1 /*
2 ** ###################################################################
3 **     Processors:          MKM33Z128ACLH5
4 **                          MKM33Z128ACLL5
5 **                          MKM33Z64ACLH5
6 **                          MKM33Z64ACLL5
7 **
8 **     Compilers:           Freescale C/C++ for Embedded ARM
9 **                          GNU C Compiler
10 **                          IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler for ARM
11 **                          Keil ARM C/C++ Compiler
12 **                          MCUXpresso Compiler
13 **
14 **     Reference manual:    MKMxxZxxACxx5RM, Rev. 2, 10/2017
15 **     Version:             rev. 1.0, 2014-07-22
16 **     Build:               b210422
17 **
18 **     Abstract:
19 **         CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKM33ZA5
20 **
21 **     Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
22 **     Copyright 2016-2021 NXP
23 **     All rights reserved.
24 **
25 **     SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
26 **
27 **     http:                 www.nxp.com
28 **     mail:                 support@nxp.com
29 **
30 **     Revisions:
31 **     - rev. 1.0 (2014-07-22)
32 **         Initial version.
33 **
34 ** ###################################################################
35 */
37 /*!
38  * @file MKM33ZA5.h
39  * @version 1.0
40  * @date 2014-07-22
41  * @brief CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKM33ZA5
42  *
43  * CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for MKM33ZA5
44  */
46 #ifndef _MKM33ZA5_H_
47 #define _MKM33ZA5_H_                             /**< Symbol preventing repeated inclusion */
49 /** Memory map major version (memory maps with equal major version number are
50  * compatible) */
51 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION 0x0100U
52 /** Memory map minor version */
53 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION_MINOR 0x0000U
56 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57    -- Interrupt vector numbers
58    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
60 /*!
61  * @addtogroup Interrupt_vector_numbers Interrupt vector numbers
62  * @{
63  */
65 /** Interrupt Number Definitions */
66 #define NUMBER_OF_INT_VECTORS 48                 /**< Number of interrupts in the Vector table */
68 typedef enum IRQn {
69   /* Auxiliary constants */
70   NotAvail_IRQn                = -128,             /**< Not available device specific interrupt */
72   /* Core interrupts */
73   NonMaskableInt_IRQn          = -14,              /**< Non Maskable Interrupt */
74   HardFault_IRQn               = -13,              /**< Cortex-M0 SV Hard Fault Interrupt */
75   SVCall_IRQn                  = -5,               /**< Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt */
76   PendSV_IRQn                  = -2,               /**< Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt */
77   SysTick_IRQn                 = -1,               /**< Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt */
79   /* Device specific interrupts */
80   DMA0_IRQn                    = 0,                /**< DMA channel 0 transfer complete */
81   DMA1_IRQn                    = 1,                /**< DMA channel 1 transfer complete */
82   DMA2_IRQn                    = 2,                /**< DMA channel 2 transfer complete */
83   DMA3_IRQn                    = 3,                /**< DMA channel 3 transfer complete */
84   SPI0_IRQn                    = 4,                /**< SPI0 ORed interrupt */
85   SPI1_IRQn                    = 5,                /**< SPI1 ORed interrupt */
86   PMC_IRQn                     = 6,                /**< Low-voltage detect, low-voltage warning */
87   TMR0_IRQn                    = 7,                /**< Quad Timer Channel 0 */
88   TMR1_IRQn                    = 8,                /**< Quad Timer Channel 1 */
89   TMR2_IRQn                    = 9,                /**< Quad Timer Channel 2 */
90   TMR3_IRQn                    = 10,               /**< Quad Timer Channel 3 */
91   PIT0_PIT1_IRQn               = 11,               /**< PIT0/PIT1 ORed interrupt */
92   LLWU_IRQn                    = 12,               /**< Low Leakage Wakeup */
93   FTFA_IRQn                    = 13,               /**< Command complete and read collision */
94   CMP0_CMP1_IRQn               = 14,               /**< CMP0/CMP1 ORed interrupt */
95   LCD_IRQn                     = 15,               /**< LCD interrupt */
96   ADC_IRQn                     = 16,               /**< ADC interrupt */
97   PTx_IRQn                     = 17,               /**< Single interrupt vector for GPIOA,GPIOB,GPIOC,GPIOD,GPIOE,GPIOF,GPIOG,GPIOH,GPIOI */
98   RNGA_IRQn                    = 18,               /**< RNGA interrupt */
99   UART0_UART1_IRQn             = 19,               /**< UART0/UART1 ORed interrupt */
100   UART2_UART3_IRQn             = 20,               /**< UART2/UART3 ORed interrupt */
101   AFE_CH0_IRQn                 = 21,               /**< AFE Channel 0 */
102   AFE_CH1_IRQn                 = 22,               /**< AFE Channel 1 */
103   AFE_CH2_IRQn                 = 23,               /**< AFE Channel 2 */
104   AFE_CH3_IRQn                 = 24,               /**< AFE Channel 3 */
105   RTC_IRQn                     = 25,               /**< IRTC interrupt */
106   I2C0_I2C1_IRQn               = 26,               /**< I2C0/I2C1 ORed interrupt */
107   EWM_IRQn                     = 27,               /**< External Watchdog Monitor */
108   MCG_IRQn                     = 28,               /**< MCG interrupt */
109   WDOG_IRQn                    = 29,               /**< WDOG ORed interrupt */
110   LPTMR_IRQn                   = 30,               /**< LPTMR interrupt */
111   XBAR_IRQn                    = 31                /**< XBAR interrupt */
112 } IRQn_Type;
114 /*!
115  * @}
116  */ /* end of group Interrupt_vector_numbers */
119 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
120    -- Cortex M0 Core Configuration
121    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
123 /*!
124  * @addtogroup Cortex_Core_Configuration Cortex M0 Core Configuration
125  * @{
126  */
128 #define __CM0PLUS_REV                  0x0000    /**< Core revision r0p0 */
129 #define __MPU_PRESENT                  0         /**< Defines if an MPU is present or not */
130 #define __VTOR_PRESENT                 1         /**< Defines if VTOR is present or not */
131 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS               2         /**< Number of priority bits implemented in the NVIC */
132 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig         0         /**< Vendor specific implementation of SysTickConfig is defined */
134 #include "core_cm0plus.h"              /* Core Peripheral Access Layer */
135 #include "system_MKM33ZA5.h"           /* Device specific configuration file */
137 /*!
138  * @}
139  */ /* end of group Cortex_Core_Configuration */
142 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143    -- Mapping Information
144    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
146 /*!
147  * @addtogroup Mapping_Information Mapping Information
148  * @{
149  */
151 /** Mapping Information */
152 /*!
153  * @addtogroup edma_request
154  * @{
155  */
157 /*******************************************************************************
158  * Definitions
159  ******************************************************************************/
161 /*!
162  * @brief Structure for the DMA hardware request
163  *
164  * Defines the structure for the DMA hardware request collections. The user can configure the
165  * hardware request into DMAMUX to trigger the DMA transfer accordingly. The index
166  * of the hardware request varies according  to the to SoC.
167  */
168 typedef enum _dma_request_source
169 {
170     kDmaRequestMux0Disable          = 0|0x100U,    /**< DMAMUX TriggerDisabled */
171     kDmaRequestMux0SPI0Tx           = 1|0x100U,    /**< SPI0 Transmit (DMAMUX0) */
172     kDmaRequestMux0SPI0Rx           = 2|0x100U,    /**< SPI0 Receive (DMAMUX0) */
173     kDmaRequestMux0UART0Tx          = 3|0x100U,    /**< UART0 Transmit (DMAMUX0) */
174     kDmaRequestMux0UART0Rx          = 4|0x100U,    /**< UART0 Receive (DMAMUX0) */
175     kDmaRequestMux0I2C0             = 5|0x100U,    /**< I2C0 (DMAMUX0) */
176     kDmaRequestMux0XBAR             = 6|0x100U,    /**< XBAR (DMAMUX0) */
177     kDmaRequestMux0UART3Tx          = 7|0x100U,    /**< UART3 Transmit (DMAMUX0) */
178     kDmaRequestMux0UART3Rx          = 8|0x100U,    /**< UART3 Receive (DMAMUX0) */
179     kDmaRequestMux0AFEChannel0      = 9|0x100U,    /**< AFE channel 0 (DMAMUX0) */
180     kDmaRequestMux0TMR0             = 10|0x100U,   /**< TMR0 (DMAMUX0) */
181     kDmaRequestMux0TMR3             = 11|0x100U,   /**< TMR3 (DMAMUX0) */
182     kDmaRequestMux0AFEChannel2      = 12|0x100U,   /**< AFE channel 2 (DMAMUX0) */
183     kDmaRequestMux0ADC              = 13|0x100U,   /**< ADC (DMAMUX0) */
184     kDmaRequestMux0CMP0             = 14|0x100U,   /**< CMP0 (DMAMUX0) */
185     kDmaRequestMux0PTE              = 15|0x100U,   /**< PTE (DMAMUX0) */
186     kDmaRequestMux0PTA              = 16|0x100U,   /**< PTA (DMAMUX0) */
187     kDmaRequestMux0AlwaysEnabledslot17 = 17|0x100U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
188     kDmaRequestMux0AlwaysEnabledslot18 = 18|0x100U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
189     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved19       = 19|0x100U,   /**< Reserved19 */
190     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved20       = 20|0x100U,   /**< Reserved20 */
191     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved21       = 21|0x100U,   /**< Reserved21 */
192     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved22       = 22|0x100U,   /**< Reserved22 */
193     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved23       = 23|0x100U,   /**< Reserved23 */
194     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved24       = 24|0x100U,   /**< Reserved24 */
195     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved25       = 25|0x100U,   /**< Reserved25 */
196     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved26       = 26|0x100U,   /**< Reserved26 */
197     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved27       = 27|0x100U,   /**< Reserved27 */
198     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved28       = 28|0x100U,   /**< Reserved28 */
199     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved29       = 29|0x100U,   /**< Reserved29 */
200     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved30       = 30|0x100U,   /**< Reserved30 */
201     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved31       = 31|0x100U,   /**< Reserved31 */
202     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved32       = 32|0x100U,   /**< Reserved32 */
203     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved33       = 33|0x100U,   /**< Reserved33 */
204     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved34       = 34|0x100U,   /**< Reserved34 */
205     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved35       = 35|0x100U,   /**< Reserved35 */
206     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved36       = 36|0x100U,   /**< Reserved36 */
207     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved37       = 37|0x100U,   /**< Reserved37 */
208     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved38       = 38|0x100U,   /**< Reserved38 */
209     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved39       = 39|0x100U,   /**< Reserved39 */
210     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved40       = 40|0x100U,   /**< Reserved40 */
211     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved41       = 41|0x100U,   /**< Reserved41 */
212     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved42       = 42|0x100U,   /**< Reserved42 */
213     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved43       = 43|0x100U,   /**< Reserved43 */
214     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved44       = 44|0x100U,   /**< Reserved44 */
215     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved45       = 45|0x100U,   /**< Reserved45 */
216     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved46       = 46|0x100U,   /**< Reserved46 */
217     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved47       = 47|0x100U,   /**< Reserved47 */
218     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved48       = 48|0x100U,   /**< Reserved48 */
219     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved49       = 49|0x100U,   /**< Reserved49 */
220     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved50       = 50|0x100U,   /**< Reserved50 */
221     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved51       = 51|0x100U,   /**< Reserved51 */
222     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved52       = 52|0x100U,   /**< Reserved52 */
223     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved53       = 53|0x100U,   /**< Reserved53 */
224     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved54       = 54|0x100U,   /**< Reserved54 */
225     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved55       = 55|0x100U,   /**< Reserved55 */
226     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved56       = 56|0x100U,   /**< Reserved56 */
227     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved57       = 57|0x100U,   /**< Reserved57 */
228     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved58       = 58|0x100U,   /**< Reserved58 */
229     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved59       = 59|0x100U,   /**< Reserved59 */
230     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved60       = 60|0x100U,   /**< Reserved60 */
231     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved61       = 61|0x100U,   /**< Reserved61 */
232     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved62       = 62|0x100U,   /**< Reserved62 */
233     kDmaRequestMux0Reserved63       = 63|0x100U,   /**< Reserved63 */
234     kDmaRequestMux1Disable          = 0|0x200U,    /**< DMAMUX TriggerDisabled */
235     kDmaRequestMux1SPI0Tx           = 1|0x200U,    /**< SPI0 Transmit (DMAMUX1) */
236     kDmaRequestMux1SPI0Rx           = 2|0x200U,    /**< SPI0 Receive (DMAMUX1) */
237     kDmaRequestMux1UART1Tx          = 3|0x200U,    /**< UART1 Transmit (DMAMUX1) */
238     kDmaRequestMux1UART1Rx          = 4|0x200U,    /**< UART1 Receive (DMAMUX1) */
239     kDmaRequestMux1I2C0             = 5|0x200U,    /**< I2C0 (DMAMUX1) */
240     kDmaRequestMux1XBAR             = 6|0x200U,    /**< XBAR (DMAMUX1) */
241     kDmaRequestMux1UART3Tx          = 7|0x200U,    /**< UART3 Transmit (DMAMUX1) */
242     kDmaRequestMux1UART3Rx          = 8|0x200U,    /**< UART3 Receive (DMAMUX1) */
243     kDmaRequestMux1AFEChannel0      = 9|0x200U,    /**< AFE channel 0 (DMAMUX1) */
244     kDmaRequestMux1TMR0             = 10|0x200U,   /**< TMR0 (DMAMUX1) */
245     kDmaRequestMux1TMR3             = 11|0x200U,   /**< TMR3 (DMAMUX1) */
246     kDmaRequestMux1AFEChannel2      = 12|0x200U,   /**< AFE channel 2 (DMAMUX1) */
247     kDmaRequestMux1PTE              = 13|0x200U,   /**< PTE (DMAMUX1) */
248     kDmaRequestMux1CMP0             = 14|0x200U,   /**< CMP0 (DMAMUX1) */
249     kDmaRequestMux1PTF              = 15|0x200U,   /**< PTF (DMAMUX1) */
250     kDmaRequestMux1PTB              = 16|0x200U,   /**< PTB (DMAMUX1) */
251     kDmaRequestMux1AlwaysEnabledslot17 = 17|0x200U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
252     kDmaRequestMux1AlwaysEnabledslot18 = 18|0x200U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
253     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved19       = 19|0x200U,   /**< Reserved19 */
254     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved20       = 20|0x200U,   /**< Reserved20 */
255     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved21       = 21|0x200U,   /**< Reserved21 */
256     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved22       = 22|0x200U,   /**< Reserved22 */
257     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved23       = 23|0x200U,   /**< Reserved23 */
258     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved24       = 24|0x200U,   /**< Reserved24 */
259     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved25       = 25|0x200U,   /**< Reserved25 */
260     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved26       = 26|0x200U,   /**< Reserved26 */
261     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved27       = 27|0x200U,   /**< Reserved27 */
262     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved28       = 28|0x200U,   /**< Reserved28 */
263     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved29       = 29|0x200U,   /**< Reserved29 */
264     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved30       = 30|0x200U,   /**< Reserved30 */
265     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved31       = 31|0x200U,   /**< Reserved31 */
266     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved32       = 32|0x200U,   /**< Reserved32 */
267     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved33       = 33|0x200U,   /**< Reserved33 */
268     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved34       = 34|0x200U,   /**< Reserved34 */
269     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved35       = 35|0x200U,   /**< Reserved35 */
270     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved36       = 36|0x200U,   /**< Reserved36 */
271     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved37       = 37|0x200U,   /**< Reserved37 */
272     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved38       = 38|0x200U,   /**< Reserved38 */
273     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved39       = 39|0x200U,   /**< Reserved39 */
274     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved40       = 40|0x200U,   /**< Reserved40 */
275     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved41       = 41|0x200U,   /**< Reserved41 */
276     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved42       = 42|0x200U,   /**< Reserved42 */
277     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved43       = 43|0x200U,   /**< Reserved43 */
278     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved44       = 44|0x200U,   /**< Reserved44 */
279     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved45       = 45|0x200U,   /**< Reserved45 */
280     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved46       = 46|0x200U,   /**< Reserved46 */
281     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved47       = 47|0x200U,   /**< Reserved47 */
282     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved48       = 48|0x200U,   /**< Reserved48 */
283     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved49       = 49|0x200U,   /**< Reserved49 */
284     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved50       = 50|0x200U,   /**< Reserved50 */
285     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved51       = 51|0x200U,   /**< Reserved51 */
286     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved52       = 52|0x200U,   /**< Reserved52 */
287     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved53       = 53|0x200U,   /**< Reserved53 */
288     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved54       = 54|0x200U,   /**< Reserved54 */
289     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved55       = 55|0x200U,   /**< Reserved55 */
290     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved56       = 56|0x200U,   /**< Reserved56 */
291     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved57       = 57|0x200U,   /**< Reserved57 */
292     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved58       = 58|0x200U,   /**< Reserved58 */
293     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved59       = 59|0x200U,   /**< Reserved59 */
294     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved60       = 60|0x200U,   /**< Reserved60 */
295     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved61       = 61|0x200U,   /**< Reserved61 */
296     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved62       = 62|0x200U,   /**< Reserved62 */
297     kDmaRequestMux1Reserved63       = 63|0x200U,   /**< Reserved63 */
298     kDmaRequestMux2Disable          = 0|0x300U,    /**< DMAMUX TriggerDisabled */
299     kDmaRequestMux2SPI1Tx           = 1|0x300U,    /**< SPI1 Transmit (DMAMUX2) */
300     kDmaRequestMux2SPI1Rx           = 2|0x300U,    /**< SPI1 Receive (DMAMUX2) */
301     kDmaRequestMux2UART1Tx          = 3|0x300U,    /**< UART1 Transmit (DMAMUX2) */
302     kDmaRequestMux2UART1Rx          = 4|0x300U,    /**< UART1 Receive (DMAMUX2) */
303     kDmaRequestMux2I2C1             = 5|0x300U,    /**< I2C1 (DMAMUX2) */
304     kDmaRequestMux2XBAR             = 6|0x300U,    /**< XBAR (DMAMUX2) */
305     kDmaRequestMux2UART2Tx          = 7|0x300U,    /**< UART2 Transmit (DMAMUX2) */
306     kDmaRequestMux2UART2Rx          = 8|0x300U,    /**< UART2 Receive (DMAMUX2) */
307     kDmaRequestMux2AFEChannel1      = 9|0x300U,    /**< AFE channel 1 (DMAMUX2) */
308     kDmaRequestMux2TMR2             = 10|0x300U,   /**< TMR2 (DMAMUX2) */
309     kDmaRequestMux2TMR1             = 11|0x300U,   /**< TMR1 (DMAMUX2) */
310     kDmaRequestMux2AFEChannel3      = 12|0x300U,   /**< AFE channel 3 (DMAMUX2) */
311     kDmaRequestMux2PTI              = 13|0x300U,   /**< PTI (DMAMUX2) */
312     kDmaRequestMux2CMP1             = 14|0x300U,   /**< CMP1 (DMAMUX2) */
313     kDmaRequestMux2PTG              = 15|0x300U,   /**< PTG (DMAMUX2) */
314     kDmaRequestMux2PTC              = 16|0x300U,   /**< PTC (DMAMUX2) */
315     kDmaRequestMux2AlwaysEnabledslot17 = 17|0x300U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
316     kDmaRequestMux2AlwaysEnabledslot18 = 18|0x300U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
317     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved19       = 19|0x300U,   /**< Reserved19 */
318     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved20       = 20|0x300U,   /**< Reserved20 */
319     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved21       = 21|0x300U,   /**< Reserved21 */
320     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved22       = 22|0x300U,   /**< Reserved22 */
321     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved23       = 23|0x300U,   /**< Reserved23 */
322     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved24       = 24|0x300U,   /**< Reserved24 */
323     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved25       = 25|0x300U,   /**< Reserved25 */
324     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved26       = 26|0x300U,   /**< Reserved26 */
325     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved27       = 27|0x300U,   /**< Reserved27 */
326     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved28       = 28|0x300U,   /**< Reserved28 */
327     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved29       = 29|0x300U,   /**< Reserved29 */
328     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved30       = 30|0x300U,   /**< Reserved30 */
329     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved31       = 31|0x300U,   /**< Reserved31 */
330     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved32       = 32|0x300U,   /**< Reserved32 */
331     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved33       = 33|0x300U,   /**< Reserved33 */
332     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved34       = 34|0x300U,   /**< Reserved34 */
333     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved35       = 35|0x300U,   /**< Reserved35 */
334     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved36       = 36|0x300U,   /**< Reserved36 */
335     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved37       = 37|0x300U,   /**< Reserved37 */
336     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved38       = 38|0x300U,   /**< Reserved38 */
337     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved39       = 39|0x300U,   /**< Reserved39 */
338     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved40       = 40|0x300U,   /**< Reserved40 */
339     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved41       = 41|0x300U,   /**< Reserved41 */
340     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved42       = 42|0x300U,   /**< Reserved42 */
341     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved43       = 43|0x300U,   /**< Reserved43 */
342     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved44       = 44|0x300U,   /**< Reserved44 */
343     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved45       = 45|0x300U,   /**< Reserved45 */
344     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved46       = 46|0x300U,   /**< Reserved46 */
345     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved47       = 47|0x300U,   /**< Reserved47 */
346     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved48       = 48|0x300U,   /**< Reserved48 */
347     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved49       = 49|0x300U,   /**< Reserved49 */
348     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved50       = 50|0x300U,   /**< Reserved50 */
349     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved51       = 51|0x300U,   /**< Reserved51 */
350     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved52       = 52|0x300U,   /**< Reserved52 */
351     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved53       = 53|0x300U,   /**< Reserved53 */
352     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved54       = 54|0x300U,   /**< Reserved54 */
353     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved55       = 55|0x300U,   /**< Reserved55 */
354     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved56       = 56|0x300U,   /**< Reserved56 */
355     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved57       = 57|0x300U,   /**< Reserved57 */
356     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved58       = 58|0x300U,   /**< Reserved58 */
357     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved59       = 59|0x300U,   /**< Reserved59 */
358     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved60       = 60|0x300U,   /**< Reserved60 */
359     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved61       = 61|0x300U,   /**< Reserved61 */
360     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved62       = 62|0x300U,   /**< Reserved62 */
361     kDmaRequestMux2Reserved63       = 63|0x300U,   /**< Reserved63 */
362     kDmaRequestMux3Disable          = 0|0x400U,    /**< DMAMUX TriggerDisabled */
363     kDmaRequestMux3SPI1Tx           = 1|0x400U,    /**< SPI1 Transmit (DMAMUX3) */
364     kDmaRequestMux3SPI1Rx           = 2|0x400U,    /**< SPI1 Receive (DMAMUX3) */
365     kDmaRequestMux3UART0Tx          = 3|0x400U,    /**< UART0 Transmit (DMAMUX3) */
366     kDmaRequestMux3UART0Rx          = 4|0x400U,    /**< UART0 Receive (DMAMUX3) */
367     kDmaRequestMux3I2C1             = 5|0x400U,    /**< I2C1 (DMAMUX3) */
368     kDmaRequestMux3XBAR             = 6|0x400U,    /**< XBAR (DMAMUX3) */
369     kDmaRequestMux3UART2Tx          = 7|0x400U,    /**< UART2 Transmit (DMAMUX3) */
370     kDmaRequestMux3UART2Rx          = 8|0x400U,    /**< UART2 Receive (DMAMUX3) */
371     kDmaRequestMux3AFEChannel1      = 9|0x400U,    /**< AFE channel 1 (DMAMUX3) */
372     kDmaRequestMux3TMR2             = 10|0x400U,   /**< TMR2 (DMAMUX3) */
373     kDmaRequestMux3TMR1             = 11|0x400U,   /**< TMR1 (DMAMUX3) */
374     kDmaRequestMux3AFEChannel3      = 12|0x400U,   /**< AFE channel 3 (DMAMUX3) */
375     kDmaRequestMux3ADC              = 13|0x400U,   /**< ADC (DMAMUX3) */
376     kDmaRequestMux3CMP1             = 14|0x400U,   /**< CMP1 (DMAMUX3) */
377     kDmaRequestMux3PTH              = 15|0x400U,   /**< PTH (DMAMUX3) */
378     kDmaRequestMux3PTD              = 16|0x400U,   /**< PTD (DMAMUX3) */
379     kDmaRequestMux3AlwaysEnabledslot17 = 17|0x400U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
380     kDmaRequestMux3AlwaysEnabledslot18 = 18|0x400U, /**< DMAMUX Always Enabled slot */
381     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved19       = 19|0x400U,   /**< Reserved19 */
382     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved20       = 20|0x400U,   /**< Reserved20 */
383     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved21       = 21|0x400U,   /**< Reserved21 */
384     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved22       = 22|0x400U,   /**< Reserved22 */
385     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved23       = 23|0x400U,   /**< Reserved23 */
386     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved24       = 24|0x400U,   /**< Reserved24 */
387     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved25       = 25|0x400U,   /**< Reserved25 */
388     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved26       = 26|0x400U,   /**< Reserved26 */
389     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved27       = 27|0x400U,   /**< Reserved27 */
390     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved28       = 28|0x400U,   /**< Reserved28 */
391     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved29       = 29|0x400U,   /**< Reserved29 */
392     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved30       = 30|0x400U,   /**< Reserved30 */
393     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved31       = 31|0x400U,   /**< Reserved31 */
394     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved32       = 32|0x400U,   /**< Reserved32 */
395     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved33       = 33|0x400U,   /**< Reserved33 */
396     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved34       = 34|0x400U,   /**< Reserved34 */
397     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved35       = 35|0x400U,   /**< Reserved35 */
398     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved36       = 36|0x400U,   /**< Reserved36 */
399     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved37       = 37|0x400U,   /**< Reserved37 */
400     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved38       = 38|0x400U,   /**< Reserved38 */
401     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved39       = 39|0x400U,   /**< Reserved39 */
402     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved40       = 40|0x400U,   /**< Reserved40 */
403     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved41       = 41|0x400U,   /**< Reserved41 */
404     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved42       = 42|0x400U,   /**< Reserved42 */
405     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved43       = 43|0x400U,   /**< Reserved43 */
406     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved44       = 44|0x400U,   /**< Reserved44 */
407     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved45       = 45|0x400U,   /**< Reserved45 */
408     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved46       = 46|0x400U,   /**< Reserved46 */
409     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved47       = 47|0x400U,   /**< Reserved47 */
410     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved48       = 48|0x400U,   /**< Reserved48 */
411     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved49       = 49|0x400U,   /**< Reserved49 */
412     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved50       = 50|0x400U,   /**< Reserved50 */
413     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved51       = 51|0x400U,   /**< Reserved51 */
414     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved52       = 52|0x400U,   /**< Reserved52 */
415     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved53       = 53|0x400U,   /**< Reserved53 */
416     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved54       = 54|0x400U,   /**< Reserved54 */
417     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved55       = 55|0x400U,   /**< Reserved55 */
418     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved56       = 56|0x400U,   /**< Reserved56 */
419     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved57       = 57|0x400U,   /**< Reserved57 */
420     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved58       = 58|0x400U,   /**< Reserved58 */
421     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved59       = 59|0x400U,   /**< Reserved59 */
422     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved60       = 60|0x400U,   /**< Reserved60 */
423     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved61       = 61|0x400U,   /**< Reserved61 */
424     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved62       = 62|0x400U,   /**< Reserved62 */
425     kDmaRequestMux3Reserved63       = 63|0x400U,   /**< Reserved63 */
426 } dma_request_source_t;
428 /* @} */
430 typedef enum _xbar_input_signal
431 {
432     kXBAR_InputVdd                  = 0|0x100U,    /**< Logic 1 (VDD) output assigned to XBAR_IN0 input. */
433     kXBAR_InputVss                  = 1|0x100U,    /**< Logic 0 (VSS) output assigned to XBAR_IN1 input. */
434     kXBAR_InputAfeClock             = 2|0x100U,    /**< AFE modulator clock output output assigned to XBAR_IN2 input. */
435     kXBAR_InputAfeModDataOutput     = 3|0x100U,    /**< AFE modulator data output output assigned to XBAR_IN3 input. */
436     kXBAR_InputLptmrOutput          = 4|0x100U,    /**< LPTimer Output output assigned to XBAR_IN4 input. */
437     kXBAR_InputClockOutput          = 5|0x100U,    /**< Clock Output output assigned to XBAR_IN5 input. */
438     kXBAR_InputTmrCh0Output         = 6|0x100U,    /**< Quad Timer channel 0 output output assigned to XBAR_IN6 input. */
439     kXBAR_InputTmrCh1Output         = 7|0x100U,    /**< Quad Timer channel 1 output output assigned to XBAR_IN7 input. */
440     kXBAR_InputTmrCh2Output         = 8|0x100U,    /**< Quad Timer channel 2 output output assigned to XBAR_IN8 input. */
441     kXBAR_InputTmrCh3Output         = 9|0x100U,    /**< Quad Timer channel 3 output output assigned to XBAR_IN9 input. */
442     kXBAR_InputRtcClockOutput       = 10|0x100U,   /**< iRTC Clock Output output assigned to XBAR_IN10 input. */
443     kXBAR_InputCmp0Output           = 11|0x100U,   /**< CMP0 Output output assigned to XBAR_IN11 input. */
444     kXBAR_InputCmp1Output           = 12|0x100U,   /**< CMP1 Output output assigned to XBAR_IN12 input. */
445     kXBAR_InputRtcAlarmOutput       = 13|0x100U,   /**< iRTC Alarm Output output assigned to XBAR_IN13 input. */
446     kXBAR_InputUartTxOutput         = 14|0x100U,   /**< UART TX Output (after modulation) output assigned to XBAR_IN14 input. */
447     kXBAR_InputEwmOutput            = 15|0x100U,   /**< EWM Output (EWM_OUT) output assigned to XBAR_IN15 input. */
448     kXBAR_InputPitOut               = 16|0x100U,   /**< PIT Output output assigned to XBAR_IN16 input. */
449     kXBAR_InputXbarIn0              = 17|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 0 output assigned to XBAR_IN17 input. */
450     kXBAR_InputXbarIn1              = 18|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 1 output assigned to XBAR_IN18 input. */
451     kXBAR_InputXbarIn2              = 19|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 2 output assigned to XBAR_IN19 input. */
452     kXBAR_InputXbarIn3              = 20|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 3 output assigned to XBAR_IN20 input. */
453     kXBAR_InputXbarIn4              = 21|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 4 output assigned to XBAR_IN21 input. */
454     kXBAR_InputXbarIn5              = 22|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 5 output assigned to XBAR_IN22 input. */
455     kXBAR_InputXbarIn6              = 23|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 6 output assigned to XBAR_IN23 input. */
456     kXBAR_InputXbarIn7              = 24|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 7 output assigned to XBAR_IN24 input. */
457     kXBAR_InputXbarIn8              = 25|0x100U,   /**< XBAR Input pin 8 output assigned to XBAR_IN25 input. */
458     kXBAR_InputAdcCocoFlag          = 26|0x100U,   /**< ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels output assigned to XBAR_IN26 input. */
459     kXBAR_InputAfeAllCocFlag        = 27|0x100U,   /**< ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels output assigned to XBAR_IN27 input. */
460     kXBAR_InputAfeCh0CocFlag        = 28|0x100U,   /**< AFE Channel 0 conversion complete output assigned to XBAR_IN28 input. */
461     kXBAR_InputAfeCh1CocFlag        = 29|0x100U,   /**< AFE Channel 1 conversion complete output assigned to XBAR_IN29 input. */
462     kXBAR_InputAfeCh2CocFlag        = 30|0x100U,   /**< AFE Channel 2 conversion complete output assigned to XBAR_IN30 input. */
463     kXBAR_InputAfeCh3CocFlag        = 31|0x100U,   /**< AFE Channel 3 conversion complete output assigned to XBAR_IN31 input. */
464     kXBAR_InputDmaDoneSignal        = 32|0x100U,   /**< DMA Done Signal output assigned to XBAR_IN32 input. */
465 } xbar_input_signal_t;
467 typedef enum _xbar_output_signal
468 {
469     kXBAR_OutputXbDmaInt            = 0|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT0 output assigned to XBAR DMA request or Interrupt */
470     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh0ExmodData     = 1|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT1 output assigned to External modulator data input for AFE Channel 0 */
471     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh1ExmodData     = 2|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT2 output assigned to External modulator data input for AFE Channel 1 */
472     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh2ExmodData     = 3|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT3 output assigned to External modulator data input for AFE Channel 2 */
473     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh3ExmodData     = 4|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT4 output assigned to External modulator data input for AFE Channel 3 */
474     kXBAR_OutputTmrCh0SecInput      = 5|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT5 output assigned to Quad Timer channel 0 secondary input */
475     kXBAR_OutputTmrCh1SecInput      = 6|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT6 output assigned to Quad Timer channel 1 secondary input */
476     kXBAR_OutputTmrCh2SecInput      = 7|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT7 output assigned to Quad Timer channel 2 secondary input */
477     kXBAR_OutputTmrCh3SecInput      = 8|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT8 output assigned to Quad Timer channel 3 secondary input */
478     kXBAR_OutputTmrClockInput1      = 9|0x100U,    /**< XBAR_OUT9 output assigned to Quad Timer primary clock input 1 */
479     kXBAR_OutputTmrClockInput2      = 10|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT10 output assigned to Quad Timer primary clock input 2 */
480     kXBAR_OutputCmp0SampleWinInput  = 11|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT11 output assigned to CMP0 Sample Window input */
481     kXBAR_OutputCmp1SampleWinInput  = 12|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT12 output assigned to CMP1 Sample Window input */
482     kXBAR_OutputUartRxInput         = 13|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT13 output assigned to UART Rx IrDA Input */
483     kXBAR_OutputUartTxModCarrier    = 14|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT14 output assigned to SIM UART Tx IrDA Modulator Carrier Input */
484     kXBAR_OutputAdcTrgA             = 15|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT15 output assigned to SAR ADC trigger select A pulse */
485     kXBAR_OutputAdcTrgB             = 16|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT16 output assigned to SAR ADC trigger select B pulse */
486     kXBAR_OutputXbOut0              = 17|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT17 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 0 */
487     kXBAR_OutputXbOut1              = 18|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT18 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 1 */
488     kXBAR_OutputXbOut2              = 19|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT19 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 2 */
489     kXBAR_OutputXbOut3              = 20|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT20 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 3 */
490     kXBAR_OutputXbOut4              = 21|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT21 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 4 */
491     kXBAR_OutputXbOut5              = 22|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT22 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 5 */
492     kXBAR_OutputXbOut6              = 23|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT23 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 6 */
493     kXBAR_OutputXbOut7              = 24|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT24 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 7 */
494     kXBAR_OutputXbOut8              = 25|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT25 output assigned to XBAR Output pin 8 */
495     kXBAR_OutputAdcTrgC             = 26|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT26 output assigned to SAR ADC trigger select C pulse */
496     kXBAR_OutputAdcTrgD             = 27|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT27 output assigned to SAR ADC trigger select D pulse */
497     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh0Trg           = 28|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT28 output assigned to AFE Channel 0 Trigger */
498     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh1Trg           = 29|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT29 output assigned to AFE Channel 1 Trigger */
499     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh2Trg           = 30|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT30 output assigned to AFE Channel 2 Trigger */
500     kXBAR_OutputAfeCh3Trg           = 31|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT31 output assigned to AFE Channel 3 Trigger */
501     kXBAR_OutputEwmIn               = 32|0x100U,   /**< XBAR_OUT32 output assigned to EWM input (EWM_IN) */
502 } xbar_output_signal_t;
505 /*!
506  * @}
507  */ /* end of group Mapping_Information */
510 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
511    -- Device Peripheral Access Layer
512    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
514 /*!
515  * @addtogroup Peripheral_access_layer Device Peripheral Access Layer
516  * @{
517  */
520 /*
521 ** Start of section using anonymous unions
522 */
524 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
525   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
526     #pragma clang diagnostic push
527   #else
528     #pragma push
529     #pragma anon_unions
530   #endif
531 #elif defined(__CWCC__)
532   #pragma push
533   #pragma cpp_extensions on
534 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
535   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
536 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
537   #pragma language=extended
538 #else
539   #error Not supported compiler type
540 #endif
542 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
543    -- ADC Peripheral Access Layer
544    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
546 /*!
547  * @addtogroup ADC_Peripheral_Access_Layer ADC Peripheral Access Layer
548  * @{
549  */
551 /** ADC - Register Layout Typedef */
552 typedef struct {
553   __IO uint32_t SC1[4];                            /**< ADC Status and Control Registers 1, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
554   __IO uint32_t CFG1;                              /**< ADC Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x10 */
555   __IO uint32_t CFG2;                              /**< ADC Configuration Register 2, offset: 0x14 */
556   __I  uint32_t R[4];                              /**< ADC Data Result Register, array offset: 0x18, array step: 0x4 */
557   __IO uint32_t CV1;                               /**< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x28 */
558   __IO uint32_t CV2;                               /**< Compare Value Registers, offset: 0x2C */
559   __IO uint32_t SC2;                               /**< Status and Control Register 2, offset: 0x30 */
560   __IO uint32_t SC3;                               /**< Status and Control Register 3, offset: 0x34 */
561   __IO uint32_t OFS;                               /**< ADC Offset Correction Register, offset: 0x38 */
562   __IO uint32_t PG;                                /**< ADC Plus-Side Gain Register, offset: 0x3C */
563        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
564   __IO uint32_t CLPD;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x44 */
565   __IO uint32_t CLPS;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x48 */
566   __IO uint32_t CLP4;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x4C */
567   __IO uint32_t CLP3;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x50 */
568   __IO uint32_t CLP2;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x54 */
569   __IO uint32_t CLP1;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x58 */
570   __IO uint32_t CLP0;                              /**< ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register, offset: 0x5C */
571 } ADC_Type;
573 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
574    -- ADC Register Masks
575    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
577 /*!
578  * @addtogroup ADC_Register_Masks ADC Register Masks
579  * @{
580  */
582 /*! @name SC1 - ADC Status and Control Registers 1 */
583 /*! @{ */
585 #define ADC_SC1_ADCH_MASK                        (0x1FU)
586 #define ADC_SC1_ADCH_SHIFT                       (0U)
587 /*! ADCH - Input channel select
588  *  0b00000..AD0 is selected as input.
589  *  0b00001..AD1 is selected as input.
590  *  0b00010..AD2 is selected as input.
591  *  0b00011..AD3 is selected as input.
592  *  0b00100..AD4 is selected as input.
593  *  0b00101..AD5 is selected as input.
594  *  0b00110..AD6 is selected as input.
595  *  0b00111..AD7 is selected as input.
596  *  0b01000..AD8 is selected as input.
597  *  0b01001..AD9 is selected as input.
598  *  0b01010..AD10 is selected as input.
599  *  0b01011..AD11 is selected as input.
600  *  0b01100..AD12 is selected as input.
601  *  0b01101..AD13 is selected as input.
602  *  0b01110..AD14 is selected as input.
603  *  0b01111..AD15 is selected as input.
604  *  0b10000..AD16 is selected as input.
605  *  0b10001..AD17 is selected as input.
606  *  0b10010..AD18 is selected as input.
607  *  0b10011..AD19 is selected as input.
608  *  0b10100..AD20 is selected as input.
609  *  0b10101..AD21 is selected as input.
610  *  0b10110..AD22 is selected as input.
611  *  0b10111..AD23 is selected as input.
612  *  0b11000..Reserved.
613  *  0b11001..Reserved.
614  *  0b11010..Temp Sensor (single-ended) is selected as input.
615  *  0b11011..Bandgap (single-ended) is selected as input.
616  *  0b11100..Reserved.
617  *  0b11101..VREFSH is selected as input. Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL].
618  *  0b11110..VREFSL is selected as input. Voltage reference selected is determined by SC2[REFSEL].
619  *  0b11111..Module is disabled.
620  */
621 #define ADC_SC1_ADCH(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC1_ADCH_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC1_ADCH_MASK)
623 #define ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK                        (0x40U)
624 #define ADC_SC1_AIEN_SHIFT                       (6U)
625 /*! AIEN - Interrupt Enable
626  *  0b0..Conversion complete interrupt is disabled.
627  *  0b1..Conversion complete interrupt is enabled.
628  */
629 #define ADC_SC1_AIEN(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC1_AIEN_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC1_AIEN_MASK)
631 #define ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK                        (0x80U)
632 #define ADC_SC1_COCO_SHIFT                       (7U)
633 /*! COCO - Conversion Complete Flag
634  *  0b0..Conversion is not completed.
635  *  0b1..Conversion is completed.
636  */
637 #define ADC_SC1_COCO(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC1_COCO_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK)
638 /*! @} */
640 /* The count of ADC_SC1 */
641 #define ADC_SC1_COUNT                            (4U)
643 /*! @name CFG1 - ADC Configuration Register 1 */
644 /*! @{ */
646 #define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_MASK                     (0x3U)
647 #define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_SHIFT                    (0U)
648 /*! ADICLK - Input Clock Select
649  *  0b00..Bus clock
650  *  0b01..Bus clock divided by 2(BUSCLK/2)
651  *  0b10..Alternate clock (ALTCLK)
652  *  0b11..Asynchronous clock (ADACK)
653  */
654 #define ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG1_ADICLK_MASK)
656 #define ADC_CFG1_MODE_MASK                       (0xCU)
657 #define ADC_CFG1_MODE_SHIFT                      (2U)
658 /*! MODE - Conversion mode selection
659  *  0b00..It is single-ended 8-bit conversion.
660  *  0b01..It is single-ended 12-bit conversion .
661  *  0b10..It is single-ended 10-bit conversion.
662  *  0b11..It is single-ended 16-bit conversion..
663  */
664 #define ADC_CFG1_MODE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG1_MODE_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG1_MODE_MASK)
666 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK                     (0x10U)
667 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_SHIFT                    (4U)
668 /*! ADLSMP - Sample Time Configuration
669  *  0b0..Short sample time.
670  *  0b1..Long sample time.
671  */
672 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK)
674 #define ADC_CFG1_ADIV_MASK                       (0x60U)
675 #define ADC_CFG1_ADIV_SHIFT                      (5U)
676 /*! ADIV - Clock Divide Select
677  *  0b00..The divide ratio is 1 and the clock rate is input clock.
678  *  0b01..The divide ratio is 2 and the clock rate is (input clock)/2.
679  *  0b10..The divide ratio is 4 and the clock rate is (input clock)/4.
680  *  0b11..The divide ratio is 8 and the clock rate is (input clock)/8.
