1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32l4xx_hal_sd.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   Header file of SD HAL module.
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.
11   *
12   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
13   * in the root directory of this software component.
14   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
15   *
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef STM32L4xx_HAL_SD_H
21 #define STM32L4xx_HAL_SD_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24  extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "stm32l4xx_hal_def.h"
30 #if defined(SDMMC1)
31 #include "stm32l4xx_ll_sdmmc.h"
33 /** @addtogroup STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver
34   * @{
35   */
37 /** @defgroup SD SD
38   * @brief SD HAL module driver
39   * @{
40   */
42 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types SD Exported Types
44   * @{
45   */
47 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group1 SD State enumeration structure
48   * @{
49   */
50 typedef enum
51 {
52   HAL_SD_STATE_RESET                  = ((uint32_t)0x00000000U),  /*!< SD not yet initialized or disabled  */
53   HAL_SD_STATE_READY                  = ((uint32_t)0x00000001U),  /*!< SD initialized and ready for use    */
54   HAL_SD_STATE_TIMEOUT                = ((uint32_t)0x00000002U),  /*!< SD Timeout state                    */
55   HAL_SD_STATE_BUSY                   = ((uint32_t)0x00000003U),  /*!< SD process ongoing                  */
56   HAL_SD_STATE_PROGRAMMING            = ((uint32_t)0x00000004U),  /*!< SD Programming State                */
57   HAL_SD_STATE_RECEIVING              = ((uint32_t)0x00000005U),  /*!< SD Receiving State                  */
58   HAL_SD_STATE_TRANSFER               = ((uint32_t)0x00000006U),  /*!< SD Transfer State                   */
59   HAL_SD_STATE_ERROR                  = ((uint32_t)0x0000000FU)   /*!< SD is in error state                */
60 }HAL_SD_StateTypeDef;
61 /**
62   * @}
63   */
65 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group2 SD Card State enumeration structure
66   * @{
67   */
68 typedef uint32_t HAL_SD_CardStateTypeDef;
70 #define HAL_SD_CARD_READY          0x00000001U  /*!< Card state is ready                     */
71 #define HAL_SD_CARD_IDENTIFICATION 0x00000002U  /*!< Card is in identification state         */
72 #define HAL_SD_CARD_STANDBY        0x00000003U  /*!< Card is in standby state                */
73 #define HAL_SD_CARD_TRANSFER       0x00000004U  /*!< Card is in transfer state               */
74 #define HAL_SD_CARD_SENDING        0x00000005U  /*!< Card is sending an operation            */
75 #define HAL_SD_CARD_RECEIVING      0x00000006U  /*!< Card is receiving operation information */
76 #define HAL_SD_CARD_PROGRAMMING    0x00000007U  /*!< Card is in programming state            */
77 #define HAL_SD_CARD_DISCONNECTED   0x00000008U  /*!< Card is disconnected                    */
78 #define HAL_SD_CARD_ERROR          0x000000FFU  /*!< Card response Error                     */
79 /**
80   * @}
81   */
83 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group3 SD Handle Structure definition
84   * @{
85   */
86 #define SD_InitTypeDef      SDMMC_InitTypeDef
87 #define SD_TypeDef          SDMMC_TypeDef
89 /**
90   * @brief  SD Card Information Structure definition
91   */
92 typedef struct
93 {
94   uint32_t CardType;                     /*!< Specifies the card Type                         */
96   uint32_t CardVersion;                  /*!< Specifies the card version                      */
98   uint32_t Class;                        /*!< Specifies the class of the card class           */
100   uint32_t RelCardAdd;                   /*!< Specifies the Relative Card Address             */
102   uint32_t BlockNbr;                     /*!< Specifies the Card Capacity in blocks           */
104   uint32_t BlockSize;                    /*!< Specifies one block size in bytes               */
106   uint32_t LogBlockNbr;                  /*!< Specifies the Card logical Capacity in blocks   */
108   uint32_t LogBlockSize;                 /*!< Specifies logical block size in bytes           */
110 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
112   uint32_t CardSpeed;                    /*!< Specifies the card Speed                        */
114 #endif /* STM32L4P5xx || STM32L4Q5xx || STM32L4R5xx || STM32L4R7xx || STM32L4R9xx || STM32L4S5xx || STM32L4S7xx || STM32L4S9xx */
115 }HAL_SD_CardInfoTypeDef;
117 /**
118   * @brief  SD handle Structure definition
119   */
121 typedef struct __SD_HandleTypeDef
122 #else
123 typedef struct
125 {
126   SD_TypeDef                   *Instance;        /*!< SD registers base address           */
128   SD_InitTypeDef               Init;             /*!< SD required parameters              */
130   HAL_LockTypeDef              Lock;             /*!< SD locking object                   */
132   uint8_t                      *pTxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to SD Tx transfer Buffer    */
134   uint32_t                     TxXferSize;       /*!< SD Tx Transfer size                 */
