1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3 * Copyright 2016-2023 NXP
4 *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6 */
7 #ifndef FSL_ENET_H_
8 #define FSL_ENET_H_
10 #include "fsl_common.h"
12 /*!
13 * @addtogroup lpc_enet
14 * @{
15 */
17 /*******************************************************************************
18 * Definitions
19 ******************************************************************************/
21 /*! @name Driver version */
22 /*! @{ */
23 /*! @brief Defines the driver version. */
25 /*! @} */
27 /*! @name Control and status region bit masks of the receive buffer descriptor. */
28 /*! @{ */
29 /*! @brief Defines for read format. */
30 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_RD_BUFF1VALID_MASK (1UL << 24) /*!< Buffer1 address valid. */
31 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_RD_BUFF2VALID_MASK (1UL << 25) /*!< Buffer2 address valid. */
32 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_RD_IOC_MASK (1UL << 30) /*!< Interrupt enable on complete. */
33 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_RD_OWN_MASK (1UL << 31) /*!< Own bit. */
35 /*! @brief Defines for write back format. */
36 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_ERR_MASK ((1UL << 3) | (1UL << 7))
44 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_TYPE_MASK (0x30000U)
45 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_DE_MASK (1UL << 19)
46 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_RE_MASK (1UL << 20)
47 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_OE_MASK (1UL << 21)
48 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_RS0V_MASK (1UL << 25)
49 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_RS1V_MASK (1UL << 26)
50 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_RS2V_MASK (1UL << 27)
51 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_LD_MASK (1UL << 28)
52 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_FD_MASK (1UL << 29)
53 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_CTXT_MASK (1UL << 30)
54 #define ENET_RXDESCRIP_WR_OWN_MASK (1UL << 31)
55 /*! @} */
57 /*! @name Control and status bit masks of the transmit buffer descriptor. */
58 /*! @{ */
59 /*! @brief Defines for read format. */
60 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1_MASK (0x3fffU)
62 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1(n) ((uint32_t)(n)&ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1_MASK)
63 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL2(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1_MASK) << 16)
64 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_TTSE_MASK (1UL << 30)
65 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_IOC_MASK (1UL << 31)
68 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_FL(n) ((uint32_t)(n)&ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_FL_MASK)
69 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_CIC(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&0x3U) << 16)
70 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_TSE_MASK (1UL << 18)
71 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_SLOT(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&0x0fU) << 19)
72 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_SAIC(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&0x07U) << 23)
73 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_CPC(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&0x03U) << 26)
74 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_LDFD(n) (((uint32_t)(n)&0x03U) << 28)
75 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_LD_MASK (1UL << 28)
76 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_FD_MASK (1UL << 29)
77 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_CTXT_MASK (1UL << 30)
78 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_OWN_MASK (1UL << 31)
80 /*! @brief Defines for write back format. */
81 #define ENET_TXDESCRIP_WB_TTSS_MASK (1UL << 17)
82 /*! @} */
84 /*! @name Bit mask for interrupt enable type. */
85 /*! @{ */
90 #define ENET_NORM_INT_MASK \
93 /*! @} */
95 /*! @name Defines some Ethernet parameters. */
96 /*! @{ */
97 #define ENET_FRAME_MAX_FRAMELEN (1518U) /*!< Default maximum ethernet frame size. */
98 #define ENET_FCS_LEN (4U) /*!< Ethernet Rx frame FCS length. */
99 #define ENET_ADDR_ALIGNMENT (0x3U) /*!< Recommended ethernet buffer alignment. */
100 #define ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT (4U) /*!< Receive buffer alignment shall be 4bytes-aligned. */
101 #define ENET_RING_NUM_MAX (2U) /*!< The maximum number of Tx/Rx descriptor rings. */
102 #define ENET_MTL_RXFIFOSIZE (2048U) /*!< The Rx fifo size. */
103 #define ENET_MTL_TXFIFOSIZE (2048U) /*!< The Tx fifo size. */
104 #define ENET_MACINT_ENUM_OFFSET (16U) /*!< The offset for mac interrupt in enum type. */
105 #define ENET_FRAME_TX_LEN_LIMITATION (ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1_MASK) /*!< The Tx frame length software limitation. */
106 #define ENET_FRAME_RX_ERROR_BITS(x) (((x) >> 19U) & 0x3FU) /*!< The Rx frame error bits field. */
107 /*! @} */
109 /*! @brief Defines the status return codes for transaction. */
110 enum
111 {
112 kStatus_ENET_InitMemoryFail =
113 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 0U), /*!< Status code 4000. Init failed since buffer memory was not enough. */
114 kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError =
115 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 1U), /*!< Status code 4001. A frame received but data error occurred. */
116 kStatus_ENET_RxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 2U), /*!< Status code 4002. Failed to receive a frame. */
117 kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 3U), /*!< Status code 4003. No frame arrived. */
118 kStatus_ENET_RxFrameDrop = MAKE_STATUS(
119 kStatusGroup_ENET, 4U), /*!< Status code 4004. Rx frame was dropped since there's no buffer memory. */
120 kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy =
121 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 5U), /*!< Status code 4005. There were no resources for Tx operation. */
122 kStatus_ENET_TxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 6U), /*!< Status code 4006. Transmit frame failed. */
123 kStatus_ENET_TxFrameOverLen =
124 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET, 7U) /*!< Status code 4007. Failed to send an oversize frame. */
125 };
127 /*! @brief Defines the MII/RMII mode for data interface between the MAC and the PHY. */
128 typedef enum _enet_mii_mode
129 {
130 kENET_MiiMode = 0U, /*!< MII mode for data interface. */
131 kENET_RmiiMode = 1U /*!< RMII mode for data interface. */
132 } enet_mii_mode_t;
134 /*! @brief Defines the 10/100 Mbps speed for the MII data interface. */
135 typedef enum _enet_mii_speed
136 {
137 kENET_MiiSpeed10M = 0U, /*!< Speed 10 Mbps. */
138 kENET_MiiSpeed100M = 1U, /*!< Speed 100 Mbps. */
139 } enet_mii_speed_t;
141 /*! @brief Defines the half or full duplex for the MII data interface. */
142 typedef enum _enet_mii_duplex
143 {
144 kENET_MiiHalfDuplex = 0U, /*!< Half duplex mode. */
145 kENET_MiiFullDuplex /*!< Full duplex mode. */
146 } enet_mii_duplex_t;
148 /*! @brief Define the MII opcode for normal MDIO_CLAUSES_22 Frame. */
149 typedef enum _enet_mii_normal_opcode
150 {
151 kENET_MiiWriteFrame = 1U, /*!< Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
152 kENET_MiiReadFrame = 3U /*!< Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame. */
153 } enet_mii_normal_opcode_t;
155 /*! @brief Define the DMA maximum transmit burst length. */
156 typedef enum _enet_dma_burstlen
157 {
158 kENET_BurstLen1 = 0x00001U, /*!< DMA burst length 1. */
159 kENET_BurstLen2 = 0x00002U, /*!< DMA burst length 2. */
160 kENET_BurstLen4 = 0x00004U, /*!< DMA burst length 4. */
161 kENET_BurstLen8 = 0x00008U, /*!< DMA burst length 8. */
162 kENET_BurstLen16 = 0x00010U, /*!< DMA burst length 16. */
163 kENET_BurstLen32 = 0x00020U, /*!< DMA burst length 32. */
164 kENET_BurstLen64 = 0x10008U, /*!< DMA burst length 64. eight times enabled. */
165 kENET_BurstLen128 = 0x10010U, /*!< DMA burst length 128. eight times enabled. */
166 kENET_BurstLen256 = 0x10020U, /*!< DMA burst length 256. eight times enabled. */
167 } enet_dma_burstlen_t;
169 /*! @brief Define the flag for the descriptor. */
170 typedef enum _enet_desc_flag
171 {
172 kENET_MiddleFlag = 0, /*!< It's a middle descriptor of the frame. */
173 kENET_LastFlagOnly, /*!< It's the last descriptor of the frame. */
174 kENET_FirstFlagOnly, /*!< It's the first descriptor of the frame. */
175 kENET_FirstLastFlag /*!< It's the first and last descriptor of the frame. */
176 } enet_desc_flag_t;
178 /*! @brief Define the system time adjust operation control. */
179 typedef enum _enet_systime_op
180 {
181 kENET_SystimeAdd = 0U, /*!< System time add to. */
182 kENET_SystimeSubtract = 1U /*!< System time subtract. */
183 } enet_systime_op_t;
185 /*! @brief Define the system time rollover control. */
186 typedef enum _enet_ts_rollover_type
187 {
188 kENET_BinaryRollover = 0, /*!< System time binary rollover.*/
189 kENET_DigitalRollover = 1 /*!< System time digital rollover.*/
190 } enet_ts_rollover_type_t;
192 /*! @brief Defines some special configuration for ENET.