681  */
682 #define ADC_CFG1_ADIV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG1_ADIV_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG1_ADIV_MASK)
684 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK                      (0x80U)
685 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_SHIFT                     (7U)
686 /*! ADLPC - Low-Power Configuration
687  *  0b0..Normal power configuration.
688  *  0b1..Low-power configuration. The power is reduced at the expense of maximum clock speed.
689  */
690 #define ADC_CFG1_ADLPC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK)
691 /*! @} */
693 /*! @name CFG2 - ADC Configuration Register 2 */
694 /*! @{ */
696 #define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_MASK                     (0x3U)
697 #define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_SHIFT                    (0U)
698 /*! ADLSTS - Long Sample Time Select
699  *  0b00..Default longest sample time; 20 extra ADCK cycles; 24 ADCK cycles total.
700  *  0b01..12 extra ADCK cycles; 16 ADCK cycles total sample time.
701  *  0b10..6 extra ADCK cycles; 10 ADCK cycles total sample time.
702  *  0b11..2 extra ADCK cycles; 6 ADCK cycles total sample time.
703  */
704 #define ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS_MASK)
706 #define ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK                      (0x4U)
707 #define ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_SHIFT                     (2U)
708 /*! ADHSC - High-Speed Configuration
709  *  0b0..Normal conversion sequence selected.
710  *  0b1..High-speed conversion sequence selected with 2 additional ADCK cycles to total conversion time.
711  */
712 #define ADC_CFG2_ADHSC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK)
714 #define ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK                    (0x8U)
715 #define ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_SHIFT                   (3U)
716 /*! ADACKEN - Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
717  *  0b0..Asynchronous clock output disabled; Asynchronous clock is enabled only if selected by ADICLK and a conversion is active.
718  *  0b1..Asynchronous clock and clock output is enabled regardless of the state of the ADC.
719  */
720 #define ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_SHIFT)) & ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK)
721 /*! @} */
723 /*! @name R - ADC Data Result Register */
724 /*! @{ */
726 #define ADC_R_D_MASK                             (0xFFFFU)
727 #define ADC_R_D_SHIFT                            (0U)
728 /*! D - Data result
729  */
730 #define ADC_R_D(x)                               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_R_D_SHIFT)) & ADC_R_D_MASK)
731 /*! @} */
733 /* The count of ADC_R */
734 #define ADC_R_COUNT                              (4U)
736 /*! @name CV1 - Compare Value Registers */
737 /*! @{ */
739 #define ADC_CV1_CV_MASK                          (0xFFFFU)
740 #define ADC_CV1_CV_SHIFT                         (0U)
741 /*! CV - Compare Value.
742  */
743 #define ADC_CV1_CV(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CV1_CV_SHIFT)) & ADC_CV1_CV_MASK)
744 /*! @} */
746 /*! @name CV2 - Compare Value Registers */
747 /*! @{ */
749 #define ADC_CV2_CV_MASK                          (0xFFFFU)
750 #define ADC_CV2_CV_SHIFT                         (0U)
751 /*! CV - Compare Value.
752  */
753 #define ADC_CV2_CV(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CV2_CV_SHIFT)) & ADC_CV2_CV_MASK)
754 /*! @} */
756 /*! @name SC2 - Status and Control Register 2 */
757 /*! @{ */
759 #define ADC_SC2_REFSEL_MASK                      (0x3U)
760 #define ADC_SC2_REFSEL_SHIFT                     (0U)
761 /*! REFSEL - Voltage Reference Selection
762  *  0b00..Default voltage reference pin pair, that is, external pins VREFH and VREFL
763  *  0b01..Alternate reference pair, that is, VALTH and VALTL . This pair may be additional external pins or
764  *        internal sources depending on the MCU configuration. See the chip configuration information for details
765  *        specific to this MCU
766  *  0b10..Internal bandgap reference and associated ground reference (V BGH and V BGL ). Consult the Chip
767  *        Configuration information for details specific to this MCU.
768  *  0b11..Reserved
769  */
770 #define ADC_SC2_REFSEL(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_REFSEL_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_REFSEL_MASK)
772 #define ADC_SC2_DMAEN_MASK                       (0x4U)
773 #define ADC_SC2_DMAEN_SHIFT                      (2U)
774 /*! DMAEN - DMA Enable
775  *  0b0..DMA is disabled.
776  *  0b1..DMA is enabled and will assert the ADC DMA request during an ADC conversion complete event noted when any
777  *       of the SC1n[COCO] flags is asserted.
778  */
779 #define ADC_SC2_DMAEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_DMAEN_MASK)
781 #define ADC_SC2_ACREN_MASK                       (0x8U)
782 #define ADC_SC2_ACREN_SHIFT                      (3U)
783 /*! ACREN - Compare Function Range Enable
784  *  0b0..Range function disabled. Only CV1 is compared.
785  *  0b1..Range function enabled. Both CV1 and CV2 are compared.
786  */
787 #define ADC_SC2_ACREN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_ACREN_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_ACREN_MASK)
789 #define ADC_SC2_ACFGT_MASK                       (0x10U)
790 #define ADC_SC2_ACFGT_SHIFT                      (4U)
791 /*! ACFGT - Compare Function Greater Than Enable
792  *  0b0..Configures less than threshold, outside range not inclusive and inside range not inclusive; functionality
793  *       based on the values placed in CV1 and CV2.
794  *  0b1..Configures greater than or equal to threshold, outside and inside ranges inclusive; functionality based on the values placed in CV1 and CV2.
795  */
796 #define ADC_SC2_ACFGT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_ACFGT_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_ACFGT_MASK)
798 #define ADC_SC2_ACFE_MASK                        (0x20U)
799 #define ADC_SC2_ACFE_SHIFT                       (5U)
800 /*! ACFE - Compare Function Enable
801  *  0b0..Compare function disabled.
802  *  0b1..Compare function enabled.
803  */
804 #define ADC_SC2_ACFE(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_ACFE_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_ACFE_MASK)
806 #define ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK                       (0x40U)
807 #define ADC_SC2_ADTRG_SHIFT                      (6U)
808 /*! ADTRG - Conversion Trigger Select
809  *  0b0..Software trigger selected.
810  *  0b1..Hardware trigger selected.
811  */
812 #define ADC_SC2_ADTRG(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_ADTRG_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_ADTRG_MASK)
814 #define ADC_SC2_ADACT_MASK                       (0x80U)
815 #define ADC_SC2_ADACT_SHIFT                      (7U)
816 /*! ADACT - Conversion Active
817  *  0b0..Conversion not in progress.
818  *  0b1..Conversion in progress.
819  */
820 #define ADC_SC2_ADACT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC2_ADACT_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC2_ADACT_MASK)
821 /*! @} */
823 /*! @name SC3 - Status and Control Register 3 */
824 /*! @{ */
826 #define ADC_SC3_AVGS_MASK                        (0x3U)
827 #define ADC_SC3_AVGS_SHIFT                       (0U)
828 /*! AVGS - Hardware Average Select
829  *  0b00..4 samples averaged.
830  *  0b01..8 samples averaged.
831  *  0b10..16 samples averaged.
832  *  0b11..32 samples averaged.
833  */
834 #define ADC_SC3_AVGS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC3_AVGS_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC3_AVGS_MASK)
836 #define ADC_SC3_AVGE_MASK                        (0x4U)
837 #define ADC_SC3_AVGE_SHIFT                       (2U)
838 /*! AVGE - Hardware Average Enable
839  *  0b0..Hardware average function disabled.
840  *  0b1..Hardware average function enabled.
841  */
842 #define ADC_SC3_AVGE(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC3_AVGE_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC3_AVGE_MASK)
844 #define ADC_SC3_ADCO_MASK                        (0x8U)
845 #define ADC_SC3_ADCO_SHIFT                       (3U)
846 /*! ADCO - Continuous Conversion Enable
847  *  0b0..One conversion or one set of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is, AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion.
848  *  0b1..Continuous conversions or sets of conversions if the hardware average function is enabled, that is, AVGE=1, after initiating a conversion.
849  */
850 #define ADC_SC3_ADCO(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC3_ADCO_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC3_ADCO_MASK)
852 #define ADC_SC3_CALF_MASK                        (0x40U)
853 #define ADC_SC3_CALF_SHIFT                       (6U)
854 /*! CALF - Calibration Failed Flag
855  *  0b0..Calibration completed normally.
856  *  0b1..Calibration failed. ADC accuracy specifications are not guaranteed.
857  */
858 #define ADC_SC3_CALF(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC3_CALF_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC3_CALF_MASK)
860 #define ADC_SC3_CAL_MASK                         (0x80U)
861 #define ADC_SC3_CAL_SHIFT                        (7U)
862 /*! CAL - Calibration
863  */
864 #define ADC_SC3_CAL(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_SC3_CAL_SHIFT)) & ADC_SC3_CAL_MASK)
865 /*! @} */
867 /*! @name OFS - ADC Offset Correction Register */
868 /*! @{ */
870 #define ADC_OFS_OFS_MASK                         (0xFFFFU)
871 #define ADC_OFS_OFS_SHIFT                        (0U)
872 /*! OFS - Offset Error Correction Value
873  */
874 #define ADC_OFS_OFS(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_OFS_OFS_SHIFT)) & ADC_OFS_OFS_MASK)
875 /*! @} */
877 /*! @name PG - ADC Plus-Side Gain Register */
878 /*! @{ */
880 #define ADC_PG_PG_MASK                           (0xFFFFU)
881 #define ADC_PG_PG_SHIFT                          (0U)
882 /*! PG - Plus-Side Gain
883  */
884 #define ADC_PG_PG(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_PG_PG_SHIFT)) & ADC_PG_PG_MASK)
885 /*! @} */
887 /*! @name CLPD - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
888 /*! @{ */
890 #define ADC_CLPD_CLPD_MASK                       (0x3FU)
891 #define ADC_CLPD_CLPD_SHIFT                      (0U)
892 /*! CLPD - Calibration Value
893  */
894 #define ADC_CLPD_CLPD(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLPD_CLPD_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLPD_CLPD_MASK)
895 /*! @} */
897 /*! @name CLPS - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
898 /*! @{ */
900 #define ADC_CLPS_CLPS_MASK                       (0x3FU)
901 #define ADC_CLPS_CLPS_SHIFT                      (0U)
902 /*! CLPS - Calibration Value
903  */
904 #define ADC_CLPS_CLPS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLPS_CLPS_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLPS_CLPS_MASK)
905 /*! @} */
907 /*! @name CLP4 - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
908 /*! @{ */
910 #define ADC_CLP4_CLP4_MASK                       (0x3FFU)
911 #define ADC_CLP4_CLP4_SHIFT                      (0U)
912 /*! CLP4 - Calibration Value
913  */
914 #define ADC_CLP4_CLP4(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLP4_CLP4_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLP4_CLP4_MASK)
915 /*! @} */
917 /*! @name CLP3 - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
918 /*! @{ */
920 #define ADC_CLP3_CLP3_MASK                       (0x1FFU)
921 #define ADC_CLP3_CLP3_SHIFT                      (0U)
922 /*! CLP3 - Calibration Value
923  */
924 #define ADC_CLP3_CLP3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLP3_CLP3_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLP3_CLP3_MASK)
925 /*! @} */
927 /*! @name CLP2 - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
928 /*! @{ */
930 #define ADC_CLP2_CLP2_MASK                       (0xFFU)
931 #define ADC_CLP2_CLP2_SHIFT                      (0U)
932 /*! CLP2 - Calibration Value
933  */
934 #define ADC_CLP2_CLP2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLP2_CLP2_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLP2_CLP2_MASK)
935 /*! @} */
937 /*! @name CLP1 - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
938 /*! @{ */
940 #define ADC_CLP1_CLP1_MASK                       (0x7FU)
941 #define ADC_CLP1_CLP1_SHIFT                      (0U)
942 /*! CLP1 - Calibration Value
943  */
944 #define ADC_CLP1_CLP1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLP1_CLP1_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLP1_CLP1_MASK)
945 /*! @} */
947 /*! @name CLP0 - ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register */
948 /*! @{ */
950 #define ADC_CLP0_CLP0_MASK                       (0x3FU)
951 #define ADC_CLP0_CLP0_SHIFT                      (0U)
952 /*! CLP0 - Calibration Value
953  */
954 #define ADC_CLP0_CLP0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ADC_CLP0_CLP0_SHIFT)) & ADC_CLP0_CLP0_MASK)
955 /*! @} */
958 /*!
959  * @}
960  */ /* end of group ADC_Register_Masks */
963 /* ADC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
964 /** Peripheral ADC base address */
965 #define ADC_BASE                                 (0x4002B000u)
966 /** Peripheral ADC base pointer */
967 #define ADC                                      ((ADC_Type *)ADC_BASE)
968 /** Array initializer of ADC peripheral base addresses */
969 #define ADC_BASE_ADDRS                           { ADC_BASE }
970 /** Array initializer of ADC peripheral base pointers */
971 #define ADC_BASE_PTRS                            { ADC }
972 /** Interrupt vectors for the ADC peripheral type */
973 #define ADC_IRQS                                 { ADC_IRQn }
975 /*!
976  * @}
977  */ /* end of group ADC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
980 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
981    -- AFE Peripheral Access Layer
982    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
984 /*!
985  * @addtogroup AFE_Peripheral_Access_Layer AFE Peripheral Access Layer
986  * @{
987  */
989 /** AFE - Register Layout Typedef */
990 typedef struct {
991   __IO uint32_t CFR[4];                            /**< Channel0 Configuration Register..Channel3 Configuration Register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
992        uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
993   __IO uint32_t CR;                                /**< Control Register, offset: 0x18 */
994   __IO uint32_t CKR;                               /**< Clock Configuration Register, offset: 0x1C */
995   __IO uint32_t DI;                                /**< DMA and Interrupt Register, offset: 0x20 */
996        uint8_t RESERVED_1[8];
997   __IO uint32_t DR[4];                             /**< Channel0 Delay Register..Channel3 Delay Register, array offset: 0x2C, array step: 0x4 */
998        uint8_t RESERVED_2[8];
999   __I  uint32_t RR[4];                             /**< Channel0 Result Register..Channel3 Result Register, array offset: 0x44, array step: 0x4 */
1000        uint8_t RESERVED_3[8];
1001   __I  uint32_t SR;                                /**< Status Register, offset: 0x5C */
1002 } AFE_Type;
1004 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1005    -- AFE Register Masks
1006    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1008 /*!
1009  * @addtogroup AFE_Register_Masks AFE Register Masks
1010  * @{
1011  */
1013 /*! @name CFR - Channel0 Configuration Register..Channel3 Configuration Register */
1014 /*! @{ */
1016 #define AFE_CFR_HW_TRG_MASK                      (0x200U)
1017 #define AFE_CFR_HW_TRG_SHIFT                     (9U)
1018 /*! HW_TRG - Hardware Trigger Select
1019  *  0b0..Software trigger select
1020  *  0b1..Hardware trigger select
1021  */
1022 #define AFE_CFR_HW_TRG(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_HW_TRG_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_HW_TRG_MASK)
1024 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_INP_SEL_MASK             (0x400U)
1025 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_INP_SEL_SHIFT            (10U)
1026 /*! DEC_CLK_INP_SEL - Decimator Clock Input Select
1027  *  0b0..On the chip modulator clock will be used
1028  *  0b1..External clock will be used.
1029  */
1030 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_INP_SEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_INP_SEL_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_INP_SEL_MASK)
1032 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL_MASK            (0x800U)
1033 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL_SHIFT           (11U)
1034 /*! DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL - Decimator Clock Edge Select
1035  *  0b0..Posedge will be used.
1036  *  0b1..Negedge will be used.
1037  */
1038 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_DEC_CLK_EDGE_SEL_MASK)
1040 #define AFE_CFR_CC_MASK                          (0x1000U)
1041 #define AFE_CFR_CC_SHIFT                         (12U)
1042 /*! CC - Continuous Conversion/Single Conversion Mode Select
1043  *  0b0..One conversion following a triggering event
1044  *  0b1..Continuous conversions following a triggering event.
1045  */
1046 #define AFE_CFR_CC(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_CC_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_CC_MASK)
1048 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_EN_MASK                      (0x2000U)
1049 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_EN_SHIFT                     (13U)
1050 /*! DEC_EN - Decimation Filter enable
1051  *  0b0..Decimation filter is disabled.
1052  *  0b1..Decimation filter is enabled.
1053  */
1054 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_EN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_DEC_EN_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_DEC_EN_MASK)
1056 #define AFE_CFR_SD_MOD_EN_MASK                   (0x4000U)
1057 #define AFE_CFR_SD_MOD_EN_SHIFT                  (14U)
1058 /*! SD_MOD_EN - Sigma Delta Modulator enable
1059  *  0b0..SD ADC1 is disabled
1060  *  0b1..SD ADC1 is enabled
1061  */
1062 #define AFE_CFR_SD_MOD_EN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_SD_MOD_EN_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_SD_MOD_EN_MASK)
1064 #define AFE_CFR_BYP_MODE_MASK                    (0x20000U)
1065 #define AFE_CFR_BYP_MODE_SHIFT                   (17U)
1066 /*! BYP_MODE - AFE Channel3 bypass mode
1067  *  0b0..Normal mode
1068  *  0b1..Bypass mode where ADC and PGA of channel0 are disabled.
1069  */
1070 #define AFE_CFR_BYP_MODE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_BYP_MODE_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_BYP_MODE_MASK)
1072 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_GAIN_SEL_MASK                (0x380000U)
1073 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_GAIN_SEL_SHIFT               (19U)
1074 /*! PGA_GAIN_SEL - PGA Gain Select
1075  *  0b000..reserved
1076  *  0b001..1x (default)
1077  *  0b010..2x
1078  *  0b011..4x
1079  *  0b100..8x
1080  *  0b101..16x
1081  *  0b110..32x
1082  *  0b111..reserved
1083  */
1084 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_GAIN_SEL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_PGA_GAIN_SEL_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_PGA_GAIN_SEL_MASK)
1086 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_EN_MASK                      (0x1000000U)
1087 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_EN_SHIFT                     (24U)
1088 /*! PGA_EN - PGA enable
1089  *  0b0..PGA disabled
1090  *  0b1..PGA enabled
1091  */
1092 #define AFE_CFR_PGA_EN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_PGA_EN_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_PGA_EN_MASK)
1094 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_OSR_MASK                     (0xE0000000U)
1095 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_OSR_SHIFT                    (29U)
1096 /*! DEC_OSR - Decimator OverSampling Ratio select
1097  *  0b000..64
1098  *  0b001..128
1099  *  0b010..256
1100  *  0b011..512
1101  *  0b100..1024
1102  *  0b101..2048
1103  */
1104 #define AFE_CFR_DEC_OSR(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CFR_DEC_OSR_SHIFT)) & AFE_CFR_DEC_OSR_MASK)
1105 /*! @} */
1107 /* The count of AFE_CFR */
1108 #define AFE_CFR_COUNT                            (4U)
1110 /*! @name CR - Control Register */
1111 /*! @{ */
1113 #define AFE_CR_STRTUP_CNT_MASK                   (0xFE00U)
1114 #define AFE_CR_STRTUP_CNT_SHIFT                  (9U)
1115 /*! STRTUP_CNT - Start up count
1116  */
1117 #define AFE_CR_STRTUP_CNT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_STRTUP_CNT_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_STRTUP_CNT_MASK)
1119 #define AFE_CR_RESULT_FORMAT_MASK                (0x40000U)
1120 #define AFE_CR_RESULT_FORMAT_SHIFT               (18U)
1121 /*! RESULT_FORMAT - Result Format
1122  *  0b0..Left justified 2's complement 32-bit : SVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV00000000 where (S= sign bit , V=valid result value, 0=zero)
1123  *  0b1..Right justified 2's complement 32-bit : SSSSSSSSSVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV where (S= sign bit , V= valid result value, 0= zero)
1124  */
1125 #define AFE_CR_RESULT_FORMAT(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_RESULT_FORMAT_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_RESULT_FORMAT_MASK)
1127 #define AFE_CR_DLY_OK_MASK                       (0x200000U)
1128 #define AFE_CR_DLY_OK_SHIFT                      (21U)
1129 /*! DLY_OK - Delay OK
1130  */
1131 #define AFE_CR_DLY_OK(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_DLY_OK_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_DLY_OK_MASK)
1133 #define AFE_CR_RST_B_MASK                        (0x400000U)
1134 #define AFE_CR_RST_B_SHIFT                       (22U)
1135 /*! RST_B - Software Reset
1136  *  0b0..All ADCs, PGAs and Decimation filters are disabled. Clock Configuration bits will be reset.
1137  *  0b1...= All ADCs, PGAs and Decimation filters are enabled.
1138  */
1139 #define AFE_CR_RST_B(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_RST_B_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_RST_B_MASK)
1141 #define AFE_CR_LPM_EN_MASK                       (0x2000000U)
1142 #define AFE_CR_LPM_EN_SHIFT                      (25U)
1143 /*! LPM_EN - Low power Mode enable
1144  *  0b0..AFE will be in normal mode
1145  *  0b1..AFE will be in low power mode. Setting this bit reduce the current consumption of ADC and Buffer
1146  *       Amplifier , the max modulator clock frequency is below 1Mhz.
1147  */
1148 #define AFE_CR_LPM_EN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_LPM_EN_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_LPM_EN_MASK)
1150 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG3_MASK                    (0x8000000U)
1151 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG3_SHIFT                   (27U)
1152 /*! SOFT_TRG3 - Software Trigger3
1153  */
1154 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG3(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG3_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG3_MASK)
1156 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG2_MASK                    (0x10000000U)
1157 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG2_SHIFT                   (28U)
1158 /*! SOFT_TRG2 - Software Trigger2
1159  */
1160 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG2(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG2_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG2_MASK)
1162 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG1_MASK                    (0x20000000U)
1163 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG1_SHIFT                   (29U)
1164 /*! SOFT_TRG1 - Software Trigger1
1165  */
1166 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG1(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG1_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG1_MASK)
1168 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG0_MASK                    (0x40000000U)
1169 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG0_SHIFT                   (30U)
1170 /*! SOFT_TRG0 - Software Trigger0
1171  */
1172 #define AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG0(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG0_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_SOFT_TRG0_MASK)
1174 #define AFE_CR_MSTR_EN_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
1175 #define AFE_CR_MSTR_EN_SHIFT                     (31U)
1176 /*! MSTR_EN - AFE Master Enable
1177  *  0b0..All ADCs are disabled.
1178  *  0b1..All ADCs and filters will get simultaneously enabled .
1179  */
1180 #define AFE_CR_MSTR_EN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CR_MSTR_EN_SHIFT)) & AFE_CR_MSTR_EN_MASK)
1181 /*! @} */
1183 /*! @name CKR - Clock Configuration Register */
1184 /*! @{ */
1186 #define AFE_CKR_CLS_MASK                         (0x600000U)
1187 #define AFE_CKR_CLS_SHIFT                        (21U)
1188 /*! CLS - Clock Source Select
1189  *  0b00..mod_clk0
1190  *  0b01..mod_clk1
1191  *  0b10..mod_clk2
1192  *  0b11..mod_clk3
1193  */
1194 #define AFE_CKR_CLS(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CKR_CLS_SHIFT)) & AFE_CKR_CLS_MASK)
1196 #define AFE_CKR_DIV_MASK                         (0xF0000000U)
1197 #define AFE_CKR_DIV_SHIFT                        (28U)
1198 /*! DIV - Clock Divider Select
1199  *  0b0000..divide by 1
1200  *  0b0001..divide by 2 (default)
1201  *  0b0010..divide by 4
1202  *  0b0011..divide by 8
1203  *  0b0100..divide by 16
1204  *  0b0101..divide by 32
1205  *  0b0110..divide by 64
1206  *  0b0111..divide by 128
1207  *  0b1xxx..divide by 256
1208  */
1209 #define AFE_CKR_DIV(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_CKR_DIV_SHIFT)) & AFE_CKR_DIV_MASK)
1210 /*! @} */
1212 /*! @name DI - DMA and Interrupt Register */
1213 /*! @{ */
1215 #define AFE_DI_INTEN3_MASK                       (0x800000U)
1216 #define AFE_DI_INTEN3_SHIFT                      (23U)
1217 /*! INTEN3 - Interrupt Enable 3
1218  */
1219 #define AFE_DI_INTEN3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_INTEN3_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_INTEN3_MASK)
1221 #define AFE_DI_INTEN2_MASK                       (0x1000000U)
1222 #define AFE_DI_INTEN2_SHIFT                      (24U)
1223 /*! INTEN2 - Interrupt Enable 2
1224  */
1225 #define AFE_DI_INTEN2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_INTEN2_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_INTEN2_MASK)
1227 #define AFE_DI_INTEN1_MASK                       (0x2000000U)
1228 #define AFE_DI_INTEN1_SHIFT                      (25U)
1229 /*! INTEN1 - Interrupt Enable 1
1230  */
1231 #define AFE_DI_INTEN1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_INTEN1_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_INTEN1_MASK)
1233 #define AFE_DI_INTEN0_MASK                       (0x4000000U)
1234 #define AFE_DI_INTEN0_SHIFT                      (26U)
1235 /*! INTEN0 - Interrupt Enable 0
1236  */
1237 #define AFE_DI_INTEN0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_INTEN0_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_INTEN0_MASK)
1239 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN3_MASK                       (0x10000000U)
1240 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN3_SHIFT                      (28U)
1241 /*! DMAEN3 - DMA Enable3
1242  */
1243 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN3(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_DMAEN3_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_DMAEN3_MASK)
1245 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN2_MASK                       (0x20000000U)
1246 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN2_SHIFT                      (29U)
1247 /*! DMAEN2 - DMA Enable2
1248  */
1249 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_DMAEN2_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_DMAEN2_MASK)
1251 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN1_MASK                       (0x40000000U)
1252 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN1_SHIFT                      (30U)
1253 /*! DMAEN1 - DMA Enable1
1254  */
1255 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN1(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_DMAEN1_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_DMAEN1_MASK)
1257 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN0_MASK                       (0x80000000U)
1258 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN0_SHIFT                      (31U)
1259 /*! DMAEN0 - DMA Enable0
1260  */
1261 #define AFE_DI_DMAEN0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DI_DMAEN0_SHIFT)) & AFE_DI_DMAEN0_MASK)
1262 /*! @} */
1264 /*! @name DR - Channel0 Delay Register..Channel3 Delay Register */
1265 /*! @{ */
1267 #define AFE_DR_DLY_MASK                          (0x7FFU)
1268 #define AFE_DR_DLY_SHIFT                         (0U)
1269 /*! DLY - Delay
1270  */
1271 #define AFE_DR_DLY(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_DR_DLY_SHIFT)) & AFE_DR_DLY_MASK)
1272 /*! @} */
1274 /* The count of AFE_DR */
1275 #define AFE_DR_COUNT                             (4U)
1277 /*! @name RR - Channel0 Result Register..Channel3 Result Register */
1278 /*! @{ */
1280 #define AFE_RR_SDR_MASK                          (0x7FFFFFU)
1281 #define AFE_RR_SDR_SHIFT                         (0U)
1282 /*! SDR - Sample Data result
1283  */
1284 #define AFE_RR_SDR(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_RR_SDR_SHIFT)) & AFE_RR_SDR_MASK)
1286 #define AFE_RR_SIGN_BITS_MASK                    (0xFF800000U)
1287 #define AFE_RR_SIGN_BITS_SHIFT                   (23U)
1288 /*! SIGN_BITS - Sign Bits
1289  */
1290 #define AFE_RR_SIGN_BITS(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_RR_SIGN_BITS_SHIFT)) & AFE_RR_SIGN_BITS_MASK)
1291 /*! @} */
1293 /* The count of AFE_RR */
1294 #define AFE_RR_COUNT                             (4U)
1296 /*! @name SR - Status Register */
1297 /*! @{ */
1299 #define AFE_SR_RDY3_MASK                         (0x10000U)
1300 #define AFE_SR_RDY3_SHIFT                        (16U)
1301 /*! RDY3 - AFE Ready4
1302  *  0b0..AFE Channel3 is disabled or has not completed its start up period
1303  *  0b1..AFE Channel3 is ready to initiate conversions.
1304  */
1305 #define AFE_SR_RDY3(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_RDY3_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_RDY3_MASK)
1307 #define AFE_SR_RDY2_MASK                         (0x20000U)
1308 #define AFE_SR_RDY2_SHIFT                        (17U)
1309 /*! RDY2 - AFE Ready3
1310  *  0b0..AFE Channel2 is disabled or has not completed its start up period
1311  *  0b1..AFE Channel2 is ready to initiate conversions.
1312  */
1313 #define AFE_SR_RDY2(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_RDY2_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_RDY2_MASK)
1315 #define AFE_SR_RDY1_MASK                         (0x40000U)
1316 #define AFE_SR_RDY1_SHIFT                        (18U)
1317 /*! RDY1 - AFE Ready2
1318  *  0b0..AFE Channel1 is disabled or has not completed its start up period
1319  *  0b1..AFE Channel1 is ready to initiate conversions.
1320  */
1321 #define AFE_SR_RDY1(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_RDY1_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_RDY1_MASK)
1323 #define AFE_SR_RDY0_MASK                         (0x80000U)
1324 #define AFE_SR_RDY0_SHIFT                        (19U)
1325 /*! RDY0 - AFE Ready1
1326  *  0b0..AFE Channel0 is disabled or has not completed its start up period
1327  *  0b1..AFE Channel0 is ready to initiate conversions.
1328  */
1329 #define AFE_SR_RDY0(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_RDY0_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_RDY0_MASK)
1331 #define AFE_SR_OVR3_MASK                         (0x200000U)
1332 #define AFE_SR_OVR3_SHIFT                        (21U)
1333 /*! OVR3 - Overflow Flag
1334  */
1335 #define AFE_SR_OVR3(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_OVR3_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_OVR3_MASK)
1337 #define AFE_SR_OVR2_MASK                         (0x400000U)
1338 #define AFE_SR_OVR2_SHIFT                        (22U)
1339 /*! OVR2 - Overflow Flag
1340  */
1341 #define AFE_SR_OVR2(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_OVR2_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_OVR2_MASK)
1343 #define AFE_SR_OVR1_MASK                         (0x800000U)
1344 #define AFE_SR_OVR1_SHIFT                        (23U)
1345 /*! OVR1 - Overflow Flag
1346  */
1347 #define AFE_SR_OVR1(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_OVR1_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_OVR1_MASK)
1349 #define AFE_SR_OVR0_MASK                         (0x1000000U)
1350 #define AFE_SR_OVR0_SHIFT                        (24U)
1351 /*! OVR0 - Overflow Flag
1352  */
1353 #define AFE_SR_OVR0(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_OVR0_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_OVR0_MASK)
1355 #define AFE_SR_COC3_MASK                         (0x10000000U)
1356 #define AFE_SR_COC3_SHIFT                        (28U)
1357 /*! COC3 - Conversion Complete
1358  */
1359 #define AFE_SR_COC3(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_COC3_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_COC3_MASK)
1361 #define AFE_SR_COC2_MASK                         (0x20000000U)
1362 #define AFE_SR_COC2_SHIFT                        (29U)
1363 /*! COC2 - Conversion Complete
1364  */
1365 #define AFE_SR_COC2(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_COC2_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_COC2_MASK)
1367 #define AFE_SR_COC1_MASK                         (0x40000000U)
1368 #define AFE_SR_COC1_SHIFT                        (30U)
1369 /*! COC1 - Conversion Complete
1370  */
1371 #define AFE_SR_COC1(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_COC1_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_COC1_MASK)
1373 #define AFE_SR_COC0_MASK                         (0x80000000U)
1374 #define AFE_SR_COC0_SHIFT                        (31U)
1375 /*! COC0 - Conversion Complete
1376  */
1377 #define AFE_SR_COC0(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AFE_SR_COC0_SHIFT)) & AFE_SR_COC0_MASK)
1378 /*! @} */
1381 /*!
1382  * @}
1383  */ /* end of group AFE_Register_Masks */
1386 /* AFE - Peripheral instance base addresses */
1387 /** Peripheral AFE base address */
1388 #define AFE_BASE                                 (0x40030000u)
1389 /** Peripheral AFE base pointer */
1390 #define AFE                                      ((AFE_Type *)AFE_BASE)
1391 /** Array initializer of AFE peripheral base addresses */
1392 #define AFE_BASE_ADDRS                           { AFE_BASE }
1393 /** Array initializer of AFE peripheral base pointers */
1394 #define AFE_BASE_PTRS                            { AFE }
1395 /** Interrupt vectors for the AFE peripheral type */
1396 #define AFE_IRQS                                 { { AFE_CH0_IRQn, AFE_CH1_IRQn, AFE_CH2_IRQn, AFE_CH3_IRQn } }
1398 /*!
1399  * @}
1400  */ /* end of group AFE_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
1403 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1404    -- AIPS Peripheral Access Layer
1405    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1407 /*!
1408  * @addtogroup AIPS_Peripheral_Access_Layer AIPS Peripheral Access Layer
1409  * @{
1410  */
1412 /** AIPS - Register Layout Typedef */
1413 typedef struct {
1414        uint8_t RESERVED_0[32];
1415   __IO uint32_t PACRA;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x20 */
1416   __IO uint32_t PACRB;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x24 */
1417        uint8_t RESERVED_1[24];
1418   __IO uint32_t PACRE;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x40 */
1419   __IO uint32_t PACRF;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x44 */
1420   __IO uint32_t PACRG;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x48 */
1421   __IO uint32_t PACRH;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x4C */
1422   __IO uint32_t PACRI;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x50 */
1423   __IO uint32_t PACRJ;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x54 */
1424   __IO uint32_t PACRK;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x58 */
1425   __IO uint32_t PACRL;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x5C */
1426   __IO uint32_t PACRM;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x60 */
1427   __IO uint32_t PACRN;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x64 */
1428   __IO uint32_t PACRO;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x68 */
1429   __IO uint32_t PACRP;                             /**< Peripheral Access Control Register, offset: 0x6C */
1430 } AIPS_Type;
1432 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1433    -- AIPS Register Masks
1434    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1436 /*!
