1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32h5xx_hal_adc_ex.c
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
6   *          functionalities of the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
7   *          peripheral:
8   *           + Peripheral Control functions
9   *          Other functions (generic functions) are available in file
10   *          "stm32h5xx_hal_adc.c".
11   *
12   ******************************************************************************
13   * @attention
14   *
15   * Copyright (c) 2022 STMicroelectronics.
16   * All rights reserved.
17   *
18   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
19   * in the root directory of this software component.
20   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
21   *
22   ******************************************************************************
23   @verbatim
24   [..]
25   (@) Sections "ADC peripheral features" and "How to use this driver" are
26       available in file of generic functions "stm32h5xx_hal_adc.c".
27   [..]
28   @endverbatim
29   ******************************************************************************
30   */
32 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #include "stm32h5xx_hal.h"
35 /** @addtogroup STM32H5xx_HAL_Driver
36   * @{
37   */
39 /** @defgroup ADCEx ADCEx
40   * @brief ADC Extended HAL module driver
41   * @{
42   */
46 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
47 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
49 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Private_Constants ADC Extended Private Constants
50   * @{
51   */
54                                ADC_JSQR_JSQ1  | ADC_JSQR_JSQ2 |\
55                                ADC_JSQR_JSQ3 | ADC_JSQR_JSQ4 ))           /*!< ADC_JSQR fields of parameters that can
56                              be updated anytime once the ADC is enabled */
58 /* Fixed timeout value for ADC calibration.                                   */
59 /* Fixed timeout value for ADC calibration.                                     */
60 /* Values defined to be higher than worst cases: low clock frequency,           */
61 /* maximum prescalers.                                                          */
62 /* Ex of profile low frequency : f_ADC at 0.125 Mhz (minimum value              */
63 /* according to Data sheet), calibration_time MAX = 165010 / f_ADC              */
64 /*           165010 / 125000 = 1.32s                                            */
65 /* At maximum CPU speed (480 MHz), this means                                   */
66 /*    1.32 * 480 MHz = 633600000 CPU cycles                                     */
67 #define ADC_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT         (633600000UL)   /*!< ADC calibration time-out value */
69 /**
70   * @}
71   */
73 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
74 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
75 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
76 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
78 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Exported_Functions ADC Extended Exported Functions
79   * @{
80   */
82 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Exported_Functions_Group1 Extended Input and Output operation functions
83   * @brief    Extended IO operation functions
84   *
85 @verbatim
86  ===============================================================================
87                       ##### IO operation functions #####
88  ===============================================================================
89     [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
91       (+) Perform the ADC self-calibration for single or differential ending.
92       (+) Get calibration factors for single or differential ending.
93       (+) Set calibration factors for single or differential ending.
95       (+) Start conversion of ADC group injected.
96       (+) Stop conversion of ADC group injected.
97       (+) Poll for conversion complete on ADC group injected.
98       (+) Get result of ADC group injected channel conversion.
99       (+) Start conversion of ADC group injected and enable interruptions.
100       (+) Stop conversion of ADC group injected and disable interruptions.
102       (+) When multimode feature is available, start multimode and enable DMA transfer.
103       (+) Stop multimode and disable ADC DMA transfer.
104       (+) Get result of multimode conversion.
106 @endverbatim
107   * @{
108   */
110 /**
111   * @brief  Perform an ADC automatic self-calibration
112   *         Calibration prerequisite: ADC must be disabled (execute this
113   *         function before HAL_ADC_Start() or after HAL_ADC_Stop() ).
114   * @param  hadc       ADC handle
115   * @param  SingleDiff Selection of single-ended or differential input
116   *         This parameter can be one of the following values:
117   *           @arg @ref ADC_SINGLE_ENDED       Channel in mode input single ended
118   *           @arg @ref ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED Channel in mode input differential ended
119   * @retval HAL status
120   */
HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t SingleDiff)121 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t SingleDiff)
122 {
123   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
124   __IO uint32_t wait_loop_index = 0UL;
126   /* Check the parameters */
127   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
128   assert_param(IS_ADC_SINGLE_DIFFERENTIAL(SingleDiff));
130   /* Process locked */
131   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
133   /* Calibration prerequisite: ADC must be disabled. */
135   /* Disable the ADC (if not already disabled) */
136   tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
138   /* Check if ADC is effectively disabled */
139   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
140   {
141     /* Set ADC state */
142     ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
143                       HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
144                       HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INTERNAL);
146     /* Start ADC calibration in mode single-ended or differential */
147     LL_ADC_StartCalibration(hadc->Instance, SingleDiff);
149     /* Wait for calibration completion */
150     while (LL_ADC_IsCalibrationOnGoing(hadc->Instance) != 0UL)
151     {
152       wait_loop_index++;
153       if (wait_loop_index >= ADC_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT)
154       {
155         /* Update ADC state machine to error */
156         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
157                           HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INTERNAL,
158                           HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_INTERNAL);
160         /* Process unlocked */
161         __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
163         return HAL_ERROR;
164       }
165     }
167     /* Set ADC state */
168     ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
169                       HAL_ADC_STATE_BUSY_INTERNAL,
170                       HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
171   }
172   else
173   {
176     /* Note: No need to update variable "tmp_hal_status" here: already set    */
177     /*       to state "HAL_ERROR" by function disabling the ADC.              */
178   }
180   /* Process unlocked */
181   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
183   /* Return function status */
184   return tmp_hal_status;
185 }
187 /**
188   * @brief  Get the calibration factor.
189   * @param hadc ADC handle.
190   * @param SingleDiff This parameter can be only:
191   *           @arg @ref ADC_SINGLE_ENDED       Channel in mode input single ended
192   *           @arg @ref ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED Channel in mode input differential ended
193   * @retval Calibration value.
194   */
HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_GetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t SingleDiff)195 uint32_t HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_GetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t SingleDiff)
196 {
197   /* Check the parameters */
198   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
199   assert_param(IS_ADC_SINGLE_DIFFERENTIAL(SingleDiff));
201   /* Return the selected ADC calibration value */
202   return LL_ADC_GetCalibrationFactor(hadc->Instance, SingleDiff);
203 }
205 /**
206   * @brief  Set the calibration factor to overwrite automatic conversion result.
207   *         ADC must be enabled and no conversion is ongoing.
208   * @param hadc ADC handle
209   * @param SingleDiff This parameter can be only:
210   *           @arg @ref ADC_SINGLE_ENDED       Channel in mode input single ended
211   *           @arg @ref ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED Channel in mode input differential ended
212   * @param CalibrationFactor Calibration factor (coded on 7 bits maximum)
213   * @retval HAL state
214   */
HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_SetValue(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t SingleDiff,uint32_t CalibrationFactor)215 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_SetValue(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t SingleDiff,
216                                                  uint32_t CalibrationFactor)
217 {
218   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
219   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular;
220   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected;
222   /* Check the parameters */
223   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
224   assert_param(IS_ADC_SINGLE_DIFFERENTIAL(SingleDiff));
225   assert_param(IS_ADC_CALFACT(CalibrationFactor));
227   /* Process locked */
228   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
230   /* Verification of hardware constraints before modifying the calibration    */
231   /* factors register: ADC must be enabled, no conversion on going.           */
232   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
233   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected = LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
235   if ((LL_ADC_IsEnabled(hadc->Instance) != 0UL)
236       && (tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular == 0UL)
237       && (tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected == 0UL)
238      )
239   {
240     /* Set the selected ADC calibration value */
241     LL_ADC_SetCalibrationFactor(hadc->Instance, SingleDiff, CalibrationFactor);
242   }
243   else
244   {
245     /* Update ADC state machine */
247     /* Update ADC error code */
248     SET_BIT(hadc->ErrorCode, HAL_ADC_ERROR_INTERNAL);
250     /* Update ADC state machine to error */
251     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
252   }
254   /* Process unlocked */
255   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
257   /* Return function status */
258   return tmp_hal_status;
259 }
261 /**
262   * @brief  Enable ADC, start conversion of injected group.
263   * @note   Interruptions enabled in this function: None.
264   * @note   Case of multimode enabled when multimode feature is available:
265   *         HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart() API must be called for ADC slave first,
266   *         then for ADC master.
267   *         For ADC slave, ADC is enabled only (conversion is not started).
268   *         For ADC master, ADC is enabled and multimode conversion is started.
269   * @param hadc ADC handle.
270   * @retval HAL status
271   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)272 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
273 {
274   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
275   uint32_t tmp_config_injected_queue;
276 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
277   uint32_t tmp_multimode_config = LL_ADC_GetMultimode(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
278 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
280   /* Check the parameters */
281   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
283   if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) != 0UL)
284   {
285     return HAL_BUSY;
286   }
287   else
288   {
289     /* In case of software trigger detection enabled, JQDIS must be set
290       (which can be done only if ADSTART and JADSTART are both cleared).
291        If JQDIS is not set at that point, returns an error
292        - since software trigger detection is disabled. User needs to
293        resort to HAL_ADCEx_DisableInjectedQueue() API to set JQDIS.
