1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2008-2024 NXP
3  *
4  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5  *
6  */
8 /*! \file wifi-decl.h
9  * \brief Wifi structure declarations
10  */
12 #ifndef __WIFI_DECL_H__
13 #define __WIFI_DECL_H__
15 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <stdbool.h>
17 #include <wm_utils.h>
18 #include <mlan_decl.h>
19 #include <mlan_ioctl.h>
20 #include <wifi_events.h>
22 /* fixme: remove these after complete integration with mlan */
23 #define MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH (6U)
24 /** Version string buffer length */
25 #define MLAN_MAX_VER_STR_LEN 128
27 #define WIFI_MAX_CHANNEL_NUM 42
29 #define PMK_BIN_LEN 32
30 #define PMK_HEX_LEN 64
32 #define MOD_GROUPS 7
35 /** The open AP in OWE transmition Mode */
37 /** The security AP in OWE trsnsition Mode */
38 #define OWE_TRANS_MODE_OWE 2U
39 #endif
42 #define WIFI_SUPPORT_11AX   (1 << 3)
43 #define WIFI_SUPPORT_11AC   (1 << 2)
44 #define WIFI_SUPPORT_11N    (1 << 1)
45 #define WIFI_SUPPORT_LEGACY (1 << 0)
46 #endif
48 #if 0
49 /** channel_field.flags */
50 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_TURBO                   0x0010
51 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_CCK                     0x0020
52 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_OFDM                    0x0040
53 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_2GHZ                    0x0080
54 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_5GHZ                    0x0100
56 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_DYNAMIC_CCK_OFDM        0x0400
57 #define CHANNEL_FLAGS_GFSK                    0x0800
58 PACK_START struct channel_field {
59     t_u16 frequency;
60     t_u16 flags;
61 } PACK_END;
63 /** mcs_field.known */
64 #define MCS_KNOWN_BANDWIDTH                   0x01
65 #define MCS_KNOWN_MCS_INDEX_KNOWN             0x02
66 #define MCS_KNOWN_GUARD_INTERVAL              0x04
67 #define MCS_KNOWN_HT_FORMAT                   0x08
68 #define MCS_KNOWN_FEC_TYPE                    0x10
69 #define MCS_KNOWN_STBC_KNOWN                  0x20
70 #define MCS_KNOWN_NESS_KNOWN                  0x40
71 #define MCS_KNOWN_NESS_DATA                   0x80
72 /** bandwidth */
73 #define RX_BW_20                              0
74 #define RX_BW_40                              1
75 #define RX_BW_20L                             2
76 #define RX_BW_20U                             3
77 /** mcs_field.flags
78 The flags field is any combination of the following:
79 0x03    bandwidth - 0: 20, 1: 40, 2: 20L, 3: 20U
80 0x04    guard interval - 0: long GI, 1: short GI
81 0x08    HT format - 0: mixed, 1: greenfield
82 0x10    FEC type - 0: BCC, 1: LDPC
83 0x60    Number of STBC streams
84 0x80    Ness - bit 0 (LSB) of Number of extension spatial streams */
85 PACK_START struct mcs_field {
86     t_u8 known;
87     t_u8 flags;
88     t_u8 mcs;
89 } PACK_END;
91 /** radiotap_body.flags */
92 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_DURING_CFG             0x01
93 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_SHORT_PREAMBLE         0x02
94 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_WEP_ENCRYPTION         0x04
95 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_WITH_FRAGMENT          0x08
96 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_INCLUDE_FCS            0x10
99 #define RADIOTAP_FLAGS_USE_SGI_HT             0x80
100 PACK_START struct radiotap_body {
101     t_u64 timestamp;
102     t_u8 flags;
103     t_u8 rate;
104     struct channel_field channel;
105     t_s8 antenna_signal;
106     t_s8 antenna_noise;
107     t_u8 antenna;
108     struct mcs_field mcs;
109 } PACK_END;
111 typedef PACK_START struct _radiotap_header {
112     struct ieee80211_radiotap_header hdr;
113     struct radiotap_body body;
114 } PACK_END radiotap_header_t;
115 #endif
117 /** Station information structure */
118 typedef struct
119 {
120     /** MAC address buffer */
121     t_u8 mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
122     /**
123      * Power management status
124      * 0 = active (not in power save)
125      * 1 = in power save status
126      */
127     t_u8 power_mgmt_status;
128     /** RSSI: dBm */
129     t_s8 rssi;
130 } wifi_sta_info_t;
132 /** Channel list structure */
133 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_scan_chan_list_t
134 {
135     /** Number of channels */
136     uint8_t num_of_chan;
137     /** Channel number */
138     uint8_t chan_number[MLAN_MAX_CHANNEL];
139 } PACK_END wifi_scan_chan_list_t;
141 /**
142  *  Note: This is variable length structure. The size of array mac_list is
143  *  equal to count. The caller of the API which returns this structure does
144  *  not need to separately free the array mac_list. It only needs to free
145  *  the sta_list_t object after use.
146  */
147 typedef struct
148 {
149     /** Count */
150     int count;
151     /*
152      * Variable length array. Max size is MAX_NUM_CLIENTS.
153      */
154     /* wifi_sta_info_t *list; */
155 } wifi_sta_list_t;
157 /** BSS type : STA */
158 #define BSS_TYPE_STA 0U
159 /** BSS type : UAP */
160 #define BSS_TYPE_UAP 1U
162 #define UAP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL       0
163 #ifdef RW610
164 #define UAP_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH     1
165 #else
166 #define UAP_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH     2
167 #endif
171 enum wifi_bss_security
172 {
178 };
180 enum wifi_bss_features
181 {
184 };
186 struct wifi_message
187 {
188     uint16_t event;
189     enum wifi_event_reason reason;
190     void *data;
191 };
193 #if CONFIG_P2P
194 struct wifi_wfd_event
195 {
196     bool peer_event;
197     bool action_frame;
198     void *data;
199 };
200 #endif
202 /* Wlan Cipher structure */
203 typedef struct
204 {
205     /** 1 bit value can be set for none */
206     uint16_t none : 1;
207     /** 1 bit value can be set for wep40 */
208     uint16_t wep40 : 1;
209     /** 1 bit value can be set for wep104 */
210     uint16_t wep104 : 1;
211     /** 1 bit value can be set for tkip */
212     uint16_t tkip : 1;
213     /** 1 bit valuecan be set for ccmp */
214     uint16_t ccmp : 1;
215     /**  1 bit valuecan be set for aes 128 cmac */
216     uint16_t aes_128_cmac : 1;
217     /** 1 bit value can be set for gcmp */
218     uint16_t gcmp : 1;
219     /** 1 bit value can be set for sms4 */
220     uint16_t sms4 : 1;
221     /** 1 bit value can be set for gcmp 256 */
222     uint16_t gcmp_256 : 1;
223     /** 1 bit valuecan be set for ccmp 256 */
224     uint16_t ccmp_256 : 1;
225     /** 1 bit is reserved */
226     uint16_t rsvd : 1;
227     /** 1 bit value can be set for bip gmac 128 */
228     uint16_t bip_gmac_128 : 1;
229     /** 1 bit value can be set for bip gmac 256 */
230     uint16_t bip_gmac_256 : 1;
231     /** 1 bit value can be set for bip cmac 256 */
232     uint16_t bip_cmac_256 : 1;
233     /** 1 bit valuecan be set for gtk not used */
234     uint16_t gtk_not_used : 1;
235     /** 4 bits are reserved */
236     uint16_t rsvd2 : 2;
237 } _Cipher_t;
239 /* Security mode structure */
240 typedef struct
241 {
242     /** No security */
243     uint32_t noRsn : 1;
244     /** WEP static */
245     uint32_t wepStatic : 1;
246     /** WEP dynamic */
247     uint32_t wepDynamic : 1;
248     /** WPA */
249     uint32_t wpa : 1;
250     /** WPA none */
251     uint32_t wpaNone : 1;
252     /** WPA 2 */
253     uint32_t wpa2 : 1;
254     /** WPA 2 sha256 */
255     uint32_t wpa2_sha256 : 1;
256     /** OWE */
257     uint32_t owe : 1;
258     /** WPA3 SAE */
259     uint32_t wpa3_sae : 1;
260     /** 802.1x */
261     uint32_t wpa2_entp : 1;
262     /** FT 802.1x */
263     uint32_t ft_1x : 1;
264     /** FT 802.1x sha384 */
265     uint32_t ft_1x_sha384 : 1;
266     /** FT PSK  */
267     uint32_t ft_psk : 1;
268     /** FT SAE */
269     uint32_t ft_sae : 1;
270     /** WPA3 Enterprise */
271     uint32_t wpa3_entp : 1;
272     /** WPA3 802.1x sha256 */
273     uint32_t wpa3_1x_sha256 : 1;
274     /** WPA3 802.1x sha384 */
275     uint32_t wpa3_1x_sha384 : 1;
276     /** Reserved 16 bits */
277     uint32_t rsvd : 16;
278 } _SecurityMode_t;
280 /* TODO: clean up the parts brought over from the Host SME BSSDescriptor_t,
281  * remove ifdefs, consolidate security info */
283 /** MLAN Maximum SSID Length */
284 #define MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH (32U)
285 /** MLAN Maximum PASSPHRASE Length */
286 #define MLAN_MAX_PASS_LENGTH (64)
288 /** Scan result information */
289 struct wifi_scan_result2
290 {
291     uint8_t bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; /*!< BSSID array */
292     bool is_ibss_bit_set;                /*!< Is bssid set? */
