1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    stm32f1xx_ll_adc.c
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @brief   ADC LL module driver
6   ******************************************************************************
7   * @attention
8   *
9   * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
10   * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
11   *
12   * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
13   * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
14   * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
15   *                        opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
16   *
17   ******************************************************************************
18   */
20 #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
22 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
23 #include "stm32f1xx_ll_adc.h"
24 #include "stm32f1xx_ll_bus.h"
26 #ifdef  USE_FULL_ASSERT
27   #include "stm32_assert.h"
28 #else
29   #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U)
30 #endif
32 /** @addtogroup STM32F1xx_LL_Driver
33   * @{
34   */
36 #if defined (ADC1) || defined (ADC2) || defined (ADC3)
38 /** @addtogroup ADC_LL ADC
39   * @{
40   */
42 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
45 /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
47 /** @addtogroup ADC_LL_Private_Macros
48   * @{
49   */
51 /* Check of parameters for configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:           */
52 /* common to several ADC instances.                                           */
53 /* Check of parameters for configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:           */
54 /* ADC instance.                                                              */
55 #define IS_LL_ADC_DATA_ALIGN(__DATA_ALIGN__)                                   \
56   (   ((__DATA_ALIGN__) == LL_ADC_DATA_ALIGN_RIGHT)                            \
57    || ((__DATA_ALIGN__) == LL_ADC_DATA_ALIGN_LEFT)                             \
58   )
60 #define IS_LL_ADC_SCAN_SELECTION(__SCAN_SELECTION__)                           \
61   (   ((__SCAN_SELECTION__) == LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)                        \
62    || ((__SCAN_SELECTION__) == LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE)                         \
63   )
65 #define IS_LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_MODE(__SEQ_SCAN_MODE__)                             \
66   (   ((__SCAN_MODE__) == LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)                             \
67    || ((__SCAN_MODE__) == LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE)                              \
68   )
70 /* Check of parameters for configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:           */
71 /* ADC group regular                                                          */
72 #if defined(ADC3)
74   ((((__ADC_INSTANCE__) == ADC1) || ((__ADC_INSTANCE__) == ADC2))              \
75     ? (   ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                  \
76        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH3)              \
77        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH1)              \
78        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH2)              \
79        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH2)              \
80        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_TRGO)             \
81        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_CH4)              \
82        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE11)           \
83        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_TRGO)             \
84       )                                                                        \
85       :                                                                        \
86       (   ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                  \
87        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH3)              \
88        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_CH1)              \
89        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH3)              \
90        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_CH1)              \
91        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_TRGO_ADC3)        \
92        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM5_CH1)              \
93        || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM5_CH3)              \
94       )                                                                        \
95   )
96 #else
97 #if defined (STM32F101xE) || defined (STM32F105xC) || defined (STM32F107xC)
98 #define IS_LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOURCE(__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__)                         \
99   (   ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                      \
100    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH3)                  \
101    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH1)                  \
102    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH2)                  \
103    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH2)                  \
104    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_TRGO)                 \
105    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_CH4)                  \
106    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE11)               \
107    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_TRGO)                 \
108   )
109 #else
110 #define IS_LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOURCE(__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__)                         \
111   (   ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                      \
112    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH3)                  \
113    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH1)                  \
114    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH2)                  \
115    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH2)                  \
116    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_TRGO)                 \
117    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_CH4)                  \
118    || ((__REG_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE11)               \
119   )
120 #endif
121 #endif
122 #define IS_LL_ADC_REG_CONTINUOUS_MODE(__REG_CONTINUOUS_MODE__)                 \
123   (   ((__REG_CONTINUOUS_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_CONV_SINGLE)                    \
124    || ((__REG_CONTINUOUS_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_CONV_CONTINUOUS)                \
125   )
127 #define IS_LL_ADC_REG_DMA_TRANSFER(__REG_DMA_TRANSFER__)                       \
128   (   ((__REG_DMA_TRANSFER__) == LL_ADC_REG_DMA_TRANSFER_NONE)                 \
129    || ((__REG_DMA_TRANSFER__) == LL_ADC_REG_DMA_TRANSFER_UNLIMITED)            \
130   )
132 #define IS_LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH(__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__)                 \
133   (   ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)               \
134    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_2RANKS)         \
135    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_3RANKS)         \
136    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_4RANKS)         \
137    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_5RANKS)         \
138    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_6RANKS)         \
139    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_7RANKS)         \
140    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_8RANKS)         \
141    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_9RANKS)         \
142    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_10RANKS)        \
143    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_11RANKS)        \
144    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_12RANKS)        \
145    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_13RANKS)        \
