1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32g0xx_ll_comp.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   Header file of COMP LL module.
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.
11   *
12   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
13   * in the root directory of this software component.
14   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
15   *
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef STM32G0xx_LL_COMP_H
21 #define STM32G0xx_LL_COMP_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "stm32g0xx.h"
30 /** @addtogroup STM32G0xx_LL_Driver
31   * @{
32   */
34 #if defined (COMP1) || defined (COMP2)
36 /** @defgroup COMP_LL COMP
37   * @{
38   */
40 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
42 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Private_Constants COMP Private Constants
44   * @{
45   */
47 /* Internal mask for pair of comparators instances window mode:               */
48 /* To select into literals LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMPx_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON         */
49 /* the relevant bits for:                                                     */
50 /* (concatenation of multiple bits used in different registers)               */
51 /* - Comparator instance selected as master for window mode : register offset */
52 /* - Window mode enable or disable: bit value */
53 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_ODD_REGOFFSET_MASK  (0x00000000UL) /* Register of COMP instance odd (COMP1_CSR, ...) defined as reference register */
54 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK (0x00000001UL) /* Register of COMP instance even (COMP2_CSR, ...) offset vs register of COMP instance odd */
61 /* COMP registers bits positions */
65 /**
66   * @}
67   */
69 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
70 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Private_Macros COMP Private Macros
71   * @{
72   */
74 /**
75   * @brief  Driver macro reserved for internal use: set a pointer to
76   *         a register from a register basis from which an offset
77   *         is applied.
78   * @param  __REG__ Register basis from which the offset is applied.
79   * @param  __REG_OFFFSET__ Offset to be applied (unit: number of registers).
80   * @retval Pointer to register address
81   */
82 #define __COMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(__REG__, __REG_OFFFSET__)                        \
83   ((__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t) ((uint32_t)(&(__REG__)) + ((__REG_OFFFSET__) << 2UL))))
85 /**
86   * @}
87   */
89 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
90 #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
91 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_ES_INIT COMP Exported Init structure
92   * @{
93   */
95 /**
96   * @brief  Structure definition of some features of COMP instance.
97   */
98 typedef struct
99 {
100   uint32_t PowerMode;                   /*!< Set comparator operating mode to adjust power and speed.
101                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE
103                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetPowerMode(). */
105   uint32_t InputPlus;                   /*!< Set comparator input plus (non-inverting input).
106                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_PLUS
108                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputPlus(). */
110   uint32_t InputMinus;                  /*!< Set comparator input minus (inverting input).
111                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_MINUS
113                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputMinus(). */
115   uint32_t InputHysteresis;             /*!< Set comparator hysteresis mode of the input minus.
116                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_HYSTERESIS
118                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetInputHysteresis(). */
120   uint32_t OutputPolarity;              /*!< Set comparator output polarity.
121                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_POLARITY
123                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity(). */
125   uint32_t OutputBlankingSource;        /*!< Set comparator blanking source.
126                                              This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_BLANKING_SOURCE
128                                              This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_COMP_SetOutputBlankingSource(). */
130 } LL_COMP_InitTypeDef;
132 /**
133   * @}
134   */
135 #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
137 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
138 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Constants COMP Exported Constants
139   * @{
140   */
142 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_COMMON_WINDOWMODE Comparator common modes - Window mode
143   * @{
144   */
145 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_DISABLE                 (0x00000000UL)                                                   /*!< Window mode disable: Comparators 1 and 2 are independent */
146 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (COMP_CSR_WINMODE | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK) /*!< Window mode enable: Comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 have their input plus connected together. The common input is COMP1 input plus (COMP2 input plus is no more accessible). */
147 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (COMP_CSR_WINMODE | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_ODD_REGOFFSET_MASK)  /*!< Window mode enable: if used from COMP1 or COMP2 instance, comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 have their input plus connected together, the common input is COMP2 input plus (COMP1 input plus is no more accessible). If used from COMP3 instance (when available), comparators instances pair COMP2 and COMP3 have their input plus connected together, the common input is COMP2 input plus (COMP3 input plus is no more accessible). */
148 /**
149   * @}
150   */
152 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_COMMON_WINDOWOUTPUT Comparator common modes - Window output
