1 /* 2 * Copyright 2018-2021, 2023 NXP 3 * All rights reserved. 4 * 5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause 6 */ 7 8 #ifndef FSL_IAP_H_ 9 #define FSL_IAP_H_ 10 11 #include "fsl_common.h" 12 13 /*! 14 * @addtogroup IAP_driver 15 * @{ 16 */ 17 18 /*! @file */ 19 20 /******************************************************************************* 21 * Definitions 22 ******************************************************************************/ 23 24 /*! @name Driver version */ 25 /*! @{ */ 26 #define FSL_IAP_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 7)) 27 /*! @} */ 28 29 /*! 30 * @brief iap status codes. 31 */ 32 enum 33 { 34 kStatus_IAP_Success = kStatus_Success, /*!< Api is executed successfully */ 35 kStatus_IAP_InvalidCommand = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 1U), /*!< Invalid command */ 36 kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 2U), /*!< Source address is not on word boundary */ 37 kStatus_IAP_DstAddrError = 38 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 3U), /*!< Destination address is not on a correct boundary */ 39 kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped = 40 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 4U), /*!< Source address is not mapped in the memory map */ 41 kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped = 42 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 5U), /*!< Destination address is not mapped in the memory map */ 43 kStatus_IAP_CountError = 44 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 6U), /*!< Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value */ 45 kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector = MAKE_STATUS( 46 kStatusGroup_IAP, 47 7), /*!< Sector/page number is invalid or end sector/page number is greater than start sector/page number */ 48 kStatus_IAP_SectorNotblank = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 8U), /*!< One or more sectors are not blank */ 49 kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared = 50 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 9U), /*!< Command to prepare sector for write operation has not been executed */ 51 kStatus_IAP_CompareError = 52 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 10U), /*!< Destination and source memory contents do not match */ 53 kStatus_IAP_Busy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 11U), /*!< Flash programming hardware interface is busy */ 54 kStatus_IAP_ParamError = 55 MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 12U), /*!< Insufficient number of parameters or invalid parameter */ 56 kStatus_IAP_AddrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 13U), /*!< Address is not on word boundary */ 57 kStatus_IAP_AddrNotMapped = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 14U), /*!< Address is not mapped in the memory map */ 58 kStatus_IAP_NoPower = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 24U), /*!< Flash memory block is powered down */ 59 kStatus_IAP_NoClock = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 27U), /*!< Flash memory block or controller is not clocked */ 60 kStatus_IAP_ReinvokeISPConfig = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_IAP, 0x1CU), /*!< Reinvoke configuration error */ 61 }; 62 63 /*! 64 * @brief iap command codes. 65 */ 66 enum _iap_commands 67 { 68 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadFactorySettings = 40U, /*!< Read the factory settings */ 69 kIapCmd_IAP_PrepareSectorforWrite = 50U, /*!< Prepare Sector for write */ 70 kIapCmd_IAP_CopyRamToFlash = 51U, /*!< Copy RAM to flash */ 71 kIapCmd_IAP_EraseSector = 52U, /*!< Erase Sector */ 72 kIapCmd_IAP_BlankCheckSector = 53U, /*!< Blank check sector */ 73 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadPartId = 54U, /*!< Read part id */ 74 kIapCmd_IAP_Read_BootromVersion = 55U, /*!< Read bootrom version */ 75 kIapCmd_IAP_Compare = 56U, /*!< Compare */ 76 kIapCmd_IAP_ReinvokeISP = 57U, /*!< Reinvoke ISP */ 77 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadUid = 58U, /*!< Read Uid */ 78 kIapCmd_IAP_ErasePage = 59U, /*!< Erase Page */ 79 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadSignature = 70U, /*!< Read Signature */ 80 kIapCmd_IAP_ExtendedReadSignature = 73U, /*!< Extended Read Signature */ 81 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION 82 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadFAIMPage = 80U, /*!< Read FAIM page */ 83 kIapCmd_IAP_WriteFAIMPage = 81U, /*!< Write FAIM page */ 84 #else 85 kIapCmd_IAP_ReadEEPROMPage = 80U, /*!< Read EEPROM page */ 86 kIapCmd_IAP_WriteEEPROMPage = 81U, /*!< Write EEPROM page */ 87 #endif /*FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION */ 88 }; 89 90 /*! 91 * @brief Flash memory access time. 92 */ 93 enum _flash_access_time 94 { 95 kFlash_IAP_OneSystemClockTime = 0U, /*! 1 system clock flash access time */ 96 kFlash_IAP_TwoSystemClockTime = 1U, /*! 2 system clock flash access time */ 97 kFlash_IAP_ThreeSystemClockTime = 2U, /*! 