193 *
194 * These control flags are provided for special user requirements.
195 * Normally, these is no need to set this control flags for ENET initialization.
196 * But if you have some special requirements, set the flags to specialControl
197 * in the enet_config_t.
198 * @note "kENET_StoreAndForward" is recommended to be set when the
199 * ENET_PTP1588FEATURE_REQUIRED is defined or else the timestamp will be mess-up
200 * when the overflow happens.
201 */
202 typedef enum _enet_special_config
203 {
204 /***********************DMA CONFGI**********************************************/
205 kENET_DescDoubleBuffer = 0x0001U, /*!< The double buffer is used in the Tx/Rx descriptor. */
206 /**************************MTL************************************/
207 kENET_StoreAndForward = 0x0002U, /*!< The Rx/Tx store and forward enable. */
208 /***********************MAC****************************************/
209 kENET_PromiscuousEnable = 0x0004U, /*!< The promiscuous enabled. */
210 kENET_FlowControlEnable = 0x0008U, /*!< The flow control enabled. */
211 kENET_BroadCastRxDisable = 0x0010U, /*!< The broadcast disabled. */
212 kENET_MulticastAllEnable = 0x0020U, /*!< All multicast are passed. */
213 kENET_8023AS2KPacket = 0x0040U, /*!< 8023as support for 2K packets. */
214 kENET_RxChecksumOffloadEnable = 0x0080U, /*!< The Rx checksum offload enabled. */
215 } enet_special_config_t;
217 /*! @brief List of DMA interrupts supported by the ENET interrupt. This
218 * enumeration uses one-hot encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple
219 * members.
220 */
221 typedef enum _enet_dma_interrupt_enable
222 {
223 kENET_DmaTx = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_TIE_MASK, /*!< Tx interrupt. */
224 kENET_DmaTxStop = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_TSE_MASK, /*!< Tx stop interrupt. */
225 kENET_DmaTxBuffUnavail = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_TBUE_MASK, /*!< Tx buffer unavailable. */
226 kENET_DmaRx = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_RIE_MASK, /*!< Rx interrupt. */
227 kENET_DmaRxBuffUnavail = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_RBUE_MASK, /*!< Rx buffer unavailable. */
228 kENET_DmaRxStop = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_RSE_MASK, /*!< Rx stop. */
229 kENET_DmaRxWatchdogTimeout = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_RWTE_MASK, /*!< Rx watchdog timeout. */
230 kENET_DmaEarlyTx = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_ETIE_MASK, /*!< Early transmit. */
231 kENET_DmaEarlyRx = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_ERIE_MASK, /*!< Early receive. */
232 kENET_DmaBusErr = ENET_DMA_CH_DMA_CHX_INT_EN_FBEE_MASK, /*!< Fatal bus error. */
233 } enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t;
235 /*! @brief List of mac interrupts supported by the ENET interrupt. This
236 * enumeration uses one-hot encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple
237 * members.
238 */
239 typedef enum _enet_mac_interrupt_enable
240 {
243 } enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t;
245 /*! @brief Defines the common interrupt event for callback use. */
246 typedef enum _enet_event
247 {
248 kENET_RxIntEvent, /*!< Receive interrupt event. */
249 kENET_TxIntEvent, /*!< Transmit interrupt event. */
250 kENET_WakeUpIntEvent, /*!< Wake up interrupt event. */
251 kENET_TimeStampIntEvent, /*!< Time stamp interrupt event. */
252 } enet_event_t;
254 /*! @brief Define the DMA transmit arbitration for multi-queue. */
255 typedef enum _enet_dma_tx_sche
256 {
257 kENET_FixPri = 0, /*!< Fixed priority. channel 0 has lower priority than channel 1. */
258 kENET_WeightStrPri, /*!< Weighted(burst length) strict priority. */
259 kENET_WeightRoundRobin /*!< Weighted (weight factor) round robin. */
260 } enet_dma_tx_sche_t;
262 /*! @brief Define the MTL Tx scheduling algorithm for multiple queues/rings. */
263 typedef enum _enet_mtl_multiqueue_txsche
264 {
265 kENET_txWeightRR = 0U, /*!< Tx weight round-robin. */
266 kENET_txStrPrio = 3U, /*!< Tx strict priority. */
267 } enet_mtl_multiqueue_txsche_t;
269 /*! @brief Define the MTL Rx scheduling algorithm for multiple queues/rings. */
270 typedef enum _enet_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche
271 {
272 kENET_rxStrPrio = 0U, /*!< Tx weight round-robin, Rx strict priority. */
273 kENET_rxWeightStrPrio, /*!< Tx strict priority, Rx weight strict priority. */
274 } enet_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche_t;
276 /*! @brief Define the MTL Rx queue and DMA channel mapping. */
277 typedef enum _enet_mtl_rxqueuemap
278 {
279 kENET_StaticDirctMap = 0x100U, /*!< The received fame in Rx Qn(n = 0,1) direclty map to dma channel n. */
280 kENET_DynamicMap =
281 0x1010U, /*!< The received frame in Rx Qn(n = 0,1) map to the dma channel m(m = 0,1) related with the same Mac.