294     uint8_t ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH];  /*!< ssid array */
295     int ssid_len;                        /*!< SSID length */
296     uint8_t Channel;                     /*!< Channel associated to the BSSID */
297     uint8_t RSSI;                        /*!< Received signal strength */
298     uint16_t beacon_period;              /*!< Beacon period */
299     uint16_t dtim_period;                /*!< DTIM period */
300     _SecurityMode_t WPA_WPA2_WEP;        /*!< Security mode info */
301     _Cipher_t wpa_mcstCipher;            /*!< WPA multicast cipher */
302     _Cipher_t wpa_ucstCipher;            /*!< WPA unicast cipher */
303     _Cipher_t rsn_mcstCipher;            /*!< No security multicast cipher */
304     _Cipher_t rsn_ucstCipher;            /*!< No security unicast cipher */
305     bool is_pmf_required;                /*!< Is pmf required flag */
306     t_u8 ap_mfpc;                        /*!< MFPC bit of AP */
307     t_u8 ap_mfpr;                        /*!< MFPR bit of AP */
308     t_u8 ap_pwe;                         /*!< PWE bit of AP */
310     /*!<
311      **  WPA_WPA2 = 0 => Security not enabled
312      **  = 1 => WPA mode
313      **  = 2 => WPA2 mode
314      **  = 3 => WEP mode
315      */
316     bool phtcap_ie_present;  /*!< PHT CAP IE present info */
317     bool phtinfo_ie_present; /*!< PHT INFO IE present info */
318 #if CONFIG_11AC
319     /** 11AC VHT capab support */
320     bool pvhtcap_ie_present;
321 #endif
322 #if CONFIG_11AX
323     /** 11AX HE capab support */
324     bool phecap_ie_present;
325 #endif
327     bool wmm_ie_present;                       /*!< WMM IE present info */
328     uint16_t band;                             /*!< Band info */
330     bool wps_IE_exist;                         /*!< WPS IE exist info */
331     uint16_t wps_session;                      /*!< WPS session */
332     bool wpa2_entp_IE_exist;                   /*!< WPA2 enterprise IE exist info */
333     uint8_t trans_mode;                        /*!< Trans mode */
334     uint8_t trans_bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; /*!< Trans bssid array */
335     uint8_t trans_ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH];  /*!< Trans ssid array */
336     int trans_ssid_len;                        /*!< Trans bssid length */
338     bool mbo_assoc_disallowed;                 /*!< MBO disallowed */
339 #endif
340 #if CONFIG_11R
341     /** Mobility domain identifier */
342     uint16_t mdid;
343 #endif
344 #if CONFIG_11K
345     /** Neigbort report support */
346     bool neighbor_report_supported;
347 #endif
348 #if CONFIG_11V
349     /** bss transition support */
350     bool bss_transition_supported;
351 #endif
352 };
354 /** MAC address */
355 typedef struct
356 {
357     /** Mac address array */
358     char mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
359 } wifi_mac_addr_t;
361 /** Firmware version */
362 typedef struct
363 {
364     /** Firmware version string */
365     char version_str[MLAN_MAX_VER_STR_LEN];
366 } wifi_fw_version_t;
368 /** Extended Firmware version */
369 typedef struct
370 {
371     /** ID for extended version select */
372     uint8_t version_str_sel;
373     /** Firmware version string */
374     char version_str[MLAN_MAX_VER_STR_LEN];
375 } wifi_fw_version_ext_t;
377 enum wlan_type
378 {
379     WLAN_TYPE_NORMAL = 0,
382 };
384 /** Tx power levels */
385 typedef struct
386 {
387     /** Current power level */
388     uint16_t current_level;
389     /** Maximum power level */
390     uint8_t max_power;
391     /** Minimum power level */
392     uint8_t min_power;
394 } wifi_tx_power_t;
396 /** Rf channel */
397 typedef struct
398 {
399     /** Current channel */
400     uint16_t current_channel;
401     /** RF Type */
402     uint16_t rf_type;
403 } wifi_rf_channel_t;
405 /** Remain on channel info structure */
406 typedef struct
407 {
408     /** Remove */
409     uint16_t remove;
410     /** Current status */
411     uint8_t status;
412     /** band configuration */
413     uint8_t bandcfg;
414     /** Channel */
415     uint8_t channel;
416     /** Remain on channel period */
417     uint32_t remain_period;
418 } wifi_remain_on_channel_t;
420 #if CONFIG_11AX
421 /** TX Rate Setting */
422 typedef PACK_START struct _txrate_setting
423 {
424     /** Preamble */
425     t_u16 preamble : 2; /*BIT1-BIT0:
426                          *  For legacy 11b: preamble type
427                          *    00    = long
428                          *    01    = short
429                          *    10/11  = reserved
430                          *  For legacy 11g: reserved
431                          *  For 11n: Green field PPDU indicator
432                          *    00 = HT-mix
433                          *    01 = HT-GF
434                          *    10/11 = reserved.
435                          *  For 11ac: reserved.
436                          *  For 11ax:
437                          *    00 = HE-SU
438                          *    01 = HE-EXT-SU
439                          *    10 = HE-MU
440                          *    11 = HE trigger based
441                          */
442     /** Bandwidth */
443     t_u16 bandwidth : 3; /* BIT2- BIT4
444                           * For 11n and 11ac traffic: Bandwidth
445                           *    0 = 20Mhz
446                           *    1 = 40Mhz
447                           *    2 = 80 Mhz
448                           *    3 = 160 Mhz
449                           *    4-7 = reserved
450                           *  For legacy rate : BW>0 implies non-HT duplicates.
451                           *  For HE SU PPDU:
452                           *    0 = 20Mhz
453                           *    1 = 40Mhz
454                           *    2 = 80 Mhz
455                           *    3 = 160 Mhz
456                           *    4-7 = reserved
457                           *  For HE ER SU PPDU:
458                           *    0 = 242-tone RU
459                           *    1 = upper frequency 106 tone RU within the primary 20 Mhz.
460                           *  For HE MU PPDU:
461                           *    0 = 20Mhz.
462                           *    1 = 40Mhz.
463                           *    2 = 80Mhz non-preamble puncturing mode
464                           *    3 = 160Mhz and 80+80 Mhz non-preamble.
465                           *    4 = for preemble puncturing in 80 Mhz ,
466                           *        where in the preamble only the secondary 20Mhz is punctured.
467                           *    5 = for preemble puncturing in 80 Mhz ,
468                           *        where in the preamble only one of the two 20Mhz subchannels in the secondary 40Mhz is
469                           * punctured.  6 = for preemble puncturing in 160 Mhz or 80 Mhz + 80 Mhz,  where in the primary
470                           * 80 Mhz of the preamble only the secondary 20 Mhz is punctured.  7 = for preemble puncturing
471                           * in 160 Mhz or 80 Mhz + 80 Mhz,  where in the primary 80 Mhz of the preamble the primary 40
472                           * Mhz is present.
473                           */
474     /** Short GI */
475     t_u16 shortGI : 2; /*BIT5- BIT6
476                         *  For legacy: not used
477                         *  For 11n: 00 = normal, 01 =shortGI, 10/11 = reserved
478                         *  For 11ac: SGI map to VHT-SIG-A2[0]
479                         *           VHT-SIG-A2[1] is set to 1 if short guard interval is used
480                         *           and NSYM mod 10 = 9, otherwise set to 0.
481                         *  For 11ax:
482                         *           00 = 1xHELTF+GI0.8usec
483                         *           01 = 2xHELTF+GI0.8usec
484                         *           10 = 2xHELTF+GI1.6usec
485                         *           11 = 4xHELTF+GI0.8 usec if both DCM and STBC are 1
486                         *                4xHELTF+GI3.2 usec otherwise
487                         */
488     /** STBC */
489     t_u16 stbc : 1; // BIT7, 0: no STBC; 1: STBC
490     /** DCM */
491     t_u16 dcm : 1; // BIT8, 0: no DCM; 1: DCM used.
492     /** Adv coding */
493     t_u16 adv_coding : 1; // BIT9, 0: BCC; 1: LDPC.
494     /** Doppler */
495     t_u16 doppler : 2; /* BIT11-BIT10,
496                           00: Doppler0
497                           01: Doppler 1 with Mma =10
498                           10: Doppler 1 with Mma =20
499                        */
500     /** Max PK text */
501     t_u16 max_pktext : 2; /*BIT12-BIT13:
502                            * Max packet extension
503                            *  0 - 0 usec
504                            *  1 - 8 usec
505                            *  2 - 16 usec.