136   uint8_t                      *pRxBuffPtr;      /*!< Pointer to SD Rx transfer Buffer    */
138   uint32_t                     RxXferSize;       /*!< SD Rx Transfer size                 */
140   __IO uint32_t                Context;          /*!< SD transfer context                 */
142   __IO HAL_SD_StateTypeDef     State;            /*!< SD card State                       */
144   __IO uint32_t                ErrorCode;        /*!< SD Card Error codes                 */
146 #if !defined(STM32L4P5xx) && !defined(STM32L4Q5xx) && !defined(STM32L4R5xx) && !defined(STM32L4R7xx) && !defined(STM32L4R9xx) && !defined(STM32L4S5xx) && !defined(STM32L4S7xx) && !defined(STM32L4S9xx)
148   DMA_HandleTypeDef            *hdmatx;          /*!< SD Tx DMA handle parameters         */
150   DMA_HandleTypeDef            *hdmarx;          /*!< SD Rx DMA handle parameters         */
152 #endif /* !STM32L4P5xx && !STM32L4Q5xx && !STM32L4R5xx && !STM32L4R7xx && !STM32L4R9xx && !STM32L4S5xx && !STM32L4S7xx && !STM32L4S9xx */
153   HAL_SD_CardInfoTypeDef       SdCard;           /*!< SD Card information                 */
155   uint32_t                     CSD[4];           /*!< SD card specific data table         */
157   uint32_t                     CID[4];           /*!< SD card identification number table */
160   void (* TxCpltCallback)                 (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
161   void (* RxCpltCallback)                 (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
162   void (* ErrorCallback)                  (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
163   void (* AbortCpltCallback)              (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
164 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
165   void (* Read_DMADblBuf0CpltCallback)    (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
166   void (* Read_DMADblBuf1CpltCallback)    (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
167   void (* Write_DMADblBuf0CpltCallback)   (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
168   void (* Write_DMADblBuf1CpltCallback)   (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
170   void (* DriveTransceiver_1_8V_Callback) (FlagStatus status);
171 #endif
173   void (* MspInitCallback)                (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
174   void (* MspDeInitCallback)              (struct __SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
176 }SD_HandleTypeDef;
178 /**
179   * @}
180   */
182 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group4 Card Specific Data: CSD Register
183   * @{
184   */
185 typedef struct
186 {
187   __IO uint8_t  CSDStruct;            /*!< CSD structure                         */
188   __IO uint8_t  SysSpecVersion;       /*!< System specification version          */
189   __IO uint8_t  Reserved1;            /*!< Reserved                              */
190   __IO uint8_t  TAAC;                 /*!< Data read access time 1               */
191   __IO uint8_t  NSAC;                 /*!< Data read access time 2 in CLK cycles */
192   __IO uint8_t  MaxBusClkFrec;        /*!< Max. bus clock frequency              */
193   __IO uint16_t CardComdClasses;      /*!< Card command classes                  */
194   __IO uint8_t  RdBlockLen;           /*!< Max. read data block length           */
195   __IO uint8_t  PartBlockRead;        /*!< Partial blocks for read allowed       */
196   __IO uint8_t  WrBlockMisalign;      /*!< Write block misalignment              */
197   __IO uint8_t  RdBlockMisalign;      /*!< Read block misalignment               */
198   __IO uint8_t  DSRImpl;              /*!< DSR implemented                       */
199   __IO uint8_t  Reserved2;            /*!< Reserved                              */
200   __IO uint32_t DeviceSize;           /*!< Device Size                           */
201   __IO uint8_t  MaxRdCurrentVDDMin;   /*!< Max. read current @ VDD min           */
202   __IO uint8_t  MaxRdCurrentVDDMax;   /*!< Max. read current @ VDD max           */
203   __IO uint8_t  MaxWrCurrentVDDMin;   /*!< Max. write current @ VDD min          */
204   __IO uint8_t  MaxWrCurrentVDDMax;   /*!< Max. write current @ VDD max          */
205   __IO uint8_t  DeviceSizeMul;        /*!< Device size multiplier                */
206   __IO uint8_t  EraseGrSize;          /*!< Erase group size                      */
207   __IO uint8_t  EraseGrMul;           /*!< Erase group size multiplier           */
208   __IO uint8_t  WrProtectGrSize;      /*!< Write protect group size              */
209   __IO uint8_t  WrProtectGrEnable;    /*!< Write protect group enable            */
210   __IO uint8_t  ManDeflECC;           /*!< Manufacturer default ECC              */
211   __IO uint8_t  WrSpeedFact;          /*!< Write speed factor                    */
212   __IO uint8_t  MaxWrBlockLen;        /*!< Max. write data block length          */
213   __IO uint8_t  WriteBlockPaPartial;  /*!< Partial blocks for write allowed      */
214   __IO uint8_t  Reserved3;            /*!< Reserved                              */
215   __IO uint8_t  ContentProtectAppli;  /*!< Content protection application        */