294        - or (if JQDIS is intentionally reset) since JEXTEN = 0 which means
295          the queue is empty */
296     tmp_config_injected_queue = READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JQDIS);
298     if ((READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->JSQR, ADC_JSQR_JEXTEN) == 0UL)
299         && (tmp_config_injected_queue == 0UL)
300        )
301     {
302       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
303       return HAL_ERROR;
304     }
306     /* Process locked */
307     __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
309     /* Enable the ADC peripheral */
310     tmp_hal_status = ADC_Enable(hadc);
312     /* Start conversion if ADC is effectively enabled */
313     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
314     {
315       /* Check if a regular conversion is ongoing */
316       if ((hadc->State & HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY) != 0UL)
317       {
318         /* Reset ADC error code field related to injected conversions only */
319         CLEAR_BIT(hadc->ErrorCode, HAL_ADC_ERROR_JQOVF);
320       }
321       else
322       {
323         /* Set ADC error code to none */
324         ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(hadc);
325       }
327       /* Set ADC state                                                        */
328       /* - Clear state bitfield related to injected group conversion results  */
329       /* - Set state bitfield related to injected operation                   */
330       ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
331                         HAL_ADC_STATE_READY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_EOC,
332                         HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
334 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
335       /* Reset HAL_ADC_STATE_MULTIMODE_SLAVE bit
336         - if ADC instance is master or if multimode feature is not available
337         - if multimode setting is disabled (ADC instance slave in independent mode) */
338       if ((__LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance) == hadc->Instance)
339           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
340          )
341       {
343       }
344 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
346       /* Clear ADC group injected group conversion flag */
347       /* (To ensure of no unknown state from potential previous ADC operations) */
350       /* Process unlocked */
351       /* Unlock before starting ADC conversions: in case of potential         */
352       /* interruption, to let the process to ADC IRQ Handler.                 */
353       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
355       /* Enable conversion of injected group, if automatic injected conversion  */
356       /* is disabled.                                                           */
357       /* If software start has been selected, conversion starts immediately.    */
358       /* If external trigger has been selected, conversion will start at next   */
359       /* trigger event.                                                         */
360       /* Case of multimode enabled (when multimode feature is available):       */
361       /* if ADC is slave,                                                       */
362       /*    - ADC is enabled only (conversion is not started),                  */
363       /*    - if multimode only concerns regular conversion, ADC is enabled     */
364       /*     and conversion is started.                                         */
365       /* If ADC is master or independent,                                       */
366       /*    - ADC is enabled and conversion is started.                         */
367 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
368       if ((__LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance) == hadc->Instance)
369           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
370           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIMULT)
371           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTERL)
372          )
373       {
374         /* ADC instance is not a multimode slave instance with multimode injected conversions enabled */
375         if (LL_ADC_INJ_GetTrigAuto(hadc->Instance) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT)
376         {
377           LL_ADC_INJ_StartConversion(hadc->Instance);
378         }
379       }
380       else
381       {
382         /* ADC instance is not a multimode slave instance with multimode injected conversions enabled */
383         SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_MULTIMODE_SLAVE);
384       }
385 #else
386       if (LL_ADC_INJ_GetTrigAuto(hadc->Instance) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT)
387       {
388         /* Start ADC group injected conversion */
389         LL_ADC_INJ_StartConversion(hadc->Instance);
390       }
391 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
393     }
394     else
395     {
396       /* Process unlocked */
397       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
398     }
400     /* Return function status */
401     return tmp_hal_status;
402   }
403 }
405 /**
406   * @brief  Stop conversion of injected channels. Disable ADC peripheral if
407   *         no regular conversion is on going.
408   * @note   If ADC must be disabled and if conversion is on going on
409   *         regular group, function HAL_ADC_Stop must be used to stop both
410   *         injected and regular groups, and disable the ADC.
411   * @note   If injected group mode auto-injection is enabled,
412   *         function HAL_ADC_Stop must be used.
413   * @note   In case of multimode enabled (when multimode feature is available),
414   *         HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop() must be called for ADC master first, then for ADC slave.
415   *         For ADC master, conversion is stopped and ADC is disabled.
416   *         For ADC slave, ADC is disabled only (conversion stop of ADC master
417   *         has already stopped conversion of ADC slave).
418   * @param hadc ADC handle.
419   * @retval HAL status
420   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)421 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
422 {
423   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
425   /* Check the parameters */
426   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
428   /* Process locked */
429   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
431   /* 1. Stop potential conversion on going on injected group only. */
432   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_INJECTED_GROUP);
434   /* Disable ADC peripheral if injected conversions are effectively stopped   */
435   /* and if no conversion on regular group is on-going                       */
436   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
437   {
438     if (LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
439     {
440       /* 2. Disable the ADC peripheral */
441       tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
443       /* Check if ADC is effectively disabled */
444       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
445       {
446         /* Set ADC state */
447         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
448                           HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
449                           HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
450       }
451     }
452     /* Conversion on injected group is stopped, but ADC not disabled since    */
453     /* conversion on regular group is still running.                          */
454     else
455     {
456       /* Set ADC state */
457       CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
458     }
459   }
461   /* Process unlocked */
462   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
464   /* Return function status */
465   return tmp_hal_status;
466 }
468 /**
469   * @brief  Wait for injected group conversion to be completed.
470   * @param hadc ADC handle
471   * @param Timeout Timeout value in millisecond.
472   * @note   Depending on hadc->Init.EOCSelection, JEOS or JEOC is
473   *         checked and cleared depending on AUTDLY bit status.
474   * @retval HAL status
475   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t Timeout)476 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t Timeout)
477 {
478   uint32_t tickstart;
479   uint32_t tmp_flag_end;
480   uint32_t tmp_adc_inj_is_trigger_source_sw_start;
481   uint32_t tmp_adc_reg_is_trigger_source_sw_start;
482   uint32_t tmp_cfgr;
483 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
484   const ADC_TypeDef *tmpADC_Master;
485   uint32_t tmp_multimode_config = LL_ADC_GetMultimode(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
486 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
488   /* Check the parameters */
489   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
491   /* If end of sequence selected */
492   if (hadc->Init.EOCSelection == ADC_EOC_SEQ_CONV)
493   {
494     tmp_flag_end = ADC_FLAG_JEOS;
495   }
496   else /* end of conversion selected */
497   {
498     tmp_flag_end = ADC_FLAG_JEOC;
499   }
501   /* Get timeout */
502   tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
504   /* Wait until End of Conversion or Sequence flag is raised */
505   while ((hadc->Instance->ISR & tmp_flag_end) == 0UL)
506   {
507     /* Check if timeout is disabled (set to infinite wait) */
508     if (Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
509     {
510       if (((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > Timeout) || (Timeout == 0UL))
511       {
512         /* New check to avoid false timeout detection in case of preemption */
513         if ((hadc->Instance->ISR & tmp_flag_end) == 0UL)
514         {
515           /* Update ADC state machine to timeout */
516           SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_TIMEOUT);
518           /* Process unlocked */
519           __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
521           return HAL_TIMEOUT;
522         }
523       }
524     }
525   }
527   /* Retrieve ADC configuration */
528   tmp_adc_inj_is_trigger_source_sw_start = LL_ADC_INJ_IsTriggerSourceSWStart(hadc->Instance);
529   tmp_adc_reg_is_trigger_source_sw_start = LL_ADC_REG_IsTriggerSourceSWStart(hadc->Instance);
530   /* Get relevant register CFGR in ADC instance of ADC master or slave  */
531   /* in function of multimode state (for devices with multimode         */
532   /* available).                                                        */
533 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
534   if ((__LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance) == hadc->Instance)
535       || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
536       || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIMULT)
537       || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTERL)
538      )
539   {
540     tmp_cfgr = READ_REG(hadc->Instance->CFGR);
541   }
542   else
543   {
544     tmpADC_Master = __LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance);
545     tmp_cfgr = READ_REG(tmpADC_Master->CFGR);
546   }
547 #else
548   tmp_cfgr = READ_REG(hadc->Instance->CFGR);
549 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
551   /* Update ADC state machine */
552   SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_EOC);
554   /* Determine whether any further conversion upcoming on group injected      */
555   /* by external trigger or by automatic injected conversion                  */
556   /* from group regular.                                                      */
557   if ((tmp_adc_inj_is_trigger_source_sw_start != 0UL)            ||
558       ((READ_BIT(tmp_cfgr, ADC_CFGR_JAUTO) == 0UL)      &&
559        ((tmp_adc_reg_is_trigger_source_sw_start != 0UL)  &&
560         (READ_BIT(tmp_cfgr, ADC_CFGR_CONT) == 0UL))))
561   {
562     /* Check whether end of sequence is reached */
563     if (__HAL_ADC_GET_FLAG(hadc, ADC_FLAG_JEOS))
564     {
565       /* Particular case if injected contexts queue is enabled:             */
566       /* when the last context has been fully processed, JSQR is reset      */
567       /* by the hardware. Even if no injected conversion is planned to come */
568       /* (queue empty, triggers are ignored), it can start again            */
569       /* immediately after setting a new context (JADSTART is still set).   */
570       /* Therefore, state of HAL ADC injected group is kept to busy.        */
571       if (READ_BIT(tmp_cfgr, ADC_CFGR_JQM) == 0UL)
572       {
573         /* Set ADC state */
574         CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
576         if ((hadc->State & HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY) == 0UL)
577         {
578           SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
579         }
580       }
581     }
582   }
584   /* Clear polled flag */
585   if (tmp_flag_end == ADC_FLAG_JEOS)
586   {
587     /* Clear end of sequence JEOS flag of injected group if low power feature */
588     /* "LowPowerAutoWait " is disabled, to not interfere with this feature.   */
589     /* For injected groups, no new conversion will start before JEOS is       */
590     /* cleared.                                                               */
591     if (READ_BIT(tmp_cfgr, ADC_CFGR_AUTDLY) == 0UL)
592     {
594     }
595   }
596   else
597   {
599   }
601   /* Return API HAL status */
602   return HAL_OK;
603 }
605 /**
606   * @brief  Enable ADC, start conversion of injected group with interruption.
607   * @note   Interruptions enabled in this function according to initialization
608   *         setting : JEOC (end of conversion) or JEOS (end of sequence)
609   * @note   Case of multimode enabled (when multimode feature is enabled):
610   *         HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT() API must be called for ADC slave first,
611   *         then for ADC master.
612   *         For ADC slave, ADC is enabled only (conversion is not started).
613   *         For ADC master, ADC is enabled and multimode conversion is started.
614   * @param hadc ADC handle.
615   * @retval HAL status.
616   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)617 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
618 {
619   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
620   uint32_t tmp_config_injected_queue;
621 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
622   uint32_t tmp_multimode_config = LL_ADC_GetMultimode(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
623 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
625   /* Check the parameters */
626   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
628   if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) != 0UL)
629   {
630     return HAL_BUSY;
631   }
632   else
633   {
634     /* In case of software trigger detection enabled, JQDIS must be set
635       (which can be done only if ADSTART and JADSTART are both cleared).
636        If JQDIS is not set at that point, returns an error
637        - since software trigger detection is disabled. User needs to
638        resort to HAL_ADCEx_DisableInjectedQueue() API to set JQDIS.