1437  * @addtogroup AIPS_Register_Masks AIPS Register Masks
1438  * @{
1439  */
1441 /*! @name PACRA - Peripheral Access Control Register */
1442 /*! @{ */
1444 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
1445 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
1446 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
1447  */
1448 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC7_MASK)
1450 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
1451 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
1452 /*! RO7 - Read Only
1453  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1454  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1455  */
1456 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO7_MASK)
1458 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
1459 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
1460 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
1461  */
1462 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC6_MASK)
1464 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
1465 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
1466 /*! RO6 - Read Only
1467  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1468  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1469  */
1470 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO6_MASK)
1472 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
1473 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
1474 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
1475  */
1476 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC5_MASK)
1478 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
1479 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
1480 /*! RO5 - Read Only
1481  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1482  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1483  */
1484 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO5_MASK)
1486 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
1487 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
1488 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
1489  */
1490 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC4_MASK)
1492 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
1493 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
1494 /*! RO4 - Read Only
1495  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1496  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1497  */
1498 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO4_MASK)
1500 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
1501 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
1502 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
1503  */
1504 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC3_MASK)
1506 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
1507 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
1508 /*! RO3 - Read Only
1509  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1510  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1511  */
1512 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO3_MASK)
1514 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
1515 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
1516 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
1517  */
1518 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC2_MASK)
1520 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
1521 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
1522 /*! RO2 - Read Only
1523  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1524  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1525  */
1526 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO2_MASK)
1528 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
1529 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
1530 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
1531  */
1532 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC1_MASK)
1534 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
1535 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
1536 /*! RO1 - Read Only
1537  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1538  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1539  */
1540 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO1_MASK)
1542 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
1543 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
1544 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
1545  */
1546 #define AIPS_PACRA_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_AC0_MASK)
1548 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
1549 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
1550 /*! RO0 - Read Only
1551  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1552  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1553  */
1554 #define AIPS_PACRA_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRA_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRA_RO0_MASK)
1555 /*! @} */
1557 /*! @name PACRB - Peripheral Access Control Register */
1558 /*! @{ */
1560 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
1561 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
1562 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
1563  */
1564 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC7_MASK)
1566 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
1567 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
1568 /*! RO7 - Read Only
1569  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1570  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1571  */
1572 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO7_MASK)
1574 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
1575 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
1576 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
1577  */
1578 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC6_MASK)
1580 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
1581 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
1582 /*! RO6 - Read Only
1583  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1584  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1585  */
1586 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO6_MASK)
1588 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
1589 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
1590 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
1591  */
1592 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC5_MASK)
1594 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
1595 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
1596 /*! RO5 - Read Only
1597  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1598  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1599  */
1600 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO5_MASK)
1602 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
1603 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
1604 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
1605  */
1606 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC4_MASK)
1608 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
1609 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
1610 /*! RO4 - Read Only
1611  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1612  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1613  */
1614 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO4_MASK)
1616 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
1617 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
1618 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
1619  */
1620 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC3_MASK)
1622 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
1623 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
1624 /*! RO3 - Read Only
1625  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1626  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1627  */
1628 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO3_MASK)
1630 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
1631 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
1632 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
1633  */
1634 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC2_MASK)
1636 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
1637 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
1638 /*! RO2 - Read Only
1639  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1640  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1641  */
1642 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO2_MASK)
1644 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
1645 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
1646 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
1647  */
1648 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC1_MASK)
1650 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
1651 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
1652 /*! RO1 - Read Only
1653  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1654  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1655  */
1656 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO1_MASK)
1658 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
1659 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
1660 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
1661  */
1662 #define AIPS_PACRB_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_AC0_MASK)
1664 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
1665 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
1666 /*! RO0 - Read Only
1667  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1668  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1669  */
1670 #define AIPS_PACRB_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRB_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRB_RO0_MASK)
1671 /*! @} */
1673 /*! @name PACRE - Peripheral Access Control Register */
1674 /*! @{ */
1676 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
1677 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
1678 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
1679  */
1680 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC7_MASK)
1682 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
1683 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
1684 /*! RO7 - Read Only
1685  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1686  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1687  */
1688 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO7_MASK)
1690 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
1691 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
1692 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
1693  */
1694 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC6_MASK)
1696 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
1697 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
1698 /*! RO6 - Read Only
1699  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1700  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1701  */
1702 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO6_MASK)
1704 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
1705 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
1706 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
1707  */
1708 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC5_MASK)
1710 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
1711 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
1712 /*! RO5 - Read Only
1713  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1714  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1715  */
1716 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO5_MASK)
1718 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
1719 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
1720 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
1721  */
1722 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC4_MASK)
1724 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
1725 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
1726 /*! RO4 - Read Only
1727  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1728  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1729  */
1730 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO4_MASK)
1732 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
1733 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
1734 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
1735  */
1736 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC3_MASK)
1738 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
1739 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
1740 /*! RO3 - Read Only
1741  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1742  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1743  */
1744 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO3_MASK)
1746 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
1747 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
1748 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
1749  */
1750 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC2_MASK)
1752 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
1753 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
1754 /*! RO2 - Read Only
1755  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1756  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1757  */
1758 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO2_MASK)
1760 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
1761 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
1762 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
1763  */
1764 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC1_MASK)
1766 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
1767 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
1768 /*! RO1 - Read Only
1769  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1770  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1771  */
1772 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO1_MASK)
1774 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
1775 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
1776 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
1777  */
1778 #define AIPS_PACRE_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_AC0_MASK)
1780 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
1781 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
1782 /*! RO0 - Read Only
1783  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1784  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1785  */
1786 #define AIPS_PACRE_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRE_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRE_RO0_MASK)
1787 /*! @} */
1789 /*! @name PACRF - Peripheral Access Control Register */
1790 /*! @{ */
1792 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
1793 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
1794 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
1795  */
1796 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC7_MASK)
1798 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
1799 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
1800 /*! RO7 - Read Only
1801  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1802  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1803  */
1804 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO7_MASK)
1806 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
1807 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
1808 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
1809  */
1810 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC6_MASK)
1812 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
1813 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
1814 /*! RO6 - Read Only
1815  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1816  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1817  */
1818 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO6_MASK)
1820 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
1821 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
1822 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
1823  */
1824 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC5_MASK)
1826 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
1827 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
1828 /*! RO5 - Read Only
1829  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1830  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1831  */
1832 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO5_MASK)
1834 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
1835 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
1836 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
1837  */
1838 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC4_MASK)
1840 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
1841 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
1842 /*! RO4 - Read Only
1843  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1844  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1845  */
1846 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO4_MASK)
1848 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
1849 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
1850 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
1851  */
1852 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC3_MASK)
1854 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
1855 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
1856 /*! RO3 - Read Only
1857  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1858  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1859  */
1860 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO3_MASK)
1862 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
1863 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
1864 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
1865  */
1866 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC2_MASK)
1868 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
1869 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
1870 /*! RO2 - Read Only
1871  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1872  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1873  */
1874 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO2_MASK)
1876 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
1877 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
1878 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
1879  */
1880 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC1_MASK)
1882 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
1883 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
1884 /*! RO1 - Read Only
1885  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1886  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1887  */
1888 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO1_MASK)
1890 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
1891 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
1892 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
1893  */
1894 #define AIPS_PACRF_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_AC0_MASK)
1896 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
1897 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
1898 /*! RO0 - Read Only
1899  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1900  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1901  */
1902 #define AIPS_PACRF_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRF_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRF_RO0_MASK)
1903 /*! @} */
1905 /*! @name PACRG - Peripheral Access Control Register */
1906 /*! @{ */
1908 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
1909 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
1910 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
1911  */
1912 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC7_MASK)
1914 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
1915 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
1916 /*! RO7 - Read Only
1917  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1918  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1919  */
1920 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO7_MASK)
1922 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
1923 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
1924 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
1925  */
1926 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC6_MASK)
1928 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
1929 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
1930 /*! RO6 - Read Only
1931  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1932  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1933  */
1934 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO6_MASK)
1936 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
1937 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
1938 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
1939  */
1940 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC5_MASK)
1942 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
1943 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
1944 /*! RO5 - Read Only
1945  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1946  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1947  */
1948 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO5_MASK)
1950 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
1951 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
1952 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
1953  */
1954 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC4_MASK)
1956 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
1957 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
1958 /*! RO4 - Read Only
1959  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1960  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1961  */
1962 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO4_MASK)
1964 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
1965 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
1966 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
1967  */
1968 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC3_MASK)
1970 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
1971 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
1972 /*! RO3 - Read Only
1973  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1974  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1975  */
1976 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO3_MASK)
1978 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
1979 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
1980 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
1981  */
1982 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC2_MASK)
1984 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
1985 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
1986 /*! RO2 - Read Only
1987  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
1988  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
1989  */
1990 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO2_MASK)
1992 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
1993 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
1994 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
1995  */
1996 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC1_MASK)
1998 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
1999 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2000 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2001  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2002  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2003  */
2004 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO1_MASK)
2006 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2007 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2008 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2009  */
2010 #define AIPS_PACRG_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_AC0_MASK)
2012 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2013 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2014 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2015  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2016  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2017  */
2018 #define AIPS_PACRG_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRG_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRG_RO0_MASK)
2019 /*! @} */
2021 /*! @name PACRH - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2022 /*! @{ */
2024 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2025 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2026 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2027  */
2028 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC7_MASK)
2030 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2031 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2032 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2033  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2034  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2035  */
2036 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO7_MASK)
2038 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2039 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2040 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2041  */
2042 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC6_MASK)
2044 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2045 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2046 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2047  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2048  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2049  */
2050 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO6_MASK)
2052 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2053 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2054 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2055  */
2056 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC5_MASK)
2058 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2059 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2060 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2061  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2062  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2063  */
2064 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO5_MASK)
2066 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2067 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2068 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2069  */
2070 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC4_MASK)
2072 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2073 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2074 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2075  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2076  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2077  */
2078 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO4_MASK)
2080 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2081 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2082 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2083  */
2084 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC3_MASK)
2086 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2087 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2088 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2089  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2090  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2091  */
2092 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO3_MASK)
2094 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2095 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2096 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2097  */
2098 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC2_MASK)
2100 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2101 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2102 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2103  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2104  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2105  */
2106 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO2_MASK)
2108 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2109 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2110 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2111  */
2112 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC1_MASK)
2114 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2115 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2116 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2117  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2118  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2119  */
2120 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO1_MASK)
2122 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2123 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2124 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2125  */
2126 #define AIPS_PACRH_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_AC0_MASK)
2128 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2129 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2130 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2131  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2132  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2133  */
2134 #define AIPS_PACRH_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRH_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRH_RO0_MASK)
2135 /*! @} */
2137 /*! @name PACRI - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2138 /*! @{ */
2140 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2141 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2142 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2143  */
2144 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC7_MASK)
2146 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2147 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2148 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2149  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2150  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2151  */
2152 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO7_MASK)
2154 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2155 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2156 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2157  */
2158 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC6_MASK)
2160 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2161 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2162 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2163  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2164  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2165  */
2166 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO6_MASK)
2168 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2169 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2170 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2171  */
2172 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC5_MASK)
2174 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2175 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2176 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2177  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2178  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2179  */
2180 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO5_MASK)
2182 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2183 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2184 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2185  */
2186 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC4_MASK)
2188 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2189 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2190 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2191  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2192  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2193  */
2194 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO4_MASK)
2196 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2197 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2198 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2199  */
2200 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC3_MASK)
2202 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2203 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2204 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2205  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2206  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2207  */
2208 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO3_MASK)
2210 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2211 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2212 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2213  */
2214 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC2_MASK)
2216 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2217 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2218 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2219  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2220  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2221  */
2222 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO2_MASK)
2224 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2225 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2226 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2227  */
2228 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC1_MASK)
2230 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2231 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2232 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2233  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2234  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2235  */
2236 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO1_MASK)
2238 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2239 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2240 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2241  */
2242 #define AIPS_PACRI_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_AC0_MASK)
2244 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2245 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2246 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2247  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2248  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2249  */
2250 #define AIPS_PACRI_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRI_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRI_RO0_MASK)
2251 /*! @} */
2253 /*! @name PACRJ - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2254 /*! @{ */
2256 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2257 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2258 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2259  */
2260 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC7_MASK)
2262 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2263 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2264 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2265  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2266  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2267  */
2268 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO7_MASK)
2270 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2271 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2272 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2273  */
2274 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC6_MASK)
2276 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2277 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2278 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2279  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2280  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2281  */
2282 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO6_MASK)
2284 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2285 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2286 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2287  */
2288 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC5_MASK)
2290 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2291 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2292 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2293  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2294  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2295  */
2296 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO5_MASK)
2298 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2299 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2300 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2301  */
2302 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC4_MASK)
2304 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2305 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2306 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2307  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2308  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2309  */
2310 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO4_MASK)
2312 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2313 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2314 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2315  */
2316 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC3_MASK)
2318 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2319 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2320 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2321  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2322  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2323  */
2324 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO3_MASK)
2326 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2327 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2328 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2329  */
2330 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC2_MASK)
2332 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2333 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2334 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2335  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2336  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2337  */
2338 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO2_MASK)
2340 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2341 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2342 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2343  */
2344 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC1_MASK)
2346 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2347 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2348 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2349  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2350  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2351  */
2352 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO1_MASK)
2354 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2355 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2356 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2357  */
2358 #define AIPS_PACRJ_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_AC0_MASK)
2360 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2361 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2362 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2363  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2364  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2365  */
2366 #define AIPS_PACRJ_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRJ_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRJ_RO0_MASK)
2367 /*! @} */
2369 /*! @name PACRK - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2370 /*! @{ */
2372 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2373 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2374 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2375  */
2376 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC7_MASK)
2378 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2379 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2380 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2381  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2382  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2383  */
2384 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO7_MASK)
2386 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2387 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2388 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2389  */
2390 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC6_MASK)
2392 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2393 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2394 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2395  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2396  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2397  */
2398 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO6_MASK)
2400 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2401 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2402 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2403  */
2404 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC5_MASK)
2406 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2407 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2408 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2409  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2410  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2411  */
2412 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO5_MASK)
2414 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2415 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2416 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2417  */
2418 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC4_MASK)
2420 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2421 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2422 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2423  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2424  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2425  */
2426 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO4_MASK)
2428 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2429 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2430 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2431  */
2432 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC3_MASK)
2434 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2435 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2436 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2437  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2438  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2439  */
2440 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO3_MASK)
2442 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2443 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2444 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2445  */
2446 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC2_MASK)
2448 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2449 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2450 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2451  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2452  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2453  */
2454 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO2_MASK)
2456 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2457 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2458 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2459  */
2460 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC1_MASK)
2462 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2463 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2464 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2465  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2466  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2467  */
2468 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO1_MASK)
2470 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2471 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2472 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2473  */
2474 #define AIPS_PACRK_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_AC0_MASK)
2476 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2477 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2478 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2479  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2480  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2481  */
2482 #define AIPS_PACRK_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRK_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRK_RO0_MASK)
2483 /*! @} */
2485 /*! @name PACRL - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2486 /*! @{ */
2488 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2489 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2490 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2491  */
2492 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC7_MASK)
2494 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2495 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2496 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2497  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2498  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2499  */
2500 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO7_MASK)
2502 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2503 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2504 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2505  */
2506 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC6_MASK)
2508 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2509 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2510 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2511  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2512  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2513  */
2514 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO6_MASK)
2516 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2517 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2518 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2519  */
2520 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC5_MASK)
2522 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2523 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2524 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2525  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2526  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2527  */
2528 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO5_MASK)
2530 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2531 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2532 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2533  */
2534 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC4_MASK)
2536 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2537 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2538 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2539  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2540  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2541  */
2542 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO4_MASK)
2544 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2545 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2546 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2547  */
2548 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC3_MASK)
2550 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2551 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2552 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2553  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2554  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2555  */
2556 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO3_MASK)
2558 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2559 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2560 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2561  */
2562 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC2_MASK)
2564 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2565 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2566 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2567  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2568  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2569  */
2570 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO2_MASK)
2572 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2573 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2574 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2575  */
2576 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC1_MASK)
2578 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2579 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2580 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2581  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2582  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2583  */
2584 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO1_MASK)
2586 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2587 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2588 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2589  */
2590 #define AIPS_PACRL_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_AC0_MASK)
2592 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2593 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2594 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2595  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2596  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2597  */
2598 #define AIPS_PACRL_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRL_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRL_RO0_MASK)
2599 /*! @} */
2601 /*! @name PACRM - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2602 /*! @{ */
2604 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2605 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2606 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2607  */
2608 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC7_MASK)
2610 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2611 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2612 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2613  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2614  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2615  */
2616 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO7_MASK)
2618 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2619 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2620 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2621  */
2622 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC6_MASK)
2624 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2625 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2626 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2627  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2628  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2629  */
2630 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO6_MASK)
2632 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2633 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2634 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2635  */
2636 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC5_MASK)
2638 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2639 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2640 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2641  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2642  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2643  */
2644 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO5_MASK)
2646 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2647 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2648 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2649  */
2650 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC4_MASK)
2652 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2653 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2654 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2655  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2656  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2657  */
2658 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO4_MASK)
2660 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2661 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2662 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2663  */
2664 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC3_MASK)
2666 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2667 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2668 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2669  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2670  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2671  */
2672 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO3_MASK)
2674 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2675 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2676 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2677  */
2678 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC2_MASK)
2680 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2681 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2682 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2683  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2684  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2685  */
2686 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO2_MASK)
2688 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2689 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2690 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2691  */
2692 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC1_MASK)
2694 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2695 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2696 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2697  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2698  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2699  */
2700 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO1_MASK)
2702 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2703 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2704 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2705  */
2706 #define AIPS_PACRM_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_AC0_MASK)
2708 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2709 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2710 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2711  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2712  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2713  */
2714 #define AIPS_PACRM_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRM_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRM_RO0_MASK)
2715 /*! @} */
2717 /*! @name PACRN - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2718 /*! @{ */
2720 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2721 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2722 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2723  */
2724 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC7_MASK)
2726 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2727 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2728 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2729  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2730  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2731  */
2732 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO7_MASK)
2734 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2735 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2736 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2737  */
2738 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC6_MASK)
2740 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2741 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2742 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2743  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2744  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2745  */
2746 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO6_MASK)
2748 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2749 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2750 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2751  */
2752 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC5_MASK)
2754 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2755 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2756 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2757  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2758  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2759  */
2760 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO5_MASK)
2762 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2763 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2764 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2765  */
2766 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC4_MASK)
2768 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2769 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2770 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2771  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2772  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2773  */
2774 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO4_MASK)
2776 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2777 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2778 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2779  */
2780 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC3_MASK)
2782 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2783 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2784 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2785  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2786  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2787  */
2788 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO3_MASK)
2790 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2791 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2792 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2793  */
2794 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC2_MASK)
2796 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2797 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2798 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2799  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2800  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2801  */
2802 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO2_MASK)
2804 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2805 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2806 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2807  */
2808 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC1_MASK)
2810 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2811 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2812 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2813  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2814  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2815  */
2816 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO1_MASK)
2818 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2819 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2820 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2821  */
2822 #define AIPS_PACRN_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_AC0_MASK)
2824 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2825 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2826 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2827  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2828  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2829  */
2830 #define AIPS_PACRN_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRN_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRN_RO0_MASK)
2831 /*! @} */
2833 /*! @name PACRO - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2834 /*! @{ */
2836 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2837 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2838 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2839  */
2840 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC7_MASK)
2842 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2843 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2844 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2845  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2846  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2847  */
2848 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO7_MASK)
2850 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2851 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2852 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2853  */
2854 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC6_MASK)
2856 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2857 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2858 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2859  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2860  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2861  */
2862 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO6_MASK)
2864 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2865 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2866 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2867  */
2868 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC5_MASK)
2870 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2871 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2872 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2873  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2874  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2875  */
2876 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO5_MASK)
2878 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2879 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2880 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2881  */
2882 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC4_MASK)
2884 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
2885 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
2886 /*! RO4 - Read Only
2887  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2888  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2889  */
2890 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO4_MASK)
2892 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
2893 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
2894 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
2895  */
2896 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC3_MASK)
2898 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
2899 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
2900 /*! RO3 - Read Only
2901  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2902  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2903  */
2904 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO3_MASK)
2906 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
2907 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
2908 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
2909  */
2910 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC2_MASK)
2912 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
2913 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
2914 /*! RO2 - Read Only
2915  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2916  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2917  */
2918 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO2_MASK)
2920 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
2921 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
2922 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
2923  */
2924 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC1_MASK)
2926 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
2927 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
2928 /*! RO1 - Read Only
2929  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2930  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2931  */
2932 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO1_MASK)
2934 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
2935 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
2936 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
2937  */
2938 #define AIPS_PACRO_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_AC0_MASK)
2940 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
2941 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
2942 /*! RO0 - Read Only
2943  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2944  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2945  */
2946 #define AIPS_PACRO_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRO_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRO_RO0_MASK)
2947 /*! @} */
2949 /*! @name PACRP - Peripheral Access Control Register */
2950 /*! @{ */
2952 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC7_MASK                      (0x7U)
2953 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC7_SHIFT                     (0U)
2954 /*! AC7 - Attribute Check
2955  */
2956 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC7_MASK)
2958 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO7_MASK                      (0x8U)
2959 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO7_SHIFT                     (3U)
2960 /*! RO7 - Read Only
2961  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2962  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2963  */
2964 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO7(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO7_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO7_MASK)
2966 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC6_MASK                      (0x70U)
2967 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC6_SHIFT                     (4U)
2968 /*! AC6 - Attribute Check
2969  */
2970 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC6_MASK)
2972 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO6_MASK                      (0x80U)
2973 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO6_SHIFT                     (7U)
2974 /*! RO6 - Read Only
2975  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2976  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2977  */
2978 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO6(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO6_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO6_MASK)
2980 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC5_MASK                      (0x700U)
2981 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC5_SHIFT                     (8U)
2982 /*! AC5 - Attribute Check
2983  */
2984 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC5_MASK)
2986 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO5_MASK                      (0x800U)
2987 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO5_SHIFT                     (11U)
2988 /*! RO5 - Read Only
2989  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
2990  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
2991  */
2992 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO5(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO5_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO5_MASK)
2994 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC4_MASK                      (0x7000U)
2995 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC4_SHIFT                     (12U)
2996 /*! AC4 - Attribute Check
2997  */
2998 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC4_MASK)
3000 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO4_MASK                      (0x8000U)
3001 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO4_SHIFT                     (15U)
3002 /*! RO4 - Read Only
3003  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
3004  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
3005  */
3006 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO4(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO4_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO4_MASK)
3008 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC3_MASK                      (0x70000U)
3009 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC3_SHIFT                     (16U)
3010 /*! AC3 - Attribute Check
3011  */
3012 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC3_MASK)
3014 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
3015 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO3_SHIFT                     (19U)
3016 /*! RO3 - Read Only
3017  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
3018  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
3019  */
3020 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO3_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO3_MASK)
3022 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC2_MASK                      (0x700000U)
3023 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC2_SHIFT                     (20U)
3024 /*! AC2 - Attribute Check
3025  */
3026 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC2_MASK)
3028 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO2_MASK                      (0x800000U)
3029 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO2_SHIFT                     (23U)
3030 /*! RO2 - Read Only
3031  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
3032  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
3033  */
3034 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO2_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO2_MASK)
3036 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC1_MASK                      (0x7000000U)
3037 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC1_SHIFT                     (24U)
3038 /*! AC1 - Attribute Check
3039  */
3040 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC1_MASK)
3042 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO1_MASK                      (0x8000000U)
3043 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO1_SHIFT                     (27U)
3044 /*! RO1 - Read Only
3045  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
3046  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
3047  */
3048 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO1_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO1_MASK)
3050 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC0_MASK                      (0x70000000U)
3051 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC0_SHIFT                     (28U)
3052 /*! AC0 - Attribute Check
3053  */
3054 #define AIPS_PACRP_AC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_AC0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_AC0_MASK)
3056 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO0_MASK                      (0x80000000U)
3057 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO0_SHIFT                     (31U)
3058 /*! RO0 - Read Only
3059  *  0b0..Writes to corresponding AC field are allowed.
3060  *  0b1..Writes to corresponding AC field are ignored.
3061  */
3062 #define AIPS_PACRP_RO0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << AIPS_PACRP_RO0_SHIFT)) & AIPS_PACRP_RO0_MASK)
3063 /*! @} */
3066 /*!
3067  * @}
3068  */ /* end of group AIPS_Register_Masks */
3071 /* AIPS - Peripheral instance base addresses */
3072 /** Peripheral AIPS base address */
3073 #define AIPS_BASE                                (0x40000000u)
3074 /** Peripheral AIPS base pointer */
3075 #define AIPS                                     ((AIPS_Type *)AIPS_BASE)
3076 /** Array initializer of AIPS peripheral base addresses */
3077 #define AIPS_BASE_ADDRS                          { AIPS_BASE }
3078 /** Array initializer of AIPS peripheral base pointers */
3079 #define AIPS_BASE_PTRS                           { AIPS }
3081 /*!
3082  * @}
3083  */ /* end of group AIPS_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
3086 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3087    -- CMP Peripheral Access Layer
3088    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3090 /*!
3091  * @addtogroup CMP_Peripheral_Access_Layer CMP Peripheral Access Layer
3092  * @{
3093  */
3095 /** CMP - Register Layout Typedef */
3096 typedef struct {
3097   __IO uint8_t CR0;                                /**< CMP Control Register 0, offset: 0x0 */
3098   __IO uint8_t CR1;                                /**< CMP Control Register 1, offset: 0x1 */
3099   __IO uint8_t FPR;                                /**< CMP Filter Period Register, offset: 0x2 */
3100   __IO uint8_t SCR;                                /**< CMP Status and Control Register, offset: 0x3 */
3101   __IO uint8_t DACCR;                              /**< DAC Control Register, offset: 0x4 */
3102   __IO uint8_t MUXCR;                              /**< MUX Control Register, offset: 0x5 */
3103 } CMP_Type;
3105 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3106    -- CMP Register Masks
3107    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3109 /*!
3110  * @addtogroup CMP_Register_Masks CMP Register Masks
3111  * @{
3112  */
3114 /*! @name CR0 - CMP Control Register 0 */
3115 /*! @{ */
3117 #define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_MASK                     (0x3U)
3118 #define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_SHIFT                    (0U)
3119 /*! HYSTCTR - Comparator hard block hysteresis control
3120  *  0b00..Level 0
3121  *  0b01..Level 1
3122  *  0b10..Level 2
3123  *  0b11..Level 3
3124  */
3125 #define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR_MASK)
3127 #define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_MASK                  (0x70U)
3128 #define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_SHIFT                 (4U)
3129 /*! FILTER_CNT - Filter Sample Count
3130  *  0b000..Filter is disabled. If SE = 1, then COUT is a logic 0. This is not a legal state, and is not recommended. If SE = 0, COUT = COUTA.
3131  *  0b001..One sample must agree. The comparator output is simply sampled.
3132  *  0b010..2 consecutive samples must agree.
3133  *  0b011..3 consecutive samples must agree.
3134  *  0b100..4 consecutive samples must agree.
3135  *  0b101..5 consecutive samples must agree.
3136  *  0b110..6 consecutive samples must agree.
3137  *  0b111..7 consecutive samples must agree.
3138  */
3139 #define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT_MASK)
3140 /*! @} */
3142 /*! @name CR1 - CMP Control Register 1 */
3143 /*! @{ */
3145 #define CMP_CR1_EN_MASK                          (0x1U)
3146 #define CMP_CR1_EN_SHIFT                         (0U)
3147 /*! EN - Comparator Module Enable
3148  *  0b0..Analog Comparator is disabled.
3149  *  0b1..Analog Comparator is enabled.
3150  */
3151 #define CMP_CR1_EN(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_EN_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_EN_MASK)
3153 #define CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK                         (0x2U)
3154 #define CMP_CR1_OPE_SHIFT                        (1U)
3155 /*! OPE - Comparator Output Pin Enable
3156  *  0b0..CMPO is not available on the associated CMPO output pin.
3157  *  0b1..CMPO is available on the associated CMPO output pin.
3158  */
3159 #define CMP_CR1_OPE(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_OPE_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_OPE_MASK)
3161 #define CMP_CR1_COS_MASK                         (0x4U)
3162 #define CMP_CR1_COS_SHIFT                        (2U)
3163 /*! COS - Comparator Output Select
3164  *  0b0..Set the filtered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUT.
3165  *  0b1..Set the unfiltered comparator output (CMPO) to equal COUTA.
3166  */
3167 #define CMP_CR1_COS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_COS_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_COS_MASK)
3169 #define CMP_CR1_INV_MASK                         (0x8U)
3170 #define CMP_CR1_INV_SHIFT                        (3U)
3171 /*! INV - Comparator INVERT
3172  *  0b0..Does not invert the comparator output.
3173  *  0b1..Inverts the comparator output.
3174  */
3175 #define CMP_CR1_INV(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_INV_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_INV_MASK)
3177 #define CMP_CR1_PMODE_MASK                       (0x10U)
3178 #define CMP_CR1_PMODE_SHIFT                      (4U)
3179 /*! PMODE - Power Mode Select
3180  *  0b0..Low-Speed (LS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has slower output propagation delay and lower current consumption.
3181  *  0b1..High-Speed (HS) Comparison mode selected. In this mode, CMP has faster output propagation delay and higher current consumption.
3182  */
3183 #define CMP_CR1_PMODE(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_PMODE_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_PMODE_MASK)
3185 #define CMP_CR1_TRIGM_MASK                       (0x20U)
3186 #define CMP_CR1_TRIGM_SHIFT                      (5U)
3187 /*! TRIGM - Trigger Mode Enable
3188  *  0b0..Trigger mode is disabled.
3189  *  0b1..Trigger mode is enabled.
3190  */
3191 #define CMP_CR1_TRIGM(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_TRIGM_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_TRIGM_MASK)
3193 #define CMP_CR1_WE_MASK                          (0x40U)
3194 #define CMP_CR1_WE_SHIFT                         (6U)
3195 /*! WE - Windowing Enable
3196  *  0b0..Windowing mode is not selected.
3197  *  0b1..Windowing mode is selected.
3198  */
3199 #define CMP_CR1_WE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_WE_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_WE_MASK)
3201 #define CMP_CR1_SE_MASK                          (0x80U)
3202 #define CMP_CR1_SE_SHIFT                         (7U)
3203 /*! SE - Sample Enable
3204  *  0b0..Sampling mode is not selected.
3205  *  0b1..Sampling mode is selected.
3206  */
3207 #define CMP_CR1_SE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_CR1_SE_SHIFT)) & CMP_CR1_SE_MASK)
3208 /*! @} */
3210 /*! @name FPR - CMP Filter Period Register */
3211 /*! @{ */
3213 #define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_MASK                    (0xFFU)
3214 #define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_SHIFT                   (0U)
3215 /*! FILT_PER - Filter Sample Period
3216  */
3217 #define CMP_FPR_FILT_PER(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_SHIFT)) & CMP_FPR_FILT_PER_MASK)
3218 /*! @} */
3220 /*! @name SCR - CMP Status and Control Register */
3221 /*! @{ */
3223 #define CMP_SCR_COUT_MASK                        (0x1U)
3224 #define CMP_SCR_COUT_SHIFT                       (0U)
3225 /*! COUT - Analog Comparator Output
3226  */
3227 #define CMP_SCR_COUT(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_COUT_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_COUT_MASK)
3229 #define CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK                         (0x2U)
3230 #define CMP_SCR_CFF_SHIFT                        (1U)
3231 /*! CFF - Analog Comparator Flag Falling
3232  *  0b0..Falling-edge on COUT has not been detected.
3233  *  0b1..Falling-edge on COUT has occurred.
3234  */
3235 #define CMP_SCR_CFF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_CFF_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK)
3237 #define CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK                         (0x4U)
3238 #define CMP_SCR_CFR_SHIFT                        (2U)
3239 /*! CFR - Analog Comparator Flag Rising
3240  *  0b0..Rising-edge on COUT has not been detected.
3241  *  0b1..Rising-edge on COUT has occurred.
3242  */
3243 #define CMP_SCR_CFR(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_CFR_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK)
3245 #define CMP_SCR_IEF_MASK                         (0x8U)
3246 #define CMP_SCR_IEF_SHIFT                        (3U)
3247 /*! IEF - Comparator Interrupt Enable Falling
3248  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
3249  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
3250  */
3251 #define CMP_SCR_IEF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_IEF_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_IEF_MASK)
3253 #define CMP_SCR_IER_MASK                         (0x10U)
3254 #define CMP_SCR_IER_SHIFT                        (4U)
3255 /*! IER - Comparator Interrupt Enable Rising
3256  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
3257  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
3258  */
3259 #define CMP_SCR_IER(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_IER_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_IER_MASK)
3261 #define CMP_SCR_DMAEN_MASK                       (0x40U)
3262 #define CMP_SCR_DMAEN_SHIFT                      (6U)
3263 /*! DMAEN - DMA Enable Control
3264  *  0b0..DMA is disabled.
3265  *  0b1..DMA is enabled.
3266  */
3267 #define CMP_SCR_DMAEN(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_SCR_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & CMP_SCR_DMAEN_MASK)
3268 /*! @} */
3270 /*! @name DACCR - DAC Control Register */
3271 /*! @{ */
3273 #define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_MASK                     (0x3FU)
3274 #define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_SHIFT                    (0U)
3275 /*! VOSEL - DAC Output Voltage Select
3276  */
3277 #define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_SHIFT)) & CMP_DACCR_VOSEL_MASK)
3279 #define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_MASK                     (0x40U)
3280 #define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_SHIFT                    (6U)
3281 /*! VRSEL - Supply Voltage Reference Source Select
3282  *  0b0..Vin1 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference.
3283  *  0b1..Vin2 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference.
3284  */
3285 #define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_SHIFT)) & CMP_DACCR_VRSEL_MASK)
3287 #define CMP_DACCR_DACEN_MASK                     (0x80U)
3288 #define CMP_DACCR_DACEN_SHIFT                    (7U)
3289 /*! DACEN - DAC Enable
3290  *  0b0..DAC is disabled.
3291  *  0b1..DAC is enabled.
3292  */
3293 #define CMP_DACCR_DACEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_DACCR_DACEN_SHIFT)) & CMP_DACCR_DACEN_MASK)
3294 /*! @} */
3296 /*! @name MUXCR - MUX Control Register */
3297 /*! @{ */
3299 #define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_MASK                      (0x7U)
3300 #define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_SHIFT                     (0U)
3301 /*! MSEL - Minus Input Mux Control
3302  *  0b000..IN0
3303  *  0b001..IN1
3304  *  0b010..IN2
3305  *  0b011..IN3
3306  *  0b100..IN4
3307  *  0b101..IN5
3308  *  0b110..IN6
3309  *  0b111..IN7
3310  */
3311 #define CMP_MUXCR_MSEL(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_SHIFT)) & CMP_MUXCR_MSEL_MASK)
3313 #define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_MASK                      (0x38U)
3314 #define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_SHIFT                     (3U)
3315 /*! PSEL - Plus Input Mux Control
3316  *  0b000..IN0
3317  *  0b001..IN1
3318  *  0b010..IN2
3319  *  0b011..IN3
3320  *  0b100..IN4
3321  *  0b101..IN5
3322  *  0b110..IN6
3323  *  0b111..IN7
3324  */
3325 #define CMP_MUXCR_PSEL(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_SHIFT)) & CMP_MUXCR_PSEL_MASK)
3326 /*! @} */
3329 /*!
3330  * @}
3331  */ /* end of group CMP_Register_Masks */
3334 /* CMP - Peripheral instance base addresses */
3335 /** Peripheral CMP0 base address */
3336 #define CMP0_BASE                                (0x40072000u)
3337 /** Peripheral CMP0 base pointer */
3338 #define CMP0                                     ((CMP_Type *)CMP0_BASE)
3339 /** Peripheral CMP1 base address */
3340 #define CMP1_BASE                                (0x40072008u)
3341 /** Peripheral CMP1 base pointer */
3342 #define CMP1                                     ((CMP_Type *)CMP1_BASE)
3343 /** Array initializer of CMP peripheral base addresses */
3344 #define CMP_BASE_ADDRS                           { CMP0_BASE, CMP1_BASE }
3345 /** Array initializer of CMP peripheral base pointers */
3346 #define CMP_BASE_PTRS                            { CMP0, CMP1 }
3347 /** Interrupt vectors for the CMP peripheral type */
3348 #define CMP_IRQS                                 { CMP0_CMP1_IRQn, CMP0_CMP1_IRQn }
3350 /*!
3351  * @}
3352  */ /* end of group CMP_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
3355 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3356    -- CRC Peripheral Access Layer
3357    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3359 /*!
3360  * @addtogroup CRC_Peripheral_Access_Layer CRC Peripheral Access Layer
3361  * @{
3362  */
3364 /** CRC - Register Layout Typedef */
3365 typedef struct {
3366   union {                                          /* offset: 0x0 */
3367     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x0 */
3368       __IO uint8_t DATALL;                             /**< CRC_DATALL register., offset: 0x0 */
3369       __IO uint8_t DATALU;                             /**< CRC_DATALU register., offset: 0x1 */
3370       __IO uint8_t DATAHL;                             /**< CRC_DATAHL register., offset: 0x2 */
3371       __IO uint8_t DATAHU;                             /**< CRC_DATAHU register., offset: 0x3 */
3372     } ACCESS8BIT;
3373     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x0 */
3374       __IO uint16_t DATAL;                             /**< CRC_DATAL register., offset: 0x0 */
3375       __IO uint16_t DATAH;                             /**< CRC_DATAH register., offset: 0x2 */
3376     } ACCESS16BIT;
3377     __IO uint32_t DATA;                              /**< CRC Data register, offset: 0x0 */
3378   };
3379   union {                                          /* offset: 0x4 */
3380     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x4 */
3381       __IO uint8_t GPOLYLL;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYLL register., offset: 0x4 */
3382       __IO uint8_t GPOLYLU;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYLU register., offset: 0x5 */
3383       __IO uint8_t GPOLYHL;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYHL register., offset: 0x6 */
3384       __IO uint8_t GPOLYHU;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYHU register., offset: 0x7 */
3385     } GPOLY_ACCESS8BIT;
3386     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x4 */
3387       __IO uint16_t GPOLYL;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYL register., offset: 0x4 */
3388       __IO uint16_t GPOLYH;                            /**< CRC_GPOLYH register., offset: 0x6 */
3389     } GPOLY_ACCESS16BIT;
3390     __IO uint32_t GPOLY;                             /**< CRC Polynomial register, offset: 0x4 */
3391   };
3392   union {                                          /* offset: 0x8 */
3393     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x8 */
3394            uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
3395       __IO uint8_t CTRLHU;                             /**< CRC_CTRLHU register., offset: 0xB */
3396     } CTRL_ACCESS8BIT;
3397     __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< CRC Control register, offset: 0x8 */
3398   };
3399 } CRC_Type;
3401 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3402    -- CRC Register Masks
3403    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3405 /*!
3406  * @addtogroup CRC_Register_Masks CRC Register Masks
3407  * @{
3408  */
3410 /*! @name DATALL - CRC_DATALL register. */
3411 /*! @{ */
3413 #define CRC_DATALL_DATALL_MASK                   (0xFFU)
3414 #define CRC_DATALL_DATALL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3415 /*! DATALL - CRCLL stores the first 8 bits of the 32 bit DATA
3416  */
3417 #define CRC_DATALL_DATALL(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_DATALL_DATALL_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATALL_DATALL_MASK)
3418 /*! @} */
3420 /*! @name DATALU - CRC_DATALU register. */
3421 /*! @{ */
3423 #define CRC_DATALU_DATALU_MASK                   (0xFFU)
3424 #define CRC_DATALU_DATALU_SHIFT                  (0U)
3425 /*! DATALU - DATALL stores the second 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3426  */
3427 #define CRC_DATALU_DATALU(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_DATALU_DATALU_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATALU_DATALU_MASK)
3428 /*! @} */
3430 /*! @name DATAHL - CRC_DATAHL register. */
3431 /*! @{ */
3433 #define CRC_DATAHL_DATAHL_MASK                   (0xFFU)
3434 #define CRC_DATAHL_DATAHL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3435 /*! DATAHL - DATAHL stores the third 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3436  */
3437 #define CRC_DATAHL_DATAHL(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_DATAHL_DATAHL_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATAHL_DATAHL_MASK)
3438 /*! @} */
3440 /*! @name DATAHU - CRC_DATAHU register. */
3441 /*! @{ */
3443 #define CRC_DATAHU_DATAHU_MASK                   (0xFFU)
3444 #define CRC_DATAHU_DATAHU_SHIFT                  (0U)
3445 /*! DATAHU - DATAHU stores the fourth 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3446  */
3447 #define CRC_DATAHU_DATAHU(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_DATAHU_DATAHU_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATAHU_DATAHU_MASK)
3448 /*! @} */
3450 /*! @name DATAL - CRC_DATAL register. */
3451 /*! @{ */
3453 #define CRC_DATAL_DATAL_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3454 #define CRC_DATAL_DATAL_SHIFT                    (0U)
3455 /*! DATAL - DATAL stores the lower 16 bits of the 16/32 bit CRC
3456  */
3457 #define CRC_DATAL_DATAL(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << CRC_DATAL_DATAL_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATAL_DATAL_MASK)
3458 /*! @} */
3460 /*! @name DATAH - CRC_DATAH register. */
3461 /*! @{ */
3463 #define CRC_DATAH_DATAH_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3464 #define CRC_DATAH_DATAH_SHIFT                    (0U)
3465 /*! DATAH - DATAH stores the high 16 bits of the 16/32 bit CRC
3466  */
3467 #define CRC_DATAH_DATAH(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << CRC_DATAH_DATAH_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATAH_DATAH_MASK)
3468 /*! @} */
3470 /*! @name DATA - CRC Data register */
3471 /*! @{ */
3473 #define CRC_DATA_LL_MASK                         (0xFFU)
3474 #define CRC_DATA_LL_SHIFT                        (0U)
3475 /*! LL - CRC Low Lower Byte
3476  */
3477 #define CRC_DATA_LL(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_DATA_LL_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATA_LL_MASK)
3479 #define CRC_DATA_LU_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
3480 #define CRC_DATA_LU_SHIFT                        (8U)
3481 /*! LU - CRC Low Upper Byte
3482  */
3483 #define CRC_DATA_LU(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_DATA_LU_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATA_LU_MASK)
3485 #define CRC_DATA_HL_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
3486 #define CRC_DATA_HL_SHIFT                        (16U)
3487 /*! HL - CRC High Lower Byte
3488  */
3489 #define CRC_DATA_HL(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_DATA_HL_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATA_HL_MASK)
3491 #define CRC_DATA_HU_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
3492 #define CRC_DATA_HU_SHIFT                        (24U)
3493 /*! HU - CRC High Upper Byte
3494  */
3495 #define CRC_DATA_HU(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_DATA_HU_SHIFT)) & CRC_DATA_HU_MASK)
3496 /*! @} */
3498 /*! @name GPOLYLL - CRC_GPOLYLL register. */
3499 /*! @{ */
3501 #define CRC_GPOLYLL_GPOLYLL_MASK                 (0xFFU)
3502 #define CRC_GPOLYLL_GPOLYLL_SHIFT                (0U)
3503 /*! GPOLYLL - POLYLL stores the first 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3504  */
3505 #define CRC_GPOLYLL_GPOLYLL(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYLL_GPOLYLL_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYLL_GPOLYLL_MASK)
3506 /*! @} */
3508 /*! @name GPOLYLU - CRC_GPOLYLU register. */
3509 /*! @{ */
3511 #define CRC_GPOLYLU_GPOLYLU_MASK                 (0xFFU)
3512 #define CRC_GPOLYLU_GPOLYLU_SHIFT                (0U)
3513 /*! GPOLYLU - POLYLL stores the second 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3514  */
3515 #define CRC_GPOLYLU_GPOLYLU(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYLU_GPOLYLU_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYLU_GPOLYLU_MASK)
3516 /*! @} */
3518 /*! @name GPOLYHL - CRC_GPOLYHL register. */
3519 /*! @{ */
3521 #define CRC_GPOLYHL_GPOLYHL_MASK                 (0xFFU)
3522 #define CRC_GPOLYHL_GPOLYHL_SHIFT                (0U)
3523 /*! GPOLYHL - POLYHL stores the third 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3524  */
3525 #define CRC_GPOLYHL_GPOLYHL(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYHL_GPOLYHL_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYHL_GPOLYHL_MASK)
3526 /*! @} */
3528 /*! @name GPOLYHU - CRC_GPOLYHU register. */
3529 /*! @{ */
3531 #define CRC_GPOLYHU_GPOLYHU_MASK                 (0xFFU)
3532 #define CRC_GPOLYHU_GPOLYHU_SHIFT                (0U)
3533 /*! GPOLYHU - POLYHU stores the fourth 8 bits of the 32 bit CRC
3534  */
3535 #define CRC_GPOLYHU_GPOLYHU(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYHU_GPOLYHU_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYHU_GPOLYHU_MASK)
3536 /*! @} */
3538 /*! @name GPOLYL - CRC_GPOLYL register. */
3539 /*! @{ */
3541 #define CRC_GPOLYL_GPOLYL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3542 #define CRC_GPOLYL_GPOLYL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3543 /*! GPOLYL - POLYL stores the lower 16 bits of the 16/32 bit CRC polynomial value
3544  */
3545 #define CRC_GPOLYL_GPOLYL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYL_GPOLYL_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYL_GPOLYL_MASK)
3546 /*! @} */
3548 /*! @name GPOLYH - CRC_GPOLYH register. */
3549 /*! @{ */
3551 #define CRC_GPOLYH_GPOLYH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3552 #define CRC_GPOLYH_GPOLYH_SHIFT                  (0U)
3553 /*! GPOLYH - POLYH stores the high 16 bits of the 16/32 bit CRC polynomial value
3554  */
3555 #define CRC_GPOLYH_GPOLYH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLYH_GPOLYH_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLYH_GPOLYH_MASK)
3556 /*! @} */
3558 /*! @name GPOLY - CRC Polynomial register */
3559 /*! @{ */
3561 #define CRC_GPOLY_LOW_MASK                       (0xFFFFU)
3562 #define CRC_GPOLY_LOW_SHIFT                      (0U)
3563 /*! LOW - Low Polynominal Half-word
3564  */
3565 #define CRC_GPOLY_LOW(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLY_LOW_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLY_LOW_MASK)
3567 #define CRC_GPOLY_HIGH_MASK                      (0xFFFF0000U)
3568 #define CRC_GPOLY_HIGH_SHIFT                     (16U)
3569 /*! HIGH - High Polynominal Half-word
3570  */
3571 #define CRC_GPOLY_HIGH(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_GPOLY_HIGH_SHIFT)) & CRC_GPOLY_HIGH_MASK)
3572 /*! @} */
3574 /*! @name CTRLHU - CRC_CTRLHU register. */
3575 /*! @{ */
3577 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TCRC_MASK                     (0x1U)
3578 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TCRC_SHIFT                    (0U)
3579 /*! TCRC
3580  *  0b0..16-bit CRC protocol.
3581  *  0b1..32-bit CRC protocol.
3582  */
3583 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TCRC(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRLHU_TCRC_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRLHU_TCRC_MASK)
3585 #define CRC_CTRLHU_WAS_MASK                      (0x2U)
3586 #define CRC_CTRLHU_WAS_SHIFT                     (1U)
3587 /*! WAS
3588  *  0b0..Writes to CRC data register are data values.
3589  *  0b1..Writes to CRC data reguster are seed values.
3590  */
3591 #define CRC_CTRLHU_WAS(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRLHU_WAS_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRLHU_WAS_MASK)
3593 #define CRC_CTRLHU_FXOR_MASK                     (0x4U)
3594 #define CRC_CTRLHU_FXOR_SHIFT                    (2U)
3595 /*! FXOR
3596  *  0b0..No XOR on reading.
3597  *  0b1..Invert or complement the read value of CRC data register.
3598  */
3599 #define CRC_CTRLHU_FXOR(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRLHU_FXOR_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRLHU_FXOR_MASK)
3601 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOTR_MASK                     (0x30U)
3602 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOTR_SHIFT                    (4U)
3603 /*! TOTR
3604  *  0b00..No Transposition.
3605  *  0b01..Bits in bytes are transposed, bytes are not transposed.
3606  *  0b10..Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
3607  *  0b11..Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
3608  */
3609 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOTR(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRLHU_TOTR_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRLHU_TOTR_MASK)
3611 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOT_MASK                      (0xC0U)
3612 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOT_SHIFT                     (6U)
3613 /*! TOT
3614  *  0b00..No Transposition.
3615  *  0b01..Bits in bytes are transposed, bytes are not transposed.
3616  *  0b10..Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
3617  *  0b11..Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
3618  */
3619 #define CRC_CTRLHU_TOT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRLHU_TOT_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRLHU_TOT_MASK)
3620 /*! @} */
3622 /*! @name CTRL - CRC Control register */
3623 /*! @{ */
3625 #define CRC_CTRL_TCRC_MASK                       (0x1000000U)
3626 #define CRC_CTRL_TCRC_SHIFT                      (24U)
3627 /*! TCRC
3628  *  0b0..16-bit CRC protocol.
3629  *  0b1..32-bit CRC protocol.
3630  */
3631 #define CRC_CTRL_TCRC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRL_TCRC_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRL_TCRC_MASK)
3633 #define CRC_CTRL_WAS_MASK                        (0x2000000U)
3634 #define CRC_CTRL_WAS_SHIFT                       (25U)
3635 /*! WAS - Write CRC Data Register As Seed
3636  *  0b0..Writes to the CRC data register are data values.
3637  *  0b1..Writes to the CRC data register are seed values.
3638  */
3639 #define CRC_CTRL_WAS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRL_WAS_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRL_WAS_MASK)
3641 #define CRC_CTRL_FXOR_MASK                       (0x4000000U)
3642 #define CRC_CTRL_FXOR_SHIFT                      (26U)
3643 /*! FXOR - Complement Read Of CRC Data Register
3644  *  0b0..No XOR on reading.
3645  *  0b1..Invert or complement the read value of the CRC Data register.
3646  */
3647 #define CRC_CTRL_FXOR(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRL_FXOR_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRL_FXOR_MASK)
3649 #define CRC_CTRL_TOTR_MASK                       (0x30000000U)
3650 #define CRC_CTRL_TOTR_SHIFT                      (28U)
3651 /*! TOTR - Type Of Transpose For Read
3652  *  0b00..No transposition.
3653  *  0b01..Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed.
3654  *  0b10..Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
3655  *  0b11..Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
3656  */
3657 #define CRC_CTRL_TOTR(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRL_TOTR_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRL_TOTR_MASK)
3659 #define CRC_CTRL_TOT_MASK                        (0xC0000000U)
3660 #define CRC_CTRL_TOT_SHIFT                       (30U)
3661 /*! TOT - Type Of Transpose For Writes
3662  *  0b00..No transposition.
3663  *  0b01..Bits in bytes are transposed; bytes are not transposed.
3664  *  0b10..Both bits in bytes and bytes are transposed.
3665  *  0b11..Only bytes are transposed; no bits in a byte are transposed.
3666  */
3667 #define CRC_CTRL_TOT(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_CTRL_TOT_SHIFT)) & CRC_CTRL_TOT_MASK)
3668 /*! @} */
3671 /*!
3672  * @}
3673  */ /* end of group CRC_Register_Masks */
3676 /* CRC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
3677 /** Peripheral CRC base address */
3678 #define CRC_BASE                                 (0x40034000u)
3679 /** Peripheral CRC base pointer */
3680 #define CRC0                                     ((CRC_Type *)CRC_BASE)
3681 /** Array initializer of CRC peripheral base addresses */
3682 #define CRC_BASE_ADDRS                           { CRC_BASE }
3683 /** Array initializer of CRC peripheral base pointers */
3684 #define CRC_BASE_PTRS                            { CRC0 }
3686 /*!
3687  * @}
3688  */ /* end of group CRC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
3691 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3692    -- DMA Peripheral Access Layer
3693    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3695 /*!