216   __IO uint8_t  FileFormatGroup;      /*!< File format group                     */
217   __IO uint8_t  CopyFlag;             /*!< Copy flag (OTP)                       */
218   __IO uint8_t  PermWrProtect;        /*!< Permanent write protection            */
219   __IO uint8_t  TempWrProtect;        /*!< Temporary write protection            */
220   __IO uint8_t  FileFormat;           /*!< File format                           */
221   __IO uint8_t  ECC;                  /*!< ECC code                              */
222   __IO uint8_t  CSD_CRC;              /*!< CSD CRC                               */
223   __IO uint8_t  Reserved4;            /*!< Always 1                              */
224 }HAL_SD_CardCSDTypeDef;
225 /**
226   * @}
227   */
229 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group5 Card Identification Data: CID Register
230   * @{
231   */
232 typedef struct
233 {
234   __IO uint8_t  ManufacturerID;  /*!< Manufacturer ID       */
235   __IO uint16_t OEM_AppliID;     /*!< OEM/Application ID    */
236   __IO uint32_t ProdName1;       /*!< Product Name part1    */
237   __IO uint8_t  ProdName2;       /*!< Product Name part2    */
238   __IO uint8_t  ProdRev;         /*!< Product Revision      */
239   __IO uint32_t ProdSN;          /*!< Product Serial Number */
240   __IO uint8_t  Reserved1;       /*!< Reserved1             */
241   __IO uint16_t ManufactDate;    /*!< Manufacturing Date    */
242   __IO uint8_t  CID_CRC;         /*!< CID CRC               */
243   __IO uint8_t  Reserved2;       /*!< Always 1              */
245 }HAL_SD_CardCIDTypeDef;
246 /**
247   * @}
248   */
250 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group6 SD Card Status returned by ACMD13
251   * @{
252   */
253 typedef struct
254 {
255   __IO uint8_t  DataBusWidth;           /*!< Shows the currently defined data bus width                 */
256   __IO uint8_t  SecuredMode;            /*!< Card is in secured mode of operation                       */
257   __IO uint16_t CardType;               /*!< Carries information about card type                        */
258   __IO uint32_t ProtectedAreaSize;      /*!< Carries information about the capacity of protected area   */
259   __IO uint8_t  SpeedClass;             /*!< Carries information about the speed class of the card      */
260   __IO uint8_t  PerformanceMove;        /*!< Carries information about the card's performance move      */
261   __IO uint8_t  AllocationUnitSize;     /*!< Carries information about the card's allocation unit size  */
262   __IO uint16_t EraseSize;              /*!< Determines the number of AUs to be erased in one operation */
263   __IO uint8_t  EraseTimeout;           /*!< Determines the timeout for any number of AU erase          */
264   __IO uint8_t  EraseOffset;            /*!< Carries information about the erase offset                 */
265 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
266   __IO uint8_t  UhsSpeedGrade;          /*!< Carries information about the speed grade of UHS card      */
267   __IO uint8_t  UhsAllocationUnitSize;  /*!< Carries information about the UHS card's allocation unit size  */
268   __IO uint8_t  VideoSpeedClass;        /*!< Carries information about the Video Speed Class of UHS card    */
269 #endif
270 }HAL_SD_CardStatusTypeDef;
271 /**
272   * @}
273   */
276 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group7 SD Callback ID enumeration definition
277   * @{
278   */
279 typedef enum
280 {
281   HAL_SD_TX_CPLT_CB_ID                 = 0x00U,  /*!< SD Tx Complete Callback ID                     */
282   HAL_SD_RX_CPLT_CB_ID                 = 0x01U,  /*!< SD Rx Complete Callback ID                     */
283   HAL_SD_ERROR_CB_ID                   = 0x02U,  /*!< SD Error Callback ID                           */
284   HAL_SD_ABORT_CB_ID                   = 0x03U,  /*!< SD Abort Callback ID                           */
285 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
286   HAL_SD_READ_DMA_DBL_BUF0_CPLT_CB_ID  = 0x04U,  /*!< SD Rx DMA Double Buffer 0 Complete Callback ID */
287   HAL_SD_READ_DMA_DBL_BUF1_CPLT_CB_ID  = 0x05U,  /*!< SD Rx DMA Double Buffer 1 Complete Callback ID */
288   HAL_SD_WRITE_DMA_DBL_BUF0_CPLT_CB_ID = 0x06U,  /*!< SD Tx DMA Double Buffer 0 Complete Callback ID */
289   HAL_SD_WRITE_DMA_DBL_BUF1_CPLT_CB_ID = 0x07U,  /*!< SD Tx DMA Double Buffer 1 Complete Callback ID */
290 #endif
292   HAL_SD_MSP_INIT_CB_ID                = 0x10U,  /*!< SD MspInit Callback ID                         */
293   HAL_SD_MSP_DEINIT_CB_ID              = 0x11U   /*!< SD MspDeInit Callback ID                       */
294 }HAL_SD_CallbackIDTypeDef;
295 /**
296   * @}
297   */
299 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Types_Group8 SD Callback pointer definition
300   * @{
301   */
302 typedef void (*pSD_CallbackTypeDef)           (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
303 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
304 typedef void (*pSD_TransceiverCallbackTypeDef)(FlagStatus status);
305 #endif
306 /**
307   * @}
308   */
310 /**
311   * @}
312   */
314 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
315 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Constants Exported Constants