639        - or (if JQDIS is intentionally reset) since JEXTEN = 0 which means
640          the queue is empty */
641     tmp_config_injected_queue = READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JQDIS);
643     if ((READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->JSQR, ADC_JSQR_JEXTEN) == 0UL)
644         && (tmp_config_injected_queue == 0UL)
645        )
646     {
647       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
648       return HAL_ERROR;
649     }
651     /* Process locked */
652     __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
654     /* Enable the ADC peripheral */
655     tmp_hal_status = ADC_Enable(hadc);
657     /* Start conversion if ADC is effectively enabled */
658     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
659     {
660       /* Check if a regular conversion is ongoing */
661       if ((hadc->State & HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY) != 0UL)
662       {
663         /* Reset ADC error code field related to injected conversions only */
664         CLEAR_BIT(hadc->ErrorCode, HAL_ADC_ERROR_JQOVF);
665       }
666       else
667       {
668         /* Set ADC error code to none */
669         ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(hadc);
670       }
672       /* Set ADC state                                                        */
673       /* - Clear state bitfield related to injected group conversion results  */
674       /* - Set state bitfield related to injected operation                   */
675       ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
676                         HAL_ADC_STATE_READY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_EOC,
677                         HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
679 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
680       /* Reset HAL_ADC_STATE_MULTIMODE_SLAVE bit
681         - if ADC instance is master or if multimode feature is not available
682         - if multimode setting is disabled (ADC instance slave in independent mode) */
683       if ((__LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance) == hadc->Instance)
684           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
685          )
686       {
688       }
689 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
691       /* Clear ADC group injected group conversion flag */
692       /* (To ensure of no unknown state from potential previous ADC operations) */
695       /* Process unlocked */
696       /* Unlock before starting ADC conversions: in case of potential         */
697       /* interruption, to let the process to ADC IRQ Handler.                 */
698       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
700       /* Enable ADC Injected context queue overflow interrupt if this feature   */
701       /* is enabled.                                                            */
702       if ((hadc->Instance->CFGR & ADC_CFGR_JQM) != 0UL)
703       {
704         __HAL_ADC_ENABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_FLAG_JQOVF);
705       }
707       /* Enable ADC end of conversion interrupt */
708       switch (hadc->Init.EOCSelection)
709       {
710         case ADC_EOC_SEQ_CONV:
711           __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_JEOC);
712           __HAL_ADC_ENABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_JEOS);
713           break;
714         /* case ADC_EOC_SINGLE_CONV */
715         default:
716           __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_JEOS);
717           __HAL_ADC_ENABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_JEOC);
718           break;
719       }
721       /* Enable conversion of injected group, if automatic injected conversion  */
722       /* is disabled.                                                           */
723       /* If software start has been selected, conversion starts immediately.    */
724       /* If external trigger has been selected, conversion will start at next   */
725       /* trigger event.                                                         */
726       /* Case of multimode enabled (when multimode feature is available):       */
727       /* if ADC is slave,                                                       */
728       /*    - ADC is enabled only (conversion is not started),                  */
729       /*    - if multimode only concerns regular conversion, ADC is enabled     */
730       /*     and conversion is started.                                         */
731       /* If ADC is master or independent,                                       */
732       /*    - ADC is enabled and conversion is started.                         */
733 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
734       if ((__LL_ADC_MULTI_INSTANCE_MASTER(hadc->Instance) == hadc->Instance)
735           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
736           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIMULT)
737           || (tmp_multimode_config == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTERL)
738          )
739       {
740         /* ADC instance is not a multimode slave instance with multimode injected conversions enabled */
741         if (LL_ADC_INJ_GetTrigAuto(hadc->Instance) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT)
742         {
743           LL_ADC_INJ_StartConversion(hadc->Instance);
744         }
745       }
746       else
747       {
748         /* ADC instance is not a multimode slave instance with multimode injected conversions enabled */
749         SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_MULTIMODE_SLAVE);
750       }
751 #else
752       if (LL_ADC_INJ_GetTrigAuto(hadc->Instance) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT)
753       {
754         /* Start ADC group injected conversion */
755         LL_ADC_INJ_StartConversion(hadc->Instance);
756       }
757 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
759     }
760     else
761     {
762       /* Process unlocked */
763       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
764     }
766     /* Return function status */
767     return tmp_hal_status;
768   }
769 }
771 /**
772   * @brief  Stop conversion of injected channels, disable interruption of
773   *         end-of-conversion. Disable ADC peripheral if no regular conversion
774   *         is on going.
775   * @note   If ADC must be disabled and if conversion is on going on
776   *         regular group, function HAL_ADC_Stop must be used to stop both
777   *         injected and regular groups, and disable the ADC.
778   * @note   If injected group mode auto-injection is enabled,
779   *         function HAL_ADC_Stop must be used.
780   * @note   Case of multimode enabled (when multimode feature is available):
781   *         HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop_IT() API must be called for ADC master first,
782   *         then for ADC slave.
783   *         For ADC master, conversion is stopped and ADC is disabled.
784   *         For ADC slave, ADC is disabled only (conversion stop of ADC master
785   *         has already stopped conversion of ADC slave).
786   * @note   In case of auto-injection mode, HAL_ADC_Stop() must be used.
787   * @param hadc ADC handle
788   * @retval HAL status
789   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)790 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
791 {
792   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
794   /* Check the parameters */
795   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
797   /* Process locked */
798   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
800   /* 1. Stop potential conversion on going on injected group only. */
801   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_INJECTED_GROUP);
803   /* Disable ADC peripheral if injected conversions are effectively stopped   */
804   /* and if no conversion on the other group (regular group) is intended to   */
805   /* continue.                                                                */
806   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
807   {
808     /* Disable ADC end of conversion interrupt for injected channels */
811     if (LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
812     {
813       /* 2. Disable the ADC peripheral */
814       tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
816       /* Check if ADC is effectively disabled */
817       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
818       {
819         /* Set ADC state */
820         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
821                           HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
822                           HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
823       }
824     }
825     /* Conversion on injected group is stopped, but ADC not disabled since    */
826     /* conversion on regular group is still running.                          */
827     else
828     {
829       /* Set ADC state */
830       CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
831     }
832   }
834   /* Process unlocked */
835   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
837   /* Return function status */
838   return tmp_hal_status;
839 }
841 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
842 /**
843   * @brief  Enable ADC, start MultiMode conversion and transfer regular results through DMA.
844   * @note   Multimode must have been previously configured using
845   *         HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel() function.
846   *         Interruptions enabled in this function:
847   *          overrun, DMA half transfer, DMA transfer complete.
848   *         Each of these interruptions has its dedicated callback function.
849   * @note   State field of Slave ADC handle is not updated in this configuration:
850   *          user should not rely on it for information related to Slave regular
851   *         conversions.
852   * @param hadc ADC handle of ADC master (handle of ADC slave must not be used)
853   * @param pData Destination Buffer address.
854   * @param Length Length of data to be transferred from ADC peripheral to memory (in bytes).
855   * @retval HAL status
856   */
HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t * pData,uint32_t Length)857 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t *pData, uint32_t Length)
858 {
859   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
860   ADC_HandleTypeDef tmp_hadc_slave;
861   ADC_Common_TypeDef *tmpADC_Common;
862   uint32_t length_bytes;
863   DMA_NodeConfTypeDef node_conf;
865   /* Check the parameters */
866   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE_MASTER_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
867   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hadc->Init.ContinuousConvMode));
868   assert_param(IS_ADC_EXTTRIG_EDGE(hadc->Init.ExternalTrigConvEdge));
869   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(hadc->Init.DMAContinuousRequests));
871   if (LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) != 0UL)
872   {
873     return HAL_BUSY;
874   }
875   else
876   {
877     /* Process locked */
878     __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
880     /* Temporary handle minimum initialization */
881     __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
882     ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
884     /* Set a temporary handle of the ADC slave associated to the ADC master   */
885     ADC_MULTI_SLAVE(hadc, &tmp_hadc_slave);
887     if (tmp_hadc_slave.Instance == NULL)
888     {
889       /* Set ADC state */
890       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
892       /* Process unlocked */
893       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
895       return HAL_ERROR;
896     }
898     /* Enable the ADC peripherals: master and slave (in case if not already   */
899     /* enabled previously)                                                    */
900     tmp_hal_status = ADC_Enable(hadc);
901     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
902     {
903       tmp_hal_status = ADC_Enable(&tmp_hadc_slave);
904     }
906     /* Start multimode conversion of ADCs pair */
907     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
908     {
909       /* Set ADC state */
910       ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
912                         HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY);
914       /* Set ADC error code to none */
915       ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(hadc);
917       /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback */
918       hadc->DMA_Handle->XferCpltCallback = ADC_DMAConvCplt;
920       /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback */
921       hadc->DMA_Handle->XferHalfCpltCallback = ADC_DMAHalfConvCplt;
923       /* Set the DMA error callback */
924       hadc->DMA_Handle->XferErrorCallback = ADC_DMAError ;
926       /* Pointer to the common control register  */
927       tmpADC_Common = __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance);
929       /* Manage ADC and DMA start: ADC overrun interruption, DMA start, ADC     */
930       /* start (in case of SW start):                                           */
932       /* Clear regular group conversion flag and overrun flag */
933       /* (To ensure of no unknown state from potential previous ADC operations) */
936       /* Process unlocked */
937       /* Unlock before starting ADC conversions: in case of potential         */
938       /* interruption, to let the process to ADC IRQ Handler.                 */
939       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
941       /* Enable ADC overrun interrupt */
942       __HAL_ADC_ENABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_OVR);
944       /* Check linkedlist mode */
945       if ((hadc->DMA_Handle->Mode & DMA_LINKEDLIST) == DMA_LINKEDLIST)
946       {
947         if ((hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue != NULL) && (hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue->Head != NULL))
948         {
949           /* Length should be converted to number of bytes */
950           if (HAL_DMAEx_List_GetNodeConfig(&node_conf, hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue->Head) != HAL_OK)
951           {
952             return HAL_ERROR;
953           }
955           /* Length should be converted to number of bytes */
956           if (node_conf.Init.SrcDataWidth == DMA_SRC_DATAWIDTH_WORD)
957           {
958             /* Word -> Bytes */
959             length_bytes = Length * 4U;
960           }
961           else if (node_conf.Init.SrcDataWidth == DMA_SRC_DATAWIDTH_HALFWORD)
962           {
963             /* Halfword -> Bytes */
964             length_bytes = Length * 2U;
965           }
966           else /* Bytes */
967           {
968             /* Same size already expressed in Bytes */
969             length_bytes = Length;
970           }
972           hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue->Head->LinkRegisters[NODE_CBR1_DEFAULT_OFFSET] = (uint32_t)length_bytes;
973           hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue->Head->LinkRegisters[NODE_CSAR_DEFAULT_OFFSET] =                  \
974               (uint32_t)&tmpADC_Common->CDR;
975           hadc->DMA_Handle->LinkedListQueue->Head->LinkRegisters[NODE_CDAR_DEFAULT_OFFSET] = (uint32_t)pData;
976           tmp_hal_status = HAL_DMAEx_List_Start_IT(hadc->DMA_Handle);
977         }
978         else
979         {
980           return HAL_ERROR;
981         }
982       }
983       else
984       {
985         /* Length should be converted to number of bytes */
986         if (hadc->DMA_Handle->Init.SrcDataWidth == DMA_SRC_DATAWIDTH_WORD)
987         {
988           /* Word -> Bytes */
989           length_bytes = Length * 4U;
990         }
991         else if (hadc->DMA_Handle->Init.SrcDataWidth == DMA_SRC_DATAWIDTH_HALFWORD)
992         {
993           /* Halfword -> Bytes */
994           length_bytes = Length * 2U;
995         }
996         else /* Bytes */
997         {
998           /* Same size already expressed in Bytes */
999           length_bytes = Length;
1000         }
1002         /* Start the DMA channel */
1003         tmp_hal_status = HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hadc->DMA_Handle, (uint32_t)&tmpADC_Common->CDR, (uint32_t)pData,        \
1004                                           length_bytes);
1005       }
1007       /* Enable conversion of regular group.                                    */
1008       /* If software start has been selected, conversion starts immediately.    */
1009       /* If external trigger has been selected, conversion will start at next   */
1010       /* trigger event.                                                         */
1011       /* Start ADC group regular conversion */
1012       LL_ADC_REG_StartConversion(hadc->Instance);
1013     }
1014     else
1015     {
1016       /* Process unlocked */
1017       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1018     }
1020     /* Return function status */
1021     return tmp_hal_status;
1022   }
1023 }
1025 /**
1026   * @brief  Stop multimode ADC conversion, disable ADC DMA transfer, disable ADC peripheral.