153   * @{
154   */
155 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_EACH_COMP               (0x00000000UL)                                                  /*!< Window output default mode: Comparators output are indicating each their own state. To know window mode state: each comparator output must be read, if "((COMPx exclusive or COMPy) == 1)" then monitored signal is within comparators window. The same way, if both comparators output are high, then monitored signal is below window. */
156 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP1                   (COMP_CSR_WINOUT | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_ODD_REGOFFSET_MASK)  /*!< Window output synthetized on COMP1 output: COMP1 output is no more indicating its own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). Note: impacts only comparator output signal level (COMPx_OUT propagated to GPIO, EXTI lines, timers, ...), does not impact output digital state of comparator (COMPx_VALUE) always reflecting each comparator output state.*/
157 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2                   (COMP_CSR_WINOUT | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK) /*!< Window output synthetized on COMP2 output: COMP2 output is no more indicating its own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). Note: impacts only comparator output signal level (COMPx_OUT propagated to GPIO, EXTI lines, timers, ...), does not impact output digital state of comparator (COMPx_VALUE) always reflecting each comparator output state.*/
158 #if defined(COMP3)
159 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP3                   (COMP_CSR_WINOUT | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_ODD_REGOFFSET_MASK)  /*!< Window output synthetized on COMP3 output: COMP3 output is no more indicating its own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). Available only on devices featuring COMP3 instance. */
160 #endif /* COMP3 */
161 #define LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH                    (COMP_CSR_WINOUT | LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK | LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH_SETTING_MASK)      /*!< Window output synthetized on both comparators output of pair of comparator selected (COMP1 and COMP2, or COMP2 and COMP3 for devices featuring COMP3 instance): both comparators outputs are no more indicating their own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). This is a specific configuration (technically possible but not relevant from application point of view: 2 comparators output used for the same signal level), standard configuration for window mode is one of the settings above. */
162 /**
163   * @}
164   */
166 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE Comparator modes - Power mode
167   * @{
168   */
169 #define LL_COMP_POWERMODE_HIGHSPEED     (0x00000000UL)                            /*!< COMP power mode to high speed */
170 #define LL_COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED   (COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_0)                      /*!< COMP power mode to medium speed */
171 /**
172   * @}
173   */
175 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_PLUS Comparator inputs - Input plus (input non-inverting) selection
176   * @{
177   */
178 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1          (0x00000000UL)                          /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO1 (pin PC5 for COMP1, pin PB4 for COMP2, pin PB0 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
179 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2          (COMP_CSR_INPSEL_0)                     /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO2 (pin PB2 for COMP1, pin PB6 for COMP2, pin PC1 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
180 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3          (COMP_CSR_INPSEL_1)                     /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO3 (pin PA1 for COMP1, pin PA3 for COMP2, pin PE7 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
181 /**
182   * @}
183   */
185 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_MINUS Comparator inputs - Input minus (input inverting) selection
186   * @{
187   */
188 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT  (0x00000000UL)                                                                  /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/4 VrefInt  */
189 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT  (                                                            COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/2 VrefInt  */
190 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT  (                                        COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1                    ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 3/4 VrefInt  */
191 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT     (                                        COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to VrefInt */
192 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1    (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2                                        ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 1 (DAC_OUT1)  */
193 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2    (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2                     | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 2 (DAC_OUT2)  */
194 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1         (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1                    ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO1 (pin PB1 for COMP1, pin PB3 for COMP2, pin PB2 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
195 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2         (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO2 (pin PC4 for COMP1, pin PB7 for COMP2, pin PC0 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
196 #define LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO3         (COMP_CSR_INMSEL_3                                                            ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO3 (pin PA0 for COMP1, pin PA2 for COMP2, pin PE8 for COMP3 (for devices featuring COMP3 instance)) */