506                            */
507     /** Reserved */
508     t_u16 reserverd : 2; // BIT14-BIT15
509 } PACK_END txrate_setting;
512 typedef struct
513 {
514     t_u8 *enable;
515     t_u8 *Density;
516     t_u8 *MMSF;
517 } wifi_mmsf_cfg_t;
518 #endif
519 #endif
521 /** Data structure for cmd txratecfg */
522 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_rate_cfg_t
523 {
524     /** LG rate: 0, HT rate: 1, VHT rate: 2 */
525     mlan_rate_format rate_format;
526     /** Rate/MCS index (0xFF: auto) */
527     t_u32 rate_index;
528     /** Rate rate */
529     t_u32 rate;
530 #if (CONFIG_11AC) || (CONFIG_11AX)
531     /** NSS */
532     t_u32 nss;
533 #endif
534     /** Rate Setting */
535     t_u16 rate_setting;
536 } PACK_END wifi_rate_cfg_t;
538 /** Data structure for cmd get data rate */
539 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_data_rate_t
540 {
541     /** Tx data rate */
542     t_u32 tx_data_rate;
543     /** Rx data rate */
544     t_u32 rx_data_rate;
546     /** Tx channel bandwidth */
547     t_u32 tx_bw;
548     /** Tx guard interval */
549     t_u32 tx_gi;
550     /** Rx channel bandwidth */
551     t_u32 rx_bw;
552     /** Rx guard interval */
553     t_u32 rx_gi;
555 #ifndef SD8801
556     /** MCS index */
557     t_u32 tx_mcs_index;
558     /** MCS index */
559     t_u32 rx_mcs_index;
560 #if (CONFIG_11AC) || (CONFIG_11AX)
561     /** NSS */
562     t_u32 tx_nss;
563     /** NSS */
564     t_u32 rx_nss;
565 #endif
566     /** LG rate: 0, HT rate: 1, VHT rate: 2 */
567     mlan_rate_format tx_rate_format;
568     /** LG rate: 0, HT rate: 1, VHT rate: 2 */
569     mlan_rate_format rx_rate_format;
570 #endif
571 } PACK_END wifi_data_rate_t;
573 enum wifi_ds_command_type
574 {
575     WIFI_DS_RATE_CFG      = 0,
576     WIFI_DS_GET_DATA_RATE = 1,
577 };
579 /** Type definition of wifi_ds_rate */
580 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_ds_rate
581 {
582     /** Sub-command */
583     enum wifi_ds_command_type sub_command;
585     /** Only set auto tx fix rate */
586     t_u16 auto_null_fixrate_enable;
587 #endif
588     /** Rate configuration parameter */
589     union
590     {
591         /** Rate configuration for MLAN_OID_RATE_CFG */
592         wifi_rate_cfg_t rate_cfg;
593         /** Data rate for MLAN_OID_GET_DATA_RATE */
594         wifi_data_rate_t data_rate;
595     } param;
596 } PACK_END wifi_ds_rate;
598 /** Type definition of wifi_ed_mac_ctrl_t */
599 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_ed_mac_ctrl_t
600 {
601     /** ED CTRL 2G */
602     t_u16 ed_ctrl_2g;
603     /** ED Offset 2G */
604     t_s16 ed_offset_2g;
605     /** ED CTRL 5G */
606     t_u16 ed_ctrl_5g;
607     /** ED Offset 5G */
608     t_s16 ed_offset_5g;
609 } PACK_END wifi_ed_mac_ctrl_t;
611 /** Type definition of wifi_bandcfg_t */
612 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_bandcfg_t
613 {
614     /** Infra band */
615     t_u16 config_bands;
616     /** fw supported band */
617     t_u16 fw_bands;
618 } PACK_END wifi_bandcfg_t;
620 #ifdef SD8801
621 /** Type definition of wifi_ext_coex_config_t */
622 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_ext_coex_config_t
623 {
624     /** Enable or disable external coexistence */
625     t_u8 Enabled;
626     /** Ignore the priority of the external radio request */
627     t_u8 IgnorePriority;
628     /** Default priority when the priority of the external radio
629 request is ignored */
630     t_u8 DefaultPriority;
631     /** Input request GPIO pin for EXT_RADIO_REQ signal */
632     t_u8 EXT_RADIO_REQ_ip_gpio_num;
633     /** Input request GPIO polarity for EXT_RADIO_REQ signal */
634     t_u8 EXT_RADIO_REQ_ip_gpio_polarity;
635     /** Input priority GPIO pin for EXT_RADIO_PRI signal */
636     t_u8 EXT_RADIO_PRI_ip_gpio_num;
637     /** Input priority GPIO polarity for EXT_RADIO_PRI signal */
638     t_u8 EXT_RADIO_PRI_ip_gpio_polarity;
639     /** Output grant GPIO pin for WLAN_GRANT signal */
640     t_u8 WLAN_GRANT_op_gpio_num;
641     /** Output grant GPIO polarity of WLAN_GRANT */
642     t_u8 WLAN_GRANT_op_gpio_polarity;
643     /** Reserved Bytes */
644     t_u16 reserved_1;
645     /** Reserved Bytes */
646     t_u16 reserved_2;
647 } PACK_END wifi_ext_coex_config_t;
649 /** Type definition of wifi_ext_coex_stats_t */
650 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_ext_coex_stats_t
651 {
652     /** External Radio Request count */
653     t_u16 ext_radio_req_count;
654     /** External Radio Priority count */
655     t_u16 ext_radio_pri_count;
656     /** WLAN GRANT count */
657     t_u16 wlan_grant_count;
658 } PACK_END wifi_ext_coex_stats_t;
659 #endif
661 /** Type definition of wifi_antcfg_t */
662 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_antcfg_t
663 {
664     /** Antenna Mode */
665     t_u32 *ant_mode;
666     /** Evaluate Time */
667     t_u16 *evaluate_time;
668     /** Current antenna*/
669     t_u16 *current_antenna;
670 #ifdef RW610
671     /** Evaluate mode */
672     t_u8 *evaluate_mode;
673 #endif
674 } PACK_END wifi_antcfg_t;
676 /** CW_MODE_CTRL structure */
677 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_cw_mode_ctrl_t
678 {
679     /** Mode of Operation 0:Disable 1: Tx Continuous Packet 2 : Tx
680  Continuous Wave */
681     t_u8 mode;
682     /** channel */
683     t_u8 channel;
684     /** channel info */
685     t_u8 chanInfo;
686     /** Tx Power level in dBm */
687     t_u16 txPower;
688     /** Packet Length */
689     t_u16 pktLength;
690     /** bit rate info */
691     t_u32 rateInfo;
692 } PACK_END wifi_cw_mode_ctrl_t;
694 /** TBTT offset structure */
695 typedef struct
696 {
697     /** Min TBTT offset */
698     t_u32 min_tbtt_offset;
699     /** Max TBTT offset */
700     t_u32 max_tbtt_offset;
701     /** AVG TBTT offset */
702     t_u32 avg_tbtt_offset;
703 } wifi_tbtt_offset_t;
705 #ifndef BIT
706 #define BIT(n) (1U << (n))
707 #endif
708 #define WOWLAN_MAX_PATTERN_LEN           20
709 #define WOWLAN_MAX_OFFSET_LEN            50
710 #define MAX_NUM_FILTERS                  10
711 #define MEF_MODE_HOST_SLEEP              (1 << 0)
712 #define MEF_MODE_NON_HOST_SLEEP          (1 << 1)
713 #define MEF_ACTION_WAKE                  (1 << 0)
714 #define MEF_ACTION_ALLOW                 (1 << 1)
716 #define MEF_AUTO_ARP                     0x10
717 #define MEF_AUTO_PING                    0x20
718 #define MEF_NS_RESP                      0x40
719 #define MEF_MAGIC_PKT                    0x80
720 #define CRITERIA_BROADCAST               MBIT(0)
721 #define CRITERIA_UNICAST                 MBIT(1)
722 #define CRITERIA_MULTICAST               MBIT(3)
724 #define MAX_NUM_ENTRIES  8
725 #define MAX_NUM_BYTE_SEQ 6
726 #define MAX_NUM_MASK_SEQ 6
728 #define OPERAND_DNUM     1
729 #define OPERAND_BYTE_SEQ 2
731 #define MAX_OPERAND  0x40
732 #define TYPE_BYTE_EQ (MAX_OPERAND + 1)
733 #define TYPE_DNUM_EQ (MAX_OPERAND + 2)
734 #define TYPE_BIT_EQ  (MAX_OPERAND + 3)
736 #define RPN_TYPE_AND (MAX_OPERAND + 4)
737 #define RPN_TYPE_OR  (MAX_OPERAND + 5)
739 #define ICMP_OF_IP_PROTOCOL 0x01
740 #define TCP_OF_IP_PROTOCOL  0x06
741 #define UDP_OF_IP_PROTOCOL  0x11
743 #define IPV4_PKT_OFFSET      20
744 #define IP_PROTOCOL_OFFSET   31
747 #define FILLING_TYPE      MBIT(0)
748 #define FILLING_PATTERN   MBIT(1)
749 #define FILLING_OFFSET    MBIT(2)
751 #define FILLING_REPEAT    MBIT(4)
752 #define FILLING_BYTE_SEQ  MBIT(5)
753 #define FILLING_MASK_SEQ  MBIT(6)
755 /** Type definition of filter_item
756  *  support three match methods:
757  *  <1>Byte comparison type=0x41
758  *  <2>Decimal comparison type=0x42
759  *  <3>Bit comparison type=0x43
760  */
761 typedef struct _wifi_mef_filter_t
762 {
763     /** flag*/
764     t_u32 fill_flag;
765     /** BYTE 0X41; Decimal 0X42; Bit 0x43*/
766     t_u16 type;