1027   * @note   Multimode is kept enabled after this function. MultiMode DMA bits
1028   *         (MDMA and DMACFG bits of common CCR register) are maintained. To disable
1029   *         Multimode (set with HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel()), ADC must be
1030   *         reinitialized using HAL_ADC_Init() or HAL_ADC_DeInit(), or the user can
1031   *         resort to HAL_ADCEx_DisableMultiMode() API.
1032   * @note   In case of DMA configured in circular mode, function
1033   *         HAL_ADC_Stop_DMA() must be called after this function with handle of
1034   *         ADC slave, to properly disable the DMA channel.
1035   * @param hadc ADC handle of ADC master (handle of ADC slave must not be used)
1036   * @retval HAL status
1037   */
HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1038 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1039 {
1040   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
1041   uint32_t tickstart;
1042   ADC_HandleTypeDef tmp_hadc_slave;
1043   uint32_t tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going;
1044   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hadc_slave_disable_status;
1046   /* Check the parameters */
1047   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE_MASTER_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1049   /* Process locked */
1050   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1052   /* 1. Stop potential multimode conversion on going, on regular and injected groups */
1053   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_REGULAR_INJECTED_GROUP);
1055   /* Disable ADC peripheral if conversions are effectively stopped */
1056   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1057   {
1058     /* Temporary handle minimum initialization */
1059     __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1060     ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1062     /* Set a temporary handle of the ADC slave associated to the ADC master   */
1063     ADC_MULTI_SLAVE(hadc, &tmp_hadc_slave);
1065     if (tmp_hadc_slave.Instance == NULL)
1066     {
1067       /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1068       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
1070       /* Process unlocked */
1071       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1073       return HAL_ERROR;
1074     }
1076     /* Procedure to disable the ADC peripheral: wait for conversions          */
1077     /* effectively stopped (ADC master and ADC slave), then disable ADC       */
1079     /* 1. Wait for ADC conversion completion for ADC master and ADC slave */
1080     tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
1082     tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1083     while ((LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 1UL)
1084            || (tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going == 1UL)
1085           )
1086     {
1087       if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ADC_STOP_CONVERSION_TIMEOUT)
1088       {
1089         /* New check to avoid false timeout detection in case of preemption */
1090         tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1091         if ((LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 1UL)
1092             || (tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going == 1UL)
1093            )
1094         {
1095           /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1096           SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_INTERNAL);
1098           /* Process unlocked */
1099           __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1101           return HAL_ERROR;
1102         }
1103       }
1105       tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1106     }
1108     /* Disable the DMA channel (in case of DMA in circular mode or stop       */
1109     /* while DMA transfer is on going)                                        */
1110     /* Note: DMA channel of ADC slave should be stopped after this function   */
1111     /*       with HAL_ADC_Stop_DMA() API.                                     */
1112     tmp_hal_status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hadc->DMA_Handle);
1114     /* Check if DMA channel effectively disabled */
1115     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_ERROR)
1116     {
1117       /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1118       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_DMA);
1119     }
1121     /* Disable ADC overrun interrupt */
1122     __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_OVR);
1124     /* 2. Disable the ADC peripherals: master and slave */
1125     /* Update "tmp_hal_status" only if DMA channel disabling passed, to keep in */
1126     /* memory a potential failing status.                                     */
1127     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1128     {
1129       tmp_hadc_slave_disable_status = ADC_Disable(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1130       if ((ADC_Disable(hadc) == HAL_OK)           &&
1131           (tmp_hadc_slave_disable_status == HAL_OK))
1132       {
1133         tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
1134       }
1135     }
1136     else
1137     {
1138       /* In case of error, attempt to disable ADC master and slave without status assert */
1139       (void) ADC_Disable(hadc);
1140       (void) ADC_Disable(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1141     }
1143     /* Set ADC state (ADC master) */
1144     ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
1145                       HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY | HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
1146                       HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
1147   }
1149   /* Process unlocked */
1150   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1152   /* Return function status */
1153   return tmp_hal_status;
1154 }
1156 /**
1157   * @brief  Return the last ADC Master and Slave regular conversions results when in multimode configuration.
1158   * @param hadc ADC handle of ADC Master (handle of ADC Slave must not be used)
1159   * @retval The converted data values.
1160   */
HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeGetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1161 uint32_t HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeGetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1162 {
1163   const ADC_Common_TypeDef *tmpADC_Common;
1165   /* Check the parameters */
1166   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE_MASTER_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1168   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning if no assert_param check */
1169   /* and possible no usage in __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE() below               */
1170   UNUSED(hadc);
1172   /* Pointer to the common control register  */
1173   tmpADC_Common = __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance);
1175   /* Return the multi mode conversion value */
1176   return tmpADC_Common->CDR;
1177 }
1178 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
1180 /**
1181   * @brief  Get ADC injected group conversion result.
1182   * @note   Reading register JDRx automatically clears ADC flag JEOC
1183   *         (ADC group injected end of unitary conversion).
1184   * @note   This function does not clear ADC flag JEOS
1185   *         (ADC group injected end of sequence conversion)
1186   *         Occurrence of flag JEOS rising:
1187   *          - If sequencer is composed of 1 rank, flag JEOS is equivalent
1188   *            to flag JEOC.
1189   *          - If sequencer is composed of several ranks, during the scan
1190   *            sequence flag JEOC only is raised, at the end of the scan sequence
1191   *            both flags JEOC and EOS are raised.
1192   *         Flag JEOS must not be cleared by this function because
1193   *         it would not be compliant with low power features
1194   *         (feature low power auto-wait, not available on all STM32 series).
1195   *         To clear this flag, either use function:
1196   *         in programming model IT: @ref HAL_ADC_IRQHandler(), in programming
1197   *         model polling: @ref HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion()
1198   *         or @ref __HAL_ADC_CLEAR_FLAG(&hadc, ADC_FLAG_JEOS).
1199   * @param hadc ADC handle
1200   * @param InjectedRank the converted ADC injected rank.
1201   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
1202   *            @arg @ref ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1 ADC group injected rank 1
1203   *            @arg @ref ADC_INJECTED_RANK_2 ADC group injected rank 2
1204   *            @arg @ref ADC_INJECTED_RANK_3 ADC group injected rank 3
1205   *            @arg @ref ADC_INJECTED_RANK_4 ADC group injected rank 4
1206   * @retval ADC group injected conversion data
1207   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedGetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,uint32_t InjectedRank)1208 uint32_t HAL_ADCEx_InjectedGetValue(const ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, uint32_t InjectedRank)
1209 {
1210   uint32_t tmp_jdr;
1212   /* Check the parameters */
1213   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1214   assert_param(IS_ADC_INJECTED_RANK(InjectedRank));
1216   /* Get ADC converted value */
1217   switch (InjectedRank)
1218   {
1219     case ADC_INJECTED_RANK_4:
1220       tmp_jdr = hadc->Instance->JDR4;
1221       break;
1222     case ADC_INJECTED_RANK_3:
1223       tmp_jdr = hadc->Instance->JDR3;
1224       break;
1225     case ADC_INJECTED_RANK_2:
1226       tmp_jdr = hadc->Instance->JDR2;
1227       break;
1228     case ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1:
1229     default:
1230       tmp_jdr = hadc->Instance->JDR1;
1231       break;
1232   }
1234   /* Return ADC converted value */
1235   return tmp_jdr;
1236 }
1238 /**
1239   * @brief  Injected conversion complete callback in non-blocking mode.
1240   * @param hadc ADC handle
1241   * @retval None
1242   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1243 __weak void HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1244 {
1245   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1246   UNUSED(hadc);
1248   /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
1249             function HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConvCpltCallback must be implemented in the user file.
1250   */
1251 }
1253 /**
1254   * @brief  Injected context queue overflow callback.
1255   * @note   This callback is called if injected context queue is enabled
1256             (parameter "QueueInjectedContext" in injected channel configuration)
1257             and if a new injected context is set when queue is full (maximum 2
1258             contexts).
1259   * @param hadc ADC handle
1260   * @retval None
1261   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedQueueOverflowCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1262 __weak void HAL_ADCEx_InjectedQueueOverflowCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1263 {
1264   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1265   UNUSED(hadc);
1267   /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
1268             function HAL_ADCEx_InjectedQueueOverflowCallback must be implemented in the user file.
1269   */
1270 }
1272 /**
1273   * @brief  Analog watchdog 2 callback in non-blocking mode.
1274   * @param hadc ADC handle
1275   * @retval None
1276   */
HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow2Callback(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1277 __weak void HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow2Callback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1278 {
1279   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1280   UNUSED(hadc);
1282   /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
1283             function HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow2Callback must be implemented in the user file.
1284   */
1285 }
1287 /**
1288   * @brief  Analog watchdog 3 callback in non-blocking mode.