146    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_14RANKS)        \
147    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_15RANKS)        \
148    || ((__REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_16RANKS)        \
149   )
152   (   ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE)           \
153    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_1RANK)             \
154    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_2RANKS)            \
155    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_3RANKS)            \
156    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_4RANKS)            \
157    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_5RANKS)            \
158    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_6RANKS)            \
159    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_7RANKS)            \
160    || ((__REG_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_8RANKS)            \
161   )
163 /* Check of parameters for configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:           */
164 /* ADC group injected                                                         */
165 #if defined(ADC3)
167   ((((__ADC_INSTANCE__) == ADC1) || ((__ADC_INSTANCE__) == ADC2))              \
168     ? (   ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                  \
169        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_TRGO)             \
170        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH4)              \
171        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_TRGO)             \
172        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH1)              \
173        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_CH4)              \
174        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_TRGO)             \
175        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE15)           \
176        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_CH4)              \
177       )                                                                        \
178       :                                                                        \
179       (   ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                  \
180        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_TRGO)             \
181        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH4)              \
182        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_CH3)              \
183        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_CH2)              \
184        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_CH4_ADC3)         \
185        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM5_TRGO)             \
186        || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM5_CH4)              \
187       )                                                                        \
188   )
189 #else
190 #if defined (STM32F101xE) || defined (STM32F105xC) || defined (STM32F107xC)
191 #define IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOURCE(__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__)                         \
192   (   ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                      \
193    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_TRGO)                 \
194    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH4)                  \
195    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_TRGO)                 \
196    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH1)                  \
197    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_CH4)                  \
198    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_TRGO)                 \
199    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE15)               \
200    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM8_CH4)                  \
201   )
202 #else
203 #define IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOURCE(__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__)                         \
204   (   ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE)                      \
205    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_TRGO)                 \
206    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM1_CH4)                  \
207    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_TRGO)                 \
208    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM2_CH1)                  \
209    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM3_CH4)                  \
210    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_TIM4_TRGO)                 \
211    || ((__INJ_TRIG_SOURCE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_EXT_EXTI_LINE15)               \
212   )
213 #endif
214 #endif
215 #define IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_AUTO(__INJ_TRIG_AUTO__)                             \
216   (   ((__INJ_TRIG_AUTO__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT)                     \
217    || ((__INJ_TRIG_AUTO__) == LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_FROM_GRP_REGULAR)                \
218   )
220 #define IS_LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH(__INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__)                 \
221   (   ((__INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)               \
222    || ((__INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_2RANKS)         \
223    || ((__INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_3RANKS)         \
224    || ((__INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_4RANKS)         \
225   )
228   (   ((__INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE)           \
229    || ((__INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_MODE__) == LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_1RANK)             \
230   )
232 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
233 /* Check of parameters for configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:           */
234 /* multimode.                                                                 */
235 #define IS_LL_ADC_MULTI_MODE(__MULTI_MODE__)                                   \
236   (   ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)                           \
237    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIMULT)                       \
238    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTERL_FAST)                  \
239    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTERL_SLOW)                  \
240    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_INJ_SIMULT)                       \
241    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_INJ_ALTERN)                       \
242    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIM_INJ_SIM)                  \
243    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_SIM_INJ_ALT)                  \
244    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTFAST_INJ_SIM)              \
245    || ((__MULTI_MODE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_DUAL_REG_INTSLOW_INJ_SIM)              \
246   )
248 #define IS_LL_ADC_MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE(__MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE__)                   \
249   (   ((__MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_MASTER)                        \
250    || ((__MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_SLAVE)                         \
251    || ((__MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE__) == LL_ADC_MULTI_MASTER_SLAVE)                  \
252   )
254 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
255 /**
256   * @}
257   */
260 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
262 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
263 /** @addtogroup ADC_LL_Exported_Functions
264   * @{
265   */
267 /** @addtogroup ADC_LL_EF_Init
268   * @{
269   */
271 /**
272   * @brief  De-initialize registers of all ADC instances belonging to
273   *         the same ADC common instance to their default reset values.