3 system clock flash access time */ 98 }; 99 100 /******************************************************************************* 101 * API 102 ******************************************************************************/ 103 104 #if defined(__cplusplus) 105 extern "C" { 106 #endif 107 108 /*! 109 * @name Basic operations 110 * @{ 111 */ 112 113 /*! 114 * @brief Read part identification number. 115 * 116 * This function is used to read the part identification number. 117 * 118 * @param partID Address to store the part identification number. 119 * 120 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 121 */ 122 status_t IAP_ReadPartID(uint32_t *partID); 123 124 /*! 125 * @brief Read boot code version number. 126 * 127 * This function is used to read the boot code version number. 128 * 129 * @param bootCodeVersion Address to store the boot code version. 130 * 131 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 132 * 133 * note Boot code version is two 32-bit words. Word 0 is the major version, word 1 is the minor version. 134 */ 135 status_t IAP_ReadBootCodeVersion(uint32_t *bootCodeVersion); 136 137 /*! 138 * @brief Reinvoke ISP. 139 * 140 * This function is used to invoke the boot loader in ISP mode. It maps boot vectors and configures the peripherals for 141 * ISP. 142 * 143 * @param ispType ISP type selection. 144 * @param status store the possible status. 145 * 146 * @retval kStatus_IAP_ReinvokeISPConfig reinvoke configuration error. 147 * 148 * note The error response will be returned when IAP is disabled or an invalid ISP type selection appears. The call 149 * won't return unless an error occurs, so there can be no status code. 150 */ 151 void IAP_ReinvokeISP(uint8_t ispType, uint32_t *status); 152 153 /*! 154 * @brief Read unique identification. 155 * 156 * This function is used to read the unique id. 157 * 158 * @param uniqueID store the uniqueID. 159 * 160 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 161 */ 162 status_t IAP_ReadUniqueID(uint32_t *uniqueID); 163 164 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_READ_FACTORY_SETTINGS_FUNCTION) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_READ_FACTORY_SETTINGS_FUNCTION 165 /*! 166 * @brief Read factory settings. 167 * 168 * This function reads the factory settings for calibration registers. 169 * 170 * @param dstRegAddr Address of the targeted calibration register. 171 * @param factoryValue Store the factory value 172 * 173 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 174 * @retval kStatus_IAP_ParamError Param0 is not one of the supported calibration registers. 175 */ 176 status_t IAP_ReadFactorySettings(uint32_t dstRegAddr, uint32_t *factoryValue); 177 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_READ_FACTORY_SETTINGS_FUNCTION */ 178 179 /*! @} */ 180 181 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_FUNCTION) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_FUNCTION 182 /*! 183 * @name Flash operations 184 * @{ 185 */ 186 187 #if defined(FLASH_CTRL_FLASHCFG_FLASHTIM_MASK) 188 /*! 189 * @brief Flash memory access time. 190 * 191 * This function is used to configure the access time to the flash memory. 192 * 193 * @param accessTime Flash memory access time FLASHTIM +1 is equal to the 194 * number of system clocks used for flash access. 195 */ 196 void IAP_ConfigAccessFlashTime(uint32_t accessTime); 197 #endif 198 199 /*! 200 * @brief Prepare sector for write operation. 201 * 202 * This function prepares sector(s) for write/erase operation. This function must be called before calling the 203 * IAP_CopyRamToFlash() or IAP_EraseSector() or IAP_ErasePage() function. The end sector number must be greater than or 204 * equal to the start sector number. 205 * 206 * @param startSector Start sector number. 207 * @param endSector End sector number. 208 * 209 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 210 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 211 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 212 * @retval kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number is greater than start sector number. 213 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy. 214 */ 215 status_t IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector); 216 217 /*! 218 * @brief Copy RAM to flash. 219 * 220 * This function programs the flash memory. Corresponding sectors must be prepared via IAP_PrepareSectorForWrite before 221 * calling this function. 222 * 223 * @param dstAddr Destination flash address where data bytes are to be written, the address should be multiples 224 * of FSL_FEATURE_SYSCON_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES boundary. 225 * @param srcAddr Source ram address from where data bytes are to be read. 226 * @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be written, it should be multiples of FSL_FEATURE_SYSCON_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES, 227 * and ranges from FSL_FEATURE_SYSCON_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES to FSL_FEATURE_SYSCON_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE_BYTES. 