1289   * @param hadc ADC handle
1290   * @retval None
1291   */
HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow3Callback(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1292 __weak void HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow3Callback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1293 {
1294   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1295   UNUSED(hadc);
1297   /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
1298             function HAL_ADCEx_LevelOutOfWindow3Callback must be implemented in the user file.
1299   */
1300 }
1303 /**
1304   * @brief  End Of Sampling callback in non-blocking mode.
1305   * @param hadc ADC handle
1306   * @retval None
1307   */
HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1308 __weak void HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1309 {
1310   /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1311   UNUSED(hadc);
1313   /* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed,
1314             function HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback must be implemented in the user file.
1315   */
1316 }
1318 /**
1319   * @brief  Stop ADC conversion of regular group (and injected channels in
1320   *         case of auto_injection mode), disable ADC peripheral if no
1321   *         conversion is on going on injected group.
1322   * @param hadc ADC handle
1323   * @retval HAL status.
1324   */
HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1325 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1326 {
1327   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
1329   /* Check the parameters */
1330   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1332   /* Process locked */
1333   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1335   /* 1. Stop potential regular conversion on going */
1336   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_REGULAR_GROUP);
1338   /* Disable ADC peripheral if regular conversions are effectively stopped
1339      and if no injected conversions are on-going */
1340   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1341   {
1342     /* Clear HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY bit */
1343     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY);
1345     if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
1346     {
1347       /* 2. Disable the ADC peripheral */
1348       tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
1350       /* Check if ADC is effectively disabled */
1351       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1352       {
1353         /* Set ADC state */
1354         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
1355                           HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
1356                           HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
1357       }
1358     }
1359     /* Conversion on injected group is stopped, but ADC not disabled since    */
1360     /* conversion on regular group is still running.                          */
1361     else
1362     {
1363       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
1364     }
1365   }
1367   /* Process unlocked */
1368   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1370   /* Return function status */
1371   return tmp_hal_status;
1372 }
1375 /**
1376   * @brief  Stop ADC conversion of ADC groups regular and injected,
1377   *         disable interrution of end-of-conversion,
1378   *         disable ADC peripheral if no conversion is on going
1379   *         on injected group.
1380   * @param hadc ADC handle
1381   * @retval HAL status.
1382   */
HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1383 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1384 {
1385   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
1387   /* Check the parameters */
1388   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1390   /* Process locked */
1391   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1393   /* 1. Stop potential regular conversion on going */
1394   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_REGULAR_GROUP);
1396   /* Disable ADC peripheral if conversions are effectively stopped
1397     and if no injected conversion is on-going */
1398   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1399   {
1400     /* Clear HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY bit */
1401     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY);
1403     /* Disable all regular-related interrupts */
1406     /* 2. Disable ADC peripheral if no injected conversions are on-going */
1407     if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
1408     {
1409       tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
1410       /* if no issue reported */
1411       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1412       {
1413         /* Set ADC state */
1414         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
1415                           HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
1416                           HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
1417       }
1418     }
1419     else
1420     {
1421       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
1422     }
1423   }
1425   /* Process unlocked */
1426   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1428   /* Return function status */
1429   return tmp_hal_status;
1430 }
1432 /**
1433   * @brief  Stop ADC conversion of regular group (and injected group in
1434   *         case of auto_injection mode), disable ADC DMA transfer, disable
1435   *         ADC peripheral if no conversion is on going
1436   *         on injected group.
1437   * @note   HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_DMA() function is dedicated to single-ADC mode only.
1438   *         For multimode (when multimode feature is available),
1439   *         HAL_ADCEx_RegularMultiModeStop_DMA() API must be used.
1440   * @param hadc ADC handle
1441   * @retval HAL status.
1442   */
HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1443 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1444 {
1445   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
1447   /* Check the parameters */
1448   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1450   /* Process locked */
1451   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1453   /* 1. Stop potential regular conversion on going */
1454   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_REGULAR_GROUP);
1456   /* Disable ADC peripheral if conversions are effectively stopped
1457      and if no injected conversion is on-going */
1458   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1459   {
1460     /* Clear HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY bit */
1461     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY);
1463     /* Disable ADC DMA (ADC DMA configuration ADC_CFGR_DMACFG is kept) */
1464     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_DMAEN);
1466     /* Disable the DMA channel (in case of DMA in circular mode or stop while */
1467     /* while DMA transfer is on going)                                        */
1468     tmp_hal_status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hadc->DMA_Handle);
1470     /* Check if DMA channel effectively disabled */
1471     if (tmp_hal_status != HAL_OK)
1472     {
1473       /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1474       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_DMA);
1475     }
1477     /* Disable ADC overrun interrupt */
1478     __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_OVR);
1480     /* 2. Disable the ADC peripheral */
1481     /* Update "tmp_hal_status" only if DMA channel disabling passed,          */
1482     /* to keep in memory a potential failing status.                          */
1483     if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
1484     {
1485       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1486       {
1487         tmp_hal_status = ADC_Disable(hadc);
1488       }
1489       else
1490       {
1491         (void)ADC_Disable(hadc);
1492       }
1494       /* Check if ADC is effectively disabled */
1495       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1496       {
1497         /* Set ADC state */
1498         ADC_STATE_CLR_SET(hadc->State,
1499                           HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY,
1500                           HAL_ADC_STATE_READY);
1501       }
1502     }
1503     else
1504     {
1505       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY);
1506     }
1507   }
1509   /* Process unlocked */
1510   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1512   /* Return function status */
1513   return tmp_hal_status;
1514 }
1516 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
1517 /**
1518   * @brief  Stop DMA-based multimode ADC conversion, disable ADC DMA transfer, disable ADC peripheral if no injected
1519   *         conversion is on-going.
1520   * @note   Multimode is kept enabled after this function. Multimode DMA bits
1521   *         (MDMA and DMACFG bits of common CCR register) are maintained. To disable
1522   *         multimode (set with HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel()), ADC must be
1523   *         reinitialized using HAL_ADC_Init() or HAL_ADC_DeInit(), or the user can
1524   *         resort to HAL_ADCEx_DisableMultiMode() API.
1525   * @note   In case of DMA configured in circular mode, function
1526   *         HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_DMA() must be called after this function with handle of
1527   *         ADC slave, to properly disable the DMA channel.
1528   * @param hadc ADC handle of ADC master (handle of ADC slave must not be used)
1529   * @retval HAL status
1530   */
HAL_ADCEx_RegularMultiModeStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)1531 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_RegularMultiModeStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
1532 {
1533   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
1534   uint32_t tickstart;
1535   ADC_HandleTypeDef tmp_hadc_slave;
1536   uint32_t tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going;
1538   /* Check the parameters */
1539   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE_MASTER_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1541   /* Process locked */
1542   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1545   /* 1. Stop potential multimode conversion on going, on regular groups */
1546   tmp_hal_status = ADC_ConversionStop(hadc, ADC_REGULAR_GROUP);
1548   /* Disable ADC peripheral if conversions are effectively stopped */
1549   if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1550   {
1551     /* Clear HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY bit */
1552     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_REG_BUSY);
1554     /* Temporary handle minimum initialization */
1555     __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1556     ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1558     /* Set a temporary handle of the ADC slave associated to the ADC master   */
1559     ADC_MULTI_SLAVE(hadc, &tmp_hadc_slave);
1561     if (tmp_hadc_slave.Instance == NULL)
1562     {
1563       /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1564       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
1566       /* Process unlocked */
1567       __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1569       return HAL_ERROR;
1570     }
1572     /* Procedure to disable the ADC peripheral: wait for conversions          */
1573     /* effectively stopped (ADC master and ADC slave), then disable ADC       */
1575     /* 1. Wait for ADC conversion completion for ADC master and ADC slave */
1576     tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
1578     tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1579     while ((LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 1UL)
1580            || (tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going == 1UL)
1581           )
1582     {
1583       if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ADC_STOP_CONVERSION_TIMEOUT)
1584       {
1585         /* New check to avoid false timeout detection in case of preemption */
1586         tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1587         if ((LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 1UL)
1588             || (tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going == 1UL)
1589            )
1590         {
1591           /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1592           SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_INTERNAL);
1594           /* Process unlocked */
1595           __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1597           return HAL_ERROR;
1598         }
1599       }
1601       tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
1602     }
1604     /* Disable the DMA channel (in case of DMA in circular mode or stop       */
1605     /* while DMA transfer is on going)                                        */
1606     /* Note: DMA channel of ADC slave should be stopped after this function   */
1607     /* with HAL_ADCEx_RegularStop_DMA() API.                                  */
1608     tmp_hal_status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hadc->DMA_Handle);
1610     /* Check if DMA channel effectively disabled */
1611     if (tmp_hal_status != HAL_OK)
1612     {
1613       /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1614       SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_DMA);
1615     }
1617     /* Disable ADC overrun interrupt */
1618     __HAL_ADC_DISABLE_IT(hadc, ADC_IT_OVR);
1620     /* 2. Disable the ADC peripherals: master and slave if no injected        */
1621     /*   conversion is on-going.                                              */
1622     /* Update "tmp_hal_status" only if DMA channel disabling passed, to keep in */
1623     /* memory a potential failing status.                                     */
1624     if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1625     {
1626       if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
1627       {
1628         tmp_hal_status =  ADC_Disable(hadc);
1629         if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1630         {
1631           if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance) == 0UL)
1632           {
1633             tmp_hal_status =  ADC_Disable(&tmp_hadc_slave);
1634           }
1635         }
1636       }
1638       if (tmp_hal_status == HAL_OK)
1639       {
1640         /* Both Master and Slave ADC's could be disabled. Update Master State */
1641         /* Clear HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_BUSY bit, set HAL_ADC_STATE_READY bit */
1643       }
1644       else
1645       {
1646         /* injected (Master or Slave) conversions are still on-going,
1647            no Master State change */
1648       }
1649     }
1650   }
1652   /* Process unlocked */
1653   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
1655   /* Return function status */
1656   return tmp_hal_status;
1657 }
1658 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
1660 /**
1661   * @}
1662   */
1664 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Exported_Functions_Group2 ADC Extended Peripheral Control functions
1665   * @brief    ADC Extended Peripheral Control functions
1666   *
1667 @verbatim
1668  ===============================================================================
1669              ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
1670  ===============================================================================
1671     [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
1672       (+) Configure channels on injected group
1673       (+) Configure multimode when multimode feature is available
1674       (+) Enable or Disable Injected Queue
1675       (+) Disable ADC voltage regulator
1676       (+) Enter ADC deep-power-down mode
1678 @endverbatim
1679   * @{
1680   */
1682 /**
1683   * @brief  Configure a channel to be assigned to ADC group injected.