274   * @param  ADCxy_COMMON ADC common instance
275   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
276   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
277   *          - SUCCESS: ADC common registers are de-initialized
278   *          - ERROR: not applicable
279   */
LL_ADC_CommonDeInit(ADC_Common_TypeDef * ADCxy_COMMON)280 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_CommonDeInit(ADC_Common_TypeDef *ADCxy_COMMON)
281 {
282   /* Check the parameters */
283   assert_param(IS_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(ADCxy_COMMON));
285   /* Force reset of ADC clock (core clock) */
286   LL_APB2_GRP1_ForceReset(LL_APB2_GRP1_PERIPH_ADC1);
288   /* Release reset of ADC clock (core clock) */
289   LL_APB2_GRP1_ReleaseReset(LL_APB2_GRP1_PERIPH_ADC1);
291   return SUCCESS;
292 }
294 /**
295   * @brief  Initialize some features of ADC common parameters
296   *         (all ADC instances belonging to the same ADC common instance)
297   *         and multimode (for devices with several ADC instances available).
298   * @note   The setting of ADC common parameters is conditioned to
299   *         ADC instances state:
300   *         All ADC instances belonging to the same ADC common instance
301   *         must be disabled.
302   * @param  ADCxy_COMMON ADC common instance
303   *         (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
304   * @param  ADC_CommonInitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef structure
305   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
306   *          - SUCCESS: ADC common registers are initialized
307   *          - ERROR: ADC common registers are not initialized
308   */
LL_ADC_CommonInit(ADC_Common_TypeDef * ADCxy_COMMON,LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef * ADC_CommonInitStruct)309 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_CommonInit(ADC_Common_TypeDef *ADCxy_COMMON, LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef *ADC_CommonInitStruct)
310 {
311   ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
313   /* Check the parameters */
314   assert_param(IS_ADC_COMMON_INSTANCE(ADCxy_COMMON));
315 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
316   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_MULTI_MODE(ADC_CommonInitStruct->Multimode));
317 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
319   /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of functions             */
320   /*       "LL_ADC_SetCommonXXX()" and "LL_ADC_SetMultiXXX()"):               */
321   /*       On this STM32 serie, setting of these features is conditioned to   */
322   /*       ADC state:                                                         */
323   /*       All ADC instances of the ADC common group must be disabled.        */
325   {
326     /* Configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:                               */
327     /*  - common to several ADC                                               */
328     /*    (all ADC instances belonging to the same ADC common instance)       */
329     /*  - multimode (if several ADC instances available on the                */
330     /*    selected device)                                                    */
331     /*    - Set ADC multimode configuration                                   */
332     /*    - Set ADC multimode DMA transfer                                    */
333     /*    - Set ADC multimode: delay between 2 sampling phases                */
334 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
335     if(ADC_CommonInitStruct->Multimode != LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT)
336     {
338                  ADC_CR1_DUALMOD,
339                  ADC_CommonInitStruct->Multimode
340                 );
341     }
342     else
343     {
345                  ADC_CR1_DUALMOD,
346                  LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT
347                 );
348     }
349 #endif
350   }
351   else
352   {
353     /* Initialization error: One or several ADC instances belonging to        */
354     /* the same ADC common instance are not disabled.                         */
355     status = ERROR;
356   }
358   return status;
359 }
361 /**
362   * @brief  Set each @ref LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef field to default value.
363   * @param  ADC_CommonInitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef structure
364   *                              whose fields will be set to default values.
365   * @retval None
366   */
LL_ADC_CommonStructInit(LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef * ADC_CommonInitStruct)367 void LL_ADC_CommonStructInit(LL_ADC_CommonInitTypeDef *ADC_CommonInitStruct)
368 {
369   /* Set ADC_CommonInitStruct fields to default values */
370   /* Set fields of ADC common */
371   /* (all ADC instances belonging to the same ADC common instance) */
373 #if defined(ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT)
374   /* Set fields of ADC multimode */
375   ADC_CommonInitStruct->Multimode             = LL_ADC_MULTI_INDEPENDENT;
376 #endif /* ADC_MULTIMODE_SUPPORT */
377 }
379 /**
380   * @brief  De-initialize registers of the selected ADC instance
381   *         to their default reset values.
