1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32g4xx_ll_hrtim.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   Header file of HRTIM LL module.
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.
11   *
12   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
13   * in the root directory of this software component.
14   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
15   *
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef STM32G4xx_LL_HRTIM_H
21 #define STM32G4xx_LL_HRTIM_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "stm32g4xx.h"
30 /** @addtogroup STM32G4xx_LL_Driver
31   * @{
32   */
34 #if defined (HRTIM1)
36 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL HRTIM
37   * @{
38   */
40 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
42 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_Private_Variables HRTIM Private Variables
43   * @{
44   */
45 static const uint16_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[] =
46 {
47   0x00U,   /* 0: MASTER  */
48   0x80U,   /* 1: TIMER A */
49   0x100U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
50   0x180U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
51   0x200U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
52   0x280U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
53   0x300U,  /* 6: TIMER F */
54 };
56 static const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCER[] =
57 {
58   0x00U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1:  HRTIM_ADC1R */
59   0x04U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2:  HRTIM_ADC2R */
60   0x08U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3:  HRTIM_ADC3R */
61   0x0CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4:  HRTIM_ADC4R */
62   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5:  HRTIM_ADCER */
63   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6:  HRTIM_ADCER */
64   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7:  HRTIM_ADCER */
65   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8:  HRTIM_ADCER */
66   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9:  HRTIM_ADCER */
67   0x3CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10: HRTIM_ADCER */
68 };
70 static const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCUR[] =
71 {
72   0x00U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1:  HRTIM_CR1   */
73   0x00U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2:  HRTIM_CR1   */
74   0x00U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3:  HRTIM_CR1   */
75   0x00U,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4:  HRTIM_CR1   */
76   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5:  HRTIM_ADCUR */
77   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6:  HRTIM_ADCUR */
78   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7:  HRTIM_ADCUR */
79   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8:  HRTIM_ADCUR */
80   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9:  HRTIM_ADCUR */
81   0x7CU,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10: HRTIM_ADCUR */
82 };
84 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_ADCER[] =
85 {
86   0,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1  */
87   0,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2  */
88   0,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3  */
89   0,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4  */
90   0,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5  */
91   5,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6  */
92   10,  /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7  */
93   16,  /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8  */
94   21,  /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9  */
95   26   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10 */
96 };
98 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_ADCUR[] =
99 {
100   16,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1  */
101   19,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2  */
102   22,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3  */
103   25,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4  */
104   0,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5  */
105   4,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6  */
106   8,    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7  */
107   12,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8  */
108   16,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9  */
109   20    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10 */
110 };
112 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_ADCER[] =
113 {
114   0xFFFFFFFFU,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1  */
115   0xFFFFFFFFU,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2  */
116   0xFFFFFFFFU,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3  */
117   0xFFFFFFFFU,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4  */
118   0x0000001FU,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5  */
119   0x000003E0U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6  */
120   0x00007C00U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7  */
121   0x001F0000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8  */
122   0x03E00000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9  */
123   0x7C000000U    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10 */
124 };
126 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_ADCUR[] =
127 {
128   0x00070000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1  */
129   0x00380000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2  */
130   0x01C00000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3  */
131   0x0E000000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4  */
132   0x00000007U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5  */
133   0x00000070U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6  */
134   0x00000700U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7  */
135   0x00007000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8  */
136   0x00070000U,   /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9  */
137   0x00700000U    /* LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10 */
138 };
140 static const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCPSx[] =
141 {
142   0U,    /* 0: HRTIM_ADC1R  */
143   6U,    /* 1: HRTIM_ADC2R  */
144   12U,   /* 2: HRTIM_ADC3R  */
145   18U,   /* 3: HRTIM_ADC4R  */
146   24U,   /* 4: HRTIM_ADC5R  */
147   32U,   /* 5: HRTIM_ADC6R  */
148   38U,   /* 6: HRTIM_ADC7R  */
149   44U,   /* 7: HRTIM_ADC8R  */
150   50U,   /* 8: HRTIM_ADC9R  */
151   56U    /* 9: HRTIM_ADC10R */
152 };
154 static const uint16_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[] =
155 {
156   0x00U,   /* 0: TA1 */
157   0x08U,   /* 1: TA2 */
158   0x80U,   /* 2: TB1 */
159   0x88U,   /* 3: TB2 */
160   0x100U,  /* 4: TC1 */
161   0x108U,  /* 5: TC2 */
162   0x180U,  /* 6: TD1 */
163   0x188U,  /* 7: TD2 */
164   0x200U,  /* 8: TE1 */
165   0x208U,  /* 9: TE2 */
166   0x280U,  /* 10: TF1 */
167   0x288U   /* 11: TF2 */
168 };
170 static const uint16_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[] =
171 {
172   0x00U,   /*  0: TA1 */
173   0x00U,   /*  1: TA2 */
174   0x80U,   /*  2: TB1 */
175   0x80U,   /*  3: TB2 */
176   0x100U,  /*  4: TC1 */
177   0x100U,  /*  5: TC2 */
178   0x180U,  /*  6: TD1 */
179   0x180U,  /*  7: TD2 */
180   0x200U,  /*  8: TE1 */
181   0x200U,  /*  9: TE2 */
182   0x280U,  /* 10: TF1 */
183   0x280U   /* 11: TF2 */
184 };
186 static const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[] =
187 {
188   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1 */
189   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2 */
190   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3 */
191   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4 */
192   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5 */
193   0x04U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6 */
194   0x04U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7 */
195   0x04U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8 */
196   0x04U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9 */
197   0x04U  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10 */
198 };
200 static const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[] =
201 {
202   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1 */
203   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2 */
204   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3 */
205   0x00U, /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4 */
206   0x04U, /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5 */
207   0x04U  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6 */
208 };
210 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_UPDATETRIG[] =
211 {
212   0x20000000U,  /* 0: MASTER  */
213   0x01FF0000U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
214   0x01FF0000U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
215   0x01FF0000U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
216   0x01FF0000U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
217   0x01FF0000U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
218   0x01FF0000U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
219   0x01FF0000U   /* 6: TIMER F */
220 };
222 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_UPDATETRIG[] =
223 {
224   12U, /* 0: MASTER  */
225   0U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
226   0U,  /* 2: TIMER B  */
227   0U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
228   0U,  /* 4: TIMER D  */
229   0U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
230   0U   /* 6: TIMER F */
231 };
233 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[] =
234 {
235   0U,  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1  */
236   6U,  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2  */
237   12U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3  */
238   18U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4  */
239   24U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5  */
240   0U,  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6  */
241   6U,  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7  */
242   12U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8  */
243   18U, /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9  */
244   24U  /* LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10 */
245 };
247 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_UPDATEGATING[] =
248 {
249   HRTIM_MCR_BRSTDMA,   /* 0: MASTER  */
251   HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT,  /* 2: TIMER B  */
253   HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT,  /* 4: TIMER D  */
256 };
258 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_UPDATEGATING[] =
259 {
260   2U, /* 0: MASTER  */
261   0U, /* 1: TIMER A */
262   0U, /* 2: TIMER B  */
263   0U, /* 3: TIMER C */
264   0U, /* 4: TIMER D  */
265   0U, /* 5: TIMER E */
266   0U  /* 6: TIMER F */
267 };
269 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[] =
270 {
271   0U,  /* 0: TA1  */
272   16U, /* 1: TA2 */
273   0U,  /* 2: TB1  */
274   16U, /* 3: TB2 */
275   0U,  /* 4: TC1  */
276   16U, /* 5: TC2 */
277   0U,  /* 6: TD1  */
278   16U, /* 7: TD2 */
279   0U,  /* 8: TE1  */
280   16U, /* 9: TE2 */
281   0U,  /* 10: TF1  */
282   16U  /* 11: TF2 */
283 };
285 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_OxSTAT[] =
286 {
287   0U,  /* 0: TA1  */
288   1U,  /* 1: TA2 */
289   0U,  /* 2: TB1  */
290   1U,  /* 3: TB2 */
291   0U,  /* 4: TC1  */
292   1U,  /* 5: TC2 */
293   0U,  /* 6: TD1  */
294   1U,  /* 7: TD2 */
295   0U,  /* 8: TE1  */
296   1U,  /* 9: TE2 */
297   0U,  /* 10: TF1  */
298   1U   /* 11: TF2 */
299 };
301 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[] =
302 {
303   0U,   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1 */
304   8U,   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2 */
305   16U,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3 */
306   24U,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4 */
307   0U,   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5 */
308   8U    /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6 */
309 };
311 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[] =
312 {
313   0U,   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1 */
314   8U,   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2 */
315   16U,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3 */
316   24U,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4 */
317   32U,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5 */
318   40U   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6 */
319 };
321 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTx[] =
322 {
323   0,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1 */
324   1,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2 */
325   2,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3 */
326   3,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4 */
327   4,  /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5 */
328   5   /* LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6 */
329 };
331 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_INTLVD[] =
332 {
333   0U,  /* 0: MASTER  */
334   1U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
335   1U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
336   1U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
337   1U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
338   1U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
339   1U,  /* 6: TIMER F */
340 };
342 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_INTLVD[] =
343 {
344   0x000000E0U,  /* 0: MASTER  */
345   0x000001A0U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
346   0x000001A0U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
347   0x000001A0U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
348   0x000001A0U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
349   0x000001A0U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
350   0x000001A0U,  /* 6: TIMER F */
351 };
353 static const uint8_t REG_SHIFT_TAB_CPT[] =
354 {
355   12U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
356   16U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
357   20U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
358   24U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
359   28U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
360   32U,  /* 6: TIMER F */
361 };
363 static const uint32_t REG_MASK_TAB_CPT[] =
364 {
365   0xFFFF0000U,  /* 1: TIMER A */
366   0xFFF0F000U,  /* 2: TIMER B */
367   0xFF0FF000U,  /* 3: TIMER C */
368   0xF0FFF000U,  /* 4: TIMER D */
369   0x0FFFF000U,  /* 5: TIMER E */
370   0xFFFFF000U,  /* 6: TIMER F */
371 };
373 /**
374   * @}
375   */
378 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
379 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_Private_Constants HRTIM Private Constants
380   * @{
381   */
382 #define HRTIM_CR1_UDIS_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR1_MUDIS  |\
383                                           HRTIM_CR1_TAUDIS |\
384                                           HRTIM_CR1_TBUDIS |\
385                                           HRTIM_CR1_TCUDIS |\
386                                           HRTIM_CR1_TDUDIS |\
387                                           HRTIM_CR1_TEUDIS |\
388                                           HRTIM_CR1_TFUDIS))
390 #define HRTIM_CR2_SWUPD_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR2_MSWU |\
391                                            HRTIM_CR2_TASWU |\
392                                            HRTIM_CR2_TBSWU |\
393                                            HRTIM_CR2_TCSWU |\
394                                            HRTIM_CR2_TDSWU |\
395                                            HRTIM_CR2_TESWU |\
396                                            HRTIM_CR2_TFSWU))
398 #define HRTIM_CR2_SWAP_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR2_SWPA |\
399                                           HRTIM_CR2_SWPB |\
400                                           HRTIM_CR2_SWPC |\
401                                           HRTIM_CR2_SWPD |\
402                                           HRTIM_CR2_SWPE |\
403                                           HRTIM_CR2_SWPF))
405 #define HRTIM_CR2_SWRST_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR2_MRST |\
406                                            HRTIM_CR2_TARST |\
407                                            HRTIM_CR2_TBRST |\
408                                            HRTIM_CR2_TCRST |\
409                                            HRTIM_CR2_TDRST |\
410                                            HRTIM_CR2_TERST |\
411                                            HRTIM_CR2_TFRST))
413 #define HRTIM_OENR_OEN_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_OENR_TA1OEN |\
414                                           HRTIM_OENR_TA2OEN |\
415                                           HRTIM_OENR_TB1OEN |\
416                                           HRTIM_OENR_TB2OEN |\
417                                           HRTIM_OENR_TC1OEN |\
418                                           HRTIM_OENR_TC2OEN |\
419                                           HRTIM_OENR_TD1OEN |\
420                                           HRTIM_OENR_TD2OEN |\
421                                           HRTIM_OENR_TE1OEN |\
422                                           HRTIM_OENR_TE2OEN |\
423                                           HRTIM_OENR_TF1OEN |\
424                                           HRTIM_OENR_TF2OEN))
426 #define HRTIM_OENR_ODIS_MASK  ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_ODISR_TA1ODIS  |\
427                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TA2ODIS  |\
428                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TB1ODIS  |\
429                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TB2ODIS  |\
430                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TC1ODIS  |\
431                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TC2ODIS  |\
432                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TD1ODIS  |\
433                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TD2ODIS  |\
434                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TE1ODIS  |\
435                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TE2ODIS  |\
436                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TF1ODIS  |\
437                                           HRTIM_ODISR_TF2ODIS))
439 #define HRTIM_OUT_CONFIG_MASK  ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_POL1   |\
440                                            HRTIM_OUTR_IDLM1  |\
441                                            HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1 |\
442                                            HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1 |\
443                                            HRTIM_OUTR_CHP1   |\
444                                            HRTIM_OUTR_DIDL1))
446 #define HRTIM_EE_CONFIG_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC |\
447                                            HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL |\
448                                            HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS |\
449                                            HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST))
451 #define HRTIM_FLT_CONFIG_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P |\
452                                             HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0 ))
454 #define HRTIM_FLT_SRC_1_MASK   ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_1 |\
455                                            HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_1 |\
456                                            HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT4SRC_1 |\
457                                            HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT3SRC_1 |\
458                                            HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT2SRC_1 |\
459                                            HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT1SRC_1))
461 #define HRTIM_BM_CONFIG_MASK   ((uint32_t)( HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC |\
462                                             HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK  |\
463                                             HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM))
465 /**
466   * @}
467   */
470 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
471 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
472 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
473 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_Exported_Constants HRTIM Exported Constants
474   * @{
475   */
477 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_GET_FLAG Get Flags Defines
478   * @brief    Flags defines which can be used with LL_HRTIM_ReadReg function
479   * @{
480   */
481 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT1                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT1
482 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT2                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT2
483 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT3                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT3
484 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT4                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT4
485 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT5                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT5
486 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_FLT6                  HRTIM_ISR_FLT6
487 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_SYSFLT                HRTIM_ISR_SYSFLT
488 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_DLLRDY                HRTIM_ISR_DLLRDY
489 #define LL_HRTIM_ISR_BMPER                 HRTIM_ISR_BMPER
491 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MCMP1                HRTIM_MISR_MCMP1
492 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MCMP2                HRTIM_MISR_MCMP2
493 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MCMP3                HRTIM_MISR_MCMP3
494 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MCMP4                HRTIM_MISR_MCMP4
495 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MREP                 HRTIM_MISR_MREP
496 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_SYNC                 HRTIM_MISR_SYNC
497 #define LL_HRTIM_MISR_MUPD                 HRTIM_MISR_MUPD
499 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP1               HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP1
500 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP2               HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP2
501 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP3               HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP3
502 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP4               HRTIM_TIMISR_CMP4
503 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_REP                HRTIM_TIMISR_REP
504 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_UPD                HRTIM_TIMISR_UPD
505 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT1               HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT1
506 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT2               HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT2
507 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_SET1               HRTIM_TIMISR_SET1
508 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_RST1               HRTIM_TIMISR_RST1
509 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_SET2               HRTIM_TIMISR_SET2
510 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_RST2               HRTIM_TIMISR_RST2
511 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMISR_RST                HRTIM_TIMISR_RST
513 /**
514   * @}
515   */
517 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_IT IT Defines
518   * @brief    IT defines which can be used with LL_HRTIM_ReadReg and LL_HRTIM_WriteReg functions
519   * @{
520   */
521 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT1IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT1IE
522 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT2IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT2IE
523 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT3IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT3IE
524 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT4IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT4IE
525 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT5IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT5IE
526 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_FLT6IE                HRTIM_IER_FLT6IE
529 #define LL_HRTIM_IER_BMPERIE               HRTIM_IER_BMPERIE
553 /**
554   * @}
555   */
558   * @{
559   * @brief Constants defining defining the synchronization input source.
560   */
561 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_NONE            0x00000000U                      /*!< HRTIM is not synchronized and runs in standalone mode */
562 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_TIM_EVENT       (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN_1)                        /*!< The HRTIM is synchronized with the on-chip timer */
563 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_EXTERNAL_EVENT  (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN_1 | HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN_0)  /*!< A positive pulse on SYNCIN input triggers the HRTIM */
564 /**
565   * @}
566   */
569   * @{
570   * @brief Constants defining the source and event to be sent on the synchronization output.
571   */
572 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_START  0x00000000U                                    /*!< A pulse is sent on HRTIM_SCOUT output and hrtim_out_sync2 upon master timer start event      */
573 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_CMP1   (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC_0)                         /*!< A pulse is sent on HRTIM_SCOUT output and hrtim_out_sync2 upon master timer compare 1 event  */
574 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_START    (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC_1)                         /*!< A pulse is sent on HRTIM_SCOUT output and hrtim_out_sync2 upon timer A start or reset events */
575 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_CMP1     (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC_1 | HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC_0)  /*!< A pulse is sent on HRTIM_SCOUT output and hrtim_out_sync2 upon timer A compare 1 event       */
576 /**
577   * @}
578   */
581   * @{
582   * @brief Constants defining the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event.
583   */
584 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_DISABLED     0x00000000U                         /*!< Synchronization output event is disabled */
585 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_POSITIVE_PULSE (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT_1)                        /*!< SCOUT pin has a low idle level and issues a positive pulse of 16 fHRTIM clock cycles length for the synchronization */
586 #define LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_NEGATIVE_PULSE (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT_1 | HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT_0) /*!< SCOUT pin has a high idle level and issues a negative pulse of 16 fHRTIM clock cycles length for the synchronization */
587 /**
588   * @}
589   */
591 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_TIMER  TIMER ID
592   * @{
593   * @brief Constants identifying a timing unit.
594   */
595 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_NONE                0U   /*!< Master timer identifier */
596 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER              HRTIM_MCR_MCEN   /*!< Master timer identifier */
597 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A                   HRTIM_MCR_TACEN  /*!< Timer A identifier */
598 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B                   HRTIM_MCR_TBCEN  /*!< Timer B identifier */
599 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C                   HRTIM_MCR_TCCEN  /*!< Timer C identifier */
600 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D                   HRTIM_MCR_TDCEN  /*!< Timer D identifier */
601 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E                   HRTIM_MCR_TECEN  /*!< Timer E identifier */
602 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F                   HRTIM_MCR_TFCEN  /*!< Timer F identifier */
604 #define LL_HRTIM_TIMER_X                  (HRTIM_MCR_TFCEN | HRTIM_MCR_TACEN |\
605                                            HRTIM_MCR_TBCEN | HRTIM_MCR_TCCEN |\
606                                            HRTIM_MCR_TDCEN | HRTIM_MCR_TECEN )
609 /**
610   * @}
611   */
613 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_OUTPUT  OUTPUT ID
614   * @{
615   * @brief Constants identifying an HRTIM output.
616   */
617 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1                HRTIM_OENR_TA1OEN  /*!< Timer A - Output 1 identifier */
618 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2                HRTIM_OENR_TA2OEN  /*!< Timer A - Output 2 identifier */
619 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1                HRTIM_OENR_TB1OEN  /*!< Timer B - Output 1 identifier */
620 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2                HRTIM_OENR_TB2OEN  /*!< Timer B - Output 2 identifier */
621 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1                HRTIM_OENR_TC1OEN  /*!< Timer C - Output 1 identifier */
622 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2                HRTIM_OENR_TC2OEN  /*!< Timer C - Output 2 identifier */
623 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1                HRTIM_OENR_TD1OEN  /*!< Timer D - Output 1 identifier */
624 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2                HRTIM_OENR_TD2OEN  /*!< Timer D - Output 2 identifier */
625 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1                HRTIM_OENR_TE1OEN  /*!< Timer E - Output 1 identifier */
626 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2                HRTIM_OENR_TE2OEN  /*!< Timer E - Output 2 identifier */
627 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1                HRTIM_OENR_TF1OEN  /*!< Timer F - Output 1 identifier */
628 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2                HRTIM_OENR_TF2OEN  /*!< Timer F - Output 2 identifier */
629 /**
630   * @}
631   */
634   * @{
635   * @brief Constants identifying a compare unit.
636   */
637 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2             HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2  /*!< Compare unit 2 identifier */
638 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4             HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP4  /*!< Compare unit 4 identifier */
639 /**
640   * @}
641   */
644   * @{
645   * @brief Constants identifying a capture unit.
646   */
647 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1             0  /*!< Capture unit 1 identifier */
648 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2             1  /*!< Capture unit 2 identifier */
649 /**
650   * @}
651   */
653 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_FAULT  FAULT ID
654   * @{
655   * @brief Constants identifying a fault channel.
656   */
657 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT1EN     /*!< Fault channel 1 identifier */
658 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT2EN     /*!< Fault channel 2 identifier */
659 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT3EN     /*!< Fault channel 3 identifier */
660 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT4EN     /*!< Fault channel 4 identifier */
661 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT5EN     /*!< Fault channel 5 identifier */
662 #define LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6      HRTIM_FLTR_FLT6EN     /*!< Fault channel 6 identifier */
663 /**
664   * @}
665   */
668   * @{
669   * @brief Constants identifying an external event channel.
670   */
671 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1        ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)     /*!< External event channel 1 identifier */
672 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2        ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)     /*!< External event channel 2 identifier */
673 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3        ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)     /*!< External event channel 3 identifier */
674 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4        ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)     /*!< External event channel 4 identifier */
675 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5        ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)     /*!< External event channel 5 identifier */
676 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6        ((uint32_t)0x00000020U)     /*!< External event channel 6 identifier */
677 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7        ((uint32_t)0x00000040U)     /*!< External event channel 7 identifier */
678 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8        ((uint32_t)0x00000080U)     /*!< External event channel 8 identifier */
679 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9        ((uint32_t)0x00000100U)     /*!< External event channel 9 identifier */
680 #define LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10       ((uint32_t)0x00000200U)     /*!< External event channel 10 identifier */
681 /**
682   * @}
683   */
686   * @{
687   * @brief Constants defining the state of an HRTIM output.
688   */
689 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_IDLE          ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< Main operating mode, where the output can take the active or inactive level as programmed in the crossbar unit */
690 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_RUN           ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< Default operating state (e.g. after an HRTIM reset, when the outputs are disabled by software or during a burst mode operation) */
691 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_FAULT         ((uint32_t)0x00000003U) /*!< Safety state, entered in case of a shut-down request on FAULTx inputs */
692 /**
693   * @}
694   */
697   * @{
698   * @brief Constants identifying an ADC trigger.
699   */
700 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1              ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< ADC trigger 1 identifier */
701 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2              ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< ADC trigger 2 identifier */
702 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3              ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< ADC trigger 3 identifier */
703 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4              ((uint32_t)0x00000003U)  /*!< ADC trigger 4 identifier */
704 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5              ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< ADC trigger 5 identifier */
705 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6              ((uint32_t)0x00000005U)  /*!< ADC trigger 6 identifier */
706 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7              ((uint32_t)0x00000006U)  /*!< ADC trigger 7 identifier */
707 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8              ((uint32_t)0x00000007U)  /*!< ADC trigger 8 identifier */
708 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9              ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< ADC trigger 9 identifier */
709 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10             ((uint32_t)0x00000009U)  /*!< ADC trigger 10 identifier */
710 /**
711   * @}
712   */
715   * @{
716   * @brief constants defining the source triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register (transfer from preload to active register).
717   */
718 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_MASTER  0x00000000U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Master timer */
719 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_A 0x00000001U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer A */
720 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_B 0x00000002U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer B */
721 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_C 0x00000003U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer C */
722 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_D 0x00000004U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer D */
723 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_E 0x00000005U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer E */
724 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_F 0x00000006U  /*!< HRTIM_ADCxR register update is triggered by the Timer F */
725 /**
726   * @}
727   */
730   * @{
731   * @brief constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion for ADC Triggers 1 and 3.
732   */
733 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_NONE           0x00000000U              /*!< No ADC trigger event */
734 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP1          HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1MC1       /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 1 */
735 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP2          HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1MC2       /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 2 */
736 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP3          HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1MC3       /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 3 */
737 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP4          HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1MC4       /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 4 */
738 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MPER           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1MPER      /*!< ADC Trigger on master period */
739 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV1           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1EEV1      /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 1 */
740 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV2           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1EEV2      /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 2 */
741 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV3           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1EEV3      /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 3 */
742 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV4           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1EEV4      /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 4 */
743 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV5           HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1EEV5      /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 5 */
744 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP2       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TFC2      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 2 */
745 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TAC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A compare 3 */
746 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TAC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A compare 4 */
747 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMAPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TAPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A period */
748 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMARST        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TARST     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A reset */
749 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TFC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 3 */
750 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TBC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B compare 3 */
751 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TBC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B compare 4 */
752 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TBPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B period */
753 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBRST        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TBRST     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B reset */
754 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TFC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 4 */
755 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TCC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C compare 3 */
756 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TCC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C compare 4 */
757 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TCPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C period */
758 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TFPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F period */
759 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TDC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D compare 3 */
760 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TDC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D compare 4 */
761 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TDPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D period */
762 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFRST        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TFRST     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F reset */
763 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP3       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TEC3      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E compare 3 */
764 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP4       HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TEC4      /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E compare 4 */
765 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMEPER        HRTIM_ADC1R_AD1TEPER     /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E period */
766 /**
767   * @}
768   */
771   * @{
772   * @brief constants defining the events triggering ADC conversion for ADC Triggers 2 and 4.
773   */
774 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_NONE           0x00000000U            /*!< No ADC trigger event */
775 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP1          HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2MC1     /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 1 */
776 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP2          HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2MC2     /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 2 */
777 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP3          HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2MC3     /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 3 */
778 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP4          HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2MC4     /*!< ADC Trigger on master compare 4 */
779 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MPER           HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2MPER    /*!< ADC Trigger on master period */
780 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV6           HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2EEV6    /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 6 */
781 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV7           HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2EEV7    /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 7 */
782 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV8           HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2EEV8    /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 8 */
783 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV9           HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2EEV9    /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 9 */
784 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV10          HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2EEV10   /*!< ADC Trigger on external event 10 */
785 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TAC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A compare 2 */
786 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TFC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 2 */
787 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TAC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A compare 4 */
788 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMAPER        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TAPER   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer A period */
789 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TBC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B compare 2 */
790 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP3       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TFC3    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 3 */
791 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TBC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B compare 4 */
792 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBPER        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TBPER   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer B period */
793 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TCC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C compare 2 */
794 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TFC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F compare 4 */
795 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TCC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C compare 4 */
796 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCPER        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TCPER   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C period */
797 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCRST        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TCRST   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer C reset */
798 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TDC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D compare 2 */
799 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFPER        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TFPER   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer F period */
800 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TDC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D compare 4 */
801 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDPER        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TDPER   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D period */
802 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDRST        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TDRST   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer D reset */
803 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP2       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TEC2    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E compare 2 */
804 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP3       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TEC3    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E compare 3 */
805 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP4       HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TEC4    /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E compare 4 */
806 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMERST        HRTIM_ADC2R_AD2TERST   /*!< ADC Trigger on Timer E reset */
807 /**
808   * @}
809   */
812   * @{
813   * @brief Constants defining the selection that can be used as ADC trigger source for extended ADC 6, 8 ,10.
814   */
815 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP1        (uint32_t)0x00                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 1 */
816 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP2        (uint32_t)0x01                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 2 */
817 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP3        (uint32_t)0x02                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 3 */
818 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP4        (uint32_t)0x03                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 4 */
819 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MPER         (uint32_t)0x04                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Period */
820 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV6         (uint32_t)0x05                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 6 */
821 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV7         (uint32_t)0x06                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 7 */
822 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV8         (uint32_t)0x07                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 8 */
823 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV9         (uint32_t)0x08                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 9 */
824 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV10        (uint32_t)0x09                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 10 */
825 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x0A                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Compare 2 */
826 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x0B                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Compare 4 */
827 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_PER     (uint32_t)0x0C                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Period */
828 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x0D                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Compare 2 */
829 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x0E                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Compare 4 */
830 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_PER     (uint32_t)0x0F                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Period */
831 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x10                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Compare 2 */
832 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x11                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Compare 4 */
833 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_PER     (uint32_t)0x12                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Period */
834 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_RST     (uint32_t)0x13                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Reset and counter roll-over */
835 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x14                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Compare 2 */
836 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x15                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Compare 4 */
837 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_PER     (uint32_t)0x16                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Period */
838 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_RST     (uint32_t)0x17                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Reset and counter roll-over */
839 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x18                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Compare 2 */
840 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP3    (uint32_t)0x19                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Compare 3 */
841 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x1A                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Compare 4 */
842 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_RST     (uint32_t)0x1B                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Reset and counter roll-over */
843 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP2    (uint32_t)0x1C                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 2 */
844 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP3    (uint32_t)0x1D                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 3 */
845 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP4    (uint32_t)0x1E                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 4 */
846 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_PER     (uint32_t)0x1F                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Period */
847 /**
848   * @}
849   */
852   * @{
853   * @brief Constants defining the selection that can be used as ADC trigger source for extended ADC 5, 7 ,9.
854   */
855 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP1           (uint32_t)0x00                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 1 */
856 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP2           (uint32_t)0x01                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 2 */
857 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP3           (uint32_t)0x02                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 3 */
858 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP4           (uint32_t)0x03                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Compare 4 */
859 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MPER            (uint32_t)0x04                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Master Period */
860 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV1            (uint32_t)0x05                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 1 */
861 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV2            (uint32_t)0x06                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 2 */
862 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV3            (uint32_t)0x07                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 3 */
863 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV4            (uint32_t)0x08                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 4 */
864 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV5            (uint32_t)0x09                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on External Event 5 */
865 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x0A                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Compare 3 */
866 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x0B                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Compare 4 */
867 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_PER        (uint32_t)0x0C                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Period */
868 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_RST        (uint32_t)0x0D                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer A Period */
869 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x0E                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Compare 3 */
870 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x0F                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Compare 4 */
871 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_PER        (uint32_t)0x10                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Period */
872 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_RST        (uint32_t)0x11                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer B Reset and counter roll-over */
873 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x12                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Compare 3 */
874 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x13                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Compare 4 */
875 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_PER        (uint32_t)0x14                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer C Period */
876 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x15                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Compare 3 */
877 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x16                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Compare 4 */
878 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_PER        (uint32_t)0x17                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer D Period */
879 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x18                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Compare 3 */
880 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x19                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Compare 4 */
881 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_PER        (uint32_t)0x1A                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer E Period */
882 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP2       (uint32_t)0x1B                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 2 */
883 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP3       (uint32_t)0x1C                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 3 */
884 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP4       (uint32_t)0x1D                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Compare 4 */
885 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_PER        (uint32_t)0x1E                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Period */
886 #define LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_RST        (uint32_t)0x1F                        /*!<  ADC extended Trigger on Timer F Reset and counter roll-over */
887 /**
888   * @}
889   */
892   * @{
893   * @brief Constants defining the DLL calibration mode.
894   */
895 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_MODE_SINGLESHOT   0x00000000U            /*!<Calibration is performed only once */
896 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_MODE_CONTINUOUS   HRTIM_DLLCR_CALEN      /*!<Calibration is performed periodically */
897 /**
898   * @}
899   */
902   * @{
903   * @brief Constants defining the DLL calibration periods (in micro seconds).
904   */
905 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_0         0x00000000U                                    /*!< Periodic DLL calibration: T = 1048576U * tHRTIM (6.168 ms) */
906 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_1         (HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE_0)                         /*!< Periodic DLL calibration: T = 131072U * tHRTIM (0.771 ms) */
907 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_2         (HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE_1)                         /*!< Periodic DLL calibration: T = 16384U * tHRTIM (0.096 ms) */
908 #define LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_3         (HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE_1 | HRTIM_DLLCR_CALRTE_0)  /*!< Periodic DLL calibration: T = 2048U * tHRTIM (0.012 ms) */
909 /**
910   * @}
911   */
914   * @{
915   * @brief Constants defining timer high-resolution clock prescaler ratio.
916   */
917 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL32      0x00000000U              /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM x 32 = 4.608 GHz - Resolution: 217 ps - Min PWM frequency: 70.3 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
918 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL16      ((uint32_t)0x00000001U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM x 16 = 2.304 GHz - Resolution: 434 ps - Min PWM frequency: 35.1 KHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
919 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL8       ((uint32_t)0x00000002U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM x 8 = 1.152 GHz - Resolution: 868 ps - Min PWM frequency: 17.6 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
920 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL4       ((uint32_t)0x00000003U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM x 4 = 576 MHz - Resolution: 1.73 ns - Min PWM frequency: 8.8 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
921 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL2       ((uint32_t)0x00000004U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM x 2 = 288 MHz - Resolution: 3.47 ns - Min PWM frequency: 4.4 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
922 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV1       ((uint32_t)0x00000005U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM = 144 MHz - Resolution: 6.95 ns - Min PWM frequency: 2.2 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
923 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV2       ((uint32_t)0x00000006U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM / 2 = 72 MHz - Resolution: 13.88 ns- Min PWM frequency: 1.1 kHz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
924 #define LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV4       ((uint32_t)0x00000007U)  /*!< fHRCK: fHRTIM / 4 = 36 MHz - Resolution: 27.7 ns- Min PWM frequency: 550Hz (fHRTIM=144MHz)      */
925 /**
926   * @}
927   */
929 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_MODE  COUNTER MODE
930   * @{
931   * @brief Constants defining timer counter operating mode.
932   */
933 #define LL_HRTIM_MODE_CONTINUOUS           ((uint32_t)0x00000008U)  /*!< The timer operates in continuous (free-running) mode */
934 #define LL_HRTIM_MODE_SINGLESHOT           0x00000000U              /*!< The timer operates in non retriggerable single-shot mode */
935 #define LL_HRTIM_MODE_RETRIGGERABLE        ((uint32_t)0x00000010U)  /*!< The timer operates in retriggerable single-shot mode */
936 /**
937   * @}
938   */
941   * @{
942   * @brief Constants defining on which output the DAC synchronization event is sent.
943   */
944 #define LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_NONE           0x00000000U                     /*!< No DAC synchronization event generated */
945 #define LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_1   (HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC_0)                       /*!< DAC synchronization event generated on DACTrigOut1 output upon timer update */
946 #define LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_2   (HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC_1)                       /*!< DAC synchronization event generated on DACTrigOut2 output upon timer update */
947 #define LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_3   (HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC_1 | HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC_0) /*!< DAC synchronization event generated on DACTrigOut3 output upon timer update */
948 /**
949   * @}
950   */
953   * @{
954   * @brief Constants defining whether the registers update is done synchronously with any other timer or master update.
955   */
956 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_NONE        0x00000000U            /*!< Register update is disabled */
957 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_MASTER      HRTIM_TIMCR_MSTU       /*!< Register update is triggered by the master timer update */
958 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_A     HRTIM_TIMCR_TAU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer A update */
959 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_B     HRTIM_TIMCR_TBU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer B update */
960 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_C     HRTIM_TIMCR_TCU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer C update*/
961 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_D     HRTIM_TIMCR_TDU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer D update */
962 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_E     HRTIM_TIMCR_TEU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer E update */
963 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_F     HRTIM_TIMCR_TFU        /*!< Register update is triggered by the timer F update */
964 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_REPETITION  HRTIM_TIMCR_TREPU      /*!< Register update is triggered when the counter rolls over and HRTIM_REPx = 0*/
965 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_RESET       HRTIM_TIMCR_TRSTU      /*!< Register update is triggered by counter reset or roll-over to 0 after reaching the period value in continuous mode */
966 /**
967   * @}
968   */
971   * @{
972   * @brief Constants defining how the update occurs relatively to the burst DMA transaction and the external update request on update enable inputs 1 to 3.
973   */
974 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT     0x00000000U                                               /*!< Update done independently from the DMA burst transfer completion */
975 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST        (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_0)                                                /*!< Update done when the DMA burst transfer is completed */
976 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST_UPDATE (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_1)                                                /*!< Update done on timer roll-over following a DMA burst transfer completion*/
977 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1          (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_1 | HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_0)                         /*!< Slave timer only - Update done on a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 1 */
978 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2          (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_2)                                                /*!< Slave timer only - Update done on a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 2 */
979 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3          (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_2 | HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_0)                         /*!< Slave timer only - Update done on a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 3 */
980 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1_UPDATE   (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_2 | HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_1)                         /*!< Slave timer only -  Update done on the update event following a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 1 */
981 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2_UPDATE   (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_2 | HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_1 | HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_0)  /*!< Slave timer only - Update done on the update event following a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 2 */
982 #define LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3_UPDATE   (HRTIM_TIMCR_UPDGAT_3)                                                /*!< Slave timer only - Update done on the update event following a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 3 */
983 /**
984   * @}
985   */
988   * @{
989   * @brief Constants defining whether the compare register is behaving in regular mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare) or in auto-delayed mode.
990   */
991 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_REGULAR          0x00000000U                         /*!< standard compare mode */
992 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_NOTIMEOUT  (HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2_0)                         /*!< Compare event generated only if a capture has occurred */
993 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP1       (HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2_1)                         /*!< Compare event generated if a capture has occurred or after a Compare 1 match (timeout if capture event is missing) */
994 #define LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP3       (HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2_1 | HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2_0) /*!< Compare event generated if a capture has occurred or after a Compare 3 match (timeout if capture event is missing) */
995 /**
996   * @}
997   */
1000   * @{
1001   * @brief Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the reset of the timer counter.
1002   */
1003 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_NONE        0x00000000U            /*!< No counter reset trigger */
1004 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_UPDATE      HRTIM_RSTR_UPDATE      /*!< The timer counter is reset upon update event */
1005 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP2        HRTIM_RSTR_CMP2        /*!< The timer counter is reset upon Timer Compare 2 event */
1006 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP4        HRTIM_RSTR_CMP4        /*!< The timer counter is reset upon Timer Compare 4 event */
1007 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_PER  HRTIM_RSTR_MSTPER      /*!< The timer counter is reset upon master timer period event */
1008 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_MSTCMP1     /*!< The timer counter is reset upon master timer Compare 1 event */
1009 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_MSTCMP2     /*!< The timer counter is reset upon master timer Compare 2 event */
1010 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP3 HRTIM_RSTR_MSTCMP3     /*!< The timer counter is reset upon master timer Compare 3 event */
1011 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP4 HRTIM_RSTR_MSTCMP4     /*!< The timer counter is reset upon master timer Compare 4 event */
1012 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_1       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 1 */
1013 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_2       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 2 */
1014 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_3       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT3    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 3 */
1015 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_4       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT4    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 4 */
1016 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_5       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT5    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 5 */
1017 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_6       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT6    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 6 */
1018 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_7       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT7    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 7 */
1019 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_8       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT8    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 8 */
1020 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_9       HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT9    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 9 */
1021 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_10      HRTIM_RSTR_EXTEVNT10   /*!< The timer counter is reset upon external event 10 */
1022 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMBCMP1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 1 event */
1023 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMBCMP2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 2 event */
1024 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP4 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMBCMP4    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 4 event */
1025 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMCCMP1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 1 event */
1026 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMCCMP2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 2 event */
1027 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP4 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMCCMP4    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 4 event */
1028 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMDCMP1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 1 event */
1029 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMDCMP2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 2 event */
1030 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP4 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMDCMP4    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 4 event */
1031 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMECMP1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 1 event */
1032 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMECMP2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 2 event */
1033 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP4 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMECMP4    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 4 event */
1034 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP1 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMFCMP1    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 1 event */
1035 #define LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP2 HRTIM_RSTR_TIMFCMP2    /*!< The timer counter is reset upon other timer Compare 2 event */
1036 /**
1037   * @}
1038   */
1041   * @{
1042   * @brief Constants defining the events that can be selected to trigger the capture of the timing unit counter.
1043   */
1044 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_NONE       (uint64_t)0                               /*!< Capture trigger is disabled */
1045 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_SW         (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_SWCPT              /*!< The sw event triggers the Capture */
1046 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_UPDATE     (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_UPDCPT             /*!< The update event triggers the Capture */
1047 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_1      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV1CPT           /*!< The External event 1 triggers the Capture */
1048 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_2      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV2CPT           /*!< The External event 2 triggers the Capture */
1049 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_3      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV3CPT           /*!< The External event 3 triggers the Capture */
1050 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_4      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV4CPT           /*!< The External event 4 triggers the Capture */
1051 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_5      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV5CPT           /*!< The External event 5 triggers the Capture */
1052 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_6      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV6CPT           /*!< The External event 6 triggers the Capture */
1053 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_7      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV7CPT           /*!< The External event 7 triggers the Capture */
1054 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_8      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV8CPT           /*!< The External event 8 triggers the Capture */
1055 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_9      (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV9CPT           /*!< The External event 9 triggers the Capture */
1056 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_10     (uint64_t)HRTIM_CPT1CR_EXEV10CPT          /*!< The External event 10 triggers the Capture */
1057 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TA1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TA1 output inactive to active transition */
1058 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TA1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TA1 output active to inactive transition */
1059 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMACMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer A Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1060 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMACMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer A Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1061 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TB1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TB1 output inactive to active transition */
1062 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TB1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TB1 output active to inactive transition */
1063 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMBCMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer B Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1064 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMBCMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer B Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1065 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TC1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TC1 output inactive to active transition */
1066 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TC1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TC1 output active to inactive transition */
1067 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMCCMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer C Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1068 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMCCMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer C Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1069 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TD1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TD1 output inactive to active transition */
1070 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TD1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TD1 output active to inactive transition */
1071 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMDCMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer D Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1072 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMDCMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer D Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1073 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TE1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TE1 output inactive to active transition */
1074 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TE1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TE1 output active to inactive transition */
1075 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMECMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer E Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1076 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMECMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer E Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1077 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_SET     (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TF1SET   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TF1 output inactive to active transition */
1078 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_RESET   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TF1RST   ) <<32  /*!< Capture is triggered by TF1 output active to inactive transition */
1079 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP1   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMFCMP1 ) <<32  /*!< Timer F Compare 1 triggers Capture */
1080 #define LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP2   (uint64_t)(HRTIM_CPT1CR_TIMFCMP2 ) <<32  /*!< Timer F Compare 2 triggers Capture */
1081 /**
1082   * @}
1083   */
1086   * @{
1087   * @brief Constants defining all possible delayed protection modes for a timer (also define the source and outputs on which the delayed protection schemes are applied).