3696  * @addtogroup DMA_Peripheral_Access_Layer DMA Peripheral Access Layer
3697  * @{
3698  */
3700 /** DMA - Register Layout Typedef */
3701 typedef struct {
3702        uint8_t RESERVED_0[256];
3703   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
3704     __IO uint32_t SAR;                               /**< Source Address Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
3705     __IO uint32_t DAR;                               /**< Destination Address Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10 */
3706     union {                                          /* offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
3707       struct {                                         /* offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
3708              uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
3709              uint8_t DSR;                                /**< DMA_DSR0 register...DMA_DSR3 register., array offset: 0x10B, array step: 0x10 */
3710       } DMA_DSR_ACCESS8BIT;
3711       __IO uint32_t DSR_BCR;                           /**< DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
3712     };
3713     __IO uint32_t DCR;                               /**< DMA Control Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10 */
3714   } DMA[4];
3715 } DMA_Type;
3717 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3718    -- DMA Register Masks
3719    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3721 /*!
3722  * @addtogroup DMA_Register_Masks DMA Register Masks
3723  * @{
3724  */
3726 /*! @name SAR - Source Address Register */
3727 /*! @{ */
3729 #define DMA_SAR_SAR_MASK                         (0xFFFFFFFFU)
3730 #define DMA_SAR_SAR_SHIFT                        (0U)
3731 /*! SAR - SAR
3732  */
3733 #define DMA_SAR_SAR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_SAR_SAR_SHIFT)) & DMA_SAR_SAR_MASK)
3734 /*! @} */
3736 /* The count of DMA_SAR */
3737 #define DMA_SAR_COUNT                            (4U)
3739 /*! @name DAR - Destination Address Register */
3740 /*! @{ */
3742 #define DMA_DAR_DAR_MASK                         (0xFFFFFFFFU)
3743 #define DMA_DAR_DAR_SHIFT                        (0U)
3744 /*! DAR - DAR
3745  */
3746 #define DMA_DAR_DAR(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DAR_DAR_SHIFT)) & DMA_DAR_DAR_MASK)
3747 /*! @} */
3749 /* The count of DMA_DAR */
3750 #define DMA_DAR_COUNT                            (4U)
3752 /* The count of DMA_DSR */
3753 #define DMA_DSR_COUNT                            (4U)
3755 /*! @name DSR_BCR - DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register */
3756 /*! @{ */
3758 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_MASK                     (0xFFFFFFU)
3759 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_SHIFT                    (0U)
3760 /*! BCR - BCR
3761  */
3762 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_BCR_MASK)
3764 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK                    (0x1000000U)
3765 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_SHIFT                   (24U)
3766 /*! DONE - Transactions Done
3767  *  0b0..DMA transfer is not yet complete. Writing a 0 has no effect.
3768  *  0b1..DMA transfer completed. Writing a 1 to this bit clears all DMA status bits and should be used in an
3769  *       interrupt service routine to clear the DMA interrupt and error bits.
3770  */
3771 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_DONE_MASK)
3773 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_MASK                     (0x2000000U)
3774 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_SHIFT                    (25U)
3775 /*! BSY - Busy
3776  *  0b0..DMA channel is inactive. Cleared when the DMA has finished the last transaction.
3777  *  0b1..BSY is set the first time the channel is enabled after a transfer is initiated.
3778  */
3779 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_BSY_MASK)
3781 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_MASK                     (0x4000000U)
3782 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_SHIFT                    (26U)
3783 /*! REQ - Request
3784  *  0b0..No request is pending or the channel is currently active. Cleared when the channel is selected.
3785  *  0b1..The DMA channel has a transfer remaining and the channel is not selected.
3786  */
3787 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_REQ_MASK)
3789 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK                     (0x10000000U)
3790 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_SHIFT                    (28U)
3791 /*! BED - Bus Error on Destination
3792  *  0b0..No bus error occurred.
3793  *  0b1..The DMA channel terminated with a bus error during the write portion of a transfer.
3794  */
3795 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BED(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_BED_MASK)
3797 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK                     (0x20000000U)
3798 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_SHIFT                    (29U)
3799 /*! BES - Bus Error on Source
3800  *  0b0..No bus error occurred.
3801  *  0b1..The DMA channel terminated with a bus error during the read portion of a transfer.
3802  */
3803 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_BES(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_BES_MASK)
3805 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK                      (0x40000000U)
3806 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_SHIFT                     (30U)
3807 /*! CE - Configuration Error
3808  *  0b0..No configuration error exists.
3809  *  0b1..A configuration error has occurred.
3810  */
3811 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_CE(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_SHIFT)) & DMA_DSR_BCR_CE_MASK)
3812 /*! @} */
3814 /* The count of DMA_DSR_BCR */
3815 #define DMA_DSR_BCR_COUNT                        (4U)
3817 /*! @name DCR - DMA Control Register */
3818 /*! @{ */
3820 #define DMA_DCR_LCH2_MASK                        (0x3U)
3821 #define DMA_DCR_LCH2_SHIFT                       (0U)
3822 /*! LCH2 - Link Channel 2
3823  *  0b00..DMA Channel 0
3824  *  0b01..DMA Channel 1
3825  *  0b10..DMA Channel 2
3826  *  0b11..DMA Channel 3
3827  */
3828 #define DMA_DCR_LCH2(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_LCH2_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_LCH2_MASK)
3830 #define DMA_DCR_LCH1_MASK                        (0xCU)
3831 #define DMA_DCR_LCH1_SHIFT                       (2U)
3832 /*! LCH1 - Link Channel 1
3833  *  0b00..DMA Channel 0
3834  *  0b01..DMA Channel 1
3835  *  0b10..DMA Channel 2
3836  *  0b11..DMA Channel 3
3837  */
3838 #define DMA_DCR_LCH1(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_LCH1_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_LCH1_MASK)
3840 #define DMA_DCR_LINKCC_MASK                      (0x30U)
3841 #define DMA_DCR_LINKCC_SHIFT                     (4U)
3842 /*! LINKCC - Link Channel Control
3843  *  0b00..No channel-to-channel linking
3844  *  0b01..Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer followed by a link to LCH2 after the BCR decrements to 0.
3845  *  0b10..Perform a link to channel LCH1 after each cycle-steal transfer
3846  *  0b11..Perform a link to channel LCH1 after the BCR decrements to 0.
3847  */
3848 #define DMA_DCR_LINKCC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_LINKCC_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_LINKCC_MASK)
3850 #define DMA_DCR_D_REQ_MASK                       (0x80U)
3851 #define DMA_DCR_D_REQ_SHIFT                      (7U)
3852 /*! D_REQ - Disable Request
3853  *  0b0..ERQ bit is not affected.
3854  *  0b1..ERQ bit is cleared when the BCR is exhausted.
3855  */
3856 #define DMA_DCR_D_REQ(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_D_REQ_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_D_REQ_MASK)
3858 #define DMA_DCR_DMOD_MASK                        (0xF00U)
3859 #define DMA_DCR_DMOD_SHIFT                       (8U)
3860 /*! DMOD - Destination Address Modulo
3861  *  0b0000..Buffer disabled
3862  *  0b0001..Circular buffer size is 16 bytes
3863  *  0b0010..Circular buffer size is 32 bytes
3864  *  0b0011..Circular buffer size is 64 bytes
3865  *  0b0100..Circular buffer size is 128 bytes
3866  *  0b0101..Circular buffer size is 256 bytes
3867  *  0b0110..Circular buffer size is 512 bytes
3868  *  0b0111..Circular buffer size is 1 KB
3869  *  0b1000..Circular buffer size is 2 KB
3870  *  0b1001..Circular buffer size is 4 KB
3871  *  0b1010..Circular buffer size is 8 KB
3872  *  0b1011..Circular buffer size is 16 KB
3873  *  0b1100..Circular buffer size is 32 KB
3874  *  0b1101..Circular buffer size is 64 KB
3875  *  0b1110..Circular buffer size is 128 KB
3876  *  0b1111..Circular buffer size is 256 KB
3877  */
3878 #define DMA_DCR_DMOD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_DMOD_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_DMOD_MASK)
3880 #define DMA_DCR_SMOD_MASK                        (0xF000U)
3881 #define DMA_DCR_SMOD_SHIFT                       (12U)
3882 /*! SMOD - Source Address Modulo
3883  *  0b0000..Buffer disabled
3884  *  0b0001..Circular buffer size is 16 bytes.
3885  *  0b0010..Circular buffer size is 32 bytes.
3886  *  0b0011..Circular buffer size is 64 bytes.
3887  *  0b0100..Circular buffer size is 128 bytes.
3888  *  0b0101..Circular buffer size is 256 bytes.
3889  *  0b0110..Circular buffer size is 512 bytes.
3890  *  0b0111..Circular buffer size is 1 KB.
3891  *  0b1000..Circular buffer size is 2 KB.
3892  *  0b1001..Circular buffer size is 4 KB.
3893  *  0b1010..Circular buffer size is 8 KB.
3894  *  0b1011..Circular buffer size is 16 KB.
3895  *  0b1100..Circular buffer size is 32 KB.
3896  *  0b1101..Circular buffer size is 64 KB.
3897  *  0b1110..Circular buffer size is 128 KB.
3898  *  0b1111..Circular buffer size is 256 KB.
3899  */
3900 #define DMA_DCR_SMOD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_SMOD_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_SMOD_MASK)
3902 #define DMA_DCR_START_MASK                       (0x10000U)
3903 #define DMA_DCR_START_SHIFT                      (16U)
3904 /*! START - Start Transfer
3905  *  0b0..DMA inactive
3906  *  0b1..The DMA begins the transfer in accordance to the values in the TCDn. START is cleared automatically after
3907  *       one module clock and always reads as logic 0.
3908  */
3909 #define DMA_DCR_START(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_START_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_START_MASK)
3911 #define DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK                       (0x60000U)
3912 #define DMA_DCR_DSIZE_SHIFT                      (17U)
3913 /*! DSIZE - Destination Size
3914  *  0b00..32-bit
3915  *  0b01..8-bit
3916  *  0b10..16-bit
3917  *  0b11..Reserved (generates a configuration error (DSRn[CE]) if incorrectly specified at time of channel activation)
3918  */
3919 #define DMA_DCR_DSIZE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_DSIZE_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_DSIZE_MASK)
3921 #define DMA_DCR_DINC_MASK                        (0x80000U)
3922 #define DMA_DCR_DINC_SHIFT                       (19U)
3923 /*! DINC - Destination Increment
3924  *  0b0..No change to the DAR after a successful transfer.
3925  *  0b1..The DAR increments by 1, 2, 4 depending upon the size of the transfer.
3926  */
3927 #define DMA_DCR_DINC(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_DINC_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_DINC_MASK)
3929 #define DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK                       (0x300000U)
3930 #define DMA_DCR_SSIZE_SHIFT                      (20U)
3931 /*! SSIZE - Source Size
3932  *  0b00..32-bit
3933  *  0b01..8-bit
3934  *  0b10..16-bit
3935  *  0b11..Reserved (generates a configuration error (DSRn[CE]) if incorrectly specified at time of channel activation)
3936  */
3937 #define DMA_DCR_SSIZE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_SSIZE_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_SSIZE_MASK)
3939 #define DMA_DCR_SINC_MASK                        (0x400000U)
3940 #define DMA_DCR_SINC_SHIFT                       (22U)
3941 /*! SINC - Source Increment
3942  *  0b0..No change to SAR after a successful transfer.
3943  *  0b1..The SAR increments by 1, 2, 4 as determined by the transfer size.
3944  */
3945 #define DMA_DCR_SINC(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_SINC_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_SINC_MASK)
3947 #define DMA_DCR_EADREQ_MASK                      (0x800000U)
3948 #define DMA_DCR_EADREQ_SHIFT                     (23U)
3949 /*! EADREQ - Enable asynchronous DMA requests
3950  *  0b0..Disabled
3951  *  0b1..Enabled
3952  */
3953 #define DMA_DCR_EADREQ(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_EADREQ_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_EADREQ_MASK)
3955 #define DMA_DCR_UMNSM_MASK                       (0x3000000U)
3956 #define DMA_DCR_UMNSM_SHIFT                      (24U)
3957 /*! UMNSM - User Mode, Nonsecure Mode
3958  *  0b00..Channel attributes are set to the current mode.
3959  *  0b01..If the current mode is privileged and secure, then attributes are set to {privileged, secure}.
3960  *        Otherwise, writing this value terminates in an error.
3961  *  0b10..If the current mode is privileged and secure or if the current mode is user and secure, then attributes
3962  *        are set to {user, secure}. Otherwise, writing this value terminates in an error.
3963  *  0b11..If the current mode is privileged and secure, user and secure, or user and nonsecure, then attributes are set to {user, nonsecure}.
3964  */
3965 #define DMA_DCR_UMNSM(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_UMNSM_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_UMNSM_MASK)
3967 #define DMA_DCR_CHACR_MASK                       (0xC000000U)
3968 #define DMA_DCR_CHACR_SHIFT                      (26U)
3969 /*! CHACR - Channel Access Control
3970  */
3971 #define DMA_DCR_CHACR(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_CHACR_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_CHACR_MASK)
3973 #define DMA_DCR_AA_MASK                          (0x10000000U)
3974 #define DMA_DCR_AA_SHIFT                         (28U)
3975 /*! AA - Auto-align
3976  *  0b0..Auto-align disabled
3977  *  0b1..If SSIZE indicates a transfer no smaller than DSIZE, source accesses are auto-aligned; otherwise,
3978  *       destination accesses are auto-aligned. Source alignment takes precedence over destination alignment. If
3979  *       auto-alignment is enabled, the appropriate address register increments, regardless of DINC or SINC.
3980  */
3981 #define DMA_DCR_AA(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_AA_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_AA_MASK)
3983 #define DMA_DCR_CS_MASK                          (0x20000000U)
3984 #define DMA_DCR_CS_SHIFT                         (29U)
3985 /*! CS - Cycle Steal
3986  *  0b0..DMA continuously makes read/write transfers until the BCR decrements to 0.
3987  *  0b1..Forces a single read/write transfer per request.
3988  */
3989 #define DMA_DCR_CS(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_CS_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_CS_MASK)
3991 #define DMA_DCR_ERQ_MASK                         (0x40000000U)
3992 #define DMA_DCR_ERQ_SHIFT                        (30U)
3993 /*! ERQ - Enable Peripheral Request
3994  *  0b0..Peripheral request is ignored.
3995  *  0b1..Enables peripheral request to initiate transfer. A software-initiated request (setting START) is always enabled.
3996  */
3997 #define DMA_DCR_ERQ(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_ERQ_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_ERQ_MASK)
3999 #define DMA_DCR_EINT_MASK                        (0x80000000U)
4000 #define DMA_DCR_EINT_SHIFT                       (31U)
4001 /*! EINT - Enable Interrupt on Completion of Transfer
4002  *  0b0..No interrupt is generated.
4003  *  0b1..Interrupt signal is enabled.
4004  */
4005 #define DMA_DCR_EINT(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << DMA_DCR_EINT_SHIFT)) & DMA_DCR_EINT_MASK)
4006 /*! @} */
4008 /* The count of DMA_DCR */
4009 #define DMA_DCR_COUNT                            (4U)
4012 /*!
4013  * @}
4014  */ /* end of group DMA_Register_Masks */
4017 /* DMA - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4018 /** Peripheral DMA base address */
4019 #define DMA_BASE                                 (0x40008000u)
4020 /** Peripheral DMA base pointer */
4021 #define DMA0                                     ((DMA_Type *)DMA_BASE)
4022 /** Array initializer of DMA peripheral base addresses */
4023 #define DMA_BASE_ADDRS                           { DMA_BASE }
4024 /** Array initializer of DMA peripheral base pointers */
4025 #define DMA_BASE_PTRS                            { DMA0 }
4026 /** Interrupt vectors for the DMA peripheral type */
4027 #define DMA_CHN_IRQS                             { { DMA0_IRQn, DMA1_IRQn, DMA2_IRQn, DMA3_IRQn } }
4029 /*!
4030  * @}
4031  */ /* end of group DMA_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4034 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4035    -- DMAMUX Peripheral Access Layer
4036    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4038 /*!
4039  * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Peripheral_Access_Layer DMAMUX Peripheral Access Layer
4040  * @{
4041  */
4043 /** DMAMUX - Register Layout Typedef */
4044 typedef struct {
4045   __IO uint8_t CHCFG[1];                           /**< Channel Configuration register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x1 */
4046 } DMAMUX_Type;
4048 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4049    -- DMAMUX Register Masks
4050    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4052 /*!
4053  * @addtogroup DMAMUX_Register_Masks DMAMUX Register Masks
4054  * @{
4055  */
4057 /*! @name CHCFG - Channel Configuration register */
4058 /*! @{ */
4060 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK                 (0x3FU)
4061 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_SHIFT                (0U)
4062 /*! SOURCE - DMA Channel Source (Slot)
4063  */
4064 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_SHIFT)) & DMAMUX_CHCFG_SOURCE_MASK)
4066 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_MASK                   (0x40U)
4067 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_SHIFT                  (6U)
4068 /*! TRIG - DMA Channel Trigger Enable
4069  *  0b0..Triggering is disabled. If triggering is disabled and ENBL is set, the DMA Channel will simply route the
4070  *       specified source to the DMA channel. (Normal mode)
4071  *  0b1..Triggering is enabled. If triggering is enabled and ENBL is set, the DMAMUX is in Periodic Trigger mode.
4072  */
4073 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_SHIFT)) & DMAMUX_CHCFG_TRIG_MASK)
4075 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK                   (0x80U)
4076 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_SHIFT                  (7U)
4077 /*! ENBL - DMA Channel Enable
4078  *  0b0..DMA channel is disabled. This mode is primarily used during configuration of the DMAMux. The DMA has
4079  *       separate channel enables/disables, which should be used to disable or reconfigure a DMA channel.
4080  *  0b1..DMA channel is enabled
4081  */
4082 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_SHIFT)) & DMAMUX_CHCFG_ENBL_MASK)
4083 /*! @} */
4085 /* The count of DMAMUX_CHCFG */
4086 #define DMAMUX_CHCFG_COUNT                       (1U)
4089 /*!
4090  * @}
4091  */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Register_Masks */
4094 /* DMAMUX - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4095 /** Peripheral DMAMUX0 base address */
4096 #define DMAMUX0_BASE                             (0x40021000u)
4097 /** Peripheral DMAMUX0 base pointer */
4098 #define DMAMUX0                                  ((DMAMUX_Type *)DMAMUX0_BASE)
4099 /** Peripheral DMAMUX1 base address */
4100 #define DMAMUX1_BASE                             (0x40022000u)
4101 /** Peripheral DMAMUX1 base pointer */
4102 #define DMAMUX1                                  ((DMAMUX_Type *)DMAMUX1_BASE)
4103 /** Peripheral DMAMUX2 base address */
4104 #define DMAMUX2_BASE                             (0x40023000u)
4105 /** Peripheral DMAMUX2 base pointer */
4106 #define DMAMUX2                                  ((DMAMUX_Type *)DMAMUX2_BASE)
4107 /** Peripheral DMAMUX3 base address */
4108 #define DMAMUX3_BASE                             (0x40024000u)
4109 /** Peripheral DMAMUX3 base pointer */
4110 #define DMAMUX3                                  ((DMAMUX_Type *)DMAMUX3_BASE)
4111 /** Array initializer of DMAMUX peripheral base addresses */
4112 #define DMAMUX_BASE_ADDRS                        { DMAMUX0_BASE, DMAMUX1_BASE, DMAMUX2_BASE, DMAMUX3_BASE }
4113 /** Array initializer of DMAMUX peripheral base pointers */
4114 #define DMAMUX_BASE_PTRS                         { DMAMUX0, DMAMUX1, DMAMUX2, DMAMUX3 }
4116 /*!
4117  * @}
4118  */ /* end of group DMAMUX_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4121 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4122    -- EWM Peripheral Access Layer
4123    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4125 /*!
4126  * @addtogroup EWM_Peripheral_Access_Layer EWM Peripheral Access Layer
4127  * @{
4128  */
4130 /** EWM - Register Layout Typedef */
4131 typedef struct {
4132   __IO uint8_t CTRL;                               /**< Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
4133   __O  uint8_t SERV;                               /**< Service Register, offset: 0x1 */
4134   __IO uint8_t CMPL;                               /**< Compare Low Register, offset: 0x2 */
4135   __IO uint8_t CMPH;                               /**< Compare High Register, offset: 0x3 */
4136 } EWM_Type;
4138 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4139    -- EWM Register Masks
4140    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4142 /*!
4143  * @addtogroup EWM_Register_Masks EWM Register Masks
4144  * @{
4145  */
4147 /*! @name CTRL - Control Register */
4148 /*! @{ */
4150 #define EWM_CTRL_EWMEN_MASK                      (0x1U)
4151 #define EWM_CTRL_EWMEN_SHIFT                     (0U)
4152 /*! EWMEN - EWM enable.
4153  */
4154 #define EWM_CTRL_EWMEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CTRL_EWMEN_SHIFT)) & EWM_CTRL_EWMEN_MASK)
4156 #define EWM_CTRL_ASSIN_MASK                      (0x2U)
4157 #define EWM_CTRL_ASSIN_SHIFT                     (1U)
4158 /*! ASSIN - EWM_in's Assertion State Select.
4159  */
4160 #define EWM_CTRL_ASSIN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CTRL_ASSIN_SHIFT)) & EWM_CTRL_ASSIN_MASK)
4162 #define EWM_CTRL_INEN_MASK                       (0x4U)
4163 #define EWM_CTRL_INEN_SHIFT                      (2U)
4164 /*! INEN - Input Enable.
4165  */
4166 #define EWM_CTRL_INEN(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CTRL_INEN_SHIFT)) & EWM_CTRL_INEN_MASK)
4168 #define EWM_CTRL_INTEN_MASK                      (0x8U)
4169 #define EWM_CTRL_INTEN_SHIFT                     (3U)
4170 /*! INTEN - Interrupt Enable.
4171  */
4172 #define EWM_CTRL_INTEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CTRL_INTEN_SHIFT)) & EWM_CTRL_INTEN_MASK)
4173 /*! @} */
4175 /*! @name SERV - Service Register */
4176 /*! @{ */
4178 #define EWM_SERV_SERVICE_MASK                    (0xFFU)
4179 #define EWM_SERV_SERVICE_SHIFT                   (0U)
4180 #define EWM_SERV_SERVICE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_SERV_SERVICE_SHIFT)) & EWM_SERV_SERVICE_MASK)
4181 /*! @} */
4183 /*! @name CMPL - Compare Low Register */
4184 /*! @{ */
4186 #define EWM_CMPL_COMPAREL_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4187 #define EWM_CMPL_COMPAREL_SHIFT                  (0U)
4188 #define EWM_CMPL_COMPAREL(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CMPL_COMPAREL_SHIFT)) & EWM_CMPL_COMPAREL_MASK)
4189 /*! @} */
4191 /*! @name CMPH - Compare High Register */
4192 /*! @{ */
4194 #define EWM_CMPH_COMPAREH_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4195 #define EWM_CMPH_COMPAREH_SHIFT                  (0U)
4196 #define EWM_CMPH_COMPAREH(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << EWM_CMPH_COMPAREH_SHIFT)) & EWM_CMPH_COMPAREH_MASK)
4197 /*! @} */
4200 /*!
4201  * @}
4202  */ /* end of group EWM_Register_Masks */
4205 /* EWM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4206 /** Peripheral EWM base address */
4207 #define EWM_BASE                                 (0x40061000u)
4208 /** Peripheral EWM base pointer */
4209 #define EWM                                      ((EWM_Type *)EWM_BASE)
4210 /** Array initializer of EWM peripheral base addresses */
4211 #define EWM_BASE_ADDRS                           { EWM_BASE }
4212 /** Array initializer of EWM peripheral base pointers */
4213 #define EWM_BASE_PTRS                            { EWM }
4214 /** Interrupt vectors for the EWM peripheral type */
4215 #define EWM_IRQS                                 { EWM_IRQn }
4217 /*!
4218  * @}
4219  */ /* end of group EWM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4222 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4223    -- FTFA Peripheral Access Layer
4224    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4226 /*!
4227  * @addtogroup FTFA_Peripheral_Access_Layer FTFA Peripheral Access Layer
4228  * @{
4229  */
4231 /** FTFA - Register Layout Typedef */
4232 typedef struct {
4233   __IO uint8_t FSTAT;                              /**< Flash Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
4234   __IO uint8_t FCNFG;                              /**< Flash Configuration Register, offset: 0x1 */
4235   __I  uint8_t FSEC;                               /**< Flash Security Register, offset: 0x2 */
4236   __I  uint8_t FOPT;                               /**< Flash Option Register, offset: 0x3 */
4237   __IO uint8_t FCCOB3;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x4 */
4238   __IO uint8_t FCCOB2;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x5 */
4239   __IO uint8_t FCCOB1;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x6 */
4240   __IO uint8_t FCCOB0;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x7 */
4241   __IO uint8_t FCCOB7;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x8 */
4242   __IO uint8_t FCCOB6;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0x9 */
4243   __IO uint8_t FCCOB5;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xA */
4244   __IO uint8_t FCCOB4;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xB */
4245   __IO uint8_t FCCOBB;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xC */
4246   __IO uint8_t FCCOBA;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xD */
4247   __IO uint8_t FCCOB9;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xE */
4248   __IO uint8_t FCCOB8;                             /**< Flash Common Command Object Registers, offset: 0xF */
4249   __IO uint8_t FPROT3;                             /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x10 */
4250   __IO uint8_t FPROT2;                             /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x11 */
4251   __IO uint8_t FPROT1;                             /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x12 */
4252   __IO uint8_t FPROT0;                             /**< Program Flash Protection Registers, offset: 0x13 */
4253 } FTFA_Type;
4255 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4256    -- FTFA Register Masks
4257    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4259 /*!
4260  * @addtogroup FTFA_Register_Masks FTFA Register Masks
4261  * @{
4262  */
4264 /*! @name FSTAT - Flash Status Register */
4265 /*! @{ */
4267 #define FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_MASK                  (0x1U)
4268 #define FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_SHIFT                 (0U)
4269 /*! MGSTAT0 - Memory Controller Command Completion Status Flag
4270  */
4271 #define FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_MASK)
4273 #define FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_MASK                   (0x10U)
4274 #define FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_SHIFT                  (4U)
4275 /*! FPVIOL - Flash Protection Violation Flag
4276  *  0b0..No protection violation detected
4277  *  0b1..Protection violation detected
4278  */
4279 #define FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSTAT_FPVIOL_MASK)
4281 #define FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_MASK                   (0x20U)
4282 #define FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_SHIFT                  (5U)
4283 /*! ACCERR - Flash Access Error Flag
4284  *  0b0..No access error detected
4285  *  0b1..Access error detected
4286  */
4287 #define FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSTAT_ACCERR_MASK)
4289 #define FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_MASK                 (0x40U)
4290 #define FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_SHIFT                (6U)
4291 /*! RDCOLERR - Flash Read Collision Error Flag
4292  *  0b0..No collision error detected
4293  *  0b1..Collision error detected
4294  */
4295 #define FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_MASK)
4297 #define FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK                     (0x80U)
4298 #define FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_SHIFT                    (7U)
4299 /*! CCIF - Command Complete Interrupt Flag
4300  *  0b0..Flash command in progress
4301  *  0b1..Flash command has completed
4302  */
4303 #define FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)
4304 /*! @} */
4306 /*! @name FCNFG - Flash Configuration Register */
4307 /*! @{ */
4309 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK                  (0x10U)
4310 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_SHIFT                 (4U)
4311 /*! ERSSUSP - Erase Suspend
4312  *  0b0..No suspend requested
4313  *  0b1..Suspend the current Erase Flash Sector command execution.
4314  */
4315 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK)
4317 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_MASK                  (0x20U)
4318 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_SHIFT                 (5U)
4319 /*! ERSAREQ - Erase All Request
4320  *  0b0..No request or request complete
4321  *  0b1..Request to: run the Erase All Blocks command, verify the erased state, program the security byte in the
4322  *       Flash Configuration Field to the unsecure state, and release MCU security by setting the FSEC[SEC] field to
4323  *       the unsecure state.
4324  */
4325 #define FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCNFG_ERSAREQ_MASK)
4327 #define FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_MASK                 (0x40U)
4328 #define FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_SHIFT                (6U)
4329 /*! RDCOLLIE - Read Collision Error Interrupt Enable
4330  *  0b0..Read collision error interrupt disabled
4331  *  0b1..Read collision error interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever a flash memory read
4332  *       collision error is detected (see the description of FSTAT[RDCOLERR]).
4333  */
4334 #define FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_MASK)
4336 #define FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_MASK                     (0x80U)
4337 #define FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_SHIFT                    (7U)
4338 /*! CCIE - Command Complete Interrupt Enable
4339  *  0b0..Command complete interrupt disabled
4340  *  0b1..Command complete interrupt enabled. An interrupt request is generated whenever the FSTAT[CCIF] flag is set.
4341  */
4342 #define FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCNFG_CCIE_MASK)
4343 /*! @} */
4345 /*! @name FSEC - Flash Security Register */
4346 /*! @{ */
4348 #define FTFA_FSEC_SEC_MASK                       (0x3U)
4349 #define FTFA_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT                      (0U)
4350 /*! SEC - Flash Security
4351  *  0b00..MCU security status is secure.
4352  *  0b01..MCU security status is secure.
4353  *  0b10..MCU security status is unsecure. (The standard shipping condition of the flash memory module is unsecure.)
4354  *  0b11..MCU security status is secure.
4355  */
4356 #define FTFA_FSEC_SEC(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSEC_SEC_MASK)
4358 #define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK                    (0xCU)
4359 #define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT                   (2U)
4360 /*! FSLACC - Factory Security Level Access Code
4361  *  0b00..NXP factory access granted
4362  *  0b01..NXP factory access denied
4363  *  0b10..NXP factory access denied
4364  *  0b11..NXP factory access granted
4365  */
4366 #define FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK)
4368 #define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_MASK                      (0x30U)
4369 #define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT                     (4U)
4370 /*! MEEN - Mass Erase Enable
4371  *  0b00..Mass erase is enabled
4372  *  0b01..Mass erase is enabled
4373  *  0b10..Mass erase is disabled
4374  *  0b11..Mass erase is enabled
4375  */
4376 #define FTFA_FSEC_MEEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSEC_MEEN_MASK)
4378 #define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK                     (0xC0U)
4379 #define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT                    (6U)
4380 /*! KEYEN - Backdoor Key Security Enable
4381  *  0b00..Backdoor key access disabled
4382  *  0b01..Backdoor key access disabled (preferred KEYEN state to disable backdoor key access)
4383  *  0b10..Backdoor key access enabled
4384  *  0b11..Backdoor key access disabled
4385  */
4386 #define FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK)
4387 /*! @} */
4389 /*! @name FOPT - Flash Option Register */
4390 /*! @{ */
4392 #define FTFA_FOPT_OPT_MASK                       (0xFFU)
4393 #define FTFA_FOPT_OPT_SHIFT                      (0U)
4394 /*! OPT - Nonvolatile Option
4395  */
4396 #define FTFA_FOPT_OPT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FOPT_OPT_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FOPT_OPT_MASK)
4397 /*! @} */
4399 /*! @name FCCOB3 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4400 /*! @{ */
4402 #define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4403 #define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4404 #define FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB3_CCOBn_MASK)
4405 /*! @} */
4407 /*! @name FCCOB2 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4408 /*! @{ */
4410 #define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4411 #define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4412 #define FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB2_CCOBn_MASK)
4413 /*! @} */
4415 /*! @name FCCOB1 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4416 /*! @{ */
4418 #define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4419 #define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4420 #define FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB1_CCOBn_MASK)
4421 /*! @} */
4423 /*! @name FCCOB0 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4424 /*! @{ */
4426 #define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4427 #define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4428 #define FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB0_CCOBn_MASK)
4429 /*! @} */
4431 /*! @name FCCOB7 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4432 /*! @{ */
4434 #define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4435 #define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4436 #define FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB7_CCOBn_MASK)
4437 /*! @} */
4439 /*! @name FCCOB6 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4440 /*! @{ */
4442 #define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4443 #define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4444 #define FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB6_CCOBn_MASK)
4445 /*! @} */
4447 /*! @name FCCOB5 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4448 /*! @{ */
4450 #define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4451 #define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4452 #define FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB5_CCOBn_MASK)
4453 /*! @} */
4455 /*! @name FCCOB4 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4456 /*! @{ */
4458 #define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4459 #define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4460 #define FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB4_CCOBn_MASK)
4461 /*! @} */
4463 /*! @name FCCOBB - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4464 /*! @{ */
4466 #define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4467 #define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4468 #define FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOBB_CCOBn_MASK)
4469 /*! @} */
4471 /*! @name FCCOBA - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4472 /*! @{ */
4474 #define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4475 #define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4476 #define FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOBA_CCOBn_MASK)
4477 /*! @} */
4479 /*! @name FCCOB9 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4480 /*! @{ */
4482 #define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4483 #define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4484 #define FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB9_CCOBn_MASK)
4485 /*! @} */
4487 /*! @name FCCOB8 - Flash Common Command Object Registers */
4488 /*! @{ */
4490 #define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_MASK                   (0xFFU)
4491 #define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_SHIFT                  (0U)
4492 #define FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FCCOB8_CCOBn_MASK)
4493 /*! @} */
4495 /*! @name FPROT3 - Program Flash Protection Registers */
4496 /*! @{ */
4498 #define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_MASK                    (0xFFU)
4499 #define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT                   (0U)
4500 /*! PROT - Program Flash Region Protect
4501  *  0b00000000..Program flash region is protected.
4502  *  0b00000001..Program flash region is not protected
4503  */
4504 #define FTFA_FPROT3_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FPROT3_PROT_MASK)
4505 /*! @} */
4507 /*! @name FPROT2 - Program Flash Protection Registers */
4508 /*! @{ */
4510 #define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_MASK                    (0xFFU)
4511 #define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT                   (0U)
4512 /*! PROT - Program Flash Region Protect
4513  *  0b00000000..Program flash region is protected.
4514  *  0b00000001..Program flash region is not protected
4515  */
4516 #define FTFA_FPROT2_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FPROT2_PROT_MASK)
4517 /*! @} */
4519 /*! @name FPROT1 - Program Flash Protection Registers */
4520 /*! @{ */
4522 #define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_MASK                    (0xFFU)
4523 #define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT                   (0U)
4524 /*! PROT - Program Flash Region Protect
4525  *  0b00000000..Program flash region is protected.
4526  *  0b00000001..Program flash region is not protected
4527  */
4528 #define FTFA_FPROT1_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FPROT1_PROT_MASK)
4529 /*! @} */
4531 /*! @name FPROT0 - Program Flash Protection Registers */
4532 /*! @{ */
4534 #define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_MASK                    (0xFFU)
4535 #define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT                   (0U)
4536 /*! PROT - Program Flash Region Protect
4537  *  0b00000000..Program flash region is protected.
4538  *  0b00000001..Program flash region is not protected
4539  */
4540 #define FTFA_FPROT0_PROT(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT)) & FTFA_FPROT0_PROT_MASK)
4541 /*! @} */
4544 /*!
4545  * @}
4546  */ /* end of group FTFA_Register_Masks */
4549 /* FTFA - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4550 /** Peripheral FTFA base address */
4551 #define FTFA_BASE                                (0x40020000u)
4552 /** Peripheral FTFA base pointer */
4553 #define FTFA                                     ((FTFA_Type *)FTFA_BASE)
4554 /** Array initializer of FTFA peripheral base addresses */
4555 #define FTFA_BASE_ADDRS                          { FTFA_BASE }
4556 /** Array initializer of FTFA peripheral base pointers */
4557 #define FTFA_BASE_PTRS                           { FTFA }
4558 /** Interrupt vectors for the FTFA peripheral type */
4559 #define FTFA_COMMAND_COMPLETE_IRQS               { FTFA_IRQn }
4561 /*!
4562  * @}
4563  */ /* end of group FTFA_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4566 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4567    -- GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
4568    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4570 /*!
4571  * @addtogroup GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
4572  * @{
4573  */
4575 /** GPIO - Register Layout Typedef */
4576 typedef struct {
4577   __IO uint8_t PDOR;                               /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
4578        uint8_t RESERVED_0[15];
4579   __I  uint8_t PDIR;                               /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
4580        uint8_t RESERVED_1[3];
4581   __IO uint8_t PDDR;                               /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
4582        uint8_t RESERVED_2[7];
4583   __IO uint8_t GACR;                               /**< GPIO Attribute Checker Register, offset: 0x1C */
4584 } GPIO_Type;
4586 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4587    -- GPIO Register Masks
4588    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4590 /*!
4591  * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Masks GPIO Register Masks
4592  * @{
4593  */
4595 /*! @name PDOR - Port Data Output Register */
4596 /*! @{ */
4598 #define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK                       (0xFFU)
4599 #define GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT                      (0U)
4600 /*! PDO - Port Data Output
4601  *  0b00000000..Logic level 0 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output.
4602  *  0b00000001..Logic level 1 is driven on pin, provided pin is configured for general-purpose output.
4603  */
4604 #define GPIO_PDOR_PDO(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_PDOR_PDO_SHIFT)) & GPIO_PDOR_PDO_MASK)
4605 /*! @} */
4607 /*! @name PDIR - Port Data Input Register */
4608 /*! @{ */
4610 #define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK                       (0xFFU)
4611 #define GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT                      (0U)
4612 /*! PDI - Port Data Input
4613  *  0b00000000..Pin logic level is logic 0, or is not configured for use by digital function.
4614  *  0b00000001..Pin logic level is logic 1.
4615  */
4616 #define GPIO_PDIR_PDI(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_PDIR_PDI_SHIFT)) & GPIO_PDIR_PDI_MASK)
4617 /*! @} */
4619 /*! @name PDDR - Port Data Direction Register */
4620 /*! @{ */
4622 #define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK                       (0xFFU)
4623 #define GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT                      (0U)
4624 /*! PDD - Port Data Direction
4625  *  0b00000000..Pin is configured as general-purpose input, for the GPIO function.
4626  *  0b00000001..Pin is configured as general-purpose output, for the GPIO function.
4627  */
4628 #define GPIO_PDDR_PDD(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_PDDR_PDD_SHIFT)) & GPIO_PDDR_PDD_MASK)
4629 /*! @} */
4631 /*! @name GACR - GPIO Attribute Checker Register */
4632 /*! @{ */
4634 #define GPIO_GACR_ACB_MASK                       (0x7U)
4635 #define GPIO_GACR_ACB_SHIFT                      (0U)
4636 /*! ACB - Attribute Check Byte
4637  *  0b000..User nonsecure: Read + Write; User Secure: Read + Write; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4638  *  0b001..User nonsecure: Read; User Secure: Read + Write; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4639  *  0b010..User nonsecure: None; User Secure: Read + Write; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4640  *  0b011..User nonsecure: Read; User Secure: Read; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4641  *  0b100..User nonsecure: None; User Secure: Read; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4642  *  0b101..User nonsecure: None; User Secure: None; Privileged Secure: Read + Write
4643  *  0b110..User nonsecure: None; User Secure: None; Privileged Secure: Read
4644  *  0b111..User nonsecure: None; User Secure: None; Privileged Secure: None
4645  */
4646 #define GPIO_GACR_ACB(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_GACR_ACB_SHIFT)) & GPIO_GACR_ACB_MASK)
4648 #define GPIO_GACR_ROB_MASK                       (0x80U)
4649 #define GPIO_GACR_ROB_SHIFT                      (7U)
4650 /*! ROB - Read-Only Byte
4651  *  0b0..Writes to the ACB are allowed.
4652  *  0b1..Writes to the ACB are ignored.
4653  */
4654 #define GPIO_GACR_ROB(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_GACR_ROB_SHIFT)) & GPIO_GACR_ROB_MASK)
4655 /*! @} */
4658 /*!
4659  * @}
4660  */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Masks */
4663 /* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4664 /** Peripheral GPIOA base address */
4665 #define GPIOA_BASE                               (0x400FF000u)
4666 /** Peripheral GPIOA base pointer */
4667 #define GPIOA                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOA_BASE)
4668 /** Peripheral GPIOB base address */
4669 #define GPIOB_BASE                               (0x400FF001u)
4670 /** Peripheral GPIOB base pointer */
4671 #define GPIOB                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOB_BASE)
4672 /** Peripheral GPIOC base address */
4673 #define GPIOC_BASE                               (0x400FF002u)
4674 /** Peripheral GPIOC base pointer */
4675 #define GPIOC                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOC_BASE)
4676 /** Peripheral GPIOD base address */
4677 #define GPIOD_BASE                               (0x400FF003u)
4678 /** Peripheral GPIOD base pointer */
4679 #define GPIOD                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOD_BASE)
4680 /** Peripheral GPIOE base address */
4681 #define GPIOE_BASE                               (0x400FF040u)
4682 /** Peripheral GPIOE base pointer */
4683 #define GPIOE                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOE_BASE)
4684 /** Peripheral GPIOF base address */
4685 #define GPIOF_BASE                               (0x400FF041u)
4686 /** Peripheral GPIOF base pointer */
4687 #define GPIOF                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOF_BASE)
4688 /** Peripheral GPIOG base address */
4689 #define GPIOG_BASE                               (0x400FF042u)
4690 /** Peripheral GPIOG base pointer */
4691 #define GPIOG                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOG_BASE)
4692 /** Peripheral GPIOH base address */
4693 #define GPIOH_BASE                               (0x400FF043u)
4694 /** Peripheral GPIOH base pointer */
4695 #define GPIOH                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOH_BASE)
4696 /** Peripheral GPIOI base address */
4697 #define GPIOI_BASE                               (0x400FF080u)
4698 /** Peripheral GPIOI base pointer */
4699 #define GPIOI                                    ((GPIO_Type *)GPIOI_BASE)
4700 /** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base addresses */
4702 /** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base pointers */
4703 #define GPIO_BASE_PTRS                           { GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, GPIOD, GPIOE, GPIOF, GPIOG, GPIOH, GPIOI }
4705 /*!
4706  * @}
4707  */ /* end of group GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4710 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4711    -- I2C Peripheral Access Layer
4712    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4714 /*!
4715  * @addtogroup I2C_Peripheral_Access_Layer I2C Peripheral Access Layer
4716  * @{
4717  */
4719 /** I2C - Register Layout Typedef */
4720 typedef struct {
4721   __IO uint8_t A1;                                 /**< I2C Address Register 1, offset: 0x0 */
4722   __IO uint8_t F;                                  /**< I2C Frequency Divider register, offset: 0x1 */
4723   __IO uint8_t C1;                                 /**< I2C Control Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
4724   __IO uint8_t S;                                  /**< I2C Status register, offset: 0x3 */
4725   __IO uint8_t D;                                  /**< I2C Data I/O register, offset: 0x4 */
4726   __IO uint8_t C2;                                 /**< I2C Control Register 2, offset: 0x5 */
4727   __IO uint8_t FLT;                                /**< I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register, offset: 0x6 */
4728   __IO uint8_t RA;                                 /**< I2C Range Address register, offset: 0x7 */
4729   __IO uint8_t SMB;                                /**< I2C SMBus Control and Status register, offset: 0x8 */
4730   __IO uint8_t A2;                                 /**< I2C Address Register 2, offset: 0x9 */
4731   __IO uint8_t SLTH;                               /**< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High, offset: 0xA */
4732   __IO uint8_t SLTL;                               /**< I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low, offset: 0xB */
4733 } I2C_Type;
4735 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4736    -- I2C Register Masks
4737    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4739 /*!
