1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32f2xx_hal_adc_ex.h
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   Header file of ADC HAL extension module.
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.
11   *
12   * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
13   * in the root directory of this software component.
14   * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
15   *
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef __STM32F2xx_ADC_EX_H
21 #define __STM32F2xx_ADC_EX_H
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24  extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "stm32f2xx_hal_def.h"
30 /** @addtogroup STM32F2xx_HAL_Driver
31   * @{
32   */
34 /** @addtogroup ADCEx
35   * @{
36   */
38 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
39 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Exported_Types ADC Exported Types
40   * @{
41   */
43 /**
44   * @brief  ADC Configuration injected Channel structure definition
45   * @note   Parameters of this structure are shared within 2 scopes:
46   *          - Scope channel: InjectedChannel, InjectedRank, InjectedSamplingTime, InjectedOffset
47   *          - Scope injected group (affects all channels of injected group): InjectedNbrOfConversion, InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode,
48   *            AutoInjectedConv, ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge, ExternalTrigInjecConv.
49   * @note   The setting of these parameters with function HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() is conditioned to ADC state.
50   *         ADC state can be either:
51   *          - For all parameters: ADC disabled
52   *          - For all except parameters 'InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode' and 'AutoInjectedConv': ADC enabled without conversion on going on injected group.
53   *          - For parameters 'ExternalTrigInjecConv' and 'ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge': ADC enabled, even with conversion on going on injected group.
54   */
55 typedef struct
56 {
57   uint32_t InjectedChannel;                      /*!< Selection of ADC channel to configure
58                                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_channels
59                                                       Note: Depending on devices, some channels may not be available on package pins. Refer to device datasheet for channels availability. */
60   uint32_t InjectedRank;                         /*!< Rank in the injected group sequencer
61                                                       This parameter must be a value of @ref ADCEx_injected_rank
62                                                       Note: In case of need to disable a channel or change order of conversion sequencer, rank containing a previous channel setting can be overwritten by the new channel setting (or parameter number of conversions can be adjusted) */
63   uint32_t InjectedSamplingTime;                 /*!< Sampling time value to be set for the selected channel.
64                                                       Unit: ADC clock cycles
65                                                       Conversion time is the addition of sampling time and processing time (12 ADC clock cycles at ADC resolution 12 bits, 11 cycles at 10 bits, 9 cycles at 8 bits, 7 cycles at 6 bits).
66                                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_sampling_times
67                                                       Caution: This parameter updates the parameter property of the channel, that can be used into regular and/or injected groups.
68                                                                If this same channel has been previously configured in the other group (regular/injected), it will be updated to last setting.
69                                                       Note: In case of usage of internal measurement channels (VrefInt/Vbat/TempSensor),
70                                                             sampling time constraints must be respected (sampling time can be adjusted in function of ADC clock frequency and sampling time setting)
71                                                             Refer to device datasheet for timings values, parameters TS_vrefint, TS_temp (values rough order: 4us min). */
72   uint32_t InjectedOffset;                       /*!< Defines the offset to be subtracted from the raw converted data (for channels set on injected group only).
73                                                       Offset value must be a positive number.
74                                                       Depending of ADC resolution selected (12, 10, 8 or 6 bits),
75                                                       this parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x000 and Max_Data = 0xFFF, 0x3FF, 0xFF or 0x3F respectively. */
76   uint32_t InjectedNbrOfConversion;              /*!< Specifies the number of ranks that will be converted within the injected group sequencer.
77                                                       To use the injected group sequencer and convert several ranks, parameter 'ScanConvMode' must be enabled.
78                                                       This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 1 and Max_Data = 4.
79                                                       Caution: this setting impacts the entire injected group. Therefore, call of HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() to
80                                                                configure a channel on injected group can impact the configuration of other channels previously set. */
81   FunctionalState InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode; /*!< Specifies whether the conversions sequence of injected group is performed in Complete-sequence/Discontinuous-sequence (main sequence subdivided in successive parts).
82                                                       Discontinuous mode is used only if sequencer is enabled (parameter 'ScanConvMode'). If sequencer is disabled, this parameter is discarded.
83                                                       Discontinuous mode can be enabled only if continuous mode is disabled. If continuous mode is enabled, this parameter setting is discarded.
84                                                       This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE.
85                                                       Note: For injected group, number of discontinuous ranks increment is fixed to one-by-one.
86                                                       Caution: this setting impacts the entire injected group. Therefore, call of HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() to
87                                                                configure a channel on injected group can impact the configuration of other channels previously set. */
88   FunctionalState AutoInjectedConv;                     /*!< Enables or disables the selected ADC automatic injected group conversion after regular one
89                                                       This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE.
90                                                       Note: To use Automatic injected conversion, discontinuous mode must be disabled ('DiscontinuousConvMode' and 'InjectedDiscontinuousConvMode' set to DISABLE)
91                                                       Note: To use Automatic injected conversion, injected group external triggers must be disabled ('ExternalTrigInjecConv' set to ADC_SOFTWARE_START)
92                                                       Note: In case of DMA used with regular group: if DMA configured in normal mode (single shot) JAUTO will be stopped upon DMA transfer complete.