1088   */
1089 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV6  0x00000000U                                            /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 1 delayed Idle on external Event 6 */
1090 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV6  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                                             /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 6 */
1091 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV6  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1)                                             /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 1 and output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 6 */
1092 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV6   (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                       /*!< Timers A, B, C: Balanced Idle on external Event 6 */
1093 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV7  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2)                                             /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 1 delayed Idle on external Event 7 */
1094 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV7  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                       /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 7 */
1095 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV7  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1)                       /*!< Timers A, B, C: Output 1 and output2 delayed Idle on external Event 7 */
1096 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV7   (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0) /*!< Timers A, B, C: Balanced Idle on external Event 7 */
1098 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV8  0x00000000U                                             /*!< Timers D, E: Output 1 delayed Idle on external Event 8 */
1099 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV8  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                                               /*!< Timers D, E: Output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 8 */
1100 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV8  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1)                                               /*!< Timers D, E: Output 1 and output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 8 */
1101 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV8   (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                         /*!< Timers D, E: Balanced Idle on external Event 8 */
1102 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV9  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2)                                               /*!< Timers D, E: Output 1 delayed Idle on external Event 9 */
1103 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV9  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)                         /*!< Timers D, E: Output 2 delayed Idle on external Event 9 */
1104 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV9  (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1)                         /*!< Timers D, E: Output 1 and output2 delayed Idle on external Event 9 */
1105 #define LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV9   (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_2 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_1 | HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT_0)   /*!< Timers D, E: Balanced Idle on external Event 9 */
1106 /**
1107   * @}
1108   */
1111   * @{
1112   * @brief Constants defining how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation.
1113   */
1114 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_MAINTAINCLOCK (uint32_t)0x000000 /*!< Timer counter clock is maintained and the timer operates normally */
1115 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_RESETCOUNTER  (HRTIM_BMCR_MTBM)  /*!< Timer counter clock is stopped and the counter is reset */
1116 /**
1117   * @}
1118   */
1120 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_BURSTDMA  BURST DMA
1121   * @{
1122   * @brief Constants defining the registers that can be written during a burst DMA operation.
1123   */
1124 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_NONE     0x00000000U               /*!< No register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1125 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCR      (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCR)        /*!< MCR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1126 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MICR     (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MICR)       /*!< MICR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1127 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MDIER    (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MDIER)      /*!< MDIER register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1128 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCNT     (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCNT)       /*!< MCNTR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1129 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MPER     (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MPER)       /*!< MPER register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1130 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MREP     (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MREP)       /*!< MREPR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1131 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP1    (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCMP1)      /*!< MCMP1R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1132 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP2    (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCMP2)      /*!< MCMP2R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1133 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP3    (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCMP3)      /*!< MCMP3R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1134 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP4    (HRTIM_BDMUPR_MCMP4)      /*!< MCMP4R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1135 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMMCR   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCR)      /*!< TIMxCR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1136 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMICR   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMICR)     /*!< TIMxICR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1137 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMDIER  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMDIER)    /*!< TIMxDIER register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1138 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCNT   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCNT)     /*!< CNTxCR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1139 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMPER   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMPER)     /*!< PERxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1140 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMREP   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMREP)     /*!< REPxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1141 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP1  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCMP1)    /*!< CMP1xR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1142 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP2  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCMP2)    /*!< CMP2xR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1143 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP3  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCMP3)    /*!< CMP3xR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1144 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP4  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCMP4)    /*!< CMP4xR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1145 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMDTR   (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMDTR)     /*!< DTxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1146 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMSET1R (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMSET1R)   /*!< SET1R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1147 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRST1R (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMRST1R)   /*!< RST1R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1148 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMSET2R (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMSET2R)   /*!< SET2R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1149 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRST2R (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMRST2R)   /*!< RST1R register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1150 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMEEFR1 (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMEEFR1)   /*!< EEFxR1 register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1151 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMEEFR2 (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMEEFR2)   /*!< EEFxR2 register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1152 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRSTR  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMRSTR)    /*!< RSTxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1153 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCHPR  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCHPR)    /*!< CHPxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1154 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMOUTR  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMOUTR)    /*!< OUTxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1155 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMFLTR  (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMFLTR)    /*!< FLTxR register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1156 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CR2      (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMCR2)     /*!< TIMxCR2 register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1157 #define LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_EEFR3    (HRTIM_BDTUPR_TIMEEFR3)   /*!< EEFxR3 register is updated by Burst DMA accesses */
1158 /**
1159   * @}
1160   */
1163   * @{
1164   * @brief Constants defining on which output the signal is currently applied in push-pull mode.
1165   */
1166 #define LL_HRTIM_CPPSTAT_OUTPUT1   ((uint32_t) 0x00000000U) /*!< Signal applied on output 1 and output 2 forced inactive */
1167 #define LL_HRTIM_CPPSTAT_OUTPUT2   (HRTIM_TIMISR_CPPSTAT)  /*!< Signal applied on output 2 and output 1 forced inactive */
1168 /**
1169   * @}
1170   */
1173   * @{
1174   * @brief Constants defining on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered.
1175   */
1176 #define LL_HRTIM_IPPSTAT_OUTPUT1   ((uint32_t) 0x00000000U)    /*!< Protection occurred when the output 1 was active and output 2 forced inactive */
1177 #define LL_HRTIM_IPPSTAT_OUTPUT2   (HRTIM_TIMISR_IPPSTAT)     /*!< Protection occurred when the output 2 was active and output 1 forced inactive */
1178 /**
1179   * @}
1180   */
1183   * @{
1184   * @brief Constants defining the event filtering applied to external events by a timer.
1185   */
1186 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_NONE                            (0x00000000U)
1187 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP1                    (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                                                   /*!< Blanking from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 1U */
1188 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP2                    (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                                                   /*!< Blanking from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 2U */
1189 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP3                    (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 3U */
1190 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP4                    (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                                                   /*!< Blanking from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 4U */
1191 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER A */
1192 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF1_TIMBCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1193 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF2_TIMBCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1194 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF3_TIMBOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1195 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF4_TIMCCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1196 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF5_TIMCCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1197 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF6_TIMFCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1198 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF7_TIMDCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1199 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMAEEF8_TIMECMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1200 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER B */
1201 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF1_TIMACMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1202 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF2_TIMACMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1203 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF3_TIMAOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1204 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF4_TIMCCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1205 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF5_TIMCCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1206 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF6_TIMFCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1207 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF7_TIMDCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1208 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMBEEF8_TIMECMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1209 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER C */
1210 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF1_TIMACMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1211 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF2_TIMBCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1212 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF3_TIMBCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1213 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF4_TIMFCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1214 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF5_TIMDCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1215 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF6_TIMDCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1216 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF7_TIMDOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1217 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMCEEF8_TIMECMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1218 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER D */
1219 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF1_TIMACMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1220 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF2_TIMBCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1221 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF3_TIMCCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1222 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF4_TIMCCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1223 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF5_TIMCOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1224 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF6_TIMECMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1225 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF7_TIMECMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1226 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMDEEF8_TIMFCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1227 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER E */
1228 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF1_TIMACMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1229 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF2_TIMBCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1230 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF3_TIMCCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1231 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF4_TIMFCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1232 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF5_TIMFOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1233 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF6_TIMDCMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1234 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF7_TIMDCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1235 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMEEEF8_TIMDOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1236 /* Blanking Filter for TIMER F */
1237 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF1_TIMACMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR1 source */
1238 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF2_TIMBCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR2 source */
1239 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF3_TIMCCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR3 source */
1240 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF4_TIMDCMP2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3)                                                   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR4 source */
1241 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF5_TIMDCMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR5 source */
1242 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF6_TIMECMP1      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR6 source */
1243 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF7_TIMECMP4      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR7 source */
1244 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKING_TIMFEEF8_TIMEOUT2      (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2)                           /*!< Blanking from another timing unit: TIMFLTR8 source */
1246 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP2                   (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Windowing from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 2U */
1247 #define LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP3                   (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_3 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_2 | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_1)   /*!< Windowing from counter reset/roll-over to Compare 3U */
1249                                                                                                        | HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR_0)   /*!< Windowing from another timing unit: TIMWIN source */
1250 /**
1251   * @}
1252   */
1255   * @{
1256   * @brief Constants defining whether or not the external event is memorized (latched) and generated as soon as the blanking period is completed or the window ends.
1257   */
1258 #define LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_DISABLED    0x00000000U             /*!< Event is ignored if it happens during a blank, or passed through during a window */
1259 #define LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_ENABLED     HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1LTCH     /*!< Event is latched and delayed till the end of the blanking or windowing period */
1260 /**
1261   * @}
1262   */
1265   * @{
1266   * @brief Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the deadtime generator clock (fDTG).
1267   */
1268 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL8    0x00000000U                                         /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM * 8 */
1269 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL4    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_0)                                            /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM * 4 */
1270 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL2    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_1)                                            /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM * 2 */
1271 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV1    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_1 | HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_0)                       /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM */
1272 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV2    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_2)                                            /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM / 2 */
1273 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV4    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_2 | HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_0)                       /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM / 4 */
1274 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV8    (HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_2 | HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC_1)                       /*!< fDTG = fHRTIM / 8 */
1276 /**
1277   * @}
1278   */
1281   * @{
1282   * @brief Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on rising edge.
1283   */
1284 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_POSITIVE    0x00000000U             /*!< Positive deadtime on rising edge */
1285 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_NEGATIVE    (HRTIM_DTR_SDTR)        /*!< Negative deadtime on rising edge */
1286 /**
1287   * @}
1288   */
1291   * @{
1292   * @brief Constants defining whether the deadtime is positive or negative (overlapping signal) on falling edge.
1293   */
1294 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_POSITIVE    0x00000000U             /*!< Positive deadtime on falling edge */
1295 #define LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_NEGATIVE    (HRTIM_DTR_SDTF)        /*!< Negative deadtime on falling edge */
1296 /**
1297   * @}
1298   */
1301   * @{
1302   * @brief Constants defining the frequency of the generated high frequency carrier (fCHPFRQ).
1303   */
1304 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV16  0x00000000U                                                                     /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 16  */
1305 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV32  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                                                                    /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 32  */
1306 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV48  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1)                                                                    /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 48  */
1307 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV64  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 64  */
1308 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV80  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2)                                                                    /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 80  */
1309 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV96  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 96  */
1310 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV112 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 112  */
1311 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV128 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                        /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 128  */
1312 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV144 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3)                                                                    /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 144  */
1313 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV160 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 160  */
1314 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV176 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 176  */
1315 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV192 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                        /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 192  */
1316 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV208 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2)                                              /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 208  */
1317 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV224 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_0)                        /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 224  */
1318 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV240 (HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ_1)                        /*!< fCHPFRQ = fHRTIM / 240  */
1320 /**
1321   * @}
1322   */
1325   * @{
1326   * @brief Constants defining the duty cycle of the generated high frequency carrier. Duty cycle can be adjusted by 1/8 step (from 0/8 up to 7/8).
1327   */
1328 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_0    0x00000000U                                              /*!< Only 1st pulse is present */
1329 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_125  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_0)                                             /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 12.5 % */
1330 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_250  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_1)                                             /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 25 % */
1331 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_375  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_0)                       /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 37.5 % */
1332 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_500  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_2)                                             /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 50 % */
1333 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_625  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_0)                       /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 62.5 % */
1334 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_750  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_1)                       /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 75 % */
1335 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_875  (HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY_0) /*!< Duty cycle of the carrier signal is 87.5 % */
1336 /**
1337   * @}
1338   */
1341   * @{
1342   * @brief Constants defining the pulse width of the first pulse of the generated high frequency carrier.
1343   */
1344 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_16   0x00000000U                                                                 /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 16  */
1345 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_32   (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                                                                 /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 32  */
1346 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_48   (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1)                                                                 /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 48  */
1347 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_64   (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 64  */
1348 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_80   (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2)                                                                 /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 80  */
1349 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_96   (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 96  */
1350 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_112  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 112  */
1351 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_128  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                       /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 128  */
1352 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_144  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3)                                                                 /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 144  */
1353 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_160  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 160  */
1354 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_176  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 176  */
1355 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_192  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                       /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 192  */
1356 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_208  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2)                                            /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 208  */
1357 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_224  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_0)                       /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 224  */
1358 #define LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_240  (HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_3 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_2 | HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW_1)                       /*!< tSTPW = tHRTIM x 240  */
1360 /**
1361   * @}
1362   */
1365   * @{
1366   * @brief Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the set/reset crossbar of a timer output.
1367   */
1368 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE                0x00000000U             /*!< Reset the output set crossbar */
1369 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_RESYNC              (HRTIM_SET1R_RESYNC)    /*!< Timer reset event coming solely from software or SYNC input forces an output level transition */
1370 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMPER              (HRTIM_SET1R_PER)       /*!< Timer period event forces an output level transition */
1371 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1             (HRTIM_SET1R_CMP1)      /*!< Timer compare 1 event forces an output level transition */
1372 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2             (HRTIM_SET1R_CMP2)      /*!< Timer compare 2 event forces an output level transition */
1373 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP3             (HRTIM_SET1R_CMP3)      /*!< Timer compare 3 event forces an output level transition */
1374 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP4             (HRTIM_SET1R_CMP4)      /*!< Timer compare 4 event forces an output level transition */
1375 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERPER           (HRTIM_SET1R_MSTPER)    /*!< The master timer period event forces an output level transition */
1376 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP1          (HRTIM_SET1R_MSTCMP1)   /*!< Master Timer compare 1 event forces an output level transition */
1377 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP2          (HRTIM_SET1R_MSTCMP2)   /*!< Master Timer compare 2 event forces an output level transition */
1378 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP3          (HRTIM_SET1R_MSTCMP3)   /*!< Master Timer compare 3 event forces an output level transition */
1379 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP4          (HRTIM_SET1R_MSTCMP4)   /*!< Master Timer compare 4 event forces an output level transition */
1380 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer A */
1381 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1382 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1383 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1384 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1385 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1386 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1387 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1388 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1389 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1390 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer B */
1391 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1392 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1393 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1394 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1395 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1396 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1397 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1398 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1399 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1400 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer C */
1401 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1402 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1403 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1404 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1405 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1406 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1407 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1408 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1409 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1410 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer D */
1411 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1412 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1413 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1414 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1415 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1416 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1417 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1418 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1419 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1420 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer E */
1421 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1422 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1423 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1424 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1425 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1426 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1427 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1428 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1429 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1430 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer F */
1431 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its active state */
1432 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its active state */
1433 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its active state */
1434 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its active state */
1435 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its active state */
1436 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its active state */
1437 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its active state */
1438 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its active state */
1439 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_SET1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its active state */
1440 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_1               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT1)   /*!< External event 1 forces an output level transition */
1441 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_2               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT2)   /*!< External event 2 forces an output level transition */
1442 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_3               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT3)   /*!< External event 3 forces an output level transition */
1443 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_4               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT4)   /*!< External event 4 forces an output level transition */
1444 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_5               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT5)   /*!< External event 5 forces an output level transition */
1445 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_6               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT6)   /*!< External event 6 forces an output level transition */
1446 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_7               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT7)   /*!< External event 7 forces an output level transition */
1447 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_8               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT8)   /*!< External event 8 forces an output level transition */
1448 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_9               (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT9)   /*!< External event 9 forces an output level transition */
1449 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_10              (HRTIM_SET1R_EXTVNT10)  /*!< External event 10 forces an output level transition */
1450 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_UPDATE              (HRTIM_SET1R_UPDATE)    /*!< Timer register update event forces an output level transition */
1451 /**
1452   * @}
1453   */
1455 /** @defgroup HRTIM_Output_Reset_Source HRTIM Output Reset Source
1456   * @{
1457   * @brief Constants defining the events that can be selected to configure the
1458   *        set crossbar of a timer output
1459   */
1460 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE                0x00000000U             /*!< Reset the output reset crossbar */
1461 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_RESYNC              (HRTIM_RST1R_RESYNC)    /*!< Timer reset event coming solely from software or SYNC input forces the output to its inactive state */
1462 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMPER              (HRTIM_RST1R_PER)       /*!< Timer period event forces the output to its inactive state */
1463 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1             (HRTIM_RST1R_CMP1)      /*!< Timer compare 1 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1464 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2             (HRTIM_RST1R_CMP2)      /*!< Timer compare 2 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1465 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP3             (HRTIM_RST1R_CMP3)      /*!< Timer compare 3 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1466 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP4             (HRTIM_RST1R_CMP4)      /*!< Timer compare 4 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1467 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERPER           (HRTIM_RST1R_MSTPER)    /*!< The master timer period event forces the output to its inactive state */
1468 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP1          (HRTIM_RST1R_MSTCMP1)   /*!< Master Timer compare 1 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1469 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP2          (HRTIM_RST1R_MSTCMP2)   /*!< Master Timer compare 2 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1470 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP3          (HRTIM_RST1R_MSTCMP3)   /*!< Master Timer compare 3 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1471 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP4          (HRTIM_RST1R_MSTCMP4)   /*!< Master Timer compare 4 event forces the output to its inactive state */
1472 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer A */
1473 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1474 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1475 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1476 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1477 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1478 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1479 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1480 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1481 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1482 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer B */
1483 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1484 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1485 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1486 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1487 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1488 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1489 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1490 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1491 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1492 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer C */
1493 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1494 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1495 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1496 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1497 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1498 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1499 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1500 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1501 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1502 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer D */
1503 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1504 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1505 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1506 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1507 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1508 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1509 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1510 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1511 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1512 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer E */
1513 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1514 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1515 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1516 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1517 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1518 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1519 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1520 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1521 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1522 /* Timer Events mapping for Timer F */
1523 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT1)  /*!< Timer event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1524 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT2)  /*!< Timer event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1525 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT3)  /*!< Timer event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1526 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT4)  /*!< Timer event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1527 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT5)  /*!< Timer event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1528 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT6)  /*!< Timer event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1529 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT7)  /*!< Timer event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1530 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT8)  /*!< Timer event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1531 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3    (HRTIM_RST1R_TIMEVNT9)  /*!< Timer event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1532 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_1               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT1)   /*!< External event 1 forces the output to its inactive state */
1533 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_2               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT2)   /*!< External event 2 forces the output to its inactive state */
1534 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_3               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT3)   /*!< External event 3 forces the output to its inactive state */
1535 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_4               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT4)   /*!< External event 4 forces the output to its inactive state */
1536 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_5               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT5)   /*!< External event 5 forces the output to its inactive state */
1537 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_6               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT6)   /*!< External event 6 forces the output to its inactive state */
1538 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_7               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT7)   /*!< External event 7 forces the output to its inactive state */
1539 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_8               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT8)   /*!< External event 8 forces the output to its inactive state */
1540 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_9               (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT9)   /*!< External event 9 forces the output to its inactive state */
1541 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_10              (HRTIM_RST1R_EXTVNT10)  /*!< External event 10 forces the output to its inactive state */
1542 #define LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_UPDATE              (HRTIM_RST1R_UPDATE)    /*!< Timer register update event forces the output to its inactive state */
1543 /**
1544   * @}
1545   */
1548   * @{
1549   * @brief Constants defining the polarity of a timer output.
1550   */
1551 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_POSITIVE_POLARITY    0x00000000U             /*!< Output is active HIGH */
1552 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_NEGATIVE_POLARITY    (HRTIM_OUTR_POL1)       /*!< Output is active LOW */
1553 /**
1554   * @}
1555   */
1558   * @{
1559   * @brief Constants defining whether or not the timer output transition to its IDLE state when burst mode is entered.
1560   */
1561 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_NO_IDLE             0x00000000U            /*!< The output is not affected by the burst mode operation */
1562 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLE_WHEN_BURST     (HRTIM_OUTR_IDLM1)     /*!< The output is in idle state when requested by the burst mode controller */
1563 /**
1564   * @}
1565   */
1568   * @{
1569   * @brief Constants defining the interleaved mode of an HRTIM Timer instance.
1570   */
1571 #define LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DISABLED   0x000U              /*!< HRTIM interleaved Mode is disabled */
1572 #define LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DUAL       HRTIM_MCR_HALF      /*!< HRTIM interleaved Mode is Dual */
1573 #define LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_TRIPLE     HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_0  /*!< HRTIM interleaved Mode is Triple */
1574 #define LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_QUAD       HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD_1  /*!< HRTIM interleaved Mode is Quad */
1575 /**
1576   * @}
1577   */
1578 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_HALF_MODE HALF MODE
1579   * @{
1580   * @brief Constants defining the half mode of an HRTIM Timer instance.
1581   */
1582 #define LL_HRTIM_HALF_MODE_DISABLED          0x000U              /*!< HRTIM Half Mode is disabled */
1583 #define LL_HRTIM_HALF_MODE_ENABLE            HRTIM_MCR_HALF      /*!< HRTIM Half Mode is Half */
1584 /**
1585   * @}
1586   */
1589   * @{
1590   * @brief Constants defining the output level when output is in IDLE state
1591   */
1592 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_INACTIVE   0x00000000U           /*!< Output at inactive level when in IDLE state */
1593 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_ACTIVE     (HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1)   /*!< Output at active level when in IDLE state */
1594 /**
1595   * @}
1596   */
1599   * @{
1600   * @brief Constants defining the output level when output is in FAULT state.
1601   */
1602 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_NO_ACTION 0x00000000U                      /*!< The output is not affected by the fault input */
1603 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_ACTIVE    (HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1_0)                        /*!< Output at active level when in FAULT state */
1604 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_INACTIVE  (HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1_1)                        /*!< Output at inactive level when in FAULT state */
1605 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_HIGHZ     (HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1_1 | HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1_0)  /*!< Output is tri-stated when in FAULT state */
1606 /**
1607   * @}
1608   */
1611   * @{
1612   * @brief Constants defining whether or not chopper mode is enabled for a timer output.
1613   */
1614 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_DISABLED   0x00000000U             /*!< Output signal is not altered  */
1615 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_ENABLED    (HRTIM_OUTR_CHP1)       /*!< Output signal is chopped by a carrier signal  */
1616 /**
1617   * @}
1618   */
1621   * @{
1622   * @brief Constants defining the idle state entry mode during a burst mode operation. It is possible to delay the burst mode entry and force the output to an inactive state
1623 during a programmable period before the output takes its idle state.
1624   */
1625 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_REGULAR   0x00000000U            /*!< The programmed Idle state is applied immediately to the Output */
1626 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_DELAYED   (HRTIM_OUTR_DIDL1)     /*!< Deadtime is inserted on output before entering the idle mode */
1627 /**
1628   * @}
1629   */
1631   * @{
1632   * @brief Constants defining the level of a timer output.
1633   */
1634 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_INACTIVE   0x00000000U            /*!< Corresponds to a logic level 0 for a positive polarity (High) and to a logic level 1 for a negative polarity (Low) */
1635 #define LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_ACTIVE     ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /*!< Corresponds to a logic level 1 for a positive polarity (High) and to a logic level 0 for a negative polarity (Low) */
1636 /**
1637   * @}
1638   */
1641   * @{
1642   * @brief Constants defining available sources associated to external events.
1643   */
1644 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV1SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 1 */
1645 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV2SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 2 */
1646 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV3SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 3 */
1647 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV4SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 4 */
1648 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV5SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 5 */
1649 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV6SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 6 */
1650 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV7SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 7 */
1651 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV8SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 8 */
1652 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV9SRC_GPIO        0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 9 */
1653 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV10SRC_GPIO       0x00000000U                                   /*!< External event source 1 for External Event 10 */
1654 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV1SRC_COMP2_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 1 */
1655 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV2SRC_COMP4_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 2 */
1656 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV3SRC_COMP6_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 3 */
1657 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV4SRC_COMP1_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 4 */
1658 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV5SRC_COMP3_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 5 */
1659 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV6SRC_COMP2_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 6 */
1660 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV7SRC_COMP4_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 7 */
1661 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV8SRC_COMP6_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 8 */
1662 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV9SRC_COMP5_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 9 */
1663 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV10SRC_COMP7_OUT  (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0)                        /*!< External event source 2 for External Event 10 */
1664 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV1SRC_TIM1_TRGO   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 1 */
1665 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV2SRC_TIM2_TRGO   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 2 */
1666 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV3SRC_TIM3_TRGO   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 3 */
1667 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV4SRC_COMP5_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 4 */
1668 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV5SRC_COMP7_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 5 */
1669 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV6SRC_COMP1_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 6 */
1670 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV7SRC_TIM7_TRGO   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 7 */
1671 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV8SRC_COMP3_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 8 */
1672 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV9SRC_TIM15_TRGO  (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 9 */
1673 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV10SRC_TIM6_TRGO  (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1)                        /*!< External event source 3 for External Event 10 */
1674 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV1SRC_ADC1_AWD1   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 1 */
1675 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV2SRC_ADC1_AWD2   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 2 */
1676 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV3SRC_ADC1_AWD3   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 3 */
1677 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV4SRC_ADC2_AWD1   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 4 */
1678 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV5SRC_ADC2_AWD2   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 5 */
1679 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV6SRC_ADC2_AWD3   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 6 */
1680 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV7SRC_ADC3_AWD1   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 7 */
1681 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV8SRC_ADC4_AWD1   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 8 */
1682 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV9SRC_COMP4_OUT   (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 9 */
1683 #define LL_HRTIM_EEV10SRC_ADC5_AWD1  (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC_0) /*!< External event source 4 for External Event 10 */
1684 /**
1685   * @}
1686   */
1688   * @{
1689   * @brief Constants defining the polarity of an external event.
1690   */
1691 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_HIGH    0x00000000U             /*!< External event is active high */
1692 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_LOW     (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL)    /*!< External event is active low */
1693 /**
1694   * @}
1695   */
1698   * @{
1699   * @brief Constants defining the sensitivity (level-sensitive or edge-sensitive) of an external event.
1700   */
1701 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL          0x00000000U                        /*!< External event is active on level */
1702 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_RISINGEDGE     (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS_0)                         /*!< External event is active on Rising edge */
1703 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_FALLINGEDGE    (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS_1)                         /*!< External event is active on Falling edge */
1704 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_BOTHEDGES      (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS_1 | HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS_0)  /*!< External event is active on Rising and Falling edges */
1705 /**
1706   * @}
1707   */
1710   * @{
1711   * @brief Constants defining whether or not an external event is programmed in fast mode.
1712   */
1713 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_DISABLE         0x00000000U              /*!< External Event is re-synchronized by the HRTIM logic before acting on outputs */
1714 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_ENABLE          (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST)    /*!< External Event is acting asynchronously on outputs (low latency mode) */
1715 /**
1716   * @}
1717   */
1720   * @{
1721   * @brief Constants defining the frequency used to sample an external event input (fSAMPLING) and the length (N) of the digital filter applied.
1722   */
1723 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_NONE      0x00000000U                                                               /*!< Filter disabled */
1724 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_1         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING = fHRTIM, N=2 */
1725 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_2         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1)                                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING = fHRTIM, N=4 */
1726 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_3         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fHRTIM, N=8 */
1727 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_4         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2)                                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/2, N=6 */
1728 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_5         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/2, N=8 */
1729 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_6         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/4, N=6 */
1730 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_7         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                        /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/4, N=8 */
1731 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_8         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3)                                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/8, N=6 */
1732 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_9         (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/8, N=8 */
1733 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_10        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/16, N=5 */
1734 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_11        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                        /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/16, N=6 */
1735 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_12        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2)                                             /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/16, N=8 */
1736 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_13        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2  | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)                       /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/32, N=5 */
1737 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_14        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2  | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1)                       /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/32, N=6 */
1738 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_15        (HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_3 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_2  | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_1 | HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F_0)  /*!< fSAMPLING = fEEVS/32, N=8 */
1739 /**
1740   * @}
1741   */
1744   * @{
1745   * @brief Constants defining division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the external event signal sampling clock (fEEVS) used by the digital filters.
1746   */
1747 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV1    0x00000000U                     /*!< fEEVS = fHRTIM */
1748 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV2    (HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD_0)                       /*!< fEEVS = fHRTIM / 2 */
1749 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV4    (HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD_1)                       /*!< fEEVS = fHRTIM / 4 */
1751 /**
1752   * @}
1753   */
1756   * @{
1757   * @brief Constants defining the external event counter.
1758   */
1759 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A    ((uint32_t)0U)                     /*!< External Event A Counter */
1760 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B    ((uint32_t)16U)                    /*!< External Event B Counter */
1761 /**
1762   * @}
1763   */
1766   * @{
1767   * @brief Constants defining the external event reset mode.
1768   */
1769 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_RSTMODE_UNCONDITIONAL   ((uint32_t)0U)                     /*!< External Event counter is reset on each reset / roll-over event */
1770 #define LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_RSTMODE_CONDITIONAL     ((uint32_t)HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVARSTM)   /*!< External Event counter is reset on each reset / roll-over event only if no event occurs during last counting period */
1771 /**
1772   * @}
1773   */
1776   * @{
1777   * @brief Constants defining whether a faults is be triggered by any external or internal fault source.
1778   */
1779 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_DIGITALINPUT         0x00000000U                /*!< Fault input is FLT input pin */
1780 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_INTERNAL             HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0    /*!< Fault input is FLT_Int signal (e.g. internal comparator) */
1781 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_EEVINPUT             HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT1SRC_1    /*!< Fault input is external event  pin */
1782 /**
1783   * @}
1784   */
1787   * @{
1788   * @brief Constants defining the polarity of a fault event.
1789   */
1790 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_LOW     0x00000000U                /*!< Fault input is active low */
1791 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_HIGH    (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P)      /*!< Fault input is active high */
1792 /**
1793   * @}
1794   */
1797   * @{
1798   * @brief Constants defining the frequency used to sample the fault input (fSAMPLING) and the length (N) of the digital filter applied.
1799   */
1800 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_NONE      0x00000000U                                                                          /*!< Filter disabled */
1801 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_1         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                                                                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fHRTIM, N=2 */
1802 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_2         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1)                                                                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fHRTIM, N=4 */
1803 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_3         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fHRTIM, N=8 */
1804 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_4         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2)                                                                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/2, N=6 */
1805 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_5         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/2, N=8 */
1806 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_6         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/4, N=6 */
1807 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_7         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/4, N=8 */
1808 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_8         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3)                                                                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/8, N=6 */
1809 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_9         (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/8, N=8 */
1810 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_10        (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/16, N=5 */
1811 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_11        (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/16, N=6 */
1812 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_12        (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2)                                                  /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/16, N=8 */
1813 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_13        (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_0)                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/32, N=5 */
1814 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_14        (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_3 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_2 | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F_1)                          /*!< fSAMPLING= fFLTS/32, N=6 */
1816 /**
1817   * @}
1818   */
1821   * @{
1822   * @brief Constants defining the division ratio between the timer clock frequency (fHRTIM) and the fault signal sampling clock (fFLTS) used  by the digital filters.
1823   */
1824 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV1    0x00000000U                                     /*!< fFLTS = fHRTIM */
1825 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV2    (HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD_0)                         /*!< fFLTS = fHRTIM / 2 */
1826 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV4    (HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD_1)                         /*!< fFLTS = fHRTIM / 4 */
1828 /**
1829   * @}
1830   */
1832 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_FLT_BLKS FAULT BLANKING Source
1833   * @{
1834   * @brief Constants defining the Blanking Source of a fault event.
1835   */
1836 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_BLANKING_RSTALIGNED            0x00000000U                /*!< Fault blanking source is Reset-aligned  */
1837 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_BLANKING_MOVING                (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKS)   /*!< Fault blanking source is Moving window */
1838 /**
1839   * @}
1840   */
1842 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EC_FLT_RSTM FAULT Counter RESET Mode
1843   * @{
1844   * @brief Constants defining the Counter RESet Mode of a fault event.
1845   */
1846 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_COUNTERRST_UNCONDITIONAL    0x00000000U                    /*!< Fault counter is reset on each reset / roll-over event */
1847 #define LL_HRTIM_FLT_COUNTERRST_CONDITIONAL      (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1RSTM)       /*!< Fault counter is reset on each reset / roll-over event only if no fault occurred during last counting
1848 period. */
1849 /**
1850   * @}
1851   */
1854   * @{
1855   * @brief Constants defining if the burst mode is entered once or if it is continuously operating.
1856   */
1857 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_SINGLESHOT  0x00000000U            /*!< Burst mode operates in single shot mode */
1858 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_CONTINOUS   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM)      /*!< Burst mode operates in continuous mode */
1859 /**
1860   * @}
1861   */
1864   * @{
1865   * @brief Constants defining the clock source for the burst mode counter.
1866   */
1867 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_MASTER     0x00000000U                                         /*!< Master timer counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1868 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_A    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_0)                                            /*!< Timer A counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1869 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_B    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1)                                            /*!< Timer B counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1870 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_C    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_0)                       /*!< Timer C counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1871 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_D    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_2)                                            /*!< Timer D counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1872 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_E    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_0)                       /*!< Timer E counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1873 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_F    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_0)  /*!< Timer F counter reset/roll-over is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1874 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM16_OC   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1)                       /*!< On-chip Event 1 (BMClk[1]), acting as a burst mode counter clock */
1875 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM17_OC   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_0)  /*!< On-chip Event 2 (BMClk[2]), acting as a burst mode counter clock */
1876 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM7_TRGO  (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_3)                                            /*!< On-chip Event 3 (BMClk[3]), acting as a burst mode counter clock */
1877 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_FHRTIM     (HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK_1)                       /*!< Prescaled fHRTIM clock is used as clock source for the burst mode counter */
1878 /**
1879   * @}
1880   */
1883   * @{
1884   * @brief Constants defining the prescaling ratio of the fHRTIM clock for the burst mode controller (fBRST).
1885   */
1886 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1     0x00000000U                                                                 /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM */
1887 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2     (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                                                                   /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/2 */
1888 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4     (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1)                                                                   /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/4 */
1889 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8     (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/8 */
1890 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2)                                                                   /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/16 */
1891 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/32 */
1892 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV64    (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/64 */
1893 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV128   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                       /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/128 */
1894 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV256   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3)                                                                   /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/256 */
1895 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV512   (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/512 */
1896 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1024  (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/1024 */
1897 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2048  (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                       /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/2048*/
1898 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4096  (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2)                                             /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/4096 */
1899 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8192  (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_0)                       /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/8192 */
1900 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16384 (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_3 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_2 | HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC_1)                       /*!< fBRST = fHRTIM/16384 */
1902 /**
1903   * @}
1904   */
1907   * @{
1908   * @brief Constants defining the events that can be used to trig the burst mode operation.
1909   */
1910 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_NONE               0x00000000U             /*!<  No trigger */
1911 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_RESET       (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTRST)   /*!<  Master timer reset event is starting the burst mode operation */
1912 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_REPETITION  (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTREP)   /*!<  Master timer repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1913 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP1        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTCMP1)  /*!<  Master timer compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1914 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP2        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTCMP2)  /*!<  Master timer compare 2 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1915 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP3        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTCMP3)  /*!<  Master timer compare 3 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1916 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP4        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_MSTCMP4)  /*!<  Master timer compare 4 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1917 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_RESET         (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TARST)    /*!< Timer A reset event is starting the burst mode operation */
1918 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TAREP)    /*!< Timer A repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1919 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP1          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TACMP1)   /*!< Timer A compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1920 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP2          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TACMP2)   /*!< Timer A compare 2 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1921 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_RESET         (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TBRST)    /*!< Timer B reset event is starting the burst mode operation */
1922 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TBREP)    /*!< Timer B repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1923 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP1          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TBCMP1)   /*!< Timer B compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1924 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP2          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TBCMP2)   /*!< Timer B compare 2 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1925 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_RESET         (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TCRST)    /*!< Timer C resetevent is starting the burst mode operation  */
1926 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TCREP)    /*!< Timer C repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1927 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_CMP1          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TCCMP1)   /*!< Timer C compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1928 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_RESET         (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TDRST)    /*!< Timer D reset event is starting the burst mode operation */
1929 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TDREP)    /*!< Timer D repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1930 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_CMP2          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TDCMP2)   /*!< Timer D compare 2 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1931 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TEREP)    /*!< Timer E repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1932 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP1          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TECMP1)   /*!< Timer E compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1933 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP2          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TECMP2)   /*!< Timer E compare 2 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1934 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_RESET         (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TFRST)    /*!< Timer F reset event is starting the burst mode operation */
1935 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_REPETITION    (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TFREP)    /*!< Timer F repetition event is starting the burst mode operation */
1936 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_CMP1          (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TFCMP1)   /*!< Timer F compare 1 event is starting the burst mode operation */
1937 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_EVENT7        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TAEEV7)   /*!< Timer A period following an external event 7 (conditioned by TIMA filters) is starting the burst mode operation  */
1938 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_EVENT8        (HRTIM_BMTRGR_TDEEV8)   /*!< Timer D period following an external event 8 (conditioned by TIMD filters) is starting the burst mode operation  */
1939 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_7            (HRTIM_BMTRGR_EEV7)     /*!< External event 7 conditioned by TIMA filters is starting the burst mode operation */
1940 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_8            (HRTIM_BMTRGR_EEV8)     /*!< External event 8 conditioned by TIMD filters is starting the burst mode operation */
1941 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_ONCHIP       (HRTIM_BMTRGR_OCHPEV)   /*!< A rising edge on an on-chip Event (for instance from GP timer or comparator) triggers the burst mode operation */
1942 /**
1943   * @}
1944   */
1947   * @{
1948   * @brief Constants defining the operating state of the burst mode controller.
1949   */
1950 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_STATUS_NORMAL             0x00000000U           /*!< Normal operation */
1951 #define LL_HRTIM_BM_STATUS_BURST_ONGOING      HRTIM_BMCR_BMSTAT     /*!< Burst operation on-going */
1952 /**
1953   * @}
1954   */
1956 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_MODE Counter Mode
1957   * @{
1958   * @brief Constants defining the Counter Up Down Mode.
1959   */
1960 #define LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP                    0x00000000U           /*!< counter is operating in up-counting mode */
1961 #define LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP_DOWN               HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM      /*!< counter is operating in up-down counting mode  */
1962 /**
1963   * @}
1964   */
1966 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_Roll-Over counter Mode
1967   * @{
1968   * @brief Constants defining the Roll-Over counter Mode.
1969   */
1970 #define LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER            2U                        /*!< Event generated when counter reaches period value  ('crest' mode) */
1971 #define LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST            1U                        /*!< Event generated when counter equals 0 ('valley' mode) */
1972 #define LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH           0U                        /*!< Event generated when counter reach both conditions (0 or HRTIM_PERxR value) */
1973 /**
1974   * @}
1975   */
1977 /** @defgroup HRTIM_Timer_TrigHalf_Mode HRTIM Timer Triggered-Half Mode
1978   * @{
1979   * @brief Constants defining how the timer counter operates.
1980   */
1981 #define LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_DISABLED        0x00000000U            /*!< Timer Compare 2 register is behaving in standard mode */
1982 #define LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_ENABLED         HRTIM_TIMCR2_TRGHLF    /*!< Timer Compare 2 register is behaving in triggered-half mode  */
1983 /**
1984   * @}
1985   */
1987 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_Compare Greater than compare PWM Mode
1988   * @{
1989   * @brief Constants defining the greater than compare 1 or 3 PWM Mode.
1990   */
1991 #define LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_EQUAL             0x00000000U            /*!< event is generated when counter is equal to compare value */
1992 #define LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_GREATER           HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP1    /*!< event is generated when counter is greater than compare value */
1993 #define LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_EQUAL             0x00000000U            /*!< event is generated when counter is equal to compare value */
1994 #define LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_GREATER           HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP3    /*!< event is generated when counter is greater than compare value */
1995 /**
1996   * @}
1997   */
1999 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_DCDE Enabling the Dual Channel DAC Triggering
2000   * @{
2001   * @brief Constants enabling the Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger mechanism.
2002   */
2003 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDE_DISABLED      0x00000000U              /*!<  Dual Channel DAC trigger is generated on counter reset or roll-over event */
2004 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDE_ENABLED       HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDE        /*!<  Dual Channel DAC trigger is generated on output 1 set  event */
2005 /**
2006   * @}
2007   */
2009 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_DCDR Dual Channel DAC Reset Trigger
2010   * @{
2011   * @brief Constants defining the Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger.
2012   */
2013 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDR_COUNTER       0x00000000U              /*!< Dual Channel DAC trigger is generated on counter reset or roll-over event */
2014 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDR_OUT1SET       HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDR        /*!< Dual Channel DAC trigger is generated on output 1 set  event */
2015 /**
2016   * @}
2017   */
2019 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_COUNTER_DCDS Dual Channel DAC Step trigger
2020   * @{
2021   * @brief Constants defining the Dual Channel DAC Step trigger.