316   * @{
317   */
319 #define BLOCKSIZE   ((uint32_t)512U) /*!< Block size is 512 bytes */
321 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Constansts_Group1 SD Error status enumeration Structure definition
322   * @{
323   */
324 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_NONE                     SDMMC_ERROR_NONE                        /*!< No error                                                     */
325 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CMD_CRC_FAIL             SDMMC_ERROR_CMD_CRC_FAIL                /*!< Command response received (but CRC check failed)             */
326 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_DATA_CRC_FAIL            SDMMC_ERROR_DATA_CRC_FAIL               /*!< Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)                  */
327 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CMD_RSP_TIMEOUT          SDMMC_ERROR_CMD_RSP_TIMEOUT             /*!< Command response timeout                                     */
328 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT             SDMMC_ERROR_DATA_TIMEOUT                /*!< Data timeout                                                 */
329 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_TX_UNDERRUN              SDMMC_ERROR_TX_UNDERRUN                 /*!< Transmit FIFO underrun                                       */
330 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_RX_OVERRUN               SDMMC_ERROR_RX_OVERRUN                  /*!< Receive FIFO overrun                                         */
331 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_ADDR_MISALIGNED          SDMMC_ERROR_ADDR_MISALIGNED             /*!< Misaligned address                                           */
332 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_BLOCK_LEN_ERR            SDMMC_ERROR_BLOCK_LEN_ERR               /*!< Transferred block length is not allowed for the card or the
333                                                                                           number of transferred bytes does not match the block length   */
334 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_ERASE_SEQ_ERR            SDMMC_ERROR_ERASE_SEQ_ERR               /*!< An error in the sequence of erase command occurs             */
335 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_BAD_ERASE_PARAM          SDMMC_ERROR_BAD_ERASE_PARAM             /*!< An invalid selection for erase groups                        */
336 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_WRITE_PROT_VIOLATION     SDMMC_ERROR_WRITE_PROT_VIOLATION        /*!< Attempt to program a write protect block                     */
337 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED       SDMMC_ERROR_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED          /*!< Sequence or password error has been detected in unlock
338                                                                                            command or if there was an attempt to access a locked card   */
339 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_COM_CRC_FAILED           SDMMC_ERROR_COM_CRC_FAILED              /*!< CRC check of the previous command failed                     */
340 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CMD              SDMMC_ERROR_ILLEGAL_CMD                 /*!< Command is not legal for the card state                      */
341 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CARD_ECC_FAILED          SDMMC_ERROR_CARD_ECC_FAILED             /*!< Card internal ECC was applied but failed to correct the data */
342 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CC_ERR                   SDMMC_ERROR_CC_ERR                      /*!< Internal card controller error                               */
343 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_GENERAL_UNKNOWN_ERR      SDMMC_ERROR_GENERAL_UNKNOWN_ERR         /*!< General or unknown error                                     */
344 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_STREAM_READ_UNDERRUN     SDMMC_ERROR_STREAM_READ_UNDERRUN        /*!< The card could not sustain data reading in stream rmode      */
345 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_STREAM_WRITE_OVERRUN     SDMMC_ERROR_STREAM_WRITE_OVERRUN        /*!< The card could not sustain data programming in stream mode   */
346 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CID_CSD_OVERWRITE        SDMMC_ERROR_CID_CSD_OVERWRITE           /*!< CID/CSD overwrite error                                      */
347 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_WP_ERASE_SKIP            SDMMC_ERROR_WP_ERASE_SKIP               /*!< Only partial address space was erased                        */
348 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_CARD_ECC_DISABLED        SDMMC_ERROR_CARD_ECC_DISABLED           /*!< Command has been executed without using internal ECC         */
349 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_ERASE_RESET              SDMMC_ERROR_ERASE_RESET                 /*!< Erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out