197 /**
198   * @}
199   */
201 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_INPUT_HYSTERESIS Comparator input - Hysteresis
202   * @{
203   */
204 #define LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_NONE         (0x00000000UL)                      /*!< No hysteresis */
205 #define LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_LOW          (                  COMP_CSR_HYST_0) /*!< Hysteresis level low */
206 #define LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_MEDIUM       (COMP_CSR_HYST_1                  ) /*!< Hysteresis level medium */
207 #define LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH         (COMP_CSR_HYST_1 | COMP_CSR_HYST_0) /*!< Hysteresis level high */
208 /**
209   * @}
210   */
212 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_POLARITY Comparator output - Output polarity
213   * @{
214   */
215 #define LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED   (0x00000000UL)          /*!< COMP output polarity is not inverted: comparator output is high when the plus (non-inverting) input is at a higher voltage than the minus (inverting) input */
216 #define LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED      (COMP_CSR_POLARITY)     /*!< COMP output polarity is inverted: comparator output is low when the plus (non-inverting) input is at a lower voltage than the minus (inverting) input */
217 /**
218   * @}
219   */
221 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_BLANKING_SOURCE Comparator output - Blanking source
222   * @{
223   */
224 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_NONE            (0x00000000UL)          /*!<Comparator output without blanking */
225 /* Note: Output blanking source common to all COMP instances */
226 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC4        (COMP_CSR_BLANKING_0)   /*!< Comparator output blanking source TIM1 OC4 (common to all COMP instances: COMP1, COMP2, COMP3 (when available)) */
227 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC5        (COMP_CSR_BLANKING_1)   /*!< Comparator output blanking source TIM1 OC5 (common to all COMP instances: COMP1, COMP2, COMP3 (when available)) */
228 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM2_OC3        (COMP_CSR_BLANKING_2)   /*!< Comparator output blanking source TIM2 OC3 (common to all COMP instances: COMP1, COMP2, COMP3 (when available)) */
229 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC3        (COMP_CSR_BLANKING_3)   /*!< Comparator output blanking source TIM3 OC3 (common to all COMP instances: COMP1, COMP2, COMP3 (when available)) */
230 #define LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM15_OC2       (COMP_CSR_BLANKING_4)   /*!< Comparator output blanking source TIM15 OC2 (common to all COMP instances: COMP1, COMP2, COMP3 (when available)) */
231 /**
232   * @}
233   */
235 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_OUTPUT_LEVEL Comparator output - Output level
236   * @{
237   */
238 #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW        (0x00000000UL)          /*!< Comparator output level low (if the polarity is not inverted, otherwise to be complemented) */
239 #define LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH       (0x00000001UL)          /*!< Comparator output level high (if the polarity is not inverted, otherwise to be complemented) */
240 /**
241   * @}
242   */
244 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EC_HW_DELAYS  Definitions of COMP hardware constraints delays
245   * @note   Only COMP peripheral HW delays are defined in COMP LL driver driver,
246   *         not timeout values.
247   *         For details on delays values, refer to descriptions in source code
248   *         above each literal definition.
249   * @{
250   */
252 /* Delay for comparator startup time.                                         */
253 /* Note: Delay required to reach propagation delay specification.             */
254 /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet,                   */
255 /* parameter "tSTART").                                                       */
256 /* Unit: us                                                                   */
257 #define LL_COMP_DELAY_STARTUP_US          ( 80UL) /*!< Delay for COMP startup time */
259 /* Delay for comparator voltage scaler stabilization time.                    */
260 /* Note: Voltage scaler is used when selecting comparator input               */
261 /*       based on VrefInt: VrefInt or subdivision of VrefInt.                 */
262 /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet,                   */
263 /* parameter "tSTART_SCALER").                                                */
264 /* Unit: us                                                                   */
265 #define LL_COMP_DELAY_VOLTAGE_SCALER_STAB_US ( 200UL) /*!< Delay for COMP voltage scaler stabilization time */
267 /**
268   * @}
269   */
271 /**
272   * @}
273   */
275 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
276 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Macros COMP Exported Macros
277   * @{
278   */
279 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EM_WRITE_READ Common write and read registers macro
280   * @{
281   */
283 /**
284   * @brief  Write a value in COMP register
285   * @param  __INSTANCE__ comparator instance
286   * @param  __REG__ Register to be written
287   * @param  __VALUE__ Value to be written in the register
288   * @retval None
289   */
290 #define LL_COMP_WriteReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__, __VALUE__) WRITE_REG((__INSTANCE__)->__REG__, (__VALUE__))
292 /**
293   * @brief  Read a value in COMP register
294   * @param  __INSTANCE__ comparator instance
295   * @param  __REG__ Register to be read
296   * @retval Register value
297   */
298 #define LL_COMP_ReadReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__) READ_REG((__INSTANCE__)->__REG__)
299 /**
300   * @}
301   */
303 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EM_HELPER_MACRO COMP helper macro
304   * @{
305   */
307 /**
308   * @brief  Helper macro to select the COMP common instance
309   *         to which is belonging the selected COMP instance.
