flash block-based secure */
4438 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4439 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4440 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB6                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 70 in Flash block-based secure */
4441 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4442 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4443 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB7                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 71 in Flash block-based secure */
4444 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4445 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4446 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB8                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 72 in Flash block-based secure */
4447 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4448 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4449 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB9                       FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 73 in Flash block-based secure */
4450 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4451 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4452 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB10                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 74 in Flash block-based secure */
4453 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4454 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4455 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB11                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 75 in Flash block-based secure */
4456 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4457 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4458 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB12                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 76 in Flash block-based secure */
4459 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4460 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4461 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB13                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 77 in Flash block-based secure */
4462 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4463 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4464 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB14                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 78 in Flash block-based secure */
4465 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4466 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4467 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB15                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 79 in Flash block-based secure */
4468 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4469 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4470 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB16                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 80 in Flash block-based secure */
4471 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4472 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4473 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB17                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 81 in Flash block-based secure */
4474 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4475 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4476 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB18                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 82 in Flash block-based secure */
4477 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4478 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4479 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB19                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 83 in Flash block-based secure */
4480 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4481 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4482 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB20                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 84 in Flash block-based secure */
4483 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4484 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4485 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB21                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 85 in Flash block-based secure */
4486 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4487 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4488 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB22                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 86 in Flash block-based secure */
4489 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4490 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4491 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB23                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 87 in Flash block-based secure */
4492 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4493 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4494 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB24                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 88 in Flash block-based secure */
4495 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4496 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4497 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB25                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 89 in Flash block-based secure */
4498 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4499 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4500 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB26                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 90 in Flash block-based secure */
4501 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4502 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4503 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB27                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 91 in Flash block-based secure */
4504 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4505 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4506 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB28                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 92 in Flash block-based secure */
4507 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4508 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4509 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB29                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 93 in Flash block-based secure */
4510 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4511 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4512 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB30                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 94 in Flash block-based secure */
4513 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4514 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4515 #define FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB31                      FLASH_SECBBR3_SECBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 95 in Flash block-based secure */
4517 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_SECBBR4 register  ******************/
4518 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4519 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4520 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB0                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 96 in Flash block-based secure */
4521 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4522 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4523 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB1                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 97 in Flash block-based secure */
4524 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4525 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4526 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB2                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 98 in Flash block-based secure */
4527 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4528 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4529 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB3                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 99 in Flash block-based secure */
4530 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4531 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4532 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB4                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 100 in Flash block-based secure */
4533 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4534 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4535 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB5                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 101 in Flash block-based secure */
4536 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4537 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4538 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB6                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 102 in Flash block-based secure */
4539 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4540 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4541 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB7                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 103 in Flash block-based secure */
4542 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4543 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4544 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB8                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 104 in Flash block-based secure */
4545 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4546 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4547 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB9                       FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 105 in Flash block-based secure */
4548 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4549 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4550 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB10                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 106 in Flash block-based secure */
4551 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4552 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4553 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB11                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 107 in Flash block-based secure */
4554 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4555 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4556 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB12                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 108 in Flash block-based secure */
4557 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4558 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4559 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB13                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 109 in Flash block-based secure */
4560 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4561 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4562 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB14                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 110 in Flash block-based secure */
4563 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4564 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4565 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB15                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 111 in Flash block-based secure */
4566 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4567 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4568 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB16                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 112 in Flash block-based secure */
4569 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4570 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4571 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB17                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 113 in Flash block-based secure */
4572 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4573 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4574 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB18                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 114 in Flash block-based secure */
4575 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4576 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4577 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB19                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 115 in Flash block-based secure */
4578 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4579 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4580 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB20                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 116 in Flash block-based secure */
4581 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4582 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4583 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB21                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 117 in Flash block-based secure */
4584 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4585 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4586 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB22                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 118 in Flash block-based secure */
4587 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4588 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4589 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB23                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 119 in Flash block-based secure */
4590 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4591 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4592 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB24                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 120 in Flash block-based secure */
4593 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4594 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4595 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB25                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 121 in Flash block-based secure */
4596 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4597 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4598 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB26                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 122 in Flash block-based secure */
4599 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4600 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4601 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB27                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 123 in Flash block-based secure */
4602 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4603 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4604 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB28                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 124 in Flash block-based secure */
4605 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4606 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4607 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB29                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 125 in Flash block-based secure */
4608 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4609 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4610 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB30                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 126 in Flash block-based secure */
4611 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4612 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4613 #define FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB31                      FLASH_SECBBR4_SECBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 127 in Flash block-based secure */
4615 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_SECHDPCR register  ***********/
4616 #define FLASH_SECHDPCR_HDP_ACCDIS_Pos      (0U)
4617 #define FLASH_SECHDPCR_HDP_ACCDIS_Msk      (0x1UL << FLASH_SECHDPCR_HDP_ACCDIS_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
4618 #define FLASH_SECHDPCR_HDP_ACCDIS          FLASH_SECHDPCR_HDP_ACCDIS_Msk            /*!< HDP area access disable */
4620 /******************  Bits definition for FLASH_PRIVCFGR register  ***********/
4621 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos            (0U)
4622 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk            (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
4623 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV                FLASH_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk                /*!< Privilege protection for secure registers */
4624 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos           (1U)
4625 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk           (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
4626 #define FLASH_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV               FLASH_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk               /*!< Privilege protection for non-secure registers */
4628 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRIVBBR1 register  ******************/
4629 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4630 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4631 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB0                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 0 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4632 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4633 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4634 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB1                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 1 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4635 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4636 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4637 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB2                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 2 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4638 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4639 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4640 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB3                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 3 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4641 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4642 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4643 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB4                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 4 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4644 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4645 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4646 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB5                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 5 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4647 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4648 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4649 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB6                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 6 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4650 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4651 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4652 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB7                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 7 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4653 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4654 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4655 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB8                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 8 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4656 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4657 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4658 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB9                       FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 9 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4659 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4660 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4661 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB10                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 10 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4662 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4663 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4664 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB11                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 11 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4665 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4666 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4667 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB12                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 12 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4668 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4669 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4670 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB13                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 13 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4671 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4672 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4673 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB14                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 14 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4674 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4675 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4676 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB15                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 15 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4677 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4678 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4679 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB16                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 16 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4680 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4681 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4682 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB17                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 17 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4683 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4684 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4685 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB18                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 18 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4686 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4687 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4688 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB19                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 19 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4689 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4690 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4691 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB20                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 20 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4692 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4693 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4694 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB21                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 21 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4695 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4696 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4697 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB22                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 22 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4698 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4699 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4700 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB23                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 23 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4701 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4702 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4703 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB24                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 24 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4704 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4705 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4706 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB25                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 25 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4707 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4708 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4709 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB26                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 26 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4710 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4711 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4712 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB27                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 27 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4713 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4714 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4715 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB28                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 28 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4716 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4717 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4718 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB29                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 29 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4719 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4720 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4721 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB30                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 30 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4722 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4723 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4724 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB31                      FLASH_PRIVBBR1_PRIVBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 31 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4726 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRIVBBR2 register  ******************/
4727 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4728 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4729 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB0                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 32 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4730 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4731 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4732 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB1                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 33 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4733 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4734 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4735 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB2                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 34 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4736 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4737 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4738 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB3                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 35 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4739 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4740 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4741 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB4                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 36 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4742 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4743 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4744 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB5                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 37 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4745 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4746 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4747 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB6                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 38 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4748 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4749 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4750 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB7                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 39 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4751 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4752 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4753 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB8                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 40 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4754 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4755 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4756 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB9                       FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 41 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4757 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4758 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4759 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB10                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 42 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4760 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4761 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4762 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB11                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 43 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4763 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4764 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4765 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB12                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 44 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4766 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4767 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4768 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB13                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 45 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4769 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4770 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4771 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB14                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 46 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4772 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4773 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4774 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB15                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 47 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4775 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4776 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4777 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB16                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 48 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4778 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4779 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4780 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB17                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 49 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4781 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4782 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4783 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB18                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 50 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4784 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4785 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4786 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB19                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 51 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4787 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4788 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4789 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB20                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 52 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4790 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4791 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4792 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB21                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 53 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4793 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4794 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4795 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB22                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 54 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4796 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4797 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4798 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB23                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 55 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4799 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4800 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4801 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB24                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 56 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4802 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4803 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4804 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB25                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 57 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4805 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4806 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4807 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB26                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 58 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4808 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4809 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4810 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB27                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 59 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4811 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4812 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4813 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB28                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 60 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4814 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4815 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4816 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB29                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 61 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4817 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4818 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4819 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB30                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 62 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4820 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4821 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4822 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB31                      FLASH_PRIVBBR2_PRIVBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 63 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4824 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRIVBBR3 register  ******************/
4825 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4826 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4827 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB0                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 64 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4828 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4829 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4830 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB1                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 65 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4831 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4832 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4833 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB2                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 66 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4834 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4835 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4836 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB3                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 67 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4837 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4838 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4839 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB4                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 68 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4840 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4841 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4842 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB5                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 69 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4843 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4844 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4845 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB6                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 70 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4846 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4847 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4848 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB7                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 71 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4849 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4850 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4851 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB8                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 72 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4852 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4853 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4854 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB9                       FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 73 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4855 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4856 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4857 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB10                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 74 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4858 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4859 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4860 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB11                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 75 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4861 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4862 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4863 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB12                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 76 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4864 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4865 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4866 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB13                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 77 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4867 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4868 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4869 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB14                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 78 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4870 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4871 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4872 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB15                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 79 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4873 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4874 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4875 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB16                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 80 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4876 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4877 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4878 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB17                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 81 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4879 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4880 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4881 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB18                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 82 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4882 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4883 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4884 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB19                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 83 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4885 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4886 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4887 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB20                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 84 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4888 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4889 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4890 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB21                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 85 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4891 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4892 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4893 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB22                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 86 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4894 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4895 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4896 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB23                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 87 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4897 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4898 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4899 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB24                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 88 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4900 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4901 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
4902 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB25                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 89 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4903 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB26_Pos                  (26U)
4904 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
4905 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB26                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 90 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4906 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB27_Pos                  (27U)
4907 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
4908 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB27                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 91 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4909 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB28_Pos                  (28U)
4910 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
4911 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB28                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 92 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4912 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB29_Pos                  (29U)
4913 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
4914 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB29                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 93 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4915 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB30_Pos                  (30U)
4916 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
4917 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB30                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 94 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4918 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB31_Pos                  (31U)
4919 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
4920 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB31                      FLASH_PRIVBBR3_PRIVBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 95 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4922 /*******************  Bit definition for FLASH_PRIVBBR4 register  ******************/
4923 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB0_Pos                   (0U)
4924 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB0_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
4925 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB0                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB0_Msk                       /*!< Page 96 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4926 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB1_Pos                   (1U)
4927 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB1_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
4928 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB1                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB1_Msk                       /*!< Page 97 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4929 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB2_Pos                   (2U)
4930 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB2_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
4931 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB2                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB2_Msk                       /*!< Page 98 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4932 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB3_Pos                   (3U)
4933 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB3_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
4934 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB3                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB3_Msk                       /*!< Page 99 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4935 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB4_Pos                   (4U)
4936 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB4_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
4937 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB4                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB4_Msk                       /*!< Page 100 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4938 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB5_Pos                   (5U)
4939 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB5_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
4940 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB5                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB5_Msk                       /*!< Page 101 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4941 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB6_Pos                   (6U)
4942 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB6_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
4943 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB6                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB6_Msk                       /*!< Page 102 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4944 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB7_Pos                   (7U)
4945 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB7_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
4946 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB7                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB7_Msk                       /*!< Page 103 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4947 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB8_Pos                   (8U)
4948 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB8_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
4949 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB8                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB8_Msk                       /*!< Page 104 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4950 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB9_Pos                   (9U)
4951 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB9_Msk                   (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
4952 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB9                       FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB9_Msk                       /*!< Page 105 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4953 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB10_Pos                  (10U)
4954 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB10_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
4955 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB10                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB10_Msk                      /*!< Page 106 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4956 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB11_Pos                  (11U)
4957 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB11_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
4958 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB11                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB11_Msk                      /*!< Page 107 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4959 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB12_Pos                  (12U)
4960 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB12_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
4961 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB12                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB12_Msk                      /*!< Page 108 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4962 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB13_Pos                  (13U)
4963 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB13_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
4964 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB13                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB13_Msk                      /*!< Page 109 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4965 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB14_Pos                  (14U)
4966 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB14_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
4967 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB14                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB14_Msk                      /*!< Page 110 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4968 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB15_Pos                  (15U)
4969 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB15_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
4970 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB15                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB15_Msk                      /*!< Page 111 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4971 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB16_Pos                  (16U)
4972 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB16_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB16_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
4973 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB16                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB16_Msk                      /*!< Page 112 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4974 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB17_Pos                  (17U)
4975 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB17_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB17_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
4976 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB17                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB17_Msk                      /*!< Page 113 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4977 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB18_Pos                  (18U)
4978 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB18_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB18_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
4979 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB18                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB18_Msk                      /*!< Page 114 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4980 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB19_Pos                  (19U)
4981 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB19_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB19_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
4982 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB19                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB19_Msk                      /*!< Page 115 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4983 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB20_Pos                  (20U)
4984 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB20_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB20_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
4985 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB20                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB20_Msk                      /*!< Page 116 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4986 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB21_Pos                  (21U)
4987 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB21_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB21_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
4988 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB21                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB21_Msk                      /*!< Page 117 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4989 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB22_Pos                  (22U)
4990 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB22_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB22_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
4991 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB22                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB22_Msk                      /*!< Page 118 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4992 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB23_Pos                  (23U)
4993 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB23_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB23_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
4994 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB23                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB23_Msk                      /*!< Page 119 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4995 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB24_Pos                  (24U)
4996 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB24_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB24_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
4997 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB24                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB24_Msk                      /*!< Page 120 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
4998 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB25_Pos                  (25U)
4999 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB25_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB25_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
5000 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB25                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB25_Msk                      /*!< Page 121 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5001 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB26_Pos                  (26U)
5002 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB26_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB26_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
5003 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB26                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB26_Msk                      /*!< Page 122 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5004 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB27_Pos                  (27U)
5005 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB27_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB27_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
5006 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB27                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB27_Msk                      /*!< Page 123 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5007 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB28_Pos                  (28U)
5008 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB28_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB28_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
5009 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB28                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB28_Msk                      /*!< Page 124 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5010 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB29_Pos                  (29U)
5011 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB29_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB29_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
5012 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB29                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB29_Msk                      /*!< Page 125 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5013 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB30_Pos                  (30U)
5014 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB30_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB30_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
5015 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB30                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB30_Msk                      /*!< Page 126 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5016 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB31_Pos                  (31U)
5017 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB31_Msk                  (0x1UL << FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB31_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
5018 #define FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB31                      FLASH_PRIVBBR4_PRIVBB31_Msk                      /*!< Page 127 in Flash only accessible by privileged access */
5021 /******************************************************************************/
5022 /*                                                                            */
5023 /*                       General Purpose IOs (GPIO)                           */
5024 /*                                                                            */
5025 /******************************************************************************/
5026 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_MODER register  *****************/
5027 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos                (0U)
5028 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
5029 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE0                    GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Msk
5030 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
5031 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE0_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
5032 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos                (2U)
5033 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
5034 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE1                    GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Msk
5035 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
5036 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE1_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
5037 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos                (4U)
5038 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
5039 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE2                    GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Msk
5040 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
5041 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE2_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
5042 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos                (6U)
5043 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
5044 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE3                    GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Msk
5045 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
5046 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE3_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
5047 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos                (8U)
5048 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
5049 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE4                    GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Msk
5050 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
5051 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE4_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
5052 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos                (10U)
5053 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
5054 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE5                    GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Msk
5055 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
5056 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE5_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
5057 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos                (12U)
5058 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
5059 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE6                    GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Msk
5060 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
5061 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE6_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
5062 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos                (14U)
5063 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
5064 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE7                    GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Msk
5065 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
5066 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE7_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
5067 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos                (16U)
5068 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
5069 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE8                    GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Msk
5070 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
5071 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE8_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
5072 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos                (18U)
5073 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
5074 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE9                    GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Msk
5075 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
5076 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE9_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
5077 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos               (20U)
5078 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
5079 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE10                   GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Msk
5080 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
5081 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE10_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
5082 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos               (22U)
5083 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
5084 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE11                   GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Msk
5085 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
5086 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE11_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
5087 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos               (24U)
5088 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
5089 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE12                   GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Msk
5090 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
5091 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE12_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
5092 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos               (26U)
5093 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
5094 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE13                   GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Msk
5095 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
5096 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE13_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
5097 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos               (28U)
5098 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
5099 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE14                   GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Msk
5100 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
5101 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE14_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
5102 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos               (30U)
5103 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
5104 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE15                   GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Msk
5105 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
5106 #define GPIO_MODER_MODE15_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_MODER_MODE15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
5108 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_OTYPER register  ****************/
5109 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT0_Pos                 (0U)
5110 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT0_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT0_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
5111 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT0                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT0_Msk
5112 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT1_Pos                 (1U)
5113 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT1_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
5114 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT1                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT1_Msk
5115 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT2_Pos                 (2U)
5116 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT2_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
5117 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT2                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT2_Msk
5118 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT3_Pos                 (3U)
5119 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT3_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
5120 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT3                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT3_Msk
5121 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT4_Pos                 (4U)
5122 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT4_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT4_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
5123 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT4                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT4_Msk
5124 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT5_Pos                 (5U)
5125 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT5_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
5126 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT5                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT5_Msk
5127 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT6_Pos                 (6U)
5128 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT6_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT6_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
5129 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT6                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT6_Msk
5130 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT7_Pos                 (7U)
5131 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT7_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
5132 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT7                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT7_Msk
5133 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT8_Pos                 (8U)
5134 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT8_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
5135 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT8                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT8_Msk
5136 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT9_Pos                 (9U)
5137 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT9_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT9_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
5138 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT9                     GPIO_OTYPER_OT9_Msk
5139 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT10_Pos                (10U)
5140 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT10_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT10_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
5141 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT10                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT10_Msk
5142 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT11_Pos                (11U)
5143 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT11_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT11_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
5144 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT11                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT11_Msk
5145 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT12_Pos                (12U)
5146 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT12_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT12_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
5147 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT12                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT12_Msk
5148 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT13_Pos                (13U)
5149 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT13_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT13_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
5150 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT13                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT13_Msk
5151 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT14_Pos                (14U)
5152 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT14_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT14_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
5153 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT14                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT14_Msk
5154 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT15_Pos                (15U)
5155 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT15_Msk                (0x1UL << GPIO_OTYPER_OT15_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
5156 #define GPIO_OTYPER_OT15                    GPIO_OTYPER_OT15_Msk
5158 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_OSPEEDR register  ***************/
5159 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Pos            (0U)
5160 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
5161 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Msk
5162 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
5163 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED0_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
5164 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Pos            (2U)
5165 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
5166 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Msk
5167 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
5168 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED1_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
5169 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Pos            (4U)
5170 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000030 */
5171 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Msk
5172 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
5173 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED2_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
5174 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Pos            (6U)
5175 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Pos)     /*!< 0x000000C0 */
5176 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Msk
5177 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
5178 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED3_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
5179 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Pos            (8U)
5180 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000300 */
5181 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Msk
5182 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000100 */
5183 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED4_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000200 */
5184 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Pos            (10U)
5185 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
5186 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Msk
5187 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000400 */
5188 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED5_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
5189 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Pos            (12U)
5190 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Pos)     /*!< 0x00003000 */
5191 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Msk
5192 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Pos)     /*!< 0x00001000 */
5193 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED6_Pos)     /*!< 0x00002000 */
5194 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Pos            (14U)
5195 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000C000 */
5196 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Msk
5197 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Pos)     /*!< 0x00004000 */
5198 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED7_Pos)     /*!< 0x00008000 */
5199 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Pos            (16U)
5200 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Pos)     /*!< 0x00030000 */
5201 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Msk
5202 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
5203 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED8_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
5204 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Pos            (18U)
5205 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Msk            (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
5206 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9                GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Msk
5207 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_0              (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
5208 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_1              (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED9_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
5209 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Pos           (20U)
5210 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Pos)    /*!< 0x00300000 */
5211 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Msk
5212 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
5213 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED10_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
5214 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Pos           (22U)
5215 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
5216 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Msk
5217 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
5218 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED11_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
5219 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Pos           (24U)
5220 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Pos)    /*!< 0x03000000 */
5221 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Msk
5222 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Pos)    /*!< 0x01000000 */
5223 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED12_Pos)    /*!< 0x02000000 */
5224 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Pos           (26U)
5225 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Pos)    /*!< 0x0C000000 */
5226 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Msk
5227 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Pos)    /*!< 0x04000000 */
5228 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED13_Pos)    /*!< 0x08000000 */
5229 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Pos           (28U)
5230 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Pos)    /*!< 0x30000000 */
5231 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Msk
5232 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Pos)    /*!< 0x10000000 */
5233 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED14_Pos)    /*!< 0x20000000 */
5234 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Pos           (30U)
5235 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Msk           (0x3UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Pos)    /*!< 0xC0000000 */
5236 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15               GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Msk
5237 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_0             (0x1UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Pos)    /*!< 0x40000000 */
5238 #define GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_1             (0x2UL << GPIO_OSPEEDR_OSPEED15_Pos)    /*!< 0x80000000 */
5240 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_PUPDR register  *****************/
5241 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos                (0U)
5242 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
5243 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Msk
5244 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
5245 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
5246 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos                (2U)
5247 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
5248 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Msk
5249 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
5250 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
5251 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos                (4U)
5252 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
5253 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Msk
5254 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
5255 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
5256 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos                (6U)
5257 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
5258 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Msk
5259 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
5260 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
5261 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos                (8U)
5262 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
5263 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Msk
5264 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
5265 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
5266 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos                (10U)
5267 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
5268 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Msk
5269 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
5270 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
5271 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos                (12U)
5272 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
5273 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Msk
5274 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
5275 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
5276 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos                (14U)
5277 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
5278 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Msk
5279 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
5280 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
5281 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos                (16U)
5282 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00030000 */
5283 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Msk
5284 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
5285 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
5286 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos                (18U)
5287 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk                (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
5288 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9                    GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Msk
5289 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
5290 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
5291 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos               (20U)
5292 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
5293 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Msk
5294 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
5295 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
5296 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos               (22U)
5297 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00C00000 */
5298 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Msk
5299 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
5300 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
5301 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos               (24U)
5302 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x03000000 */
5303 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Msk
5304 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
5305 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD12_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
5306 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos               (26U)
5307 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x0C000000 */
5308 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Msk
5309 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
5310 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD13_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
5311 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos               (28U)
5312 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x30000000 */
5313 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Msk
5314 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
5315 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD14_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
5316 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos               (30U)
5317 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk               (0x3UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0xC0000000 */
5318 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15                   GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Msk
5319 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
5320 #define GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_PUPDR_PUPD15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
5322 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_IDR register  *******************/
5323 #define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos                    (0U)
5324 #define GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
5325 #define GPIO_IDR_ID0                        GPIO_IDR_ID0_Msk
5326 #define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos                    (1U)
5327 #define GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
5328 #define GPIO_IDR_ID1                        GPIO_IDR_ID1_Msk
5329 #define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos                    (2U)
5330 #define GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
5331 #define GPIO_IDR_ID2                        GPIO_IDR_ID2_Msk
5332 #define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos                    (3U)
5333 #define GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
5334 #define GPIO_IDR_ID3                        GPIO_IDR_ID3_Msk
5335 #define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos                    (4U)
5336 #define GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
5337 #define GPIO_IDR_ID4                        GPIO_IDR_ID4_Msk
5338 #define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos                    (5U)
5339 #define GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
5340 #define GPIO_IDR_ID5                        GPIO_IDR_ID5_Msk
5341 #define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos                    (6U)
5342 #define GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
5343 #define GPIO_IDR_ID6                        GPIO_IDR_ID6_Msk
5344 #define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos                    (7U)
5345 #define GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
5346 #define GPIO_IDR_ID7                        GPIO_IDR_ID7_Msk
5347 #define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos                    (8U)
5348 #define GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
5349 #define GPIO_IDR_ID8                        GPIO_IDR_ID8_Msk
5350 #define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos                    (9U)
5351 #define GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
5352 #define GPIO_IDR_ID9                        GPIO_IDR_ID9_Msk
5353 #define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos                   (10U)
5354 #define GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
5355 #define GPIO_IDR_ID10                       GPIO_IDR_ID10_Msk
5356 #define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos                   (11U)
5357 #define GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
5358 #define GPIO_IDR_ID11                       GPIO_IDR_ID11_Msk
5359 #define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos                   (12U)
5360 #define GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
5361 #define GPIO_IDR_ID12                       GPIO_IDR_ID12_Msk
5362 #define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos                   (13U)
5363 #define GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
5364 #define GPIO_IDR_ID13                       GPIO_IDR_ID13_Msk
5365 #define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos                   (14U)
5366 #define GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
5367 #define GPIO_IDR_ID14                       GPIO_IDR_ID14_Msk
5368 #define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos                   (15U)
5369 #define GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_IDR_ID15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
5370 #define GPIO_IDR_ID15                       GPIO_IDR_ID15_Msk
5372 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_ODR register  *******************/
5373 #define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos                    (0U)
5374 #define GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
5375 #define GPIO_ODR_OD0                        GPIO_ODR_OD0_Msk
5376 #define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos                    (1U)
5377 #define GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
5378 #define GPIO_ODR_OD1                        GPIO_ODR_OD1_Msk
5379 #define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos                    (2U)
5380 #define GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
5381 #define GPIO_ODR_OD2                        GPIO_ODR_OD2_Msk
5382 #define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos                    (3U)
5383 #define GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
5384 #define GPIO_ODR_OD3                        GPIO_ODR_OD3_Msk
5385 #define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos                    (4U)
5386 #define GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
5387 #define GPIO_ODR_OD4                        GPIO_ODR_OD4_Msk
5388 #define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos                    (5U)
5389 #define GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
5390 #define GPIO_ODR_OD5                        GPIO_ODR_OD5_Msk
5391 #define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos                    (6U)
5392 #define GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
5393 #define GPIO_ODR_OD6                        GPIO_ODR_OD6_Msk
5394 #define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos                    (7U)
5395 #define GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
5396 #define GPIO_ODR_OD7                        GPIO_ODR_OD7_Msk
5397 #define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos                    (8U)
5398 #define GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
5399 #define GPIO_ODR_OD8                        GPIO_ODR_OD8_Msk
5400 #define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos                    (9U)
5401 #define GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
5402 #define GPIO_ODR_OD9                        GPIO_ODR_OD9_Msk
5403 #define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos                   (10U)
5404 #define GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
5405 #define GPIO_ODR_OD10                       GPIO_ODR_OD10_Msk
5406 #define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos                   (11U)
5407 #define GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
5408 #define GPIO_ODR_OD11                       GPIO_ODR_OD11_Msk
5409 #define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos                   (12U)
5410 #define GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
5411 #define GPIO_ODR_OD12                       GPIO_ODR_OD12_Msk
5412 #define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos                   (13U)
5413 #define GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
5414 #define GPIO_ODR_OD13                       GPIO_ODR_OD13_Msk
5415 #define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos                   (14U)
5416 #define GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
5417 #define GPIO_ODR_OD14                       GPIO_ODR_OD14_Msk
5418 #define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos                   (15U)
5419 #define GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_ODR_OD15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
5420 #define GPIO_ODR_OD15                       GPIO_ODR_OD15_Msk
5422 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_BSRR register  ******************/
5423 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS0_Pos                   (0U)
5424 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS0_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
5425 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS0                       GPIO_BSRR_BS0_Msk
5426 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS1_Pos                   (1U)
5427 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS1_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
5428 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS1                       GPIO_BSRR_BS1_Msk
5429 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS2_Pos                   (2U)
5430 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS2_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
5431 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS2                       GPIO_BSRR_BS2_Msk
5432 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS3_Pos                   (3U)
5433 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS3_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
5434 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS3                       GPIO_BSRR_BS3_Msk
5435 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS4_Pos                   (4U)
5436 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS4_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
5437 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS4                       GPIO_BSRR_BS4_Msk
5438 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS5_Pos                   (5U)
5439 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS5_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
5440 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS5                       GPIO_BSRR_BS5_Msk
5441 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS6_Pos                   (6U)
5442 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS6_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
5443 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS6                       GPIO_BSRR_BS6_Msk
5444 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS7_Pos                   (7U)
5445 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS7_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
5446 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS7                       GPIO_BSRR_BS7_Msk
5447 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS8_Pos                   (8U)
5448 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS8_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
5449 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS8                       GPIO_BSRR_BS8_Msk
5450 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS9_Pos                   (9U)
5451 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS9_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
5452 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS9                       GPIO_BSRR_BS9_Msk
5453 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS10_Pos                  (10U)
5454 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS10_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
5455 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS10                      GPIO_BSRR_BS10_Msk
5456 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS11_Pos                  (11U)
5457 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS11_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
5458 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS11                      GPIO_BSRR_BS11_Msk
5459 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS12_Pos                  (12U)
5460 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS12_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
5461 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS12                      GPIO_BSRR_BS12_Msk
5462 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS13_Pos                  (13U)
5463 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS13_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
5464 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS13                      GPIO_BSRR_BS13_Msk
5465 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS14_Pos                  (14U)
5466 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS14_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
5467 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS14                      GPIO_BSRR_BS14_Msk
5468 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS15_Pos                  (15U)
5469 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS15_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BS15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
5470 #define GPIO_BSRR_BS15                      GPIO_BSRR_BS15_Msk
5471 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR0_Pos                   (16U)
5472 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR0_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
5473 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR0                       GPIO_BSRR_BR0_Msk
5474 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR1_Pos                   (17U)
5475 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR1_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
5476 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR1                       GPIO_BSRR_BR1_Msk
5477 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR2_Pos                   (18U)
5478 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR2_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
5479 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR2                       GPIO_BSRR_BR2_Msk
5480 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR3_Pos                   (19U)
5481 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR3_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
5482 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR3                       GPIO_BSRR_BR3_Msk
5483 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR4_Pos                   (20U)
5484 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR4_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
5485 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR4                       GPIO_BSRR_BR4_Msk
5486 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR5_Pos                   (21U)
5487 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR5_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
5488 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR5                       GPIO_BSRR_BR5_Msk
5489 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR6_Pos                   (22U)
5490 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR6_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
5491 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR6                       GPIO_BSRR_BR6_Msk
5492 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR7_Pos                   (23U)
5493 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR7_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
5494 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR7                       GPIO_BSRR_BR7_Msk
5495 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR8_Pos                   (24U)
5496 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR8_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR8_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
5497 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR8                       GPIO_BSRR_BR8_Msk
5498 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR9_Pos                   (25U)
5499 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR9_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR9_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
5500 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR9                       GPIO_BSRR_BR9_Msk
5501 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR10_Pos                  (26U)
5502 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR10_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR10_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
5503 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR10                      GPIO_BSRR_BR10_Msk
5504 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR11_Pos                  (27U)
5505 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR11_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR11_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
5506 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR11                      GPIO_BSRR_BR11_Msk
5507 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR12_Pos                  (28U)
5508 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR12_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR12_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
5509 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR12                      GPIO_BSRR_BR12_Msk
5510 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR13_Pos                  (29U)
5511 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR13_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR13_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
5512 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR13                      GPIO_BSRR_BR13_Msk
5513 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR14_Pos                  (30U)
5514 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR14_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR14_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
5515 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR14                      GPIO_BSRR_BR14_Msk
5516 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR15_Pos                  (31U)
5517 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR15_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_BSRR_BR15_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
5518 #define GPIO_BSRR_BR15                      GPIO_BSRR_BR15_Msk
5520 /****************** Bit definition for GPIO_LCKR register *********************/
5521 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos                  (0U)
5522 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
5523 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK0                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK0_Msk
5524 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos                  (1U)
5525 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
5526 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK1                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK1_Msk
5527 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos                  (2U)
5528 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
5529 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK2                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK2_Msk
5530 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos                  (3U)
5531 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
5532 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK3                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK3_Msk
5533 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos                  (4U)
5534 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
5535 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK4                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK4_Msk
5536 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos                  (5U)
5537 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
5538 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK5                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK5_Msk
5539 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos                  (6U)
5540 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
5541 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK6                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK6_Msk
5542 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos                  (7U)
5543 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
5544 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK7                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK7_Msk
5545 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos                  (8U)
5546 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
5547 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK8                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK8_Msk
5548 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos                  (9U)
5549 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
5550 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK9                      GPIO_LCKR_LCK9_Msk
5551 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos                 (10U)
5552 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
5553 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK10                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK10_Msk
5554 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos                 (11U)
5555 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
5556 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK11                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK11_Msk
5557 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos                 (12U)
5558 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
5559 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK12                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK12_Msk
5560 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos                 (13U)
5561 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
5562 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK13                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK13_Msk
5563 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos                 (14U)
5564 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
5565 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK14                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK14_Msk
5566 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos                 (15U)
5567 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk                 (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
5568 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCK15                     GPIO_LCKR_LCK15_Msk
5569 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos                  (16U)
5570 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk                  (0x1UL << GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
5571 #define GPIO_LCKR_LCKK                      GPIO_LCKR_LCKK_Msk
5573 /****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRL register *********************/
5574 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos                (0U)
5575 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000F */
5576 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Msk
5577 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
5578 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
5579 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
5580 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL0_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
5581 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos                (4U)
5582 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000F0 */
5583 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Msk
5584 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
5585 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
5586 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
5587 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
5588 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos                (8U)
5589 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000F00 */
5590 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Msk
5591 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
5592 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
5593 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
5594 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
5595 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos                (12U)
5596 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000F000 */
5597 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Msk
5598 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
5599 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
5600 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
5601 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
5602 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos                (16U)
5603 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x000F0000 */
5604 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Msk
5605 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
5606 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
5607 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
5608 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
5609 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos                (20U)
5610 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00F00000 */
5611 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Msk
5612 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
5613 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00200000 */
5614 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
5615 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
5616 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos                (24U)
5617 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x0F000000 */
5618 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Msk
5619 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
5620 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
5621 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
5622 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
5623 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos                (28U)
5624 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0xF0000000 */
5625 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7                    GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Msk
5626 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
5627 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
5628 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
5629 #define GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
5631 /****************** Bit definition for GPIO_AFRH register *********************/
5632 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos                (0U)
5633 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000F */
5634 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8                    GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Msk
5635 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
5636 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
5637 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
5638 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
5639 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos                (4U)
5640 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk                (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000F0 */
5641 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9                    GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Msk
5642 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_0                  (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
5643 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_1                  (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
5644 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_2                  (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
5645 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_3                  (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL9_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
5646 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos               (8U)
5647 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000F00 */
5648 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Msk
5649 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
5650 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
5651 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
5652 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL10_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
5653 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos               (12U)
5654 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000F000 */
5655 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Msk
5656 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
5657 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
5658 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
5659 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00008000 */
5660 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos               (16U)
5661 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x000F0000 */
5662 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Msk
5663 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
5664 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
5665 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
5666 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL12_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
5667 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos               (20U)
5668 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00F00000 */
5669 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Msk
5670 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
5671 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
5672 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
5673 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL13_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
5674 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos               (24U)
5675 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x0F000000 */
5676 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Msk
5677 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
5678 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
5679 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
5680 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL14_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
5681 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos               (28U)
5682 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk               (0xFUL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0xF0000000 */
5683 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15                   GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Msk
5684 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_0                 (0x1UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
5685 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_1                 (0x2UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
5686 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_2                 (0x4UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
5687 #define GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_3                 (0x8UL << GPIO_AFRH_AFSEL15_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
5689 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_BRR register  ******************/
5690 #define GPIO_BRR_BR0_Pos                    (0U)
5691 #define GPIO_BRR_BR0_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
5692 #define GPIO_BRR_BR0                        GPIO_BRR_BR0_Msk
5693 #define GPIO_BRR_BR1_Pos                    (1U)
5694 #define GPIO_BRR_BR1_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
5695 #define GPIO_BRR_BR1                        GPIO_BRR_BR1_Msk
5696 #define GPIO_BRR_BR2_Pos                    (2U)
5697 #define GPIO_BRR_BR2_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
5698 #define GPIO_BRR_BR2                        GPIO_BRR_BR2_Msk
5699 #define GPIO_BRR_BR3_Pos                    (3U)
5700 #define GPIO_BRR_BR3_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
5701 #define GPIO_BRR_BR3                        GPIO_BRR_BR3_Msk
5702 #define GPIO_BRR_BR4_Pos                    (4U)
5703 #define GPIO_BRR_BR4_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
5704 #define GPIO_BRR_BR4                        GPIO_BRR_BR4_Msk
5705 #define GPIO_BRR_BR5_Pos                    (5U)
5706 #define GPIO_BRR_BR5_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
5707 #define GPIO_BRR_BR5                        GPIO_BRR_BR5_Msk
5708 #define GPIO_BRR_BR6_Pos                    (6U)
5709 #define GPIO_BRR_BR6_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
5710 #define GPIO_BRR_BR6                        GPIO_BRR_BR6_Msk
5711 #define GPIO_BRR_BR7_Pos                    (7U)
5712 #define GPIO_BRR_BR7_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR7_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
5713 #define GPIO_BRR_BR7                        GPIO_BRR_BR7_Msk
5714 #define GPIO_BRR_BR8_Pos                    (8U)
5715 #define GPIO_BRR_BR8_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR8_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
5716 #define GPIO_BRR_BR8                        GPIO_BRR_BR8_Msk
5717 #define GPIO_BRR_BR9_Pos                    (9U)
5718 #define GPIO_BRR_BR9_Msk                    (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR9_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
5719 #define GPIO_BRR_BR9                        GPIO_BRR_BR9_Msk
5720 #define GPIO_BRR_BR10_Pos                   (10U)
5721 #define GPIO_BRR_BR10_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
5722 #define GPIO_BRR_BR10                       GPIO_BRR_BR10_Msk
5723 #define GPIO_BRR_BR11_Pos                   (11U)
5724 #define GPIO_BRR_BR11_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR11_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
5725 #define GPIO_BRR_BR11                       GPIO_BRR_BR11_Msk
5726 #define GPIO_BRR_BR12_Pos                   (12U)
5727 #define GPIO_BRR_BR12_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR12_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
5728 #define GPIO_BRR_BR12                       GPIO_BRR_BR12_Msk
5729 #define GPIO_BRR_BR13_Pos                   (13U)
5730 #define GPIO_BRR_BR13_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR13_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
5731 #define GPIO_BRR_BR13                       GPIO_BRR_BR13_Msk
5732 #define GPIO_BRR_BR14_Pos                   (14U)
5733 #define GPIO_BRR_BR14_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR14_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
5734 #define GPIO_BRR_BR14                       GPIO_BRR_BR14_Msk
5735 #define GPIO_BRR_BR15_Pos                   (15U)
5736 #define GPIO_BRR_BR15_Msk                   (0x1UL << GPIO_BRR_BR15_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
5737 #define GPIO_BRR_BR15                       GPIO_BRR_BR15_Msk
5739 /******************  Bits definition for GPIO_SECCFGR register  ******************/
5740 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos               (0U)
5741 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
5742 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC0                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk
5743 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos               (1U)
5744 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
5745 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC1                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk
5746 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos               (2U)
5747 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
5748 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC2                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk
5749 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos               (3U)
5750 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
5751 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC3                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk
5752 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos               (4U)
5753 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
5754 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC4                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk
5755 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos               (5U)
5756 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
5757 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC5                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk
5758 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos               (6U)
5759 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
5760 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC6                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk
5761 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos               (7U)
5762 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
5763 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC7                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk
5764 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC8_Pos               (8U)
5765 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC8_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC8_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
5766 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC8                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC8_Msk
5767 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC9_Pos               (9U)
5768 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC9_Msk               (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC9_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
5769 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC9                   GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC9_Msk
5770 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC10_Pos              (10U)
5771 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC10_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC10_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
5772 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC10                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC10_Msk
5773 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC11_Pos              (11U)
5774 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC11_Msk              (x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC11_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
5775 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC11                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC11_Msk
5776 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC12_Pos              (12U)
5777 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC12_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC12_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
5778 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC12                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC12_Msk
5779 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC13_Pos              (13U)
5780 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC13_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC13_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
5781 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC13                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC13_Msk
5782 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC14_Pos              (14U)
5783 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC14_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC14_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
5784 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC14                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC14_Msk
5785 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC15_Pos              (15U)
5786 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC15_Msk              (0x1UL << GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC15_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
5787 #define GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC15                  GPIO_SECCFGR_SEC15_Msk
5790 /*****************************************************************************/
5791 /*                                                                           */
5792 /*                        Global TrustZone Control                           */
5793 /*                                                                           */
5794 /*****************************************************************************/
5795 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_CR register  ******************/
5796 #define GTZC_TZSC_CR_LCK_Pos                (0U)
5797 #define GTZC_TZSC_CR_LCK_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_CR_LCK_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
5798 #define GTZC_TZSC_CR_LCK                    GTZC_TZSC_CR_LCK_Msk                    /*!< GTZC Secure and privilege configurations lock */
5800 /*******  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGRx/_PRIVCFGRx registers  *****/
5801 /*******  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IERx/_SRx/_IFCRx registers  ********/
5803 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1 register  ***************/
5804 #define GTZC_CFGR1_TIM2_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC_Pos
5805 #define GTZC_CFGR1_TIM2_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_TIM2_Pos)
5806 #define GTZC_CFGR1_TIM3_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC_Pos
5807 #define GTZC_CFGR1_TIM3_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_TIM3_Pos)
5808 #define GTZC_CFGR1_WWDG_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC_Pos
5809 #define GTZC_CFGR1_WWDG_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_WWDG_Pos)
5810 #define GTZC_CFGR1_IWDG_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC_Pos
5811 #define GTZC_CFGR1_IWDG_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_IWDG_Pos)
5812 #define GTZC_CFGR1_USART2_Pos               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC_Pos
5813 #define GTZC_CFGR1_USART2_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_USART2_Pos)
5814 #define GTZC_CFGR1_I2C1_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC_Pos
5815 #define GTZC_CFGR1_I2C1_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_I2C1_Pos)
5816 #define GTZC_CFGR1_LPTIM2_Pos               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC_Pos
5817 #define GTZC_CFGR1_LPTIM2_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR1_LPTIM2_Pos)
5819 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2 register  ***************/
5820 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM1_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC_Pos
5821 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM1_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_TIM1_Pos)
5822 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SPI1_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC_Pos
5823 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SPI1_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_SPI1_Pos)
5824 #define GTZC_CFGR2_USART1_Pos               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC_Pos
5825 #define GTZC_CFGR2_USART1_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_USART1_Pos)
5826 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM16_Pos                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC_Pos
5827 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM16_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_TIM16_Pos)
5828 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM17_Pos                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC_Pos
5829 #define GTZC_CFGR2_TIM17_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_TIM17_Pos)
5830 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SAI1_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC_Pos
5831 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SAI1_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_SAI1_Pos)
5832 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SPI3_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC_Pos
5833 #define GTZC_CFGR2_SPI3_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_SPI3_Pos)
5834 #define GTZC_CFGR2_LPUART1_Pos              GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPUART1SEC_Pos
5835 #define GTZC_CFGR2_LPUART1_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_LPUART1_Pos)
5836 #define GTZC_CFGR2_I2C3_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC_Pos
5837 #define GTZC_CFGR2_I2C3_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_I2C3_Pos)
5838 #define GTZC_CFGR2_LPTIM1_Pos               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC_Pos
5839 #define GTZC_CFGR2_LPTIM1_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_LPTIM1_Pos)
5840 #define GTZC_CFGR2_COMP_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC_Pos
5841 #define GTZC_CFGR2_COMP_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_COMP_Pos)
5842 #define GTZC_CFGR2_ADC4_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC_Pos
5843 #define GTZC_CFGR2_ADC4_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR2_ADC4_Pos)
5845 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3 register  ***************/
5846 #define GTZC_CFGR3_CRC_Pos                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC_Pos
5847 #define GTZC_CFGR3_CRC_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_CRC_Pos)
5848 #define GTZC_CFGR3_TSC_Pos                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC_Pos
5849 #define GTZC_CFGR3_TSC_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_TSC_Pos)
5851 #define GTZC_CFGR3_ICACHE_REG_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_ICACHE_REG_Pos)
5852 #define GTZC_CFGR3_AES_Pos                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC_Pos
5853 #define GTZC_CFGR3_AES_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_AES_Pos)
5854 #define GTZC_CFGR3_HASH_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC_Pos
5855 #define GTZC_CFGR3_HASH_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_HASH_Pos)
5856 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RNG_Pos                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC_Pos
5857 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RNG_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_RNG_Pos)
5858 #define GTZC_CFGR3_SAES_Pos                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC_Pos
5859 #define GTZC_CFGR3_SAES_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_SAES_Pos)
5860 #define GTZC_CFGR3_HSEM_Pos                 GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE_Pos
5861 #define GTZC_CFGR3_HSEM_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_HSEM_Pos)
5862 #define GTZC_CFGR3_PKA_Pos                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC_Pos
5863 #define GTZC_CFGR3_PKA_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_PKA_Pos)
5864 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RAMCFG_Pos               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RAMCFGSEC_Pos
5865 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RAMCFG_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_RAMCFG_Pos)
5866 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RADIO_Pos                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC_Pos
5867 #define GTZC_CFGR3_RADIO_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_RADIO_Pos)
5869 #define GTZC_CFGR3_PTACONV_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR3_PTACONV_Pos)
5871 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IER4 register  ***************/
5872 #define GTZC_CFGR4_GPDMA1_Pos               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE_Pos
5873 #define GTZC_CFGR4_GPDMA1_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_GPDMA1_Pos)
5874 #define GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_Pos                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE_Pos
5875 #define GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_Pos)
5876 #define GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_REG_Pos            GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASH_REGIE_Pos
5877 #define GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_REG_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_FLASH_REG_Pos)
5878 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TZSC_Pos                 GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE_Pos
5879 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TZSC_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_TZSC_Pos)
5880 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TZIC_Pos                 GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE_Pos
5881 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TZIC_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_TZIC_Pos)
5882 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SYSCFG_Pos               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE_Pos
5883 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SYSCFG_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_SYSCFG_Pos)
5884 #define GTZC_CFGR4_RTC_Pos                  GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE_Pos
5885 #define GTZC_CFGR4_RTC_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_RTC_Pos)
5886 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TAMP_Pos                 GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE_Pos
5887 #define GTZC_CFGR4_TAMP_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_TAMP_Pos)
5888 #define GTZC_CFGR4_PWR_Pos                  GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE_Pos
5889 #define GTZC_CFGR4_PWR_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_PWR_Pos)
5890 #define GTZC_CFGR4_RCC_Pos                  GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE_Pos
5891 #define GTZC_CFGR4_RCC_sk                   (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_RCC_Pos)
5892 #define GTZC_CFGR4_EXTI_Pos                 GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE_Pos
5893 #define GTZC_CFGR4_EXTI_Msk                 (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_EXTI_Pos)
5894 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM1_Pos                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE_Pos
5895 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM1_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM1_Pos)
5896 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB1_REG_Pos           GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE_Pos
5897 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB1_REG_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB1_REG_Pos)
5898 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM2_Pos                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE_Pos
5899 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM2_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM2_Pos)
5900 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB2_REG_Pos           GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE_Pos
5901 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB2_REG_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB2_REG_Pos)
5902 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM6_Pos                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE_Pos
5903 #define GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM6_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_SRAM6_Pos)
5904 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB6_REG_Pos           GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE_Pos
5905 #define GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB6_REG_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_CFGR4_MPCBB6_REG_Pos)
5907 /***************  Bits definition for register x=1 (GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1) *************/
5908 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC_Pos              (0U)
5909 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC_Pos)
5910 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM2SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for TIM2 */
5911 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC_Pos              (1U)
5912 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC_Pos)
5913 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_TIM3SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for TIM3 */
5914 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC_Pos              (6U)
5915 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC_Pos)
5916 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_WWDGSEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for WWDG */
5917 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC_Pos              (7U)
5918 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC_Pos)
5919 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_IWDGSEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for IWDG */
5920 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC_Pos            (9U)
5921 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC_Pos)
5922 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_USART2SEC_Msk             /*!<  secure access mode for USART2 */
5923 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC_Pos              (13U)
5924 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC_Pos)
5925 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_I2C1SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for I2C1 */
5926 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC_Pos            (17U)
5927 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC_Pos)
5928 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR1_LPTIM2SEC_Msk             /*!<  secure access mode for LPTIM2 */
5930 /***************  Bits definition for register x=2 (GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2) *************/
5931 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC_Pos              (0U)
5932 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC_Pos)
5933 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM1SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for TIM1 */
5934 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC_Pos              (1U)
5935 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC_Pos)
5936 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI1SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for SPI1 */
5937 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC_Pos            (3U)
5938 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC_Pos)
5939 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_USART1SEC_Msk             /*!<  secure access mode for USART1 */
5940 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC_Pos             (5U)
5941 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC_Pos)
5942 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM16SEC_Msk              /*!<  secure access mode for TIM16 */
5943 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC_Pos             (6U)
5944 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC_Pos)
5945 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_TIM17SEC_Msk              /*!<  secure access mode for TIM17 */
5946 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC_Pos              (7U)
5947 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC_Pos)
