1 /** 2 ****************************************************************************** 3 * @file stm32f2xx_hal_dcmi_ex.c 4 * @author MCD Application Team 5 * @brief Empty file; This file is no longer used to handle the Black&White 6 * feature. Its content is now moved to common files 7 * (stm32f2xx_hal_dcmi.c/.h) as there's no device's dependency within 8 * this family. It's just kept for compatibility reasons. 9 * 10 ****************************************************************************** 11 * @attention 12 * 13 * Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. 14 * All rights reserved. 15 * 16 * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file 17 * in the root directory of this software component. 18 * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS. 19 * 20 ****************************************************************************** 21 */ 22 23 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 24 #include "stm32f2xx_hal.h" 25 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ 26 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 27 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ 28 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ 29 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ 30 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ 31 32 33 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ 34