382   * @note   To reset all ADC instances quickly (perform a hard reset),
383   *         use function @ref LL_ADC_CommonDeInit().
384   * @param  ADCx ADC instance
385   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
386   *          - SUCCESS: ADC registers are de-initialized
387   *          - ERROR: ADC registers are not de-initialized
388   */
LL_ADC_DeInit(ADC_TypeDef * ADCx)389 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_DeInit(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx)
390 {
391   ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
393   /* Check the parameters */
394   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(ADCx));
396   /* Disable ADC instance if not already disabled.                            */
397   if(LL_ADC_IsEnabled(ADCx) == 1U)
398   {
399     /* Set ADC group regular trigger source to SW start to ensure to not      */
400     /* have an external trigger event occurring during the conversion stop    */
401     /* ADC disable process.                                                   */
402     LL_ADC_REG_SetTriggerSource(ADCx, LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE);
404     /* Set ADC group injected trigger source to SW start to ensure to not     */
405     /* have an external trigger event occurring during the conversion stop    */
406     /* ADC disable process.                                                   */
407     LL_ADC_INJ_SetTriggerSource(ADCx, LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE);
409     /* Disable the ADC instance */
410     LL_ADC_Disable(ADCx);
411   }
413   /* Check whether ADC state is compliant with expected state */
414   /* (hardware requirements of bits state to reset registers below) */
415   if(READ_BIT(ADCx->CR2, ADC_CR2_ADON) == 0U)
416   {
417     /* ========== Reset ADC registers ========== */
418     /* Reset register SR */
419     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SR,
420               (  LL_ADC_FLAG_STRT
421                | LL_ADC_FLAG_JSTRT
422                | LL_ADC_FLAG_EOS
423                | LL_ADC_FLAG_JEOS
424                | LL_ADC_FLAG_AWD1 )
425              );
427     /* Reset register CR1 */
428   #if defined (STM32F103x6) || defined (STM32F103xB) || defined (STM32F105xC) || defined (STM32F107xC) || defined (STM32F103xE) || defined (STM32F103xG)
430     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->CR1,
431               (  ADC_CR1_AWDEN   | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN  | ADC_CR1_DUALMOD
432                | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN
433                | ADC_CR1_JAUTO   | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL  | ADC_CR1_SCAN
434                | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE  | ADC_CR1_AWDIE   | ADC_CR1_EOCIE
435                | ADC_CR1_AWDCH                                     )
436              );
437   #else
439     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->CR1,
440               (  ADC_CR1_AWDEN   | ADC_CR1_JAWDEN  | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM
441                | ADC_CR1_JDISCEN | ADC_CR1_DISCEN  | ADC_CR1_JAUTO
442                | ADC_CR1_AWDSGL  | ADC_CR1_SCAN    | ADC_CR1_JEOCIE
443                | ADC_CR1_AWDIE   | ADC_CR1_EOCIE   | ADC_CR1_AWDCH )
444              );
445   #endif
447     /* Reset register CR2 */
448     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->CR2,
449               (  ADC_CR2_TSVREFE
450                | ADC_CR2_SWSTART  | ADC_CR2_EXTTRIG  | ADC_CR2_EXTSEL
452                | ADC_CR2_ALIGN    | ADC_CR2_DMA
453                | ADC_CR2_RSTCAL   | ADC_CR2_CAL
454                | ADC_CR2_CONT     | ADC_CR2_ADON                      )
455              );
457     /* Reset register SMPR1 */
458     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SMPR1,
459               (  ADC_SMPR1_SMP17 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP16
460                | ADC_SMPR1_SMP15 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP14 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP13
461                | ADC_SMPR1_SMP12 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP11 | ADC_SMPR1_SMP10)
462              );
464     /* Reset register SMPR2 */
465     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SMPR2,
466               (  ADC_SMPR2_SMP9
467                | ADC_SMPR2_SMP8 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP7 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP6
468                | ADC_SMPR2_SMP5 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP4 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP3
469                | ADC_SMPR2_SMP2 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP1 | ADC_SMPR2_SMP0)
470              );
472     /* Reset register JOFR1 */
474     /* Reset register JOFR2 */
476     /* Reset register JOFR3 */
478     /* Reset register JOFR4 */
481     /* Reset register HTR */