767     /** value*/
768     t_u32 pattern;
769     /** offset*/
770     t_u16 offset;
771     /** number of bytes*/
772     t_u16 num_bytes;
773     /** repeat*/
774     t_u16 repeat;
775     /** byte number*/
776     t_u8 num_byte_seq;
777     /** array*/
778     t_u8 byte_seq[MAX_NUM_BYTE_SEQ];
779     /** mask numbers*/
780     t_u8 num_mask_seq;
781     /** array*/
782     t_u8 mask_seq[MAX_NUM_MASK_SEQ];
783 } wifi_mef_filter_t;
785 /** MEF entry struct */
786 typedef struct _wifi_mef_entry_t
787 {
788     /** mode: bit0--hostsleep mode; bit1--non hostsleep mode */
789     t_u8 mode;
790     /** action: 0--discard and not wake host;
791                 1--discard and wake host;
792                 3--allow and wake host;*/
793     t_u8 action;
794     /** filter number */
795     t_u8 filter_num;
796     /** filter array*/
797     wifi_mef_filter_t filter_item[MAX_NUM_FILTERS];
798     /** rpn array*/
799     t_u8 rpn[MAX_NUM_FILTERS];
800 } wifi_mef_entry_t;
802 /** Wifi filter config struct */
803 typedef struct _wifi_flt_cfg
804 {
805     /** Filter Criteria */
806     t_u32 criteria;
807     /** Number of entries */
808     t_u16 nentries;
809     /** MEF entry*/
810     wifi_mef_entry_t mef_entry[MAX_NUM_ENTRIES];
811 } wifi_flt_cfg_t;
813 /* User defined pattern struct */
814 typedef struct
815 {
816     /** pattern offset of received pattern */
817     t_u8 pkt_offset;
818     /** pattern length */
819     t_u8 pattern_len;
820     /** wowlan pattern */
821     t_u8 pattern[WOWLAN_MAX_PATTERN_LEN];
822     /** mask */
823     t_u8 mask[6];
824 } wifi_wowlan_pattern_t;
826 /** Wowlan Pattern config struct */
827 typedef struct
828 {
829     /** Enable user defined pattern*/
830     t_u8 enable;
831     /** number of patterns******/
832     t_u8 n_patterns;
833     /** user define pattern*/
834     wifi_wowlan_pattern_t patterns[MAX_NUM_FILTERS];
835 } wifi_wowlan_ptn_cfg_t;
837 /** TCP keep alive information */
838 typedef struct
839 {
840     /** Enable keep alive */
841     t_u8 enable;
842     /** Reset */
843     t_u8 reset;
844     /** Keep alive timeout */
845     t_u32 timeout;
846     /** Keep alive interval */
847     t_u16 interval;
848     /** Maximum keep alives */
849     t_u16 max_keep_alives;
850     /** Destination MAC address */
851     t_u8 dst_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
852     /** Destination IP */
853     t_u32 dst_ip;
854     /** Destination TCP port */
855     t_u16 dst_tcp_port;
856     /** Source TCP port */
857     t_u16 src_tcp_port;
858     /** Sequence number */
859     t_u32 seq_no;
860 } wifi_tcp_keep_alive_t;
862 /** TCP nat keep alive information */
863 typedef struct
864 {
865     /** Keep alive interval */
866     t_u16 interval;
867     /** Destination MAC address */
868     t_u8 dst_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
869     /** Destination IP */
870     t_u32 dst_ip;
871     /** Destination port */
872     t_u16 dst_port;
873 } wifi_nat_keep_alive_t;
876 #define MKEEP_ALIVE_IP_PKT_MAX 256
877 /** Cloud keep alive information */
878 typedef struct
879 {
880     /** Keep alive id */
881     t_u8 mkeep_alive_id;
882     /** Enable keep alive */
883     t_u8 enable;
884     /** Enable/Disable tcp reset */
885     t_u8 reset;
886     /** Saved in driver */
887     t_u8 cached;
888     /** Period to send keep alive packet(The unit is milliseconds) */
889     t_u32 send_interval;
890     /** Period to send retry packet(The unit is milliseconds) */
891     t_u16 retry_interval;
892     /** Count to send retry packet */
893     t_u16 retry_count;
894     /** Source MAC address */
895     t_u8 src_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
896     /** Destination MAC address */
897     t_u8 dst_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
898     /** Source IP */
899     t_u32 src_ip;
900     /** Destination IP */
901     t_u32 dst_ip;
902     /** Source Port */
903     t_u16 src_port;
904     /** Destination Port */
905     t_u16 dst_port;
906     /** Packet length */
907     t_u16 pkt_len;
908     /** Packet buffer */
909     t_u8 packet[MKEEP_ALIVE_IP_PKT_MAX];
910 } wifi_cloud_keep_alive_t;
911 #endif
913 /** RSSI information */
914 typedef struct
915 {
916     /** Data RSSI last */
917     int16_t data_rssi_last;
918     /** Data nf last */
919     int16_t data_nf_last;
920     /** Data RSSI average */
921     int16_t data_rssi_avg;
922     /** Data nf average */
923     int16_t data_nf_avg;
924     /** BCN SNR */
925     int16_t bcn_snr_last;
926     /** BCN SNR average */
927     int16_t bcn_snr_avg;
928     /** Data SNR last */
929     int16_t data_snr_last;
930     /** Data SNR average */
931     int16_t data_snr_avg;
932     /** BCN RSSI */
933     int16_t bcn_rssi_last;
934     /** BCN nf */
935     int16_t bcn_nf_last;
936     /** BCN RSSI average */
937     int16_t bcn_rssi_avg;
938     /** BCN nf average */
939     int16_t bcn_nf_avg;
940 } wifi_rssi_info_t;
942 /**
943  * Data structure for subband set
944  *
945  * For uAP 11d support
946  */
947 typedef struct
948 {
949     /** First channel */
950     t_u8 first_chan;
951     /** Number of channels */
952     t_u8 no_of_chan;
953     /** Maximum Tx power in dBm */
954     t_u8 max_tx_pwr;
956 } wifi_sub_band_set_t;
958 /**
959  * Data structure for Channel attributes
960  *
961  */
962 typedef PACK_START struct
963 {
964     /** Channel Number */
965     t_u8 chan_num;
966     /** Channel frequency for this channel */
967     t_u16 chan_freq;
968     /** Passice Scan or RADAR Detect*/
969     bool passive_scan_or_radar_detect;
970 } PACK_END wifi_chan_info_t;
972 /**
973  * Data structure for Channel List Config
974  *
975  */
976 typedef PACK_START struct
977 {
978     /** Number of Channels */
979     t_u8 num_chans;
980     /** Channel Info */
981     wifi_chan_info_t chan_info[54];
982 } PACK_END wifi_chanlist_t;
984 /** Wifi subband enum */
985 typedef enum
986 {
987     /** Subband 2.4 GHz */
988     SubBand_2_4_GHz = 0x00,
989     /** Subband 5 GHz 0 */
990     SubBand_5_GHz_0 = 0x10,
991     /** Subband 5 GHz 1 */
992     SubBand_5_GHz_1 = 0x11,
993     /** Subband 5 GHz 2 */
994     SubBand_5_GHz_2 = 0x12,
995     /** Subband 5 GHz 3 */
996     SubBand_5_GHz_3 = 0x13,
997 } wifi_SubBand_t;
999 /**
1000  * Data structure for Channel descriptor
1001  *
1002  * Set CFG data for Tx power limitation
1003  *
1004  * start_freq: Starting Frequency of the band for this channel\n
1005  *                  2407, 2414 or 2400 for 2.4 GHz\n
1006  *                  5000\n
1007  *                  4000\n
1008  * chan_width: Channel Width\n
1009  *                  20\n
1010  * chan_num  : Channel Number\n
1011  *
1012  */
1013 typedef PACK_START struct
1014 {
1015     /** Starting frequency of the band for this channel */
1016     t_u16 start_freq;
1017     /** Channel width */
1018     t_u8 chan_width;
1019     /** Channel Number */
1020     t_u8 chan_num;
1021 } PACK_END wifi_channel_desc_t;
1023 /**
1024  * Data structure for Modulation Group
1025  *
1026  * mod_group : ModulationGroup\n
1027  *                  0: CCK (1,2,5.5,11 Mbps)\n
1028  *                  1: OFDM (6,9,12,18 Mbps)\n
1029  *                  2: OFDM (24,36 Mbps)\n
1030  *                  3: OFDM (48,54 Mbps)\n
1031  *                  4: HT20 (0,1,2)\n
1032  *                  5: HT20 (3,4)\n
1033  *                  6: HT20 (5,6,7)\n
1034  *                  7: HT40 (0,1,2)\n
1035  *                  8: HT40 (3,4)\n
1036  *                  9: HT40 (5,6,7)\n
1037  *                  10: HT2_20 (8,9,10)\n
1038  *                  11: HT2_20 (11,12)\n
1039  *                  12: HT2_20 (13,14,15)\n
1040  *tx_power   : Power Limit in dBm\n
1041  *
1042  */
1043 typedef PACK_START struct
1044 {
1045     /** Modulation group */