5948 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SAI1SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for SAI1 */
5949 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC_Pos              (16U)
5950 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC_Pos)
5951 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_SPI3SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for SPI3 */
5952 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPUART1SEC_Pos           (17U)
5954 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPUART1SEC               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPUART1SEC_Msk            /*!<  secure access mode for LPUART1 */
5955 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC_Pos              (18U)
5956 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC_Pos)
5957 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_I2C3SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for I2C3 */
5958 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC_Pos            (19U)
5959 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC_Pos)
5960 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_LPTIM1SEC_Msk             /*!<  secure access mode for LPTIM1 */
5961 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC_Pos              (23U)
5962 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC_Pos)
5963 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_COMPSEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for COMP */
5964 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC_Pos              (24U)
5965 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC_Pos)
5966 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR2_ADC4SEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for ADC4 */
5968 /***************  Bits definition for register x=3 (GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3) *************/
5969 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC_Pos               (3U)
5970 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC_Pos)
5971 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC                   GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_CRCSEC_Msk                /*!<  secure access mode for CRC */
5972 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC_Pos               (4U)
5973 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC_Pos)
5974 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC                   GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_TSCSEC_Msk                /*!<  secure access mode for TSC */
5975 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_ICACHE_REGSEC_Pos        (6U)
5977 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_ICACHE_REGSEC            GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_ICACHE_REGSEC_Msk         /*!<  secure access mode for ICACHE_REG */
5978 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC_Pos               (11U)
5979 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC_Pos)
5980 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC                   GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_AESSEC_Msk                /*!<  secure access mode for AES */
5981 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC_Pos              (12U)
5982 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC_Pos)
5983 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_HASHSEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for HASH */
5984 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC_Pos               (13U)
5985 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC_Pos)
5986 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC                   GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RNGSEC_Msk                /*!<  secure access mode for RNG */
5987 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC_Pos              (14U)
5988 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC_Msk              (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC_Pos)
5989 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC                  GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_SAESSEC_Msk               /*!<  secure access mode for SAES */
5990 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC_Pos               (16U)
5991 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC_Msk               (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC_Pos)
5992 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC                   GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PKASEC_Msk                /*!<  secure access mode for PKA */
5993 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RAMCFGSEC_Pos            (22U)
5995 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RAMCFGSEC                GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RAMCFGSEC_Msk             /*!<  secure access mode for RAMCFG */
5996 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC_Pos             (23U)
5997 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC_Pos)
5998 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC                 GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_RADIOSEC_Msk              /*!<  secure access mode for 2.4 GHz RADIO */
5999 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PTACONVSEC_Pos           (24U)
6001 #define GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PTACONVSEC               GTZC_TZSC_SECCFGR3_PTACONVSEC_Msk              /*!<  secure access mode for PTACONV */
6003 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1 register  ***************/
6004 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM2PRIV_Pos           (0U)
6005 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM2PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM2PRIV_Pos)
6006 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM2PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM2PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for TIM2 */
6007 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM3PRIV_Pos           (1U)
6008 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM3PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM3PRIV_Pos)
6009 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM3PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_TIM3PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for TIM3 */
6010 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_WWDGPRIV_Pos           (6U)
6012 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_WWDGPRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_WWDGPRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for WWDG */
6013 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_IWDGPRIV_Pos           (7U)
6015 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_IWDGPRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_IWDGPRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for IWDG */
6016 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_USART2PRIV_Pos         (9U)
6018 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_USART2PRIV             GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_USART2PRIV_Msk             /*!<  privileged access mode for USART2 */
6019 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_I2C1PRIV_Pos           (13U)
6020 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_I2C1PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_I2C1PRIV_Pos)
6021 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_I2C1PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_I2C1PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for I2C1 */
6022 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_LPTIM2PRIV_Pos         (17U)
6024 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_LPTIM2PRIV             GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR1_LPTIM2PRIV_Msk             /*!<  privileged access mode for LPTIM2 */
6026 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2 register  ***************/
6027 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM1PRIV_Pos           (0U)
6028 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM1PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM1PRIV_Pos)
6029 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM1PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM1PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for TIM1 */
6030 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI1PRIV_Pos           (1U)
6031 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI1PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI1PRIV_Pos)
6032 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI1PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI1PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for SPI1 */
6033 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_USART1PRIV_Pos         (3U)
6035 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_USART1PRIV             GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_USART1PRIV_Msk             /*!<  privileged access mode for USART1 */
6036 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM16PRIV_Pos          (5U)
6037 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM16PRIV_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM16PRIV_Pos)
6038 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM16PRIV              GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM16PRIV_Msk              /*!<  privileged access mode for TIM16 */
6039 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM17PRIV_Pos          (6U)
6040 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM17PRIV_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM17PRIV_Pos)
6041 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM17PRIV              GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_TIM17PRIV_Msk              /*!<  privileged access mode for TIM17 */
6042 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SAI1PRIV_Pos           (7U)
6043 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SAI1PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SAI1PRIV_Pos)
6044 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SAI1PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SAI1PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for SAI1 */
6045 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI3PRIV_Pos           (16U)
6046 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI3PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI3PRIV_Pos)
6047 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI3PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_SPI3PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for SPI3 */
6048 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPUART1PRIV_Pos        (17U)
6050 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPUART1PRIV            GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPUART1PRIV_Msk            /*!<  privileged access mode for LPUART1 */
6051 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_I2C3PRIV_Pos           (18U)
6052 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_I2C3PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_I2C3PRIV_Pos)
6053 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_I2C3PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_I2C3PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for I2C3 */
6054 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPTIM1PRIV_Pos         (19U)
6056 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPTIM1PRIV             GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_LPTIM1PRIV_Msk             /*!<  privileged access mode for LPTIM1 */
6057 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_COMPPRIV_Pos           (23U)
6059 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_COMPPRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_COMPPRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for COMP */
6060 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_ADC4PRIV_Pos           (24U)
6061 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_ADC4PRIV_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_ADC4PRIV_Pos)
6062 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_ADC4PRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR2_ADC4PRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for ADC4 */
6064 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3 register  ***************/
6065 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_CRCPRIV_Pos            (3U)
6067 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_CRCPRIV                GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_CRCPRIV_Msk                /*!<  privileged access mode for CRC */
6068 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_TSCPRIV_Pos            (4U)
6070 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_TSCPRIV                GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_TSCPRIV_Msk                /*!<  privileged access mode for TSC */
6073 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_ICACHE_REGPRIV         GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_ICACHE_REGPRIV_Msk         /*!<  privileged access mode for ICACHE_REG */
6074 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_AESPRIV_Pos            (11U)
6076 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_AESPRIV                GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_AESPRIV_Msk                /*!<  privileged access mode for AES */
6077 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_HASHPRIV_Pos           (12U)
6079 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_HASHPRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_HASHPRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for HASH */
6080 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RNGPRIV_Pos            (13U)
6082 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RNGPRIV                GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RNGPRIV_Msk                /*!<  privileged access mode for RNG */
6083 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_SAESPRIV_Pos           (14U)
6085 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_SAESPRIV               GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_SAESPRIV_Msk               /*!<  privileged access mode for SAES */
6086 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PKAPRIV_Pos            (16U)
6088 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PKAPRIV                GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PKAPRIV_Msk                /*!<  privileged access mode for PKA */
6089 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RAMCFGPRIV_Pos         (22U)
6091 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RAMCFGPRIV             GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RAMCFGPRIV_Msk             /*!<  privileged access mode for RAMCFG */
6092 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RADIOPRIV_Pos          (23U)
6094 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RADIOPRIV              GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_RADIOPRIV_Msk              /*!<  privileged access mode for 2.4 GHz RADIO */
6095 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PTACONVPRIV_Pos        (24U)
6097 #define GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PTACONVPRIV            GTZC_TZSC_PRIVCFGR3_PTACONVPRIV_Msk            /*!<  privileged access mode for PTACONV */
6099 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IER1 register  ***************/
6100 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM2IE_Pos                  (0U)
6101 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM2IE_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM2IE_Pos)
6102 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM2IE                      GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM2IE_Msk                      /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for TIM2 */
6103 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM3IE_Pos                  (1U)
6104 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM3IE_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM3IE_Pos)
6105 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM3IE                      GTZC_TZIC_IER1_TIM3IE_Msk                      /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for TIM3 */
6106 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_WWDGIE_Pos                  (6U)
6107 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_WWDGIE_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_WWDGIE_Pos)
6108 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_WWDGIE                      GTZC_TZIC_IER1_WWDGIE_Msk                      /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for WWDG */
6109 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_IWDGIE_Pos                  (7U)
6110 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_IWDGIE_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_IWDGIE_Pos)
6111 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_IWDGIE                      GTZC_TZIC_IER1_IWDGIE_Msk                      /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for IWDG */
6112 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_USART2IE_Pos                (9U)
6113 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_USART2IE_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_USART2IE_Pos)
6114 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_USART2IE                    GTZC_TZIC_IER1_USART2IE_Msk                    /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for USART2 */
6115 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_I2C1IE_Pos                  (13U)
6116 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_I2C1IE_Msk                  (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_I2C1IE_Pos)
6117 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_I2C1IE                      GTZC_TZIC_IER1_I2C1IE_Msk                      /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for I2C1 */
6118 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_LPTIM2IE_Pos                (17U)
6119 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_LPTIM2IE_Msk                (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER1_LPTIM2IE_Pos)
6120 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER1_LPTIM2IE                    GTZC_TZIC_IER1_LPTIM2IE_Msk                    /*!<   illegal access interrupt enable for LPTIM2 */
6122 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IER2 register  ***************/
6123 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM1IE_Pos           (0U)
6124 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM1IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM1IE_Pos)
6125 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM1IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM1IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for TIM1 */
6126 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI1IE_Pos           (1U)
6127 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI1IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI1IE_Pos)
6128 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI1IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI1IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SPI1 */
6129 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_USART1IE_Pos         (3U)
6130 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_USART1IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_USART1IE_Pos)
6131 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_USART1IE             GTZC_TZIC_IER2_USART1IE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for USART1 */
6132 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM16IE_Pos          (5U)
6133 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM16IE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM16IE_Pos)
6134 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM16IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM16IE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for TIM16 */
6135 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM17IE_Pos          (6U)
6136 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM17IE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM17IE_Pos)
6137 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM17IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER2_TIM17IE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for TIM17 */
6138 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SAI1IE_Pos           (7U)
6139 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SAI1IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SAI1IE_Pos)
6140 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SAI1IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SAI1IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SAI1 */
6141 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI3IE_Pos           (16U)
6142 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI3IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI3IE_Pos)
6143 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI3IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_SPI3IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SPI3 */
6144 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPUART1IE_Pos        (17U)
6145 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPUART1IE_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPUART1IE_Pos)
6146 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPUART1IE            GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPUART1IE_Msk            /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for LPUART1 */
6147 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_I2C3IE_Pos           (18U)
6148 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_I2C3IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_I2C3IE_Pos)
6149 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_I2C3IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_I2C3IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for I2C3 */
6150 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPTIM1IE_Pos         (19U)
6151 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPTIM1IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPTIM1IE_Pos)
6152 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPTIM1IE             GTZC_TZIC_IER2_LPTIM1IE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for LPTIM1 */
6153 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_COMPIE_Pos           (23U)
6154 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_COMPIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_COMPIE_Pos)
6155 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_COMPIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_COMPIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for COMP */
6156 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_ADC4IE_Pos           (24U)
6157 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_ADC4IE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER2_ADC4IE_Pos)
6158 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER2_ADC4IE               GTZC_TZIC_IER2_ADC4IE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for ADC4 */
6160 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IER3 register  ***************/
6161 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_CRCIE_Pos            (3U)
6162 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_CRCIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_CRCIE_Pos)
6163 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_CRCIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER3_CRCIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for CRC */
6164 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_TSCIE_Pos            (4U)
6165 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_TSCIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_TSCIE_Pos)
6166 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_TSCIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER3_TSCIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for TSC */
6167 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_ICACHE_REGIE_Pos     (6U)
6169 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_ICACHE_REGIE         GTZC_TZIC_IER3_ICACHE_REGIE_Msk         /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for ICACHE_REG */
6170 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_AESIE_Pos            (11U)
6171 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_AESIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_AESIE_Pos)
6172 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_AESIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER3_AESIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for AES */
6173 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HASHIE_Pos           (12U)
6174 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HASHIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HASHIE_Pos)
6175 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HASHIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HASHIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for HASH */
6176 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RNGIE_Pos            (13U)
6177 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RNGIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RNGIE_Pos)
6178 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RNGIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RNGIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for RNG */
6179 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_SAESIE_Pos           (14U)
6180 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_SAESIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_SAESIE_Pos)
6181 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_SAESIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER3_SAESIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SAES */
6182 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE_Pos           (15U)
6183 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE_Pos)
6184 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER3_HSEMIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for HSEM */
6185 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PKAIE_Pos            (16U)
6186 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PKAIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PKAIE_Pos)
6187 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PKAIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PKAIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for PKA */
6188 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RAMCFGIE_Pos         (22U)
6189 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RAMCFGIE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RAMCFGIE_Pos)
6190 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RAMCFGIE             GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RAMCFGIE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for RAMCFG */
6191 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RADIOIE_Pos          (23U)
6192 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RADIOIE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RADIOIE_Pos)
6193 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RADIOIE              GTZC_TZIC_IER3_RADIOIE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for 2.4 GHz RADIO */
6194 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PTACONVIE_Pos        (24U)
6195 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PTACONVIE_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PTACONVIE_Pos)
6196 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PTACONVIE            GTZC_TZIC_IER3_PTACONVIE_Msk            /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for PTACONV */
6198 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_IER4 register  ***************/
6199 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE_Pos         (0U)
6200 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE_Pos)
6201 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE             GTZC_TZIC_IER4_GPDMA1IE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for GPDMA1 */
6202 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE_Pos          (1U)
6203 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE_Pos)
6204 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE              GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASHIE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for FLASH memory */
6205 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASH_REGIE_Pos      (2U)
6207 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASH_REGIE          GTZC_TZIC_IER4_FLASH_REGIE_Msk          /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for FLASH interface */
6208 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE_Pos         (7U)
6209 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE_Pos)
6210 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE             GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SYSCFGIE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SYSCFG interface */
6211 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE_Pos            (8U)
6212 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE_Pos)
6213 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RTCIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for RTC interface */
6214 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE_Pos           (9U)
6215 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE_Pos)
6216 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TAMPIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for TAMP interface */
6217 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE_Pos            (10U)
6218 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE_Pos)
6219 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_PWRIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for PWR interface */
6220 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE_Pos            (11U)
6221 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE_Pos)
6222 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE                GTZC_TZIC_IER4_RCCIE_Msk                /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for RCC interface */
6223 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE_Pos           (13U)
6224 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE_Pos)
6225 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_EXTIIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for EXTI interface */
6226 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE_Pos           (14U)
6227 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE_Pos)
6228 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZSCIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for GTZC TZSC */
6229 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE_Pos           (15U)
6230 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE_Pos)
6231 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE               GTZC_TZIC_IER4_TZICIE_Msk               /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for GTZC TZIC */
6232 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE_Pos          (22U)
6233 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE_Pos)
6234 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM1IE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SRAM1 memory */
6235 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE_Pos         (23U)
6236 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE_Pos)
6237 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE             GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB1IE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for MPCBB1 */
6238 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE_Pos          (24U)
6239 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE_Pos)
6240 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM2IE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for SRAM2 memory */
6241 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE_Pos         (25U)
6242 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE_Pos)
6243 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB2IE_Msk            /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for MPCBB2 */
6244 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE_Pos          (30U)
6245 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE_Pos)
6246 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE              GTZC_TZIC_IER4_SRAM6IE_Msk              /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for 2.4GHz TXRX SRAM memory */
6247 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE_Pos         (31U)
6248 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE_Pos)
6249 #define GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE             GTZC_TZIC_IER4_MPCBB6IE_Msk             /*!<  illegal access interrupt enable for MPCBB6 */
6251 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_SR1 register  **************/
6252 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM2F_Pos             (0U)
6253 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM2F_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM2F_Pos)
6254 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM2F                 GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM2F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for TIM2 */
6255 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM3F_Pos             (1U)
6256 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM3F_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM3F_Pos)
6257 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM3F                 GTZC_TZIC_SR1_TIM3F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for TIM3 */
6258 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_WWDGF_Pos             (6U)
6259 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_WWDGF_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_WWDGF_Pos)
6260 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_WWDGF                 GTZC_TZIC_SR1_WWDGF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for WWDG */
6261 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_IWDGF_Pos             (7U)
6262 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_IWDGF_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_IWDGF_Pos)
6263 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_IWDGF                 GTZC_TZIC_SR1_IWDGF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for IWDG */
6264 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_USART2F_Pos           (9U)
6265 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_USART2F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_USART2F_Pos)
6266 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_USART2F               GTZC_TZIC_SR1_USART2F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for USART2 */
6267 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_I2C1F_Pos             (13U)
6268 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_I2C1F_Msk             (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_I2C1F_Pos)
6269 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_I2C1F                 GTZC_TZIC_SR1_I2C1F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for I2C1 */
6270 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_LPTIM2F_Pos           (17U)
6271 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_LPTIM2F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR1_LPTIM2F_Pos)
6272 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR1_LPTIM2F               GTZC_TZIC_SR1_LPTIM2F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for LPTIM2 */
6274 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_SR2 register  **************/
6275 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM1F_Pos           (0U)
6276 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM1F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM1F_Pos)
6277 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM1F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM1F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for TIM1 */
6278 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI1F_Pos           (1U)
6279 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI1F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI1F_Pos)
6280 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI1F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI1F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for SPI1 */
6281 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_USART1F_Pos         (3U)
6282 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_USART1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_USART1F_Pos)
6283 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_USART1F             GTZC_TZIC_SR2_USART1F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag for USART1 */
6284 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM16F_Pos          (5U)
6285 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM16F_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM16F_Pos)
6286 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM16F              GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM16F_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag for TIM16 */
6287 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM17F_Pos          (6U)
6288 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM17F_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM17F_Pos)
6289 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM17F              GTZC_TZIC_SR2_TIM17F_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag for TIM17 */
6290 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SAI1F_Pos           (7U)
6291 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SAI1F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SAI1F_Pos)
6292 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SAI1F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SAI1F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for SAI1 */
6293 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI3F_Pos           (16U)
6294 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI3F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI3F_Pos)
6295 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI3F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_SPI3F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for SPI3 */
6296 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPUART1F_Pos        (17U)
6297 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPUART1F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPUART1F_Pos)
6298 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPUART1F            GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPUART1F_Msk              /*!<  illegal access flag for LPUART1 */
6299 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_I2C3F_Pos           (18U)
6300 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_I2C3F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_I2C3F_Pos)
6301 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_I2C3F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_I2C3F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for I2C3 */
6302 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPTIM1F_Pos         (19U)
6303 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPTIM1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPTIM1F_Pos)
6304 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPTIM1F             GTZC_TZIC_SR2_LPTIM1F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag for LPTIM1 */
6305 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_COMPF_Pos           (23U)
6306 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_COMPF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_COMPF_Pos)
6307 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_COMPF               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_COMPF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for COMP */
6308 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_ADC4F_Pos           (24U)
6309 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_ADC4F_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR2_ADC4F_Pos)
6310 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR2_ADC4F               GTZC_TZIC_SR2_ADC4F_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag for ADC4 */
6312 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_SR3 register  **************/
6313 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_CRCF_Pos            (3U)
6314 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_CRCF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_CRCF_Pos)
6315 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_CRCF                GTZC_TZIC_SR3_CRCF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for CRC */
6316 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_TSCF_Pos            (4U)
6317 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_TSCF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_TSCF_Pos)
6318 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_TSCF                GTZC_TZIC_SR3_TSCF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for TSC */
6319 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_ICACHE_REGF_Pos     (6U)
6320 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_ICACHE_REGF_Msk     (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_ICACHE_REGF_Pos)
6321 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_ICACHE_REGF         GTZC_TZIC_SR3_ICACHE_REGF_Msk           /*!<  illegal access flag enable for ICACHE_REG */
6322 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_AESF_Pos            (11U)
6323 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_AESF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_AESF_Pos)
6324 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_AESF                GTZC_TZIC_SR3_AESF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for AES */
6325 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HASHF_Pos           (12U)
6326 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HASHF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HASHF_Pos)
6327 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HASHF               GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HASHF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for HASH */
6328 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RNGF_Pos            (13U)
6329 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RNGF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RNGF_Pos)
6330 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RNGF                GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RNGF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for RNG */
6331 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_SAESF_Pos           (14U)
6332 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_SAESF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_SAESF_Pos)
6333 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_SAESF               GTZC_TZIC_SR3_SAESF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for SAES */
6334 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HSEMF_Pos           (15U)
6335 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HSEMF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HSEMF_Pos)
6336 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HSEMF               GTZC_TZIC_SR3_HSEMF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for HSEM */
6337 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PKAF_Pos            (16U)
6338 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PKAF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PKAF_Pos)
6339 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PKAF                GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PKAF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for PKA */
6340 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RAMCFGF_Pos         (22U)
6341 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RAMCFGF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RAMCFGF_Pos)
6342 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RAMCFGF             GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RAMCFGF_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for RAMCFG */
6343 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RADIOF_Pos          (23U)
6344 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RADIOF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RADIOF_Pos)
6345 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RADIOF              GTZC_TZIC_SR3_RADIOF_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag enable for 2.4 GHz RADIO */
6346 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PTACONVF_Pos        (24U)
6347 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PTACONVF_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PTACONVF_Pos)
6348 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PTACONVF            GTZC_TZIC_SR3_PTACONVF_Msk              /*!<  illegal access flag enable for PTACONV */
6350 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_SR4 register  ***************/
6351 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_GPDMA1F_Pos         (0U)
6352 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_GPDMA1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_GPDMA1F_Pos)
6353 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_GPDMA1F             GTZC_TZIC_SR4_GPDMA1F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for GPDMA1 */
6354 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASHF_Pos          (1U)
6355 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASHF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASHF_Pos)
6356 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASHF              GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASHF_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag enable for FLASH memory */
6357 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASH_REGF_Pos      (2U)
6358 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASH_REGF_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASH_REGF_Pos)
6359 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASH_REGF          GTZC_TZIC_SR4_FLASH_REGF_Msk            /*!<  illegal access flag enable for FLASH interface */
6360 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SYSCFGF_Pos         (7U)
6361 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SYSCFGF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SYSCFGF_Pos)
6362 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SYSCFGF             GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SYSCFGF_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for SYSCFG interface */
6363 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RTCF_Pos            (8U)
6364 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RTCF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RTCF_Pos)
6365 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RTCF                GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RTCF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for RTC interface */
6366 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TAMPF_Pos           (9U)
6367 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TAMPF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TAMPF_Pos)
6368 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TAMPF               GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TAMPF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for TAMP interface */
6369 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_PWRF_Pos            (10U)
6370 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_PWRF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_PWRF_Pos)
6371 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_PWRF                GTZC_TZIC_SR4_PWRF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for PWR interface */
6372 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RCCF_Pos            (11U)
6373 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RCCF_Msk            (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RCCF_Pos)
6374 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RCCF                GTZC_TZIC_SR4_RCCF_Msk                  /*!<  illegal access flag enable for RCC interface */
6375 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_EXTIF_Pos           (13U)
6376 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_EXTIF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_EXTIF_Pos)
6377 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_EXTIF               GTZC_TZIC_SR4_EXTIF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for EXTI interface */
6378 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZSCF_Pos           (14U)
6379 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZSCF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZSCF_Pos)
6380 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZSCF               GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZSCF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for GTZC TZSC */
6381 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZICF_Pos           (15U)
6382 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZICF_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZICF_Pos)
6383 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZICF               GTZC_TZIC_SR4_TZICF_Msk                 /*!<  illegal access flag enable for GTZC TZIC */
6384 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM1F_Pos          (22U)
6385 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM1F_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM1F_Pos)
6386 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM1F              GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM1F_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag enable for SRAM1 memory */
6387 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB1F_Pos         (23U)
6388 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB1F_Pos)
6389 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB1F             GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB1F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for MPCBB1 */
6390 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM2F_Pos          (24U)
6391 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM2F_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM2F_Pos)
6392 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM2F              GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM2F_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag enable for SRAM2 memory */
6393 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB2F_Pos         (25U)
6394 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB2F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB2F_Pos)
6395 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB2F              GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB2F_Msk              /*!<  illegal access flag enable for MPCBB2 */
6396 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM6F_Pos          (30U)
6397 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM6F_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM6F_Pos)
6398 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM6F              GTZC_TZIC_SR4_SRAM6F_Msk                /*!<  illegal access flag enable for 2.4GHz TXRX SRAM memory */
6399 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB6F_Pos         (31U)
6400 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB6F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB6F_Pos)
6401 #define GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB6F             GTZC_TZIC_SR4_MPCBB6F_Msk               /*!<  illegal access flag enable for MPCBB6 */
6403 /******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_FCR1 register  ****************/
6404 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM2F_Pos         (0U)
6405 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM2F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM2F_Pos)
6406 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM2F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM2F_Msk                 /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for TIM2 */
6407 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM3F_Pos         (1U)
6408 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM3F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM3F_Pos)
6409 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM3F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CTIM3F_Msk                 /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for TIM3 */
6410 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CWWDGF_Pos         (6U)
6411 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CWWDGF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CWWDGF_Pos)
6412 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CWWDGF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CWWDGF_Msk                 /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for WWDG */
6413 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CIWDGF_Pos         (7U)
6414 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CIWDGF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CIWDGF_Pos)
6415 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CIWDGF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CIWDGF_Msk                 /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for IWDG */
6416 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CUSART2F_Pos       (9U)
6417 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CUSART2F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CUSART2F_Pos)
6418 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CUSART2F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CUSART2F_Msk               /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for USART2 */
6419 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CI2C1F_Pos         (13U)
6420 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CI2C1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CI2C1F_Pos)
6421 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CI2C1F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CI2C1F_Msk                 /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for I2C1 */
6422 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CLPTIM2F_Pos       (17U)
6423 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CLPTIM2F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CLPTIM2F_Pos)
6424 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CLPTIM2F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR1_CLPTIM2F_Msk               /*!<   clear the clear the illegal access flag enable for LPTIM2 */
6426 /******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_FCR2 register  ****************/
6427 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM1F_Pos         (0U)
6428 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM1F_Pos)
6429 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM1F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM1F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for TIM1 */
6430 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI1F_Pos         (1U)
6431 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI1F_Pos)
6432 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI1F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI1F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for SPI1 */
6433 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CUSART1F_Pos       (3U)
6434 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CUSART1F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CUSART1F_Pos)
6435 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CUSART1F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CUSART1F_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for USART1 */
6436 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM16F_Pos        (5U)
6437 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM16F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM16F_Pos)
6438 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM16F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM16F_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for TIM16 */
6439 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM17F_Pos        (6U)
6440 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM17F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM17F_Pos)
6441 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM17F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CTIM17F_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for TIM17 */
6442 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSAI1F_Pos         (7U)
6443 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSAI1F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSAI1F_Pos)
6444 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSAI1F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSAI1F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for SAI1 */
6445 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI3F_Pos         (16U)
6446 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI3F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI3F_Pos)
6447 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI3F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CSPI3F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for SPI3 */
6448 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPUART1F_Pos      (17U)
6449 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPUART1F_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPUART1F_Pos)
6450 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPUART1F          GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPUART1F_Msk              /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for LPUART1 */
6451 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CI2C3F_Pos         (18U)
6452 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CI2C3F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CI2C3F_Pos)
6453 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CI2C3F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CI2C3F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for I2C3 */
6454 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPTIM1F_Pos       (19U)
6455 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPTIM1F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPTIM1F_Pos)
6456 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPTIM1F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CLPTIM1F_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for LPTIM1 */
6457 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CCOMPF_Pos         (23U)
6458 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CCOMPF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CCOMPF_Pos)
6459 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CCOMPF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CCOMPF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for COMP */
6460 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CADC4F_Pos         (24U)
6461 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CADC4F_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CADC4F_Pos)
6462 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CADC4F             GTZC_TZIC_FCR2_CADC4F_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag for ADC4 */
6464 /******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_FCR3 register  ****************/
6465 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CCRCF_Pos          (3U)
6466 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CCRCF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CCRCF_Pos)
6467 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CCRCF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CCRCF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for CRC */
6468 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CTSCF_Pos          (4U)
6469 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CTSCF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CTSCF_Pos)
6470 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CTSCF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CTSCF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for TSC */
6471 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CICACHE_REGF_Pos   (6U)
6473 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CICACHE_REGF       GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CICACHE_REGF_Msk           /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for ICACHE_REG */
6474 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CAESF_Pos          (11U)
6475 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CAESF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CAESF_Pos)
6476 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CAESF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CAESF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for AES */
6477 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHASHF_Pos         (12U)
6478 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHASHF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHASHF_Pos)
6479 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHASHF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHASHF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for HASH */
6480 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRNGF_Pos          (13U)
6481 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRNGF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRNGF_Pos)
6482 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRNGF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRNGF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for RNG */
6483 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CSAESF_Pos         (14U)
6484 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CSAESF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CSAESF_Pos)
6485 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CSAESF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CSAESF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for SAES */
6486 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHSEMF_Pos         (15U)
6487 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHSEMF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHSEMF_Pos)
6488 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHSEMF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CHSEMF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for HSEM */
6489 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPKAF_Pos          (16U)
6490 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPKAF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPKAF_Pos)
6491 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPKAF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPKAF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for PKA */
6492 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRAMCFGF_Pos       (22U)
6493 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRAMCFGF_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRAMCFGF_Pos)
6494 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRAMCFGF           GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRAMCFGF_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for RAMCFG */
6495 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRADIOF_Pos        (23U)
6496 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRADIOF_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRADIOF_Pos)
6497 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRADIOF            GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CRADIOF_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for 2.4 GHz RADIO */
6498 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPTACONVF_Pos      (24U)
6500 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPTACONVF          GTZC_TZIC_FCR3_CPTACONVF_Msk              /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for PTACONV */
6502 /******************  Bits definition for GTZC_TZIC_FCR4 register  ****************/
6503 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CGPDMA1F_Pos       (0U)
6504 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CGPDMA1F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CGPDMA1F_Pos)
6505 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CGPDMA1F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CGPDMA1F_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for GPDMA1 */
6506 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASHF_Pos        (1U)
6507 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASHF_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASHF_Pos)
6508 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASHF            GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASHF_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for FLASH memory */
6509 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASH_REGF_Pos    (2U)
6511 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASH_REGF        GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CFLASH_REGF_Msk            /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for FLASH interface */
6512 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSYSCFGF_Pos       (7U)
6513 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSYSCFGF_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSYSCFGF_Pos)
6514 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSYSCFGF           GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSYSCFGF_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for SYSCFG interface */
6515 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRTCF_Pos          (8U)
6516 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRTCF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRTCF_Pos)
6517 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRTCF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRTCF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for RTC interface */
6518 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTAMPF_Pos         (9U)
6519 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTAMPF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTAMPF_Pos)
6520 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTAMPF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTAMPF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for TAMP interface */
6521 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CPWRF_Pos          (10U)
6522 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CPWRF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CPWRF_Pos)
6523 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CPWRF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CPWRF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for PWR interface */
6524 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRCCF_Pos          (11U)
6525 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRCCF_Msk          (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRCCF_Pos)
6526 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRCCF              GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CRCCF_Msk                  /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for RCC interface */
6527 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CEXTIF_Pos         (13U)
6528 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CEXTIF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CEXTIF_Pos)
6529 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CEXTIF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CEXTIF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for EXTI interface */
6530 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZSCF_Pos         (14U)
6531 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZSCF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZSCF_Pos)
6532 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZSCF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZSCF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for GTZC TZSC */
6533 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZICF_Pos         (15U)
6534 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZICF_Msk         (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZICF_Pos)
6535 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZICF             GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CTZICF_Msk                 /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for GTZC TZIC */
6536 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM1F_Pos        (22U)
6537 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM1F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM1F_Pos)
6538 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM1F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM1F_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for SRAM1 memory */
6539 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB1F_Pos       (23U)
6540 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB1F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB1F_Pos)
6541 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB1F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB1F_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for MPCBB1 */
6542 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM2F_Pos        (24U)
6543 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM2F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM2F_Pos)
6544 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM2F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM2F_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for SRAM2 memory */
6545 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB2F_Pos       (25U)
6546 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB2F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB2F_Pos)
6547 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB2F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB2F_Msk              /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for MPCBB2 */
6548 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM6F_Pos        (30U)
6549 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM6F_Msk        (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM6F_Pos)
6550 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM6F            GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CSRAM6F_Msk                /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for 2.4GHz TXRX SRAM memory */
6551 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB6F_Pos       (31U)
6552 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB6F_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB6F_Pos)
6553 #define GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB6F           GTZC_TZIC_FCR4_CMPCBB6F_Msk               /*!<  clear the illegal access flag enable for MPCBB6 */
6555 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_CR register  *****************/
6556 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_GLOCK_Pos           (0U)
6557 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_GLOCK_Msk           (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CR_GLOCK_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
6558 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_GLOCK               GTZC_MPCBB_CR_GLOCK_Msk                     /*!< lock the control register of the MPCBB until next reset */
6559 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_INVSECSTATE_Pos     (30U)
6560 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_INVSECSTATE_Msk     (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CR_INVSECSTATE_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
6561 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_INVSECSTATE         GTZC_MPCBB_CR_INVSECSTATE_Msk               /*!< SRAM clocks security state */
6562 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_SRWILADIS_Pos       (31U)
6563 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_SRWILADIS_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CR_SRWILADIS_Pos)     /*!< 0x80000000 */
6564 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CR_SRWILADIS           GTZC_MPCBB_CR_SRWILADIS_Msk                 /*!< secure read/write illegal access disable */
6566 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK register  ************/
6567 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK0_Pos       (0U)
6568 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK0_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
6569 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK0           GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK0_Msk             /*!< Security/privilege configuration lock super-block 0  */
6570 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK1_Pos       (1U)
6571 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK1_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
6572 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK1           GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK1_Msk             /*!< Security/privilege configuration lock super-block 1  */
6573 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK2_Pos       (2U)
6574 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK2_Pos) /*!< 0x00000004 */
6575 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK2           GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK2_Msk             /*!< Security/privilege configuration lock super-block 2  */
6576 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK3_Pos       (3U)
6577 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK3_Pos) /*!< 0x00000008 */
6578 #define GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK3           GTZC_MPCBB_CFGLOCK_SPLCK3_Msk             /*!< Security/privilege configuration lock super-block 3  */
6580 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0 register  ************/
6581 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC0_Pos       (0U)
6582 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
6583 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC0           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC0_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 0 in super block 0  */
6584 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC1_Pos       (1U)
6585 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
6586 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC1           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC1_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 1 in super block 0  */
6587 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC2_Pos       (2U)
6588 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
6589 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC2           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC2_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 2 in super block 0  */
6590 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC3_Pos       (3U)
6591 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
6592 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC3           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC3_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 3 in super block 0  */
6593 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC4_Pos       (4U)
6594 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
6595 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC4           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC4_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 4 in super block 0  */
6596 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC5_Pos       (5U)
6597 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
6598 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC5           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC5_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 5 in super block 0  */
6599 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC6_Pos       (6U)
6600 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
6601 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC6           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC6_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 6 in super block 0  */
6602 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC7_Pos       (7U)
6603 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
6604 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC7           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC7_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 7 in super block 0  */
6605 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC8_Pos       (8U)
6606 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
6607 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC8           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC8_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 8 in super block 0  */
6608 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC9_Pos       (9U)
6609 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
6610 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC9           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC9_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 9 in super block 0  */
6611 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC10_Pos      (10U)
6612 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
6613 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC10          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC10_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 10 in super block 0  */
6614 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC11_Pos      (11U)
6615 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
6616 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC11          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC11_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 11 in super block 0  */
6617 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC12_Pos      (12U)
6618 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
6619 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC12          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC12_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 12 in super block 0  */
6620 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC13_Pos      (13U)
6621 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
6622 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC13          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC13_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 13 in super block 0  */
6623 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC14_Pos      (14U)
6624 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
6625 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC14          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC14_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 14 in super block 0  */
6626 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC15_Pos      (15U)
6627 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
6628 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC15          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC15_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 15 in super block 0  */
6629 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC16_Pos      (16U)
6630 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
6631 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC16          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC16_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 16 in super block 0  */
6632 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC17_Pos      (17U)
6633 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
6634 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC17          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC17_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 17 in super block 0  */
6635 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC18_Pos      (18U)
6636 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
6637 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC18          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC18_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 18 in super block 0  */
6638 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC19_Pos      (19U)
6639 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
6640 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC19          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC19_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 19 in super block 0  */
6641 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC20_Pos      (20U)
6642 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
6643 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC20          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC20_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 20 in super block 0  */
6644 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC21_Pos      (21U)
6645 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
6646 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC21          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC21_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 21 in super block 0  */
6647 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC22_Pos      (22U)
6648 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
6649 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC22          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC22_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 22 in super block 0  */
6650 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC23_Pos      (23U)
6651 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
6652 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC23          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC23_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 23 in super block 0  */
6653 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC24_Pos      (24U)
6654 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
6655 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC24          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC24_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 24 in super block 0  */
6656 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC25_Pos      (25U)
6657 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
6658 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC25          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC25_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 25 in super block 0  */
6659 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC26_Pos      (26U)
6660 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
6661 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC26          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC26_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 26 in super block 0  */
6662 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC27_Pos      (27U)
6663 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
6664 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC27          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC27_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 27 in super block 0  */
6665 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC28_Pos      (28U)
6666 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
6667 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC28          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC28_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 28 in super block 0  */
6668 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC29_Pos      (29U)
6669 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
6670 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC29          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC29_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 29 in super block 0  */
6671 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC30_Pos      (30U)
6672 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
6673 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC30          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 30 in super block 0  */
6674 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31_Pos      (31U)
6675 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
6676 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR0_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 31 in super block 0  */
6678 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1 register  ************/
6679 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Pos       (0U)
6680 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
6681 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC0           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC0_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 0 in super block 1  */
6682 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Pos       (1U)
6683 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
6684 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC1           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC1_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 1 in super block 1  */
6685 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Pos       (2U)
6686 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
6687 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC2           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC2_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 2 in super block 1  */
6688 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Pos       (3U)
6689 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
6690 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC3           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC3_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 3 in super block 1  */
6691 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Pos       (4U)
6692 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
6693 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC4           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC4_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 4 in super block 1  */
6694 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Pos       (5U)
6695 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
6696 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC5           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC5_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 5 in super block 1  */
6697 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Pos       (6U)
6698 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
6699 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC6           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC6_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 6 in super block 1  */
6700 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Pos       (7U)
6701 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
6702 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC7           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC7_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 7 in super block 1  */
6703 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Pos       (8U)
6704 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
6705 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC8           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC8_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 8 in super block 1  */
6706 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Pos       (9U)
6707 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
6708 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC9           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC9_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 9 in super block 1  */
6709 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Pos      (10U)
6710 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
6711 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC10          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC10_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 10 in super block 1  */
6712 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Pos      (11U)
6713 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
6714 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC11          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC11_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 11 in super block 1  */
6715 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Pos      (12U)
6716 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
6717 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC12          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC12_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 12 in super block 1  */
6718 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Pos      (13U)
6719 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
6720 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC13          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC13_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 13 in super block 1  */
6721 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Pos      (14U)
6722 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
6723 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC14          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC14_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 14 in super block 1  */
6724 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Pos      (15U)
6725 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
6726 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC15          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC15_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 15 in super block 1  */
6727 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Pos      (16U)
6728 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
6729 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC16          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC16_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 16 in super block 1  */
6730 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Pos      (17U)
6731 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
6732 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC17          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC17_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 17 in super block 1  */
6733 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Pos      (18U)
6734 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
6735 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC18          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC18_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 18 in super block 1  */
6736 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC19_Pos      (19U)
6737 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
6738 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC19          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC19_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 19 in super block 1  */
6739 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC20_Pos      (20U)
6740 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
6741 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC20          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC20_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 20 in super block 1  */
6742 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC21_Pos      (21U)
6743 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
6744 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC21          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC21_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 21 in super block 1  */
6745 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC22_Pos      (22U)
6746 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
6747 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC22          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC22_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 22 in super block 1  */
6748 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC23_Pos      (23U)
6749 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
6750 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC23          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC23_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 23 in super block 1  */
6751 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC24_Pos      (24U)
6752 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
6753 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC24          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC24_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 24 in super block 1  */
6754 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC25_Pos      (25U)
6755 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
6756 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC25          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC25_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 25 in super block 1  */
6757 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC26_Pos      (26U)
6758 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
6759 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC26          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC26_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 26 in super block 1  */
6760 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC27_Pos      (27U)
6761 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
6762 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC27          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC27_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 27 in super block 1  */
6763 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC28_Pos      (28U)
6764 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
6765 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC28          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC28_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 28 in super block 1  */
6766 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC29_Pos      (29U)
6767 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
6768 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC29          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC29_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 29 in super block 1  */
6769 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC30_Pos      (30U)
6770 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
6771 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC30          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 30 in super block 1  */
6772 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31_Pos      (31U)
6773 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
6774 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR1_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 31 in super block 1  */
6776 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2 register  ************/
6777 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC0_Pos       (0U)
6778 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
6779 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC0           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC0_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 0 in super block 2  */
6780 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC1_Pos       (1U)
6781 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
6782 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC1           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC1_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 1 in super block 2  */
6783 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC2_Pos       (2U)
6784 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
6785 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC2           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC2_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 2 in super block 2  */
6786 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC3_Pos       (3U)
6787 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
6788 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC3           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC3_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 3 in super block 2  */
6789 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC4_Pos       (4U)
6790 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
6791 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC4           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC4_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 4 in super block 2  */
6792 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC5_Pos       (5U)
6793 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
6794 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC5           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC5_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 5 in super block 2  */
6795 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC6_Pos       (6U)
6796 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
6797 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC6           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC6_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 6 in super block 2  */
6798 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC7_Pos       (7U)
6799 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
6800 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC7           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC7_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 7 in super block 2  */
6801 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC8_Pos       (8U)
6802 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
6803 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC8           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC8_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 8 in super block 2  */
6804 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC9_Pos       (9U)
6805 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
6806 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC9           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC9_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 9 in super block 2  */
6807 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC10_Pos      (10U)
6808 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
6809 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC10          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC10_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 10 in super block 2  */
6810 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC11_Pos      (11U)
6811 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
6812 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC11          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC11_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 11 in super block 2  */
6813 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC12_Pos      (12U)
6814 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
6815 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC12          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC12_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 12 in super block 2  */
6816 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC13_Pos      (13U)
6817 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
6818 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC13          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC13_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 13 in super block 2  */
6819 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC14_Pos      (14U)
6820 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
6821 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC14          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC14_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 14 in super block 2  */
6822 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC15_Pos      (15U)
6823 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
6824 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC15          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC15_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 15 in super block 2  */
6825 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC16_Pos      (16U)
6826 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
6827 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC16          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC16_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 16 in super block 2  */
6828 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC17_Pos      (17U)
6829 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
6830 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC17          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC17_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 17 in super block 2  */
6831 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC18_Pos      (18U)
6832 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
6833 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC18          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC18_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 18 in super block 2  */
6834 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC19_Pos      (19U)
6835 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
6836 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC19          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC19_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 19 in super block 2  */
6837 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC20_Pos      (20U)
6838 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
6839 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC20          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC20_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 20 in super block 2  */
6840 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC21_Pos      (21U)
6841 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
6842 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC21          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC21_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 21 in super block 2  */
6843 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC22_Pos      (22U)
6844 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
6845 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC22          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC22_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 22 in super block 2  */
6846 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC23_Pos      (23U)
6847 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
6848 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC23          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC23_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 23 in super block 2  */
6849 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC24_Pos      (24U)
6850 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
6851 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC24          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC24_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 24 in super block 2  */
6852 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC25_Pos      (25U)
6853 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
6854 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC25          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC25_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 25 in super block 2  */
6855 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC26_Pos      (26U)
6856 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
6857 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC26          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC26_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 26 in super block 2  */
6858 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC27_Pos      (27U)
6859 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
6860 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC27          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC27_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 27 in super block 2  */
6861 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC28_Pos      (28U)
6862 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
6863 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC28          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC28_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 28 in super block 2  */
6864 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC29_Pos      (29U)
6865 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
6866 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC29          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC29_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 29 in super block 2  */
6867 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC30_Pos      (30U)
6868 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
6869 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC30          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 30 in super block 2  */
6870 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31_Pos      (31U)
6871 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
6872 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR2_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 31 in super block 2  */
6874 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3 register  ************/
6875 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC0_Pos       (0U)
6876 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
6877 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC0           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC0_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 0 in super block 3  */
6878 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC1_Pos       (1U)
6879 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
6880 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC1           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC1_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 1 in super block 3  */
6881 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC2_Pos       (2U)
6882 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
6883 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC2           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC2_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 2 in super block 3  */
6884 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC3_Pos       (3U)
6885 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
6886 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC3           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC3_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 3 in super block 3  */
6887 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC4_Pos       (4U)
6888 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
6889 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC4           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC4_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 4 in super block 3  */
6890 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC5_Pos       (5U)
6891 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
6892 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC5           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC5_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 5 in super block 3  */
6893 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC6_Pos       (6U)
6894 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
6895 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC6           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC6_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 6 in super block 3  */
6896 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC7_Pos       (7U)
6897 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
6898 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC7           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC7_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 7 in super block 3  */
6899 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC8_Pos       (8U)
6900 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
6901 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC8           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC8_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 8 in super block 3  */
6902 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC9_Pos       (9U)
6903 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
6904 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC9           GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC9_Msk              /*!< Security configuration for block 9 in super block 3  */
6905 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC10_Pos      (10U)
6906 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
6907 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC10          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC10_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 10 in super block 3  */
6908 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC11_Pos      (11U)
6909 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
6910 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC11          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC11_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 11 in super block 3  */
6911 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC12_Pos      (12U)
6912 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
6913 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC12          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC12_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 12 in super block 3  */
6914 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC13_Pos      (13U)
6915 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
6916 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC13          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC13_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 13 in super block 3  */
6917 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC14_Pos      (14U)
6918 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
6919 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC14          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC14_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 14 in super block 3  */
6920 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC15_Pos      (15U)
6921 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
6922 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC15          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC15_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 15 in super block 3  */
6923 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC16_Pos      (16U)
6924 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
6925 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC16          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC16_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 16 in super block 3  */
6926 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC17_Pos      (17U)
6927 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
6928 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC17          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC17_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 17 in super block 3  */
6929 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC18_Pos      (18U)
6930 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
6931 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC18          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC18_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 18 in super block 3  */
6932 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC19_Pos      (19U)
6933 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
6934 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC19          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC19_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 19 in super block 3  */
6935 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC20_Pos      (20U)
6936 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
6937 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC20          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC20_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 20 in super block 3  */
6938 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC21_Pos      (21U)
6939 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
6940 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC21          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC21_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 21 in super block 3  */
6941 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC22_Pos      (22U)
6942 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
6943 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC22          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC22_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 22 in super block 3  */
6944 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC23_Pos      (23U)
6945 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
6946 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC23          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC23_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 23 in super block 3  */
6947 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC24_Pos      (24U)
6948 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
6949 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC24          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC24_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 24 in super block 3  */
6950 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC25_Pos      (25U)
6951 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
6952 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC25          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC25_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 25 in super block 3  */
6953 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC26_Pos      (26U)
6954 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
6955 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC26          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC26_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 26 in super block 3  */
6956 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC27_Pos      (27U)
6957 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
6958 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC27          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC27_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 27 in super block 3  */
6959 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC28_Pos      (28U)
6960 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
6961 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC28          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC28_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 28 in super block 3  */
6962 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC29_Pos      (29U)
6963 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
6964 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC29          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC29_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 29 in super block 3  */
6965 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC30_Pos      (30U)
6966 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
6967 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC30          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 30 in super block 3  */
6968 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31_Pos      (31U)
6969 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
6970 #define GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31          GTZC_MPCBB_SECCFGR3_SEC31_Msk             /*!< Security configuration for block 31 in super block 3  */
6972 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0 register ************/
6973 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV0_Pos       (0U)
6974 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
6975 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV0           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV0_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 0 in super block 0  */
6976 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV1_Pos       (1U)
6977 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
6978 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV1           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV1_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 1 in super block 0  */
6979 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV2_Pos       (2U)
6980 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
6981 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV2           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV2_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 2 in super block 0  */
6982 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV3_Pos       (3U)
6983 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
6984 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV3           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV3_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 3 in super block 0  */
6985 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV4_Pos       (4U)
6986 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
6987 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV4           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV4_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 4 in super block 0  */
6988 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV5_Pos       (5U)
6989 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
6990 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV5           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV5_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 5 in super block 0  */
6991 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV6_Pos       (6U)
6992 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
6993 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV6           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV6_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 6 in super block 0  */
6994 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV7_Pos       (7U)
6995 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
6996 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV7           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV7_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 7 in super block 0  */
6997 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV8_Pos       (8U)
6998 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
6999 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV8           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV8_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 8 in super block 0  */
7000 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV9_Pos       (9U)
7001 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
7002 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV9           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV9_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 9 in super block 0  */
7003 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV10_Pos      (10U)
7004 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
7005 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV10          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV10_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 10 in super block 0  */
7006 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV11_Pos      (11U)
7007 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
7008 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV11          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV11_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 11 in super block 0  */
7009 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV12_Pos      (12U)
7010 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
7011 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV12          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV12_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 12 in super block 0  */
7012 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV13_Pos      (13U)
7013 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
7014 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV13          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV13_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 13 in super block 0  */
7015 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV14_Pos      (14U)
7016 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
7017 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV14          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV14_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 14 in super block 0  */
7018 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV15_Pos      (15U)
7019 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
7020 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV15          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV15_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 15 in super block 0  */
7021 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV16_Pos      (16U)
7022 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
7023 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV16          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV16_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 16 in super block 0  */
7024 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV17_Pos      (17U)
7025 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
7026 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV17          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV17_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 17 in super block 0  */
7027 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV18_Pos      (18U)
7028 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
7029 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV18          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV18_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 18 in super block 0  */
7030 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV19_Pos      (19U)
7031 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
7032 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV19          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV19_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 19 in super block 0  */
7033 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV20_Pos      (20U)
7034 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
7035 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV20          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV20_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 20 in super block 0  */
7036 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV21_Pos      (21U)
7037 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
7038 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV21          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV21_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 21 in super block 0  */
7039 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV22_Pos      (22U)
7040 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
7041 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV22          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV22_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 22 in super block 0  */
7042 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV23_Pos      (23U)
7043 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
7044 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV23          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV23_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 23 in super block 0  */
7045 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV24_Pos      (24U)
7046 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
7047 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV24          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV24_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 24 in super block 0  */
7048 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV25_Pos      (25U)
7049 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
7050 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV25          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV25_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 25 in super block 0  */
7051 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV26_Pos      (26U)
7052 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
7053 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV26          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV26_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 26 in super block 0  */
7054 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV27_Pos      (27U)
7055 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
7056 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV27          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV27_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 27 in super block 0  */
7057 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV28_Pos      (28U)
7058 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
7059 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV28          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV28_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 28 in super block 0  */
7060 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV29_Pos      (29U)
7061 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
7062 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV29          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV29_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 29 in super block 0  */
7063 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV30_Pos      (30U)
7064 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
7065 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV30          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 30 in super block 0  */
7066 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31_Pos      (31U)
7067 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
7068 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR0_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 31 in super block 0  */
7070 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1 register ************/
7071 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Pos       (0U)
7072 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
7073 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV0_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 0 in super block 1  */
7074 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Pos       (1U)
7075 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
7076 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV1_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 1 in super block 1  */
7077 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Pos       (2U)
7078 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
7079 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV2_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 2 in super block 1  */
7080 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Pos       (3U)
7081 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
7082 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV3_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 3 in super block 1  */
7083 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Pos       (4U)
7084 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
7085 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV4_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 4 in super block 1  */
7086 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Pos       (5U)
7087 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
7088 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV5_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 5 in super block 1  */
7089 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Pos       (6U)
7090 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
7091 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV6_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 6 in super block 1  */
7092 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Pos       (7U)
7093 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
7094 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV7_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 7 in super block 1  */
7095 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Pos       (8U)
7096 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
7097 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV8_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 8 in super block 1  */
7098 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Pos       (9U)
7099 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
7100 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV9_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 9 in super block 1  */
7101 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Pos      (10U)
7102 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
7103 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV10_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 10 in super block 1  */
7104 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Pos      (11U)
7105 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
7106 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV11_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 11 in super block 1  */
7107 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Pos      (12U)
7108 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
7109 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV12_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 12 in super block 1  */
7110 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Pos      (13U)
7111 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
7112 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV13_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 13 in super block 1  */
7113 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Pos      (14U)
7114 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
7115 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV14_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 14 in super block 1  */
7116 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Pos      (15U)
7117 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
7118 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV15_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 15 in super block 1  */
7119 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Pos      (16U)
7120 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
7121 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV16_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 16 in super block 1  */
7122 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Pos      (17U)
7123 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
7124 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV17_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 17 in super block 1  */
7125 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Pos      (18U)
7126 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
7127 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV18_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 18 in super block 1  */
7128 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV19_Pos      (19U)
7129 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
7130 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV19          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV19_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 19 in super block 1  */
7131 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV20_Pos      (20U)
7132 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
7133 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV20          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV20_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 20 in super block 1  */
7134 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV21_Pos      (21U)
7135 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
7136 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV21          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV21_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 21 in super block 1  */
7137 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV22_Pos      (22U)
7138 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
7139 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV22          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV22_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 22 in super block 1  */
7140 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV23_Pos      (23U)
7141 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
7142 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV23          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV23_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 23 in super block 1  */
7143 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV24_Pos      (24U)
7144 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
7145 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV24          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV24_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 24 in super block 1  */
7146 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV25_Pos      (25U)
7147 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
7148 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV25          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV25_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 25 in super block 1  */
7149 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV26_Pos      (26U)
7150 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
7151 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV26          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV26_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 26 in super block 1  */
7152 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV27_Pos      (27U)
7153 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
7154 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV27          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV27_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 27 in super block 1  */
7155 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV28_Pos      (28U)
7156 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
7157 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV28          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV28_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 28 in super block 1  */
7158 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV29_Pos      (29U)
7159 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
7160 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV29          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV29_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 29 in super block 1  */
7161 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV30_Pos      (30U)
7162 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
7163 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV30          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 30 in super block 1  */
7164 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31_Pos      (31U)
7165 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
7166 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR1_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 31 in super block 1  */
7168 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2 register ************/
7169 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV0_Pos       (0U)
7170 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
7171 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV0           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV0_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 0 in super block 2  */
7172 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV1_Pos       (1U)
7173 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
7174 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV1           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV1_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 1 in super block 2  */
7175 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV2_Pos       (2U)
7176 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
7177 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV2           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV2_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 2 in super block 2  */
7178 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV3_Pos       (3U)
7179 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
7180 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV3           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV3_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 3 in super block 2  */
7181 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV4_Pos       (4U)
7182 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
7183 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV4           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV4_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 4 in super block 2  */
7184 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV5_Pos       (5U)
7185 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
7186 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV5           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV5_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 5 in super block 2  */
7187 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV6_Pos       (6U)
7188 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
7189 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV6           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV6_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 6 in super block 2  */
7190 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV7_Pos       (7U)
7191 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
7192 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV7           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV7_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 7 in super block 2  */
7193 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV8_Pos       (8U)
7194 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
7195 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV8           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV8_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 8 in super block 2  */
7196 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV9_Pos       (9U)
7197 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
7198 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV9           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV9_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 9 in super block 2  */
7199 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV10_Pos      (10U)
7200 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
7201 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV10          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV10_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 10 in super block 2  */
7202 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV11_Pos      (11U)
7203 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
7204 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV11          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV11_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 11 in super block 2  */
7205 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV12_Pos      (12U)
7206 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
7207 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV12          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV12_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 12 in super block 2  */
7208 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV13_Pos      (13U)
7209 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
7210 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV13          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV13_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 13 in super block 2  */
7211 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV14_Pos      (14U)
7212 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
7213 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV14          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV14_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 14 in super block 2  */
7214 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV15_Pos      (15U)
7215 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
7216 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV15          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV15_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 15 in super block 2  */
7217 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV16_Pos      (16U)
7218 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
7219 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV16          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV16_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 16 in super block 2  */
7220 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV17_Pos      (17U)
7221 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