350                                                                                            of erase sequence command was received                       */
351 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_AKE_SEQ_ERR              SDMMC_ERROR_AKE_SEQ_ERR                 /*!< Error in sequence of authentication                          */
352 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_INVALID_VOLTRANGE        SDMMC_ERROR_INVALID_VOLTRANGE           /*!< Error in case of invalid voltage range                       */
353 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE        SDMMC_ERROR_ADDR_OUT_OF_RANGE           /*!< Error when addressed block is out of range                   */
354 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_REQUEST_NOT_APPLICABLE   SDMMC_ERROR_REQUEST_NOT_APPLICABLE      /*!< Error when command request is not applicable                 */
355 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_PARAM                    SDMMC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER           /*!< the used parameter is not valid                              */
356 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE      SDMMC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE         /*!< Error when feature is not insupported                        */
357 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_BUSY                     SDMMC_ERROR_BUSY                        /*!< Error when transfer process is busy                          */
358 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_DMA                      SDMMC_ERROR_DMA                         /*!< Error while DMA transfer                                     */
359 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_TIMEOUT                  SDMMC_ERROR_TIMEOUT                     /*!< Timeout error                                                 */
362 #define HAL_SD_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK         SDMMC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER       /*!< Invalid callback error                                        */
364 /**
365   * @}
366   */
368 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Constansts_Group2 SD context enumeration
369   * @{
370   */
371 #define   SD_CONTEXT_NONE                 ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< None                             */
372 #define   SD_CONTEXT_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK    ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< Read single block operation      */
373 #define   SD_CONTEXT_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK  ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< Read multiple blocks operation   */
374 #define   SD_CONTEXT_WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK   ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< Write single block operation     */
375 #define   SD_CONTEXT_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)  /*!< Write multiple blocks operation  */
376 #define   SD_CONTEXT_IT                   ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< Process in Interrupt mode        */
377 #define   SD_CONTEXT_DMA                  ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)  /*!< Process in DMA mode              */
379 /**
380   * @}
381   */
383 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Constansts_Group3 SD Supported Memory Cards
384   * @{
385   */
386 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
387 #define CARD_NORMAL_SPEED        ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)    /*!< Normal Speed Card <12.5Mo/s , Spec Version 1.01    */
388 #define CARD_HIGH_SPEED          ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)    /*!< High Speed Card <25Mo/s , Spec version 2.00        */
389 #define CARD_ULTRA_HIGH_SPEED    ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)    /*!< UHS-I SD Card <50Mo/s for SDR50, DDR5 Cards
390                                                                  and <104Mo/s for SDR104, Spec version 3.01          */
391 #endif /* STM32L4P5xx || STM32L4Q5xx || STM32L4R5xx || STM32L4R7xx || STM32L4R9xx || STM32L4S5xx || STM32L4S7xx || STM32L4S9xx */
393 #define CARD_SDSC                  ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)  /*!< SD Standard Capacity <2Go                          */
394 #define CARD_SDHC_SDXC             ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< SD High Capacity <32Go, SD Extended Capacity <2To  */
395 #define CARD_SECURED               ((uint32_t)0x00000003U)
397 /**
398   * @}
399   */
401 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Constansts_Group4 SD Supported Version
402   * @{
403   */
404 #define CARD_V1_X                  ((uint32_t)0x00000000U)
405 #define CARD_V2_X                  ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)
406 /**
407   * @}
408   */
410 /**
411   * @}
412   */
414 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
415 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_macros SD Exported Macros
416  *  @brief macros to handle interrupts and specific clock configurations
417  * @{
418  */
419 /** @brief Reset SD handle state.
420   * @param  __HANDLE__ : SD handle.