228 * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the rom IAP function. When the 229 * flash controller has a fixed reference clock, this parameter is bypassed. 230 * 231 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 232 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 233 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 234 * @retval kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrError Source address is not on word boundary. 235 * @retval kStatus_IAP_DstAddrError Destination address is not on a correct boundary. 236 * @retval kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map. 237 * @retval kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped Destination address is not mapped in the memory map. 238 * @retval kStatus_IAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value. 239 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation has not been executed. 240 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy. 241 */ 242 status_t IAP_CopyRamToFlash(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes, uint32_t systemCoreClock); 243 244 /*! 245 * @brief Erase sector. 246 * 247 * This function erases sector(s). The end sector number must be greater than or equal to the start sector number. 248 * 249 * @param startSector Start sector number. 250 * @param endSector End sector number. 251 * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the rom IAP function. When the 252 * flash controller has a fixed reference clock, this parameter is bypassed. 253 * 254 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 255 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 256 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 257 * @retval kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid or end sector number is greater than start sector number. 258 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation has not been executed. 259 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy. 260 */ 261 status_t IAP_EraseSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector, uint32_t systemCoreClock); 262 263 /*! 264 * @brief Erase page. 265 * 266 * This function erases page(s). The end page number must be greater than or equal to the start page number. 267 * 268 * @param startPage Start page number. 269 * @param endPage End page number. 270 * @param systemCoreClock SystemCoreClock in Hz. It is converted to KHz before calling the rom IAP function. When the 271 * flash controller has a fixed reference clock, this parameter is bypassed. 272 * 273 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 274 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 275 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 276 * @retval kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Page number is invalid or end page number is greater than start page number. 277 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NotPrepared Command to prepare sector for write operation has not been executed. 278 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Busy Flash programming hardware interface is busy. 279 */ 280 status_t IAP_ErasePage(uint32_t startPage, uint32_t endPage, uint32_t systemCoreClock); 281 282 /*! 283 * @brief Blank check sector(s) 284 * 285 * Blank check single or multiples sectors of flash memory. The end sector number must be greater than or equal to the 286 * start sector number. It can be used to verify the sector erasure after IAP_EraseSector call. 287 * 288 * @param startSector Start sector number. 289 * @param endSector End sector number. 290 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success One or more sectors are in erased state. 291 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 292 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 293 * @retval kStatus_IAP_SectorNotblank One or more sectors are not blank. 294 */ 295 status_t IAP_BlankCheckSector(uint32_t startSector, uint32_t endSector); 296 297 /*! 298 * @brief Compare memory contents of flash with ram. 299 * 300 * This function compares the contents of flash and ram. It can be used to verify the flash memory contents after 301 * IAP_CopyRamToFlash call. 302 * 303 * @param dstAddr Destination flash address. 304 * @param srcAddr Source ram address. 305 * @param numOfBytes Number of bytes to be compared. 306 * 307 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Contents of flash and ram match. 308 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoPower Flash memory block is powered down. 309 * @retval kStatus_IAP_NoClock Flash memory block or controller is not clocked. 310 * @retval kStatus_IAP_AddrError Address is not on word boundary. 311 * @retval kStatus_IAP_AddrNotMapped Address is not mapped in the memory map. 312 * @retval kStatus_IAP_CountError Byte count is not multiple of 4 or is not a permitted value. 