7222 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV17          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV17_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 17 in super block 2  */
7223 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV18_Pos      (18U)
7224 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
7225 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV18          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV18_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 18 in super block 2  */
7226 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV19_Pos      (19U)
7227 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
7228 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV19          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV19_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 19 in super block 2  */
7229 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV20_Pos      (20U)
7230 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
7231 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV20          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV20_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 20 in super block 2  */
7232 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV21_Pos      (21U)
7233 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
7234 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV21          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV21_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 21 in super block 2  */
7235 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV22_Pos      (22U)
7236 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
7237 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV22          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV22_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 22 in super block 2  */
7238 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV23_Pos      (23U)
7239 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
7240 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV23          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV23_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 23 in super block 2  */
7241 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV24_Pos      (24U)
7242 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
7243 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV24          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV24_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 24 in super block 2  */
7244 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV25_Pos      (25U)
7245 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
7246 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV25          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV25_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 25 in super block 2  */
7247 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV26_Pos      (26U)
7248 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
7249 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV26          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV26_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 26 in super block 2  */
7250 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV27_Pos      (27U)
7251 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
7252 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV27          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV27_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 27 in super block 2  */
7253 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV28_Pos      (28U)
7254 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
7255 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV28          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV28_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 28 in super block 2  */
7256 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV29_Pos      (29U)
7257 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
7258 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV29          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV29_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 29 in super block 2  */
7259 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV30_Pos      (30U)
7260 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
7261 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV30          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 30 in super block 2  */
7262 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31_Pos      (31U)
7263 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
7264 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR2_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 31 in super block 2  */
7266 /*******************  Bits definition for GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3 register ************/
7267 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV0_Pos       (0U)
7268 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV0_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV0_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
7269 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV0           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV0_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 0 in super block 3  */
7270 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV1_Pos       (1U)
7271 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV1_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV1_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
7272 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV1           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV1_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 1 in super block 3  */
7273 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV2_Pos       (2U)
7274 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV2_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV2_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
7275 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV2           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV2_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 2 in super block 3  */
7276 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV3_Pos       (3U)
7277 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV3_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV3_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
7278 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV3           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV3_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 3 in super block 3  */
7279 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV4_Pos       (4U)
7280 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV4_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV4_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
7281 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV4           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV4_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 4 in super block 3  */
7282 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV5_Pos       (5U)
7283 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV5_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV5_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
7284 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV5           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV5_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 5 in super block 3  */
7285 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV6_Pos       (6U)
7286 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV6_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV6_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
7287 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV6           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV6_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 6 in super block 3  */
7288 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV7_Pos       (7U)
7289 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV7_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV7_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
7290 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV7           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV7_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 7 in super block 3  */
7291 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV8_Pos       (8U)
7292 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV8_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV8_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
7293 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV8           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV8_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 8 in super block 3  */
7294 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV9_Pos       (9U)
7295 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV9_Msk       (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV9_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000200 */
7296 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV9           GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV9_Msk              /*!< Privileged configuration for block 9 in super block 3  */
7297 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV10_Pos      (10U)
7298 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV10_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV10_Pos) /*!< 0x00000400 */
7299 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV10          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV10_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 10 in super block 3  */
7300 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV11_Pos      (11U)
7301 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV11_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV11_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
7302 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV11          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV11_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 11 in super block 3  */
7303 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV12_Pos      (12U)
7304 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV12_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV12_Pos) /*!< 0x00001000 */
7305 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV12          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV12_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 12 in super block 3  */
7306 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV13_Pos      (13U)
7307 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV13_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV13_Pos) /*!< 0x00002000 */
7308 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV13          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV13_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 13 in super block 3  */
7309 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV14_Pos      (14U)
7310 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV14_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV14_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
7311 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV14          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV14_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 14 in super block 3  */
7312 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV15_Pos      (15U)
7313 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV15_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV15_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
7314 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV15          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV15_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 15 in super block 3  */
7315 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV16_Pos      (16U)
7316 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV16_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV16_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
7317 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV16          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV16_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 16 in super block 3  */
7318 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV17_Pos      (17U)
7319 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV17_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV17_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
7320 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV17          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV17_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 17 in super block 3  */
7321 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV18_Pos      (18U)
7322 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV18_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV18_Pos) /*!< 0x00040000 */
7323 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV18          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV18_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 18 in super block 3  */
7324 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV19_Pos      (19U)
7325 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV19_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV19_Pos) /*!< 0x00080000 */
7326 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV19          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV19_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 19 in super block 3  */
7327 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV20_Pos      (20U)
7328 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV20_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV20_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
7329 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV20          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV20_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 20 in super block 3  */
7330 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV21_Pos      (21U)
7331 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV21_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV21_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
7332 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV21          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV21_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 21 in super block 3  */
7333 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV22_Pos      (22U)
7334 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV22_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV22_Pos) /*!< 0x00400000 */
7335 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV22          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV22_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 22 in super block 3  */
7336 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV23_Pos      (23U)
7337 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV23_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV23_Pos) /*!< 0x00800000 */
7338 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV23          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV23_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 23 in super block 3  */
7339 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV24_Pos      (24U)
7340 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV24_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV24_Pos) /*!< 0x01000000 */
7341 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV24          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV24_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 24 in super block 3  */
7342 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV25_Pos      (25U)
7343 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV25_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV25_Pos) /*!< 0x02000000 */
7344 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV25          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV25_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 25 in super block 3  */
7345 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV26_Pos      (26U)
7346 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV26_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV26_Pos) /*!< 0x04000000 */
7347 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV26          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV26_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 26 in super block 3  */
7348 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV27_Pos      (27U)
7349 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV27_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV27_Pos) /*!< 0x08000000 */
7350 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV27          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV27_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 27 in super block 3  */
7351 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV28_Pos      (28U)
7352 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV28_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV28_Pos) /*!< 0x10000000 */
7353 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV28          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV28_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 28 in super block 3  */
7354 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV29_Pos      (29U)
7355 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV29_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV29_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
7356 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV29          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV29_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 29 in super block 3  */
7357 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV30_Pos      (30U)
7358 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV30_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV30_Pos) /*!< 0x40000000 */
7359 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV30          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 30 in super block 3  */
7360 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31_Pos      (31U)
7361 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31_Msk      (0x01UL << GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31_Pos) /*!< 0x80000000 */
7362 #define GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31          GTZC_MPCBB_PRIVCFGR3_PRIV31_Msk             /*!< Privileged configuration for block 31 in super block 3  */
7365 /******************************************************************************/
7366 /*                                                                            */
7367 /*                                    HASH                                    */
7368 /*                                                                            */
7369 /******************************************************************************/
7370 /******************  Bits definition for HASH_CR register  ********************/
7371 #define HASH_CR_INIT_Pos                    (2U)
7372 #define HASH_CR_INIT_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_CR_INIT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
7373 #define HASH_CR_INIT                        HASH_CR_INIT_Msk
7374 #define HASH_CR_DMAE_Pos                    (3U)
7375 #define HASH_CR_DMAE_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_CR_DMAE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
7376 #define HASH_CR_DMAE                        HASH_CR_DMAE_Msk
7377 #define HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Pos                (4U)
7378 #define HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Msk                (0x3UL << HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
7379 #define HASH_CR_DATATYPE                    HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Msk
7380 #define HASH_CR_DATATYPE_0                  (0x1UL << HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
7381 #define HASH_CR_DATATYPE_1                  (0x2UL << HASH_CR_DATATYPE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
7382 #define HASH_CR_MODE_Pos                    (6U)
7383 #define HASH_CR_MODE_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
7384 #define HASH_CR_MODE                        HASH_CR_MODE_Msk
7385 #define HASH_CR_NBW_Pos                     (8U)
7386 #define HASH_CR_NBW_Msk                     (0xFUL << HASH_CR_NBW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
7387 #define HASH_CR_NBW                         HASH_CR_NBW_Msk
7388 #define HASH_CR_NBW_0                       (0x1UL << HASH_CR_NBW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
7389 #define HASH_CR_NBW_1                       (0x2UL << HASH_CR_NBW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
7390 #define HASH_CR_NBW_2                       (0x4UL << HASH_CR_NBW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
7391 #define HASH_CR_NBW_3                       (0x8UL << HASH_CR_NBW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
7392 #define HASH_CR_DINNE_Pos                   (12U)
7393 #define HASH_CR_DINNE_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_CR_DINNE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
7394 #define HASH_CR_DINNE                       HASH_CR_DINNE_Msk
7395 #define HASH_CR_MDMAT_Pos                   (13U)
7396 #define HASH_CR_MDMAT_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_CR_MDMAT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
7397 #define HASH_CR_MDMAT                       HASH_CR_MDMAT_Msk
7398 #define HASH_CR_LKEY_Pos                    (16U)
7399 #define HASH_CR_LKEY_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_CR_LKEY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
7400 #define HASH_CR_LKEY                        HASH_CR_LKEY_Msk
7401 #define HASH_CR_ALGO_Pos                    (17U)
7402 #define HASH_CR_ALGO_Msk                    (0x3UL << HASH_CR_ALGO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040080 */
7403 #define HASH_CR_ALGO                        HASH_CR_ALGO_Msk
7404 #define HASH_CR_ALGO_0                      (0x1UL << HASH_CR_ALGO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
7405 #define HASH_CR_ALGO_1                      (0x2UL << HASH_CR_ALGO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
7407 /******************  Bits definition for HASH_STR register  *******************/
7408 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos                   (0U)
7409 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_Msk                   (0x1FUL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000001F */
7410 #define HASH_STR_NBLW                       HASH_STR_NBLW_Msk
7411 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_0                     (0x01UL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
7412 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_1                     (0x02UL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
7413 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_2                     (0x04UL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
7414 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_3                     (0x08UL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
7415 #define HASH_STR_NBLW_4                     (0x10UL << HASH_STR_NBLW_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
7416 #define HASH_STR_DCAL_Pos                   (8U)
7417 #define HASH_STR_DCAL_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_STR_DCAL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
7418 #define HASH_STR_DCAL                       HASH_STR_DCAL_Msk
7420 /******************  Bits definition for HASH_IMR register  *******************/
7421 #define HASH_IMR_DINIE_Pos                  (0U)
7422 #define HASH_IMR_DINIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << HASH_IMR_DINIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
7423 #define HASH_IMR_DINIE                      HASH_IMR_DINIE_Msk
7424 #define HASH_IMR_DCIE_Pos                   (1U)
7425 #define HASH_IMR_DCIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_IMR_DCIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
7426 #define HASH_IMR_DCIE                       HASH_IMR_DCIE_Msk
7428 /******************  Bits definition for HASH_SR register  ********************/
7429 #define HASH_SR_DINIS_Pos                   (0U)
7430 #define HASH_SR_DINIS_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_SR_DINIS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
7431 #define HASH_SR_DINIS                       HASH_SR_DINIS_Msk
7432 #define HASH_SR_DCIS_Pos                    (1U)
7433 #define HASH_SR_DCIS_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_SR_DCIS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
7434 #define HASH_SR_DCIS                        HASH_SR_DCIS_Msk
7435 #define HASH_SR_DMAS_Pos                    (2U)
7436 #define HASH_SR_DMAS_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_SR_DMAS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
7437 #define HASH_SR_DMAS                        HASH_SR_DMAS_Msk
7438 #define HASH_SR_BUSY_Pos                    (3U)
7439 #define HASH_SR_BUSY_Msk                    (0x1UL << HASH_SR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
7440 #define HASH_SR_BUSY                        HASH_SR_BUSY_Msk
7441 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos                    (16U)
7442 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_Msk                    (0xFUL << HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
7443 #define HASH_SR_NBWE                        HASH_SR_NBWE_Msk
7444 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_0                      (0x01UL << HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
7445 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_1                      (0x02UL << HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
7446 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_2                      (0x04UL << HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
7447 #define HASH_SR_NBWE_3                      (0x08UL << HASH_SR_NBWE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
7448 #define HASH_SR_DINNE_Pos                   (15U)
7449 #define HASH_SR_DINNE_Msk                   (0x1UL << HASH_SR_DINNE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
7450 #define HASH_SR_DINNE                       HASH_SR_DINNE_Msk
7451 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos                    (9U)
7452 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_Msk                    (0xFUL << HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
7453 #define HASH_SR_NBWP                        HASH_SR_NBWP_Msk
7454 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_0                      (0x01UL << HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos)            /*!< 0x000O0200 */
7455 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_1                      (0x02UL << HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
7456 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_2                      (0x04UL << HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
7457 #define HASH_SR_NBWP_3                      (0x08UL << HASH_SR_NBWP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
7460 /******************************************************************************/
7461 /*                                                                            */
7462 /*                        HSEM HW Semaphore                                   */
7463 /*                                                                            */
7464 /******************************************************************************/
7465 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_R register  ********************/
7466 #define HSEM_R_PROCID_Pos        (0U)
7467 #define HSEM_R_PROCID_Msk        (0xFFUL << HSEM_R_PROCID_Pos)                 /*!< 0x000000FF */
7468 #define HSEM_R_PROCID            HSEM_R_PROCID_Msk                             /*!<Semaphore ProcessID */
7469 #define HSEM_R_LOCKID_Pos        (8U)
7470 #define HSEM_R_LOCKID_Msk        (0xFUL << HSEM_R_LOCKID_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000F00 */
7471 #define HSEM_R_LOCKID            HSEM_R_LOCKID_Msk                             /*!<Semaphore LockID. */
7472 #define HSEM_R_SEC_Pos           (12U)
7473 #define HSEM_R_SEC_Msk           (0x1UL << HSEM_R_SEC_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00001000 */
7474 #define HSEM_R_SEC               HSEM_R_SEC_Msk                                /*!<Semaphore secure bit. */
7475 #define HSEM_R_PRIV_Pos          (13U)
7476 #define HSEM_R_PRIV_Msk          (0x1UL << HSEM_R_PRIV_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00002000 */
7477 #define HSEM_R_PRIV              HSEM_R_PRIV_Msk                                /*!<Semaphore privilege bit. */
7478 #define HSEM_R_LOCK_Pos          (31U)
7479 #define HSEM_R_LOCK_Msk          (0x1UL << HSEM_R_LOCK_Pos)                    /*!< 0x80000000 */
7480 #define HSEM_R_LOCK              HSEM_R_LOCK_Msk                               /*!<Lock indication. */
7482 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_RLR register  ******************/
7483 #define HSEM_RLR_PROCID_Pos      (0U)
7484 #define HSEM_RLR_PROCID_Msk      (0xFFUL << HSEM_RLR_PROCID_Pos)               /*!< 0x000000FF */
7485 #define HSEM_RLR_PROCID          HSEM_RLR_PROCID_Msk                           /*!<Semaphore ProcessID */
7486 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCKID_Pos      (8U)
7487 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCKID_Msk      (0xFUL << HSEM_RLR_COREID_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
7488 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCKID          HSEM_RLR_COREID_Msk                           /*!<Semaphore CoreID. */
7489 #define HSEM_RLR_SEC_Pos         (12U)
7490 #define HSEM_RLR_SEC_Msk         (0x1UL << HSEM_RLR_SEC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
7491 #define HSEM_RLR_SEC             HSEM_RLR_SEC_Msk                              /*!<Semaphore secure bit. */
7492 #define HSEM_RLR_PRIV_Pos        (13U)
7493 #define HSEM_RLR_PRIV_Msk        (0x1UL << HSEM_RLR_PRIV_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
7494 #define HSEM_RLR_PRIV            HSEM_RLR_PRIV_Msk                              /*!<Semaphore privilege bit. */
7495 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCK_Pos        (31U)
7496 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCK_Msk        (0x1UL << HSEM_RLR_LOCK_Pos)                  /*!< 0x80000000 */
7497 #define HSEM_RLR_LOCK            HSEM_RLR_LOCK_Msk                             /*!<Lock indication. */
7499 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_IER register  ****************/
7500 #define HSEM_IER_ISE0_Pos      (0U)
7501 #define HSEM_IER_ISE0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7502 #define HSEM_IER_ISE0          HSEM_IER_ISE0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 interrupt enable bit.  */
7503 #define HSEM_IER_ISE1_Pos      (1U)
7504 #define HSEM_IER_ISE1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7505 #define HSEM_IER_ISE1          HSEM_IER_ISE1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 interrupt enable bit.  */
7506 #define HSEM_IER_ISE2_Pos      (2U)
7507 #define HSEM_IER_ISE2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7508 #define HSEM_IER_ISE2          HSEM_IER_ISE2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 interrupt enable bit.  */
7509 #define HSEM_IER_ISE3_Pos      (3U)
7510 #define HSEM_IER_ISE3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7511 #define HSEM_IER_ISE3          HSEM_IER_ISE3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 interrupt enable bit.  */
7512 #define HSEM_IER_ISE4_Pos      (4U)
7513 #define HSEM_IER_ISE4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7514 #define HSEM_IER_ISE4          HSEM_IER_ISE4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 interrupt enable bit.  */
7515 #define HSEM_IER_ISE5_Pos      (5U)
7516 #define HSEM_IER_ISE5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7517 #define HSEM_IER_ISE5          HSEM_IER_ISE5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 interrupt enable bit.  */
7518 #define HSEM_IER_ISE6_Pos      (6U)
7519 #define HSEM_IER_ISE6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7520 #define HSEM_IER_ISE6          HSEM_IER_ISE6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 interrupt enable bit.  */
7521 #define HSEM_IER_ISE7_Pos      (7U)
7522 #define HSEM_IER_ISE7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7523 #define HSEM_IER_ISE7          HSEM_IER_ISE7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 interrupt enable bit.  */
7524 #define HSEM_IER_ISE8_Pos      (8U)
7525 #define HSEM_IER_ISE8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7526 #define HSEM_IER_ISE8          HSEM_IER_ISE8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 interrupt enable bit.  */
7527 #define HSEM_IER_ISE9_Pos      (9U)
7528 #define HSEM_IER_ISE9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7529 #define HSEM_IER_ISE9          HSEM_IER_ISE9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 interrupt enable bit.  */
7530 #define HSEM_IER_ISE10_Pos     (10U)
7531 #define HSEM_IER_ISE10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7532 #define HSEM_IER_ISE10         HSEM_IER_ISE10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 interrupt enable bit. */
7533 #define HSEM_IER_ISE11_Pos     (11U)
7534 #define HSEM_IER_ISE11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7535 #define HSEM_IER_ISE11         HSEM_IER_ISE11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 interrupt enable bit. */
7536 #define HSEM_IER_ISE12_Pos     (12U)
7537 #define HSEM_IER_ISE12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7538 #define HSEM_IER_ISE12         HSEM_IER_ISE12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 interrupt enable bit. */
7539 #define HSEM_IER_ISE13_Pos     (13U)
7540 #define HSEM_IER_ISE13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7541 #define HSEM_IER_ISE13         HSEM_IER_ISE13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 interrupt enable bit. */
7542 #define HSEM_IER_ISE14_Pos     (14U)
7543 #define HSEM_IER_ISE14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7544 #define HSEM_IER_ISE14         HSEM_IER_ISE14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 interrupt enable bit. */
7545 #define HSEM_IER_ISE15_Pos     (15U)
7546 #define HSEM_IER_ISE15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_IER_ISE15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7547 #define HSEM_IER_ISE15         HSEM_IER_ISE15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 interrupt enable bit. */
7549 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_ICR register  *****************/
7550 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC0_Pos      (0U)
7551 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7552 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC0          HSEM_ICR_ISC0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 interrupt clear bit.  */
7553 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC1_Pos      (1U)
7554 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7555 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC1          HSEM_ICR_ISC1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 interrupt clear bit.  */
7556 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC2_Pos      (2U)
7557 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7558 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC2          HSEM_ICR_ISC2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 interrupt clear bit.  */
7559 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC3_Pos      (3U)
7560 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7561 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC3          HSEM_ICR_ISC3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 interrupt clear bit.  */
7562 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC4_Pos      (4U)
7563 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7564 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC4          HSEM_ICR_ISC4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 interrupt clear bit.  */
7565 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC5_Pos      (5U)
7566 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7567 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC5          HSEM_ICR_ISC5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 interrupt clear bit.  */
7568 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC6_Pos      (6U)
7569 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7570 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC6          HSEM_ICR_ISC6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 interrupt clear bit.  */
7571 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC7_Pos      (7U)
7572 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7573 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC7          HSEM_ICR_ISC7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 interrupt clear bit.  */
7574 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC8_Pos      (8U)
7575 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7576 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC8          HSEM_ICR_ISC8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 interrupt clear bit.  */
7577 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC9_Pos      (9U)
7578 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7579 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC9          HSEM_ICR_ISC9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 interrupt clear bit.  */
7580 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC10_Pos     (10U)
7581 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7582 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC10         HSEM_ICR_ISC10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 interrupt clear bit. */
7583 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC11_Pos     (11U)
7584 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7585 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC11         HSEM_ICR_ISC11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 interrupt clear bit. */
7586 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC12_Pos     (12U)
7587 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7588 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC12         HSEM_ICR_ISC12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 interrupt clear bit. */
7589 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC13_Pos     (13U)
7590 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7591 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC13         HSEM_ICR_ISC13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 interrupt clear bit. */
7592 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC14_Pos     (14U)
7593 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7594 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC14         HSEM_ICR_ISC14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 interrupt clear bit. */
7595 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC15_Pos     (15U)
7596 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ICR_ISC15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7597 #define HSEM_ICR_ISC15         HSEM_ICR_ISC15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 interrupt clear bit. */
7599 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_ISR register  *****************/
7600 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF0_Pos      (0U)
7601 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7602 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF0          HSEM_ISR_ISF0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 interrupt status bit.  */
7603 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF1_Pos      (1U)
7604 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7605 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF1          HSEM_ISR_ISF1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 interrupt status bit.  */
7606 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF2_Pos      (2U)
7607 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7608 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF2          HSEM_ISR_ISF2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 interrupt status bit.  */
7609 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF3_Pos      (3U)
7610 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7611 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF3          HSEM_ISR_ISF3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 interrupt status bit.  */
7612 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF4_Pos      (4U)
7613 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7614 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF4          HSEM_ISR_ISF4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 interrupt status bit.  */
7615 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF5_Pos      (5U)
7616 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7617 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF5          HSEM_ISR_ISF5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 interrupt status bit.  */
7618 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF6_Pos      (6U)
7619 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7620 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF6          HSEM_ISR_ISF6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 interrupt status bit.  */
7621 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF7_Pos      (7U)
7622 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7623 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF7          HSEM_ISR_ISF7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 interrupt status bit.  */
7624 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF8_Pos      (8U)
7625 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7626 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF8          HSEM_ISR_ISF8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 interrupt status bit.  */
7627 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF9_Pos      (9U)
7628 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7629 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF9          HSEM_ISR_ISF9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 interrupt status bit.  */
7630 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF10_Pos     (10U)
7631 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7632 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF10         HSEM_ISR_ISF10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 interrupt status bit. */
7633 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF11_Pos     (11U)
7634 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7635 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF11         HSEM_ISR_ISF11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 interrupt status bit. */
7636 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF12_Pos     (12U)
7637 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7638 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF12         HSEM_ISR_ISF12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 interrupt status bit. */
7639 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF13_Pos     (13U)
7640 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7641 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF13         HSEM_ISR_ISF13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 interrupt status bit. */
7642 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF14_Pos     (14U)
7643 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7644 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF14         HSEM_ISR_ISF14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 interrupt status bit. */
7645 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF15_Pos     (15U)
7646 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_ISR_ISF15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7647 #define HSEM_ISR_ISF15         HSEM_ISR_ISF15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 interrupt status bit. */
7649 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_MISR register  *****************/
7650 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF0_Pos     (0U)
7651 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF0_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF0_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
7652 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF0         HSEM_MISR_MISF0_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 0 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7653 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF1_Pos     (1U)
7654 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF1_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
7655 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF1         HSEM_MISR_MISF1_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 1 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7656 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF2_Pos     (2U)
7657 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF2_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
7658 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF2         HSEM_MISR_MISF2_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 2 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7659 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF3_Pos     (3U)
7660 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF3_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
7661 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF3         HSEM_MISR_MISF3_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 3 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7662 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF4_Pos     (4U)
7663 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF4_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
7664 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF4         HSEM_MISR_MISF4_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 4 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7665 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF5_Pos     (5U)
7666 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF5_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF5_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
7667 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF5         HSEM_MISR_MISF5_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 5 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7668 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF6_Pos     (6U)
7669 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF6_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF6_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
7670 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF6         HSEM_MISR_MISF6_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 6 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7671 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF7_Pos     (7U)
7672 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF7_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF7_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
7673 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF7         HSEM_MISR_MISF7_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 7 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7674 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF8_Pos     (8U)
7675 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF8_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF8_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
7676 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF8         HSEM_MISR_MISF8_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 8 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7677 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF9_Pos     (9U)
7678 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF9_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF9_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
7679 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF9         HSEM_MISR_MISF9_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 9 interrupt masked status bit.  */
7680 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF10_Pos    (10U)
7681 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF10_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF10_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
7682 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF10        HSEM_MISR_MISF10_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 10 interrupt masked status bit. */
7683 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF11_Pos    (11U)
7684 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF11_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF11_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
7685 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF11        HSEM_MISR_MISF11_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 11 interrupt masked status bit. */
7686 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF12_Pos    (12U)
7687 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF12_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF12_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
7688 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF12        HSEM_MISR_MISF12_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 12 interrupt masked status bit. */
7689 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF13_Pos    (13U)
7690 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF13_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF13_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
7691 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF13        HSEM_MISR_MISF13_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 13 interrupt masked status bit. */
7692 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF14_Pos    (14U)
7693 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF14_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF14_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
7694 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF14        HSEM_MISR_MISF14_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 14 interrupt masked status bit. */
7695 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF15_Pos    (15U)
7696 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF15_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_MISR_MISF15_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
7697 #define HSEM_MISR_MISF15        HSEM_MISR_MISF15_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 15 interrupt masked status bit. */
7699 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_SIER register  ****************/
7700 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE0_Pos      (0U)
7701 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7702 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE0          HSEM_SIER_ISE0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7703 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE1_Pos      (1U)
7704 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7705 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE1          HSEM_SIER_ISE1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7706 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE2_Pos      (2U)
7707 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7708 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE2          HSEM_SIER_ISE2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7709 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE3_Pos      (3U)
7710 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7711 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE3          HSEM_SIER_ISE3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7712 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE4_Pos      (4U)
7713 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7714 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE4          HSEM_SIER_ISE4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7715 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE5_Pos      (5U)
7716 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7717 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE5          HSEM_SIER_ISE5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7718 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE6_Pos      (6U)
7719 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7720 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE6          HSEM_SIER_ISE6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7721 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE7_Pos      (7U)
7722 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7723 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE7          HSEM_SIER_ISE7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7724 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE8_Pos      (8U)
7725 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7726 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE8          HSEM_SIER_ISE8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7727 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE9_Pos      (9U)
7728 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7729 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE9          HSEM_SIER_ISE9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 secure interrupt enable bit.  */
7730 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE10_Pos     (10U)
7731 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7732 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE10         HSEM_SIER_ISE10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7733 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE11_Pos     (11U)
7734 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7735 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE11         HSEM_SIER_ISE11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7736 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE12_Pos     (12U)
7737 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7738 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE12         HSEM_SIER_ISE12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7739 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE13_Pos     (13U)
7740 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7741 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE13         HSEM_SIER_ISE13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7742 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE14_Pos     (14U)
7743 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7744 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE14         HSEM_SIER_ISE14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7745 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE15_Pos     (15U)
7746 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SIER_ISE15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7747 #define HSEM_SIER_ISE15         HSEM_SIER_ISE15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 secure interrupt enable bit. */
7749 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_SICR register  *****************/
7750 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC0_Pos      (0U)
7751 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7752 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC0          HSEM_SICR_ISC0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7753 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC1_Pos      (1U)
7754 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7755 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC1          HSEM_SICR_ISC1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7756 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC2_Pos      (2U)
7757 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7758 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC2          HSEM_SICR_ISC2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7759 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC3_Pos      (3U)
7760 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7761 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC3          HSEM_SICR_ISC3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7762 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC4_Pos      (4U)
7763 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7764 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC4          HSEM_SICR_ISC4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7765 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC5_Pos      (5U)
7766 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7767 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC5          HSEM_SICR_ISC5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7768 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC6_Pos      (6U)
7769 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7770 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC6          HSEM_SICR_ISC6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7771 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC7_Pos      (7U)
7772 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7773 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC7          HSEM_SICR_ISC7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7774 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC8_Pos      (8U)
7775 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7776 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC8          HSEM_SICR_ISC8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7777 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC9_Pos      (9U)
7778 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7779 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC9          HSEM_SICR_ISC9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 secure interrupt clear bit.  */
7780 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC10_Pos     (10U)
7781 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7782 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC10         HSEM_SICR_ISC10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7783 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC11_Pos     (11U)
7784 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7785 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC11         HSEM_SICR_ISC11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7786 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC12_Pos     (12U)
7787 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7788 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC12         HSEM_SICR_ISC12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7789 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC13_Pos     (13U)
7790 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7791 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC13         HSEM_SICR_ISC13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7792 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC14_Pos     (14U)
7793 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7794 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC14         HSEM_SICR_ISC14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7795 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC15_Pos     (15U)
7796 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SICR_ISC15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7797 #define HSEM_SICR_ISC15         HSEM_SICR_ISC15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 secure interrupt clear bit. */
7799 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_SISR register  *****************/
7800 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF0_Pos      (0U)
7801 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF0_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF0_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
7802 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF0          HSEM_SISR_ISF0_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 0 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7803 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF1_Pos      (1U)
7804 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF1_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF1_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
7805 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF1          HSEM_SISR_ISF1_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 1 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7806 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF2_Pos      (2U)
7807 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF2_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF2_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
7808 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF2          HSEM_SISR_ISF2_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 2 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7809 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF3_Pos      (3U)
7810 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF3_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF3_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
7811 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF3          HSEM_SISR_ISF3_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 3 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7812 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF4_Pos      (4U)
7813 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF4_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF4_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
7814 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF4          HSEM_SISR_ISF4_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 4 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7815 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF5_Pos      (5U)
7816 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF5_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF5_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
7817 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF5          HSEM_SISR_ISF5_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 5 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7818 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF6_Pos      (6U)
7819 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF6_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF6_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
7820 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF6          HSEM_SISR_ISF6_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 6 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7821 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF7_Pos      (7U)
7822 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF7_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF7_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000080 */
7823 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF7          HSEM_SISR_ISF7_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 7 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7824 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF8_Pos      (8U)
7825 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF8_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF8_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
7826 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF8          HSEM_SISR_ISF8_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 8 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7827 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF9_Pos      (9U)
7828 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF9_Msk      (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF9_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
7829 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF9          HSEM_SISR_ISF9_Msk                           /*!<semaphore 9 secure interrupt status bit.  */
7830 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF10_Pos     (10U)
7831 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF10_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF10_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
7832 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF10         HSEM_SISR_ISF10_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 10 secure interrupt status bit. */
7833 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF11_Pos     (11U)
7834 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF11_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF11_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
7835 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF11         HSEM_SISR_ISF11_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 11 secure interrupt status bit. */
7836 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF12_Pos     (12U)
7837 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF12_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF12_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
7838 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF12         HSEM_SISR_ISF12_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 12 secure interrupt status bit. */
7839 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF13_Pos     (13U)
7840 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF13_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF13_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
7841 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF13         HSEM_SISR_ISF13_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 13 secure interrupt status bit. */
7842 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF14_Pos     (14U)
7843 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF14_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF14_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
7844 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF14         HSEM_SISR_ISF14_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 14 secure interrupt status bit. */
7845 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF15_Pos     (15U)
7846 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF15_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SISR_ISF15_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
7847 #define HSEM_SISR_ISF15         HSEM_SISR_ISF15_Msk                          /*!<semaphore 15 secure interrupt status bit. */
7849 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_SMISR register  *****************/
7850 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF0_Pos    (0U)
7851 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF0_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF0_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
7852 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF0        HSEM_SMISR_MISF0_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 0 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7853 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF1_Pos    (1U)
7854 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF1_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
7855 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF1        HSEM_SMISR_MISF1_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 1 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7856 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF2_Pos    (2U)
7857 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF2_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
7858 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF2        HSEM_SMISR_MISF2_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 2 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7859 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF3_Pos    (3U)
7860 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF3_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
7861 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF3        HSEM_SMISR_MISF3_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 3 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7862 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF4_Pos    (4U)
7863 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF4_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
7864 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF4        HSEM_SMISR_MISF4_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 4 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7865 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF5_Pos    (5U)
7866 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF5_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF5_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
7867 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF5        HSEM_SMISR_MISF5_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 5 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7868 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF6_Pos    (6U)
7869 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF6_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF6_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
7870 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF6        HSEM_SMISR_MISF6_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 6 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7871 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF7_Pos    (7U)
7872 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF7_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF7_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
7873 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF7        HSEM_SMISR_MISF7_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 7 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7874 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF8_Pos    (8U)
7875 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF8_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF8_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
7876 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF8        HSEM_SMISR_MISF8_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 8 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7877 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF9_Pos    (9U)
7878 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF9_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF9_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
7879 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF9        HSEM_SMISR_MISF9_Msk                         /*!<semaphore 9 secure interrupt masked status bit.  */
7880 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF10_Pos   (10U)
7881 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF10_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF10_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
7882 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF10       HSEM_SMISR_MISF10_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 10 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7883 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF11_Pos   (11U)
7884 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF11_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF11_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
7885 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF11       HSEM_SMISR_MISF11_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 11 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7886 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF12_Pos   (12U)
7887 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF12_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF12_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
7888 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF12       HSEM_SMISR_MISF12_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 12 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7889 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF13_Pos   (13U)
7890 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF13_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF13_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
7891 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF13       HSEM_SMISR_MISF13_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 13 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7892 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF14_Pos   (14U)
7893 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF14_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF14_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
7894 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF14       HSEM_SMISR_MISF14_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 14 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7895 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF15_Pos   (15U)
7896 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF15_Msk   (0x1UL << HSEM_SMISR_MISF15_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
7897 #define HSEM_SMISR_MISF15       HSEM_SMISR_MISF15_Msk                        /*!<semaphore 15 secure interrupt masked status bit. */
7899 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_SECCFGR register  *****************/
7900 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos     (0U)
7901 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
7902 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC0         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC0_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 0 secure attribute status bit.  */
7903 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos     (1U)
7904 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
7905 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC1         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC1_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 1 secure attribute status bit.  */
7906 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos     (2U)
7907 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
7908 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC2         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC2_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 2 secure attribute status bit.  */
7909 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos     (3U)
7910 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
7911 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC3         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC3_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 3 secure attribute status bit.  */
7912 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos     (4U)
7913 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
7914 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC4         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC4_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 4 secure attribute status bit.  */
7915 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos     (5U)
7916 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
7917 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC5         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC5_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 5 secure attribute status bit.  */
7918 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos     (6U)
7919 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
7920 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC6         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC6_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 6 secure attribute status bit.  */
7921 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos     (7U)
7922 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
7923 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC7         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC7_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 7 secure attribute status bit.  */
7924 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC8_Pos     (8U)
7925 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC8_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
7926 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC8         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC8_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 8 secure attribute status bit.  */
7927 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC9_Pos     (9U)
7928 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC9_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
7929 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC9         HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC9_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 9 secure attribute status bit.  */
7930 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC10_Pos    (10U)
7931 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC10_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
7932 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC10        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC10_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 10 secure attribute status bit. */
7933 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC11_Pos    (11U)
7934 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC11_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
7935 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC11        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC11_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 11 secure attribute status bit. */
7936 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC12_Pos    (12U)
7937 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC12_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
7938 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC12        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC12_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 12 secure attribute status bit. */
7939 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC13_Pos    (13U)
7940 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC13_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
7941 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC13        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC13_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 13 secure attribute status bit. */
7942 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC14_Pos    (14U)
7943 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC14_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
7944 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC14        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC14_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 14 secure attribute status bit. */
7945 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC15_Pos    (15U)
7946 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC15_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
7947 #define HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC15        HSEM_SECCFGR_SEC15_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 15 secure attribute status bit. */
7949 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_PRIVCFGR register  *****************/
7950 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Pos     (0U)
7951 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
7952 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV0_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 0 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7953 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Pos     (1U)
7954 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
7955 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV1_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 1 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7956 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Pos     (2U)
7957 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
7958 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV2_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 2 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7959 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Pos     (3U)
7960 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
7961 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV3_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 3 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7962 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Pos     (4U)
7963 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
7964 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV4_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 4 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7965 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Pos     (5U)
7966 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
7967 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV5_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 5 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7968 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Pos     (6U)
7969 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
7970 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV6_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 6 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7971 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Pos     (7U)
7972 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
7973 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV7_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 7 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7974 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV8_Pos     (8U)
7975 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV8_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
7976 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV8         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV8_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 8 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7977 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV9_Pos     (9U)
7978 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV9_Msk     (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
7979 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV9         HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV9_Msk                       /*!<semaphore 9 privilege attribute status bit.  */
7980 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV10_Pos    (10U)
7981 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV10_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
7982 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV10        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV10_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 10 privilege attribute status bit. */
7983 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV11_Pos    (11U)
7984 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV11_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
7985 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV11        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV11_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 11 privilege attribute status bit. */
7986 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV12_Pos    (12U)
7987 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV12_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
7988 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV12        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV12_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 12 privilege attribute status bit. */
7989 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV13_Pos    (13U)
7990 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV13_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
7991 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV13        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV13_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 13 privilege attribute status bit. */
7992 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV14_Pos    (14U)
7993 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV14_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
7994 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV14        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV14_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 14 privilege attribute status bit. */
7995 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV15_Pos    (15U)
7996 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV15_Msk    (0x1UL << HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
7997 #define HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV15        HSEM_PRIVCFGR_PRIV15_Msk                      /*!<semaphore 15 privilege attribute status bit. */
7999 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_CR register  *****************/
8000 #define HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Pos       (8U)
8001 #define HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Msk       (0xFUL << HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000F00 */
8002 #define HSEM_CR_LOCKID           HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Msk                            /*!<LOCKID of semaphores to be cleared. */
8003 #define HSEM_CR_LOCKID_CPU1      (0x2U << HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Pos)
8005 #define HSEM_CR_SEC_Pos          (12U)
8006 #define HSEM_CR_SEC_Msk          (0x1UL << HSEM_CR_SEC_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00001000 */
8007 #define HSEM_CR_SEC_             HSEM_CR_SEC_Msk                               /*!<SEC value of semaphores to be cleared. */
8008 #define HSEM_CR_PRIV_Pos         (13U)
8009 #define HSEM_CR_PRIV_Msk         (0x1UL << HSEM_CR_PRIV_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000F00 */
8010 #define HSEM_CR_PRIV             HSEM_CR_PRIV_Msk                              /*!<PRIV value of semaphores to be cleared. */
8011 #define HSEM_CR_KEY_Pos          (16U)
8012 #define HSEM_CR_KEY_Msk          (0xFFFFUL << HSEM_CR_KEY_Pos)                 /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
8013 #define HSEM_CR_KEY              HSEM_CR_KEY_Msk                               /*!<semaphores clear key. */
8015 /********************  Bit definition for HSEM_KEYR register  *****************/
8016 #define HSEM_KEYR_KEY_Pos        (16U)
8017 #define HSEM_KEYR_KEY_Msk        (0xFFFFUL << HSEM_KEYR_KEY_Pos)               /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
8018 #define HSEM_KEYR_KEY            HSEM_KEYR_KEY_Msk                             /*!<semaphores clear key. */
8021 /******************************************************************************/
8022 /*                                                                            */
8023 /*                      Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)              */
8024 /*                                                                            */
8025 /******************************************************************************/
8026 /*******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR1 register  *******************/
8027 #define I2C_CR1_PE_Pos                      (0U)
8028 #define I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                      (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
8029 #define I2C_CR1_PE                          I2C_CR1_PE_Msk                          /*!< Peripheral enable */
8030 #define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos                    (1U)
8031 #define I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
8032 #define I2C_CR1_TXIE                        I2C_CR1_TXIE_Msk                        /*!< TX interrupt enable */
8033 #define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos                    (2U)
8034 #define I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
8035 #define I2C_CR1_RXIE                        I2C_CR1_RXIE_Msk                        /*!< RX interrupt enable */
8036 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos                  (3U)
8037 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
8038 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRIE                      I2C_CR1_ADDRIE_Msk                      /*!< Address match interrupt enable */
8039 #define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos                  (4U)
8040 #define I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
8041 #define I2C_CR1_NACKIE                      I2C_CR1_NACKIE_Msk                      /*!< NACK received interrupt enable */
8042 #define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos                  (5U)
8043 #define I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
8044 #define I2C_CR1_STOPIE                      I2C_CR1_STOPIE_Msk                      /*!< STOP detection interrupt enable */
8045 #define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos                    (6U)
8046 #define I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TCIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
8047 #define I2C_CR1_TCIE                        I2C_CR1_TCIE_Msk                        /*!< Transfer complete interrupt enable */
8048 #define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos                   (7U)
8049 #define I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
8050 #define I2C_CR1_ERRIE                       I2C_CR1_ERRIE_Msk                       /*!< Errors interrupt enable */
8051 #define I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos                     (8U)
8052 #define I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                     (0xFUL << I2C_CR1_DNF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
8053 #define I2C_CR1_DNF                         I2C_CR1_DNF_Msk                         /*!< Digital noise filter */
8054 #define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos                  (12U)
8055 #define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
8056 #define I2C_CR1_ANFOFF                      I2C_CR1_ANFOFF_Msk                      /*!< Analog noise filter OFF */
8057 #define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos                 (14U)
8058 #define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
8059 #define I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN                     I2C_CR1_TXDMAEN_Msk                     /*!< DMA transmission requests enable */
8060 #define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos                 (15U)
8061 #define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
8062 #define I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN                     I2C_CR1_RXDMAEN_Msk                     /*!< DMA reception requests enable */
8063 #define I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos                     (16U)
8064 #define I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SBC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
8065 #define I2C_CR1_SBC                         I2C_CR1_SBC_Msk                         /*!< Slave byte control */
8066 #define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos               (17U)
8067 #define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
8068 #define I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH                   I2C_CR1_NOSTRETCH_Msk                   /*!< Clock stretching disable */
8069 #define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos                   (18U)
8070 #define I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
8071 #define I2C_CR1_WUPEN                       I2C_CR1_WUPEN_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup from STOP enable */
8072 #define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos                    (19U)
8073 #define I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_GCEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
8074 #define I2C_CR1_GCEN                        I2C_CR1_GCEN_Msk                        /*!< General call enable */
8075 #define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos                  (20U)
8076 #define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
8077 #define I2C_CR1_SMBHEN                      I2C_CR1_SMBHEN_Msk                      /*!< SMBus host address enable */
8078 #define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos                  (21U)
8079 #define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
8080 #define I2C_CR1_SMBDEN                      I2C_CR1_SMBDEN_Msk                      /*!< SMBus device default address enable */
8081 #define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos                 (22U)
8082 #define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
8083 #define I2C_CR1_ALERTEN                     I2C_CR1_ALERTEN_Msk                     /*!< SMBus alert enable */
8084 #define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos                   (23U)
8085 #define I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_PECEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00800000 */
8086 #define I2C_CR1_PECEN                       I2C_CR1_PECEN_Msk                       /*!< PEC enable */
8087 #define I2C_CR1_FMP_Pos                     (24U)
8088 #define I2C_CR1_FMP_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_FMP_Pos)              /*!< 0x01000000 */
8089 #define I2C_CR1_FMP                         I2C_CR1_FMP_Msk                         /*!< Fast-mode Plus 20 mA drive enable */
8090 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRACLR_Pos                (30U)
8091 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRACLR_Msk                (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_ADDRACLR_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
8092 #define I2C_CR1_ADDRACLR                    I2C_CR1_ADDRACLR_Msk                    /*!< ADDRACLR enable */
8093 #define I2C_CR1_STOPFACLR_Pos               (30U)
8094 #define I2C_CR1_STOPFACLR_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_CR1_STOPFACLR_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
8095 #define I2C_CR1_STOPFACLR                   I2C_CR1_STOPFACLR_Msk                   /*!< STOPFACLR enable */
8097 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_CR2 register  ********************/
8098 #define I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos                    (0U)
8099 #define I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                    (0x3FFUL << I2C_CR2_SADD_Pos)           /*!< 0x000003FF */
8100 #define I2C_CR2_SADD                        I2C_CR2_SADD_Msk                        /*!< Slave address (master mode) */
8101 #define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos                  (10U)
8102 #define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
8103 #define I2C_CR2_RD_WRN                      I2C_CR2_RD_WRN_Msk                      /*!< Transfer direction (master mode) */
8104 #define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos                   (11U)
8105 #define I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_ADD10_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
8106 #define I2C_CR2_ADD10                       I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk                       /*!< 10-bit addressing mode (master mode) */
8107 #define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos                 (12U)
8108 #define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
8109 #define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R                     I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk                     /*!< 10-bit address header only read direction (master mode) */
8110 #define I2C_CR2_START_Pos                   (13U)
8111 #define I2C_CR2_START_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_START_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
8112 #define I2C_CR2_START                       I2C_CR2_START_Msk                       /*!< START generation */
8113 #define I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos                    (14U)
8114 #define I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_STOP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
8115 #define I2C_CR2_STOP                        I2C_CR2_STOP_Msk                        /*!< STOP generation (master mode) */
8116 #define I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos                    (15U)
8117 #define I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_NACK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
8118 #define I2C_CR2_NACK                        I2C_CR2_NACK_Msk                        /*!< NACK generation (slave mode) */
8119 #define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos                  (16U)
8120 #define I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                  (0xFFUL << I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Pos)          /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
8121 #define I2C_CR2_NBYTES                      I2C_CR2_NBYTES_Msk                      /*!< Number of bytes */
8122 #define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos                  (24U)
8123 #define I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
8124 #define I2C_CR2_RELOAD                      I2C_CR2_RELOAD_Msk                      /*!< NBYTES reload mode */
8125 #define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos                 (25U)
8126 #define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
8127 #define I2C_CR2_AUTOEND                     I2C_CR2_AUTOEND_Msk                     /*!< Automatic end mode (master mode) */
8128 #define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos                 (26U)
8129 #define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
8130 #define I2C_CR2_PECBYTE                     I2C_CR2_PECBYTE_Msk                     /*!< Packet error checking byte */
8132 /*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR1 register  ******************/
8133 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos                    (0U)
8134 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                    (0x3FFUL << I2C_OAR1_OA1_Pos)           /*!< 0x000003FF */
8135 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1                        I2C_OAR1_OA1_Msk                        /*!< Interface own address 1 */
8136 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos                (10U)
8137 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
8138 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE                    I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk                    /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
8139 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos                  (15U)
8140 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
8141 #define I2C_OAR1_OA1EN                      I2C_OAR1_OA1EN_Msk                      /*!< Own address 1 enable */
8143 /*******************  Bit definition for I2C_OAR2 register  ******************/
8144 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos                    (1U)
8145 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                    (0x7FUL << I2C_OAR2_OA2_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FE */
8146 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2                        I2C_OAR2_OA2_Msk                        /*!< Interface own address 2 */
8147 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos                 (8U)
8148 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                 (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
8149 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK                     I2C_OAR2_OA2MSK_Msk                     /*!< Own address 2 masks */
8150 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2NOMASK                  (0x00000000UL)                          /*!< No mask                                        */
8151 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos              (8U)
8152 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
8153 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK01_Msk                  /*!< OA2[1] is masked, Only OA2[7:2] are compared   */
8154 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos              (9U)
8155 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
8156 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK02_Msk                  /*!< OA2[2:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:3] are compared */
8157 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos              (8U)
8158 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk              (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000300 */
8159 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK03_Msk                  /*!< OA2[3:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:4] are compared */
8160 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos              (10U)
8161 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
8162 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK04_Msk                  /*!< OA2[4:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:5] are compared */
8163 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos              (8U)
8164 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk              (0x5UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000500 */
8165 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK05_Msk                  /*!< OA2[5:1] is masked, Only OA2[7:6] are compared */
8166 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos              (9U)
8167 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk              (0x3UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000600 */
8168 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK06_Msk                  /*!< OA2[6:1] is masked, Only OA2[7] are compared   */
8169 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos              (8U)
8170 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk              (0x7UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
8171 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07                  I2C_OAR2_OA2MASK07_Msk                  /*!< OA2[7:1] is masked, No comparison is done      */
8172 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos                  (15U)
8173 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
8174 #define I2C_OAR2_OA2EN                      I2C_OAR2_OA2EN_Msk                      /*!< Own address 2 enable */
8176 /*******************  Bit definition for I2C_TIMINGR register *******************/
8177 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos                (0U)
8178 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos)        /*!< 0x000000FF */
8179 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL                    I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Msk                    /*!< SCL low period (master mode) */
8180 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos                (8U)
8181 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                (0xFFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
8182 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH                    I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Msk                    /*!< SCL high period (master mode) */
8183 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos              (16U)
8184 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000F0000 */
8185 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL                  I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Msk                  /*!< Data hold time */
8186 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos              (20U)
8187 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00F00000 */
8188 #define I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL                  I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Msk                  /*!< Data setup time */
8189 #define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos               (28U)
8190 #define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk               (0xFUL << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos)        /*!< 0xF0000000 */
8191 #define I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC                   I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Msk                   /*!< Timings prescaler */
8193 /******************* Bit definition for I2C_TIMEOUTR register *******************/
8194 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos           (0U)
8195 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk           (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8196 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA               I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTA_Msk               /*!< Bus timeout A */
8197 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos              (12U)
8198 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
8199 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE                  I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIDLE_Msk                  /*!< Idle clock timeout detection */
8200 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos           (15U)
8201 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk           (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00008000 */
8202 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN               I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMOUTEN_Msk               /*!< Clock timeout enable */
8203 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos           (16U)
8204 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk           (0xFFFUL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Pos)  /*!< 0x0FFF0000 */
8205 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB               I2C_TIMEOUTR_TIMEOUTB_Msk               /*!< Bus timeout B*/
8206 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos             (31U)
8207 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
8208 #define I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN                 I2C_TIMEOUTR_TEXTEN_Msk                 /*!< Extended clock timeout enable */
8210 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_ISR register  *********************/
8211 #define I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos                     (0U)
8212 #define I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
8213 #define I2C_ISR_TXE                         I2C_ISR_TXE_Msk                         /*!< Transmit data register empty */
8214 #define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos                    (1U)
8215 #define I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TXIS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
8216 #define I2C_ISR_TXIS                        I2C_ISR_TXIS_Msk                        /*!< Transmit interrupt status */
8217 #define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos                    (2U)
8218 #define I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_RXNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
8219 #define I2C_ISR_RXNE                        I2C_ISR_RXNE_Msk                        /*!< Receive data register not empty */
8220 #define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos                    (3U)
8221 #define I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ADDR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
8222 #define I2C_ISR_ADDR                        I2C_ISR_ADDR_Msk                        /*!< Address matched (slave mode)*/
8223 #define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos                   (4U)
8224 #define I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_NACKF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
8225 #define I2C_ISR_NACKF                       I2C_ISR_NACKF_Msk                       /*!< NACK received flag */
8226 #define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos                   (5U)
8227 #define I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_STOPF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
8228 #define I2C_ISR_STOPF                       I2C_ISR_STOPF_Msk                       /*!< STOP detection flag */
8229 #define I2C_ISR_TC_Pos                      (6U)
8230 #define I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                      (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
8231 #define I2C_ISR_TC                          I2C_ISR_TC_Msk                          /*!< Transfer complete (master mode) */
8232 #define I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos                     (7U)
8233 #define I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TCR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
8234 #define I2C_ISR_TCR                         I2C_ISR_TCR_Msk                         /*!< Transfer complete reload */
8235 #define I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos                    (8U)
8236 #define I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BERR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
8237 #define I2C_ISR_BERR                        I2C_ISR_BERR_Msk                        /*!< Bus error */
8238 #define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos                    (9U)
8239 #define I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ARLO_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
8240 #define I2C_ISR_ARLO                        I2C_ISR_ARLO_Msk                        /*!< Arbitration lost */
8241 #define I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos                     (10U)
8242 #define I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_OVR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
8243 #define I2C_ISR_OVR                         I2C_ISR_OVR_Msk                         /*!< Overrun/Underrun */
8244 #define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos                  (11U)
8245 #define I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_PECERR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
8246 #define I2C_ISR_PECERR                      I2C_ISR_PECERR_Msk                      /*!< PEC error in reception */
8247 #define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos                 (12U)
8248 #define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
8249 #define I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT                     I2C_ISR_TIMEOUT_Msk                     /*!< Timeout or Tlow detection flag */
8250 #define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos                   (13U)
8251 #define I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_ALERT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
8252 #define I2C_ISR_ALERT                       I2C_ISR_ALERT_Msk                       /*!< SMBus alert */
8253 #define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos                    (15U)
8254 #define I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                    (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_BUSY_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
8255 #define I2C_ISR_BUSY                        I2C_ISR_BUSY_Msk                        /*!< Bus busy */
8256 #define I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos                     (16U)
8257 #define I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                     (0x1UL << I2C_ISR_DIR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
8258 #define I2C_ISR_DIR                         I2C_ISR_DIR_Msk                         /*!< Transfer direction (slave mode) */
8259 #define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos                 (17U)
8260 #define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                 (0x7FUL << I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
8261 #define I2C_ISR_ADDCODE                     I2C_ISR_ADDCODE_Msk                     /*!< Address match code (slave mode) */
8263 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_ICR register  *********************/
8264 #define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos                  (3U)
8265 #define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
8266 #define I2C_ICR_ADDRCF                      I2C_ICR_ADDRCF_Msk                      /*!< Address matched clear flag */
8267 #define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos                  (4U)
8268 #define I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
8269 #define I2C_ICR_NACKCF                      I2C_ICR_NACKCF_Msk                      /*!< NACK clear flag */
8270 #define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos                  (5U)
8271 #define I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
8272 #define I2C_ICR_STOPCF                      I2C_ICR_STOPCF_Msk                      /*!< STOP detection clear flag */
8273 #define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos                  (8U)
8274 #define I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
8275 #define I2C_ICR_BERRCF                      I2C_ICR_BERRCF_Msk                      /*!< Bus error clear flag */
8276 #define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos                  (9U)
8277 #define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
8278 #define I2C_ICR_ARLOCF                      I2C_ICR_ARLOCF_Msk                      /*!< Arbitration lost clear flag */
8279 #define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos                   (10U)
8280 #define I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
8281 #define I2C_ICR_OVRCF                       I2C_ICR_OVRCF_Msk                       /*!< Overrun/Underrun clear flag */
8282 #define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos                   (11U)
8283 #define I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                   (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_PECCF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
8284 #define I2C_ICR_PECCF                       I2C_ICR_PECCF_Msk                       /*!< PAC error clear flag */
8285 #define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos                (12U)
8286 #define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
8287 #define I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF                    I2C_ICR_TIMOUTCF_Msk                    /*!< Timeout clear flag */
8288 #define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos                 (13U)
8289 #define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
8290 #define I2C_ICR_ALERTCF                     I2C_ICR_ALERTCF_Msk                     /*!< Alert clear flag */
8292 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_PECR register  *********************/
8293 #define I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos                    (0U)
8294 #define I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                    (0xFFUL << I2C_PECR_PEC_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
8295 #define I2C_PECR_PEC                        I2C_PECR_PEC_Msk                        /*!< PEC register */
8297 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_RXDR register  *********************/
8298 #define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos                 (0U)
8299 #define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                 (0xFFUL << I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
8300 #define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA                     I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk                     /*!< 8-bit receive data */
8302 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_TXDR register  *********************/
8303 #define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos                 (0U)
8304 #define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                 (0xFFUL << I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
8305 #define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA                     I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk                     /*!< 8-bit transmit data */
8307 /******************  Bit definition for I2C_AUTOCR register  ********************/
8308 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCDMAEN_Pos              (6U)
8309 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCDMAEN_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_AUTOCR_TCDMAEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
8310 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCDMAEN                  I2C_AUTOCR_TCDMAEN_Msk                  /*!< DMA request enable on Transfer Complete event */
8311 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCRDMAEN_Pos             (7U)
8312 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCRDMAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << I2C_AUTOCR_TCRDMAEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
8313 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TCRDMAEN                 I2C_AUTOCR_TCRDMAEN_Msk                 /*!< DMA request enable on Transfer Complete Reload event */
8314 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos              (16U)
8315 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk              (0xFUL << I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000F0000 */
8316 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL                  I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk                  /*!< Trigger selection */
8317 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos              (20U)
8318 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk              (0x1UL << I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000100000 */
8319 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL                  I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk                  /*!< Trigger polarity */
8320 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos               (21U)
8321 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk               (0x1UL << I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x000200000 */
8322 #define I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGEN                   I2C_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk                   /*!< Trigger enable */
8325 /******************************************************************************/
8326 /*                                                                            */
8327 /*                                 ICACHE                                     */
8328 /*                                                                            */
8329 /******************************************************************************/
8330 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_CR register  *******************/
8331 #define ICACHE_CR_EN_Pos                    (0U)
8332 #define ICACHE_CR_EN_Msk                    (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_EN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
8333 #define ICACHE_CR_EN                        ICACHE_CR_EN_Msk                        /*!< Enable */
8334 #define ICACHE_CR_CACHEINV_Pos              (1U)
8335 #define ICACHE_CR_CACHEINV_Msk              (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_CACHEINV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
8336 #define ICACHE_CR_CACHEINV                  ICACHE_CR_CACHEINV_Msk                  /*!< Cache invalidation */
8337 #define ICACHE_CR_WAYSEL_Pos                (2U)
8338 #define ICACHE_CR_WAYSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_WAYSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8339 #define ICACHE_CR_WAYSEL                    ICACHE_CR_WAYSEL_Msk                    /*!< Ways selection */
8340 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMEN_Pos                (16U)
8341 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMEN_Msk                (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_HITMEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
8342 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMEN                    ICACHE_CR_HITMEN_Msk                    /*!< Hit monitor enable */
8343 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMEN_Pos               (17U)
8344 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMEN_Msk               (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_MISSMEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
8345 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMEN                   ICACHE_CR_MISSMEN_Msk                   /*!< Miss monitor enable */
8346 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMRST_Pos               (18U)
8347 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMRST_Msk               (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_HITMRST_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
8348 #define ICACHE_CR_HITMRST                   ICACHE_CR_HITMRST_Msk                   /*!< Hit monitor reset */
8349 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMRST_Pos              (19U)
8350 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMRST_Msk              (0x1UL << ICACHE_CR_MISSMRST_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
8351 #define ICACHE_CR_MISSMRST                  ICACHE_CR_MISSMRST_Msk                  /*!< Miss monitor reset */
8353 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_SR register  *******************/
8354 #define ICACHE_SR_BUSYF_Pos                 (0U)
8355 #define ICACHE_SR_BUSYF_Msk                 (0x1UL << ICACHE_SR_BUSYF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
8356 #define ICACHE_SR_BUSYF                     ICACHE_SR_BUSYF_Msk                     /*!< Busy flag */
8357 #define ICACHE_SR_BSYENDF_Pos               (1U)
8358 #define ICACHE_SR_BSYENDF_Msk               (0x1UL << ICACHE_SR_BSYENDF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
8359 #define ICACHE_SR_BSYENDF                   ICACHE_SR_BSYENDF_Msk                   /*!< Busy end flag */
8360 #define ICACHE_SR_ERRF_Pos                  (2U)
8361 #define ICACHE_SR_ERRF_Msk                  (0x1UL << ICACHE_SR_ERRF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
8362 #define ICACHE_SR_ERRF                      ICACHE_SR_ERRF_Msk                      /*!< Cache error flag */
8364 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_IER register  ******************/
8365 #define ICACHE_IER_BSYENDIE_Pos             (1U)
8366 #define ICACHE_IER_BSYENDIE_Msk             (0x1UL << ICACHE_IER_BSYENDIE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
8367 #define ICACHE_IER_BSYENDIE                 ICACHE_IER_BSYENDIE_Msk                 /*!< Busy end interrupt enable */
8368 #define ICACHE_IER_ERRIE_Pos                (2U)
8369 #define ICACHE_IER_ERRIE_Msk                (0x1UL << ICACHE_IER_ERRIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8370 #define ICACHE_IER_ERRIE                    ICACHE_IER_ERRIE_Msk                    /*!< Cache error interrupt enable */
8372 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_FCR register  ******************/
8373 #define ICACHE_FCR_CBSYENDF_Pos             (1U)
8374 #define ICACHE_FCR_CBSYENDF_Msk             (0x1UL << ICACHE_FCR_CBSYENDF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
8375 #define ICACHE_FCR_CBSYENDF                 ICACHE_FCR_CBSYENDF_Msk                 /*!< Busy end flag clear */
8376 #define ICACHE_FCR_CERRF_Pos                (2U)
8377 #define ICACHE_FCR_CERRF_Msk                (0x1UL << ICACHE_FCR_CERRF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8378 #define ICACHE_FCR_CERRF                    ICACHE_FCR_CERRF_Msk                    /*!< Cache error flag clear */
8380 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_HMONR register  ****************/
8381 #define ICACHE_HMONR_HITMON_Pos             (0U)
8382 #define ICACHE_HMONR_HITMON_Msk             (0xFFFFFFFFUL << ICACHE_HMONR_HITMON_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
8383 #define ICACHE_HMONR_HITMON                 ICACHE_HMONR_HITMON_Msk                 /*!< Cache hit monitor register */
8385 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_MMONR register  ****************/
8386 #define ICACHE_MMONR_MISSMON_Pos            (0U)
8387 #define ICACHE_MMONR_MISSMON_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << ICACHE_MMONR_MISSMON_Pos)  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8388 #define ICACHE_MMONR_MISSMON                ICACHE_MMONR_MISSMON_Msk                /*!< Cache miss monitor register */
8390 /******************  Bit definition for ICACHE_CRRx register  *****************/
8391 #define ICACHE_CRRx_BASEADDR_Pos            (0U)
8392 #define ICACHE_CRRx_BASEADDR_Msk            (0xFFUL << ICACHE_CRRx_BASEADDR_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000FF */
8393 #define ICACHE_CRRx_BASEADDR                ICACHE_CRRx_BASEADDR_Msk                /*!< Base address of region X to remap */
8394 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Pos               (9U)
8395 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Msk               (0x7UL << ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000E00 */
8396 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE                   ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Msk                   /*!< Region X size */
8397 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_0                 (0x1UL << ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
8398 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_1                 (0x2UL << ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
8399 #define ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_2                 (0x4UL << ICACHE_CRRx_RSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
8400 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REN_Pos                 (15U)
8401 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REN_Msk                 (0x1UL << ICACHE_CRRx_REN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
8402 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REN                     ICACHE_CRRx_REN_Msk                     /*!< Region X enable */
8403 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REMAPADDR_Pos           (16U)
8404 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REMAPADDR_Msk           (0x7FFUL << ICACHE_CRRx_REMAPADDR_Pos)  /*!< 0x07FF0000 */
8405 #define ICACHE_CRRx_REMAPADDR               ICACHE_CRRx_REMAPADDR_Msk               /*!< Remap address of Region X to be remapped */
8406 #define ICACHE_CRRx_MSTSEL_Pos              (28U)
8407 #define ICACHE_CRRx_MSTSEL_Msk              (0x1UL << ICACHE_CRRx_MSTSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
8408 #define ICACHE_CRRx_MSTSEL                  ICACHE_CRRx_MSTSEL_Msk                  /*!< Region X AHB cache master selection */
8409 #define ICACHE_CRRx_HBURST_Pos              (31U)
8410 #define ICACHE_CRRx_HBURST_Msk              (0x1UL << ICACHE_CRRx_HBURST_Pos)       /*!< 0x80000000 */
8411 #define ICACHE_CRRx_HBURST                  ICACHE_CRRx_HBURST_Msk                  /*!< Region X output burst type */
8414 /******************************************************************************/
8415 /*                                                                            */
8416 /*                           Independent WATCHDOG                             */
8417 /*                                                                            */
8418 /******************************************************************************/
8419 /*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_KR register  ********************/
8420 #define IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos                     (0U)
8421 #define IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                     (0xFFFFUL << IWDG_KR_KEY_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8422 #define IWDG_KR_KEY                         IWDG_KR_KEY_Msk                         /*!<Key value (write only, read 0000h)  */
8424 /*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_PR register  ********************/
8425 #define IWDG_PR_PR_Pos                      (0U)
8426 #define IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                      (0xFUL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000000F */
8427 #define IWDG_PR_PR                          IWDG_PR_PR_Msk                          /*!<PR[3:0] (Prescaler divider)         */
8428 #define IWDG_PR_PR_0                        (0x1UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
8429 #define IWDG_PR_PR_1                        (0x2UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
8430 #define IWDG_PR_PR_2                        (0x4UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
8431 #define IWDG_PR_PR_3                        (0x8UL << IWDG_PR_PR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
8433 /*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_RLR register  *******************/
8434 #define IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos                     (0U)
8435 #define IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                     (0xFFFUL << IWDG_RLR_RL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8436 #define IWDG_RLR_RL                         IWDG_RLR_RL_Msk                         /*!<Watchdog counter reload value        */
8438 /*******************  Bit definition for IWDG_SR register  ********************/
8439 #define IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos                     (0U)
8440 #define IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                     (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_PVU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
8441 #define IWDG_SR_PVU                         IWDG_SR_PVU_Msk                         /*!< Watchdog prescaler value update */
8442 #define IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos                     (1U)
8443 #define IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                     (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_RVU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
8444 #define IWDG_SR_RVU                         IWDG_SR_RVU_Msk                         /*!< Watchdog counter reload value update */
8445 #define IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos                     (2U)
8446 #define IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                     (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_WVU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
8447 #define IWDG_SR_WVU                         IWDG_SR_WVU_Msk                         /*!< Watchdog counter window value update */
8448 #define IWDG_SR_EWU_Pos                     (3U)
8449 #define IWDG_SR_EWU_Msk                     (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_EWU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
8450 #define IWDG_SR_EWU                         IWDG_SR_EWU_Msk                         /*!< Watchdog interrupt comparator value update */
8451 #define IWDG_SR_ONF_Pos                     (8U)
8452 #define IWDG_SR_ONF_Msk                     (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_ONF_Pos)              /*!< 0x000001000 */
8453 #define IWDG_SR_ONF                         IWDG_SR_ONF_Msk                         /*!< Watchdog enable status bit */
8454 #define IWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos                    (14U)
8455 #define IWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                    (0x1UL << IWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
8456 #define IWDG_SR_EWIF                        IWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                        /*!< Watchdog early interrupt flag */
8458 /******************  Bit definition for IWDG_WINR register  *******************/
8459 #define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos                   (0U)
8460 #define IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                   (0xFFFUL << IWDG_WINR_WIN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8461 #define IWDG_WINR_WIN                       IWDG_WINR_WIN_Msk                       /*!< Watchdog counter window value */
8463 /******************  Bit definition for IWDG_EWCR register  *******************/
8464 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIT_Pos                  (0U)
8465 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIT_Msk                  (0xFFFUL << IWDG_EWCR_EWIT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8466 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIT                      IWDG_EWCR_EWIT_Msk                      /*!< Watchdog early wakeup comparator value */
8467 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIC_Pos                  (14U)
8468 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIC_Msk                  (0x1UL << IWDG_EWCR_EWIC_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8469 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIC                      IWDG_EWCR_EWIC_Msk                      /*!< Watchdog early wakeup comparator value */
8470 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIE_Pos                  (15U)
8471 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << IWDG_EWCR_EWIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000FFF */
8472 #define IWDG_EWCR_EWIE                      IWDG_EWCR_EWIE_Msk                      /*!< Watchdog early wakeup comparator value */
8475 /******************************************************************************/
8476 /*                                                                            */
8477 /*                         Low Power Timer (LPTIM)                            */
8478 /*                                                                            */
8479 /******************************************************************************/
8480 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ISR register  *******************/
8481 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1IF_Pos                 (0U)
8482 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1IF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CC1IF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
8483 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1IF                     LPTIM_ISR_CC1IF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 1 interrupt flag */
8484 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos                  (1U)
8485 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
8486 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARRM                      LPTIM_ISR_ARRM_Msk                      /*!< Autoreload match */
8487 #define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos               (2U)
8488 #define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
8489 #define LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG                   LPTIM_ISR_EXTTRIG_Msk                   /*!< External trigger edge event */
8490 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP1OK_Pos                (3U)
8491 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP1OK_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMP1OK_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
8492 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP1OK                    LPTIM_ISR_CMP1OK_Msk                    /*!< Compare register 1 update OK */
8493 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos                 (4U)
8494 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
8495 #define LPTIM_ISR_ARROK                     LPTIM_ISR_ARROK_Msk                     /*!< Autoreload register update OK */
8496 #define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos                    (5U)
8497 #define LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                    (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
8498 #define LPTIM_ISR_UP                        LPTIM_ISR_UP_Msk                        /*!< Counter direction change down to up */
8499 #define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos                  (6U)
8500 #define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
8501 #define LPTIM_ISR_DOWN                      LPTIM_ISR_DOWN_Msk                      /*!< Counter direction change up to down */
8502 #define LPTIM_ISR_UE_Pos                    (7U)
8503 #define LPTIM_ISR_UE_Msk                    (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_UE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
8504 #define LPTIM_ISR_UE                        LPTIM_ISR_UE_Msk                        /*!< Update event */
8505 #define LPTIM_ISR_REPOK_Pos                 (8U)
8506 #define LPTIM_ISR_REPOK_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_REPOK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
8507 #define LPTIM_ISR_REPOK                     LPTIM_ISR_REPOK_Msk                     /*!< Repetition register update OK */
8508 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2IF_Pos                 (9U)
8509 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2IF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CC2IF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
8510 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2IF                     LPTIM_ISR_CC2IF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 2 interrupt flag */
8511 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1OF_Pos                 (12U)
8512 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1OF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CC1OF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
8513 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC1OF                     LPTIM_ISR_CC1OF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 1 over-capture flag */
8514 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2OF_Pos                 (13U)
8515 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2OF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CC2OF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
8516 #define LPTIM_ISR_CC2OF                     LPTIM_ISR_CC2OF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 2 over-capture flag */
8517 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP2OK_Pos                (19U)
8518 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP2OK_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_CMP2OK_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
8519 #define LPTIM_ISR_CMP2OK                    LPTIM_ISR_CMP2OK_Msk                    /*!< Compare register 2 update OK */
8520 #define LPTIM_ISR_DIEROK_Pos                (24U)
8521 #define LPTIM_ISR_DIEROK_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ISR_DIEROK_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
8522 #define LPTIM_ISR_DIEROK                    LPTIM_ISR_DIEROK_Msk                    /*!< DMA & interrupt enable update OK */
8524 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ICR register  *******************/
8525 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1CF_Pos                 (0U)
8526 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1CF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CC1CF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
8527 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1CF                     LPTIM_ICR_CC1CF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 1 clear flag  */
8528 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos                (1U)
8529 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
8530 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF                    LPTIM_ICR_ARRMCF_Msk                    /*!< Autoreload match clear flag */
8531 #define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos             (2U)
8532 #define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk             (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
8533 #define LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF                 LPTIM_ICR_EXTTRIGCF_Msk                 /*!< External trigger edge event clear flag */
8534 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP1OKCF_Pos              (3U)
8535 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP1OKCF_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMP1OKCF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
8536 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP1OKCF                  LPTIM_ICR_CMP1OKCF_Msk                  /*!< Compare register 1 update OK clear flag */
8537 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos               (4U)
8538 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
8539 #define LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF                   LPTIM_ICR_ARROKCF_Msk                   /*!< Autoreload register update OK clear flag */
8540 #define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos                  (5U)
8541 #define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
8542 #define LPTIM_ICR_UPCF                      LPTIM_ICR_UPCF_Msk                      /*!< Counter direction change down to up clear flag */
8543 #define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos                (6U)
8544 #define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
8545 #define LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF                    LPTIM_ICR_DOWNCF_Msk                    /*!< Counter direction change up to down clear flag */
8546 #define LPTIM_ICR_UECF_Pos                  (7U)
8547 #define LPTIM_ICR_UECF_Msk                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_UECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
8548 #define LPTIM_ICR_UECF                      LPTIM_ICR_UECF_Msk                      /*!< Update event clear flag */
8549 #define LPTIM_ICR_REPOKCF_Pos               (8U)