2022   */
2023 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDS_CMP2          0x00000000U              /*!< trigger is generated on compare 2 event */
2024 #define LL_HRTIM_DCDS_OUT1RST       HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDS        /*!< trigger is generated on output 1 reset event */
2025 /**
2026   * @}
2027   */
2029 /**
2030   * @}
2031   */
2033 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
2034 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_Exported_Macros HRTIM Exported Macros
2035   * @{
2036   */
2038 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EM_WRITE_READ Common Write and read registers Macros
2039   * @{
2040   */
2042 /**
2043   * @brief  Write a value in HRTIM register
2044   * @param  __INSTANCE__ HRTIM Instance
2045   * @param  __REG__ Register to be written
2046   * @param  __VALUE__ Value to be written in the register
2047   * @retval None
2048   */
2049 #define LL_HRTIM_WriteReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__, __VALUE__) WRITE_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__, (__VALUE__))
2051 /**
2052   * @brief  Read a value in HRTIM register
2053   * @param  __INSTANCE__ HRTIM Instance
2054   * @param  __REG__ Register to be read
2055   * @retval Register value
2056   */
2057 #define LL_HRTIM_ReadReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__) READ_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__)
2058 /**
2059   * @}
2060   */
2062 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EM_Exported_Macros Exported_Macros
2063   * @{
2064   */
2065 /**
2066   * @brief  HELPER macro returning the output state from output enable/disable status
2067   * @param  __OUTPUT_STATUS_EN__ output enable status
2068   * @param  __OUTPUT_STATUS_DIS__ output Disable status
2069   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
2070   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_IDLE
2071   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_RUN
2072   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSTATE_FAULT
2073   */
2077 /**
2078   * @}
2079   */
2081 /**
2082   * @}
2083   */
2085 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
2086 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_Exported_Functions HRTIM Exported Functions
2087   * @{
2088   */
2089 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_HRTIM_Control HRTIM_Control
2090   * @{
2091   */
2093 /**
2094   * @brief  Select the HRTIM synchronization input source.
2095   * @note This function must not be called when  the concerned timer(s) is (are) enabled .
2096   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCIN        LL_HRTIM_SetSyncInSrc
2097   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2098   * @param  SyncInSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
2099   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_NONE
2100   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_TIM_EVENT
2101   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_EXTERNAL_EVENT
2102   * @retval None
2103   */
LL_HRTIM_SetSyncInSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t SyncInSrc)2104 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetSyncInSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t SyncInSrc)
2105 {
2106   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN, SyncInSrc);
2107 }
2109 /**
2110   * @brief  Get actual HRTIM synchronization input source.
2111   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCIN        LL_HRTIM_SetSyncInSrc
2112   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2113   * @retval SyncInSrc Returned value can be one of the following values:
2114   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_NONE
2115   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_TIM_EVENT
2116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCIN_SRC_EXTERNAL_EVENT
2117   */
LL_HRTIM_GetSyncInSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)2118 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetSyncInSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
2119 {
2120   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_IN));
2121 }
2123 /**
2124   * @brief  Configure the HRTIM synchronization output.
2125   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCSRC      LL_HRTIM_ConfigSyncOut\n
2126   *         MCR          SYNCOUT      LL_HRTIM_ConfigSyncOut
2127   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2128   * @param  Config This parameter can be one of the following values:
2129   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_DISABLED
2130   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_POSITIVE_PULSE
2131   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_NEGATIVE_PULSE
2132   * @param  Src This parameter can be one of the following values:
2133   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_START
2134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_CMP1
2135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_START
2136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_CMP1
2137   * @retval None
2138   */
LL_HRTIM_ConfigSyncOut(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Config,uint32_t Src)2139 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ConfigSyncOut(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Config, uint32_t Src)
2140 {
2141   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, (HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT | HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC), (Config | Src));
2142 }
2144 /**
2145   * @brief  Set the routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event.
2146   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCOUT      LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutConfig
2147   * @note This function can be called only when the master timer is enabled.
2148   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2149   * @param  SyncOutConfig This parameter can be one of the following values:
2150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_DISABLED
2151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_POSITIVE_PULSE
2152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_NEGATIVE_PULSE
2153   * @retval None
2154   */
LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutConfig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t SyncOutConfig)2155 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutConfig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t SyncOutConfig)
2156 {
2157   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT, SyncOutConfig);
2158 }
2160 /**
2161   * @brief  Get actual routing and conditioning of the synchronization output event.
2162   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCOUT      LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutConfig
2163   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2164   * @retval SyncOutConfig Returned value can be one of the following values:
2165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_DISABLED
2166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_POSITIVE_PULSE
2167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_NEGATIVE_PULSE
2168   */
LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutConfig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)2169 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutConfig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
2170 {
2171   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_OUT));
2172 }
2174 /**
2175   * @brief  Set the source and event to be sent on the HRTIM synchronization output.
2176   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCSRC      LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutSrc
2177   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2178   * @param  SyncOutSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
2179   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_START
2180   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_CMP1
2181   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_START
2182   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_CMP1
2183   * @retval None
2184   */
LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t SyncOutSrc)2185 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetSyncOutSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t SyncOutSrc)
2186 {
2187   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC, SyncOutSrc);
2188 }
2190 /**
2191   * @brief  Get actual  source and event sent on the HRTIM synchronization output.
2192   * @rmtoll MCR          SYNCSRC      LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutSrc
2193   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2194   * @retval SyncOutSrc Returned value can be one of the following values:
2195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_START
2196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_MASTER_CMP1
2197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_START
2198   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_SYNCOUT_SRC_TIMA_CMP1
2199   */
LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)2200 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetSyncOutSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
2201 {
2202   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, HRTIM_MCR_SYNC_SRC));
2203 }
2205 /**
2206   * @brief  Disable (temporarily) update event generation.
2207   * @rmtoll CR1          MUDIS         LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2208   *         CR1          TAUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2209   *         CR1          TBUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2210   *         CR1          TCUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2211   *         CR1          TDUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2212   *         CR1          TEUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate\n
2213   *         CR1          TFUDIS        LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate
2214   * @note Allow to temporarily disable the transfer from preload to active
2215   *      registers, whatever the selected update event. This allows to modify
2216   *      several registers in multiple timers.
2217   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2218   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
2220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2223   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2224   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2225   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2226   * @retval None
2227   */
LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)2228 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SuspendUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
2229 {
2230   /* clear register before applying the new value */
2232   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR1, ((Timers >> HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) & HRTIM_CR1_UDIS_MASK));
2233 }
2235 /**
2236   * @brief  Enable update event generation.
2237   * @rmtoll CR1          MUDIS         LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2238   *         CR1          TAUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2239   *         CR1          TBUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2240   *         CR1          TCUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2241   *         CR1          TDUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2242   *         CR1          TEUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate\n
2243   *         CR1          TFUDIS        LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate
2244   * @note The regular update event takes place.
2245   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2246   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2247   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
2248   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2249   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2250   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2251   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2252   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2253   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2254   * @retval None
2255   */
LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)2256 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ResumeUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
2257 {
2258   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR1, ((Timers >> HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) & HRTIM_CR1_UDIS_MASK));
2259 }
2261 /**
2262   * @brief  Force an immediate transfer from the preload to the active register .
2263   * @rmtoll CR2          MSWU          LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2264   *         CR2          TASWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2265   *         CR2          TBSWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2266   *         CR2          TCSWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2267   *         CR2          TDSWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2268   *         CR2          TESWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate\n
2269   *         CR2          TFSWU         LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate
2270   * @note Any pending update request is cancelled.
2271   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2272   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2273   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
2274   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2275   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2276   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2277   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2278   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2279   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2280   * @retval None
2281   */
LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)2282 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
2283 {
2284   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR2, ((Timers >> HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) & HRTIM_CR2_SWUPD_MASK));
2285 }
2287 /**
2288   * @brief  Reset the HRTIM timer(s) counter.
2289   * @rmtoll CR2          MRST          LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2290   *         CR2          TARST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2291   *         CR2          TBRST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2292   *         CR2          TCRST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2293   *         CR2          TDRST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2294   *         CR2          TERST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset\n
2295   *         CR2          TFRST         LL_HRTIM_CounterReset
2296   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2297   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2298   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
2299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2300   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2304   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2305   * @retval None
2306   */
LL_HRTIM_CounterReset(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)2307 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_CounterReset(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
2308 {
2309   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR2, (((Timers >> HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) << HRTIM_CR2_MRST_Pos) & HRTIM_CR2_SWRST_MASK));
2310 }
2312 /**
2313   * @brief  enable the swap of the Timer Output.
2314   * @note   the HRTIM_SETA1R and HRTIM_RSTA1R are coding for the output A2,
2315   *         and the HRTIM_SETA2R and HRTIM_RSTA2R are coding for the output A1
2316   * @note   This bit is not significant when the Push-pull mode is enabled (PSHPLL = 1)
2317   * @rmtoll CR2          SWPA         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs\n
2318   *         CR2          SWPB         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs\n
2319   *         CR2          SWPC         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs\n
2320   *         CR2          SWPD         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs\n
2321   *         CR2          SWPE         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs\n
2322   *         CR2          SWPF         LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs
2323   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2324   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
2325   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2326   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2327   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2328   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2329   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2330   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2331   * @retval None
2332   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)2333 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
2334 {
2335   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
2337   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR2, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR2_SWPA) << iTimer);
2338 }
2340 /**
2341   * @brief  disable the swap of the Timer Output.
2342   * @note   the HRTIM_SETA1R and HRTIM_RSTA1R are coding for the output A1,
2343   *         and the HRTIM_SETA2R and HRTIM_RSTA2R are coding for the output A2
2344   * @note   This bit is not significant when the Push-pull mode is enabled (PSHPLL = 1)
2345   * @rmtoll CR2          SWPA         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs\n
2346   *         CR2          SWPB         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs\n
2347   *         CR2          SWPC         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs\n
2348   *         CR2          SWPD         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs\n
2349   *         CR2          SWPE         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs\n
2350   *         CR2          SWPF         LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs
2351   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2352   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
2353   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2354   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2355   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2356   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2357   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2358   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2359   * @retval None
2360   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)2361 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
2362 {
2363   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
2365   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR2, (HRTIM_CR2_SWPA << iTimer));
2366 }
2368 /**
2369   * @brief  reports the Timer Outputs swap position.
2370   * @note   This bit is not significant when the Push-pull mode is enabled (PSHPLL = 1)
2371   * @rmtoll CR2          SWPA         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs\n
2372   *         CR2          SWPB         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs\n
2373   *         CR2          SWPC         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs\n
2374   *         CR2          SWPD         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs\n
2375   *         CR2          SWPE         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs\n
2376   *         CR2          SWPF         LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs
2377   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2378   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
2379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
2380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
2381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
2382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
2383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
2384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
2385   * @retval
2386   *         1: HRTIM_SETA1R and HRTIM_RSTA1R are coding for the output A2,
2387   *            HRTIM_SETA2R and HRTIM_RSTA2R are coding for the output A1
2388   *         0: HRTIM_SETA1R and HRTIM_RSTA1R are coding for the output A1,
2389   *            HRTIM_SETA2R and HRTIM_RSTA2R are coding for the output A2
2390   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)2391 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledSwapOutputs(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
2392 {
2393   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)((POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos) & 0x1FU);
2395   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR2, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_CR2_SWPA) << iTimer) >> ((HRTIM_CR2_SWPA_Pos + iTimer)));
2396 }
2398 /**
2399   * @brief  Enable the HRTIM timer(s) output(s) .
2400   * @rmtoll OENR         TA1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2401   *         OENR         TA2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2402   *         OENR         TB1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2403   *         OENR         TB2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2404   *         OENR         TC1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2405   *         OENR         TC2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2406   *         OENR         TD1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2407   *         OENR         TD2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2408   *         OENR         TE1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2409   *         OENR         TE2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2410   *         OENR         TF1OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput\n
2411   *         OENR         TF2OEN        LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput
2412   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2413   * @param  Outputs This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
2415   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
2416   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
2417   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
2418   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
2419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
2420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
2421   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
2422   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
2423   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
2424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
2425   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
2426   * @retval None
2427   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Outputs)2428 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Outputs)
2429 {
2430   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.OENR, (Outputs & HRTIM_OENR_OEN_MASK));
2431 }
2433 /**
2434   * @brief  Disable the HRTIM timer(s) output(s) .
2435   * @rmtoll OENR         TA1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2436   *         OENR         TA2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2437   *         OENR         TB1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2438   *         OENR         TB2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2439   *         OENR         TC1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2440   *         OENR         TC2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2441   *         OENR         TD1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2442   *         OENR         TD2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2443   *         OENR         TE1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2444   *         OENR         TE2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2445   *         OENR         TF1OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput\n
2446   *         OENR         TF2OEN        LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput
2447   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2448   * @param  Outputs This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
2450   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
2451   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
2452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
2453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
2454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
2455   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
2456   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
2457   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
2458   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
2459   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
2460   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
2461   * @retval None
2462   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Outputs)2463 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Outputs)
2464 {
2465   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ODISR, (Outputs & HRTIM_OENR_ODIS_MASK));
2466 }
2468 /**
2469   * @brief  Indicates whether the HRTIM timer output is enabled.
2470   * @rmtoll OENR         TA1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2471   *         OENR         TA2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2472   *         OENR         TB1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2473   *         OENR         TB2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2474   *         OENR         TC1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2475   *         OENR         TC2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2476   *         OENR         TD1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2477   *         OENR         TD2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2478   *         OENR         TE1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2479   *         OENR         TE2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2480   *         OENR         TF1OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput\n
2481   *         OENR         TF2OEN        LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput
2482   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2483   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
2484   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
2485   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
2486   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
2487   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
2488   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
2489   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
2490   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
2491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
2492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
2493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
2494   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
2495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
2496   * @retval State of TxyOEN bit in HRTIM_OENR register (1 or 0).
2497   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)2498 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
2499 {
2500   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.OENR, Output) == Output) ? 1UL : 0UL);
2501 }
2503 /**
2504   * @brief  Indicates whether the HRTIM timer output is disabled.
2505   * @rmtoll ODISR        TA1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2506   *         ODISR        TA2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2507   *         ODISR        TB1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2508   *         ODISR        TB2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2509   *         ODISR        TC1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2510   *         ODISR        TC2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2511   *         ODISR        TD1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2512   *         ODISR        TD2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2513   *         ODISR        TE1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2514   *         ODISR        TE2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2515   *         ODISR        TF1ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput\n
2516   *         ODISR        TF2ODIS        LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput
2517   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2518   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
2519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
2520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
2521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
2522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
2523   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
2524   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
2525   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
2526   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
2527   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
2528   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
2529   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
2530   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
2531   * @retval State of TxyODS bit in HRTIM_OENR register (1 or 0).
2532   */
LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)2533 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsDisabledOutput(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
2534 {
2535   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.OENR, Output) == 0U) ? 1UL : 0UL);
2536 }
2538 /**
2539   * @brief  Configure an ADC trigger.
2540   * @rmtoll CR1          ADC1USRC        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2541   *         CR1          ADC2USRC        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2542   *         CR1          ADC3USRC        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2543   *         CR1          ADC4USRC        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2544   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC1         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2545   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC2         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2546   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC3         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2547   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC4         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2548   *         ADC1R        ADC1MPER        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2549   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV1        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2550   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2551   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2552   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2553   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV5        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2554   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2555   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2556   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2557   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2558   *         ADC1R        ADC1TARST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2559   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2560   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2561   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2562   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2563   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2564   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2565   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2566   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2567   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2568   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2569   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2570   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2571   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2572   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2573   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2574   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2575   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2576   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC1         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2577   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC2         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2578   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC3         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2579   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC4         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2580   *         ADC2R        ADC2MPER        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2581   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV6        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2582   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV7        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2583   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV8        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2584   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV9        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2585   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV10       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2586   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2587   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2588   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2589   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2590   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2591   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2592   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2593   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2594   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2595   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2596   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2597   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2598   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2599   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2600   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2601   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2602   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2603   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2604   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2605   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2606   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2607   *         ADC2R        ADC2TERST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2608   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC1         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2609   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC2         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2610   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC3         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2611   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC4         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2612   *         ADC3R        ADC3MPER        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2613   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV1        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2614   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2615   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2616   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2617   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV5        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2618   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2619   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2620   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2621   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2622   *         ADC3R        ADC3TARST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2623   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2624   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2625   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2626   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2627   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2628   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2629   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2630   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2631   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2632   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2633   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2634   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2635   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2636   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2637   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2638   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2639   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2640   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC1         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2641   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC2         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2642   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC3         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2643   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC4         LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2644   *         ADC4R        ADC4MPER        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2645   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV6        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2646   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV7        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2647   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV8        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2648   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV9        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2649   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV10       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2650   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2651   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2652   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2653   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2654   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2655   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2656   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2657   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2658   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2659   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2660   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2661   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2662   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2663   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2664   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2665   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2666   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDPER       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2667   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDRST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2668   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC2        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2669   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC3        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2670   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC4        LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig\n
2671   *         ADC4R        ADC4TERST       LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig
2672   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2673   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
2674   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
2675   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
2676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
2677   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
2678   * @param  Update This parameter can be one of the following values:
2679   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_MASTER
2680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_A
2681   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_B
2682   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_C
2683   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_D
2684   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_E
2685   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_F
2686   * @param  Src This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
2687   *
2688   *         For ADC trigger 1 and ADC trigger 3:
2689   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_NONE
2690   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP1
2691   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP2
2692   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP3
2693   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP4
2694   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MPER
2695   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV1
2696   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV2
2697   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV3
2698   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV4
2699   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV5
2700   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP3
2701   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP4
2702   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMAPER
2703   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMARST
2704   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP3
2705   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP4
2706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBPER
2707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBRST
2708   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP3
2709   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP4
2710   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCPER
2711   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP3
2712   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP4
2713   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDPER
2714   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP3
2715   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP4
2716   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMEPER
2717   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP2
2718   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP3
2719   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP4
2720   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFPER
2721   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFRST
2722   *
2723   *         For ADC trigger 2 and ADC trigger 4:
2724   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_NONE
2725   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP1
2726   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP2
2727   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP3
2728   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP4
2729   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MPER
2730   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV6
2731   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV7
2732   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV8
2733   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV9
2734   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV10
2735   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP2
2736   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP4
2737   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMAPER
2738   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP2
2739   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP4
2740   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBPER
2741   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP2
2742   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP4
2743   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCPER
2744   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCRST
2745   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP2
2746   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP4
2747   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDPER
2748   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDRST
2749   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP2
2750   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP3
2751   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP4
2752   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMERST
2753   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP2
2754   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP3
2755   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP4
2756   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFPER
2757   *
2758   *         For ADC trigger 5, ADC trigger 7 and ADC trigger 9 this parameter
2759   *         can be one of the following values:
2760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP1
2761   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP2
2762   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP3
2763   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP4
2764   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MPER
2765   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV1
2766   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV2
2767   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV3
2768   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV4
2769   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV5
2770   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP3
2771   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP4
2772   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_PER
2773   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_RST
2774   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP3
2775   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP4
2776   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_PER
2777   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_RST
2778   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP3
2779   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP4
2780   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_PER
2781   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP3
2782   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP4
2783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_PER
2784   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP3
2785   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP4
2786   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_PER
2787   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP2
2788   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP3
2789   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP4
2790   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_PER
2791   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_RST
2792   *
2793   *         For ADC trigger 6, ADC trigger 8 and ADC trigger 10 this parameter
2794   *         can be one of the following values:
2795   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP1
2796   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP2
2797   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP3
2798   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP4
2799   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MPER
2800   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV6
2801   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV7
2802   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV8
2803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV9
2804   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV10
2805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP2
2806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP4
2807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_PER
2808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP2
2809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP4
2810   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_PER
2811   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP2
2812   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP4
2813   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_PER
2814   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_RST
2815   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP2
2816   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP4
2817   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_PER
2818   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_RST
2819   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP2
2820   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP3
2821   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP4
2822   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_RST
2823   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP2
2824   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP3
2825   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP4
2826   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_PER
2827   * @retval None
2828   */
LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig,uint32_t Update,uint32_t Src)2829 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ConfigADCTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig, uint32_t Update, uint32_t Src)
2830 {
2831   __IO uint32_t *padcur = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR1) +
2832                                                                 REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig]));
2833   __IO uint32_t *padcer = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADC1R) +
2834                                                                 REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCER[ADCTrig]));
2835   MODIFY_REG(*padcur, REG_MASK_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig], (Update << REG_SHIFT_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig]));
2837 }
2839 /**
2840   * @brief  Associate the ADCx trigger to a timer triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register.
2841   * @rmtoll CR1          ADC1USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2842   *         CR1          ADC2USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2843   *         CR1          ADC3USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2844   *         CR1          ADC4USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2845   *         ADCUR        ADC5USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2846   *         ADCUR        ADC6USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2847   *         ADCUR        ADC7USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2848   *         ADCUR        ADC8USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2849   *         ADCUR        ADC9USRC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate\n
2850   *         ADCUR        ADC10USRC        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate
2851   * @note When the preload is disabled in the source timer, the HRTIM_ADCxR
2852   *       registers are not preloaded either: a write access will result in an
2853   *       immediate update of the trigger source.
2854   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2855   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
2856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
2857   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
2858   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
2859   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
2860   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
2861   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
2862   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
2863   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
2864   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
2865   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
2866   * @param  Update This parameter can be one of the following values:
2867   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_MASTER
2868   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_A
2869   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_B
2870   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_C
2871   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_D
2872   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_E
2873   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_F
2874   * @retval None
2875   */
LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig,uint32_t Update)2876 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig, uint32_t Update)
2877 {
2878   __IO uint32_t *preg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR1) +
2879                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig]));
2881 }
2883 /**
2884   * @brief  Get the source timer triggering the update of the HRTIM_ADCxR register.
2885   * @rmtoll CR1          ADC1USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2886   *         CR1          ADC2USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2887   *         CR1          ADC3USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2888   *         CR1          ADC4USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2889   *         ADCUR        ADC5USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2890   *         ADCUR        ADC6USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2891   *         ADCUR        ADC7USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2892   *         ADCUR        ADC8USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2893   *         ADCUR        ADC9USRC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate\n
2894   *         ADCUR        ADC10USRC       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate
2895   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
2896   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
2897   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
2898   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
2899   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
2900   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
2901   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
2902   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
2903   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
2904   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
2905   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
2906   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
2907   * @retval Update Returned value can be one of the following values:
2908   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_MASTER
2909   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_A
2910   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_B
2911   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_C
2912   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_D
2913   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_E
2914   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_UPDATE_TIMER_F
2915   */
LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig)2916 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig)
2917 {
2918   const __IO uint32_t *preg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.CR1) +
2919                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig]));
2920   return (READ_BIT(*preg, (REG_MASK_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig])) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_ADCUR[ADCTrig]);
2921 }
2923 /**
2924   * @brief  Specify which events (timer events and/or external events) are used as triggers for ADC conversion.
2925   * @rmtoll ADC1R        ADC1MC1         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2926   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC2         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2927   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC3         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2928   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC4         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2929   *         ADC1R        ADC1MPER        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2930   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV1        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2931   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2932   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2933   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2934   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV5        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2935   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2936   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2937   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2938   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2939   *         ADC1R        ADC1TARST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2940   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2941   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2942   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2943   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2944   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2945   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2946   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2947   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2948   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2949   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2950   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2951   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2952   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2953   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2954   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2955   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2956   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2957   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC1         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2958   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC2         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2959   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC3         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2960   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC4         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2961   *         ADC2R        ADC2MPER        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2962   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV6        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2963   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV7        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2964   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV8        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2965   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV9        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2966   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV10       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2967   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2968   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2969   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2970   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2971   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2972   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2973   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2974   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2975   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2976   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2977   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2978   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2979   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2980   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2981   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2982   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2983   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2984   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2985   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2986   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2987   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2988   *         ADC2R        ADC2TERST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2989   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC1         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2990   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC2         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2991   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC3         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2992   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC4         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2993   *         ADC3R        ADC3MPER        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2994   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV1        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2995   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2996   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2997   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2998   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV5        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
2999   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3000   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3001   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3002   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3003   *         ADC3R        ADC3TARST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3004   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3005   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3006   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3007   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3008   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3009   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3010   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3011   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3012   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3013   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3014   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3015   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3016   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3017   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3018   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3019   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3020   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3021   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC1         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3022   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC2         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3023   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC3         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3024   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC4         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3025   *         ADC4R        ADC4MPER        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3026   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV6        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3027   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV7        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3028   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV8        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3029   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV9        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3030   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV10       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3031   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3032   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3033   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3034   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3035   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3036   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3037   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3038   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3039   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3040   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3041   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3042   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3043   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3044   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3045   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3046   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3047   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDPER       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3048   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDRST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3049   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC2        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3050   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC3        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3051   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC4        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3052   *         ADC4R        ADC4TERST       LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3053   *         ADCER        ADC5TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3054   *         ADCER        ADC6TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3055   *         ADCER        ADC7TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3056   *         ADCER        ADC8TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3057   *         ADCER        ADC9TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3058   *         ADCER        ADC10TRG        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc
3059   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3060   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
3061   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
3062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
3063   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
3064   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
3065   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
3066   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
3067   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
3068   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
3069   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
3070   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
3071   * @param  Src
3072   *         For ADC trigger 1 and ADC trigger 3 this parameter can be a
3073   *         combination of the following values:
3074   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_NONE
3075   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP1
3076   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP2
3077   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP3
3078   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP4
3079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MPER
3080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV1
3081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV2
3082   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV3
3083   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV4
3084   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV5
3085   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP3
3086   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP4
3087   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMAPER
3088   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMARST
3089   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP3
3090   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP4
3091   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBPER
3092   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBRST
3093   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP3
3094   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP4
3095   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCPER
3096   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP3
3097   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP4
3098   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDPER
3099   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP3
3100   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP4
3101   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMEPER
3102   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP2
3103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP3
3104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP4
3105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFPER
3106   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFRST
3107   *
3108   *         For ADC trigger 2 and ADC trigger 4 this parameter can be a
3109   *         combination of the following values:
3110   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_NONE
3111   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP1
3112   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP2
3113   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP3
3114   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP4
3115   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MPER
3116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV6
3117   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV7
3118   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV8
3119   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV9
3120   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV10
3121   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP2
3122   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP4
3123   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMAPER
3124   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP2
3125   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP4
3126   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBPER
3127   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP2
3128   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP4
3129   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCPER
3130   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCRST
3131   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP2
3132   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP4
3133   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDPER
3134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDRST
3135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP2
3136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP3
3137   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP4
3138   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMERST
3139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP2
3140   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP3
3141   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP4
3142   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFPER
3143   *
3144   *         For ADC trigger 5, ADC trigger 7 and ADC trigger 9 this parameter
3145   *         can be one of the following values:
3146   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP1
3147   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP2
3148   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP3
3149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP4
3150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MPER
3151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV1
3152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV2
3153   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV3
3154   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV4
3155   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV5
3156   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP3
3157   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP4
3158   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_PER
3159   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_RST
3160   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP3
3161   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP4
3162   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_PER
3163   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_RST
3164   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP3
3165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP4
3166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_PER
3167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP3
3168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP4
3169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_PER
3170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP3
3171   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP4
3172   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_PER
3173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP2
3174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP3
3175   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP4
3176   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_PER
3177   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_RST
3178   *
3179   *         For ADC trigger 6, ADC trigger 8 and ADC trigger 10 this parameter
3180   *         can be one of the following values:
3181   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP1
3182   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP2
3183   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP3
3184   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP4
3185   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MPER
3186   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV6
3187   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV7
3188   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV8
3189   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV9
3190   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV10
3191   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP2
3192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP4
3193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_PER
3194   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP2
3195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP4
3196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_PER
3197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP2
3198   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP4
3199   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_PER
3200   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_RST
3201   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP2
3202   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP4
3203   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_PER
3204   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_RST
3205   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP2
3206   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP3
3207   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP4
3208   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_RST
3209   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP2
3210   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP3
3211   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP4
3212   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_PER
3213   * @retval None
3214   */
LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig,uint32_t Src)3215 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig, uint32_t Src)
3216 {
3217   __IO uint32_t *preg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADC1R) +
3218                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCER[ADCTrig]));
3220 }
3222 /**
3223   * @brief  Indicate which events (timer events and/or external events) are currently used as triggers for ADC conversion.
3224   * @rmtoll ADC1R        ADC1MC1         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3225   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC2         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3226   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC3         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3227   *         ADC1R        ADC1MC4         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3228   *         ADC1R        ADC1MPER        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3229   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV1        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3230   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3231   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3232   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3233   *         ADC1R        ADC1EEV5        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3234   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3235   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3236   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3237   *         ADC1R        ADC1TAPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3238   *         ADC1R        ADC1TARST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3239   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3240   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3241   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3242   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3243   *         ADC1R        ADC1TBRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3244   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3245   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3246   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3247   *         ADC1R        ADC1TCPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3248   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3249   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3250   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3251   *         ADC1R        ADC1TDPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3252   *         ADC1R        ADC1TFRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3253   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3254   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3255   *         ADC1R        ADC1TEPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3256   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC1         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3257   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC2         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3258   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC3         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3259   *         ADC2R        ADC2MC4         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3260   *         ADC2R        ADC2MPER        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3261   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV6        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3262   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV7        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3263   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV8        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3264   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV9        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3265   *         ADC2R        ADC2EEV10       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3266   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3267   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3268   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3269   *         ADC2R        ADC2TAPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3270   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3271   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3272   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3273   *         ADC2R        ADC2TBPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3274   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3275   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3276   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3277   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3278   *         ADC2R        ADC2TCRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3279   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3280   *         ADC2R        ADC2TFPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3281   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3282   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3283   *         ADC2R        ADC2TDRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3284   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3285   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3286   *         ADC2R        ADC2TEC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3287   *         ADC2R        ADC2TERST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3288   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC1         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3289   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC2         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3290   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC3         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3291   *         ADC3R        ADC3MC4         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3292   *         ADC3R        ADC3MPER        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3293   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV1        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3294   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3295   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3296   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3297   *         ADC3R        ADC3EEV5        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3298   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3299   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3300   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3301   *         ADC3R        ADC3TAPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3302   *         ADC3R        ADC3TARST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3303   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3304   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3305   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3306   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3307   *         ADC3R        ADC3TBRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3308   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3309   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3310   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3311   *         ADC3R        ADC3TCPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3312   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3313   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3314   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3315   *         ADC3R        ADC3TDPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3316   *         ADC3R        ADC3TFRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3317   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3318   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3319   *         ADC3R        ADC3TEPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3320   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC1         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3321   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC2         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3322   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC3         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3323   *         ADC4R        ADC4MC4         LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3324   *         ADC4R        ADC4MPER        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3325   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV6        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3326   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV7        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3327   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV8        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3328   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV9        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3329   *         ADC4R        ADC4EEV10       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3330   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3331   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3332   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3333   *         ADC4R        ADC4TAPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3334   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3335   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3336   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3337   *         ADC4R        ADC4TBPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3338   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3339   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3340   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3341   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3342   *         ADC4R        ADC4TCRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3343   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3344   *         ADC4R        ADC4TFPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3345   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3346   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDPER       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3347   *         ADC4R        ADC4TDRST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3348   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC2        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3349   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC3        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3350   *         ADC4R        ADC4TEC4        LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc\n
3351   *         ADC4R        ADC4TERST       LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc
3352   *         ADCER        ADC5TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3353   *         ADCER        ADC6TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3354   *         ADCER        ADC7TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3355   *         ADCER        ADC8TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3356   *         ADCER        ADC9TRG         LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc\n
3357   *         ADCER        ADC10TRG        LL_HRTIM_SetADCTrigSrc
3358   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3359   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3360   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
3361   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
3362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
3363   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
3364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
3365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
3366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
3367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
3368   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
3369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
3370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
3371   * @retval Src This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
3372   *
3373   *         For ADC trigger 1 and ADC trigger 3 this parameter can be a
3374   *         combination of the following values:
3375   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_NONE
3376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP1
3377   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP2
3378   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP3
3379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MCMP4
3380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_MPER
3381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV1
3382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV2
3383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV3
3384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV4
3385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_EEV5
3386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP3
3387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMACMP4
3388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMAPER
3389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMARST
3390   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP3
3391   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBCMP4
3392   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBPER
3393   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMBRST
3394   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP3
3395   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCCMP4
3396   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMCPER
3397   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP3
3398   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDCMP4
3399   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMDPER
3400   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP3
3401   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMECMP4
3402   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMEPER
3403   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP2
3404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP3
3405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFCMP4
3406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFPER
3407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC13_TIMFRST
3408   *
3409   *         For ADC trigger 2 and ADC trigger 4 this parameter can be a
3410   *         combination of the following values:
3411   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_NONE
3412   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP1
3413   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP2
3414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP3
3415   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MCMP4
3416   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_MPER
3417   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV6
3418   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV7
3419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV8
3420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV9
3421   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_EEV10
3422   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP2
3423   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMACMP4
3424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMAPER
3425   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP2
3426   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBCMP4
3427   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMBPER
3428   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP2
3429   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCCMP4
3430   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCPER
3431   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMCRST
3432   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP2
3433   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDCMP4
3434   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDPER
3435   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMDRST
3436   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP2
3437   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP3
3438   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMECMP4
3439   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMERST
3440   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP2
3441   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP3
3442   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFCMP4
3443   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC24_TIMFPER
3444   *
3445   *         For ADC trigger 5, ADC trigger 7 and ADC trigger 9 this parameter
3446   *         can be one of the following values:
3447   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP1
3448   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP2
3449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP3
3450   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MCMP4
3451   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_MPER
3452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV1
3453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV2
3454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV3
3455   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV4
3456   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_EEV5
3457   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP3
3458   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_CMP4
3459   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_PER
3460   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMA_RST
3461   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP3
3462   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_CMP4
3463   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_PER
3464   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMB_RST
3465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP3
3466   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_CMP4
3467   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMC_PER
3468   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP3
3469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_CMP4
3470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMD_PER
3471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP3
3472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_CMP4
3473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIME_PER
3474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP2
3475   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP3
3476   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_CMP4
3477   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_PER
3478   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC579_TIMF_RST
3479   *
3480   *         For ADC trigger 6, ADC trigger 8 and ADC trigger 10 this parameter
3481   *         can be one of the following values:
3482   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP1
3483   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP2
3484   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP3
3485   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MCMP4
3486   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_MPER
3487   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV6
3488   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV7
3489   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV8
3490   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV9
3491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_EEV10
3492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP2
3493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_CMP4
3494   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMA_PER
3495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP2
3496   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_CMP4
3497   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMB_PER
3498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP2
3499   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_CMP4
3500   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_PER
3501   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMC_RST
3502   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP2
3503   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_CMP4
3504   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_PER
3505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMD_RST
3506   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP2
3507   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP3
3508   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_CMP4
3509   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIME_RST
3510   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP2
3511   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP3
3512   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_CMP4
3513   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_SRC6810_TIMF_PER
3514   */
LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig)3515 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetADCTrigSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig)
3516 {
3517   const __IO uint32_t *preg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADC1R) +
3518                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCER[ADCTrig]));
3519   return (READ_BIT(*preg, (REG_MASK_TAB_ADCER[ADCTrig])) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_ADCER[ADCTrig]);
3521 }
3524 /**
3525   * @brief  Select the ADC post scaler.
3526   * @note This function allows to adjust each ADC trigger rate individually.
3527   * @note In center-aligned mode, the ADC trigger rate is also dependent on
3528   *       ADROM[1:0] bitfield, programmed in the source timer
3529   *       (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetADCRollOverMode)
3530   * @rmtoll ADCPS2       ADC10PSC        LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3531   *         ADCPS2       ADC9PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3532   *         ADCPS2       ADC8PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3533   *         ADCPS2       ADC7PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3534   *         ADCPS2       ADC6PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3535   *         ADCPS1       ADC5PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3536   *         ADCPS1       ADC4PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3537   *         ADCPS1       ADC3PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3538   *         ADCPS1       ADC2PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler\n
3539   *         ADCPS1       ADC1PSC         LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler
3540   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3541   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
3542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
3543   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
3544   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
3545   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
3546   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
3547   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
3548   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
3549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
3550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
3551   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
3552   * @param  PostScaler This parameter can be a number between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=31
3553   * @retval None
3554   */
LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig,uint32_t PostScaler)3555 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_SetADCPostScaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig, uint32_t PostScaler)
3556 {
3558   uint64_t mask = (uint64_t)(HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD1PSC) << (REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCPSx[ADCTrig]);
3559   uint64_t ratio = (uint64_t)(PostScaler) << (REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCPSx[ADCTrig]);
3561   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1, (uint32_t)mask, (uint32_t)ratio);
3562   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2, (uint32_t)(mask >> 32U), (uint32_t)(ratio >> 32U));
3564 }
3566 /**
3567   * @brief  Get the selected ADC post scaler.
3568   * @rmtoll ADCPS2       ADC10PSC        LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3569   *         ADCPS2       ADC9PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3570   *         ADCPS2       ADC8PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3571   *         ADCPS2       ADC7PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3572   *         ADCPS2       ADC6PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3573   *         ADCPS1       ADC5PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3574   *         ADCPS1       ADC4PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3575   *         ADCPS1       ADC3PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3576   *         ADCPS1       ADC2PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler\n
3577   *         ADCPS1       ADC1PSC         LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler
3578   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3579   * @param  ADCTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
3580   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_1
3581   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_2
3582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_3
3583   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_4
3584   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_5
3585   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_6
3586   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_7
3587   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_8
3588   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_9
3589   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ADCTRIG_10
3590   * @retval  PostScaler This parameter can be a number between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=31
3591   */
LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ADCTrig)3592 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_GetADCPostScaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ADCTrig)
3593 {
3595   uint32_t reg1 = READ_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADCPS1);
3596   uint32_t reg2 = READ_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ADCPS2);
3598   uint64_t mask = (uint64_t)(HRTIM_ADCPS1_AD1PSC) << (REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCPSx[ADCTrig]);
3599   uint64_t ratio = (uint64_t)(reg1) | ((uint64_t)(reg2) << 32U);
3601   return (uint32_t)((ratio & mask) >> (REG_OFFSET_TAB_ADCPSx[ADCTrig])) ;
3603 }
3605 /**
3606   * @brief  Configure the DLL calibration mode.
3607   * @rmtoll DLLCR        CALEN         LL_HRTIM_ConfigDLLCalibration\n
3608   *         DLLCR        CALRTE        LL_HRTIM_ConfigDLLCalibration
3609   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3610   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
3613   * @param  Period This parameter can be one of the following values:
3614   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_0
3615   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_1
3616   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_2
3617   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLLCALIBRATION_RATE_3
3618   * @retval None
3619   */
LL_HRTIM_ConfigDLLCalibration(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Mode,uint32_t Period)3620 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ConfigDLLCalibration(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Mode, uint32_t Period)
3621 {
3623 }
3625 /**
3626   * @brief  Launch DLL calibration
3627   * @rmtoll DLLCR        CAL           LL_HRTIM_StartDLLCalibration
3628   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3629   * @retval None
3630   */
LL_HRTIM_StartDLLCalibration(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)3631 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_StartDLLCalibration(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
3632 {
3634 }
3636 /**
3637   * @}
3638   */
3640 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_HRTIM_Timer_Control HRTIM_Timer_Control
3641   * @{
3642   */
3644 /**
3645   * @brief  Enable timer(s) counter.
3646   * @rmtoll MDIER        TFCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3647   *         MDIER        TECEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3648   *         MDIER        TDCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3649   *         MDIER        TCCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3650   *         MDIER        TBCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3651   *         MDIER        TACEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable\n
3652   *         MDIER        MCEN          LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable
3653   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3654   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
3655   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3656   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3657   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3658   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3659   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3660   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3661   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3662   * @retval None
3663   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)3664 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterEnable(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
3665 {
3666   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, Timers);
3667 }
3669 /**
3670   * @brief  Disable timer(s) counter.
3671   * @rmtoll MDIER        TFCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3672   *         MDIER        TECEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3673   *         MDIER        TDCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3674   *         MDIER        TCCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3675   *         MDIER        TBCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3676   *         MDIER        TACEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable\n
3677   *         MDIER        MCEN          LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable
3678   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3679   * @param  Timers This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
3680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3681   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3682   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3683   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3684   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3685   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3686   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3687   * @retval None
3688   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timers)3689 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_CounterDisable(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timers)
3690 {
3691   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, Timers);
3692 }
3694 /**
3695   * @brief  Indicate whether the timer counter is enabled.
3696   * @rmtoll MDIER        TFCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3697   *         MDIER        TECEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3698   *         MDIER        TDCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3699   *         MDIER        TCCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3700   *         MDIER        TBCEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3701   *         MDIER        TACEN         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled\n
3702   *         MDIER        MCEN          LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled
3703   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3704   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3705   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3708   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3709   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3710   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3711   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3712   * @retval State of MCEN or TxCEN bit HRTIM_MCR register (1 or 0).
3713   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3714 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsCounterEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3715 {
3716   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR, Timer) == (Timer)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
3717 }
3719 /**
3720   * @brief  Set the timer clock prescaler ratio.
3721   * @rmtoll MCR        CKPSC         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPrescaler\n
3722   *         TIMxCR     CKPSC         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPrescaler
3723   * @note The counter clock equivalent frequency (CK_CNT) is equal to fHRCK / 2^CKPSC[2:0].
3724   * @note The prescaling ratio cannot be modified once the timer counter is enabled.