313 * @retval kStatus_IAP_CompareError Destination and source memory contents do not match. 314 */ 315 status_t IAP_Compare(uint32_t dstAddr, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t numOfBytes); 316 317 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_EXTENDED_SIGNATURE_READ) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_EXTENDED_SIGNATURE_READ 318 /*! 319 * @brief Extended Read signature. 320 * 321 * This function calculates the signature value for one or more pages of on-chip flash memory. 322 * 323 * @param startPage Start page number. 324 * @param endPage End page number. 325 * @param numOfStates Number of wait states. 326 * @param signature Address to store the signature value. 327 * 328 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 329 */ 330 status_t IAP_ExtendedFlashSignatureRead(uint32_t startPage, 331 uint32_t endPage, 332 uint32_t numOfStates, 333 uint32_t *signature); 334 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_EXTENDED_SIGNATURE_READ */ 335 336 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_SIGNATURE_READ) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_SIGNATURE_READ 337 /*! 338 * @brief Read flash signature. 339 * 340 * This funtion is used to obtain a 32-bit signature value of the entire flash memory. 341 * 342 * @param signature Address to store the 32-bit generated signature value. 343 * 344 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 345 */ 346 status_t IAP_ReadFlashSignature(uint32_t *signature); 347 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_SIGNATURE_READ */ 348 349 /*! @} */ 350 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FLASH_FUNCTION */ 351 352 #if (defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_EEPROM_FUNCTION) && (FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_EEPROM_FUNCTION == 1)) 353 /*! 354 * @name EEPROM operations 355 * @{ 356 */ 357 358 /*! 359 * @brief Read EEPROM page. 360 * 361 * This function is used to read given page of EEPROM into the memory provided. 362 * 363 * @param pageNumber EEPROM page number. 364 * @param dstAddr Memory address to store the value read from EEPROM. 365 * @param systemCoreClock Current core clock frequency in kHz. 366 * 367 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 368 * @retval kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid. 369 * @retval kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped Destination address is not mapped in the memory map. 370 * 371 * note Value 0xFFFFFFFF of systemCoreClock will retain the timing and clock settings for EEPROM. 372 */ 373 status_t IAP_ReadEEPROMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *dstAddr, uint32_t systemCoreClock); 374 375 /*! 376 * @brief Write EEPROM page. 377 * 378 * This function is used to write given data in the provided memory to a page of EEPROM. 379 * 380 * @param pageNumber EEPROM page number. 381 * @param srcAddr Memory address holding data to be stored on to EEPROM page. 382 * @param systemCoreClock Current core clock frequency in kHz. 383 * 384 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 385 * @retval kStatus_IAP_InvalidSector Sector number is invalid. 386 * @retval kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map. 387 * 388 * note Value 0xFFFFFFFF of systemCoreClock will retain the timing and clock settings for EEPROM 389 */ 390 status_t IAP_WriteEEPROMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *srcAddr, uint32_t systemCoreClock); 391 392 /*! @} */ 393 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_EEPROM_FUNCTION */ 394 395 #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION) && FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION 396 /*! 397 * @name FAIM operations 398 * @{ 399 */ 400 401 /*! 402 * @brief Read FAIM page. 403 * 404 * This function is used to read given page of FAIM into the memory provided. 405 * 406 * @param pageNumber FAIM page number. 407 * @param dstAddr Memory address to store the value read from FAIM. 408 * 409 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 410 * @retval kStatus_IAP_DstAddrNotMapped Destination address is not mapped in the memory map. 411 */ 412 status_t IAP_ReadFAIMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *dstAddr); 413 414 /*! 415 * @brief Write FAIM page. 416 * 417 * This function is used to write given data in the provided memory to a page of G. 418 * 419 * @param pageNumber FAIM page number. 420 * @param srcAddr Memory address holding data to be stored on to FAIM page. 421 * 422 * @retval kStatus_IAP_Success Api has been executed successfully. 423 * @retval kStatus_IAP_SrcAddrNotMapped Source address is not mapped in the memory map. 424 */ 425 status_t IAP_WriteFAIMPage(uint32_t pageNumber, uint32_t *srcAddr); 426 #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_IAP_HAS_FAIM_FUNCTION */ 427 428 /*! @} */ 429 430 #ifdef __cplusplus 431 } 432 #endif 433 434 /*! @} */ 435 436 #endif /* FSL_IAP_H_ */ 437