282 */
283 } enet_mtl_rxqueuemap_t;
285 /*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP message related constant. */
286 typedef enum _enet_ptp_event_type
287 {
288 kENET_PtpEventMsgType = 3U, /*!< PTP event message type. */
289 kENET_PtpSrcPortIdLen = 10U, /*!< PTP message sequence id length. */
290 kENET_PtpEventPort = 319U, /*!< PTP event port number. */
291 kENET_PtpGnrlPort = 320U /*!< PTP general port number. */
292 } enet_ptp_event_type_t;
294 /*! @brief Define the Tx checksum offload options. */
295 typedef enum _enet_tx_offload
296 {
297 kENET_TxOffloadDisable = 0U, /*!< Disable Tx checksum offload. */
298 kENET_TxOffloadIPHeader = 1U, /*!< Enable IP header checksum calculation and insertion. */
299 kENET_TxOffloadIPHeaderPlusPayload = 2U, /*!< Enable IP header and payload checksum calculation and insertion. */
300 kENET_TxOffloadAll = 3U, /*!< Enable IP header, payload and pseudo header checksum calculation and insertion. */
301 } enet_tx_offload_t;
303 /*! @brief Defines the receive descriptor structure
304 * It has the read-format and write-back format structures. They both
305 * have the same size with different region definition. So we define
306 * common name as the recive descriptor structure. When initialize
307 * the buffer descriptors, read-format region mask bits should be used.
308 * When Rx frame has been in the buffer descriptors, write-back format
309 * region store the Rx result information.
310 */
311 typedef struct _enet_rx_bd_struct
312 {
313 __IO uint32_t rdes0; /*!< Receive descriptor 0 */
314 __IO uint32_t rdes1; /*!< Receive descriptor 1 */
315 __IO uint32_t rdes2; /*!< Receive descriptor 2 */
316 __IO uint32_t rdes3; /*!< Receive descriptor 3 */
317 } enet_rx_bd_struct_t;
319 /*! @brief Defines the transmit descriptor structure
320 * It has the read-format and write-back format structure. They both
321 * has the same size with different region definition. So we define
322 * common name as the transmit descriptor structure. When initialize
323 * the buffer descriptors for Tx, read-format region mask bits should
324 * be used. When frame has been transmitted, write-back format region
325 * store the Tx result information.
326 */
327 typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_struct
328 {
329 __IO uint32_t tdes0; /*!< Transmit descriptor 0 */
330 __IO uint32_t tdes1; /*!< Transmit descriptor 1 */
331 __IO uint32_t tdes2; /*!< Transmit descriptor 2 */
332 __IO uint32_t tdes3; /*!< Transmit descriptor 3 */
333 } enet_tx_bd_struct_t;
335 /*! @brief Defines the Tx BD configuration structure. */
336 typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_config_struct
337 {
338 void *buffer1; /*!< The first buffer address in the descriptor. */
339 uint32_t bytes1; /*!< The bytes in the fist buffer. */
340 void *buffer2; /*!< The second buffer address in the descriptor. */
341 uint32_t bytes2; /*!< The bytes in the second buffer. */
342 uint32_t framelen; /*!< The length of the frame to be transmitted. */
343 bool intEnable; /*!< Interrupt enable flag. */
344 bool tsEnable; /*!< The timestamp enable. */
345 enet_tx_offload_t txOffloadOps; /*!< The Tx checksum offload option, only vaild for Queue 0. */
346 enet_desc_flag_t flag; /*!< The flag of this tx desciriptor, see "enet_qos_desc_flag". */
347 uint8_t slotNum; /*!< The slot number used for AV mode only. */
348 } enet_tx_bd_config_struct_t;
351 /*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP configuration structure. */
352 typedef struct _enet_ptp_config
353 {
354 bool fineUpdateEnable; /*!< Use the fine update. */
355 bool ptp1588V2Enable; /*!< ptp 1588 version 2 is used. */
356 enet_ts_rollover_type_t tsRollover; /*!< 1588 time nanosecond rollover. */
357 } enet_ptp_config_t;
358 #endif /* ENET_PTP1588FEATURE_REQUIRED */
360 /*! @brief Defines the ENET PTP time stamp structure. */
361 typedef struct _enet_ptp_time
362 {
363 uint64_t second; /*!< Second. */
364 uint32_t nanosecond; /*!< Nanosecond. */
365 } enet_ptp_time_t;
367 /*! @brief Defines the Tx reclaim information structure. */
368 typedef struct enet_tx_reclaim_info
369 {
370 void *context; /*!< User specified data, could be buffer address for free */
371 bool isTsAvail; /*!< Flag indicates timestamp available status */
372 enet_ptp_time_t timeStamp; /*!< Timestamp of frame */
373 } enet_tx_reclaim_info_t;
375 /*! @brief Defines the ENET transmit dirty addresses ring/queue structure. */
376 typedef struct _enet_tx_dirty_ring
377 {
378 enet_tx_reclaim_info_t *txDirtyBase; /*!< Dirty buffer descriptor base address pointer. */
379 uint16_t txGenIdx; /*!< Tx generate index. */
380 uint16_t txConsumIdx; /*!< Tx consume index. */
381 uint16_t txRingLen; /*!< Tx ring length. */
382 bool isFull; /*!< Tx ring is full flag, add this parameter to avoid waste one element. */
383 } enet_tx_dirty_ring_t;
385 /*! @brief Defines the buffer descriptor configure structure.
386 *
387 * Notes:
388 * 1. The receive and transmit descriptor start address pointer and tail pointer must be word-aligned.
389 * 2. The recommended minimum Tx/Rx ring length is 4.
390 * 3. The Tx/Rx descriptor tail address shall be the address pointer to the address just after the end
391 * of the last last descriptor. because only the descriptors between the start address and the
392 * tail address will be used by DMA.
393 * 4. The decriptor address is the start address of all used contiguous memory.
394 * for example, the rxDescStartAddrAlign is the start address of rxRingLen contiguous descriptor memorise
395 * for Rx descriptor ring 0.
396 * 5. The "*rxBufferstartAddr" is the first element of rxRingLen (2*rxRingLen for double buffers)
397 * Rx buffers. It means the *rxBufferStartAddr is the Rx buffer for the first descriptor
398 * the *rxBufferStartAddr + 1 is the Rx buffer for the second descriptor or the Rx buffer for
399 * the second buffer in the first descriptor. So please make sure the rxBufferStartAddr is the
400 * address of a rxRingLen or 2*rxRingLen array.