310   * @note   COMP common register instance can be used to
311   *         set parameters common to several COMP instances.
312   *         Refer to functions having argument "COMPxy_COMMON" as parameter.
313   * @param  __COMPx__ COMP instance
314   * @retval COMP common instance or value "0" if there is no COMP common instance.
315   */
316 #if defined(COMP3)
317 #define __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE(__COMPx__)                                   \
318   ((((__COMPx__) == COMP3))                                                    \
319     ? (                                                                        \
320        (COMP23_COMMON)                                                         \
321       )                                                                        \
322       :                                                                        \
323       (                                                                        \
324        (COMP12_COMMON)                                                         \
325       )                                                                        \
326   )
327 #else
328 #define __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE(__COMPx__)                                   \
329   (COMP12_COMMON)
330 #endif /* COMP3 */
332 /**
333   * @}
334   */
336 /**
337   * @}
338   */
340 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
341 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_Exported_Functions COMP Exported Functions
342   * @{
343   */
345 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_common Configuration of COMP hierarchical scope: common to several COMP instances
346   * @{
347   */
349 /**
350   * @brief  Set window mode of a pair of comparators instances
351   *         (2 consecutive COMP instances COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>).
352   * @rmtoll CSR      WINMODE        LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowMode
353   * @param  COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance
354   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
355   * @param  WindowMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
356   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_DISABLE
357   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (1)
358   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (1)(2)
359   *
360   *         (1) Parameter available on all STM32G0 devices, must be used with comparator common instance COMP12_COMMON
361   *         (2) Parameter specificity on devices STM32G0B1xx and STM32G0C1xx: only parameter that can be used only with comparator common instance COMP23_COMMON
362   * @retval None
363   */
LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef * COMPxy_COMMON,uint32_t WindowMode)364 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON, uint32_t WindowMode)
365 {
366   uint32_t window_mode_tmp = WindowMode;
368   /* Note: On this STM32 series, window mode can be set from any instance     */
369   /*       of the pair of comparator instances.                               */
370 #if defined(COMP3)
371   /* Note: Exception for STM32G0 devices featuring ADC3 instance: in common   */
372   /*       group of COMP2 and COMP3, instances odd and even are inverted.     */
373   /*       Perform switch of parameter selected.                              */
374   if(COMPxy_COMMON == COMP23_COMMON)
375   {
377     {
378       window_mode_tmp = LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON;
379     }
380   }
381 #endif /* COMP3 */
385   /* Clear the potential previous setting of window mode */
386   __IO uint32_t *preg_clear = __COMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, (~(window_mode_tmp & LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMPX_REGOFFSET_MASK) & 0x1UL));
387   CLEAR_BIT(*preg_clear,
388             COMP_CSR_WINMODE
389            );
391   /* Set window mode */
392   MODIFY_REG(*preg,
393              COMP_CSR_WINMODE,
394              (window_mode_tmp & LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMPX_SETTING_MASK)
395             );
396 }
398 /**
399   * @brief  Get window mode of a pair of comparators instances
400   *         (2 consecutive COMP instances COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>).