421   * @retval None
422   */
424 #define __HAL_SD_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)           do {                                              \
425                                                                (__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_SD_STATE_RESET; \
426                                                                (__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL;       \
427                                                                (__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;     \
428                                                              } while(0)
429 #else
430 #define __HAL_SD_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__)           ((__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_SD_STATE_RESET)
433 #if !defined(STM32L4P5xx) && !defined(STM32L4Q5xx) && !defined(STM32L4R5xx) && !defined(STM32L4R7xx) && !defined(STM32L4R9xx) && !defined(STM32L4S5xx) && !defined(STM32L4S7xx) && !defined(STM32L4S9xx)
434 /**
435   * @brief  Enable the SD device.
436   * @retval None
437   */
438 #define __HAL_SD_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) __SDMMC_ENABLE((__HANDLE__)->Instance)
440 /**
441   * @brief  Disable the SD device.
442   * @retval None
443   */
444 #define __HAL_SD_DISABLE(__HANDLE__) __SDMMC_DISABLE((__HANDLE__)->Instance)
446 /**
447   * @brief  Enable the SDMMC DMA transfer.
448   * @retval None
449   */
450 #define __HAL_SD_DMA_ENABLE(__HANDLE__) __SDMMC_DMA_ENABLE((__HANDLE__)->Instance)
452 /**
453   * @brief  Disable the SDMMC DMA transfer.
454   * @retval None
455   */
456 #define __HAL_SD_DMA_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)  __SDMMC_DMA_DISABLE((__HANDLE__)->Instance)
457 #endif /* !STM32L4P5xx && !STM32L4Q5xx && !STM32L4R5xx && !STM32L4R7xx && !STM32L4R9xx && !STM32L4S5xx && !STM32L4S7xx && !STM32L4S9xx */
459 /**
460   * @brief  Enable the SD device interrupt.
461   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
462   * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the SDMMC interrupt sources to be enabled.
463   *         This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
464   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
465   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
466   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout interrupt
467   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout interrupt
468   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
469   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
470   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
471   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required) interrupt
472   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero) interrupt
473   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold interrupt
474   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
475   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12 interrupt
476   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDACT:     Command transfer in progress interrupt
477   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXACT:      Data transmit in progress interrupt
478   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXACT:      Data receive in progress interrupt
479   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOHE:   Transmit FIFO Half Empty interrupt
480   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOHF:   Receive FIFO Half Full interrupt
481   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOF:    Transmit FIFO full interrupt
482   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOF:    Receive FIFO full interrupt
483   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOE:    Transmit FIFO empty interrupt
484   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOE:    Receive FIFO empty interrupt
485   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXDAVL:     Data available in transmit FIFO interrupt
486   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXDAVL:     Data available in receive FIFO interrupt
487   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected interrupt
488   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received interrupt
489   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received interrupt
490   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout interrupt
491   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion interrupt
492   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure interrupt
493   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete interrupt
494   * @retval None
495   */
496 #define __HAL_SD_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) __SDMMC_ENABLE_IT((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__INTERRUPT__))
498 /**
499   * @brief  Disable the SD device interrupt.
500   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
501   * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the SDMMC interrupt sources to be disabled.
502   *          This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
503   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
504   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
505   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout interrupt
506   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout interrupt
507   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
508   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
509   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
510   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required) interrupt
511   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero) interrupt
512   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold interrupt
513   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
514   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12 interrupt
515   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDACT:     Command transfer in progress interrupt
516   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXACT:      Data transmit in progress interrupt
517   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXACT:      Data receive in progress interrupt
518   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOHE:   Transmit FIFO Half Empty interrupt
519   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOHF:   Receive FIFO Half Full interrupt
520   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOF:    Transmit FIFO full interrupt
521   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOF:    Receive FIFO full interrupt
522   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOE:    Transmit FIFO empty interrupt
523   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOE:    Receive FIFO empty interrupt
524   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXDAVL:     Data available in transmit FIFO interrupt
525   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXDAVL:     Data available in receive FIFO interrupt
526   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected interrupt
527   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received interrupt
528   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received interrupt
529   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout interrupt
530   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion interrupt
531   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure interrupt
532   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete interrupt
533   * @retval None
534   */
535 #define __HAL_SD_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) __SDMMC_DISABLE_IT((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__INTERRUPT__))
537 /**
538   * @brief  Check whether the specified SD flag is set or not.
539   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
540   * @param  __FLAG__ specifies the flag to check.