401 */
402 typedef struct _enet_buffer_config
403 {
404 uint8_t rxRingLen; /*!< The length of receive buffer descriptor ring. */
405 uint8_t txRingLen; /*!< The length of transmit buffer descriptor ring. */
406 enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txDescStartAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned transmit descriptor start address. */
407 enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txDescTailAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned transmit descriptor tail address. */
408 enet_tx_reclaim_info_t *txDirtyStartAddr; /*!< Start address of the dirty Tx frame information. */
409 enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDescStartAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned receive descriptor start address. */
410 enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDescTailAddrAlign; /*!< Aligned receive descriptor tail address. */
411 uint32_t *rxBufferStartAddr; /*!< Start address of the Rx buffers. */
412 uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Aligned receive data buffer size. */
413 } enet_buffer_config_t;
415 /*! @brief Defines the configuration when multi-queue is used. */
416 typedef struct enet_multiqueue_config
417 {
418 /***********************DMA block*******************************/
419 enet_dma_tx_sche_t dmaTxSche; /*!< Transmit arbitation. */
420 enet_dma_burstlen_t burstLen; /*!< Burset len for the queue 1. */
421 uint8_t txdmaChnWeight[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Transmit channel weight. */
422 /***********************MTL block*******************************/
423 enet_mtl_multiqueue_txsche_t mtltxSche; /*!< Transmit schedule for multi-queue. */
424 enet_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche_t mtlrxSche; /*!< Receive schedule for multi-queue. */
425 uint8_t rxqueweight[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Refer to the MTL RxQ Control register. */
426 uint32_t txqueweight[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Refer to the MTL TxQ Quantum Weight register. */
427 uint8_t rxqueuePrio[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Receive queue priority. */
428 uint8_t txqueuePrio[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Refer to Transmit Queue Priority Mapping register. */
429 enet_mtl_rxqueuemap_t mtlrxQuemap; /*!< Rx queue DMA Channel mapping. */
430 } enet_multiqueue_config_t;
432 /*! @brief Defines the Rx memory buffer alloc function pointer. */
433 typedef void *(*enet_rx_alloc_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, void *userData, uint8_t channel);
435 /*! @brief Defines the Rx memory buffer free function pointer. */
436 typedef void (*enet_rx_free_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, void *buffer, void *userData, uint8_t channel);
438 /*! @brief Defines the basic configuration structure for the ENET device.
439 *
440 * Note:
441 * 1. Default the signal queue is used so the "multiqueueCfg" is set default
442 * with NULL. Set the pointer with a valid configration pointer if the multiple
443 * queues are required. If multiple queue is enabled, please make sure the
444 * buffer configuration for all are prepared also.
445 */
446 typedef struct _enet_config
447 {
448 uint16_t specialControl; /*!< The logicl or of enet_special_config_t */
449 enet_multiqueue_config_t *multiqueueCfg; /*!< Use both Tx/Rx queue(dma channel) 0 and 1. */
450 uint32_t interrupt; /*!< MAC interrupt source. A logical OR of enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t and
451 enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t. */
452 /* -----------------MAC block-------------------------------*/
453 enet_mii_mode_t miiMode; /*!< MII mode. */
454 enet_mii_speed_t miiSpeed; /*!< MII Speed. */
455 enet_mii_duplex_t miiDuplex; /*!< MII duplex. */
456 uint16_t pauseDuration; /*!< Used in the Tx flow control frame, only valid when kENET_FlowControlEnable is set. */
457 /* -----------------Timestamp-------------------------------*/
459 enet_ptp_config_t *ptpConfig; /*!< PTP 1588 feature configuration */
460 #endif
461 /* -----------Rx zero copy buffer management----------------*/
462 enet_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc; /*!< Callback to alloc memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. */
463 enet_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree; /*!< Callback to free memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. */
464 } enet_config_t;
466 /* Forward declaration of the handle typedef. */
467 typedef struct _enet_handle enet_handle_t;
469 /*! @brief ENET callback function. */
470 typedef void (*enet_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base,
471 enet_handle_t *handle,
472 enet_event_t event,
473 uint8_t channel,
474 enet_tx_reclaim_info_t *txReclaimInfo,
475 void *userData);
477 /*! @brief Defines the ENET transmit buffer descriptor ring/queue structure. */
478 typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_ring
479 {
480 enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdBase; /*!< Buffer descriptor base address pointer. */
481 uint16_t txGenIdx; /*!< Tx generate index. */
482 uint16_t txConsumIdx; /*!< Tx consum index. */
483 volatile uint16_t txDescUsed; /*!< Tx descriptor used number. */
484 uint16_t txRingLen; /*!< Tx ring length. */
485 } enet_tx_bd_ring_t;
487 /*! @brief Defines the ENET receive buffer descriptor ring/queue structure. */
488 typedef struct _enet_rx_bd_ring
489 {
490 enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdBase; /*!< Buffer descriptor base address pointer. */
491 uint16_t rxGenIdx; /*!< The current available receive buffer descriptor pointer. */
492 uint16_t rxRingLen; /*!< Receive ring length. */
493 uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign; /*!< Receive buffer size. */
494 } enet_rx_bd_ring_t;
496 /*! @brief Defines the ENET handler structure. */
497 struct _enet_handle
498 {
499 bool multiQueEnable; /*!< Multi-queue enable status. */
500 bool doubleBuffEnable; /*!< The double buffer enable status. */
501 bool rxintEnable; /*!< Rx interrupt enable status. */
502 enet_rx_bd_ring_t rxBdRing[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Receive buffer descriptor. */
503 enet_tx_bd_ring_t txBdRing[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Transmit buffer descriptor. */
504 enet_tx_dirty_ring_t txDirtyRing[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Transmit dirty buffers addresses. */
505 uint32_t *rxBufferStartAddr[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< The Init-Rx buffers used for reinit corrupted BD due to
506 write-back operation. */
507 uint32_t txLenLimitation[ENET_RING_NUM_MAX]; /*!< Tx frame length limitation. */
508 enet_callback_t callback; /*!< Callback function. */
509 void *userData; /*!< Callback function parameter.*/
510 enet_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc; /*!< Callback to alloc memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. */
511 enet_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree; /*!< Callback to free memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. */
512 };
514 typedef struct _enet_buffer_struct
515 {
516 void *buffer; /*!< The buffer stores the whole or partial frame. */
517 uint16_t length; /*!< The byte length of this buffer. */
518 } enet_buffer_struct_t;
520 /*! @brief Rx frame attribute structure. */
521 typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_attribute_struct
522 {
523 bool isTsAvail; /*!< Rx frame timestamp is available or not. */
524 enet_ptp_time_t timestamp; /*!< The nanosecond part timestamp of this Rx frame. */
525 } enet_rx_frame_attribute_t;
527 /*! @brief Defines the Rx frame error structure. */
528 typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_error
529 {
530 bool statsDribbleErr : 1; /*!< The received packet has a non-integer multiple of bytes (odd nibbles). */
531 bool statsRxErr : 1; /*!< Receive error. */
532 bool statsOverflowErr : 1; /*!< Rx FIFO overflow error. */
533 bool statsWatchdogTimeoutErr : 1; /*!< Receive watchdog timeout. */
534 bool statsGaintPacketErr : 1; /*!< Receive error. */
535 bool statsRxFcsErr : 1; /*!< Receive CRC error. */
536 } enet_rx_frame_error_t;
538 /*! @brief Defines the Rx frame data structure. */
539 typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_struct
540 {
541 enet_buffer_struct_t *rxBuffArray; /*!< Rx frame buffer structure. */
542 uint16_t totLen; /*!< Rx frame total length. */
543 enet_rx_frame_attribute_t rxAttribute; /*!< Rx frame attribute structure. */
544 enet_rx_frame_error_t rxFrameError; /*!< Rx frame error. */
545 } enet_rx_frame_struct_t;
547 typedef struct _enet_tx_config_struct
548 {
549 uint8_t intEnable : 1; /*!< Enable interrupt every time one BD is completed. */
550 uint8_t tsEnable : 1; /*!< Transmit timestamp enable. */
551 uint8_t slotNum : 4; /*!< Slot number control bits in AV mode. */
552 enet_tx_offload_t txOffloadOps; /*!< Tx checksum offload option. */
553 } enet_tx_config_struct_t;
555 typedef struct _enet_tx_frame_struct
556 {
557 enet_buffer_struct_t *txBuffArray; /*!< Tx frame buffer structure. */
558 uint32_t txBuffNum; /*!< Buffer number of this Tx frame. */
559 enet_tx_config_struct_t txConfig; /*!< Tx extra configuation. */
560 void *context; /*!< Driver reclaims and gives it in Tx over callback. */
561 } enet_tx_frame_struct_t;
563 /* Typedef for interrupt handler. */
564 typedef void (*enet_isr_t)(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
567 /*! @brief Pointers to enet clocks for each instance. */
568 extern const clock_ip_name_t s_enetClock[];
571 /*******************************************************************************
572 * API
573 ******************************************************************************/
575 #if defined(__cplusplus)
576 extern "C" {
577 #endif
579 /*!