4740  * @addtogroup I2C_Register_Masks I2C Register Masks
4741  * @{
4742  */
4744 /*! @name A1 - I2C Address Register 1 */
4745 /*! @{ */
4747 #define I2C_A1_AD_MASK                           (0xFEU)
4748 #define I2C_A1_AD_SHIFT                          (1U)
4749 /*! AD - Address
4750  */
4751 #define I2C_A1_AD(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_A1_AD_SHIFT)) & I2C_A1_AD_MASK)
4752 /*! @} */
4754 /*! @name F - I2C Frequency Divider register */
4755 /*! @{ */
4757 #define I2C_F_ICR_MASK                           (0x3FU)
4758 #define I2C_F_ICR_SHIFT                          (0U)
4759 /*! ICR - ClockRate
4760  */
4761 #define I2C_F_ICR(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_F_ICR_SHIFT)) & I2C_F_ICR_MASK)
4763 #define I2C_F_MULT_MASK                          (0xC0U)
4764 #define I2C_F_MULT_SHIFT                         (6U)
4765 /*! MULT - Multiplier Factor
4766  *  0b00..mul = 1
4767  *  0b01..mul = 2
4768  *  0b10..mul = 4
4769  *  0b11..Reserved
4770  */
4771 #define I2C_F_MULT(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_F_MULT_SHIFT)) & I2C_F_MULT_MASK)
4772 /*! @} */
4774 /*! @name C1 - I2C Control Register 1 */
4775 /*! @{ */
4777 #define I2C_C1_DMAEN_MASK                        (0x1U)
4778 #define I2C_C1_DMAEN_SHIFT                       (0U)
4779 /*! DMAEN - DMA Enable
4780  *  0b0..All DMA signalling disabled.
4781  *  0b1..DMA transfer is enabled. While SMB[FACK] = 0, the following conditions trigger the DMA request: a data
4782  *       byte is received, and either address or data is transmitted. (ACK/NACK is automatic) the first byte received
4783  *       matches the A1 register or is a general call address. If any address matching occurs, S[IAAS] and S[TCF]
4784  *       are set. If the direction of transfer is known from master to slave, then it is not required to check
4785  *       S[SRW]. With this assumption, DMA can also be used in this case. In other cases, if the master reads data from
4786  *       the slave, then it is required to rewrite the C1 register operation. With this assumption, DMA cannot be
4787  *       used. When FACK = 1, an address or a data byte is transmitted.
4788  */
4789 #define I2C_C1_DMAEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_DMAEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_DMAEN_MASK)
4791 #define I2C_C1_WUEN_MASK                         (0x2U)
4792 #define I2C_C1_WUEN_SHIFT                        (1U)
4793 /*! WUEN - Wakeup Enable
4794  *  0b0..Normal operation. No interrupt generated when address matching in low power mode.
4795  *  0b1..Enables the wakeup function in low power mode.
4796  */
4797 #define I2C_C1_WUEN(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_WUEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_WUEN_MASK)
4799 #define I2C_C1_RSTA_MASK                         (0x4U)
4800 #define I2C_C1_RSTA_SHIFT                        (2U)
4801 /*! RSTA - Repeat START
4802  */
4803 #define I2C_C1_RSTA(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_RSTA_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_RSTA_MASK)
4805 #define I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK                         (0x8U)
4806 #define I2C_C1_TXAK_SHIFT                        (3U)
4807 /*! TXAK - Transmit Acknowledge Enable
4808  *  0b0..An acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving byte (if FACK is cleared) or the
4809  *       current receiving byte (if FACK is set).
4810  *  0b1..No acknowledge signal is sent to the bus on the following receiving data byte (if FACK is cleared) or the
4811  *       current receiving data byte (if FACK is set).
4812  */
4813 #define I2C_C1_TXAK(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_TXAK_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_TXAK_MASK)
4815 #define I2C_C1_TX_MASK                           (0x10U)
4816 #define I2C_C1_TX_SHIFT                          (4U)
4817 /*! TX - Transmit Mode Select
4818  *  0b0..Receive
4819  *  0b1..Transmit
4820  */
4821 #define I2C_C1_TX(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_TX_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_TX_MASK)
4823 #define I2C_C1_MST_MASK                          (0x20U)
4824 #define I2C_C1_MST_SHIFT                         (5U)
4825 /*! MST - Master Mode Select
4826  *  0b0..Slave mode
4827  *  0b1..Master mode
4828  */
4829 #define I2C_C1_MST(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_MST_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_MST_MASK)
4831 #define I2C_C1_IICIE_MASK                        (0x40U)
4832 #define I2C_C1_IICIE_SHIFT                       (6U)
4833 /*! IICIE - I2C Interrupt Enable
4834  *  0b0..Disabled
4835  *  0b1..Enabled
4836  */
4837 #define I2C_C1_IICIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_IICIE_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_IICIE_MASK)
4839 #define I2C_C1_IICEN_MASK                        (0x80U)
4840 #define I2C_C1_IICEN_SHIFT                       (7U)
4841 /*! IICEN - I2C Enable
4842  *  0b0..Disabled
4843  *  0b1..Enabled
4844  */
4845 #define I2C_C1_IICEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C1_IICEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_C1_IICEN_MASK)
4846 /*! @} */
4848 /*! @name S - I2C Status register */
4849 /*! @{ */
4851 #define I2C_S_RXAK_MASK                          (0x1U)
4852 #define I2C_S_RXAK_SHIFT                         (0U)
4853 /*! RXAK - Receive Acknowledge
4854  *  0b0..Acknowledge signal was received after the completion of one byte of data transmission on the bus
4855  *  0b1..No acknowledge signal detected
4856  */
4857 #define I2C_S_RXAK(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_RXAK_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_RXAK_MASK)
4859 #define I2C_S_IICIF_MASK                         (0x2U)
4860 #define I2C_S_IICIF_SHIFT                        (1U)
4861 /*! IICIF - Interrupt Flag
4862  *  0b0..No interrupt pending
4863  *  0b1..Interrupt pending
4864  */
4865 #define I2C_S_IICIF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_IICIF_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_IICIF_MASK)
4867 #define I2C_S_SRW_MASK                           (0x4U)
4868 #define I2C_S_SRW_SHIFT                          (2U)
4869 /*! SRW - Slave Read/Write
4870  *  0b0..Slave receive, master writing to slave
4871  *  0b1..Slave transmit, master reading from slave
4872  */
4873 #define I2C_S_SRW(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_SRW_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_SRW_MASK)
4875 #define I2C_S_RAM_MASK                           (0x8U)
4876 #define I2C_S_RAM_SHIFT                          (3U)
4877 /*! RAM - Range Address Match
4878  *  0b0..Not addressed
4879  *  0b1..Addressed as a slave
4880  */
4881 #define I2C_S_RAM(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_RAM_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_RAM_MASK)
4883 #define I2C_S_ARBL_MASK                          (0x10U)
4884 #define I2C_S_ARBL_SHIFT                         (4U)
4885 /*! ARBL - Arbitration Lost
4886  *  0b0..Standard bus operation.
4887  *  0b1..Loss of arbitration.
4888  */
4889 #define I2C_S_ARBL(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_ARBL_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_ARBL_MASK)
4891 #define I2C_S_BUSY_MASK                          (0x20U)
4892 #define I2C_S_BUSY_SHIFT                         (5U)
4893 /*! BUSY - Bus Busy
4894  *  0b0..Bus is idle
4895  *  0b1..Bus is busy
4896  */
4897 #define I2C_S_BUSY(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_BUSY_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_BUSY_MASK)
4899 #define I2C_S_IAAS_MASK                          (0x40U)
4900 #define I2C_S_IAAS_SHIFT                         (6U)
4901 /*! IAAS - Addressed As A Slave
4902  *  0b0..Not addressed
4903  *  0b1..Addressed as a slave
4904  */
4905 #define I2C_S_IAAS(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_IAAS_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_IAAS_MASK)
4907 #define I2C_S_TCF_MASK                           (0x80U)
4908 #define I2C_S_TCF_SHIFT                          (7U)
4909 /*! TCF - Transfer Complete Flag
4910  *  0b0..Transfer in progress
4911  *  0b1..Transfer complete
4912  */
4913 #define I2C_S_TCF(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_S_TCF_SHIFT)) & I2C_S_TCF_MASK)
4914 /*! @} */
4916 /*! @name D - I2C Data I/O register */
4917 /*! @{ */
4919 #define I2C_D_DATA_MASK                          (0xFFU)
4920 #define I2C_D_DATA_SHIFT                         (0U)
4921 /*! DATA - Data
4922  */
4923 #define I2C_D_DATA(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_D_DATA_SHIFT)) & I2C_D_DATA_MASK)
4924 /*! @} */
4926 /*! @name C2 - I2C Control Register 2 */
4927 /*! @{ */
4929 #define I2C_C2_AD_MASK                           (0x7U)
4930 #define I2C_C2_AD_SHIFT                          (0U)
4931 /*! AD - Slave Address
4932  */
4933 #define I2C_C2_AD(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_AD_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_AD_MASK)
4935 #define I2C_C2_RMEN_MASK                         (0x8U)
4936 #define I2C_C2_RMEN_SHIFT                        (3U)
4937 /*! RMEN - Range Address Matching Enable
4938  *  0b0..Range mode disabled. No address matching occurs for an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers.
4939  *  0b1..Range mode enabled. Address matching occurs when a slave receives an address within the range of values of the A1 and RA registers.
4940  */
4941 #define I2C_C2_RMEN(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_RMEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_RMEN_MASK)
4943 #define I2C_C2_SBRC_MASK                         (0x10U)
4944 #define I2C_C2_SBRC_SHIFT                        (4U)
4945 /*! SBRC - Slave Baud Rate Control
4946  *  0b0..The slave baud rate follows the master baud rate and clock stretching may occur
4947  *  0b1..Slave baud rate is independent of the master baud rate
4948  */
4949 #define I2C_C2_SBRC(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_SBRC_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_SBRC_MASK)
4951 #define I2C_C2_HDRS_MASK                         (0x20U)
4952 #define I2C_C2_HDRS_SHIFT                        (5U)
4953 /*! HDRS - High Drive Select
4954  *  0b0..Normal drive mode
4955  *  0b1..High drive mode
4956  */
4957 #define I2C_C2_HDRS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_HDRS_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_HDRS_MASK)
4959 #define I2C_C2_ADEXT_MASK                        (0x40U)
4960 #define I2C_C2_ADEXT_SHIFT                       (6U)
4961 /*! ADEXT - Address Extension
4962  *  0b0..7-bit address scheme
4963  *  0b1..10-bit address scheme
4964  */
4965 #define I2C_C2_ADEXT(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_ADEXT_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_ADEXT_MASK)
4967 #define I2C_C2_GCAEN_MASK                        (0x80U)
4968 #define I2C_C2_GCAEN_SHIFT                       (7U)
4969 /*! GCAEN - General Call Address Enable
4970  *  0b0..Disabled
4971  *  0b1..Enabled
4972  */
4973 #define I2C_C2_GCAEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_C2_GCAEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_C2_GCAEN_MASK)
4974 /*! @} */
4976 /*! @name FLT - I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register */
4977 /*! @{ */
4979 #define I2C_FLT_FLT_MASK                         (0xFU)
4980 #define I2C_FLT_FLT_SHIFT                        (0U)
4981 /*! FLT - I2C Programmable Filter Factor
4982  *  0b0000..No filter/bypass
4983  */
4984 #define I2C_FLT_FLT(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_FLT_FLT_SHIFT)) & I2C_FLT_FLT_MASK)
4986 #define I2C_FLT_STARTF_MASK                      (0x10U)
4987 #define I2C_FLT_STARTF_SHIFT                     (4U)
4988 /*! STARTF - I2C Bus Start Detect Flag
4989  *  0b0..No start happens on I2C bus
4990  *  0b1..Start detected on I2C bus
4991  */
4992 #define I2C_FLT_STARTF(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_FLT_STARTF_SHIFT)) & I2C_FLT_STARTF_MASK)
4994 #define I2C_FLT_SSIE_MASK                        (0x20U)
4995 #define I2C_FLT_SSIE_SHIFT                       (5U)
4996 /*! SSIE - I2C Bus Stop or Start Interrupt Enable
4997  *  0b0..Stop or start detection interrupt is disabled
4998  *  0b1..Stop or start detection interrupt is enabled
4999  */
5000 #define I2C_FLT_SSIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_FLT_SSIE_SHIFT)) & I2C_FLT_SSIE_MASK)
5002 #define I2C_FLT_STOPF_MASK                       (0x40U)
5003 #define I2C_FLT_STOPF_SHIFT                      (6U)
5004 /*! STOPF - I2C Bus Stop Detect Flag
5005  *  0b0..No stop happens on I2C bus
5006  *  0b1..Stop detected on I2C bus
5007  */
5008 #define I2C_FLT_STOPF(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_FLT_STOPF_SHIFT)) & I2C_FLT_STOPF_MASK)
5010 #define I2C_FLT_SHEN_MASK                        (0x80U)
5011 #define I2C_FLT_SHEN_SHIFT                       (7U)
5012 /*! SHEN - Stop Hold Enable
5013  *  0b0..Stop holdoff is disabled. The MCU's entry to stop mode is not gated.
5014  *  0b1..Stop holdoff is enabled.
5015  */
5016 #define I2C_FLT_SHEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_FLT_SHEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_FLT_SHEN_MASK)
5017 /*! @} */
5019 /*! @name RA - I2C Range Address register */
5020 /*! @{ */
5022 #define I2C_RA_RAD_MASK                          (0xFEU)
5023 #define I2C_RA_RAD_SHIFT                         (1U)
5024 /*! RAD - Range Slave Address
5025  */
5026 #define I2C_RA_RAD(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_RA_RAD_SHIFT)) & I2C_RA_RAD_MASK)
5027 /*! @} */
5029 /*! @name SMB - I2C SMBus Control and Status register */
5030 /*! @{ */
5032 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_MASK                     (0x1U)
5033 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_SHIFT                    (0U)
5034 /*! SHTF2IE - SHTF2 Interrupt Enable
5035  *  0b0..SHTF2 interrupt is disabled
5036  *  0b1..SHTF2 interrupt is enabled
5037  */
5038 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_SHTF2IE_MASK)
5040 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2_MASK                       (0x2U)
5041 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2_SHIFT                      (1U)
5042 /*! SHTF2 - SCL High Timeout Flag 2
5043  *  0b0..No SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs
5044  *  0b1..SCL high and SDA low timeout occurs
5045  */
5046 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF2(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_SHTF2_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_SHTF2_MASK)
5048 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF1_MASK                       (0x4U)
5049 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF1_SHIFT                      (2U)
5050 /*! SHTF1 - SCL High Timeout Flag 1
5051  *  0b0..No SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs
5052  *  0b1..SCL high and SDA high timeout occurs
5053  */
5054 #define I2C_SMB_SHTF1(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_SHTF1_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_SHTF1_MASK)
5056 #define I2C_SMB_SLTF_MASK                        (0x8U)
5057 #define I2C_SMB_SLTF_SHIFT                       (3U)
5058 /*! SLTF - SCL Low Timeout Flag
5059  *  0b0..No low timeout occurs
5060  *  0b1..Low timeout occurs
5061  */
5062 #define I2C_SMB_SLTF(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_SLTF_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_SLTF_MASK)
5064 #define I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_MASK                      (0x10U)
5065 #define I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_SHIFT                     (4U)
5066 /*! TCKSEL - Timeout Counter Clock Select
5067  *  0b0..Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock / 64
5068  *  0b1..Timeout counter counts at the frequency of the I2C module clock
5069  */
5070 #define I2C_SMB_TCKSEL(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_TCKSEL_MASK)
5072 #define I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_MASK                     (0x20U)
5073 #define I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_SHIFT                    (5U)
5074 /*! SIICAEN - Second I2C Address Enable
5075  *  0b0..I2C address register 2 matching is disabled
5076  *  0b1..I2C address register 2 matching is enabled
5077  */
5078 #define I2C_SMB_SIICAEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_SIICAEN_MASK)
5080 #define I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_MASK                     (0x40U)
5081 #define I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_SHIFT                    (6U)
5082 /*! ALERTEN - SMBus Alert Response Address Enable
5083  *  0b0..SMBus alert response address matching is disabled
5084  *  0b1..SMBus alert response address matching is enabled
5085  */
5086 #define I2C_SMB_ALERTEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_ALERTEN_MASK)
5088 #define I2C_SMB_FACK_MASK                        (0x80U)
5089 #define I2C_SMB_FACK_SHIFT                       (7U)
5090 /*! FACK - Fast NACK/ACK Enable
5091  *  0b0..An ACK or NACK is sent on the following receiving data byte
5092  *  0b1..Writing 0 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates an ACK. Writing 1 to TXAK after receiving a data byte generates a NACK.
5093  */
5094 #define I2C_SMB_FACK(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SMB_FACK_SHIFT)) & I2C_SMB_FACK_MASK)
5095 /*! @} */
5097 /*! @name A2 - I2C Address Register 2 */
5098 /*! @{ */
5100 #define I2C_A2_SAD_MASK                          (0xFEU)
5101 #define I2C_A2_SAD_SHIFT                         (1U)
5102 /*! SAD - SMBus Address
5103  */
5104 #define I2C_A2_SAD(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_A2_SAD_SHIFT)) & I2C_A2_SAD_MASK)
5105 /*! @} */
5107 /*! @name SLTH - I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High */
5108 /*! @{ */
5110 #define I2C_SLTH_SSLT_MASK                       (0xFFU)
5111 #define I2C_SLTH_SSLT_SHIFT                      (0U)
5112 /*! SSLT - SSLT[15:8]
5113  */
5114 #define I2C_SLTH_SSLT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SLTH_SSLT_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLTH_SSLT_MASK)
5115 /*! @} */
5117 /*! @name SLTL - I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low */
5118 /*! @{ */
5120 #define I2C_SLTL_SSLT_MASK                       (0xFFU)
5121 #define I2C_SLTL_SSLT_SHIFT                      (0U)
5122 /*! SSLT - SSLT[7:0]
5123  */
5124 #define I2C_SLTL_SSLT(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << I2C_SLTL_SSLT_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLTL_SSLT_MASK)
5125 /*! @} */
5128 /*!
5129  * @}
5130  */ /* end of group I2C_Register_Masks */
5133 /* I2C - Peripheral instance base addresses */
5134 /** Peripheral I2C0 base address */
5135 #define I2C0_BASE                                (0x40067000u)
5136 /** Peripheral I2C0 base pointer */
5137 #define I2C0                                     ((I2C_Type *)I2C0_BASE)
5138 /** Peripheral I2C1 base address */
5139 #define I2C1_BASE                                (0x40068000u)
5140 /** Peripheral I2C1 base pointer */
5141 #define I2C1                                     ((I2C_Type *)I2C1_BASE)
5142 /** Array initializer of I2C peripheral base addresses */
5143 #define I2C_BASE_ADDRS                           { I2C0_BASE, I2C1_BASE }
5144 /** Array initializer of I2C peripheral base pointers */
5145 #define I2C_BASE_PTRS                            { I2C0, I2C1 }
5146 /** Interrupt vectors for the I2C peripheral type */
5147 #define I2C_IRQS                                 { I2C0_I2C1_IRQn, I2C0_I2C1_IRQn }
5149 /*!
5150  * @}
5151  */ /* end of group I2C_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
5154 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5155    -- LCD Peripheral Access Layer
5156    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
5158 /*!
5159  * @addtogroup LCD_Peripheral_Access_Layer LCD Peripheral Access Layer
5160  * @{
5161  */
5163 /** LCD - Register Layout Typedef */
5164 typedef struct {
5165   __IO uint32_t GCR;                               /**< LCD General Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
5166   __IO uint32_t AR;                                /**< LCD Auxiliary Register, offset: 0x4 */
5167   __IO uint32_t FDCR;                              /**< LCD Fault Detect Control Register, offset: 0x8 */
5168   __IO uint32_t FDSR;                              /**< LCD Fault Detect Status Register, offset: 0xC */
5169   __IO uint32_t PEN[2];                            /**< LCD Pin Enable register, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x4 */
5170   __IO uint32_t BPEN[2];                           /**< LCD Back Plane Enable register, array offset: 0x18, array step: 0x4 */
5171   union {                                          /* offset: 0x20 */
5172     __IO uint8_t WF8B[64];                           /**< LCD Waveform Register 0...LCD Waveform Register 63., array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x1 */
5173     __IO uint32_t WF[16];                            /**< LCD Waveform register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x4 */
5174   };
5175 } LCD_Type;
5177 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5178    -- LCD Register Masks
5179    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
5181 /*!
5182  * @addtogroup LCD_Register_Masks LCD Register Masks
5183  * @{
5184  */
5186 /*! @name GCR - LCD General Control Register */
5187 /*! @{ */
5189 #define LCD_GCR_DUTY_MASK                        (0x7U)
5190 #define LCD_GCR_DUTY_SHIFT                       (0U)
5191 /*! DUTY - LCD duty select
5192  *  0b000..Use 1 BP (1/1 duty cycle).
5193  *  0b001..Use 2 BP (1/2 duty cycle).
5194  *  0b010..Use 3 BP (1/3 duty cycle).
5195  *  0b011..Use 4 BP (1/4 duty cycle). (Default)
5196  *  0b100..Use 5 BP (1/5 duty cycle).
5197  *  0b101..Use 6 BP (1/6 duty cycle).
5198  *  0b110..Use 7 BP (1/7 duty cycle).
5199  *  0b111..Use 8 BP (1/8 duty cycle).
5200  */
5201 #define LCD_GCR_DUTY(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_DUTY_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_DUTY_MASK)
5203 #define LCD_GCR_LCLK_MASK                        (0x38U)
5204 #define LCD_GCR_LCLK_SHIFT                       (3U)
5205 /*! LCLK - LCD Clock Prescaler
5206  */
5207 #define LCD_GCR_LCLK(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LCLK_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LCLK_MASK)
5209 #define LCD_GCR_SOURCE_MASK                      (0x40U)
5210 #define LCD_GCR_SOURCE_SHIFT                     (6U)
5211 /*! SOURCE - LCD Clock Source Select
5212  *  0b0..Selects the default clock as the LCD clock source.
5213  *  0b1..Selects the alternate clock as the LCD clock source.
5214  */
5215 #define LCD_GCR_SOURCE(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_SOURCE_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_SOURCE_MASK)
5217 #define LCD_GCR_LCDEN_MASK                       (0x80U)
5218 #define LCD_GCR_LCDEN_SHIFT                      (7U)
5219 /*! LCDEN - LCD Driver Enable
5220  *  0b0..All front plane and back plane pins are disabled. The LCD controller system is also disabled, and all LCD
5221  *       waveform generation clocks are stopped. V LL3 is connected to V DD internally.
5222  *  0b1..LCD controller driver system is enabled, and front plane and back plane waveforms are generated. All LCD
5223  *       pins, LCD_Pn, enabled using the LCD Pin Enable register, output an LCD driver waveform. The back plane
5224  *       pins output an LCD driver back plane waveform based on the settings of DUTY[2:0]. Charge pump or resistor
5225  *       bias is enabled.
5226  */
5227 #define LCD_GCR_LCDEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LCDEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LCDEN_MASK)
5229 #define LCD_GCR_LCDSTP_MASK                      (0x100U)
5230 #define LCD_GCR_LCDSTP_SHIFT                     (8U)
5231 /*! LCDSTP - LCD Stop
5232  *  0b0..Allows the LCD driver, charge pump, resistor bias network, and voltage regulator to continue running during Stop mode.
5233  *  0b1..Disables the LCD driver, charge pump, resistor bias network, and voltage regulator when MCU enters Stop mode.
5234  */
5235 #define LCD_GCR_LCDSTP(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LCDSTP_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LCDSTP_MASK)
5237 #define LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE_MASK                     (0x200U)
5238 #define LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE_SHIFT                    (9U)
5239 /*! LCDDOZE - LCD Doze enable
5240  *  0b0..Allows the LCD driver, charge pump, resistor bias network, and voltage regulator to continue running during Doze mode.
5241  *  0b1..Disables the LCD driver, charge pump, resistor bias network, and voltage regulator when MCU enters Doze mode.
5242  */
5243 #define LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE_MASK)
5245 #define LCD_GCR_ALTDIV_MASK                      (0x3000U)
5246 #define LCD_GCR_ALTDIV_SHIFT                     (12U)
5247 /*! ALTDIV - LCD Alternate Clock Divider
5248  *  0b00..Divide factor = 1 (No divide)
5249  *  0b01..Divide factor = 64
5250  *  0b10..Divide factor = 256
5251  *  0b11..Divide factor = 512
5252  */
5253 #define LCD_GCR_ALTDIV(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_ALTDIV_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_ALTDIV_MASK)
5255 #define LCD_GCR_FDCIEN_MASK                      (0x4000U)
5256 #define LCD_GCR_FDCIEN_SHIFT                     (14U)
5257 /*! FDCIEN - LCD Fault Detection Complete Interrupt Enable
5258  *  0b0..No interrupt request is generated by this event.
5259  *  0b1..When a fault is detected and FDCF bit is set, this event causes an interrupt request.
5260  */
5261 #define LCD_GCR_FDCIEN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_FDCIEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_FDCIEN_MASK)
5263 #define LCD_GCR_LCDIEN_MASK                      (0x8000U)
5264 #define LCD_GCR_LCDIEN_SHIFT                     (15U)
5265 /*! LCDIEN - LCD Frame Frequency Interrupt Enable
5266  *  0b0..No interrupt request is generated by this event.
5267  *  0b1..When LCDIF bit is set, this event causes an interrupt request.
5268  */
5269 #define LCD_GCR_LCDIEN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LCDIEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LCDIEN_MASK)
5271 #define LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY_MASK                     (0x20000U)
5272 #define LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY_SHIFT                    (17U)
5273 /*! VSUPPLY - Voltage Supply Control
5274  *  0b0..Drive VLL3 internally from VDD
5275  *  0b1..Drive VLL3 externally from VDD or drive VLL1 internally from vIREG
5276  */
5277 #define LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY_MASK)
5279 #define LCD_GCR_LADJ_MASK                        (0x300000U)
5280 #define LCD_GCR_LADJ_SHIFT                       (20U)
5281 /*! LADJ - Load Adjust
5282  */
5283 #define LCD_GCR_LADJ(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_LADJ_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_LADJ_MASK)
5285 #define LCD_GCR_CPSEL_MASK                       (0x800000U)
5286 #define LCD_GCR_CPSEL_SHIFT                      (23U)
5287 /*! CPSEL - Charge Pump or Resistor Bias Select
5288  *  0b0..LCD charge pump is disabled. Resistor network selected. (The internal 1/3-bias is forced.)
5289  *  0b1..LCD charge pump is selected. Resistor network disabled. (The internal 1/3-bias is forced.)
5290  */
5291 #define LCD_GCR_CPSEL(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_CPSEL_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_CPSEL_MASK)
5293 #define LCD_GCR_RVTRIM_MASK                      (0xF000000U)
5294 #define LCD_GCR_RVTRIM_SHIFT                     (24U)
5295 /*! RVTRIM - Regulated Voltage Trim
5296  */
5297 #define LCD_GCR_RVTRIM(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_RVTRIM_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_RVTRIM_MASK)
5299 #define LCD_GCR_RVEN_MASK                        (0x80000000U)
5300 #define LCD_GCR_RVEN_SHIFT                       (31U)
5301 /*! RVEN - Regulated Voltage Enable
5302  *  0b0..Regulated voltage disabled.
5303  *  0b1..Regulated voltage enabled.
5304  */
5305 #define LCD_GCR_RVEN(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_GCR_RVEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_GCR_RVEN_MASK)
5306 /*! @} */
5308 /*! @name AR - LCD Auxiliary Register */
5309 /*! @{ */
5311 #define LCD_AR_BRATE_MASK                        (0x7U)
5312 #define LCD_AR_BRATE_SHIFT                       (0U)
5313 /*! BRATE - Blink-rate configuration
5314  */
5315 #define LCD_AR_BRATE(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_BRATE_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_BRATE_MASK)
5317 #define LCD_AR_BMODE_MASK                        (0x8U)
5318 #define LCD_AR_BMODE_SHIFT                       (3U)
5319 /*! BMODE - Blink mode
5320  *  0b0..Display blank during the blink period.
5321  *  0b1..Display alternate display during blink period (Ignored if duty is 5 or greater).
5322  */
5323 #define LCD_AR_BMODE(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_BMODE_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_BMODE_MASK)
5325 #define LCD_AR_BLANK_MASK                        (0x20U)
5326 #define LCD_AR_BLANK_SHIFT                       (5U)
5327 /*! BLANK - Blank display mode
5328  *  0b0..Normal or alternate display mode.
5329  *  0b1..Blank display mode.
5330  */
5331 #define LCD_AR_BLANK(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_BLANK_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_BLANK_MASK)
5333 #define LCD_AR_ALT_MASK                          (0x40U)
5334 #define LCD_AR_ALT_SHIFT                         (6U)
5335 /*! ALT - Alternate display mode
5336  *  0b0..Normal display mode.
5337  *  0b1..Alternate display mode.
5338  */
5339 #define LCD_AR_ALT(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_ALT_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_ALT_MASK)
5341 #define LCD_AR_BLINK_MASK                        (0x80U)
5342 #define LCD_AR_BLINK_SHIFT                       (7U)
5343 /*! BLINK - Blink command
5344  *  0b0..Disables blinking.
5345  *  0b1..Starts blinking at blinking frequency specified by LCD blink rate calculation.
5346  */
5347 #define LCD_AR_BLINK(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_BLINK_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_BLINK_MASK)
5349 #define LCD_AR_LCDIF_MASK                        (0x8000U)
5350 #define LCD_AR_LCDIF_SHIFT                       (15U)
5351 /*! LCDIF - LCD Frame Frequency Interrupt flag
5352  *  0b0..Frame frequency interrupt condition has not occurred.
5353  *  0b1..Start of SLCD frame has occurred.
5354  */
5355 #define LCD_AR_LCDIF(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_AR_LCDIF_SHIFT)) & LCD_AR_LCDIF_MASK)
5356 /*! @} */
5358 /*! @name FDCR - LCD Fault Detect Control Register */
5359 /*! @{ */
5361 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPINID_MASK                    (0x3FU)
5362 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPINID_SHIFT                   (0U)
5363 /*! FDPINID - Fault Detect Pin ID
5364  *  0b000000..Fault detection for LCD_P0 pin.
5365  *  0b000001..Fault detection for LCD_P1 pin.
5366  *  0b111111..Fault detection for LCD_P63 pin.
5367  */
5368 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPINID(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDCR_FDPINID_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDCR_FDPINID_MASK)
5370 #define LCD_FDCR_FDBPEN_MASK                     (0x40U)
5371 #define LCD_FDCR_FDBPEN_SHIFT                    (6U)
5372 /*! FDBPEN - Fault Detect Back Plane Enable
5373  *  0b0..Type of the selected pin under fault detect test is front plane.
5374  *  0b1..Type of the selected pin under fault detect test is back plane.
5375  */
5376 #define LCD_FDCR_FDBPEN(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDCR_FDBPEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDCR_FDBPEN_MASK)
5378 #define LCD_FDCR_FDEN_MASK                       (0x80U)
5379 #define LCD_FDCR_FDEN_SHIFT                      (7U)
5380 /*! FDEN - Fault Detect Enable
5381  *  0b0..Disable fault detection.
5382  *  0b1..Enable fault detection.
5383  */
5384 #define LCD_FDCR_FDEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDCR_FDEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDCR_FDEN_MASK)
5386 #define LCD_FDCR_FDSWW_MASK                      (0xE00U)
5387 #define LCD_FDCR_FDSWW_SHIFT                     (9U)
5388 /*! FDSWW - Fault Detect Sample Window Width
5389  *  0b000..Sample window width is 4 sample clock cycles.
5390  *  0b001..Sample window width is 8 sample clock cycles.
5391  *  0b010..Sample window width is 16 sample clock cycles.
5392  *  0b011..Sample window width is 32 sample clock cycles.
5393  *  0b100..Sample window width is 64 sample clock cycles.
5394  *  0b101..Sample window width is 128 sample clock cycles.
5395  *  0b110..Sample window width is 256 sample clock cycles.
5396  *  0b111..Sample window width is 512 sample clock cycles.
5397  */
5398 #define LCD_FDCR_FDSWW(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDCR_FDSWW_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDCR_FDSWW_MASK)
5400 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPRS_MASK                      (0x7000U)
5401 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPRS_SHIFT                     (12U)
5402 /*! FDPRS - Fault Detect Clock Prescaler
5403  *  0b000..1/1 bus clock.
5404  *  0b001..1/2 bus clock.
5405  *  0b010..1/4 bus clock.
5406  *  0b011..1/8 bus clock.
5407  *  0b100..1/16 bus clock.
5408  *  0b101..1/32 bus clock.
5409  *  0b110..1/64 bus clock.
5410  *  0b111..1/128 bus clock.
5411  */
5412 #define LCD_FDCR_FDPRS(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDCR_FDPRS_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDCR_FDPRS_MASK)
5413 /*! @} */
5415 /*! @name FDSR - LCD Fault Detect Status Register */
5416 /*! @{ */
5418 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCNT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
5419 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCNT_SHIFT                     (0U)
5420 /*! FDCNT - Fault Detect Counter
5421  *  0b00000000..No "one" samples.
5422  *  0b00000001..1 "one" samples.
5423  *  0b00000010..2 "one" samples.
5424  *  0b11111110..254 "one" samples.
5425  *  0b11111111..255 or more "one" samples. The FDCNT can overflow. Therefore, FDSWW and FDPRS must be reconfigured for proper sampling.
5426  */
5427 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCNT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDSR_FDCNT_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDSR_FDCNT_MASK)
5429 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCF_MASK                       (0x8000U)
5430 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCF_SHIFT                      (15U)
5431 /*! FDCF - Fault Detection Complete Flag
5432  *  0b0..Fault detection is not completed.
5433  *  0b1..Fault detection is completed.
5434  */
5435 #define LCD_FDSR_FDCF(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_FDSR_FDCF_SHIFT)) & LCD_FDSR_FDCF_MASK)
5436 /*! @} */
5438 /*! @name PEN - LCD Pin Enable register */
5439 /*! @{ */
5441 #define LCD_PEN_PEN_MASK                         (0xFFFFFFFFU)
5442 #define LCD_PEN_PEN_SHIFT                        (0U)
5443 /*! PEN - LCD Pin Enable
5444  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000000..LCD operation disabled on LCD_Pn.
5445  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000001..LCD operation enabled on LCD_Pn.
5446  */
5447 #define LCD_PEN_PEN(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_PEN_PEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_PEN_PEN_MASK)
5448 /*! @} */
5450 /* The count of LCD_PEN */
5451 #define LCD_PEN_COUNT                            (2U)
5453 /*! @name BPEN - LCD Back Plane Enable register */
5454 /*! @{ */
5456 #define LCD_BPEN_BPEN_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFFFU)
5457 #define LCD_BPEN_BPEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
5458 /*! BPEN - Back Plane Enable
5459  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000000..Front plane operation enabled on LCD_Pn.
5460  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000001..Back plane operation enabled on LCD_Pn.