541   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
542   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed)
543   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)
544   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout
545   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout
546   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error
547   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error
548   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed)
549   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required)
550   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero)
551   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold
552   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)
553   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12
554   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DPSMACT:    Data path state machine active
555   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CPSMACT:    Command path state machine active
556   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CMDACT:     Command transfer in progress
557   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXACT:      Data transmit in progress
558   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXACT:      Data receive in progress
559   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXFIFOHE:   Transmit FIFO Half Empty
560   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXFIFOHF:   Receive FIFO Half Full
561   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXFIFOF:    Transmit FIFO full
562   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXFIFOF:    Receive FIFO full
563   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXFIFOE:    Transmit FIFO empty
564   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXFIFOE:    Receive FIFO empty
565   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_BUSYD0:     Inverted value of SDMMC_D0 line (Busy)
566   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected
567   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXDAVL:     Data available in transmit FIFO
568   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXDAVL:     Data available in receive FIFO
569   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received
570   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received
571   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout
572   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion
573   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure
574   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_IDMATE:     IDMA transfer error
575   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete
576   * @retval The new state of SD FLAG (SET or RESET).
577   */
578 #define __HAL_SD_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) __SDMMC_GET_FLAG((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__FLAG__))
580 /**
581   * @brief  Clear the SD's pending flags.
582   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
583   * @param  __FLAG__ specifies the flag to clear.
584   *          This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
585   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed)
586   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)
587   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout
588   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout
589   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error
590   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error
591   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed)
592   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required)
593   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero)
594   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold
595   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)
596   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12
597   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected
598   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received
599   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received
600   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout
601   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion
602   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure
603   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_IDMATE:     IDMA transfer error
604   *            @arg SDMMC_FLAG_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete
605   * @retval None
606   */
607 #define __HAL_SD_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__) __SDMMC_CLEAR_FLAG((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__FLAG__))
609 /**
610   * @brief  Check whether the specified SD interrupt has occurred or not.
611   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
612   * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the SDMMC interrupt source to check.
613   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
614   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
615   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
616   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout interrupt
617   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout interrupt
618   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
619   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
620   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
621   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required) interrupt
622   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero) interrupt
623   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold interrupt
624   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
625   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12 interrupt
626   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDACT:     Command transfer in progress interrupt
627   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXACT:      Data transmit in progress interrupt
628   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXACT:      Data receive in progress interrupt
629   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOHE:   Transmit FIFO Half Empty interrupt
630   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOHF:   Receive FIFO Half Full interrupt
631   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOF:    Transmit FIFO full interrupt
632   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOF:    Receive FIFO full interrupt
633   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXFIFOE:    Transmit FIFO empty interrupt
634   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXFIFOE:    Receive FIFO empty interrupt
635   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXDAVL:     Data available in transmit FIFO interrupt
636   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXDAVL:     Data available in receive FIFO interrupt
637   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected interrupt
638   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received interrupt
639   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received interrupt
640   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout interrupt
641   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion interrupt
642   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure interrupt
643   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete interrupt
644   * @retval The new state of SD IT (SET or RESET).
645   */
646 #define __HAL_SD_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) __SDMMC_GET_IT((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__INTERRUPT__))
648 /**
649   * @brief  Clear the SD's interrupt pending bits.
650   * @param  __HANDLE__ SD Handle
651   * @param  __INTERRUPT__ specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
652   *          This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
653   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CCRCFAIL:   Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
654   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DCRCFAIL:   Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
655   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CTIMEOUT:   Command response timeout interrupt
656   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DTIMEOUT:   Data timeout interrupt
657   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_TXUNDERR:   Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
658   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_RXOVERR:    Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
659   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDREND:    Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