8550 #define LPTIM_ICR_REPOKCF_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_REPOKCF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
8551 #define LPTIM_ICR_REPOKCF                   LPTIM_ICR_REPOKCF_Msk                   /*!< Repetition register update OK clear flag */
8552 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2CF_Pos                 (9U)
8553 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2CF_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CC2CF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
8554 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2CF                     LPTIM_ICR_CC2CF_Msk                     /*!< Capture/Compare 2 clear flag  */
8555 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1OCF_Pos                (12U)
8556 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1OCF_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CC1OCF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
8557 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC1OCF                    LPTIM_ICR_CC1OCF_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 1 over-capture clear flag */
8558 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2OCF_Pos                (13U)
8559 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2OCF_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CC2OCF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
8560 #define LPTIM_ICR_CC2OCF                    LPTIM_ICR_CC2OCF_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 2 over-capture clear flag */
8561 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP2OKCF_Pos              (19U)
8562 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP2OKCF_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_CMP2OKCF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
8563 #define LPTIM_ICR_CMP2OKCF                  LPTIM_ICR_CMP2OKCF_Msk                  /*!< Compare register 2 update OK clear flag */
8564 #define LPTIM_ICR_DIEROKCF_Pos              (24U)
8565 #define LPTIM_ICR_DIEROKCF_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_ICR_DIEROKCF_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
8566 #define LPTIM_ICR_DIEROKCF                  LPTIM_ICR_DIEROKCF_Msk                  /*!< DMA & interrupt enable update OK clear flag */
8568 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_DIER register *******************/
8569 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos                (0U)
8570 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
8571 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1IE                    LPTIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                    /*!< Compare/Compare interrupt enable */
8572 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARRMIE_Pos               (1U)
8573 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARRMIE_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_ARRMIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
8574 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARRMIE                   LPTIM_DIER_ARRMIE_Msk                   /*!< Autoreload match interrupt enable */
8575 #define LPTIM_DIER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos            (2U)
8576 #define LPTIM_DIER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_EXTTRIGIE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
8577 #define LPTIM_DIER_EXTTRIGIE                LPTIM_DIER_EXTTRIGIE_Msk                /*!< External trigger edge event interrupt enable */
8578 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP1OKIE_Pos             (3U)
8579 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP1OKIE_Msk             (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CMP1OKIE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000008 */
8580 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP1OKIE                 LPTIM_DIER_CMP1OKIE_Msk                 /*!< Compare register 1 update OK interrupt enable */
8581 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARROKIE_Pos              (4U)
8582 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARROKIE_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_ARROKIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
8583 #define LPTIM_DIER_ARROKIE                  LPTIM_DIER_ARROKIE_Msk                  /*!< Autoreload register update OK interrupt enable */
8584 #define LPTIM_DIER_UPIE_Pos                 (5U)
8585 #define LPTIM_DIER_UPIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_UPIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
8586 #define LPTIM_DIER_UPIE                     LPTIM_DIER_UPIE_Msk                     /*!< Counter direction change down to up interrupt enable */
8587 #define LPTIM_DIER_DOWNIE_Pos               (6U)
8588 #define LPTIM_DIER_DOWNIE_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_DOWNIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
8589 #define LPTIM_DIER_DOWNIE                   LPTIM_DIER_DOWNIE_Msk                   /*!< Counter direction change up to down interrupt enable */
8590 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEIE_Pos                 (7U)
8591 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_UEIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
8592 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEIE                     LPTIM_DIER_UEIE_Msk                     /*!< Update event interrupt enable */
8593 #define LPTIM_DIER_REPOKIE_Pos              (8U)
8594 #define LPTIM_DIER_REPOKIE_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_REPOKIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
8595 #define LPTIM_DIER_REPOKIE                  LPTIM_DIER_REPOKIE_Msk                  /*!< Repetition register update OK interrupt enable */
8596 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos                (9U)
8597 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
8598 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2IE                    LPTIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 2 interrupt interrupt enable */
8599 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1OIE_Pos               (12U)
8600 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1OIE_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC1OIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
8601 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1OIE                   LPTIM_DIER_CC1OIE_Msk                   /*!< Capture/Compare 1 over-capture interrupt enable */
8602 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2OIE_Pos               (13U)
8603 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2OIE_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC2OIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
8604 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2OIE                   LPTIM_DIER_CC2OIE_Msk                   /*!< Capture/Compare 2 over-capture interrupt enable */
8605 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos                (16U)
8606 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
8607 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC1DE                    LPTIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
8608 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP2OKIE_Pos             (19U)
8609 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP2OKIE_Msk             (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CMP2OKIE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00080000 */
8610 #define LPTIM_DIER_CMP2OKIE                 LPTIM_DIER_CMP2OKIE_Msk                 /*!< Compare register 2 update OK interrupt enable */
8611 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEDE_Pos                 (23U)
8612 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEDE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_UEDE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
8613 #define LPTIM_DIER_UEDE                     LPTIM_DIER_UEDE_Msk                     /*!< Update event DMA request enable */
8614 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos                (25U)
8615 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
8616 #define LPTIM_DIER_CC2DE                    LPTIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
8618 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR register *******************/
8619 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos                (0U)
8620 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
8621 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL                    LPTIM_CFGR_CKSEL_Msk                    /*!< Clock selector */
8622 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos                (1U)
8623 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000006 */
8624 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL                    LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Msk                    /*!< CKPOL[1:0] bits (Clock polarity) */
8625 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
8626 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKPOL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8627 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos                (3U)
8628 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000018 */
8629 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT                    LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Msk                    /*!< CKFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for external clock) */
8630 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
8631 #define LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_CKFLT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
8632 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos               (6U)
8633 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk               (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x000000C0 */
8634 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT                   LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Msk                   /*!< TRGFLT[1:0] bits (Configurable digital filter for trigger) */
8635 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_0                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
8636 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_1                 (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRGFLT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
8637 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos                (9U)
8638 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000E00 */
8639 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC                    LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Msk                    /*!< PRESC[2:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
8640 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
8641 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
8642 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_2                  (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRESC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
8643 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos              (13U)
8644 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk              (0x7UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000E000 */
8645 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL                  LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Msk                  /*!< TRIGSEL[2:0]] bits (Trigger selector) */
8646 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
8647 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
8648 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_2                (0x4UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
8649 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos               (17U)
8650 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk               (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00060000 */
8651 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN                   LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Msk                   /*!< TRIGEN[1:0] bits (Trigger enable and polarity) */
8652 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_0                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
8653 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_1                 (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TRIGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
8654 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos               (19U)
8655 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
8656 #define LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT                   LPTIM_CFGR_TIMOUT_Msk                   /*!< Timout enable */
8657 #define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos                 (20U)
8658 #define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
8659 #define LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE                     LPTIM_CFGR_WAVE_Msk                     /*!< Waveform shape */
8660 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos              (22U)
8661 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
8662 #define LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD                  LPTIM_CFGR_PRELOAD_Msk                  /*!< Reg update mode */
8663 #define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos            (23U)
8664 #define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk            (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00800000 */
8665 #define LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE                LPTIM_CFGR_COUNTMODE_Msk                /*!< Counter mode enable */
8666 #define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos                  (24U)
8667 #define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
8668 #define LPTIM_CFGR_ENC                      LPTIM_CFGR_ENC_Msk                      /*!< Encoder mode enable */
8670 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CR register  ********************/
8671 #define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos                 (0U)
8672 #define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
8673 #define LPTIM_CR_ENABLE                     LPTIM_CR_ENABLE_Msk                     /*!< LPTIMer enable */
8674 #define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos                (1U)
8675 #define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
8676 #define LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT                    LPTIM_CR_SNGSTRT_Msk                    /*!< Timer start in single mode */
8677 #define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos                (2U)
8678 #define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8679 #define LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT                    LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT_Msk                    /*!< Timer start in continuous mode */
8680 #define LPTIM_CR_COUNTRST_Pos               (3U)
8681 #define LPTIM_CR_COUNTRST_Msk               (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_COUNTRST_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
8682 #define LPTIM_CR_COUNTRST                   LPTIM_CR_COUNTRST_Msk                   /*!< Timer Counter reset in synchronous mode*/
8683 #define LPTIM_CR_RSTARE_Pos                 (4U)
8684 #define LPTIM_CR_RSTARE_Msk                 (0x1UL << LPTIM_CR_RSTARE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
8685 #define LPTIM_CR_RSTARE                     LPTIM_CR_RSTARE_Msk                     /*!< Timer Counter reset after read enable (asynchronously)*/
8688 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CCR1 register  ******************/
8689 #define LPTIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos                 (0U)
8690 #define LPTIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8691 #define LPTIM_CCR1_CCR1                     LPTIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                     /*!< Compare register 1 */
8693 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_ARR register  *******************/
8694 #define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos                   (0U)
8695 #define LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8696 #define LPTIM_ARR_ARR                       LPTIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                       /*!< Auto reload register */
8698 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CNT register  *******************/
8699 #define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos                   (0U)
8700 #define LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8701 #define LPTIM_CNT_CNT                       LPTIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                       /*!< Counter register */
8703 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CFGR2 register  *****************/
8704 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Pos              (0U)
8705 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000003 */
8706 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL                  LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Msk                  /*!< IN1SEL[1:0] bits (Remap selection) */
8707 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
8708 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
8709 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Pos              (4U)
8710 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000030 */
8711 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL                  LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Msk                  /*!< IN2SEL[5:4] bits (Remap selection) */
8712 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
8713 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IN2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
8714 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Pos              (16U)
8715 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000003 */
8716 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL                  LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Msk                  /*!< IC1SEL[17:16] bits */
8717 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
8718 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
8719 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Pos              (20U)
8720 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000030 */
8721 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL                  LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Msk                  /*!< IC2SEL[21:20] bits */
8722 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
8723 #define LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CFGR2_IC2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
8725 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_RCR register  *******************/
8726 #define LPTIM_RCR_REP_Pos                   (0U)
8727 #define LPTIM_RCR_REP_Msk                   (0xFFUL << LPTIM_RCR_REP_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
8728 #define LPTIM_RCR_REP                       LPTIM_RCR_REP_Msk                       /*!< Repetition register value */
8730 /*****************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CCMR1 register  ******************/
8731 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1SEL_Pos              (0U)
8732 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1SEL_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
8733 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1SEL                  LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1SEL_Msk                  /*!< Capture/Compare 1 selection */
8734 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1E_Pos                (1U)
8735 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1E_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
8736 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1E                    LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1E_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
8737 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Pos                (2U)
8738 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
8739 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P                    LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 1 output polarity */
8740 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
8741 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC1P_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
8742 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos              (8U)
8743 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000300 */
8744 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC                  LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                  /*!< Input capture 1 prescaler */
8745 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
8746 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
8747 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos                (12U)
8748 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
8749 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F                    LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                    /*!< Input capture 1 filter */
8750 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
8751 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
8752 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2SEL_Pos              (16U)
8753 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2SEL_Msk              (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
8754 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2SEL                  LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2SEL_Msk                  /*!< Capture/Compare 2 selection */
8755 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2E_Pos                (17U)
8756 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2E_Msk                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
8757 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2E                    LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2E_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
8758 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Pos                (18U)
8759 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Pos)         /*!< 0x000C0000 */
8760 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P                    LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Msk                    /*!< Capture/Compare 2 output polarity */
8761 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
8762 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_CC2P_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
8763 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos              (24U)
8764 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk              (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x03000000 */
8765 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC                  LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                  /*!< Input capture 2 prescaler */
8766 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0                (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
8767 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1                (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
8768 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos                (28U)
8769 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                (0x3UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)         /*!< 0x30000000 */
8770 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F                    LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                    /*!< Input capture 2 filter */
8771 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0                  (0x1UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
8772 #define LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1                  (0x2UL << LPTIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
8774 /******************  Bit definition for LPTIM_CCR2 register  ******************/
8775 #define LPTIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos                 (0U)
8776 #define LPTIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << LPTIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)       /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
8777 #define LPTIM_CCR2_CCR2                     LPTIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                     /*!< Compare register 2 */
8780 /******************************************************************************/
8781 /*                                                                            */
8782 /*                       Public Key Accelerator (PKA)                         */
8783 /*                                                                            */
8784 /******************************************************************************/
8786 /*******************  Bit definition for PKA_CR register  *********************/
8787 #define PKA_CR_EN_Pos                       (0U)
8788 #define PKA_CR_EN_Msk                       (0x1UL << PKA_CR_EN_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
8789 #define PKA_CR_EN                           PKA_CR_EN_Msk                           /*!< PKA enable */
8790 #define PKA_CR_START_Pos                    (1U)
8791 #define PKA_CR_START_Msk                    (0x1UL << PKA_CR_START_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
8792 #define PKA_CR_START                        PKA_CR_START_Msk                        /*!< Start operation */
8793 #define PKA_CR_MODE_Pos                     (8U)
8794 #define PKA_CR_MODE_Msk                     (0x3FUL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00003F00 */
8795 #define PKA_CR_MODE                         PKA_CR_MODE_Msk                         /*!< MODE[5:0] PKA operation code */
8796 #define PKA_CR_MODE_0                       (0x01UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
8797 #define PKA_CR_MODE_1                       (0x02UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
8798 #define PKA_CR_MODE_2                       (0x04UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
8799 #define PKA_CR_MODE_3                       (0x08UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
8800 #define PKA_CR_MODE_4                       (0x10UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
8801 #define PKA_CR_MODE_5                       (0x20UL << PKA_CR_MODE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
8802 #define PKA_CR_PROCENDIE_Pos                (17U)
8803 #define PKA_CR_PROCENDIE_Msk                (0x1UL << PKA_CR_PROCENDIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
8804 #define PKA_CR_PROCENDIE                    PKA_CR_PROCENDIE_Msk                    /*!< End of operation interrupt enable */
8805 #define PKA_CR_RAMERRIE_Pos                 (19U)
8806 #define PKA_CR_RAMERRIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << PKA_CR_RAMERRIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
8807 #define PKA_CR_RAMERRIE                     PKA_CR_RAMERRIE_Msk                     /*!< RAM error interrupt enable */
8808 #define PKA_CR_ADDRERRIE_Pos                (20U)
8809 #define PKA_CR_ADDRERRIE_Msk                (0x1UL << PKA_CR_ADDRERRIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
8810 #define PKA_CR_ADDRERRIE                    PKA_CR_ADDRERRIE_Msk                    /*!< Address error interrupt enable */
8811 #define PKA_CR_OPERRIE_Pos                  (21U)
8812 #define PKA_CR_OPERRIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << PKA_CR_OPERRIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
8813 #define PKA_CR_OPERRIE                      PKA_CR_OPERRIE_Msk                      /*!< Operation Error interrupt enable */
8815 /*******************  Bit definition for PKA_SR register  *********************/
8816 #define PKA_SR_INITOK_Pos                   (0U)
8817 #define PKA_SR_INITOK_Msk                   (0x1UL << PKA_SR_INITOK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
8818 #define PKA_SR_INITOK                       PKA_SR_INITOK_Msk                       /*!< PKA initialisation flag */
8819 #define PKA_SR_BUSY_Pos                     (16U)
8820 #define PKA_SR_BUSY_Msk                     (0x1UL << PKA_SR_BUSY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
8821 #define PKA_SR_BUSY                         PKA_SR_BUSY_Msk                         /*!< PKA operation is in progress */
8822 #define PKA_SR_PROCENDF_Pos                 (17U)
8823 #define PKA_SR_PROCENDF_Msk                 (0x1UL << PKA_SR_PROCENDF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
8824 #define PKA_SR_PROCENDF                     PKA_SR_PROCENDF_Msk                     /*!< PKA end of operation flag */
8825 #define PKA_SR_RAMERRF_Pos                  (19U)
8826 #define PKA_SR_RAMERRF_Msk                  (0x1UL << PKA_SR_RAMERRF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
8827 #define PKA_SR_RAMERRF                      PKA_SR_RAMERRF_Msk                      /*!< PKA RAM error flag */
8828 #define PKA_SR_ADDRERRF_Pos                 (20U)
8829 #define PKA_SR_ADDRERRF_Msk                 (0x1UL << PKA_SR_ADDRERRF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
8830 #define PKA_SR_ADDRERRF                     PKA_SR_ADDRERRF_Msk                     /*!< Address error flag */
8831 #define PKA_SR_OPERRF_Pos                   (21U)
8832 #define PKA_SR_OPERRF_Msk                   (0x1UL << PKA_SR_OPERRF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
8833 #define PKA_SR_OPERRF                       PKA_SR_OPERRF_Msk                       /*!< PKA operation Error flag*/
8835 /*******************  Bit definition for PKA_CLRFR register  ******************/
8836 #define PKA_CLRFR_PROCENDFC_Pos             (17U)
8837 #define PKA_CLRFR_PROCENDFC_Msk             (0x1UL << PKA_CLRFR_PROCENDFC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
8838 #define PKA_CLRFR_PROCENDFC                 PKA_CLRFR_PROCENDFC_Msk                 /*!< Clear PKA end of operation flag */
8839 #define PKA_CLRFR_RAMERRFC_Pos              (19U)
8840 #define PKA_CLRFR_RAMERRFC_Msk              (0x1UL << PKA_CLRFR_RAMERRFC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
8841 #define PKA_CLRFR_RAMERRFC                  PKA_CLRFR_RAMERRFC_Msk                  /*!< Clear PKA RAM error flag */
8842 #define PKA_CLRFR_ADDRERRFC_Pos             (20U)
8843 #define PKA_CLRFR_ADDRERRFC_Msk             (0x1UL << PKA_CLRFR_ADDRERRFC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
8844 #define PKA_CLRFR_ADDRERRFC                 PKA_CLRFR_ADDRERRFC_Msk                 /*!< Clear address error flag */
8845 #define PKA_CLRFR_OPERRFC_Pos               (21U)
8846 #define PKA_CLRFR_OPERRFC_Msk               (0x1UL << PKA_CLRFR_OPERRFC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
8847 #define PKA_CLRFR_OPERRFC                   PKA_CLRFR_OPERRFC_Msk                   /*!< Clear PKA operation Error flag*/
8849 /*******************  Bits definition for PKA RAM  *************************/
8850 #define PKA_RAM_OFFSET                                 (0x0400UL)                          /*!< PKA RAM address offset */
8852 /* Compute Montgomery parameter input data */
8853 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_IN_MOD_NB_BITS            ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus number of bits */
8854 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_IN_MODULUS                ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus */
8856 /* Compute Montgomery parameter output data */
8857 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_OUT_PARAMETER             ((0x0620UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output Montgomery parameter */
8859 /* Compute modular exponentiation input data */
8860 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXP_NB_BITS                 ((0x0400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input exponent number of bits */
8861 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_OP_NB_BITS                  ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
8862 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM            ((0x0620UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input storage area for Montgomery parameter */
8863 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXPONENT_BASE               ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input base of the exponentiation */
8864 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXPONENT                    ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input exponent to process */
8865 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_MODULUS                     ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus */
8866 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_PROTECT_IN_EXPONENT_BASE       ((0x16C8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input base of the protected exponentiation */
8867 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_PROTECT_IN_EXPONENT            ((0x14B8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input exponent to process protected exponentiation*/
8868 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_PROTECT_IN_MODULUS             ((0x0838UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus to process protected exponentiation */
8869 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_PROTECT_IN_PHI                 ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input phi to process protected exponentiation */
8871 /* Compute modular exponentiation output data */
8872 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x0838UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result of the exponentiation */
8873 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_ERROR                      ((0x1298UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output error of the exponentiation */
8874 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_MONTGOMERY_PARAM           ((0x0620UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output storage area for Montgomery parameter */
8875 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_EXPONENT_BASE              ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output base of the exponentiation */
8877 /* Compute ECC scalar multiplication input data */
8878 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_EXP_NB_BITS              ((0x0400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input curve prime order n number of bits */
8879 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_OP_NB_BITS               ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus number of bits */
8880 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN             ((0x0410UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
8881 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_A_COEFF                  ((0x0418UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'a' coefficient */
8882 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_B_COEFF                  ((0x0520UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'b' coefficient */
8883 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_MOD_GF                   ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
8884 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_K                        ((0x12A0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input 'k' of KP */
8885 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X          ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
8886 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y          ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
8887 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_N_PRIME_ORDER            ((0x0F88UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input prime order n */
8889 /* Compute ECC scalar multiplication output data */
8890 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_RESULT_X                ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result X coordinate */
8891 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_RESULT_Y                ((0x05D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result Y coordinate */
8892 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_ERROR                   ((0x0680UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result error */
8894 /* Point check input data */
8895 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_MOD_NB_BITS                 ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus number of bits */
8896 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN                ((0x0410UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
8897 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_A_COEFF                     ((0x0418UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'a' coefficient */
8898 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_B_COEFF                     ((0x0520UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'b' coefficient */
8899 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_MOD_GF                      ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
8900 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X             ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
8901 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y             ((0x05D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
8902 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM            ((0x04C8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input storage area for Montgomery parameter */
8904 /* Point check output data */
8905 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_OUT_ERROR                      ((0x0680UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output error */
8907 /* ECDSA signature input data */
8908 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_ORDER_NB_BITS                ((0x0400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input order number of bits */
8909 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_MOD_NB_BITS                  ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus number of bits */
8910 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN                 ((0x0410UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
8911 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_A_COEFF                      ((0x0418UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'a' coefficient */
8912 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_B_COEFF                      ((0x0520UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'b' coefficient */
8913 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_MOD_GF                       ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
8914 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_K                            ((0x12A0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input k value of the ECDSA */
8915 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X              ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
8916 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y              ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
8917 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_HASH_E                       ((0x0FE8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input e, hash of the message */
8918 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_PRIVATE_KEY_D                ((0x0F28UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input d, private key */
8919 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_ORDER_N                      ((0x0F88UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input n, order of the curve */
8921 /* ECDSA signature output data */
8922 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_ERROR                       ((0x0FE0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output error */
8923 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_SIGNATURE_R                 ((0x0730UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output signature r */
8924 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_SIGNATURE_S                 ((0x0788UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output signature s */
8925 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_FINAL_POINT_X               ((0x1400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Extended output result point X coordinate */
8926 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_FINAL_POINT_Y               ((0x1458UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Extended output result point Y coordinate */
8929 /* ECDSA verification input data */
8930 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_ORDER_NB_BITS               ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input order number of bits */
8931 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_MOD_NB_BITS                 ((0x04C8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus number of bits */
8932 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN                ((0x0468UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
8933 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_A_COEFF                     ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve 'a' coefficient */
8934 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_MOD_GF                      ((0x04D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
8935 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X             ((0x0678UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
8936 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y             ((0x06D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
8937 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_PUBLIC_KEY_POINT_X          ((0x12F8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input public key point X coordinate */
8938 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_PUBLIC_KEY_POINT_Y          ((0x1350UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input public key point Y coordinate */
8939 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_SIGNATURE_R                 ((0x10E0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input r, part of the signature */
8940 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_SIGNATURE_S                 ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input s, part of the signature */
8941 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_HASH_E                      ((0x13A8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input e, hash of the message */
8942 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_ORDER_N                     ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input n, order of the curve */
8944 /* ECDSA verification output data */
8945 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x05D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8947 /* RSA CRT exponentiation input data */
8948 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_MOD_NB_BITS                 ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operands number of bits */
8949 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_DP_CRT                      ((0x0730UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Dp CRT parameter */
8950 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_DQ_CRT                      ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Dq CRT parameter */
8951 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_QINV_CRT                    ((0x0948UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input qInv CRT parameter */
8952 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_PRIME_P                     ((0x0B60UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Prime p */
8953 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_PRIME_Q                     ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Prime q */
8954 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_EXPONENT_BASE               ((0x12A0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input base of the exponentiation */
8956 /* RSA CRT exponentiation output data */
8957 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x0838UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8959 /* Modular reduction input data */
8960 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_OP_LENGTH                 ((0x0400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand length */
8961 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_MOD_LENGTH                ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus length */
8962 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_OPERAND                   ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand */
8963 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_MODULUS                   ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus */
8965 /* Modular reduction output data */
8966 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_OUT_RESULT                   ((0xE78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8968 /* Arithmetic addition input data */
8969 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_IN_OP_NB_BITS               ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
8970 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_IN_OP1                      ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
8971 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_IN_OP2                      ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
8973 /* Arithmetic addition output data */
8974 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_OUT_RESULT                  ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8976 /* Arithmetic subtraction input data */
8977 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_IN_OP_NB_BITS               ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
8978 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_IN_OP1                      ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
8979 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_IN_OP2                      ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
8981 /* Arithmetic subtraction output data */
8982 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_OUT_RESULT                  ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8984 /* Arithmetic multiplication input data */
8985 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_NB_BITS                     ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
8986 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_IN_OP1                      ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
8987 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_IN_OP2                      ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
8989 /* Arithmetic multiplication output data */
8990 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_OUT_RESULT                  ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
8992 /* Comparison input data */
8993 #define PKA_COMPARISON_IN_OP_NB_BITS                   ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
8994 #define PKA_COMPARISON_IN_OP1                          ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
8995 #define PKA_COMPARISON_IN_OP2                          ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
8997 /* Comparison output data */
8998 #define PKA_COMPARISON_OUT_RESULT                      ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
9000 /* Modular addition input data */
9001 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_NB_BITS                        ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
9002 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP1                         ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
9003 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP2                         ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
9004 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP3_MOD                     ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input operand op3 (modulus) */
9006 /* Modular addition output data */
9007 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
9009 /* Modular inversion input data */
9010 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_NB_BITS                        ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
9011 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_IN_OP1                         ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
9012 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_IN_OP2_MOD                     ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input operand op2 (modulus) */
9014 /* Modular inversion output data */
9015 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
9017 /* Modular subtraction input data */
9018 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP_NB_BITS                  ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
9019 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP1                         ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
9020 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP2                         ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
9021 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP3_MOD                     ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input operand op3 */
9023 /* Modular subtraction output data */
9024 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_OUT_RESULT                     ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
9026 /* Montgomery multiplication input data */
9027 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP_NB_BITS               ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
9028 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP1                      ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
9029 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP2                      ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
9030 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP3_MOD                  ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input modulus */
9032 /* Montgomery multiplication output data */
9033 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_OUT_RESULT                  ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result */
9035 /* Generic Arithmetic input data */
9036 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_NB_BITS                 ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand number of bits */
9037 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP1                  ((0x0A50UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op1 */
9038 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP2                  ((0x0C68UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input operand op2 */
9039 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP3                  ((0x1088UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input operand op2 */
9041 /* Generic Arithmetic output data */
9042 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_OUT_RESULT              ((0x0E78UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Output result for arithmetic operations */
9044 /* Compute ECC complete addition input data */
9045 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_MOD_NB_BITS            ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input Modulus number of bits */
9046 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN           ((0x0410UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
9047 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_A_COEFF                ((0x0418UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input ECC curve '|a|' coefficient */
9048 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_MOD_P                  ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
9049 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT1_X               ((0x0628UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
9050 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT1_Y               ((0x0680UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
9051 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT1_Z               ((0x06D8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point P Z coordinate */
9052 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT2_X               ((0x0730UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point Q X coordinate */
9053 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT2_Y               ((0x0788UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point Q Y coordinate */
9054 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_IN_POINT2_Z               ((0x07E0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Input initial point Q Z coordinate */
9056 /* Compute ECC complete addition output data */
9057 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_OUT_RESULT_X              ((0x0D60UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Output result X coordinate */
9058 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_OUT_RESULT_Y              ((0x0DB8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Output result Y coordinate */
9059 #define PKA_ECC_COMPLETE_ADD_OUT_RESULT_Z              ((0x0E10UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)   /*!< Output result Z coordinate */
9061 /* Compute ECC double base ladder input data */
9062 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_PRIME_ORDER_NB_BITS   ((0x0400UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input n, order of the curve */
9063 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_MOD_NB_BITS           ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Modulus number of bits */
9064 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN          ((0x0410UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input sign of the 'a' coefficient */
9065 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_A_COEFF               ((0x0418UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input ECC curve '|a|' coefficient */
9066 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_MOD_P                 ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
9067 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_K_INTEGER             ((0x0520UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input 'k' integer coefficient */
9068 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_M_INTEGER             ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input 'm' integer coefficient */
9069 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT1_X              ((0x0628UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P X coordinate */
9070 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT1_Y              ((0x0680UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Y coordinate */
9071 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT1_Z              ((0x06D8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point P Z coordinate */
9072 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT2_X              ((0x0730UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point Q X coordinate */
9073 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT2_Y              ((0x0788UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point Q Y coordinate */
9074 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_IN_POINT2_Z              ((0x07E0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial point Q Z coordinate */
9076 /* Compute ECC double base ladder output data */
9077 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_OUT_RESULT_X             ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result X coordinate (affine coordinate) */
9078 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_OUT_RESULT_Y             ((0x05D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result Y coordinate (affine coordinate) */
9079 #define PKA_ECC_DOUBLE_LADDER_OUT_ERROR                ((0x0520UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result error */
9081 /* Compute ECC projective to affine conversion input data */
9082 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_MOD_NB_BITS          ((0x0408UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input Modulus number of bits */
9083 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_MOD_P                ((0x0470UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input modulus GF(p) */
9084 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_POINT_X              ((0x0D60UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial projective point P X coordinate */
9085 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_POINT_Y              ((0x0DB8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial projective point P Y coordinate */
9086 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_POINT_Z              ((0x0E10UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input initial projective point P Z coordinate */
9087 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_R2  ((0x04C8UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Input storage area for Montgomery parameter */
9089 /* Compute ECC projective to affine conversion output data */
9090 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_OUT_RESULT_X            ((0x0578UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result x affine coordinate */
9091 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_OUT_RESULT_Y            ((0x05D0UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result y affine coordinate */
9092 #define PKA_ECC_PROJECTIVE_AFF_OUT_ERROR               ((0x0680UL - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2)    /*!< Output result error */
9095 /******************************************************************************/
9096 /*                                                                            */
9097 /*                             PTA Converter                                  */
9098 /*                                                                            */
9099 /******************************************************************************/
9100 /******************  Bit definition for PTACONV_ACTCR register  ***************/
9101 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TACTIVE_Pos           (0U)
9102 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TACTIVE_Msk           (0xFFUL << PTACONV_ACTCR_TACTIVE_Pos)   /*!< 0x000000FF */
9103 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TACTIVE               PTACONV_ACTCR_TACTIVE_Msk               /*!< PTA_ACTIVE setup time in us */
9104 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ACTPOL_Pos            (15U)
9105 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ACTPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << PTACONV_ACTCR_ACTPOL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00008000 */
9106 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ACTPOL                PTACONV_ACTCR_ACTPOL_Msk                /*!< PTA_ACTIVE polarity */
9107 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TABORT_Pos            (16U)
9108 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TABORT_Msk            (0xFUL << PTACONV_ACTCR_TABORT_Pos)     /*!< 0x000F0000 */
9109 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_TABORT                PTACONV_ACTCR_TABORT_Msk                /*!< PTA_ACTIVE delay to cease an ongoing transmission in us */
9110 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ABORTDIS_Pos          (20U)
9111 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ABORTDIS_Msk          (0x1UL << PTACONV_ACTCR_ABORTDIS_Pos)   /*!< 0x00100000 */
9112 #define PTACONV_ACTCR_ABORTDIS              PTACONV_ACTCR_ABORTDIS_Msk              /*!< Disable PTA_ACTIVE deny to abort an ongoing transmission */
9114 /******************  Bit definition for PTACONV_PRICR register  ***************/
9115 #define PTACONV_PRICR_TPRIORITY_Pos         (0U)
9116 #define PTACONV_PRICR_TPRIORITY_Msk         (0xFFUL << PTACONV_PRICR_TPRIORITY_Pos) /*!< 0x0000001F */
9117 #define PTACONV_PRICR_TPRIORITY             PTACONV_PRICR_TPRIORITY_Msk             /*!< Priority valid time in us */
9118 #define PTACONV_PRICR_PRIPOL_Pos            (15U)
9119 #define PTACONV_PRICR_PRIPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << PTACONV_PRICR_PRIPOL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00008000 */
9120 #define PTACONV_PRICR_PRIPOL                PTACONV_PRICR_PRIPOL_Msk                /*!< Priority polarity */
9122 /******************  Bit definition for PTACONV_CR register  ******************/
9123 #define PTACONV_CR_TXRXPOL_Pos              (0U)
9124 #define PTACONV_CR_TXRXPOL_Msk              (0xFFUL << PTACONV_CR_TXRXPOL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
9125 #define PTACONV_CR_TXRXPOL                  PTACONV_CR_TXRXPOL_Msk                  /*!< PTA_STATUS transmit and receive polarity */
9126 #define PTACONV_CR_GRANTPOL_Pos             (15U)
9127 #define PTACONV_CR_GRANTPOL_Msk             (0x1UL << PTACONV_CR_GRANTPOL_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
9128 #define PTACONV_CR_GRANTPOL                 PTACONV_CR_GRANTPOL_Msk                 /*!< PTA_GRANT polarity */
9131 /******************************************************************************/
9132 /*                                                                            */
9133 /*                             Power Control                                  */
9134 /*                                                                            */
9135 /******************************************************************************/
9136 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR1 register  *******************/
9137 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS_Pos                    (0U)
9138 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS_Msk                    (0x7UL << PWR_CR1_LPMS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000007 */
9139 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS                        PWR_CR1_LPMS_Msk                        /*!< LPMS[2:0] Low-power mode selection field */
9140 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS_0                      (0x1UL << PWR_CR1_LPMS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
9141 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS_1                      (0x2UL << PWR_CR1_LPMS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
9142 #define PWR_CR1_LPMS_2                      (0x4UL << PWR_CR1_LPMS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
9143 #define PWR_CR1_R2RSB1_Pos                  (5U)
9144 #define PWR_CR1_R2RSB1_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_CR1_R2RSB1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
9145 #define PWR_CR1_R2RSB1                      PWR_CR1_R2RSB1_Msk                      /*!< SRAM2 Retention in Standby */
9146 #define PWR_CR1_ULPMEN_Pos                  (7U)
9147 #define PWR_CR1_ULPMEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_CR1_ULPMEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
9148 #define PWR_CR1_ULPMEN                      PWR_CR1_ULPMEN_Msk                      /*!< BOR ultra-low power mode in Standby/Shutdown */
9149 #define PWR_CR1_RADIORSB_Pos                (9U)
9150 #define PWR_CR1_RADIORSB_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_CR1_RADIORSB_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
9151 #define PWR_CR1_RADIORSB                    PWR_CR1_RADIORSB_Msk                    /*!< 2.4GHz RADIO SRAMs (TXRX and Sequence) and Sleep clock retention in Standby mode */
9152 #define PWR_CR1_R1RSB1_Pos                  (12U)
9153 #define PWR_CR1_R1RSB1_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_CR1_R1RSB1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
9154 #define PWR_CR1_R1RSB1                      PWR_CR1_R1RSB1_Msk                       /*!< SRAM1 Retention in Standby */
9156 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR2 register  *******************/
9157 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM1PDS1_Pos               (0U)
9158 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM1PDS1_Msk               (0x1UL << PWR_CR2_SRAM1PDS1_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
9159 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM1PDS1                   PWR_CR2_SRAM1PDS1_Msk                   /*!< SRAM1  power-down in Stop modes (Stop 0, 1) */
9160 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM2PDS1_Pos               (4U)
9161 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM2PDS1_Msk               (0x1UL << PWR_CR2_SRAM2PDS1_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
9162 #define PWR_CR2_SRAM2PDS1                   PWR_CR2_SRAM2PDS1_Msk                   /*!< SRAM2 power-down in Stop modes (Stop 0, 1) */
9163 #define PWR_CR2_ICRAMPDS_Pos                (8U)
9164 #define PWR_CR2_ICRAMPDS_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_CR2_ICRAMPDS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
9165 #define PWR_CR2_ICRAMPDS                    PWR_CR2_ICRAMPDS_Msk                    /*!< ICACHE SRAM power-down in Stop modes (Stop 0, 1) */
9166 #define PWR_CR2_FLASHFWU_Pos                (14U)
9167 #define PWR_CR2_FLASHFWU_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_CR2_FLASHFWU_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
9168 #define PWR_CR2_FLASHFWU                    PWR_CR2_FLASHFWU_Msk                    /*!< Flash low-power mode in Stop modes (Stop0, 1) */
9170 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_CR3 register  *******************/
9171 #define PWR_CR3_FSTEN_Pos                   (2U)
9172 #define PWR_CR3_FSTEN_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_CR3_FSTEN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
9173 #define PWR_CR3_FSTEN                       PWR_CR3_FSTEN_Msk                       /*!< Fast soft start */
9175 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_VOSR register  *******************/
9176 #define PWR_VOSR_VOSRDY_Pos                 (15U)
9177 #define PWR_VOSR_VOSRDY_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_VOSR_VOSRDY_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9178 #define PWR_VOSR_VOSRDY                     PWR_VOSR_VOSRDY_Msk                     /*!< Ready bit for VCORE voltage scaling output selection */
9179 #define PWR_VOSR_VOS_Pos                    (16U)
9180 #define PWR_VOSR_VOS_Msk                    (0x1UL << PWR_VOSR_VOS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
9181 #define PWR_VOSR_VOS                        PWR_VOSR_VOS_Msk                        /*!< Voltage scaling range selection */
9183 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_SVMCR register  ******************/
9184 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDE_Pos                  (4U)
9185 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDE_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_SVMCR_PVDE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
9186 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDE                      PWR_SVMCR_PVDE_Msk                      /*!< Power voltage detector enable */
9187 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Pos                 (5U)
9188 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Msk                 (0x7UL << PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000E0 */
9189 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS                     PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Msk                     /*!< PVDLS[2:0] Power voltage detector level selection field  */
9190 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_0                   (0x1UL << PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
9191 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_1                   (0x2UL << PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
9192 #define PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_2                   (0x4UL << PWR_SVMCR_PVDLS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
9194 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_WUCR1 register  ******************/
9195 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN1_Pos                (0U)
9196 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN1_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
9197 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN1                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN1_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP1 enable */
9198 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN2_Pos                (1U)
9199 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN2_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
9200 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN2                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN2_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP2 enable */
9201 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN3_Pos                (2U)
9202 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN3_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
9203 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN3                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN3_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP3 enable */
9204 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN4_Pos                (3U)
9205 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN4_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
9206 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN4                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN4_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP4 enable */
9207 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN5_Pos                (4U)
9208 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN5_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
9209 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN5                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN5_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP5 enable */
9210 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN6_Pos                (5U)
9211 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN6_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
9212 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN6                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN6_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP6 enable */
9213 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN7_Pos                (6U)
9214 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN7_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
9215 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN7                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN7_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP7 enable */
9216 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN8_Pos                (7U)
9217 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN8_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
9218 #define PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN8                    PWR_WUCR1_WUPEN8_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP8 enable */
9220 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_WUCR2 register  ******************/
9221 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP1_Pos                 (0U)
9222 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP1_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
9223 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP1                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP1_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP1 polarity */
9224 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP2_Pos                 (1U)
9225 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP2_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
9226 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP2                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP2_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP2 polarity */
9227 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP3_Pos                 (2U)
9228 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP3_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
9229 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP3                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP3_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP3 polarity */
9230 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP4_Pos                 (3U)
9231 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP4_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP4_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
9232 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP4                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP4_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP4 polarity */
9233 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP5_Pos                 (4U)
9234 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP5_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
9235 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP5                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP5_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP5 polarity */
9236 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP6_Pos                 (5U)
9237 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP6_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP6_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
9238 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP6                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP6_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP6 polarity */
9239 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP7_Pos                 (6U)
9240 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP7_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
9241 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP7                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP7_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP7 polarity */
9242 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP8_Pos                 (7U)
9243 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP8_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR2_WUPP8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
9244 #define PWR_WUCR2_WUPP8                     PWR_WUCR2_WUPP8_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP8 polarity */
9246 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_WUCR3 register  ******************/
9247 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Pos                (0U)
9248 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000003 */
9249 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP1 selection field */
9250 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
9251 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
9252 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Pos                (2U)
9253 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
9254 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP2 selection field */
9255 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
9256 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL2_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
9257 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Pos                (4U)
9258 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
9259 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP3 selection field */
9260 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
9261 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL3_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
9262 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Pos                (6U)
9263 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000C0 */
9264 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP4 selection field */
9265 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
9266 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL4_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000080 */
9267 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Pos                (8U)
9268 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000300 */
9269 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP5 selection field */
9270 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
9271 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL5_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
9272 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Pos                (10U)
9273 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
9274 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP6 selection field */
9275 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
9276 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL6_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
9277 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Pos                (12U)
9278 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00003000 */
9279 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP7 selection field */
9280 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
9281 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL7_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
9282 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Pos                (14U)
9283 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Msk                (0x3UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000C000 */
9284 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8                    PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Msk                    /*!< Wakeup pin WKUP8 selection field */
9285 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_0                  (0x1UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
9286 #define PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_1                  (0x2UL << PWR_WUCR3_WUSEL8_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
9288 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_DBPR register  ******************/
9289 #define PWR_DBPR_DBP_Pos                    (0U)
9290 #define PWR_DBPR_DBP_Msk                    (0x1UL << PWR_DBPR_DBP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
9291 #define PWR_DBPR_DBP                        PWR_DBPR_DBP_Msk                        /*!< Disable backup domain write protection */
9293 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_SECCFGR register  ****************/
9294 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP1SEC_Pos             (0U)
9295 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP1SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP1SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
9296 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP1SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP1SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP1 secure protection                             */
9297 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP2SEC_Pos             (1U)
9298 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP2SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP2SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
9299 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP2SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP2SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP2 secure protection                             */
9300 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP3SEC_Pos             (2U)
9301 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP3SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP3SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
9302 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP3SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP3SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP3 secure protection                             */
9303 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP4SEC_Pos             (3U)
9304 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP4SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP4SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000008 */
9305 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP4SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP4SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP4 secure protection                             */
9306 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP5SEC_Pos             (4U)
9307 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP5SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP5SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
9308 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP5SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP5SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP5 secure protection                             */
9309 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP6SEC_Pos             (5U)
9310 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP6SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP6SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
9311 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP6SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP6SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP6 secure protection                             */
9312 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP7SEC_Pos             (6U)
9313 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP7SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP7SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
9314 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP7SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP7SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP7 secure protection                             */
9315 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP8SEC_Pos             (7U)
9316 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP8SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_WUP8SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
9317 #define PWR_SECCFGR_WUP8SEC                 PWR_SECCFGR_WUP8SEC_Msk                 /*!< WUP8 secure protection                             */
9318 #define PWR_SECCFGR_LPMSEC_Pos              (12U)
9319 #define PWR_SECCFGR_LPMSEC_Msk              (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_LPMSEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
9320 #define PWR_SECCFGR_LPMSEC                  PWR_SECCFGR_LPMSEC_Msk                  /*!< Low-power modes secure protection                  */
9321 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VDMSEC_Pos              (13U)
9322 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VDMSEC_Msk              (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_VDMSEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
9323 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VDMSEC                  PWR_SECCFGR_VDMSEC_Msk                  /*!< Voltage detection and monitoring secure protection */
9324 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VBSEC_Pos               (14U)
9325 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VBSEC_Msk               (0x1UL << PWR_SECCFGR_VBSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
9326 #define PWR_SECCFGR_VBSEC                   PWR_SECCFGR_VBSEC_Msk                   /*!< Backup domain secure protection                    */
9328 /*******************  Bit definition for PWR_PRIVCFGR register  ***************/
9329 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos              (0U)
9330 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk              (0x1UL << PWR_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
9331 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV                  PWR_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk                  /*!< RCC secure functions privilege configuration     */
9332 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos             (1U)
9333 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
9334 #define PWR_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV                 PWR_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk                 /*!< RCC non-secure functions privilege configuration */
9336 /**********************  Bit definition for PWR_SR register  ******************/
9337 #define PWR_SR_CSSF_Pos                     (0U)
9338 #define PWR_SR_CSSF_Msk                     (0x1UL << PWR_SR_CSSF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
9339 #define PWR_SR_CSSF                         PWR_SR_CSSF_Msk                         /*!< Clear Stop and Standby/Shutdown flags */
9340 #define PWR_SR_STOPF_Pos                    (1U)
9341 #define PWR_SR_STOPF_Msk                    (0x1UL << PWR_SR_STOPF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
9342 #define PWR_SR_STOPF                        PWR_SR_STOPF_Msk                        /*!< Stop flag                             */
9343 #define PWR_SR_SBF_Pos                      (2U)
9344 #define PWR_SR_SBF_Msk                      (0x1UL << PWR_SR_SBF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
9345 #define PWR_SR_SBF                          PWR_SR_SBF_Msk                          /*!< Standby/Shutdown flag                 */
9347 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_SVMSR register  *****************/
9348 #define PWR_SVMSR_PVDO_Pos                  (4U)
9349 #define PWR_SVMSR_PVDO_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_SVMSR_PVDO_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
9350 #define PWR_SVMSR_PVDO                      PWR_SVMSR_PVDO_Msk                      /*!< VDD voltage detector output                       */
9351 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOSRDY_Pos             (15U)
9352 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOSRDY_Msk             (0x1UL << PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOSRDY_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
9353 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOSRDY                 PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOSRDY_Msk                 /*!< Voltage level ready for currently used VOS        */
9354 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOS_Pos                (16U)
9355 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOS_Msk                (0x1UL << PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
9356 #define PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOS                    PWR_SVMSR_ACTVOS_Msk                    /*!< Voltage Output Scaling currently applied to VCORE */
9358 /*********************  Bit definition for PWR_WUSR register  *****************/
9359 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF1_Pos                   (0U)
9360 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF1_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
9361 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF1                       PWR_WUSR_WUF1_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 1   */
9362 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF2_Pos                   (1U)
9363 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF2_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
9364 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF2                       PWR_WUSR_WUF2_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 2   */
9365 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF3_Pos                   (2U)
9366 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF3_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
9367 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF3                       PWR_WUSR_WUF3_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 3   */
9368 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF4_Pos                   (3U)
9369 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF4_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
9370 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF4                       PWR_WUSR_WUF4_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 4   */
9371 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF5_Pos                   (4U)
9372 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF5_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
9373 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF5                       PWR_WUSR_WUF5_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 5   */
9374 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF6_Pos                   (5U)
9375 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF6_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
9376 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF6                       PWR_WUSR_WUF6_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 6   */
9377 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF7_Pos                   (6U)
9378 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF7_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
9379 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF7                       PWR_WUSR_WUF7_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 7   */
9380 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF8_Pos                   (7U)
9381 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF8_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_WUSR_WUF8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
9382 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF8                       PWR_WUSR_WUF8_Msk                       /*!< Wakeup flag 8   */
9383 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF_Pos                    (0U)
9384 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF_Msk                    (0xFFUL << PWR_WUSR_WUF_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
9385 #define PWR_WUSR_WUF                        PWR_WUSR_WUF_Msk                        /*!< all Wakeup flag */
9387 /*********************  Bit definition for PWR_WUSCR register  ****************/
9388 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1_Pos                 (0U)
9389 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001*/
9390 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 1   */
9391 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF2_Pos                 (1U)
9392 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF2_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
9393 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF2                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF2_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 2   */
9394 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF3_Pos                 (2U)
9395 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF3_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
9396 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF3                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF3_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 3   */
9397 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF4_Pos                 (3U)
9398 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF4_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF4_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
9399 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF4                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF4_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 4   */
9400 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF5_Pos                 (4U)
9401 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF5_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
9402 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF5                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF5_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 5   */
9403 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF6_Pos                 (5U)
9404 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF6_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF6_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
9405 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF6                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF6_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 6   */
9406 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF7_Pos                 (6U)
9407 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF7_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
9408 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF7                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF7_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 7   */
9409 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF8_Pos                 (7U)
9410 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF8_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
9411 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF8                     PWR_WUSCR_CWUF8_Msk                     /*!< Wakeup clear flag 8   */
9412 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF_Pos                  (0U)
9413 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF_Msk                  (0xFFUL << PWR_WUSCR_CWUF1_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000FF */
9414 #define PWR_WUSCR_CWUF                      PWR_WUSCR_CWUF_Msk                      /*!< all Wakeup clear flag */
9416 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETENRA register  *****************/
9417 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN0_Pos                  (0U)
9418 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN0_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
9419 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN0                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN0_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA0  */
9420 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN1_Pos                  (1U)
9421 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN1_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
9422 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN1                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN1_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA1  */
9423 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN2_Pos                  (2U)
9424 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN2_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
9425 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN2                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN2_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA2  */
9426 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN3_Pos                  (3U)
9427 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN3_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
9428 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN3                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN3_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA3  */
9429 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN4_Pos                  (4U)
9430 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN4_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
9431 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN4                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN4_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA4  */
9432 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN5_Pos                  (5U)
9433 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN5_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
9434 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN5                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN5_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA5  */
9435 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN6_Pos                  (6U)
9436 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN6_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
9437 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN6                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN6_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA6  */
9438 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN7_Pos                  (7U)
9439 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN7_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
9440 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN7                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN7_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA7  */
9441 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN8_Pos                  (8U)
9442 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN8_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
9443 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN8                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN8_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA8  */
9444 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN9_Pos                  (9U)
9445 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN9_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
9446 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN9                      PWR_IORETENRA_EN9_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA9  */
9447 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN10_Pos                 (10U)
9448 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN10_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
9449 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN10                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN10_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA10 */
9450 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN11_Pos                 (11U)
9451 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN11_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
9452 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN11                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN11_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA11 */
9453 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN12_Pos                 (12U)
9454 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN12_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
9455 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN12                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN12_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA12 */
9456 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN13_Pos                 (13U)
9457 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN13_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
9458 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN13                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN13_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA13 */
9459 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN14_Pos                 (14U)
9460 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN14_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
9461 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN14                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN14_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA14 */
9462 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN15_Pos                 (15U)
9463 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN15_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRA_EN15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9464 #define PWR_IORETENRA_EN15                     PWR_IORETENRA_EN15_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PA15 */
9466 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETRA register  *****************/
9467 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET0_Pos                   (0U)
9468 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET0_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
9469 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET0                       PWR_IORETRA_RET0_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA0  */
9470 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET1_Pos                   (1U)
9471 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET1_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
9472 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET1                       PWR_IORETRA_RET1_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA1  */
9473 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET2_Pos                   (2U)
9474 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET2_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
9475 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET2                       PWR_IORETRA_RET2_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA2  */
9476 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET3_Pos                   (3U)
9477 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET3_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
9478 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET3                       PWR_IORETRA_RET3_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA3  */
9479 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET4_Pos                   (4U)
9480 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET4_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
9481 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET4                       PWR_IORETRA_RET4_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA4  */
9482 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET5_Pos                   (5U)
9483 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET5_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
9484 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET5                       PWR_IORETRA_RET5_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA5  */
9485 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET6_Pos                   (6U)
9486 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET6_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
9487 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET6                       PWR_IORETRA_RET6_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA6  */
9488 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET7_Pos                   (7U)
9489 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET7_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
9490 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET7                       PWR_IORETRA_RET7_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA7  */
9491 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET8_Pos                   (8U)
9492 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET8_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
9493 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET8                       PWR_IORETRA_RET8_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA8  */
9494 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET9_Pos                   (9U)
9495 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET9_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
9496 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET9                       PWR_IORETRA_RET9_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA9  */
9497 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET10_Pos                  (10U)
9498 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET10_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
9499 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET10                      PWR_IORETRA_RET10_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA10 */
9500 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET11_Pos                  (11U)
9501 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET11_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
9502 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET11                      PWR_IORETRA_RET11_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA11 */
9503 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET12_Pos                  (12U)
9504 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET12_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
9505 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET12                      PWR_IORETRA_RET12_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA12 */
9506 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET13_Pos                  (13U)
9507 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET13_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
9508 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET13                      PWR_IORETRA_RET13_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA13 */
9509 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET14_Pos                  (14U)
9510 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET14_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
9511 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET14                      PWR_IORETRA_RET14_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA14 */
9512 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET15_Pos                  (15U)
9513 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET15_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRA_RET15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
9514 #define PWR_IORETRA_RET15                      PWR_IORETRA_RET15_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PA15 */
9516 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETENRB register  *****************/
9517 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN0_Pos                  (0U)
9518 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN0_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN0_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
9519 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN0                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN0_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB0  */
9520 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN1_Pos                  (1U)
9521 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN1_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN1_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
9522 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN1                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN1_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB1  */
9523 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN2_Pos                  (2U)
9524 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN2_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN2_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
9525 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN2                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN2_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB2  */
9526 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN3_Pos                  (3U)
9527 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN3_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
9528 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN3                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN3_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB3  */
9529 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN4_Pos                  (4U)
9530 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN4_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN4_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
9531 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN4                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN4_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB4  */
9532 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN5_Pos                  (5U)
9533 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN5_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN5_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
9534 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN5                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN5_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB5  */
9535 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN6_Pos                  (6U)
9536 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN6_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN6_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
9537 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN6                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN6_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB6  */
9538 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN7_Pos                  (7U)
9539 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN7_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN7_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
9540 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN7                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN7_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB7  */
9541 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN8_Pos                  (8U)
9542 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN8_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
9543 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN8                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN8_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB8  */
9544 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN9_Pos                  (9U)
9545 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN9_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN9_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
9546 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN9                      PWR_IORETENRB_EN9_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB9  */
9547 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN10_Pos                 (10U)
9548 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN10_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN10_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
9549 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN10                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN10_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB10 */
9550 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN11_Pos                 (11U)
9551 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN11_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN11_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
9552 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN11                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN11_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB11 */
9553 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN12_Pos                 (12U)
9554 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN12_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN12_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
9555 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN12                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN12_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB12 */
9556 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN13_Pos                 (13U)
9557 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN13_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
9558 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN13                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN13_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB13 */
9559 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN14_Pos                 (14U)
9560 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN14_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
9561 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN14                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN14_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB14 */
9562 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN15_Pos                 (15U)
9563 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN15_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRB_EN15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9564 #define PWR_IORETENRB_EN15                     PWR_IORETENRB_EN15_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PB15 */
9566 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETRB register  *****************/
9567 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET0_Pos                   (0U)
9568 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET0_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET0_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
9569 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET0                       PWR_IORETRB_RET0_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB0  */
9570 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET1_Pos                   (1U)
9571 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET1_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET1_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
9572 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET1                       PWR_IORETRB_RET1_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB1  */
9573 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET2_Pos                   (2U)
9574 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET2_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET2_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
9575 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET2                       PWR_IORETRB_RET2_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB2  */
9576 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET3_Pos                   (3U)
9577 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET3_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
9578 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET3                       PWR_IORETRB_RET3_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB3  */
9579 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET4_Pos                   (4U)
9580 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET4_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET4_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
9581 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET4                       PWR_IORETRB_RET4_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB4  */
9582 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET5_Pos                   (5U)
9583 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET5_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET5_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
9584 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET5                       PWR_IORETRB_RET5_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB5  */
9585 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET6_Pos                   (6U)
9586 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET6_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET6_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
9587 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET6                       PWR_IORETRB_RET6_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB6  */
9588 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET7_Pos                   (7U)
9589 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET7_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET7_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
9590 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET7                       PWR_IORETRB_RET7_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB7  */
9591 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET8_Pos                   (8U)
9592 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET8_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET8_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
9593 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET8                       PWR_IORETRB_RET8_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB8  */
9594 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET9_Pos                   (9U)
9595 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET9_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET9_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
9596 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET9                       PWR_IORETRB_RET9_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB9  */
9597 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET10_Pos                  (10U)
9598 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET10_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET10_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
9599 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET10                      PWR_IORETRB_RET10_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB10 */
9600 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET11_Pos                  (11U)
9601 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET11_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET11_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
9602 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET11                      PWR_IORETRB_RET11_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB11 */
9603 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET12_Pos                  (12U)
9604 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET12_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET12_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
9605 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET12                      PWR_IORETRB_RET12_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB12 */
9606 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET13_Pos                  (13U)
9607 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET13_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
9608 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET13                      PWR_IORETRB_RET13_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB13 */
9609 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET14_Pos                  (14U)
9610 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET14_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
9611 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET14                      PWR_IORETRB_RET14_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB14 */
9612 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET15_Pos                  (15U)
9613 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET15_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRB_RET15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
9614 #define PWR_IORETRB_RET15                      PWR_IORETRB_RET15_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PB15 */
9616 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETENRC register  *****************/
9617 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN13_Pos                 (13U)
9618 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN13_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRC_EN13_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
9619 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN13                     PWR_IORETENRC_EN13_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PC13 */
9620 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN14_Pos                 (14U)
9621 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN14_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRC_EN14_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
9622 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN14                     PWR_IORETENRC_EN14_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PC14 */
9623 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN15_Pos                 (15U)
9624 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN15_Msk                 (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRC_EN15_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9625 #define PWR_IORETENRC_EN15                     PWR_IORETENRC_EN15_Msk                     /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PC15 */
9627 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETRC register  *****************/
9628 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET13_Pos                  (13U)
9629 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET13_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRC_RET13_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
9630 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET13                      PWR_IORETRC_RET13_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PC13 */
9631 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET14_Pos                  (14U)
9632 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET14_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRC_RET14_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
9633 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET14                      PWR_IORETRC_RET14_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PC14 */
9634 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET15_Pos                  (15U)
9635 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET15_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRC_RET15_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
9636 #define PWR_IORETRC_RET15                      PWR_IORETRC_RET15_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PC15 */
9638 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETENRH register  *****************/
9639 #define PWR_IORETENRH_EN3_Pos                  (3U)
9640 #define PWR_IORETENRH_EN3_Msk                  (0x1UL << PWR_IORETENRH_EN3_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
9641 #define PWR_IORETENRH_EN3                      PWR_IORETENRH_EN3_Msk                      /*!< Standby GPIO retention enable for PH3 */
9643 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_IORETRH register  *****************/
9644 #define PWR_IORETRH_RET3_Pos                   (3U)
9645 #define PWR_IORETRH_RET3_Msk                   (0x1UL << PWR_IORETRH_RET3_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
9646 #define PWR_IORETRH_RET3                       PWR_IORETRH_RET3_Msk                       /*!< Standby GPIO retention status for PH3 */
9648 /********************  Bit definition for PWR_RADIOSCR register  *****************/
9649 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Pos                  (0U)
9650 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Msk                  (0x3UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000003 */
9651 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE                      PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Msk                       /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO operating mode */
9652 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_0                    (0x1UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
9653 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_1                    (0x2UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
9654 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_PHYMODE_Pos               (2U)
9655 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_PHYMODE_Msk               (0x1UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_PHYMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
9656 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_PHYMODE                   PWR_RADIOSCR_PHYMODE_Msk                    /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO PHY operating mode */
9657 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_ENCMODE_Pos               (3U)
9658 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_ENCMODE_Msk               (0x1UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_ENCMODE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
9659 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_ENCMODE                   PWR_RADIOSCR_ENCMODE_Msk                    /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO encryption function operating mode */
9660 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_RFVDDHPA_Pos              (8U)
9661 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_RFVDDHPA_Msk              (0x1FUL << PWR_RADIOSCR_RFVDDHPA_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001F00 */
9662 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_RFVDDHPA                  PWR_RADIOSCR_RFVDDHPA_Msk                   /*!< 2.4 GHz RADIO VDDHPA control word */
9663 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_REGPARDYVDDRFPA_Pos       (15U)
9664 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_REGPARDYVDDRFPA_Msk       (0x1UL << PWR_RADIOSCR_REGPARDYVDDRFPA_Pos) /*!< 0x00008000 */
9665 #define PWR_RADIOSCR_REGPARDYVDDRFPA           PWR_RADIOSCR_REGPARDYVDDRFPA_Msk            /*!< Ready bit for VDDHPA voltage level when selecting VDDRFPA input */
9668 /******************************************************************************/
9669 /*                                                                            */
9670 /*                      SRAMs configuration controller                        */
9671 /*                                                                            */
9672 /******************************************************************************/
9673 /*******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxCR register  ******************/
9674 #define RAMCFG_CR_ALE_Pos                   (4U)
9675 #define RAMCFG_CR_ALE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RAMCFG_CR_ALE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
9676 #define RAMCFG_CR_ALE                       RAMCFG_CR_ALE_Msk                         /*!< Address Latching Enable */
9677 #define RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER_Pos                (8U)
9678 #define RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
9679 #define RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER                    RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER_Msk                      /*!< Start Erase */
9680 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Pos                   (16U)
9681 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Msk                   (0x7UL << RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00070000 */
9682 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC                       RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Msk                         /*!< WSC[18:16] Wait State Configuration field */
9683 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC_0                     (0x1UL << RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
9684 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC_1                     (0x2UL << RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
9685 #define RAMCFG_CR_WSC_2                     (0x4UL << RAMCFG_CR_WSC_Pos)              /*!< 0x00040000 */
9687 /*******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxISR register  ******************/
9688 #define RAMCFG_ISR_PED_Pos                  (1U)
9689 #define RAMCFG_ISR_PED_Msk                  (0x1UL << RAMCFG_ISR_PED_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
9690 #define RAMCFG_ISR_PED                      RAMCFG_ISR_PED_Msk                        /*!< Parity error detected */
9691 #define RAMCFG_ISR_SRAMBUSY_Pos             (8U)
9692 #define RAMCFG_ISR_SRAMBUSY_Msk             (0x1UL << RAMCFG_ISR_SRAMBUSY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
9693 #define RAMCFG_ISR_SRAMBUSY                 RAMCFG_ISR_SRAMBUSY_Msk                   /*!< SRAM busy with erase operation */
9695 /*****************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxERKEYR register  ***************/
9696 #define RAMCFG_ERKEYR_ERASEKEY_Pos          (0U)
9697 #define RAMCFG_ERKEYR_ERASEKEY_Msk          (0xFFUL << RAMCFG_ERKEYR_ERASEKEY_Pos)    /*!< 0x000000FF */
9698 #define RAMCFG_ERKEYR_ERASEKEY              RAMCFG_ERKEYR_ERASEKEY_Msk                /*!< Erase write protection key */
9700 /*******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxIER register  ******************/
9701 #define RAMCFG_IER_PEIE_Pos                 (1U)
9702 #define RAMCFG_IER_PEIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RAMCFG_IER_PEIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
9703 #define RAMCFG_IER_PEIE                     RAMCFG_IER_PEIE_Msk                       /*!< Parity error interrupt enable */
9704 #define RAMCFG_IER_PENMI_Pos                (3U)
9705 #define RAMCFG_IER_PENMI_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_IER_PENMI_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
9706 #define RAMCFG_IER_PENMI                    RAMCFG_IER_PENMI_Msk                      /*!< Parity error NMI */
9708 /*******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxPEAR register  ******************/
9709 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_PEA_Pos                 (0U)
9710 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_PEA_Msk                 (0xFFFFUL << RAMCFG_PEAR_PEA_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
9711 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_PEA                     RAMCFG_PEAR_PEA_Msk                       /*!< Parity error SRAM word aligned address offset */
9712 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_ID_Pos                  (24U)
9713 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_ID_Msk                  (0xFUL << RAMCFG_PEAR_ID_Pos)             /*!< 0x0F000000 */
9714 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_ID                      RAMCFG_PEAR_ID_Msk                        /*!< Parity error AHB bus master ID */
9715 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_BYTE_Pos                (28U)
9716 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_BYTE_Msk                (0xFUL << RAMCFG_PEAR_BYTE_Pos)           /*!< 0xF0000000 */
9717 #define RAMCFG_PEAR_BYTE                    RAMCFG_PEAR_BYTE_Msk                      /*!< Byte parity error flag */
9719 /*******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxICR register  *****************/
9720 #define RAMCFG_ICR_CPED_Pos                 (1U)
9721 #define RAMCFG_ICR_CPED_Msk                 (0x1UL << RAMCFG_ICR_CPED_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
9722 #define RAMCFG_ICR_CPED                     RAMCFG_ICR_CPED_Msk                       /*!< Clear parity error detect bit */
9724 /******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxWPR1 register  *****************/
9725 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P0WP_Pos                (0U)
9726 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P0WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P0WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
9727 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P0WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P0WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 00 */
9728 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P1WP_Pos                (1U)
9729 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P1WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P1WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
9730 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P1WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P1WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 01 */
9731 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P2WP_Pos                (2U)
9732 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P2WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P2WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
9733 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P2WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P2WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 02 */
9734 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P3WP_Pos                (3U)
9735 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P3WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P3WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
9736 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P3WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P3WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 03 */
9737 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P4WP_Pos                (4U)
9738 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P4WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P4WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
9739 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P4WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P4WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 04 */
9740 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P5WP_Pos                (5U)
9741 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P5WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P5WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
9742 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P5WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P5WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 05 */
9743 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P6WP_Pos                (6U)
9744 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P6WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P6WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
9745 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P6WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P6WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 06 */
9746 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P7WP_Pos                (7U)
9747 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P7WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P7WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
9748 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P7WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P7WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 07 */
9749 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P8WP_Pos                (8U)
9750 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P8WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P8WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
9751 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P8WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P8WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 08 */
9752 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P9WP_Pos                (9U)
9753 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P9WP_Msk                (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P9WP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
9754 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P9WP                    RAMCFG_WPR1_P9WP_Msk                      /*!< Write Protection Page 09 */
9755 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P10WP_Pos               (10U)
9756 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P10WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P10WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
9757 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P10WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P10WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 10 */
9758 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P11WP_Pos               (11U)
9759 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P11WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P11WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
9760 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P11WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P11WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 11 */
9761 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P12WP_Pos               (12U)
9762 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P12WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P12WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
9763 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P12WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P12WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 12 */
9764 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P13WP_Pos               (13U)
9765 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P13WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P13WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
9766 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P13WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P13WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 13 */
9767 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P14WP_Pos               (14U)
9768 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P14WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P14WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
9769 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P14WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P14WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 14 */
9770 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P15WP_Pos               (15U)
9771 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P15WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P15WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9772 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P15WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P15WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 15 */
9773 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P16WP_Pos               (16U)
9774 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P16WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P16WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
9775 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P16WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P16WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 16 */
9776 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P17WP_Pos               (17U)
9777 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P17WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P17WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
9778 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P17WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P17WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 17 */
9779 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P18WP_Pos               (18U)
9780 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P18WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P18WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
9781 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P18WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P18WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 18 */
9782 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P19WP_Pos               (19U)
9783 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P19WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P19WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
9784 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P19WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P19WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 19 */
9785 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P20WP_Pos               (20U)
9786 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P20WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P20WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
9787 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P20WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P20WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 20 */
9788 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P21WP_Pos               (21U)
9789 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P21WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P21WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
9790 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P21WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P21WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 21 */
9791 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P22WP_Pos               (22U)
9792 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P22WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P22WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
9793 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P22WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P22WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 22 */
9794 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P23WP_Pos               (23U)
9795 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P23WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P23WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
9796 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P23WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P23WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 23 */
9797 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P24WP_Pos               (24U)
9798 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P24WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P24WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
9799 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P24WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P24WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 24 */
9800 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P25WP_Pos               (25U)
9801 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P25WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P25WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
9802 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P25WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P25WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 25 */
9803 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P26WP_Pos               (26U)
9804 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P26WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P26WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