1684   * @note   Possibility to update parameters on the fly:
1685   *         This function initializes injected group, following calls to this
1686   *         function can be used to reconfigure some parameters of structure
1687   *         "ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef" on the fly, without resetting the ADC.
1688   *         The setting of these parameters is conditioned to ADC state:
1689   *         Refer to comments of structure "ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef".
1690   * @note   In case of usage of internal measurement channels:
1691   *         Vbat/VrefInt/TempSensor.
1692   *         These internal paths can be disabled using function
1693   *         HAL_ADC_DeInit().
1694   * @note   Caution: For Injected Context Queue use, a context must be fully
1695   *         defined before start of injected conversion. All channels are configured
1696   *         consecutively for the same ADC instance. Therefore, the number of calls to
1697   *         HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() must be equal to the value of parameter
1698   *         InjectedNbrOfConversion for each context.
1699   *  - Example 1: If 1 context is intended to be used (or if there is no use of the
1700   *    Injected Queue Context feature) and if the context contains 3 injected ranks
1701   *    (InjectedNbrOfConversion = 3), HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() must be
1702   *    called once for each channel (i.e. 3 times) before starting a conversion.
1703   *    This function must not be called to configure a 4th injected channel:
1704   *    it would start a new context into context queue.
1705   *  - Example 2: If 2 contexts are intended to be used and each of them contains
1706   *    3 injected ranks (InjectedNbrOfConversion = 3),
1707   *    HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() must be called once for each channel and
1708   *    for each context (3 channels x 2 contexts = 6 calls). Conversion can
1709   *    start once the 1st context is set, that is after the first three
1710   *    HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() calls. The 2nd context can be set on the fly.
1711   * @param hadc ADC handle
1712   * @param pConfigInjected Structure of ADC injected group and ADC channel for
1713   *         injected group.
1714   * @retval HAL status
1715   */
HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,const ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef * pConfigInjected)1716 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc,
1717                                                   const ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef *pConfigInjected)
1718 {
1719   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
1720   uint32_t tmp_offset_shifted;
1721   uint32_t tmp_config_internal_channel;
1722   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular;
1723   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected;
1724   __IO uint32_t wait_loop_index = 0;
1726   uint32_t tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built = 0U;
1728   /* Check the parameters */
1729   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
1730   assert_param(IS_ADC_SAMPLE_TIME(pConfigInjected->InjectedSamplingTime));
1731   assert_param(IS_ADC_SINGLE_DIFFERENTIAL(pConfigInjected->InjectedSingleDiff));
1732   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv));
1733   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(pConfigInjected->QueueInjectedContext));
1734   assert_param(IS_ADC_EXTTRIGINJEC_EDGE(pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge));
1735   assert_param(IS_ADC_EXTTRIGINJEC(pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv));
1736   assert_param(IS_ADC_OFFSET_NUMBER(pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber));
1737   assert_param(IS_ADC_RANGE(ADC_GET_RESOLUTION(hadc), pConfigInjected->InjectedOffset));
1738   assert_param(IS_ADC_OFFSET_SIGN(pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetSign));
1739   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetSaturation));
1740   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(pConfigInjected->InjecOversamplingMode));
1742   if (hadc->Init.ScanConvMode != ADC_SCAN_DISABLE)
1743   {
1744     assert_param(IS_ADC_INJECTED_RANK(pConfigInjected->InjectedRank));
1745     assert_param(IS_ADC_INJECTED_NB_CONV(pConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion));
1746     assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(pConfigInjected->InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode));
1747   }
1750   /* if JOVSE is set, the value of the OFFSETy_EN bit in ADCx_OFRy register is
1751      ignored (considered as reset) */
1752   assert_param(!((pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber != ADC_OFFSET_NONE)
1753                  && (pConfigInjected->InjecOversamplingMode == ENABLE)));
1755   /* JDISCEN and JAUTO bits can't be set at the same time  */
1756   assert_param(!((pConfigInjected->InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode == ENABLE)
1757                  && (pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv == ENABLE)));
1759   /*  DISCEN and JAUTO bits can't be set at the same time */
1760   assert_param(!((hadc->Init.DiscontinuousConvMode == ENABLE) && (pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv == ENABLE)));
1762   /* Verification of channel number */
1763   if (pConfigInjected->InjectedSingleDiff != ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED)
1764   {
1765     assert_param(IS_ADC_CHANNEL(hadc, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel));
1766   }
1767   else
1768   {
1769     assert_param(IS_ADC_DIFF_CHANNEL(hadc, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel));
1770   }
1772   /* Process locked */
1773   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
1775   /* Configuration of injected group sequencer:                               */
1776   /* Hardware constraint: Must fully define injected context register JSQR    */
1777   /* before make it entering into injected sequencer queue.                   */
1778   /*                                                                          */
1779   /* - if scan mode is disabled:                                              */
1780   /*    * Injected channels sequence length is set to 0x00: 1 channel         */
1781   /*      converted (channel on injected rank 1)                              */
1782   /*      Parameter "InjectedNbrOfConversion" is discarded.                   */
1783   /*    * Injected context register JSQR setting is simple: register is fully */
1784   /*      defined on one call of this function (for injected rank 1) and can  */
1785   /*      be entered into queue directly.                                     */
1786   /* - if scan mode is enabled:                                               */
1787   /*    * Injected channels sequence length is set to parameter               */
1788   /*      "InjectedNbrOfConversion".                                          */
1789   /*    * Injected context register JSQR setting more complex: register is    */
1790   /*      fully defined over successive calls of this function, for each      */
1791   /*      injected channel rank. It is entered into queue only when all       */
1792   /*      injected ranks have been set.                                       */
1793   /*   Note: Scan mode is not present by hardware on this device, but used    */
1794   /*   by software for alignment over all STM32 devices.                      */
1796   if ((hadc->Init.ScanConvMode == ADC_SCAN_DISABLE)  ||
1797       (pConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion == 1U))
1798   {
1799     /* Configuration of context register JSQR:                                */
1800     /*  - number of ranks in injected group sequencer: fixed to 1st rank      */
1801     /*    (scan mode disabled, only rank 1 used)                              */
1802     /*  - external trigger to start conversion                                */
1803     /*  - external trigger polarity                                           */
1804     /*  - channel set to rank 1 (scan mode disabled, only rank 1 can be used) */
1806     if (pConfigInjected->InjectedRank == ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1)
1807     {
1808       /* Enable external trigger if trigger selection is different of         */
1809       /* software start.                                                      */
1810       /* Note: This configuration keeps the hardware feature of parameter     */
1811       /*       ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge "trigger edge none" equivalent to    */
1812       /*       software start.                                                */
1813       if (pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv != ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START)
1814       {
1815         tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built = (ADC_JSQR_RK(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1)
1816                                               | (pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv & ADC_JSQR_JEXTSEL)
1817                                               | pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge
1818                                              );
1819       }
1820       else
1821       {
1822         tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built = (ADC_JSQR_RK(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1));
1823       }
1825       MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->JSQR, ADC_JSQR_FIELDS, tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built);
1826       /* For debug and informative reasons, hadc handle saves JSQR setting */
1827       hadc->InjectionConfig.ContextQueue = tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built;
1829     }
1830   }
1831   else
1832   {
1833     /* Case of scan mode enabled, several channels to set into injected group */
1834     /* sequencer.                                                             */
1835     /*                                                                        */
1836     /* Procedure to define injected context register JSQR over successive     */
1837     /* calls of this function, for each injected channel rank:                */
1838     /* 1. Start new context and set parameters related to all injected        */
1839     /*    channels: injected sequence length and trigger.                     */
1841     /* if hadc->InjectionConfig.ChannelCount is equal to 0, this is the first */
1842     /*   call of the context under setting                                    */
1843     if (hadc->InjectionConfig.ChannelCount == 0U)
1844     {
1845       /* Initialize number of channels that will be configured on the context */
1846       /*  being built                                                         */
1847       hadc->InjectionConfig.ChannelCount = pConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion;
1848       /* Handle hadc saves the context under build up over each HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel()
1849          call, this context will be written in JSQR register at the last call.