1046     t_u8 mod_group;
1047     /** Tx Power */
1048     t_u8 tx_power;
1049 } PACK_END wifi_txpwrlimit_entry_t;
1051 /**
1052  * Data structure for TRPC config
1053  *
1054  * For TRPC support
1055  */
1056 typedef PACK_START struct
1057 {
1058     /** Number of modulation groups */
1059     t_u8 num_mod_grps;
1060     /** Chnannel descriptor */
1061     wifi_channel_desc_t chan_desc;
1062     /** Channel Modulation groups */
1063 #if CONFIG_11AX
1064     wifi_txpwrlimit_entry_t txpwrlimit_entry[20];
1065 #elif (CONFIG_11AC)
1066     wifi_txpwrlimit_entry_t txpwrlimit_entry[16];
1067 #else
1068     wifi_txpwrlimit_entry_t txpwrlimit_entry[10];
1069 #endif /* CONFIG_11AX */
1070 } PACK_END wifi_txpwrlimit_config_t;
1072 /**
1073  * Data structure for Channel TRPC config
1074  *
1075  * For TRPC support
1076  */
1077 typedef PACK_START struct
1078 {
1079     /** SubBand */
1080     wifi_SubBand_t subband;
1081     /** Number of Channels */
1082     t_u8 num_chans;
1083     /** TRPC config */
1084 #if defined(SD9177)
1085     wifi_txpwrlimit_config_t txpwrlimit_config[43];
1086 #else
1087     wifi_txpwrlimit_config_t txpwrlimit_config[40];
1088 #endif
1089 } PACK_END wifi_txpwrlimit_t;
1091 #if CONFIG_11AX
1092 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_rupwrlimit_config_t
1093 {
1094     /** start freq */
1095     t_u16 start_freq;
1096     /* channel width */
1097     t_u8 width;
1098     /** channel number */
1099     t_u8 chan_num;
1100     /** chan ru Power */
1101     t_s16 ruPower[MAX_RU_COUNT];
1102 } PACK_END wifi_rupwrlimit_config_t;
1104 /**
1105  * Data structure for Channel RU PWR config
1106  *
1107  * For RU PWR support
1108  */
1109 typedef PACK_START struct
1110 {
1111     /** Number of Channels */
1112     t_u8 num_chans;
1113     /** RU PWR config */
1114     wifi_rupwrlimit_config_t rupwrlimit_config[MAX_RUTXPWR_NUM];
1115 } PACK_END wifi_rutxpwrlimit_t;
1117 /** Wi-Fi 11AX Configuration */
1118 typedef PACK_START struct
1119 {
1120     /** Band */
1121     t_u8 band;
1122     /** tlv id of he capability */
1123     t_u16 id;
1124     /** length of the payload */
1125     t_u16 len;
1126     /** extension id */
1127     t_u8 ext_id;
1128     /** he mac capability info */
1129     t_u8 he_mac_cap[6];
1130     /** he phy capability info */
1131     t_u8 he_phy_cap[11];
1132     /** he txrx mcs support for 80MHz */
1133     t_u8 he_txrx_mcs_support[4];
1134     /** val for PE thresholds */
1135     t_u8 val[4];
1136 } PACK_END wifi_11ax_config_t;
1138 #if CONFIG_11AX_TWT
1139 /** Wi-Fi TWT setup configuration */
1140 typedef PACK_START struct
1141 {
1142     /** Implicit, 0: TWT session is explicit, 1: Session is implicit */
1143     t_u8 implicit;
1144     /** Announced, 0: Unannounced, 1: Announced TWT */
1145     t_u8 announced;
1146     /** Trigger Enabled, 0: Non-Trigger enabled, 1: Trigger enabled TWT */
1147     t_u8 trigger_enabled;
1148     /** TWT Information Disabled, 0: TWT info enabled, 1: TWT info disabled */
1149     t_u8 twt_info_disabled;
1150     /** Negotiation Type, 0: Future Individual TWT SP start time, 1: Next
1151      * Wake TBTT time */
1152     t_u8 negotiation_type;
1153     /** TWT Wakeup Duration, time after which the TWT requesting STA can
1154      * transition to doze state */
1155     t_u8 twt_wakeup_duration;
1156     /** Flow Identifier. Range: [0-7]*/
1157     t_u8 flow_identifier;
1158     /** Hard Constraint, 0: FW can tweak the TWT setup parameters if it is
1159      *rejected by AP.
1160      ** 1: Firmware should not tweak any parameters. */
1161     t_u8 hard_constraint;
1162     /** TWT Exponent, Range: [0-63] */
1163     t_u8 twt_exponent;
1164     /** TWT Mantissa Range: [0-sizeof(UINT16)] */
1165     t_u16 twt_mantissa;
1166     /** TWT Request Type, 0: REQUEST_TWT, 1: SUGGEST_TWT*/
1167     t_u8 twt_request;
1168     /** TWT Setup State. Set to 0 by driver, filled by FW in response*/
1169     t_u8 twt_setup_state;
1170     /** TWT link lost timeout threshold */
1171     t_u16 bcnMiss_threshold;
1172 } PACK_END wifi_twt_setup_config_t;
1174 /** Wi-Fi Teardown Configuration */
1175 typedef PACK_START struct
1176 {
1177     /** TWT Flow Identifier. Range: [0-7] */
1178     t_u8 flow_identifier;
1179     /** Negotiation Type. 0: Future Individual TWT SP start time, 1: Next
1180      * Wake TBTT time */
1181     t_u8 negotiation_type;
1182     /** Tear down all TWT. 1: To teardown all TWT, 0 otherwise */
1183     t_u8 teardown_all_twt;
1184 } PACK_END wifi_twt_teardown_config_t;
1186 /** Wi-Fi BTWT Configuration */
1187 typedef PACK_START struct
1188 {
1189     /** Only support 1: Set*/
1190     t_u16 action;
1191     /** Broadcast TWT AP config */
1192     t_u16 sub_id;
1193     /** Range 64-255 */
1194     t_u8 nominal_wake;
1195     /** Max STA Support */
1196     t_u8 max_sta_support;
1197     /** TWT Mantissa */
1198     t_u16 twt_mantissa;
1199     /** TWT Offset */
1200     t_u16 twt_offset;
1201     /** TWT Exponent */
1202     t_u8 twt_exponent;
1203     /** SP Gap */
1204     t_u8 sp_gap;
1205 } PACK_END wifi_btwt_config_t;
1207 #define WLAN_BTWT_REPORT_LEN     9
1209 /** Wi-Fi TWT Report Configuration */
1210 typedef PACK_START struct
1211 {
1212     /** TWT report type, 0: BTWT id */
1213     t_u8 type;
1214     /** TWT report length of value in data */
1215     t_u8 length;
1216     /** Reserved 2 */
1217     t_u8 reserve[2];
1218     /** TWT report buffer */
1220 } PACK_END wifi_twt_report_t;
1222 typedef PACK_START struct
1223 {
1224     /** TWT Flow Identifier. Range: [0-7] */
1225     t_u8 flow_identifier;
1226     /** TWT operation suspend duration in milli seconds. */
1227     t_u32 suspend_duration;
1228     /** TWT information state from FW. */
1229     t_u8 information_state;
1230 } PACK_END wifi_twt_information_t;
1231 #endif /* CONFIG_11AX_TWT */
1232 #endif
1235 /** Wi-Fi Clock sync configuration */
1236 typedef PACK_START struct
1237 {
1238     /**clock sync Mode */
1239     t_u8 clock_sync_mode;
1240     /**clock sync Role */
1241     t_u8 clock_sync_Role;
1242     /**clock sync GPIO Pin Number */
1243     t_u8 clock_sync_gpio_pin_number;
1244     /**clock sync GPIO Level or Toggle */
1245     t_u8 clock_sync_gpio_level_toggle;
1246     /**clock sync GPIO Pulse Width */
1247     t_u16 clock_sync_gpio_pulse_width;
1248 } PACK_END wifi_clock_sync_gpio_tsf_t;
1250 /** Wi-Fi TSF information */
1251 typedef PACK_START struct
1252 {
1253     /**get tsf info format */
1254     t_u16 tsf_format;
1255     /**tsf info */
1256     t_u16 tsf_info;
1257     /**tsf */
1258     t_u64 tsf;
1259     /**Positive or negative offset in microsecond from Beacon TSF to GPIO toggle TSF  */
1260     t_s32 tsf_offset;
1261 } PACK_END wifi_tsf_info_t;
1262 #endif /* CONFIG_WIFI_CLOCKSYNC */
1264 /**
1265  * Data structure for Bridge Autolink Configuration
1266  */
1267 typedef struct
1268 {
1269     /** Auto Link Periodical scan interval */
1270     uint32_t scan_timer_interval;
1271     /** The condition triggers Auto Link periodical scan
1272      *  0: trigger scan when current link is not good
1273      *  1: trigger scan by host setting(always periodical scan)
1274      */
1275     uint8_t scan_timer_condition;
1276     /** Auto Link periodical scan channel list:
1277      *  0: only scan with previous In-STA associated channel
1278      *  1: 2.4G all channels
1279      */
1280     uint8_t scan_channel_list;
1281 } wifi_autolink_cfg_t;
1283 /**
1284  * Data structure for Bridge Configuration
1285  */
1286 #define ENABLE_AUTOLINK_BIT 1
1287 #define HIDDEN_SSID_BIT     2
1288 typedef struct
1289 {
1290     /** Bit 0: Enable/Disable bridge mode,
1291      *  Bit 1: Enable/Disable auto link,
1292      *  Bit 2: Enable/Disable hidden ssid
1293      */
1294     uint8_t enable;
1295     /** Auto Link */
