1 /*
2  * Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2022 NXP
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
8 /*!
9  * @file S32K142W.h
10  * @version 1.2
11  * @date 2022-02-10
12  * @brief Peripheral Access Layer for S32K142W
13  *
14  * This file contains register definitions and macros for easy access to their
15  * bit fields.
16  *
17  * This file assumes LITTLE endian system.
18  */
20 /**
21 * @page misra_violations MISRA-C:2012 violations
22 *
23 * @section [global]
24 * Violates MISRA 2012 Advisory Rule 2.3, local typedef not referenced
25 * The SoC header defines typedef for all modules.
26 *
27 * @section [global]
28 * Violates MISRA 2012 Advisory Rule 2.5, local macro not referenced
29 * The SoC header defines macros for all modules and registers.
30 *
31 * @section [global]
32 * Violates MISRA 2012 Advisory Directive 4.9, Function-like macro
33 * These are generated macros used for accessing the bit-fields from registers.
34 *
35 * @section [global]
36 * Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.1, identifier clash
37 * The supported compilers use more than 31 significant characters for identifiers.
38 *
39 * @section [global]
40 * Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.2, identifier clash
41 * The supported compilers use more than 31 significant characters for identifiers.
42 *
43 * @section [global]
44 * Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.4, identifier clash
45 * The supported compilers use more than 31 significant characters for identifiers.
46 *
47 * @section [global]
48 * Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.5, identifier clash
49 * The supported compilers use more than 31 significant characters for identifiers.
50 *
51 * @section [global]
52 * Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 21.1, defined macro '__I' is reserved to the compiler
53 * This type qualifier is needed to ensure correct I/O access and addressing.
54 */
57 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58    -- MCU activation
59    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
61 /* Prevention from multiple including the same memory map */
62 #if !defined(S32K142W_COMMON_H_)  /* Check if memory map has not been already included */
63 #define S32K142W_COMMON_H_
64 #define MCU_S32K142W
66 /* Check if another memory map has not been also included */
67 #if (defined(MCU_ACTIVE))
68   #error S32K142W memory map: There is already included another memory map. Only one memory map can be included.
69 #endif /* (defined(MCU_ACTIVE)) */
70 #define MCU_ACTIVE
72 #include "BasicTypes.h"
74 /** Memory map major version (memory maps with equal major version number are
75  * compatible) */
76 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION 0x0100U
77 /** Memory map minor version */
78 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION_MINOR 0x0002U
80 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
81    -- Generic macros
82    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
84 /* IO definitions (access restrictions to peripheral registers) */
85 /**
86 *   IO Type Qualifiers are used
87 *   \li to specify the access to peripheral variables.
88 *   \li for automatic generation of peripheral register debug information.
89 */
90 #ifndef __IO
91 #ifdef __cplusplus
92   #define   __I     volatile             /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions                 */
93 #else
94   #define   __I     volatile const       /*!< Defines 'read only' permissions                 */
95 #endif
96 #define     __O     volatile             /*!< Defines 'write only' permissions                */
97 #define     __IO    volatile             /*!< Defines 'read / write' permissions              */
98 #endif
101 /**
102 * @brief 32 bits memory read macro.
103 */
104 #if !defined(REG_READ32)
105   #define REG_READ32(address)               (*(volatile uint32_t*)(address))
106 #endif
108 /**
109 * @brief 32 bits memory write macro.
110 */
111 #if !defined(REG_WRITE32)
112   #define REG_WRITE32(address, value)       ((*(volatile uint32_t*)(address))= (uint32_t)(value))
113 #endif
115 /**
116 * @brief 32 bits bits setting macro.
117 */
118 #if !defined(REG_BIT_SET32)
119   #define REG_BIT_SET32(address, mask)      ((*(volatile uint32_t*)(address))|= (uint32_t)(mask))
120 #endif
122 /**
123 * @brief 32 bits bits clearing macro.