9805 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P26WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P26WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 26 */
9806 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P27WP_Pos               (27U)
9807 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P27WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P27WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x08000000 */
9808 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P27WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P27WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 27 */
9809 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P28WP_Pos               (28U)
9810 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P28WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P28WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x10000000 */
9811 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P28WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P28WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 28 */
9812 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P29WP_Pos               (29U)
9813 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P29WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P29WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x20000000 */
9814 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P29WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P29WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 29 */
9815 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P30WP_Pos               (30U)
9816 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P30WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P30WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
9817 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P30WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P30WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 30 */
9818 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P31WP_Pos               (31U)
9819 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P31WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR1_P31WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
9820 #define RAMCFG_WPR1_P31WP                   RAMCFG_WPR1_P31WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 31 */
9822 /******************  Bit definition for RAMCFG_MxWPR2 register  ****************/
9823 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P32WP_Pos               (0U)
9824 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P32WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P32WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
9825 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P32WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P32WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 32 */
9826 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P33WP_Pos               (1U)
9827 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P33WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P33WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
9828 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P33WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P33WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 33 */
9829 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P34WP_Pos               (2U)
9830 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P34WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P34WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
9831 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P34WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P34WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 34 */
9832 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P35WP_Pos               (3U)
9833 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P35WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P35WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
9834 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P35WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P35WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 35 */
9835 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P36WP_Pos               (4U)
9836 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P36WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P36WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
9837 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P36WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P36WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 36 */
9838 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P37WP_Pos               (5U)
9839 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P37WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P37WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
9840 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P37WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P37WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 37 */
9841 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P38WP_Pos               (6U)
9842 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P38WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P38WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
9843 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P38WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P38WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 38 */
9844 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P39WP_Pos               (7U)
9845 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P39WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P39WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
9846 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P39WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P39WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 39 */
9847 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P40WP_Pos               (8U)
9848 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P40WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P40WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
9849 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P40WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P40WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 40 */
9850 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P41WP_Pos               (9U)
9851 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P41WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P41WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
9852 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P41WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P41WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 41 */
9853 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P42WP_Pos               (10U)
9854 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P42WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P42WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
9855 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P42WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P42WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 42 */
9856 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P43WP_Pos               (11U)
9857 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P43WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P43WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
9858 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P43WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P43WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 43 */
9859 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P44WP_Pos               (12U)
9860 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P44WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P44WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
9861 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P44WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P44WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 44 */
9862 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P45WP_Pos               (13U)
9863 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P45WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P45WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
9864 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P45WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P45WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 45 */
9865 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P46WP_Pos               (14U)
9866 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P46WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P46WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
9867 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P46WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P46WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 46 */
9868 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P47WP_Pos               (15U)
9869 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P47WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P47WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
9870 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P47WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P47WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 47 */
9871 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P48WP_Pos               (16U)
9872 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P48WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P48WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
9873 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P48WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P48WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 48 */
9874 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P49WP_Pos               (17U)
9875 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P49WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P49WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
9876 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P49WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P49WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 49 */
9877 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P50WP_Pos               (18U)
9878 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P50WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P50WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
9879 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P50WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P50WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 50 */
9880 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P51WP_Pos               (19U)
9881 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P51WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P51WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
9882 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P51WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P51WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 51 */
9883 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P52WP_Pos               (20U)
9884 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P52WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P52WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
9885 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P52WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P52WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 52 */
9886 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P53WP_Pos               (21U)
9887 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P53WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P53WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
9888 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P53WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P53WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 53 */
9889 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P54WP_Pos               (22U)
9890 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P54WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P54WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
9891 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P54WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P54WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 54 */
9892 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P55WP_Pos               (23U)
9893 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P55WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P55WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
9894 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P55WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P55WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 55 */
9895 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P56WP_Pos               (25U)
9896 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P56WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P56WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
9897 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P56WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P56WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 56 */
9898 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P57WP_Pos               (26U)
9899 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P57WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P57WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
9900 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P57WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P57WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 57 */
9901 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P58WP_Pos               (27U)
9902 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P58WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P58WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
9903 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P58WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P58WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 58 */
9904 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P59WP_Pos               (28U)
9905 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P59WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P59WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x08000000 */
9906 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P59WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P59WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 59 */
9907 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P60WP_Pos               (29U)
9908 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P60WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P60WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x10000000 */
9909 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P60WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P60WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 60 */
9910 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P61WP_Pos               (30U)
9911 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P61WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P61WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x20000000 */
9912 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P61WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P61WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 61 */
9913 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P62WP_Pos               (31U)
9914 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P62WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P62WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x40000000 */
9915 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P62WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P62WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 62 */
9916 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P63WP_Pos               (31U)
9917 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P63WP_Msk               (0x1UL << RAMCFG_WPR2_P63WP_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
9918 #define RAMCFG_WPR2_P63WP                   RAMCFG_WPR2_P63WP_Msk                     /*!< Write Protection Page 63 */
9921 /******************************************************************************/
9922 /*                                                                            */
9923 /*                         Reset and Clock Control                            */
9924 /*                                                                            */
9925 /******************************************************************************/
9926 #define RCC_LSI2_SUPPORT
9928 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CR register  ********************/
9929 #define RCC_CR_HSION_Pos                    (8U)
9930 #define RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSION_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
9931 #define RCC_CR_HSION                        RCC_CR_HSION_Msk                        /*!< Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI16) clock enable */
9932 #define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos                 (9U)
9933 #define RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
9934 #define RCC_CR_HSIKERON                     RCC_CR_HSIKERON_Msk                     /*!< Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI16) clock enable for some IPs Kernel */
9935 #define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos                   (10U)
9936 #define RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                   (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
9937 #define RCC_CR_HSIRDY                       RCC_CR_HSIRDY_Msk                       /*!< Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI16) clock ready flag */
9938 #define RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos                    (16U)
9939 #define RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEON_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
9940 #define RCC_CR_HSEON                        RCC_CR_HSEON_Msk                        /*!< External High Speed oscillator (HSE) clock enable */
9941 #define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos                   (17U)
9942 #define RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                   (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSERDY_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
9943 #define RCC_CR_HSERDY                       RCC_CR_HSERDY_Msk                       /*!< External High Speed oscillator (HSE) clock ready */
9944 #define RCC_CR_HSECSSON_Pos                 (19U)
9945 #define RCC_CR_HSECSSON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSECSSON_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
9946 #define RCC_CR_HSECSSON                     RCC_CR_HSECSSON_Msk                     /*!< External High Speed oscillator (HSE) clock security system enable */
9947 #define RCC_CR_HSEPRE_Pos                   (20U)
9948 #define RCC_CR_HSEPRE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RCC_CR_HSEPRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
9949 #define RCC_CR_HSEPRE                       RCC_CR_HSEPRE_Msk                        /*!< External High Speed oscillator (HSE) clock for sysclk prescaler */
9950 #define RCC_CR_PLL1ON_Pos                   (24U)
9951 #define RCC_CR_PLL1ON_Msk                   (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLL1ON_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
9952 #define RCC_CR_PLL1ON                       RCC_CR_PLL1ON_Msk                       /*!< System PLL1 clock enable */
9953 #define RCC_CR_PLL1RDY_Pos                  (25U)
9954 #define RCC_CR_PLL1RDY_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_CR_PLL1RDY_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
9955 #define RCC_CR_PLL1RDY                      RCC_CR_PLL1RDY_Msk                      /*!< System PLL1 clock ready */
9957 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ICSCR3 register  ***************/
9958 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos               (0U)
9959 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Msk               (0xFFFUL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000FFF */
9960 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL                   RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Msk                   /*!< HSICAL[11:0] bits */
9961 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_0                 (0x01UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
9962 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_1                 (0x002UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
9963 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_2                 (0x004UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
9964 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_3                 (0x008UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000008 */
9965 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_4                 (0x010UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
9966 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_5                 (0x020UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
9967 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_6                 (0x040UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
9968 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_7                 (0x080UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
9969 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_8                 (0x100UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
9970 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_9                 (0x200UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
9971 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_10                (0x400UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
9972 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_11                (0x800UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSICAL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
9973 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos              (16U)
9974 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Msk              (0x1FUL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x001F0000 */
9975 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM                  RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Msk                  /*!< HSITRIM[4:0] bits */
9976 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_0                (0x01UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
9977 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_1                (0x02UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
9978 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_2                (0x04UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
9979 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_3                (0x08UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00080000 */
9980 #define RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_4                (0x10UL << RCC_ICSCR3_HSITRIM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
9982 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR1 register  *****************/
9983 #define RCC_CFGR1_SW_Pos                    (0U)
9984 #define RCC_CFGR1_SW_Msk                    (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR1_SW_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000003 */
9985 #define RCC_CFGR1_SW                        RCC_CFGR1_SW_Msk                        /*!< SW[1:0] bits (System clock Switch) */
9986 #define RCC_CFGR1_SW_0                      (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR1_SW_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
9987 #define RCC_CFGR1_SW_1                      (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR1_SW_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
9988 #define RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Pos                   (2U)
9989 #define RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Msk                   (0x3UL << RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000000C */
9990 #define RCC_CFGR1_SWS                       RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Msk                       /*!< SWS[1:0] bits (System Clock Switch Status) */
9991 #define RCC_CFGR1_SWS_0                     (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
9992 #define RCC_CFGR1_SWS_1                     (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR1_SWS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
9993 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos                (24U)
9994 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Msk                (0xFUL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x0F000000 */
9995 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL                    RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Msk                    /*!< MCOSEL[3:0] bits (Clock output selection) */
9996 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
9997 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
9998 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_2                  (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
9999 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_3                  (0x8UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
10000 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Pos                (28U)
10001 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Msk                (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Pos)         /*!< 0x70000000 */
10002 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE                    RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Msk                    /*!< MCO[220] (Prescaler) */
10003 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
10004 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
10005 #define RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_2                  (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR1_MCOPRE_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
10007 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR2 register  ******************/
10008 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Pos                  (0U)
10009 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Msk                  (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000007 */
10010 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE                      RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Msk                      /*!< HPRE[2:0] bits (AHB prescaler) */
10011 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_0                    (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
10012 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_1                    (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
10013 #define RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_2                    (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR2_HPRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
10014 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Pos                 (4U)
10015 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Msk                 (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000070 */
10016 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1                     RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Msk                     /*!< PPRE1[2:0] bits (APB1 prescaler) */
10017 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
10018 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
10019 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_2                   (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
10020 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Pos                 (8U)
10021 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Msk                 (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000700 */
10022 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2                     RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Msk                     /*!< PPRE2[2:0] bits (APB2 prescaler) */
10023 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
10024 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
10025 #define RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_2                   (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR2_PPRE2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
10027 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR3 register  ******************/
10028 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Pos                 (4U)
10029 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Msk                 (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000070 */
10030 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7                     RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Msk                     /*!< PPRE7[2:0] bits (APB7 prescaler) */
10031 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
10032 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
10033 #define RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_2                   (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR3_PPRE7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
10035 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_PLL1CFGR register  ***************/
10036 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Pos            (0U)
10037 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
10038 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC                RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Msk
10039 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_0              (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
10040 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_1              (0x2UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1SRC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
10041 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Pos            (2U)
10042 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
10043 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE                RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Msk
10044 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_0              (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
10045 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_1              (0x2UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RGE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
10046 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1FRACEN_Pos         (4U)
10047 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1FRACEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1FRACEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000010 */
10049 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Pos              (8U)
10050 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
10051 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M                  RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Msk
10052 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_0                (0x01UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
10053 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_1                (0x02UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
10054 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_2                (0x04UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1M_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
10055 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1PEN_Pos            (16U)
10056 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1PEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1PEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
10057 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1PEN                RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1PEN_Msk
10058 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1QEN_Pos            (17U)
10059 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1QEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1QEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
10060 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1QEN                RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1QEN_Msk
10061 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1REN_Pos            (18U)
10062 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1REN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1REN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
10063 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1REN                RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1REN_Msk
10064 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRE_Pos        (20U)
10065 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRE_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRE_Pos) /*!< 0x00100000 */
10067 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRESTEP_Pos    (21U)
10068 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRESTEP_Msk    (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRESTEP_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
10070 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRERDY_Pos     (22U)
10071 #define RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRERDY_Msk     (0x1UL << RCC_PLL1CFGR_PLL1RCLKPRERDY_Pos)  /*!< 0x00400000 */
10074 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_PLL1DIVR register  ***************/
10075 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos              (0U)
10076 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Msk              (0x1FFUL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x000001FF */
10077 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N                  RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Msk
10078 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_0                (0x001UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
10079 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_1                (0x002UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
10080 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_2                (0x004UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
10081 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_3                (0x008UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
10082 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_4                (0x010UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000010 */
10083 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_5                (0x020UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
10084 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_6                (0x040UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
10085 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_7                (0x080UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
10086 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_8                (0x100UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1N_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000100 */
10087 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos              (9U)
10088 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Msk              (0x7FUL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FE00 */
10089 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P                  RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Msk
10090 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_0                (0x01UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000200 */
10091 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_1                (0x02UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000400 */
10092 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_2                (0x04UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
10093 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_3                (0x08UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
10094 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_4                (0x10UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00002000 */
10095 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_5                (0x20UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
10096 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_6                (0x40UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1P_Pos)      /*!< 0x00008000 */
10097 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos              (16U)
10098 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Msk              (0x7FUL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x007F0000 */
10099 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q                  RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Msk
10100 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_0                (0x01UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
10101 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_1                (0x02UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
10102 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_2                (0x04UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
10103 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_3                (0x08UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00080000 */
10104 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_4                (0x10UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
10105 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_5                (0x20UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200020 */
10106 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_6                (0x40UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1Q_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
10107 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos              (24U)
10108 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Msk              (0x7FUL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x7F000000 */
10109 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R                  RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Msk
10110 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_0                (0x01UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x01000000 */
10111 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_1                (0x02UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x02000000 */
10112 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_2                (0x04UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
10113 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_3                (0x08UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x08000000 */
10114 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_4                (0x10UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
10115 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_5                (0x20UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x20000000 */
10116 #define RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_6                (0x40UL << RCC_PLL1DIVR_PLL1R_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
10118 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_PLL1FRACR register  ***************/
10119 #define RCC_PLL1FRACR_PLL1FRACN_Pos         (3U)
10120 #define RCC_PLL1FRACR_PLL1FRACN_Msk         (0x1FFFUL << RCC_PLL1FRACR_PLL1FRACN_Pos) /*!< 0x0000FFF8 */
10123 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CIER register  ******************/
10124 #define RCC_CIER_LSI1RDYIE_Pos              (0U)
10125 #define RCC_CIER_LSI1RDYIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSI1RDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
10126 #define RCC_CIER_LSI1RDYIE                  RCC_CIER_LSI1RDYIE_Msk
10127 #define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos               (1U)
10128 #define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
10129 #define RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE                   RCC_CIER_LSERDYIE_Msk
10130 #define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos               (3U)
10131 #define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
10132 #define RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE                   RCC_CIER_HSIRDYIE_Msk
10133 #define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos               (4U)
10134 #define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
10135 #define RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE                   RCC_CIER_HSERDYIE_Msk
10136 #define RCC_CIER_PLL1RDYIE_Pos              (6U)
10137 #define RCC_CIER_PLL1RDYIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_PLL1RDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
10138 #define RCC_CIER_PLL1RDYIE                  RCC_CIER_PLL1RDYIE_Msk
10139 #define RCC_CIER_LSI2RDYIE_Pos              (16U)
10140 #define RCC_CIER_LSI2RDYIE_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_CIER_LSI2RDYIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
10141 #define RCC_CIER_LSI2RDYIE                  RCC_CIER_LSI2RDYIE_Msk
10143 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CIFR register  ****************/
10144 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI1RDYF_Pos               (0U)
10145 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI1RDYF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSI1RDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
10146 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI1RDYF                   RCC_CIFR_LSI1RDYF_Msk
10147 #define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos                (1U)
10148 #define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
10149 #define RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF                    RCC_CIFR_LSERDYF_Msk
10150 #define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos                (3U)
10151 #define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
10152 #define RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF                    RCC_CIFR_HSIRDYF_Msk
10153 #define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos                (4U)
10154 #define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
10155 #define RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF                    RCC_CIFR_HSERDYF_Msk
10156 #define RCC_CIFR_PLL1RDYF_Pos               (6U)
10157 #define RCC_CIFR_PLL1RDYF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_PLL1RDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
10158 #define RCC_CIFR_PLL1RDYF                   RCC_CIFR_PLL1RDYF_Msk
10159 #define RCC_CIFR_HSECSSF_Pos                (10U)
10160 #define RCC_CIFR_HSECSSF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_HSECSSF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
10161 #define RCC_CIFR_HSECSSF                    RCC_CIFR_HSECSSF_Msk
10162 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI2RDYF_Pos               (16U)
10163 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI2RDYF_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CIFR_LSI2RDYF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
10164 #define RCC_CIFR_LSI2RDYF                   RCC_CIFR_LSI2RDYF_Msk
10166 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CICR register  ****************/
10167 #define RCC_CICR_LSI1RDYC_Pos               (0U)
10168 #define RCC_CICR_LSI1RDYC_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSI1RDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
10169 #define RCC_CICR_LSI1RDYC                   RCC_CICR_LSI1RDYC_Msk
10170 #define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos                (1U)
10171 #define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
10172 #define RCC_CICR_LSERDYC                    RCC_CICR_LSERDYC_Msk
10173 #define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos                (3U)
10174 #define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
10175 #define RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC                    RCC_CICR_HSIRDYC_Msk
10176 #define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos                (4U)
10177 #define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
10178 #define RCC_CICR_HSERDYC                    RCC_CICR_HSERDYC_Msk
10179 #define RCC_CICR_PLL1RDYC_Pos               (6U)
10180 #define RCC_CICR_PLL1RDYC_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_PLL1RDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
10181 #define RCC_CICR_PLL1RDYC                   RCC_CICR_PLL1RDYC_Msk
10182 #define RCC_CICR_HSECSSC_Pos                (10U)
10183 #define RCC_CICR_HSECSSC_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_HSECSSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
10184 #define RCC_CICR_HSECSSC                    RCC_CICR_HSECSSC_Msk
10185 #define RCC_CICR_LSI2RDYC_Pos               (16U)
10186 #define RCC_CICR_LSI2RDYC_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_CICR_LSI2RDYC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
10187 #define RCC_CICR_LSI2RDYC                   RCC_CICR_LSI2RDYC_Msk
10189 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB1RSTR register  **************/
10190 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_GPDMA1RST_Pos          (0U)
10191 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_GPDMA1RST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1RSTR_GPDMA1RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000001 */
10192 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_GPDMA1RST              RCC_AHB1RSTR_GPDMA1RST_Msk
10193 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST_Pos             (12U)
10194 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
10195 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST                 RCC_AHB1RSTR_CRCRST_Msk
10196 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_TSCRST_Pos             (16U)
10197 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_TSCRST_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1RSTR_TSCRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
10198 #define RCC_AHB1RSTR_TSCRST                 RCC_AHB1RSTR_TSCRST_Msk
10200 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB2RSTR register  **************/
10201 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOARST_Pos           (0U)
10202 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOARST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOARST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
10203 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOARST               RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOARST_Msk
10204 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOBRST_Pos           (1U)
10205 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOBRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOBRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
10206 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOBRST               RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOBRST_Msk
10207 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOCRST_Pos           (2U)
10208 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOCRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOCRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
10209 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOCRST               RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOCRST_Msk
10210 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOHRST_Pos           (7U)
10211 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOHRST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOHRST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000080 */
10212 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOHRST               RCC_AHB2RSTR_GPIOHRST_Msk
10213 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_AESRST_Pos             (16U)
10214 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_AESRST_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_AESRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
10215 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_AESRST                 RCC_AHB2RSTR_AESRST_Msk
10216 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HASHRST_Pos            (17U)
10217 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HASHRST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_HASHRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
10218 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HASHRST                RCC_AHB2RSTR_HASHRST_Msk
10219 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST_Pos             (18U)
10220 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
10221 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST                 RCC_AHB2RSTR_RNGRST_Msk
10222 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_SAESRST_Pos            (19U)
10223 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_SAESRST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_SAESRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
10224 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_SAESRST                RCC_AHB2RSTR_SAESRST_Msk
10225 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HSEMRST_Pos            (20U)
10226 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HSEMRST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_HSEMRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00100000 */
10227 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_HSEMRST                RCC_AHB2RSTR_HSEMRST_Msk
10228 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_PKARST_Pos             (21U)
10229 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_PKARST_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2RSTR_PKARST_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
10230 #define RCC_AHB2RSTR_PKARST                 RCC_AHB2RSTR_PKARST_Msk
10232 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB4RSTR register  **************/
10233 #define RCC_AHB4RSTR_ADC4RST_Pos            (5U)
10234 #define RCC_AHB4RSTR_ADC4RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB4RSTR_ADC4RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
10235 #define RCC_AHB4RSTR_ADC4RST                RCC_AHB4RSTR_ADC4RST_Msk
10237 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB5RSTR register  **************/
10238 #define RCC_AHB5RSTR_RADIORST_Pos           (0U)
10239 #define RCC_AHB5RSTR_RADIORST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5RSTR_RADIORST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
10240 #define RCC_AHB5RSTR_RADIORST               RCC_AHB5RSTR_RADIORST_Msk
10241 #define RCC_AHB5RSTR_PTACONVRST_Pos         (1U)
10242 #define RCC_AHB5RSTR_PTACONVRST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5RSTR_PTACONVRST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
10245 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR1 register  **************/
10246 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST_Pos           (0U)
10247 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
10248 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST               RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM2RST_Msk
10249 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST_Pos           (1U)
10250 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
10251 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST               RCC_APB1RSTR1_TIM3RST_Msk
10252 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST_Pos         (17U)
10253 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
10254 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR1_USART2RST_Msk
10255 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST_Pos           (21U)
10256 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
10257 #define RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST               RCC_APB1RSTR1_I2C1RST_Msk
10259 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1RSTR2 register  **************/
10260 #define RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPTIM2RST_Pos         (5U)
10261 #define RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPTIM2RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPTIM2RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
10262 #define RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPTIM2RST             RCC_APB1RSTR2_LPTIM2RST_Msk
10264 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2RSTR register  **************/
10265 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST_Pos            (11U)
10266 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
10267 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM1RST_Msk
10268 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos            (12U)
10269 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00001000 */
10270 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_SPI1RST_Msk
10271 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos          (14U)
10272 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00004000 */
10273 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST              RCC_APB2RSTR_USART1RST_Msk
10274 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST_Pos           (17U)
10275 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
10276 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST               RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM16RST_Msk
10277 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST_Pos           (18U)
10278 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
10279 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST               RCC_APB2RSTR_TIM17RST_Msk
10280 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SAI1RST_Pos            (21U)
10281 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SAI1RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2RSTR_SAI1RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
10282 #define RCC_APB2RSTR_SAI1RST                RCC_APB2RSTR_SAI1RST_Msk
10284 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB7RSTR register  **************/
10285 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos          (1U)
10286 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_SYSCFGRST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
10288 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_SPI3RST_Pos            (5U)
10289 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_SPI3RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_SPI3RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000020 */
10290 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_SPI3RST                RCC_APB7RSTR_SPI3RST_Msk
10291 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos         (6U)
10292 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_LPUART1RST_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_LPUART1RST_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
10294 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos            (7U)
10295 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_I2C3RST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
10296 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_I2C3RST                RCC_APB7RSTR_I2C3RST_Msk
10297 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos          (11U)
10298 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000800 */
10299 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_LPTIM1RST              RCC_APB7RSTR_LPTIM1RST_Msk
10300 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_COMPRST_Pos            (15U)
10301 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_COMPRST_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7RSTR_COMPRST_Pos)     /*!< 0x00008000 */
10302 #define RCC_APB7RSTR_COMPRST                RCC_APB7RSTR_COMPRST_Msk
10304 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB1ENR register  **************/
10305 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GPDMA1EN_Pos            (0U)
10306 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GPDMA1EN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_GPDMA1EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
10307 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GPDMA1EN                RCC_AHB1ENR_GPDMA1EN_Msk
10308 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_FLASHEN_Pos             (8U)
10309 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_FLASHEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_FLASHEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
10310 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_FLASHEN                 RCC_AHB1ENR_FLASHEN_Msk
10311 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN_Pos               (12U)
10312 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
10313 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN                   RCC_AHB1ENR_CRCEN_Msk
10314 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_TSCEN_Pos               (16U)
10315 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_TSCEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_TSCEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
10316 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_TSCEN                   RCC_AHB1ENR_TSCEN_Msk
10317 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_RAMCFGEN_Pos            (17U)
10318 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_RAMCFGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_RAMCFGEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
10319 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_RAMCFGEN                RCC_AHB1ENR_RAMCFGEN_Msk
10320 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GTZC1EN_Pos             (24U)
10321 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GTZC1EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_GTZC1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x01000000 */
10322 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_GTZC1EN                 RCC_AHB1ENR_GTZC1EN_Msk
10323 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_SRAM1EN_Pos             (31U)
10324 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_SRAM1EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1ENR_SRAM1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
10325 #define RCC_AHB1ENR_SRAM1EN                 RCC_AHB1ENR_SRAM1EN_Msk
10327 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB2ENR register  **************/
10328 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN_Pos             (0U)
10329 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
10330 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN                 RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN_Msk
10331 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN_Pos             (1U)
10332 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
10333 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN                 RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOBEN_Msk
10334 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOCEN_Pos             (2U)
10335 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOCEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOCEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
10336 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOCEN                 RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOCEN_Msk
10337 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOHEN_Pos             (7U)
10338 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOHEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOHEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
10339 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOHEN                 RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOHEN_Msk
10340 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_AESEN_Pos               (16U)
10341 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_AESEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_AESEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
10342 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_AESEN                   RCC_AHB2ENR_AESEN_Msk
10343 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HASHEN_Pos              (17U)
10344 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HASHEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_HASHEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
10345 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HASHEN                  RCC_AHB2ENR_HASHEN_Msk
10346 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN_Pos               (18U)
10347 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
10348 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN                   RCC_AHB2ENR_RNGEN_Msk
10349 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SAESEN_Pos              (19U)
10350 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SAESEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_SAESEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
10351 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SAESEN                  RCC_AHB2ENR_SAESEN_Msk
10352 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HSEMEN_Pos              (20U)
10353 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HSEMEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_HSEMEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
10354 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_HSEMEN                  RCC_AHB2ENR_HSEMEN_Msk
10355 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_PKAEN_Pos               (21U)
10356 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_PKAEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_PKAEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
10357 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_PKAEN                   RCC_AHB2ENR_PKAEN_Msk
10358 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SRAM2EN_Pos             (30U)
10359 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SRAM2EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2ENR_SRAM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
10360 #define RCC_AHB2ENR_SRAM2EN                 RCC_AHB2ENR_SRAM2EN_Msk
10362 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB4ENR register  **************/
10363 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_PWREN_Pos               (2U)
10364 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_PWREN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_AHB4ENR_PWREN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
10365 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_PWREN                   RCC_AHB4ENR_PWREN_Msk
10366 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_ADC4EN_Pos              (5U)
10367 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_ADC4EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_AHB4ENR_ADC4EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
10368 #define RCC_AHB4ENR_ADC4EN                  RCC_AHB4ENR_ADC4EN_Msk
10370 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB5ENR register  **************/
10371 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_RADIOEN_Pos             (0U)
10372 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_RADIOEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5ENR_RADIOEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
10373 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_RADIOEN                 RCC_AHB5ENR_RADIOEN_Msk
10374 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_PTACONVEN_Pos           (1U)
10375 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_PTACONVEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5ENR_PTACONVEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
10376 #define RCC_AHB5ENR_PTACONVEN               RCC_AHB5ENR_PTACONVEN_Msk
10378 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR1 register  **************/
10379 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN_Pos             (0U)
10380 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
10381 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN                 RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM2EN_Msk
10382 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN_Pos             (1U)
10383 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
10384 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN                 RCC_APB1ENR1_TIM3EN_Msk
10385 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_WWDGEN_Pos             (11U)
10386 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_WWDGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR1_WWDGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000800 */
10387 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_WWDGEN                 RCC_APB1ENR1_WWDGEN_Msk
10388 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN_Pos           (17U)
10389 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00020000 */
10390 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN               RCC_APB1ENR1_USART2EN_Msk
10391 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C1EN_Pos             (21U)
10392 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C1EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C1EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
10393 #define RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C1EN                 RCC_APB1ENR1_I2C1EN_Msk
10395 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1ENR2 register  **************/
10396 #define RCC_APB1ENR2_LPTIM2EN_Pos           (5U)
10397 #define RCC_APB1ENR2_LPTIM2EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB1ENR2_LPTIM2EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
10398 #define RCC_APB1ENR2_LPTIM2EN               RCC_APB1ENR2_LPTIM2EN_Msk
10400 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2ENR register  **************/
10401 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN_Pos              (11U)
10402 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
10403 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN_Msk
10404 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos              (12U)
10405 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
10406 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_SPI1EN_Msk
10407 #define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos            (14U)
10408 #define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00004000 */
10409 #define RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN                RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN_Msk
10410 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN_Pos             (17U)
10411 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
10412 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN                 RCC_APB2ENR_TIM16EN_Msk
10413 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN_Pos             (18U)
10414 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
10415 #define RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN                 RCC_APB2ENR_TIM17EN_Msk
10416 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SAI1EN_Pos              (21U)
10417 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SAI1EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB2ENR_SAI1EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
10418 #define RCC_APB2ENR_SAI1EN                  RCC_APB2ENR_SAI1EN_Msk
10420 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB7ENR register  **************/
10421 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos            (1U)
10422 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_SYSCFGEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
10423 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SYSCFGEN                RCC_APB7ENR_SYSCFGEN_Msk
10424 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SPI3EN_Pos              (5U)
10425 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SPI3EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_SPI3EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
10426 #define RCC_APB7ENR_SPI3EN                  RCC_APB7ENR_SPI3EN_Msk
10427 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos           (6U)
10428 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_LPUART1EN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000040 */
10429 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPUART1EN               RCC_APB7ENR_LPUART1EN_Msk
10430 #define RCC_APB7ENR_I2C3EN_Pos              (7U)
10431 #define RCC_APB7ENR_I2C3EN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_I2C3EN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
10432 #define RCC_APB7ENR_I2C3EN                  RCC_APB7ENR_I2C3EN_Msk
10433 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos            (11U)
10434 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_LPTIM1EN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
10435 #define RCC_APB7ENR_LPTIM1EN                RCC_APB7ENR_LPTIM1EN_Msk
10436 #define RCC_APB7ENR_COMPEN_Pos              (15U)
10437 #define RCC_APB7ENR_COMPEN_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_COMPEN_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
10438 #define RCC_APB7ENR_COMPEN                  RCC_APB7ENR_COMPEN_Msk
10439 #define RCC_APB7ENR_RTCAPBEN_Pos            (21U)
10440 #define RCC_APB7ENR_RTCAPBEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_APB7ENR_RTCAPBEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00200000 */
10441 #define RCC_APB7ENR_RTCAPBEN                RCC_APB7ENR_RTCAPBEN_Msk
10443 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB1SMENR register  **************/
10444 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_GPDMA1SMEN_Pos        (0U)
10445 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_GPDMA1SMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_GPDMA1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000000*/
10447 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_FLASHSMEN_Pos         (8U)
10448 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_FLASHSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_FLASHSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000100 */
10450 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos           (12U)
10451 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_CRCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00001000 */
10452 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_CRCSMEN               RCC_AHB1SMENR_CRCSMEN_Msk
10453 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos           (16U)
10454 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_TSCSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
10455 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_TSCSMEN               RCC_AHB1SMENR_TSCSMEN_Msk
10456 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_RAMCFGSMEN_Pos        (17U)
10457 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_RAMCFGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_RAMCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00020000 */
10459 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_GTZC1SMEN_Pos         (24U)
10460 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_GTZC1SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_GTZC1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x01000000 */
10462 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_ICACHESMEN_Pos        (29U)
10463 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_ICACHESMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_ICACHESMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x20000000 */
10465 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_SRAM1SMEN_Pos         (31U)
10466 #define RCC_AHB1SMENR_SRAM1SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB1SMENR_SRAM1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x80000000 */
10469 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB2SMENR register  **************/
10470 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOASMEN_Pos         (0U)
10471 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOASMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOASMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
10473 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOBSMEN_Pos         (1U)
10474 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOBSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOBSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
10476 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOCSMEN_Pos         (2U)
10477 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOCSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOCSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
10479 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOHSMEN_Pos         (7U)
10480 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOHSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_GPIOHSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000080 */
10482 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_AESSMEN_Pos           (16U)
10483 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_AESSMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_AESSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00010000 */
10484 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_AESSMEN               RCC_AHB2SMENR_AESSMEN_Msk
10485 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_HASHSMEN_Pos          (17U)
10486 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_HASHSMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_HASHSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00020000 */
10488 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos           (18U)
10489 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_RNGSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
10490 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_RNGSMEN               RCC_AHB2SMENR_RNGSMEN_Msk
10491 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_SAESSMEN_Pos          (19U)
10492 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_SAESSMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_SAESSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00080000 */
10494 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_PKASMEN_Pos           (21U)
10495 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_PKASMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_PKASMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
10496 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_PKASMEN               RCC_AHB2SMENR_PKASMEN_Msk
10497 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_SRAM2SMEN_Pos         (30U)
10498 #define RCC_AHB2SMENR_SRAM2SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB2SMENR_SRAM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x40000000 */
10501 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB4SMENR register  **************/
10502 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos           (2U)
10503 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_AHB4SMENR_PWRSMEN_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
10504 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_PWRSMEN               RCC_AHB4SMENR_PWRSMEN_Msk
10505 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_ADC4SMEN_Pos          (5U)
10506 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_ADC4SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_AHB4SMENR_ADC4SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000040 */
10507 #define RCC_AHB4SMENR_ADC4SMEN              RCC_AHB4SMENR_ADC4SMEN_Msk
10509 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_AHB5SMENR register  **************/
10510 #define RCC_AHB5SMENR_RADIOSMEN_Pos         (0U)
10511 #define RCC_AHB5SMENR_RADIOSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5SMENR_RADIOSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
10513 #define RCC_AHB5SMENR_PTACONVSMEN_Pos       (1U)
10514 #define RCC_AHB5SMENR_PTACONVSMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_AHB5SMENR_PTACONVSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
10517 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR1 register  **************/
10518 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM2SMEN_Pos         (0U)
10519 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM2SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
10520 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM2SMEN             RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM2SMEN_Msk
10521 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM3SMEN_Pos         (1U)
10522 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM3SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM3SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
10523 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM3SMEN             RCC_APB1SMENR1_TIM3SMEN_Msk
10524 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_WWDGSMEN_Pos         (11U)
10525 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_WWDGSMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR1_WWDGSMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000800 */
10527 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_USART2SMEN_Pos       (17U)
10528 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_USART2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR1_USART2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
10530 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_I2C1SMEN_Pos         (21U)
10531 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_I2C1SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR1_I2C1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00200000 */
10532 #define RCC_APB1SMENR1_I2C1SMEN             RCC_APB1SMENR1_I2C1SMEN_Msk
10534 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB1SMENR2 register  **************/
10535 #define RCC_APB1SMENR2_LPTIM2SMEN_Pos       (5U)
10536 #define RCC_APB1SMENR2_LPTIM2SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB1SMENR2_LPTIM2SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000020 */
10539 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB2SMENR register  **************/
10540 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM1SMEN_Pos          (11U)
10541 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM1SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM1SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000800 */
10542 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM1SMEN_Msk
10543 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos          (12U)
10544 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00001000 */
10545 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_SPI1SMEN_Msk
10546 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos        (14U)
10547 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_USART1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00004000 */
10549 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM16SMEN_Pos         (17U)
10550 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM16SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM16SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
10551 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM16SMEN             RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM16SMEN_Msk
10552 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM17SMEN_Pos         (18U)
10553 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM17SMEN_Msk         (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM17SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00040000 */
10554 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM17SMEN             RCC_APB2SMENR_TIM17SMEN_Msk
10555 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SAI1SMEN_Pos          (21U)
10556 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SAI1SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB2SMENR_SAI1SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00200000 */
10557 #define RCC_APB2SMENR_SAI1SMEN              RCC_APB2SMENR_SAI1SMEN_Msk
10559 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_APB7SMENR register  **************/
10560 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos        (1U)
10561 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_SYSCFGSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
10563 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_SPI3SMEN_Pos          (5U)
10564 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_SPI3SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_SPI3SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
10565 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_SPI3SMEN              RCC_APB7SMENR_SPI3SMEN_Msk
10566 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos       (6U)
10567 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_LPUART1SMEN_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000040 */
10569 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos          (7U)
10570 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
10571 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_I2C3SMEN              RCC_APB7SMENR_I2C3SMEN_Msk
10572 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos        (11U)
10573 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_LPTIM1SMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00000800 */
10575 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_COMPSMEN_Pos          (15U)
10576 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_COMPSMEN_Msk          (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_COMPSMEN_Pos)   /*!< 0x00008000 */
10578 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_RTCAPBSMEN_Pos        (21U)
10579 #define RCC_APB7SMENR_RTCAPBSMEN_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_APB7SMENR_RTCAPBSMEN_Pos) /*!< 0x00200000 */
10582 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR1 register  ******************/
10583 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Pos            (0U)
10584 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000003 */
10585 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL                RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Msk
10586 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 */
10587 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 */
10588 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Pos            (2U)
10589 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x0000000C */
10590 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL                RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Msk
10591 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
10592 #define RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_USART2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 */
10593 #define RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Pos              (10U)
10594 #define RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000C00 */
10595 #define RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL                  RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Msk
10596 #define RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_0                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
10597 #define RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_1                (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_I2C1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
10598 #define RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Pos            (18U)
10599 #define RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x000C0000 */
10600 #define RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL                RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Msk
10601 #define RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
10602 #define RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_LPTIM2SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
10603 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Pos              (20U)
10604 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00300000 */
10605 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL                  RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Msk
10606 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_0                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
10607 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_1                (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SPI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
10608 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Pos           (22U)
10609 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00C00000 */
10610 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL               RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Msk
10611 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_0             (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
10612 #define RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_1             (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR1_SYSTICKSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
10613 #define RCC_CCIPR1_TIMICSEL_Pos             (31U)
10614 #define RCC_CCIPR1_TIMICSEL_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR1_TIMICSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x80000000 */
10615 #define RCC_CCIPR1_TIMICSEL                 RCC_CCIPR1_TIMICSEL_Msk
10617 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR2 register  ******************/
10618 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Pos              (5U)
10619 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Msk              (0x7UL << RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000E0 */
10620 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL                  RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Msk
10621 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_0                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
10622 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_1                (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
10623 #define RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_2                (0x4UL << RCC_CCIPR2_SAI1SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
10624 #define RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Pos               (12U)
10625 #define RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Msk               (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00300000 */
10626 #define RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL                   RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Msk
10627 #define RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
10628 #define RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR2_RNGSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
10629 #if !defined (STM32WBAXX_SI_CUT1_0)
10630 #define RCC_CCIPR2_ASSEL_Pos                (30U)
10631 #define RCC_CCIPR2_ASSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR2_ASSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
10632 #define RCC_CCIPR2_ASSEL                    RCC_CCIPR2_ASSEL_Msk
10633 #endif
10635 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CCIPR3 register  ***************/
10636 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Pos           (0U)
10637 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Msk           (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000003 */
10638 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL               RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Msk
10639 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_0             (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
10640 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_1             (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPUART1SEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
10641 #define RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Pos              (3U)
10642 #define RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000018 */
10643 #define RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL                  RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Msk
10644 #define RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_0                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
10645 #define RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_1                (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR3_SPI3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
10646 #define RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Pos              (6U)
10647 #define RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Msk              (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000C0 */
10648 #define RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL                  RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Msk
10649 #define RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_0                (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
10650 #define RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_1                (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR3_I2C3SEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
10651 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Pos            (10U)
10652 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Msk            (0x3UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000C00 */
10653 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL                RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Msk
10654 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_0              (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000400 */
10655 #define RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_1              (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR3_LPTIM1SEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
10656 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Pos               (12U)
10657 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Msk               (0x7UL << RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007000 */
10658 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL                   RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Msk
10659 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_0                 (0x1UL << RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
10660 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_1                 (0x2UL << RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
10661 #define RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_2                 (0x4UL << RCC_CCIPR3_ADCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
10663 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_BDCR1 register  ******************/
10664 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEON_Pos                  (0U)
10665 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEON_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEON_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
10666 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEON                      RCC_BDCR1_LSEON_Msk
10667 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSERDY_Pos                 (1U)
10668 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSERDY_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSERDY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
10669 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSERDY                     RCC_BDCR1_LSERDY_Msk
10670 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEBYP_Pos                 (2U)
10671 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEBYP_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEBYP_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
10672 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEBYP                     RCC_BDCR1_LSEBYP_Msk
10673 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Pos                 (3U)
10674 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000018 */
10675 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV                     RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Msk
10676 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
10677 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEDRV_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
10678 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSON_Pos               (5U)
10679 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSON_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSON_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
10680 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSON                   RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSON_Msk
10681 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSD_Pos                (6U)
10682 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSD_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSD_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
10683 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSD                    RCC_BDCR1_LSECSSD_Msk
10684 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSEN_Pos               (7U)
10685 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSEN_Msk               (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
10686 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSEN                   RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSEN_Msk
10687 #define RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Pos                 (8U)
10688 #define RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Msk                 (0x3UL << RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000300 */
10689 #define RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL                     RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Msk
10690 #define RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
10691 #define RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR1_RTCSEL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
10692 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSRDY_Pos              (11U)
10693 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSRDY_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSRDY_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
10694 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSRDY                  RCC_BDCR1_LSESYSRDY_Msk
10695 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEGFON_Pos                (12U)
10696 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEGFON_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSEGFON_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
10697 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSEGFON                    RCC_BDCR1_LSEGFON_Msk
10698 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Pos                (13U)
10699 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Msk                (0x3UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00006000 */
10700 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM                    RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Msk
10701 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_0                  (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
10702 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_1                  (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
10703 #define RCC_BDCR1_BDRST_Pos                  (16U)
10704 #define RCC_BDCR1_BDRST_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_BDRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
10705 #define RCC_BDCR1_BDRST                      RCC_BDCR1_BDRST_Msk
10706 #define RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Pos             (18U)
10707 #define RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Msk             (0x3UL << RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x000C0000 */
10708 #define RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL                 RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Msk
10709 #define RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_0               (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
10710 #define RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_1               (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR1_RADIOSTSEL_Pos)    /*!< 0x00080000 */
10711 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOEN_Pos                 (24U)
10712 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSCOEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
10713 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOEN                     RCC_BDCR1_LSCOEN_Msk
10714 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOSEL_Pos                (25U)
10715 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSCOSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
10716 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSCOSEL                    RCC_BDCR1_LSCOSEL_Msk
10717 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1ON_Pos                 (26U)
10718 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1ON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSI1ON_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
10719 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1ON                     RCC_BDCR1_LSI1ON_Msk
10720 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1RDY_Pos                (27U)
10721 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1RDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSI1RDY_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
10722 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1RDY                    RCC_BDCR1_LSI1RDY_Msk
10723 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1PREDIV_Pos             (28U)
10724 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1PREDIV_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSI1PREDIV_Pos)    /*!< 0x10000000 */
10725 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI1PREDIV                 RCC_BDCR1_LSI1PREDIV_Msk
10726 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2ON_Pos                 (29U)
10727 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2ON_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSI2ON_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
10728 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2ON                     RCC_BDCR1_LSI2ON_Msk
10729 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2RDY_Pos                (30U)
10730 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2RDY_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR1_LSI2RDY_Pos)       /*!< 0x40000000 */
10731 #define RCC_BDCR1_LSI2RDY                    RCC_BDCR1_LSI2RDY_Msk
10733 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CSR register  *******************/
10734 #define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos                    (23U)
10735 #define RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_RMVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
10736 #define RCC_CSR_RMVF                        RCC_CSR_RMVF_Msk
10737 #define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos                 (25U)
10738 #define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
10739 #define RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF                     RCC_CSR_OBLRSTF_Msk
10740 #define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos                 (26U)
10741 #define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
10742 #define RCC_CSR_PINRSTF                     RCC_CSR_PINRSTF_Msk
10743 #define RCC_CSR_BORRSTF_Pos                 (27U)
10744 #define RCC_CSR_BORRSTF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_BORRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x08000000 */
10745 #define RCC_CSR_BORRSTF                     RCC_CSR_BORRSTF_Msk
10746 #define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos                 (28U)
10747 #define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Pos)          /*!< 0x10000000 */
10748 #define RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF                     RCC_CSR_SFTRSTF_Msk
10749 #define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos                (29U)
10750 #define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
10751 #define RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF                    RCC_CSR_IWDGRSTF_Msk
10752 #define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos                (30U)
10753 #define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
10754 #define RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF                    RCC_CSR_WWDGRSTF_Msk
10755 #define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos                (31U)
10756 #define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk                (0x1UL << RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
10757 #define RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF                    RCC_CSR_LPWRRSTF_Msk
10759 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_BDCR2 register  *******************/
10760 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Pos             (0U)
10761 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Msk             (0x7UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000007 */
10762 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE                 RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Msk
10763 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_0               (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
10764 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_1               (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
10765 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_2               (0x4UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2MODE_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
10766 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos              (4U)
10767 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Msk              (0xFUL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x000000F0 */
10768 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG                  RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Msk
10769 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_0                (0x1UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
10770 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_1                (0x2UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
10771 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_2                (0x4UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
10772 #define RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_3                (0x8UL << RCC_BDCR2_LSI2CFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000080 */
10774 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_SECCFGR register  **************/
10775 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSISEC_Pos              (0U)
10776 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSISEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_HSISEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
10777 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSISEC                  RCC_SECCFGR_HSISEC_Msk
10778 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSESEC_Pos              (1U)
10779 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSESEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_HSESEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
10780 #define RCC_SECCFGR_HSESEC                  RCC_SECCFGR_HSESEC_Msk
10781 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSISEC_Pos              (3U)
10782 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSISEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_LSISEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
10783 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSISEC                  RCC_SECCFGR_LSISEC_Msk
10784 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSESEC_Pos              (4U)
10785 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSESEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_LSESEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
10786 #define RCC_SECCFGR_LSESEC                  RCC_SECCFGR_LSESEC_Msk
10787 #define RCC_SECCFGR_SYSCLKSEC_Pos           (5U)
10788 #define RCC_SECCFGR_SYSCLKSEC_Msk           (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_SYSCLKSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
10790 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PRESCSEC_Pos            (6U)
10791 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PRESCSEC_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_PRESCSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000040 */
10792 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PRESCSEC                RCC_SECCFGR_PRESCSEC_Msk
10793 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PLL1SEC_Pos             (7U)
10794 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PLL1SEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_PLL1SEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
10795 #define RCC_SECCFGR_PLL1SEC                 RCC_SECCFGR_PLL1SEC_Msk
10796 #define RCC_SECCFGR_RMVFSEC_Pos             (12U)
10797 #define RCC_SECCFGR_RMVFSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_SECCFGR_RMVFSEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00001000 */
10798 #define RCC_SECCFGR_RMVFSEC                 RCC_SECCFGR_RMVFSEC_Msk
10800 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_PRIVCFGR register  **************/
10801 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos              (0U)
10802 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk              (0x1UL << RCC_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
10803 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV                  RCC_PRIVCFGR_SPRIV_Msk
10804 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos             (1U)
10805 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk             (0x1UL << RCC_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
10806 #define RCC_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV                 RCC_PRIVCFGR_NSPRIV_Msk
10808 #if !defined (STM32WBAXX_SI_CUT1_0)
10809 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASCR register  **************/
10810 #define RCC_ASCR_CEN_Pos                    (0U)
10811 #define RCC_ASCR_CEN                        RCC_ASCR_CEN_Msk
10812 #define RCC_ASCR_CEN_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_ASCR_CEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
10813 #define RCC_ASCR_PSC_Pos                    (8U)
10814 #define RCC_ASCR_PSC_Msk                    (0x7FUL << RCC_ASCR_PSC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00007F00 */
10815 #define RCC_ASCR_PSC                        RCC_ASCR_PSC_Msk
10816 #define RCC_ASCR_CPS_Pos                    (16U)
10817 #define RCC_ASCR_CPS_Msk                    (0x7FUL << RCC_ASCR_CPS_Pos)            /*!< 0x007F0000 */
10818 #define RCC_ASCR_CPS                        RCC_ASCR_CPS_Msk
10820 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASIER register  **************/
10821 #define RCC_ASIER_CAIE_Pos                  (0U)
10822 #define RCC_ASIER_CAIE                      RCC_ASIER_CAIE_Msk
10823 #define RCC_ASIER_CAIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_ASIER_CAIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
10824 #define RCC_ASIER_COIE_Pos                  (1U)
10825 #define RCC_ASIER_COIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << RCC_ASIER_COIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
10826 #define RCC_ASIER_COIE                      RCC_ASIER_COIE_Msk
10827 #define RCC_ASIER_CAEIE_Pos                 (2U)
10828 #define RCC_ASIER_CAEIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_ASIER_CAEIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
10829 #define RCC_ASIER_CAEIE                      RCC_ASIER_CAEIE_Msk
10831 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASSR register  **************/
10832 #define RCC_ASSR_CAF_Pos                    (0U)
10833 #define RCC_ASSR_CAF                        RCC_ASSR_CAF_Msk
10834 #define RCC_ASSR_CAF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_ASSR_CAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
10835 #define RCC_ASSR_COF_Pos                    (1U)
10836 #define RCC_ASSR_COF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RCC_ASSR_COF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
10837 #define RCC_ASSR_COF                        RCC_ASSR_COF_Msk
10838 #define RCC_ASSR_CAEF_Pos                   (2U)
10839 #define RCC_ASSR_CAEF_Msk                   (0x1UL << RCC_ASSR_CAEF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
10840 #define RCC_ASSR_CAEF                       RCC_ASSR_CAEF_Msk
10842 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASCNTR register  **************/
10843 #define RCC_ASCNTR_CNT_Pos                  (0U)
10844 #define RCC_ASCNTR_CNT                      RCC_ASCNTR_CNT_Msk
10845 #define RCC_ASCNTR_CNT_Msk                  (0xFFFFFUL << RCC_ASCNTR_CNT_Pos)       /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
10847 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASARR register  **************/
10848 #define RCC_ASARR_AR_Pos                    (0U)
10849 #define RCC_ASARR_AR                        RCC_ASARR_AR_Msk
10850 #define RCC_ASARR_AR_Msk                    (0xFFFFFUL << RCC_ASARR_AR_Pos)         /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
10852 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASCAR register  **************/
10853 #define RCC_ASCAR_CA_Pos                    (0U)
10854 #define RCC_ASCAR_CA                        RCC_ASCAR_CA_Msk
10855 #define RCC_ASCAR_CA_Msk                    (0x7FFFFFFUL << RCC_ASCAR_CA_Pos)       /*!< 0x07FFFFFF */
10857 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ASCOR register  **************/
10858 #define RCC_ASCOR_CO_Pos                    (0U)
10859 #define RCC_ASCOR_CO                        RCC_ASCOR_CO_Msk
10860 #define RCC_ASCOR_CO_Msk                    (0xFFFFFUL << RCC_ASCOR_CO_Pos)         /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
10862 #endif
10863 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_CFGR4 register  *******************/
10864 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Pos                 (0U)
10865 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Msk                 (0x7UL << RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000007 */
10866 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5                     RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Msk
10867 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_0                   (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
10868 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_1                   (0x2UL << RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
10869 #define RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_2                   (0x4UL << RCC_CFGR4_HPRE5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
10870 #define RCC_CFGR4_HDIV5_Pos                 (4U)
10871 #define RCC_CFGR4_HDIV5_Msk                 (0x1UL << RCC_CFGR4_HDIV5_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
10872 #define RCC_CFGR4_HDIV5                     RCC_CFGR4_HDIV5_Msk
10874 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_RADIOENR register  **************/
10875 #define RCC_RADIOENR_BBCLKEN_Pos            (1U)
10876 #define RCC_RADIOENR_BBCLKEN_Msk            (0x1UL << RCC_RADIOENR_BBCLKEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
10877 #define RCC_RADIOENR_BBCLKEN                RCC_RADIOENR_BBCLKEN_Msk
10878 #define RCC_RADIOENR_STRADIOCLKON_Pos       (16U)
10879 #define RCC_RADIOENR_STRADIOCLKON_Msk       (0x1UL << RCC_RADIOENR_STRADIOCLKON_Pos) /*!< 0x00010000 */
10881 #define RCC_RADIOENR_RADIOCLKRDY_Pos        (17U)
10882 #define RCC_RADIOENR_RADIOCLKRDY_Msk        (0x1UL << RCC_RADIOENR_RADIOCLKRDY_Pos)  /*!< 0x00020000 */
10885 /********************  Bit definition for RCC_ECSCR1 register  *******************/
10886 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos              (16U)
10887 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Msk              (0x3FUL << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x003F0000 */
10888 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM                  RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Msk
10889 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_0                (0x1UL  << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
10890 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_1                (0x2UL  << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
10891 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_2                (0x4UL  << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
10892 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_3                (0x8UL  << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
10893 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_4                (0x10UL << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
10894 #define RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_5                (0x20UL << RCC_ECSCR1_HSETRIM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
10897 /******************************************************************************/
10898 /*                                                                            */
10899 /*                                    RNG                                     */
10900 /*                                                                            */
10901 /******************************************************************************/
10902 /********************  Bits definition for RNG_CR register  *******************/
10903 #define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos                    (2U)
10904 #define RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk                    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_RNGEN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
10905 #define RNG_CR_RNGEN                        RNG_CR_RNGEN_Msk
10906 #define RNG_CR_IE_Pos                       (3U)
10907 #define RNG_CR_IE_Msk                       (0x1UL << RNG_CR_IE_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
10908 #define RNG_CR_IE                           RNG_CR_IE_Msk
10909 #define RNG_CR_CED_Pos                      (5U)
10910 #define RNG_CR_CED_Msk                      (0x1UL << RNG_CR_CED_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
10911 #define RNG_CR_CED                          RNG_CR_CED_Msk
10912 #define RNG_CR_ARDIS_Pos                    (7U)
10913 #define RNG_CR_ARDIS_Msk                    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_ARDIS_Pos)
10914 #define RNG_CR_ARDIS                        RNG_CR_ARDIS_Msk
10915 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG3_Pos              (8U)
10916 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG3_Msk              (0xFUL << RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG3_Pos)
10917 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG3                  RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG3_Msk
10918 #define RNG_CR_NISTC_Pos                    (12U)
10919 #define RNG_CR_NISTC_Msk                    (0x1UL << RNG_CR_NISTC_Pos)
10920 #define RNG_CR_NISTC                        RNG_CR_NISTC_Msk
10921 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG2_Pos              (13U)
10922 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG2_Msk              (0x7UL << RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG2_Pos)
10923 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG2                  RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG2_Msk
10924 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos                   (16U)
10925 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Msk                   (0xFUL << RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos)
10926 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV                       RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Msk
10927 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_0                     (0x1UL << RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
10928 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_1                     (0x2UL << RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
10929 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_2                     (0x4UL << RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
10930 #define RNG_CR_CLKDIV_3                     (0x8UL << RNG_CR_CLKDIV_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
10931 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG1_Pos              (20U)
10932 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG1_Msk              (0x3FUL << RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG1_Pos)
10933 #define RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG1                  RNG_CR_RNG_CONFIG1_Msk
10934 #define RNG_CR_CONDRST_Pos                  (30U)
10935 #define RNG_CR_CONDRST_Msk                  (0x1UL << RNG_CR_CONDRST_Pos)
10936 #define RNG_CR_CONDRST                      RNG_CR_CONDRST_Msk
10937 #define RNG_CR_CONFIGLOCK_Pos               (31U)
10938 #define RNG_CR_CONFIGLOCK_Msk               (0x1UL << RNG_CR_CONFIGLOCK_Pos)
10939 #define RNG_CR_CONFIGLOCK                   RNG_CR_CONFIGLOCK_Msk
10941 /********************  Bits definition for RNG_SR register  *******************/
10942 #define RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos                     (0U)
10943 #define RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk                     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_DRDY_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
10944 #define RNG_SR_DRDY                         RNG_SR_DRDY_Msk
10945 #define RNG_SR_CECS_Pos                     (1U)
10946 #define RNG_SR_CECS_Msk                     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CECS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
10947 #define RNG_SR_CECS                         RNG_SR_CECS_Msk
10948 #define RNG_SR_SECS_Pos                     (2U)
10949 #define RNG_SR_SECS_Msk                     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SECS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
10950 #define RNG_SR_SECS                         RNG_SR_SECS_Msk
10951 #define RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos                     (5U)
10952 #define RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk                     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_CEIS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
10953 #define RNG_SR_CEIS                         RNG_SR_CEIS_Msk
10954 #define RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos                     (6U)
10955 #define RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk                     (0x1UL << RNG_SR_SEIS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
10956 #define RNG_SR_SEIS                         RNG_SR_SEIS_Msk
10958 /********************  Bits definition for RNG_DR register  *******************/
10959 #define RNG_DR_RNDATA_Pos                  (0U)
10960 #define RNG_DR_RNDATA_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RNG_DR_RNDATA_Pos)      /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
10961 #define RNG_DR_RNDATA                      RNG_DR_RNDATA_Msk
10963 /********************  Bits definition for RNG_HTCR register  *******************/
10964 #define RNG_HTCR_HTCFG_Pos                 (0U)
10965 #define RNG_HTCR_HTCFG_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RNG_HTCR_HTCFG_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
10966 #define RNG_HTCR_HTCFG                     RNG_HTCR_HTCFG_Msk
10969 /******************************************************************************/
10970 /*                                                                            */
10971 /*                           Real-Time Clock (RTC)                            */
10972 /*                                                                            */
10973 /******************************************************************************/
10974 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_TR register  *******************/
10975 #define RTC_TR_SU_Pos                       (0U)
10976 #define RTC_TR_SU_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000000F */
10977 #define RTC_TR_SU                           RTC_TR_SU_Msk
10978 #define RTC_TR_SU_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
10979 #define RTC_TR_SU_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
10980 #define RTC_TR_SU_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
10981 #define RTC_TR_SU_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_TR_SU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
10982 #define RTC_TR_ST_Pos                       (4U)
10983 #define RTC_TR_ST_Msk                       (0x7UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000070 */
10984 #define RTC_TR_ST                           RTC_TR_ST_Msk
10985 #define RTC_TR_ST_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
10986 #define RTC_TR_ST_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
10987 #define RTC_TR_ST_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_TR_ST_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000040 */
10988 #define RTC_TR_MNU_Pos                      (8U)
10989 #define RTC_TR_MNU_Msk                      (0xFUL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000F00 */
10990 #define RTC_TR_MNU                          RTC_TR_MNU_Msk
10991 #define RTC_TR_MNU_0                        (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
10992 #define RTC_TR_MNU_1                        (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
10993 #define RTC_TR_MNU_2                        (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
10994 #define RTC_TR_MNU_3                        (0x8UL << RTC_TR_MNU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
10995 #define RTC_TR_MNT_Pos                      (12U)
10996 #define RTC_TR_MNT_Msk                      (0x7UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00007000 */
10997 #define RTC_TR_MNT                          RTC_TR_MNT_Msk
10998 #define RTC_TR_MNT_0                        (0x1UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
10999 #define RTC_TR_MNT_1                        (0x2UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
11000 #define RTC_TR_MNT_2                        (0x4UL << RTC_TR_MNT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
11001 #define RTC_TR_HU_Pos                       (16U)
11002 #define RTC_TR_HU_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                /*!< 0x000F0000 */
11003 #define RTC_TR_HU                           RTC_TR_HU_Msk
11004 #define RTC_TR_HU_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
11005 #define RTC_TR_HU_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
11006 #define RTC_TR_HU_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
11007 #define RTC_TR_HU_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_TR_HU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
11008 #define RTC_TR_HT_Pos                       (20U)
11009 #define RTC_TR_HT_Msk                       (0x3UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00300000 */
11010 #define RTC_TR_HT                           RTC_TR_HT_Msk
11011 #define RTC_TR_HT_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
11012 #define RTC_TR_HT_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_TR_HT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
11013 #define RTC_TR_PM_Pos                       (22U)
11014 #define RTC_TR_PM_Msk                       (0x1UL << RTC_TR_PM_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
11015 #define RTC_TR_PM                           RTC_TR_PM_Msk
11017 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_DR register  *******************/
11018 #define RTC_DR_DU_Pos                       (0U)
11019 #define RTC_DR_DU_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                /*!< 0x0000000F */
11020 #define RTC_DR_DU                           RTC_DR_DU_Msk
11021 #define RTC_DR_DU_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000001 */
11022 #define RTC_DR_DU_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000002 */
11023 #define RTC_DR_DU_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000004 */
11024 #define RTC_DR_DU_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_DR_DU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000008 */
11025 #define RTC_DR_DT_Pos                       (4U)
11026 #define RTC_DR_DT_Msk                       (0x3UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000030 */
11027 #define RTC_DR_DT                           RTC_DR_DT_Msk
11028 #define RTC_DR_DT_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000010 */
11029 #define RTC_DR_DT_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_DR_DT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000020 */
11030 #define RTC_DR_MU_Pos                       (8U)
11031 #define RTC_DR_MU_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11032 #define RTC_DR_MU                           RTC_DR_MU_Msk
11033 #define RTC_DR_MU_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000100 */
11034 #define RTC_DR_MU_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000200 */
11035 #define RTC_DR_MU_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000400 */
11036 #define RTC_DR_MU_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_DR_MU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00000800 */
11037 #define RTC_DR_MT_Pos                       (12U)
11038 #define RTC_DR_MT_Msk                       (0x1UL << RTC_DR_MT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00001000 */
11039 #define RTC_DR_MT                           RTC_DR_MT_Msk
11040 #define RTC_DR_WDU_Pos                      (13U)
11041 #define RTC_DR_WDU_Msk                      (0x7UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000E000 */
11042 #define RTC_DR_WDU                          RTC_DR_WDU_Msk
11043 #define RTC_DR_WDU_0                        (0x1UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
11044 #define RTC_DR_WDU_1                        (0x2UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
11045 #define RTC_DR_WDU_2                        (0x4UL << RTC_DR_WDU_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
11046 #define RTC_DR_YU_Pos                       (16U)
11047 #define RTC_DR_YU_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                /*!< 0x000F0000 */
11048 #define RTC_DR_YU                           RTC_DR_YU_Msk
11049 #define RTC_DR_YU_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00010000 */
11050 #define RTC_DR_YU_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00020000 */
11051 #define RTC_DR_YU_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00040000 */
11052 #define RTC_DR_YU_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YU_Pos)                /*!< 0x00080000 */
11053 #define RTC_DR_YT_Pos                       (20U)
11054 #define RTC_DR_YT_Msk                       (0xFUL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00F00000 */
11055 #define RTC_DR_YT                           RTC_DR_YT_Msk
11056 #define RTC_DR_YT_0                         (0x1UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00100000 */
11057 #define RTC_DR_YT_1                         (0x2UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00200000 */
11058 #define RTC_DR_YT_2                         (0x4UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00400000 */
11059 #define RTC_DR_YT_3                         (0x8UL << RTC_DR_YT_Pos)                /*!< 0x00800000 */
11061 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SSR register  ******************/
11062 #define RTC_SSR_SS_Pos                      (0U)
11063 #define RTC_SSR_SS_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_SSR_SS_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
11064 #define RTC_SSR_SS                          RTC_SSR_SS_Msk
11066 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ICSR register  ******************/
11067 #define RTC_ICSR_WUTWF_Pos                  (2U)
11068 #define RTC_ICSR_WUTWF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_WUTWF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
11069 #define RTC_ICSR_WUTWF                      RTC_ICSR_WUTWF_Msk
11070 #define RTC_ICSR_SHPF_Pos                   (3U)
11071 #define RTC_ICSR_SHPF_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_SHPF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
11072 #define RTC_ICSR_SHPF                       RTC_ICSR_SHPF_Msk
11073 #define RTC_ICSR_INITS_Pos                  (4U)
11074 #define RTC_ICSR_INITS_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_INITS_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
11075 #define RTC_ICSR_INITS                      RTC_ICSR_INITS_Msk
11076 #define RTC_ICSR_RSF_Pos                    (5U)
11077 #define RTC_ICSR_RSF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_RSF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
11078 #define RTC_ICSR_RSF                        RTC_ICSR_RSF_Msk
11079 #define RTC_ICSR_INITF_Pos                  (6U)
11080 #define RTC_ICSR_INITF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_INITF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
11081 #define RTC_ICSR_INITF                      RTC_ICSR_INITF_Msk
11082 #define RTC_ICSR_INIT_Pos                   (7U)
11083 #define RTC_ICSR_INIT_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_INIT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
11084 #define RTC_ICSR_INIT                       RTC_ICSR_INIT_Msk
11085 #define RTC_ICSR_BIN_Pos                    (8U)
11086 #define RTC_ICSR_BIN_Msk                    (0x3UL << RTC_ICSR_BIN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000300 */
11087 #define RTC_ICSR_BIN                        RTC_ICSR_BIN_Msk
11088 #define RTC_ICSR_BIN_0                      (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_BIN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
11089 #define RTC_ICSR_BIN_1                      (0x2UL << RTC_ICSR_BIN_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
11090 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Pos                   (10U)
11091 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Msk                   (0x7UL << RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001C00 */
11092 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU                       RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Msk
11093 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
11094 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
11095 #define RTC_ICSR_BCDU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ICSR_BCDU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
11096 #define RTC_ICSR_RECALPF_Pos                (16U)
11097 #define RTC_ICSR_RECALPF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ICSR_RECALPF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
11098 #define RTC_ICSR_RECALPF                    RTC_ICSR_RECALPF_Msk
11100 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRER register  *****************/
11101 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos               (0U)
11102 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk               (0x7FFFUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Pos)     /*!< 0x00007FFF */
11103 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S                   RTC_PRER_PREDIV_S_Msk
11104 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos               (16U)
11105 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk               (0x7FUL << RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Pos)       /*!< 0x007F0000 */
11106 #define RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A                   RTC_PRER_PREDIV_A_Msk
11108 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_WUTR register  *****************/
11109 #define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos                    (0U)
11110 #define RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk                    (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
11111 #define RTC_WUTR_WUT                        RTC_WUTR_WUT_Msk
11112 #define RTC_WUTR_WUTOCLR_Pos                (16U)
11113 #define RTC_WUTR_WUTOCLR_Msk                (0xFFFFUL << RTC_WUTR_WUTOCLR_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
11114 #define RTC_WUTR_WUTOCLR                    RTC_WUTR_WUTOCLR_Msk
11116 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_CR register  *******************/
11117 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos                  (0U)
11118 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000007 */
11119 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL                      RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Msk
11120 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
11121 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
11122 #define RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_CR_WUCKSEL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
11123 #define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos                   (3U)
11124 #define RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
11125 #define RTC_CR_TSEDGE                       RTC_CR_TSEDGE_Msk
11126 #define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos                  (4U)
11127 #define RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_REFCKON_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
11128 #define RTC_CR_REFCKON                      RTC_CR_REFCKON_Msk
11129 #define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos                  (5U)
11130 #define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
11131 #define RTC_CR_BYPSHAD                      RTC_CR_BYPSHAD_Msk
11132 #define RTC_CR_FMT_Pos                      (6U)
11133 #define RTC_CR_FMT_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_CR_FMT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
11134 #define RTC_CR_FMT                          RTC_CR_FMT_Msk
11135 #define RTC_CR_SSRUIE_Pos                   (7U)
11136 #define RTC_CR_SSRUIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SSRUIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
11137 #define RTC_CR_SSRUIE                       RTC_CR_SSRUIE_Msk
11138 #define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos                    (8U)
11139 #define RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
11140 #define RTC_CR_ALRAE                        RTC_CR_ALRAE_Msk
11141 #define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos                    (9U)
11142 #define RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
11143 #define RTC_CR_ALRBE                        RTC_CR_ALRBE_Msk
11144 #define RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos                     (10U)
11145 #define RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk                     (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
11146 #define RTC_CR_WUTE                         RTC_CR_WUTE_Msk
11147 #define RTC_CR_TSE_Pos                      (11U)
11148 #define RTC_CR_TSE_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
11149 #define RTC_CR_TSE                          RTC_CR_TSE_Msk
11150 #define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos                   (12U)
11151 #define RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
11152 #define RTC_CR_ALRAIE                       RTC_CR_ALRAIE_Msk
11153 #define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos                   (13U)
11154 #define RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
11155 #define RTC_CR_ALRBIE                       RTC_CR_ALRBIE_Msk
11156 #define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos                    (14U)
11157 #define RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_WUTIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
11158 #define RTC_CR_WUTIE                        RTC_CR_WUTIE_Msk
11159 #define RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos                     (15U)
11160 #define RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk                     (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TSIE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
11161 #define RTC_CR_TSIE                         RTC_CR_TSIE_Msk
11162 #define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos                    (16U)
11163 #define RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ADD1H_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
11164 #define RTC_CR_ADD1H                        RTC_CR_ADD1H_Msk
11165 #define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos                    (17U)
11166 #define RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_SUB1H_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
11167 #define RTC_CR_SUB1H                        RTC_CR_SUB1H_Msk
11168 #define RTC_CR_BKP_Pos                      (18U)
11169 #define RTC_CR_BKP_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_CR_BKP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
11170 #define RTC_CR_BKP                          RTC_CR_BKP_Msk
11171 #define RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos                    (19U)
11172 #define RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COSEL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00080000 */
11173 #define RTC_CR_COSEL                        RTC_CR_COSEL_Msk
11174 #define RTC_CR_POL_Pos                      (20U)
11175 #define RTC_CR_POL_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_CR_POL_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
11176 #define RTC_CR_POL                          RTC_CR_POL_Msk
11177 #define RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos                     (21U)
11178 #define RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk                     (0x3UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00600000 */
11179 #define RTC_CR_OSEL                         RTC_CR_OSEL_Msk
11180 #define RTC_CR_OSEL_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
11181 #define RTC_CR_OSEL_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_CR_OSEL_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
11182 #define RTC_CR_COE_Pos                      (23U)
11183 #define RTC_CR_COE_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_CR_COE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00800000 */
11184 #define RTC_CR_COE                          RTC_CR_COE_Msk
11185 #define RTC_CR_TAMPTS_Pos                   (25U)
11186 #define RTC_CR_TAMPTS_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TAMPTS_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
11187 #define RTC_CR_TAMPTS                       RTC_CR_TAMPTS_Msk                       /*!<Activate timestamp on tamper detection event  */
11188 #define RTC_CR_TAMPOE_Pos                   (26U)
11189 #define RTC_CR_TAMPOE_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TAMPOE_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
11190 #define RTC_CR_TAMPOE                       RTC_CR_TAMPOE_Msk                       /*!<Tamper detection output enable on TAMPALARM  */
11191 #define RTC_CR_ALRAFCLR_Pos                 (27U)
11192 #define RTC_CR_ALRAFCLR_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRAFCLR_Pos)          /*!< 0x8000000 */
11193 #define RTC_CR_ALRAFCLR                     RTC_CR_ALRAFCLR_Msk                     /*!<Alarm A mask */
11194 #define RTC_CR_ALRBFCLR_Pos                 (28U)
11195 #define RTC_CR_ALRBFCLR_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CR_ALRBFCLR_Pos)          /*!< 0x10000000 */
11196 #define RTC_CR_ALRBFCLR                     RTC_CR_ALRBFCLR_Msk                      /*!<Alarm B mask */
11197 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU_Pos              (29U)
11198 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU_Pos)       /*!< 0x20000000 */
11199 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU                  RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU_Msk                  /*!<TAMPALARM output pull-up config */
11200 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_TYPE_Pos            (30U)
11201 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_TYPE_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_TYPE_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
11202 #define RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_TYPE                RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_TYPE_Msk                /*!<TAMPALARM output type  */
11203 #define RTC_CR_OUT2EN_Pos                   (31U)
11204 #define RTC_CR_OUT2EN_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CR_OUT2EN_Pos)            /*!< 0x80000000 */
11205 #define RTC_CR_OUT2EN                       RTC_CR_OUT2EN_Msk                       /*!<RTC_OUT2 output enable */
11207 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_PRIVCFGR register  *****************/
11208 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRAPRIV_Pos           (0U)
11209 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRAPRIV_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRAPRIV_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
11211 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRBPRIV_Pos           (1U)
11212 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRBPRIV_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_ALRBPRIV_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
11214 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_WUTPRIV_Pos            (2U)
11215 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_WUTPRIV_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_WUTPRIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 */