1296     bool auto_link;
1297     /** Hideen Bridge SSID */
1298     bool hidden_ssid;
1299     /** EX-AP SSID Length */
1300     uint8_t ex_ap_ssid_len;
1301     /** EX-AP SSID */
1302     char ex_ap_ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH];
1303     /** EX-AP Passphrase length */
1304     uint8_t ex_ap_pass_len;
1305     /** EX-AP Passphrase */
1306     char ex_ap_pass[MLAN_MAX_PASS_LENGTH];
1307     /** Bridge SSID Length */
1308     uint8_t bridge_ssid_len;
1309     /** Bridge SSID */
1310     char bridge_ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH];
1311     /** Bridge Passphrase length */
1312     uint8_t bridge_pass_len;
1313     /** Bridge Passphrase */
1314     char bridge_pass[MLAN_MAX_PASS_LENGTH];
1315     /**auto link configuration*/
1316     wifi_autolink_cfg_t autolink;
1317 } wifi_bridge_cfg_t;
1318 #endif
1321 typedef t_u8 wifi_802_11_mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1323 /** Network monitor structure */
1324 typedef PACK_START struct
1325 {
1326     /** Action */
1327     t_u16 action;
1328     /** Monitor activity */
1329     t_u16 monitor_activity;
1330     /** Filter flags */
1331     t_u16 filter_flags;
1332     /** Channel scan parameter : Radio type */
1333     t_u8 radio_type;
1334     /** Channel number */
1335     t_u8 chan_number;
1336     /** mac num of filter*/
1337     t_u8 filter_num;
1338     /** Source address of the packet to receive */
1339     wifi_802_11_mac_addr mac_addr[MAX_MONIT_MAC_FILTER_NUM];
1340 } PACK_END wifi_net_monitor_t;
1342 /** Beacon information structure */
1343 typedef PACK_START struct
1344 {
1345     /** Frame control flags */
1346     uint8_t frame_ctrl_flags;
1347     uint16_t duration;
1348     /** Destination MAC address */
1349     char dest[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1350     /** Source MAC address */
1351     char src[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1352     /** BSSID */
1353     char bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1354     uint16_t seq_frag_num;
1355     /** Timestamp */
1356     uint8_t timestamp[8];
1357     uint16_t beacon_interval;
1358     uint16_t cap_info;
1359     uint8_t ssid_element_id;
1360     /** SSID Length */
1361     uint8_t ssid_len;
1362     /* SSID */
1363     char ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH];
1364 } PACK_END wifi_beacon_info_t;
1366 /** Wifi data information */
1367 typedef PACK_START struct
1368 {
1369     /** Frame control flags */
1370     uint8_t frame_ctrl_flags;
1371     uint16_t duration;
1372     char bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1373     /** Source MAC address */
1374     char src[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1375     /** Destination MAC address */
1376     char dest[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1377     uint16_t seq_frag_num;
1378     /** QOS control */
1379     uint16_t qos_ctrl;
1380 } PACK_END wifi_data_info_t;
1381 #endif
1382 /** Wifi frame types */
1383 typedef enum
1384 {
1385     /** Assoc request frame */
1386     ASSOC_REQ_FRAME = 0x00,
1387     /** Assoc response frame */
1388     ASSOC_RESP_FRAME = 0x10,
1389     /** ReAssoc request frame */
1390     REASSOC_REQ_FRAME = 0x20,
1391     /** ReAssoc response frame */
1392     REASSOC_RESP_FRAME = 0x30,
1393     /** Probe request frame */
1394     PROBE_REQ_FRAME = 0x40,
1395     /** Probe response frame */
1396     PROBE_RESP_FRAME = 0x50,
1397     /** BEACON frame */
1398     BEACON_FRAME = 0x80,
1399     /** Dis assoc frame */
1400     DISASSOC_FRAME = 0xA0,
1401     /** Auth frame */
1402     AUTH_FRAME = 0xB0,
1403     /** Deauth frame */
1404     DEAUTH_FRAME = 0xC0,
1405     /** Action frame */
1406     ACTION_FRAME = 0xD0,
1407     /** Data frame */
1408     DATA_FRAME = 0x08,
1409     /** QOS frame */
1410     QOS_DATA_FRAME = 0x88,
1411 } wifi_frame_type_t;
1413 typedef PACK_START struct
1414 {
1415     wifi_frame_type_t frame_type;
1417     union
1418     {
1419         wifi_beacon_info_t beacon_info;
1420         wifi_data_info_t data_info;
1421     } frame_data;
1422 #endif
1423 } PACK_END wifi_frame_t;
1425 typedef struct
1426 {
1427     uint8_t mfpc;
1428     uint8_t mfpr;
1429 } wifi_pmf_params_t;
1431 /** Channel scan parameters */
1432 typedef struct
1433 {
1434     /** channel number */
1435     t_u8 chan_number;
1436     /** minimum scan time */
1437     t_u16 min_scan_time;
1438     /** maximum scan time */
1439     t_u16 max_scan_time;
1440 } wifi_chan_scan_param_set_t;
1442 /** Channel list parameter set */
1443 typedef struct
1444 {
1445     /** number of channels */
1446     t_u8 no_of_channels;
1447     /** channel scan array */
1448     wifi_chan_scan_param_set_t chan_scan_param[1];
1449 } wifi_chan_list_param_set_t;
1451 /** 802_11_header packet */
1452 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_mgmt_frame_t
1453 {
1454     /** Packet Length */
1455     t_u16 frm_len;
1456     /** Frame Type */
1457     wifi_frame_type_t frame_type;
1458     /** Frame Control flags */
1459     t_u8 frame_ctrl_flags;
1460     /** Duration ID */
1461     t_u16 duration_id;
1462     /** Address 1 */
1463     t_u8 addr1[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1464     /** Address 2 */
1465     t_u8 addr2[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1466     /** Address 3 */
1467     t_u8 addr3[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1468     /** Sequence Control */
1469     t_u16 seq_ctl;
1470     /** Address 4 */
1471     t_u8 addr4[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1472     /** Frame payload */
1473     t_u8 payload[1];
1474 } PACK_END wifi_mgmt_frame_t;
1476 /** Calibration Data */
1477 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_cal_data_t
1478 {
1479     /** Calibration data length */
1480     t_u16 data_len;
1481     /** Calibration data */
1482     t_u8 *data;
1483 } PACK_END wifi_cal_data_t;
1485 /** Auto reconnect structure */
1486 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_auto_reconnect_config_t
1487 {
1488     /** Reconnect counter */
1489     t_u8 reconnect_counter;
1490     /** Reconnect interval */
1491     t_u8 reconnect_interval;
1492     /** Flags */
1493     t_u16 flags;
1494 } PACK_END wifi_auto_reconnect_config_t;
1496 /** Scan all the channels in specified band */
1497 #define BAND_SPECIFIED 0x80U
1499 /** Scan channel list */
1500 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_scan_channel_list_t
1501 {
1502     /** Channel scan parameter : Radio type */
1503     t_u8 radio_type;
1504     /** Channel numder */
1505     t_u8 chan_number;
1506     /** Scan type Active = 1, Passive = 2 */
1507     mlan_scan_type scan_type;
1508     /** Scan time */
1509     t_u16 scan_time;
1510 } PACK_END wifi_scan_channel_list_t;
1512 /* Configuration for wireless scanning */
1513 #if defined(RW610) && (CONFIG_ANT_DETECT)
1515 #endif
1516 #define MAX_CHANNEL_LIST 6
1518 #define MAX_NUM_SSID 2
1519 #endif
1520 /** V2 scan parameters */
1521 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_scan_params_v2_t
1522 {
1524     /** Scan Only */
1525     t_u8 scan_only;
1526     /** BSSID present */
1527     t_u8 is_bssid;
1528     /** SSID present */
1529     t_u8 is_ssid;
1530 #endif
1531     /** BSSID to scan */
1532     t_u8 bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1533     /** SSID to scan */
1535     char ssid[MAX_NUM_SSID][MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH + 1];
1536 #else
1537     char ssid[MLAN_MAX_SSID_LENGTH + 1];
1538 #endif
1539     /** Number of channels */
1540     t_u8 num_channels;
1541     /** Channel list with channel information */
1542 #if defined(RW610) && (CONFIG_ANT_DETECT)
1543     wifi_scan_channel_list_t chan_list[ANT_DETECT_MAX_CHANNEL_LIST];