5461  */
5462 #define LCD_BPEN_BPEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_BPEN_BPEN_SHIFT)) & LCD_BPEN_BPEN_MASK)
5463 /*! @} */
5465 /* The count of LCD_BPEN */
5466 #define LCD_BPEN_COUNT                           (2U)
5468 /*! @name WF8B - LCD Waveform Register 0...LCD Waveform Register 63. */
5469 /*! @{ */
5471 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD0_MASK                    (0x1U)
5472 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD0_SHIFT                   (0U)
5473 /*! BPALCD0
5474  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5475  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5476  */
5477 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD0_MASK)
5479 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD1_MASK                    (0x1U)
5480 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD1_SHIFT                   (0U)
5481 /*! BPALCD1
5482  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5483  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5484  */
5485 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD1_MASK)
5487 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD2_MASK                    (0x1U)
5488 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD2_SHIFT                   (0U)
5489 /*! BPALCD2
5490  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5491  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5492  */
5493 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD2_MASK)
5495 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD3_MASK                    (0x1U)
5496 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD3_SHIFT                   (0U)
5497 /*! BPALCD3
5498  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5499  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5500  */
5501 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD3_MASK)
5503 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD4_MASK                    (0x1U)
5504 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD4_SHIFT                   (0U)
5505 /*! BPALCD4
5506  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5507  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5508  */
5509 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD4_MASK)
5511 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD5_MASK                    (0x1U)
5512 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD5_SHIFT                   (0U)
5513 /*! BPALCD5
5514  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5515  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5516  */
5517 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD5_MASK)
5519 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD6_MASK                    (0x1U)
5520 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD6_SHIFT                   (0U)
5521 /*! BPALCD6
5522  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5523  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5524  */
5525 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD6_MASK)
5527 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD7_MASK                    (0x1U)
5528 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD7_SHIFT                   (0U)
5529 /*! BPALCD7
5530  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5531  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5532  */
5533 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD7_MASK)
5535 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD8_MASK                    (0x1U)
5536 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD8_SHIFT                   (0U)
5537 /*! BPALCD8
5538  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5539  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5540  */
5541 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD8_MASK)
5543 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD9_MASK                    (0x1U)
5544 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD9_SHIFT                   (0U)
5545 /*! BPALCD9
5546  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5547  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5548  */
5549 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD9_MASK)
5551 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD10_MASK                   (0x1U)
5552 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD10_SHIFT                  (0U)
5553 /*! BPALCD10
5554  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5555  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5556  */
5557 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD10_MASK)
5559 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD11_MASK                   (0x1U)
5560 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD11_SHIFT                  (0U)
5561 /*! BPALCD11
5562  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5563  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5564  */
5565 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD11_MASK)
5567 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD12_MASK                   (0x1U)
5568 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD12_SHIFT                  (0U)
5569 /*! BPALCD12
5570  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5571  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5572  */
5573 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD12_MASK)
5575 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD13_MASK                   (0x1U)
5576 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD13_SHIFT                  (0U)
5577 /*! BPALCD13
5578  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5579  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5580  */
5581 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD13_MASK)
5583 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD14_MASK                   (0x1U)
5584 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD14_SHIFT                  (0U)
5585 /*! BPALCD14
5586  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5587  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5588  */
5589 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD14_MASK)
5591 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD15_MASK                   (0x1U)
5592 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD15_SHIFT                  (0U)
5593 /*! BPALCD15
5594  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5595  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5596  */
5597 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD15_MASK)
5599 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD16_MASK                   (0x1U)
5600 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD16_SHIFT                  (0U)
5601 /*! BPALCD16
5602  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5603  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5604  */
5605 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD16_MASK)
5607 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD17_MASK                   (0x1U)
5608 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD17_SHIFT                  (0U)
5609 /*! BPALCD17
5610  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5611  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5612  */
5613 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD17_MASK)
5615 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD18_MASK                   (0x1U)
5616 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD18_SHIFT                  (0U)
5617 /*! BPALCD18
5618  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5619  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5620  */
5621 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD18_MASK)
5623 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD19_MASK                   (0x1U)
5624 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD19_SHIFT                  (0U)
5625 /*! BPALCD19
5626  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5627  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5628  */
5629 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD19_MASK)
5631 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD20_MASK                   (0x1U)
5632 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD20_SHIFT                  (0U)
5633 /*! BPALCD20
5634  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5635  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5636  */
5637 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD20_MASK)
5639 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD21_MASK                   (0x1U)
5640 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD21_SHIFT                  (0U)
5641 /*! BPALCD21
5642  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5643  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5644  */
5645 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD21_MASK)
5647 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD22_MASK                   (0x1U)
5648 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD22_SHIFT                  (0U)
5649 /*! BPALCD22
5650  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5651  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5652  */
5653 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD22_MASK)
5655 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD23_MASK                   (0x1U)
5656 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD23_SHIFT                  (0U)
5657 /*! BPALCD23
5658  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5659  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5660  */
5661 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD23_MASK)
5663 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD24_MASK                   (0x1U)
5664 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD24_SHIFT                  (0U)
5665 /*! BPALCD24
5666  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5667  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5668  */
5669 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD24_MASK)
5671 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD25_MASK                   (0x1U)
5672 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD25_SHIFT                  (0U)
5673 /*! BPALCD25
5674  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5675  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5676  */
5677 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD25_MASK)
5679 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD26_MASK                   (0x1U)
5680 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD26_SHIFT                  (0U)
5681 /*! BPALCD26
5682  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5683  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5684  */
5685 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD26_MASK)
5687 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD27_MASK                   (0x1U)
5688 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD27_SHIFT                  (0U)
5689 /*! BPALCD27
5690  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5691  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5692  */
5693 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD27_MASK)
5695 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD28_MASK                   (0x1U)
5696 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD28_SHIFT                  (0U)
5697 /*! BPALCD28
5698  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5699  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5700  */
5701 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD28_MASK)
5703 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD29_MASK                   (0x1U)
5704 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD29_SHIFT                  (0U)
5705 /*! BPALCD29
5706  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5707  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5708  */
5709 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD29_MASK)
5711 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD30_MASK                   (0x1U)
5712 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD30_SHIFT                  (0U)
5713 /*! BPALCD30
5714  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5715  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5716  */
5717 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD30_MASK)
5719 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD31_MASK                   (0x1U)
5720 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD31_SHIFT                  (0U)
5721 /*! BPALCD31
5722  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5723  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5724  */
5725 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD31_MASK)
5727 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD32_MASK                   (0x1U)
5728 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD32_SHIFT                  (0U)
5729 /*! BPALCD32
5730  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5731  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5732  */
5733 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD32_MASK)
5735 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD33_MASK                   (0x1U)
5736 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD33_SHIFT                  (0U)
5737 /*! BPALCD33
5738  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5739  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5740  */
5741 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD33_MASK)
5743 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD34_MASK                   (0x1U)
5744 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD34_SHIFT                  (0U)
5745 /*! BPALCD34
5746  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5747  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5748  */
5749 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD34_MASK)
5751 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD35_MASK                   (0x1U)
5752 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD35_SHIFT                  (0U)
5753 /*! BPALCD35
5754  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5755  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5756  */
5757 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD35_MASK)
5759 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD36_MASK                   (0x1U)
5760 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD36_SHIFT                  (0U)
5761 /*! BPALCD36
5762  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5763  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5764  */
5765 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD36_MASK)
5767 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD37_MASK                   (0x1U)
5768 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD37_SHIFT                  (0U)
5769 /*! BPALCD37
5770  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5771  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5772  */
5773 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD37_MASK)
5775 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD38_MASK                   (0x1U)
5776 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD38_SHIFT                  (0U)
5777 /*! BPALCD38
5778  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5779  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5780  */
5781 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD38_MASK)
5783 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD39_MASK                   (0x1U)
5784 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD39_SHIFT                  (0U)
5785 /*! BPALCD39
5786  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5787  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5788  */
5789 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD39_MASK)
5791 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD40_MASK                   (0x1U)
5792 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD40_SHIFT                  (0U)
5793 /*! BPALCD40
5794  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5795  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5796  */
5797 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD40_MASK)
5799 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD41_MASK                   (0x1U)
5800 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD41_SHIFT                  (0U)
5801 /*! BPALCD41
5802  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5803  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5804  */
5805 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD41_MASK)
5807 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD42_MASK                   (0x1U)
5808 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD42_SHIFT                  (0U)
5809 /*! BPALCD42
5810  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5811  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5812  */
5813 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD42_MASK)
5815 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD43_MASK                   (0x1U)
5816 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD43_SHIFT                  (0U)
5817 /*! BPALCD43
5818  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5819  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5820  */
5821 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD43_MASK)
5823 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD44_MASK                   (0x1U)
5824 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD44_SHIFT                  (0U)
5825 /*! BPALCD44
5826  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5827  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5828  */
5829 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD44_MASK)
5831 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD45_MASK                   (0x1U)
5832 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD45_SHIFT                  (0U)
5833 /*! BPALCD45
5834  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5835  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5836  */
5837 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD45_MASK)
5839 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD46_MASK                   (0x1U)
5840 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD46_SHIFT                  (0U)
5841 /*! BPALCD46
5842  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5843  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5844  */
5845 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD46_MASK)
5847 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD47_MASK                   (0x1U)
5848 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD47_SHIFT                  (0U)
5849 /*! BPALCD47
5850  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5851  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5852  */
5853 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD47_MASK)
5855 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD48_MASK                   (0x1U)
5856 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD48_SHIFT                  (0U)
5857 /*! BPALCD48
5858  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5859  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5860  */
5861 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD48_MASK)
5863 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD49_MASK                   (0x1U)
5864 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD49_SHIFT                  (0U)
5865 /*! BPALCD49
5866  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5867  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5868  */
5869 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD49_MASK)
5871 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD50_MASK                   (0x1U)
5872 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD50_SHIFT                  (0U)
5873 /*! BPALCD50
5874  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5875  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5876  */
5877 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD50_MASK)
5879 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD51_MASK                   (0x1U)
5880 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD51_SHIFT                  (0U)
5881 /*! BPALCD51
5882  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5883  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5884  */
5885 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD51_MASK)
5887 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD52_MASK                   (0x1U)
5888 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD52_SHIFT                  (0U)
5889 /*! BPALCD52
5890  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5891  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5892  */
5893 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD52_MASK)
5895 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD53_MASK                   (0x1U)
5896 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD53_SHIFT                  (0U)
5897 /*! BPALCD53
5898  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5899  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5900  */
5901 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD53_MASK)
5903 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD54_MASK                   (0x1U)
5904 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD54_SHIFT                  (0U)
5905 /*! BPALCD54
5906  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5907  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5908  */
5909 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD54_MASK)
5911 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD55_MASK                   (0x1U)
5912 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD55_SHIFT                  (0U)
5913 /*! BPALCD55
5914  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5915  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5916  */
5917 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD55_MASK)
5919 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD56_MASK                   (0x1U)
5920 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD56_SHIFT                  (0U)
5921 /*! BPALCD56
5922  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5923  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5924  */
5925 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD56_MASK)
5927 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD57_MASK                   (0x1U)
5928 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD57_SHIFT                  (0U)
5929 /*! BPALCD57
5930  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5931  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5932  */
5933 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD57_MASK)
5935 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD58_MASK                   (0x1U)
5936 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD58_SHIFT                  (0U)
5937 /*! BPALCD58
5938  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5939  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5940  */
5941 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD58_MASK)
5943 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD59_MASK                   (0x1U)
5944 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD59_SHIFT                  (0U)
5945 /*! BPALCD59
5946  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5947  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5948  */
5949 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD59_MASK)
5951 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD60_MASK                   (0x1U)
5952 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD60_SHIFT                  (0U)
5953 /*! BPALCD60
5954  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5955  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5956  */
5957 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD60_MASK)
5959 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD61_MASK                   (0x1U)
5960 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD61_SHIFT                  (0U)
5961 /*! BPALCD61
5962  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5963  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5964  */
5965 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD61_MASK)
5967 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD62_MASK                   (0x1U)
5968 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD62_SHIFT                  (0U)
5969 /*! BPALCD62
5970  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5971  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5972  */
5973 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD62_MASK)
5975 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD63_MASK                   (0x1U)
5976 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD63_SHIFT                  (0U)
5977 /*! BPALCD63
5978  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase A
5979  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase A
5980  */
5981 #define LCD_WF8B_BPALCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPALCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPALCD63_MASK)
5983 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD0_MASK                    (0x2U)
5984 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD0_SHIFT                   (1U)
5985 /*! BPBLCD0
5986  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
5987  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
5988  */
5989 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD0_MASK)
5991 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD1_MASK                    (0x2U)
5992 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD1_SHIFT                   (1U)
5993 /*! BPBLCD1
5994  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
5995  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
5996  */
5997 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD1_MASK)
5999 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD2_MASK                    (0x2U)
6000 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD2_SHIFT                   (1U)
6001 /*! BPBLCD2
6002  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6003  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6004  */
6005 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD2_MASK)
6007 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD3_MASK                    (0x2U)
6008 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD3_SHIFT                   (1U)
6009 /*! BPBLCD3
6010  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6011  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6012  */
6013 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD3_MASK)
6015 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD4_MASK                    (0x2U)
6016 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD4_SHIFT                   (1U)
6017 /*! BPBLCD4
6018  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6019  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6020  */
6021 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD4_MASK)
6023 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD5_MASK                    (0x2U)
6024 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD5_SHIFT                   (1U)
6025 /*! BPBLCD5
6026  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6027  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6028  */
6029 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD5_MASK)
6031 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD6_MASK                    (0x2U)
6032 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD6_SHIFT                   (1U)
6033 /*! BPBLCD6
6034  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6035  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6036  */
6037 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD6_MASK)
6039 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD7_MASK                    (0x2U)
6040 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD7_SHIFT                   (1U)
6041 /*! BPBLCD7
6042  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6043  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6044  */
6045 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD7_MASK)
6047 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD8_MASK                    (0x2U)
6048 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD8_SHIFT                   (1U)
6049 /*! BPBLCD8
6050  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6051  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6052  */
6053 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD8_MASK)
6055 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD9_MASK                    (0x2U)
6056 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD9_SHIFT                   (1U)
6057 /*! BPBLCD9
6058  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6059  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6060  */
6061 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD9_MASK)
6063 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD10_MASK                   (0x2U)
6064 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD10_SHIFT                  (1U)
6065 /*! BPBLCD10
6066  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6067  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6068  */
6069 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD10_MASK)
6071 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD11_MASK                   (0x2U)
6072 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD11_SHIFT                  (1U)
6073 /*! BPBLCD11
6074  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6075  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6076  */
6077 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD11_MASK)
6079 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD12_MASK                   (0x2U)
6080 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD12_SHIFT                  (1U)
6081 /*! BPBLCD12
6082  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6083  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6084  */
6085 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD12_MASK)
6087 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD13_MASK                   (0x2U)
6088 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD13_SHIFT                  (1U)
6089 /*! BPBLCD13
6090  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6091  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6092  */
6093 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD13_MASK)
6095 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD14_MASK                   (0x2U)
6096 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD14_SHIFT                  (1U)
6097 /*! BPBLCD14
6098  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6099  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6100  */
6101 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD14_MASK)
6103 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD15_MASK                   (0x2U)
6104 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD15_SHIFT                  (1U)
6105 /*! BPBLCD15
6106  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6107  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6108  */
6109 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD15_MASK)
6111 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD16_MASK                   (0x2U)
6112 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD16_SHIFT                  (1U)
6113 /*! BPBLCD16
6114  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6115  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6116  */
6117 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD16_MASK)
6119 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD17_MASK                   (0x2U)
6120 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD17_SHIFT                  (1U)
6121 /*! BPBLCD17
6122  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6123  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6124  */
6125 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD17_MASK)
6127 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD18_MASK                   (0x2U)
6128 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD18_SHIFT                  (1U)
6129 /*! BPBLCD18
6130  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6131  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6132  */
6133 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD18_MASK)
6135 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD19_MASK                   (0x2U)
6136 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD19_SHIFT                  (1U)
6137 /*! BPBLCD19
6138  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6139  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6140  */
6141 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD19_MASK)
6143 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD20_MASK                   (0x2U)
6144 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD20_SHIFT                  (1U)
6145 /*! BPBLCD20
6146  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6147  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6148  */
6149 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD20_MASK)
6151 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD21_MASK                   (0x2U)
6152 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD21_SHIFT                  (1U)
6153 /*! BPBLCD21
6154  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6155  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6156  */
6157 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD21_MASK)
6159 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD22_MASK                   (0x2U)
6160 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD22_SHIFT                  (1U)
6161 /*! BPBLCD22
6162  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6163  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6164  */
6165 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD22_MASK)
6167 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD23_MASK                   (0x2U)
6168 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD23_SHIFT                  (1U)
6169 /*! BPBLCD23
6170  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6171  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6172  */
6173 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD23_MASK)
6175 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD24_MASK                   (0x2U)
6176 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD24_SHIFT                  (1U)
6177 /*! BPBLCD24
6178  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6179  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6180  */
6181 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD24_MASK)
6183 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD25_MASK                   (0x2U)
6184 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD25_SHIFT                  (1U)
6185 /*! BPBLCD25
6186  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6187  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6188  */
6189 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD25_MASK)
6191 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD26_MASK                   (0x2U)
6192 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD26_SHIFT                  (1U)
6193 /*! BPBLCD26
6194  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6195  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6196  */
6197 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD26_MASK)
6199 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD27_MASK                   (0x2U)
6200 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD27_SHIFT                  (1U)
6201 /*! BPBLCD27
6202  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6203  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6204  */
6205 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD27_MASK)
6207 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD28_MASK                   (0x2U)
6208 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD28_SHIFT                  (1U)
6209 /*! BPBLCD28
6210  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6211  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6212  */
6213 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD28_MASK)
6215 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD29_MASK                   (0x2U)
6216 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD29_SHIFT                  (1U)
6217 /*! BPBLCD29
6218  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6219  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6220  */
6221 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD29_MASK)
6223 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD30_MASK                   (0x2U)
6224 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD30_SHIFT                  (1U)
6225 /*! BPBLCD30
6226  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6227  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6228  */
6229 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD30_MASK)
6231 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD31_MASK                   (0x2U)
6232 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD31_SHIFT                  (1U)
6233 /*! BPBLCD31
6234  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6235  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6236  */
6237 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD31_MASK)
6239 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD32_MASK                   (0x2U)
6240 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD32_SHIFT                  (1U)
6241 /*! BPBLCD32
6242  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6243  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6244  */
6245 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD32_MASK)
6247 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD33_MASK                   (0x2U)
6248 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD33_SHIFT                  (1U)
6249 /*! BPBLCD33
6250  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6251  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6252  */
6253 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD33_MASK)
6255 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD34_MASK                   (0x2U)
6256 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD34_SHIFT                  (1U)
6257 /*! BPBLCD34
6258  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6259  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6260  */
6261 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD34_MASK)
6263 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD35_MASK                   (0x2U)
6264 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD35_SHIFT                  (1U)
6265 /*! BPBLCD35
6266  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6267  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6268  */
6269 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD35_MASK)
6271 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD36_MASK                   (0x2U)
6272 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD36_SHIFT                  (1U)
6273 /*! BPBLCD36
6274  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6275  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6276  */
6277 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD36_MASK)
6279 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD37_MASK                   (0x2U)
6280 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD37_SHIFT                  (1U)
6281 /*! BPBLCD37
6282  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6283  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6284  */
6285 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD37_MASK)
6287 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD38_MASK                   (0x2U)
6288 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD38_SHIFT                  (1U)
6289 /*! BPBLCD38
6290  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6291  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6292  */
6293 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD38_MASK)
6295 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD39_MASK                   (0x2U)
6296 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD39_SHIFT                  (1U)
6297 /*! BPBLCD39
6298  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6299  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6300  */
6301 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD39_MASK)
6303 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD40_MASK                   (0x2U)
6304 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD40_SHIFT                  (1U)
6305 /*! BPBLCD40
6306  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6307  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6308  */
6309 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD40_MASK)
6311 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD41_MASK                   (0x2U)
6312 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD41_SHIFT                  (1U)
6313 /*! BPBLCD41
6314  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6315  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6316  */
6317 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD41_MASK)
6319 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD42_MASK                   (0x2U)
6320 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD42_SHIFT                  (1U)
6321 /*! BPBLCD42
6322  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6323  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6324  */
6325 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD42_MASK)
6327 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD43_MASK                   (0x2U)
6328 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD43_SHIFT                  (1U)
6329 /*! BPBLCD43
6330  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6331  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6332  */
6333 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD43_MASK)
6335 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD44_MASK                   (0x2U)
6336 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD44_SHIFT                  (1U)
6337 /*! BPBLCD44
6338  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6339  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6340  */
6341 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD44_MASK)
6343 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD45_MASK                   (0x2U)
6344 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD45_SHIFT                  (1U)
6345 /*! BPBLCD45
6346  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6347  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6348  */
6349 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD45_MASK)
6351 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD46_MASK                   (0x2U)
6352 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD46_SHIFT                  (1U)
6353 /*! BPBLCD46
6354  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6355  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6356  */
6357 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD46_MASK)
6359 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD47_MASK                   (0x2U)
6360 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD47_SHIFT                  (1U)
6361 /*! BPBLCD47
6362  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6363  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6364  */
6365 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD47_MASK)
6367 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD48_MASK                   (0x2U)
6368 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD48_SHIFT                  (1U)
6369 /*! BPBLCD48
6370  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6371  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6372  */
6373 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD48_MASK)
6375 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD49_MASK                   (0x2U)
6376 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD49_SHIFT                  (1U)
6377 /*! BPBLCD49
6378  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6379  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6380  */
6381 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD49_MASK)
6383 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD50_MASK                   (0x2U)
6384 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD50_SHIFT                  (1U)
6385 /*! BPBLCD50
6386  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6387  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6388  */
6389 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD50_MASK)
6391 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD51_MASK                   (0x2U)
6392 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD51_SHIFT                  (1U)
6393 /*! BPBLCD51
6394  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6395  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6396  */
6397 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD51_MASK)
6399 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD52_MASK                   (0x2U)
6400 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD52_SHIFT                  (1U)
6401 /*! BPBLCD52
6402  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6403  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6404  */
6405 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD52_MASK)
6407 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD53_MASK                   (0x2U)
6408 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD53_SHIFT                  (1U)
6409 /*! BPBLCD53
6410  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6411  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6412  */
6413 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD53_MASK)
6415 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD54_MASK                   (0x2U)
6416 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD54_SHIFT                  (1U)
6417 /*! BPBLCD54
6418  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6419  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6420  */
6421 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD54_MASK)
6423 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD55_MASK                   (0x2U)
6424 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD55_SHIFT                  (1U)
6425 /*! BPBLCD55
6426  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6427  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6428  */
6429 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD55_MASK)
6431 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD56_MASK                   (0x2U)
6432 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD56_SHIFT                  (1U)
6433 /*! BPBLCD56
6434  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6435  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6436  */
6437 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD56_MASK)
6439 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD57_MASK                   (0x2U)
6440 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD57_SHIFT                  (1U)
6441 /*! BPBLCD57
6442  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6443  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6444  */
6445 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD57_MASK)
6447 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD58_MASK                   (0x2U)
6448 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD58_SHIFT                  (1U)
6449 /*! BPBLCD58
6450  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6451  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6452  */
6453 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD58_MASK)
6455 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD59_MASK                   (0x2U)
6456 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD59_SHIFT                  (1U)
6457 /*! BPBLCD59
6458  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6459  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6460  */
6461 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD59_MASK)
6463 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD60_MASK                   (0x2U)
6464 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD60_SHIFT                  (1U)
6465 /*! BPBLCD60
6466  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6467  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6468  */
6469 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD60_MASK)
6471 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD61_MASK                   (0x2U)
6472 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD61_SHIFT                  (1U)
6473 /*! BPBLCD61
6474  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6475  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6476  */
6477 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD61_MASK)
6479 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD62_MASK                   (0x2U)
6480 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD62_SHIFT                  (1U)
6481 /*! BPBLCD62
6482  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6483  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6484  */
6485 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD62_MASK)
6487 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD63_MASK                   (0x2U)
6488 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD63_SHIFT                  (1U)
6489 /*! BPBLCD63
6490  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase B
6491  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase B
6492  */
6493 #define LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPBLCD63_MASK)
6495 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD0_MASK                    (0x4U)
6496 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD0_SHIFT                   (2U)
6497 /*! BPCLCD0
6498  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6499  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6500  */
6501 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD0_MASK)
6503 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD1_MASK                    (0x4U)
6504 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD1_SHIFT                   (2U)
6505 /*! BPCLCD1
6506  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6507  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6508  */
6509 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD1_MASK)
6511 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD2_MASK                    (0x4U)
6512 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD2_SHIFT                   (2U)
6513 /*! BPCLCD2
6514  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6515  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6516  */
6517 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD2_MASK)
6519 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD3_MASK                    (0x4U)
6520 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD3_SHIFT                   (2U)
6521 /*! BPCLCD3
6522  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6523  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6524  */
6525 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD3_MASK)
6527 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD4_MASK                    (0x4U)
6528 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD4_SHIFT                   (2U)
6529 /*! BPCLCD4
6530  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6531  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6532  */
6533 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD4_MASK)
6535 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD5_MASK                    (0x4U)
6536 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD5_SHIFT                   (2U)
6537 /*! BPCLCD5
6538  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6539  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6540  */
6541 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD5_MASK)
6543 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD6_MASK                    (0x4U)
6544 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD6_SHIFT                   (2U)
6545 /*! BPCLCD6
6546  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6547  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6548  */
6549 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD6_MASK)
6551 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD7_MASK                    (0x4U)
6552 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD7_SHIFT                   (2U)
6553 /*! BPCLCD7
6554  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6555  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6556  */
6557 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD7_MASK)
6559 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD8_MASK                    (0x4U)
6560 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD8_SHIFT                   (2U)
6561 /*! BPCLCD8
6562  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6563  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6564  */
6565 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD8_MASK)
6567 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD9_MASK                    (0x4U)
6568 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD9_SHIFT                   (2U)
6569 /*! BPCLCD9
6570  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6571  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6572  */
6573 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD9_MASK)
6575 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD10_MASK                   (0x4U)
6576 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD10_SHIFT                  (2U)
6577 /*! BPCLCD10
6578  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6579  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6580  */
6581 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD10_MASK)
6583 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD11_MASK                   (0x4U)
6584 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD11_SHIFT                  (2U)
6585 /*! BPCLCD11
6586  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6587  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6588  */
6589 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD11_MASK)
6591 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD12_MASK                   (0x4U)
6592 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD12_SHIFT                  (2U)
6593 /*! BPCLCD12
6594  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6595  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6596  */
6597 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD12_MASK)
6599 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD13_MASK                   (0x4U)
6600 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD13_SHIFT                  (2U)
6601 /*! BPCLCD13
6602  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6603  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6604  */
6605 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD13_MASK)
6607 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD14_MASK                   (0x4U)
6608 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD14_SHIFT                  (2U)
6609 /*! BPCLCD14
6610  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6611  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6612  */
6613 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD14_MASK)
6615 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD15_MASK                   (0x4U)
6616 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD15_SHIFT                  (2U)
6617 /*! BPCLCD15
6618  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6619  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6620  */
6621 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD15_MASK)
6623 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD16_MASK                   (0x4U)
6624 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD16_SHIFT                  (2U)
6625 /*! BPCLCD16
6626  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6627  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6628  */
6629 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD16_MASK)
6631 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD17_MASK                   (0x4U)
6632 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD17_SHIFT                  (2U)
6633 /*! BPCLCD17
6634  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6635  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6636  */
6637 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD17_MASK)
6639 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD18_MASK                   (0x4U)
6640 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD18_SHIFT                  (2U)
6641 /*! BPCLCD18
6642  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6643  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6644  */
6645 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD18_MASK)
6647 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD19_MASK                   (0x4U)
6648 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD19_SHIFT                  (2U)
6649 /*! BPCLCD19
6650  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6651  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6652  */
6653 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD19_MASK)
6655 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD20_MASK                   (0x4U)
6656 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD20_SHIFT                  (2U)
6657 /*! BPCLCD20
6658  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6659  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6660  */
6661 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD20_MASK)
6663 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD21_MASK                   (0x4U)
6664 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD21_SHIFT                  (2U)
6665 /*! BPCLCD21
6666  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6667  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6668  */
6669 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD21_MASK)
6671 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD22_MASK                   (0x4U)
6672 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD22_SHIFT                  (2U)
6673 /*! BPCLCD22
6674  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6675  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6676  */
6677 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD22_MASK)
6679 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD23_MASK                   (0x4U)
6680 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD23_SHIFT                  (2U)
6681 /*! BPCLCD23
6682  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6683  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6684  */
6685 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD23_MASK)
6687 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD24_MASK                   (0x4U)
6688 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD24_SHIFT                  (2U)
6689 /*! BPCLCD24
6690  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6691  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6692  */
6693 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD24_MASK)
6695 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD25_MASK                   (0x4U)
6696 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD25_SHIFT                  (2U)
6697 /*! BPCLCD25
6698  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6699  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6700  */
6701 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD25_MASK)
6703 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD26_MASK                   (0x4U)
6704 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD26_SHIFT                  (2U)
6705 /*! BPCLCD26
6706  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6707  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6708  */
6709 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD26_MASK)
6711 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD27_MASK                   (0x4U)
6712 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD27_SHIFT                  (2U)
6713 /*! BPCLCD27
6714  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6715  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6716  */
6717 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD27_MASK)
6719 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD28_MASK                   (0x4U)
6720 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD28_SHIFT                  (2U)
6721 /*! BPCLCD28
6722  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6723  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6724  */
6725 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD28_MASK)
6727 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD29_MASK                   (0x4U)
6728 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD29_SHIFT                  (2U)
6729 /*! BPCLCD29
6730  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6731  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6732  */
6733 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD29_MASK)
6735 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD30_MASK                   (0x4U)
6736 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD30_SHIFT                  (2U)
6737 /*! BPCLCD30
6738  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6739  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6740  */
6741 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD30_MASK)
6743 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD31_MASK                   (0x4U)
6744 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD31_SHIFT                  (2U)
6745 /*! BPCLCD31
6746  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6747  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6748  */
6749 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD31_MASK)
6751 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD32_MASK                   (0x4U)
6752 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD32_SHIFT                  (2U)
6753 /*! BPCLCD32
6754  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6755  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6756  */
6757 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD32_MASK)
6759 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD33_MASK                   (0x4U)
6760 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD33_SHIFT                  (2U)
6761 /*! BPCLCD33
6762  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6763  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6764  */
6765 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD33_MASK)
6767 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD34_MASK                   (0x4U)
6768 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD34_SHIFT                  (2U)
6769 /*! BPCLCD34
6770  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6771  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6772  */
6773 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD34_MASK)
6775 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD35_MASK                   (0x4U)
6776 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD35_SHIFT                  (2U)
6777 /*! BPCLCD35
6778  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6779  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6780  */
6781 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD35_MASK)
6783 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD36_MASK                   (0x4U)
6784 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD36_SHIFT                  (2U)
6785 /*! BPCLCD36
6786  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6787  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6788  */
6789 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD36_MASK)
6791 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD37_MASK                   (0x4U)
6792 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD37_SHIFT                  (2U)
6793 /*! BPCLCD37
6794  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6795  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6796  */
6797 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD37_MASK)
6799 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD38_MASK                   (0x4U)
6800 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD38_SHIFT                  (2U)
6801 /*! BPCLCD38
6802  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6803  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6804  */
6805 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD38_MASK)
6807 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD39_MASK                   (0x4U)
6808 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD39_SHIFT                  (2U)
6809 /*! BPCLCD39
6810  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6811  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6812  */
6813 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD39_MASK)
6815 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD40_MASK                   (0x4U)
6816 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD40_SHIFT                  (2U)
6817 /*! BPCLCD40
6818  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6819  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6820  */
6821 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD40_MASK)
6823 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD41_MASK                   (0x4U)
6824 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD41_SHIFT                  (2U)
6825 /*! BPCLCD41
6826  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6827  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6828  */
6829 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD41_MASK)
6831 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD42_MASK                   (0x4U)
6832 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD42_SHIFT                  (2U)
6833 /*! BPCLCD42
6834  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6835  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6836  */
6837 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD42_MASK)
6839 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD43_MASK                   (0x4U)
6840 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD43_SHIFT                  (2U)
6841 /*! BPCLCD43
6842  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6843  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6844  */
6845 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD43_MASK)
6847 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD44_MASK                   (0x4U)
6848 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD44_SHIFT                  (2U)
6849 /*! BPCLCD44
6850  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6851  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6852  */
6853 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD44_MASK)
6855 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD45_MASK                   (0x4U)
6856 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD45_SHIFT                  (2U)
6857 /*! BPCLCD45
6858  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6859  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6860  */
6861 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD45_MASK)
6863 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD46_MASK                   (0x4U)
6864 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD46_SHIFT                  (2U)
6865 /*! BPCLCD46
6866  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6867  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6868  */
6869 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD46_MASK)
6871 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD47_MASK                   (0x4U)
6872 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD47_SHIFT                  (2U)
6873 /*! BPCLCD47
6874  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6875  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6876  */
6877 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD47_MASK)
6879 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD48_MASK                   (0x4U)
6880 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD48_SHIFT                  (2U)
6881 /*! BPCLCD48
6882  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6883  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6884  */
6885 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD48_MASK)
6887 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD49_MASK                   (0x4U)
6888 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD49_SHIFT                  (2U)
6889 /*! BPCLCD49
6890  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6891  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6892  */
6893 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD49_MASK)
6895 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD50_MASK                   (0x4U)
6896 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD50_SHIFT                  (2U)
6897 /*! BPCLCD50
6898  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6899  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6900  */
6901 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD50_MASK)
6903 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD51_MASK                   (0x4U)
6904 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD51_SHIFT                  (2U)
6905 /*! BPCLCD51
6906  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6907  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6908  */
6909 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD51_MASK)
6911 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD52_MASK                   (0x4U)
6912 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD52_SHIFT                  (2U)
6913 /*! BPCLCD52
6914  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6915  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6916  */
6917 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD52_MASK)
6919 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD53_MASK                   (0x4U)
6920 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD53_SHIFT                  (2U)
6921 /*! BPCLCD53
6922  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6923  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6924  */
6925 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD53_MASK)
6927 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD54_MASK                   (0x4U)
6928 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD54_SHIFT                  (2U)
6929 /*! BPCLCD54
6930  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6931  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6932  */
6933 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD54_MASK)
6935 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD55_MASK                   (0x4U)
6936 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD55_SHIFT                  (2U)
6937 /*! BPCLCD55
6938  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6939  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6940  */
6941 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD55_MASK)
6943 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD56_MASK                   (0x4U)
6944 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD56_SHIFT                  (2U)
6945 /*! BPCLCD56
6946  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6947  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6948  */
6949 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD56_MASK)
6951 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD57_MASK                   (0x4U)
6952 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD57_SHIFT                  (2U)
6953 /*! BPCLCD57
6954  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6955  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6956  */
6957 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD57_MASK)
6959 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD58_MASK                   (0x4U)
6960 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD58_SHIFT                  (2U)
6961 /*! BPCLCD58
6962  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6963  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6964  */
6965 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD58_MASK)
6967 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD59_MASK                   (0x4U)
6968 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD59_SHIFT                  (2U)
6969 /*! BPCLCD59
6970  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6971  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6972  */
6973 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD59_MASK)
6975 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD60_MASK                   (0x4U)
6976 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD60_SHIFT                  (2U)
6977 /*! BPCLCD60
6978  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6979  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6980  */
6981 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD60_MASK)
6983 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD61_MASK                   (0x4U)
6984 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD61_SHIFT                  (2U)
6985 /*! BPCLCD61
6986  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6987  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6988  */
6989 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD61_MASK)
6991 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD62_MASK                   (0x4U)
6992 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD62_SHIFT                  (2U)
6993 /*! BPCLCD62
6994  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
6995  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
6996  */
6997 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD62_MASK)
6999 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD63_MASK                   (0x4U)
7000 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD63_SHIFT                  (2U)
7001 /*! BPCLCD63
7002  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase C
7003  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase C
7004  */
7005 #define LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPCLCD63_MASK)
7007 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD0_MASK                    (0x8U)
7008 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD0_SHIFT                   (3U)
7009 /*! BPDLCD0
7010  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7011  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7012  */
7013 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD0_MASK)
7015 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD1_MASK                    (0x8U)
7016 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD1_SHIFT                   (3U)
7017 /*! BPDLCD1
7018  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7019  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7020  */
7021 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD1_MASK)
7023 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD2_MASK                    (0x8U)
7024 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD2_SHIFT                   (3U)
7025 /*! BPDLCD2
7026  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7027  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7028  */
7029 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD2_MASK)
7031 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD3_MASK                    (0x8U)
7032 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD3_SHIFT                   (3U)
7033 /*! BPDLCD3
7034  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7035  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7036  */
7037 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD3_MASK)
7039 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD4_MASK                    (0x8U)
7040 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD4_SHIFT                   (3U)
7041 /*! BPDLCD4
7042  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7043  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7044  */
7045 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD4_MASK)
7047 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD5_MASK                    (0x8U)
7048 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD5_SHIFT                   (3U)
7049 /*! BPDLCD5
7050  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7051  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7052  */
7053 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD5_MASK)
7055 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD6_MASK                    (0x8U)
7056 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD6_SHIFT                   (3U)
7057 /*! BPDLCD6
7058  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7059  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7060  */
7061 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD6_MASK)
7063 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD7_MASK                    (0x8U)
7064 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD7_SHIFT                   (3U)
7065 /*! BPDLCD7
7066  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7067  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7068  */
7069 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD7_MASK)
7071 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD8_MASK                    (0x8U)
7072 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD8_SHIFT                   (3U)
7073 /*! BPDLCD8
7074  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7075  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7076  */
7077 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD8_MASK)
7079 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD9_MASK                    (0x8U)
7080 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD9_SHIFT                   (3U)
7081 /*! BPDLCD9
7082  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7083  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7084  */
7085 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD9_MASK)
7087 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD10_MASK                   (0x8U)
7088 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD10_SHIFT                  (3U)
7089 /*! BPDLCD10
7090  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7091  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7092  */
7093 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD10_MASK)
7095 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD11_MASK                   (0x8U)
7096 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD11_SHIFT                  (3U)
7097 /*! BPDLCD11
7098  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7099  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7100  */
7101 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD11_MASK)
7103 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD12_MASK                   (0x8U)
7104 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD12_SHIFT                  (3U)
7105 /*! BPDLCD12
7106  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7107  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7108  */
7109 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD12_MASK)
7111 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD13_MASK                   (0x8U)
7112 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD13_SHIFT                  (3U)
7113 /*! BPDLCD13
7114  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7115  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7116  */
7117 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD13_MASK)
7119 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD14_MASK                   (0x8U)
7120 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD14_SHIFT                  (3U)
7121 /*! BPDLCD14
7122  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7123  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7124  */
7125 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD14_MASK)
7127 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD15_MASK                   (0x8U)
7128 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD15_SHIFT                  (3U)
7129 /*! BPDLCD15
7130  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7131  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7132  */
7133 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD15_MASK)
7135 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD16_MASK                   (0x8U)
7136 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD16_SHIFT                  (3U)
7137 /*! BPDLCD16
7138  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7139  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7140  */
7141 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD16_MASK)
7143 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD17_MASK                   (0x8U)
7144 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD17_SHIFT                  (3U)
7145 /*! BPDLCD17
7146  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7147  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7148  */
7149 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD17_MASK)
7151 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD18_MASK                   (0x8U)
7152 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD18_SHIFT                  (3U)
7153 /*! BPDLCD18
7154  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7155  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7156  */
7157 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD18_MASK)
7159 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD19_MASK                   (0x8U)
7160 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD19_SHIFT                  (3U)
7161 /*! BPDLCD19
7162  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7163  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7164  */
7165 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD19_MASK)
7167 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD20_MASK                   (0x8U)
7168 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD20_SHIFT                  (3U)
7169 /*! BPDLCD20
7170  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7171  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7172  */
7173 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD20_MASK)
7175 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD21_MASK                   (0x8U)
7176 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD21_SHIFT                  (3U)
7177 /*! BPDLCD21
7178  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7179  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7180  */
7181 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD21_MASK)
7183 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD22_MASK                   (0x8U)
7184 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD22_SHIFT                  (3U)
7185 /*! BPDLCD22
7186  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7187  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7188  */
7189 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD22_MASK)
7191 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD23_MASK                   (0x8U)
7192 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD23_SHIFT                  (3U)
7193 /*! BPDLCD23
7194  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7195  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7196  */
7197 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD23_MASK)
7199 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD24_MASK                   (0x8U)
7200 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD24_SHIFT                  (3U)
7201 /*! BPDLCD24
7202  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7203  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7204  */
7205 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD24_MASK)
7207 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD25_MASK                   (0x8U)
7208 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD25_SHIFT                  (3U)
7209 /*! BPDLCD25
7210  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7211  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7212  */
7213 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD25_MASK)
7215 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD26_MASK                   (0x8U)
7216 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD26_SHIFT                  (3U)
7217 /*! BPDLCD26
7218  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7219  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7220  */
7221 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD26_MASK)
7223 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD27_MASK                   (0x8U)
7224 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD27_SHIFT                  (3U)
7225 /*! BPDLCD27
7226  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7227  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7228  */
7229 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD27_MASK)
7231 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD28_MASK                   (0x8U)
7232 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD28_SHIFT                  (3U)
7233 /*! BPDLCD28
7234  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7235  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7236  */
7237 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD28_MASK)
7239 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD29_MASK                   (0x8U)