11216 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_WUTPRIV                RTC_PRIVCFGR_WUTPRIV_Msk
11217 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_TSPRIV_Pos             (3U)
11218 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_TSPRIV_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_TSPRIV_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000008 */
11219 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_TSPRIV                 RTC_PRIVCFGR_TSPRIV_Msk
11220 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_CALPRIV_Pos            (13U)
11221 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_CALPRIV_Msk            (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_CALPRIV_Pos)     /*!< 0x00002000 */
11222 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_CALPRIV                RTC_PRIVCFGR_CALPRIV_Msk
11223 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_INITPRIV_Pos           (14U)
11224 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_INITPRIV_Msk           (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_INITPRIV_Pos)    /*!< 0x00004000 */
11226 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV_Pos               (15U)
11227 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV_Pos)        /*!< 0x00008000 */
11228 #define RTC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV                   RTC_PRIVCFGR_PRIV_Msk
11230 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SECCFGR register  ******************/
11231 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRASEC_Pos             (0U)
11232 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRASEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_ALRASEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
11233 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRASEC                 RTC_SECCFGR_ALRASEC_Msk
11234 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRBSEC_Pos             (1U)
11235 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRBSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_ALRBSEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
11236 #define RTC_SECCFGR_ALRBSEC                 RTC_SECCFGR_ALRBSEC_Msk
11237 #define RTC_SECCFGR_WUTSEC_Pos              (2U)
11238 #define RTC_SECCFGR_WUTSEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_WUTSEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
11239 #define RTC_SECCFGR_WUTSEC                  RTC_SECCFGR_WUTSEC_Msk
11240 #define RTC_SECCFGR_TSSEC_Pos               (3U)
11241 #define RTC_SECCFGR_TSSEC_Msk               (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_TSSEC_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
11242 #define RTC_SECCFGR_TSSEC                   RTC_SECCFGR_TSSEC_Msk
11243 #define RTC_SECCFGR_CALSEC_Pos              (13U)
11244 #define RTC_SECCFGR_CALSEC_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_CALSEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
11245 #define RTC_SECCFGR_CALSEC                  RTC_SECCFGR_CALSEC_Msk
11246 #define RTC_SECCFGR_INITSEC_Pos             (14U)
11247 #define RTC_SECCFGR_INITSEC_Msk             (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_INITSEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00004000 */
11248 #define RTC_SECCFGR_INITSEC                 RTC_SECCFGR_INITSEC_Msk
11249 #define RTC_SECCFGR_SEC_Pos                 (15U)
11250 #define RTC_SECCFGR_SEC_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_SECCFGR_SEC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
11251 #define RTC_SECCFGR_SEC                     RTC_SECCFGR_SEC_Msk
11253 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_WPR register  ******************/
11254 #define RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos                     (0U)
11255 #define RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk                     (0xFFUL << RTC_WPR_KEY_Pos)             /*!< 0x000000FF */
11256 #define RTC_WPR_KEY                         RTC_WPR_KEY_Msk
11258 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_CALR register  *****************/
11259 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos                   (0U)
11260 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk                   (0x1FFUL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x000001FF */
11261 #define RTC_CALR_CALM                       RTC_CALR_CALM_Msk
11262 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_0                     (0x001UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
11263 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_1                     (0x002UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
11264 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_2                     (0x004UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
11265 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_3                     (0x008UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
11266 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_4                     (0x010UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
11267 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_5                     (0x020UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
11268 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_6                     (0x040UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
11269 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_7                     (0x080UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
11270 #define RTC_CALR_CALM_8                     (0x100UL << RTC_CALR_CALM_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
11271 #define RTC_CALR_LPCAL_Pos                  (12U)
11272 #define RTC_CALR_LPCAL_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_LPCAL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
11273 #define RTC_CALR_CALW16                     RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk
11274 #define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos                 (13U)
11275 #define RTC_CALR_CALW16_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW16_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
11276 #define RTC_CALR_LPCAL                      RTC_CALR_LPCAL_Msk
11277 #define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos                  (14U)
11278 #define RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALW8_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
11279 #define RTC_CALR_CALW8                      RTC_CALR_CALW8_Msk
11280 #define RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos                   (15U)
11281 #define RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_CALR_CALP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
11282 #define RTC_CALR_CALP                       RTC_CALR_CALP_Msk
11284 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SHIFTR register  ***************/
11285 #define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos                (0U)
11286 #define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk                (0x7FFFUL << RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Pos)      /*!< 0x00007FFF */
11287 #define RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS                    RTC_SHIFTR_SUBFS_Msk
11288 #define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos                (31U)
11289 #define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
11290 #define RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S                    RTC_SHIFTR_ADD1S_Msk
11292 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSTR register  *****************/
11293 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos                     (0U)
11294 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk                     (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000000F */
11295 #define RTC_TSTR_SU                         RTC_TSTR_SU_Msk
11296 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
11297 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
11298 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_2                       (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
11299 #define RTC_TSTR_SU_3                       (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_SU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
11300 #define RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos                     (4U)
11301 #define RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk                     (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000070 */
11302 #define RTC_TSTR_ST                         RTC_TSTR_ST_Msk
11303 #define RTC_TSTR_ST_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
11304 #define RTC_TSTR_ST_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
11305 #define RTC_TSTR_ST_2                       (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_ST_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
11306 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos                    (8U)
11307 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk                    (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11308 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU                        RTC_TSTR_MNU_Msk
11309 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_0                      (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
11310 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_1                      (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
11311 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_2                      (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
11312 #define RTC_TSTR_MNU_3                      (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_MNU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
11313 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos                    (12U)
11314 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk                    (0x7UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00007000 */
11315 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT                        RTC_TSTR_MNT_Msk
11316 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT_0                      (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
11317 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT_1                      (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
11318 #define RTC_TSTR_MNT_2                      (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_MNT_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
11319 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos                     (16U)
11320 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk                     (0xFUL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)              /*!< 0x000F0000 */
11321 #define RTC_TSTR_HU                         RTC_TSTR_HU_Msk
11322 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
11323 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
11324 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_2                       (0x4UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00040000 */
11325 #define RTC_TSTR_HU_3                       (0x8UL << RTC_TSTR_HU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
11326 #define RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos                     (20U)
11327 #define RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk                     (0x3UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00300000 */
11328 #define RTC_TSTR_HT                         RTC_TSTR_HT_Msk
11329 #define RTC_TSTR_HT_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
11330 #define RTC_TSTR_HT_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSTR_HT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
11331 #define RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos                     (22U)
11332 #define RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk                     (0x1UL << RTC_TSTR_PM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
11333 #define RTC_TSTR_PM                         RTC_TSTR_PM_Msk
11335 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSDR register  *****************/
11336 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos                     (0U)
11337 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk                     (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000000F */
11338 #define RTC_TSDR_DU                         RTC_TSDR_DU_Msk
11339 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
11340 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
11341 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_2                       (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
11342 #define RTC_TSDR_DU_3                       (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_DU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
11343 #define RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos                     (4U)
11344 #define RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk                     (0x3UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000030 */
11345 #define RTC_TSDR_DT                         RTC_TSDR_DT_Msk
11346 #define RTC_TSDR_DT_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
11347 #define RTC_TSDR_DT_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_DT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
11348 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos                     (8U)
11349 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk                     (0xFUL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11350 #define RTC_TSDR_MU                         RTC_TSDR_MU_Msk
11351 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_0                       (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
11352 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_1                       (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
11353 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_2                       (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
11354 #define RTC_TSDR_MU_3                       (0x8UL << RTC_TSDR_MU_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
11355 #define RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos                     (12U)
11356 #define RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk                     (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_MT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
11357 #define RTC_TSDR_MT                         RTC_TSDR_MT_Msk
11358 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos                    (13U)
11359 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk                    (0x7UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000E000 */
11360 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU                        RTC_TSDR_WDU_Msk
11361 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU_0                      (0x1UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
11362 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU_1                      (0x2UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
11363 #define RTC_TSDR_WDU_2                      (0x4UL << RTC_TSDR_WDU_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
11365 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_TSSSR register  ****************/
11366 #define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos                    (0U)
11367 #define RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                    (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_TSSSR_SS_Pos)      /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
11368 #define RTC_TSSSR_SS                        RTC_TSSSR_SS_Msk                        /*!< rtc timestamp sub second > */
11370 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMAR register  ***************/
11371 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos                   (0U)
11372 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000000F */
11373 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU                       RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Msk
11374 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
11375 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
11376 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
11377 #define RTC_ALRMAR_SU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
11378 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos                   (4U)
11379 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk                   (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000070 */
11380 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST                       RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Msk
11381 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
11382 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
11383 #define RTC_ALRMAR_ST_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
11384 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos                 (7U)
11385 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
11386 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1                     RTC_ALRMAR_MSK1_Msk
11387 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos                  (8U)
11388 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11389 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU                      RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Msk
11390 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
11391 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
11392 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
11393 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
11394 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos                  (12U)
11395 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00007000 */
11396 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT                      RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Msk
11397 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
11398 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
11399 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
11400 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos                 (15U)
11401 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
11402 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2                     RTC_ALRMAR_MSK2_Msk
11403 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos                   (16U)
11404 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x000F0000 */
11405 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU                       RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Msk
11406 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
11407 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
11408 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
11409 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
11410 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos                   (20U)
11411 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk                   (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00300000 */
11412 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HT                       RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Msk
11413 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
11414 #define RTC_ALRMAR_HT_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
11415 #define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos                   (22U)
11416 #define RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
11417 #define RTC_ALRMAR_PM                       RTC_ALRMAR_PM_Msk
11418 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos                 (23U)
11419 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
11420 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3                     RTC_ALRMAR_MSK3_Msk
11421 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos                   (24U)
11422 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x0F000000 */
11423 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU                       RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Msk
11424 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
11425 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
11426 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
11427 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
11428 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos                   (28U)
11429 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk                   (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x30000000 */
11430 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DT                       RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Msk
11431 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x10000000 */
11432 #define RTC_ALRMAR_DT_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMAR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x20000000 */
11433 #define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos                (30U)
11434 #define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
11435 #define RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL                    RTC_ALRMAR_WDSEL_Msk
11436 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos                 (31U)
11437 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
11438 #define RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4                     RTC_ALRMAR_MSK4_Msk
11440 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMASSR register  *************/
11441 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)
11442 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk                 (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
11443 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SS                     RTC_ALRMASSR_SS_Msk
11444 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos             (24U)
11445 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk             (0x3FUL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x3F000000 */
11446 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS                 RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Msk
11447 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x01000000 */
11448 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x02000000 */
11449 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
11450 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x08000000 */
11451 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_4               (0x10UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
11452 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_5               (0x20UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
11453 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SSCLR_Pos              (31U)
11454 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SSCLR_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMASSR_SSCLR_Pos)       /*!< 0x80000000 */
11455 #define RTC_ALRMASSR_SSCLR                  RTC_ALRMASSR_SSCLR_Msk
11457 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBR register  ***************/
11458 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos                   (0U)
11459 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000000F */
11460 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU                       RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Msk
11461 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
11462 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
11463 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
11464 #define RTC_ALRMBR_SU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_SU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
11465 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos                   (4U)
11466 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk                   (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000070 */
11467 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST                       RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Msk
11468 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
11469 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
11470 #define RTC_ALRMBR_ST_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_ST_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
11471 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos                 (7U)
11472 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
11473 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1                     RTC_ALRMBR_MSK1_Msk
11474 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos                  (8U)
11475 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk                  (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11476 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU                      RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Msk
11477 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
11478 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
11479 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
11480 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_3                    (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNU_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
11481 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos                  (12U)
11482 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk                  (0x7UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00007000 */
11483 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT                      RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Msk
11484 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_0                    (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
11485 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_1                    (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
11486 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_2                    (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MNT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
11487 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos                 (15U)
11488 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
11489 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2                     RTC_ALRMBR_MSK2_Msk
11490 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos                   (16U)
11491 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x000F0000 */
11492 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU                       RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Msk
11493 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
11494 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
11495 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
11496 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
11497 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos                   (20U)
11498 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk                   (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00300000 */
11499 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HT                       RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Msk
11500 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
11501 #define RTC_ALRMBR_HT_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_HT_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
11502 #define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos                   (22U)
11503 #define RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00400000 */
11504 #define RTC_ALRMBR_PM                       RTC_ALRMBR_PM_Msk
11505 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos                 (23U)
11506 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
11507 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3                     RTC_ALRMBR_MSK3_Msk
11508 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos                   (24U)
11509 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk                   (0xFUL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x0F000000 */
11510 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU                       RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Msk
11511 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
11512 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
11513 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_2                     (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x04000000 */
11514 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DU_3                     (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DU_Pos)            /*!< 0x08000000 */
11515 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos                   (28U)
11516 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk                   (0x3UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x30000000 */
11517 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DT                       RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Msk
11518 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_0                     (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x10000000 */
11519 #define RTC_ALRMBR_DT_1                     (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBR_DT_Pos)            /*!< 0x20000000 */
11520 #define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos                (30U)
11521 #define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
11522 #define RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL                    RTC_ALRMBR_WDSEL_Msk
11523 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos                 (31U)
11524 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
11525 #define RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4                     RTC_ALRMBR_MSK4_Msk
11527 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRMBSSR register  *************/
11528 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos                 (0U)
11529 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk                 (0x7FFFUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Pos)       /*!< 0x00007FFF */
11530 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS                     RTC_ALRMBSSR_SS_Msk
11531 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos             (24U)
11532 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk             (0x3FUL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x3F000000 */
11533 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS                 RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Msk
11534 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_0               (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x01000000 */
11535 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_1               (0x2UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x02000000 */
11536 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_2               (0x4UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
11537 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_3               (0x8UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)      /*!< 0x08000000 */
11538 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_4               (0x10UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
11539 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_5               (0x20UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_MASKSS_Pos)     /*!< 0x20000000 */
11540 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SSCLR_Pos              (31U)
11541 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SSCLR_Msk              (0x1UL << RTC_ALRMBSSR_SSCLR_Pos)       /*!< 0x80000000 */
11542 #define RTC_ALRMBSSR_SSCLR                  RTC_ALRMBSSR_SSCLR_Msk
11544 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SR register  *******************/
11545 #define RTC_SR_ALRAF_Pos                    (0U)
11546 #define RTC_SR_ALRAF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_SR_ALRAF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
11547 #define RTC_SR_ALRAF                        RTC_SR_ALRAF_Msk
11548 #define RTC_SR_ALRBF_Pos                    (1U)
11549 #define RTC_SR_ALRBF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_SR_ALRBF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
11550 #define RTC_SR_ALRBF                        RTC_SR_ALRBF_Msk
11551 #define RTC_SR_WUTF_Pos                     (2U)
11552 #define RTC_SR_WUTF_Msk                     (0x1UL << RTC_SR_WUTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
11553 #define RTC_SR_WUTF                         RTC_SR_WUTF_Msk
11554 #define RTC_SR_TSF_Pos                      (3U)
11555 #define RTC_SR_TSF_Msk                      (0x1UL << RTC_SR_TSF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
11556 #define RTC_SR_TSF                          RTC_SR_TSF_Msk
11557 #define RTC_SR_TSOVF_Pos                    (4U)
11558 #define RTC_SR_TSOVF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_SR_TSOVF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
11559 #define RTC_SR_TSOVF                        RTC_SR_TSOVF_Msk
11560 #define RTC_SR_SSRUF_Pos                    (6U)
11561 #define RTC_SR_SSRUF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_SR_SSRUF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
11562 #define RTC_SR_SSRUF                        RTC_SR_SSRUF_Msk
11564 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_MISR register  *****************/
11565 #define RTC_MISR_ALRAMF_Pos                 (0U)
11566 #define RTC_MISR_ALRAMF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_ALRAMF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
11567 #define RTC_MISR_ALRAMF                     RTC_MISR_ALRAMF_Msk
11568 #define RTC_MISR_ALRBMF_Pos                 (1U)
11569 #define RTC_MISR_ALRBMF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_ALRBMF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
11570 #define RTC_MISR_ALRBMF                     RTC_MISR_ALRBMF_Msk
11571 #define RTC_MISR_WUTMF_Pos                  (2U)
11572 #define RTC_MISR_WUTMF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_WUTMF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
11573 #define RTC_MISR_WUTMF                      RTC_MISR_WUTMF_Msk
11574 #define RTC_MISR_TSMF_Pos                   (3U)
11575 #define RTC_MISR_TSMF_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_TSMF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
11576 #define RTC_MISR_TSMF                       RTC_MISR_TSMF_Msk
11577 #define RTC_MISR_TSOVMF_Pos                 (4U)
11578 #define RTC_MISR_TSOVMF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_TSOVMF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
11579 #define RTC_MISR_TSOVMF                     RTC_MISR_TSOVMF_Msk
11580 #define RTC_MISR_SSRUMF_Pos                 (6U)
11581 #define RTC_MISR_SSRUMF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_MISR_SSRUMF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
11582 #define RTC_MISR_SSRUMF                     RTC_MISR_SSRUMF_Msk
11584 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SMISR register  *****************/
11585 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRAMF_Pos                (0U)
11586 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRAMF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_ALRAMF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
11587 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRAMF                    RTC_SMISR_ALRAMF_Msk
11588 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRBMF_Pos                (1U)
11589 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRBMF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_ALRBMF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
11590 #define RTC_SMISR_ALRBMF                    RTC_SMISR_ALRBMF_Msk
11591 #define RTC_SMISR_WUTMF_Pos                 (2U)
11592 #define RTC_SMISR_WUTMF_Msk                 (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_WUTMF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
11593 #define RTC_SMISR_WUTMF                     RTC_SMISR_WUTMF_Msk
11594 #define RTC_SMISR_TSMF_Pos                  (3U)
11595 #define RTC_SMISR_TSMF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_TSMF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
11596 #define RTC_SMISR_TSMF                      RTC_SMISR_TSMF_Msk
11597 #define RTC_SMISR_TSOVMF_Pos                (4U)
11598 #define RTC_SMISR_TSOVMF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_TSOVMF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
11599 #define RTC_SMISR_TSOVMF                    RTC_SMISR_TSOVMF_Msk
11600 #define RTC_SMISR_SSRUMF_Pos                (6U)
11601 #define RTC_SMISR_SSRUMF_Msk                (0x1UL << RTC_SMISR_SSRUMF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
11602 #define RTC_SMISR_SSRUMF                    RTC_SMISR_SSRUMF_Msk
11604 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_SCR register  ******************/
11605 #define RTC_SCR_CALRAF_Pos                  (0U)
11606 #define RTC_SCR_CALRAF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CALRAF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
11607 #define RTC_SCR_CALRAF                      RTC_SCR_CALRAF_Msk
11608 #define RTC_SCR_CALRBF_Pos                  (1U)
11609 #define RTC_SCR_CALRBF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CALRBF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
11610 #define RTC_SCR_CALRBF                      RTC_SCR_CALRBF_Msk
11611 #define RTC_SCR_CWUTF_Pos                   (2U)
11612 #define RTC_SCR_CWUTF_Msk                   (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CWUTF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
11613 #define RTC_SCR_CWUTF                       RTC_SCR_CWUTF_Msk
11614 #define RTC_SCR_CTSF_Pos                    (3U)
11615 #define RTC_SCR_CTSF_Msk                    (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CTSF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
11616 #define RTC_SCR_CTSF                        RTC_SCR_CTSF_Msk
11617 #define RTC_SCR_CTSOVF_Pos                  (4U)
11618 #define RTC_SCR_CTSOVF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CTSOVF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
11619 #define RTC_SCR_CTSOVF                      RTC_SCR_CTSOVF_Msk
11620 #define RTC_SCR_CSSRUF_Pos                  (6U)
11621 #define RTC_SCR_CSSRUF_Msk                  (0x1UL << RTC_SCR_CSSRUF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
11622 #define RTC_SCR_CSSRUF                      RTC_SCR_CSSRUF_Msk
11624 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRABINR register  ******************/
11625 #define RTC_ALRABINR_SS_Pos                 (0U)
11626 #define RTC_ALRABINR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_ALRABINR_SS_Pos)   /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
11627 #define RTC_ALRABINR_SS                     RTC_ALRABINR_SS_Msk
11629 /********************  Bits definition for RTC_ALRBBINR register  ******************/
11630 #define RTC_ALRBBINR_SS_Pos                 (0U)
11631 #define RTC_ALRBBINR_SS_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << RTC_ALRBBINR_SS_Pos)   /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
11632 #define RTC_ALRBBINR_SS                     RTC_ALRBBINR_SS_Msk
11635 /******************************************************************************/
11636 /*                                                                            */
11637 /*                          Serial Audio Interface                            */
11638 /*                                                                            */
11639 /******************************************************************************/
11640 /********************  Bit definition for SAI_GCR register  *******************/
11641 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Pos                  (0U)
11642 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Msk                  (0x3UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000003 */
11643 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCIN                      SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Msk                      /*!<SYNCIN[1:0] bits (Synchronization Inputs)   */
11644 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_0                    (0x1UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
11645 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_1                    (0x2UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCIN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
11646 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Pos                 (4U)
11647 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Msk                 (0x3UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000030 */
11648 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT                     SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Msk                     /*!<SYNCOUT[1:0] bits (Synchronization Outputs) */
11649 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_0                   (0x1UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
11650 #define SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_1                   (0x2UL << SAI_GCR_SYNCOUT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
11652 /*******************  Bit definition for SAI_xCR1 register  *******************/
11653 #define SAI_xCR1_MODE_Pos                   (0U)
11654 #define SAI_xCR1_MODE_Msk                   (0x3UL << SAI_xCR1_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000003 */
11655 #define SAI_xCR1_MODE                       SAI_xCR1_MODE_Msk                       /*!<MODE[1:0] bits (Audio Block Mode)           */
11656 #define SAI_xCR1_MODE_0                     (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
11657 #define SAI_xCR1_MODE_1                     (0x2UL << SAI_xCR1_MODE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
11658 #define SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Pos                 (2U)
11659 #define SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Msk                 (0x3UL << SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000000C */
11660 #define SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG                     SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Msk                     /*!<PRTCFG[1:0] bits (Protocol Configuration)   */
11661 #define SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_0                   (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
11662 #define SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_1                   (0x2UL << SAI_xCR1_PRTCFG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
11663 #define SAI_xCR1_DS_Pos                     (5U)
11664 #define SAI_xCR1_DS_Msk                     (0x7UL << SAI_xCR1_DS_Pos)              /*!< 0x000000E0 */
11665 #define SAI_xCR1_DS                         SAI_xCR1_DS_Msk                         /*!<DS[1:0] bits (Data Size) */
11666 #define SAI_xCR1_DS_0                       (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_DS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
11667 #define SAI_xCR1_DS_1                       (0x2UL << SAI_xCR1_DS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
11668 #define SAI_xCR1_DS_2                       (0x4UL << SAI_xCR1_DS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
11669 #define SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST_Pos               (8U)
11670 #define SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
11671 #define SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST                   SAI_xCR1_LSBFIRST_Msk                   /*!<LSB First Configuration  */
11672 #define SAI_xCR1_CKSTR_Pos                  (9U)
11673 #define SAI_xCR1_CKSTR_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_CKSTR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
11674 #define SAI_xCR1_CKSTR                      SAI_xCR1_CKSTR_Msk                      /*!<ClocK STRobing edge      */
11675 #define SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Pos                 (10U)
11676 #define SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Msk                 (0x3UL << SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000C00 */
11677 #define SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN                     SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Msk                     /*!<SYNCEN[1:0](SYNChronization ENable) */
11678 #define SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_0                   (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
11679 #define SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_1                   (0x2UL << SAI_xCR1_SYNCEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
11680 #define SAI_xCR1_MONO_Pos                   (12U)
11681 #define SAI_xCR1_MONO_Msk                   (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_MONO_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
11682 #define SAI_xCR1_MONO                       SAI_xCR1_MONO_Msk                       /*!<Mono mode                  */
11683 #define SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV_Pos                (13U)
11684 #define SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV_Msk                (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
11685 #define SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV                    SAI_xCR1_OUTDRIV_Msk                    /*!<Output Drive               */
11686 #define SAI_xCR1_SAIEN_Pos                  (16U)
11687 #define SAI_xCR1_SAIEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_SAIEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
11688 #define SAI_xCR1_SAIEN                      SAI_xCR1_SAIEN_Msk                      /*!<Audio Block enable         */
11689 #define SAI_xCR1_DMAEN_Pos                  (17U)
11690 #define SAI_xCR1_DMAEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_DMAEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
11691 #define SAI_xCR1_DMAEN                      SAI_xCR1_DMAEN_Msk                      /*!<DMA enable                 */
11692 #define SAI_xCR1_NODIV_Pos                  (19U)
11693 #define SAI_xCR1_NODIV_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_NODIV_Pos)           /*!< 0x00080000 */
11694 #define SAI_xCR1_NODIV                      SAI_xCR1_NODIV_Msk                      /*!<No Divider Configuration   */
11695 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_Pos                 (20U)
11696 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_Msk                 (0x3FUL << SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_Pos)         /*!< 0x03F00000 */
11697 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV                     SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_Msk                     /*!<MCKDIV[5:0] (Master ClocK Divider)  */
11698 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_0                   (0x00100000UL)                          /*!<Bit 0  */
11699 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_1                   (0x00200000UL)                          /*!<Bit 1  */
11700 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_2                   (0x00400000UL)                          /*!<Bit 2  */
11701 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_3                   (0x00800000UL)                          /*!<Bit 3  */
11702 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_4                   (0x01000000UL)                          /*!<Bit 4  */
11703 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKDIV_5                   (0x02000000UL)                          /*!<Bit 5  */
11704 #define SAI_xCR1_OSR_Pos                    (26U)
11705 #define SAI_xCR1_OSR_Msk                    (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_OSR_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
11706 #define SAI_xCR1_OSR                        SAI_xCR1_OSR_Msk                        /*!<Oversampling ratio for master clock */
11707 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKEN_Pos                  (27U)
11708 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xCR1_MCKEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
11709 #define SAI_xCR1_MCKEN                      SAI_xCR1_MCKEN_Msk                      /*!<Master clock generation enable */
11711 /*******************  Bit definition for SAI_xCR2 register  *******************/
11712 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH_Pos                    (0U)
11713 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH_Msk                    (0x7UL << SAI_xCR2_FTH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000007 */
11714 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH                        SAI_xCR2_FTH_Msk                        /*!<FTH[2:0](Fifo THreshold)  */
11715 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH_0                      (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_FTH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
11716 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH_1                      (0x2UL << SAI_xCR2_FTH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
11717 #define SAI_xCR2_FTH_2                      (0x4UL << SAI_xCR2_FTH_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
11718 #define SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH_Pos                 (3U)
11719 #define SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
11720 #define SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH                     SAI_xCR2_FFLUSH_Msk                     /*!<Fifo FLUSH                       */
11721 #define SAI_xCR2_TRIS_Pos                   (4U)
11722 #define SAI_xCR2_TRIS_Msk                   (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_TRIS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
11723 #define SAI_xCR2_TRIS                       SAI_xCR2_TRIS_Msk                       /*!<TRIState Management on data line */
11724 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTE_Pos                   (5U)
11725 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
11726 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTE                       SAI_xCR2_MUTE_Msk                       /*!<Mute mode                        */
11727 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL_Pos                (6U)
11728 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL_Msk                (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
11729 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL                    SAI_xCR2_MUTEVAL_Msk                    /*!<Muate value                      */
11730 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos                (7U)
11731 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Msk                (0x3FUL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001F80 */
11732 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT                    SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Msk                    /*!<MUTECNT[5:0] (MUTE counter) */
11733 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_0                  (0x01UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
11734 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_1                  (0x02UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
11735 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_2                  (0x04UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
11736 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_3                  (0x08UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
11737 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_4                  (0x10UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
11738 #define SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_5                  (0x20UL << SAI_xCR2_MUTECNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
11739 #define SAI_xCR2_CPL_Pos                    (13U)
11740 #define SAI_xCR2_CPL_Msk                    (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_CPL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
11741 #define SAI_xCR2_CPL                        SAI_xCR2_CPL_Msk                        /*!<CPL mode                    */
11742 #define SAI_xCR2_COMP_Pos                   (14U)
11743 #define SAI_xCR2_COMP_Msk                   (0x3UL << SAI_xCR2_COMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000C000 */
11744 #define SAI_xCR2_COMP                       SAI_xCR2_COMP_Msk                       /*!<COMP[1:0] (Companding mode) */
11745 #define SAI_xCR2_COMP_0                     (0x1UL << SAI_xCR2_COMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
11746 #define SAI_xCR2_COMP_1                     (0x2UL << SAI_xCR2_COMP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
11748 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_xFRCR register  *******************/
11749 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos                   (0U)
11750 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Msk                   (0xFFUL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000FF */
11751 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL                       SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Msk                       /*!<FRL[7:0](Frame length)  */
11752 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_0                     (0x01UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
11753 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_1                     (0x02UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
11754 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_2                     (0x04UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
11755 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_3                     (0x08UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
11756 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_4                     (0x10UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
11757 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_5                     (0x20UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
11758 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_6                     (0x40UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
11759 #define SAI_xFRCR_FRL_7                     (0x80UL << SAI_xFRCR_FRL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
11760 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos                 (8U)
11761 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Msk                 (0x7FUL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00007F00 */
11762 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL                     SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Msk                     /*!<FRL[6:0] (Frame synchronization active level length)  */
11763 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_0                   (0x01UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
11764 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_1                   (0x02UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
11765 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_2                   (0x04UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
11766 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_3                   (0x08UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
11767 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_4                   (0x10UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
11768 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_5                   (0x20UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
11769 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_6                   (0x40UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSALL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
11770 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF_Pos                 (16U)
11771 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
11772 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF                     SAI_xFRCR_FSDEF_Msk                     /*!< Frame Synchronization Definition */
11773 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL_Pos                 (17U)
11774 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
11775 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL                     SAI_xFRCR_FSPOL_Msk                     /*!<Frame Synchronization POLarity    */
11776 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF_Pos                 (18U)
11777 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
11778 #define SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF                     SAI_xFRCR_FSOFF_Msk                     /*!<Frame Synchronization OFFset      */
11780 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_xSLOTR register  *******************/
11781 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos                (0U)
11782 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Msk                (0x1FUL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000001F */
11783 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF                    SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Msk                    /*!<FRL[4:0](First Bit Offset)  */
11784 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_0                  (0x01UL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
11785 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_1                  (0x02UL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
11786 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_2                  (0x04UL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
11787 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_3                  (0x08UL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
11788 #define SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_4                  (0x10UL << SAI_xSLOTR_FBOFF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
11789 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Pos               (6U)
11790 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Msk               (0x3UL << SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Pos)        /*!< 0x000000C0 */
11791 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ                   SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Msk                   /*!<SLOTSZ[1:0] (Slot size)  */
11792 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
11793 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTSZ_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
11794 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos               (8U)
11795 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Msk               (0xFUL << SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000F00 */
11796 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT                   SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Msk                   /*!<NBSLOT[3:0] (Number of Slot in audio Frame)  */
11797 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
11798 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
11799 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
11800 #define SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_3                 (0x8UL << SAI_xSLOTR_NBSLOT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000800 */
11801 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN_Pos               (16U)
11802 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN_Msk               (0xFFFFUL << SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
11803 #define SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN                   SAI_xSLOTR_SLOTEN_Msk                   /*!<SLOTEN[15:0] (Slot Enable)  */
11805 /*******************  Bit definition for SAI_xIMR register  *******************/
11806 #define SAI_xIMR_OVRUDRIE_Pos               (0U)
11807 #define SAI_xIMR_OVRUDRIE_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_OVRUDRIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
11808 #define SAI_xIMR_OVRUDRIE                   SAI_xIMR_OVRUDRIE_Msk                   /*!<Overrun underrun interrupt enable                              */
11809 #define SAI_xIMR_MUTEDETIE_Pos              (1U)
11810 #define SAI_xIMR_MUTEDETIE_Msk              (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_MUTEDETIE_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
11811 #define SAI_xIMR_MUTEDETIE                  SAI_xIMR_MUTEDETIE_Msk                  /*!<Mute detection interrupt enable                                */
11812 #define SAI_xIMR_WCKCFGIE_Pos               (2U)
11813 #define SAI_xIMR_WCKCFGIE_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_WCKCFGIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
11814 #define SAI_xIMR_WCKCFGIE                   SAI_xIMR_WCKCFGIE_Msk                   /*!<Wrong Clock Configuration interrupt enable                     */
11815 #define SAI_xIMR_FREQIE_Pos                 (3U)
11816 #define SAI_xIMR_FREQIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_FREQIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
11817 #define SAI_xIMR_FREQIE                     SAI_xIMR_FREQIE_Msk                     /*!<FIFO request interrupt enable                                  */
11818 #define SAI_xIMR_CNRDYIE_Pos                (4U)
11819 #define SAI_xIMR_CNRDYIE_Msk                (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_CNRDYIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
11820 #define SAI_xIMR_CNRDYIE                    SAI_xIMR_CNRDYIE_Msk                    /*!<Codec not ready interrupt enable                               */
11821 #define SAI_xIMR_AFSDETIE_Pos               (5U)
11822 #define SAI_xIMR_AFSDETIE_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_AFSDETIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
11823 #define SAI_xIMR_AFSDETIE                   SAI_xIMR_AFSDETIE_Msk                   /*!<Anticipated frame synchronization detection interrupt enable   */
11824 #define SAI_xIMR_LFSDETIE_Pos               (6U)
11825 #define SAI_xIMR_LFSDETIE_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xIMR_LFSDETIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
11826 #define SAI_xIMR_LFSDETIE                   SAI_xIMR_LFSDETIE_Msk                   /*!<Late frame synchronization detection interrupt enable          */
11828 /********************  Bit definition for SAI_xSR register  *******************/
11829 #define SAI_xSR_OVRUDR_Pos                  (0U)
11830 #define SAI_xSR_OVRUDR_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_OVRUDR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
11831 #define SAI_xSR_OVRUDR                      SAI_xSR_OVRUDR_Msk                      /*!<Overrun underrun                               */
11832 #define SAI_xSR_MUTEDET_Pos                 (1U)
11833 #define SAI_xSR_MUTEDET_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_MUTEDET_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
11834 #define SAI_xSR_MUTEDET                     SAI_xSR_MUTEDET_Msk                     /*!<Mute detection                                 */
11835 #define SAI_xSR_WCKCFG_Pos                  (2U)
11836 #define SAI_xSR_WCKCFG_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_WCKCFG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
11837 #define SAI_xSR_WCKCFG                      SAI_xSR_WCKCFG_Msk                      /*!<Wrong Clock Configuration                      */
11838 #define SAI_xSR_FREQ_Pos                    (3U)
11839 #define SAI_xSR_FREQ_Msk                    (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_FREQ_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
11840 #define SAI_xSR_FREQ                        SAI_xSR_FREQ_Msk                        /*!<FIFO request                                   */
11841 #define SAI_xSR_CNRDY_Pos                   (4U)
11842 #define SAI_xSR_CNRDY_Msk                   (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_CNRDY_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
11843 #define SAI_xSR_CNRDY                       SAI_xSR_CNRDY_Msk                       /*!<Codec not ready                                */
11844 #define SAI_xSR_AFSDET_Pos                  (5U)
11845 #define SAI_xSR_AFSDET_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_AFSDET_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
11846 #define SAI_xSR_AFSDET                      SAI_xSR_AFSDET_Msk                      /*!<Anticipated frame synchronization detection    */
11847 #define SAI_xSR_LFSDET_Pos                  (6U)
11848 #define SAI_xSR_LFSDET_Msk                  (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_LFSDET_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
11849 #define SAI_xSR_LFSDET                      SAI_xSR_LFSDET_Msk                      /*!<Late frame synchronization detection           */
11850 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL_Pos                    (16U)
11851 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL_Msk                    (0x7UL << SAI_xSR_FLVL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00070000 */
11852 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL                        SAI_xSR_FLVL_Msk                        /*!<FLVL[2:0] (FIFO Level Threshold)               */
11853 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL_0                      (0x1UL << SAI_xSR_FLVL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
11854 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL_1                      (0x2UL << SAI_xSR_FLVL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
11855 #define SAI_xSR_FLVL_2                      (0x4UL << SAI_xSR_FLVL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
11857 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_xCLRFR register  ******************/
11858 #define SAI_xCLRFR_COVRUDR_Pos              (0U)
11859 #define SAI_xCLRFR_COVRUDR_Msk              (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_COVRUDR_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
11860 #define SAI_xCLRFR_COVRUDR                  SAI_xCLRFR_COVRUDR_Msk                  /*!<Clear Overrun underrun                               */
11861 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CMUTEDET_Pos             (1U)
11862 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CMUTEDET_Msk             (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_CMUTEDET_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
11863 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CMUTEDET                 SAI_xCLRFR_CMUTEDET_Msk                 /*!<Clear Mute detection                                 */
11864 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CWCKCFG_Pos              (2U)
11865 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CWCKCFG_Msk              (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_CWCKCFG_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
11866 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CWCKCFG                  SAI_xCLRFR_CWCKCFG_Msk                  /*!<Clear Wrong Clock Configuration                      */
11867 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CCNRDY_Pos               (4U)
11868 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CCNRDY_Msk               (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_CCNRDY_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
11869 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CCNRDY                   SAI_xCLRFR_CCNRDY_Msk                   /*!<Clear Codec not ready                                */
11870 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CAFSDET_Pos              (5U)
11871 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CAFSDET_Msk              (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_CAFSDET_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
11872 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CAFSDET                  SAI_xCLRFR_CAFSDET_Msk                  /*!<Clear Anticipated frame synchronization detection    */
11873 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CLFSDET_Pos              (6U)
11874 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CLFSDET_Msk              (0x1UL << SAI_xCLRFR_CLFSDET_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000040 */
11875 #define SAI_xCLRFR_CLFSDET                  SAI_xCLRFR_CLFSDET_Msk                  /*!<Clear Late frame synchronization detection           */
11877 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_xDR register  ******************/
11878 #define SAI_xDR_DATA_Pos                    (0U)
11879 #define SAI_xDR_DATA_Msk                    (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SAI_xDR_DATA_Pos)      /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
11880 #define SAI_xDR_DATA                        SAI_xDR_DATA_Msk
11882 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_PDMCR register  *******************/
11883 #define SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN_Pos                 (0U)
11884 #define SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
11885 #define SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN                     SAI_PDMCR_PDMEN_Msk                     /*!<PDM enable */
11886 #define SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Pos                (4U)
11887 #define SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Msk                (0x3UL << SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000030 */
11888 #define SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR                    SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Msk                    /*!<MICNBR[1:0] (Number of microphones) */
11889 #define SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_0                  (0x1UL << SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
11890 #define SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_1                  (0x2UL << SAI_PDMCR_MICNBR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
11891 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1_Pos                 (8U)
11892 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
11893 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1                     SAI_PDMCR_CKEN1_Msk                     /*!<Clock 1 enable */
11894 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2_Pos                 (9U)
11895 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2_Msk                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
11896 #define SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2                     SAI_PDMCR_CKEN2_Msk                     /*!<Clock 2 enable */
11898 /******************  Bit definition for SAI_PDMDLY register  ******************/
11899 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Pos               (0U)
11900 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000007 */
11901 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Msk                   /*!<DLYM1L[2:0] (Delay line adjust for left microphone of pair 1) */
11902 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
11903 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
11904 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
11905 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Pos               (4U)
11906 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000070 */
11907 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Msk                   /*!<DLYM1R[2:0] (Delay line adjust for right microphone of pair 1) */
11908 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
11909 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
11910 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM1R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
11911 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Pos               (8U)
11912 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000700 */
11913 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Msk                   /*!<DLYM2L[2:0] (Delay line adjust for left microphone of pair 2) */
11914 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
11915 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000200 */
11916 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000400 */
11917 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Pos               (12U)
11918 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00007000 */
11919 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Msk                   /*!<DLYM2R[2:0] (Delay line adjust for right microphone of pair 2) */
11920 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
11921 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
11922 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM2R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
11923 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Pos               (16U)
11924 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00070000 */
11925 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Msk                   /*!<DLYM3L[2:0] (Delay line adjust for left microphone of pair 3) */
11926 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
11927 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
11928 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3L_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
11929 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Pos               (20U)
11930 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00700000 */
11931 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Msk                   /*!<DLYM3R[2:0] (Delay line adjust for right microphone of pair 3) */
11932 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
11933 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
11934 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM3R_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
11935 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Pos               (24U)
11936 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Pos)        /*!< 0x07000000 */
11937 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Msk                   /*!<DLYM4L[2:0] (Delay line adjust for left microphone of pair 4) */
11938 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
11939 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
11940 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4L_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
11941 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Pos               (28U)
11942 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Msk               (0x7UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Pos)        /*!< 0x70000000 */
11943 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R                   SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Msk                   /*!<DLYM4R[2:0] (Delay line adjust for right microphone of pair 4) */
11944 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_0                 (0x1UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
11945 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_1                 (0x2UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
11946 #define SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_2                 (0x4UL << SAI_PDMDLY_DLYM4R_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
11949 /******************************************************************************/
11950 /*                                                                            */
11951 /*                   Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)                        */
11952 /*                                                                            */
11953 /******************************************************************************/
11954 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR1 register  ********************/
11955 #define SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos                     (0U)
11956 #define SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SPE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
11957 #define SPI_CR1_SPE                         SPI_CR1_SPE_Msk                         /*!<Serial Peripheral Enable */
11958 #define SPI_CR1_MASRX_Pos                   (8U)
11959 #define SPI_CR1_MASRX_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_MASRX_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
11960 #define SPI_CR1_MASRX                       SPI_CR1_MASRX_Msk                       /*!<Master automatic SUSP in Receive mode */
11961 #define SPI_CR1_CSTART_Pos                  (9U)
11962 #define SPI_CR1_CSTART_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CSTART_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
11963 #define SPI_CR1_CSTART                      SPI_CR1_CSTART_Msk                      /*!<Master transfer start  */
11964 #define SPI_CR1_CSUSP_Pos                   (10U)
11965 #define SPI_CR1_CSUSP_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CSUSP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
11966 #define SPI_CR1_CSUSP                       SPI_CR1_CSUSP_Msk                       /*!<Master SUSPend request */
11967 #define SPI_CR1_HDDIR_Pos                   (11U)
11968 #define SPI_CR1_HDDIR_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_HDDIR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
11969 #define SPI_CR1_HDDIR                       SPI_CR1_HDDIR_Msk                       /*!<Rx/Tx direction at Half-duplex mode */
11970 #define SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos                     (12U)
11971 #define SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_SSI_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
11972 #define SPI_CR1_SSI                         SPI_CR1_SSI_Msk                         /*!<Internal SS signal input level */
11973 #define SPI_CR1_CRC33_17_Pos                (13U)
11974 #define SPI_CR1_CRC33_17_Msk                (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_CRC33_17_Pos)         /*!< 0x00002000 */
11975 #define SPI_CR1_CRC33_17                    SPI_CR1_CRC33_17_Msk                    /*!<32-bit CRC polynomial configuration */
11976 #define SPI_CR1_RCRCINI_Pos                 (14U)
11977 #define SPI_CR1_RCRCINI_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_RCRCINI_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
11978 #define SPI_CR1_RCRCINI                     SPI_CR1_RCRCINI_Msk                     /*!<CRC init pattern control for receiver */
11979 #define SPI_CR1_TCRCINI_Pos                 (15U)
11980 #define SPI_CR1_TCRCINI_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_TCRCINI_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
11981 #define SPI_CR1_TCRCINI                     SPI_CR1_TCRCINI_Msk                     /*!<CRC init pattern control for transmitter */
11982 #define SPI_CR1_IOLOCK_Pos                  (16U)
11983 #define SPI_CR1_IOLOCK_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CR1_IOLOCK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
11984 #define SPI_CR1_IOLOCK                      SPI_CR1_IOLOCK_Msk                      /*!<Locking the AF configuration of associated IOs */
11986 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CR2 register  ********************/
11987 #define SPI_CR2_TSIZE_Pos                   (0U)
11988 #define SPI_CR2_TSIZE_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << SPI_CR2_TSIZE_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
11989 #define SPI_CR2_TSIZE                       SPI_CR2_TSIZE_Msk                       /*!<Number of data at current transfer */
11991 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CFG1 register  ********************/
11992 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos                  (0U)
11993 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Msk                  (0x1FUL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x0000001F */
11994 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE                      SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Msk                      /*!<DSIZE[4:0]: Bits number in single SPI data frame */
11995 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_0                    (0x01UL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
11996 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_1                    (0x02UL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
11997 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_2                    (0x04UL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
11998 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_3                    (0x08UL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
11999 #define SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_4                    (0x10UL << SPI_CFG1_DSIZE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
12000 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos                  (5U)
12001 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Msk                  (0xFUL << SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos)           /*!< 0x000001E0 */
12002 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV                      SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Msk                      /*!<FTHVL [3:0]: FIFO threshold level*/
12003 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_0                    (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
12004 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_1                    (0x2UL << SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
12005 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_2                    (0x4UL << SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
12006 #define SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_3                    (0x8UL << SPI_CFG1_FTHLV_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
12007 #define SPI_CFG1_UDRCFG_Pos                 (9U)
12008 #define SPI_CFG1_UDRCFG_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_UDRCFG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000600 */
12009 #define SPI_CFG1_UDRCFG                     SPI_CFG1_UDRCFG_Msk                     /*!<Behavior of Slave transmitter at underrun */
12010 #define SPI_CFG1_RXDMAEN_Pos                (14U)
12011 #define SPI_CFG1_RXDMAEN_Msk                (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_RXDMAEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00004000 */
12012 #define SPI_CFG1_RXDMAEN                    SPI_CFG1_RXDMAEN_Msk                    /*!<Rx DMA stream enable */
12013 #define SPI_CFG1_TXDMAEN_Pos                (15U)
12014 #define SPI_CFG1_TXDMAEN_Msk                (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_TXDMAEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x00008000 */
12015 #define SPI_CFG1_TXDMAEN                    SPI_CFG1_TXDMAEN_Msk                    /*!<Tx DMA stream enable */
12016 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos                (16U)
12017 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Msk                (0x1FUL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x001F0000 */
12018 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE                    SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Msk                    /*!<CRCSIZE [4:0]: Length of CRC frame */
12019 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_0                  (0x01UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
12020 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_1                  (0x02UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
12021 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_2                  (0x04UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
12022 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_3                  (0x08UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
12023 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_4                  (0x10UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCSIZE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
12024 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCEN_Pos                  (22U)
12025 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_CRCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00400000 */
12026 #define SPI_CFG1_CRCEN                      SPI_CFG1_CRCEN_Msk                      /*!<Hardware CRC computation enable */
12027 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR_Pos                    (28U)
12028 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR_Msk                    (0x7UL << SPI_CFG1_MBR_Pos)             /*!< 0x70000000 */
12029 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR                        SPI_CFG1_MBR_Msk                        /*!<Master baud rate */
12030 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR_0                      (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_MBR_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
12031 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR_1                      (0x2UL << SPI_CFG1_MBR_Pos)             /*!< 0x20000000 */
12032 #define SPI_CFG1_MBR_2                      (0x4UL << SPI_CFG1_MBR_Pos)             /*!< 0x40000000 */
12033 #define SPI_CFG1_BPASS_Pos                  (31U)
12034 #define SPI_CFG1_BPASS_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG1_BPASS_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
12035 #define SPI_CFG1_BPASS                      SPI_CFG1_BPASS_Msk                      /*!<Bypass of the prescaler */
12037 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CFG2 register  ********************/
12038 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos                   (0U)
12039 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Msk                   (0xFUL << SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x0000000F */
12040 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI                       SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Msk                       /*!<Master SS Idleness */
12041 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_0                     (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
12042 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_1                     (0x2UL << SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
12043 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_2                     (0x4UL << SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
12044 #define SPI_CFG2_MSSI_3                     (0x8UL << SPI_CFG2_MSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
12045 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos                   (4U)
12046 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Msk                   (0xFUL << SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000F0 */
12047 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI                       SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Msk                       /*!<Master Inter-Data Idleness */
12048 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_0                     (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
12049 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_1                     (0x2UL << SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
12050 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_2                     (0x4UL << SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
12051 #define SPI_CFG2_MIDI_3                     (0x8UL << SPI_CFG2_MIDI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
12052 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIMM_Pos                  (13U)
12053 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIMM_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_RDIMM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
12054 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIMM                      SPI_CFG2_RDIMM_Msk                      /*!<RDY signal input master management */
12055 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIOP_Pos                  (14U)
12056 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIOP_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_RDIOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
12057 #define SPI_CFG2_RDIOP                      SPI_CFG2_RDIOP_Msk                      /*!<RDY signal input/output polarity */
12058 #define SPI_CFG2_IOSWP_Pos                  (15U)
12059 #define SPI_CFG2_IOSWP_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_IOSWP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
12060 #define SPI_CFG2_IOSWP                      SPI_CFG2_IOSWP_Msk                      /*!<Swap functionality of MISO and MOSI pins */
12061 #define SPI_CFG2_COMM_Pos                   (17U)
12062 #define SPI_CFG2_COMM_Msk                   (0x3UL << SPI_CFG2_COMM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00060000 */
12063 #define SPI_CFG2_COMM                       SPI_CFG2_COMM_Msk                       /*!<COMM [1:0]: SPI Communication Mode*/
12064 #define SPI_CFG2_COMM_0                     (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_COMM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
12065 #define SPI_CFG2_COMM_1                     (0x2UL << SPI_CFG2_COMM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
12066 #define SPI_CFG2_SP_Pos                     (19U)
12067 #define SPI_CFG2_SP_Msk                     (0x7UL << SPI_CFG2_SP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00380000 */
12068 #define SPI_CFG2_SP                         SPI_CFG2_SP_Msk                         /*!<SP[2:0]: Serial Protocol */
12069 #define SPI_CFG2_SP_0                       (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_SP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
12070 #define SPI_CFG2_SP_1                       (0x2UL << SPI_CFG2_SP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
12071 #define SPI_CFG2_SP_2                       (0x4UL << SPI_CFG2_SP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
12072 #define SPI_CFG2_MASTER_Pos                 (22U)
12073 #define SPI_CFG2_MASTER_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_MASTER_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
12074 #define SPI_CFG2_MASTER                     SPI_CFG2_MASTER_Msk                     /*!<SPI Master */
12075 #define SPI_CFG2_LSBFRST_Pos                (23U)
12076 #define SPI_CFG2_LSBFRST_Msk                (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_LSBFRST_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
12077 #define SPI_CFG2_LSBFRST                    SPI_CFG2_LSBFRST_Msk                    /*!<Data frame format */
12078 #define SPI_CFG2_CPHA_Pos                   (24U)
12079 #define SPI_CFG2_CPHA_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_CPHA_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
12080 #define SPI_CFG2_CPHA                       SPI_CFG2_CPHA_Msk                       /*!<Clock Phase */
12081 #define SPI_CFG2_CPOL_Pos                   (25U)
12082 #define SPI_CFG2_CPOL_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_CPOL_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
12083 #define SPI_CFG2_CPOL                       SPI_CFG2_CPOL_Msk                       /*!<Clock Polarity */
12084 #define SPI_CFG2_SSM_Pos                    (26U)
12085 #define SPI_CFG2_SSM_Msk                    (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_SSM_Pos)             /*!< 0x04000000 */
12086 #define SPI_CFG2_SSM                        SPI_CFG2_SSM_Msk                        /*!<Software slave management */
12087 #define SPI_CFG2_SSIOP_Pos                  (28U)
12088 #define SPI_CFG2_SSIOP_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_SSIOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
12089 #define SPI_CFG2_SSIOP                      SPI_CFG2_SSIOP_Msk                      /*!<SS input/output polarity */
12090 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOE_Pos                   (29U)
12091 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_SSOE_Pos)            /*!< 0x20000000 */
12092 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOE                       SPI_CFG2_SSOE_Msk                       /*!<SS output enable */
12093 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOM_Pos                   (30U)
12094 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOM_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_SSOM_Pos)            /*!< 0x40000000 */
12095 #define SPI_CFG2_SSOM                       SPI_CFG2_SSOM_Msk                       /*!<SS output management in master mode */
12096 #define SPI_CFG2_AFCNTR_Pos                 (31U)
12097 #define SPI_CFG2_AFCNTR_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_CFG2_AFCNTR_Pos)          /*!< 0x80000000 */
12098 #define SPI_CFG2_AFCNTR                     SPI_CFG2_AFCNTR_Msk                     /*!<Alternate function GPIOs control */
12100 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_IER register  ********************/
12101 #define SPI_IER_RXPIE_Pos                   (0U)
12102 #define SPI_IER_RXPIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_RXPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
12103 #define SPI_IER_RXPIE                       SPI_IER_RXPIE_Msk                       /*!<RXP Interrupt Enable */
12104 #define SPI_IER_TXPIE_Pos                   (1U)
12105 #define SPI_IER_TXPIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_TXPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
12106 #define SPI_IER_TXPIE                       SPI_IER_TXPIE_Msk                       /*!<TXP interrupt enable */
12107 #define SPI_IER_DXPIE_Pos                   (2U)
12108 #define SPI_IER_DXPIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_DXPIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
12109 #define SPI_IER_DXPIE                       SPI_IER_DXPIE_Msk                       /*!<DXP interrupt enable */
12110 #define SPI_IER_EOTIE_Pos                   (3U)
12111 #define SPI_IER_EOTIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_EOTIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
12112 #define SPI_IER_EOTIE                       SPI_IER_EOTIE_Msk                       /*!<EOT/SUSP/TXC interrupt enable */
12113 #define SPI_IER_TXTFIE_Pos                  (4U)
12114 #define SPI_IER_TXTFIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IER_TXTFIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
12115 #define SPI_IER_TXTFIE                      SPI_IER_TXTFIE_Msk                      /*!<TXTF interrupt enable */
12116 #define SPI_IER_UDRIE_Pos                   (5U)
12117 #define SPI_IER_UDRIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_UDRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
12118 #define SPI_IER_UDRIE                       SPI_IER_UDRIE_Msk                       /*!<UDR interrupt enable */
12119 #define SPI_IER_OVRIE_Pos                   (6U)
12120 #define SPI_IER_OVRIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IER_OVRIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
12121 #define SPI_IER_OVRIE                       SPI_IER_OVRIE_Msk                       /*!<OVR interrupt enable */
12122 #define SPI_IER_CRCEIE_Pos                  (7U)
12123 #define SPI_IER_CRCEIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IER_CRCEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
12124 #define SPI_IER_CRCEIE                      SPI_IER_CRCEIE_Msk                      /*!<CRCE interrupt enable */
12125 #define SPI_IER_TIFREIE_Pos                 (8U)
12126 #define SPI_IER_TIFREIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_IER_TIFREIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
12127 #define SPI_IER_TIFREIE                     SPI_IER_TIFREIE_Msk                     /*!<TI Frame Error interrupt enable */
12128 #define SPI_IER_MODFIE_Pos                  (9U)
12129 #define SPI_IER_MODFIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IER_MODFIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
12130 #define SPI_IER_MODFIE                      SPI_IER_MODFIE_Msk                      /*!<MODF interrupt enable */
12132 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_SR register  ********************/
12133 #define SPI_SR_RXP_Pos                      (0U)
12134 #define SPI_SR_RXP_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
12135 #define SPI_SR_RXP                          SPI_SR_RXP_Msk                          /*!<Rx-Packet available */
12136 #define SPI_SR_TXP_Pos                      (1U)
12137 #define SPI_SR_TXP_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
12138 #define SPI_SR_TXP                          SPI_SR_TXP_Msk                          /*!<Tx-Packet space available */
12139 #define SPI_SR_DXP_Pos                      (2U)
12140 #define SPI_SR_DXP_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_DXP_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
12141 #define SPI_SR_DXP                          SPI_SR_DXP_Msk                          /*!<Duplex Packet available */
12142 #define SPI_SR_EOT_Pos                      (3U)
12143 #define SPI_SR_EOT_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_EOT_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
12144 #define SPI_SR_EOT                          SPI_SR_EOT_Msk                          /*!<Duplex Packet available */
12145 #define SPI_SR_TXTF_Pos                     (4U)
12146 #define SPI_SR_TXTF_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXTF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
12147 #define SPI_SR_TXTF                         SPI_SR_TXTF_Msk                         /*!<Transmission Transfer Filled */
12148 #define SPI_SR_UDR_Pos                      (5U)
12149 #define SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_UDR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
12150 #define SPI_SR_UDR                          SPI_SR_UDR_Msk                          /*!<UDR at Slave transmission */
12151 #define SPI_SR_OVR_Pos                      (6U)
12152 #define SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_OVR_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
12153 #define SPI_SR_OVR                          SPI_SR_OVR_Msk                          /*!<Rx-Packet available */
12154 #define SPI_SR_CRCE_Pos                     (7U)
12155 #define SPI_SR_CRCE_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_SR_CRCE_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
12156 #define SPI_SR_CRCE                         SPI_SR_CRCE_Msk                         /*!<CRC Error Detected */
12157 #define SPI_SR_TIFRE_Pos                    (8U)
12158 #define SPI_SR_TIFRE_Msk                    (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TIFRE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
12159 #define SPI_SR_TIFRE                        SPI_SR_TIFRE_Msk                        /*!<TI frame format error Detected */
12160 #define SPI_SR_MODF_Pos                     (9U)
12161 #define SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_SR_MODF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
12162 #define SPI_SR_MODF                         SPI_SR_MODF_Msk                         /*!<Mode Fault Detected */
12163 #define SPI_SR_SUSP_Pos                     (11U)
12164 #define SPI_SR_SUSP_Msk                     (0x1UL << SPI_SR_SUSP_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
12165 #define SPI_SR_SUSP                         SPI_SR_SUSP_Msk                         /*!<SUSP is set by hardware */
12166 #define SPI_SR_TXC_Pos                      (12U)
12167 #define SPI_SR_TXC_Msk                      (0x1UL << SPI_SR_TXC_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
12168 #define SPI_SR_TXC                          SPI_SR_TXC_Msk                          /*!<TxFIFO transmission complete */
12169 #define SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Pos                   (13U)
12170 #define SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Msk                   (0x3UL << SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00006000 */
12171 #define SPI_SR_RXPLVL                       SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Msk                       /*!<RxFIFO Packing Level */
12172 #define SPI_SR_RXPLVL_0                     (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
12173 #define SPI_SR_RXPLVL_1                     (0x2UL << SPI_SR_RXPLVL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
12174 #define SPI_SR_RXWNE_Pos                    (15U)
12175 #define SPI_SR_RXWNE_Msk                    (0x1UL << SPI_SR_RXWNE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
12176 #define SPI_SR_RXWNE                        SPI_SR_RXWNE_Msk                        /*!<Rx FIFO Word Not Empty */
12177 #define SPI_SR_CTSIZE_Pos                   (16U)
12178 #define SPI_SR_CTSIZE_Msk                   (0xFFFFUL << SPI_SR_CTSIZE_Pos)         /*!< 0xFFFF0000 */
12179 #define SPI_SR_CTSIZE                       SPI_SR_CTSIZE_Msk                       /*!<Number of data frames remaining in TSIZE */
12181 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_IFCR register  ********************/
12182 #define SPI_IFCR_EOTC_Pos                   (3U)
12183 #define SPI_IFCR_EOTC_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_EOTC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
12184 #define SPI_IFCR_EOTC                       SPI_IFCR_EOTC_Msk                       /*!<End Of Transfer flag clear */
12185 #define SPI_IFCR_TXTFC_Pos                  (4U)
12186 #define SPI_IFCR_TXTFC_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_TXTFC_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
12187 #define SPI_IFCR_TXTFC                      SPI_IFCR_TXTFC_Msk                      /*!<Transmission Transfer Filled flag clear */
12188 #define SPI_IFCR_UDRC_Pos                   (5U)
12189 #define SPI_IFCR_UDRC_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_UDRC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
12190 #define SPI_IFCR_UDRC                       SPI_IFCR_UDRC_Msk                       /*!<Underrun flag clear */
12191 #define SPI_IFCR_OVRC_Pos                   (6U)
12192 #define SPI_IFCR_OVRC_Msk                   (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_OVRC_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
12193 #define SPI_IFCR_OVRC                       SPI_IFCR_OVRC_Msk                       /*!<Overrun flag clear */
12194 #define SPI_IFCR_CRCEC_Pos                  (7U)
12195 #define SPI_IFCR_CRCEC_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_CRCEC_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
12196 #define SPI_IFCR_CRCEC                      SPI_IFCR_CRCEC_Msk                      /*!<CRC Error flag clear */
12197 #define SPI_IFCR_TIFREC_Pos                 (8U)
12198 #define SPI_IFCR_TIFREC_Msk                 (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_TIFREC_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
12199 #define SPI_IFCR_TIFREC                     SPI_IFCR_TIFREC_Msk                     /*!<TI frame format error flag clear */
12200 #define SPI_IFCR_MODFC_Pos                  (9U)
12201 #define SPI_IFCR_MODFC_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_MODFC_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
12202 #define SPI_IFCR_MODFC                      SPI_IFCR_MODFC_Msk                      /*!<Mode Fault flag clear */
12203 #define SPI_IFCR_SUSPC_Pos                  (11U)
12204 #define SPI_IFCR_SUSPC_Msk                  (0x1UL << SPI_IFCR_SUSPC_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
12205 #define SPI_IFCR_SUSPC                      SPI_IFCR_SUSPC_Msk                      /*!<SUSPend flag clear */
12207 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_AUTOCR register  ********************/
12208 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos              (16U)
12209 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk              (0xFUL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x000F0000 */
12210 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL                  SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk                  /*!<CTRIGSEL [3:0]: Trigger selection */
12211 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_0                (0x01UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00010000 */
12212 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_1                (0x02UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
12213 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_2                (0x04UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
12214 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_3                (0x08UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)      /*!< 0x00080000 */
12215 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos              (20U)
12216 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk              (0x1UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
12217 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL                  SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk                  /*!<Trigger polarity */
12218 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos               (21U)
12219 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk               (0x1UL << SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
12220 #define SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGEN                   SPI_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk                   /*!<Trigger of CSTART control enable */
12222 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXDR register  ********************/
12223 #define SPI_TXDR_TXDR_Pos                   (0U)
12224 #define SPI_TXDR_TXDR_Msk                   (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_TXDR_TXDR_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12225 #define SPI_TXDR_TXDR                       SPI_TXDR_TXDR_Msk                       /* Transmit Data Register */
12227 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXDR register  ********************/
12228 #define SPI_RXDR_RXDR_Pos                   (0U)
12229 #define SPI_RXDR_RXDR_Msk                   (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_RXDR_RXDR_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12230 #define SPI_RXDR_RXDR                       SPI_RXDR_RXDR_Msk                       /* Receive Data Register */
12232 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_CRCPOLY register  ********************/
12233 #define SPI_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Pos             (0U)
12234 #define SPI_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Msk             (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12235 #define SPI_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY                 SPI_CRCPOLY_CRCPOLY_Msk                 /* CRC Polynomial register */
12237 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_TXCRC register  ********************/
12238 #define SPI_TXCRC_TXCRC_Pos                 (0U)
12239 #define SPI_TXCRC_TXCRC_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_TXCRC_TXCRC_Pos)   /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12240 #define SPI_TXCRC_TXCRC                     SPI_TXCRC_TXCRC_Msk                     /* CRCRegister for transmitter */
12242 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_RXCRC register  ********************/
12243 #define SPI_RXCRC_RXCRC_Pos                 (0U)
12244 #define SPI_RXCRC_RXCRC_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_RXCRC_RXCRC_Pos)   /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12245 #define SPI_RXCRC_RXCRC                     SPI_RXCRC_RXCRC_Msk                     /* CRCRegister for receiver */
12247 /*******************  Bit definition for SPI_UDRDR register  ********************/
12248 #define SPI_UDRDR_UDRDR_Pos                 (0U)
12249 #define SPI_UDRDR_UDRDR_Msk                 (0xFFFFFFFFUL << SPI_UDRDR_UDRDR_Pos)   /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12250 #define SPI_UDRDR_UDRDR                     SPI_UDRDR_UDRDR_Msk                     /* Data at slave underrun condition */
12253 /******************************************************************************/
12254 /*                                                                            */
12255 /*                                 SYSCFG                                     */
12256 /*                                                                            */
12257 /******************************************************************************/
12258 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_SECRX register  ****************/
12259 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_SYSCFGSEC_Pos        (0U)
12260 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_SYSCFGSEC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_SECCFGR_SYSCFGSEC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
12261 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_SYSCFGSEC            SYSCFG_SECCFGR_SYSCFGSEC_Msk            /*!< SYSCFG clock control security enable */
12262 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_CLASSBSEC_Pos        (1U)
12263 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_CLASSBSEC_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_SECCFGR_CLASSBSEC_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
12264 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_CLASSBSEC            SYSCFG_SECCFGR_CLASSBSEC_Msk            /*!< ClassB SYSCFG security enable */
12265 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_FPUSEC_Pos           (3U)
12266 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_FPUSEC_Msk           (0x1UL << SYSCFG_SECCFGR_FPUSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
12267 #define SYSCFG_SECCFGR_FPUSEC               SYSCFG_SECCFGR_FPUSEC_Msk               /*!< FPU SYSCFG security enable */
12269 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register  ****************/
12270 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOSTEN_Pos            (8U)
12271 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOSTEN_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOSTEN_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000100 */
12272 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOSTEN                SYSCFG_CFGR1_BOOSTEN_Msk                /*!< I/O analog switch voltage booster enable */
12273 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_ANASWVDD_Pos           (9U)
12274 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_ANASWVDD_Msk           (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_ANASWVDD_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000200 */
12275 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_ANASWVDD               SYSCFG_CFGR1_ANASWVDD_Msk               /*!< GPIO analog switch control voltage selection */
12276 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA6_FMP_Pos            (16U)
12277 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA6_FMP_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA6_FMP_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
12278 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA6_FMP                SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA6_FMP_Msk                /*!< I2C PA6 Fast mode plus */
12279 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA7_FMP_Pos            (17U)
12280 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA7_FMP_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA7_FMP_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
12281 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA7_FMP                SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA7_FMP_Msk                /*!< I2C PA7 Fast mode plus */
12282 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA15_FMP_Pos           (18U)
12283 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA15_FMP_Msk           (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA15_FMP_Pos)    /*!< 0x00040000 */
12284 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA15_FMP               SYSCFG_CFGR1_PA15_FMP_Msk               /*!< I2C PA15 Fast mode plus */
12285 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PB3_FMP_Pos            (19U)
12286 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PB3_FMP_Msk            (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR1_PB3_FMP_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
12287 #define SYSCFG_CFGR1_PB3_FMP                SYSCFG_CFGR1_PB3_FMP_Msk                /*!< I2C PB3 Fast mode plus */
12289 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_FPUIMR register  ***************/
12290 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos            (0U)
12291 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Msk            (0x3FUL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000003F - */
12292 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE                SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Msk                /*!<  All FPU interrupts enable */
12293 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_0              (0x1UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000001 - Invalid operation Interrupt enable */
12294 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_1              (0x2UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000002 - Divide-by-zero Interrupt enable */
12295 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_2              (0x4UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000004 - Underflow Interrupt enable */
12296 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_3              (0x8UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000008 - Overflow Interrupt enable */
12297 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_4              (0x10UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 - Input denormal Interrupt enable */
12298 #define SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_5              (0x20UL << SYSCFG_FPUIMR_FPU_IE_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 - Inexact Interrupt enable (interrupt disabled at reset) */
12300 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CNSLCKR register  **************/
12301 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSVTOR_Pos       (0U)
12302 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSVTOR_Msk       (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSVTOR_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
12303 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSVTOR           SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSVTOR_Msk           /*!< Disable VTOR_NS register writes by SW or debug agent */
12304 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSMPU_Pos        (1U)
12305 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSMPU_Msk        (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSMPU_Pos) /*!< 0x00000002 */
12306 #define SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSMPU            SYSCFG_CNSLCKR_LOCKNSMPU_Msk            /*!< Disable Non-Secure MPU registers writes by SW or debug agent */
12308 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CSLCKR register  ***************/
12309 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSVTAIRCR_Pos      (0U)
12310 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSVTAIRCR_Msk      (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSVTAIRCR_Pos) /*!< 0x00000001 */
12311 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSVTAIRCR          SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSVTAIRCR_Msk          /*!< Disable changes to the secure vector table address, handling of system faults */
12312 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSMPU_Pos          (1U)
12313 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSMPU_Msk          (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSMPU_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000002 */
12314 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSMPU              SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSMPU_Msk              /*!< Disable changes to the secure MPU registers writes by SW or debug agent */
12315 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSAU_Pos           (2U)
12316 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSAU_Msk           (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSAU_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
12317 #define SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSAU               SYSCFG_CSLCKR_LOCKSAU_Msk               /*!< Disable changes to SAU registers */
12319 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CFGR2 register  ****************/
12320 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CLL_Pos                (0U)
12321 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CLL_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_CLL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
12322 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_CLL                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_CLL_Msk                    /*!< Core Lockup Lock */
12323 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_SPL_Pos                (1U)
12324 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_SPL_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_SPL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
12325 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_SPL                    SYSCFG_CFGR2_SPL_Msk                    /*!< SRAM Parity Lock */
12326 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_PVDL_Pos               (2U)
12327 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_PVDL_Msk               (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_PVDL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
12328 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_PVDL                   SYSCFG_CFGR2_PVDL_Msk                   /*!<  PVD Lock */
12329 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_ECCL_Pos               (3U)
12330 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_ECCL_Msk               (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CFGR2_ECCL_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
12331 #define SYSCFG_CFGR2_ECCL                   SYSCFG_CFGR2_ECCL_Msk                   /*!< ECC Lock*/
12333 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_MESR register  ****************/
12334 #define SYSCFG_MESR_MCLR_Pos                (0U)
12335 #define SYSCFG_MESR_MCLR_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_MESR_MCLR_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
12336 #define SYSCFG_MESR_MCLR                    SYSCFG_MESR_MCLR_Msk                    /*!< Status of Erase after Reset */
12337 #define SYSCFG_MESR_IPMEE_Pos               (16U)
12338 #define SYSCFG_MESR_IPMEE_Msk               (0x1UL << SYSCFG_MESR_IPMEE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
12339 #define SYSCFG_MESR_IPMEE                   SYSCFG_MESR_IPMEE_Msk                   /*!< Status of End of Erase for ICache and PKA RAMs */
12341 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CCCSR register  ****************/
12342 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_EN1_Pos                (0U)
12343 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_EN1_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CCCSR_EN1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
12344 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_EN1                    SYSCFG_CCCSR_EN1_Msk                    /*!< Enable compensation cell for VDD power rail */
12345 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_CS1_Pos                (1U)
12346 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_CS1_Msk                (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CCCSR_CS1_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
12347 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_CS1                    SYSCFG_CCCSR_CS1_Msk                    /*!< Code selection for VDD power rail */
12348 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_RDY1_Pos               (8U)
12349 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_RDY1_Msk               (0x1UL << SYSCFG_CCCSR_RDY1_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000100 */
12350 #define SYSCFG_CCCSR_RDY1                   SYSCFG_CCCSR_RDY1_Msk                   /*!< VDD compensation cell ready flag */
12352 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CCVR register  ****************/
12353 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_NCV1_Pos                (0U)
12354 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_NCV1_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_CCVR_NCV1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000F */
12355 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_NCV1                    SYSCFG_CCVR_NCV1_Msk                    /*!< NMOS compensation value for VDD Power Rail */
12356 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_PCV1_Pos                (4U)
12357 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_PCV1_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_CCVR_PCV1_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000F0 */
12358 #define SYSCFG_CCVR_PCV1                    SYSCFG_CCVR_PCV1_Msk                    /*!< PMOS compensation value for VDD Power Rail */
12360 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_CCCR register  ****************/
12361 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_NCC1_Pos                (0U)
12362 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_NCC1_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_CCCR_NCC1_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000F */
12363 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_NCC1                    SYSCFG_CCCR_NCC1_Msk                    /*!< NMOS compensation code for VDD Power Rail */
12364 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_PCC1_Pos                (4U)
12365 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_PCC1_Msk                (0xFUL << SYSCFG_CCCR_PCC1_Pos)         /*!< 0x000000F0 */
12366 #define SYSCFG_CCCR_PCC1                    SYSCFG_CCCR_PCC1_Msk                    /*!< PMOS compensation code for VDD Power Rail */
12368 /******************  Bit definition for SYSCFG_RSSCMD register  ***************/
12369 #define SYSCFG_RSSCMD_RSSCMD_Pos            (0U)
12370 #define SYSCFG_RSSCMD_RSSCMD_Msk            (0xFFFFUL << SYSCFG_RSSCMD_RSSCMD_Pos)  /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
12371 #define SYSCFG_RSSCMD_RSSCMD                SYSCFG_RSSCMD_RSSCMD_Msk                /*!< RSS command */
12374 /******************************************************************************/
12375 /*                                                                            */
12376 /*                     Tamper and backup register (TAMP)                      */
12377 /*                                                                            */
12378 /******************************************************************************/
12379 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_CR1 register  *****************/
12380 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP1E_Pos                 (0U)
12381 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP1E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP1E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
12382 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP1E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP1E_Msk
12383 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP2E_Pos                 (1U)
12384 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP2E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP2E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
12385 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP2E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP2E_Msk
12386 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP3E_Pos                 (2U)
12387 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP3E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP3E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
12388 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP3E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP3E_Msk
12389 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP4E_Pos                 (3U)
12390 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP4E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP4E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
12391 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP4E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP4E_Msk
12392 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP5E_Pos                 (4U)
12393 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP5E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP5E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
12394 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP5E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP5E_Msk
12395 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP6E_Pos                 (5U)
12396 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP6E_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_TAMP6E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
12397 #define TAMP_CR1_TAMP6E                     TAMP_CR1_TAMP6E_Msk
12398 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP3E_Pos                (18U)
12399 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP3E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP3E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
12400 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP3E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP3E_Msk
12401 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP5E_Pos                (20U)
12402 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP5E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP5E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00100000 */
12403 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP5E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP5E_Msk
12404 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP6E_Pos                (21U)
12405 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP6E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP6E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00200000 */
12406 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP6E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP6E_Msk
12407 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP7E_Pos                (22U)
12408 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP7E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP7E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
12409 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP7E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP7E_Msk
12410 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP8E_Pos                (23U)
12411 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP8E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP8E_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
12412 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP8E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP8E_Msk
12413 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP9E_Pos                (24U)
12414 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP9E_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP9E_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
12415 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP9E                    TAMP_CR1_ITAMP9E_Msk
12416 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP11E_Pos               (26U)
12417 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP11E_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP11E_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
12418 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP11E                   TAMP_CR1_ITAMP11E_Msk
12419 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP12E_Pos               (27U)
12420 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP12E_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP12E_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
12421 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP12E                   TAMP_CR1_ITAMP12E_Msk
12422 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP13E_Pos               (28U)
12423 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP13E_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR1_ITAMP13E_Pos)        /*!< 0x10000000 */
12424 #define TAMP_CR1_ITAMP13E                   TAMP_CR1_ITAMP13E_Msk
12426 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_CR2 register  *****************/
12427 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1POM_Pos               (0U)
12428 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP1POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
12429 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP1POM_Msk
12430 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2POM_Pos               (1U)
12431 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP2POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
12432 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP2POM_Msk
12433 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3POM_Pos               (2U)
12434 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP3POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
12435 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP3POM_Msk
12436 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4POM_Pos               (3U)
12437 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP4POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
12438 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP4POM_Msk
12439 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5POM_Pos               (4U)
12440 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP5POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000010 */
12441 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP5POM_Msk
12442 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6POM_Pos               (5U)
12443 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6POM_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP6POM_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000020 */
12444 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6POM                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP6POM_Msk
12445 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1MSK_Pos               (16U)
12446 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1MSK_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP1MSK_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
12447 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1MSK                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP1MSK_Msk
12448 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2MSK_Pos               (17U)
12449 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2MSK_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP2MSK_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
12450 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2MSK                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP2MSK_Msk
12451 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3MSK_Pos               (18U)
12452 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3MSK_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP3MSK_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
12453 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3MSK                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP3MSK_Msk
12454 #define TAMP_CR2_BKBLOCK_Pos                (22U)
12455 #define TAMP_CR2_BKBLOCK_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_BKBLOCK_Pos)         /*!< 0x00400000 */
12456 #define TAMP_CR2_BKBLOCK                    TAMP_CR2_BKBLOCK_Msk
12457 #define TAMP_CR2_BKERASE_Pos                (23U)
12458 #define TAMP_CR2_BKERASE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_BKERASE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
12459 #define TAMP_CR2_BKERASE                    TAMP_CR2_BKERASE_Msk
12460 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1TRG_Pos               (24U)
12461 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP1TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
12462 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP1TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP1TRG_Msk
12463 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2TRG_Pos               (25U)
12464 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP2TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
12465 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP2TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP2TRG_Msk
12466 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3TRG_Pos               (26U)
12467 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP3TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
12468 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP3TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP3TRG_Msk
12469 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4TRG_Pos               (27U)
12470 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP4TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
12471 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP4TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP4TRG_Msk
12472 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5TRG_Pos               (28U)
12473 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP5TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
12474 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP5TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP5TRG_Msk
12475 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6TRG_Pos               (29U)
12476 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6TRG_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_CR2_TAMP6TRG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
12477 #define TAMP_CR2_TAMP6TRG                   TAMP_CR2_TAMP6TRG_Msk
12479 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_CR3 register  *****************/
12480 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP3POM_Pos              (2U)
12481 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP3POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP3POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
12482 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP3POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP3POM_Msk
12483 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP5POM_Pos              (4U)
12484 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP5POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP5POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000010 */
12485 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP5POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP5POM_Msk
12486 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP6POM_Pos              (5U)
12487 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP6POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP6POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
12488 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP6POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP6POM_Msk
12489 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP7POM_Pos              (6U)
12490 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP7POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP7POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
12491 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP7POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP7POM_Msk
12492 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP8POM_Pos              (7U)
12493 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP8POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP8POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000080 */
12494 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP8POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP8POM_Msk
12495 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP9POM_Pos              (8U)
12496 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP9POM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP9POM_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000100 */
12497 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP9POM                  TAMP_CR3_ITAMP9POM_Msk
12498 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP11POM_Pos             (10U)
12499 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP11POM_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP11POM_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000400 */
12500 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP11POM                 TAMP_CR3_ITAMP11POM_Msk
12501 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP12POM_Pos             (11U)
12502 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP12POM_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP12POM_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000800 */
12503 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP12POM                 TAMP_CR3_ITAMP12POM_Msk
12504 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP13POM_Pos             (12U)
12505 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP13POM_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_CR3_ITAMP13POM_Pos)     /*!< 0x00001000 */
12506 #define TAMP_CR3_ITAMP13POM                 TAMP_CR3_ITAMP13POM_Msk
12508 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_FLTCR register  ***************/
12509 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos             (0U)
12510 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk             (0x7UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000007 */
12511 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ                 TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Msk
12512 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_0               (0x1UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000001 */
12513 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_1               (0x2UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000002 */
12514 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_2               (0x4UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFREQ_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000004 */
12515 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Pos              (3U)
12516 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Msk              (0x3UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000018 */
12517 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT                  TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Msk
12518 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
12519 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPFLT_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
12520 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos             (5U)
12521 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk             (0x3UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000060 */
12522 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH                 TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Msk
12523 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_0               (0x1UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000020 */
12524 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_1               (0x2UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPRCH_Pos)      /*!< 0x00000040 */
12525 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos            (7U)
12526 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPUDIS_Pos)     /*!< 0x00000080 */
12527 #define TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPUDIS                TAMP_FLTCR_TAMPPUDIS_Msk
12529 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_ATCR1 register  ***************/
12530 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP1AM_Pos              (0U)
12531 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP1AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP1AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
12532 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP1AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP1AM_Msk
12533 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP2AM_Pos              (1U)
12534 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP2AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP2AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
12535 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP2AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP2AM_Msk
12536 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP3AM_Pos              (2U)
12537 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP3AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP3AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
12538 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP3AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP3AM_Msk
12539 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP4AM_Pos              (3U)
12540 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP4AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP4AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
12541 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP4AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP4AM_Msk
12542 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP5AM_Pos              (4U)
12543 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP5AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP5AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
12544 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP5AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP5AM_Msk