1544 #else
1545     wifi_scan_channel_list_t chan_list[MAX_CHANNEL_LIST];
1546 #endif
1547     /** Number of probes */
1548     t_u8 num_probes;
1550     /** Threshold of rssi */
1551     t_s16 rssi_threshold;
1552 #endif
1554     /** scan channel gap */
1555     t_u16 scan_chan_gap;
1556 #endif
1557     /** Callback to be called when scan is completed */
1558     int (*cb)(unsigned int count);
1559 } PACK_END wifi_scan_params_v2_t;
1562 /** Configuration for Manufacturing generic command */
1563 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_mfg_cmd_generic_cfg
1564 {
1565     /** MFG command code */
1566     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1567     /** Action */
1568     t_u16 action;
1569     /** Device ID */
1570     t_u16 device_id;
1571     /** MFG Error code */
1572     t_u32 error;
1573     /** value 1 */
1574     t_u32 data1;
1575     /** value 2 */
1576     t_u32 data2;
1577     /** value 3 */
1578     t_u32 data3;
1579 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_generic_cfg_t;
1581 /** Configuration for Manufacturing command Tx Frame */
1582 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_mfg_cmd_tx_frame
1583 {
1584     /** MFG command code */
1585     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1586     /** Action */
1587     t_u16 action;
1588     /** Device ID */
1589     t_u16 device_id;
1590     /** MFG Error code */
1591     t_u32 error;
1592     /** enable */
1593     t_u32 enable;
1594     /** data_rate */
1595     t_u32 data_rate;
1596     /** frame pattern */
1597     t_u32 frame_pattern;
1598     /** frame length */
1599     t_u32 frame_length;
1600     /** BSSID */
1601     t_u8 bssid[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1602     /** Adjust burst sifs */
1603     t_u16 adjust_burst_sifs;
1604     /** Burst sifs in us*/
1605     t_u32 burst_sifs_in_us;
1606     /** short preamble */
1607     t_u32 short_preamble;
1608     /** active sub channel */
1609     t_u32 act_sub_ch;
1610     /** short GI */
1611     t_u32 short_gi;
1612     /** Adv coding */
1613     t_u32 adv_coding;
1614     /** Tx beamforming */
1615     t_u32 tx_bf;
1616     /** HT Greenfield Mode*/
1617     t_u32 gf_mode;
1618     /** STBC */
1619     t_u32 stbc;
1620     /** power id */
1621     t_u32 rsvd[2];
1622 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_tx_frame_t;
1624 /** Configuration for Manufacturing command Tx Continuous */
1625 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_mfg_cmd_tx_cont
1626 {
1627     /** MFG command code */
1628     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1629     /** Action */
1630     t_u16 action;
1631     /** Device ID */
1632     t_u16 device_id;
1633     /** MFG Error code */
1634     t_u32 error;
1635     /** enable Tx*/
1636     t_u32 enable_tx;
1637     /** Continuous Wave mode */
1638     t_u32 cw_mode;
1639     /** payload pattern */
1640     t_u32 payload_pattern;
1641     /** CS Mode */
1642     t_u32 cs_mode;
1643     /** active sub channel */
1644     t_u32 act_sub_ch;
1645     /** Tx rate */
1646     t_u32 tx_rate;
1647     /** power id */
1648     t_u32 rsvd;
1649 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_tx_cont_t;
1651 typedef PACK_START struct wifi_mfg_cmd_he_tb_tx
1652 {
1653     /** MFG command code */
1654     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1655     /** Action */
1656     t_u16 action;
1657     /** Device ID */
1658     t_u16 device_id;
1659     /** MFG Error code */
1660     t_u32 error;
1661     /** Enable Tx */
1662     t_u16 enable;
1663     /** Q num */
1664     t_u16 qnum;
1665     /** AID */
1666     t_u16 aid;
1667     /** AXQ Mu Timer */
1668     t_u16 axq_mu_timer;
1669     /** Tx Power */
1670     t_s16 tx_power;
1671 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_he_tb_tx_t;
1673 typedef PACK_START struct wifi_mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_CtlBasicTrigHdr
1674 {
1675     /** MFG command code */
1676     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1677     /** Action */
1678     t_u16 action;
1679     /** Device ID */
1680     t_u16 device_id;
1681     /** MFG Error code */
1682     t_u32 error;
1683     /** enable Tx*/
1684     t_u32 enable_tx;
1685     /** enable Stand Alone HE TB */
1686     t_u32 standalone_hetb;
1687     /** Frame Control */
1688     mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_FrameCtrl_t frmCtl;
1689     /** Duration */
1690     t_u16 duration;
1691     /** Destination MAC Address */
1692     t_u8 dest_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1693     /** Source MAC Address */
1694     t_u8 src_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1695     /** Common Info Field **/
1696     mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_HETrigComInfo_t trig_common_field;
1697     /** User Info Field **/
1698     mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_HETrigUserInfo_t trig_user_info_field;
1699     /** Trigger Dependent User Info Field **/
1700     mfg_cmd_IEEETypes_BasicHETrigUserInfo_t basic_trig_user_info;
1701 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_IEEEtypes_CtlBasicTrigHdr_t;
1703 typedef PACK_START struct wifi_mfg_cmd_otp_mac_addr_rd_wr
1704 {
1705     /** MFG command code */
1706     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1707     /** Action */
1708     t_u16 action;
1709     /** Device ID */
1710     t_u16 device_id;
1711     /** MFG Error code */
1712     t_u32 error;
1713     /** Destination MAC Address */
1714     t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1715 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_otp_mac_addr_rd_wr_t;
1717 typedef PACK_START struct wifi_mfg_cmd_otp_cal_data_rd_wr
1718 {
1719     /** MFG command code */
1720     t_u32 mfg_cmd;
1721     /** Action */
1722     t_u16 action;
1723     /** Device ID */
1724     t_u16 device_id;
1725     /** MFG Error code */
1726     t_u32 error;
1727     /** CAL Data write status */
1728     t_u32 cal_data_status;
1729     /** CAL Data Length*/
1730     t_u32 cal_data_len;
1731     /** Destination MAC Address */
1732     t_u8 cal_data[CAL_DATA_LEN];
1733 } PACK_END wifi_mfg_cmd_otp_cal_data_rd_wr_t;
1734 #endif
1737 #define MAX_FUNC_SYMBOL_LEN    64
1738 #define OS_MEM_STAT_TABLE_SIZE 128
1740 typedef struct
1741 {
1742     char name[MAX_FUNC_SYMBOL_LEN];
1743     t_u32 size;
1744     t_u32 line_num;
1746     t_u32 alloc_cnt;
1747     t_u32 free_cnt;
1748 } wifi_os_mem_info;
1749 #endif
1752 typedef PACK_START struct
1753 {
1754     /** Channel Index*/
1755     t_u16 chan_idx;
1756     /** Channel time (in TU) for chan_idx */
1757     t_u8 chantime;
1758     /** Channel switch time (in TU) for chan_idx */
1759     t_u8 switchtime;
1760     /** Undoze time (in TU) for chan_idx */
1761     t_u8 undozetime;
1762     /** Rx traffic control scheme when channel switch*/
1763     /** only valid for GC/STA interface*/
1764     t_u8 mode;
1765 } PACK_END wifi_drcs_cfg_t;
1766 #endif
1768 #if CONFIG_1AS
1770 #define DOT1AS_TM_ROLE_RECEIVER    1
1772 #define DOT1AS_TM_STATUS_COMPLETE   0
1775 typedef struct
1776 {
1777     /* host time in nano secs */
1778     t_u64 time;
1779     /* fw time in nano secs */
1780     t_u64 fw_time;
1781 } wifi_correlated_time_t;
1783 typedef struct _wifi_dot1as_info_t
1784 {
1785     /* 0 - completed or unstarted, 1 - in progress */
1786     t_u8 status;
1787     /* 0 - master(transmitter, send TM), 1 - slave(receiver, receive TM) */
1788     t_u8 role;
1789     /* current number of TM frame, used in master mode */
1790     t_u8 tm_num;
1791     /* max number of TM frames, used in master mode */
1792     t_u8 max_tm_num;
1793     /* peer addr */
1794     t_u8 peer_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1795     /* dialog_token */