401   * @rmtoll CSR      WINMODE        LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowMode
402   * @param  COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance
403   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
404   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
405   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_DISABLE
406   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (1)
407   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (1)(2)
408   *
409   *         (1) Parameter available on all STM32G0 devices, must be used with comparator common instance COMP12_COMMON
410   *         (2) Parameter specificity on devices STM32G0B1xx and STM32G0C1xx: only parameter that can be used only with comparator common instance COMP23_COMMON
411   */
LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef * COMPxy_COMMON)412 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowMode(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON)
413 {
414   /* Note: On this STM32 series, window mode can be set from any instance     */
415   /*       of the pair of comparator instances.                               */
416 #if defined(COMP3)
417   uint32_t window_mode_comp_odd;
418   uint32_t window_mode_comp_even;
420   /* Note: Exception for STM32G0 devices featuring ADC3 instance: in common   */
421   /*       group of COMP2 and COMP3, instances odd and even are inverted.     */
422   /*       Perform switch of parameter selected.                              */
423   if(COMPxy_COMMON == COMP23_COMMON)
424   {
425     window_mode_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
426     window_mode_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
427   }
428   else
429   {
430     window_mode_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
431     window_mode_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
432   }
433 #else
434    const uint32_t window_mode_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
435    const uint32_t window_mode_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINMODE);
436 #endif /* COMP3 */
438   return (uint32_t)(window_mode_comp_odd
439                     | window_mode_comp_even
440                     | ((window_mode_comp_even >> LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_BITOFFSET_POS) * LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK));
441 }
443 /**
444   * @brief  Set window output of a pair of comparators instances
445   *         (2 consecutive COMP instances COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>).
446   * @rmtoll CSR      WINOUT         LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowOutput
447   * @param  COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance
448   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
449   * @param  WindowOutput This parameter can be one of the following values:
450   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_EACH_COMP
451   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP1 (1)
452   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2 (1)
453   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP3 (2)
454   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH
455   *
456   *         (1) Parameter available on all STM32G0 devices, must be used with comparator common instance COMP12_COMMON
457   *         (2) Parameter available only on devices STM32G0B1xx and STM32G0C1xx, must be used with comparator common instance COMP23_COMMON
458   * @retval None
459   */
LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowOutput(COMP_Common_TypeDef * COMPxy_COMMON,uint32_t WindowOutput)460 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetCommonWindowOutput(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON, uint32_t WindowOutput)
461 {
462   uint32_t window_output_tmp = WindowOutput;
464 #if defined(COMP3)
465   /* Note: Exception for STM32G0 devices featuring ADC3 instance: in common   */
466   /*       group of COMP2 and COMP3, instances odd and even are inverted.     */
467   /*       Perform switch of parameter selected.                              */
468   if(COMPxy_COMMON == COMP23_COMMON)
469   {
470     if(WindowOutput == LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2)
471     {
472       window_output_tmp = LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP3;
473     }
474     else if(WindowOutput == LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP3)
475     {
476       window_output_tmp = LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2;
477     }
478     else
479     {
480       /* No modification of other parameters */
481     }
482   }
483 #endif /* COMP3 */
485   __IO uint32_t *preg = __COMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, (window_output_tmp & LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMPX_REGOFFSET_MASK));
487   /* Clear the potential previous setting of window output on the relevant comparator instance */
488   /* (clear bit of window output unless specific case of setting of comparator both output selected) */
489   __IO uint32_t *preg_clear = __COMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, (~(window_output_tmp & LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMPX_REGOFFSET_MASK) & 0x1UL));
490   MODIFY_REG(*preg_clear,
491              COMP_CSR_WINOUT,
493             );
495   /* Set window output */
496   MODIFY_REG(*preg,
497              COMP_CSR_WINOUT,
498              (window_output_tmp & LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMPX_SETTING_MASK)
499             );
500 }
502 /**
503   * @brief  Get window output of a pair of comparators instances
504   *         (2 consecutive COMP instances COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>).