660   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CMDSENT:    Command sent (no response required) interrupt
661   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DATAEND:    Data end (data counter, DATACOUNT, is zero) interrupt
662   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DHOLD:      Data transfer Hold interrupt
663   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DBCKEND:    Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
664   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_DABORT:     Data transfer aborted by CMD12 interrupt
665   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_BUSYD0END:  End of SDMMC_D0 Busy following a CMD response detected interrupt
666   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_SDIOIT:     SDIO interrupt received interrupt
667   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKFAIL:    Boot Acknowledgment received interrupt
668   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_ACKTIMEOUT: Boot Acknowledgment timeout interrupt
669   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_VSWEND:     Voltage switch critical timing section completion interrupt
670   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_CKSTOP:     SDMMC_CK stopped in Voltage switch procedure interrupt
671   *            @arg SDMMC_IT_IDMABTC:    IDMA buffer transfer complete interrupt
672   * @retval None
673   */
674 #define __HAL_SD_CLEAR_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) __SDMMC_CLEAR_IT((__HANDLE__)->Instance, (__INTERRUPT__))
676 /**
677   * @}
678   */
680 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
681 /* Include SD HAL Extension module */
682 #include "stm32l4xx_hal_sd_ex.h"
683 #endif /* STM32L4P5xx || STM32L4Q5xx || STM32L4R5xx || STM32L4R7xx || STM32L4R9xx || STM32L4S5xx || STM32L4S7xx || STM32L4S9xx */
685 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
686 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions SD Exported Functions
687   * @{
688   */
690 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
691   * @{
692   */
693 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_Init     (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
694 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_InitCard (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
695 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_DeInit   (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
696 void              HAL_SD_MspInit  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
697 void              HAL_SD_MspDeInit(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
698 /**
699   * @}
700   */
702 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group2 Input and Output operation functions
703   * @{
704   */
705 /* Blocking mode: Polling */
706 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_ReadBlocks     (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout);
707 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_WriteBlocks    (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks, uint32_t Timeout);
708 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_Erase          (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint32_t BlockStartAdd, uint32_t BlockEndAdd);
709 /* Non-Blocking mode: IT */
710 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_IT  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks);
711 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_IT (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks);
712 /* Non-Blocking mode: DMA */
713 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks);
714 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t BlockAdd, uint32_t NumberOfBlocks);
716 void              HAL_SD_IRQHandler     (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
718 /* Callback in non blocking modes (DMA) */
719 void              HAL_SD_TxCpltCallback (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
720 void              HAL_SD_RxCpltCallback (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
721 void              HAL_SD_ErrorCallback  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
722 void              HAL_SD_AbortCallback  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
725 /* SD callback registering/unregistering */
726 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_RegisterCallback  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID, pSD_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
727 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_UnRegisterCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);
729 #if defined(STM32L4P5xx) || defined(STM32L4Q5xx) || defined(STM32L4R5xx) || defined(STM32L4R7xx) || defined(STM32L4R9xx) || defined(STM32L4S5xx) || defined(STM32L4S7xx) || defined(STM32L4S9xx)
730 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_RegisterTransceiverCallback  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, pSD_TransceiverCallbackTypeDef pCallback);
731 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_UnRegisterTransceiverCallback(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
732 #endif
735 /**
736   * @}
737   */
739 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
740   * @{
741   */
742 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_ConfigWideBusOperation(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint32_t WideMode);
743 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_ConfigSpeedBusOperation(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint32_t SpeedMode);
744 /**
745   * @}
746   */
748 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group4 SD card related functions
749   * @{
750   */
751 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_SD_SendSDStatus (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint32_t *pSDstatus);
752 HAL_SD_CardStateTypeDef HAL_SD_GetCardState (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
753 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_SD_GetCardCID   (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CardCIDTypeDef *pCID);
754 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_SD_GetCardCSD   (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CardCSDTypeDef *pCSD);
755 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_SD_GetCardStatus(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CardStatusTypeDef *pStatus);
756 HAL_StatusTypeDef       HAL_SD_GetCardInfo  (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, HAL_SD_CardInfoTypeDef *pCardInfo);
757 /**
758   * @}
759   */
761 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group5 Peripheral State and Errors functions
762   * @{
763   */
764 HAL_SD_StateTypeDef HAL_SD_GetState(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
765 uint32_t            HAL_SD_GetError(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
766 /**
767   * @}
768   */
770 /** @defgroup SD_Exported_Functions_Group6 Perioheral Abort management
771   * @{
772   */
773 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_Abort   (SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
774 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SD_Abort_IT(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd);
775 /**
776   * @}
777   */
779 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
780 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Types SD Private Types
781   * @{
782   */
784 /**
785   * @}
786   */
788 /* Private defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
789 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Defines SD Private Defines
790   * @{
791   */
793 /**
794   * @}
795   */
797 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
798 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Variables SD Private Variables
799   * @{
800   */
802 /**
803   * @}
804   */
806 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
807 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Constants SD Private Constants
808   * @{
809   */
811 /**
812   * @}
813   */
815 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
816 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Macros SD Private Macros
817   * @{
818   */
820 /**
821   * @}
822   */
824 /* Private functions prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/
825 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Functions_Prototypes SD Private Functions Prototypes
826   * @{
827   */
829 /**
830   * @}
831   */
833 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
834 /** @defgroup SD_Private_Functions SD Private Functions
835   * @{
836   */
838 /**
839   * @}
840   */
843 /**
844   * @}
845   */
847 /**
848   * @}
849   */
851 /**
852   * @}
853   */
855 #endif /* SDMMC1 */
857 #ifdef __cplusplus
858 }
859 #endif
862 #endif /* STM32L4xx_HAL_SD_H */