124 */
125 #if !defined(REG_BIT_CLEAR32)
126   #define REG_BIT_CLEAR32(address, mask)    ((*(volatile uint32_t*)(address))&= ((uint32_t)~((uint32_t)(mask))))
127 #endif
129 /**
130 * @brief 32 bit clear bits and set with new value
131 * @note It is user's responsability to make sure that value has only "mask" bits set - (value&~mask)==0
132 */
133 #if !defined(REG_RMW32)
134   #define REG_RMW32(address, mask, value)   (REG_WRITE32((address), ((REG_READ32(address)& ((uint32_t)~((uint32_t)(mask))))| ((uint32_t)(value)))))
135 #endif
138 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139    -- Interrupt vector numbers
140    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
142 /*!
143  * @addtogroup Interrupt_vector_numbers Interrupt vector numbers
144  * @{
145  */
147 /** Interrupt Number Definitions */
148 #define NUMBER_OF_INT_VECTORS 170                /**< Number of interrupts in the Vector table */
150 typedef enum {
151   /* Auxiliary constants */
152   NotAvail_IRQn                = -128,             /**< Not available device specific interrupt */
154   /* Core interrupts */
155   NonMaskableInt_IRQn          = -14,              /**< Non Maskable Interrupt */
156   HardFault_IRQn               = -13,              /**< Cortex-M4 SV Hard Fault Interrupt */
157   MemoryManagement_IRQn        = -12,              /**< Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt */
158   BusFault_IRQn                = -11,              /**< Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt */
159   UsageFault_IRQn              = -10,              /**< Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt */
160   SVCall_IRQn                  = -5,               /**< Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt */
161   DebugMonitor_IRQn            = -4,               /**< Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt */
162   PendSV_IRQn                  = -2,               /**< Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt */
163   SysTick_IRQn                 = -1,               /**< Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt */
165   /* Device specific interrupts */
166   DMA0_IRQn                    = 0,                /**< DMA channel 0 transfer complete */
167   DMA1_IRQn                    = 1,                /**< DMA channel 1 transfer complete */
168   DMA2_IRQn                    = 2,                /**< DMA channel 2 transfer complete */
169   DMA3_IRQn                    = 3,                /**< DMA channel 3 transfer complete */
170   DMA4_IRQn                    = 4,                /**< DMA channel 4 transfer complete */
171   DMA5_IRQn                    = 5,                /**< DMA channel 5 transfer complete */
172   DMA6_IRQn                    = 6,                /**< DMA channel 6 transfer complete */
173   DMA7_IRQn                    = 7,                /**< DMA channel 7 transfer complete */
174   DMA8_IRQn                    = 8,                /**< DMA channel 8 transfer complete */
175   DMA9_IRQn                    = 9,                /**< DMA channel 9 transfer complete */
176   DMA10_IRQn                   = 10,               /**< DMA channel 10 transfer complete */
177   DMA11_IRQn                   = 11,               /**< DMA channel 11 transfer complete */
178   DMA12_IRQn                   = 12,               /**< DMA channel 12 transfer complete */
179   DMA13_IRQn                   = 13,               /**< DMA channel 13 transfer complete */
180   DMA14_IRQn                   = 14,               /**< DMA channel 14 transfer complete */
181   DMA15_IRQn                   = 15,               /**< DMA channel 15 transfer complete */
182   DMA_Error_IRQn               = 16,               /**< DMA error interrupt channels 0-15 */
183   MCM_IRQn                     = 17,               /**< FPU sources */
184   FTFM_IRQn                    = 18,               /**< FTFM Command complete */
185   FTFM_Read_Collision_IRQn     = 19,               /**< FTFM Read collision */
186   LVD_LVW_IRQn                 = 20,               /**< PMC Low voltage detect interrupt */