505   * @rmtoll CSR      WINMODE        LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowOutput
506   * @param  COMPxy_COMMON Comparator common instance
507   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_COMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
508   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
509   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_EACH_COMP
510   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP1 (1)
511   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2 (1)
512   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP3 (2)
513   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH
514   *
515   *         (1) Parameter available on all STM32G0 devices, must be used with comparator common instance COMP12_COMMON
516   *         (2) Parameter available only on devices STM32G0B1xx and STM32G0C1xx, must be used with comparator common instance COMP23_COMMON
517   */
LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowOutput(COMP_Common_TypeDef * COMPxy_COMMON)518 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetCommonWindowOutput(COMP_Common_TypeDef *COMPxy_COMMON)
519 {
520 #if defined(COMP3)
521   uint32_t window_output_comp_odd;
522   uint32_t window_output_comp_even;
524   /* Note: Exception for STM32G0 devices featuring ADC3 instance: in common   */
525   /*       group of COMP2 and COMP3, instances odd and even are inverted.     */
526   /*       Perform switch of parameter selected.                              */
527   if(COMPxy_COMMON == COMP23_COMMON)
528   {
529     window_output_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
530     window_output_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
531   }
532   else
533   {
534     window_output_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
535     window_output_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
536   }
537 #else
538   const uint32_t window_output_comp_odd = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_ODD, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
539   const uint32_t window_output_comp_even = (uint32_t)READ_BIT(COMPxy_COMMON->CSR_EVEN, COMP_CSR_WINOUT);
540 #endif /* COMP3 */
542   /* Construct value corresponding to LL_COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_xxx */
543   return (uint32_t)(window_output_comp_odd
544                     | window_output_comp_even
545                     | ((window_output_comp_even >> COMP_CSR_WINOUT_Pos) * LL_COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP_EVEN_REGOFFSET_MASK)
546                     | (window_output_comp_odd + window_output_comp_even));
547 }
549 /**
550   * @}
551   */
553 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_modes Configuration of comparator modes
554   * @{
555   */
557 /**
558   * @brief  Set comparator instance operating mode to adjust power and speed.
559   * @rmtoll CSR      PWRMODE        LL_COMP_SetPowerMode
560   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
561   * @param  PowerMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
562   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_POWERMODE_HIGHSPEED
563   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED
564   * @retval None
565   */
LL_COMP_SetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t PowerMode)566 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t PowerMode)
567 {
569 }
571 /**
572   * @brief  Get comparator instance operating mode to adjust power and speed.
573   * @rmtoll CSR      PWRMODE        LL_COMP_GetPowerMode
574   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
575   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
576   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_POWERMODE_HIGHSPEED
577   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED
578   */
LL_COMP_GetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)579 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetPowerMode(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
580 {
581   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_PWRMODE));
582 }
584 /**
585   * @}
586   */
588 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_inputs Configuration of comparator inputs
589   * @{
590   */
592 /**
593   * @brief  Set comparator inputs minus (inverting) and plus (non-inverting).
594   * @note   In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO:
595   *         GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance.
596   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
597   * @note   On this STM32 series, a voltage scaler is used
598   *         when COMP input is based on VrefInt (VrefInt or subdivision
599   *         of VrefInt):
600   *         Voltage scaler requires a delay for voltage stabilization.
601   *         Refer to device datasheet, parameter "tSTART_SCALER".
602   * @rmtoll CSR      INMSEL         LL_COMP_ConfigInputs\n
603   *         CSR      INPSEL         LL_COMP_ConfigInputs\n
604   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
605   * @param  InputMinus This parameter can be one of the following values:
606   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT
607   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT
608   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT
609   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT
610   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1
611   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2
612   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1
613   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2
614   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO3
615   * @param  InputPlus This parameter can be one of the following values:
616   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1
617   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2
618   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3
619   * @retval None
620   */
LL_COMP_ConfigInputs(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t InputMinus,uint32_t InputPlus)621 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_ConfigInputs(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputMinus, uint32_t InputPlus)
622 {
625              InputMinus | InputPlus);
626 }
628 /**
629   * @brief  Set comparator input plus (non-inverting).
630   * @note   In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO:
631   *         GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance.
632   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
633   * @rmtoll CSR      INPSEL         LL_COMP_SetInputPlus
634   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
635   * @param  InputPlus This parameter can be one of the following values:
636   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1
637   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2
638   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3
639   * @retval None
640   */
LL_COMP_SetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t InputPlus)641 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputPlus)
642 {
644 }
646 /**
647   * @brief  Get comparator input plus (non-inverting).
648   * @note   In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO:
649   *         GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance.
650   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
651   * @rmtoll CSR      INPSEL         LL_COMP_GetInputPlus
652   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
653   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
654   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1
655   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2
656   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3
657   */
LL_COMP_GetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)658 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetInputPlus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
659 {
660   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_INPSEL));
661 }
663 /**
664   * @brief  Set comparator input minus (inverting).
665   * @note   In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO:
666   *         GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance.
667   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
668   * @note   On this STM32 series, a voltage scaler is used
669   *         when COMP input is based on VrefInt (VrefInt or subdivision
670   *         of VrefInt):
671   *         Voltage scaler requires a delay for voltage stabilization.