483     /* Reset register LTR */
486     /* Reset register SQR1 */
487     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SQR1,
488               (  ADC_SQR1_L
489                | ADC_SQR1_SQ16
490                | ADC_SQR1_SQ15 | ADC_SQR1_SQ14 | ADC_SQR1_SQ13)
491              );
493     /* Reset register SQR2 */
494     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SQR2,
495               (  ADC_SQR2_SQ12 | ADC_SQR2_SQ11 | ADC_SQR2_SQ10
496                | ADC_SQR2_SQ9 | ADC_SQR2_SQ8 | ADC_SQR2_SQ7)
497              );
499     /* Reset register SQR3 */
500     CLEAR_BIT(ADCx->SQR3,
501               (  ADC_SQR3_SQ6 | ADC_SQR3_SQ5 | ADC_SQR3_SQ4
502                | ADC_SQR3_SQ3 | ADC_SQR3_SQ2 | ADC_SQR3_SQ1)
503              );
505     /* Reset register JSQR */
507               (  ADC_JSQR_JL
508                | ADC_JSQR_JSQ4 | ADC_JSQR_JSQ3
509                | ADC_JSQR_JSQ2 | ADC_JSQR_JSQ1  )
510              );
512     /* Reset register DR */
513     /* bits in access mode read only, no direct reset applicable */
515     /* Reset registers JDR1, JDR2, JDR3, JDR4 */
516     /* bits in access mode read only, no direct reset applicable */
518   }
520   return status;
521 }
523 /**
524   * @brief  Initialize some features of ADC instance.
525   * @note   These parameters have an impact on ADC scope: ADC instance.
526   *         Affects both group regular and group injected (availability
527   *         of ADC group injected depends on STM32 families).
528   *         Refer to corresponding unitary functions into
529   *         @ref ADC_LL_EF_Configuration_ADC_Instance .
530   * @note   The setting of these parameters by function @ref LL_ADC_Init()
531   *         is conditioned to ADC state:
532   *         ADC instance must be disabled.
533   *         This condition is applied to all ADC features, for efficiency
534   *         and compatibility over all STM32 families. However, the different
535   *         features can be set under different ADC state conditions
536   *         (setting possible with ADC enabled without conversion on going,
537   *         ADC enabled with conversion on going, ...)
538   *         Each feature can be updated afterwards with a unitary function
539   *         and potentially with ADC in a different state than disabled,
540   *         refer to description of each function for setting
541   *         conditioned to ADC state.
542   * @note   After using this function, some other features must be configured
543   *         using LL unitary functions.
544   *         The minimum configuration remaining to be done is:
545   *          - Set ADC group regular or group injected sequencer:
546   *            map channel on the selected sequencer rank.
547   *            Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_REG_SetSequencerRanks().
548   *          - Set ADC channel sampling time
549   *            Refer to function LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime();
550   * @param  ADCx ADC instance
551   * @param  ADC_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef structure
552   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
553   *          - SUCCESS: ADC registers are initialized
554   *          - ERROR: ADC registers are not initialized
555   */
LL_ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef * ADCx,LL_ADC_InitTypeDef * ADC_InitStruct)556 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, LL_ADC_InitTypeDef *ADC_InitStruct)
557 {
558   ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
560   /* Check the parameters */
561   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(ADCx));
563   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_DATA_ALIGN(ADC_InitStruct->DataAlignment));
564   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_SCAN_SELECTION(ADC_InitStruct->SequencersScanMode));
566   /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of this function):       */
567   /*       ADC instance must be disabled.                                     */
568   if(LL_ADC_IsEnabled(ADCx) == 0U)
569   {
570     /* Configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:                               */
571     /*  - ADC instance                                                        */
572     /*    - Set ADC conversion data alignment                                 */
573     MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR1,
574                  ADC_CR1_SCAN
575               ,
576                  ADC_InitStruct->SequencersScanMode
577               );
579     MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR2,
580                  ADC_CR2_ALIGN
581               ,
582                  ADC_InitStruct->DataAlignment
583               );
585   }
586   else
587   {
588     /* Initialization error: ADC instance is not disabled. */
589     status = ERROR;
590   }
591   return status;
592 }
594 /**
595   * @brief  Set each @ref LL_ADC_InitTypeDef field to default value.