3725   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3726   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3727   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3728   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3729   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3730   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3731   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3732   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3733   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3734   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
3735   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL32
3736   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL16
3737   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL8
3738   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL4
3739   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL2
3740   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV1
3741   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV2
3742   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV4
3743   * @retval None
3744   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Prescaler)3745 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Prescaler)
3746 {
3747   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3748   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3749   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_CK_PSC, Prescaler);
3750 }
3752 /**
3753   * @brief  Get the timer clock prescaler ratio
3754   * @rmtoll MCR        CKPSC         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPrescaler\n
3755   *         TIMxCR     CKPSC         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPrescaler
3756   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3757   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3758   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3759   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3761   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3762   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3763   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3764   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3765   * @retval Prescaler Returned value can be one of the following values:
3766   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL32
3767   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL16
3768   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL8
3769   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL4
3770   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_MUL2
3771   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV1
3772   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV2
3773   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_PRESCALERRATIO_DIV4
3774   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3775 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3776 {
3777   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3778   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3779   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_CK_PSC));
3780 }
3782 /**
3783   * @brief  Set the counter operating mode mode (single-shot, continuous or re-triggerable).
3784   * @rmtoll MCR        CONT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode\n
3785   *         MCR        RETRIG       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode\n
3786   *         TIMxCR     CONT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode\n
3787   *         TIMxCR     RETRIG       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode
3788   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3789   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3790   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3791   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3792   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3793   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3794   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3795   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3796   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3797   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
3798   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_CONTINUOUS
3799   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_SINGLESHOT
3800   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_RETRIGGERABLE
3801   * @retval None
3802   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)3803 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
3804 {
3805   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3806   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3808 }
3810 /**
3811   * @brief  Get the counter operating mode mode
3812   * @rmtoll MCR        CONT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode\n
3813   *         MCR        RETRIG       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode\n
3814   *         TIMxCR     CONT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode\n
3815   *         TIMxCR     RETRIG       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode
3816   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3817   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3818   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3819   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3820   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3821   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3822   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3823   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3824   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3825   * @retval Mode Returned value can be one of the following values:
3826   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_CONTINUOUS
3827   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_SINGLESHOT
3828   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_MODE_RETRIGGERABLE
3829   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3830 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounterMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3831 {
3832   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3833   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3834   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (HRTIM_MCR_RETRIG | HRTIM_MCR_CONT)));
3835 }
3837 /**
3838   * @brief  Enable the half duty-cycle mode.
3839   * @rmtoll MCR        HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableHalfMode\n
3840   *         TIMxCR     HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableHalfMode
3841   * @note When the half mode is enabled, HRTIM_MCMP1R (or HRTIM_CMP1xR)
3842   *       active register is automatically updated with HRTIM_MPER/2
3843   *       (or HRTIM_PERxR/2) value when HRTIM_MPER (or HRTIM_PERxR) register is written.
3844   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3845   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3846   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3847   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3848   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3850   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3851   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3852   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3853   * @retval None
3854   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3855 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3856 {
3857   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3858   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3859   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_HALF);
3860 }
3862 /**
3863   * @brief  Disable the half duty-cycle mode.
3864   * @rmtoll MCR        HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableHalfMode\n
3865   *         TIMxCR     HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableHalfMode
3866   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3867   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3868   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3869   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3870   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3871   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3872   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3873   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3874   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3875   * @retval None
3876   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3877 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3878 {
3879   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3880   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3883 }
3885 /**
3886   * @brief  Indicate whether half duty-cycle mode is enabled for a given timer.
3887   * @rmtoll MCR        HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledHalfMode\n
3888   *         TIMxCR     HALF         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledHalfMode
3889   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3890   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3891   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3892   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3893   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3894   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3895   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3896   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3897   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3898   * @retval State of HALF bit to 1 in HRTIM_MCR or HRTIM_TIMxCR register (1 or 0).
3899   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3900 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3901 {
3902   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
3903   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3905   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_HALF) == (HRTIM_MCR_HALF)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
3906 }
3908 /**
3909   * @brief  Enable the Re-Syncronisation Update.
3910   * @note   The update coming from adjacent timers (when MSTU, TAU, TBU, TCU, TDU, TEU, TFU bit is set)
3911   *         or from a software update (TxSWU bit) is taken into account on the following reset/roll-over.
3912   * @note   LL_HRTIM_ForceUpdate must be called prior programming the syncrhonization mode to force
3913   *         immediate update of the slave timer registers.
3914   * @rmtoll TIMxCR     RSYNCU         LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResyncUpdate
3915   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3916   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3917   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3918   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3919   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3920   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3921   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3922   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3923   * @retval None
3924   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3925 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3926 {
3927   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
3928   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
3929                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3931   /* This bit is significant only when UPDGAT[3:0] = 0000, it is ignored otherwise */
3932 }
3934 /**
3935   * @brief  Disable the Re-Syncronisation Update.
3936   * @note   The update coming from adjacent timers (when MSTU, TAU, TBU, TCU, TDU, TEU, TFU bit is set)
3937   *         or from a software update (TxSWU bit) is taken into account immediately.
3938   * @rmtoll TIMxCR     RSYNCU         LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResyncUpdate
3939   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3940   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3941   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3942   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3943   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3944   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3945   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3946   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3947   * @retval None
3948   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3949 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3950 {
3951   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
3952   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
3953                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3956   /* This bit is significant only when UPDGAT[3:0] = 0000, it is ignored otherwise */
3957 }
3959 /**
3960   * @brief  Indicate whether the Re-Syncronisation Update is enabled.
3961   * @note   This bit specifies whether update source coming outside
3962   *         from the timing unit must be synchronized
3963   * @rmtoll TIMxCR     RSYNCU         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResyncUpdate
3964   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3965   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3966   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3967   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3968   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3969   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3970   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3971   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
3972   * @retval State of RSYNC bit in HRTIM_TIMxCR register (1 or 0).
3973   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)3974 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResyncUpdate(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
3975 {
3976   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
3977   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
3978                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
3980   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR_RSYNCU) == (HRTIM_TIMCR_RSYNCU)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
3981   /* This bit is significant only when UPDGAT[3:0] = 0000, it is ignored otherwise */
3982 }
3984 /**
3985   * @note Interleaved mode complements the Half mode and helps the implementation of interleaved topologies.
3986   * @note When interleaved mode is enabled, the content of the compare registers is overridden.
3987   * @rmtoll MCR        HALF      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode\n
3988   *         MCR        INTLVD    LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode\n
3989   *         TIMxCR     HALF      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode\n
3990   *         TIMxCR     INTLVD    LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode
3991   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
3992   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
3993   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
3994   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
3995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
3996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
3997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
3998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
3999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4000   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
4001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DISABLED
4002   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DUAL
4003   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_TRIPLE
4004   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_QUAD
4005   * @retval None
4006   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)4007 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetInterleavedMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
4008 {
4009   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4010   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4013              ((Mode & HRTIM_MCR_HALF) | ((Mode & HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_INTLVD[iTimer])));
4014 }
4016 /**
4017   * @brief  get the Interleaved configuration.
4018   * @rmtoll MCR        INTLVD         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetInterleavedMode\n
4019   *         TIMxCR     INTLVD         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetInterleavedMode
4020   * @note The interleaved Mode is Triple or Quad if HALF bit is disabled
4021   *              the interleaved Mode is dual if HALF bit is set,
4023   *              HRTIM_MCMP1R (or HRTIM_CMP1xR) active register is automatically updated
4024   *              with HRTIM_MPER/2 or HRTIM_MPER/4
4025   *       (or HRTIM_PERxR/2) value when HRTIM_MPER (or HRTIM_PERxR) register is written.
4027   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4028   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4030   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4031   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4032   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4034   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4035   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4036   * @retval This parameter can be one of the following values:
4037   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DISABLED
4038   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_DUAL
4039   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_TRIPLE
4040   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_INTERLEAVED_MODE_QUAD
4041   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetInterleavedMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4042 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetInterleavedMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4043 {
4044   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4045   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4047   uint32_t Mode = READ_BIT(*pReg, (REG_MASK_TAB_INTLVD[iTimer]));
4048   return ((Mode & HRTIM_MCR_HALF) | ((Mode  >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_INTLVD[iTimer]) &  HRTIM_MCR_INTLVD));
4049 }
4051 /**
4052   * @brief  Enable the timer start when receiving a synchronization input event.
4053   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCSTRTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableStartOnSync\n
4054   *         TIMxCR     SYNSTRTA         LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableStartOnSync
4055   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4056   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4057   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4058   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4059   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4060   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4061   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4063   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4064   * @retval None
4065   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4066 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4067 {
4068   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4069   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4071 }
4073 /**
4074   * @brief  Disable the timer start when receiving a synchronization input event.
4075   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCSTRTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableStartOnSync\n
4076   *         TIMxCR     SYNSTRTA         LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableStartOnSync
4077   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4078   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4082   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4083   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4084   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4085   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4086   * @retval None
4087   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4088 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4089 {
4090   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4091   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4093 }
4095 /**
4096   * @brief  Indicate whether the timer start when receiving a synchronization input event.
4097   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCSTRTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledStartOnSync\n
4098   *         TIMxCR     SYNSTRTA         LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledStartOnSync
4099   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4100   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4101   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4102   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4106   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4107   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4108   * @retval State of SYNCSTRTx bit in HRTIM_MCR or HRTIM_TIMxCR register (1 or 0).
4109   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4110 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledStartOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4111 {
4112   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4113   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4115   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_SYNCSTRTM) == (HRTIM_MCR_SYNCSTRTM)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
4116 }
4118 /**
4119   * @brief  Enable the timer reset when receiving a synchronization input event.
4120   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCRSTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResetOnSync\n
4121   *         TIMxCR     SYNCRSTA        LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResetOnSync
4122   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4123   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4124   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4125   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4126   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4127   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4128   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4129   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4130   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4131   * @retval None
4132   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4133 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4134 {
4135   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4136   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4138 }
4140 /**
4141   * @brief  Disable the timer reset when receiving a synchronization input event.
4142   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCRSTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResetOnSync\n
4143   *         TIMxCR     SYNCRSTA        LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResetOnSync
4144   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4145   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4146   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4147   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4148   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4153   * @retval None
4154   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4155 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4156 {
4157   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4158   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4160 }
4162 /**
4163   * @brief  Indicate whether the timer reset when receiving a synchronization input event.
4164   * @rmtoll MCR        SYNCRSTM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResetOnSync\n
4165   *         TIMxCR     SYNCRSTA        LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResetOnSync
4166   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4167   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4171   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4172   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4175   * @retval None
4176   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4177 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledResetOnSync(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4178 {
4179   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4180   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4182   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_SYNCRSTM) == (HRTIM_MCR_SYNCRSTM)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
4183 }
4185 /**
4186   * @brief  Set the HRTIM output the DAC synchronization event is generated on (DACtrigOutx).
4187   * @rmtoll MCR        DACSYNC        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDACTrig\n
4188   *         TIMxCR     DACSYNC        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDACTrig
4189   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4190   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4191   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4194   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4198   * @param  DACTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
4199   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_NONE
4200   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_1
4201   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_2
4202   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_3
4203   * @retval None
4204   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDACTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t DACTrig)4205 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDACTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t DACTrig)
4206 {
4207   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4208   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4210 }
4212 /**
4213   * @brief  Get the HRTIM output the DAC synchronization event is generated on (DACtrigOutx).
4214   * @rmtoll MCR        DACSYNC        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDACTrig\n
4215   *         TIMxCR     DACSYNC        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDACTrig
4216   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4217   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4218   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4223   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4224   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4225   * @retval DACTrig Returned value can be one of the following values:
4226   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_NONE
4227   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_1
4228   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_2
4229   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DACTRIG_DACTRIGOUT_3
4230   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDACTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4231 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDACTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4232 {
4233   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4234   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4235   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_DACSYNC));
4236 }
4238 /**
4239   * @brief  Enable the timer registers preload mechanism.
4240   * @rmtoll MCR        PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePreload\n
4241   *         TIMxCR     PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePreload
4242   * @note When the preload mode is enabled, accessed registers are shadow registers.
4243   *       Their content is transferred into the active register after an update request,
4244   *       either software or synchronized with an event.
4245   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4246   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4247   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4248   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4249   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4250   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4251   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4252   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4253   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4254   * @retval None
4255   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4256 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4257 {
4258   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4259   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4261 }
4263 /**
4264   * @brief  Disable the timer registers preload mechanism.
4265   * @rmtoll MCR        PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePreload\n
4266   *         TIMxCR     PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePreload
4267   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4268   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4269   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4270   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4271   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4272   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4273   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4274   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4275   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4276   * @retval None
4277   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4278 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4279 {
4280   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4281   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4283 }
4285 /**
4286   * @brief  Indicate whether the timer registers preload mechanism is enabled.
4287   * @rmtoll MCR        PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPreload\n
4288   *         TIMxCR     PREEN        LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPreload
4289   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4290   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4293   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4295   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4296   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4297   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4298   * @retval State of PREEN bit in HRTIM_MCR or HRTIM_TIMxCR register (1 or 0).
4299   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4300 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4301 {
4302   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4303   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4305   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCR_PREEN) == (HRTIM_MCR_PREEN)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
4306 }
4308 /**
4309   * @brief  Set the timer register update trigger.
4310   * @rmtoll MCR           MREPU      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4311   *         TIMxCR        TAU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4312   *         TIMxCR        TBU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4313   *         TIMxCR        TCU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4314   *         TIMxCR        TDU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4315   *         TIMxCR        TEU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4316   *         TIMxCR        TFU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig\n
4317   *         TIMxCR        MSTU       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig
4318   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4319   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4320   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4321   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4322   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4323   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4324   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4325   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4326   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4327   * @param  UpdateTrig This parameter can be one of the following values:
4328   *
4329   *         For the master timer this parameter can be one of the following values:
4330   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_NONE
4331   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_REPETITION
4332   *
4333   *         For timer A..F this parameter can be:
4334   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_NONE
4335   *         or a combination of the following values:
4336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_MASTER
4337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_A
4338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_B
4339   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_C
4340   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_D
4341   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_E
4342   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_F
4343   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_REPETITION
4344   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_RESET
4345   * @retval None
4346   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t UpdateTrig)4347 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t UpdateTrig)
4348 {
4349   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4350   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4352 }
4354 /**
4355   * @brief  Get the timer register update trigger.
4356   * @rmtoll MCR           MREPU      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4357   *         TIMxCR        TBU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4358   *         TIMxCR        TCU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4359   *         TIMxCR        TDU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4360   *         TIMxCR        TEU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4361   *         TIMxCR        TFU        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig\n
4362   *         TIMxCR        MSTU       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig
4363   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4364   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4368   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4371   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4372   * @retval UpdateTrig Returned value can be one of the following values:
4373   *
4374   *         For the master timer this parameter can be one of the following values:
4375   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_NONE
4376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_REPETITION
4377   *
4378   *         For timer A..F this parameter can be:
4379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_NONE
4380   *         or a combination of the following values:
4381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_MASTER
4382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_A
4383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_B
4384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_C
4385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_D
4386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_E
4387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_TIMER_F
4388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_REPETITION
4389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATETRIG_RESET
4390   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4391 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4392 {
4393   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4394   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4395   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, REG_MASK_TAB_UPDATETRIG[iTimer]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_UPDATETRIG[iTimer]);
4396 }
4398 /**
4399   * @brief  Set  the timer registers update condition (how the registers update occurs relatively to the burst DMA  transaction or an external update request received on one of the update enable inputs (UPD_EN[3:1])).
4400   * @rmtoll MCR           BRSTDMA      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateGating\n
4401   *         TIMxCR        UPDGAT       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateGating
4402   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4403   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4408   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4409   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4410   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4411   * @param  UpdateGating This parameter can be one of the following values:
4412   *
4413   *         For the master timer this parameter can be one of the following values:
4414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT
4415   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST
4417   *
4418   *         For the timer A..F this parameter can be one of the following values:
4419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT
4420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST
4422   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1
4423   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2
4424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3
4425   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1_UPDATE
4426   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2_UPDATE
4427   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3_UPDATE
4428   * @retval None
4429   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateGating(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t UpdateGating)4430 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetUpdateGating(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t UpdateGating)
4431 {
4432   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4433   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4435 }
4437 /**
4438   * @brief  Get  the timer registers update condition.
4439   * @rmtoll MCR           BRSTDMA      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateGating\n
4440   *         TIMxCR        UPDGAT       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateGating
4441   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4442   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4443   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4444   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4445   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4446   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4447   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4448   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4450   * @retval UpdateGating Returned value can be one of the following values:
4451   *
4452   *         For the master timer this parameter can be one of the following values:
4453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT
4454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST
4456   *
4457   *         For the timer A..F this parameter can be one of the following values:
4458   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_INDEPENDENT
4459   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_DMABURST
4461   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1
4462   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2
4463   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3
4464   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN1_UPDATE
4465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN2_UPDATE
4466   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_UPDATEGATING_UPDEN3_UPDATE
4467   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateGating(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4468 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetUpdateGating(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4469 {
4470   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4471   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4473 }
4475 /**
4476   * @brief  Enable the push-pull mode.
4477   * @rmtoll TIMxCR        PSHPLL       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePushPullMode
4478   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4479   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4480   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4481   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4482   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4483   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4484   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4485   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4486   * @retval None
4487   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4488 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnablePushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4489 {
4490   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
4491   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
4492                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4494 }
4496 /**
4497   * @brief  Disable the push-pull mode.
4498   * @rmtoll TIMxCR        PSHPLL       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePushPullMode
4499   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4500   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4501   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4502   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4503   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4504   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4506   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4507   * @retval None
4508   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4509 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisablePushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4510 {
4511   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
4512   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
4513                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4515 }
4517 /**
4518   * @brief  Indicate whether the push-pull mode is enabled.
4519   * @rmtoll TIMxCR        PSHPLL       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPushPullMode\n
4520   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4521   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4523   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4524   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4525   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4526   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4527   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4528   * @retval State of PSHPLL bit in HRTIM_TIMxCR register (1 or 0).
4529   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4530 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledPushPullMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4531 {
4532   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
4533   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
4534                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4535   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR_PSHPLL) == (HRTIM_TIMCR_PSHPLL)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
4536 }
4538 /**
4539   * @brief  Set the functioning mode of the compare unit (CMP2 or CMP4 can operate in standard mode or in auto delayed mode).
4540   * @rmtoll TIMxCR        DELCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompareMode\n
4541   *         TIMxCR        DELCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompareMode
4542   * @note In auto-delayed mode  the compare match occurs independently from the timer counter value.
4543   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4544   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4545   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4546   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4547   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4548   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4551   * @param  CompareUnit This parameter can be one of the following values:
4552   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2
4553   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4
4554   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
4555   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_REGULAR
4557   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP1
4558   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP3
4559   * @retval None
4560   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompareMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareUnit,uint32_t Mode)4561 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompareMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareUnit,
4562                                                  uint32_t Mode)
4563 {
4564   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
4565   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
4566                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4567   uint32_t shift = (((uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(CompareUnit) - (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2)) & 0x1FU);
4568   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, (HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2 << shift), (Mode << shift));
4569 }
4571 /**
4572   * @brief  Get the functioning mode of the compare unit.
4573   * @rmtoll TIMxCR        DELCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompareMode\n
4574   *         TIMxCR        DELCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompareMode
4575   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4576   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4577   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4578   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4579   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4580   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4581   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4583   * @param  CompareUnit This parameter can be one of the following values:
4584   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2
4585   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_4
4586   * @retval Mode Returned value can be one of the following values:
4587   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_REGULAR
4589   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP1
4590   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COMPAREMODE_DELAY_CMP3
4591   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompareMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareUnit)4592 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompareMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareUnit)
4593 {
4594   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
4595   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR) +
4596                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4597   uint32_t shift = (((uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(CompareUnit) - (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_COMPAREUNIT_2)) & 0x1FU);
4598   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (HRTIM_TIMCR_DELCMP2 << shift)) >>  shift);
4599 }
4601 /**
4602   * @brief  Set the timer counter value.
4603   * @rmtoll MCNTR        MCNT       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounter\n
4604   *         CNTxR        CNTx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounter
4605   * @note  This function can only be called when the timer is stopped.
4606   * @note  For HR clock prescaling ratio below 32 (CKPSC[2:0] < 5), the least
4607   *        significant bits of the counter are not significant. They cannot be
4608   *        written and return 0 when read.
4609   * @note The timer behavior is not guaranteed if the counter value is set above
4610   *       the period.
4611   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4612   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4613   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4614   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4615   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4616   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4617   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4618   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4619   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4620   * @param  Counter Value between 0 and 0xFFFF
4621   * @retval None
4622   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Counter)4623 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Counter)
4624 {
4625   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4626   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCNTR) +
4627                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4628   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MCNTR_MCNTR, Counter);
4629 }
4631 /**
4632   * @brief  Get actual timer counter value.
4633   * @rmtoll MCNTR        MCNT       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounter\n
4634   *         CNTxR        CNTx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounter
4635   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4636   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4637   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4638   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4639   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4640   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4641   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4642   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4643   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4644   * @retval Counter Value between 0 and 0xFFFF
4645   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4646 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4647 {
4648   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4649   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCNTR) +
4650                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4651   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCNTR_MCNTR));
4652 }
4654 /**
4655   * @brief  Set the timer period value.
4656   * @rmtoll MPER        MPER       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPeriod\n
4657   *         PERxR       PERx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPeriod
4658   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4659   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4660   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4661   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4662   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4663   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4664   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4665   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4666   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4667   * @param  Period Value between 0 and 0xFFFF
4668   * @retval None
4669   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Period)4670 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Period)
4671 {
4672   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4673   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MPER) +
4674                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4675   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MPER_MPER, Period);
4676 }
4678 /**
4679   * @brief  Get actual timer period value.
4680   * @rmtoll MPER        MPER       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPeriod\n
4681   *         PERxR       PERx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPeriod
4682   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4683   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4684   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4685   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4686   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4687   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4688   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4689   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4690   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4691   * @retval Period Value between 0 and 0xFFFF
4692   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4693 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4694 {
4695   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4696   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MPER) +
4697                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4698   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MPER_MPER));
4699 }
4701 /**
4702   * @brief  Set the timer repetition period value.
4703   * @rmtoll MREP        MREP       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRepetition\n
4704   *         REPxR       REPx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRepetition
4705   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4706   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4708   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4709   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4710   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4711   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4712   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4713   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4714   * @param  Repetition Value between 0 and 0xFF
4715   * @retval None
4716   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRepetition(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Repetition)4717 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRepetition(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Repetition)
4718 {
4719   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4720   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MREP) +
4721                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4722   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MREP_MREP, Repetition);
4723 }
4725 /**
4726   * @brief  Get actual timer repetition period value.
4727   * @rmtoll MREP        MREP       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRepetition\n
4728   *         REPxR       REPx       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRepetition
4729   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4730   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4731   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4732   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4733   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4734   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4735   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4736   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4737   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4738   * @retval Repetition Value between 0 and 0xFF
4739   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRepetition(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4740 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRepetition(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4741 {
4742   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4743   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MREP) +
4744                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4745   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MREP_MREP));
4746 }
4748 /**
4749   * @brief  Set the compare value of the compare unit 1.
4750   * @rmtoll MCMP1R      MCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare1\n
4751   *         CMP1xR      CMP1x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare1
4752   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4753   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4754   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4755   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4756   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4757   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4758   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4759   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4761   * @param  CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4762   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4763   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4764   * @retval None
4765   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareValue)4766 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareValue)
4767 {
4768   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4769   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP1R) +
4770                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4771   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP1R, CompareValue);
4772 }
4774 /**
4775   * @brief  Get actual compare value of the compare unit 1.
4776   * @rmtoll MCMP1R      MCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare1\n
4777   *         CMP1xR      CMP1x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare1
4778   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4779   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4780   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4781   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4782   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4784   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4785   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4786   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4787   * @retval CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4788   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4789   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4790   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4791 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4792 {
4793   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4794   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP1R) +
4795                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4796   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP1R));
4797 }
4799 /**
4800   * @brief  Set the compare value of the compare unit 2.
4801   * @rmtoll MCMP2R      MCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare2\n
4802   *         CMP2xR      CMP2x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare2
4803   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4804   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4810   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4811   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4812   * @param  CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4813   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4814   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4815   * @retval None
4816   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareValue)4817 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareValue)
4818 {
4819   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4820   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP2R) +
4821                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4822   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP2R, CompareValue);
4823 }
4825 /**
4826   * @brief  Get actual compare value of the compare unit 2.
4827   * @rmtoll MCMP2R      MCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare2\n
4828   *         CMP2xR      CMP2x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare2\n
4829   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4830   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4831   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4832   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4833   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4834   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4835   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4836   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4837   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4838   * @retval CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4839   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4840   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4841   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4842 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4843 {
4844   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4845   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP2R) +
4846                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4847   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP2R));
4848 }
4850 /**
4851   * @brief  Set the compare value of the compare unit 3.
4852   * @rmtoll MCMP3R      MCMP3       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare3\n
4853   *         CMP3xR      CMP3x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare3
4854   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4855   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4857   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4858   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4859   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4860   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4861   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4862   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4863   * @param  CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4864   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4865   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4866   * @retval None
4867   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareValue)4868 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareValue)
4869 {
4870   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4871   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP3R) +
4872                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4873   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP3R, CompareValue);
4874 }
4876 /**
4877   * @brief  Get actual compare value of the compare unit 3.
4878   * @rmtoll MCMP3R      MCMP3       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare3\n
4879   *         CMP3xR      CMP3x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare3
4880   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4881   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4882   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4883   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4884   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4885   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4886   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4887   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4888   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4889   * @retval CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4890   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4891   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4892   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4893 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4894 {
4895   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4896   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP3R) +
4897                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4898   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP3R));
4899 }
4901 /**
4902   * @brief  Set the compare value of the compare unit 4.
4903   * @rmtoll MCMP4R      MCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare4\n
4904   *         CMP4xR      CMP4x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare4
4905   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4906   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4907   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4908   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4909   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4910   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4911   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4912   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4913   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4914   * @param  CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4915   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4916   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4917   * @retval None
4918   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CompareValue)4919 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCompare4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CompareValue)
4920 {
4921   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4922   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP4R) +
4923                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4924   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP4R, CompareValue);
4925 }
4927 /**
4928   * @brief  Get actual compare value of the compare unit 4.
4929   * @rmtoll MCMP4R      MCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare4\n
4930   *         CMP4xR      CMP4x       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare4
4931   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4932   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4933   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
4934   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4935   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4936   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4937   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4938   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4939   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
4940   * @retval CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
4941   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
4942   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
4943   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)4944 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCompare4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
4945 {
4946   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
4947   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MCMP4R) +
4948                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
4949   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MCMP1R_MCMP4R));
4950 }
4952 /**
4953   * @brief  Set the reset trigger of a timer counter.
4954   * @rmtoll RSTxR      UPDT           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4955   *         RSTxR      CMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4956   *         RSTxR      CMP4           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4957   *         RSTxR      MSTPER         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4958   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP1        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4959   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP2        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4960   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP3        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4961   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP4        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4962   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4963   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4964   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT3       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4965   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4966   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT5       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4967   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT6       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4968   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT7       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4969   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT8       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4970   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT9       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4971   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT10      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4972   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4973   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4974   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4975   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4976   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4977   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4978   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4979   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4980   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4981   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4982   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4983   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4984   *         RSTxR      TIMFCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig\n
4985   *         RSTxR      TIMFCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig
4986   * @note The reset of the timer counter can be triggered by up to 30 events
4987   *       that can be selected among the following sources:
4988   *         @arg The timing unit: Compare 2, Compare 4 and Update (3 events).
4989   *         @arg The master timer: Reset and Compare 1..4 (5 events).
4990   *         @arg The external events EXTEVNT1..10 (10 events).
4991   *         @arg All other timing units (e.g. Timer B..F for timer A): Compare 1, 2 and 4 (12 events).
4992   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
4993   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
4994   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
4995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
4996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
4997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
4998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
4999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5000   * @param  ResetTrig This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
5001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_NONE
5002   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_UPDATE
5003   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP2
5004   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP4
5005   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_PER
5006   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP1
5007   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP2
5008   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP3
5009   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP4
5010   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_1
5011   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_2
5012   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_3
5013   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_4
5014   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_5
5015   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_6
5016   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_7
5017   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_8
5018   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_9
5019   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_10
5020   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP1
5021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP2
5022   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP4
5023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP1
5024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP2
5025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP4
5026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP1
5027   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP2
5028   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP4
5029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP1
5030   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP2
5031   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP4
5032   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP1
5033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP2
5034   * @retval None
5035   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t ResetTrig)5036 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetResetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t ResetTrig)
5037 {
5038   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5039   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].RSTxR) +
5040                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5041   WRITE_REG(*pReg, ResetTrig);
5042 }
5044 /**
5045   * @brief  Get actual reset trigger of a timer counter.
5046   * @rmtoll RSTxR      UPDT           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5047   *         RSTxR      CMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5048   *         RSTxR      CMP4           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5049   *         RSTxR      MSTPER         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5050   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP1        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5051   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP2        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5052   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP3        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5053   *         RSTxR      MSTCMP4        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5054   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5055   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5056   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT3       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5057   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5058   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT5       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5059   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT6       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5060   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT7       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5061   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT8       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5062   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT9       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5063   *         RSTxR      EXTEVNT10      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5064   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5065   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5066   *         RSTxR      TIMBCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5067   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5068   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5069   *         RSTxR      TIMCCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5070   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5071   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5072   *         RSTxR      TIMDCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5073   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5074   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5075   *         RSTxR      TIMECMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5076   *         RSTxR      TIMFCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig\n
5077   *         RSTxR      TIMFCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig
5078   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5079   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5082   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5083   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5084   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5085   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5086   * @retval ResetTrig Returned value can be one of the following values:
5087   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_NONE
5088   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_UPDATE
5089   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP2
5090   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_CMP4
5091   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_PER
5092   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP1
5093   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP2
5094   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP3
5095   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_MASTER_CMP4
5096   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_1
5097   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_2
5098   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_3
5099   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_4
5100   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_5
5101   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_6
5102   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_7
5103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_8
5104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_9
5105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_EEV_10
5106   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP1
5107   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP2
5108   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER1_CMP4
5109   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP1
5110   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP2
5111   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER2_CMP4
5112   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP1
5113   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP2
5114   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER3_CMP4
5115   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP1
5116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP2
5117   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER4_CMP4
5118   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP1
5119   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_RESETTRIG_OTHER5_CMP2
5120   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5121 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetResetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5122 {
5123   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5124   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].RSTxR) +
5125                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5126   return (READ_REG(*pReg));
5127 }
5129 /**
5130   * @brief  Get captured value for capture unit 1.
5131   * @rmtoll CPT1xR      CPT1x           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1
5132   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5133   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5137   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5138   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5140   * @retval Captured value
5141   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5142 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5143 {
5144   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5145   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CPT1xR) +
5146                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5147   return (READ_REG(*pReg));
5148 }
5150 /**
5151   * @brief  Get the counting direction when capture 1 event occurred.
5152   * @rmtoll CPT1xR      DIR           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1Direction
5153   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5154   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5155   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5156   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5157   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5158   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5159   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5160   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5161   * @retval Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
5162   *         @arg @ref  LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP
5163   *         @arg @ref  LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP_DOWN
5164   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1Direction(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5165 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture1Direction(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5166 {
5167   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5168   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CPT1xR) +
5169                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5170   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR) >> HRTIM_CPT1R_DIR_Pos) << HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM_Pos);
5171 }
5173 /**
5174   * @brief  Get captured value for capture unit 2.
5175   * @rmtoll CPT2xR      CPT2x           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2
5176   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5177   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5178   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5179   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5180   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5181   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5182   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5183   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5184   * @retval Captured value
5185   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5186 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5187 {
5188   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5189   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CPT2xR) +
5190                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5191   return (READ_REG(*pReg));
5192 }
5194 /**
5195   * @brief  Get the counting direction when capture 2 event occurred.
5196   * @rmtoll CPT2xR      DIR           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2Direction
5197   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5198   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5199   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5200   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5201   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5202   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5203   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5204   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5205   * @retval Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
5206   *         @arg @ref  LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP
5207   *         @arg @ref  LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP_DOWN
5208   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2Direction(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5209 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCapture2Direction(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5210 {
5211   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5212   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CPT2xR) +
5213                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5214   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR) >> HRTIM_CPT2R_DIR_Pos) << HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM_Pos);
5215 }
5217 /**
5218   * @brief  Set the trigger of a capture unit for a given timer.
5219   * @rmtoll CPT1xCR      SWCPT            LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5220   *         CPT1xCR      UPDCPT           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5221   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV1CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5222   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV2CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5223   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV3CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5224   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV4CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5225   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV5CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5226   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV6CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5227   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV7CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5228   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV8CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5229   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV9CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5230   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV10CPT        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5231   *         CPT1xCR      TA1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5232   *         CPT1xCR      TA1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5233   *         CPT1xCR      TACMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5234   *         CPT1xCR      TACMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5235   *         CPT1xCR      TB1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5236   *         CPT1xCR      TB1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5237   *         CPT1xCR      TBCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5238   *         CPT1xCR      TBCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5239   *         CPT1xCR      TC1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5240   *         CPT1xCR      TC1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5241   *         CPT1xCR      TCCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5242   *         CPT1xCR      TCCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5243   *         CPT1xCR      TD1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5244   *         CPT1xCR      TD1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5245   *         CPT1xCR      TDCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5246   *         CPT1xCR      TDCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5247   *         CPT1xCR      TE1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5248   *         CPT1xCR      TE1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5249   *         CPT1xCR      TECMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5250   *         CPT1xCR      TECMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5251   *         CPT1xCR      TF1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5252   *         CPT1xCR      TF1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5253   *         CPT1xCR      TFCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig\n
5254   *         CPT1xCR      TFCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig
5255   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5256   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5257   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5258   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5259   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5260   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5261   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5262   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5263   * @param  CaptureUnit This parameter can be one of the following values:
5264   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1
5265   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2
5266   * @param  CaptureTrig This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
5267   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_NONE
5268   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_SW
5269   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_UPDATE
5270   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_1
5271   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_2
5272   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_3
5273   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_4
5274   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_5
5275   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_6
5276   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_7
5277   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_8
5278   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_9
5279   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_10
5280   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_SET
5281   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_RESET
5282   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP1
5283   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP2
5284   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_SET
5285   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_RESET
5286   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP1
5287   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP2
5288   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_SET
5289   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_RESET
5290   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP1
5291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP2
5292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_SET
5293   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_RESET
5294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP1
5295   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP2
5296   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_SET
5297   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_RESET
5298   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP1
5299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP2
5300   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_SET
5301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_RESET
5302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP1
5303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP2
5304   * @retval None
5305   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CaptureUnit,uint64_t CaptureTrig)5306 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCaptureTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CaptureUnit,
5307                                                  uint64_t CaptureTrig)
5308 {
5309   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5310   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0U].CPT1xCR) +
5311                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer] + (CaptureUnit * 4U)));
5313   uint32_t cfg1 = (uint32_t)(CaptureTrig & 0x0000000000000FFFU);
5314   uint32_t cfg2 = (uint32_t)((CaptureTrig & 0xFFFFF00F00000000U) >> 32U);
5316   cfg2 = (cfg2 & REG_MASK_TAB_CPT[iTimer]) | ((cfg2 & 0x0000000FU) << (REG_SHIFT_TAB_CPT[iTimer]));
5318   WRITE_REG(*pReg, (cfg1 | cfg2));
5320 }
5322 /**
5323   * @brief  Get actual trigger of a capture unit for a given timer.
5324   * @rmtoll CPT1xCR      SWCPT            LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5325   *         CPT1xCR      UPDCPT           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5326   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV1CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5327   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV2CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5328   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV3CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5329   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV4CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5330   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV5CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5331   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV6CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5332   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV7CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5333   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV8CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5334   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV9CPT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5335   *         CPT1xCR      EXEV10CPT        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5336   *         CPT1xCR      TA1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5337   *         CPT1xCR      TA1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5338   *         CPT1xCR      TACMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5339   *         CPT1xCR      TACMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5340   *         CPT1xCR      TB1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5341   *         CPT1xCR      TB1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5342   *         CPT1xCR      TBCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5343   *         CPT1xCR      TBCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5344   *         CPT1xCR      TC1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5345   *         CPT1xCR      TC1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5346   *         CPT1xCR      TCCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5347   *         CPT1xCR      TCCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5348   *         CPT1xCR      TD1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5349   *         CPT1xCR      TD1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5350   *         CPT1xCR      TDCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5351   *         CPT1xCR      TDCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5352   *         CPT1xCR      TE1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5353   *         CPT1xCR      TE1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5354   *         CPT1xCR      TECMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5355   *         CPT1xCR      TECMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5356   *         CPT1xCR      TF1SET           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5357   *         CPT1xCR      TF1RST           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5358   *         CPT1xCR      TFCMP1           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig\n
5359   *         CPT1xCR      TFCMP2           LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig
5360   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5361   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5363   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5368   * @param  CaptureUnit This parameter can be one of the following values:
5369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_1
5370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTUREUNIT_2
5371   * @retval CaptureTrig This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
5372   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_NONE
5373   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_SW
5374   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_UPDATE
5375   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_1
5376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_2
5377   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_3
5378   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_4
5379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_5
5380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_6
5381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_7
5382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_8
5383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_9
5384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_EEV_10
5385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_SET
5386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TA1_RESET
5387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP1
5388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMA_CMP2
5389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_SET
5390   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TB1_RESET
5391   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP1
5392   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMB_CMP2
5393   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_SET
5394   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TC1_RESET
5395   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP1
5396   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMC_CMP2
5397   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_SET
5398   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TD1_RESET
5399   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP1
5400   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMD_CMP2
5401   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_SET
5402   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TE1_RESET
5403   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP1
5404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIME_CMP2
5405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_SET
5406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TF1_RESET
5407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP1
5408   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CAPTURETRIG_TIMF_CMP2
5409   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t CaptureUnit)5410 __STATIC_INLINE uint64_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCaptureTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t CaptureUnit)
5411 {
5412   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5413   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0U].CPT1xCR) +
5414                                                                     (uint32_t)REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer & 0x7U] + (CaptureUnit * 4U)));
5416   uint64_t cfg;
5417   uint32_t CaptureTrig = READ_REG(*pReg);
5419   cfg = (uint64_t)(uint32_t)(((CaptureTrig & 0xFFFFF000U) & (uint32_t)REG_MASK_TAB_CPT[iTimer]) | (((CaptureTrig & 0xFFFFF000U) & (uint32_t)~REG_MASK_TAB_CPT[iTimer]) >> (REG_SHIFT_TAB_CPT[iTimer])));
5421   return ((uint64_t)(((uint64_t)CaptureTrig & (uint64_t)0x00000FFFU) | (uint64_t)((cfg) << 32U)));
5422 }
5424 /**
5425   * @brief  Enable deadtime insertion for a given timer.
5426   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DTEN           LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDeadTime
5427   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5428   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5429   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5430   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5431   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5432   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5433   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5434   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5435   * @retval None
5436   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5437 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5438 {
5439   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5440   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5441                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5443 }
5445 /**
5446   * @brief  Disable deadtime insertion for a given timer.
5447   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DTEN           LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDeadTime
5448   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5449   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5450   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5451   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5455   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5456   * @retval None
5457   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5458 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5459 {
5460   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5461   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5462                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5464 }
5466 /**
5467   * @brief  Indicate whether deadtime insertion is enabled for a given timer.
5468   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DTEN           LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDeadTime
5469   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5470   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5475   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5476   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5477   * @retval State of DTEN bit in HRTIM_OUTxR register (1 or 0).
5478   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5479 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDeadTime(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5480 {
5481   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5482   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5483                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5485   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_OUTR_DTEN) == (HRTIM_OUTR_DTEN)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
5486 }
5488 /**
5489   * @brief  Set the delayed protection (DLYPRT) mode.
5490   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DLYPRTEN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDLYPRTMode\n
5491   *         OUTxR      DLYPRT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDLYPRTMode
5492   * @note   This function must be called prior enabling the delayed protection
5493   * @note   Balanced Idle mode is only available in push-pull mode
5494   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5495   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5496   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5497   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5499   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5500   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5501   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5502   * @param  DLYPRTMode Delayed protection (DLYPRT) mode
5503   *
5504   *         For timers A, B and C this parameter can be one of the following values:
5505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV6
5506   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV6
5507   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV6
5508   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV6
5509   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV7
5510   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV7
5511   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV7
5512   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV7
5513   *
5514   *         For timers D, E and F this parameter can be one of the following values:
5515   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV8
5516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV8
5517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV8
5518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV8
5519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV9
5520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV9
5521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV9
5522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV9
5523   * @retval None
5524   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDLYPRTMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t DLYPRTMode)5525 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDLYPRTMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t DLYPRTMode)
5526 {
5527   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5528   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5529                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5531 }
5533 /**
5534   * @brief  Get the delayed protection (DLYPRT) mode.