580 * @name Initialization and De-initialization
581 * @{
582 */
584 /*!
585 * @brief Gets the ENET default configuration structure.
586 *
587 * The purpose of this API is to get the default ENET configure
588 * structure for ENET_Init(). User may use the initialized
589 * structure unchanged in ENET_Init(), or modify some fields of the
590 * structure before calling ENET_Init().
591 * Example:
592 @code
593 enet_config_t config;
594 ENET_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
595 @endcode
596 * @param config The ENET mac controller configuration structure pointer.
597 */
598 void ENET_GetDefaultConfig(enet_config_t *config);
600 /*!
601 * @brief Initializes the ENET module.
602 *
603 * This function ungates the module clock and initializes it with the ENET basic
604 * configuration.
605 * @note As our transactional transmit API use the zero-copy transmit buffer.
606 * So there are two thing we emphasize here:
607 * 1. Tx buffer free/requeue for application should be done in the Tx
608 * interrupt handler. Please set callback: kENET_TxIntEvent with Tx buffer free/requeue
609 * process APIs.
610 * 2. The Tx interrupt is forced to open.
611 *
612 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
613 * @param config ENET mac configuration structure pointer.
614 * The "enet_config_t" type mac configuration return from ENET_GetDefaultConfig
615 * can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
616 * @param macAddr ENET mac address of Ethernet device. This MAC address should be
617 * provided.
618 * @param refclkSrc_Hz ENET input reference clock.
619 */
620 void ENET_Init(ENET_Type *base, const enet_config_t *config, uint8_t *macAddr, uint32_t refclkSrc_Hz);
622 /*!
623 * @brief Deinitializes the ENET module.
625 * This function gates the module clock and disables the ENET module.
626 *
627 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
628 */
629 void ENET_Deinit(ENET_Type *base);
631 /*!
632 * @brief Initialize for all ENET descriptors.
633 *
634 * @note This function finishes all Tx/Rx descriptors initialization. The descriptor initialization
635 * should be called after ENET_Init().
636 *
637 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
638 * @param config The configuration for ENET.
639 * @param bufferConfig All buffers configuration.
640 */
641 status_t ENET_DescriptorInit(ENET_Type *base, enet_config_t *config, enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig);
643 /*!
644 * @brief Allocates Rx buffers for all BDs.
645 * It's used for zero copy Rx. In zero copy Rx case, Rx buffers are dynamic. This function
646 * will populate initial buffers in all BDs for receiving. Then ENET_GetRxFrame() is used
647 * to get Rx frame with zero copy, it will allocate new buffer to replace the buffer in BD taken
648 * by application, application should free those buffers after they're used.
649 *
650 * @note This function should be called after ENET_CreateHandler() and buffer allocating callback
651 * function should be ready.
652 *
653 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
654 * @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
655 */
656 status_t ENET_RxBufferAllocAll(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
658 /*!
659 * @brief Frees Rx buffers in all BDs.
660 * It's used for zero copy Rx. In zero copy Rx case, Rx buffers are dynamic. This function
661 * will free left buffers in all BDs.
662 *
663 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
664 * @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
665 */
666 void ENET_RxBufferFreeAll(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
668 /*!
669 * @brief Starts the ENET Tx/Rx.
670 * This function enable the Tx/Rx and starts the Tx/Rx DMA.
671 * This shall be set after ENET initialization and before
672 * starting to receive the data.
673 *
674 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
675 * @param rxRingNum The number of the used Rx rings. It shall not be
676 * larger than the ENET_RING_NUM_MAX(2). If the ringNum is set with
677 * 1, the ring 0 will be used.
678 * @param txRingNum The number of the used Tx rings. It shall not be
679 * larger than the ENET_RING_NUM_MAX(2). If the ringNum is set with
680 * 1, the ring 0 will be used.
681 *
682 * @note This must be called after all the ENET initilization.
683 * And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
684 */
685 void ENET_StartRxTx(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t txRingNum, uint8_t rxRingNum);
687 /*!
688 * @brief Set the second level IRQ handler
689 *
690 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
691 * @param ISRHandler The handler to install.
692 */
693 void ENET_SetISRHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_isr_t ISRHandler);
695 /*! @} */
697 /*!
698 * @name MII interface operation
699 * @{
700 */
702 /*!
703 * @brief Sets the ENET MII speed and duplex.
704 *
705 * This API is provided to dynamically change the speed and dulpex for MAC.
706 *
707 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
708 * @param speed The speed of the RMII mode.
709 * @param duplex The duplex of the RMII mode.
710 */
ENET_SetMII(ENET_Type * base,enet_mii_speed_t speed,enet_mii_duplex_t duplex)711 static inline void ENET_SetMII(ENET_Type *base, enet_mii_speed_t speed, enet_mii_duplex_t duplex)
712 {
714 reg |= ENET_MAC_CONFIG_DM(duplex) | ENET_MAC_CONFIG_FES(speed);
716 base->MAC_CONFIG = reg;
717 }
719 /*!
720 * @brief Sets the ENET SMI(serial management interface)- MII management interface.
721 *
722 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
723 */
724 void ENET_SetSMI(ENET_Type *base);
726 /*!
727 * @brief Checks if the SMI is busy.
728 *
729 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
730 * @return The status of MII Busy status.
731 */
ENET_IsSMIBusy(ENET_Type * base)732 static inline bool ENET_IsSMIBusy(ENET_Type *base)
733 {
734 return ((base->MAC_MDIO_ADDR & ENET_MAC_MDIO_ADDR_MB_MASK) != 0U) ? true : false;
735 }
737 /*!
738 * @brief Reads data from the PHY register through SMI interface.
739 *
740 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
741 * @return The data read from PHY
742 */
ENET_ReadSMIData(ENET_Type * base)743 static inline uint16_t ENET_ReadSMIData(ENET_Type *base)
744 {
745 return (uint16_t)(base->MAC_MDIO_DATA & ENET_MAC_MDIO_DATA_MD_MASK);
746 }
748 /*!
749 * @brief Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format write command.
750 *
751 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
752 * @param phyAddr The PHY address.