672   *         Refer to device datasheet, parameter "tSTART_SCALER".
673   * @rmtoll CSR      INMSEL         LL_COMP_SetInputMinus
674   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
675   * @param  InputMinus This parameter can be one of the following values:
676   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT
677   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT
678   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT
679   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT
680   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1
681   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2
682   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1
683   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2
684   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO3
685   * @retval None
686   */
LL_COMP_SetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t InputMinus)687 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputMinus)
688 {
690 }
692 /**
693   * @brief  Get comparator input minus (inverting).
694   * @note   In case of comparator input selected to be connected to IO:
695   *         GPIO pins are specific to each comparator instance.
696   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
697   * @rmtoll CSR      INMSEL         LL_COMP_GetInputMinus
698   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
699   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
700   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT
701   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT
702   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT
703   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT
704   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1
705   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2
706   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1
707   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2
708   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO3
709   */
LL_COMP_GetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)710 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetInputMinus(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
711 {
712   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_INMSEL));
713 }
715 /**
716   * @brief  Set comparator instance hysteresis mode of the input minus (inverting input).
717   * @rmtoll CSR      HYST           LL_COMP_SetInputHysteresis
718   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
719   * @param  InputHysteresis This parameter can be one of the following values:
720   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_NONE
721   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_LOW
722   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_MEDIUM
723   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH
724   * @retval None
725   */
LL_COMP_SetInputHysteresis(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t InputHysteresis)726 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetInputHysteresis(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t InputHysteresis)
727 {
728   MODIFY_REG(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_HYST, InputHysteresis);
729 }
731 /**
732   * @brief  Get comparator instance hysteresis mode of the minus (inverting) input.
733   * @rmtoll CSR      HYST           LL_COMP_GetInputHysteresis
734   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
735   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
736   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_NONE
737   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_LOW
738   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_MEDIUM
739   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH
740   */
LL_COMP_GetInputHysteresis(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)741 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetInputHysteresis(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
742 {
743   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_HYST));
744 }
746 /**
747   * @}
748   */
750 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Configuration_comparator_output Configuration of comparator output
751   * @{
752   */
754 /**
755   * @brief  Set comparator instance output polarity.
756   * @rmtoll CSR      POLARITY       LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity
757   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
758   * @param  OutputPolarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
759   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED
760   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED
761   * @retval None
762   */
LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t OutputPolarity)763 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t OutputPolarity)
764 {
766 }
768 /**
769   * @brief  Get comparator instance output polarity.
770   * @rmtoll CSR      POLARITY       LL_COMP_GetOutputPolarity
771   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
772   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
773   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED
774   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED
775   */
LL_COMP_GetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)776 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetOutputPolarity(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
777 {
778   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_POLARITY));
779 }
781 /**
782   * @brief  Set comparator instance blanking source.
783   * @note   Blanking source may be specific to each comparator instance.
784   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
785   * @note   Availability of parameters of blanking source from timer
786   *         depends on timers availability on the selected device.
787   * @rmtoll CSR      BLANKING       LL_COMP_SetOutputBlankingSource
788   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
789   * @param  BlankingSource This parameter can be one of the following values:
790   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_NONE
791   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC4  (1)
792   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC5  (1)
793   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM2_OC3  (1)
794   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC3  (1)
795   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM15_OC2 (1)
796   *
797   *         (1) Parameter availability depending on timer availability
798   *             on the selected device.
799   * @retval None
800   */
LL_COMP_SetOutputBlankingSource(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx,uint32_t BlankingSource)801 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_SetOutputBlankingSource(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, uint32_t BlankingSource)
802 {
804 }
806 /**
807   * @brief  Get comparator instance blanking source.
808   * @note   Availability of parameters of blanking source from timer
809   *         depends on timers availability on the selected device.
810   * @note   Blanking source may be specific to each comparator instance.
811   *         Refer to description of parameters or to reference manual.
812   * @rmtoll CSR      BLANKING       LL_COMP_GetOutputBlankingSource
813   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
814   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
815   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_NONE
816   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC4  (1)
817   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC5  (1)
818   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM2_OC3  (1)
819   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC3  (1)
820   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM15_OC2 (1)
821   *
822   *         (1) Parameter availability depending on timer availability
823   *             on the selected device.