1850          At this point, the context is merely reset  */
1851       hadc->InjectionConfig.ContextQueue = 0x00000000U;
1853       /* Configuration of context register JSQR:                              */
1854       /*  - number of ranks in injected group sequencer                       */
1855       /*  - external trigger to start conversion                              */
1856       /*  - external trigger polarity                                         */
1858       /* Enable external trigger if trigger selection is different of         */
1859       /* software start.                                                      */
1860       /* Note: This configuration keeps the hardware feature of parameter     */
1861       /*       ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge "trigger edge none" equivalent to    */
1862       /*       software start.                                                */
1863       if (pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv != ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START)
1864       {
1865         tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built = ((pConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion - 1U)
1866                                               | (pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv & ADC_JSQR_JEXTSEL)
1867                                               | pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge
1868                                              );
1869       }
1870       else
1871       {
1872         tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built = ((pConfigInjected->InjectedNbrOfConversion - 1U));
1873       }
1875     }
1877     /* 2. Continue setting of context under definition with parameter       */
1878     /*    related to each channel: channel rank sequence                    */
1879     /* Clear the old JSQx bits for the selected rank */
1880     tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built &= ~ADC_JSQR_RK(ADC_SQR3_SQ10, pConfigInjected->InjectedRank);
1882     /* Set the JSQx bits for the selected rank */
1883     tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built |= ADC_JSQR_RK(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, pConfigInjected->InjectedRank);
1885     /* Decrease channel count  */
1886     hadc->InjectionConfig.ChannelCount--;
1888     /* 3. tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built is fully built for this HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel()
1889           call, aggregate the setting to those already built during the previous
1890           HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() calls (for the same context of course)  */
1891     hadc->InjectionConfig.ContextQueue |= tmp_jsqr_context_queue_being_built;
1893     /* 4. End of context setting: if this is the last channel set, then write context
1894         into register JSQR and make it enter into queue                   */
1895     if (hadc->InjectionConfig.ChannelCount == 0U)
1896     {
1897       MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->JSQR, ADC_JSQR_FIELDS, hadc->InjectionConfig.ContextQueue);
1898     }
1899   }
1901   /* Parameters update conditioned to ADC state:                              */
1902   /* Parameters that can be updated when ADC is disabled or enabled without   */
1903   /* conversion on going on injected group:                                   */
1904   /*  - Injected context queue: Queue disable (active context is kept) or     */
1905   /*    enable (context decremented, up to 2 contexts queued)                 */
1906   /*  - Injected discontinuous mode: can be enabled only if auto-injected     */
1907   /*    mode is disabled.                                                     */
1908   if (LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
1909   {
1910     if (pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel == ADC_CHANNEL_0)
1911     {
1912       LL_ADC_EnableChannel0_GPIO(hadc->Instance);
1913     }
1915     /* If auto-injected mode is disabled: no constraint                       */
1916     if (pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv == DISABLE)
1917     {
1918       MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CFGR,
1919                  ADC_CFGR_JQM | ADC_CFGR_JDISCEN,
1920                  ADC_CFGR_INJECT_CONTEXT_QUEUE((uint32_t)pConfigInjected->QueueInjectedContext)           |
1921                  ADC_CFGR_INJECT_DISCCONTINUOUS((uint32_t)pConfigInjected->InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode));
1922     }
1923     /* If auto-injected mode is enabled: Injected discontinuous setting is    */
1924     /* discarded.                                                             */
1925     else
1926     {
1927       MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CFGR,
1928                  ADC_CFGR_JQM | ADC_CFGR_JDISCEN,
1929                  ADC_CFGR_INJECT_CONTEXT_QUEUE((uint32_t)pConfigInjected->QueueInjectedContext));
1930     }
1932   }
1934   /* Parameters update conditioned to ADC state:                              */
1935   /* Parameters that can be updated when ADC is disabled or enabled without   */
1936   /* conversion on going on regular and injected groups:                      */
1937   /*  - Automatic injected conversion: can be enabled if injected group       */
1938   /*    external triggers are disabled.                                       */
1939   /*  - Channel sampling time                                                 */
1940   /*  - Channel offset                                                        */
1941   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
1942   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected = LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
1944   if ((tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular == 0UL)
1945       && (tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected == 0UL)
1946      )
1947   {
1948     /* If injected group external triggers are disabled (set to injected      */
1949     /* software start): no constraint                                         */
1950     if ((pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConv == ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START)
1951         || (pConfigInjected->ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_EDGE_NONE))
1952     {
1953       if (pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv == ENABLE)
1954       {
1955         SET_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JAUTO);
1956       }
1957       else
1958       {
1959         CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JAUTO);
1960       }
1961     }
1962     /* If Automatic injected conversion was intended to be set and could not  */
1963     /* due to injected group external triggers enabled, error is reported.    */
1964     else
1965     {
1966       if (pConfigInjected->AutoInjectedConv == ENABLE)
1967       {
1968         /* Update ADC state machine to error */
1969         SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
1971         tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
1972       }
1973       else
1974       {
1975         CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JAUTO);
1976       }
1977     }
1979     if (pConfigInjected->InjecOversamplingMode == ENABLE)
1980     {
1981       assert_param(IS_ADC_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO(pConfigInjected->InjecOversampling.Ratio));
1982       assert_param(IS_ADC_RIGHT_BIT_SHIFT(pConfigInjected->InjecOversampling.RightBitShift));
1984       /*  JOVSE must be reset in case of triggered regular mode  */
1985       assert_param(!(READ_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR2, ADC_CFGR2_ROVSE | ADC_CFGR2_TROVS)
1986                      == (ADC_CFGR2_ROVSE | ADC_CFGR2_TROVS)));
1988       /* Configuration of Injected Oversampler:                                 */
1989       /*  - Oversampling Ratio                                                  */
1990       /*  - Right bit shift                                                     */
1992       /* Enable OverSampling mode */
1993       MODIFY_REG(hadc->Instance->CFGR2,
1994                  ADC_CFGR2_JOVSE |
1995                  ADC_CFGR2_OVSR  |
1996                  ADC_CFGR2_OVSS,
1997                  ADC_CFGR2_JOVSE                                  |
1998                  pConfigInjected->InjecOversampling.Ratio         |
1999                  pConfigInjected->InjecOversampling.RightBitShift
2000                 );
2001     }
2002     else
2003     {
2004       /* Disable Regular OverSampling */
2005       CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR2, ADC_CFGR2_JOVSE);
2006     }
2008     /* Manage specific case of sampling time 3.5 cycles replacing 2.5 cyles */
2009     if (pConfigInjected->InjectedSamplingTime == ADC_SAMPLETIME_3CYCLES_5)
2010     {
2011       /* Set sampling time of the selected ADC channel */
2012       LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_2CYCLES_5);
2014       /* Set ADC sampling time common configuration */
2015       LL_ADC_SetSamplingTimeCommonConfig(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_COMMON_3C5_REPL_2C5);
2016     }
2017     else
2018     {
2019       /* Set sampling time of the selected ADC channel */
2020       LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel,
2021                                     pConfigInjected->InjectedSamplingTime);
2023       /* Set ADC sampling time common configuration */
2024       LL_ADC_SetSamplingTimeCommonConfig(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_COMMON_DEFAULT);
2025     }
2027     /* Configure the offset: offset enable/disable, channel, offset value */
2029     /* Shift the offset with respect to the selected ADC resolution. */
2030     /* Offset has to be left-aligned on bit 11, the LSB (right bits) are set to 0 */
2031     tmp_offset_shifted = ADC_OFFSET_SHIFT_RESOLUTION(hadc, pConfigInjected->InjectedOffset);
2033     if (pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber != ADC_OFFSET_NONE)
2034     {
2035       /* Set ADC selected offset number */
2036       LL_ADC_SetOffset(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel,
2037                        tmp_offset_shifted);
2039       /* Set ADC selected offset sign & saturation */
2040       LL_ADC_SetOffsetSign(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber, pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetSign);
2041       LL_ADC_SetOffsetSaturation(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetNumber,
2042                                  (pConfigInjected->InjectedOffsetSaturation == ENABLE) ?
2044     }
2045     else
2046     {
2047       /* Scan each offset register to check if the selected channel is targeted. */
2048       /* If this is the case, the corresponding offset number is disabled.       */
2049       if (__LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(LL_ADC_GetOffsetChannel(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_1))
2050           == __LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel))
2051       {
2052         LL_ADC_SetOffsetState(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_1, LL_ADC_OFFSET_DISABLE);
2053       }
2054       if (__LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(LL_ADC_GetOffsetChannel(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_2))
2055           == __LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel))
2056       {
2057         LL_ADC_SetOffsetState(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_2, LL_ADC_OFFSET_DISABLE);
2058       }
2059       if (__LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(LL_ADC_GetOffsetChannel(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_3))
2060           == __LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel))
2061       {
2062         LL_ADC_SetOffsetState(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_3, LL_ADC_OFFSET_DISABLE);
2063       }
2064       if (__LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(LL_ADC_GetOffsetChannel(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_4))
2065           == __LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel))
2066       {
2067         LL_ADC_SetOffsetState(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_OFFSET_4, LL_ADC_OFFSET_DISABLE);
2068       }
2069     }
2071   }
2073   /* Parameters update conditioned to ADC state:                              */
2074   /* Parameters that can be updated only when ADC is disabled:                */
2075   /*  - Single or differential mode                                           */
2076   if (LL_ADC_IsEnabled(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
2077   {
2078     /* Set mode single-ended or differential input of the selected ADC channel */
2079     LL_ADC_SetChannelSingleDiff(hadc->Instance, pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel, pConfigInjected->InjectedSingleDiff);
2081     /* Configuration of differential mode */
2082     /* Note: ADC channel number masked with value "0x1F" to ensure shift value within 32 bits range */
2083     if (pConfigInjected->InjectedSingleDiff == ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED)
2084     {
2085       /* Set sampling time of the selected ADC channel */
2086       LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(hadc->Instance,
2087                                     (uint32_t)(__LL_ADC_DECIMAL_NB_TO_CHANNEL(
2088                                                  (__LL_ADC_CHANNEL_TO_DECIMAL_NB(
2089                                                     (uint32_t)pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel)
2090                                                   + 1UL) & 0x1FUL)),
2091                                     pConfigInjected->InjectedSamplingTime);
2092     }
2094   }
2096   /* Management of internal measurement channels: Vbat/VrefInt/TempSensor   */
2097   /* internal measurement paths enable: If internal channel selected,       */
2098   /* enable dedicated internal buffers and path.                            */
2099   /* Note: these internal measurement paths can be disabled using           */
2100   /* HAL_ADC_DeInit().                                                      */
2102   if (__LL_ADC_IS_CHANNEL_INTERNAL(pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel))
2103   {
2104     tmp_config_internal_channel = LL_ADC_GetCommonPathInternalCh(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2106     /* If the requested internal measurement path has already been enabled,   */
2107     /* bypass the configuration processing.                                   */
2108     if ((pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel == ADC_CHANNEL_TEMPSENSOR)
2109         && ((tmp_config_internal_channel & LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_TEMPSENSOR) == 0UL))
2110     {
2112       {
2113         LL_ADC_SetCommonPathInternalCh(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance),
2114                                        LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_TEMPSENSOR | tmp_config_internal_channel);
2116         /* Delay for temperature sensor stabilization time */
2117         /* Wait loop initialization and execution */
2118         /* Note: Variable divided by 2 to compensate partially              */
2119         /*       CPU processing cycles, scaling in us split to not          */
2120         /*       exceed 32 bits register capacity and handle low frequency. */
2121         wait_loop_index = ((LL_ADC_DELAY_TEMPSENSOR_STAB_US / 10UL)
2122                            * (((SystemCoreClock / (100000UL * 2UL)) + 1UL) + 1UL));
2123         while (wait_loop_index != 0UL)
2124         {
2125           wait_loop_index--;
2126         }
2127       }
2128     }
2129     else if ((pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel == ADC_CHANNEL_VBAT)
2130              && ((tmp_config_internal_channel & LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VBAT) == 0UL))
2131     {
2132       if (ADC_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_INSTANCE(hadc))
2133       {
2134         LL_ADC_SetCommonPathInternalCh(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance),
2135                                        LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VBAT | tmp_config_internal_channel);
2136       }
2137     }
2138     else if ((pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel == ADC_CHANNEL_VREFINT)
2139              && ((tmp_config_internal_channel & LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VREFINT) == 0UL))
2140     {
2141       if (ADC_VREFINT_INSTANCE(hadc))
2142       {
2143         LL_ADC_SetCommonPathInternalCh(__LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance),
2144                                        LL_ADC_PATH_INTERNAL_VREFINT | tmp_config_internal_channel);
2145       }
2146     }
2147     else if (pConfigInjected->InjectedChannel == ADC_CHANNEL_VDDCORE)
2148     {
2149       if (ADC_VDDCORE_INSTANCE(hadc))
2150       {
2151         LL_ADC_EnableChannelVDDcore(hadc->Instance);
2152       }
2153     }
2154     else
2155     {
2156       /* nothing to do */
2157     }
2158   }
2160   /* Process unlocked */
2161   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
2163   /* Return function status */
2164   return tmp_hal_status;
2165 }
2167 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
2168 /**
2169   * @brief  Enable ADC multimode and configure multimode parameters
2170   * @note   Possibility to update parameters on the fly:
2171   *         This function initializes multimode parameters, following
2172   *         calls to this function can be used to reconfigure some parameters
2173   *         of structure "ADC_MultiModeTypeDef" on the fly, without resetting
2174   *         the ADCs.
