1 /* 2 * Copyright 2021 NXP 3 * All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause 6 */ 7 #ifndef FSL_NBOOT_H_ 8 #define FSL_NBOOT_H_ 9 10 #include "fsl_common.h" 11 12 /*! 13 * @addtogroup nboot 14 * @{ 15 */ 16 /******************************************************************************* 17 * Definitions 18 ******************************************************************************/ 19 /** @def NXPCLHASH_WA_SIZE_MAX 20 * @brief Define the max workarea size required for this component 21 */ 22 #define NXPCLHASH_WA_SIZE_MAX (128U + 64U) 23 #define NBOOT_ROOT_CERT_COUNT (4U) 24 #define NXPCLCSS_HASH_RTF_OUTPUT_SIZE_HAL ((size_t)32U) ///< Size of RTF appendix to hash output buffer, in bytes 25 26 #define NBOOT_KEYINFO_WORDLEN (23U) 27 #define NBOOT_CONTEXT_BYTELEN (192U + NXPCLHASH_WA_SIZE_MAX) 28 #define NBOOT_CONTEXT_WORDLEN (NBOOT_CONTEXT_BYTELEN / sizeof(uint32_t)) 29 typedef int romapi_status_t; 30 31 /*! 32 * @brief NBOOT type for the root key usage 33 * 34 * This type defines the NBOOT root key usage; 35 * any other value means the root key is not valid (treat as if revoked). 36 */ 37 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_DebugCA_ImageCA_FwCA_ImageKey_FwKey (0x0U) 38 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_DebugCA (0x1U) 39 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_ImageCA_FwCA (0x2U) 40 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_DebugCA_ImageCA_FwCA (0x3U) 41 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_ImageKey_FwKey (0x4U) 42 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_ImageKey (0x5U) 43 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_FwKey (0x6U) 44 #define kNBOOT_RootKeyUsage_Unused (0x7U) 45 typedef uint32_t nboot_root_key_usage_t; 46 47 /*! 48 * @brief NBOOT type for the root key revocation 49 * 50 * This type defines the NBOOT root key revocation; 51 * any other value means the root key is revoked. 52 */ 53 #define kNBOOT_RootKey_Enabled (0xAAU) 54 #define kNBOOT_RootKey_Revoked (0xBBU) 55 typedef uint32_t nboot_root_key_revocation_t; 56 57 /*! 58 * @brief NBOOT type specifying the elliptic curve to be used 59 * 60 * This type defines the elliptic curve type and length 61 */ 62 #define kNBOOT_RootKey_Ecdsa_P256 (0x0000FE01U) 63 #define kNBOOT_RootKey_Ecdsa_P384 (0x0000FD02U) 64 typedef uint32_t nboot_root_key_type_and_length_t; 65 66 /*! @brief Enumeration for SoC Lifecycle. */ 67 #define nboot_lc_nxpBlank (0xFFFF0000U) 68 #define nboot_lc_nxpFab (0xFFFE0001U) 69 #define nboot_lc_nxpDev (0xFF0300FCU) 70 #define nboot_lc_nxpProvisioned (0xFFFC0003U) 71 #define nboot_lc_oemOpen (0xFFFC0003U) 72 #define nboot_lc_oemSecureWorld (0xFFF80007U) 73 #define nboot_lc_oemClosed (0xFFF0000FU) 74 #define nboot_lc_oemLocked (0xFF3000CFU) 75 #define nboot_lc_oemFieldReturn (0xFFE0001FU) 76 #define nboot_lc_nxpFieldReturn (0xFF80007FU) 77 #define nboot_lc_shredded (0xFF0000FFU) 78 typedef uint32_t nboot_soc_lifecycle_t; 79 80 /*! @brief Type for nboot status codes */ 81 typedef uint32_t nboot_status_t; 82 83 /*! @brief Type for nboot protected status codes */ 84 typedef uint64_t nboot_status_protected_t; 85 86 /*! 87 * @brief nboot status codes. 88 */ 89 enum 90 { 91 kStatus_NBOOT_Success = 0x5A5A5A5AU, /*!< Operation completed successfully. */ 92 kStatus_NBOOT_Fail = 0x5A5AA5A5U, /*!< Operation failed. */ 93 kStatus_NBOOT_InvalidArgument = 0x5A5AA5F0U, /*!< Invalid argument passed to the function. */ 94 kStatus_NBOOT_RequestTimeout = 0x5A5AA5E1U, /*!< Operation timed out. */ 95 kStatus_NBOOT_KeyNotLoaded = 0x5A5AA5E2U, /*!< The requested key is not loaded. */ 96 kStatus_NBOOT_AuthFail = 0x5A5AA5E4U, /*!< Authentication failed. */ 97 kStatus_NBOOT_OperationNotAvaialable = 0x5A5AA5E5U, /*!< Operation not available on this HW. */ 98 kStatus_NBOOT_KeyNotAvailable = 0x5A5AA5E6U, /*!< Key is not avaialble. */ 99 kStatus_NBOOT_IvCounterOverflow = 0x5A5AA5E7U, /*!< Overflow of IV counter (PRINCE/IPED). */ 100 kStatus_NBOOT_SelftestFail = 0x5A5AA5E8U, /*!