12545 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP6AM_Pos              (5U)
12546 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP6AM_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP6AM_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
12547 #define TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP6AM                  TAMP_ATCR1_TAMP6AM_Msk
12548 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Pos              (8U)
12549 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Msk              (0x3UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000300 */
12550 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1                  TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Msk
12551 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
12552 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
12553 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Pos              (10U)
12554 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Msk              (0x3UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000C00 */
12555 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2                  TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Msk
12556 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
12557 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
12558 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Pos              (12U)
12559 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Msk              (0x3UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003000 */
12560 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3                  TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Msk
12561 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
12562 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
12563 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Pos              (16U)
12564 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00070000 */
12565 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL                  TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Msk
12566 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
12567 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
12568 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATCKSEL_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
12569 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Pos                (24U)
12570 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Msk                (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Pos)         /*!< 0x07000000 */
12571 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER                    TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Msk
12572 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_0                  (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
12573 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_1                  (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
12574 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_2                  (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATPER_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
12575 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSHARE_Pos             (30U)
12576 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSHARE_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSHARE_Pos)      /*!< 0x40000000 */
12577 #define TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSHARE                 TAMP_ATCR1_ATOSHARE_Msk
12578 #define TAMP_ATCR1_FLTEN_Pos                (31U)
12579 #define TAMP_ATCR1_FLTEN_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR1_FLTEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
12580 #define TAMP_ATCR1_FLTEN                    TAMP_ATCR1_FLTEN_Msk
12582 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_ATSEEDR register  ******************/
12583 #define TAMP_ATSEEDR_SEED_Pos               (0U)
12584 #define TAMP_ATSEEDR_SEED_Msk               (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_ATSEEDR_SEED_Pos) /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12585 #define TAMP_ATSEEDR_SEED                   TAMP_ATSEEDR_SEED_Msk
12587 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_ATOR register  ******************/
12588 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos                  (0U)
12589 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Msk                  (0xFF << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
12590 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG                      TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Msk
12591 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_0                    (0x1UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
12592 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_1                    (0x2UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
12593 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_2                    (0x4UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
12594 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_3                    (0x8UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
12595 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_4                    (0x10UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
12596 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_5                    (0x20UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
12597 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_6                    (0x40UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
12598 #define TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_7                    (0x80UL << TAMP_ATOR_PRNG_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
12599 #define TAMP_ATOR_SEEDF_Pos                 (14U)
12600 #define TAMP_ATOR_SEEDF_Msk                 (1UL << TAMP_ATOR_SEEDF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
12601 #define TAMP_ATOR_SEEDF                     TAMP_ATOR_SEEDF_Msk
12602 #define TAMP_ATOR_INITS_Pos                 (15U)
12603 #define TAMP_ATOR_INITS_Msk                 (1UL << TAMP_ATOR_INITS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
12604 #define TAMP_ATOR_INITS                     TAMP_ATOR_INITS_Msk
12606 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_ATCR2 register  ***************/
12607 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Pos              (8U)
12608 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000700 */
12609 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Msk
12610 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000100 */
12611 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000200 */
12612 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL1_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000400 */
12613 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Pos              (11U)
12614 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00003800 */
12615 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Msk
12616 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000800 */
12617 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00001000 */
12618 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL2_Pos)       /*!< 0x00002000 */
12619 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Pos              (14U)
12620 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x0001C000 */
12621 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Msk
12622 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00004000 */
12623 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
12624 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL3_Pos)       /*!< 0x00010000 */
12625 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Pos              (17U)
12626 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Pos)       /*!< 0x000E0000 */
12627 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Msk
12628 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00020000 */
12629 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
12630 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL4_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
12631 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Pos              (20U)
12632 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00700000 */
12633 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Msk
12634 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
12635 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
12636 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL5_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
12637 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Pos              (23U)
12638 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Msk              (0x7UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Pos)       /*!< 0x03800000 */
12639 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6                  TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Msk
12640 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_0                (0x1UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
12641 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_1                (0x2UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
12642 #define TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_2                (0x4UL << TAMP_ATCR2_ATOSEL6_Pos)       /*!< 0x02000000 */
12644 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_SECCFGR register  *************/
12645 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos           (0U)
12646 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Msk           (0xFFUL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x000000FF */
12648 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_0             (0x1UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
12649 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_1             (0x2UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
12650 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_2             (0x4UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
12651 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_3             (0x8UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
12652 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_4             (0x10UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000010 */
12653 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_5             (0x20UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000020 */
12654 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_6             (0x40UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000040 */
12655 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_7             (0x80UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPRWSEC_Pos)   /*!< 0x00000080 */
12656 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_CNT1SEC_Pos            (15U)
12657 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_CNT1SEC_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_CNT1SEC_Pos)       /*!< 0x00008000 */
12658 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_CNT1SEC                TAMP_SECCFGR_CNT1SEC_Msk
12659 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos            (16U)
12660 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Msk            (0xFFUL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
12661 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC                TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Msk
12662 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_0              (0x1UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
12663 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_1              (0x2UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00020000 */
12664 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_2              (0x4UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
12665 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_3              (0x8UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x00080000 */
12666 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_4              (0x10UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00100000 */
12667 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_5              (0x20UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00200000 */
12668 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_6              (0x40UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00400000 */
12669 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_7              (0x80UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BKPWSEC_Pos)    /*!< 0x00800000 */
12670 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BHKLOCK_Pos            (30U)
12671 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BHKLOCK_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_BHKLOCK_Pos)     /*!< 0x40000000 */
12672 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_BHKLOCK                TAMP_SECCFGR_BHKLOCK_Msk
12673 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_TAMPSEC_Pos            (31U)
12674 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_TAMPSEC_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SECCFGR_TAMPSEC_Pos)     /*!< 0x80000000 */
12675 #define TAMP_SECCFGR_TAMPSEC                TAMP_SECCFGR_TAMPSEC_Msk
12677 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_PRIVCFGR register  ************/
12678 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_CNT1PRIV_Pos          (15U)
12679 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_CNT1PRIV_Msk          (0x1UL << TAMP_PRIVCFGR_CNT1PRIV_Pos)   /*!< 0x20000000 */
12681 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPRWPRIV_Pos         (29U)
12682 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPRWPRIV_Msk         (0x1UL << TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPRWPRIV_Pos)  /*!< 0x20000000 */
12684 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPWPRIV_Pos          (30U)
12685 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPWPRIV_Msk          (0x1UL << TAMP_PRIVCFGR_BKPWPRIV_Pos)   /*!< 0x40000000 */
12687 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_TAMPPRIV_Pos          (31U)
12688 #define TAMP_PRIVCFGR_TAMPPRIV_Msk          (0x1UL << TAMP_PRIVCFGR_TAMPPRIV_Pos)   /*!< 0x80000000 */
12691 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_IER register  *****************/
12692 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP1IE_Pos                (0U)
12693 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP1IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP1IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
12694 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP1IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP1IE_Msk
12695 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP2IE_Pos                (1U)
12696 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP2IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP2IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
12697 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP2IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP2IE_Msk
12698 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP3IE_Pos                (2U)
12699 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP3IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP3IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
12700 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP3IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP3IE_Msk
12701 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP4IE_Pos                (3U)
12702 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP4IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP4IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
12703 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP4IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP4IE_Msk
12704 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP5IE_Pos                (4U)
12705 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP5IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP5IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
12706 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP5IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP5IE_Msk
12707 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP6IE_Pos                (5U)
12708 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP6IE_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_TAMP6IE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
12709 #define TAMP_IER_TAMP6IE                    TAMP_IER_TAMP6IE_Msk
12710 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP3IE_Pos               (18U)
12711 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP3IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP3IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
12712 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP3IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP3IE_Msk
12713 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP5IE_Pos               (20U)
12714 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP5IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP5IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
12715 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP5IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP5IE_Msk
12716 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP6IE_Pos               (21U)
12717 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP6IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP6IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
12718 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP6IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP6IE_Msk
12719 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP7IE_Pos               (22U)
12720 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP7IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP7IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
12721 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP7IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP7IE_Msk
12722 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP8IE_Pos               (23U)
12723 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP8IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP8IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
12724 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP8IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP8IE_Msk
12725 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP9IE_Pos               (24U)
12726 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP9IE_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP9IE_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
12727 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP9IE                   TAMP_IER_ITAMP9IE_Msk
12728 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP11IE_Pos              (26U)
12729 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP11IE_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP11IE_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
12730 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP11IE                  TAMP_IER_ITAMP11IE_Msk
12731 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP12IE_Pos              (27U)
12732 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP12IE_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP12IE_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
12733 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP12IE                  TAMP_IER_ITAMP12IE_Msk
12734 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP13IE_Pos              (28U)
12735 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP13IE_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_IER_ITAMP13IE_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
12736 #define TAMP_IER_ITAMP13IE                  TAMP_IER_ITAMP13IE_Msk
12738 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_SR register  *****************/
12739 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP1F_Pos                  (0U)
12740 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP1F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
12741 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP1F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP1F_Msk
12742 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP2F_Pos                  (1U)
12743 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP2F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
12744 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP2F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP2F_Msk
12745 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP3F_Pos                  (2U)
12746 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP3F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
12747 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP3F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP3F_Msk
12748 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP4F_Pos                  (3U)
12749 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP4F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
12750 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP4F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP4F_Msk
12751 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP5F_Pos                  (4U)
12752 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP5F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP5F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
12753 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP5F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP5F_Msk
12754 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP6F_Pos                  (5U)
12755 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP6F_Msk                  (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_TAMP6F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
12756 #define TAMP_SR_TAMP6F                      TAMP_SR_TAMP6F_Msk
12757 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP3F_Pos                 (18U)
12758 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP3F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP3F_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
12759 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP3F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP3F_Msk
12760 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP5F_Pos                 (20U)
12761 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP5F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP5F_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
12762 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP5F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP5F_Msk
12763 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP6F_Pos                 (21U)
12764 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP6F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP6F_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
12765 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP6F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP6F_Msk
12766 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP7F_Pos                 (22U)
12767 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP7F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP7F_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
12768 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP7F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP7F_Msk
12769 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP8F_Pos                 (23U)
12770 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP8F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP8F_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
12771 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP8F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP8F_Msk
12772 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP9F_Pos                 (24U)
12773 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP9F_Msk                 (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP9F_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
12774 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP9F                     TAMP_SR_ITAMP9F_Msk
12775 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP11F_Pos                (26U)
12776 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP11F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP11F_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
12777 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP11F                    TAMP_SR_ITAMP11F_Msk
12778 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP12F_Pos                (27U)
12779 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP12F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP12F_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
12780 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP12F                    TAMP_SR_ITAMP12F_Msk
12781 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP13F_Pos                (28U)
12782 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP13F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SR_ITAMP13F_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
12783 #define TAMP_SR_ITAMP13F                    TAMP_SR_ITAMP13F_Msk
12785 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_MISR register  ****************/
12786 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP1MF_Pos               (0U)
12787 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP1MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP1MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000001 */
12788 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP1MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP1MF_Msk
12789 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP2MF_Pos               (1U)
12790 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP2MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP2MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000002 */
12791 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP2MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP2MF_Msk
12792 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP3MF_Pos               (2U)
12793 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP3MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP3MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000004 */
12794 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP3MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP3MF_Msk
12795 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP4MF_Pos               (3U)
12796 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP4MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP4MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
12797 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP4MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP4MF_Msk
12798 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP5MF_Pos               (4U)
12799 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP5MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP5MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
12800 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP5MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP5MF_Msk
12801 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP6MF_Pos               (5U)
12802 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP6MF_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_TAMP6MF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
12803 #define TAMP_MISR_TAMP6MF                   TAMP_MISR_TAMP6MF_Msk
12804 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP3MF_Pos              (18U)
12805 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP3MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP3MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00040000 */
12806 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP3MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP3MF_Msk
12807 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP5MF_Pos              (20U)
12808 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP5MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP5MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00100000 */
12809 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP5MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP5MF_Msk
12810 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP6MF_Pos              (21U)
12811 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP6MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP6MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00200000 */
12812 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP6MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP6MF_Msk
12813 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP7MF_Pos              (22U)
12814 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP7MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP7MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00400000 */
12815 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP7MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP7MF_Msk
12816 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP8MF_Pos              (23U)
12817 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP8MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP8MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00800000 */
12818 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP8MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP8MF_Msk
12819 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP9MF_Pos              (24U)
12820 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP9MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP9MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x01000000 */
12821 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP9MF                  TAMP_MISR_ITAMP9MF_Msk
12822 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP11MF_Pos             (26U)
12823 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP11MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP11MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x04000000 */
12824 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP11MF                 TAMP_MISR_ITAMP11MF_Msk
12825 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP12MF_Pos             (27U)
12826 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP12MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP12MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x08000000 */
12827 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP12MF                 TAMP_MISR_ITAMP12MF_Msk
12828 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP13MF_Pos             (28U)
12829 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP13MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_MISR_ITAMP13MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x10000000 */
12830 #define TAMP_MISR_ITAMP13MF                 TAMP_MISR_ITAMP13MF_Msk
12832 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_SMISR register  ************ *****/
12833 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP1MF_Pos              (0U)
12834 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP1MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP1MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000001 */
12835 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP1MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP1MF_Msk
12836 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP2MF_Pos              (1U)
12837 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP2MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP2MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000002 */
12838 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP2MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP2MF_Msk
12839 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP3MF_Pos              (2U)
12840 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP3MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP3MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000004 */
12841 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP3MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP3MF_Msk
12842 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP4MF_Pos              (3U)
12843 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP4MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP4MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000008 */
12844 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP4MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP4MF_Msk
12845 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP5MF_Pos              (4U)
12846 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP5MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP5MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000010 */
12847 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP5MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP5MF_Msk
12848 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP6MF_Pos              (5U)
12849 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP6MF_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_TAMP6MF_Pos)       /*!< 0x00000020 */
12850 #define TAMP_SMISR_TAMP6MF                  TAMP_SMISR_TAMP6MF_Msk
12851 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP3MF_Pos             (18U)
12852 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP3MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP3MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00040000 */
12853 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP3MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP3MF_Msk
12854 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP5MF_Pos             (20U)
12855 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP5MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP5MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00100000 */
12856 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP5MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP5MF_Msk
12857 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP6MF_Pos             (21U)
12858 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP6MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP6MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00200000 */
12859 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP6MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP6MF_Msk
12860 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP7MF_Pos             (22U)
12861 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP7MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP7MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00400000 */
12862 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP7MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP7MF_Msk
12863 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP8MF_Pos             (23U)
12864 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP8MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP8MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x00800000 */
12865 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP8MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP8MF_Msk
12866 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP9MF_Pos             (24U)
12867 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP9MF_Msk             (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP9MF_Pos)      /*!< 0x01000000 */
12868 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP9MF                 TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP9MF_Msk
12869 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP11MF_Pos            (26U)
12870 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP11MF_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP11MF_Pos)     /*!< 0x04000000 */
12871 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP11MF                TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP11MF_Msk
12872 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP12MF_Pos            (27U)
12873 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP12MF_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP12MF_Pos)     /*!< 0x08000000 */
12874 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP12MF                TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP12MF_Msk
12875 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP13MF_Pos            (28U)
12876 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP13MF_Msk            (0x1UL << TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP13MF_Pos)     /*!< 0x10000000 */
12877 #define TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP13MF                TAMP_SMISR_ITAMP13MF_Msk
12879 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_SCR register  *****************/
12880 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP1F_Pos                (0U)
12881 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP1F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP1F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
12882 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP1F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP1F_Msk
12883 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP2F_Pos                (1U)
12884 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP2F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP2F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
12885 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP2F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP2F_Msk
12886 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP3F_Pos                (2U)
12887 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP3F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP3F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
12888 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP3F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP3F_Msk
12889 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP4F_Pos                (3U)
12890 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP4F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP4F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
12891 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP4F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP4F_Msk
12892 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP5F_Pos                (4U)
12893 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP5F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP5F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
12894 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP5F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP5F_Msk
12895 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP6F_Pos                (5U)
12896 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP6F_Msk                (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CTAMP6F_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
12897 #define TAMP_SCR_CTAMP6F                    TAMP_SCR_CTAMP6F_Msk
12898 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP3F_Pos               (18U)
12899 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP3F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP3F_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
12900 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP3F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP3F_Msk
12901 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP5F_Pos               (20U)
12902 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP5F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP5F_Pos)        /*!< 0x00100000 */
12903 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP5F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP5F_Msk
12904 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP6F_Pos               (21U)
12905 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP6F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP6F_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
12906 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP6F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP6F_Msk
12907 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP7F_Pos               (22U)
12908 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP7F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP7F_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
12909 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP7F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP7F_Msk
12910 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP8F_Pos               (23U)
12911 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP8F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP8F_Pos)        /*!< 0x00800000 */
12912 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP8F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP8F_Msk
12913 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP9F_Pos               (24U)
12914 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP9F_Msk               (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP9F_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
12915 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP9F                   TAMP_SCR_CITAMP9F_Msk
12916 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP11F_Pos              (26U)
12917 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP11F_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP11F_Pos)       /*!< 0x04000000 */
12918 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP11F                  TAMP_SCR_CITAMP11F_Msk
12919 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP12F_Pos              (27U)
12920 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP12F_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP12F_Pos)       /*!< 0x08000000 */
12921 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP12F                  TAMP_SCR_CITAMP12F_Msk
12922 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP13F_Pos              (28U)
12923 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP13F_Msk              (0x1UL << TAMP_SCR_CITAMP13F_Pos)       /*!< 0x10000000 */
12924 #define TAMP_SCR_CITAMP13F                  TAMP_SCR_CITAMP13F_Msk
12926 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_COUNT1R register  ***************/
12927 #define TAMP_COUNT1R_COUNT_Pos              (0U)
12928 #define TAMP_COUNT1R_COUNT_Msk              (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_COUNT1R_COUNT_Pos)/*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12929 #define TAMP_COUNT1R_COUNT                  TAMP_COUNT1R_COUNT_Msk
12931 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_RPCFGR register  ***************/
12932 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos               (1U)
12933 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Msk               (0x1FUL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x0000003E */
12934 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG                   TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Msk
12935 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_1                 (0x1UL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
12936 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_2                 (0x2UL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
12937 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_3                 (0x4UL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
12938 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_4                 (0x8UL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
12939 #define TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_5                 (0x10UL << TAMP_RPCFGR_RPCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
12941 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP0R register  ***************/
12942 #define TAMP_BKP0R_Pos                      (0U)
12943 #define TAMP_BKP0R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP0R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12944 #define TAMP_BKP0R                          TAMP_BKP0R_Msk
12946 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP1R register  ****************/
12947 #define TAMP_BKP1R_Pos                      (0U)
12948 #define TAMP_BKP1R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP1R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12949 #define TAMP_BKP1R                          TAMP_BKP1R_Msk
12951 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP2R register  ****************/
12952 #define TAMP_BKP2R_Pos                      (0U)
12953 #define TAMP_BKP2R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP2R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12954 #define TAMP_BKP2R                          TAMP_BKP2R_Msk
12956 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP3R register  ****************/
12957 #define TAMP_BKP3R_Pos                      (0U)
12958 #define TAMP_BKP3R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP3R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12959 #define TAMP_BKP3R                          TAMP_BKP3R_Msk
12961 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP4R register  ****************/
12962 #define TAMP_BKP4R_Pos                      (0U)
12963 #define TAMP_BKP4R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP4R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12964 #define TAMP_BKP4R                          TAMP_BKP4R_Msk
12966 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP5R register  ****************/
12967 #define TAMP_BKP5R_Pos                      (0U)
12968 #define TAMP_BKP5R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP5R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12969 #define TAMP_BKP5R                          TAMP_BKP5R_Msk
12971 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP6R register  ****************/
12972 #define TAMP_BKP6R_Pos                      (0U)
12973 #define TAMP_BKP6R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP6R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12974 #define TAMP_BKP6R                          TAMP_BKP6R_Msk
12976 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP7R register  ****************/
12977 #define TAMP_BKP7R_Pos                      (0U)
12978 #define TAMP_BKP7R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP7R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12979 #define TAMP_BKP7R                          TAMP_BKP7R_Msk
12981 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP8R register  ****************/
12982 #define TAMP_BKP8R_Pos                      (0U)
12983 #define TAMP_BKP8R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP8R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12984 #define TAMP_BKP8R                          TAMP_BKP8R_Msk
12986 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP9R register  ****************/
12987 #define TAMP_BKP9R_Pos                      (0U)
12988 #define TAMP_BKP9R_Msk                      (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP9R_Pos)        /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12989 #define TAMP_BKP9R                          TAMP_BKP9R_Msk
12991 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP10R register  ***************/
12992 #define TAMP_BKP10R_Pos                     (0U)
12993 #define TAMP_BKP10R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP10R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12994 #define TAMP_BKP10R                         TAMP_BKP10R_Msk
12996 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP11R register  ***************/
12997 #define TAMP_BKP11R_Pos                     (0U)
12998 #define TAMP_BKP11R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP11R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
12999 #define TAMP_BKP11R                         TAMP_BKP11R_Msk
13001 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP12R register  ***************/
13002 #define TAMP_BKP12R_Pos                     (0U)
13003 #define TAMP_BKP12R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP12R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13004 #define TAMP_BKP12R                         TAMP_BKP12R_Msk
13006 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP13R register  ***************/
13007 #define TAMP_BKP13R_Pos                     (0U)
13008 #define TAMP_BKP13R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP13R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13009 #define TAMP_BKP13R                         TAMP_BKP13R_Msk
13011 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP14R register  ***************/
13012 #define TAMP_BKP14R_Pos                     (0U)
13013 #define TAMP_BKP14R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP14R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13014 #define TAMP_BKP14R                         TAMP_BKP14R_Msk
13016 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP15R register  ***************/
13017 #define TAMP_BKP15R_Pos                     (0U)
13018 #define TAMP_BKP15R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP15R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13019 #define TAMP_BKP15R                         TAMP_BKP15R_Msk
13021 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP16R register  ***************/
13022 #define TAMP_BKP16R_Pos                     (0U)
13023 #define TAMP_BKP16R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP16R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13024 #define TAMP_BKP16R                         TAMP_BKP16R_Msk
13026 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP17R register  ***************/
13027 #define TAMP_BKP17R_Pos                     (0U)
13028 #define TAMP_BKP17R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP17R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13029 #define TAMP_BKP17R                         TAMP_BKP17R_Msk
13031 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP18R register  ***************/
13032 #define TAMP_BKP18R_Pos                     (0U)
13033 #define TAMP_BKP18R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP18R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13034 #define TAMP_BKP18R                         TAMP_BKP18R_Msk
13036 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP19R register  ***************/
13037 #define TAMP_BKP19R_Pos                     (0U)
13038 #define TAMP_BKP19R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP19R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13039 #define TAMP_BKP19R                         TAMP_BKP19R_Msk
13041 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP20R register  ***************/
13042 #define TAMP_BKP20R_Pos                     (0U)
13043 #define TAMP_BKP20R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP20R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13044 #define TAMP_BKP20R                         TAMP_BKP20R_Msk
13046 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP21R register  ***************/
13047 #define TAMP_BKP21R_Pos                     (0U)
13048 #define TAMP_BKP21R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP21R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13049 #define TAMP_BKP21R                         TAMP_BKP21R_Msk
13051 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP22R register  ***************/
13052 #define TAMP_BKP22R_Pos                     (0U)
13053 #define TAMP_BKP22R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP22R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13054 #define TAMP_BKP22R                         TAMP_BKP22R_Msk
13056 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP23R register  ***************/
13057 #define TAMP_BKP23R_Pos                     (0U)
13058 #define TAMP_BKP23R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP23R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13059 #define TAMP_BKP23R                         TAMP_BKP23R_Msk
13061 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP24R register  ***************/
13062 #define TAMP_BKP24R_Pos                     (0U)
13063 #define TAMP_BKP24R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP24R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13064 #define TAMP_BKP24R                         TAMP_BKP24R_Msk
13066 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP25R register  ***************/
13067 #define TAMP_BKP25R_Pos                     (0U)
13068 #define TAMP_BKP25R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP25R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13069 #define TAMP_BKP25R                         TAMP_BKP25R_Msk
13071 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP26R register  ***************/
13072 #define TAMP_BKP26R_Pos                     (0U)
13073 #define TAMP_BKP26R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP26R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13074 #define TAMP_BKP26R                         TAMP_BKP26R_Msk
13076 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP27R register  ***************/
13077 #define TAMP_BKP27R_Pos                     (0U)
13078 #define TAMP_BKP27R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP27R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13079 #define TAMP_BKP27R                         TAMP_BKP27R_Msk
13081 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP28R register  ***************/
13082 #define TAMP_BKP28R_Pos                     (0U)
13083 #define TAMP_BKP28R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP28R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13084 #define TAMP_BKP28R                         TAMP_BKP28R_Msk
13086 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP29R register  ***************/
13087 #define TAMP_BKP29R_Pos                     (0U)
13088 #define TAMP_BKP29R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP29R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13089 #define TAMP_BKP29R                         TAMP_BKP29R_Msk
13091 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP30R register  ***************/
13092 #define TAMP_BKP30R_Pos                     (0U)
13093 #define TAMP_BKP30R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP30R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13094 #define TAMP_BKP30R                         TAMP_BKP30R_Msk
13096 /********************  Bits definition for TAMP_BKP31R register  ***************/
13097 #define TAMP_BKP31R_Pos                     (0U)
13098 #define TAMP_BKP31R_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TAMP_BKP31R_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13099 #define TAMP_BKP31R                         TAMP_BKP31R_Msk
13102 /******************************************************************************/
13103 /*                                                                            */
13104 /*                                    TIM                                     */
13105 /*                                                                            */
13106 /******************************************************************************/
13107 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR1 register  ********************/
13108 #define TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos                     (0U)
13109 #define TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CEN_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
13110 #define TIM_CR1_CEN                         TIM_CR1_CEN_Msk                         /*!<Counter enable */
13111 #define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos                    (1U)
13112 #define TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UDIS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
13113 #define TIM_CR1_UDIS                        TIM_CR1_UDIS_Msk                        /*!<Update disable */
13114 #define TIM_CR1_URS_Pos                     (2U)
13115 #define TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_URS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
13116 #define TIM_CR1_URS                         TIM_CR1_URS_Msk                         /*!<Update request source */
13117 #define TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos                     (3U)
13118 #define TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_OPM_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
13119 #define TIM_CR1_OPM                         TIM_CR1_OPM_Msk                         /*!<One pulse mode */
13120 #define TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos                     (4U)
13121 #define TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DIR_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
13122 #define TIM_CR1_DIR                         TIM_CR1_DIR_Msk                         /*!<Direction */
13123 #define TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos                     (5U)
13124 #define TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                     (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000060 */
13125 #define TIM_CR1_CMS                         TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk                         /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection) */
13126 #define TIM_CR1_CMS_0                       (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
13127 #define TIM_CR1_CMS_1                       (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CMS_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
13128 #define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos                    (7U)
13129 #define TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_ARPE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
13130 #define TIM_CR1_ARPE                        TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk                        /*!<Auto-reload preload enable */
13131 #define TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos                     (8U)
13132 #define TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                     (0x3UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000300 */
13133 #define TIM_CR1_CKD                         TIM_CR1_CKD_Msk                         /*!<CKD[1:0] bits (clock division) */
13134 #define TIM_CR1_CKD_0                       (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
13135 #define TIM_CR1_CKD_1                       (0x2UL << TIM_CR1_CKD_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
13136 #define TIM_CR1_UIFREMAP_Pos                (11U)
13137 #define TIM_CR1_UIFREMAP_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_UIFREMAP_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
13138 #define TIM_CR1_UIFREMAP                    TIM_CR1_UIFREMAP_Msk                    /*!<Update interrupt flag remap */
13139 #define TIM_CR1_DITHEN_Pos                  (12U)
13140 #define TIM_CR1_DITHEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CR1_DITHEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
13141 #define TIM_CR1_DITHEN                      TIM_CR1_DITHEN_Msk                      /*!<Dithering enable */
13143 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CR2 register  ********************/
13144 #define TIM_CR2_CCPC_Pos                    (0U)
13145 #define TIM_CR2_CCPC_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCPC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
13146 #define TIM_CR2_CCPC                        TIM_CR2_CCPC_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare Preloaded Control */
13147 #define TIM_CR2_CCUS_Pos                    (2U)
13148 #define TIM_CR2_CCUS_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCUS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
13149 #define TIM_CR2_CCUS                        TIM_CR2_CCUS_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare Control Update Selection */
13150 #define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos                    (3U)
13151 #define TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_CCDS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
13152 #define TIM_CR2_CCDS                        TIM_CR2_CCDS_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare DMA Selection */
13153 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos                     (4U)
13154 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                     (0x200007UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000070 */
13155 #define TIM_CR2_MMS                         TIM_CR2_MMS_Msk                         /*!<MMS[3:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
13156 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_0                       (0x000001UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
13157 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_1                       (0x000002UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
13158 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_2                       (0x000004UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000040 */
13159 #define TIM_CR2_MMS_3                       (0x200000UL << TIM_CR2_MMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
13160 #define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos                    (7U)
13161 #define TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_TI1S_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
13162 #define TIM_CR2_TI1S                        TIM_CR2_TI1S_Msk                        /*!<TI1 Selection */
13163 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1_Pos                    (8U)
13164 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS1_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
13165 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1                        TIM_CR2_OIS1_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 1 (OC1 output) */
13166 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1N_Pos                   (9U)
13167 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1N_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS1N_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
13168 #define TIM_CR2_OIS1N                       TIM_CR2_OIS1N_Msk                       /*!<Output Idle state 1 (OC1N output) */
13169 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2_Pos                    (10U)
13170 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
13171 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2                        TIM_CR2_OIS2_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 2 (OC2 output) */
13172 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2N_Pos                   (11U)
13173 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2N_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS2N_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
13174 #define TIM_CR2_OIS2N                       TIM_CR2_OIS2N_Msk                       /*!<Output Idle state 2 (OC2N output) */
13175 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3_Pos                    (12U)
13176 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS3_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
13177 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3                        TIM_CR2_OIS3_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 3 (OC3 output) */
13178 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3N_Pos                   (13U)
13179 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3N_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS3N_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
13180 #define TIM_CR2_OIS3N                       TIM_CR2_OIS3N_Msk                       /*!<Output Idle state 3 (OC3N output) */
13181 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4_Pos                    (14U)
13182 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS4_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
13183 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4                        TIM_CR2_OIS4_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 4 (OC4 output) */
13184 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4N_Pos                   (15U)
13185 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4N_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS4N_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
13186 #define TIM_CR2_OIS4N                       TIM_CR2_OIS4N_Msk                       /*!<Output Idle state 4 (OC4N output) */
13187 #define TIM_CR2_OIS5_Pos                    (16U)
13188 #define TIM_CR2_OIS5_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS5_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
13189 #define TIM_CR2_OIS5                        TIM_CR2_OIS5_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 5 (OC5 output) */
13190 #define TIM_CR2_OIS6_Pos                    (18U)
13191 #define TIM_CR2_OIS6_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_OIS6_Pos)             /*!< 0x00040000 */
13192 #define TIM_CR2_OIS6                        TIM_CR2_OIS6_Msk                        /*!<Output Idle state 6 (OC6 output) */
13193 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos                    (20U)
13194 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_Msk                    (0xFUL << TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00F00000 */
13195 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2                        TIM_CR2_MMS2_Msk                        /*!<MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection) */
13196 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_0                      (0x1UL << TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00100000 */
13197 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_1                      (0x2UL << TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00200000 */
13198 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_2                      (0x4UL << TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
13199 #define TIM_CR2_MMS2_3                      (0x8UL << TIM_CR2_MMS2_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
13201 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_SMCR register  *******************/
13202 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos                    (0U)
13203 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                    (0x10007UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010007 */
13204 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS                        TIM_SMCR_SMS_Msk                        /*!<SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection) */
13205 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_0                      (0x00001UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
13206 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_1                      (0x00002UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
13207 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_2                      (0x00004UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
13208 #define TIM_SMCR_SMS_3                      (0x10000UL << TIM_SMCR_SMS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
13209 #define TIM_SMCR_OCCS_Pos                   (3U)
13210 #define TIM_SMCR_OCCS_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_OCCS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
13211 #define TIM_SMCR_OCCS                       TIM_SMCR_OCCS_Msk                       /*!< OCREF clear selection */
13212 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos                     (4U)
13213 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                     (0x30007UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00300070 */
13214 #define TIM_SMCR_TS                         TIM_SMCR_TS_Msk                         /*!<TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection) */
13215 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_0                       (0x00001UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
13216 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_1                       (0x00002UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000020 */
13217 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_2                       (0x00004UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
13218 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_3                       (0x10000UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
13219 #define TIM_SMCR_TS_4                       (0x20000UL << TIM_SMCR_TS_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
13220 #define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos                    (7U)
13221 #define TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_MSM_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
13222 #define TIM_SMCR_MSM                        TIM_SMCR_MSM_Msk                        /*!<Master/slave mode */
13223 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos                    (8U)
13224 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                    (0xFUL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000F00 */
13225 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF                        TIM_SMCR_ETF_Msk                        /*!<ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter) */
13226 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_0                      (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
13227 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_1                      (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
13228 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_2                      (0x4UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
13229 #define TIM_SMCR_ETF_3                      (0x8UL << TIM_SMCR_ETF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
13230 #define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos                   (12U)
13231 #define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                   (0x3UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00003000 */
13232 #define TIM_SMCR_ETPS                       TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Msk                       /*!<ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler) */
13233 #define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_0                     (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
13234 #define TIM_SMCR_ETPS_1                     (0x2UL << TIM_SMCR_ETPS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
13235 #define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos                    (14U)
13236 #define TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ECE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
13237 #define TIM_SMCR_ECE                        TIM_SMCR_ECE_Msk                        /*!<External clock enable */
13238 #define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos                    (15U)
13239 #define TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_ETP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
13240 #define TIM_SMCR_ETP                        TIM_SMCR_ETP_Msk                        /*!<External trigger polarity */
13241 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPE_Pos                  (24U)
13242 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMSPE_Pos)           /*!< 0x02000000 */
13243 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPE                      TIM_SMCR_SMSPE_Msk                      /*!<SMS preload enable */
13244 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPS_Pos                  (25U)
13245 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPS_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_SMCR_SMSPS_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
13246 #define TIM_SMCR_SMSPS                      TIM_SMCR_SMSPS_Msk                      /*!<SMS preload source */
13248 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DIER register  *******************/
13249 #define TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos                    (0U)
13250 #define TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
13251 #define TIM_DIER_UIE                        TIM_DIER_UIE_Msk                        /*!<Update interrupt enable */
13252 #define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos                  (1U)
13253 #define TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
13254 #define TIM_DIER_CC1IE                      TIM_DIER_CC1IE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable */
13255 #define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos                  (2U)
13256 #define TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
13257 #define TIM_DIER_CC2IE                      TIM_DIER_CC2IE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable */
13258 #define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos                  (3U)
13259 #define TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
13260 #define TIM_DIER_CC3IE                      TIM_DIER_CC3IE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable */
13261 #define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos                  (4U)
13262 #define TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13263 #define TIM_DIER_CC4IE                      TIM_DIER_CC4IE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable */
13264 #define TIM_DIER_COMIE_Pos                  (5U)
13265 #define TIM_DIER_COMIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_COMIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13266 #define TIM_DIER_COMIE                      TIM_DIER_COMIE_Msk                      /*!<COM interrupt enable */
13267 #define TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos                    (6U)
13268 #define TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
13269 #define TIM_DIER_TIE                        TIM_DIER_TIE_Msk                        /*!<Trigger interrupt enable */
13270 #define TIM_DIER_BIE_Pos                    (7U)
13271 #define TIM_DIER_BIE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_BIE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
13272 #define TIM_DIER_BIE                        TIM_DIER_BIE_Msk                        /*!<Break interrupt enable */
13273 #define TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos                    (8U)
13274 #define TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_UDE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
13275 #define TIM_DIER_UDE                        TIM_DIER_UDE_Msk                        /*!<Update DMA request enable */
13276 #define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos                  (9U)
13277 #define TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
13278 #define TIM_DIER_CC1DE                      TIM_DIER_CC1DE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable */
13279 #define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos                  (10U)
13280 #define TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
13281 #define TIM_DIER_CC2DE                      TIM_DIER_CC2DE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable */
13282 #define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos                  (11U)
13283 #define TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
13284 #define TIM_DIER_CC3DE                      TIM_DIER_CC3DE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable */
13285 #define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos                  (12U)
13286 #define TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
13287 #define TIM_DIER_CC4DE                      TIM_DIER_CC4DE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable */
13288 #define TIM_DIER_COMDE_Pos                  (13U)
13289 #define TIM_DIER_COMDE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_COMDE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
13290 #define TIM_DIER_COMDE                      TIM_DIER_COMDE_Msk                      /*!<COM DMA request enable */
13291 #define TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos                    (14U)
13292 #define TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TDE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
13293 #define TIM_DIER_TDE                        TIM_DIER_TDE_Msk                        /*!<Trigger DMA request enable */
13294 #define TIM_DIER_IDXIE_Pos                  (20U)
13295 #define TIM_DIER_IDXIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_IDXIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00100000 */
13296 #define TIM_DIER_IDXIE                      TIM_DIER_IDXIE_Msk                      /*!<Encoder index interrupt enable */
13297 #define TIM_DIER_DIRIE_Pos                  (21U)
13298 #define TIM_DIER_DIRIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_DIRIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00200000 */
13299 #define TIM_DIER_DIRIE                      TIM_DIER_DIRIE_Msk                      /*!<Encoder direction change interrupt enable */
13300 #define TIM_DIER_IERRIE_Pos                 (22U)
13301 #define TIM_DIER_IERRIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_IERRIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
13302 #define TIM_DIER_IERRIE                     TIM_DIER_IERRIE_Msk                     /*!<Encoder index error enable */
13303 #define TIM_DIER_TERRIE_Pos                 (23U)
13304 #define TIM_DIER_TERRIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_DIER_TERRIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
13305 #define TIM_DIER_TERRIE                     TIM_DIER_TERRIE_Msk                     /*!<Encoder transition error enable */
13307 /********************  Bit definition for TIM_SR register  ********************/
13308 #define TIM_SR_UIF_Pos                      (0U)
13309 #define TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_SR_UIF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
13310 #define TIM_SR_UIF                          TIM_SR_UIF_Msk                          /*!<Update interrupt Flag */
13311 #define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos                    (1U)
13312 #define TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
13313 #define TIM_SR_CC1IF                        TIM_SR_CC1IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag */
13314 #define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos                    (2U)
13315 #define TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
13316 #define TIM_SR_CC2IF                        TIM_SR_CC2IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag */
13317 #define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos                    (3U)
13318 #define TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
13319 #define TIM_SR_CC3IF                        TIM_SR_CC3IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag */
13320 #define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos                    (4U)
13321 #define TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
13322 #define TIM_SR_CC4IF                        TIM_SR_CC4IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag */
13323 #define TIM_SR_COMIF_Pos                    (5U)
13324 #define TIM_SR_COMIF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_COMIF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
13325 #define TIM_SR_COMIF                        TIM_SR_COMIF_Msk                        /*!<COM interrupt Flag */
13326 #define TIM_SR_TIF_Pos                      (6U)
13327 #define TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TIF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
13328 #define TIM_SR_TIF                          TIM_SR_TIF_Msk                          /*!<Trigger interrupt Flag */
13329 #define TIM_SR_BIF_Pos                      (7U)
13330 #define TIM_SR_BIF_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_SR_BIF_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
13331 #define TIM_SR_BIF                          TIM_SR_BIF_Msk                          /*!<Break interrupt Flag */
13332 #define TIM_SR_B2IF_Pos                     (8U)
13333 #define TIM_SR_B2IF_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_SR_B2IF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
13334 #define TIM_SR_B2IF                         TIM_SR_B2IF_Msk                         /*!<Break 2 interrupt Flag */
13335 #define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos                    (9U)
13336 #define TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC1OF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
13337 #define TIM_SR_CC1OF                        TIM_SR_CC1OF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag */
13338 #define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos                    (10U)
13339 #define TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC2OF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
13340 #define TIM_SR_CC2OF                        TIM_SR_CC2OF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag */
13341 #define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos                    (11U)
13342 #define TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC3OF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
13343 #define TIM_SR_CC3OF                        TIM_SR_CC3OF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag */
13344 #define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos                    (12U)
13345 #define TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC4OF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
13346 #define TIM_SR_CC4OF                        TIM_SR_CC4OF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag */
13347 #define TIM_SR_SBIF_Pos                     (13U)
13348 #define TIM_SR_SBIF_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_SR_SBIF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
13349 #define TIM_SR_SBIF                         TIM_SR_SBIF_Msk                         /*!<System Break interrupt Flag */
13350 #define TIM_SR_CC5IF_Pos                    (16U)
13351 #define TIM_SR_CC5IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC5IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00010000 */
13352 #define TIM_SR_CC5IF                        TIM_SR_CC5IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 5 interrupt Flag */
13353 #define TIM_SR_CC6IF_Pos                    (17U)
13354 #define TIM_SR_CC6IF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_CC6IF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00020000 */
13355 #define TIM_SR_CC6IF                        TIM_SR_CC6IF_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 6 interrupt Flag */
13356 #define TIM_SR_IDXF_Pos                     (20U)
13357 #define TIM_SR_IDXF_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_SR_IDXF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
13358 #define TIM_SR_IDXF                         TIM_SR_IDXF_Msk                         /*!<Encoder index interrupt flag */
13359 #define TIM_SR_DIRF_Pos                     (21U)
13360 #define TIM_SR_DIRF_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_SR_DIRF_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
13361 #define TIM_SR_DIRF                         TIM_SR_DIRF_Msk                         /*!<Encoder direction change interrupt flag */
13362 #define TIM_SR_IERRF_Pos                    (22U)
13363 #define TIM_SR_IERRF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_IERRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00400000 */
13364 #define TIM_SR_IERRF                        TIM_SR_IERRF_Msk                        /*!<Encoder index error flag */
13365 #define TIM_SR_TERRF_Pos                    (23U)
13366 #define TIM_SR_TERRF_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_SR_TERRF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00800000 */
13367 #define TIM_SR_TERRF                        TIM_SR_TERRF_Msk                        /*!<Encoder transition error flag */
13369 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_EGR register  ********************/
13370 #define TIM_EGR_UG_Pos                      (0U)
13371 #define TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_UG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
13372 #define TIM_EGR_UG                          TIM_EGR_UG_Msk                          /*!<Update Generation */
13373 #define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos                    (1U)
13374 #define TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC1G_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
13375 #define TIM_EGR_CC1G                        TIM_EGR_CC1G_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Generation */
13376 #define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos                    (2U)
13377 #define TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC2G_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
13378 #define TIM_EGR_CC2G                        TIM_EGR_CC2G_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Generation */
13379 #define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos                    (3U)
13380 #define TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC3G_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
13381 #define TIM_EGR_CC3G                        TIM_EGR_CC3G_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Generation */
13382 #define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos                    (4U)
13383 #define TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_CC4G_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
13384 #define TIM_EGR_CC4G                        TIM_EGR_CC4G_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Generation */
13385 #define TIM_EGR_COMG_Pos                    (5U)
13386 #define TIM_EGR_COMG_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_COMG_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
13387 #define TIM_EGR_COMG                        TIM_EGR_COMG_Msk                        /*!<Capture/Compare Control Update Generation */
13388 #define TIM_EGR_TG_Pos                      (6U)
13389 #define TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_TG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
13390 #define TIM_EGR_TG                          TIM_EGR_TG_Msk                          /*!<Trigger Generation */
13391 #define TIM_EGR_BG_Pos                      (7U)
13392 #define TIM_EGR_BG_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_BG_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
13393 #define TIM_EGR_BG                          TIM_EGR_BG_Msk                          /*!<Break Generation */
13394 #define TIM_EGR_B2G_Pos                     (8U)
13395 #define TIM_EGR_B2G_Msk                     (0x1UL << TIM_EGR_B2G_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
13396 #define TIM_EGR_B2G                         TIM_EGR_B2G_Msk                         /*!<Break 2 Generation */
13399 /******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR1 register  *******************/
13400 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos                  (0U)
13401 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                  (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000003 */
13402 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S                      TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Msk                      /*!<CC1S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection) */
13403 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
13404 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC1S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
13405 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos                 (2U)
13406 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
13407 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
13408 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos                 (3U)
13409 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
13410 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC1PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 1 Preload enable */
13411 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos                  (4U)
13412 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010070 */
13413 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M                      TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk                      /*!<OC1M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode) */
13414 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
13415 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
13416 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
13417 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
13418 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos                 (7U)
13419 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
13420 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC1CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 1 Clear Enable */
13421 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos                  (8U)
13422 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                  (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
13423 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S                      TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Msk                      /*!<CC2S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection) */
13424 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
13425 #define TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_CC2S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
13426 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos                 (10U)
13427 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
13428 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
13429 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos                 (11U)
13430 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13431 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 2 Preload enable */
13432 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos                  (12U)
13433 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01007000 */
13434 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M                      TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Msk                      /*!<OC2M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode) */
13435 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
13436 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
13437 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
13438 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
13439 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos                 (15U)
13440 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
13441 #define TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE                     TIM_CCMR1_OC2CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 2 Clear Enable */
13443 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
13444 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos                (2U)
13445 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
13446 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC                    TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Msk                    /*!<IC1PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler) */
13447 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
13448 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
13449 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos                  (4U)
13450 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                  (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000F0 */
13451 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F                      TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Msk                      /*!<IC1F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter) */
13452 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13453 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13454 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_2                    (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13455 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_3                    (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC1F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13456 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos                (10U)
13457 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
13458 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC                    TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Msk                    /*!<IC2PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) */
13459 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
13460 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
13461 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos                  (12U)
13462 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                  (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000F000 */
13463 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F                      TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Msk                      /*!<IC2F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter) */
13464 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
13465 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
13466 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_2                    (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
13467 #define TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_3                    (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR1_IC2F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
13469 /******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR2 register  *******************/
13470 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos                  (0U)
13471 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                  (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000003 */
13472 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S                      TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Msk                      /*!<CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) */
13473 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
13474 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC3S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
13475 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos                 (2U)
13476 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
13477 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
13478 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos                 (3U)
13479 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
13480 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC3PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 3 Preload enable */
13481 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos                  (4U)
13482 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010070 */
13483 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M                      TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Msk                      /*!<OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode) */
13484 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
13485 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
13486 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
13487 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
13488 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos                 (7U)
13489 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
13490 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC3CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 3 Clear Enable */
13491 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos                  (8U)
13492 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                  (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000300 */
13493 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S                      TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Msk                      /*!<CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection) */
13494 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
13495 #define TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_CC4S_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
13496 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos                 (10U)
13497 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
13498 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
13499 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos                 (11U)
13500 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13501 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC4PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 4 Preload enable */
13502 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos                  (12U)
13503 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01007000 */
13504 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M                      TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Msk                      /*!<OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode) */
13505 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
13506 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
13507 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
13508 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
13509 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos                 (15U)
13510 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
13511 #define TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE                     TIM_CCMR2_OC4CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 4 Clear Enable */
13513 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
13514 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos                (2U)
13515 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000C */
13516 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC                    TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Msk                    /*!<IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler) */
13517 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
13518 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
13519 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos                  (4U)
13520 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                  (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x000000F0 */
13521 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F                      TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Msk                      /*!<IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter) */
13522 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13523 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13524 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_2                    (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13525 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_3                    (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC3F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13526 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos                (10U)
13527 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                (0x3UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000C00 */
13528 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC                    TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Msk                    /*!<IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler) */
13529 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
13530 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4PSC_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
13531 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos                  (12U)
13532 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                  (0xFUL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000F000 */
13533 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F                      TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Msk                      /*!<IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter) */
13534 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_0                    (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
13535 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_1                    (0x2UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
13536 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_2                    (0x4UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
13537 #define TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_3                    (0x8UL << TIM_CCMR2_IC4F_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
13539 /******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCMR3 register  *******************/
13540 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE_Pos                 (2U)
13541 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
13542 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 5 Fast enable */
13543 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5PE_Pos                 (3U)
13544 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
13545 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5PE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC5PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 5 Preload enable */
13546 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos                  (4U)
13547 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010070 */
13548 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M                      TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Msk                      /*!<OC5M[3:0] bits (Output Compare 5 Mode) */
13549 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000010 */
13550 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000020 */
13551 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000040 */
13552 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00010000 */
13553 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5CE_Pos                 (7U)
13554 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC5CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
13555 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC5CE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC5CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 5 Clear Enable */
13556 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE_Pos                 (10U)
13557 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
13558 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 6 Fast enable */
13559 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6PE_Pos                 (11U)
13560 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6PE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6PE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13561 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6PE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC6PE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 6 Preload enable */
13562 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos                  (12U)
13563 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Msk                  (0x1007UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01007000 */
13564 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M                      TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Msk                      /*!<OC6M[3:0] bits (Output Compare 6 Mode) */
13565 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_0                    (0x0001UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00001000 */
13566 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_1                    (0x0002UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00002000 */
13567 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_2                    (0x0004UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos)        /*!< 0x00004000 */
13568 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_3                    (0x1000UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6M_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
13569 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6CE_Pos                 (15U)
13570 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6CE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_CCMR3_OC6CE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
13571 #define TIM_CCMR3_OC6CE                     TIM_CCMR3_OC6CE_Msk                     /*!<Output Compare 6 Clear Enable */
13573 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCER register  *******************/
13574 #define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos                   (0U)
13575 #define TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
13576 #define TIM_CCER_CC1E                       TIM_CCER_CC1E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output enable */
13577 #define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos                   (1U)
13578 #define TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
13579 #define TIM_CCER_CC1P                       TIM_CCER_CC1P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity */
13580 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NE_Pos                  (2U)
13581 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
13582 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NE                      TIM_CCER_CC1NE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output enable */
13583 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos                  (3U)
13584 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
13585 #define TIM_CCER_CC1NP                      TIM_CCER_CC1NP_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity */
13586 #define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos                   (4U)
13587 #define TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
13588 #define TIM_CCER_CC2E                       TIM_CCER_CC2E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output enable */
13589 #define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos                   (5U)
13590 #define TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
13591 #define TIM_CCER_CC2P                       TIM_CCER_CC2P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity */
13592 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NE_Pos                  (6U)
13593 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13594 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NE                      TIM_CCER_CC2NE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output enable */
13595 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos                  (7U)
13596 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13597 #define TIM_CCER_CC2NP                      TIM_CCER_CC2NP_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity */
13598 #define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos                   (8U)
13599 #define TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
13600 #define TIM_CCER_CC3E                       TIM_CCER_CC3E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output enable */
13601 #define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos                   (9U)
13602 #define TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
13603 #define TIM_CCER_CC3P                       TIM_CCER_CC3P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity */
13604 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NE_Pos                  (10U)
13605 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
13606 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NE                      TIM_CCER_CC3NE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output enable */
13607 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos                  (11U)
13608 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
13609 #define TIM_CCER_CC3NP                      TIM_CCER_CC3NP_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity */
13610 #define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos                   (12U)
13611 #define TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00001000 */
13612 #define TIM_CCER_CC4E                       TIM_CCER_CC4E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output enable */
13613 #define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos                   (13U)
13614 #define TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
13615 #define TIM_CCER_CC4P                       TIM_CCER_CC4P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity */
13616 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NE_Pos                  (14U)
13617 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
13618 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NE                      TIM_CCER_CC4NE_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output enable */
13619 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos                  (15U)
13620 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
13621 #define TIM_CCER_CC4NP                      TIM_CCER_CC4NP_Msk                      /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity */
13622 #define TIM_CCER_CC5E_Pos                   (16U)
13623 #define TIM_CCER_CC5E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC5E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
13624 #define TIM_CCER_CC5E                       TIM_CCER_CC5E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 5 output enable */
13625 #define TIM_CCER_CC5P_Pos                   (17U)
13626 #define TIM_CCER_CC5P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC5P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
13627 #define TIM_CCER_CC5P                       TIM_CCER_CC5P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 5 output Polarity */
13628 #define TIM_CCER_CC6E_Pos                   (20U)
13629 #define TIM_CCER_CC6E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC6E_Pos)            /*!< 0x00100000 */
13630 #define TIM_CCER_CC6E                       TIM_CCER_CC6E_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 6 output enable */
13631 #define TIM_CCER_CC6P_Pos                   (21U)
13632 #define TIM_CCER_CC6P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_CCER_CC6P_Pos)            /*!< 0x00200000 */
13633 #define TIM_CCER_CC6P                       TIM_CCER_CC6P_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 6 output Polarity */
13635 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CNT register  ********************/
13636 #define TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos                     (0U)
13637 #define TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TIM_CNT_CNT_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13638 #define TIM_CNT_CNT                         TIM_CNT_CNT_Msk                         /*!<Counter Value */
13639 #define TIM_CNT_UIFCPY_Pos                  (31U)
13640 #define TIM_CNT_UIFCPY_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CNT_UIFCPY_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
13641 #define TIM_CNT_UIFCPY                      TIM_CNT_UIFCPY_Msk                      /*!<Update interrupt flag copy (if UIFREMAP=1) */
13643 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_PSC register  ********************/
13644 #define TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos                     (0U)
13645 #define TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                     (0xFFFFUL << TIM_PSC_PSC_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
13646 #define TIM_PSC_PSC                         TIM_PSC_PSC_Msk                         /*!<Prescaler Value */
13648 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ARR register  ********************/
13649 #define TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos                     (0U)
13650 #define TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                     (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TIM_ARR_ARR_Pos)       /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13651 #define TIM_ARR_ARR                         TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk                         /*!<Actual auto-reload Value */
13653 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_RCR register  ********************/
13654 #define TIM_RCR_REP_Pos                     (0U)
13655 #define TIM_RCR_REP_Msk                     (0xFFFFUL << TIM_RCR_REP_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
13656 #define TIM_RCR_REP                         TIM_RCR_REP_Msk                         /*!<Repetition Counter Value */
13658 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR1 register  *******************/
13659 #define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos                   (0U)
13660 #define TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13661 #define TIM_CCR1_CCR1                       TIM_CCR1_CCR1_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 1 Value */
13663 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR2 register  *******************/
13664 #define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos                   (0U)
13665 #define TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13666 #define TIM_CCR2_CCR2                       TIM_CCR2_CCR2_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 2 Value */
13668 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR3 register  *******************/
13669 #define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos                   (0U)
13670 #define TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13671 #define TIM_CCR3_CCR3                       TIM_CCR3_CCR3_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 3 Value */
13673 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR4 register  *******************/
13674 #define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos                   (0U)
13675 #define TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13676 #define TIM_CCR4_CCR4                       TIM_CCR4_CCR4_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 4 Value */
13678 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR5 register  *******************/
13679 #define TIM_CCR5_CCR5_Pos                   (0U)
13680 #define TIM_CCR5_CCR5_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR5_CCR5_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13681 #define TIM_CCR5_CCR5                       TIM_CCR5_CCR5_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 5 Value */
13682 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C1_Pos                  (29U)
13683 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C1_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCR5_GC5C1_Pos)           /*!< 0x20000000 */
13684 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C1                      TIM_CCR5_GC5C1_Msk                      /*!<Group Channel 5 and Channel 1 */
13685 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C2_Pos                  (30U)
13686 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C2_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCR5_GC5C2_Pos)           /*!< 0x40000000 */
13687 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C2                      TIM_CCR5_GC5C2_Msk                      /*!<Group Channel 5 and Channel 2 */
13688 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C3_Pos                  (31U)
13689 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C3_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_CCR5_GC5C3_Pos)           /*!< 0x80000000 */
13690 #define TIM_CCR5_GC5C3                      TIM_CCR5_GC5C3_Msk                      /*!<Group Channel 5 and Channel 3 */
13692 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_CCR6 register  *******************/
13693 #define TIM_CCR6_CCR6_Pos                   (0U)
13694 #define TIM_CCR6_CCR6_Msk                   (0xFFFFFUL << TIM_CCR6_CCR6_Pos)        /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
13695 #define TIM_CCR6_CCR6                       TIM_CCR6_CCR6_Msk                       /*!<Capture/Compare 6 Value */
13697 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_BDTR register  *******************/
13698 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos                    (0U)
13699 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_Msk                    (0xFFUL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x000000FF */
13700 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG                        TIM_BDTR_DTG_Msk                        /*!<DTG[0:7] bits (Dead-Time Generator set-up) */
13701 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_0                      (0x01UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
13702 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_1                      (0x02UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
13703 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_2                      (0x04UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000004 */
13704 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_3                      (0x08UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
13705 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_4                      (0x10UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
13706 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_5                      (0x20UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000020 */
13707 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_6                      (0x40UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000040 */
13708 #define TIM_BDTR_DTG_7                      (0x80UL << TIM_BDTR_DTG_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
13709 #define TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Pos                   (8U)
13710 #define TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Msk                   (0x3UL << TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000300 */
13711 #define TIM_BDTR_LOCK                       TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Msk                       /*!<LOCK[1:0] bits (Lock Configuration) */
13712 #define TIM_BDTR_LOCK_0                     (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
13713 #define TIM_BDTR_LOCK_1                     (0x2UL << TIM_BDTR_LOCK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
13714 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSI_Pos                   (10U)
13715 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSI_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_OSSI_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
13716 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSI                       TIM_BDTR_OSSI_Msk                       /*!<Off-State Selection for Idle mode */
13717 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSR_Pos                   (11U)
13718 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSR_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_OSSR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
13719 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSR                       TIM_BDTR_OSSR_Msk                       /*!<Off-State Selection for Run mode */
13720 #define TIM_BDTR_BKE_Pos                    (12U)
13721 #define TIM_BDTR_BKE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BKE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
13722 #define TIM_BDTR_BKE                        TIM_BDTR_BKE_Msk                        /*!<Break enable for Break 1 */
13723 #define TIM_BDTR_BKP_Pos                    (13U)
13724 #define TIM_BDTR_BKP_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BKP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00002000 */
13725 #define TIM_BDTR_BKP                        TIM_BDTR_BKP_Msk                        /*!<Break Polarity for Break 1 */
13726 #define TIM_BDTR_AOE_Pos                    (14U)
13727 #define TIM_BDTR_AOE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_AOE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00004000 */
13728 #define TIM_BDTR_AOE                        TIM_BDTR_AOE_Msk                        /*!<Automatic Output enable */
13729 #define TIM_BDTR_MOE_Pos                    (15U)
13730 #define TIM_BDTR_MOE_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_MOE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00008000 */
13731 #define TIM_BDTR_MOE                        TIM_BDTR_MOE_Msk                        /*!<Main Output enable */
13732 #define TIM_BDTR_BKF_Pos                    (16U)
13733 #define TIM_BDTR_BKF_Msk                    (0xFUL << TIM_BDTR_BKF_Pos)             /*!< 0x000F0000 */
13734 #define TIM_BDTR_BKF                        TIM_BDTR_BKF_Msk                        /*!<Break Filter for Break 1 */
13735 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2F_Pos                   (20U)
13736 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2F_Msk                   (0xFUL << TIM_BDTR_BK2F_Pos)            /*!< 0x00F00000 */
13737 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2F                       TIM_BDTR_BK2F_Msk                       /*!<Break Filter for Break 2 */
13738 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2E_Pos                   (24U)
13739 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2E_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BK2E_Pos)            /*!< 0x01000000 */
13740 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2E                       TIM_BDTR_BK2E_Msk                       /*!<Break enable for Break 2 */
13741 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2P_Pos                   (25U)
13742 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2P_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BK2P_Pos)            /*!< 0x02000000 */
13743 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2P                       TIM_BDTR_BK2P_Msk                       /*!<Break Polarity for Break 2 */
13744 #define TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM_Pos                 (26U)
13745 #define TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
13746 #define TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM                     TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM_Msk                     /*!<Break disarming/re-arming */
13747 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM_Pos                (27U)
13748 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
13749 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM                    TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM_Msk                    /*!<Break2 disarming/re-arming */
13750 #define TIM_BDTR_BKBID_Pos                  (28U)
13751 #define TIM_BDTR_BKBID_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BKBID_Pos)           /*!< 0x10000000 */
13752 #define TIM_BDTR_BKBID                      TIM_BDTR_BKBID_Msk                      /*!<Break BIDirectional */
13753 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2BID_Pos                 (29U)
13754 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2BID_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_BDTR_BK2BID_Pos)          /*!< 0x20000000 */
13755 #define TIM_BDTR_BK2BID                     TIM_BDTR_BK2BID_Msk                     /*!<Break2 BIDirectional */
13757 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DCR register  ********************/
13758 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos                     (0U)
13759 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                     (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000001F */
13760 #define TIM_DCR_DBA                         TIM_DCR_DBA_Msk                         /*!<DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address) */
13761 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_0                       (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
13762 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_1                       (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
13763 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_2                       (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
13764 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_3                       (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
13765 #define TIM_DCR_DBA_4                       (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000010 */
13766 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos                     (8U)
13767 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                     (0x1FUL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001F00 */
13768 #define TIM_DCR_DBL                         TIM_DCR_DBL_Msk                         /*!<DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length) */
13769 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_0                       (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000100 */
13770 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_1                       (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
13771 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_2                       (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000400 */
13772 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_3                       (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000800 */
13773 #define TIM_DCR_DBL_4                       (0x10UL << TIM_DCR_DBL_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
13774 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos                    (16U)
13775 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_Msk                    (0xFUL << TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000F00 */
13776 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS                        TIM_DCR_DBSS_Msk                        /*!<DBSS[19:16] bits (DMA Burst Source Selection) */
13777 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_0                      (0x01UL << TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000100 */
13778 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_1                      (0x02UL << TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
13779 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_2                      (0x04UL << TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
13780 #define TIM_DCR_DBSS_3                      (0x08UL << TIM_DCR_DBSS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000800 */
13782 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_AF1 register  *******************/
13783 #define TIM_AF1_BKINE_Pos                  (0U)
13784 #define TIM_AF1_BKINE_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKINE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
13785 #define TIM_AF1_BKINE                      TIM_AF1_BKINE_Msk                        /*!<BRK BKIN input enable */
13786 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1E_Pos                (1U)
13787 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP1E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
13788 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP1E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP1 enable */
13789 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2E_Pos                (2U)
13790 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP2E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
13791 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP2E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP2 enable */
13792 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3E_Pos                (3U)
13793 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP3E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
13794 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP3E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP3 enable */
13795 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4E_Pos                (4U)
13796 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP4E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13797 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP4E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP4 enable */
13798 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP5E_Pos                (5U)
13799 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP5E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP5E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13800 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP5E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP5E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP5 enable */
13801 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP6E_Pos                (6U)
13802 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP6E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP6E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13803 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP6E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP6E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP6 enable */
13804 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP7E_Pos                (7U)
13805 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP7E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP7E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13806 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP7E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP7E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP7 enable */
13807 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP8E_Pos                (8U)
13808 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP8E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP8E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
13809 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP8E                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP8E_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP8 enable */
13810 #define TIM_AF1_BKINP_Pos                  (9U)
13811 #define TIM_AF1_BKINP_Msk                  (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKINP_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
13812 #define TIM_AF1_BKINP                      TIM_AF1_BKINP_Msk                        /*!<BRK BKIN input polarity */
13813 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1P_Pos                (10U)
13814 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1P_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP1P_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
13815 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP1P                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP1P_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP1 input polarity */
13816 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2P_Pos                (11U)
13817 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2P_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP2P_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
13818 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP2P                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP2P_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP2 input polarity */
13819 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3P_Pos                (12U)
13820 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3P_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP3P_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
13821 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP3P                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP3P_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP3 input polarity */
13822 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4P_Pos                (13U)
13823 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4P_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_BKCMP4P_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
13824 #define TIM_AF1_BKCMP4P                    TIM_AF1_BKCMP4P_Msk                      /*!<BRK COMP4 input polarity */
13825 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos                 (14U)
13826 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Msk                 (0xFUL << TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x0003C000 */
13827 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL                     TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Msk                       /*!<ETRSEL[3:0] bits (TIM1 ETR source selection) */
13828 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_0                   (0x1UL << TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
13829 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_1                   (0x2UL << TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
13830 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_2                   (0x4UL << TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
13831 #define TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_3                   (0x8UL << TIM_AF1_ETRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
13833 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_AF2 register  *********************/
13834 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INE_Pos                 (0U)
13835 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INE_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2INE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
13836 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INE                     TIM_AF2_BK2INE_Msk                       /*!<BRK2 BKIN input enable */
13837 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1E_Pos               (1U)
13838 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1E_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000002 */
13839 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1E                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1E_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP1 enable */
13840 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2E_Pos               (2U)
13841 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2E_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2E_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000004 */
13842 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2E                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2E_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP2 enable */
13843 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP3E_Pos                (3U)
13844 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP3E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP3E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
13845 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP3E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP3E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP3 enable */
13846 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP4E_Pos                (4U)
13847 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP4E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP4E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13848 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP4E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP4E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP4 enable */
13849 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP5E_Pos                (5U)
13850 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP5E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP5E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13851 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP5E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP5E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP5 enable */
13852 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP6E_Pos                (6U)
13853 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP6E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP6E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13854 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP6E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP6E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP6 enable */
13855 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP7E_Pos                (7U)
13856 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP7E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP7E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13857 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP7E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP7E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP7 enable */
13858 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP8E_Pos                (8U)
13859 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP8E_Msk                (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BKCMP8E_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
13860 #define TIM_AF2_BKCMP8E                    TIM_AF2_BKCMP8E_Msk                      /*!<BRK2 COMP8 enable */
13861 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INP_Pos                 (9U)
13862 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INP_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2INP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000200 */
13863 #define TIM_AF2_BK2INP                     TIM_AF2_BK2INP_Msk                       /*!<BRK2 BKIN input polarity */
13864 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1P_Pos               (10U)
13865 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1P_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1P_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
13866 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1P                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP1P_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP1 input polarity */
13867 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2P_Pos               (11U)
13868 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2P_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2P_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13869 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2P                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP2P_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP2 input polarity */
13870 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP3P_Pos               (11U)
13871 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP3P_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP3P_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13872 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP3P                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP3P_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP3 input polarity */
13873 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP4P_Pos               (11U)
13874 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP4P_Msk               (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_BK2CMP4P_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
13875 #define TIM_AF2_BK2CMP4P                   TIM_AF2_BK2CMP4P_Msk                     /*!<BRK2 COMP4 input polarity */
13876 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Pos                 (16U)
13877 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Msk                 (0x7UL << TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00070000 */
13878 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL                     TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Msk                       /*!<OCREF_CLR source selection */
13879 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_0                   (0x1UL << TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00010000 */
13880 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_1                   (0x2UL << TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
13881 #define TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_2                   (0x4UL << TIM_AF2_OCRSEL_Pos)            /*!< 0x00040000 */
13883 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_OR register  *********************/
13884 #define TIM_OR_HSE32EN_Pos                 (1U)
13885 #define TIM_OR_HSE32EN_Msk                 (0x1UL << TIM_OR_HSE32EN_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
13886 #define TIM_OR_HSE32EN                     TIM_OR_HSE32EN_Msk                       /*!< HSE/32 clock enable */
13888 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_TISEL register  *********************/
13889 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos                (0U)
13890 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Msk                (0xFUL << TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x0000000F */
13891 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL                    TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Msk                    /*!<TI1SEL[3:0] bits (TIM1 TI1 SEL)*/
13892 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000001 */
13893 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000002 */
13894 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_2                  (0x4UL << TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000004 */
13895 #define TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_3                  (0x8UL << TIM_TISEL_TI1SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000008 */
13896 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos                (8U)
13897 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Msk                (0xFUL << TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000F00 */
13898 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL                    TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Msk                    /*!<TI2SEL[3:0] bits (TIM1 TI2 SEL)*/
13899 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000100 */
13900 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000200 */