596   * @param  ADC_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_InitTypeDef structure
597   *                        whose fields will be set to default values.
598   * @retval None
599   */
LL_ADC_StructInit(LL_ADC_InitTypeDef * ADC_InitStruct)600 void LL_ADC_StructInit(LL_ADC_InitTypeDef *ADC_InitStruct)
601 {
602   /* Set ADC_InitStruct fields to default values */
603   /* Set fields of ADC instance */
604   ADC_InitStruct->DataAlignment = LL_ADC_DATA_ALIGN_RIGHT;
606   /* Enable scan mode to have a generic behavior with ADC of other            */
607   /* STM32 families, without this setting available:                          */
608   /* ADC group regular sequencer and ADC group injected sequencer depend      */
609   /* only of their own configuration.                                         */
610   ADC_InitStruct->SequencersScanMode      = LL_ADC_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE;
612 }
614 /**
615   * @brief  Initialize some features of ADC group regular.
616   * @note   These parameters have an impact on ADC scope: ADC group regular.
617   *         Refer to corresponding unitary functions into
618   *         @ref ADC_LL_EF_Configuration_ADC_Group_Regular
619   *         (functions with prefix "REG").
620   * @note   The setting of these parameters by function @ref LL_ADC_Init()
621   *         is conditioned to ADC state:
622   *         ADC instance must be disabled.
623   *         This condition is applied to all ADC features, for efficiency
624   *         and compatibility over all STM32 families. However, the different
625   *         features can be set under different ADC state conditions
626   *         (setting possible with ADC enabled without conversion on going,
627   *         ADC enabled with conversion on going, ...)
628   *         Each feature can be updated afterwards with a unitary function
629   *         and potentially with ADC in a different state than disabled,
630   *         refer to description of each function for setting
631   *         conditioned to ADC state.
632   * @note   After using this function, other features must be configured
633   *         using LL unitary functions.
634   *         The minimum configuration remaining to be done is:
635   *          - Set ADC group regular or group injected sequencer:
636   *            map channel on the selected sequencer rank.
637   *            Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_REG_SetSequencerRanks().
638   *          - Set ADC channel sampling time
639   *            Refer to function LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime();
640   * @param  ADCx ADC instance
641   * @param  ADC_REG_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef structure
642   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
643   *          - SUCCESS: ADC registers are initialized
644   *          - ERROR: ADC registers are not initialized
645   */
LL_ADC_REG_Init(ADC_TypeDef * ADCx,LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef * ADC_REG_InitStruct)646 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_REG_Init(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef *ADC_REG_InitStruct)
647 {
648   ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
650   /* Check the parameters */
651   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(ADCx));
652 #if defined(ADC3)
653   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOURCE(ADCx, ADC_REG_InitStruct->TriggerSource));
654 #else
655   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOURCE(ADC_REG_InitStruct->TriggerSource));
656 #endif
657   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH(ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength));
658   if(ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength != LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)
659   {
660     assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISCONT_MODE(ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont));
661   }
662   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_CONTINUOUS_MODE(ADC_REG_InitStruct->ContinuousMode));
663   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_REG_DMA_TRANSFER(ADC_REG_InitStruct->DMATransfer));
665   /* ADC group regular continuous mode and discontinuous mode                 */
666   /* can not be enabled simultenaeously                                       */
667   assert_param((ADC_REG_InitStruct->ContinuousMode == LL_ADC_REG_CONV_SINGLE)
668                || (ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont == LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE));
670   /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of this function):       */
671   /*       ADC instance must be disabled.                                     */
672   if(LL_ADC_IsEnabled(ADCx) == 0U)
673   {
674     /* Configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:                               */
675     /*  - ADC group regular                                                   */
676     /*    - Set ADC group regular trigger source                              */
677     /*    - Set ADC group regular sequencer length                            */
678     /*    - Set ADC group regular sequencer discontinuous mode                */
679     /*    - Set ADC group regular continuous mode                             */