1796     t_u8 dialog_token;
1797     /* prev_dialog_token */
1798     t_u8 prev_dialog_token;
1799     /* time of TX TM frame depart */
1800     t_u32 t1;
1801     /* time of TX TM frame acked */
1802     t_u32 t4;
1803     /* time of RX TM frame receive */
1804     t_u32 t2;
1805     /* time of RX TM frame ack */
1806     t_u32 t3;
1807     /* fw status error of t1 in 10ns */
1808     t_u8 t1_err;
1809     /* fw status error of t4 in 10ns */
1810     t_u8 t4_err;
1811     /* max error of t1 in 10ns */
1812     t_u8 max_t1_err;
1813     /* max error of t4 in 10ns */
1814     t_u8 max_t4_err;
1815     /* error of t2 in 10ns */
1816     t_u8 t2_err;
1817     /* error of t3 in 10ns */
1818     t_u8 t3_err;
1819     /* max error of t2 in 10ns */
1820     t_u8 max_t2_err;
1821     /* max error of t3 in 10ns */
1822     t_u8 max_t3_err;
1823     /* egress time of TX TM frame */
1824     t_u64 egress_time;
1825     /* ingress time of RX TM frame */
1826     t_u64 ingress_time;
1827 } wifi_dot1as_info_t;
1829 #endif
1832 /** Type definition of mlan_ds_subscribe_evt for subscribe events */
1833 typedef struct _wifi_ds_subscribe_evt
1834 {
1835     /** bitmap for subscribe event */
1836     t_u16 evt_bitmap;
1837     /** Absolute value of RSSI threshold value (dBm) */
1838     t_u8 low_rssi;
1839     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1840     t_u8 low_rssi_freq;
1841     /** SNR threshold value (dB) */
1842     t_u8 low_snr;
1843     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1844     t_u8 low_snr_freq;
1845     /** Failure count threshold */
1846     t_u8 failure_count;
1847     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1848     t_u8 failure_count_freq;
1849     /** num of missed beacons */
1850     t_u8 beacon_miss;
1851     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1852     t_u8 beacon_miss_freq;
1853     /** Absolute value of RSSI threshold value (dBm) */
1854     t_u8 high_rssi;
1855     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1856     t_u8 high_rssi_freq;
1857     /** SNR threshold value (dB) */
1858     t_u8 high_snr;
1859     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1860     t_u8 high_snr_freq;
1861     /** Absolute value of data RSSI threshold value (dBm) */
1862     t_u8 data_low_rssi;
1863     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1864     t_u8 data_low_rssi_freq;
1865     /** Absolute value of data SNR threshold value (dBm) */
1866     t_u8 data_low_snr;
1867     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1868     t_u8 data_low_snr_freq;
1869     /** Absolute value of data RSSI threshold value (dBm) */
1870     t_u8 data_high_rssi;
1871     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1872     t_u8 data_high_rssi_freq;
1873     /** Absolute value of data SNR threshold value (dBm) */
1874     t_u8 data_high_snr;
1875     /** 0--report once, 1--report everytime happend, N -- report only happend > N consecutive times */
1876     t_u8 data_high_snr_freq;
1877     /* Link SNR threshold (dB) */
1878     t_u16 link_snr;
1879     /* Link SNR frequency */
1880     t_u16 link_snr_freq;
1881     /* Second minimum rate value as per the rate table below */
1882     t_u16 link_rate;
1883     /* Second minimum rate frequency */
1884     t_u16 link_rate_freq;
1885     /* Tx latency value (us) */
1886     t_u16 link_tx_latency;
1887     /* Tx latency frequency */
1888     t_u16 link_tx_lantency_freq;
1889     /* Number of pre missed beacons */
1890     t_u8 pre_beacon_miss;
1891 } wifi_ds_subscribe_evt;
1892 #endif
1894 #if CONFIG_CSI
1895 #define CSI_FILTER_MAX 16
1896 /** Structure of CSI filters */
1897 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_csi_filter_t
1898 {
1899     /** Source address of the packet to receive */
1900     t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1901     /** Pakcet type of the interested CSI */
1902     t_u8 pkt_type;
1903     /** Packet subtype of the interested CSI */
1904     t_u8 subtype;
1905     /** Other filter flags */
1906     t_u8 flags;
1907 } PACK_END wifi_csi_filter_t;
1908 /** Structure of CSI parameters */
1909 typedef PACK_START struct _wifi_csi_config_params_t
1910 {
1911     t_u8 bss_type;
1912     /** CSI enable flag. 1: enable, 2: disable */
1913     t_u16 csi_enable;
1914     /** Header ID*/
1915     t_u32 head_id;
1916     /** Tail ID */
1917     t_u32 tail_id;
1918     /** Number of CSI filters */
1919     t_u8 csi_filter_cnt;
1920     /** Chip ID */
1921     t_u8 chip_id;
1922     /** band config */
1923     t_u8 band_config;
1924     /** Channel num */
1925     t_u8 channel;
1926     /** Enable getting CSI data on special channel */
1927     t_u8 csi_monitor_enable;
1928     /** CSI data received in cfg channel with mac addr filter, not only RA is us or other*/
1929     t_u8 ra4us;
1930     /** CSI filters */
1931     wifi_csi_filter_t csi_filter[CSI_FILTER_MAX];
1932 } PACK_END wifi_csi_config_params_t;
1933 #endif /* CSI_SUPPORT */
1936 /** Wi-Fi independent reset config */
1937 typedef PACK_START struct
1938 {
1939     /** reset mode enable/ disable */
1940     t_u8 ir_mode;
1941     /** gpio pin */
1942     t_u8 gpio_pin;
1943 } PACK_END wifi_indrst_cfg_t;
1944 #endif
1947 /** Type definition of wifi_inactivity_to
1949  */
1950 typedef PACK_START struct
1951 {
1952     /** Timeout unit in microsecond, 0 means 1000us (1ms) */
1953     t_u32 timeout_unit;
1954     /** Inactivity timeout for unicast data */
1955     t_u32 unicast_timeout;
1956     /** Inactivity timeout for multicast data */
1957     t_u32 mcast_timeout;
1958     /** Timeout for additional Rx traffic after Null PM1 packet exchange */
1959     t_u32 ps_entry_timeout;
1960     /** Inactivity timeout for cmd */
1961     t_u32 ps_cmd_timeout;
1962 } PACK_END wifi_inactivity_to_t;
1963 #endif
1966 /** auto null tx information */
1967 typedef struct
1968 {
1969     /** 1-start 0-stop */
1970     t_u8 start;
1971     /** bit15:14 unit: 00-s 01-us 10-ms 11-one_shot  bit13-0: interval */
1972     t_u16 interval;
1973     /** bit7-4: bandwidth. bit3-0: priority, ignored if non-WMM */
1974     t_u8 priority;
1975     /** Destination MAC address */
1976     t_u8 dst_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1977     /** Source MAC address */
1978     t_u8 src_mac[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
1979 } wifi_auto_null_tx_t;
1980 #endif
1982 #if defined(RW610) && (CONFIG_ANT_DETECT)
1983 #define NORMAL_DETECT_MODE                 0
1984 #define QUICK_DETECT_MODE                  1
1985 #define PCB_DETECT_MODE                    2
1987 #define ANT_DETECT_MAX_SCAN_ENTRY          5
1988 #define MAX_ANTENNA_PORT_NUM               4
1989 typedef PACK_START struct _scan_result_entry_t
1990 {
1991     char ssid[33];
1992     unsigned int ssid_len;
1993     char bssid[6];
1994     unsigned int channel;
1995     unsigned char rssi;
1996 } PACK_END scan_result_entry_t;
1998 typedef PACK_START struct _wlan_ant_info_t
1999 {
2000     uint8_t scan_done;
2001     unsigned char avg_rssi;
2002     uint8_t entry_idx;
2003     scan_result_entry_t scan_entry[ANT_DETECT_MAX_SCAN_ENTRY];
2004 } PACK_END wlan_ant_scan_info_t;
2006 typedef PACK_START struct _cfg_scan_channel_list_t
2007 {
2008     uint8_t num_channels;
2009     uint8_t chan_number[ANT_DETECT_MAX_CHANNEL_LIST];
2010 } PACK_END cfg_scan_channel_list_t;
2012 typedef PACK_START struct _wlan_ant_detect_data_t
2013 {
2014     uint8_t detect_mode;
2015     int detect_done;
2016     uint16_t current_ant;
2017     uint8_t ant_port_count;
2018     uint16_t best_ant;
2019     uint16_t next_best_ant;
2020     cfg_scan_channel_list_t *channel_list;
2021     wlan_ant_scan_info_t scan_info[MAX_ANTENNA_PORT_NUM];
2022 } PACK_END wlan_ant_detect_data_t;
2023 #endif
2025 #endif /* __WIFI_DECL_H__ */