5535   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DLYPRTEN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDLYPRTMode\n
5536   *         OUTxR      DLYPRT         LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDLYPRTMode
5537   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5538   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5540   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5541   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5543   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5544   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5545   * @retval DLYPRTMode Delayed protection (DLYPRT) mode
5546   *
5547   *         For timers A, B and C this parameter can be one of the following values:
5548   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV6
5549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV6
5550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV6
5551   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV6
5552   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV7
5553   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV7
5554   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV7
5555   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV7
5556   *
5557   *         For timers D, E and F this parameter can be one of the following values:
5558   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV8
5559   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV8
5560   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV8
5561   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV8
5562   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT1_EEV9
5563   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYOUT2_EEV9
5564   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_DELAYBOTH_EEV9
5565   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DLYPRT_BALANCED_EEV9
5566   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDLYPRTMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5567 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDLYPRTMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5568 {
5569   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5570   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5571                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5572   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRT));
5573 }
5575 /**
5576   * @brief  Enable delayed protection (DLYPRT) for a given timer.
5577   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DLYPRTEN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDLYPRT
5578   * @note   This function must not be called once the concerned timer is enabled
5579   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5580   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5581   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5583   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5584   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5585   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5586   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5587   * @retval None
5588   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5589 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5590 {
5591   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5592   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5593                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5595 }
5597 /**
5598   * @brief  Disable delayed protection (DLYPRT) for a given timer.
5599   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DLYPRTEN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDLYPRT
5600   * @note   This function must not be called once the concerned timer is enabled
5601   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5602   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5603   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5604   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5605   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5606   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5607   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5608   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5609   * @retval None
5610   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5611 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5612 {
5613   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5614   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5615                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5617 }
5619 /**
5620   * @brief  Indicate whether delayed protection (DLYPRT) is enabled for a given timer.
5621   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DLYPRTEN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDLYPRT
5622   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5623   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5624   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5625   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5626   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5627   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5628   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5629   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5630   * @retval State of DLYPRTEN bit in HRTIM_OUTxR register (1 or 0).
5631   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5632 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5633 {
5634   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5635   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5636                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5637   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRTEN) == (HRTIM_OUTR_DLYPRTEN)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
5638 }
5640 /**
5641   * @brief  Enable the Balanced Idle Automatic Resume (BIAR) for a given timer.
5642   * @rmtoll OUTxR      BIAR       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableBIAR
5643   * @note   This function must not be called once the concerned timer is enabled
5644   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5645   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5646   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5647   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5648   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5649   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5650   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5651   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5652   * @retval None
5653   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5654 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5655 {
5656   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5657   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5658                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5660 }
5662 /**
5663   * @brief  Disable the Balanced Idle Automatic Resume (BIAR) for a given timer.
5664   * @rmtoll OUTxR      BIAR       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableBIAR
5665   * @note   This function must not be called once the concerned timer is enabled
5666   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5667   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5668   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5669   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5670   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5671   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5672   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5673   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5674   * @retval None
5675   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5676 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5677 {
5678   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5679   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0U].OUTxR) +
5680                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5682 }
5684 /**
5685   * @brief  Indicate whether the Balanced Idle Automatic Resume (BIAR) is enabled for a given timer.
5686   * @rmtoll OUTxR      BIAR       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledBIAR
5687   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5688   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5689   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5690   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5691   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5692   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5693   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5694   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5695   * @retval State of DLYPRTEN bit in HRTIM_OUTxR register (1 or 0).
5696   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5697 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledBIAR(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5698 {
5699   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5700   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
5701                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5703   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_OUTR_BIAR) == (HRTIM_OUTR_BIAR)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
5704 }
5706 /**
5707   * @brief  Enable the fault channel(s) for a given timer.
5708   * @rmtoll FLTxR      FLT1EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault\n
5709   *         FLTxR      FLT2EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault\n
5710   *         FLTxR      FLT3EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault\n
5711   *         FLTxR      FLT4EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault\n
5712   *         FLTxR      FLT5EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault\n
5713   *         FLTxR      FLT6EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault
5714   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5715   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5716   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5717   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5718   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5719   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5720   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5721   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5722   * @param  Faults This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
5723   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
5724   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
5725   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
5726   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
5727   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
5728   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
5729   * @retval None
5730   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Faults)5731 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableFault(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Faults)
5732 {
5733   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5734   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].FLTxR) +
5735                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5736   SET_BIT(*pReg, Faults);
5737 }
5739 /**
5740   * @brief  Disable the fault channel(s) for a given timer.
5741   * @rmtoll FLTxR      FLT1EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault\n
5742   *         FLTxR      FLT2EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault\n
5743   *         FLTxR      FLT3EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault\n
5744   *         FLTxR      FLT4EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault\n
5745   *         FLTxR      FLT5EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault\n
5746   *         FLTxR      FLT6EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault
5747   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5748   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5749   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5750   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5751   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5752   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5753   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5754   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5755   * @param  Faults This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
5756   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
5757   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
5758   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
5759   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
5760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
5761   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
5762   * @retval None
5763   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Faults)5764 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableFault(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Faults)
5765 {
5766   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5767   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].FLTxR) +
5768                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5769   CLEAR_BIT(*pReg, Faults);
5770 }
5772 /**
5773   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault channel is enabled for a given timer.
5774   * @rmtoll FLTxR      FLT1EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault\n
5775   *         FLTxR      FLT2EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault\n
5776   *         FLTxR      FLT3EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault\n
5777   *         FLTxR      FLT4EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault\n
5778   *         FLTxR      FLT5EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault\n
5779   *         FLTxR      FLT6EN       LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault
5780   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5781   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5782   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5784   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5785   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5786   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5787   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5788   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
5789   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
5790   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
5791   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
5792   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
5793   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
5794   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
5795   * @retval State of FLTxEN bit in HRTIM_FLTxR register (1 or 0).
5796   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Fault)5797 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledFault(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Fault)
5798 {
5799   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5800   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].FLTxR) +
5801                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5803   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, Fault) == (Fault)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
5804 }
5806 /**
5807   * @brief  Lock the fault conditioning set-up for a given timer.
5808   * @rmtoll FLTxR      FLTLCK       LL_HRTIM_TIM_LockFault
5809   * @note Timer fault-related set-up is frozen until the next HRTIM or system reset
5810   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5811   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5812   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5813   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5814   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5815   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5816   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5817   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5818   * @retval None
5819   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_LockFault(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5820 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_LockFault(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5821 {
5822   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
5823   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].FLTxR) +
5824                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
5826 }
5828 /**
5829   * @brief  Define how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation.
5830   * @rmtoll BMCR      MTBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5831   *         BMCR      TABM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5832   *         BMCR      TBBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5833   *         BMCR      TCBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5834   *         BMCR      TDBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5835   *         BMCR      TEBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption\n
5836   *         BMCR      TFBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption
5837   * @note This function must not be called when the burst mode is enabled
5838   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5839   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5840   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
5841   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5842   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5843   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5844   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5845   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5846   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5847   * @param  BurtsModeOption This parameter can be one of the following values:
5848   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_MAINTAINCLOCK
5849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_RESETCOUNTER
5850   * @retval None
5851   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t BurtsModeOption)5852 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBurstModeOption(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t BurtsModeOption)
5853 {
5854   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)((POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) & 0x1FU);
5855   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, Timer, BurtsModeOption << iTimer);
5856 }
5858 /**
5859   * @brief  Retrieve how the timer behaves during a burst mode operation.
5860   * @rmtoll BMCR      MCR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5861   *         BMCR      TABM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5862   *         BMCR      TBBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5863   *         BMCR      TCBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5864   *         BMCR      TDBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5865   *         BMCR      TEBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption\n
5866   *         BMCR      TFBM       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption
5867   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5868   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5869   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
5870   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5871   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5872   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5873   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5874   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5875   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5876   * @retval BurtsMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
5877   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_MAINTAINCLOCK
5878   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTMODE_RESETCOUNTER
5879   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)5880 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBurstModeOption(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
5881 {
5882   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)((POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos) & 0x1FU);
5883   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, Timer) >> iTimer);
5884 }
5886 /**
5887   * @brief  Program which registers are to be written by Burst DMA transfers.
5888   * @rmtoll BDMUPDR      MTBM        LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5889   *         BDMUPDR      MICR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5890   *         BDMUPDR      MDIER       LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5891   *         BDMUPDR      MCNT        LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5892   *         BDMUPDR      MPER        LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5893   *         BDMUPDR      MREP        LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5894   *         BDMUPDR      MCMP1       LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5895   *         BDMUPDR      MCMP2       LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5896   *         BDMUPDR      MCMP3       LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5897   *         BDMUPDR      MCMP4       LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5898   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCR      LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5899   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxICR     LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5900   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxDIER    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5901   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCNT     LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5902   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxPER     LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5903   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxREP     LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5904   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCMP1    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5905   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCMP2    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5906   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCMP3    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5907   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxCMP4    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5908   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxDTR     LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5909   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxSET1R   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5910   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxRST1R   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5911   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxSET2R   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5912   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxRST2R   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5913   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxEEFR1   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5914   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxEEFR2   LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5915   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxRSTR    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5916   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxOUTR    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA\n
5917   *         BDTxUPDR     TIMxLTCH    LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA
5918   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5919   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5920   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
5921   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5922   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5923   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5924   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5925   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5926   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5927   * @param  Registers Registers to be updated by the DMA request
5928   *
5929   *         For Master timer this parameter can be can be a combination of the following values:
5930   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_NONE
5931   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCR
5932   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MICR
5933   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MDIER
5934   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCNT
5935   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MPER
5936   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MREP
5937   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP1
5938   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP2
5939   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP3
5940   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_MCMP4
5941   *
5942   *         For Timers A..F this parameter can be can be a combination of the following values:
5943   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_NONE
5944   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMMCR
5945   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMICR
5946   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMDIER
5947   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCNT
5948   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMPER
5949   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMREP
5950   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP1
5951   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP2
5952   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP3
5953   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCMP4
5954   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMDTR
5955   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMSET1R
5956   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRST1R
5957   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMSET2R
5958   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRST2R
5959   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMEEFR1
5960   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMEEFR2
5961   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMRSTR
5962   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMCHPR
5963   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMOUTR
5964   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_TIMFLTR
5965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CR2
5966   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BURSTDMA_EEFR3
5967   * @retval None
5968   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Registers)5969 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_ConfigBurstDMA(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Registers)
5970 {
5971   const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_BDTUPR[] =
5972   {
5973     0x00U,   /* BDMUPR ; offset = 0x000 */
5974     0x04U,   /* BDAUPR ; offset = 0x05C */
5975     0x08U,   /* BDBUPR ; offset = 0x060 */
5976     0x0CU,   /* BDCUPR ; offset = 0x064 */
5977     0x10U,   /* BDDUPR ; offset = 0x068 */
5978     0x14U,   /* BDEUPR ; offset = 0x06C */
5979     0x1CU    /* BDFUPR ; offset = 0x074 */
5980   };
5982   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
5983   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BDMUPR) + REG_OFFSET_TAB_BDTUPR[iTimer]));
5984   WRITE_REG(*pReg, Registers);
5985 }
5987 /**
5988   * @brief  Indicate on which output the signal is currently applied.
5989   * @rmtoll TIMxISR      CPPSTAT        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus
5990   * @note Only significant when the timer operates in push-pull mode.
5991   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
5992   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
5993   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
5994   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
5995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
5996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
5997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
5998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
5999   * @retval CPPSTAT This parameter can be one of the following values:
6000   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CPPSTAT_OUTPUT1
6001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CPPSTAT_OUTPUT2
6002   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6003 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCurrentPushPullStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6004 {
6005   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
6006   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
6007                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6008   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_CPPSTAT));
6009 }
6011 /**
6012   * @brief  Indicate on which output the signal was applied, in push-pull mode, balanced fault mode or delayed idle mode, when the protection was triggered.
6013   * @rmtoll TIMxISR      IPPSTAT        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus
6014   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6015   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6016   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6017   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6018   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6019   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6020   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6022   * @retval IPPSTAT This parameter can be one of the following values:
6023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_IPPSTAT_OUTPUT1
6024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_IPPSTAT_OUTPUT2
6025   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6026 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetIdlePushPullStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6027 {
6028   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
6029   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
6030                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6031   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_IPPSTAT));
6032 }
6034 /**
6035   * @brief  Set the event filter for a given timer.
6036   * @rmtoll EEFxR1      EE1LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6037   *         EEFxR1      EE2LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6038   *         EEFxR1      EE3LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6039   *         EEFxR1      EE4LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6040   *         EEFxR1      EE5LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6041   *         EEFxR2      EE6LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6042   *         EEFxR2      EE7LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6043   *         EEFxR2      EE8LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6044   *         EEFxR2      EE9LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter\n
6045   *         EEFxR2      EE10LTCH       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter
6046   * @note This function must not be called when the timer counter is enabled.
6047   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6048   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6049   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6050   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6051   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6052   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6053   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6054   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6055   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
6056   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
6057   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
6058   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
6059   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
6060   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
6061   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
6062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
6063   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
6064   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
6065   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
6066   * @param  Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
6067   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_NONE
6068   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP1
6069   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP2
6070   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP3
6071   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP4
6120   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP2
6121   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP3
6122   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGTIM
6124   * @retval None
6125   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Filter)6126 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Filter)
6127 {
6128   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6129   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
6130   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].EEFxR1) +
6131                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer] + REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
6132   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (Filter << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
6133 }
6135 /**
6136   * @brief  Get actual event filter settings for a given timer.
6137   * @rmtoll EEFxR1      EE1FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6138   *         EEFxR1      EE2FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6139   *         EEFxR1      EE3FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6140   *         EEFxR1      EE4FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6141   *         EEFxR1      EE5FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6142   *         EEFxR2      EE6FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6143   *         EEFxR2      EE7FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6144   *         EEFxR2      EE8FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6145   *         EEFxR2      EE9FLTR        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter\n
6146   *         EEFxR2      EE10FLTR       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter
6147   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6148   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6153   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6154   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6155   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
6156   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
6157   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
6158   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
6159   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
6160   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
6161   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
6162   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
6163   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
6164   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
6165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
6166   * @retval Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
6167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_NONE
6168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP1
6169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP2
6170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP3
6171   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_BLANKINGCMP4
6220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP2
6221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGCMP3
6222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EEFLTR_WINDOWINGTIM
6223   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Event)6224 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Event)
6225 {
6226   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6227   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
6228   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].EEFxR1) +
6229                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer] + REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
6230   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1FLTR) << (REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent])) >> (REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
6231 }
6233 /**
6234   * @brief  Enable or disable event latch mechanism for a given timer.
6235   * @rmtoll EEFxR1      EE1LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6236   *         EEFxR1      EE2LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6237   *         EEFxR1      EE3LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6238   *         EEFxR1      EE4LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6239   *         EEFxR1      EE5LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6240   *         EEFxR2      EE6LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6241   *         EEFxR2      EE7LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6242   *         EEFxR2      EE8LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6243   *         EEFxR2      EE9LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus\n
6244   *         EEFxR2      EE10LTCH       LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus
6245   * @note This function must not be called when the timer counter is enabled.
6246   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6247   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6248   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6249   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6250   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6251   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6252   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6253   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6254   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
6255   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
6256   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
6257   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
6258   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
6259   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
6260   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
6261   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
6262   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
6263   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
6264   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
6265   * @param  LatchStatus This parameter can be one of the following values:
6266   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_DISABLED
6267   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_ENABLED
6268   * @retval None
6269   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Event,uint32_t LatchStatus)6270 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventLatchStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Event,
6271                                                       uint32_t LatchStatus)
6272 {
6273   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6274   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
6275   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].EEFxR1) +
6276                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer] + REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
6277   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1LTCH << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (LatchStatus << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
6278 }
6280 /**
6281   * @brief  Get actual event latch status for a given timer.
6282   * @rmtoll EEFxR1      EE1LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6283   *         EEFxR1      EE2LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6284   *         EEFxR1      EE3LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6285   *         EEFxR1      EE4LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6286   *         EEFxR1      EE5LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6287   *         EEFxR2      EE6LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6288   *         EEFxR2      EE7LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6289   *         EEFxR2      EE8LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6290   *         EEFxR2      EE9LTCH        LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus\n
6291   *         EEFxR2      EE10LTCH       LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus
6292   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6293   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6295   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6296   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6297   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6298   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6300   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
6301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
6302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
6303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
6304   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
6305   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
6306   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
6307   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
6308   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
6309   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
6310   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
6311   * @retval LatchStatus This parameter can be one of the following values:
6312   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_DISABLED
6313   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EELATCH_ENABLED
6314   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Event)6315 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventLatchStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Event)
6316 {
6317   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6318   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
6319   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].EEFxR1) +
6320                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer] + REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
6321   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR1_EE1LTCH) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >> (REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
6322 }
6324 /**
6325   * @brief  Select the Trigger-Half operating mode for a given timer.
6326   * @note   This bitfield defines whether the compare 2 register
6327   * @note   is behaving in standard mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare)
6328   * @note   or in triggered-half mode
6329   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    TRGHLF      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetTriggeredHalfMode
6330   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6331   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6332   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6333   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6334   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6335   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6338   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6339   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_ENABLED
6340   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_DISABLED
6341   * @retval None
6342   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetTriggeredHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6343 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetTriggeredHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6344 {
6345   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6346   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6347                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6349 }
6351 /**
6352   * @brief  Get the Trigger-Half operating mode for a given timer.
6353   * @note   This bitfield reports whether the compare 2 register
6354   * @note   is behaving in standard mode (compare match issued as soon as counter equal compare)
6355   * @note   or in triggered-half mode
6356   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    TRGHLF      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetTriggeredHalfMode
6357   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6358   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6361   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6363   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6365   * @retval Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_ENABLED
6367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TRIGHALF_DISABLED
6368   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetTriggeredHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6369 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetTriggeredHalfMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6370 {
6371   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6372   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6373                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6374   return (READ_BIT(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_TRGHLF));
6375 }
6377 /**
6378   * @brief  Select the compare 1 operating mode.
6379   * @note   This bit defines the compare 1 operating mode:
6380   * @note   0: the compare 1 event is generated when the counter is equal to the compare value
6381   * @note   1: the compare 1 event is generated when the counter is greater than the compare value
6382   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    GTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp1Mode
6383   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6384   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6390   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6391   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6392   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_EQUAL
6393   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_GREATER
6394   * @retval None
6395   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp1Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6396 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp1Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6397 {
6398   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6399   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6400                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6401   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP1, Mode);
6402 }
6404 /**
6405   * @brief  Get the selected compare 1 operating mode.
6406   * @note   This bit reports the compare 1 operating mode:
6407   * @note   0: the compare 1 event is generated when the counter is equal to the compare value
6408   * @note   1: the compare 1 event is generated when the counter is greater than the compare value
6409   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    GTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp1Mode
6410   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6411   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6412   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6413   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6415   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6416   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6417   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6418   * @retval  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_EQUAL
6420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP1_GREATER
6421   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp1Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6422 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp1Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6423 {
6424   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6425   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6426                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6427   return (READ_BIT(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP1));
6428 }
6430 /**
6431   * @brief  Select the compare 3 operating mode.
6432   * @note   This bit defines the compare 3 operating mode:
6433   * @note   0: the compare 3 event is generated when the counter is equal to the compare value
6434   * @note   1: the compare 3 event is generated when the counter is greater than the compare value
6435   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    GTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp3Mode
6436   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6437   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6438   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6439   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6440   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6441   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6442   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6443   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6444   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6445   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_EQUAL
6446   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_GREATER
6447   * @retval None
6448   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp3Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6449 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetComp3Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6450 {
6451   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6452   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6453                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6454   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP3, (Mode));
6455 }
6457 /**
6458   * @brief  Get the selected compare 3 operating mode.
6459   * @note   This bit reports the compare 3 operating mode:
6460   * @note   0: the compare 3 event is generated when the counter is equal to the compare value
6461   * @note   1: the compare 3 event is generated when the counter is greater than the compare value
6462   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    GTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp1Mode
6463   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6464   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6466   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6467   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6468   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6471   * @retval Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_EQUAL
6473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_GTCMP3_GREATER
6474   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp3Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6475 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetComp3Mode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6476 {
6477   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6478   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0U].TIMxCR2) +
6479                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6480   return (READ_BIT(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_GTCMP3));
6481 }
6483 /**
6484   * @brief  Select the roll-over mode.
6485   * @note Only significant in up-down counting mode (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode()).
6486   * @note Only concerns the Roll-over event with the following destinations: Update trigger, IRQ
6487   *      and DMA requests, repetition counter decrement and External Event filtering.
6488   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    ROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRollOverMode
6489   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6490   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6494   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6496   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6497   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6499   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6500   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6501   * @retval None
6502   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6503 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6504 {
6505   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6506   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6507                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6508   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM, (Mode << HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM_Pos));
6509 }
6511 /**
6512   * @brief  Get selected the roll-over mode.
6513   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    ROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRollOverMode
6514   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6515   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6522   * @retval Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6523   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6524   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6525   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6526   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6527 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6528 {
6529   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6530   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6531                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6532   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM) >> HRTIM_TIMCR2_ROM_Pos);
6533 }
6535 /**
6536   * @brief  Select Fault and Event roll-over mode.
6537   * @note Only significant in up-down counting mode (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode()).
6538   * @note only concerns the Roll-over event used by the Fault and Event counters.
6539   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    FEROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetFaultEventRollOverMode
6540   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6541   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6543   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6544   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6545   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6546   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6547   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6548   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6551   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6552   * @retval None
6553   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetFaultEventRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6554 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetFaultEventRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6555 {
6556   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6557   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6558                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6560 }
6562 /**
6563   * @brief  Get selected Fault and Event role-over mode.
6564   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    FEROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetFaultEventRollOverMode
6565   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6566   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6567   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6568   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6569   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6570   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6571   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6572   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6573   * @retval  Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6574   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6575   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6576   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6577   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetFaultEventRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6578 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetFaultEventRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6579 {
6580   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6581   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6582                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6583   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_FEROM) >> HRTIM_TIMCR2_FEROM_Pos);
6584 }
6586 /**
6587   * @brief  Select the Burst mode roll-over mode.
6588   * @note Only significant in up-down counting mode (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode()).
6589   * @note Only concerns the Roll-over event used in the Burst mode controller, as clock as as burst mode trigger.
6590   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    BMROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBMRollOverMode
6591   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6592   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6593   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6594   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6595   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6596   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6597   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6598   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6599   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6600   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6601   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6602   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6603   * @retval None
6604   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBMRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6605 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetBMRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6606 {
6607   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6608   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6609                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6611 }
6613 /**
6614   * @brief  Get selected Burst mode roll-over mode.
6615   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    ROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBMRollOverMode
6616   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6617   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6618   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6619   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6620   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6621   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6622   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6623   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6624   * @retval  Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6625   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6626   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6627   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6628   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBMRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6629 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetBMRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6630 {
6631   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6632   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6633                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6634   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_BMROM) >> HRTIM_TIMCR2_BMROM_Pos);
6635 }
6637 /**
6638   * @brief  Select the ADC roll-over mode.
6639   * @note Only significant in up-down counting mode (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode()).
6640   * @note Only concerns the Roll-over event used to trigger the ADC.
6641   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    BMROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetADCRollOverMode
6642   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6643   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6644   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6645   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6646   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6647   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6648   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6649   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6650   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6651   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6652   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6653   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6654   * @retval None
6655   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetADCRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6656 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetADCRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6657 {
6658   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6659   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6660                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6662 }
6664 /**
6665   * @brief  Get selected ADC roll-over mode.
6666   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    BMROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetADCRollOverMode
6667   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6668   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6669   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6670   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6671   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6672   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6673   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6674   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6675   * @retval  Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6677   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6678   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6679   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetADCRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6680 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetADCRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6681 {
6682   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6683   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6684                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6685   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_ADROM) >> HRTIM_TIMCR2_ADROM_Pos);
6686 }
6688 /**
6689   * @brief  Select the ADC roll-over mode.
6690   * @note Only significant in up-down counting mode (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode()).
6691   * @note Only concerns concerns the Roll-over event which sets and/or resets the outputs,
6692   *       as per HRTIM_SETxyR and HRTIM_RSTxyR settings (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc()
6693   *       and function @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc() respectively).
6694   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    OUTROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetOutputRollOverMode
6695   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6696   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6697   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6698   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6699   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6700   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6701   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6702   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6703   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6704   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6705   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6707   * @retval None
6708   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetOutputRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6709 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetOutputRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6710 {
6711   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6712   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6713                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6715 }
6717 /**
6718   * @brief  Get selected ADC roll-over mode.
6719   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    OUTROM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetOutputRollOverMode
6720   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6721   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6722   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6723   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6724   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6725   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6726   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6727   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6728   * @retval  Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6729   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_PER
6730   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_RST
6731   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_ROLLOVER_MODE_BOTH
6732   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetOutputRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6733 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetOutputRollOverMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6734 {
6735   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6736   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6737                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6739 }
6741 /**
6742   * @brief  Select the counting mode.
6743   * @note The up-down counting mode is available for both continuous and single-shot
6744   *       (retriggerable and nonretriggerable) operating modes
6745   *       (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode()).
6746   * @note The counter roll-over event is defined differently in-up-down counting mode to
6747   *       support various operating condition.
6748   *       See @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCounterMode()
6749   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    UDM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode
6750   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6751   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6752   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6753   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6754   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6755   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6756   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6757   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6758   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6759   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP
6760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP_DOWN
6761   * @retval None
6762   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6763 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetCountingMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6764 {
6765   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6766   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6767                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6768   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM, Mode);
6769 }
6771 /**
6772   * @brief  Get selected counting mode.
6773   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    UDM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCountingMode
6774   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6775   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6776   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6777   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6778   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6779   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6780   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6781   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6782   * @retval  Mode returned value can be one of the following values:
6783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP
6784   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_COUNTING_MODE_UP_DOWN
6785   * @retval None
6786   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCountingMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6787 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetCountingMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6788 {
6789   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6790   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6791                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6792   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_UDM));
6793 }
6795 /**
6796   * @brief  Select Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger.
6797   * @note Significant only when Dual channel DAC trigger is enabled
6798   *       (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDualDacTrigger()).
6799   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    DCDR      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacResetTrigger
6800   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6801   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6802   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6804   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6808   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDR_COUNTER
6810   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDR_OUT1SET
6811   * @retval None
6812   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacResetTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6813 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacResetTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6814 {
6815   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6816   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6817                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6818   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDR, Mode);
6819 }
6821 /**
6822   * @brief  Get selected Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger.
6823   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    DCDR      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacResetTrigger
6824   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6825   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6826   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6827   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6828   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6829   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6830   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6831   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6832   * @retval  Trigger returned value can be one of the following values:
6833   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDR_COUNTER
6834   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDR_OUT1SET
6835   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacResetTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6836 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacResetTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6837 {
6838   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6839   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6840                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6841   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDR));
6842 }
6844 /**
6845   * @brief  Select Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger.
6846   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    DCDS      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacStepTrigger
6847   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6848   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6850   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6851   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6852   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6853   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6854   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6855   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
6856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDS_CMP2
6857   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDS_OUT1RST
6858   * @retval None
6859   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacStepTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Mode)6860 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDualDacStepTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Mode)
6861 {
6862   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6863   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6864                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6865   MODIFY_REG(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDS, Mode);
6866 }
6868 /**
6869   * @brief  Get selected Dual Channel DAC Reset trigger.
6870   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2    DCDS      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacStepTrigger
6871   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6872   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6873   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6874   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6875   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6876   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6877   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6878   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6879   * @retval  Trigger returned value can be one of the following values:
6880   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDS_CMP2
6881   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DCDS_OUT1RST
6882   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacStepTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6883 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetDualDacStepTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6884 {
6885   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6886   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6887                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6888   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDS));
6889 }
6891 /**
6892   * @brief  Enable Dual Channel DAC trigger.
6893   * @note Only significant when balanced Idle mode is enabled (see function @ref LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetDLYPRTMode()).
6894   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2      DCDE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDualDacTrigger
6895   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6896   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6897   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6898   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6899   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6900   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6901   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6902   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6903   * @retval None
6904   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6905 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6906 {
6907   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6908   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6909                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6910   SET_BIT(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDE);
6911 }
6913 /**
6914   * @brief  Disable Dual Channel DAC trigger.
6915   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2      DCDE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDualDacTrigger
6916   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6917   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6918   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6919   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6920   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6921   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6922   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6923   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6924   * @retval None
6925   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6926 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6927 {
6928   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6929   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6930                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6932 }
6934 /**
6935   * @brief  Indicate whether Dual Channel DAC trigger is enabled for a given timer.
6936   * @rmtoll TIMxCR2      DCDE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDualDacTrigger
6937   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6938   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6939   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6940   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6941   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6942   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6943   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6944   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6945   * @retval State of DCDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxCR2 register (1 or 0).
6946   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)6947 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledDualDacTrigger(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
6948 {
6949   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6950   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxCR2) +
6951                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
6953   return ((READ_BIT(* pReg, HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDE) == (HRTIM_TIMCR2_DCDE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
6954 }
6957 /**
6958   * @brief  Set the external event counter threshold.
6959   * @note The external event is propagated to the timer only if the number
6960   *       of active edges is greater than the external event counter threshold.
6961   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBCNT      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterThreshold\n
6962   *         EEFxR3    EEVACNT      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterThreshold
6963   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6964   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6966   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6967   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6968   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6969   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6970   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6971   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
6972   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
6973   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
6974   * @param  Threshold This parameter can be a number between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=63
6975   * @retval None
6976   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter,uint32_t Threshold)6977 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter,
6978                                                            uint32_t Threshold)
6979 {
6980   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
6981   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
6983   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT << EventCounter), Threshold << (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT_Pos + EventCounter));
6984 }
6986 /**
6987   * @brief  Get the programmed external event counter threshold.
6988   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBCNT      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterThreshold\n
6989   *         EEFxR3    EEVACNT      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterThreshold
6990   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
6991   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
6992   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
6993   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
6994   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
6995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
6996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
6997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
6998   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
6999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7000   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7001   * @retval Threshold Value between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=63
7002   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7003 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer,
7004                                                                uint32_t EventCounter)
7005 {
7006   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7007   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7009   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT) << EventCounter)) >> ((HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACNT_Pos + EventCounter)))  ;
7010 }
7012 /**
7013   * @brief  Select the external event counter source.
7014   * @note External event counting is only valid for edge-sensitive
7015   *       external events (See function LL_HRTIM_EE_Config() and function
7016   *       LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity()).
7017   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBSEL      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterSource\n
7018   *         EEFxR3    EEVASEL      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterSource
7019   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7020   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7022   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7027   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7028   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7030   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
7031   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
7032   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
7033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
7034   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
7035   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
7036   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
7037   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
7038   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
7039   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
7040   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
7041   * @retval None
7042   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterSource(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter,uint32_t Event)7043 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterSource(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter,
7044                                                         uint32_t Event)
7045 {
7046   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7047   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7048   uint32_t iEvent = (uint32_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event));
7050   /* register SEL value is 0 if LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1, 1 if LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1, etc
7051      and 9 if LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10 */
7052   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL << EventCounter), iEvent << (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL_Pos + EventCounter));
7053 }
7055 /**
7056   * @brief  get the selected external event counter source.
7057   *       LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity()).
7058   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBSEL      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterSource\n
7059   *         EEFxR3    EEVASEL      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterSource
7060   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7061   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7063   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7064   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7065   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7066   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7067   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7068   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7069   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7070   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7071   * @retval  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
7072   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
7073   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
7074   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
7075   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
7076   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
7077   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
7078   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
7079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
7080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
7081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
7082   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterSource(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7083 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterSource(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer,
7084                                                             uint32_t EventCounter)
7085 {
7086   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7087   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7089   uint32_t iEvent = (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL) << (EventCounter))) >> ((HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVASEL_Pos + EventCounter));
7091   /* returned value is 0 if SEL is LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1, 1 if SEL is LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1, etc
7092      and 9 if SEL is LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10 */
7093   return ((uint32_t)0x1U << iEvent)  ;
7094 }
7096 /**
7097   * @brief  Select the external event counter reset mode.
7098   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBRSTM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterResetMode\n
7099   *         EEFxR3    EEVARSTM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterResetMode
7100   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7101   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7102   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7106   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7107   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7108   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7109   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7110   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7111   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
7114   * @retval None
7115   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter,uint32_t Mode)7116 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_SetEventCounterResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter,
7117                                                            uint32_t Mode)
7118 {
7119   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7120   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7122   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVARSTM << (EventCounter)), Mode << (EventCounter));
7123 }
7125 /**
7126   * @brief  Get selected external event counter reset mode.
7127   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVBRSTM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterResetMode\n
7128   *         EEFxR3    EEVARSTM      LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterResetMode
7129   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7130   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7131   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7132   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7133   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7137   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7138   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7140   * @retval  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
7143   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7144 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_GetEventCounterResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer,
7145                                                                uint32_t EventCounter)
7146 {
7147   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7148   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7150   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVARSTM) << (EventCounter))) >> (EventCounter))  ;
7151 }
7153 /**
7154   * @brief  Reset the external event counter.
7155   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVACRES      LL_HRTIM_TIM_ResetEventCounter\n
7156   *         EEFxR3    EEVBCRES      LL_HRTIM_TIM_ResetEventCounter
7157   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7158   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7159   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7160   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7161   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7162   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7163   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7164   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7165   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7168   * @retval None
7169   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_ResetEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7170 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_ResetEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter)
7171 {
7172   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7173   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7175   SET_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACRES) << EventCounter);
7176 }
7178 /**
7179   * @brief  Enable the external event counter.
7180   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVACE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableEventCounter\n
7181   *         EEFxR3    EEVBCE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableEventCounter
7182   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7183   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7184   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7185   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7186   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7187   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7188   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7189   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7190   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7191   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7193   * @retval None
7194   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7195 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_EnableEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter)
7196 {
7197   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7198   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7200   SET_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE) << EventCounter);
7201 }
7203 /**
7204   * @brief  Disable the external event counter.
7205   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVACE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableEventCounter\n
7206   *         EEFxR3    EEVBCE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableEventCounter
7207   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7208   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7209   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7210   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7211   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7212   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7213   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7214   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7215   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7216   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7217   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7218   * @retval None
7219   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7220 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_TIM_DisableEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t EventCounter)
7221 {
7222   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7223   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7225   CLEAR_BIT(*pReg, (HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE << EventCounter));
7226 }
7229 /**
7230   * @brief  Indicate whether the external event counter is enabled for a given timer.
7231   * @rmtoll EEFxR3    EEVACE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledEventCounter\n
7232   *         EEFxR3    EEVBCE      LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledEventCounter
7233   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7234   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7235   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7236   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7237   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7238   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7239   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7240   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7241   * @param  EventCounter This parameter can be one of the following values:
7242   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_A
7243   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_COUNTER_B
7244   * @retval State of EEVxCE bit in RTIM_EEFxR3 register (1 or 0).
7245   */
LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t EventCounter)7246 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_TIM_IsEnabledEventCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer,
7247                                                             uint32_t EventCounter)
7248 {
7249   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A));
7250   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[iTimer].EEFxR3)));
7252   uint32_t temp; /* MISRAC-2012 compliance */
7253   temp = READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE) << EventCounter);
7255   return ((temp == ((uint32_t)(HRTIM_EEFR3_EEVACE) << EventCounter)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
7256 }
7258 /**
7259   * @}
7260   */
7262 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_Dead_Time_Configuration Dead_Time_Configuration
7263   * @{
7264   */
7266 /**
7267   * @brief  Configure the dead time insertion feature for a given timer.
7268   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTPRSC     LL_HRTIM_DT_Config\n
7269   *         DTxR      SDTF       LL_HRTIM_DT_Config\n
7270   *         DTxR      SDRT       LL_HRTIM_DT_Config
7271   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7272   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7273   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7274   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7275   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7276   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7277   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7278   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7279   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
7280   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL8 or ... or @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV16
7283   * @retval None
7284   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Configuration)7285 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Configuration)
7286 {
7287   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7288   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7289                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7291 }
7293 /**
7294   * @brief  Set the deadtime prescaler value.
7295   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTPRSC     LL_HRTIM_DT_SetPrescaler
7296   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7297   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7298   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7300   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7304   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
7305   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL8
7306   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL4
7307   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL2
7308   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV1
7309   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV2
7310   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV4
7311   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV8
7312   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV16
7313   * @retval None
7314   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Prescaler)7315 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Prescaler)
7316 {
7317   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7318   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7319                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7320   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC, Prescaler);
7321 }
7323 /**
7324   * @brief  Get actual deadtime prescaler value.
7325   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTPRSC     LL_HRTIM_DT_GetPrescaler
7326   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7327   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7328   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7329   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7330   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7331   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7332   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7333   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7334   * @retval Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
7335   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL8
7336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL4
7337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_MUL2
7338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV1
7339   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV2
7340   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV4
7341   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV8
7342   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_PRESCALER_DIV16
7343   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7344 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_DT_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7345 {
7346   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7347   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7348                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7349   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTPRSC));
7350 }
7352 /**
7353   * @brief  Set the deadtime rising value.
7354   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTR       LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingValue
7355   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7356   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7357   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7358   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7361   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7363   * @param  RisingValue Value between 0 and 0x1FF
7364   * @retval None
7365   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t RisingValue)7366 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t RisingValue)
7367 {
7368   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7369   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7370                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7371   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTR, RisingValue);
7372 }
7374 /**
7375   * @brief  Get actual deadtime rising value.
7376   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTR       LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingValue
7377   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7378   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7385   * @retval RisingValue Value between 0 and 0x1FF
7386   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7387 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7388 {
7389   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7390   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7391                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7392   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTR));
7393 }
7395 /**
7396   * @brief  Set the deadtime sign on rising edge.
7397   * @rmtoll DTxR      SDTR       LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingSign
7398   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7399   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7400   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7401   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7402   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7403   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7406   * @param  RisingSign This parameter can be one of the following values:
7407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_POSITIVE
7408   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_NEGATIVE
7409   * @retval None
7410   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t RisingSign)7411 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_SetRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t RisingSign)
7412 {
7413   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7414   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7415                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7416   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_SDTR, RisingSign);
7417 }
7419 /**
7420   * @brief  Get actual deadtime sign on rising edge.
7421   * @rmtoll DTxR      SDTR       LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingSign
7422   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7423   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7425   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7426   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7427   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7428   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7429   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7430   * @retval RisingSign This parameter can be one of the following values:
7431   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_POSITIVE
7432   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_RISING_NEGATIVE
7433   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7434 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_DT_GetRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7435 {
7436   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7437   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7438                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7439   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_SDTR));
7440 }
7442 /**
7443   * @brief  Set the deadime falling value.
7444   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTF       LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingValue
7445   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7446   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7447   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7448   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7450   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7451   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7453   * @param  FallingValue Value between 0 and 0x1FF
7454   * @retval None
7455   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t FallingValue)7456 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t FallingValue)
7457 {
7458   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7459   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7460                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7461   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTF, FallingValue << HRTIM_DTR_DTF_Pos);
7462 }
7464 /**
7465   * @brief  Get actual deadtime falling value
7466   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTF       LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingValue
7467   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7468   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7475   * @retval FallingValue Value between 0 and 0x1FF
7476   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7477 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingValue(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7478 {
7479   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7480   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7481                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7482   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_DTF)) >> HRTIM_DTR_DTF_Pos);
7483 }
7485 /**
7486   * @brief  Set the deadtime sign on falling edge.
7487   * @rmtoll DTxR      SDTF       LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingSign
7488   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7489   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7490   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7494   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7496   * @param  FallingSign This parameter can be one of the following values:
7497   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_POSITIVE
7498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_NEGATIVE
7499   * @retval None
7500   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t FallingSign)7501 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_SetFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t FallingSign)
7502 {
7503   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7504   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7505                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7506   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_SDTF, FallingSign);
7507 }
7509 /**
7510   * @brief  Get actual deadtime sign on falling edge.
7511   * @rmtoll DTxR      SDTF       LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingSign
7512   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7513   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7514   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7515   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7520   * @retval FallingSign This parameter can be one of the following values:
7521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_POSITIVE
7522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_DT_FALLING_NEGATIVE
7523   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7524 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_DT_GetFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7525 {
7526   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7527   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7528                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7529   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_DTR_SDTF));
7530 }
7532 /**
7533   * @brief  Lock the deadtime value and sign on rising edge.
7534   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTRLK       LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRising
7535   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7536   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7537   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7538   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7540   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7541   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7543   * @retval None
7544   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRising(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7545 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRising(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7546 {
7547   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7548   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7549                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7551 }
7553 /**
7554   * @brief  Lock the deadtime sign on rising edge.
7555   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTRSLK       LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRisingSign
7556   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7557   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7558   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7559   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7560   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7561   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7562   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7563   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7564   * @retval None
7565   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7566 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_LockRisingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7567 {
7568   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7569   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7570                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7572 }
7574 /**
7575   * @brief  Lock the deadtime value and sign on falling edge.
7576   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTFLK       LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFalling
7577   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7578   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7579   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7580   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7581   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7583   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7584   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7585   * @retval None
7586   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFalling(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7587 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFalling(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7588 {
7589   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7590   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7591                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7593 }
7595 /**
7596   * @brief  Lock the deadtime sign on falling edge.
7597   * @rmtoll DTxR      DTFSLK       LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFallingSign
7598   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7599   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7600   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7601   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7602   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7603   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7604   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7605   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7606   * @retval None
7607   */
LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7608 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DT_LockFallingSign(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7609 {
7610   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7611   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].DTxR) +
7612                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7614 }
7616 /**
7617   * @}
7618   */
7620 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_Chopper_Mode_Configuration Chopper_Mode_Configuration
7621   * @{
7622   */
7624 /**
7625   * @brief  Configure the chopper stage for a given timer.