680     /*    - Set ADC group regular conversion data transfer: no transfer or    */
681     /*      transfer by DMA, and DMA requests mode                            */
682     /* Note: On this STM32 serie, ADC trigger edge is set when starting       */
683     /*       ADC conversion.                                                  */
684     /*       Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_REG_StartConversionExtTrig().      */
685     if(ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength != LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)
686     {
687       MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR1,
688                    ADC_CR1_DISCEN
689                  | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM
690                 ,
691                    ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength
692                  | ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont
693                 );
694     }
695     else
696     {
697       MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR1,
698                    ADC_CR1_DISCEN
699                  | ADC_CR1_DISCNUM
700                 ,
701                    ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength
702                  | LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE
703                 );
704     }
706     MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR2,
707                  ADC_CR2_EXTSEL
708                | ADC_CR2_CONT
709                | ADC_CR2_DMA
710               ,
711                  ADC_REG_InitStruct->TriggerSource
712                | ADC_REG_InitStruct->ContinuousMode
713                | ADC_REG_InitStruct->DMATransfer
714               );
716     /* Set ADC group regular sequencer length and scan direction */
717     /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of this function):     */
718     /* Note: If ADC instance feature scan mode is disabled                    */
719     /*       (refer to  ADC instance initialization structure                 */
720     /*       parameter @ref SequencersScanMode                                */
721     /*       or function @ref LL_ADC_SetSequencersScanMode() ),               */
722     /*       this parameter is discarded.                                     */
723     LL_ADC_REG_SetSequencerLength(ADCx, ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength);
724   }
725   else
726   {
727     /* Initialization error: ADC instance is not disabled. */
728     status = ERROR;
729   }
730   return status;
731 }
733 /**
734   * @brief  Set each @ref LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef field to default value.
735   * @param  ADC_REG_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef structure
736   *                            whose fields will be set to default values.
737   * @retval None
738   */
LL_ADC_REG_StructInit(LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef * ADC_REG_InitStruct)739 void LL_ADC_REG_StructInit(LL_ADC_REG_InitTypeDef *ADC_REG_InitStruct)
740 {
741   /* Set ADC_REG_InitStruct fields to default values */
742   /* Set fields of ADC group regular */
743   /* Note: On this STM32 serie, ADC trigger edge is set when starting         */
744   /*       ADC conversion.                                                    */
745   /*       Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_REG_StartConversionExtTrig().        */
746   ADC_REG_InitStruct->TriggerSource    = LL_ADC_REG_TRIG_SOFTWARE;
747   ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerLength  = LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE;
748   ADC_REG_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont = LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE;
749   ADC_REG_InitStruct->ContinuousMode   = LL_ADC_REG_CONV_SINGLE;
750   ADC_REG_InitStruct->DMATransfer      = LL_ADC_REG_DMA_TRANSFER_NONE;
751 }
753 /**
754   * @brief  Initialize some features of ADC group injected.
755   * @note   These parameters have an impact on ADC scope: ADC group injected.
756   *         Refer to corresponding unitary functions into
757   *         @ref ADC_LL_EF_Configuration_ADC_Group_Regular
758   *         (functions with prefix "INJ").
759   * @note   The setting of these parameters by function @ref LL_ADC_Init()
760   *         is conditioned to ADC state:
761   *         ADC instance must be disabled.
762   *         This condition is applied to all ADC features, for efficiency
763   *         and compatibility over all STM32 families. However, the different
764   *         features can be set under different ADC state conditions
765   *         (setting possible with ADC enabled without conversion on going,
766   *         ADC enabled with conversion on going, ...)
767   *         Each feature can be updated afterwards with a unitary function
768   *         and potentially with ADC in a different state than disabled,
769   *         refer to description of each function for setting
770   *         conditioned to ADC state.
771   * @note   After using this function, other features must be configured
772   *         using LL unitary functions.
773   *         The minimum configuration remaining to be done is:
774   *          - Set ADC group injected sequencer:
775   *            map channel on the selected sequencer rank.