93                                                             To maintain JAUTO always enabled, DMA must be configured in circular mode.
94                                                       Caution: this setting impacts the entire injected group. Therefore, call of HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() to
95                                                                configure a channel on injected group can impact the configuration of other channels previously set. */
96   uint32_t ExternalTrigInjecConv;                /*!< Selects the external event used to trigger the conversion start of injected group.
97                                                       If set to ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START, external triggers are disabled.
98                                                       If set to external trigger source, triggering is on event rising edge.
99                                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref ADCEx_External_trigger_Source_Injected
100                                                       Note: This parameter must be modified when ADC is disabled (before ADC start conversion or after ADC stop conversion).
101                                                             If ADC is enabled, this parameter setting is bypassed without error reporting (as it can be the expected behaviour in case of another parameter update on the fly)
102                                                       Caution: this setting impacts the entire injected group. Therefore, call of HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() to
103                                                                configure a channel on injected group can impact the configuration of other channels previously set. */
104   uint32_t ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge;            /*!< Selects the external trigger edge of injected group.
105                                                       This parameter can be a value of @ref ADCEx_External_trigger_edge_Injected.
106                                                       If trigger is set to ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START, this parameter is discarded.
107                                                       Caution: this setting impacts the entire injected group. Therefore, call of HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel() to
108                                                                configure a channel on injected group can impact the configuration of other channels previously set. */
109 }ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef;
111 /**
112   * @brief ADC Configuration multi-mode structure definition
113   */
114 typedef struct
115 {
116   uint32_t Mode;              /*!< Configures the ADC to operate in independent or multi mode.
117                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref ADCEx_Common_mode */
118   uint32_t DMAAccessMode;     /*!< Configures the Direct memory access mode for multi ADC mode.
119                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref ADCEx_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode */
120   uint32_t TwoSamplingDelay;  /*!< Configures the Delay between 2 sampling phases.
121                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_delay_between_2_sampling_phases */
122 }ADC_MultiModeTypeDef;
124 /**
125   * @}
126   */
128 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
129 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Exported_Constants ADC Exported Constants
130   * @{
131   */
133 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Common_mode ADC Common Mode
134   * @{
135   */
136 #define ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT                  0x00000000U
139 #define ADC_DUALMODE_INJECSIMULT              ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
140 #define ADC_DUALMODE_REGSIMULT                ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_1))
141 #define ADC_DUALMODE_INTERL                   ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_1 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
142 #define ADC_DUALMODE_ALTERTRIG                ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_3 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
144 #define ADC_TRIPLEMODE_REGSIMULT_AlterTrig    ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_4 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_1))
145 #define ADC_TRIPLEMODE_INJECSIMULT            ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_4 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
146 #define ADC_TRIPLEMODE_REGSIMULT              ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_4 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_1))
147 #define ADC_TRIPLEMODE_INTERL                 ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_4 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_2 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_1 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
148 #define ADC_TRIPLEMODE_ALTERTRIG              ((uint32_t)(ADC_CCR_MULTI_4 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_3 | ADC_CCR_MULTI_0))
149 /**
150   * @}
151   */
153 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Direct_memory_access_mode_for_multi_mode ADC Direct Memory Access Mode For Multi Mode
154   * @{
155   */
156 #define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_DISABLED  0x00000000U     /*!< DMA mode disabled */
157 #define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_1         ((uint32_t)ADC_CCR_DMA_0)  /*!< DMA mode 1 enabled (2 / 3 half-words one by one - 1 then 2 then 3)*/
158 #define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_2         ((uint32_t)ADC_CCR_DMA_1)  /*!< DMA mode 2 enabled (2 / 3 half-words by pairs - 2&1 then 1&3 then 3&2)*/
159 #define ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_3         ((uint32_t)ADC_CCR_DMA)    /*!< DMA mode 3 enabled (2 / 3 bytes by pairs - 2&1 then 1&3 then 3&2) */
160 /**
161   * @}
162   */
164 /** @defgroup ADCEx_External_trigger_edge_Injected ADC External Trigger Edge Injected
165   * @{
166   */
167 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONVEDGE_NONE           0x00000000U
171 /**
172   * @}
173   */
175 /** @defgroup ADCEx_External_trigger_Source_Injected ADC External Trigger Source Injected
176   * @{
177   */
178 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T1_CC4           0x00000000U
179 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T1_TRGO          ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0)
180 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T2_CC1           ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1)
181 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T2_TRGO          ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0))
182 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T3_CC2           ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2)
183 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T3_CC4           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0))
184 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC1           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1))
185 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC2           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0))
186 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC3           ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3)
187 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_TRGO          ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0))
188 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T5_CC4           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1))