< FIPS self-test failure. */ 101 kStatus_NBOOT_InvalidDataFormat = 0x5A5AA5E9U, /*!< Invalid data format for example antipole */ 102 kStatus_NBOOT_IskCertUserDataTooBig = 103 0x5A5AA5EAU, /*!< Size of User data in ISK certificate is greater than 96 bytes */ 104 kStatus_NBOOT_IskCertSignatureOffsetTooSmall = 105 0x5A5AA5EBU, /*!< Signature offset in ISK certificate is smaller than expected */ 106 kStatus_NBOOT_MemcpyFail = 0x5A5A845AU, /*!< Unexpected error detected during nboot_memcpy() */ 107 }; 108 109 /*! @brief Data structure holding secure counter value used by nboot library */ 110 typedef struct _nboot_secure_counter 111 { 112 uint32_t sc; 113 uint32_t scAp; 114 } nboot_secure_counter_t; 115 116 /*! 117 * @brief NBOOT context type 118 * 119 * This type defines the NBOOT context 120 * 121 */ 122 typedef struct _nboot_context 123 { 124 uint32_t totalBlocks; /*!< holds number of SB3 blocks. Initialized by nboot_sb3_load_header(). */ 125 uint32_t processData; /*!< flag, initialized by nboot_sb3_load_header(). 126 SB3 related flag set by NBOOT in case the nboot_sb3_load_block() 127 provides plain data to output buffer (for processing by ROM SB3 loader */ 128 uint32_t timeout; /*!< timeout value for css operation. In case it is 0, infinite wait is performed */ 129 uint32_t keyinfo[NBOOT_KEYINFO_WORDLEN]; /*!< data for NBOOT key management. */ 130 uint32_t context[NBOOT_CONTEXT_WORDLEN]; /*!< work area for NBOOT lib. */ 131 uint32_t uuid[4]; /*!< holds UUID value from NMPA */ 132 uint32_t prngReadyFlag; /*!< flag, used by nboot_rng_generate_lq_random() to determine whether CSS is ready to 133 generate rnd number */ 134 uint32_t multipartMacBuffer[1024 / sizeof(uint32_t)]; 135 uint32_t oemShareValidFlag; /*!< flag, used during TP to determine whether valid oemShare was set by 136 nboot_tp_isp_gen_oem_master_share() */ 137 uint32_t oemShare[4]; /*!< buffer to store OEM_SHARE computed by nxpCLTrustProv_nboot_isp_gen_oem_master_share() */ 138 nboot_secure_counter_t secureCounter; /*!< Secure counter used by nboot */ 139 uint32_t rtf[NXPCLCSS_HASH_RTF_OUTPUT_SIZE_HAL / sizeof(uint32_t)]; 140 uint32_t imageHash[48 / sizeof(uint32_t)]; 141 uint32_t authStatus; 142 } nboot_context_t; 143 144 /*! 145 * @brief NBOOT type for the root of trust parameters 146 * 147 * This type defines the NBOOT root of trust parameters 148 * 149 */ 150 typedef struct _nboot_rot_auth_parms 151 { 152 /* trusted information originated from CFPA */ 153 nboot_root_key_revocation_t soc_rootKeyRevocation[NBOOT_ROOT_CERT_COUNT]; /*!< Provided by caller based on NVM 154 information in CFPA: ROTKH_REVOKE */ 155 uint32_t soc_imageKeyRevocation; /*!< Provided by caller based on NVM information in CFPA: IMAGE_KEY_REVOKE */ 156 157 /* trusted information originated from CMPA */ 158 uint32_t soc_rkh[12]; /*!< Provided by caller based on NVM information in CMPA: ROTKH (hash of hashes) */ 159 /*!< In case of kNBOOT_RootKey_Ecdsa_P384, sock_rkh[0..11] are used */ 160 /*!< In case of kNBOOT_RootKey_Ecdsa_P256, sock_rkh[0..7] are used */ 161 162 uint32_t soc_numberOfRootKeys; /*!< unsigned int, between minimum = 1 and maximum = 4; */ 163 nboot_root_key_usage_t soc_rootKeyUsage[NBOOT_ROOT_CERT_COUNT]; /*!< CMPA */ 164 nboot_root_key_type_and_length_t 165 soc_rootKeyTypeAndLength; /*!< static selection between ECDSA P-256 or ECDSA P-384 based root keys */ 166 167 /* trusted information originated from OTP fuses */ 168 nboot_soc_lifecycle_t soc_lifecycle; 169 } nboot_rot_auth_parms_t; 170 171 /*! 172 * @brief manifest loading parameters 173 * 174 * This type defines the NBOOT SB3.1 manifest loading parameters 175 * 176 */ 177 typedef struct _nboot_sb3_load_manifest_parms 178 { 179 nboot_rot_auth_parms_t soc_RoTNVM; /*!< trusted information originated from CFPA and NMPA */ 180 uint32_t soc_trustedFirmwareVersion; /*!< Provided by caller based on NVM information in CFPA: Secure_FW_Version */ 181 uint8_t pckBlob[48]; 182 } nboot_sb3_load_manifest_parms_t; 183 184 /*! 