187   FTFM_Fault_IRQn              = 21,               /**< FTFM Double bit fault detect */
188   WDOG_EWM_IRQn                = 22,               /**< Interrupt request out before WDOG reset out, EWM output as interrupt */
189   RCM_IRQn                     = 23,               /**< RCM Asynchronous Interrupt */
190   LPI2C0_Master_IRQn           = 24,               /**< LPI2C0 Master Interrupt */
191   LPI2C0_Slave_IRQn            = 25,               /**< LPI2C0 Slave Interrupt */
192   LPSPI0_IRQn                  = 26,               /**< LPSPI0 Interrupt */
193   LPSPI1_IRQn                  = 27,               /**< LPSPI1 Interrupt */
194   LPSPI2_IRQn                  = 28,               /**< LPSPI2 Interrupt */
195   LPUART0_RxTx_IRQn            = 31,               /**< LPUART0 Transmit / Receive Interrupt / Error / Overrun */
196   LPUART1_RxTx_IRQn            = 33,               /**< LPUART1 Transmit / Receive Interrupt / Error / Overrun */
197   LPUART2_RxTx_IRQn            = 35,               /**< LPUART2 Transmit / Receive Interrupt / Error / Overrun */
198   ADC0_IRQn                    = 39,               /**< ADC0 interrupt request */
199   ADC1_IRQn                    = 40,               /**< ADC1 interrupt request */
200   CMP0_IRQn                    = 41,               /**< CMP0 interrupt request */
201   ERM_single_fault_IRQn        = 44,               /**< ERM single bit error correction */
202   ERM_double_fault_IRQn        = 45,               /**< ERM double bit error non-correctable */
203   RTC_IRQn                     = 46,               /**< RTC alarm interrupt */
204   RTC_Seconds_IRQn             = 47,               /**< RTC seconds interrupt */
205   LPIT0_Ch0_IRQn               = 48,               /**< LPIT0 channel 0 overflow interrupt */
206   LPIT0_Ch1_IRQn               = 49,               /**< LPIT0 channel 1 overflow interrupt */
207   LPIT0_Ch2_IRQn               = 50,               /**< LPIT0 channel 2 overflow interrupt */
208   LPIT0_Ch3_IRQn               = 51,               /**< LPIT0 channel 3 overflow interrupt */
209   PDB0_IRQn                    = 52,               /**< PDB0 interrupt */
210   SCG_IRQn                     = 57,               /**< SCG bus interrupt request */
211   LPTMR0_IRQn                  = 58,               /**< LPTIMER interrupt request */
212   PORTA_IRQn                   = 59,               /**< Port A pin detect interrupt */
213   PORTB_IRQn                   = 60,               /**< Port B pin detect interrupt */
214   PORTC_IRQn                   = 61,               /**< Port C pin detect interrupt */
215   PORTD_IRQn                   = 62,               /**< Port D pin detect interrupt */
216   PORTE_IRQn                   = 63,               /**< Port E pin detect interrupt */
217   SWI_IRQn                     = 64,               /**< Software interrupt */
218   PDB1_IRQn                    = 68,               /**< PDB1 interrupt */
219   FLEXIO_IRQn                  = 69,               /**< Software interrupt */
220   CAN0_ORed_IRQn               = 78,               /**< CAN0 OR'ed Bus in Off State. */
221   CAN0_Error_IRQn              = 79,               /**< CAN0 Interrupt indicating that errors were detected on the CAN bus */
222   CAN0_Wake_Up_IRQn            = 80,               /**< CAN0 Interrupt asserted when Pretended Networking operation is enabled, and a valid message matches the selected filter criteria during Low Power mode */
223   CAN0_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQn       = 81,               /**< CAN0 OR'ed Message buffer (0-15) */
224   CAN0_ORed_16_31_MB_IRQn      = 82,               /**< CAN0 OR'ed Message buffer (16-31) */
225   CAN0_ORed_32_47_MB_IRQn      = 83,               /**< CAN0 OR'ed Message buffer (32-47) */
226   CAN0_ORed_48_63_MB_IRQn      = 84,               /**< CAN0 OR'ed Message buffer (32-47) */
227   CAN1_ORed_IRQn               = 85,               /**< CAN1 OR'ed Bus in Off State. */
228   CAN1_Error_IRQn              = 86,               /**< CAN1 Interrupt indicating that errors were detected on the CAN bus */