753 * @param regAddr The PHY register.
754 * @param data The data written to PHY.
755 */
756 void ENET_StartSMIWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t data);
758 /*!
759 * @brief Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format read command.
760 *
761 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
762 * @param phyAddr The PHY address.
763 * @param regAddr The PHY register.
764 */
765 void ENET_StartSMIRead(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr);
767 /*!
768 * @brief MDIO write with IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format.
769 *
770 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
771 * @param phyAddr The PHY address.
772 * @param regAddr The PHY register.
773 * @param data The data written to PHY.
774 * @return kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
775 * @return kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
776 */
777 status_t ENET_MDIOWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t data);
779 /*!
780 * @brief MDIO read with IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format.
781 *
782 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
783 * @param phyAddr The PHY address.
784 * @param regAddr The PHY register.
785 * @param pData The data read from PHY.
786 * @return kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
787 * @return kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
788 */
789 status_t ENET_MDIORead(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t *pData);
790 /*! @} */
792 /*!
793 * @name Other basic operation
794 * @{
795 */
797 /*!
798 * @brief Get the ENET instance from peripheral base address.
799 *
800 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
801 * @return ENET instance.
802 */
803 uint32_t ENET_GetInstance(ENET_Type *base);
805 /*!
806 * @brief Sets the ENET module Mac address.
807 *
808 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
809 * @param macAddr The six-byte Mac address pointer.
810 * The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
811 */
ENET_SetMacAddr(ENET_Type * base,uint8_t * macAddr)812 static inline void ENET_SetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr)
813 {
814 assert(macAddr);
816 uint32_t lowAddress = ((uint32_t)macAddr[3] << 24) | ((uint32_t)macAddr[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)macAddr[1] << 8) |
817 ((uint32_t)macAddr[0]);
818 uint32_t highAddress = ((uint32_t)macAddr[5] << 8) | ((uint32_t)macAddr[4]);
819 /* Set Macaddr, the MAC address registers are configured to be double-synchronized to the MII clock
820 domains, then the synchronization is triggered only when bits 31:24 (in little-endian mode)
821 or bits 7:0 (in Big-Endian mode) of the MAC address low register are written to.*/
822 base->MAC_ADDR_HIGH = highAddress;
823 base->MAC_ADDR_LOW = lowAddress;
824 }
826 /*!
827 * @brief Gets the ENET module Mac address.
828 *
829 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
830 * @param macAddr The six-byte Mac address pointer.
831 * The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
832 */
833 void ENET_GetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr);
835 /*!
836 * @brief Enable ENET device to accept all multicast frames.
837 *
838 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
839 */
ENET_AcceptAllMulticast(ENET_Type * base)840 static inline void ENET_AcceptAllMulticast(ENET_Type *base)
841 {
842 uint32_t reg = base->MAC_FRAME_FILTER;
845 }
847 /*!
848 * @brief ENET device reject to accept all multicast frames.
849 *
850 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
851 */
ENET_RejectAllMulticast(ENET_Type * base)852 static inline void ENET_RejectAllMulticast(ENET_Type *base)
853 {
854 uint32_t reg = base->MAC_FRAME_FILTER;
857 }
859 /*!
860 * @brief Set the MAC to enter into power down mode.
861 * the remote power wake up frame and magic frame can wake up
862 * the ENET from the power down mode.
863 *
864 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
865 * @param wakeFilter The wakeFilter provided to configure the wake up frame fitlter.
866 * Set the wakeFilter to NULL is not required. But if you have the filter requirement,
867 * please make sure the wakeFilter pointer shall be eight continous
868 * 32-bits configuration.
869 */
870 void ENET_EnterPowerDown(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t *wakeFilter);
872 /*!
873 * @brief Set the MAC to exit power down mode.
874 * Eixt from the power down mode and recover to normal work mode.
875 *
876 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
877 */
ENET_ExitPowerDown(ENET_Type * base)878 static inline void ENET_ExitPowerDown(ENET_Type *base)
879 {
880 /* Clear and status ans reset the power down. */
883 /* Restore the Tx which is disabled when enter power down mode. */
887 }
889 /*! @} */
891 /*!
892 * @name Interrupts.
893 * @{
894 */
896 /*!
897 * @brief Enables the ENET DMA and MAC interrupts.
898 *
899 * This function enables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask
900 * is a logical OR of enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
901 * For example, to enable the dma and mac interrupt, do the following.
902 * @code
903 * ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_DmaRx | kENET_DmaTx | kENET_MacPmt);
904 * @endcode
905 *
906 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
907 * @param mask ENET interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of both
908 * enumeration :: enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
909 */
910 void ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
912 /*!
913 * @brief Disables the ENET DMA and MAC interrupts.
914 *
915 * This function disables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask
916 * is a logical OR of enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
917 * For example, to disable the dma and mac interrupt, do the following.
918 * @code
919 * ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_DmaRx | kENET_DmaTx | kENET_MacPmt);
920 * @endcode
921 *
922 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
923 * @param mask ENET interrupts to disables. This is a logical OR of both
924 * enumeration :: enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
925 */
926 void ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
928 /*!
929 * @brief Gets the ENET DMA interrupt status flag.
930 *
931 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
932 * @param channel The DMA Channel. Shall not be larger than ENET_RING_NUM_MAX.
933 * @return The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members
934 * of the enumeration :: enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t.
935 */
ENET_GetDmaInterruptStatus(ENET_Type * base,uint8_t channel)936 static inline uint32_t ENET_GetDmaInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
937 {
938 return base->DMA_CH[channel].DMA_CHX_STAT;
939 }
941 /*!
942 * @brief Clear the ENET DMA interrupt status flag.
943 *
944 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
945 * @param channel The DMA Channel. Shall not be larger than ENET_RING_NUM_MAX.
946 * @param mask The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members
947 * of the enumeration :: enet_dma_interrupt_enable_t.
948 */
ENET_ClearDmaInterruptStatus(ENET_Type * base,uint8_t channel,uint32_t mask)949 static inline void ENET_ClearDmaInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t mask)
950 {
951 /* Clear the dam interrupt status bit in dma channel interrupt status register. */
952 base->DMA_CH[channel].DMA_CHX_STAT = mask;
953 }
955 /*!
956 * @brief Gets the ENET MAC interrupt status flag.
957 *
958 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
959 * @return The event status of the interrupt source.
960 * Use the enum in enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t and right shift
961 * ENET_MACINT_ENUM_OFFSET to mask the returned value to get the
962 * exact interrupt status.
963 */
ENET_GetMacInterruptStatus(ENET_Type * base)964 static inline uint32_t ENET_GetMacInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base)
965 {
966 return base->MAC_INTR_STAT;
967 }
969 /*!
970 * @brief Clears the ENET mac interrupt events status flag.
971 *
972 * This function clears enabled ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask
973 * is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the @ref enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
974 * For example, to clear the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
975 * @code
976 * ENET_ClearMacInterruptStatus(ENET, kENET_MacPmt);
977 * @endcode
978 *
979 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
980 * @param mask ENET interrupt source to be cleared.
981 * This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: enet_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
982 */
983 void ENET_ClearMacInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
985 /*! @} */
987 /*!