7240 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD29_SHIFT                  (3U)
7241 /*! BPDLCD29
7242  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7243  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7244  */
7245 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD29_MASK)
7247 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD30_MASK                   (0x8U)
7248 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD30_SHIFT                  (3U)
7249 /*! BPDLCD30
7250  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7251  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7252  */
7253 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD30_MASK)
7255 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD31_MASK                   (0x8U)
7256 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD31_SHIFT                  (3U)
7257 /*! BPDLCD31
7258  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7259  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7260  */
7261 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD31_MASK)
7263 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD32_MASK                   (0x8U)
7264 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD32_SHIFT                  (3U)
7265 /*! BPDLCD32
7266  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7267  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7268  */
7269 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD32_MASK)
7271 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD33_MASK                   (0x8U)
7272 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD33_SHIFT                  (3U)
7273 /*! BPDLCD33
7274  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7275  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7276  */
7277 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD33_MASK)
7279 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD34_MASK                   (0x8U)
7280 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD34_SHIFT                  (3U)
7281 /*! BPDLCD34
7282  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7283  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7284  */
7285 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD34_MASK)
7287 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD35_MASK                   (0x8U)
7288 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD35_SHIFT                  (3U)
7289 /*! BPDLCD35
7290  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7291  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7292  */
7293 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD35_MASK)
7295 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD36_MASK                   (0x8U)
7296 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD36_SHIFT                  (3U)
7297 /*! BPDLCD36
7298  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7299  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7300  */
7301 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD36_MASK)
7303 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD37_MASK                   (0x8U)
7304 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD37_SHIFT                  (3U)
7305 /*! BPDLCD37
7306  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7307  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7308  */
7309 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD37_MASK)
7311 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD38_MASK                   (0x8U)
7312 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD38_SHIFT                  (3U)
7313 /*! BPDLCD38
7314  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7315  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7316  */
7317 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD38_MASK)
7319 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD39_MASK                   (0x8U)
7320 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD39_SHIFT                  (3U)
7321 /*! BPDLCD39
7322  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7323  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7324  */
7325 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD39_MASK)
7327 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD40_MASK                   (0x8U)
7328 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD40_SHIFT                  (3U)
7329 /*! BPDLCD40
7330  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7331  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7332  */
7333 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD40_MASK)
7335 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD41_MASK                   (0x8U)
7336 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD41_SHIFT                  (3U)
7337 /*! BPDLCD41
7338  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7339  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7340  */
7341 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD41_MASK)
7343 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD42_MASK                   (0x8U)
7344 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD42_SHIFT                  (3U)
7345 /*! BPDLCD42
7346  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7347  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7348  */
7349 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD42_MASK)
7351 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD43_MASK                   (0x8U)
7352 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD43_SHIFT                  (3U)
7353 /*! BPDLCD43
7354  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7355  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7356  */
7357 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD43_MASK)
7359 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD44_MASK                   (0x8U)
7360 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD44_SHIFT                  (3U)
7361 /*! BPDLCD44
7362  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7363  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7364  */
7365 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD44_MASK)
7367 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD45_MASK                   (0x8U)
7368 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD45_SHIFT                  (3U)
7369 /*! BPDLCD45
7370  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7371  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7372  */
7373 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD45_MASK)
7375 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD46_MASK                   (0x8U)
7376 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD46_SHIFT                  (3U)
7377 /*! BPDLCD46
7378  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7379  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7380  */
7381 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD46_MASK)
7383 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD47_MASK                   (0x8U)
7384 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD47_SHIFT                  (3U)
7385 /*! BPDLCD47
7386  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7387  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7388  */
7389 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD47_MASK)
7391 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD48_MASK                   (0x8U)
7392 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD48_SHIFT                  (3U)
7393 /*! BPDLCD48
7394  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7395  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7396  */
7397 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD48_MASK)
7399 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD49_MASK                   (0x8U)
7400 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD49_SHIFT                  (3U)
7401 /*! BPDLCD49
7402  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7403  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7404  */
7405 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD49_MASK)
7407 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD50_MASK                   (0x8U)
7408 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD50_SHIFT                  (3U)
7409 /*! BPDLCD50
7410  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7411  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7412  */
7413 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD50_MASK)
7415 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD51_MASK                   (0x8U)
7416 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD51_SHIFT                  (3U)
7417 /*! BPDLCD51
7418  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7419  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7420  */
7421 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD51_MASK)
7423 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD52_MASK                   (0x8U)
7424 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD52_SHIFT                  (3U)
7425 /*! BPDLCD52
7426  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7427  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7428  */
7429 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD52_MASK)
7431 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD53_MASK                   (0x8U)
7432 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD53_SHIFT                  (3U)
7433 /*! BPDLCD53
7434  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7435  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7436  */
7437 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD53_MASK)
7439 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD54_MASK                   (0x8U)
7440 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD54_SHIFT                  (3U)
7441 /*! BPDLCD54
7442  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7443  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7444  */
7445 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD54_MASK)
7447 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD55_MASK                   (0x8U)
7448 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD55_SHIFT                  (3U)
7449 /*! BPDLCD55
7450  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7451  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7452  */
7453 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD55_MASK)
7455 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD56_MASK                   (0x8U)
7456 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD56_SHIFT                  (3U)
7457 /*! BPDLCD56
7458  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7459  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7460  */
7461 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD56_MASK)
7463 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD57_MASK                   (0x8U)
7464 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD57_SHIFT                  (3U)
7465 /*! BPDLCD57
7466  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7467  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7468  */
7469 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD57_MASK)
7471 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD58_MASK                   (0x8U)
7472 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD58_SHIFT                  (3U)
7473 /*! BPDLCD58
7474  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7475  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7476  */
7477 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD58_MASK)
7479 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD59_MASK                   (0x8U)
7480 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD59_SHIFT                  (3U)
7481 /*! BPDLCD59
7482  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7483  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7484  */
7485 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD59_MASK)
7487 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD60_MASK                   (0x8U)
7488 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD60_SHIFT                  (3U)
7489 /*! BPDLCD60
7490  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7491  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7492  */
7493 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD60_MASK)
7495 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD61_MASK                   (0x8U)
7496 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD61_SHIFT                  (3U)
7497 /*! BPDLCD61
7498  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7499  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7500  */
7501 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD61_MASK)
7503 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD62_MASK                   (0x8U)
7504 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD62_SHIFT                  (3U)
7505 /*! BPDLCD62
7506  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7507  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7508  */
7509 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD62_MASK)
7511 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD63_MASK                   (0x8U)
7512 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD63_SHIFT                  (3U)
7513 /*! BPDLCD63
7514  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase D
7515  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase D
7516  */
7517 #define LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPDLCD63_MASK)
7519 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD0_MASK                    (0x10U)
7520 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD0_SHIFT                   (4U)
7521 /*! BPELCD0
7522  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7523  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7524  */
7525 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD0_MASK)
7527 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD1_MASK                    (0x10U)
7528 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD1_SHIFT                   (4U)
7529 /*! BPELCD1
7530  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7531  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7532  */
7533 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD1_MASK)
7535 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD2_MASK                    (0x10U)
7536 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD2_SHIFT                   (4U)
7537 /*! BPELCD2
7538  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7539  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7540  */
7541 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD2_MASK)
7543 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD3_MASK                    (0x10U)
7544 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD3_SHIFT                   (4U)
7545 /*! BPELCD3
7546  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7547  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7548  */
7549 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD3_MASK)
7551 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD4_MASK                    (0x10U)
7552 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD4_SHIFT                   (4U)
7553 /*! BPELCD4
7554  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7555  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7556  */
7557 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD4_MASK)
7559 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD5_MASK                    (0x10U)
7560 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD5_SHIFT                   (4U)
7561 /*! BPELCD5
7562  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7563  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7564  */
7565 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD5_MASK)
7567 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD6_MASK                    (0x10U)
7568 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD6_SHIFT                   (4U)
7569 /*! BPELCD6
7570  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7571  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7572  */
7573 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD6_MASK)
7575 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD7_MASK                    (0x10U)
7576 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD7_SHIFT                   (4U)
7577 /*! BPELCD7
7578  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7579  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7580  */
7581 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD7_MASK)
7583 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD8_MASK                    (0x10U)
7584 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD8_SHIFT                   (4U)
7585 /*! BPELCD8
7586  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7587  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7588  */
7589 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD8_MASK)
7591 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD9_MASK                    (0x10U)
7592 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD9_SHIFT                   (4U)
7593 /*! BPELCD9
7594  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7595  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7596  */
7597 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD9_MASK)
7599 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD10_MASK                   (0x10U)
7600 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD10_SHIFT                  (4U)
7601 /*! BPELCD10
7602  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7603  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7604  */
7605 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD10_MASK)
7607 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD11_MASK                   (0x10U)
7608 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD11_SHIFT                  (4U)
7609 /*! BPELCD11
7610  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7611  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7612  */
7613 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD11_MASK)
7615 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD12_MASK                   (0x10U)
7616 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD12_SHIFT                  (4U)
7617 /*! BPELCD12
7618  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7619  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7620  */
7621 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD12_MASK)
7623 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD13_MASK                   (0x10U)
7624 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD13_SHIFT                  (4U)
7625 /*! BPELCD13
7626  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7627  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7628  */
7629 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD13_MASK)
7631 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD14_MASK                   (0x10U)
7632 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD14_SHIFT                  (4U)
7633 /*! BPELCD14
7634  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7635  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7636  */
7637 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD14_MASK)
7639 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD15_MASK                   (0x10U)
7640 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD15_SHIFT                  (4U)
7641 /*! BPELCD15
7642  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7643  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7644  */
7645 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD15_MASK)
7647 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD16_MASK                   (0x10U)
7648 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD16_SHIFT                  (4U)
7649 /*! BPELCD16
7650  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7651  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7652  */
7653 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD16_MASK)
7655 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD17_MASK                   (0x10U)
7656 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD17_SHIFT                  (4U)
7657 /*! BPELCD17
7658  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7659  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7660  */
7661 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD17_MASK)
7663 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD18_MASK                   (0x10U)
7664 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD18_SHIFT                  (4U)
7665 /*! BPELCD18
7666  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7667  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7668  */
7669 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD18_MASK)
7671 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD19_MASK                   (0x10U)
7672 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD19_SHIFT                  (4U)
7673 /*! BPELCD19
7674  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7675  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7676  */
7677 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD19_MASK)
7679 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD20_MASK                   (0x10U)
7680 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD20_SHIFT                  (4U)
7681 /*! BPELCD20
7682  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7683  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7684  */
7685 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD20_MASK)
7687 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD21_MASK                   (0x10U)
7688 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD21_SHIFT                  (4U)
7689 /*! BPELCD21
7690  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7691  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7692  */
7693 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD21_MASK)
7695 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD22_MASK                   (0x10U)
7696 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD22_SHIFT                  (4U)
7697 /*! BPELCD22
7698  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7699  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7700  */
7701 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD22_MASK)
7703 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD23_MASK                   (0x10U)
7704 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD23_SHIFT                  (4U)
7705 /*! BPELCD23
7706  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7707  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7708  */
7709 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD23_MASK)
7711 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD24_MASK                   (0x10U)
7712 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD24_SHIFT                  (4U)
7713 /*! BPELCD24
7714  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7715  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7716  */
7717 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD24_MASK)
7719 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD25_MASK                   (0x10U)
7720 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD25_SHIFT                  (4U)
7721 /*! BPELCD25
7722  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7723  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7724  */
7725 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD25_MASK)
7727 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD26_MASK                   (0x10U)
7728 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD26_SHIFT                  (4U)
7729 /*! BPELCD26
7730  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7731  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7732  */
7733 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD26_MASK)
7735 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD27_MASK                   (0x10U)
7736 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD27_SHIFT                  (4U)
7737 /*! BPELCD27
7738  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7739  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7740  */
7741 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD27_MASK)
7743 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD28_MASK                   (0x10U)
7744 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD28_SHIFT                  (4U)
7745 /*! BPELCD28
7746  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7747  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7748  */
7749 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD28_MASK)
7751 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD29_MASK                   (0x10U)
7752 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD29_SHIFT                  (4U)
7753 /*! BPELCD29
7754  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7755  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7756  */
7757 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD29_MASK)
7759 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD30_MASK                   (0x10U)
7760 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD30_SHIFT                  (4U)
7761 /*! BPELCD30
7762  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7763  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7764  */
7765 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD30_MASK)
7767 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD31_MASK                   (0x10U)
7768 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD31_SHIFT                  (4U)
7769 /*! BPELCD31
7770  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7771  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7772  */
7773 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD31_MASK)
7775 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD32_MASK                   (0x10U)
7776 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD32_SHIFT                  (4U)
7777 /*! BPELCD32
7778  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7779  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7780  */
7781 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD32_MASK)
7783 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD33_MASK                   (0x10U)
7784 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD33_SHIFT                  (4U)
7785 /*! BPELCD33
7786  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7787  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7788  */
7789 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD33_MASK)
7791 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD34_MASK                   (0x10U)
7792 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD34_SHIFT                  (4U)
7793 /*! BPELCD34
7794  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7795  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7796  */
7797 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD34_MASK)
7799 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD35_MASK                   (0x10U)
7800 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD35_SHIFT                  (4U)
7801 /*! BPELCD35
7802  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7803  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7804  */
7805 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD35_MASK)
7807 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD36_MASK                   (0x10U)
7808 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD36_SHIFT                  (4U)
7809 /*! BPELCD36
7810  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7811  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7812  */
7813 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD36_MASK)
7815 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD37_MASK                   (0x10U)
7816 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD37_SHIFT                  (4U)
7817 /*! BPELCD37
7818  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7819  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7820  */
7821 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD37_MASK)
7823 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD38_MASK                   (0x10U)
7824 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD38_SHIFT                  (4U)
7825 /*! BPELCD38
7826  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7827  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7828  */
7829 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD38_MASK)
7831 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD39_MASK                   (0x10U)
7832 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD39_SHIFT                  (4U)
7833 /*! BPELCD39
7834  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7835  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7836  */
7837 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD39_MASK)
7839 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD40_MASK                   (0x10U)
7840 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD40_SHIFT                  (4U)
7841 /*! BPELCD40
7842  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7843  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7844  */
7845 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD40_MASK)
7847 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD41_MASK                   (0x10U)
7848 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD41_SHIFT                  (4U)
7849 /*! BPELCD41
7850  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7851  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7852  */
7853 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD41_MASK)
7855 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD42_MASK                   (0x10U)
7856 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD42_SHIFT                  (4U)
7857 /*! BPELCD42
7858  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7859  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7860  */
7861 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD42_MASK)
7863 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD43_MASK                   (0x10U)
7864 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD43_SHIFT                  (4U)
7865 /*! BPELCD43
7866  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7867  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7868  */
7869 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD43_MASK)
7871 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD44_MASK                   (0x10U)
7872 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD44_SHIFT                  (4U)
7873 /*! BPELCD44
7874  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7875  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7876  */
7877 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD44_MASK)
7879 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD45_MASK                   (0x10U)
7880 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD45_SHIFT                  (4U)
7881 /*! BPELCD45
7882  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7883  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7884  */
7885 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD45_MASK)
7887 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD46_MASK                   (0x10U)
7888 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD46_SHIFT                  (4U)
7889 /*! BPELCD46
7890  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7891  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7892  */
7893 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD46_MASK)
7895 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD47_MASK                   (0x10U)
7896 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD47_SHIFT                  (4U)
7897 /*! BPELCD47
7898  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7899  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7900  */
7901 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD47_MASK)
7903 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD48_MASK                   (0x10U)
7904 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD48_SHIFT                  (4U)
7905 /*! BPELCD48
7906  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7907  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7908  */
7909 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD48_MASK)
7911 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD49_MASK                   (0x10U)
7912 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD49_SHIFT                  (4U)
7913 /*! BPELCD49
7914  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7915  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7916  */
7917 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD49_MASK)
7919 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD50_MASK                   (0x10U)
7920 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD50_SHIFT                  (4U)
7921 /*! BPELCD50
7922  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7923  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7924  */
7925 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD50_MASK)
7927 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD51_MASK                   (0x10U)
7928 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD51_SHIFT                  (4U)
7929 /*! BPELCD51
7930  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7931  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7932  */
7933 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD51_MASK)
7935 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD52_MASK                   (0x10U)
7936 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD52_SHIFT                  (4U)
7937 /*! BPELCD52
7938  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7939  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7940  */
7941 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD52_MASK)
7943 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD53_MASK                   (0x10U)
7944 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD53_SHIFT                  (4U)
7945 /*! BPELCD53
7946  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7947  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7948  */
7949 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD53_MASK)
7951 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD54_MASK                   (0x10U)
7952 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD54_SHIFT                  (4U)
7953 /*! BPELCD54
7954  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7955  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7956  */
7957 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD54_MASK)
7959 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD55_MASK                   (0x10U)
7960 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD55_SHIFT                  (4U)
7961 /*! BPELCD55
7962  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7963  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7964  */
7965 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD55_MASK)
7967 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD56_MASK                   (0x10U)
7968 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD56_SHIFT                  (4U)
7969 /*! BPELCD56
7970  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7971  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7972  */
7973 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD56_MASK)
7975 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD57_MASK                   (0x10U)
7976 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD57_SHIFT                  (4U)
7977 /*! BPELCD57
7978  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7979  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7980  */
7981 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD57_MASK)
7983 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD58_MASK                   (0x10U)
7984 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD58_SHIFT                  (4U)
7985 /*! BPELCD58
7986  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7987  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7988  */
7989 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD58_MASK)
7991 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD59_MASK                   (0x10U)
7992 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD59_SHIFT                  (4U)
7993 /*! BPELCD59
7994  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
7995  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
7996  */
7997 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD59_MASK)
7999 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD60_MASK                   (0x10U)
8000 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD60_SHIFT                  (4U)
8001 /*! BPELCD60
8002  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
8003  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
8004  */
8005 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD60_MASK)
8007 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD61_MASK                   (0x10U)
8008 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD61_SHIFT                  (4U)
8009 /*! BPELCD61
8010  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
8011  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
8012  */
8013 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD61_MASK)
8015 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD62_MASK                   (0x10U)
8016 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD62_SHIFT                  (4U)
8017 /*! BPELCD62
8018  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
8019  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
8020  */
8021 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD62_MASK)
8023 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD63_MASK                   (0x10U)
8024 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD63_SHIFT                  (4U)
8025 /*! BPELCD63
8026  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase E
8027  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase E
8028  */
8029 #define LCD_WF8B_BPELCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPELCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPELCD63_MASK)
8031 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD0_MASK                    (0x20U)
8032 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD0_SHIFT                   (5U)
8033 /*! BPFLCD0
8034  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8035  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8036  */
8037 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD0_MASK)
8039 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD1_MASK                    (0x20U)
8040 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD1_SHIFT                   (5U)
8041 /*! BPFLCD1
8042  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8043  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8044  */
8045 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD1_MASK)
8047 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD2_MASK                    (0x20U)
8048 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD2_SHIFT                   (5U)
8049 /*! BPFLCD2
8050  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8051  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8052  */
8053 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD2_MASK)
8055 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD3_MASK                    (0x20U)
8056 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD3_SHIFT                   (5U)
8057 /*! BPFLCD3
8058  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8059  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8060  */
8061 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD3_MASK)
8063 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD4_MASK                    (0x20U)
8064 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD4_SHIFT                   (5U)
8065 /*! BPFLCD4
8066  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8067  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8068  */
8069 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD4_MASK)
8071 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD5_MASK                    (0x20U)
8072 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD5_SHIFT                   (5U)
8073 /*! BPFLCD5
8074  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8075  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8076  */
8077 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD5_MASK)
8079 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD6_MASK                    (0x20U)
8080 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD6_SHIFT                   (5U)
8081 /*! BPFLCD6
8082  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8083  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8084  */
8085 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD6_MASK)
8087 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD7_MASK                    (0x20U)
8088 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD7_SHIFT                   (5U)
8089 /*! BPFLCD7
8090  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8091  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8092  */
8093 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD7_MASK)
8095 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD8_MASK                    (0x20U)
8096 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD8_SHIFT                   (5U)
8097 /*! BPFLCD8
8098  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8099  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8100  */
8101 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD8_MASK)
8103 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD9_MASK                    (0x20U)
8104 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD9_SHIFT                   (5U)
8105 /*! BPFLCD9
8106  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8107  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8108  */
8109 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD9_MASK)
8111 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD10_MASK                   (0x20U)
8112 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD10_SHIFT                  (5U)
8113 /*! BPFLCD10
8114  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8115  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8116  */
8117 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD10_MASK)
8119 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD11_MASK                   (0x20U)
8120 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD11_SHIFT                  (5U)
8121 /*! BPFLCD11
8122  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8123  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8124  */
8125 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD11_MASK)
8127 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD12_MASK                   (0x20U)
8128 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD12_SHIFT                  (5U)
8129 /*! BPFLCD12
8130  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8131  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8132  */
8133 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD12_MASK)
8135 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD13_MASK                   (0x20U)
8136 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD13_SHIFT                  (5U)
8137 /*! BPFLCD13
8138  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8139  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8140  */
8141 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD13_MASK)
8143 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD14_MASK                   (0x20U)
8144 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD14_SHIFT                  (5U)
8145 /*! BPFLCD14
8146  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8147  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8148  */
8149 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD14_MASK)
8151 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD15_MASK                   (0x20U)
8152 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD15_SHIFT                  (5U)
8153 /*! BPFLCD15
8154  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8155  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8156  */
8157 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD15_MASK)
8159 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD16_MASK                   (0x20U)
8160 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD16_SHIFT                  (5U)
8161 /*! BPFLCD16
8162  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8163  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8164  */
8165 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD16_MASK)
8167 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD17_MASK                   (0x20U)
8168 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD17_SHIFT                  (5U)
8169 /*! BPFLCD17
8170  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8171  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8172  */
8173 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD17_MASK)
8175 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD18_MASK                   (0x20U)
8176 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD18_SHIFT                  (5U)
8177 /*! BPFLCD18
8178  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8179  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8180  */
8181 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD18_MASK)
8183 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD19_MASK                   (0x20U)
8184 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD19_SHIFT                  (5U)
8185 /*! BPFLCD19
8186  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8187  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8188  */
8189 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD19_MASK)
8191 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD20_MASK                   (0x20U)
8192 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD20_SHIFT                  (5U)
8193 /*! BPFLCD20
8194  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8195  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8196  */
8197 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD20_MASK)
8199 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD21_MASK                   (0x20U)
8200 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD21_SHIFT                  (5U)
8201 /*! BPFLCD21
8202  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8203  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8204  */
8205 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD21_MASK)
8207 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD22_MASK                   (0x20U)
8208 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD22_SHIFT                  (5U)
8209 /*! BPFLCD22
8210  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8211  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8212  */
8213 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD22_MASK)
8215 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD23_MASK                   (0x20U)
8216 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD23_SHIFT                  (5U)
8217 /*! BPFLCD23
8218  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8219  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8220  */
8221 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD23_MASK)
8223 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD24_MASK                   (0x20U)
8224 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD24_SHIFT                  (5U)
8225 /*! BPFLCD24
8226  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8227  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8228  */
8229 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD24_MASK)
8231 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD25_MASK                   (0x20U)
8232 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD25_SHIFT                  (5U)
8233 /*! BPFLCD25
8234  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8235  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8236  */
8237 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD25_MASK)
8239 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD26_MASK                   (0x20U)
8240 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD26_SHIFT                  (5U)
8241 /*! BPFLCD26
8242  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8243  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8244  */
8245 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD26_MASK)
8247 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD27_MASK                   (0x20U)
8248 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD27_SHIFT                  (5U)
8249 /*! BPFLCD27
8250  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8251  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8252  */
8253 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD27_MASK)
8255 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD28_MASK                   (0x20U)
8256 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD28_SHIFT                  (5U)
8257 /*! BPFLCD28
8258  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8259  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8260  */
8261 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD28_MASK)
8263 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD29_MASK                   (0x20U)
8264 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD29_SHIFT                  (5U)
8265 /*! BPFLCD29
8266  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8267  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8268  */
8269 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD29_MASK)
8271 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD30_MASK                   (0x20U)
8272 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD30_SHIFT                  (5U)
8273 /*! BPFLCD30
8274  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8275  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8276  */
8277 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD30_MASK)
8279 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD31_MASK                   (0x20U)
8280 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD31_SHIFT                  (5U)
8281 /*! BPFLCD31
8282  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8283  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8284  */
8285 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD31_MASK)
8287 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD32_MASK                   (0x20U)
8288 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD32_SHIFT                  (5U)
8289 /*! BPFLCD32
8290  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8291  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8292  */
8293 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD32_MASK)
8295 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD33_MASK                   (0x20U)
8296 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD33_SHIFT                  (5U)
8297 /*! BPFLCD33
8298  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8299  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8300  */
8301 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD33_MASK)
8303 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD34_MASK                   (0x20U)
8304 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD34_SHIFT                  (5U)
8305 /*! BPFLCD34
8306  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8307  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8308  */
8309 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD34_MASK)
8311 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD35_MASK                   (0x20U)
8312 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD35_SHIFT                  (5U)
8313 /*! BPFLCD35
8314  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8315  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8316  */
8317 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD35_MASK)
8319 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD36_MASK                   (0x20U)
8320 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD36_SHIFT                  (5U)
8321 /*! BPFLCD36
8322  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8323  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8324  */
8325 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD36_MASK)
8327 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD37_MASK                   (0x20U)
8328 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD37_SHIFT                  (5U)
8329 /*! BPFLCD37
8330  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8331  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8332  */
8333 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD37_MASK)
8335 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD38_MASK                   (0x20U)
8336 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD38_SHIFT                  (5U)
8337 /*! BPFLCD38
8338  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8339  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8340  */
8341 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD38_MASK)
8343 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD39_MASK                   (0x20U)
8344 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD39_SHIFT                  (5U)
8345 /*! BPFLCD39
8346  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8347  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8348  */
8349 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD39_MASK)
8351 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD40_MASK                   (0x20U)
8352 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD40_SHIFT                  (5U)
8353 /*! BPFLCD40
8354  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8355  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8356  */
8357 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD40_MASK)
8359 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD41_MASK                   (0x20U)
8360 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD41_SHIFT                  (5U)
8361 /*! BPFLCD41
8362  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8363  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8364  */
8365 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD41_MASK)
8367 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD42_MASK                   (0x20U)
8368 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD42_SHIFT                  (5U)
8369 /*! BPFLCD42
8370  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8371  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8372  */
8373 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD42_MASK)
8375 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD43_MASK                   (0x20U)
8376 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD43_SHIFT                  (5U)
8377 /*! BPFLCD43
8378  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8379  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8380  */
8381 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD43_MASK)
8383 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD44_MASK                   (0x20U)
8384 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD44_SHIFT                  (5U)
8385 /*! BPFLCD44
8386  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8387  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8388  */
8389 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD44_MASK)
8391 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD45_MASK                   (0x20U)
8392 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD45_SHIFT                  (5U)
8393 /*! BPFLCD45
8394  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8395  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8396  */
8397 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD45_MASK)
8399 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD46_MASK                   (0x20U)
8400 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD46_SHIFT                  (5U)
8401 /*! BPFLCD46
8402  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8403  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8404  */
8405 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD46_MASK)
8407 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD47_MASK                   (0x20U)
8408 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD47_SHIFT                  (5U)
8409 /*! BPFLCD47
8410  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8411  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8412  */
8413 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD47_MASK)
8415 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD48_MASK                   (0x20U)
8416 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD48_SHIFT                  (5U)
8417 /*! BPFLCD48
8418  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8419  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8420  */
8421 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD48_MASK)
8423 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD49_MASK                   (0x20U)
8424 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD49_SHIFT                  (5U)
8425 /*! BPFLCD49
8426  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8427  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8428  */
8429 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD49_MASK)
8431 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD50_MASK                   (0x20U)
8432 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD50_SHIFT                  (5U)
8433 /*! BPFLCD50
8434  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8435  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8436  */
8437 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD50_MASK)
8439 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD51_MASK                   (0x20U)
8440 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD51_SHIFT                  (5U)
8441 /*! BPFLCD51
8442  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8443  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8444  */
8445 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD51_MASK)
8447 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD52_MASK                   (0x20U)
8448 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD52_SHIFT                  (5U)
8449 /*! BPFLCD52
8450  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8451  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8452  */
8453 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD52_MASK)
8455 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD53_MASK                   (0x20U)
8456 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD53_SHIFT                  (5U)
8457 /*! BPFLCD53
8458  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8459  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8460  */
8461 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD53_MASK)
8463 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD54_MASK                   (0x20U)
8464 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD54_SHIFT                  (5U)
8465 /*! BPFLCD54
8466  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8467  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8468  */
8469 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD54_MASK)
8471 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD55_MASK                   (0x20U)
8472 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD55_SHIFT                  (5U)
8473 /*! BPFLCD55
8474  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8475  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8476  */
8477 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD55_MASK)
8479 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD56_MASK                   (0x20U)
8480 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD56_SHIFT                  (5U)
8481 /*! BPFLCD56
8482  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8483  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8484  */
8485 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD56_MASK)
8487 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD57_MASK                   (0x20U)
8488 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD57_SHIFT                  (5U)
8489 /*! BPFLCD57
8490  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8491  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8492  */
8493 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD57_MASK)
8495 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD58_MASK                   (0x20U)
8496 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD58_SHIFT                  (5U)
8497 /*! BPFLCD58
8498  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8499  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8500  */
8501 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD58_MASK)
8503 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD59_MASK                   (0x20U)
8504 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD59_SHIFT                  (5U)
8505 /*! BPFLCD59
8506  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8507  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8508  */
8509 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD59_MASK)
8511 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD60_MASK                   (0x20U)
8512 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD60_SHIFT                  (5U)
8513 /*! BPFLCD60
8514  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8515  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8516  */
8517 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD60_MASK)
8519 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD61_MASK                   (0x20U)
8520 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD61_SHIFT                  (5U)
8521 /*! BPFLCD61
8522  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8523  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8524  */
8525 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD61_MASK)
8527 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD62_MASK                   (0x20U)
8528 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD62_SHIFT                  (5U)
8529 /*! BPFLCD62
8530  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8531  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8532  */
8533 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD62_MASK)
8535 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD63_MASK                   (0x20U)
8536 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD63_SHIFT                  (5U)
8537 /*! BPFLCD63
8538  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase F
8539  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase F
8540  */
8541 #define LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPFLCD63_MASK)
8543 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD0_MASK                    (0x40U)
8544 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD0_SHIFT                   (6U)
8545 /*! BPGLCD0
8546  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8547  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8548  */
8549 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD0_MASK)
8551 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD1_MASK                    (0x40U)
8552 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD1_SHIFT                   (6U)
8553 /*! BPGLCD1
8554  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8555  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8556  */
8557 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD1_MASK)
8559 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD2_MASK                    (0x40U)
8560 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD2_SHIFT                   (6U)
8561 /*! BPGLCD2
8562  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8563  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8564  */
8565 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD2_MASK)
8567 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD3_MASK                    (0x40U)
8568 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD3_SHIFT                   (6U)
8569 /*! BPGLCD3
8570  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8571  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8572  */
8573 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD3_MASK)
8575 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD4_MASK                    (0x40U)
8576 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD4_SHIFT                   (6U)
8577 /*! BPGLCD4
8578  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8579  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8580  */
8581 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD4_MASK)
8583 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD5_MASK                    (0x40U)
8584 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD5_SHIFT                   (6U)
8585 /*! BPGLCD5
8586  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8587  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8588  */
8589 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD5_MASK)
8591 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD6_MASK                    (0x40U)
8592 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD6_SHIFT                   (6U)
8593 /*! BPGLCD6
8594  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8595  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8596  */
8597 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD6_MASK)
8599 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD7_MASK                    (0x40U)
8600 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD7_SHIFT                   (6U)
8601 /*! BPGLCD7
8602  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8603  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8604  */
8605 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD7_MASK)
8607 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD8_MASK                    (0x40U)
8608 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD8_SHIFT                   (6U)
8609 /*! BPGLCD8
8610  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8611  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8612  */
8613 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD8_MASK)
8615 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD9_MASK                    (0x40U)
8616 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD9_SHIFT                   (6U)
8617 /*! BPGLCD9
8618  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8619  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8620  */
8621 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD9_MASK)
8623 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD10_MASK                   (0x40U)
8624 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD10_SHIFT                  (6U)
8625 /*! BPGLCD10
8626  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8627  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8628  */
8629 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD10_MASK)
8631 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD11_MASK                   (0x40U)
8632 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD11_SHIFT                  (6U)
8633 /*! BPGLCD11
8634  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8635  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8636  */
8637 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD11_MASK)
8639 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD12_MASK                   (0x40U)
8640 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD12_SHIFT                  (6U)
8641 /*! BPGLCD12
8642  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8643  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8644  */
8645 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD12_MASK)
8647 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD13_MASK                   (0x40U)
8648 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD13_SHIFT                  (6U)
8649 /*! BPGLCD13
8650  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8651  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8652  */
8653 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD13_MASK)
8655 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD14_MASK                   (0x40U)
8656 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD14_SHIFT                  (6U)
8657 /*! BPGLCD14
8658  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8659  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8660  */
8661 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD14_MASK)
8663 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD15_MASK                   (0x40U)
8664 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD15_SHIFT                  (6U)
8665 /*! BPGLCD15
8666  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8667  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8668  */
8669 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD15_MASK)
8671 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD16_MASK                   (0x40U)
8672 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD16_SHIFT                  (6U)
8673 /*! BPGLCD16
8674  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8675  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8676  */
8677 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD16_MASK)
8679 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD17_MASK                   (0x40U)
8680 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD17_SHIFT                  (6U)
8681 /*! BPGLCD17
8682  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8683  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8684  */
8685 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD17_MASK)
8687 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD18_MASK                   (0x40U)
8688 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD18_SHIFT                  (6U)
8689 /*! BPGLCD18
8690  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8691  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8692  */
8693 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD18_MASK)
8695 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD19_MASK                   (0x40U)
8696 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD19_SHIFT                  (6U)
8697 /*! BPGLCD19
8698  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8699  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8700  */
8701 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD19_MASK)
8703 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD20_MASK                   (0x40U)
8704 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD20_SHIFT                  (6U)
8705 /*! BPGLCD20
8706  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8707  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8708  */
8709 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD20_MASK)
8711 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD21_MASK                   (0x40U)
8712 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD21_SHIFT                  (6U)
8713 /*! BPGLCD21
8714  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8715  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8716  */
8717 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD21_MASK)
8719 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD22_MASK                   (0x40U)
8720 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD22_SHIFT                  (6U)
8721 /*! BPGLCD22
8722  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8723  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8724  */
8725 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD22_MASK)
8727 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD23_MASK                   (0x40U)
8728 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD23_SHIFT                  (6U)
8729 /*! BPGLCD23
8730  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8731  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8732  */
8733 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD23_MASK)
8735 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD24_MASK                   (0x40U)
8736 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD24_SHIFT                  (6U)
8737 /*! BPGLCD24
8738  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8739  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8740  */
8741 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD24_MASK)
8743 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD25_MASK                   (0x40U)
8744 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD25_SHIFT                  (6U)
8745 /*! BPGLCD25
8746  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8747  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8748  */
8749 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD25_MASK)
8751 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD26_MASK                   (0x40U)
8752 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD26_SHIFT                  (6U)
8753 /*! BPGLCD26
8754  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8755  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8756  */
8757 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD26_MASK)
8759 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD27_MASK                   (0x40U)
8760 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD27_SHIFT                  (6U)
8761 /*! BPGLCD27
8762  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8763  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8764  */
8765 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD27_MASK)
8767 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD28_MASK                   (0x40U)
8768 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD28_SHIFT                  (6U)
8769 /*! BPGLCD28
8770  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8771  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8772  */
8773 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD28_MASK)
8775 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD29_MASK                   (0x40U)
8776 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD29_SHIFT                  (6U)
8777 /*! BPGLCD29
8778  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8779  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8780  */
8781 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD29_MASK)
8783 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD30_MASK                   (0x40U)
8784 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD30_SHIFT                  (6U)
8785 /*! BPGLCD30
8786  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8787  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8788  */
8789 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD30_MASK)
8791 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD31_MASK                   (0x40U)
8792 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD31_SHIFT                  (6U)
8793 /*! BPGLCD31
8794  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8795  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8796  */
8797 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD31_MASK)
8799 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD32_MASK                   (0x40U)
8800 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD32_SHIFT                  (6U)
8801 /*! BPGLCD32
8802  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8803  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8804  */
8805 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD32_MASK)
8807 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD33_MASK                   (0x40U)
8808 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD33_SHIFT                  (6U)
8809 /*! BPGLCD33
8810  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8811  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8812  */
8813 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD33_MASK)
8815 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD34_MASK                   (0x40U)
8816 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD34_SHIFT                  (6U)
8817 /*! BPGLCD34
8818  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8819  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8820  */
8821 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD34_MASK)
8823 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD35_MASK                   (0x40U)
8824 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD35_SHIFT                  (6U)
8825 /*! BPGLCD35
8826  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8827  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8828  */
8829 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD35_MASK)
8831 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD36_MASK                   (0x40U)
8832 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD36_SHIFT                  (6U)
8833 /*! BPGLCD36
8834  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8835  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8836  */
8837 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD36_MASK)
8839 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD37_MASK                   (0x40U)
8840 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD37_SHIFT                  (6U)
8841 /*! BPGLCD37
8842  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8843  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8844  */
8845 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD37_MASK)
8847 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD38_MASK                   (0x40U)
8848 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD38_SHIFT                  (6U)
8849 /*! BPGLCD38
8850  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8851  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8852  */
8853 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD38_MASK)
8855 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD39_MASK                   (0x40U)
8856 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD39_SHIFT                  (6U)
8857 /*! BPGLCD39
8858  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8859  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8860  */
8861 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD39_MASK)
8863 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD40_MASK                   (0x40U)
8864 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD40_SHIFT                  (6U)
8865 /*! BPGLCD40
8866  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8867  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8868  */
8869 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD40_MASK)
8871 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD41_MASK                   (0x40U)
8872 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD41_SHIFT                  (6U)
8873 /*! BPGLCD41
8874  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8875  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8876  */
8877 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD41_MASK)
8879 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD42_MASK                   (0x40U)
8880 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD42_SHIFT                  (6U)
8881 /*! BPGLCD42
8882  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8883  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8884  */
8885 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD42_MASK)
8887 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD43_MASK                   (0x40U)
8888 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD43_SHIFT                  (6U)
8889 /*! BPGLCD43
8890  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8891  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8892  */
8893 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD43_MASK)
8895 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD44_MASK                   (0x40U)
8896 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD44_SHIFT                  (6U)
8897 /*! BPGLCD44
8898  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8899  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8900  */
8901 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD44_MASK)
8903 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD45_MASK                   (0x40U)
8904 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD45_SHIFT                  (6U)
8905 /*! BPGLCD45
8906  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8907  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8908  */
8909 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD45_MASK)
8911 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD46_MASK                   (0x40U)
8912 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD46_SHIFT                  (6U)
8913 /*! BPGLCD46
8914  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8915  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8916  */
8917 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD46_MASK)
8919 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD47_MASK                   (0x40U)
8920 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD47_SHIFT                  (6U)
8921 /*! BPGLCD47
8922  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8923  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8924  */
8925 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD47_MASK)
8927 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD48_MASK                   (0x40U)
8928 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD48_SHIFT                  (6U)
8929 /*! BPGLCD48
8930  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8931  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8932  */
8933 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD48_MASK)
8935 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD49_MASK                   (0x40U)
8936 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD49_SHIFT                  (6U)
8937 /*! BPGLCD49
8938  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8939  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8940  */
8941 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD49_MASK)
8943 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD50_MASK                   (0x40U)
8944 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD50_SHIFT                  (6U)
8945 /*! BPGLCD50
8946  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8947  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8948  */
8949 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD50_MASK)
8951 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD51_MASK                   (0x40U)
8952 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD51_SHIFT                  (6U)
8953 /*! BPGLCD51
8954  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8955  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8956  */
8957 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD51_MASK)
8959 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD52_MASK                   (0x40U)
8960 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD52_SHIFT                  (6U)
8961 /*! BPGLCD52
8962  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8963  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8964  */
8965 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD52_MASK)
8967 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD53_MASK                   (0x40U)
8968 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD53_SHIFT                  (6U)
8969 /*! BPGLCD53
8970  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8971  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8972  */
8973 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD53_MASK)
8975 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD54_MASK                   (0x40U)
8976 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD54_SHIFT                  (6U)
8977 /*! BPGLCD54
8978  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8979  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8980  */
8981 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD54_MASK)
8983 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD55_MASK                   (0x40U)
8984 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD55_SHIFT                  (6U)
8985 /*! BPGLCD55
8986  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8987  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8988  */
8989 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD55_MASK)
8991 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD56_MASK                   (0x40U)
8992 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD56_SHIFT                  (6U)
8993 /*! BPGLCD56
8994  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
8995  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
8996  */
8997 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD56_MASK)
8999 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD57_MASK                   (0x40U)
9000 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD57_SHIFT                  (6U)
9001 /*! BPGLCD57
9002  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9003  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9004  */
9005 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD57_MASK)
9007 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD58_MASK                   (0x40U)
9008 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD58_SHIFT                  (6U)
9009 /*! BPGLCD58
9010  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9011  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9012  */
9013 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD58_MASK)