229   CAN1_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQn       = 88,               /**< CAN1 OR'ed Message buffer (0-15) */
230   CAN1_ORed_16_31_MB_IRQn      = 89,               /**< CAN1 OR'ed Message buffer (16-31) */
231   CAN1_ORed_32_47_MB_IRQn      = 90,               /**< CAN1 OR'ed Message buffer (32-47) */
232   CAN1_ORed_48_63_MB_IRQn      = 91,               /**< CAN1 OR'ed Message buffer (32-47) */
233   FTM0_Ch0_Ch1_IRQn            = 99,               /**< FTM0 Channel 0 and 1 interrupt */
234   FTM0_Ch2_Ch3_IRQn            = 100,              /**< FTM0 Channel 2 and 3 interrupt */
235   FTM0_Ch4_Ch5_IRQn            = 101,              /**< FTM0 Channel 4 and 5 interrupt */
236   FTM0_Ch6_Ch7_IRQn            = 102,              /**< FTM0 Channel 6 and 7 interrupt */
237   FTM0_Fault_IRQn              = 103,              /**< FTM0 Fault interrupt */
238   FTM0_Ovf_Reload_IRQn         = 104,              /**< FTM0 Counter overflow and Reload interrupt */
239   FTM1_Ch0_Ch1_IRQn            = 105,              /**< FTM1 Channel 0 and 1 interrupt */
240   FTM1_Ch2_Ch3_IRQn            = 106,              /**< FTM1 Channel 2 and 3 interrupt */
241   FTM1_Ch4_Ch5_IRQn            = 107,              /**< FTM1 Channel 4 and 5 interrupt */
242   FTM1_Ch6_Ch7_IRQn            = 108,              /**< FTM1 Channel 6 and 7 interrupt */
243   FTM1_Fault_IRQn              = 109,              /**< FTM1 Fault interrupt */
244   FTM1_Ovf_Reload_IRQn         = 110,              /**< FTM1 Counter overflow and Reload interrupt */
245   FTM2_Ch0_Ch1_IRQn            = 111,              /**< FTM2 Channel 0 and 1 interrupt */
246   FTM2_Ch2_Ch3_IRQn            = 112,              /**< FTM2 Channel 2 and 3 interrupt */
247   FTM2_Ch4_Ch5_IRQn            = 113,              /**< FTM2 Channel 4 and 5 interrupt */
248   FTM2_Ch6_Ch7_IRQn            = 114,              /**< FTM2 Channel 6 and 7 interrupt */
249   FTM2_Fault_IRQn              = 115,              /**< FTM2 Fault interrupt */
250   FTM2_Ovf_Reload_IRQn         = 116,              /**< FTM2 Counter overflow and Reload interrupt */
251   FTM3_Ch0_Ch1_IRQn            = 117,              /**< FTM3 Channel 0 and 1 interrupt */
252   FTM3_Ch2_Ch3_IRQn            = 118,              /**< FTM3 Channel 2 and 3 interrupt */
253   FTM3_Ch4_Ch5_IRQn            = 119,              /**< FTM3 Channel 4 and 5 interrupt */
254   FTM3_Ch6_Ch7_IRQn            = 120,              /**< FTM3 Channel 6 and 7 interrupt */
255   FTM3_Fault_IRQn              = 121,              /**< FTM3 Fault interrupt */
256   FTM3_Ovf_Reload_IRQn         = 122,              /**< FTM3 Counter overflow and Reload interrupt */
257   FTFM_EEERAM_ECC_ERR_IRQn     = 152,              /**< FFTM EEERAM ECC error */
258   FTFM_Mgate_ECC_ERR_IRQn      = 153               /**< FFTM Mgate ECC error */
259 } IRQn_Type;
261 /*!
262  * @}
263  */ /* end of group Interrupt_vector_numbers */
266 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
267    -- Cortex M4 Core Configuration
268    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
270 /*!
271  * @addtogroup Cortex_Core_Configuration Cortex M4 Core Configuration
272  * @{
273  */
275 #define __MPU_PRESENT                  0         /**< Defines if an MPU is present or not */
276 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS               4         /**< Number of priority bits implemented in the NVIC */
277 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig         0         /**< Vendor specific implementation of SysTickConfig is defined */
278 #define __FPU_PRESENT                  1         /**< Defines if an FPU is present or not */
281 /*!
282  * @}
283  */ /* end of group Cortex_Core_Configuration */
286 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
287    -- SDK Compatibility
288    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
290 /*!
291  * @addtogroup SDK_Compatibility_Symbols SDK Compatibility
292  * @{
293  */
295 /* No SDK compatibility issues. */
297 /*!
298  * @}
299  */ /* end of group SDK_Compatibility_Symbols */
302 #endif  /* #if !defined(S32K142W_COMMON_H_) */