7626   * @rmtoll CHPxR      CARFRQ       LL_HRTIM_CHP_Config\n
7627   *         CHPxR      CARDTY       LL_HRTIM_CHP_Config\n
7628   *         CHPxR      STRTPW       LL_HRTIM_CHP_Config
7629   * @note This function must not be called if the chopper mode is already
7630   *       enabled for one of the timer outputs.
7631   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7632   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7633   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7634   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7635   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7636   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7637   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7638   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7639   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
7640   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV16 or ... or @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV256
7641   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_0 or ... or @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_875
7642   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_16 or ... or @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_256
7643   * @retval None
7644   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Configuration)7645 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_CHP_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Configuration)
7646 {
7647   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7648   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7649                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7651 }
7653 /**
7654   * @brief  Set prescaler determining the carrier frequency to be added on top
7655   *         of the timer output signals when chopper mode is enabled.
7656   * @rmtoll CHPxR      CARFRQ       LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPrescaler
7657   * @note This function must not be called if the chopper mode is already
7658   *       enabled for one of the timer outputs.
7659   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7660   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7661   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7662   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7663   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7664   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7665   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7666   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7667   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
7668   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV16
7669   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV32
7670   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV48
7671   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV64
7672   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV80
7673   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV96
7674   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV112
7675   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV128
7676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV144
7677   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV160
7678   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV176
7679   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV192
7680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV208
7681   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV224
7682   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV240
7683   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV256
7684   * @retval None
7685   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t Prescaler)7686 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t Prescaler)
7687 {
7688   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7689   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7690                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7691   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ, Prescaler);
7692 }
7694 /**
7695   * @brief  Get actual chopper stage prescaler value.
7696   * @rmtoll CHPxR      CARFRQ       LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPrescaler
7697   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7698   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7699   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7700   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7701   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7702   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7703   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7704   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7705   * @retval Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
7706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV16
7707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV32
7708   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV48
7709   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV64
7710   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV80
7711   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV96
7712   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV112
7713   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV128
7714   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV144
7715   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV160
7716   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV176
7717   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV192
7718   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV208
7719   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV224
7720   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV240
7721   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PRESCALER_DIV256
7722   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7723 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7724 {
7725   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7726   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7727                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7728   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_CARFRQ));
7729 }
7731 /**
7732   * @brief  Set the chopper duty cycle.
7733   * @rmtoll CHPxR      CARDTY       LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetDutyCycle
7734   * @note Duty cycle can be adjusted by 1/8 step (from 0/8 up to 7/8)
7735   * @note This function must not be called if the chopper mode is already
7736   *       enabled for one of the timer outputs.
7737   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7738   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7739   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7740   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7741   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7742   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7743   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7744   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7745   * @param  DutyCycle This parameter can be one of the following values:
7746   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_0
7747   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_125
7748   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_250
7749   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_375
7750   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_500
7751   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_625
7752   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_750
7753   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_875
7754   * @retval None
7755   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetDutyCycle(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t DutyCycle)7756 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetDutyCycle(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t DutyCycle)
7757 {
7758   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7759   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7760                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7761   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY, DutyCycle);
7762 }
7764 /**
7765   * @brief  Get actual chopper duty cycle.
7766   * @rmtoll CHPxR      CARDTY       LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetDutyCycle
7767   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7768   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7769   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7770   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7771   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7772   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7773   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7774   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7775   * @retval DutyCycle This parameter can be one of the following values:
7776   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_0
7777   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_125
7778   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_250
7779   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_375
7780   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_500
7781   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_625
7782   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_750
7783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_DUTYCYCLE_875
7784   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetDutyCycle(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7785 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetDutyCycle(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7786 {
7787   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7788   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7789                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7790   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_CARDTY));
7791 }
7793 /**
7794   * @brief  Set the start pulse width.
7795   * @rmtoll CHPxR      STRPW       LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPulseWidth
7796   * @note This function must not be called if the chopper mode is already
7797   *       enabled for one of the timer outputs.
7798   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7799   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7800   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7801   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7802   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7804   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7806   * @param  PulseWidth This parameter can be one of the following values:
7807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_16
7808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_32
7809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_48
7810   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_64
7811   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_80
7812   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_96
7813   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_112
7814   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_128
7815   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_144
7816   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_160
7817   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_176
7818   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_192
7819   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_208
7820   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_224
7821   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_240
7822   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_256
7823   * @retval None
7824   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPulseWidth(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer,uint32_t PulseWidth)7825 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_CHP_SetPulseWidth(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer, uint32_t PulseWidth)
7826 {
7827   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7828   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7829                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7830   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW, PulseWidth);
7831 }
7833 /**
7834   * @brief  Get actual start pulse width.
7835   * @rmtoll CHPxR      STRPW       LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPulseWidth
7836   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7837   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
7838   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
7839   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
7840   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
7841   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
7842   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
7843   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
7844   * @retval PulseWidth This parameter can be one of the following values:
7845   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_16
7846   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_32
7847   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_48
7848   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_64
7849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_80
7850   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_96
7851   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_112
7852   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_128
7853   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_144
7854   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_160
7855   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_176
7856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_192
7857   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_208
7858   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_224
7859   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_240
7860   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_CHP_PULSEWIDTH_256
7861   */
LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPulseWidth(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)7862 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_CHP_GetPulseWidth(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
7863 {
7864   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_TACEN_Pos);
7865   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].CHPxR) +
7866                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
7867   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_CHPR_STRPW));
7868 }
7870 /**
7871   * @}
7872   */
7874 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_Output_Management Output_Management
7875   * @{
7876   */
7878 /**
7879   * @brief  Set the timer output set source.
7880   * @rmtoll SETx1R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7881   *         SETx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7882   *         SETx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7883   *         SETx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7884   *         SETx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7885   *         SETx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7886   *         SETx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7887   *         SETx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7888   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7889   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7890   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7891   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7892   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7893   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7894   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7895   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7896   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7897   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7898   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7899   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7900   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7901   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7902   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7903   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7904   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7905   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7906   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7907   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7908   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7909   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7910   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7911   *         SETx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7912   *         SETx1R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7913   *         SETx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7914   *         SETx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7915   *         SETx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7916   *         SETx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7917   *         SETx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7918   *         SETx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7919   *         SETx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7920   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7921   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7922   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7923   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7924   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7925   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7926   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7927   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7928   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7929   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7930   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7931   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7932   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7933   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7934   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7935   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7936   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7937   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7938   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7939   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7940   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7941   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7942   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc\n
7943   *         SETx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc
7944   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
7945   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
7946   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
7947   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
7948   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
7949   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
7950   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
7951   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
7952   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
7953   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
7954   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
7955   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
7956   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
7957   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
7958   * @param SetSrc This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
7959   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE
7960   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_RESYNC
7961   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMPER
7962   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1
7963   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2
7964   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP3
7965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP4
7966   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERPER
7967   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP1
7968   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP2
7969   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP3
7970   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP4
7971   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1
7972   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2
7973   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2
7974   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3
7975   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1
7976   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2
7977   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3
7978   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4
7979   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4
7980   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1
7981   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2
7982   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3
7983   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4
7984   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3
7985   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4
7986   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1
7987   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2
7988   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3
7989   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2
7990   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3
7991   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2
7992   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3
7993   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2
7994   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4
7995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3
7996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4
7997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2
7998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1
7999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4
8000   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2
8001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4
8002   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4
8003   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1
8004   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4
8005   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1
8006   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3
8007   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4
8008   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3
8009   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4
8010   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1
8011   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2
8012   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1
8013   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2
8014   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3
8015   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4
8016   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3
8017   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1
8018   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4
8019   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1
8020   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4
8021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3
8022   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4
8023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2
8024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3
8025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_1
8026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_2
8027   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_3
8028   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_4
8029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_5
8030   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_6
8031   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_7
8032   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_8
8033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_9
8034   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_10
8035   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_UPDATE
8036   *         (source = TIMy and destination = TIMx, Compare Unit = CMPz).
8037   * @retval None
8038   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t SetSrc)8039 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputSetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t SetSrc)
8040 {
8041   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8042   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].SETx1R) +
8043                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[iOutput]));
8044   WRITE_REG(*pReg, SetSrc);
8045 }
8047 /**
8048   * @brief  Get the timer output set source.
8049   * @rmtoll SETx1R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8050   *         SETx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8051   *         SETx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8052   *         SETx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8053   *         SETx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8054   *         SETx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8055   *         SETx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8056   *         SETx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8057   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8058   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8059   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8060   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8061   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8062   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8063   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8064   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8065   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8066   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8067   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8068   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8069   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8070   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8071   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8072   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8073   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8074   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8075   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8076   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8077   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8078   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8079   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8080   *         SETx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8081   *         SETx1R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8082   *         SETx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8083   *         SETx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8084   *         SETx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8085   *         SETx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8086   *         SETx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8087   *         SETx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8088   *         SETx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8089   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8090   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8091   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8092   *         SETx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8093   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8094   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8095   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8096   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8097   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8098   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8099   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8100   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8101   *         SETx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8102   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8103   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8104   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8105   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8106   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8107   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8108   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8109   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8110   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8111   *         SETx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc\n
8112   *         SETx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc
8113   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8114   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8115   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8117   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8118   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8119   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8120   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8121   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8122   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8123   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8124   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8125   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8126   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8127   * @retval SetSrc This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
8128   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_NONE
8129   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_RESYNC
8130   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMPER
8131   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP1
8132   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP2
8133   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP3
8134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCMP4
8135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERPER
8136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP1
8137   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP2
8138   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP3
8139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_MASTERCMP4
8140   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1
8141   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2
8142   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2
8143   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3
8144   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1
8145   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2
8146   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3
8147   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4
8148   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4
8149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1
8150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2
8151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3
8152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4
8153   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3
8154   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4
8155   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1
8156   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2
8157   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3
8158   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2
8159   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3
8160   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2
8161   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3
8162   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2
8163   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4
8164   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3
8165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4
8166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2
8167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1
8168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4
8169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2
8170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4
8171   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4
8172   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1
8173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4
8174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1
8175   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3
8176   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4
8177   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3
8178   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4
8179   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1
8180   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2
8181   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1
8182   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2
8183   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3
8184   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4
8185   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3
8186   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1
8187   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4
8188   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1
8189   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4
8190   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3
8191   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4
8192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2
8193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3
8194   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_1
8195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_2
8196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_3
8197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_4
8198   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_5
8199   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_6
8200   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_7
8201   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_8
8202   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_9
8203   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_EEV_10
8204   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTSET_UPDATE
8205   *         (source = TIMy and destination = TIMx, Compare Unit = CMPz).
8206   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8207 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputSetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8208 {
8209   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8210   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].SETx1R) +
8211                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[iOutput]));
8212   return (uint32_t) READ_REG(*pReg);
8213 }
8215 /**
8216   * @brief  Set the timer output reset source.
8217   * @rmtoll RSTx1R      RST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8218   *         RSTx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8219   *         RSTx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8220   *         RSTx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8221   *         RSTx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8222   *         RSTx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8223   *         RSTx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8224   *         RSTx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8225   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8226   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8227   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8228   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8229   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8230   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8231   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8232   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8233   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8234   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8235   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8236   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8237   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8238   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8239   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8240   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8241   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8242   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8243   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8244   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8245   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8246   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8247   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8248   *         RSTx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8249   *         RSTx1R      RST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8250   *         RSTx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8251   *         RSTx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8252   *         RSTx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8253   *         RSTx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8254   *         RSTx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8255   *         RSTx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8256   *         RSTx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8257   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8258   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8259   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8260   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8261   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8262   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8263   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8264   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8265   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8266   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8267   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8268   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8269   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8270   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8271   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8272   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8273   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8274   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8275   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8276   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8277   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8278   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8279   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc\n
8280   *         RSTx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc
8281   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8282   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8283   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8284   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8285   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8286   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8287   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8288   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8289   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8290   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8293   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8295   * @param ResetSrc This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
8296   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE
8297   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_RESYNC
8298   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMPER
8299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1
8300   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2
8301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP3
8302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP4
8303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERPER
8304   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP1
8305   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP2
8306   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP3
8307   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP4
8308   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1
8309   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2
8310   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2
8311   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3
8312   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1
8313   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2
8314   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3
8315   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4
8316   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4
8317   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1
8318   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2
8319   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3
8320   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4
8321   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3
8322   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4
8323   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1
8324   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2
8325   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3
8326   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2
8327   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3
8328   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2
8329   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3
8330   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2
8331   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4
8332   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3
8333   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4
8334   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2
8335   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1
8336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4
8337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2
8338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4
8339   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4
8340   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1
8341   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4
8342   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1
8343   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3
8344   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4
8345   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3
8346   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4
8347   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1
8348   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2
8349   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1
8350   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2
8351   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3
8352   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4
8353   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3
8354   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1
8355   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4
8356   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1
8357   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4
8358   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3
8359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4
8360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2
8361   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3
8362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_1
8363   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_2
8364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_3
8365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_4
8366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_5
8367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_6
8368   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_7
8369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_8
8370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_9
8371   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_10
8372   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_UPDATE
8373   *         (source = TIMy and destination = TIMx, Compare Unit = CMPz).
8374   * @retval None
8375   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t ResetSrc)8376 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetOutputResetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t ResetSrc)
8377 {
8378   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8379   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].RSTx1R) +
8380                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[iOutput]));
8381   WRITE_REG(*pReg, ResetSrc);
8382 }
8384 /**
8385   * @brief  Get the timer output set source.
8386   * @rmtoll RSTx1R      RST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8387   *         RSTx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8388   *         RSTx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8389   *         RSTx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8390   *         RSTx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8391   *         RSTx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8392   *         RSTx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8393   *         RSTx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8394   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8395   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8396   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8397   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8398   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8399   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8400   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8401   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8402   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8403   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8404   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8405   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8406   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8407   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8408   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8409   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8410   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8411   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8412   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8413   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8414   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8415   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8416   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8417   *         RSTx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8418   *         RSTx1R      RST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8419   *         RSTx1R      RESYNC       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8420   *         RSTx1R      PER          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8421   *         RSTx1R      CMP1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8422   *         RSTx1R      CMP2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8423   *         RSTx1R      CMP3         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8424   *         RSTx1R      CMP4         LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8425   *         RSTx1R      MSTPER       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8426   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8427   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8428   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8429   *         RSTx1R      MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8430   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT1     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8431   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT2     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8432   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT3     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8433   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT4     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8434   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT5     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8435   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT6     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8436   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT7     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8437   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT8     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8438   *         RSTx1R      TIMEVNT9     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8439   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT1      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8440   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT2      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8441   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT3      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8442   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT4      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8443   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT5      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8444   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT6      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8445   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT7      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8446   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT8      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8447   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT9      LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8448   *         RSTx1R      EXEVNT10     LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc\n
8449   *         RSTx1R      UPDATE       LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc
8450   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8451   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8455   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8456   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8457   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8458   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8459   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8460   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8461   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8462   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8463   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8464   * @retval ResetSrc This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
8465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_NONE
8466   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_RESYNC
8467   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMPER
8468   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP1
8469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP2
8470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP3
8471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCMP4
8472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERPER
8473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP1
8474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP2
8475   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP3
8476   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_MASTERCMP4
8477   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV1_TIMBCMP1
8478   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV2_TIMBCMP2
8479   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV3_TIMCCMP2
8480   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV4_TIMCCMP3
8481   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV5_TIMDCMP1
8482   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV6_TIMDCMP2
8483   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV7_TIMECMP3
8484   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV8_TIMECMP4
8485   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMAEV9_TIMFCMP4
8486   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV1_TIMACMP1
8487   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV2_TIMACMP2
8488   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV3_TIMCCMP3
8489   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV4_TIMCCMP4
8490   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV5_TIMDCMP3
8491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV6_TIMDCMP4
8492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV7_TIMECMP1
8493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV8_TIMECMP2
8494   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMBEV9_TIMFCMP3
8495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV1_TIMACMP2
8496   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV2_TIMACMP3
8497   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV3_TIMBCMP2
8498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV4_TIMBCMP3
8499   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV5_TIMDCMP2
8500   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV6_TIMDCMP4
8501   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV7_TIMECMP3
8502   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV8_TIMECMP4
8503   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMCEV9_TIMFCMP2
8504   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV1_TIMACMP1
8505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV2_TIMACMP4
8506   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV3_TIMBCMP2
8507   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV4_TIMBCMP4
8508   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV5_TIMCCMP4
8509   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV6_TIMECMP1
8510   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV7_TIMECMP4
8511   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV8_TIMFCMP1
8512   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMDEV9_TIMFCMP3
8513   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV1_TIMACMP4
8514   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV2_TIMBCMP3
8515   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV3_TIMBCMP4
8516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV4_TIMCCMP1
8517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV5_TIMCCMP2
8518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV6_TIMDCMP1
8519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV7_TIMDCMP2
8520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV8_TIMFCMP3
8521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMEEV9_TIMFCMP4
8522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV1_TIMACMP3
8523   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV2_TIMBCMP1
8524   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV3_TIMBCMP4
8525   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV4_TIMCCMP1
8526   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV5_TIMCCMP4
8527   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV6_TIMDCMP3
8528   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV7_TIMDCMP4
8529   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV8_TIMECMP2
8530   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_TIMFEV9_TIMECMP3
8531   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_1
8532   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_2
8533   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_3
8534   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_4
8535   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_5
8536   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_6
8537   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_7
8538   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_8
8539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_9
8540   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_EEV_10
8541   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUTRESET_UPDATE
8542   *         (source = TIMy and destination = TIMx, Compare Unit = CMPz).
8543   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8544 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetOutputResetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8545 {
8546   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8547   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].RSTx1R) +
8548                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[iOutput]));
8549   return (uint32_t) READ_REG(*pReg);
8550 }
8552 /**
8553   * @brief  Configure a timer output.
8554   * @rmtoll OUTxR      POL1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8555   *         OUTxR      IDLEM1        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8556   *         OUTxR      IDLES1        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8557   *         OUTxR      FAULT1        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8558   *         OUTxR      CHP1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8559   *         OUTxR      DIDL1         LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8560   *         OUTxR      POL2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8561   *         OUTxR      IDLEM2        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8562   *         OUTxR      IDLES2        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8563   *         OUTxR      FAULT2        LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8564   *         OUTxR      CHP2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config\n
8565   *         OUTxR      DIDL2         LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config
8566   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8567   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8568   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8569   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8570   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8571   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8572   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8573   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8574   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8575   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8576   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8577   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8578   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8579   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8580   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
8582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_NO_IDLE or @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLE_WHEN_BURST
8587   * @retval None
8588   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t Configuration)8589 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t Configuration)
8590 {
8591   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8592   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8593                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8595              (Configuration << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8596 }
8598 /**
8599   * @brief  Set the polarity of a timer output.
8600   * @rmtoll OUTxR      POL1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetPolarity\n
8601   *         OUTxR      POL2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetPolarity
8602   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8603   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8604   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8605   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8606   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8607   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8608   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8609   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8610   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8611   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8612   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8613   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8614   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8615   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8616   * @param  Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
8617   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_POSITIVE_POLARITY
8618   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_NEGATIVE_POLARITY
8619   * @retval None
8620   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t Polarity)8621 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t Polarity)
8622 {
8623   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8624   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8625                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8626   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_POL1 << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]), (Polarity << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8627 }
8629 /**
8630   * @brief  Get actual polarity of the timer output.
8631   * @rmtoll OUTxR      POL1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetPolarity\n
8632   *         OUTxR      POL2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetPolarity
8633   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8634   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8635   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8636   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8637   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8638   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8639   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8640   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8641   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8642   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8643   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8644   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8645   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8646   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8647   * @retval Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
8648   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_POSITIVE_POLARITY
8649   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_NEGATIVE_POLARITY
8650   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8651 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8652 {
8653   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8654   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8655                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8656   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_POL1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8657 }
8659 /**
8660   * @brief  Set the output IDLE mode.
8661   * @rmtoll OUTxR      IDLEM1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleMode\n
8662   *         OUTxR      IDLEM2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleMode
8663   * @note This function must not be called when the burst mode is active
8664   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8665   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8666   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8667   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8668   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8669   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8670   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8671   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8672   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8673   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8674   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8675   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8677   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8678   * @param  IdleMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8679   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_NO_IDLE
8680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLE_WHEN_BURST
8681   * @retval None
8682   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t IdleMode)8683 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t IdleMode)
8684 {
8685   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8686   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8687                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8688   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_IDLM1 << (REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput])), (IdleMode << (REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput])));
8689 }
8691 /**
8692   * @brief  Get actual output IDLE mode.
8693   * @rmtoll OUTxR      IDLEM1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleMode\n
8694   *         OUTxR      IDLEM2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleMode
8695   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8696   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8697   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8698   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8699   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8700   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8701   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8702   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8703   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8704   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8705   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8708   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8709   * @retval IdleMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8710   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_NO_IDLE
8711   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLE_WHEN_BURST
8712   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8713 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8714 {
8715   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8716   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8717                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8718   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_IDLM1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8719 }
8721 /**
8722   * @brief  Set the output IDLE level.
8723   * @rmtoll OUTxR      IDLES1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleLevel\n
8724   *         OUTxR      IDLES2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleLevel
8725   * @note This function must be called prior enabling the timer.
8726   * @note Idle level isn't relevant when the output idle mode is set to LL_HRTIM_OUT_NO_IDLE.
8727   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8728   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8729   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8730   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8731   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8732   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8733   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8734   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8735   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8736   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8737   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8738   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8739   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8740   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8741   * @param  IdleLevel This parameter can be one of the following values:
8742   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_INACTIVE
8743   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_ACTIVE
8744   * @retval None
8745   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t IdleLevel)8746 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetIdleLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t IdleLevel)
8747 {
8748   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8749   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8750                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8751   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1 << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]), (IdleLevel << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8752 }
8754 /**
8755   * @brief  Get actual output IDLE level.
8756   * @rmtoll OUTxR      IDLES1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleLevel\n
8757   *         OUTxR      IDLES2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleLevel
8758   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8759   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8761   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8762   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8763   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8764   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8765   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8766   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8767   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8768   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8769   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8770   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8771   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8772   * @retval IdleLevel This parameter can be one of the following values:
8773   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_INACTIVE
8774   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_IDLELEVEL_ACTIVE
8775   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8776 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetIdleLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8777 {
8778   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8779   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8780                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8781   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_IDLES1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8782 }
8784 /**
8785   * @brief  Set the output FAULT state.
8786   * @rmtoll OUTxR      FAULT1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetFaultState\n
8787   *         OUTxR      FAULT2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetFaultState
8788   * @note This function must not called when the timer is enabled and a fault
8789   *       channel is enabled at timer level.
8790   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8791   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8792   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8793   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8794   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8795   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8796   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8797   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8798   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8799   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8800   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8801   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8802   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8804   * @param  FaultState This parameter can be one of the following values:
8805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_NO_ACTION
8806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_ACTIVE
8807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_INACTIVE
8808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_HIGHZ
8809   * @retval None
8810   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetFaultState(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t FaultState)8811 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetFaultState(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t FaultState)
8812 {
8813   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8814   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8815                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8816   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1 << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]), (FaultState << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8817 }
8819 /**
8820   * @brief  Get actual FAULT state.
8821   * @rmtoll OUTxR      FAULT1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetFaultState\n
8822   *         OUTxR      FAULT2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetFaultState
8823   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8824   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8825   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8826   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8827   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8828   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8829   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8830   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8831   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8832   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8833   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8834   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8835   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8836   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8837   * @retval FaultState This parameter can be one of the following values:
8838   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_NO_ACTION
8839   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_ACTIVE
8840   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_INACTIVE
8841   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_FAULTSTATE_HIGHZ
8842   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetFaultState(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8843 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetFaultState(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8844 {
8845   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8846   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8847                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8848   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_FAULT1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8849 }
8851 /**
8852   * @brief  Set the output chopper mode.
8853   * @rmtoll OUTxR      CHP1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetChopperMode\n
8854   *         OUTxR      CHP2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetChopperMode
8855   * @note This function must not called when the timer is enabled.
8856   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8857   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8858   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8859   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8860   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8861   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8862   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8863   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8864   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8865   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8866   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8867   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8868   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8869   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8870   * @param  ChopperMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8871   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_DISABLED
8872   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_ENABLED
8873   * @retval None
8874   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetChopperMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t ChopperMode)8875 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetChopperMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t ChopperMode)
8876 {
8877   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8878   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8879                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8880   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_CHP1 << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]), (ChopperMode << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8881 }
8883 /**
8884   * @brief  Get actual output chopper mode
8885   * @rmtoll OUTxR      CHP1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetChopperMode\n
8886   *         OUTxR      CHP2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetChopperMode
8887   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8888   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8889   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8890   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8891   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8892   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8893   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8894   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8895   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8896   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8897   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8898   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8899   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8900   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8901   * @retval ChopperMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8902   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_DISABLED
8903   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_CHOPPERMODE_ENABLED
8904   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetChopperMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8905 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetChopperMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8906 {
8907   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8908   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8909                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8910   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_CHP1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8911 }
8913 /**
8914   * @brief  Set the output burst mode entry mode.
8915   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DIDL1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetBMEntryMode\n
8916   *         OUTxR      DIDL2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetBMEntryMode
8917   * @note This function must not called when the timer is enabled.
8918   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8919   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8920   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8921   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8922   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8923   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8924   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8925   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8926   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8927   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8928   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8929   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8930   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8931   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8932   * @param  BMEntryMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8933   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_REGULAR
8934   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_DELAYED
8935   * @retval None
8936   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetBMEntryMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t BMEntryMode)8937 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_SetBMEntryMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t BMEntryMode)
8938 {
8939   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8940   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8941                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8942   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_OUTR_DIDL1 << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]), (BMEntryMode << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8943 }
8945 /**
8946   * @brief  Get actual output burst mode entry mode.
8947   * @rmtoll OUTxR      DIDL1          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetBMEntryMode\n
8948   *         OUTxR      DIDL2          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetBMEntryMode
8949   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8950   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8951   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8952   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8953   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8954   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8955   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8956   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8957   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8958   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8959   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8960   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8961   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8962   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8963   * @retval BMEntryMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
8964   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_REGULAR
8965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_BM_ENTRYMODE_DELAYED
8966   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetBMEntryMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8967 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetBMEntryMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8968 {
8969   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
8970   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].OUTxR) +
8971                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
8972   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_OUTR_DIDL1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]);
8973 }
8975 /**
8976   * @brief  Get the level (active or inactive) of the designated output when the
8977   *         delayed protection was triggered.
8978   * @rmtoll TIMxISR      O1SRSR          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetDLYPRTOutStatus\n
8979   *         TIMxISR      O2SRSR          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetDLYPRTOutStatus
8980   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
8981   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
8982   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
8983   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
8984   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
8985   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
8986   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
8987   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
8988   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
8989   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
8990   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
8991   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
8992   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
8993   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
8994   * @retval OutputLevel This parameter can be one of the following values:
8995   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_INACTIVE
8996   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_ACTIVE
8997   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetDLYPRTOutStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)8998 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetDLYPRTOutStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
8999 {
9000   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
9001   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxISR) +
9002                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
9003   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_TIMISR_O1STAT) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OxSTAT[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OxSTAT[iOutput]) >>
9004           HRTIM_TIMISR_O1STAT_Pos);
9005 }
9007 /**
9008   * @brief  Force the timer output to its active or inactive level.
9009   * @rmtoll SETx1R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel\n
9010   *         RSTx1R      SRT          LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel\n
9011   *         SETx2R      SST          LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel\n
9012   *         RSTx2R      SRT          LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel
9013   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9014   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
9015   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
9016   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
9017   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
9018   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
9019   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
9020   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
9021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
9022   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
9023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
9024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
9025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
9026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
9027   * @param  OutputLevel This parameter can be one of the following values:
9028   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_INACTIVE
9029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_ACTIVE
9030   * @retval None
9031   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output,uint32_t OutputLevel)9032 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_OUT_ForceLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output, uint32_t OutputLevel)
9033 {
9034   const uint8_t REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUT_LEVEL[] =
9035   {
9036     0x04U,   /* 0: LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_INACTIVE  */
9037     0x00U    /* 1: LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_ACTIVE  */
9038   };
9040   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
9041   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].SETx1R) +
9042                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_SETxR[iOutput] + REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUT_LEVEL[OutputLevel]));
9043   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_SET1R_SST);
9044 }
9046 /**
9047   * @brief  Get actual output level, before the output stage (chopper, polarity).
9048   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     O1CPY          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetLevel\n
9049   *         TIMxISR     O2CPY          LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetLevel
9050   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9051   * @param  Output This parameter can be one of the following values:
9052   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1
9053   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA2
9054   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB1
9055   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TB2
9056   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC1
9057   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TC2
9058   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD1
9059   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TD2
9060   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE1
9061   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TE2
9062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF1
9063   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TF2
9064   * @retval OutputLevel This parameter can be one of the following values:
9065   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_INACTIVE
9066   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_OUT_LEVEL_ACTIVE
9067   */
LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Output)9068 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_OUT_GetLevel(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Output)
9069 {
9070   uint32_t iOutput = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Output) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_OUTPUT_TA1));
9071   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sTimerxRegs[0].TIMxISR) +
9072                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_OUTxR[iOutput]));
9073   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_TIMISR_O1CPY) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_OxSTAT[iOutput]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_OxSTAT[iOutput]) >>
9074           HRTIM_TIMISR_O1CPY_Pos);
9075 }
9077 /**
9078   * @}
9079   */
9081 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_External_Event_management External_Event_management
9082   * @{
9083   */
9085 /**
9086   * @brief  Configure external event conditioning.
9087   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9088   *         EECR1     EE1POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9089   *         EECR1     EE1SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9090   *         EECR1     EE1FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9091   *         EECR1     EE2SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9092   *         EECR1     EE2POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9093   *         EECR1     EE2SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9094   *         EECR1     EE2FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9095   *         EECR1     EE3SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9096   *         EECR1     EE3POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9097   *         EECR1     EE3SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9098   *         EECR1     EE3FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9099   *         EECR1     EE4SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9100   *         EECR1     EE4POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9101   *         EECR1     EE4SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9102   *         EECR1     EE4FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9103   *         EECR1     EE5SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9104   *         EECR1     EE5POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9105   *         EECR1     EE5SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9106   *         EECR1     EE5FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9107   *         EECR2     EE6SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9108   *         EECR2     EE6POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9109   *         EECR2     EE6SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9110   *         EECR2     EE6FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9111   *         EECR2     EE7SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9112   *         EECR2     EE7POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9113   *         EECR2     EE7SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9114   *         EECR2     EE7FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9115   *         EECR2     EE8SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9116   *         EECR2     EE8POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9117   *         EECR2     EE8SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9118   *         EECR2     EE8FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9119   *         EECR2     EE9SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9120   *         EECR2     EE9POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9121   *         EECR2     EE9SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9122   *         EECR2     EE9FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9123   *         EECR2     EE10SRC         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9124   *         EECR2     EE10POL         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9125   *         EECR2     EE10SNS         LL_HRTIM_EE_Config\n
9126   *         EECR2     EE10FAST        LL_HRTIM_EE_Config
9127   * @note This function must not be called when the timer counter is enabled.
9128   * @note Event source (EExSrc1..EExSRC4) mapping depends on configured event channel.
9129   * @note Fast mode is available only for LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1..5.
9130   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9131   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9132   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9133   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9134   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9135   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9136   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9137   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9138   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9140   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9141   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9142   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
9143   *         @arg External event source 1 or External event source 2 or External event source 3 or External event source 4
9144   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_HIGH or @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_LOW
9147   * @retval None
9148   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Configuration)9149 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Configuration)
9150 {
9151   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9152   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9153                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9155              (Configuration << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9156 }
9158 /**
9159   * @brief  Set the external event source.
9160   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9161   *         EECR1     EE2SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9162   *         EECR1     EE3SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9163   *         EECR1     EE4SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9164   *         EECR1     EE5SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9165   *         EECR2     EE6SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9166   *         EECR2     EE7SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9167   *         EECR2     EE8SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9168   *         EECR2     EE9SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc\n
9169   *         EECR2     EE10SRC         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc
9170   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9171   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9172   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9175   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9176   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9177   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9178   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9179   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9180   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9181   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9182   * @param  Src This parameter can be one of the following values:
9183   *         @arg External event source 1
9184   *         @arg External event source 2
9185   *         @arg External event source 3
9186   *         @arg External event source 4
9187   * @retval None
9188   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Src)9189 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Src)
9190 {
9191   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9192   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9193                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9194   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (Src << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9195 }
9197 /**
9198   * @brief  Get actual external event source.
9199   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9200   *         EECR1     EE2SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9201   *         EECR1     EE3SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9202   *         EECR1     EE4SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9203   *         EECR1     EE5SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9204   *         EECR2     EE6SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9205   *         EECR2     EE7SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9206   *         EECR2     EE8SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9207   *         EECR2     EE9SRC          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc\n
9208   *         EECR2     EE10SRC         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc
9209   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9210   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9211   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9212   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9213   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9214   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9215   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9216   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9217   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9218   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9221   * @retval EventSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
9222   *         @arg External event source 1
9223   *         @arg External event source 2
9224   *         @arg External event source 3
9225   *         @arg External event source 4
9226   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event)9227 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event)
9228 {
9229   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9230   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9231                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9232   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SRC) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]);
9233 }
9235 /**
9236   * @brief  Set the polarity of an external event.
9237   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9238   *         EECR1     EE2POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9239   *         EECR1     EE3POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9240   *         EECR1     EE4POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9241   *         EECR1     EE5POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9242   *         EECR2     EE6POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9243   *         EECR2     EE7POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9244   *         EECR2     EE8POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9245   *         EECR2     EE9POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity\n
9246   *         EECR2     EE10POL         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity
9247   * @note This function must not be called when the timer counter is enabled.
9248   * @note Event polarity is only significant when event detection is level-sensitive.
9249   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9250   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9251   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9252   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9253   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9254   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9255   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9256   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9257   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9258   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9259   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9260   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9261   * @param  Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9262   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_HIGH
9263   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_LOW
9264   * @retval None
9265   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Polarity)9266 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Polarity)
9267 {
9268   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9269   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9270                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9271   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (Polarity << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9272 }
9274 /**
9275   * @brief  Get actual polarity setting of an external event.
9276   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9277   *         EECR1     EE2POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9278   *         EECR1     EE3POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9279   *         EECR1     EE4POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9280   *         EECR1     EE5POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9281   *         EECR2     EE6POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9282   *         EECR2     EE7POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9283   *         EECR2     EE8POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9284   *         EECR2     EE9POL          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity\n
9285   *         EECR2     EE10POL         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity
9286   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9287   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9288   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9289   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9290   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9293   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9295   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9296   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9297   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9298   * @retval Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9299   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_HIGH
9300   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_POLARITY_LOW
9301   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event)9302 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event)
9303 {
9304   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9305   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9306                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9307   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1POL) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]);
9308 }
9310 /**
9311   * @brief  Set the sensitivity of an external event.
9312   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9313   *         EECR1     EE2SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9314   *         EECR1     EE3SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9315   *         EECR1     EE4SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9316   *         EECR1     EE5SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9317   *         EECR2     EE6SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9318   *         EECR2     EE7SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9319   *         EECR2     EE8SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9320   *         EECR2     EE9SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity\n
9321   *         EECR2     EE10SNS         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity
9322   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9323   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9324   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9325   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9326   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9327   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9328   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9329   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9330   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9331   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9332   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9333   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9334   * @param  Sensitivity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9335   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL
9336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_RISINGEDGE
9337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_FALLINGEDGE
9338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_BOTHEDGES
9339   * @retval None
9340   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Sensitivity)9342 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetSensitivity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Sensitivity)
9343 {
9344   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9345   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9346                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9347   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (Sensitivity << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9348 }
9350 /**
9351   * @brief  Get actual sensitivity setting of an external event.
9352   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9353   *         EECR1     EE2SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9354   *         EECR1     EE3SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9355   *         EECR1     EE4SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9356   *         EECR1     EE5SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9357   *         EECR2     EE6SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9358   *         EECR2     EE7SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9359   *         EECR2     EE8SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9360   *         EECR2     EE9SNS          LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity\n
9361   *         EECR2     EE10SNS         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity
9362   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9363   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9368   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9371   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9372   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9373   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9374   * @retval Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9375   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL
9376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_RISINGEDGE
9377   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_FALLINGEDGE
9378   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_SENSITIVITY_BOTHEDGES
9379   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event)9380 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetSensitivity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event)
9381 {
9382   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9383   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9384                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9385   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1SNS) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]);
9386 }
9388 /**
9389   * @brief  Set the fast mode of an external event.
9390   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9391   *         EECR1     EE2FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9392   *         EECR1     EE3FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9393   *         EECR1     EE4FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9394   *         EECR1     EE5FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9395   *         EECR2     EE6FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9396   *         EECR2     EE7FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9397   *         EECR2     EE8FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9398   *         EECR2     EE9FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode\n
9399   *         EECR2     EE10FAST        LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode
9400   * @note This function must not be called when the timer counter is enabled.
9401   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9402   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9403   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9408   * @param  FastMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
9409   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_DISABLE
9410   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_ENABLE
9411   * @retval None
9412   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t FastMode)9413 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFastMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t FastMode)
9414 {
9415   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9416   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9417                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9418   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]), (FastMode << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9419 }
9421 /**
9422   * @brief  Get actual fast mode setting of an external event.
9423   * @rmtoll EECR1     EE1FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9424   *         EECR1     EE2FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9425   *         EECR1     EE3FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9426   *         EECR1     EE4FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9427   *         EECR1     EE5FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9428   *         EECR2     EE6FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9429   *         EECR2     EE7FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9430   *         EECR2     EE8FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9431   *         EECR2     EE9FAST         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode\n
9432   *         EECR2     EE10FAST        LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode
9433   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9434   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9435   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1
9436   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_2
9437   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_3
9438   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_4
9439   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_5
9440   * @retval FastMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
9441   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_DISABLE
9442   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FASTMODE_ENABLE
9443   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event)9444 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFastMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event)
9445 {
9446   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9447   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR1) +
9448                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_EECR[iEvent]));
9449   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR1_EE1FAST) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]);
9450 }
9452 /**
9453   * @brief  Set the digital noise filter of a external event.
9454   * @rmtoll EECR3     EE6F         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter\n
9455   *         EECR3     EE7F         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter\n
9456   *         EECR3     EE8F         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter\n
9457   *         EECR3     EE9F         LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter\n
9458   *         EECR3     EE10F        LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter
9459   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9460   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9461   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9462   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9463   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9464   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9466   * @param  Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
9467   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_NONE
9468   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_1
9469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_2
9470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_3
9471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_4
9472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_5
9473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_6
9474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_7
9475   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_8
9476   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_9
9477   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_10
9478   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_11
9479   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_12
9480   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_13
9481   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_14
9482   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_15
9483   * @retval None
9484   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event,uint32_t Filter)9485 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event, uint32_t Filter)
9486 {
9487   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_1));
9489              (Filter << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]));
9490 }
9492 /**
9493   * @brief  Get actual digital noise filter setting of a external event.
9494   * @rmtoll EECR3     EE6F         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter\n
9495   *         EECR3     EE7F         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter\n
9496   *         EECR3     EE8F         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter\n
9497   *         EECR3     EE9F         LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter\n
9498   *         EECR3     EE10F        LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter
9499   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9500   * @param  Event This parameter can be one of the following values:
9501   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6
9502   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_7
9503   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_8
9504   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_9
9505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EVENT_10
9506   * @retval Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
9507   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_NONE
9508   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_1
9509   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_2
9510   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_3
9511   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_4
9512   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_5
9513   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_6
9514   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_7
9515   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_8
9516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_9
9517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_10
9518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_11
9519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_12
9520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_13
9521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_14
9522   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_FILTER_15
9523   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Event)9524 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Event)
9525 {
9526   uint32_t iEvent = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Event) - POSITION_VAL(LL_HRTIM_EVENT_6));
9527   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR3,
9528                    (uint32_t)(HRTIM_EECR3_EE6F) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]) >>  REG_SHIFT_TAB_EExSRC[iEvent]);
9529 }
9531 /**
9532   * @brief  Set the external event prescaler.
9533   * @rmtoll EECR3     EEVSD        LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPrescaler
9534   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9535   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
9536   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV1
9537   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV2
9538   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV4
9539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV8
9540   * @retval None
9541   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Prescaler)9543 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EE_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Prescaler)
9544 {
9545   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR3, HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD, Prescaler);
9546 }
9548 /**
9549   * @brief  Get actual external event prescaler setting.
9550   * @rmtoll EECR3     EEVSD        LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPrescaler
9551   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9552   * @retval Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
9553   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV1
9554   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV2
9555   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV4
9556   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_EE_PRESCALER_DIV8
9557   */
LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)9559 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_EE_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
9560 {
9561   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.EECR3, HRTIM_EECR3_EEVSD));
9562 }
9564 /**
9565   * @}
9566   */
9568 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_Fault_management Fault_management
9569   * @{
9570   */
9571 /**
9572   * @brief  Configure fault signal conditioning Polarity and Source.
9573   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9574   *         FLTINR1     FLT1SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9575   *         FLTINR1     FLT2P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9576   *         FLTINR1     FLT2SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9577   *         FLTINR1     FLT3P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9578   *         FLTINR1     FLT3SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9579   *         FLTINR1     FLT4P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9580   *         FLTINR1     FLT4SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9581   *         FLTINR2     FLT5P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9582   *         FLTINR2     FLT5SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9583   *         FLTINR2     FLT6P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config\n
9584   *         FLTINR2     FLT6SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config
9585   * @note This function must not be called when the fault channel is enabled.