2175   *         The setting of these parameters is conditioned to ADC state.
2176   *         For parameters constraints, see comments of structure
2177   *         "ADC_MultiModeTypeDef".
2178   * @note   To move back configuration from multimode to single mode, ADC must
2179   *         be reset (using function HAL_ADC_Init() ).
2180   * @param hadc Master ADC handle
2181   * @param pMultimode Structure of ADC multimode configuration
2182   * @retval HAL status
2183   */
HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc,const ADC_MultiModeTypeDef * pMultimode)2184 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc, const ADC_MultiModeTypeDef *pMultimode)
2185 {
2186   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
2187   ADC_Common_TypeDef *tmpADC_Common;
2188   ADC_HandleTypeDef tmp_hadc_slave;
2189   uint32_t tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going;
2191   /* Check the parameters */
2192   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE_MASTER_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2193   assert_param(IS_ADC_MULTIMODE(pMultimode->Mode));
2194   if (pMultimode->Mode != ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT)
2195   {
2196     assert_param(IS_ADC_DMA_ACCESS_MULTIMODE(pMultimode->DMAAccessMode));
2197     assert_param(IS_ADC_SAMPLING_DELAY(pMultimode->TwoSamplingDelay));
2198   }
2200   /* Process locked */
2201   __HAL_LOCK(hadc);
2203   /* Temporary handle minimum initialization */
2204   __HAL_ADC_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
2205   ADC_CLEAR_ERRORCODE(&tmp_hadc_slave);
2207   ADC_MULTI_SLAVE(hadc, &tmp_hadc_slave);
2209   if (tmp_hadc_slave.Instance == NULL)
2210   {
2211     /* Update ADC state machine to error */
2212     SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
2214     /* Process unlocked */
2215     __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
2217     return HAL_ERROR;
2218   }
2220   /* Parameters update conditioned to ADC state:                              */
2221   /* Parameters that can be updated when ADC is disabled or enabled without   */
2222   /* conversion on going on regular group:                                    */
2223   /*  - Multimode DMA configuration                                           */
2224   /*  - Multimode DMA mode                                                    */
2225   tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing((&tmp_hadc_slave)->Instance);
2226   if ((LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
2227       && (tmp_hadc_slave_conversion_on_going == 0UL))
2228   {
2229     /* Pointer to the common control register */
2230     tmpADC_Common = __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance);
2232     /* If multimode is selected, configure all multimode parameters.          */
2233     /* Otherwise, reset multimode parameters (can be used in case of          */
2234     /* transition from multimode to independent mode).                        */
2235     if (pMultimode->Mode != ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT)
2236     {
2238                  pMultimode->DMAAccessMode |
2239                  ADC_CCR_MULTI_DMACONTREQ((uint32_t)hadc->Init.DMAContinuousRequests));
2241       /* Parameters that can be updated only when ADC is disabled:                */
2242       /*  - Multimode mode selection                                              */
2243       /*  - Multimode delay                                                       */
2244       /*    Note: Delay range depends on selected resolution:                     */
2245       /*      from 1 to 12 clock cycles for 12 bits                               */
2246       /*      from 1 to 10 clock cycles for 10 bits,                              */
2247       /*      from 1 to 8 clock cycles for 8 bits                                 */
2248       /*      from 1 to 6 clock cycles for 6 bits                                 */
2249       /*    If a higher delay is selected, it will be clipped to maximum delay    */
2250       /*    range                                                                 */
2252       {
2253         MODIFY_REG(tmpADC_Common->CCR,
2254                    ADC_CCR_DUAL |
2255                    ADC_CCR_DELAY,
2256                    pMultimode->Mode |
2257                    pMultimode->TwoSamplingDelay
2258                   );
2259       }
2260     }
2261     else /* ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT */
2262     {
2265       /* Parameters that can be updated only when ADC is disabled:                */
2266       /*  - Multimode mode selection                                              */
2267       /*  - Multimode delay                                                       */
2269       {
2270         CLEAR_BIT(tmpADC_Common->CCR, ADC_CCR_DUAL | ADC_CCR_DELAY);
2271       }
2272     }
2273   }
2274   /* If one of the ADC sharing the same common group is enabled, no update    */
2275   /* could be done on neither of the multimode structure parameters.          */
2276   else
2277   {
2278     /* Update ADC state machine to error */
2279     SET_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_ERROR_CONFIG);
2281     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
2282   }
2284   /* Process unlocked */
2285   __HAL_UNLOCK(hadc);
2287   /* Return function status */
2288   return tmp_hal_status;
2289 }
2290 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
2292 /**
2293   * @brief  Enable Injected Queue
2294   * @note   This function resets CFGR register JQDIS bit in order to enable the
2295   *         Injected Queue. JQDIS can be written only when ADSTART and JDSTART
2296   *         are both equal to 0 to ensure that no regular nor injected
2297   *         conversion is ongoing.
2298   * @param hadc ADC handle
2299   * @retval HAL status
2300   */
HAL_ADCEx_EnableInjectedQueue(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)2301 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_EnableInjectedQueue(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
2302 {
2303   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
2304   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular;
2305   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected;
2307   /* Check the parameters */
2308   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2310   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
2311   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected = LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
2313   /* Parameter can be set only if no conversion is on-going */
2314   if ((tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular == 0UL)
2315       && (tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected == 0UL)
2316      )
2317   {
2318     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->Instance->CFGR, ADC_CFGR_JQDIS);
2320     /* Update state, clear previous result related to injected queue overflow */
2321     CLEAR_BIT(hadc->State, HAL_ADC_STATE_INJ_JQOVF);
2323     tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
2324   }
2325   else
2326   {
2327     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
2328   }
2330   return tmp_hal_status;
2331 }
2333 /**
2334   * @brief  Disable Injected Queue
2335   * @note   This function sets CFGR register JQDIS bit in order to disable the
2336   *         Injected Queue. JQDIS can be written only when ADSTART and JDSTART
2337   *         are both equal to 0 to ensure that no regular nor injected
2338   *         conversion is ongoing.
2339   * @param hadc ADC handle
2340   * @retval HAL status
2341   */
HAL_ADCEx_DisableInjectedQueue(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)2342 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_DisableInjectedQueue(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
2343 {
2344   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
2345   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular;
2346   uint32_t tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected;
2348   /* Check the parameters */
2349   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2351   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular = LL_ADC_REG_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
2352   tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected = LL_ADC_INJ_IsConversionOngoing(hadc->Instance);
2354   /* Parameter can be set only if no conversion is on-going */
2355   if ((tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_regular == 0UL)
2356       && (tmp_adc_is_conversion_on_going_injected == 0UL)
2357      )
2358   {
2359     LL_ADC_INJ_SetQueueMode(hadc->Instance, LL_ADC_INJ_QUEUE_DISABLE);
2360     tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
2361   }
2362   else
2363   {
2364     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
2365   }
2367   return tmp_hal_status;
2368 }
2370 /**
2371   * @brief  Disable ADC voltage regulator.
2372   * @note   Disabling voltage regulator allows to save power. This operation can
2373   *         be carried out only when ADC is disabled.
2374   * @note   To enable again the voltage regulator, the user is expected to
2375   *         resort to HAL_ADC_Init() API.
2376   * @param hadc ADC handle
2377   * @retval HAL status
2378   */
HAL_ADCEx_DisableVoltageRegulator(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)2379 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_DisableVoltageRegulator(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
2380 {
2381   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
2383   /* Check the parameters */
2384   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2386   /* Setting of this feature is conditioned to ADC state: ADC must be ADC disabled */
2387   if (LL_ADC_IsEnabled(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
2388   {
2389     LL_ADC_DisableInternalRegulator(hadc->Instance);
2390     tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
2391   }
2392   else
2393   {
2394     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
2395   }
2397   return tmp_hal_status;
2398 }
2400 /**
2401   * @brief  Enter ADC deep-power-down mode
2402   * @note   This mode is achieved in setting DEEPPWD bit and allows to save power
2403   *         in reducing leakage currents. It is particularly interesting before
2404   *         entering stop modes.
2405   * @note   Setting DEEPPWD automatically clears ADVREGEN bit and disables the
2406   *         ADC voltage regulator. This means that this API encompasses
2407   *         HAL_ADCEx_DisableVoltageRegulator(). Additionally, the internal
2408   *         calibration is lost.
2409   * @note   To exit the ADC deep-power-down mode, the user is expected to
2410   *         resort to HAL_ADC_Init() API as well as to relaunch a calibration
2411   *         with HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() API or to re-apply a previously
2412   *         saved calibration factor.
2413   * @param hadc ADC handle
2414   * @retval HAL status
2415   */
HAL_ADCEx_EnterADCDeepPowerDownMode(ADC_HandleTypeDef * hadc)2416 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_EnterADCDeepPowerDownMode(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
2417 {
2418   HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status;
2420   /* Check the parameters */
2421   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(hadc->Instance));
2423   /* Setting of this feature is conditioned to ADC state: ADC must be ADC disabled */
2424   if (LL_ADC_IsEnabled(hadc->Instance) == 0UL)
2425   {
2426     LL_ADC_EnableDeepPowerDown(hadc->Instance);
2427     tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
2428   }
2429   else
2430   {
2431     tmp_hal_status = HAL_ERROR;
2432   }
2434   return tmp_hal_status;
2435 }
2437 /**
2438   * @}
2439   */
2441 /**
2442   * @}
2443   */
2445 #endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */
2446 /**
2447   * @}
2448   */
2450 /**
2451   * @}
2452   */