988 * @name Functional operation.
989 * @{
990 */
992 /*!
993 * @brief Get the Tx descriptor DMA Own flag.
994 *
995 * @param txDesc The given Tx descriptor.
996 * @retval True the dma own Tx descriptor, false application own Tx descriptor.
997 *
998 */
ENET_IsTxDescriptorDmaOwn(enet_tx_bd_struct_t * txDesc)999 static inline bool ENET_IsTxDescriptorDmaOwn(enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txDesc)
1000 {
1001 return ((txDesc->tdes3 & ENET_TXDESCRIP_RD_OWN_MASK) != 0U) ? true : false;
1002 }
1004 /*!
1005 * @brief Setup a given Tx descriptor.
1006 * This function is a low level functional API to setup or prepare
1007 * a given Tx descriptor.
1008 *
1009 * @param txDesc The given Tx descriptor.
1010 * @param buffer1 The first buffer address in the descriptor.
1011 * @param bytes1 The bytes in the fist buffer.
1012 * @param buffer2 The second buffer address in the descriptor.
1013 * @param bytes2 The bytes in the second buffer.
1014 * @param framelen The length of the frame to be transmitted.
1015 * @param intEnable Interrupt enable flag.
1016 * @param tsEnable The timestamp enable.
1017 * @param flag The flag of this Tx desciriptor, see "enet_desc_flag_t" .
1018 * @param slotNum The slot num used for AV mode only.
1019 *
1020 * @note This must be called after all the ENET initilization.
1021 * And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
1022 * Transmit buffers are 'zero-copy' buffers, so the buffer must remain in
1023 * memory until the packet has been fully transmitted. The buffers
1024 * should be free or requeued in the transmit interrupt irq handler.
1025 */
1026 void ENET_SetupTxDescriptor(enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txDesc,
1027 void *buffer1,
1028 uint32_t bytes1,
1029 void *buffer2,
1030 uint32_t bytes2,
1031 uint32_t framelen,
1032 bool intEnable,
1033 bool tsEnable,
1034 enet_desc_flag_t flag,
1035 uint8_t slotNum);
1037 /*!
1038 * @brief Update the Tx descriptor tail pointer.
1039 * This function is a low level functional API to update the
1040 * the Tx descriptor tail.
1041 * This is called after you setup a new Tx descriptor to update
1042 * the tail pointer to make the new descritor accessable by DMA.
1043 *
1044 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1045 * @param channel The Tx DMA channel.
1046 * @param txDescTailAddrAlign The new Tx tail pointer address.
1047 *
1048 */
ENET_UpdateTxDescriptorTail(ENET_Type * base,uint8_t channel,uint32_t txDescTailAddrAlign)1049 static inline void ENET_UpdateTxDescriptorTail(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t txDescTailAddrAlign)
1050 {
1051 base->DMA_CH[channel].DMA_CHX_TXDESC_TAIL_PTR = txDescTailAddrAlign & ~ENET_ADDR_ALIGNMENT;
1052 }
1054 /*!
1055 * @brief Update the Rx descriptor tail pointer.
1056 * This function is a low level functional API to update the
1057 * the Rx descriptor tail.
1058 * This is called after you setup a new Rx descriptor to update
1059 * the tail pointer to make the new descritor accessable by DMA
1060 * and to anouse the Rx poll command for DMA.
1061 *
1062 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1063 * @param channel The Rx DMA channel.
1064 * @param rxDescTailAddrAlign The new Rx tail pointer address.
1065 *
1066 */
ENET_UpdateRxDescriptorTail(ENET_Type * base,uint8_t channel,uint32_t rxDescTailAddrAlign)1067 static inline void ENET_UpdateRxDescriptorTail(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t rxDescTailAddrAlign)
1068 {
1069 base->DMA_CH[channel].DMA_CHX_RXDESC_TAIL_PTR = rxDescTailAddrAlign & ~ENET_ADDR_ALIGNMENT;
1070 }
1072 /*!
1073 * @brief Gets the context in the ENET Rx descriptor.
1074 * This function is a low level functional API to get the
1075 * the status flag from a given Rx descriptor.
1076 *
1077 * @param rxDesc The given Rx descriptor.
1078 * @retval The RDES3 regions for write-back format Rx buffer descriptor.
1079 *
1080 * @note This must be called after all the ENET initilization.
1081 * And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
1082 */
ENET_GetRxDescriptor(enet_rx_bd_struct_t * rxDesc)1083 static inline uint32_t ENET_GetRxDescriptor(enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDesc)
1084 {
1085 assert(rxDesc);
1087 return rxDesc->rdes3;
1088 }
1089 /*!
1090 * @brief Updates the buffers and the own status for a given Rx descriptor.
1091 * This function is a low level functional API to Updates the
1092 * buffers and the own status for a given Rx descriptor.
1093 *
1094 * @param rxDesc The given Rx descriptor.
1095 * @param buffer1 The first buffer address in the descriptor.
1096 * @param buffer2 The second buffer address in the descriptor.
1097 * @param intEnable Interrupt enable flag.
1098 * @param doubleBuffEnable The double buffer enable flag.
1099 *
1100 * @note This must be called after all the ENET initilization.
1101 * And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
1102 */
1103 void ENET_UpdateRxDescriptor(
1104 enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDesc, void *buffer1, void *buffer2, bool intEnable, bool doubleBuffEnable);
1106 /*! @} */
1108 /*!
1109 * @name Transactional operation
1110 * @{
1111 */
1113 /*!
1114 * @brief Create ENET Handler
1115 *
1116 * This is a transactional API and it's provided to store all datas which are needed
1117 * during the whole transactional process. This API should not be used when you use
1118 * functional APIs to do data Tx/Rx. This is funtion will store many data/flag for
1119 * transactional use.
1120 *
1121 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1122 * @param handle ENET handler.
1123 * @param config ENET configuration.
1124 * @param bufferConfig ENET buffer configuration.
1125 * @param callback The callback function.
1126 * @param userData The application data.
1127 */
1128 void ENET_CreateHandler(ENET_Type *base,
1129 enet_handle_t *handle,
1130 enet_config_t *config,
1131 enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig,
1132 enet_callback_t callback,
1133 void *userData);
1135 /*!
1136 * @brief Gets the size of the read frame.
1137 * This function gets a received frame size from the ENET buffer descriptors.
1138 * @note The FCS of the frame is automatically removed by MAC and the size is the length without the FCS.
1139 * After calling ENET_GetRxFrameSize, ENET_ReadFrame() should be called to update the
1140 * receive buffers If the result is not "kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty".
1141 *
1142 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1143 * @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
1144 * @param length The length of the valid frame received.
1145 * @param channel The DMAC channel for the Rx.
1146 * @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty No frame received. Should not call ENET_ReadFrame to read frame.
1147 * @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError Data error happens. ENET_ReadFrame should be called with NULL data
1148 * and NULL length to update the receive buffers.
1149 * @retval kStatus_Success Receive a frame Successfully then the ENET_ReadFrame
1150 * should be called with the right data buffer and the captured data length input.