9586   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9587   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9588   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9589   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9590   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9591   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9592   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9593   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9594   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
9597   * @retval None
9598   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Configuration)9599 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Configuration)
9600 {
9601   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9602   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9603   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9605   uint64_t cfg;
9606   uint64_t mask;
9608   cfg = ((uint64_t)((uint64_t)Configuration & (uint64_t)HRTIM_FLT_CONFIG_MASK) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) |           /* this for SouRCe 0 and polarity bits */
9609         (((uint64_t)((uint64_t)Configuration & (uint64_t)HRTIM_FLT_SRC_1_MASK) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTx[iFault]) << 32U);      /* this for SouRCe 1 bit  */
9611   mask = ((uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P | HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) |       /* this for SouRCe 0 and polarity bits */
9612          ((uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLT_SRC_1_MASK) << 32U);                                                         /* this for SouRCe bit 1 */
9614   MODIFY_REG(*pReg1, (uint32_t)(mask), (uint32_t)(cfg));
9615   MODIFY_REG(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(mask >> 32U), (uint32_t)(cfg  >> 32U));
9617 }
9619 /**
9620   * @brief  Set the source of a fault signal.
9621   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc\n
9622   *         FLTINR1     FLT2SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc\n
9623   *         FLTINR1     FLT3SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc\n
9624   *         FLTINR1     FLT4SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc\n
9625   *         FLTINR2     FLT5SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc\n
9626   *         FLTINR2     FLT6SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc
9627   * @note This function must not be called when the fault channel is enabled.
9628   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9629   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9630   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9631   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9632   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9633   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9634   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9635   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9636   * @param  Src This parameter can be one of the following values:
9637   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_DIGITALINPUT
9638   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_INTERNAL
9639   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_EEVINPUT
9640   * @retval None
9641   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Src)9642 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Src)
9643 {
9644   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9645   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9646   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9648   uint64_t  cfg = ( (uint64_t)((uint64_t)Src & (uint64_t)HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) |       /* this for SouRCe 0 bit */
9649                   (((uint64_t)((uint64_t)Src & (uint64_t)HRTIM_FLT_SRC_1_MASK)    << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTx[iFault]) << 32U); /* this for SouRCe 1 bit */
9650   uint64_t mask = ( (uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1SRC_0) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) |       /* this for SouRCe bit 0 */
9651                   (((uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT1SRC_1) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTx[iFault]) << 32U); /* this for SouRCe bit 1 */
9653   MODIFY_REG(*pReg1, (uint32_t)(mask), (uint32_t)(cfg));
9654   MODIFY_REG(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(mask >> 32U), (uint32_t)(cfg  >> 32U));
9655 }
9657 /**
9658   * @brief  Get actual source of a fault signal.
9659   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc\n
9660   *         FLTINR1     FLT2SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc\n
9661   *         FLTINR1     FLT3SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc\n
9662   *         FLTINR1     FLT4SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc\n
9663   *         FLTINR2     FLT5SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc\n
9664   *         FLTINR2     FLT6SRC      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc
9665   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9666   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9667   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9668   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9669   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9670   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9671   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9672   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9673   * @retval Source This parameter can be one of the following values:
9674   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_DIGITALINPUT
9675   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_INTERNAL
9676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_SRC_EEVINPUT
9677   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9678 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9679 {
9680   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9681   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9682   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9684   uint64_t Src0;
9685   uint32_t Src1;
9686   uint32_t temp1, temp2; /* temp variables used for MISRA-C  */
9688   /* this for SouRCe bit 1 */
9689   Src1 = READ_BIT(*pReg2, HRTIM_FLT_SRC_1_MASK) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTx[iFault] ;
9690   temp1 = READ_BIT(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5SRC_0 | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6SRC_0));
9693   /* this for SouRCe bit 0 */
9694   Src0 = (uint64_t)temp1 << 32U;
9695   Src0 |= (uint64_t)temp2;
9696   Src0 = (Src0 >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) ;
9698   return ((uint32_t)(Src0 | Src1));
9699 }
9701 /**
9702   * @brief  Set the polarity of a fault signal.
9703   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity\n
9704   *         FLTINR1     FLT2P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity\n
9705   *         FLTINR1     FLT3P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity\n
9706   *         FLTINR1     FLT4P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity\n
9707   *         FLTINR2     FLT5P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity\n
9708   *         FLTINR2     FLT6P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity
9709   * @note This function must not be called when the fault channel is enabled.
9710   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9711   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9712   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9713   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9714   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9715   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9716   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9717   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9718   * @param  Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9719   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_LOW
9720   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_HIGH
9721   * @retval None
9722   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Polarity)9723 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Polarity)
9724 {
9725   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9726   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9727   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9729   uint64_t cfg = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)Polarity & (uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P)) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault] ;  /* this for Polarity bit */
9730   uint64_t mask = (uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1P) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault] ;  /* this for Polarity bit */
9732   /* for Polarity bit */
9733   MODIFY_REG(*pReg1, (uint32_t)(mask), (uint32_t)(cfg));
9734   MODIFY_REG(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(mask >> 32U), (uint32_t)(cfg  >> 32U));
9735 }
9737 /**
9738   * @brief  Get actual polarity of a fault signal.
9739   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity\n
9740   *         FLTINR1     FLT2P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity\n
9741   *         FLTINR1     FLT3P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity\n
9742   *         FLTINR1     FLT4P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity\n
9743   *         FLTINR2     FLT5P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity\n
9744   *         FLTINR2     FLT6P        LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity
9745   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9746   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9747   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9748   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9749   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9750   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9751   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9752   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9753   * @retval Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
9754   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_LOW
9755   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_POLARITY_HIGH
9756   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9757 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPolarity(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9758 {
9759   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9760   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9761   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9762   uint32_t temp1, temp2; /* temp variables used for MISRA-C  */
9763   uint64_t cfg;
9765   temp1 = READ_BIT(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5P | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6P));
9768   cfg = (uint64_t)temp1 << 32 ;
9769   cfg |= (uint64_t)temp2;
9770   cfg = (cfg >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) ;
9772   return (uint32_t)(cfg);
9774 }
9776 /**
9777   * @brief  Set the digital noise filter of a fault signal.
9778   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter\n
9779   *         FLTINR1     FLT2F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter\n
9780   *         FLTINR1     FLT3F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter\n
9781   *         FLTINR1     FLT4F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter\n
9782   *         FLTINR2     FLT5F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter\n
9783   *         FLTINR2     FLT6F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter
9784   * @note This function must not be called when the fault channel is enabled.
9785   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9786   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9787   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9788   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9789   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9790   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9791   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9792   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9793   * @param  Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
9794   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_NONE
9795   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_1
9796   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_2
9797   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_3
9798   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_4
9799   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_5
9800   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_6
9801   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_7
9802   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_8
9803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_9
9804   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_10
9805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_11
9806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_12
9807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_13
9808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_14
9809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_15
9810   * @retval None
9811   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Filter)9812 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Filter)
9813 {
9814   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9815   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9816   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9818   uint64_t flt = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)Filter & (uint64_t)HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault] ;  /* this for filter bits */
9819   uint64_t mask = (uint64_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1F) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault] ;  /* this for Polarity bit */
9821   MODIFY_REG(*pReg1, (uint32_t)(mask), (uint32_t)(flt));
9822   MODIFY_REG(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(mask >> 32U), (uint32_t)(flt  >> 32U));
9823 }
9825 /**
9826   * @brief  Get actual digital noise filter setting of a fault signal.
9827   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter\n
9828   *         FLTINR1     FLT2F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter\n
9829   *         FLTINR1     FLT3F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter\n
9830   *         FLTINR1     FLT4F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter\n
9831   *         FLTINR2     FLT5F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter\n
9832   *         FLTINR2     FLT6F      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter
9833   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9834   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9835   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9836   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9837   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9838   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9839   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9840   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9841   * @retval Filter This parameter can be one of the following values:
9842   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_NONE
9843   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_1
9844   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_2
9845   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_3
9846   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_4
9847   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_5
9848   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_6
9849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_7
9850   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_8
9851   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_9
9852   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_10
9853   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_11
9854   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_12
9855   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_13
9856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_14
9857   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_FILTER_15
9858   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9859 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetFilter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9860 {
9861   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9862   __IO uint32_t *pReg1 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1)));
9863   __IO uint32_t *pReg2 = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2)));
9864   uint32_t temp1, temp2; /* temp variables used for MISRA-C  */
9865   uint64_t flt;
9866   temp1 = READ_BIT(*pReg2, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT5F | HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLT6F));
9869   flt = (uint64_t)temp1 << 32U;
9870   flt |= (uint64_t)temp2;
9871   flt = (flt >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxF[iFault]) ;
9873   return (uint32_t)(flt);
9875 }
9877 /**
9878   * @brief  Set the fault circuitry prescaler.
9879   * @rmtoll FLTINR2     FLTSD      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPrescaler
9880   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9881   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
9882   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV1
9883   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV2
9884   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV4
9885   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV8
9886   * @retval None
9887   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Prescaler)9888 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Prescaler)
9889 {
9890   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD, Prescaler);
9891 }
9893 /**
9894   * @brief  Get actual fault circuitry prescaler setting.
9895   * @rmtoll FLTINR2     FLTSD      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPrescaler
9896   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9897   * @retval Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
9898   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV1
9899   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV2
9900   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV4
9901   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_PRESCALER_DIV8
9902   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)9903 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
9904 {
9905   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR2, HRTIM_FLTINR2_FLTSD));
9906 }
9908 /**
9909   * @brief  Lock the fault signal conditioning settings.
9910   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock\n
9911   *         FLTINR1     FLT2LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock\n
9912   *         FLTINR1     FLT3LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock\n
9913   *         FLTINR1     FLT4LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock\n
9914   *         FLTINR2     FLT5LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock\n
9915   *         FLTINR2     FLT6LCK      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock
9916   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9917   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9918   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9919   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9920   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9921   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9922   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9923   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9924   * @retval None
9925   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9926 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_Lock(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9927 {
9928   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9929   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1) +
9930                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
9932 }
9934 /**
9935   * @brief  Enable the fault circuitry for the designated fault input.
9936   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable\n
9937   *         FLTINR1     FLT2E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable\n
9938   *         FLTINR1     FLT3E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable\n
9939   *         FLTINR1     FLT4E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable\n
9940   *         FLTINR2     FLT5E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable\n
9941   *         FLTINR2     FLT6E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable
9942   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9943   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9944   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9945   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9946   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9947   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9948   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9949   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9950   * @retval None
9951   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9952 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_Enable(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9953 {
9954   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9955   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1) +
9956                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
9957   SET_BIT(*pReg, (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1E << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]));
9958 }
9960 /**
9961   * @brief  Disable the fault circuitry for for the designated fault input.
9962   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable\n
9963   *         FLTINR1     FLT2E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable\n
9964   *         FLTINR1     FLT3E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable\n
9965   *         FLTINR1     FLT4E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable\n
9966   *         FLTINR2     FLT5E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable\n
9967   *         FLTINR2     FLT6E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable
9968   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9969   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9970   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9971   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9972   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
9973   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
9974   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
9975   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
9976   * @retval None
9977   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)9978 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_Disable(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
9979 {
9980   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
9981   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1) +
9982                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
9985 }
9987 /**
9988   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault circuitry is enabled for a given fault input.
9989   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled\n
9990   *         FLTINR1     FLT2E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled\n
9991   *         FLTINR1     FLT3E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled\n
9992   *         FLTINR1     FLT4E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled\n
9993   *         FLTINR2     FLT5E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled\n
9994   *         FLTINR2     FLT6E      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled
9995   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
9996   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
9997   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
9998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
9999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10000   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10002   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10003   * @retval State of FLTxEN bit in HRTIM_FLTINRx register (1 or 0).
10004   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10005 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10006 {
10007   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10008   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR1) +
10009                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10010   return (((READ_BIT(*pReg, (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1E << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault])) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]) ==
10011            (HRTIM_FLTINR1_FLT1E)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10012 }
10014 /**
10015   * @brief  Enable the Blanking of the fault circuitry for the designated fault input.
10016   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking\n
10017   *         FLTINR1     FLT2BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking\n
10018   *         FLTINR1     FLT3BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking\n
10019   *         FLTINR1     FLT4BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking\n
10020   *         FLTINR2     FLT5BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking\n
10021   *         FLTINR2     FLT6BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking
10022   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10023   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10027   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10028   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10030   * @retval None
10031   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10032 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_EnableBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10033 {
10034   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10035   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10036                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10037   SET_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKE) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]);
10038 }
10040 /**
10041   * @brief  Disable the Blanking of the fault circuitry for the designated fault input.
10042   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking\n
10043   *         FLTINR1     FLT2BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking\n
10044   *         FLTINR1     FLT3BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking\n
10045   *         FLTINR1     FLT4BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking\n
10046   *         FLTINR2     FLT5BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking\n
10047   *         FLTINR2     FLT6BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking
10048   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10049   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10050   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10051   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10052   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10053   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10054   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10055   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10056   * @retval None
10057   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10058 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_DisableBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10059 {
10060   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10061   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10062                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10064 }
10066 /**
10067   * @brief  Indicate whether the Blanking of the fault circuitry is enabled for a given fault input.
10068   * @rmtoll FLTINR1     FLT1BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking\n
10069   *         FLTINR1     FLT2BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking\n
10070   *         FLTINR1     FLT3BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking\n
10071   *         FLTINR1     FLT4BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking\n
10072   *         FLTINR2     FLT5BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking\n
10073   *         FLTINR2     FLT6BLKE      LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking
10074   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10075   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10076   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10077   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10078   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10082   * @retval State of FLTxBLKE bit in HRTIM_FLTINRx register (1 or 0).
10083   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10084 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_IsEnabledBlanking(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10085 {
10086   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10087   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10088                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10089   uint32_t temp; /* MISRAC-2012 compliance */
10090   temp = READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKE) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault];
10092   return ((temp == (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10093 }
10095 /**
10096   * @brief  Set the Blanking Source of the fault circuitry  for a given fault input.
10097   * @note Fault inputs can be temporary disabled to blank spurious fault events.
10098   * @note This function allows for selection amongst 2 possible blanking sources.
10099   * @note Events triggering blanking window start and blanking window end depend
10100   *       on both the selected blanking source and the fault input.
10101   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc\n
10102   *         FLTINR3     FLT2BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc\n
10103   *         FLTINR3     FLT3BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc\n
10104   *         FLTINR3     FLT4BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc\n
10105   *         FLTINR4     FLT5BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc\n
10106   *         FLTINR4     FLT6BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc
10107   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10108   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10109   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10110   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10111   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10112   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10113   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10114   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10115   * @param  Source parameter can be one of the following values:
10116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_BLANKING_RSTALIGNED
10117   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_BLANKING_MOVING
10118   * @retval None
10119   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Source)10120 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetBlankingSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Source)
10121 {
10122   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10123   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10124                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10125   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKS << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]), (Source << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]));
10127 }
10129 /**
10130   * @brief  Get the Blanking Source of the fault circuitry is enabled for a given fault input.
10131   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc\n
10132   *         FLTINR3     FLT2BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc\n
10133   *         FLTINR3     FLT3BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc\n
10134   *         FLTINR3     FLT4BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc\n
10135   *         FLTINR4     FLT5BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc\n
10136   *         FLTINR4     FLT6BLKS      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc
10137   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10138   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10139   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10140   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10141   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10142   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10143   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10144   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10145   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10146 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetBlankingSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10147 {
10148   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10149   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10150                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10151   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1BLKS) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]));
10152 }
10154 /**
10155   * @brief  Set the Counter threshold value of a fault counter.
10156   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold\n
10157   *         FLTINR3     FLT2CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold\n
10158   *         FLTINR3     FLT3CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold\n
10159   *         FLTINR3     FLT4CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold\n
10160   *         FLTINR4     FLT5CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold\n
10161   *         FLTINR4     FLT6CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold
10162   * @note This function must not be called when the fault channel is enabled.
10163   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10164   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10171   * @param  Threshold This parameter can be a number between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=15
10172   * @retval None
10173   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Threshold)10174 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Threshold)
10175 {
10176   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10177   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10178                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10179   MODIFY_REG(*pReg, (HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CNT << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]), (Threshold << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]));
10180 }
10182 /**
10183   * @brief  Get actual the Counter threshold value of a fault counter.
10184   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold\n
10185   *         FLTINR3     FLT2CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold\n
10186   *         FLTINR3     FLT3CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold\n
10187   *         FLTINR3     FLT4CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold\n
10188   *         FLTINR4     FLT5CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold\n
10189   *         FLTINR4     FLT6CNT      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold
10190   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10191   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10194   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10198   * @retval Threshold This parameter can be a number between Min_Data=0 and Max_Data=15
10199   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10200 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetCounterThreshold(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10201 {
10202   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10203   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10204                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10205   return (READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CNT) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]) >> REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]);
10206 }
10208 /**
10209   * @brief  Set the mode of reset of a fault counter to 'always reset'.
10210   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode\n
10211   *         FLTINR3     FLT2RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode\n
10212   *         FLTINR3     FLT3RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode\n
10213   *         FLTINR3     FLT4RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode\n
10214   *         FLTINR4     FLT5RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode\n
10215   *         FLTINR4     FLT6RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode
10216   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10217   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10218   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10223   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10224   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
10226   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_COUNTERRST_CONDITIONAL
10227   * @retval None
10228   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault,uint32_t Mode)10229 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_SetResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault, uint32_t Mode)
10230 {
10231   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10232   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10233                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10236 }
10238 /**
10239   * @brief  Get the mode of reset of a fault counter to 'reset on event'.
10240   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode\n
10241   *         FLTINR3     FLT2RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode\n
10242   *         FLTINR3     FLT3RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode\n
10243   *         FLTINR3     FLT4RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode\n
10244   *         FLTINR4     FLT5RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode\n
10245   *         FLTINR4     FLT6RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode
10246   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10247   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10248   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10249   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10250   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10251   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10252   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10253   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10254   * @retval  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
10256   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FLT_COUNTERRST_CONDITIONAL
10257   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10258 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_FLT_GetResetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10259 {
10260   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10261   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10262                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10263   return READ_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1RSTM) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]);
10264 }
10266 /**
10267   * @brief  Reset the fault counter for a fault circuitry
10268   * @rmtoll FLTINR3     FLT1RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter\n
10269   *         FLTINR3     FLT2RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter\n
10270   *         FLTINR3     FLT3RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter\n
10271   *         FLTINR3     FLT4RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter\n
10272   *         FLTINR4     FLT5RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter\n
10273   *         FLTINR4     FLT6RSTM      LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter
10274   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10275   * @param  Fault This parameter can be one of the following values:
10276   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_1
10277   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_2
10278   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_3
10279   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_4
10280   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_5
10281   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_FAULT_6
10282   * @retval None
10283   */
LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Fault)10284 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_FLT_ResetCounter(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Fault)
10285 {
10286   uint32_t iFault = (uint8_t)POSITION_VAL(Fault);
10287   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.FLTINR3) +
10288                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_FLTINR[iFault]));
10289   SET_BIT(*pReg, (uint32_t)(HRTIM_FLTINR3_FLT1CRES) << REG_SHIFT_TAB_FLTxE[iFault]);
10291 }
10293 /**
10294   * @}
10295   */
10297 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_Burst_Mode_management Burst_Mode_management
10298   * @{
10299   */
10301 /**
10302   * @brief  Configure the burst mode controller.
10303   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMOM        LL_HRTIM_BM_Config\n
10304   *         BMCR     BMCLK       LL_HRTIM_BM_Config\n
10305   *         BMCR     BMPRSC      LL_HRTIM_BM_Config
10306   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10307   * @param  Configuration This parameter must be a combination of all the following values:
10308   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_SINGLESHOT or @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_CONTINOUS
10309   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_MASTER or ... or @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_FHRTIM
10310   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1 or ... @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32768
10311   * @retval None
10312   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Configuration)10313 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_Config(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Configuration)
10314 {
10315   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BM_CONFIG_MASK, Configuration);
10316 }
10318 /**
10319   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller operating mode.
10320   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMOM        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetMode
10321   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10322   * @param  Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
10323   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_SINGLESHOT
10324   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_CONTINOUS
10325   * @retval None
10326   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Mode)10327 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Mode)
10328 {
10329   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM, Mode);
10330 }
10332 /**
10333   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller operating mode.
10334   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMOM        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetMode
10335   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10336   * @retval Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
10337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_SINGLESHOT
10338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_MODE_CONTINOUS
10339   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10340 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetMode(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10341 {
10342   return (uint32_t)READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMOM);
10343 }
10345 /**
10346   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller clock source.
10347   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMCLK       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetClockSrc
10348   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10349   * @param  ClockSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
10350   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_MASTER
10351   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_A
10352   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_B
10353   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_C
10354   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_D
10355   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_E
10356   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM16_OC
10357   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM17_OC
10358   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM7_TRGO
10359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_FHRTIM
10360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_F
10361   * @retval None
10362   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetClockSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t ClockSrc)10363 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetClockSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t ClockSrc)
10364 {
10365   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK, ClockSrc);
10366 }
10368 /**
10369   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller clock source.
10370   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMCLK       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetClockSrc
10371   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10372   * @retval ClockSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
10373   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_MASTER
10374   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_A
10375   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_B
10376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_C
10377   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_D
10378   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_E
10379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM16_OC
10380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM17_OC
10381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM7_TRGO
10382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_FHRTIM
10383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_F
10384   * @retval ClockSrc This parameter can be one of the following values:
10385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_MASTER
10386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_A
10387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_B
10388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_C
10389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_D
10390   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIMER_E
10391   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM16_OC
10392   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM17_OC
10393   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_TIM7_TRGO
10394   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_CLKSRC_FHRTIM
10395   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetClockSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10396 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetClockSrc(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10397 {
10398   return (uint32_t)READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMCLK);
10399 }
10401 /**
10402   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller prescaler.
10403   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMPRSC      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPrescaler
10404   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10405   * @param  Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
10406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1
10407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2
10408   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4
10409   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8
10410   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16
10411   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32
10412   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV64
10413   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV128
10414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV256
10415   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV512
10416   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1024
10417   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2048
10418   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4096
10419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8192
10420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16384
10421   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32768
10422   * @retval None
10423   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Prescaler)10424 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Prescaler)
10425 {
10426   MODIFY_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC, Prescaler);
10427 }
10429 /**
10430   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller prescaler setting.
10431   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMPRSC      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPrescaler
10432   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10433   * @retval Prescaler This parameter can be one of the following values:
10434   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1
10435   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2
10436   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4
10437   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8
10438   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16
10439   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32
10440   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV64
10441   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV128
10442   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV256
10443   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV512
10444   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV1024
10445   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV2048
10446   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV4096
10447   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV8192
10448   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV16384
10449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_PRESCALER_DIV32768
10450   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10451 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPrescaler(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10452 {
10453   return (uint32_t)READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMPRSC);
10454 }
10456 /**
10457   * @brief  Enable burst mode compare and period registers preload.
10458   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMPREN      LL_HRTIM_BM_EnablePreload
10459   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10460   * @retval None
10461   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_EnablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10462 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_EnablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10463 {
10465 }
10467 /**
10468   * @brief  Disable burst mode compare and period registers preload.
10469   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMPREN      LL_HRTIM_BM_DisablePreload
10470   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10471   * @retval None
10472   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_DisablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10473 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_DisablePreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10474 {
10476 }
10478 /**
10479   * @brief  Indicate whether burst mode compare and period registers are preloaded.
10480   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMPREN      LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabledPreload
10481   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10482   * @retval State of BMPREN bit in HRTIM_BMCR register (1 or 0).
10483   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabledPreload(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10484 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabledPreload(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10485 {
10486   uint32_t temp; /* MISRAC-2012 compliance */
10487   temp = READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMPREN);
10489   return ((temp == (HRTIM_BMCR_BMPREN)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10490 }
10492 /**
10493   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller trigger
10494   * @rmtoll BMTRGR     SW           LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10495   *         BMTRGR     MSTRST       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10496   *         BMTRGR     MSTREP       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10497   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10498   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10499   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10500   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10501   *         BMTRGR     TARST        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10502   *         BMTRGR     TAREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10503   *         BMTRGR     TACMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10504   *         BMTRGR     TACMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10505   *         BMTRGR     TBRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10506   *         BMTRGR     TBREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10507   *         BMTRGR     TBCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10508   *         BMTRGR     TBCMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10509   *         BMTRGR     TCRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10510   *         BMTRGR     TCREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10511   *         BMTRGR     TCCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10512   *         BMTRGR     TDRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10513   *         BMTRGR     TDREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10514   *         BMTRGR     TDCMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10515   *         BMTRGR     TEREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10516   *         BMTRGR     TECMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10517   *         BMTRGR     TECMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10518   *         BMTRGR     TFREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10519   *         BMTRGR     TFRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10520   *         BMTRGR     TFCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10521   *         BMTRGR     TAEEV7       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10522   *         BMTRGR     TAEEV8       LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10523   *         BMTRGR     EEV7         LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10524   *         BMTRGR     EEV8         LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig\n
10525   *         BMTRGR     OCHIPEV      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig
10526   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10527   * @param  Trig This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
10528   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_NONE
10529   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_RESET
10530   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_REPETITION
10531   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP1
10532   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP2
10533   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP3
10534   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP4
10535   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_RESET
10536   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_REPETITION
10537   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP1
10538   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP2
10539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_RESET
10540   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_REPETITION
10541   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP1
10542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP2
10543   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_RESET
10544   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_REPETITION
10545   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_CMP1
10546   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_RESET
10547   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_REPETITION
10548   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_CMP2
10549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_REPETITION
10550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP1
10551   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP2
10552   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_RESET
10553   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_REPETITION
10554   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_CMP1
10555   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_EVENT7
10556   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_EVENT8
10557   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_7
10558   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_8
10559   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_ONCHIP
10560     * @retval None
10561   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Trig)10562 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Trig)
10563 {
10564   WRITE_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMTRGR, Trig);
10565 }
10567 /**
10568   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller trigger.
10569   * @rmtoll BMTRGR     SW           LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10570   *         BMTRGR     MSTRST       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10571   *         BMTRGR     MSTREP       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10572   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP1      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10573   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP2      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10574   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP3      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10575   *         BMTRGR     MSTCMP4      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10576   *         BMTRGR     TARST        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10577   *         BMTRGR     TAREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10578   *         BMTRGR     TACMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10579   *         BMTRGR     TACMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10580   *         BMTRGR     TBRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10581   *         BMTRGR     TBREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10582   *         BMTRGR     TBCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10583   *         BMTRGR     TBCMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10584   *         BMTRGR     TCRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10585   *         BMTRGR     TCREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10586   *         BMTRGR     TCCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10587   *         BMTRGR     TDRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10588   *         BMTRGR     TDREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10589   *         BMTRGR     TDCMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10590   *         BMTRGR     TEREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10591   *         BMTRGR     TECMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10592   *         BMTRGR     TECMP2       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10593   *         BMTRGR     TFREP        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10594   *         BMTRGR     TFRST        LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10595   *         BMTRGR     TFCMP1       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10596   *         BMTRGR     TAEEV7       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10597   *         BMTRGR     TAEEV8       LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10598   *         BMTRGR     EEV7         LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10599   *         BMTRGR     EEV8         LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig\n
10600   *         BMTRGR     OCHIPEV      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig
10601   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10602   * @retval Trig This parameter can be a combination of the following values:
10603   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_NONE
10604   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_RESET
10605   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_REPETITION
10606   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP1
10607   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP2
10608   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP3
10609   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_MASTER_CMP4
10610   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_RESET
10611   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_REPETITION
10612   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP1
10613   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_CMP2
10614   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_RESET
10615   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_REPETITION
10616   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP1
10617   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMB_CMP2
10618   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_RESET
10619   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_REPETITION
10620   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMC_CMP1
10621   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_RESET
10622   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_REPETITION
10623   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_CMP2
10624   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_REPETITION
10625   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP1
10626   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIME_CMP2
10627   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_RESET
10628   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_REPETITION
10629   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMF_CMP1
10630   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMA_EVENT7
10631   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_TIMD_EVENT8
10632   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_7
10633   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_8
10634   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_TRIG_EVENT_ONCHIP
10635   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10636 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetTrig(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10637 {
10638   return (uint32_t)READ_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMTRGR);
10639 }
10641 /**
10642   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller compare value.
10643   * @rmtoll BMCMPR     BMCMP      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetCompare
10644   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10645   * @param  CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
10646   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
10647   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
10648   * @retval None
10649   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetCompare(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t CompareValue)10650 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetCompare(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t CompareValue)
10651 {
10652   WRITE_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCMPR, CompareValue);
10653 }
10655 /**
10656   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller compare value.
10657   * @rmtoll BMCMPR     BMCMP      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetCompare
10658   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10659   * @retval CompareValue Compare value must be above or equal to 3
10660   *         periods of the fHRTIM clock, that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0,
10661   *         0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
10662   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetCompare(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10663 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetCompare(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10664 {
10665   return (uint32_t)READ_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCMPR);
10666 }
10668 /**
10669   * @brief  Set the burst mode controller period.
10670   * @rmtoll BMPER     BMPER      LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPeriod
10671   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10672   * @param  Period The period value must be above or equal to 3 periods of the fHRTIM clock,
10673   *         that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0, 0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
10674   *         The maximum value is 0x0000 FFDF.
10675   * @retval None
10676   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Period)10677 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_SetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Period)
10678 {
10679   WRITE_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMPER, Period);
10680 }
10682 /**
10683   * @brief  Get actual burst mode controller period.
10684   * @rmtoll BMPER     BMPER      LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPeriod
10685   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10686   * @retval The period value must be above or equal to 3 periods of the fHRTIM clock,
10687   *         that is 0x60 if CKPSC[2:0] = 0, 0x30 if CKPSC[2:0] = 1, 0x18 if CKPSC[2:0] = 2,...
10688   *         The maximum value is 0x0000 FFDF.
10689   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10690 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetPeriod(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10691 {
10692   return (uint32_t)READ_REG(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMPER);
10693 }
10695 /**
10696   * @brief  Enable the burst mode controller
10697   * @rmtoll BMCR     BME      LL_HRTIM_BM_Enable
10698   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10699   * @retval None
10700   */
10702 {
10703   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BME);
10704 }
10706 /**
10707   * @brief  Disable the burst mode controller
10708   * @rmtoll BMCR     BME      LL_HRTIM_BM_Disable
10709   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10710   * @retval None
10711   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_Disable(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10712 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_BM_Disable(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10713 {
10715 }
10717 /**
10718   * @brief  Indicate whether the burst mode controller is enabled.
10719   * @rmtoll BMCR     BME      LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabled
10720   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10721   * @retval State of BME bit in HRTIM_BMCR register (1 or 0).
10722   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10723 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_IsEnabled(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10724 {
10725   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BME) == (HRTIM_BMCR_BME)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10726 }
10728 /**
10729   * @brief  Trigger the burst operation (software trigger)
10730   * @rmtoll BMTRGR     SW           LL_HRTIM_BM_Start
10731   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10732   * @retval None
10733   */
10735 {
10737 }
10739 /**
10740   * @brief  Stop the burst mode operation.
10741   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMSTAT           LL_HRTIM_BM_Stop
10742   * @note Causes a burst mode early termination.
10743   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10744   * @retval None
10745   */
10747 {
10749 }
10751 /**
10752   * @brief  Get actual burst mode status
10753   * @rmtoll BMCR     BMSTAT           LL_HRTIM_BM_GetStatus
10754   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10755   * @retval Status This parameter can be one of the following values:
10756   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_STATUS_NORMAL
10757   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_BM_STATUS_BURST_ONGOING
10758   */
LL_HRTIM_BM_GetStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10759 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_BM_GetStatus(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10760 {
10761   return (READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.BMCR, HRTIM_BMCR_BMSTAT));
10762 }
10764 /**
10765   * @}
10766   */
10768 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_FLAG_Management FLAG_Management
10769   * @{
10770   */
10772 /**
10773   * @brief  Clear the Fault 1 interrupt flag.
10774   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT1C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT1
10775   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10776   * @retval None
10777   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10778 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10779 {
10780   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT1C);
10781 }
10783 /**
10784   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 1 interrupt occurred.
10785   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT1           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT1
10786   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10787   * @retval State of FLT1 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10788   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10789 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10790 {
10791   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT1) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10792 }
10794 /**
10795   * @brief  Clear the Fault 2 interrupt flag.
10796   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT2C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT2
10797   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10798   * @retval None
10799   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10800 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10801 {
10802   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT2C);
10803 }
10805 /**
10806   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 2 interrupt occurred.
10807   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT2           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT2
10808   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10809   * @retval State of FLT2 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10810   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10811 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10812 {
10813   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT2) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10814 }
10816 /**
10817   * @brief  Clear the Fault 3 interrupt flag.
10818   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT3C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT3
10819   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10820   * @retval None
10821   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10822 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10823 {
10824   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT3C);
10825 }
10827 /**
10828   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 3 interrupt occurred.
10829   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT3           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT3
10830   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10831   * @retval State of FLT3 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10832   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10833 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10834 {
10835   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT3) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT3)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10836 }
10838 /**
10839   * @brief  Clear the Fault 4 interrupt flag.
10840   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT4C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT4
10841   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10842   * @retval None
10843   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10844 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10845 {
10846   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT4C);
10847 }
10849 /**
10850   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 4 interrupt occurred.
10851   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT4           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT4
10852   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10853   * @retval State of FLT4 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10854   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10855 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10856 {
10857   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT4) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT4)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10858 }
10860 /**
10861   * @brief  Clear the Fault 5 interrupt flag.
10862   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT5C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT5
10863   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10864   * @retval None
10865   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10866 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10867 {
10868   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT5C);
10869 }
10871 /**
10872   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 5 interrupt occurred.
10873   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT5           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT5
10874   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10875   * @retval State of FLT5 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10876   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10877 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10878 {
10879   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT5) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT5)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10880 }
10882 /**
10883   * @brief  Clear the Fault 6 interrupt flag.
10884   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT6C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT6
10885   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10886   * @retval None
10887   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10888 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10889 {
10890   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ICR, HRTIM_ICR_FLT6C);
10891 }
10893 /**
10894   * @brief  Indicate whether Fault 6 interrupt occurred.
10895   * @rmtoll ICR     FLT6           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT6
10896   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10897   * @retval State of FLT6 bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10898   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10899 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10900 {
10901   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_FLT6) == (HRTIM_ISR_FLT6)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10902 }
10904 /**
10905   * @brief  Clear the System Fault interrupt flag.
10906   * @rmtoll ICR     SYSFLTC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SYSFLT
10907   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10908   * @retval None
10909   */
10911 {
10913 }
10915 /**
10916   * @brief  Indicate whether System Fault interrupt occurred.
10917   * @rmtoll ISR     SYSFLT           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SYSFLT
10918   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10919   * @retval State of SYSFLT bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10920   */
10922 {
10923   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_SYSFLT) == (HRTIM_ISR_SYSFLT)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10924 }
10926 /**
10927   * @brief  Clear the DLL ready interrupt flag.
10928   * @rmtoll ICR     DLLRDYC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_DLLRDY
10929   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10930   * @retval None
10931   */
10933 {
10935 }
10937 /**
10938   * @brief  Indicate whether DLL ready  interrupt occurred.
10939   * @rmtoll ISR     DLLRDY           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_DLLRDY
10940   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10941   * @retval State of DLLRDY bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10942   */
10944 {
10945   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_DLLRDY) == (HRTIM_ISR_DLLRDY)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10946 }
10948 /**
10949   * @brief  Clear the Burst Mode period interrupt flag.
10950   * @rmtoll ICR     BMPERC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_BMPER
10951   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10952   * @retval None
10953   */
10955 {
10957 }
10959 /**
10960   * @brief  Indicate whether Burst Mode period interrupt occurred.
10961   * @rmtoll ISR     BMPER           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_BMPER
10962   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10963   * @retval State of BMPER bit in HRTIM_ISR register (1 or 0).
10964   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_BMPER(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10965 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_BMPER(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10966 {
10967   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.ISR, HRTIM_ISR_BMPER) == (HRTIM_ISR_BMPER)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10968 }
10970 /**
10971   * @brief  Clear the Synchronization Input interrupt flag.
10972   * @rmtoll MICR     SYNCC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SYNC
10973   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10974   * @retval None
10975   */
10977 {
10979 }
10981 /**
10982   * @brief  Indicate whether the Synchronization Input interrupt occurred.
10983   * @rmtoll MISR     SYNC           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SYNC
10984   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10985   * @retval State of SYNC bit in HRTIM_MISR register  (1 or 0).
10986   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SYNC(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)10987 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SYNC(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
10988 {
10989   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR, HRTIM_MISR_SYNC) == (HRTIM_MISR_SYNC)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
10990 }
10992 /**
10993   * @brief  Clear the update interrupt flag for a given timer (including the master timer) .
10994   * @rmtoll MICR        MUPDC          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE\n
10995   *         TIMxICR     UPDC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE
10996   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
10997   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
10998   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
10999   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11000   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11001   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11002   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11003   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11004   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11005   * @retval None
11006   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11007 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11008 {
11009   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11010   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11011                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11012   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MUPD);
11013 }
11015 /**
11016   * @brief  Indicate whether the update interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11017   * @rmtoll MISR        MUPD          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE\n
11018   *         TIMxISR     UPD           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE
11019   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11020   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11021   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11022   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11023   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11024   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11025   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11026   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11027   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11028   * @retval State of MUPD/UPD bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11029   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11030 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11031 {
11032   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11033   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11034                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11036   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MUPD) == (HRTIM_MISR_MUPD)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11037 }
11039 /**
11040   * @brief  Clear the repetition interrupt flag for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11041   * @rmtoll MICR        MREPC          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_REP\n
11042   *         TIMxICR     REPC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_REP
11043   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11044   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11045   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11046   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11047   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11048   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11049   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11050   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11051   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11052   * @retval None
11053   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11054 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11055 {
11056   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11057   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11058                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11059   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MREP);
11061 }
11063 /**
11064   * @brief  Indicate whether the repetition  interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11065   * @rmtoll MISR        MREP          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_REP\n
11066   *         TIMxISR     REP           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_REP
11067   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11068   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11069   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11070   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11071   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11072   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11073   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11074   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11075   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11076   * @retval State of MREP/REP bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11077   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11078 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11079 {
11080   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11081   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11082                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11084   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MREP) == (HRTIM_MISR_MREP)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11085 }
11087 /**
11088   * @brief  Clear the compare 1 match interrupt for a given timer (including the master timer).
11089   * @rmtoll MICR        MCMP1C          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP1\n
11090   *         TIMxICR     CMP1C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP1
11091   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11092   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11093   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11094   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11095   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11096   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11097   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11098   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11099   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11100   * @retval None
11101   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11102 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11103 {
11104   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11105   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11106                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11107   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MCMP1);
11108 }
11110 /**
11111   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare match 1  interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11112   * @rmtoll MISR        MCMP1          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP1\n
11113   *         TIMxISR     CMP1           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP1
11114   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11115   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11116   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11117   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11118   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11119   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11120   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11121   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11122   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11123   * @retval State of MCMP1/CMP1 bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11124   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11125 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11126 {
11127   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11128   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11129                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11131   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MCMP1) == (HRTIM_MISR_MCMP1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11132 }
11134 /**
11135   * @brief  Clear the compare 2 match interrupt for a given timer (including the master timer).
11136   * @rmtoll MICR        MCMP2C          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP2\n
11137   *         TIMxICR     CMP2C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP2
11138   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11139   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11140   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11141   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11142   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11143   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11144   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11145   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11146   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11147   * @retval None
11148   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11149 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11150 {
11151   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11152   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11153                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11154   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MCMP2);
11155 }
11157 /**
11158   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare match 2  interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11159   * @rmtoll MISR        MCMP2          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP2\n
11160   *         TIMxISR     CMP2           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP2
11161   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11162   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11163   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11164   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11165   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11166   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11167   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11168   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11170   * @retval State of MCMP2/CMP2 bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11171   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11172 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11173 {
11174   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11175   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11176                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11178   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MCMP2) == (HRTIM_MISR_MCMP2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11179 }
11181 /**
11182   * @brief  Clear the compare 3 match interrupt for a given timer (including the master timer).
11183   * @rmtoll MICR        MCMP3C          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP3\n
11184   *         TIMxICR     CMP3C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP3
11185   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11186   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11187   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11188   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11189   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11190   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11191   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11194   * @retval None
11195   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11196 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11197 {
11198   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11199   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11200                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11201   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MCMP3);
11202 }
11204 /**
11205   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare match 3  interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11206   * @rmtoll MISR        MCMP3          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP3\n
11207   *         TIMxISR     CMP3           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP3
11208   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11209   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11210   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11211   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11212   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11213   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11214   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11215   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11216   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11217   * @retval State of MCMP3/CMP3 bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11218   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11219 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11220 {
11221   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11222   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11223                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11225   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MCMP3) == (HRTIM_MISR_MCMP3)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11226 }
11228 /**
11229   * @brief  Clear the compare 4 match interrupt for a given timer (including the master timer).