13901 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_2                  (0x4UL << TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000400 */
13902 #define TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_3                  (0x8UL << TIM_TISEL_TI2SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
13903 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos                (16U)
13904 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Msk                (0xFUL << TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x000F0000 */
13905 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL                    TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Msk                    /*!<TI3SEL[3:0] bits (TIM1 TI3 SEL)*/
13906 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00010000 */
13907 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00020000 */
13908 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_2                  (0x4UL << TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00040000 */
13909 #define TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_3                  (0x8UL << TIM_TISEL_TI3SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x00080000 */
13910 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos                (24U)
13911 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Msk                (0xFUL << TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x0F000000 */
13912 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL                    TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Msk                    /*!<TI4SEL[3:0] bits (TIM1 TI4 SEL)*/
13913 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_0                  (0x1UL << TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x01000000 */
13914 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_1                  (0x2UL << TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x02000000 */
13915 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_2                  (0x4UL << TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x04000000 */
13916 #define TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_3                  (0x8UL << TIM_TISEL_TI4SEL_Pos)         /*!< 0x08000000 */
13918 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DTR2 register  *********************/
13919 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos                   (0U)
13920 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Msk                   (0xFFUL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000000F */
13921 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF                       TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Msk                       /*!<DTGF[7:0] bits (Deadtime falling edge generator setup)*/
13922 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_0                     (0x01UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
13923 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_1                     (0x02UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
13924 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_2                     (0x04UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
13925 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_3                     (0x08UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000008 */
13926 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_4                     (0x10UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
13927 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_5                     (0x20UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
13928 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_6                     (0x40UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
13929 #define TIM_DTR2_DTGF_7                     (0x80UL << TIM_DTR2_DTGF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
13930 #define TIM_DTR2_DTAE_Pos                   (16U)
13931 #define TIM_DTR2_DTAE_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_DTR2_DTAE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
13932 #define TIM_DTR2_DTAE                       TIM_DTR2_DTAE_Msk                       /*!<Deadtime asymmetric enable */
13933 #define TIM_DTR2_DTPE_Pos                   (17U)
13934 #define TIM_DTR2_DTPE_Msk                   (0x1UL << TIM_DTR2_DTPE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
13935 #define TIM_DTR2_DTPE                       TIM_DTR2_DTPE_Msk                       /*!<Deadtime prelaod enable */
13937 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_ECR register  *********************/
13938 #define TIM_ECR_IE_Pos                      (0U)
13939 #define TIM_ECR_IE_Msk                      (0x1UL << TIM_ECR_IE_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
13940 #define TIM_ECR_IE                          TIM_ECR_IE_Msk                          /*!<Index enable */
13941 #define TIM_ECR_IDIR_Pos                    (1U)
13942 #define TIM_ECR_IDIR_Msk                    (0x3UL << TIM_ECR_IDIR_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000006 */
13943 #define TIM_ECR_IDIR                        TIM_ECR_IDIR_Msk                        /*!<IDIR[1:0] bits (Index direction)*/
13944 #define TIM_ECR_IDIR_0                      (0x01UL << TIM_ECR_IDIR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
13945 #define TIM_ECR_IDIR_1                      (0x02UL << TIM_ECR_IDIR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
13946 #define TIM_ECR_IBLK_Pos                    (3U)
13947 #define TIM_ECR_IBLK_Msk                    (0x3UL << TIM_ECR_IBLK_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000018 */
13948 #define TIM_ECR_IBLK                        TIM_ECR_IBLK_Msk                        /*!<IBLK[1:0] bits (Index blanking)*/
13949 #define TIM_ECR_IBLK_0                      (0x01UL << TIM_ECR_IBLK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
13950 #define TIM_ECR_IBLK_1                      (0x02UL << TIM_ECR_IBLK_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000010 */
13951 #define TIM_ECR_FIDX_Pos                    (5U)
13952 #define TIM_ECR_FIDX_Msk                    (0x1UL << TIM_ECR_FIDX_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000020 */
13953 #define TIM_ECR_FIDX                        TIM_ECR_FIDX_Msk                        /*!<First index enable */
13954 #define TIM_ECR_IPOS_Pos                    (6U)
13955 #define TIM_ECR_IPOS_Msk                    (0x3UL << TIM_ECR_IPOS_Pos)             /*!< 0x0000000C0 */
13956 #define TIM_ECR_IPOS                        TIM_ECR_IPOS_Msk                        /*!<IPOS[1:0] bits (Index positioning)*/
13957 #define TIM_ECR_IPOS_0                      (0x01UL << TIM_ECR_IPOS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
13958 #define TIM_ECR_IPOS_1                      (0x02UL << TIM_ECR_IPOS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000002 */
13959 #define TIM_ECR_PW_Pos                      (16U)
13960 #define TIM_ECR_PW_Msk                      (0xFFUL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00FF0000 */
13961 #define TIM_ECR_PW                          TIM_ECR_PW_Msk                          /*!<PW[7:0] bits (Pulse width)*/
13962 #define TIM_ECR_PW_0                        (0x01UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
13963 #define TIM_ECR_PW_1                        (0x02UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
13964 #define TIM_ECR_PW_2                        (0x04UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00040000 */
13965 #define TIM_ECR_PW_3                        (0x08UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
13966 #define TIM_ECR_PW_4                        (0x10UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
13967 #define TIM_ECR_PW_5                        (0x20UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
13968 #define TIM_ECR_PW_6                        (0x40UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00400000 */
13969 #define TIM_ECR_PW_7                        (0x80UL << TIM_ECR_PW_Pos)              /*!< 0x00800000 */
13970 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Pos                  (24U)
13971 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Msk                  (0x7UL << TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Pos)           /*!< 0x07000000 */
13972 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC                      TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Msk                      /*!<PWPRSC[2:0] bits (Pulse width prescaler)*/
13973 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_0                    (0x01UL << TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
13974 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_1                    (0x02UL << TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
13975 #define TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_2                    (0x04UL << TIM_ECR_PWPRSC_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
13977 /*******************  Bit definition for TIM_DMAR register  *******************/
13978 #define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos                   (0U)
13979 #define TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                   (0xFFFFFFFFUL << TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Pos)     /*!< 0xFFFFFFFF */
13980 #define TIM_DMAR_DMAB                       TIM_DMAR_DMAB_Msk                       /*!<DMA register for burst accesses */
13983 /******************************************************************************/
13984 /*                                                                            */
13985 /*                          Touch Sensing Controller (TSC)                    */
13986 /*                                                                            */
13987 /******************************************************************************/
13988 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_CR register  *********************/
13989 #define TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos          (0U)
13990 #define TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk          (0x1UL << TSC_CR_TSCE_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00000001 */
13991 #define TSC_CR_TSCE              TSC_CR_TSCE_Msk                               /*!<Touch sensing controller enable */
13992 #define TSC_CR_START_Pos         (1U)
13993 #define TSC_CR_START_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_START_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
13994 #define TSC_CR_START             TSC_CR_START_Msk                              /*!<Start acquisition */
13995 #define TSC_CR_AM_Pos            (2U)
13996 #define TSC_CR_AM_Msk            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_AM_Pos)                      /*!< 0x00000004 */
13997 #define TSC_CR_AM                TSC_CR_AM_Msk                                 /*!<Acquisition mode */
13998 #define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos       (3U)
13999 #define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
14000 #define TSC_CR_SYNCPOL           TSC_CR_SYNCPOL_Msk                            /*!<Synchronization pin polarity */
14001 #define TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos         (4U)
14002 #define TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_IODEF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000010 */
14003 #define TSC_CR_IODEF             TSC_CR_IODEF_Msk                              /*!<IO default mode */
14005 #define TSC_CR_MCV_Pos           (5U)
14006 #define TSC_CR_MCV_Msk           (0x7UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                     /*!< 0x000000E0 */
14007 #define TSC_CR_MCV               TSC_CR_MCV_Msk                                /*!<MCV[2:0] bits (Max Count Value) */
14008 #define TSC_CR_MCV_0             (0x1UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000020 */
14009 #define TSC_CR_MCV_1             (0x2UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000040 */
14010 #define TSC_CR_MCV_2             (0x4UL << TSC_CR_MCV_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00000080 */
14012 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos         (12U)
14013 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk         (0x7UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00007000 */
14014 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC             TSC_CR_PGPSC_Msk                              /*!<PGPSC[2:0] bits (Pulse Generator Prescaler) */
14015 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC_0           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00001000 */
14016 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC_1           (0x2UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00002000 */
14017 #define TSC_CR_PGPSC_2           (0x4UL << TSC_CR_PGPSC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00004000 */
14019 #define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos         (15U)
14020 #define TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSPSC_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00008000 */
14021 #define TSC_CR_SSPSC             TSC_CR_SSPSC_Msk                              /*!<Spread Spectrum Prescaler */
14022 #define TSC_CR_SSE_Pos           (16U)
14023 #define TSC_CR_SSE_Msk           (0x1UL << TSC_CR_SSE_Pos)                     /*!< 0x00010000 */
14024 #define TSC_CR_SSE               TSC_CR_SSE_Msk                                /*!<Spread Spectrum Enable */
14026 #define TSC_CR_SSD_Pos           (17U)
14027 #define TSC_CR_SSD_Msk           (0x7FUL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00FE0000 */
14028 #define TSC_CR_SSD               TSC_CR_SSD_Msk                                /*!<SSD[6:0] bits (Spread Spectrum Deviation) */
14029 #define TSC_CR_SSD_0             (0x01UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00020000 */
14030 #define TSC_CR_SSD_1             (0x02UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00040000 */
14031 #define TSC_CR_SSD_2             (0x04UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00080000 */
14032 #define TSC_CR_SSD_3             (0x08UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00100000 */
14033 #define TSC_CR_SSD_4             (0x10UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00200000 */
14034 #define TSC_CR_SSD_5             (0x20UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00400000 */
14035 #define TSC_CR_SSD_6             (0x40UL << TSC_CR_SSD_Pos)                    /*!< 0x00800000 */
14037 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos          (24U)
14038 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                    /*!< 0x0F000000 */
14039 #define TSC_CR_CTPL              TSC_CR_CTPL_Msk                               /*!<CTPL[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse low) */
14040 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                    /*!< 0x01000000 */
14041 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                    /*!< 0x02000000 */
14042 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                    /*!< 0x04000000 */
14043 #define TSC_CR_CTPL_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPL_Pos)                    /*!< 0x08000000 */
14045 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos          (28U)
14046 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk          (0xFUL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                    /*!< 0xF0000000 */
14047 #define TSC_CR_CTPH              TSC_CR_CTPH_Msk                               /*!<CTPH[3:0] bits (Charge Transfer pulse high) */
14048 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_0            (0x1UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                    /*!< 0x10000000 */
14049 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_1            (0x2UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                    /*!< 0x20000000 */
14050 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_2            (0x4UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                    /*!< 0x40000000 */
14051 #define TSC_CR_CTPH_3            (0x8UL << TSC_CR_CTPH_Pos)                    /*!< 0x80000000 */
14053 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IER register  ********************/
14054 #define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos        (0U)
14055 #define TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_EOAIE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
14056 #define TSC_IER_EOAIE            TSC_IER_EOAIE_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt enable */
14057 #define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos        (1U)
14058 #define TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_IER_MCEIE_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
14059 #define TSC_IER_MCEIE            TSC_IER_MCEIE_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt enable */
14061 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ICR register  ********************/
14062 #define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos        (0U)
14063 #define TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000001 */
14064 #define TSC_ICR_EOAIC            TSC_ICR_EOAIC_Msk                             /*!<End of acquisition interrupt clear */
14065 #define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos        (1U)
14066 #define TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk        (0x1UL << TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Pos)                  /*!< 0x00000002 */
14067 #define TSC_ICR_MCEIC            TSC_ICR_MCEIC_Msk                             /*!<Max count error interrupt clear */
14069 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_ISR register  ********************/
14070 #define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos         (0U)
14071 #define TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_EOAF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000001 */
14072 #define TSC_ISR_EOAF             TSC_ISR_EOAF_Msk                              /*!<End of acquisition flag */
14073 #define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos         (1U)
14074 #define TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk         (0x1UL << TSC_ISR_MCEF_Pos)                   /*!< 0x00000002 */
14075 #define TSC_ISR_MCEF             TSC_ISR_MCEF_Msk                              /*!<Max count error flag */
14077 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOHCR register  ******************/
14078 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)
14079 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
14080 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14081 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)
14082 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
14083 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14084 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)
14085 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
14086 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14087 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)
14088 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
14089 #define TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14090 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)
14091 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
14092 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14093 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)
14094 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
14095 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14096 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)
14097 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
14098 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14099 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)
14100 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
14101 #define TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14102 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)
14103 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
14104 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14105 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)
14106 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
14107 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14108 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)
14109 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
14110 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14111 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)
14112 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
14113 #define TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14114 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)
14115 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
14116 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14117 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)
14118 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
14119 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14120 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)
14121 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
14122 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14123 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)
14124 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
14125 #define TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14126 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)
14127 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
14128 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14129 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)
14130 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
14131 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14132 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)
14133 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
14134 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14135 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)
14136 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
14137 #define TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOHCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14138 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)
14139 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
14140 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14141 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)
14142 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
14143 #define TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOHCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 schmitt trigger hysteresis mode */
14145 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOASCR register  *****************/
14146 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos    (0U)
14147 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
14148 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO1 analog switch enable */
14149 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos    (1U)
14150 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
14151 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO2 analog switch enable */
14152 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos    (2U)
14153 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
14154 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO3 analog switch enable */
14155 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos    (3U)
14156 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
14157 #define TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G1_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP1_IO4 analog switch enable */
14158 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos    (4U)
14159 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
14160 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO1 analog switch enable */
14161 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos    (5U)
14162 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
14163 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO2 analog switch enable */
14164 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos    (6U)
14165 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
14166 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO3 analog switch enable */
14167 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos    (7U)
14168 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000080 */
14169 #define TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G2_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP2_IO4 analog switch enable */
14170 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos    (8U)
14171 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000100 */
14172 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO1 analog switch enable */
14173 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos    (9U)
14174 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000200 */
14175 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO2 analog switch enable */
14176 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos    (10U)
14177 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000400 */
14178 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO3 analog switch enable */
14179 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos    (11U)
14180 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000800 */
14181 #define TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G3_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP3_IO4 analog switch enable */
14182 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos    (12U)
14183 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00001000 */
14184 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO1 analog switch enable */
14185 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos    (13U)
14186 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00002000 */
14187 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO2 analog switch enable */
14188 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos    (14U)
14189 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00004000 */
14190 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO3 analog switch enable */
14191 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos    (15U)
14192 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00008000 */
14193 #define TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G4_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP4_IO4 analog switch enable */
14194 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos    (16U)
14195 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00010000 */
14196 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO1 analog switch enable */
14197 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos    (17U)
14198 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00020000 */
14199 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO2 analog switch enable */
14200 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos    (18U)
14201 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Pos)              /*!< 0x00040000 */
14202 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO3_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO3 analog switch enable */
14203 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos    (19U)
14204 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Pos)              /*!< 0x00080000 */
14205 #define TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4        TSC_IOASCR_G5_IO4_Msk                         /*!<GROUP5_IO4 analog switch enable */
14206 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos    (20U)
14207 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Pos)              /*!< 0x00100000 */
14208 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO1_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO1 analog switch enable */
14209 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos    (21U)
14210 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk    (0x1UL << TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Pos)              /*!< 0x00200000 */
14211 #define TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2        TSC_IOASCR_G6_IO2_Msk                         /*!<GROUP6_IO2 analog switch enable */
14213 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOSCR register  ******************/
14214 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)
14215 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
14216 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 sampling mode */
14217 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)
14218 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
14219 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 sampling mode */
14220 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)
14221 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
14222 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 sampling mode */
14223 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)
14224 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
14225 #define TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 sampling mode */
14226 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)
14227 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
14228 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 sampling mode */
14229 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)
14230 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
14231 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 sampling mode */
14232 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)
14233 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
14234 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 sampling mode */
14235 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)
14236 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
14237 #define TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 sampling mode */
14238 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)
14239 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
14240 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 sampling mode */
14241 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)
14242 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
14243 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 sampling mode */
14244 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)
14245 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
14246 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 sampling mode */
14247 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)
14248 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
14249 #define TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 sampling mode */
14250 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)
14251 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
14252 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 sampling mode */
14253 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)
14254 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
14255 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 sampling mode */
14256 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)
14257 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
14258 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 sampling mode */
14259 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)
14260 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
14261 #define TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 sampling mode */
14262 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)
14263 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
14264 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 sampling mode */
14265 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)
14266 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
14267 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 sampling mode */
14268 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)
14269 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
14270 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 sampling mode */
14271 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)
14272 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
14273 #define TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOSCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 sampling mode */
14274 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)
14275 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
14276 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 sampling mode */
14277 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)
14278 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
14279 #define TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOSCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 sampling mode */
14281 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOCCR register  ******************/
14282 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos     (0U)
14283 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
14284 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO1 channel mode */
14285 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos     (1U)
14286 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
14287 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO2 channel mode */
14288 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos     (2U)
14289 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
14290 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO3 channel mode */
14291 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos     (3U)
14292 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
14293 #define TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G1_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP1_IO4 channel mode */
14294 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos     (4U)
14295 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
14296 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO1 channel mode */
14297 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos     (5U)
14298 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
14299 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO2 channel mode */
14300 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos     (6U)
14301 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
14302 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO3 channel mode */
14303 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos     (7U)
14304 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000080 */
14305 #define TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G2_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP2_IO4 channel mode */
14306 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos     (8U)
14307 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000100 */
14308 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO1 channel mode */
14309 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos     (9U)
14310 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000200 */
14311 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO2 channel mode */
14312 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos     (10U)
14313 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000400 */
14314 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO3 channel mode */
14315 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos     (11U)
14316 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000800 */
14317 #define TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G3_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP3_IO4 channel mode */
14318 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos     (12U)
14319 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00001000 */
14320 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO1 channel mode */
14321 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos     (13U)
14322 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00002000 */
14323 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO2 channel mode */
14324 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos     (14U)
14325 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00004000 */
14326 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO3 channel mode */
14327 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos     (15U)
14328 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00008000 */
14329 #define TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G4_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP4_IO4 channel mode */
14330 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos     (16U)
14331 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00010000 */
14332 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO1 channel mode */
14333 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos     (17U)
14334 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00020000 */
14335 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO2 channel mode */
14336 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos     (18U)
14337 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Pos)               /*!< 0x00040000 */
14338 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO3_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO3 channel mode */
14339 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos     (19U)
14340 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Pos)               /*!< 0x00080000 */
14341 #define TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4         TSC_IOCCR_G5_IO4_Msk                          /*!<GROUP5_IO4 channel mode */
14342 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos     (20U)
14343 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Pos)               /*!< 0x00100000 */
14344 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO1_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO1 channel mode */
14345 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos     (21U)
14346 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk     (0x1UL << TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Pos)               /*!< 0x00200000 */
14347 #define TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2         TSC_IOCCR_G6_IO2_Msk                          /*!<GROUP6_IO2 channel mode */
14349 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGCSR register  *****************/
14350 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos       (0U)
14351 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000001 */
14352 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1E           TSC_IOGCSR_G1E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 enable */
14353 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos       (1U)
14354 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000002 */
14355 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2E           TSC_IOGCSR_G2E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 enable */
14356 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos       (2U)
14357 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000004 */
14358 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3E           TSC_IOGCSR_G3E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 enable */
14359 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos       (3U)
14360 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000008 */
14361 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4E           TSC_IOGCSR_G4E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 enable */
14362 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos       (4U)
14363 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000010 */
14364 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5E           TSC_IOGCSR_G5E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 enable */
14365 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos       (5U)
14366 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00000020 */
14367 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6E           TSC_IOGCSR_G6E_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 enable */
14368 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos       (16U)
14369 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00010000 */
14370 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G1S           TSC_IOGCSR_G1S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP1 status */
14371 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos       (17U)
14372 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00020000 */
14373 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G2S           TSC_IOGCSR_G2S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP2 status */
14374 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos       (18U)
14375 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00040000 */
14376 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G3S           TSC_IOGCSR_G3S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP3 status */
14377 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos       (19U)
14378 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00080000 */
14379 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G4S           TSC_IOGCSR_G4S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP4 status */
14380 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos       (20U)
14381 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00100000 */
14382 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G5S           TSC_IOGCSR_G5S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP5 status */
14383 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos       (21U)
14384 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk       (0x1UL << TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Pos)                 /*!< 0x00200000 */
14385 #define TSC_IOGCSR_G6S           TSC_IOGCSR_G6S_Msk                            /*!<Analog IO GROUP6 status */
14387 /*******************  Bit definition for TSC_IOGXCR register  *****************/
14388 #define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos       (0U)
14389 #define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk       (0x3FFFUL << TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Pos)              /*!< 0x00003FFF */
14390 #define TSC_IOGXCR_CNT           TSC_IOGXCR_CNT_Msk                            /*!<CNT[13:0] bits (Counter value) */
14393 /******************************************************************************/
14394 /*                                                                            */
14395 /*      Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)       */
14396 /*                                                                            */
14397 /******************************************************************************/
14398 /******************  Bit definition for USART_CR1 register  *******************/
14399 #define USART_CR1_UE_Pos                    (0U)
14400 #define USART_CR1_UE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
14401 #define USART_CR1_UE                        USART_CR1_UE_Msk                        /*!< USART Enable */
14402 #define USART_CR1_UESM_Pos                  (1U)
14403 #define USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR1_UESM_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
14404 #define USART_CR1_UESM                      USART_CR1_UESM_Msk                      /*!< USART Enable in STOP Mode */
14405 #define USART_CR1_RE_Pos                    (2U)
14406 #define USART_CR1_RE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
14407 #define USART_CR1_RE                        USART_CR1_RE_Msk                        /*!< Receiver Enable */
14408 #define USART_CR1_TE_Pos                    (3U)
14409 #define USART_CR1_TE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000008 */
14410 #define USART_CR1_TE                        USART_CR1_TE_Msk                        /*!< Transmitter Enable */
14411 #define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos                (4U)
14412 #define USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
14413 #define USART_CR1_IDLEIE                    USART_CR1_IDLEIE_Msk                    /*!< IDLE Interrupt Enable */
14414 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos                (5U)
14415 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
14416 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE                    USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                    /*!< RXNE Interrupt Enable */
14417 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_RXFNEIE_Pos        USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Pos
14418 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_RXFNEIE_Msk        USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                    /*!< 0x00000020 */
14419 #define USART_CR1_RXNEIE_RXFNEIE            USART_CR1_RXNEIE_Msk                    /*!< RXNE and RX FIFO Not Empty Interrupt Enable */
14420 #define USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos                  (6U)
14421 #define USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TCIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
14422 #define USART_CR1_TCIE                      USART_CR1_TCIE_Msk                      /*!< Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable */
14423 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos                 (7U)
14424 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
14425 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE                     USART_CR1_TXEIE_Msk                     /*!< TXE Interrupt Enable */
14426 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE_TXFNFIE_Pos         (7U)
14427 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE_TXFNFIE_Msk         (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXEIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000080 */
14428 #define USART_CR1_TXEIE_TXFNFIE             USART_CR1_TXEIE                         /*!< TXE and TX FIFO Not Full Interrupt Enable */
14429 #define USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos                  (8U)
14430 #define USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PEIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
14431 #define USART_CR1_PEIE                      USART_CR1_PEIE_Msk                      /*!< PE Interrupt Enable */
14432 #define USART_CR1_PS_Pos                    (9U)
14433 #define USART_CR1_PS_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PS_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
14434 #define USART_CR1_PS                        USART_CR1_PS_Msk                        /*!< Parity Selection */
14435 #define USART_CR1_PCE_Pos                   (10U)
14436 #define USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_CR1_PCE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
14437 #define USART_CR1_PCE                       USART_CR1_PCE_Msk                       /*!< Parity Control Enable */
14438 #define USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos                  (11U)
14439 #define USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR1_WAKE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
14440 #define USART_CR1_WAKE                      USART_CR1_WAKE_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Wakeup method */
14441 #define USART_CR1_M_Pos                     (12U)
14442 #define USART_CR1_M_Msk                     (0x10001UL << USART_CR1_M_Pos)          /*!< 0x10001000 */
14443 #define USART_CR1_M                         USART_CR1_M_Msk                         /*!< Word length */
14444 #define USART_CR1_M0_Pos                    (12U)
14445 #define USART_CR1_M0_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M0_Pos)             /*!< 0x00001000 */
14446 #define USART_CR1_M0                        USART_CR1_M0_Msk                        /*!< Word length - Bit 0 */
14447 #define USART_CR1_MME_Pos                   (13U)
14448 #define USART_CR1_MME_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_CR1_MME_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
14449 #define USART_CR1_MME                       USART_CR1_MME_Msk                       /*!< Mute Mode Enable */
14450 #define USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos                  (14U)
14451 #define USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR1_CMIE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
14452 #define USART_CR1_CMIE                      USART_CR1_CMIE_Msk                      /*!< Character match interrupt enable */
14453 #define USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos                 (15U)
14454 #define USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR1_OVER8_Pos)          /*!< 0x00008000 */
14455 #define USART_CR1_OVER8                     USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk                     /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
14456 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos                  (16U)
14457 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                  (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x001F0000 */
14458 #define USART_CR1_DEDT                      USART_CR1_DEDT_Msk                      /*!< DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time) */
14459 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_0                    (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
14460 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_1                    (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
14461 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_2                    (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00040000 */
14462 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_3                    (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00080000 */
14463 #define USART_CR1_DEDT_4                    (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEDT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
14464 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos                  (21U)
14465 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                  (0x1FUL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x03E00000 */
14466 #define USART_CR1_DEAT                      USART_CR1_DEAT_Msk                      /*!< DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time) */
14467 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_0                    (0x01UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
14468 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_1                    (0x02UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
14469 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_2                    (0x04UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
14470 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_3                    (0x08UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x01000000 */
14471 #define USART_CR1_DEAT_4                    (0x10UL << USART_CR1_DEAT_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
14472 #define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos                 (26U)
14473 #define USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RTOIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x04000000 */
14474 #define USART_CR1_RTOIE                     USART_CR1_RTOIE_Msk                     /*!< Receive Time Out interrupt enable */
14475 #define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos                 (27U)
14476 #define USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR1_EOBIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x08000000 */
14477 #define USART_CR1_EOBIE                     USART_CR1_EOBIE_Msk                     /*!< End of Block interrupt enable */
14478 #define USART_CR1_M1_Pos                    (28U)
14479 #define USART_CR1_M1_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_CR1_M1_Pos)             /*!< 0x10000000 */
14480 #define USART_CR1_M1                        USART_CR1_M1_Msk                        /*!< Word length - Bit 1 */
14481 #define USART_CR1_FIFOEN_Pos                (29U)
14482 #define USART_CR1_FIFOEN_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR1_FIFOEN_Pos)         /*!< 0x20000000 */
14483 #define USART_CR1_FIFOEN                    USART_CR1_FIFOEN_Msk                    /*!< FIFO mode enable */
14484 #define USART_CR1_TXFEIE_Pos                (30U)
14485 #define USART_CR1_TXFEIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR1_TXFEIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x40000000 */
14486 #define USART_CR1_TXFEIE                    USART_CR1_TXFEIE_Msk                    /*!< TXFIFO empty interrupt enable */
14487 #define USART_CR1_RXFFIE_Pos                (31U)
14488 #define USART_CR1_RXFFIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR1_RXFFIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x80000000 */
14489 #define USART_CR1_RXFFIE                    USART_CR1_RXFFIE_Msk                    /*!< RXFIFO Full interrupt enable */
14491 /******************  Bit definition for USART_CR2 register  *******************/
14492 #define USART_CR2_SLVEN_Pos                 (0U)
14493 #define USART_CR2_SLVEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SLVEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000001 */
14494 #define USART_CR2_SLVEN                     USART_CR2_SLVEN_Msk                     /*!< Synchronous Slave mode enable */
14495 #define USART_CR2_DIS_NSS_Pos               (3U)
14496 #define USART_CR2_DIS_NSS_Msk               (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DIS_NSS_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000008 */
14497 #define USART_CR2_DIS_NSS                   USART_CR2_DIS_NSS_Msk                   /*!< Slave Select (NSS) pin management */
14498 #define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos                 (4U)
14499 #define USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ADDM7_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000010 */
14500 #define USART_CR2_ADDM7                     USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk                     /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection */
14501 #define USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos                  (5U)
14502 #define USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
14503 #define USART_CR2_LBDL                      USART_CR2_LBDL_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Length */
14504 #define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos                 (6U)
14505 #define USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBDIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000040 */
14506 #define USART_CR2_LBDIE                     USART_CR2_LBDIE_Msk                     /*!< LIN Break Detection Interrupt Enable */
14507 #define USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos                  (8U)
14508 #define USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LBCL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
14509 #define USART_CR2_LBCL                      USART_CR2_LBCL_Msk                      /*!< Last Bit Clock pulse */
14510 #define USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos                  (9U)
14511 #define USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPHA_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
14512 #define USART_CR2_CPHA                      USART_CR2_CPHA_Msk                      /*!< Clock Phase */
14513 #define USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos                  (10U)
14514 #define USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CPOL_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000400 */
14515 #define USART_CR2_CPOL                      USART_CR2_CPOL_Msk                      /*!< Clock Polarity */
14516 #define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos                 (11U)
14517 #define USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_CLKEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
14518 #define USART_CR2_CLKEN                     USART_CR2_CLKEN_Msk                     /*!< Clock Enable */
14519 #define USART_CR2_STOP_Pos                  (12U)
14520 #define USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                  (0x3UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00003000 */
14521 #define USART_CR2_STOP                      USART_CR2_STOP_Msk                      /*!< STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits) */
14522 #define USART_CR2_STOP_0                    (0x1UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
14523 #define USART_CR2_STOP_1                    (0x2UL << USART_CR2_STOP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
14524 #define USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos                 (14U)
14525 #define USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_LINEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00004000 */
14526 #define USART_CR2_LINEN                     USART_CR2_LINEN_Msk                     /*!< LIN mode enable */
14527 #define USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos                  (15U)
14528 #define USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR2_SWAP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
14529 #define USART_CR2_SWAP                      USART_CR2_SWAP_Msk                      /*!< SWAP TX/RX pins */
14530 #define USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos                 (16U)
14531 #define USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RXINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00010000 */
14532 #define USART_CR2_RXINV                     USART_CR2_RXINV_Msk                     /*!< RX pin active level inversion */
14533 #define USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos                 (17U)
14534 #define USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_TXINV_Pos)          /*!< 0x00020000 */
14535 #define USART_CR2_TXINV                     USART_CR2_TXINV_Msk                     /*!< TX pin active level inversion */
14536 #define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos               (18U)
14537 #define USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk               (0x1UL << USART_CR2_DATAINV_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
14538 #define USART_CR2_DATAINV                   USART_CR2_DATAINV_Msk                   /*!< Binary data inversion */
14539 #define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos              (19U)
14540 #define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk              (0x1UL << USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Pos)       /*!< 0x00080000 */
14541 #define USART_CR2_MSBFIRST                  USART_CR2_MSBFIRST_Msk                  /*!< Most Significant Bit First */
14542 #define USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos                 (20U)
14543 #define USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABREN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00100000 */
14544 #define USART_CR2_ABREN                     USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk                     /*!< Auto Baud-Rate Enable*/
14545 #define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos               (21U)
14546 #define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk               (0x3UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00600000 */
14547 #define USART_CR2_ABRMODE                   USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk                   /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
14548 #define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_0                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00200000 */
14549 #define USART_CR2_ABRMODE_1                 (0x2UL << USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Pos)        /*!< 0x00400000 */
14550 #define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos                 (23U)
14551 #define USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR2_RTOEN_Pos)          /*!< 0x00800000 */
14552 #define USART_CR2_RTOEN                     USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk                     /*!< Receiver Time-Out enable */
14553 #define USART_CR2_ADD_Pos                   (24U)
14554 #define USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                   (0xFFUL << USART_CR2_ADD_Pos)           /*!< 0xFF000000 */
14555 #define USART_CR2_ADD                       USART_CR2_ADD_Msk                       /*!< Address of the USART node */
14557 /******************  Bit definition for USART_CR3 register  *******************/
14558 #define USART_CR3_EIE_Pos                   (0U)
14559 #define USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_CR3_EIE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000001 */
14560 #define USART_CR3_EIE                       USART_CR3_EIE_Msk                       /*!< Error Interrupt Enable */
14561 #define USART_CR3_IREN_Pos                  (1U)
14562 #define USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IREN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
14563 #define USART_CR3_IREN                      USART_CR3_IREN_Msk                      /*!< IrDA mode Enable */
14564 #define USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos                  (2U)
14565 #define USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_IRLP_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
14566 #define USART_CR3_IRLP                      USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk                      /*!< IrDA Low-Power */
14567 #define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos                 (3U)
14568 #define USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR3_HDSEL_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
14569 #define USART_CR3_HDSEL                     USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk                     /*!< Half-Duplex Selection */
14570 #define USART_CR3_NACK_Pos                  (4U)
14571 #define USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_NACK_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
14572 #define USART_CR3_NACK                      USART_CR3_NACK_Msk                      /*!< SmartCard NACK enable */
14573 #define USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos                  (5U)
14574 #define USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCEN_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
14575 #define USART_CR3_SCEN                      USART_CR3_SCEN_Msk                      /*!< SmartCard mode enable */
14576 #define USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos                  (6U)
14577 #define USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAR_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
14578 #define USART_CR3_DMAR                      USART_CR3_DMAR_Msk                      /*!< DMA Enable Receiver */
14579 #define USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos                  (7U)
14580 #define USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DMAT_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000080 */
14581 #define USART_CR3_DMAT                      USART_CR3_DMAT_Msk                      /*!< DMA Enable Transmitter */
14582 #define USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos                  (8U)
14583 #define USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RTSE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
14584 #define USART_CR3_RTSE                      USART_CR3_RTSE_Msk                      /*!< RTS Enable */
14585 #define USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos                  (9U)
14586 #define USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000200 */
14587 #define USART_CR3_CTSE                      USART_CR3_CTSE_Msk                      /*!< CTS Enable */
14588 #define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos                 (10U)
14589 #define USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_CR3_CTSIE_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000400 */
14590 #define USART_CR3_CTSIE                     USART_CR3_CTSIE_Msk                     /*!< CTS Interrupt Enable */
14591 #define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos                (11U)
14592 #define USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000800 */
14593 #define USART_CR3_ONEBIT                    USART_CR3_ONEBIT_Msk                    /*!< One sample bit method enable */
14594 #define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos                (12U)
14595 #define USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Pos)         /*!< 0x00001000 */
14596 #define USART_CR3_OVRDIS                    USART_CR3_OVRDIS_Msk                    /*!< Overrun Disable */
14597 #define USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos                  (13U)
14598 #define USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DDRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
14599 #define USART_CR3_DDRE                      USART_CR3_DDRE_Msk                      /*!< DMA Disable on Reception Error */
14600 #define USART_CR3_DEM_Pos                   (14U)
14601 #define USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEM_Pos)            /*!< 0x00004000 */
14602 #define USART_CR3_DEM                       USART_CR3_DEM_Msk                       /*!< Driver Enable Mode */
14603 #define USART_CR3_DEP_Pos                   (15U)
14604 #define USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_CR3_DEP_Pos)            /*!< 0x00008000 */
14605 #define USART_CR3_DEP                       USART_CR3_DEP_Msk                       /*!< Driver Enable Polarity Selection */
14606 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos               (17U)
14607 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk               (0x7UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x000E0000 */
14608 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT                   USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk                   /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
14609 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_0                 (0x1UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00020000 */
14610 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_1                 (0x2UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00040000 */
14611 #define USART_CR3_SCARCNT_2                 (0x4UL << USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Pos)        /*!< 0x00080000 */
14612 #define USART_CR3_TXFTIE_Pos                (23U)
14613 #define USART_CR3_TXFTIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR3_TXFTIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x00800000 */
14614 #define USART_CR3_TXFTIE                    USART_CR3_TXFTIE_Msk                    /*!< TXFIFO threshold interrupt enable */
14615 #define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos               (24U)
14616 #define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk               (0x1UL << USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Pos)        /*!< 0x01000000 */
14617 #define USART_CR3_TCBGTIE                   USART_CR3_TCBGTIE_Msk                   /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Interrupt Enable */
14618 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Pos               (25U)
14619 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Msk               (0x7UL << USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x0E000000 */
14620 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG                   USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Msk                   /*!< RXFIFO FIFO threshold configuration */
14621 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_0                 (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x02000000 */
14622 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_1                 (0x2UL << USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x04000000 */
14623 #define USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_2                 (0x4UL << USART_CR3_RXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x08000000 */
14624 #define USART_CR3_RXFTIE_Pos                (28U)
14625 #define USART_CR3_RXFTIE_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_CR3_RXFTIE_Pos)         /*!< 0x10000000 */
14626 #define USART_CR3_RXFTIE                    USART_CR3_RXFTIE_Msk                    /*!< RXFIFO threshold interrupt enable */
14627 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Pos               (29U)
14628 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Msk               (0x7UL << USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0xE0000000 */
14629 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG                   USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Msk                   /*!< TXFIFO threshold configuration */
14630 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_0                 (0x1UL << USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x20000000 */
14631 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_1                 (0x2UL << USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x40000000 */
14632 #define USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_2                 (0x4UL << USART_CR3_TXFTCFG_Pos)        /*!< 0x80000000 */
14634 /******************  Bit definition for USART_BRR register  *******************/
14635 #define USART_BRR_LPUART_Pos                (0U)
14636 #define USART_BRR_LPUART_Msk                (0xFFFFFUL << USART_BRR_LPUART_Pos)     /*!< 0x000FFFFF */
14637 #define USART_BRR_LPUART                    USART_BRR_LPUART_Msk                    /*!< LPUART Baud rate register [19:0] */
14638 #define USART_BRR_BRR                       ((uint16_t)0xFFFF)                      /*!< USART  Baud rate register [15:0] */
14640 /******************  Bit definition for USART_GTPR register  ******************/
14641 #define USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos                  (0U)
14642 #define USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                  (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_PSC_Pos)          /*!< 0x000000FF */
14643 #define USART_GTPR_PSC                      USART_GTPR_PSC_Msk                      /*!< PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value) */
14644 #define USART_GTPR_GT_Pos                   (8U)
14645 #define USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                   (0xFFUL << USART_GTPR_GT_Pos)           /*!< 0x0000FF00 */
14646 #define USART_GTPR_GT                       USART_GTPR_GT_Msk                       /*!< GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value) */
14648 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_RTOR register  *****************/
14649 #define USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos                  (0U)
14650 #define USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                  (0xFFFFFFUL << USART_RTOR_RTO_Pos)      /*!< 0x00FFFFFF */
14651 #define USART_RTOR_RTO                      USART_RTOR_RTO_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out Value */
14652 #define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos                 (24U)
14653 #define USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                 (0xFFUL << USART_RTOR_BLEN_Pos)         /*!< 0xFF000000 */
14654 #define USART_RTOR_BLEN                     USART_RTOR_BLEN_Msk                     /*!< Block Length */
14656 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_RQR register  ******************/
14657 #define USART_RQR_ABRRQ                     ((uint16_t)0x0001)                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Request */
14658 #define USART_RQR_SBKRQ                     ((uint16_t)0x0002)                      /*!< Send Break Request */
14659 #define USART_RQR_MMRQ                      ((uint16_t)0x0004)                      /*!< Mute Mode Request */
14660 #define USART_RQR_RXFRQ                     ((uint16_t)0x0008)                      /*!< Receive Data flush Request */
14661 #define USART_RQR_TXFRQ                     ((uint16_t)0x0010)                      /*!< Transmit data flush Request */
14663 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_ISR register  ******************/
14664 #define USART_ISR_PE_Pos                    (0U)
14665 #define USART_ISR_PE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_ISR_PE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
14666 #define USART_ISR_PE                        USART_ISR_PE_Msk                        /*!< Parity Error */
14667 #define USART_ISR_FE_Pos                    (1U)
14668 #define USART_ISR_FE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_ISR_FE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000002 */
14669 #define USART_ISR_FE                        USART_ISR_FE_Msk                        /*!< Framing Error */
14670 #define USART_ISR_NE_Pos                    (2U)
14671 #define USART_ISR_NE_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_ISR_NE_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000004 */
14672 #define USART_ISR_NE                        USART_ISR_NE_Msk                        /*!< Noise detected Flag */
14673 #define USART_ISR_ORE_Pos                   (3U)
14674 #define USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ORE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000008 */
14675 #define USART_ISR_ORE                       USART_ISR_ORE_Msk                       /*!< OverRun Error */
14676 #define USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos                  (4U)
14677 #define USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_IDLE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000010 */
14678 #define USART_ISR_IDLE                      USART_ISR_IDLE_Msk                      /*!< IDLE line detected */
14679 #define USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos                  (5U)
14680 #define USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000020 */
14681 #define USART_ISR_RXNE                      USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                      /*!< Read Data Register Not Empty */
14682 #define USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE_Pos            USART_ISR_RXNE_Pos
14683 #define USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE_Msk            USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                      /*!< 0x00000020 */
14684 #define USART_ISR_RXNE_RXFNE                USART_ISR_RXNE_Msk                      /*!< Read Data Register or RX FIFO Not Empty */
14685 #define USART_ISR_TC_Pos                    (6U)
14686 #define USART_ISR_TC_Msk                    (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TC_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000040 */
14687 #define USART_ISR_TC                        USART_ISR_TC_Msk                        /*!< Transmission Complete */
14688 #define USART_ISR_TXE_Pos                   (7U)
14689 #define USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXE_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000080 */
14690 #define USART_ISR_TXE                       USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                       /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty */
14691 #define USART_ISR_TXE_TXFNF_Pos             USART_ISR_TXE_Pos
14692 #define USART_ISR_TXE_TXFNF_Msk             USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                       /*!< 0x00000080 */
14693 #define USART_ISR_TXE_TXFNF                 USART_ISR_TXE_Msk                       /*!< Transmit Data Register Empty or TX FIFO Not Full Flag */
14694 #define USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos                  (8U)
14695 #define USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_LBDF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000100 */
14696 #define USART_ISR_LBDF                      USART_ISR_LBDF_Msk                      /*!< LIN Break Detection Flag */
14697 #define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos                 (9U)
14698 #define USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTSIF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
14699 #define USART_ISR_CTSIF                     USART_ISR_CTSIF_Msk                     /*!< CTS interrupt flag */
14700 #define USART_ISR_CTS_Pos                   (10U)
14701 #define USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CTS_Pos)            /*!< 0x00000400 */
14702 #define USART_ISR_CTS                       USART_ISR_CTS_Msk                       /*!< CTS flag */
14703 #define USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos                  (11U)
14704 #define USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RTOF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
14705 #define USART_ISR_RTOF                      USART_ISR_RTOF_Msk                      /*!< Receiver Time Out */
14706 #define USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos                  (12U)
14707 #define USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_EOBF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
14708 #define USART_ISR_EOBF                      USART_ISR_EOBF_Msk                      /*!< End Of Block Flag */
14709 #define USART_ISR_UDR_Pos                   (13U)
14710 #define USART_ISR_UDR_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_UDR_Pos)            /*!< 0x00002000 */
14711 #define USART_ISR_UDR                       USART_ISR_UDR_Msk                       /*!< SPI slave underrun error flag */
14712 #define USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos                  (14U)
14713 #define USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00004000 */
14714 #define USART_ISR_ABRE                      USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Error */
14715 #define USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos                  (15U)
14716 #define USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_ABRF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00008000 */
14717 #define USART_ISR_ABRF                      USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk                      /*!< Auto-Baud Rate Flag */
14718 #define USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos                  (16U)
14719 #define USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_BUSY_Pos)           /*!< 0x00010000 */
14720 #define USART_ISR_BUSY                      USART_ISR_BUSY_Msk                      /*!< Busy Flag */
14721 #define USART_ISR_CMF_Pos                   (17U)
14722 #define USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_CMF_Pos)            /*!< 0x00020000 */
14723 #define USART_ISR_CMF                       USART_ISR_CMF_Msk                       /*!< Character Match Flag */
14724 #define USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos                  (18U)
14725 #define USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_SBKF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00040000 */
14726 #define USART_ISR_SBKF                      USART_ISR_SBKF_Msk                      /*!< Send Break Flag */
14727 #define USART_ISR_RWU_Pos                   (19U)
14728 #define USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                   (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RWU_Pos)            /*!< 0x00080000 */
14729 #define USART_ISR_RWU                       USART_ISR_RWU_Msk                       /*!< Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag */
14730 #define USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos                 (21U)
14731 #define USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TEACK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00200000 */
14732 #define USART_ISR_TEACK                     USART_ISR_TEACK_Msk                     /*!< Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag */
14733 #define USART_ISR_REACK_Pos                 (22U)
14734 #define USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ISR_REACK_Pos)          /*!< 0x00400000 */
14735 #define USART_ISR_REACK                     USART_ISR_REACK_Msk                     /*!< Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag */
14736 #define USART_ISR_TXFE_Pos                  (23U)
14737 #define USART_ISR_TXFE_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXFE_Pos)           /*!< 0x00800000 */
14738 #define USART_ISR_TXFE                      USART_ISR_TXFE_Msk                      /*!< TXFIFO Empty */
14739 #define USART_ISR_RXFF_Pos                  (24U)
14740 #define USART_ISR_RXFF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXFF_Pos)           /*!< 0x01000000 */
14741 #define USART_ISR_RXFF                      USART_ISR_RXFF_Msk                      /*!< RXFIFO Full */
14742 #define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos                 (25U)
14743 #define USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TCBGT_Pos)          /*!< 0x02000000 */
14744 #define USART_ISR_TCBGT                     USART_ISR_TCBGT_Msk                     /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time completion */
14745 #define USART_ISR_RXFT_Pos                  (26U)
14746 #define USART_ISR_RXFT_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_RXFT_Pos)           /*!< 0x04000000 */
14747 #define USART_ISR_RXFT                      USART_ISR_RXFT_Msk                      /*!< RXFIFO threshold flag */
14748 #define USART_ISR_TXFT_Pos                  (27U)
14749 #define USART_ISR_TXFT_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ISR_TXFT_Pos)           /*!< 0x08000000 */
14750 #define USART_ISR_TXFT                      USART_ISR_TXFT_Msk                      /*!< TXFIFO threshold flag */
14752 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_ICR register  ******************/
14753 #define USART_ICR_PECF_Pos                  (0U)
14754 #define USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ICR_PECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000001 */
14755 #define USART_ICR_PECF                      USART_ICR_PECF_Msk                      /*!< Parity Error Clear Flag */
14756 #define USART_ICR_FECF_Pos                  (1U)
14757 #define USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ICR_FECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000002 */
14758 #define USART_ICR_FECF                      USART_ICR_FECF_Msk                      /*!< Framing Error Clear Flag */
14759 #define USART_ICR_NECF_Pos                  (2U)
14760 #define USART_ICR_NECF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ICR_NECF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000004 */
14761 #define USART_ICR_NECF                      USART_ICR_NECF_Msk                      /*!< Noise detected Clear Flag */
14762 #define USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos                 (3U)
14763 #define USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_ORECF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000008 */
14764 #define USART_ICR_ORECF                     USART_ICR_ORECF_Msk                     /*!< OverRun Error Clear Flag */
14765 #define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos                (4U)
14766 #define USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_ICR_IDLECF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000010 */
14767 #define USART_ICR_IDLECF                    USART_ICR_IDLECF_Msk                    /*!< IDLE line detected Clear Flag */
14768 #define USART_ICR_TXFECF_Pos                (5U)
14769 #define USART_ICR_TXFECF_Msk                (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TXFECF_Pos)         /*!< 0x00000020 */
14770 #define USART_ICR_TXFECF                    USART_ICR_TXFECF_Msk                    /*!< TXFIFO empty Clear flag */
14771 #define USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos                  (6U)
14772 #define USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000040 */
14773 #define USART_ICR_TCCF                      USART_ICR_TCCF_Msk                      /*!< Transmission Complete Clear Flag */
14774 #define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos               (7U)
14775 #define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk               (0x1UL << USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Pos)        /*!< 0x00000080 */
14776 #define USART_ICR_TCBGTCF                   USART_ICR_TCBGTCF_Msk                   /*!< Transmission Complete Before Guard Time Clear Flag */
14777 #define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos                 (8U)
14778 #define USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_LBDCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000100 */
14779 #define USART_ICR_LBDCF                     USART_ICR_LBDCF_Msk                     /*!< LIN Break Detection Clear Flag */
14780 #define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos                 (9U)
14781 #define USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CTSCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000200 */
14782 #define USART_ICR_CTSCF                     USART_ICR_CTSCF_Msk                     /*!< CTS Interrupt Clear Flag */
14783 #define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos                 (11U)
14784 #define USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_RTOCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00000800 */
14785 #define USART_ICR_RTOCF                     USART_ICR_RTOCF_Msk                     /*!< Receiver Time Out Clear Flag */
14786 #define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos                 (12U)
14787 #define USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_EOBCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00001000 */
14788 #define USART_ICR_EOBCF                     USART_ICR_EOBCF_Msk                     /*!< End Of Block Clear Flag */
14789 #define USART_ICR_UDRCF_Pos                 (13U)
14790 #define USART_ICR_UDRCF_Msk                 (0x1UL << USART_ICR_UDRCF_Pos)          /*!< 0x00002000 */
14791 #define USART_ICR_UDRCF                     USART_ICR_UDRCF_Msk                     /*!< SPI Slave Underrun Clear Flag */
14792 #define USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos                  (17U)
14793 #define USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                  (0x1UL << USART_ICR_CMCF_Pos)           /*!< 0x00020000 */
14794 #define USART_ICR_CMCF                      USART_ICR_CMCF_Msk                      /*!< Character Match Clear Flag */
14796 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_RDR register  ******************/
14797 #define USART_RDR_RDR                       ((uint16_t)0x01FF)                      /*!< RDR[8:0] bits (Receive Data value) */
14799 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_TDR register  ******************/
14800 #define USART_TDR_TDR                       ((uint16_t)0x01FF)                      /*!< TDR[8:0] bits (Transmit Data value) */
14802 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_PRESC register  ****************/
14803 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos           (0U)
14804 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Msk           (0xFUL << USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos)    /*!< 0x0000000F */
14805 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER               USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Msk               /*!< PRESCALER[3:0] bits (Clock prescaler) */
14806 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_0             (0x1UL << USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000001 */
14807 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_1             (0x2UL << USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000002 */
14808 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_2             (0x4UL << USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000004 */
14809 #define USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_3             (0x8UL << USART_PRESC_PRESCALER_Pos)    /*!< 0x00000008 */
14811 /*******************  Bit definition for USART_AUTOCR register  ******************/
14812 #define USART_AUTOCR_TDN_Pos                (0U)
14813 #define USART_AUTOCR_TDN_Msk                (0xFFFFUL << USART_AUTOCR_TDN_Pos)      /*!< 0x0000FFFF */
14814 #define USART_AUTOCR_TDN                    USART_AUTOCR_TDN_Msk                    /*!< TDN[15:0] bits (Transmission Data Number) */
14815 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos            (16U)
14816 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00010000 */
14817 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL                USART_AUTOCR_TRIGPOL_Msk                /*!< Trigger Polarity Bit (Rising/Falling edge) */
14818 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos             (17U)
14819 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk             (0x1UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Pos)      /*!< 0x00020000 */
14820 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGEN                 USART_AUTOCR_TRIGEN_Msk                 /*!< Trigger Enable Bit */
14821 #define USART_AUTOCR_IDLEDIS_Pos            (18U)
14822 #define USART_AUTOCR_IDLEDIS_Msk            (0x1UL << USART_AUTOCR_IDLEDIS_Pos)     /*!< 0x00040000 */
14823 #define USART_AUTOCR_IDLEDIS                USART_AUTOCR_IDLEDIS_Msk                /*!< Idle Frame Transmission Disable Bit*/
14824 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos            (19U)
14825 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk            (0xFUL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)     /*!< 0x00780000 */
14826 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL                USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Msk                /*!< Trigger Selection Bits */
14827 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_0              (0x0001UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000001 */
14828 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_1              (0x0002UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000002 */
14829 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_2              (0x0004UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000004 */
14830 #define USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_3              (0x0008UL << USART_AUTOCR_TRIGSEL_Pos)  /*!< 0x00000008 */
14833 /******************************************************************************/
14834 /*                                                                            */
14835 /*                            Window WATCHDOG                                 */
14836 /*                                                                            */
14837 /******************************************************************************/
14838 /*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CR register  ********************/
14839 #define WWDG_CR_T_Pos                       (0U)
14840 #define WWDG_CR_T_Msk                       (0x7FUL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x0000007F */
14841 #define WWDG_CR_T                           WWDG_CR_T_Msk                           /*!<T[6:0] bits (7-Bit counter (MSB to LSB)) */
14842 #define WWDG_CR_T_0                         (0x01UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000001 */
14843 #define WWDG_CR_T_1                         (0x02UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000002 */
14844 #define WWDG_CR_T_2                         (0x04UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000004 */
14845 #define WWDG_CR_T_3                         (0x08UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000008 */
14846 #define WWDG_CR_T_4                         (0x10UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000010 */
14847 #define WWDG_CR_T_5                         (0x20UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000020 */
14848 #define WWDG_CR_T_6                         (0x40UL << WWDG_CR_T_Pos)               /*!< 0x00000040 */
14849 #define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos                    (7U)
14850 #define WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                    (0x1UL << WWDG_CR_WDGA_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000080 */
14851 #define WWDG_CR_WDGA                        WWDG_CR_WDGA_Msk                        /*!<Activation bit */
14853 /*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_CFR register  *******************/
14854 #define WWDG_CFR_W_Pos                      (0U)
14855 #define WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                      (0x7FUL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x0000007F */
14856 #define WWDG_CFR_W                          WWDG_CFR_W_Msk                          /*!<W[6:0] bits (7-bit window value) */
14857 #define WWDG_CFR_W_0                        (0x01UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000001 */
14858 #define WWDG_CFR_W_1                        (0x02UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000002 */
14859 #define WWDG_CFR_W_2                        (0x04UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000004 */
14860 #define WWDG_CFR_W_3                        (0x08UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000008 */
14861 #define WWDG_CFR_W_4                        (0x10UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000010 */
14862 #define WWDG_CFR_W_5                        (0x20UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000020 */
14863 #define WWDG_CFR_W_6                        (0x40UL << WWDG_CFR_W_Pos)              /*!< 0x00000040 */
14864 #define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos                    (9U)
14865 #define WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                    (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_EWI_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000200 */
14866 #define WWDG_CFR_EWI                        WWDG_CFR_EWI_Msk                        /*!<Early Wakeup Interrupt */
14867 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos                  (11U)
14868 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                  (0x7UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)           /*!< 0x00003800 */
14869 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB                      WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Msk                      /*!<WDGTB[2:0] bits (Timer Base) */
14870 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_0                    (0x1UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)           /*!< 0x00000800 */
14871 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_1                    (0x2UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)           /*!< 0x00001000 */
14872 #define WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_2                    (0x4UL << WWDG_CFR_WDGTB_Pos)           /*!< 0x00002000 */
14874 /*******************  Bit definition for WWDG_SR register  ********************/
14875 #define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos                    (0U)
14876 #define WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                    (0x1UL << WWDG_SR_EWIF_Pos)             /*!< 0x00000001 */
14877 #define WWDG_SR_EWIF                        WWDG_SR_EWIF_Msk                        /*!<Early Wakeup Interrupt Flag */
14879 /** @} */
14881 /** @} */
14883 /** @addtogroup STM32WBAxx_Peripheral_Exported_macros
14884   * @{
14885   */
14887 #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
14888 /* Instances allowed from Secure state */
14889 /******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
14891                                        ((INSTANCE) == ADC4_S))
14894                                           ((INSTANCE) == ADC4_COMMON_S))
14896 /******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
14899 /******************************** COMP Instances ******************************/
14901                                         ((INSTANCE) == COMP2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == COMP2_S))
14903 /******************** COMP Instances with window mode capability **************/
14905                                                ((INSTANCE) == COMP2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == COMP2_S))
14907 /******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
14910 /******************************** DMA Instances *******************************/
14911 #define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_S)  || \
14912                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_S)  || \
14913                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_S)  || \
14914                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_S)  || \
14915                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_S)  || \
14916                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_S)  || \
14917                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_S)  || \
14918                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_S))
14920 #define IS_GPDMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_S)  || \
14921                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_S)  || \
14922                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_S)  || \
14923                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_S)  || \
14924                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_S)  || \
14925                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_S)  || \
14926                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_S)  || \
14927                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_S))
14929 /****************************** RAMCFG Instances ********************************/
14931                                           ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_S)  || \
14932                                           ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM6_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM6_S))
14934 /***************************** RAMCFG PED Instances *****************************/
14937 /***************************** RAMCFG IT Instances ******************************/
14940 /************************ RAMCFG Write Protection Instances *********************/
14943 /************************ RAMCFG Erase Instances ********************************/
14945                                          ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_S))
14947 /******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
14949                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB_S) || \
14950                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC_S) || \
14951                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH_S))
14953 /******************************* GPIO AF Instances ****************************/
14954 /* On WBA, all GPIO Bank support AF */
14957 /**************************** GPIO Lock Instances *****************************/
14958 /* On WBA, all GPIO Bank support the Lock mechanism */
14961 /**************************** HSEM Lock Instances *****************************/
14964 #define HSEM_CPU1_LOCKID   (HSEM_CR_LOCKID_CURRENT >> HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Pos)/* Semaphore Lock ID */
14966 #define HSEM_SEMID_MIN     (0U)       /* HSEM ID Min*/
14967 #define HSEM_SEMID_MAX     (15U)      /* HSEM ID Max */
14969 #define HSEM_PROCESSID_MIN (0U)       /* HSEM Process ID Min */
14970 #define HSEM_PROCESSID_MAX (255U)     /* HSEM Process ID Max */
14972 #define HSEM_CLEAR_KEY_MIN (0U)       /* HSEM clear Key Min value */
14973 #define HSEM_CLEAR_KEY_MAX (0xFFFFU)  /* HSEM clear Key Max value */
14975 /******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
14976 #define IS_I2C_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C1_S) || \
14977                                        ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_S))
14979 /****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
14982 /******************* I2C Instances : Group belongingness *********************/
14983 #define IS_I2C_GRP1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C1_S))
14985 #define IS_I2C_GRP2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_S))
14987 /******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
14990 /******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
14993 /****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
14996 /******************************** SAI Instances *******************************/
14997 #define IS_SAI_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_A_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_A_S) || \
14998                                        ((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_B_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_B_S))
15000 /****************************** SMBUS Instances *******************************/
15001 #define IS_SMBUS_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C1_S) || \
15002                                          ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_S))
15004 /******************* SMBUS Instances : Group membership ***********************/
15005 #define IS_SMBUS_GRP1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C1_S))
15007 #define IS_SMBUS_GRP2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_S))
15009 /******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
15010 #define IS_SPI_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == SPI1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == SPI1_S) || \
15011                                        ((INSTANCE) == SPI3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == SPI3_S))
15017 /******************* SPI Instances : Group belongingness *********************/
15022 /****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
15023 #define IS_LPTIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)     (((INSTANCE) == LPTIM1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM1_S) ||\
15024                                          ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15026 /****************** LPTIM Instances : DMA supported instances *****************/
15028                                           ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15030 /************* LPTIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel ***********/
15032                                          ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15034 /************* LPTIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channel ***********/
15036                                          ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15038 /****************** LPTIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
15040                                                         ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15042 /****************** LPTIM Instances : supporting Input Capture **************/
15044                                                     ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPTIM2_S))
15046 /****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
15047 #define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15048                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15049                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15050                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15051                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15053 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting 32 bits counter ****************/
15054 #define IS_TIM_32B_COUNTER_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)) || \
15055                                                 ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15057 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting the break function *************/
15058 #define IS_TIM_BREAK_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15059                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15060                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15062 /************** TIM Instances : supporting Break source selection *************/
15064                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15065                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15067 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting 2 break inputs *****************/
15068 #define IS_TIM_BKIN2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))
15070 /************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
15071 #define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15072                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15073                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15074                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15075                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15077 /************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
15078 #define IS_TIM_CC2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15079                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15080                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15082 /************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
15083 #define IS_TIM_CC3_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15084                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15085                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15087 /************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
15088 #define IS_TIM_CC4_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15089                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15090                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15092 /****************** TIM Instances : at least 5 capture/compare channels *******/
15093 #define IS_TIM_CC5_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))
15095 /****************** TIM Instances : at least 6 capture/compare channels *******/
15096 #define IS_TIM_CC6_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))
15098 /************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.COMDE) *******/
15099 #define IS_TIM_CCDMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15100                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15101                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15103 /****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.UDE) ***/
15104 #define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15105                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15106                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15107                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15108                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15110 /************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.CCxDE) *******/
15111 #define IS_TIM_DMA_CC_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15112                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15113                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15114                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15115                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15117 /******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
15119                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15120                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15121                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15122                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15124 /******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
15126     (((((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))  && \
15127      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15128       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15129       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15130       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4) ||          \
15131       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_5) ||          \
15132       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_6)))           \
15133      ||                                        \
15134      ((((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S))  && \
15135      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15136       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15137       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15138       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
15139      ||                                        \
15140      ((((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))  && \
15141      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15142       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15143       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15144       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
15145      ||                                        \
15146      ((((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S)) && \
15147      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1)))           \
15148      ||                                        \
15149      ((((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S)) && \
15150      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1))))
15152 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting complementary output(s) ********/
15154     (((((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))  && \
15155      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||           \
15156       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||           \
15157       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||           \
15158       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))            \
15159     ||                                          \
15160     ((((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S)) && \
15161      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1))              \
15162     ||                                          \
15163     ((((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S)) && \
15164      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1)))
15166 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
15168                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15169                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S)  || \
15170                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15171                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15173 /****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
15175                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15176                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15178 /****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
15180                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15181                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15183 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
15185                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15186                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15188 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
15190                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15191                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15193 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting combined 3-phase PWM mode ******/
15196 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting commutation event generation ***/
15198                                                      ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15199                                                      ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15201 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/
15203                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15204                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15206 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
15208                                                       ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15209                                                       ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15211 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting Hall sensor interface **********/
15213                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)   || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15214                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)   || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15216 /**************** TIM Instances : external trigger input available ************/
15217 #define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15218                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15219                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15221 /************* TIM Instances : supporting ETR source selection ***************/
15222 #define IS_TIM_ETRSEL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15223                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15224                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15226 /****** TIM Instances : Master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
15227 #define IS_TIM_MASTER_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15228                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15229                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15231 /*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
15232 #define IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15233                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15234                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15236 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting OCxREF clear *******************/
15238                                                  ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15239                                                  ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15241 /****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
15242 #define IS_TIM_REMAP_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15243                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15244                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15246 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting repetition counter *************/
15248                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) || \
15249                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15251 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting ADC triggering through TRGO2 ***/
15252 #define IS_TIM_TRGO2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S))
15254 /******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
15255 #define IS_TIM_XOR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM1_S)  || \
15256                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S)  || \
15257                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S))
15259 /******************* TIM Instances : Timer input selection ********************/
15261                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_S) ||\
15262                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_S) ||\
15263                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S)||\
15264                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15266 /******************* TIM Instances : supporting HSE32 as input  ********************/
15267 #define IS_TIM_HSE32_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_S) ||\
15268                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_S))
15270 /****************** TIM Instances : Advanced timer instances *******************/
15273 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
15274 #define IS_TIM_SYNCHRO_INSTANCE(__INSTANCE__)  (((__INSTANCE__) == TIM1_NS)  || ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM1_S) || \
15275                                                 ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM2_NS)  || ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM2_S) || \
15276                                                 ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM3_NS)  || ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM3_S))
15278 /****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
15281 /******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
15283                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15285 /******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
15287                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15289 /*********************** UART Instances : FIFO mode ***************************/
15291                                          ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15292                                          ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15294 /*********************** UART Instances : SPI Slave mode **********************/
15296                                               ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15298 /****************** UART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
15300                                                             ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15302 /****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
15304                                                       ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15305                                                       ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15307 /******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
15309                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15310                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15312 /****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
15314                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15315                                            ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15317 /******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
15319                                           ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15321 /******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
15323                                                       ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15324                                                       ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15326 /*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
15328                                     ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15330 /********************* USART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
15332                                          ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S))
15334 /******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
15337 /*********************** UART Instances : AUTONOMOUS mode ***************************/
15339                                                ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS)  || ((INSTANCE) == USART2_S) || \
15340                                                ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_S))
15342 /****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
15345 /****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
15348 #else /* #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) */
15349 /* Instances allowed from Non-Secure state - only alias Non-Secure */
15351 /******************************* ADC Instances ********************************/
15356 /******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
15359 /******************************** COMP Instances ******************************/
15362 /******************** COMP Instances with window mode capability **************/
15365 /******************************* CRC Instances ********************************/
15368 /******************************** DMA Instances *******************************/
15369 #define IS_DMA_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_NS) || \
15370                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_NS) || \
15371                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_NS) || \
15372                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_NS) || \
15373                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_NS) || \
15374                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_NS) || \
15375                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_NS) || \
15376                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_NS))
15378 #define IS_GPDMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel0_NS) || \
15379                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel1_NS) || \
15380                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel2_NS) || \
15381                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel3_NS) || \
15382                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel4_NS) || \
15383                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel5_NS) || \
15384                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel6_NS) || \
15385                                        ((INSTANCE) == GPDMA1_Channel7_NS))
15387 /****************************** RAMCFG Instances ********************************/
15389                                           ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS) || \
15390                                           ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM6_NS))
15392 /***************************** RAMCFG PED Instances *****************************/
15395 /***************************** RAMCFG IT Instances ******************************/
15398 /************************ RAMCFG Write Protection Instances *********************/
15401 /************************ RAMCFG Erase Instances ********************************/
15403                                          ((INSTANCE) == RAMCFG_SRAM2_NS))
15405 /******************************* GPIO Instances *******************************/
15407                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOB_NS) || \
15408                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOC_NS) || \
15409                                         ((INSTANCE) == GPIOH_NS))
15411 /******************************* GPIO AF Instances ****************************/
15412 /* On WBA, all GPIO Bank support AF */
15415 /**************************** GPIO Lock Instances *****************************/
15416 /* On WBA, all GPIO Bank support the Lock mechanism */
15419 /**************************** HSEM Lock Instances *****************************/
15422 #define HSEM_CPU1_LOCKID   (HSEM_CR_LOCKID_CURRENT >> HSEM_CR_LOCKID_Pos)/* Semaphore Lock ID */
15424 #define HSEM_SEMID_MIN     (0U)       /* HSEM ID Min*/
15425 #define HSEM_SEMID_MAX     (15U)      /* HSEM ID Max */
15427 #define HSEM_PROCESSID_MIN (0U)       /* HSEM Process ID Min */
15428 #define HSEM_PROCESSID_MAX (255U)     /* HSEM Process ID Max */
15430 #define HSEM_CLEAR_KEY_MIN (0U)       /* HSEM clear Key Min value */
15431 #define HSEM_CLEAR_KEY_MAX (0xFFFFU)  /* HSEM clear Key Max value */
15433 /******************************** I2C Instances *******************************/
15434 #define IS_I2C_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == I2C1_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == I2C3_NS))
15436 /******************* I2C Instances : Group belongingness *********************/
15441 /****************** I2C Instances : wakeup capability from stop modes *********/
15444 /******************************* AES Instances ********************************/
15447 /******************************* RNG Instances ********************************/
15450 /****************************** RTC Instances *********************************/
15453 /******************************** SAI Instances *******************************/
15454 #define IS_SAI_ALL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_A_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == SAI1_Block_B_NS))
15456 /****************************** SMBUS Instances *******************************/
15459 /******************* SMBUS Instances : Group membership ***********************/
15464 /******************************** SPI Instances *******************************/
15471 /******************* SPI Instances : Group belongingness *********************/
15476 /****************** LPTIM Instances : All supported instances *****************/
15479 /****************** LPTIM Instances : DMA supported instances *****************/
15482 /************* LPTIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel ***********/
15485 /************* LPTIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channel ***********/
15488 /****************** LPTIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
15491 /****************** LPTIM Instances : supporting Input Capture **************/
15494 /****************** TIM Instances : All supported instances *******************/
15495 #define IS_TIM_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)       (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)   || \
15496                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)   || \
15497                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)   || \
15498                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS)  || \
15499                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15501 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting 32 bits counter ****************/
15503                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15505 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting the break function *************/
15506 #define IS_TIM_BREAK_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15507                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15508                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15510 /************** TIM Instances : supporting Break source selection *************/
15512                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15513                                                ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15515 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting 2 break inputs *****************/
15518 /************* TIM Instances : at least 1 capture/compare channel *************/
15519 #define IS_TIM_CC1_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15520                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15521                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15522                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15523                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15525 /************ TIM Instances : at least 2 capture/compare channels *************/
15526 #define IS_TIM_CC2_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15527                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15528                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15530 /************ TIM Instances : at least 3 capture/compare channels *************/
15531 #define IS_TIM_CC3_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15532                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15533                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15535 /************ TIM Instances : at least 4 capture/compare channels *************/
15536 #define IS_TIM_CC4_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15537                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15538                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15540 /****************** TIM Instances : at least 5 capture/compare channels *******/
15543 /****************** TIM Instances : at least 6 capture/compare channels *******/
15546 /************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.COMDE) *******/
15547 #define IS_TIM_CCDMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15548                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15549                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15551 /****************** TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.UDE) ***/
15552 #define IS_TIM_DMA_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15553                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15554                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15555                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15556                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15558 /************ TIM Instances : DMA requests generation (TIMx_DIER.CCxDE) *******/
15559 #define IS_TIM_DMA_CC_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)   (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15560                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15561                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15562                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15563                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15565 /******************** TIM Instances : DMA burst feature ***********************/
15567                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15568                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15569                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15570                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15572 /******************* TIM Instances : output(s) available **********************/
15574     ((((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  &&              \
15575      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15576       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15577       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15578       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4) ||          \
15579       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_5) ||          \
15580       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_6)))           \
15581      ||                                        \
15582      (((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  &&              \
15583      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15584       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15585       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15586       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
15587      ||                                        \
15588      (((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  &&              \
15589      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||          \
15590       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||          \
15591       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||          \
15592       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))           \
15593      ||                                        \
15594      (((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) &&              \
15595      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1)))           \
15596      ||                                        \
15597      (((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS) &&              \
15598      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1))))
15600 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting complementary output(s) ********/
15602     ((((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  &&               \
15603      (((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1) ||           \
15604       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_2) ||           \
15605       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_3) ||           \
15606       ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_4)))            \
15607     ||                                          \
15608     (((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS)  &&               \
15609      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1))              \
15610     ||                                          \
15611     (((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS)  &&               \
15612      ((CHANNEL) == TIM_CHANNEL_1)))
15614 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting clock division *****************/
15616                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15617                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15618                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15619                                                     ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15621 /****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for ETRF input *******/
15623                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15624                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15626 /****** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 2 for ETRF input *******/
15628                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15629                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15631 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting external clock mode 1 for TIX inputs*/
15633                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15634                                                         ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15636 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting internal trigger inputs(ITRX) *******/
15638                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15639                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15641 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting combined 3-phase PWM mode ******/
15644 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting commutation event generation ***/
15646                                                      ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15647                                                      ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15649 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting counting mode selection ********/
15651                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15652                                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15654 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting encoder interface **************/
15656                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15657                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15659 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting Hall sensor interface **********/
15661                                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15662                                                           ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15664 /**************** TIM Instances : external trigger input available ************/
15665 #define IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15666                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15667                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15669 /************* TIM Instances : supporting ETR source selection ***************/
15670 #define IS_TIM_ETRSEL_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)     (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15671                                               ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15672                                               ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15674 /****** TIM Instances : Master mode available (TIMx_CR2.MMS available )********/
15675 #define IS_TIM_MASTER_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15676                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15677                                              ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15679 /*********** TIM Instances : Slave mode available (TIMx_SMCR available )*******/
15680 #define IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15681                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15682                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15684 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting OCxREF clear *******************/
15686                                                  ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15687                                                  ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15689 /****************** TIM Instances : remapping capability **********************/
15690 #define IS_TIM_REMAP_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)    (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15691                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15692                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15694 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting repetition counter *************/
15696                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15697                                                        ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15699 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting ADC triggering through TRGO2 ***/
15702 /******************* TIM Instances : Timer input XOR function *****************/
15703 #define IS_TIM_XOR_INSTANCE(INSTANCE)      (((INSTANCE) == TIM1_NS) || \
15704                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS) || \
15705                                             ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS))
15707 /******************* TIM Instances : Timer input selection ********************/
15709                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15710                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM3_NS)  || \
15711                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || \
15712                                          ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15714 /******************* TIM Instances : supporting HSE32 as input  ********************/
15715 #define IS_TIM_HSE32_INSTANCE(INSTANCE) (((INSTANCE) == TIM16_NS) || ((INSTANCE) == TIM17_NS))
15717 /****************** TIM Instances : Advanced timer instances *******************/
15720 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting synchronization ****************/
15721 #define IS_TIM_SYNCHRO_INSTANCE(__INSTANCE__)  (((__INSTANCE__) == TIM1_NS)  || \
15722                                                 ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM2_NS)  || \
15723                                                 ((__INSTANCE__) == TIM3_NS))
15725 /****************************** TSC Instances *********************************/
15728 /******************** USART Instances : Synchronous mode **********************/
15731 /******************** UART Instances : Asynchronous mode **********************/
15734 /*********************** UART Instances : FIFO mode ***************************/
15736                                          ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15737                                          ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15739 /*********************** UART Instances : SPI Slave mode **********************/
15742 /****************** UART Instances : Auto Baud Rate detection ****************/
15745 /****************** UART Instances : Driver Enable *****************/
15747                                                      ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15748                                                      ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15750 /******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
15752                                                  ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15753                                                  ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15755 /****************** UART Instances : Hardware Flow control ********************/
15757                                            ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15758                                            ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15760 /******************** UART Instances : LIN mode **********************/
15763 /******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/
15765                                                       ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15766                                                       ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15768 /*********************** UART Instances : IRDA mode ***************************/
15771 /********************* USART Instances : Smard card mode ***********************/
15774 /*********************** UART Instances : AUTONOMOUS mode ***************************/
15776                                                 ((INSTANCE) == USART2_NS) || \
15777                                                 ((INSTANCE) == LPUART1_NS))
15779 /******************** LPUART Instance *****************************************/
15782 /****************************** IWDG Instances ********************************/
15785 /****************************** WWDG Instances ********************************/
15788 #endif /* #if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) */
15791 /** @} */ /* End of group STM32WBAxx_Peripheral_Exported_macros */
15793 /** @} */ /* End of group STM32WBA54xx */
15795 /** @} */ /* End of group ST */
15797 #ifdef __cplusplus
15798 }
15799 #endif
15801 #endif  /* STM32WBA54xx_H */