1151 */
1152 status_t ENET_GetRxFrameSize(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *length, uint8_t channel);
1154 /*!
1155 * @brief Reads a frame from the ENET device.
1156 * This function reads a frame from the ENET DMA descriptors.
1157 * The ENET_GetRxFrameSize should be used to get the size of the prepared data buffer.
1158 * For example use Rx dma channel 0:
1159 * @code
1160 * uint32_t length;
1161 * enet_handle_t g_handle;
1162 * Comment: Get the received frame size firstly.
1163 * status = ENET_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length, 0);
1164 * if (length != 0)
1165 * {
1166 * Comment: Allocate memory here with the size of "length"
1167 * uint8_t *data = memory allocate interface;
1168 * if (!data)
1169 * {
1170 * ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0);
1171 * }
1172 * else
1173 * {
1174 * status = ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, data, length, 0);
1175 * }
1176 * }
1177 * else if (status == kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError)
1178 * {
1179 * Comment: Update the received buffer when a error frame is received.
1180 * ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0);
1181 * }
1182 * @endcode
1183 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1184 * @param handle The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
1185 * @param data The data buffer provided by user to store the frame which memory size should be at least "length".
1186 * @param length The size of the data buffer which is still the length of the received frame.
1187 * @param channel The Rx DMA channel. Shall not be larger than 2.
1188 * @param timestamp The timestamp address to store received timestamp.
1189 * @return The execute status, successful or failure.
1190 */
1191 status_t ENET_ReadFrame(ENET_Type *base,
1192 enet_handle_t *handle,
1193 uint8_t *data,
1194 uint32_t length,
1195 uint8_t channel,
1196 enet_ptp_time_t *timestamp);
1198 /*!
1199 * @brief Receives one frame in specified BD ring with zero copy.
1200 *
1201 * This function will use the user-defined allocate and free callback. Every time application gets one frame through
1202 * this function, driver will allocate new buffers for the BDs whose buffers have been taken by application.
1203 * @note This function will drop current frame and update related BDs as available for DMA if new buffers allocating
1204 * fails. Application must provide a memory pool including at least BD number + 1 buffers(+2 if enable double buffer)
1205 * to make this function work normally.
1206 *
1207 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1208 * @param handle The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
1209 * @param rxFrame The received frame information structure provided by user.
1210 * @param channel The Rx DMA channel. Shall not be larger than 2.
1211 * @retval kStatus_Success Succeed to get one frame and allocate new memory for Rx buffer.
1212 * @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty There's no Rx frame in the BD.
1213 * @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError There's issue in this receiving. In this function, issue frame will be dropped.
1214 * @retval kStatus_ENET_RxFrameDrop There's no new buffer memory for BD, dropped this frame.
1215 */
1216 status_t ENET_GetRxFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_rx_frame_struct_t *rxFrame, uint8_t channel);
1218 /*!
1219 * @brief Transmits an ENET frame.
1220 * @note The CRC is automatically appended to the data. Input the data
1221 * to send without the CRC. This API uses input buffer for Tx, application
1222 * should reclaim the buffer after Tx is over.
1223 *
1224 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1225 * @param handle The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
1226 * @param txFrame The Tx frame structure.
1227 * @param channel Channel to send the frame, same with queue index.
1228 * @retval kStatus_Success Send frame succeed.
1229 * @retval kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy Transmit buffer descriptor is busy under transmission.
1230 * The transmit busy happens when the data send rate is over the MAC capacity.
1231 * The waiting mechanism is recommended to be added after each call return with kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy.
1232 * Also need to pay attention to reclaim Tx frame after Tx is over.
1233 * @retval kStatus_ENET_TxFrameOverLen Transmit frme length exceeds the 0x3FFF limit defined by the driver.
1234 */
1235 status_t ENET_SendFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_tx_frame_struct_t *txFrame, uint8_t channel);
1237 /*!
1238 * @brief Reclaim Tx descriptors.
1239 * This function is used to update the Tx descriptor status and
1240 * store the Tx timestamp when the 1588 feature is enabled.
1241 * This is called by the transmit interupt IRQ handler after the
1242 * complete of a frame transmission.
1243 *
1244 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1245 * @param handle The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
1246 * @param channel The Tx DMA channnel.
1247 *
1248 */
1249 void ENET_ReclaimTxDescriptor(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint8_t channel);
1251 /*!
1252 * @brief The ENET IRQ handler.
1253 *
1254 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1255 * @param handle The ENET handler pointer.
1256 */
1257 void ENET_IRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle);
1259 /*! @} */
1262 /*!
1263 * @name ENET Enhanced function operation
1264 * @{
1265 */
1267 /*!
1268 * @brief Coreect the ENET PTP 1588 timer in coarse method.
1269 *
1270 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1271 * @param operation The system time operation, refer to "enet_systime_op_t"
1272 * @param second The correction second.
1273 * @param nanosecond The correction nanosecond.
1274 */
1275 void ENET_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInCoarse(ENET_Type *base,
1276 enet_systime_op_t operation,
1277 uint32_t second,
1278 uint32_t nanosecond);
1280 /*!
1281 * @brief Coreect the ENET PTP 1588 timer in fine method.
1282 *
1283 *
1284 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1285 * @param addend The addend value to be set in the fine method
1286 * @note Should take refer to the chapter "System time corretion" and
1287 * see the description for the "fine correction method".
1288 */
ENET_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInFine(ENET_Type * base,uint32_t addend)1289 static inline void ENET_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInFine(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t addend)
1290 {
1291 /* Set the freqCompensation value. */
1292 base->MAC_SYS_TIMESTMP_ADDEND = addend;
1294 }
1296 /*!
1297 * @brief Get the ENET Time stamp current addend value.
1298 *
1299 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1300 * @return The addend value.
1301 */
ENET_Ptp1588GetAddend(ENET_Type * base)1302 static inline uint32_t ENET_Ptp1588GetAddend(ENET_Type *base)
1303 {
1304 return base->MAC_SYS_TIMESTMP_ADDEND;
1305 }
1307 /*!
1308 * @brief Gets the current ENET time from the PTP 1588 timer.
1309 * Interrupts are not disabled.
1310 *
1311 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1312 * @param second The PTP 1588 system timer second.
1313 * @param nanosecond The PTP 1588 system timer nanosecond.
1314 */
1315 void ENET_Ptp1588GetTimerNoIrqDisable(ENET_Type *base, uint64_t *second, uint32_t *nanosecond);
1317 /*!
1318 * @brief Gets the current ENET time from the PTP 1588 timer.
1319 *
1320 * @param base ENET peripheral base address.
1321 * @param second The PTP 1588 system timer second.
1322 * @param nanosecond The PTP 1588 system timer nanosecond.
1323 * For the unit of the nanosecond is 1ns. So the nanosecond is the real nanosecond.
1324 */
1325 void ENET_Ptp1588GetTimer(ENET_Type *base, uint64_t *second, uint32_t *nanosecond);
1326 #endif /* ENET_PTP1588FEATURE_REQUIRED */
1327 /*! @} */
1329 #if defined(__cplusplus)
1330 }
1331 #endif
1333 /*! @}*/
1335 #endif /* FSL_ENET_H_ */