11230   * @rmtoll MICR        MCMP4C          LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP4\n
11231   *         TIMxICR     CMP4C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP4
11232   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11233   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11234   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11235   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11236   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11237   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11238   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11239   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11240   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11241   * @retval None
11242   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11243 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11244 {
11245   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11246   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11247                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11248   SET_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MICR_MCMP4);
11249 }
11251 /**
11252   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare match 4  interrupt has occurred for a given timer (including the master timer) .
11253   * @rmtoll MISR        MCMP4          LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP4\n
11254   *         TIMxISR     CMP4           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP4
11255   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11256   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11257   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11258   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11259   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11260   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11261   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11262   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11263   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11264   * @retval State of MCMP4/CMP4 bit in HRTIM_MISR/HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11265   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11266 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11267 {
11268   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11269   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11270                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11272   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MISR_MCMP4) == (HRTIM_MISR_MCMP4)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11273 }
11275 /**
11276   * @brief  Clear the capture 1 interrupt flag for a given timer.
11277   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     CPT1C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT1
11278   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11279   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11280   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11281   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11282   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11283   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11284   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11285   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11286   * @retval None
11287   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11288 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11289 {
11290   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11291   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11292                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11294 }
11296 /**
11297   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 1 interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11298   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     CPT1           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT1
11299   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11300   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11301   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11302   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11303   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11304   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11305   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11306   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11307   * @retval State of CPT1 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11308   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11309 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11310 {
11311   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11312   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11313                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11315   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT1) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11316 }
11318 /**
11319   * @brief  Clear the capture 2 interrupt flag for a given timer.
11320   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     CPT2C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT2
11321   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11322   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11323   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11324   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11325   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11326   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11327   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11328   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11329   * @retval None
11330   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11331 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11332 {
11333   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11334   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11335                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11337 }
11339 /**
11340   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 2 interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11341   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     CPT2           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT2
11342   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11343   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11344   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11345   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11346   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11347   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11348   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11349   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11350   * @retval State of CPT2 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11351   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11352 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11353 {
11354   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11355   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11356                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11358   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT2) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_CPT2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11359 }
11361 /**
11362   * @brief  Clear the output 1 set interrupt flag for a given timer.
11363   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     SET1C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET1
11364   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11365   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11366   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11367   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11368   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11369   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11370   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11371   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11372   * @retval None
11373   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11374 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11375 {
11376   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11377   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11378                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11380 }
11382 /**
11383   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 set interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11384   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     SET1           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET1
11385   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11386   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11388   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11389   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11390   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11391   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11392   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11393   * @retval State of SETx1 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11394   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11395 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11396 {
11397   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11398   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11399                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11401   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_SET1) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_SET1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11402 }
11404 /**
11405   * @brief  Clear the output 1 reset interrupt flag for a given timer.
11406   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     RST1C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST1
11407   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11408   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11409   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11410   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11411   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11412   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11413   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11414   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11415   * @retval None
11416   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11417 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11418 {
11419   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11420   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11421                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11423 }
11425 /**
11426   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 reset interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11427   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     RST1           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST1
11428   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11429   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11430   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11431   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11432   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11433   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11434   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11435   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11436   * @retval State of RSTx1 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11437   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11438 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11439 {
11440   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11441   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11442                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11444   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_RST1) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_RST1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11445 }
11447 /**
11448   * @brief  Clear the output 2 set interrupt flag for a given timer.
11449   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     SET2C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET2
11450   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11451   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11452   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11453   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11454   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11455   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11456   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11457   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11458   * @retval None
11459   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11460 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11461 {
11462   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11463   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11464                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11466 }
11468 /**
11469   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 set interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11470   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     SET2           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET2
11471   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11472   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11473   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11474   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11475   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11476   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11477   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11478   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11479   * @retval State of SETx2 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11480   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11481 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11482 {
11483   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11484   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11485                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11487   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_SET2) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_SET2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11488 }
11490 /**
11491   * @brief  Clear the output 2reset interrupt flag for a given timer.
11492   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     RST2C           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST2
11493   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11494   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11495   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11496   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11497   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11498   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11499   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11500   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11501   * @retval None
11502   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11503 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11504 {
11505   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11506   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11507                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11509 }
11511 /**
11512   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 reset interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11513   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     RST2           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST2
11514   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11515   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11516   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11517   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11518   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11519   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11520   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11521   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11522   * @retval State of RSTx2 bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11523   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11524 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11525 {
11526   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11527   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11528                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11530   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_RST2) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_RST2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11531 }
11533 /**
11534   * @brief  Clear the reset and/or roll-over interrupt flag for a given timer.
11535   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     RSTC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST
11536   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11537   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11538   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11539   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11540   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11541   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11542   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11543   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11544   * @retval None
11545   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11546 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11547 {
11548   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11549   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11550                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11552 }
11554 /**
11555   * @brief  Indicate whether the  reset and/or roll-over interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11556   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     RST           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST
11557   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11558   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11559   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11560   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11561   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11562   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11563   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11564   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11565   * @retval State of RST bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11566   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11567 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11568 {
11569   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11570   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11571                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11573   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_RST) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_RST)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11574 }
11576 /**
11577   * @brief  Clear the delayed protection interrupt flag for a given timer.
11578   * @rmtoll TIMxICR     DLYPRTC           LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_DLYPRT
11579   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11580   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11581   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11582   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11583   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11584   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11585   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11586   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11587   * @retval None
11588   */
LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11589 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_ClearFlag_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11590 {
11591   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11592   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MICR) +
11593                                                               REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11595 }
11597 /**
11598   * @brief  Indicate whether the  delayed protection interrupt occurred for a given timer.
11599   * @rmtoll TIMxISR     DLYPRT           LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_DLYPRT
11600   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11601   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11602   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11603   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11604   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11605   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11606   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11607   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11608   * @retval State of DLYPRT bit in HRTIM_TIMxISR register (1 or 0).
11609   */
LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11610 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsActiveFlag_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11611 {
11612   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11613   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MISR) +
11614                                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11616   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMISR_DLYPRT) == (HRTIM_TIMISR_DLYPRT)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11617 }
11619 /**
11620   * @}
11621   */
11623 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_IT_Management IT_Management
11624   * @{
11625   */
11627 /**
11628   * @brief  Enable the fault 1 interrupt.
11629   * @rmtoll IER     FLT1IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT1
11630   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11631   * @retval None
11632   */
11634 {
11635   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT1);
11636 }
11638 /**
11639   * @brief  Disable the fault 1 interrupt.
11640   * @rmtoll IER     FLT1IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT1
11641   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11642   * @retval None
11643   */
11645 {
11646   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT1);
11647 }
11649 /**
11650   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 1 interrupt is enabled.
11651   * @rmtoll IER     FLT1IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT1
11652   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11653   * @retval State of FLT1IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11654   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11655 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11656 {
11657   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT1) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT1)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11658 }
11660 /**
11661   * @brief  Enable the fault 2 interrupt.
11662   * @rmtoll IER     FLT2IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT2
11663   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11664   * @retval None
11665   */
11667 {
11668   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT2);
11669 }
11671 /**
11672   * @brief  Disable the fault 2 interrupt.
11673   * @rmtoll IER     FLT2IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT2
11674   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11675   * @retval None
11676   */
11678 {
11679   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT2);
11680 }
11682 /**
11683   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 2 interrupt is enabled.
11684   * @rmtoll IER     FLT2IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT2
11685   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11686   * @retval State of FLT2IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11687   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11688 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11689 {
11690   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT2) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT2)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11691 }
11693 /**
11694   * @brief  Enable the fault 3 interrupt.
11695   * @rmtoll IER     FLT3IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT3
11696   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11697   * @retval None
11698   */
11700 {
11701   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT3);
11702 }
11704 /**
11705   * @brief  Disable the fault 3 interrupt.
11706   * @rmtoll IER     FLT3IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT3
11707   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11708   * @retval None
11709   */
11711 {
11712   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT3);
11713 }
11715 /**
11716   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 3 interrupt is enabled.
11717   * @rmtoll IER     FLT3IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT3
11718   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11719   * @retval State of FLT3IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11720   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11721 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11722 {
11723   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT3) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT3)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11724 }
11726 /**
11727   * @brief  Enable the fault 4 interrupt.
11728   * @rmtoll IER     FLT4IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT4
11729   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11730   * @retval None
11731   */
11733 {
11734   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT4);
11735 }
11737 /**
11738   * @brief  Disable the fault 4 interrupt.
11739   * @rmtoll IER     FLT4IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT4
11740   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11741   * @retval None
11742   */
11744 {
11745   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT4);
11746 }
11748 /**
11749   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 4 interrupt is enabled.
11750   * @rmtoll IER     FLT4IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT4
11751   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11752   * @retval State of FLT4IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11753   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11754 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11755 {
11756   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT4) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT4)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11757 }
11759 /**
11760   * @brief  Enable the fault 5 interrupt.
11761   * @rmtoll IER     FLT5IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT5
11762   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11763   * @retval None
11764   */
11766 {
11767   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT5);
11768 }
11770 /**
11771   * @brief  Disable the fault 5 interrupt.
11772   * @rmtoll IER     FLT5IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT5
11773   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11774   * @retval None
11775   */
11777 {
11778   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT5);
11779 }
11781 /**
11782   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 5 interrupt is enabled.
11783   * @rmtoll IER     FLT5IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT5
11784   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11785   * @retval State of FLT5IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11786   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11787 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT5(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11788 {
11789   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT5) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT5)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11790 }
11792 /**
11793   * @brief  Enable the fault 6 interrupt.
11794   * @rmtoll IER     FLT6IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_FLT6
11795   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11796   * @retval None
11797   */
11799 {
11800   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT6);
11801 }
11803 /**
11804   * @brief  Disable the fault 6 interrupt.
11805   * @rmtoll IER     FLT6IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_FLT6
11806   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11807   * @retval None
11808   */
11810 {
11811   CLEAR_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT6);
11812 }
11814 /**
11815   * @brief  Indicate whether the fault 6 interrupt is enabled.
11816   * @rmtoll IER     FLT6IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT6
11817   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11818   * @retval State of FLT6IE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11819   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx)11820 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_FLT6(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx)
11821 {
11822   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_FLT6) == (HRTIM_IER_FLT6)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11823 }
11825 /**
11826   * @brief  Enable the system fault interrupt.
11827   * @rmtoll IER     SYSFLTIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SYSFLT
11828   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11829   * @retval None
11830   */
11832 {
11834 }
11836 /**
11837   * @brief  Disable the system fault interrupt.
11838   * @rmtoll IER     SYSFLTIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SYSFLT
11839   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11840   * @retval None
11841   */
11843 {
11845 }
11847 /**
11848   * @brief  Indicate whether the system fault interrupt is enabled.
11849   * @rmtoll IER     SYSFLTIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SYSFLT
11850   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11851   * @retval State of SYSFLTIE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11852   */
11854 {
11855   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_SYSFLT) == (HRTIM_IER_SYSFLT)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11856 }
11858 /**
11859   * @brief  Enable the DLL ready interrupt.
11860   * @rmtoll IER     DLLRDYIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_DLLRDY
11861   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11862   * @retval None
11863   */
11865 {
11867 }
11869 /**
11870   * @brief  Disable the DLL ready interrupt.
11871   * @rmtoll IER     DLLRDYIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_DLLRDY
11872   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11873   * @retval None
11874   */
11876 {
11878 }
11880 /**
11881   * @brief  Indicate whether the DLL ready interrupt is enabled.
11882   * @rmtoll IER     DLLRDYIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_DLLRDY
11883   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11884   * @retval State of DLLRDYIE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11885   */
11887 {
11888   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_DLLRDY) == (HRTIM_IER_DLLRDY)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11889 }
11891 /**
11892   * @brief  Enable the burst mode period interrupt.
11893   * @rmtoll IER     BMPERIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_BMPER
11894   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11895   * @retval None
11896   */
11898 {
11899   SET_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_BMPER);
11900 }
11902 /**
11903   * @brief  Disable the burst mode period interrupt.
11904   * @rmtoll IER     BMPERIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_BMPER
11905   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11906   * @retval None
11907   */
11909 {
11911 }
11913 /**
11914   * @brief  Indicate whether the burst mode period interrupt is enabled.
11915   * @rmtoll IER     BMPERIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_BMPER
11916   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11917   * @retval State of BMPERIE bit in HRTIM_IER register (1 or 0).
11918   */
11920 {
11921   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sCommonRegs.IER, HRTIM_IER_BMPER) == (HRTIM_IER_BMPER)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11922 }
11924 /**
11925   * @brief  Enable the synchronization input interrupt.
11926   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SYNC
11927   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11928   * @retval None
11929   */
11931 {
11933 }
11935 /**
11936   * @brief  Disable the synchronization input interrupt.
11937   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SYNC
11938   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11939   * @retval None
11940   */
11942 {
11944 }
11946 /**
11947   * @brief  Indicate whether the synchronization input interrupt is enabled.
11948   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SYNC
11949   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11950   * @retval State of SYNCIE bit in HRTIM_MDIER register (1 or 0).
11951   */
11953 {
11954   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER, HRTIM_MDIER_SYNCIE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_SYNCIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
11955 }
11957 /**
11958   * @brief  Enable the update interrupt for a given timer.
11959   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_UPDATE\n
11960   *         TIMxDIER     UPDIE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_UPDATE
11961   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11962   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11963   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11964   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11966   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11967   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11968   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11969   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11970   * @retval None
11971   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11972 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11973 {
11974   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11975   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
11976                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
11978 }
11980 /**
11981   * @brief  Disable the update interrupt for a given timer.
11982   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_UPDATE\n
11983   *         TIMxDIER     UPDIE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_UPDATE
11984   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
11985   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
11986   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
11987   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
11988   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
11989   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
11990   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
11991   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
11992   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
11993   * @retval None
11994   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)11995 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
11996 {
11997   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
11998   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
11999                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12001 }
12003 /**
12004   * @brief  Indicate whether the update interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12005   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_UPDATE\n
12006   *         TIMxDIER     UPDIE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_UPDATE
12007   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12008   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12009   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12010   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12011   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12012   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12013   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12014   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12015   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12016   * @retval State of MUPDIE/UPDIE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12017   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12018 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12019 {
12020   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12021   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12022                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12024   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MUPDIE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MUPDIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12025 }
12027 /**
12028   * @brief  Enable the repetition interrupt for a given timer.
12029   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPIE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_REP\n
12030   *         TIMxDIER     REPIE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_REP
12031   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12032   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12034   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12035   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12036   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12037   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12038   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12039   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12040   * @retval None
12041   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12042 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12043 {
12044   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12045   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12046                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12048 }
12050 /**
12051   * @brief  Disable the repetition interrupt for a given timer.
12052   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPIE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_REP\n
12053   *         TIMxDIER     REPIE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_REP
12054   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12055   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12056   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12057   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12058   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12059   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12060   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12061   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12062   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12063   * @retval None
12064   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12065 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12066 {
12067   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12068   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12069                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12071 }
12073 /**
12074   * @brief  Indicate whether the repetition interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12075   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPIE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_REP\n
12076   *         TIMxDIER     REPIE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_REP
12077   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12078   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12082   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12083   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12084   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12085   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12086   * @retval State of MREPIE/REPIE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12087   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12088 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12089 {
12090   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12091   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12092                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12094   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MREPIE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MREPIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12095 }
12097 /**
12098   * @brief  Enable the compare 1 interrupt for a given timer.
12099   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP1\n
12100   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP1
12101   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12102   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12106   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12107   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12108   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12109   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12110   * @retval None
12111   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12112 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12113 {
12114   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12115   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12116                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12118 }
12120 /**
12121   * @brief  Disable the compare 1 interrupt for a given timer.
12122   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP1\n
12123   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP1
12124   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12125   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12126   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12127   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12128   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12129   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12130   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12131   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12132   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12133   * @retval None
12134   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12135 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12136 {
12137   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12138   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12139                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12141 }
12143 /**
12144   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 1 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12145   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP1\n
12146   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP1
12147   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12148   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12153   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12154   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12155   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12156   * @retval State of MCMP1IE/CMP1IE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12157   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12158 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12159 {
12160   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12161   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12162                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12164   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP1IE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP1IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12165 }
12167 /**
12168   * @brief  Enable the compare 2 interrupt for a given timer.
12169   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP2\n
12170   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP2
12171   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12172   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12175   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12176   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12177   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12178   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12179   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12180   * @retval None
12181   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12182 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12183 {
12184   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12185   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12186                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12188 }
12190 /**
12191   * @brief  Disable the compare 2 interrupt for a given timer.
12192   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP2\n
12193   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP2
12194   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12195   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12198   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12199   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12200   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12201   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12202   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12203   * @retval None
12204   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12205 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12206 {
12207   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12208   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12209                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12211 }
12213 /**
12214   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 2 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12215   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP2\n
12216   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP2
12217   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12218   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12223   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12224   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12225   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12226   * @retval State of MCMP2IE/CMP2IE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12227   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12228 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12229 {
12230   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12231   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12232                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12234   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP2IE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP2IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12235 }
12237 /**
12238   * @brief  Enable the compare 3 interrupt for a given timer.
12239   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP3\n
12240   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP3
12241   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12242   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12243   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12244   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12245   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12246   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12247   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12248   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12249   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12250   * @retval None
12251   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12252 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12253 {
12254   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12255   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12256                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12258 }
12260 /**
12261   * @brief  Disable the compare 3 interrupt for a given timer.
12262   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP3\n
12263   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP3
12264   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12265   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12266   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12267   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12268   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12269   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12270   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12271   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12272   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12273   * @retval None
12274   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12275 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12276 {
12277   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12278   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12279                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12281 }
12283 /**
12284   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 3 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12285   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP3\n
12286   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP3
12287   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12288   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12289   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12290   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12293   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12294   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12295   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12296   * @retval State of MCMP3IE/CMP3IE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12297   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12298 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12299 {
12300   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12301   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12302                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12304   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP3IE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP3IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12305 }
12307 /**
12308   * @brief  Enable the compare 4 interrupt for a given timer.
12309   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4IE           LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP4\n
12310   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP4
12311   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12312   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12313   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12314   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12315   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12316   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12317   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12318   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12319   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12320   * @retval None
12321   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12322 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12323 {
12324   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12325   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12326                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12328 }
12330 /**
12331   * @brief  Disable the compare 4 interrupt for a given timer.
12332   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4IE           LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP4\n
12333   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP4
12334   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12335   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12339   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12340   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12341   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12342   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12343   * @retval None
12344   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12345 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12346 {
12347   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12348   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12349                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12351 }
12353 /**
12354   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 4 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12355   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4IE           LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP4\n
12356   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP4
12357   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12358   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12361   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12362   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12363   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12364   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12365   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12366   * @retval State of MCMP4IE/CMP4IE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12367   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12368 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12369 {
12370   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12371   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12372                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12374   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP4IE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP4IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12375 }
12377 /**
12378   * @brief  Enable the capture 1 interrupt for a given timer.
12379   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT1
12380   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12381   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12382   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12383   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12384   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12385   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12386   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12387   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12388   * @retval None
12389   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12390 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12391 {
12392   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12393   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12394                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12396 }
12398 /**
12399   * @brief  Enable the capture 1 interrupt for a given timer.
12400   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT1
12401   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12402   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12403   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12404   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12405   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12406   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12407   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12408   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12409   * @retval None
12410   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12411 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12412 {
12413   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12414   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12415                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12417 }
12419 /**
12420   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 1 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12421   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT1
12422   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12423   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12425   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12426   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12427   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12428   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12429   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12430   * @retval State of CPT1IE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12431   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12432 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12433 {
12434   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12435   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12436                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12438   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT1IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT1IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12439 }
12441 /**
12442   * @brief  Enable the capture 2 interrupt for a given timer.
12443   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT2
12444   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12445   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12446   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12447   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12448   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12449   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12450   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12451   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12452   * @retval None
12453   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12454 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12455 {
12456   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12457   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12458                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12460 }
12462 /**
12463   * @brief  Enable the capture 2 interrupt for a given timer.
12464   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT2
12465   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12466   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12467   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12468   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12469   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12470   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12471   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12472   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12473   * @retval None
12474   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12475 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12476 {
12477   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12478   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12479                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12481 }
12483 /**
12484   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 2 interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12485   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT2
12486   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12487   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12488   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12489   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12490   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12491   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12492   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12493   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12494   * @retval State of CPT2IE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12495   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12496 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12497 {
12498   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12499   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12500                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12502   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT2IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT2IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12503 }
12505 /**
12506   * @brief  Enable the output 1 set interrupt for a given timer.
12507   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET1
12508   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12509   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12510   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12511   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12512   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12513   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12514   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12515   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12516   * @retval None
12517   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12518 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12519 {
12520   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12521   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12522                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12524 }
12526 /**
12527   * @brief  Disable the output 1 set interrupt for a given timer.
12528   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET1
12529   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12530   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12531   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12532   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12533   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12534   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12535   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12536   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12537   * @retval None
12538   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12539 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12540 {
12541   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12542   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12543                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12545 }
12547 /**
12548   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 set interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12549   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET1
12550   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12551   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12552   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12553   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12554   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12555   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12556   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12557   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12558   * @retval State of SET1xIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12559   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12560 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12561 {
12562   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12563   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12564                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12566   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET1IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET1IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12567 }
12569 /**
12570   * @brief  Enable the output 1 reset interrupt for a given timer.
12571   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST1
12572   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12573   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12574   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12575   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12576   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12577   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12578   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12579   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12580   * @retval None
12581   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12582 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12583 {
12584   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12585   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12586                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12588 }
12590 /**
12591   * @brief  Disable the output 1 reset interrupt for a given timer.
12592   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST1
12593   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12594   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12595   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12596   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12597   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12598   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12599   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12600   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12601   * @retval None
12602   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12603 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12604 {
12605   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12606   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12607                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12609 }
12611 /**
12612   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 reset interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12613   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST1
12614   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12615   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12616   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12617   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12618   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12619   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12620   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12621   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12622   * @retval State of RST1xIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12623   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12624 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12625 {
12626   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12627   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12628                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12630   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST1IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST1IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12631 }
12633 /**
12634   * @brief  Enable the output 2 set interrupt for a given timer.
12635   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET2
12636   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12637   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12638   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12639   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12640   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12641   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12642   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12643   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12644   * @retval None
12645   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12646 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12647 {
12648   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12649   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12650                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12652 }
12654 /**
12655   * @brief  Disable the output 2 set interrupt for a given timer.
12656   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET2
12657   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12658   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12659   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12660   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12661   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12662   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12663   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12664   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12665   * @retval None
12666   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12667 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12668 {
12669   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12670   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12671                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12673 }
12675 /**
12676   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 set interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12677   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2IE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET2
12678   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12679   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12681   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12682   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12683   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12684   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12685   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12686   * @retval State of SET2xIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12687   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12688 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12689 {
12690   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12691   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12692                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12694   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET2IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET2IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12695 }
12697 /**
12698   * @brief  Enable the output 2 reset interrupt for a given timer.
12699   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2IE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST2
12700   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12701   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12702   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12703   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12704   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12705   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12706   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12707   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12708   * @retval None
12709   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12710 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12711 {
12712   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12713   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12714                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12716 }
12718 /**
12719   * @brief  Disable the output 2 reset interrupt for a given timer.
12720   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST2
12721   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12722   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12723   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12724   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12725   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12726   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12727   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12728   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12729   * @retval None
12730   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12731 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12732 {
12733   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12734   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12735                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12737 }
12739 /**
12740   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 reset LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST2 is enabled for a given timer.
12741   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2IE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST2
12742   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12743   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12744   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12745   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12746   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12747   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12748   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12749   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12750   * @retval State of RST2xIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12751   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12752 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12753 {
12754   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12755   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12756                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12758   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST2IE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST2IE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12759 }
12761 /**
12762   * @brief  Enable the reset/roll-over interrupt for a given timer.
12763   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTIE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST
12764   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12765   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12766   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12767   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12768   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12769   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12770   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12771   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12772   * @retval None
12773   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12774 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12775 {
12776   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12777   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12778                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12780 }
12782 /**
12783   * @brief  Disable the reset/roll-over interrupt for a given timer.
12784   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTIE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST
12785   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12786   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12787   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12788   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12789   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12790   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12791   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12792   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12793   * @retval None
12794   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12795 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12796 {
12797   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12798   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12799                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12801 }
12803 /**
12804   * @brief  Indicate whether the reset/roll-over interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12805   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTIE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST
12806   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12807   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12809   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12810   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12811   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12812   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12813   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12814   * @retval State of RSTIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12815   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12816 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12817 {
12818   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12819   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12820                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12822   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RSTIE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RSTIE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12823 }
12825 /**
12826   * @brief  Enable the delayed protection interrupt for a given timer.
12827   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTIE            LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_DLYPRT
12828   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12829   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12830   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12831   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12832   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12833   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12834   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12835   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12836   * @retval None
12837   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12838 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12839 {
12840   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12841   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12842                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12844 }
12846 /**
12847   * @brief  Disable the delayed protection interrupt for a given timer.
12848   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTIE            LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_DLYPRT
12849   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12850   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12851   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12852   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12853   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12854   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12855   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12856   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12857   * @retval None
12858   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12859 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12860 {
12861   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12862   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12863                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12865 }
12867 /**
12868   * @brief  Indicate whether the delayed protection interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
12869   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTIE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_DLYPRT
12870   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12871   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12872   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12873   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12874   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12875   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12876   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12877   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12878   * @retval State of DLYPRTIE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12879   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12880 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledIT_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12881 {
12882   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12883   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12884                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12887 }
12889 /**
12890   * @}
12891   */
12893 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_EF_DMA_Management DMA_Management
12894   * @{
12895   */
12897 /**
12898   * @brief  Enable the synchronization input DMA request.
12899   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCDE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SYNC
12900   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12901   * @retval None
12902   */
12904 {
12906 }
12908 /**
12909   * @brief  Disable the synchronization input DMA request
12910   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCDE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SYNC
12911   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12912   * @retval None
12913   */
12915 {
12917 }
12919 /**
12920   * @brief  Indicate whether the synchronization input DMA request is enabled.
12921   * @rmtoll MDIER     SYNCDE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SYNC
12922   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12923   * @retval State of SYNCDE bit in HRTIM_MDIER register (1 or 0).
12924   */
12926 {
12927   return ((READ_BIT(HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER, HRTIM_MDIER_SYNCDE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_SYNCDE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12928 }
12930 /**
12931   * @brief  Enable the update DMA request for a given timer.
12932   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDDE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_UPDATE\n
12933   *         TIMxDIER     UPDDE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_UPDATE
12934   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12935   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12936   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12937   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12938   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12939   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12940   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12941   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12942   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12943   * @retval None
12944   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12945 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12946 {
12947   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12948   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12949                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12951 }
12953 /**
12954   * @brief  Disable the update DMA request for a given timer.
12955   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDDE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_UPDATE\n
12956   *         TIMxDIER     UPDDE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_UPDATE
12957   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12958   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12959   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12960   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12961   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12962   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12963   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12964   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12965   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12966   * @retval None
12967   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12968 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12969 {
12970   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12971   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12972                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12974 }
12976 /**
12977   * @brief  Indicate whether the update DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
12978   * @rmtoll MDIER        MUPDDE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_UPDATE\n
12979   *         TIMxDIER     UPDDE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_UPDATE
12980   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
12981   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
12982   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
12983   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
12984   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
12985   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
12986   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
12987   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
12988   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
12989   * @retval State of MUPDDE/UPDDE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
12990   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)12991 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_UPDATE(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
12992 {
12993   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
12994   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
12995                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
12997   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MUPDDE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MUPDDE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
12998 }
13000 /**
13001   * @brief  Enable the repetition DMA request for a given timer.
13002   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPDE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_REP\n
13003   *         TIMxDIER     REPDE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_REP
13004   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13005   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13006   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13007   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13008   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13009   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13010   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13011   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13012   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13013   * @retval None
13014   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13015 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13016 {
13017   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13018   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13019                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13021 }
13023 /**
13024   * @brief  Disable the repetition DMA request for a given timer.
13025   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPDE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_REP\n
13026   *         TIMxDIER     REPDE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_REP
13027   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13028   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13029   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13030   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13031   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13032   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13033   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13034   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13035   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13036   * @retval None
13037   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13038 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13039 {
13040   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13041   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13042                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13044 }
13046 /**
13047   * @brief  Indicate whether the repetition DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13048   * @rmtoll MDIER        MREPDE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_REP\n
13049   *         TIMxDIER     REPDE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_REP
13050   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13051   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13052   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13053   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13054   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13055   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13056   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13057   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13058   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13059   * @retval State of MREPDE/REPDE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13060   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13061 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_REP(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13062 {
13063   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13064   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13065                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13067   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MREPDE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MREPDE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13068 }
13070 /**
13071   * @brief  Enable the compare 1 DMA request for a given timer.
13072   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1DE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP1\n
13073   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP1
13074   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13075   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13076   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13077   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13078   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13079   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13080   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13081   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13082   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13083   * @retval None
13084   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13085 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13086 {
13087   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13088   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13089                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13091 }
13093 /**
13094   * @brief  Disable the compare 1 DMA request for a given timer.
13095   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1DE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP1\n
13096   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP1
13097   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13098   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13099   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13100   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13101   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13102   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13103   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13104   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13105   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13106   * @retval None
13107   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13108 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13109 {
13110   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13111   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13112                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13114 }
13116 /**
13117   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 1 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13118   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP1DE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP1\n
13119   *         TIMxDIER     CMP1DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP1
13120   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13121   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13122   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13123   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13124   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13125   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13126   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13127   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13128   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13129   * @retval State of MCMP1DE/CMP1DE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13130   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13131 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13132 {
13133   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13134   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13135                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13137   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP1DE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP1DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13138 }
13140 /**
13141   * @brief  Enable the compare 2 DMA request for a given timer.
13142   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2DE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP2\n
13143   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP2
13144   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13145   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13146   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13147   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13148   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13149   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13150   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13151   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13152   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13153   * @retval None
13154   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13155 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13156 {
13157   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13158   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13159                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13161 }
13163 /**
13164   * @brief  Disable the compare 2 DMA request for a given timer.
13165   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2DE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP2\n
13166   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP2
13167   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13168   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13169   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13170   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13171   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13172   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13173   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13174   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13175   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13176   * @retval None
13177   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13178 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13179 {
13180   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13181   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13182                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13184 }
13186 /**
13187   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 2 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13188   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP2DE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP2\n
13189   *         TIMxDIER     CMP2DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP2
13190   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13191   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13192   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13193   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13194   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13195   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13196   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13197   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13198   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13199   * @retval State of MCMP2DE/CMP2DE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13200   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13201 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13202 {
13203   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13204   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13205                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13207   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP2DE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP2DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13208 }
13210 /**
13211   * @brief  Enable the compare 3 DMA request for a given timer.
13212   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3DE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP3\n
13213   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP3
13214   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13215   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13216   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13217   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13218   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13219   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13220   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13221   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13222   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13223   * @retval None
13224   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13225 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13226 {
13227   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13228   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13229                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13231 }
13233 /**
13234   * @brief  Disable the compare 3 DMA request for a given timer.
13235   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3DE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP3\n
13236   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP3
13237   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13238   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13239   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13240   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13241   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13242   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13243   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13244   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13245   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13246   * @retval None
13247   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13248 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13249 {
13250   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13251   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13252                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13254 }
13256 /**
13257   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 3 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13258   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP3DE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP3\n
13259   *         TIMxDIER     CMP3DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP3
13260   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13261   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13262   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13263   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13264   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13265   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13266   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13267   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13268   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13269   * @retval State of MCMP3DE/CMP3DE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13270   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13271 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP3(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13272 {
13273   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13274   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13275                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13277   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP3DE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP3DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13278 }
13280 /**
13281   * @brief  Enable the compare 4 DMA request for a given timer.
13282   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4DE            LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP4\n
13283   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP4
13284   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13285   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13286   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13287   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13288   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13289   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13290   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13291   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13292   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13293   * @retval None
13294   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13295 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13296 {
13297   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13298   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13299                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13301 }
13303 /**
13304   * @brief  Disable the compare 4 DMA request for a given timer.
13305   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4DE            LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP4\n
13306   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP4
13307   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13308   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13309   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13310   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13311   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13312   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13313   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13314   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13315   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13316   * @retval None
13317   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13318 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13319 {
13320   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13321   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13322                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13324 }
13326 /**
13327   * @brief  Indicate whether the compare 4 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13328   * @rmtoll MDIER        MCMP4DE            LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP4\n
13329   *         TIMxDIER     CMP4DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP4
13330   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13331   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13332   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_MASTER
13333   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13334   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13335   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13336   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13337   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13338   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13339   * @retval State of MCMP4DE/CMP4DE bit in HRTIM_MDIER/HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13340   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13341 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CMP4(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13342 {
13343   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13344   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13345                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13347   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP4DE) == (HRTIM_MDIER_MCMP4DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13348 }
13350 /**
13351   * @brief  Enable the capture 1 DMA request for a given timer.
13352   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT1
13353   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13354   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13355   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13356   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13357   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13358   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13359   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13360   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13361   * @retval None
13362   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13363 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13364 {
13365   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13366   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13367                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13369 }
13371 /**
13372   * @brief  Disable the capture 1 DMA request for a given timer.
13373   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT1
13374   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13375   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13376   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13377   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13378   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13379   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13380   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13381   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13382   * @retval None
13383   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13384 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13385 {
13386   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13387   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13388                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13390 }
13392 /**
13393   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 1 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13394   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT1DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT1
13395   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13396   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13397   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13398   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13399   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13400   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13401   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13402   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13403   * @retval State of CPT1DE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13404   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13405 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13406 {
13407   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13408   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13409                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13411   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT1DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT1DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13412 }
13414 /**
13415   * @brief  Enable the capture 2 DMA request for a given timer.
13416   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT2
13417   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13418   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13419   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13420   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13421   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13422   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13423   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13424   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13425   * @retval None
13426   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13427 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13428 {
13429   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13430   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13431                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13433 }
13435 /**
13436   * @brief  Disable the capture 2 DMA request for a given timer.
13437   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT2
13438   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13439   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13440   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13441   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13442   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13443   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13444   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13445   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13446   * @retval None
13447   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13448 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13449 {
13450   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13451   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13452                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13454 }
13456 /**
13457   * @brief  Indicate whether the capture 2 DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13458   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     CPT2DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT2
13459   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13460   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13461   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13462   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13463   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13464   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13465   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13466   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13467   * @retval State of CPT2DE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13468   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13469 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_CPT2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13470 {
13471   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13472   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13473                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13475   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT2DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_CPT2DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13476 }
13478 /**
13479   * @brief  Enable the output 1 set  DMA request for a given timer.
13480   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET1
13481   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13482   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13483   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13484   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13485   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13486   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13487   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13488   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13489   * @retval None
13490   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13491 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13492 {
13493   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13494   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13495                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13497 }
13499 /**
13500   * @brief  Disable the output 1 set  DMA request for a given timer.
13501   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET1
13502   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13503   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13504   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13505   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13506   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13507   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13508   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13509   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13510   * @retval None
13511   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13512 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13513 {
13514   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13515   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13516                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13518 }
13520 /**
13521   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 set  DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13522   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET1DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET1
13523   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13524   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13525   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13526   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13527   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13528   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13529   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13530   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13531   * @retval State of SET1xDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13532   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13533 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13534 {
13535   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13536   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13537                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13539   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET1DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET1DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13540 }
13542 /**
13543   * @brief  Enable the output 1 reset  DMA request for a given timer.
13544   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST1
13545   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13546   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13547   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13548   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13549   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13550   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13551   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13552   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13553   * @retval None
13554   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13555 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13556 {
13557   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13558   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13559                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13561 }
13563 /**
13564   * @brief  Disable the output 1 reset  DMA request for a given timer.
13565   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST1
13566   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13567   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13568   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13569   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13570   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13571   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13572   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13573   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13574   * @retval None
13575   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13576 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13577 {
13578   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13579   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13580                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13582 }
13584 /**
13585   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 1 reset interrupt is enabled for a given timer.
13586   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST1DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST1
13587   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13588   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13589   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13590   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13591   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13592   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13593   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13594   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13595   * @retval State of RST1xDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13596   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13597 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST1(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13598 {
13599   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13600   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13601                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13603   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST1DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST1DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13604 }
13606 /**
13607   * @brief  Enable the output 2 set  DMA request for a given timer.
13608   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET2
13609   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13610   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13611   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13612   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13613   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13614   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13615   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13616   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13617   * @retval None
13618   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13619 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13620 {
13621   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13622   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13623                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13625 }
13627 /**
13628   * @brief  Disable the output 2 set  DMA request for a given timer.
13629   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET2
13630   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13631   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13632   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13633   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13634   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13635   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13636   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13637   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13638   * @retval None
13639   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13640 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13641 {
13642   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13643   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13644                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13646 }
13648 /**
13649   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 set  DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13650   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     SET2DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET2
13651   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13652   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13653   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13654   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13655   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13656   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13657   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13658   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13659   * @retval State of SET2xDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13660   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13661 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_SET2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13662 {
13663   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13664   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13665                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13667   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET2DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_SET2DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13668 }
13670 /**
13671   * @brief  Enable the output 2 reset  DMA request for a given timer.
13672   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2DE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST2
13673   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13674   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13675   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13676   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13677   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13678   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13679   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13680   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13681   * @retval None
13682   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13683 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13684 {
13685   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13686   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13687                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13689 }
13691 /**
13692   * @brief  Disable the output 2 reset  DMA request for a given timer.
13693   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2DE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST2
13694   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13695   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13696   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13697   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13698   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13699   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13700   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13701   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13702   * @retval None
13703   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13704 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13705 {
13706   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13707   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13708                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13710 }
13712 /**
13713   * @brief  Indicate whether the output 2 reset  DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13714   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RST2DE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST2
13715   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13716   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13717   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13718   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13719   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13720   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13721   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13722   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13723   * @retval State of RST2xDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13724   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13725 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST2(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13726 {
13727   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13728   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13729                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13731   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST2DE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RST2DE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13732 }
13734 /**
13735   * @brief  Enable the reset/roll-over DMA request for a given timer.
13736   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTDE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST
13737   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13738   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13739   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13740   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13741   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13742   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13743   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13744   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13745   * @retval None
13746   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13747 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13748 {
13749   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13750   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13751                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13753 }
13755 /**
13756   * @brief  Disable the reset/roll-over DMA request for a given timer.
13757   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTDE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST
13758   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13759   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13760   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13761   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13762   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13763   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13764   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13765   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13766   * @retval None
13767   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13768 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13769 {
13770   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13771   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13772                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13774 }
13776 /**
13777   * @brief  Indicate whether the reset/roll-over DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13778   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     RSTDE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST
13779   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13780   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13781   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13782   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13783   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13784   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13785   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13786   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13787   * @retval State of RSTDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13788   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13789 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_RST(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13790 {
13791   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13792   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13793                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13795   return ((READ_BIT(*pReg, HRTIM_TIMDIER_RSTDE) == (HRTIM_TIMDIER_RSTDE)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
13796 }
13798 /**
13799   * @brief  Enable the delayed protection DMA request for a given timer.
13800   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTDE             LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_DLYPRT
13801   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13802   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13803   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13804   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13805   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13806   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13807   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13808   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13809   * @retval None
13810   */
LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13811 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_EnableDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13812 {
13813   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13814   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13815                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13817 }
13819 /**
13820   * @brief  Disable the delayed protection DMA request for a given timer.
13821   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTDE             LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_DLYPRT
13822   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13823   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13824   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13825   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13826   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13827   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13828   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13829   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13830   * @retval None
13831   */
LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13832 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_HRTIM_DisableDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13833 {
13834   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13835   __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13836                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13838 }
13840 /**
13841   * @brief  Indicate whether the delayed protection DMA request is enabled for a given timer.
13842   * @rmtoll TIMxDIER     DLYPRTDE             LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_DLYPRT
13843   * @param  HRTIMx High Resolution Timer instance
13844   * @param  Timer This parameter can be one of the following values:
13845   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_A
13846   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_B
13847   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_C
13848   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_D
13849   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_E
13850   *         @arg @ref LL_HRTIM_TIMER_F
13851   * @retval State of DLYPRTDE bit in HRTIM_TIMxDIER register (1 or 0).
13852   */
LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef * HRTIMx,uint32_t Timer)13853 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_HRTIM_IsEnabledDMAReq_DLYPRT(HRTIM_TypeDef *HRTIMx, uint32_t Timer)
13854 {
13855   uint32_t iTimer = (uint8_t)(POSITION_VAL(Timer) - HRTIM_MCR_MCEN_Pos);
13856   const __IO uint32_t *pReg = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)((uint32_t)(&HRTIMx->sMasterRegs.MDIER) +
13857                                                     REG_OFFSET_TAB_TIMER[iTimer]));
13860 }
13862 /**
13863   * @}
13864   */
13866 #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
13867 /** @defgroup HRTIM_LL_LL_EF_Init In-initialization and de-initialization functions
13868   * @{
13869   */
13870 ErrorStatus LL_HRTIM_DeInit(HRTIM_TypeDef* HRTIMx);
13871 /**
13872   * @}
13873   */
13874 #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
13876 /**
13877   * @}
13878   */
13880 /**
13881   * @}
13882   */
13884 #endif /* HRTIM1 */
13886 /**
13887   * @}
13888   */
13890 #ifdef __cplusplus
13891 }
13892 #endif
13894 #endif /* STM32G4xx_LL_HRTIM_H */