190 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC2           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2))
191 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC3           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_0))
192 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC4           ((uint32_t)(ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_3 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_2 | ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL_1))
193 #define ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_EXT_IT15         ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL)
194 #define ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START                ((uint32_t)ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL + 1U)
195 /**
196   * @}
197   */
199 /** @defgroup ADCEx_injected_rank ADC Injected Rank
200   * @{
201   */
202 #define ADC_INJECTED_RANK_1    0x00000001U
203 #define ADC_INJECTED_RANK_2    0x00000002U
204 #define ADC_INJECTED_RANK_3    0x00000003U
205 #define ADC_INJECTED_RANK_4    0x00000004U
206 /**
207   * @}
208   */
210 /** @defgroup ADCEx_channels  ADC Specific Channels
211   * @{
212   */
213 #define ADC_CHANNEL_TEMPSENSOR  ((uint32_t)ADC_CHANNEL_16)
214 /**
215   * @}
216   */
219 /**
220   * @}
221   */
223 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
224 /** @defgroup ADC_Exported_Macros ADC Exported Macros
225   * @{
226   */
228 /**
229   * @}
230   */
232 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
233 /** @addtogroup ADCEx_Exported_Functions
234   * @{
235   */
237 /** @addtogroup ADCEx_Exported_Functions_Group1
238   * @{
239   */
241 /* I/O operation functions ******************************************************/
242 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
243 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
244 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedPollForConversion(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t Timeout);
245 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStart_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
246 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedStop_IT(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
247 uint32_t HAL_ADCEx_InjectedGetValue(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t InjectedRank);
248 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length);
249 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStop_DMA(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
250 uint32_t HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeGetValue(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
251 void HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc);
253 /* Peripheral Control functions *************************************************/
254 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_InjectedConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc,ADC_InjectionConfTypeDef* sConfigInjected);
255 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeConfigChannel(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc, ADC_MultiModeTypeDef* multimode);
257 /**
258   * @}
259   */
261 /**
262   * @}
263   */
264 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
265 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
266 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
267 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Private_Constants ADC Private Constants
268   * @{
269   */
271 /**
272   * @}
273   */
275 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
276 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Private_Macros ADC Private Macros
277   * @{
278   */
281 #define IS_ADC_MODE(MODE) (((MODE) == ADC_MODE_INDEPENDENT)                 || \
282                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_REGSIMULT_INJECSIMULT)   || \
283                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_REGSIMULT_ALTERTRIG)     || \
284                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_INJECSIMULT)             || \
285                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_REGSIMULT)               || \
286                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_INTERL)                  || \
287                            ((MODE) == ADC_DUALMODE_ALTERTRIG)               || \
288                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_REGSIMULT_INJECSIMULT) || \
289                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_REGSIMULT_AlterTrig)   || \
290                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_INJECSIMULT)           || \
291                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_REGSIMULT)             || \
292                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_INTERL)                || \
293                            ((MODE) == ADC_TRIPLEMODE_ALTERTRIG))
295                                       ((MODE) == ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_1)        || \
296                                       ((MODE) == ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_2)        || \
297                                       ((MODE) == ADC_DMAACCESSMODE_3))
299                                           ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONVEDGE_RISING)  || \
300                                           ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONVEDGE_FALLING) || \
301                                           ((EDGE) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONVEDGE_RISINGFALLING))
303                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T1_TRGO) || \
304                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T2_CC1)  || \
305                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T2_TRGO) || \
306                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T3_CC2)  || \
307                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T3_CC4)  || \
308                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC1)  || \
309                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC2)  || \
310                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_CC3)  || \
311                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T4_TRGO) || \
312                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T5_CC4)  || \
313                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T5_TRGO) || \
314                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC2)  || \
315                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC3)  || \
316                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_T8_CC4)  || \
317                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_EXTERNALTRIGINJECCONV_EXT_IT15)|| \
318                                         ((INJTRIG) == ADC_INJECTED_SOFTWARE_START))
319 #define IS_ADC_INJECTED_LENGTH(LENGTH) (((LENGTH) >= ((uint32_t)1U)) && ((LENGTH) <= ((uint32_t)4U)))
320 #define IS_ADC_INJECTED_RANK(RANK) (((RANK) >= ((uint32_t)1U)) && ((RANK) <= ((uint32_t)4U)))
322 /**
323   * @brief  Set the selected injected Channel rank.
324   * @param  _CHANNELNB_ Channel number.
325   * @param  _RANKNB_ Rank number.
326   * @param  _JSQR_JL_ Sequence length.
327   * @retval None
328   */
329 #define   ADC_JSQR(_CHANNELNB_, _RANKNB_, _JSQR_JL_)  (((uint32_t)((uint16_t)(_CHANNELNB_))) << (5U * (uint8_t)(((_RANKNB_) + 3U) - (_JSQR_JL_))))
331 /**
332   * @}
333   */
335 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
336 /** @defgroup ADCEx_Private_Functions ADC Private Functions
337   * @{
338   */
340 /**
341   * @}
342   */
344 /**
345   * @}
346   */
348 /**
349   * @}
350   */
352 #ifdef __cplusplus
353 }
354 #endif
356 #endif /*__STM32F2xx_ADC_EX_H */