185 * @brief Data structure holding input arguments to POR secure boot (authentication) algorithm. 186 * Shall be read from SoC trusted NVM or SoC fuses. 187 */ 188 typedef struct _nboot_img_auth_ecdsa_parms 189 { 190 nboot_rot_auth_parms_t soc_RoTNVM; /*!< trusted information originated from CFPA and NMPA */ 191 uint32_t soc_trustedFirmwareVersion; /*!< Provided by caller based on NVM information in CFPA: Secure_FW_Version */ 192 } nboot_img_auth_ecdsa_parms_t; 193 194 /*! @brief Data structure holding input arguments for CMAC authentication */ 195 typedef struct _nboot_cmac_authenticate_parms 196 { 197 uint32_t expectedMAC[4]; /*!< expected MAC result */ 198 } nboot_img_authenticate_cmac_parms_t; 199 200 /*! 201 * @brief Boolean type for the NBOOT functions 202 * 203 * This type defines boolean values used by NBOOT functions that are not easily disturbed by Fault Attacks 204 */ 205 typedef enum _nboot_bool 206 { 207 kNBOOT_TRUE = 0x3C5AC33CU, /*!< Value for TRUE. */ 208 kNBOOT_TRUE256 = 0x3C5AC35AU, /*!< Value for TRUE when P256 was used to sign the image. */ 209 kNBOOT_TRUE384 = 0x3C5AC3A5U, /*!< Value for TRUE when P384 was used to sign the image. */ 210 kNBOOT_FALSE = 0x5AA55AA5U, /*!< Value for FALSE. */ 211 kNBOOT_OperationAllowed = 0x3c5a33ccU, 212 kNBOOT_OperationDisallowed = 0x5aa5cc33U, 213 } nboot_bool_t; 214 215 #ifdef __cplusplus 216 extern "C" { 217 #endif 218 219 /******************************************************************************* 220 * API 221 ******************************************************************************/ 222 223 /*! 224 * @brief This API function is used to generate random number with specified length. 225 * 226 * @param output Pointer to random number buffer 227 * @param outputByteLen length of generated random number in bytes. Length has to be in range <1, 2^16> 228 * 229 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_InvalidArgument Invalid input parameters (Input pointers points to NULL or length is invalid) 230 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success Operation successfully finished 231 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail Error occured during operation 232 */ 233 status_t NBOOT_GenerateRandom(uint8_t *output, size_t outputByteLen); 234 235 /*! 236 * @brief The function is used for initializing of the nboot context data structure. 237 * It should be called prior to any other calls of nboot API. 238 * 239 * @param nbootCtx Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 240 * 241 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success Operation successfully finished 242 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail Error occured during operation 243 */ 244 nboot_status_t NBOOT_ContextInit(nboot_context_t *context); 245 246 /*! 247 * @brief The function is used to deinitialize nboot context data structure. 248 * Its contents are overwritten with random data so that any sensitive data does not remain in memory. 249 * 250 * @param context Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 251 252 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success Operation successfully finished 253 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail Error occured during operation 254 */ 255 nboot_status_t NBOOT_ContextDeinit(nboot_context_t *context); 256 257 /*! 258 * @brief Verify NBOOT SB3.1 manifest (header message) 259 * 260 * This function verifies the NBOOT SB3.1 manifest (header message), initializes 261 * the context and loads keys into the CSS key store so that they can be used by nboot_sb3_load_block 262 * function. The NBOOT context has to be initialized by the function nboot_context_init before calling 263 * this function. Please note that this API is intended to be used only by users who needs to split 264 * FW update process (loading of SB3.1 file) to partial steps to customize whole operation. 265 * For regular SB3.1 processing, please use API described in chapter ��SBloader APIs��. 