824   */
LL_COMP_GetOutputBlankingSource(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)825 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_GetOutputBlankingSource(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
826 {
827   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_BLANKING));
828 }
830 /**
831   * @}
832   */
834 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Operation Operation on comparator instance
835   * @{
836   */
838 /**
839   * @brief  Enable comparator instance.
840   * @note   After enable from off state, comparator requires a delay
841   *         to reach reach propagation delay specification.
842   *         Refer to device datasheet, parameter "tSTART".
843   * @rmtoll CSR      EN             LL_COMP_Enable
844   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
845   * @retval None
846   */
LL_COMP_Enable(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)847 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Enable(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
848 {
850 }
852 /**
853   * @brief  Disable comparator instance.
854   * @rmtoll CSR      EN             LL_COMP_Disable
855   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
856   * @retval None
857   */
LL_COMP_Disable(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)858 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Disable(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
859 {
861 }
863 /**
864   * @brief  Get comparator enable state
865   *         (0: COMP is disabled, 1: COMP is enabled)
866   * @rmtoll CSR      EN             LL_COMP_IsEnabled
867   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
868   * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
869   */
LL_COMP_IsEnabled(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)870 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_IsEnabled(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
871 {
872   return ((READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_EN) == (COMP_CSR_EN)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
873 }
875 /**
876   * @brief  Lock comparator instance.
877   * @note   Once locked, comparator configuration can be accessed in read-only.
878   * @note   The only way to unlock the comparator is a device hardware reset.
879   * @rmtoll CSR      LOCK           LL_COMP_Lock
880   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
881   * @retval None
882   */
LL_COMP_Lock(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)883 __STATIC_INLINE void LL_COMP_Lock(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
884 {
886 }
888 /**
889   * @brief  Get comparator lock state
890   *         (0: COMP is unlocked, 1: COMP is locked).
891   * @note   Once locked, comparator configuration can be accessed in read-only.
892   * @note   The only way to unlock the comparator is a device hardware reset.
893   * @rmtoll CSR      LOCK           LL_COMP_IsLocked
894   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
895   * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
896   */
LL_COMP_IsLocked(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)897 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_IsLocked(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
898 {
899   return ((READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_LOCK) == (COMP_CSR_LOCK)) ? 1UL : 0UL);
900 }
902 /**
903   * @brief  Read comparator instance output level.
904   * @note   The comparator output level depends on the selected polarity
905   *         (Refer to function @ref LL_COMP_SetOutputPolarity()).
906   *         If the comparator polarity is not inverted:
907   *          - Comparator output is low when the input plus
908   *            is at a lower voltage than the input minus
909   *          - Comparator output is high when the input plus
910   *            is at a higher voltage than the input minus
911   *         If the comparator polarity is inverted:
912   *          - Comparator output is high when the input plus
913   *            is at a lower voltage than the input minus
914   *          - Comparator output is low when the input plus
915   *            is at a higher voltage than the input minus
916   * @rmtoll CSR      VALUE          LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel
917   * @param  COMPx Comparator instance
918   * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
919   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW
920   *         @arg @ref LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH
921   */
LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel(COMP_TypeDef * COMPx)922 __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_COMP_ReadOutputLevel(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx)
923 {
924   return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(COMPx->CSR, COMP_CSR_VALUE)
925                     >> LL_COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_BITOFFSET_POS);
926 }
928 /**
929   * @}
930   */
932 #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
933 /** @defgroup COMP_LL_EF_Init Initialization and de-initialization functions
934   * @{
935   */
937 ErrorStatus LL_COMP_DeInit(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx);
938 ErrorStatus LL_COMP_Init(COMP_TypeDef *COMPx, LL_COMP_InitTypeDef *COMP_InitStruct);
939 void        LL_COMP_StructInit(LL_COMP_InitTypeDef *COMP_InitStruct);
941 /**
942   * @}
943   */
944 #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
946 /**
947   * @}
948   */
950 /**
951   * @}
952   */
954 /**
955   * @}
956   */
958 #endif /* COMP1 || COMP2 */
960 /**
961   * @}
962   */
964 #ifdef __cplusplus
965 }
966 #endif
968 #endif /* STM32G0xx_LL_COMP_H */