776   *            Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_INJ_SetSequencerRanks().
777   *          - Set ADC channel sampling time
778   *            Refer to function LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime();
779   * @param  ADCx ADC instance
780   * @param  ADC_INJ_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef structure
781   * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
782   *          - SUCCESS: ADC registers are initialized
783   *          - ERROR: ADC registers are not initialized
784   */
LL_ADC_INJ_Init(ADC_TypeDef * ADCx,LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef * ADC_INJ_InitStruct)785 ErrorStatus LL_ADC_INJ_Init(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef *ADC_INJ_InitStruct)
786 {
787   ErrorStatus status = SUCCESS;
789   /* Check the parameters */
790   assert_param(IS_ADC_ALL_INSTANCE(ADCx));
791 #if defined(ADC3)
792   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOURCE(ADCx, ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TriggerSource));
793 #else
794   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOURCE(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TriggerSource));
795 #endif
796   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_LENGTH(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerLength));
797   if(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerLength != LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)
798   {
799     assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_DISCONT_MODE(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont));
800   }
801   assert_param(IS_LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_AUTO(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TrigAuto));
803   /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of this function):       */
804   /*       ADC instance must be disabled.                                     */
805   if(LL_ADC_IsEnabled(ADCx) == 0U)
806   {
807     /* Configuration of ADC hierarchical scope:                               */
808     /*  - ADC group injected                                                  */
809     /*    - Set ADC group injected trigger source                             */
810     /*    - Set ADC group injected sequencer length                           */
811     /*    - Set ADC group injected sequencer discontinuous mode               */
812     /*    - Set ADC group injected conversion trigger: independent or         */
813     /*      from ADC group regular                                            */
814     /* Note: On this STM32 serie, ADC trigger edge is set when starting       */
815     /*       ADC conversion.                                                  */
816     /*       Refer to function @ref LL_ADC_INJ_StartConversionExtTrig().      */
817     if(ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerLength != LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE)
818     {
819       MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR1,
820                    ADC_CR1_JDISCEN
821                  | ADC_CR1_JAUTO
822                 ,
823                    ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont
824                  | ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TrigAuto
825                 );
826     }
827     else
828     {
829       MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR1,
830                    ADC_CR1_JDISCEN
831                  | ADC_CR1_JAUTO
832                 ,
833                    LL_ADC_REG_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE
834                  | ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TrigAuto
835                 );
836     }
838     MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CR2,
839                ADC_CR2_JEXTSEL
840               ,
841                ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TriggerSource
842               );
844     /* Note: Hardware constraint (refer to description of this function):     */
845     /* Note: If ADC instance feature scan mode is disabled                    */
846     /*       (refer to  ADC instance initialization structure                 */
847     /*       parameter @ref SequencersScanMode                                */
848     /*       or function @ref LL_ADC_SetSequencersScanMode() ),               */
849     /*       this parameter is discarded.                                     */
850     LL_ADC_INJ_SetSequencerLength(ADCx, ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerLength);
851   }
852   else
853   {
854     /* Initialization error: ADC instance is not disabled. */
855     status = ERROR;
856   }
857   return status;
858 }
860 /**
861   * @brief  Set each @ref LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef field to default value.
862   * @param  ADC_INJ_InitStruct Pointer to a @ref LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef structure
863   *                            whose fields will be set to default values.
864   * @retval None
865   */
LL_ADC_INJ_StructInit(LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef * ADC_INJ_InitStruct)866 void LL_ADC_INJ_StructInit(LL_ADC_INJ_InitTypeDef *ADC_INJ_InitStruct)
867 {
868   /* Set ADC_INJ_InitStruct fields to default values */
869   /* Set fields of ADC group injected */
870   ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TriggerSource    = LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE;
871   ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerLength  = LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_DISABLE;
872   ADC_INJ_InitStruct->SequencerDiscont = LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE;
873   ADC_INJ_InitStruct->TrigAuto         = LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT;
874 }
876 /**
877   * @}
878   */
880 /**
881   * @}
882   */
884 /**
885   * @}
886   */
888 #endif /* ADC1 || ADC2 || ADC3 */
890 /**
891   * @}
892   */
894 #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
896 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/