266 * 267 * @param nbootCtx Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 268 * @param manifest Pointer to the input manifest buffer 269 * @param params additional input parameters. Please refer to nboot_sb3_load_manifest_parms_t definition for details. 270 * 271 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success Operation successfully finished 272 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail Error occured during operation 273 */ 274 nboot_status_protected_t NBOOT_Sb3LoadManifest(nboot_context_t *context, 275 uint32_t *manifest, 276 nboot_sb3_load_manifest_parms_t *parms); 277 278 /*! 279 * @brief Verify NBOOT SB3.1 block 280 * 281 * This function verifies and decrypts an NBOOT SB3.1 block. Decryption is performed in-place. 282 * The NBOOT context has to be initialized by the function nboot_context_init before calling this function. 283 * Please note that this API is intended to be used only by users who needs to split FW update process 284 * (loading of SB3.1 file) to partial steps to customize whole operation. For regular SB3.1 processing, 285 * please use API described in chapter ��SBloader APIs��. 286 * 287 * @param context Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 288 * @param block Pointer to the input SB3.1 data block 289 * 290 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success successfully finished 291 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail occured during operation 292 */ 293 nboot_status_protected_t NBOOT_Sb3LoadBlock(nboot_context_t *context, uint32_t *block); 294 295 /*! 296 * @brief This function authenticates image with asymmetric cryptography. 297 * The NBOOT context has to be initialized by the function nboot_context_init 298 * before calling this function. 299 * 300 * @param context Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 301 * @param imageStartAddress Pointer to start of the image in memory. 302 * @param isSignatureVerified Pointer to memory holding function call result. 303 * After the function returns, the value will be set to kNBOOT_TRUE when the image is 304 * authentic. Any other value means the authentication does not pass. 305 * 306 * @param parms Pointer to a data structure in trusted memory, holding input parameters for the algorithm. 307 * The data structure shall be correctly filled before the function call. 308 * 309 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Success Operation successfully finished 310 * @retval #kStatus_NBOOT_Fail Returned in all other cases. Doesn't always mean invalid image, 311 * it could also mean transient error caused by short time environmental conditions. 312 */ 313 nboot_status_protected_t NBOOT_ImgAuthenticateEcdsa(nboot_context_t *context, 314 uint8_t imageStartAddress[], 315 nboot_bool_t *isSignatureVerified, 316 nboot_img_auth_ecdsa_parms_t *parms); 317 318 /*! 319 * @brief This function calculates the CMAC over the given image and compares it to the expected value. 320 * To be more resistant against SPA, it is recommended that imageStartAddress is word aligned. 321 * The NBOOT context has to be initialized by the nboot_context_init() before calling this function. 322 * 323 * @param context Pointer to nboot_context_t structure. 324 * @param imageStartAddress Pointer to start of the image in memory. 325 * @param isSignatureVerified Pointer to memory holding function call result. 326 After the function returns, the value will be set to 327 * @param parms Pointer to a data structure in trusted memory, holding the reference MAC. 328 The data structure shall be correctly filled before the function call. 329 * 330 * @retval kStatus_NBOOT_Success 331 * @retval kStatus_NBOOT_Fail 332 */ 333 nboot_status_protected_t NBOOT_ImgAuthenticateCmac(nboot_context_t *context, 334 uint8_t imageStartAddress[], 335 nboot_bool_t *isSignatureVerified, 336 nboot_img_authenticate_cmac_parms_t *parms); 337 338 #ifdef __cplusplus 339 } 340 #endif 341 342 /** 343 * @} 344 */ 345 346 #endif /* FSL_NBOOT_H_ */ 347