9015 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD59_MASK                   (0x40U)
9016 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD59_SHIFT                  (6U)
9017 /*! BPGLCD59
9018  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9019  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9020  */
9021 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD59_MASK)
9023 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD60_MASK                   (0x40U)
9024 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD60_SHIFT                  (6U)
9025 /*! BPGLCD60
9026  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9027  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9028  */
9029 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD60_MASK)
9031 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD61_MASK                   (0x40U)
9032 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD61_SHIFT                  (6U)
9033 /*! BPGLCD61
9034  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9035  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9036  */
9037 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD61_MASK)
9039 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD62_MASK                   (0x40U)
9040 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD62_SHIFT                  (6U)
9041 /*! BPGLCD62
9042  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9043  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9044  */
9045 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD62_MASK)
9047 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD63_MASK                   (0x40U)
9048 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD63_SHIFT                  (6U)
9049 /*! BPGLCD63
9050  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase G
9051  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase G
9052  */
9053 #define LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPGLCD63_MASK)
9055 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD0_MASK                    (0x80U)
9056 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD0_SHIFT                   (7U)
9057 /*! BPHLCD0
9058  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9059  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9060  */
9061 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD0_MASK)
9063 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD1_MASK                    (0x80U)
9064 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD1_SHIFT                   (7U)
9065 /*! BPHLCD1
9066  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9067  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9068  */
9069 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD1(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD1_MASK)
9071 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD2_MASK                    (0x80U)
9072 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD2_SHIFT                   (7U)
9073 /*! BPHLCD2
9074  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9075  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9076  */
9077 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD2(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD2_MASK)
9079 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD3_MASK                    (0x80U)
9080 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD3_SHIFT                   (7U)
9081 /*! BPHLCD3
9082  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9083  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9084  */
9085 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD3(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD3_MASK)
9087 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD4_MASK                    (0x80U)
9088 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD4_SHIFT                   (7U)
9089 /*! BPHLCD4
9090  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9091  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9092  */
9093 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD4(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD4_MASK)
9095 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD5_MASK                    (0x80U)
9096 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD5_SHIFT                   (7U)
9097 /*! BPHLCD5
9098  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9099  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9100  */
9101 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD5(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD5_MASK)
9103 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD6_MASK                    (0x80U)
9104 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD6_SHIFT                   (7U)
9105 /*! BPHLCD6
9106  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9107  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9108  */
9109 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD6(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD6_MASK)
9111 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD7_MASK                    (0x80U)
9112 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD7_SHIFT                   (7U)
9113 /*! BPHLCD7
9114  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9115  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9116  */
9117 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD7(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD7_MASK)
9119 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD8_MASK                    (0x80U)
9120 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD8_SHIFT                   (7U)
9121 /*! BPHLCD8
9122  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9123  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9124  */
9125 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD8(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD8_MASK)
9127 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD9_MASK                    (0x80U)
9128 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD9_SHIFT                   (7U)
9129 /*! BPHLCD9
9130  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9131  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9132  */
9133 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD9(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD9_MASK)
9135 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD10_MASK                   (0x80U)
9136 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD10_SHIFT                  (7U)
9137 /*! BPHLCD10
9138  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9139  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9140  */
9141 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD10(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD10_MASK)
9143 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD11_MASK                   (0x80U)
9144 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD11_SHIFT                  (7U)
9145 /*! BPHLCD11
9146  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9147  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9148  */
9149 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD11(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD11_MASK)
9151 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD12_MASK                   (0x80U)
9152 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD12_SHIFT                  (7U)
9153 /*! BPHLCD12
9154  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9155  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9156  */
9157 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD12(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD12_MASK)
9159 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD13_MASK                   (0x80U)
9160 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD13_SHIFT                  (7U)
9161 /*! BPHLCD13
9162  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9163  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9164  */
9165 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD13(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD13_MASK)
9167 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD14_MASK                   (0x80U)
9168 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD14_SHIFT                  (7U)
9169 /*! BPHLCD14
9170  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9171  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9172  */
9173 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD14(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD14_MASK)
9175 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD15_MASK                   (0x80U)
9176 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD15_SHIFT                  (7U)
9177 /*! BPHLCD15
9178  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9179  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9180  */
9181 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD15(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD15_MASK)
9183 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD16_MASK                   (0x80U)
9184 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD16_SHIFT                  (7U)
9185 /*! BPHLCD16
9186  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9187  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9188  */
9189 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD16(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD16_MASK)
9191 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD17_MASK                   (0x80U)
9192 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD17_SHIFT                  (7U)
9193 /*! BPHLCD17
9194  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9195  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9196  */
9197 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD17(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD17_MASK)
9199 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD18_MASK                   (0x80U)
9200 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD18_SHIFT                  (7U)
9201 /*! BPHLCD18
9202  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9203  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9204  */
9205 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD18(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD18_MASK)
9207 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD19_MASK                   (0x80U)
9208 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD19_SHIFT                  (7U)
9209 /*! BPHLCD19
9210  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9211  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9212  */
9213 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD19(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD19_MASK)
9215 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD20_MASK                   (0x80U)
9216 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD20_SHIFT                  (7U)
9217 /*! BPHLCD20
9218  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9219  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9220  */
9221 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD20(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD20_MASK)
9223 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD21_MASK                   (0x80U)
9224 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD21_SHIFT                  (7U)
9225 /*! BPHLCD21
9226  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9227  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9228  */
9229 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD21(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD21_MASK)
9231 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD22_MASK                   (0x80U)
9232 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD22_SHIFT                  (7U)
9233 /*! BPHLCD22
9234  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9235  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9236  */
9237 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD22(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD22_MASK)
9239 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD23_MASK                   (0x80U)
9240 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD23_SHIFT                  (7U)
9241 /*! BPHLCD23
9242  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9243  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9244  */
9245 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD23(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD23_MASK)
9247 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD24_MASK                   (0x80U)
9248 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD24_SHIFT                  (7U)
9249 /*! BPHLCD24
9250  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9251  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9252  */
9253 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD24(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD24_MASK)
9255 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD25_MASK                   (0x80U)
9256 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD25_SHIFT                  (7U)
9257 /*! BPHLCD25
9258  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9259  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9260  */
9261 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD25(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD25_MASK)
9263 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD26_MASK                   (0x80U)
9264 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD26_SHIFT                  (7U)
9265 /*! BPHLCD26
9266  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9267  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9268  */
9269 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD26(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD26_MASK)
9271 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD27_MASK                   (0x80U)
9272 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD27_SHIFT                  (7U)
9273 /*! BPHLCD27
9274  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9275  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9276  */
9277 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD27(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD27_MASK)
9279 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD28_MASK                   (0x80U)
9280 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD28_SHIFT                  (7U)
9281 /*! BPHLCD28
9282  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9283  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9284  */
9285 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD28(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD28_MASK)
9287 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD29_MASK                   (0x80U)
9288 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD29_SHIFT                  (7U)
9289 /*! BPHLCD29
9290  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9291  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9292  */
9293 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD29(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD29_MASK)
9295 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD30_MASK                   (0x80U)
9296 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD30_SHIFT                  (7U)
9297 /*! BPHLCD30
9298  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9299  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9300  */
9301 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD30(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD30_MASK)
9303 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD31_MASK                   (0x80U)
9304 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD31_SHIFT                  (7U)
9305 /*! BPHLCD31
9306  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9307  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9308  */
9309 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD31(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD31_MASK)
9311 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD32_MASK                   (0x80U)
9312 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD32_SHIFT                  (7U)
9313 /*! BPHLCD32
9314  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9315  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9316  */
9317 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD32(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD32_MASK)
9319 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD33_MASK                   (0x80U)
9320 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD33_SHIFT                  (7U)
9321 /*! BPHLCD33
9322  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9323  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9324  */
9325 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD33(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD33_MASK)
9327 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD34_MASK                   (0x80U)
9328 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD34_SHIFT                  (7U)
9329 /*! BPHLCD34
9330  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9331  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9332  */
9333 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD34(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD34_MASK)
9335 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD35_MASK                   (0x80U)
9336 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD35_SHIFT                  (7U)
9337 /*! BPHLCD35
9338  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9339  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9340  */
9341 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD35(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD35_MASK)
9343 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD36_MASK                   (0x80U)
9344 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD36_SHIFT                  (7U)
9345 /*! BPHLCD36
9346  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9347  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9348  */
9349 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD36(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD36_MASK)
9351 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD37_MASK                   (0x80U)
9352 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD37_SHIFT                  (7U)
9353 /*! BPHLCD37
9354  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9355  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9356  */
9357 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD37(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD37_MASK)
9359 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD38_MASK                   (0x80U)
9360 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD38_SHIFT                  (7U)
9361 /*! BPHLCD38
9362  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9363  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9364  */
9365 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD38(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD38_MASK)
9367 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD39_MASK                   (0x80U)
9368 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD39_SHIFT                  (7U)
9369 /*! BPHLCD39
9370  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9371  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9372  */
9373 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD39(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD39_MASK)
9375 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD40_MASK                   (0x80U)
9376 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD40_SHIFT                  (7U)
9377 /*! BPHLCD40
9378  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9379  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9380  */
9381 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD40(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD40_MASK)
9383 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD41_MASK                   (0x80U)
9384 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD41_SHIFT                  (7U)
9385 /*! BPHLCD41
9386  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9387  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9388  */
9389 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD41(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD41_MASK)
9391 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD42_MASK                   (0x80U)
9392 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD42_SHIFT                  (7U)
9393 /*! BPHLCD42
9394  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9395  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9396  */
9397 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD42(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD42_MASK)
9399 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD43_MASK                   (0x80U)
9400 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD43_SHIFT                  (7U)
9401 /*! BPHLCD43
9402  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9403  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9404  */
9405 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD43(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD43_MASK)
9407 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD44_MASK                   (0x80U)
9408 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD44_SHIFT                  (7U)
9409 /*! BPHLCD44
9410  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9411  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9412  */
9413 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD44(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD44_MASK)
9415 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD45_MASK                   (0x80U)
9416 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD45_SHIFT                  (7U)
9417 /*! BPHLCD45
9418  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9419  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9420  */
9421 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD45(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD45_MASK)
9423 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD46_MASK                   (0x80U)
9424 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD46_SHIFT                  (7U)
9425 /*! BPHLCD46
9426  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9427  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9428  */
9429 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD46(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD46_MASK)
9431 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD47_MASK                   (0x80U)
9432 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD47_SHIFT                  (7U)
9433 /*! BPHLCD47
9434  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9435  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9436  */
9437 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD47(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD47_MASK)
9439 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD48_MASK                   (0x80U)
9440 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD48_SHIFT                  (7U)
9441 /*! BPHLCD48
9442  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9443  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9444  */
9445 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD48(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD48_MASK)
9447 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD49_MASK                   (0x80U)
9448 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD49_SHIFT                  (7U)
9449 /*! BPHLCD49
9450  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9451  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9452  */
9453 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD49(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD49_MASK)
9455 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD50_MASK                   (0x80U)
9456 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD50_SHIFT                  (7U)
9457 /*! BPHLCD50
9458  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9459  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9460  */
9461 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD50(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD50_MASK)
9463 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD51_MASK                   (0x80U)
9464 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD51_SHIFT                  (7U)
9465 /*! BPHLCD51
9466  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9467  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9468  */
9469 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD51(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD51_MASK)
9471 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD52_MASK                   (0x80U)
9472 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD52_SHIFT                  (7U)
9473 /*! BPHLCD52
9474  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9475  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9476  */
9477 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD52(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD52_MASK)
9479 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD53_MASK                   (0x80U)
9480 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD53_SHIFT                  (7U)
9481 /*! BPHLCD53
9482  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9483  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9484  */
9485 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD53(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD53_MASK)
9487 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD54_MASK                   (0x80U)
9488 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD54_SHIFT                  (7U)
9489 /*! BPHLCD54
9490  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9491  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9492  */
9493 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD54(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD54_MASK)
9495 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD55_MASK                   (0x80U)
9496 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD55_SHIFT                  (7U)
9497 /*! BPHLCD55
9498  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9499  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9500  */
9501 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD55(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD55_MASK)
9503 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD56_MASK                   (0x80U)
9504 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD56_SHIFT                  (7U)
9505 /*! BPHLCD56
9506  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9507  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9508  */
9509 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD56(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD56_MASK)
9511 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD57_MASK                   (0x80U)
9512 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD57_SHIFT                  (7U)
9513 /*! BPHLCD57
9514  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9515  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9516  */
9517 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD57(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD57_MASK)
9519 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD58_MASK                   (0x80U)
9520 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD58_SHIFT                  (7U)
9521 /*! BPHLCD58
9522  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9523  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9524  */
9525 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD58(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD58_MASK)
9527 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD59_MASK                   (0x80U)
9528 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD59_SHIFT                  (7U)
9529 /*! BPHLCD59
9530  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9531  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9532  */
9533 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD59(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD59_MASK)
9535 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD60_MASK                   (0x80U)
9536 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD60_SHIFT                  (7U)
9537 /*! BPHLCD60
9538  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9539  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9540  */
9541 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD60(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD60_MASK)
9543 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD61_MASK                   (0x80U)
9544 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD61_SHIFT                  (7U)
9545 /*! BPHLCD61
9546  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9547  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9548  */
9549 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD61(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD61_MASK)
9551 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD62_MASK                   (0x80U)
9552 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD62_SHIFT                  (7U)
9553 /*! BPHLCD62
9554  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9555  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9556  */
9557 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD62(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD62_MASK)
9559 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD63_MASK                   (0x80U)
9560 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD63_SHIFT                  (7U)
9561 /*! BPHLCD63
9562  *  0b0..LCD segment off or LCD backplane inactive for phase H
9563  *  0b1..LCD segment on or LCD backplane active for phase H
9564  */
9565 #define LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD63(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF8B_BPHLCD63_MASK)
9566 /*! @} */
9568 /* The count of LCD_WF8B */
9569 #define LCD_WF8B_COUNT                           (64U)
9571 /*! @name WF - LCD Waveform register */
9572 /*! @{ */
9574 #define LCD_WF_WF0_MASK                          (0xFFU)
9575 #define LCD_WF_WF0_SHIFT                         (0U)
9576 #define LCD_WF_WF0(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF0_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF0_MASK)
9578 #define LCD_WF_WF4_MASK                          (0xFFU)
9579 #define LCD_WF_WF4_SHIFT                         (0U)
9580 #define LCD_WF_WF4(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF4_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF4_MASK)
9582 #define LCD_WF_WF8_MASK                          (0xFFU)
9583 #define LCD_WF_WF8_SHIFT                         (0U)
9584 #define LCD_WF_WF8(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF8_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF8_MASK)
9586 #define LCD_WF_WF12_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9587 #define LCD_WF_WF12_SHIFT                        (0U)
9588 #define LCD_WF_WF12(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF12_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF12_MASK)
9590 #define LCD_WF_WF16_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9591 #define LCD_WF_WF16_SHIFT                        (0U)
9592 #define LCD_WF_WF16(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF16_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF16_MASK)
9594 #define LCD_WF_WF20_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9595 #define LCD_WF_WF20_SHIFT                        (0U)
9596 #define LCD_WF_WF20(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF20_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF20_MASK)
9598 #define LCD_WF_WF24_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9599 #define LCD_WF_WF24_SHIFT                        (0U)
9600 #define LCD_WF_WF24(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF24_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF24_MASK)
9602 #define LCD_WF_WF28_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9603 #define LCD_WF_WF28_SHIFT                        (0U)
9604 #define LCD_WF_WF28(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF28_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF28_MASK)
9606 #define LCD_WF_WF32_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9607 #define LCD_WF_WF32_SHIFT                        (0U)
9608 #define LCD_WF_WF32(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF32_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF32_MASK)
9610 #define LCD_WF_WF36_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9611 #define LCD_WF_WF36_SHIFT                        (0U)
9612 #define LCD_WF_WF36(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF36_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF36_MASK)
9614 #define LCD_WF_WF40_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9615 #define LCD_WF_WF40_SHIFT                        (0U)
9616 #define LCD_WF_WF40(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF40_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF40_MASK)
9618 #define LCD_WF_WF44_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9619 #define LCD_WF_WF44_SHIFT                        (0U)
9620 #define LCD_WF_WF44(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF44_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF44_MASK)
9622 #define LCD_WF_WF48_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9623 #define LCD_WF_WF48_SHIFT                        (0U)
9624 #define LCD_WF_WF48(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF48_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF48_MASK)
9626 #define LCD_WF_WF52_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9627 #define LCD_WF_WF52_SHIFT                        (0U)
9628 #define LCD_WF_WF52(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF52_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF52_MASK)
9630 #define LCD_WF_WF56_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9631 #define LCD_WF_WF56_SHIFT                        (0U)
9632 #define LCD_WF_WF56(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF56_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF56_MASK)
9634 #define LCD_WF_WF60_MASK                         (0xFFU)
9635 #define LCD_WF_WF60_SHIFT                        (0U)
9636 #define LCD_WF_WF60(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF60_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF60_MASK)
9638 #define LCD_WF_WF1_MASK                          (0xFF00U)
9639 #define LCD_WF_WF1_SHIFT                         (8U)
9640 #define LCD_WF_WF1(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF1_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF1_MASK)
9642 #define LCD_WF_WF5_MASK                          (0xFF00U)
9643 #define LCD_WF_WF5_SHIFT                         (8U)
9644 #define LCD_WF_WF5(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF5_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF5_MASK)
9646 #define LCD_WF_WF9_MASK                          (0xFF00U)
9647 #define LCD_WF_WF9_SHIFT                         (8U)
9648 #define LCD_WF_WF9(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF9_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF9_MASK)
9650 #define LCD_WF_WF13_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9651 #define LCD_WF_WF13_SHIFT                        (8U)
9652 #define LCD_WF_WF13(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF13_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF13_MASK)
9654 #define LCD_WF_WF17_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9655 #define LCD_WF_WF17_SHIFT                        (8U)
9656 #define LCD_WF_WF17(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF17_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF17_MASK)
9658 #define LCD_WF_WF21_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9659 #define LCD_WF_WF21_SHIFT                        (8U)
9660 #define LCD_WF_WF21(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF21_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF21_MASK)
9662 #define LCD_WF_WF25_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9663 #define LCD_WF_WF25_SHIFT                        (8U)
9664 #define LCD_WF_WF25(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF25_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF25_MASK)
9666 #define LCD_WF_WF29_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9667 #define LCD_WF_WF29_SHIFT                        (8U)
9668 #define LCD_WF_WF29(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF29_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF29_MASK)
9670 #define LCD_WF_WF33_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9671 #define LCD_WF_WF33_SHIFT                        (8U)
9672 #define LCD_WF_WF33(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF33_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF33_MASK)
9674 #define LCD_WF_WF37_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9675 #define LCD_WF_WF37_SHIFT                        (8U)
9676 #define LCD_WF_WF37(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF37_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF37_MASK)
9678 #define LCD_WF_WF41_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9679 #define LCD_WF_WF41_SHIFT                        (8U)
9680 #define LCD_WF_WF41(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF41_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF41_MASK)
9682 #define LCD_WF_WF45_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9683 #define LCD_WF_WF45_SHIFT                        (8U)
9684 #define LCD_WF_WF45(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF45_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF45_MASK)
9686 #define LCD_WF_WF49_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9687 #define LCD_WF_WF49_SHIFT                        (8U)
9688 #define LCD_WF_WF49(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF49_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF49_MASK)
9690 #define LCD_WF_WF53_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9691 #define LCD_WF_WF53_SHIFT                        (8U)
9692 #define LCD_WF_WF53(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF53_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF53_MASK)
9694 #define LCD_WF_WF57_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9695 #define LCD_WF_WF57_SHIFT                        (8U)
9696 #define LCD_WF_WF57(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF57_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF57_MASK)
9698 #define LCD_WF_WF61_MASK                         (0xFF00U)
9699 #define LCD_WF_WF61_SHIFT                        (8U)
9700 #define LCD_WF_WF61(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF61_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF61_MASK)
9702 #define LCD_WF_WF2_MASK                          (0xFF0000U)
9703 #define LCD_WF_WF2_SHIFT                         (16U)
9704 #define LCD_WF_WF2(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF2_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF2_MASK)
9706 #define LCD_WF_WF6_MASK                          (0xFF0000U)
9707 #define LCD_WF_WF6_SHIFT                         (16U)
9708 #define LCD_WF_WF6(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF6_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF6_MASK)
9710 #define LCD_WF_WF10_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9711 #define LCD_WF_WF10_SHIFT                        (16U)
9712 #define LCD_WF_WF10(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF10_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF10_MASK)
9714 #define LCD_WF_WF14_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9715 #define LCD_WF_WF14_SHIFT                        (16U)
9716 #define LCD_WF_WF14(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF14_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF14_MASK)
9718 #define LCD_WF_WF18_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9719 #define LCD_WF_WF18_SHIFT                        (16U)
9720 #define LCD_WF_WF18(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF18_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF18_MASK)
9722 #define LCD_WF_WF22_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9723 #define LCD_WF_WF22_SHIFT                        (16U)
9724 #define LCD_WF_WF22(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF22_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF22_MASK)
9726 #define LCD_WF_WF26_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9727 #define LCD_WF_WF26_SHIFT                        (16U)
9728 #define LCD_WF_WF26(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF26_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF26_MASK)
9730 #define LCD_WF_WF30_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9731 #define LCD_WF_WF30_SHIFT                        (16U)
9732 #define LCD_WF_WF30(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF30_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF30_MASK)
9734 #define LCD_WF_WF34_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9735 #define LCD_WF_WF34_SHIFT                        (16U)
9736 #define LCD_WF_WF34(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF34_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF34_MASK)
9738 #define LCD_WF_WF38_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9739 #define LCD_WF_WF38_SHIFT                        (16U)
9740 #define LCD_WF_WF38(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF38_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF38_MASK)
9742 #define LCD_WF_WF42_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9743 #define LCD_WF_WF42_SHIFT                        (16U)
9744 #define LCD_WF_WF42(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF42_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF42_MASK)
9746 #define LCD_WF_WF46_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9747 #define LCD_WF_WF46_SHIFT                        (16U)
9748 #define LCD_WF_WF46(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF46_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF46_MASK)
9750 #define LCD_WF_WF50_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9751 #define LCD_WF_WF50_SHIFT                        (16U)
9752 #define LCD_WF_WF50(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF50_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF50_MASK)
9754 #define LCD_WF_WF54_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9755 #define LCD_WF_WF54_SHIFT                        (16U)
9756 #define LCD_WF_WF54(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF54_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF54_MASK)
9758 #define LCD_WF_WF58_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9759 #define LCD_WF_WF58_SHIFT                        (16U)
9760 #define LCD_WF_WF58(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF58_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF58_MASK)
9762 #define LCD_WF_WF62_MASK                         (0xFF0000U)
9763 #define LCD_WF_WF62_SHIFT                        (16U)
9764 #define LCD_WF_WF62(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF62_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF62_MASK)
9766 #define LCD_WF_WF3_MASK                          (0xFF000000U)
9767 #define LCD_WF_WF3_SHIFT                         (24U)
9768 #define LCD_WF_WF3(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF3_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF3_MASK)
9770 #define LCD_WF_WF7_MASK                          (0xFF000000U)
9771 #define LCD_WF_WF7_SHIFT                         (24U)
9772 #define LCD_WF_WF7(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF7_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF7_MASK)
9774 #define LCD_WF_WF11_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9775 #define LCD_WF_WF11_SHIFT                        (24U)
9776 #define LCD_WF_WF11(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF11_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF11_MASK)
9778 #define LCD_WF_WF15_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9779 #define LCD_WF_WF15_SHIFT                        (24U)
9780 #define LCD_WF_WF15(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF15_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF15_MASK)
9782 #define LCD_WF_WF19_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9783 #define LCD_WF_WF19_SHIFT                        (24U)
9784 #define LCD_WF_WF19(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF19_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF19_MASK)
9786 #define LCD_WF_WF23_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9787 #define LCD_WF_WF23_SHIFT                        (24U)
9788 #define LCD_WF_WF23(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF23_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF23_MASK)
9790 #define LCD_WF_WF27_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9791 #define LCD_WF_WF27_SHIFT                        (24U)
9792 #define LCD_WF_WF27(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF27_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF27_MASK)
9794 #define LCD_WF_WF31_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9795 #define LCD_WF_WF31_SHIFT                        (24U)
9796 #define LCD_WF_WF31(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF31_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF31_MASK)
9798 #define LCD_WF_WF35_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9799 #define LCD_WF_WF35_SHIFT                        (24U)
9800 #define LCD_WF_WF35(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF35_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF35_MASK)
9802 #define LCD_WF_WF39_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9803 #define LCD_WF_WF39_SHIFT                        (24U)
9804 #define LCD_WF_WF39(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF39_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF39_MASK)
9806 #define LCD_WF_WF43_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9807 #define LCD_WF_WF43_SHIFT                        (24U)
9808 #define LCD_WF_WF43(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF43_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF43_MASK)
9810 #define LCD_WF_WF47_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9811 #define LCD_WF_WF47_SHIFT                        (24U)
9812 #define LCD_WF_WF47(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF47_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF47_MASK)
9814 #define LCD_WF_WF51_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9815 #define LCD_WF_WF51_SHIFT                        (24U)
9816 #define LCD_WF_WF51(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF51_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF51_MASK)
9818 #define LCD_WF_WF55_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9819 #define LCD_WF_WF55_SHIFT                        (24U)
9820 #define LCD_WF_WF55(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF55_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF55_MASK)
9822 #define LCD_WF_WF59_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9823 #define LCD_WF_WF59_SHIFT                        (24U)
9824 #define LCD_WF_WF59(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF59_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF59_MASK)
9826 #define LCD_WF_WF63_MASK                         (0xFF000000U)
9827 #define LCD_WF_WF63_SHIFT                        (24U)
9828 #define LCD_WF_WF63(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LCD_WF_WF63_SHIFT)) & LCD_WF_WF63_MASK)
9829 /*! @} */
9831 /* The count of LCD_WF */
9832 #define LCD_WF_COUNT                             (16U)
9835 /*!
9836  * @}
9837  */ /* end of group LCD_Register_Masks */
9840 /* LCD - Peripheral instance base addresses */
9841 /** Peripheral LCD base address */
9842 #define LCD_BASE                                 (0x40043000u)
9843 /** Peripheral LCD base pointer */
9844 #define LCD                                      ((LCD_Type *)LCD_BASE)
9845 /** Array initializer of LCD peripheral base addresses */
9846 #define LCD_BASE_ADDRS                           { LCD_BASE }
9847 /** Array initializer of LCD peripheral base pointers */
9848 #define LCD_BASE_PTRS                            { LCD }
9849 /** Interrupt vectors for the LCD peripheral type */
9850 #define LCD_LCD_IRQS                             { LCD_IRQn }
9852 /*!
9853  * @}
9854  */ /* end of group LCD_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
9857 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9858    -- LLWU Peripheral Access Layer
9859    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9861 /*!
9862  * @addtogroup LLWU_Peripheral_Access_Layer LLWU Peripheral Access Layer
9863  * @{
9864  */
9866 /** LLWU - Register Layout Typedef */
9867 typedef struct {
9868   __IO uint8_t PE1;                                /**< LLWU Pin Enable 1 register, offset: 0x0 */
9869   __IO uint8_t PE2;                                /**< LLWU Pin Enable 2 register, offset: 0x1 */
9870   __IO uint8_t PE3;                                /**< LLWU Pin Enable 3 register, offset: 0x2 */
9871   __IO uint8_t PE4;                                /**< LLWU Pin Enable 4 register, offset: 0x3 */
9872   __IO uint8_t ME;                                 /**< LLWU Module Enable register, offset: 0x4 */
9873   __IO uint8_t F1;                                 /**< LLWU Flag 1 register, offset: 0x5 */
9874   __IO uint8_t F2;                                 /**< LLWU Flag 2 register, offset: 0x6 */
9875   __I  uint8_t F3;                                 /**< LLWU Flag 3 register, offset: 0x7 */
9876   __IO uint8_t FILT1;                              /**< LLWU Pin Filter 1 register, offset: 0x8 */
9877   __IO uint8_t FILT2;                              /**< LLWU Pin Filter 2 register, offset: 0x9 */
9878 } LLWU_Type;
9880 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9881    -- LLWU Register Masks
9882    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9884 /*!
9885  * @addtogroup LLWU_Register_Masks LLWU Register Masks
9886  * @{
9887  */
9889 /*! @name PE1 - LLWU Pin Enable 1 register */
9890 /*! @{ */
9892 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_MASK                      (0x3U)
9893 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_SHIFT                     (0U)
9894 /*! WUPE0 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P0
9895  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9896  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9897  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9898  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9899  */
9900 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE0(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE1_WUPE0_MASK)
9902 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_MASK                      (0xCU)
9903 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_SHIFT                     (2U)
9904 /*! WUPE1 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P1
9905  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9906  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9907  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9908  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9909  */
9910 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE1(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE1_WUPE1_MASK)
9912 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_MASK                      (0x30U)
9913 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_SHIFT                     (4U)
9914 /*! WUPE2 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P2
9915  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9916  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9917  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9918  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9919  */
9920 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE2(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE1_WUPE2_MASK)
9922 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_MASK                      (0xC0U)
9923 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_SHIFT                     (6U)
9924 /*! WUPE3 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P3
9925  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9926  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9927  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9928  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9929  */
9930 #define LLWU_PE1_WUPE3(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE1_WUPE3_MASK)
9931 /*! @} */
9933 /*! @name PE2 - LLWU Pin Enable 2 register */
9934 /*! @{ */
9936 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_MASK                      (0x3U)
9937 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_SHIFT                     (0U)
9938 /*! WUPE4 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P4
9939  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9940  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9941  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9942  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9943  */
9944 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE4(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE2_WUPE4_MASK)
9946 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_MASK                      (0xCU)
9947 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_SHIFT                     (2U)
9948 /*! WUPE5 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P5
9949  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9950  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9951  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9952  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9953  */
9954 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE5(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE2_WUPE5_MASK)
9956 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_MASK                      (0x30U)
9957 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_SHIFT                     (4U)
9958 /*! WUPE6 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P6
9959  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9960  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9961  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9962  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9963  */
9964 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE6(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE2_WUPE6_MASK)
9966 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_MASK                      (0xC0U)
9967 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_SHIFT                     (6U)
9968 /*! WUPE7 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P7
9969  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9970  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9971  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9972  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9973  */
9974 #define LLWU_PE2_WUPE7(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE2_WUPE7_MASK)
9975 /*! @} */
9977 /*! @name PE3 - LLWU Pin Enable 3 register */
9978 /*! @{ */
9980 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_MASK                      (0x3U)
9981 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_SHIFT                     (0U)
9982 /*! WUPE8 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P8
9983  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9984  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9985  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9986  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9987  */
9988 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE8(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE3_WUPE8_MASK)
9990 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_MASK                      (0xCU)
9991 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_SHIFT                     (2U)
9992 /*! WUPE9 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P9
9993  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
9994  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
9995  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
9996  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
9997  */
9998 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE9(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE3_WUPE9_MASK)
10000 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_MASK                     (0x30U)
10001 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_SHIFT                    (4U)
10002 /*! WUPE10 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P10
10003  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10004  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10005  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10006  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10007  */
10008 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE10(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE3_WUPE10_MASK)
10010 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_MASK                     (0xC0U)
10011 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_SHIFT                    (6U)
10012 /*! WUPE11 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P11
10013  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10014  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10015  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10016  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10017  */
10018 #define LLWU_PE3_WUPE11(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE3_WUPE11_MASK)
10019 /*! @} */
10021 /*! @name PE4 - LLWU Pin Enable 4 register */
10022 /*! @{ */
10024 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_MASK                     (0x3U)
10025 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_SHIFT                    (0U)
10026 /*! WUPE12 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P12
10027  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10028  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10029  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10030  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10031  */
10032 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE12(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE4_WUPE12_MASK)
10034 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_MASK                     (0xCU)
10035 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_SHIFT                    (2U)
10036 /*! WUPE13 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P13
10037  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10038  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10039  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10040  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10041  */
10042 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE13(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE4_WUPE13_MASK)
10044 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_MASK                     (0x30U)
10045 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_SHIFT                    (4U)
10046 /*! WUPE14 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P14
10047  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10048  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10049  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10050  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10051  */
10052 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE14(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE4_WUPE14_MASK)
10054 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_MASK                     (0xC0U)
10055 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_SHIFT                    (6U)
10056 /*! WUPE15 - Wakeup Pin Enable For LLWU_P15
10057  *  0b00..External input pin disabled as wakeup input
10058  *  0b01..External input pin enabled with rising edge detection
10059  *  0b10..External input pin enabled with falling edge detection
10060  *  0b11..External input pin enabled with any change detection
10061  */
10062 #define LLWU_PE4_WUPE15(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_SHIFT)) & LLWU_PE4_WUPE15_MASK)
10063 /*! @} */
10065 /*! @name ME - LLWU Module Enable register */
10066 /*! @{ */
10068 #define LLWU_ME_WUME0_MASK                       (0x1U)
10069 #define LLWU_ME_WUME0_SHIFT                      (0U)
10070 /*! WUME0 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 0
10071  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10072  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10073  */
10074 #define LLWU_ME_WUME0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME0_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME0_MASK)
10076 #define LLWU_ME_WUME1_MASK                       (0x2U)
10077 #define LLWU_ME_WUME1_SHIFT                      (1U)
10078 /*! WUME1 - Wakeup Module Enable for Module 1
10079  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10080  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10081  */
10082 #define LLWU_ME_WUME1(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME1_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME1_MASK)
10084 #define LLWU_ME_WUME2_MASK                       (0x4U)
10085 #define LLWU_ME_WUME2_SHIFT                      (2U)
10086 /*! WUME2 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 2
10087  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10088  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10089  */
10090 #define LLWU_ME_WUME2(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME2_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME2_MASK)
10092 #define LLWU_ME_WUME3_MASK                       (0x8U)
10093 #define LLWU_ME_WUME3_SHIFT                      (3U)
10094 /*! WUME3 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 3
10095  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10096  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10097  */
10098 #define LLWU_ME_WUME3(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME3_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME3_MASK)
10100 #define LLWU_ME_WUME4_MASK                       (0x10U)
10101 #define LLWU_ME_WUME4_SHIFT                      (4U)
10102 /*! WUME4 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 4
10103  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10104  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10105  */
10106 #define LLWU_ME_WUME4(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME4_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME4_MASK)
10108 #define LLWU_ME_WUME5_MASK                       (0x20U)
10109 #define LLWU_ME_WUME5_SHIFT                      (5U)
10110 /*! WUME5 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 5
10111  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10112  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10113  */
10114 #define LLWU_ME_WUME5(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME5_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME5_MASK)
10116 #define LLWU_ME_WUME6_MASK                       (0x40U)
10117 #define LLWU_ME_WUME6_SHIFT                      (6U)
10118 /*! WUME6 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 6
10119  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10120  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10121  */
10122 #define LLWU_ME_WUME6(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME6_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME6_MASK)
10124 #define LLWU_ME_WUME7_MASK                       (0x80U)
10125 #define LLWU_ME_WUME7_SHIFT                      (7U)
10126 /*! WUME7 - Wakeup Module Enable For Module 7
10127  *  0b0..Internal module flag not used as wakeup source
10128  *  0b1..Internal module flag used as wakeup source
10129  */
10130 #define LLWU_ME_WUME7(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_ME_WUME7_SHIFT)) & LLWU_ME_WUME7_MASK)
10131 /*! @} */
10133 /*! @name F1 - LLWU Flag 1 register */
10134 /*! @{ */
10136 #define LLWU_F1_WUF0_MASK                        (0x1U)
10137 #define LLWU_F1_WUF0_SHIFT                       (0U)
10138 /*! WUF0 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P0
10139  *  0b0..LLWU_P0 input was not a wakeup source
10140  *  0b1..LLWU_P0 input was a wakeup source
10141  */
10142 #define LLWU_F1_WUF0(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF0_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF0_MASK)
10144 #define LLWU_F1_WUF1_MASK                        (0x2U)
10145 #define LLWU_F1_WUF1_SHIFT                       (1U)
10146 /*! WUF1 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P1
10147  *  0b0..LLWU_P1 input was not a wakeup source
10148  *  0b1..LLWU_P1 input was a wakeup source
10149  */
10150 #define LLWU_F1_WUF1(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF1_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF1_MASK)
10152 #define LLWU_F1_WUF2_MASK                        (0x4U)
10153 #define LLWU_F1_WUF2_SHIFT                       (2U)
10154 /*! WUF2 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P2
10155  *  0b0..LLWU_P2 input was not a wakeup source
10156  *  0b1..LLWU_P2 input was a wakeup source
10157  */
10158 #define LLWU_F1_WUF2(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF2_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF2_MASK)
10160 #define LLWU_F1_WUF3_MASK                        (0x8U)
10161 #define LLWU_F1_WUF3_SHIFT                       (3U)
10162 /*! WUF3 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P3
10163  *  0b0..LLWU_P3 input was not a wake-up source
10164  *  0b1..LLWU_P3 input was a wake-up source
10165  */
10166 #define LLWU_F1_WUF3(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF3_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF3_MASK)
10168 #define LLWU_F1_WUF4_MASK                        (0x10U)
10169 #define LLWU_F1_WUF4_SHIFT                       (4U)
10170 /*! WUF4 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P4
10171  *  0b0..LLWU_P4 input was not a wakeup source
10172  *  0b1..LLWU_P4 input was a wakeup source
10173  */
10174 #define LLWU_F1_WUF4(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF4_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF4_MASK)
10176 #define LLWU_F1_WUF5_MASK                        (0x20U)
10177 #define LLWU_F1_WUF5_SHIFT                       (5U)
10178 /*! WUF5 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P5
10179  *  0b0..LLWU_P5 input was not a wakeup source
10180  *  0b1..LLWU_P5 input was a wakeup source
10181  */
10182 #define LLWU_F1_WUF5(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF5_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF5_MASK)
10184 #define LLWU_F1_WUF6_MASK                        (0x40U)
10185 #define LLWU_F1_WUF6_SHIFT                       (6U)
10186 /*! WUF6 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P6
10187  *  0b0..LLWU_P6 input was not a wakeup source
10188  *  0b1..LLWU_P6 input was a wakeup source
10189  */
10190 #define LLWU_F1_WUF6(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF6_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF6_MASK)
10192 #define LLWU_F1_WUF7_MASK                        (0x80U)
10193 #define LLWU_F1_WUF7_SHIFT                       (7U)
10194 /*! WUF7 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P7
10195  *  0b0..LLWU_P7 input was not a wakeup source
10196  *  0b1..LLWU_P7 input was a wakeup source
10197  */
10198 #define LLWU_F1_WUF7(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F1_WUF7_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F1_WUF7_MASK)
10199 /*! @} */
10201 /*! @name F2 - LLWU Flag 2 register */
10202 /*! @{ */
10204 #define LLWU_F2_WUF8_MASK                        (0x1U)
10205 #define LLWU_F2_WUF8_SHIFT                       (0U)
10206 /*! WUF8 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P8
10207  *  0b0..LLWU_P8 input was not a wakeup source
10208  *  0b1..LLWU_P8 input was a wakeup source
10209  */
10210 #define LLWU_F2_WUF8(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF8_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF8_MASK)
10212 #define LLWU_F2_WUF9_MASK                        (0x2U)
10213 #define LLWU_F2_WUF9_SHIFT                       (1U)
10214 /*! WUF9 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P9
10215  *  0b0..LLWU_P9 input was not a wakeup source
10216  *  0b1..LLWU_P9 input was a wakeup source
10217  */
10218 #define LLWU_F2_WUF9(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF9_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF9_MASK)
10220 #define LLWU_F2_WUF10_MASK                       (0x4U)
10221 #define LLWU_F2_WUF10_SHIFT                      (2U)
10222 /*! WUF10 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P10
10223  *  0b0..LLWU_P10 input was not a wakeup source
10224  *  0b1..LLWU_P10 input was a wakeup source
10225  */
10226 #define LLWU_F2_WUF10(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF10_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF10_MASK)
10228 #define LLWU_F2_WUF11_MASK                       (0x8U)
10229 #define LLWU_F2_WUF11_SHIFT                      (3U)
10230 /*! WUF11 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P11
10231  *  0b0..LLWU_P11 input was not a wakeup source
10232  *  0b1..LLWU_P11 input was a wakeup source
10233  */
10234 #define LLWU_F2_WUF11(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF11_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF11_MASK)
10236 #define LLWU_F2_WUF12_MASK                       (0x10U)
10237 #define LLWU_F2_WUF12_SHIFT                      (4U)
10238 /*! WUF12 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P12
10239  *  0b0..LLWU_P12 input was not a wakeup source
10240  *  0b1..LLWU_P12 input was a wakeup source
10241  */
10242 #define LLWU_F2_WUF12(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF12_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF12_MASK)
10244 #define LLWU_F2_WUF13_MASK                       (0x20U)
10245 #define LLWU_F2_WUF13_SHIFT                      (5U)
10246 /*! WUF13 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P13
10247  *  0b0..LLWU_P13 input was not a wakeup source
10248  *  0b1..LLWU_P13 input was a wakeup source
10249  */
10250 #define LLWU_F2_WUF13(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF13_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF13_MASK)
10252 #define LLWU_F2_WUF14_MASK                       (0x40U)
10253 #define LLWU_F2_WUF14_SHIFT                      (6U)
10254 /*! WUF14 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P14
10255  *  0b0..LLWU_P14 input was not a wakeup source
10256  *  0b1..LLWU_P14 input was a wakeup source
10257  */
10258 #define LLWU_F2_WUF14(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF14_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF14_MASK)
10260 #define LLWU_F2_WUF15_MASK                       (0x80U)
10261 #define LLWU_F2_WUF15_SHIFT                      (7U)
10262 /*! WUF15 - Wakeup Flag For LLWU_P15
10263  *  0b0..LLWU_P15 input was not a wakeup source
10264  *  0b1..LLWU_P15 input was a wakeup source
10265  */
10266 #define LLWU_F2_WUF15(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F2_WUF15_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F2_WUF15_MASK)
10267 /*! @} */
10269 /*! @name F3 - LLWU Flag 3 register */
10270 /*! @{ */
10272 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF0_MASK                       (0x1U)
10273 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF0_SHIFT                      (0U)
10274 /*! MWUF0 - Wakeup flag For module 0
10275  *  0b0..Module 0 input was not a wakeup source
10276  *  0b1..Module 0 input was a wakeup source
10277  */
10278 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF0_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF0_MASK)
10280 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF1_MASK                       (0x2U)
10281 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF1_SHIFT                      (1U)
10282 /*! MWUF1 - Wakeup flag For module 1
10283  *  0b0..Module 1 input was not a wakeup source
10284  *  0b1..Module 1 input was a wakeup source
10285  */
10286 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF1(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF1_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF1_MASK)
10288 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF2_MASK                       (0x4U)
10289 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF2_SHIFT                      (2U)
10290 /*! MWUF2 - Wakeup flag For module 2
10291  *  0b0..Module 2 input was not a wakeup source
10292  *  0b1..Module 2 input was a wakeup source
10293  */
10294 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF2(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF2_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF2_MASK)
10296 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF3_MASK                       (0x8U)
10297 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF3_SHIFT                      (3U)
10298 /*! MWUF3 - Wakeup flag For module 3
10299  *  0b0..Module 3 input was not a wakeup source
10300  *  0b1..Module 3 input was a wakeup source
10301  */
10302 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF3(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF3_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF3_MASK)
10304 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF4_MASK                       (0x10U)
10305 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF4_SHIFT                      (4U)
10306 /*! MWUF4 - Wakeup flag For module 4
10307  *  0b0..Module 4 input was not a wakeup source
10308  *  0b1..Module 4 input was a wakeup source
10309  */
10310 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF4(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF4_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF4_MASK)
10312 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF5_MASK                       (0x20U)
10313 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF5_SHIFT                      (5U)
10314 /*! MWUF5 - Wakeup flag For module 5
10315  *  0b0..Module 5 input was not a wakeup source
10316  *  0b1..Module 5 input was a wakeup source
10317  */
10318 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF5(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF5_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF5_MASK)
10320 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF6_MASK                       (0x40U)
10321 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF6_SHIFT                      (6U)
10322 /*! MWUF6 - Wakeup flag For module 6
10323  *  0b0..Module 6 input was not a wakeup source
10324  *  0b1..Module 6 input was a wakeup source
10325  */
10326 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF6(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF6_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF6_MASK)
10328 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF7_MASK                       (0x80U)
10329 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF7_SHIFT                      (7U)
10330 /*! MWUF7 - Wakeup flag For module 7
10331  *  0b0..Module 7 input was not a wakeup source
10332  *  0b1..Module 7 input was a wakeup source
10333  */
10334 #define LLWU_F3_MWUF7(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_F3_MWUF7_SHIFT)) & LLWU_F3_MWUF7_MASK)
10335 /*! @} */
10337 /*! @name FILT1 - LLWU Pin Filter 1 register */
10338 /*! @{ */
10340 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_MASK                  (0xFU)
10341 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_SHIFT                 (0U)
10342 /*! FILTSEL - Filter Pin Select
10343  *  0b0000..Select LLWU_P0 for filter
10344  *  0b1111..Select LLWU_P15 for filter
10345  */
10346 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT1_FILTSEL_MASK)
10348 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_MASK                    (0x60U)
10349 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_SHIFT                   (5U)
10350 /*! FILTE - Digital Filter On External Pin
10351  *  0b00..Filter disabled
10352  *  0b01..Filter posedge detect enabled
10353  *  0b10..Filter negedge detect enabled
10354  *  0b11..Filter any edge detect enabled
10355  */
10356 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT1_FILTE_MASK)
10358 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_MASK                    (0x80U)
10359 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_SHIFT                   (7U)
10360 /*! FILTF - Filter Detect Flag
10361  *  0b0..Pin Filter 1 was not a wakeup source
10362  *  0b1..Pin Filter 1 was a wakeup source
10363  */
10364 #define LLWU_FILT1_FILTF(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT1_FILTF_MASK)
10365 /*! @} */
10367 /*! @name FILT2 - LLWU Pin Filter 2 register */
10368 /*! @{ */
10370 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_MASK                  (0xFU)
10371 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_SHIFT                 (0U)
10372 /*! FILTSEL - Filter Pin Select
10373  *  0b0000..Select LLWU_P0 for filter
10374  *  0b1111..Select LLWU_P15 for filter
10375  */
10376 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT2_FILTSEL_MASK)
10378 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_MASK                    (0x60U)
10379 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_SHIFT                   (5U)
10380 /*! FILTE - Digital Filter On External Pin
10381  *  0b00..Filter disabled
10382  *  0b01..Filter posedge detect enabled
10383  *  0b10..Filter negedge detect enabled
10384  *  0b11..Filter any edge detect enabled
10385  */
10386 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT2_FILTE_MASK)
10388 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_MASK                    (0x80U)
10389 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_SHIFT                   (7U)
10390 /*! FILTF - Filter Detect Flag
10391  *  0b0..Pin Filter 2 was not a wakeup source
10392  *  0b1..Pin Filter 2 was a wakeup source
10393  */
10394 #define LLWU_FILT2_FILTF(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_SHIFT)) & LLWU_FILT2_FILTF_MASK)
10395 /*! @} */
10398 /*!
10399  * @}
10400  */ /* end of group LLWU_Register_Masks */
10403 /* LLWU - Peripheral instance base addresses */
10404 /** Peripheral LLWU base address */
10405 #define LLWU_BASE                                (0x4007C000u)
10406 /** Peripheral LLWU base pointer */
10407 #define LLWU                                     ((LLWU_Type *)LLWU_BASE)
10408 /** Array initializer of LLWU peripheral base addresses */
10409 #define LLWU_BASE_ADDRS                          { LLWU_BASE }
10410 /** Array initializer of LLWU peripheral base pointers */
10411 #define LLWU_BASE_PTRS                           { LLWU }
10412 /** Interrupt vectors for the LLWU peripheral type */
10413 #define LLWU_IRQS                                { LLWU_IRQn }
10415 /*!
10416  * @}
10417  */ /* end of group LLWU_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
10420 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10421    -- LPTMR Peripheral Access Layer
10422    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10424 /*!
10425  * @addtogroup LPTMR_Peripheral_Access_Layer LPTMR Peripheral Access Layer
10426  * @{
10427  */
10429 /** LPTMR - Register Layout Typedef */
10430 typedef struct {
10431   __IO uint32_t CSR;                               /**< Low Power Timer Control Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
10432   __IO uint32_t PSR;                               /**< Low Power Timer Prescale Register, offset: 0x4 */
10433   __IO uint32_t CMR;                               /**< Low Power Timer Compare Register, offset: 0x8 */
10434   __IO uint32_t CNR;                               /**< Low Power Timer Counter Register, offset: 0xC */
10435 } LPTMR_Type;
10437 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10438    -- LPTMR Register Masks
10439    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10441 /*!
10442  * @addtogroup LPTMR_Register_Masks LPTMR Register Masks
10443  * @{
10444  */
10446 /*! @name CSR - Low Power Timer Control Status Register */
10447 /*! @{ */
10449 #define LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK                       (0x1U)
10450 #define LPTMR_CSR_TEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
10451 /*! TEN - Timer Enable
10452  *  0b0..LPTMR is disabled and internal logic is reset.
10453  *  0b1..LPTMR is enabled.
10454  */
10455 #define LPTMR_CSR_TEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TEN_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TEN_MASK)
10457 #define LPTMR_CSR_TMS_MASK                       (0x2U)
10458 #define LPTMR_CSR_TMS_SHIFT                      (1U)
10459 /*! TMS - Timer Mode Select
10460  *  0b0..Time Counter mode.
10461  *  0b1..Pulse Counter mode.
10462  */
10463 #define LPTMR_CSR_TMS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TMS_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TMS_MASK)
10465 #define LPTMR_CSR_TFC_MASK                       (0x4U)
10466 #define LPTMR_CSR_TFC_SHIFT                      (2U)
10467 /*! TFC - Timer Free-Running Counter
10468  *  0b0..CNR is reset whenever TCF is set.
10469  *  0b1..CNR is reset on overflow.
10470  */
10471 #define LPTMR_CSR_TFC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TFC_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TFC_MASK)
10473 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPP_MASK                       (0x8U)
10474 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPP_SHIFT                      (3U)
10475 /*! TPP - Timer Pin Polarity
10476  *  0b0..Pulse Counter input source is active-high, and the CNR will increment on the rising-edge.
10477  *  0b1..Pulse Counter input source is active-low, and the CNR will increment on the falling-edge.
10478  */
10479 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPP(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TPP_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TPP_MASK)
10481 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPS_MASK                       (0x30U)
10482 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPS_SHIFT                      (4U)
10483 /*! TPS - Timer Pin Select
10484  *  0b00..Pulse counter input 0 is selected.
10485  *  0b01..Pulse counter input 1 is selected.
10486  *  0b10..Pulse counter input 2 is selected.
10487  *  0b11..Pulse counter input 3 is selected.
10488  */
10489 #define LPTMR_CSR_TPS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TPS_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TPS_MASK)
10491 #define LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK                       (0x40U)
10492 #define LPTMR_CSR_TIE_SHIFT                      (6U)
10493 /*! TIE - Timer Interrupt Enable
10494  *  0b0..Timer interrupt disabled.
10495  *  0b1..Timer interrupt enabled.
10496  */
10497 #define LPTMR_CSR_TIE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TIE_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TIE_MASK)
10499 #define LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK                       (0x80U)
10500 #define LPTMR_CSR_TCF_SHIFT                      (7U)
10501 /*! TCF - Timer Compare Flag
10502  *  0b0..The value of CNR is not equal to CMR and increments.
10503  *  0b1..The value of CNR is equal to CMR and increments.
10504  */
10505 #define LPTMR_CSR_TCF(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CSR_TCF_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CSR_TCF_MASK)
10506 /*! @} */
10508 /*! @name PSR - Low Power Timer Prescale Register */
10509 /*! @{ */
10511 #define LPTMR_PSR_PCS_MASK                       (0x3U)
10512 #define LPTMR_PSR_PCS_SHIFT                      (0U)
10513 /*! PCS - Prescaler Clock Select
10514  *  0b00..Prescaler/glitch filter clock 0 selected.
10515  *  0b01..Prescaler/glitch filter clock 1 selected.
10516  *  0b10..Prescaler/glitch filter clock 2 selected.
10517  *  0b11..Prescaler/glitch filter clock 3 selected.
10518  */
10519 #define LPTMR_PSR_PCS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_PSR_PCS_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_PSR_PCS_MASK)
10521 #define LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK                      (0x4U)
10522 #define LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_SHIFT                     (2U)
10523 /*! PBYP - Prescaler Bypass
10524  *  0b0..Prescaler/glitch filter is enabled.
10525  *  0b1..Prescaler/glitch filter is bypassed.
10526  */
10527 #define LPTMR_PSR_PBYP(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_PSR_PBYP_MASK)
10529 #define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_MASK                  (0x78U)
10530 #define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_SHIFT                 (3U)
10531 /*! PRESCALE - Prescale Value
10532  *  0b0000..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2; glitch filter does not support this configuration.
10533  *  0b0001..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 2 rising clock edges.
10534  *  0b0010..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 4 rising clock edges.
10535  *  0b0011..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 8 rising clock edges.
10536  *  0b0100..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 16 rising clock edges.
10537  *  0b0101..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 64; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 32 rising clock edges.
10538  *  0b0110..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 128; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 64 rising clock edges.
10539  *  0b0111..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 256; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 128 rising clock edges.
10540  *  0b1000..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 512; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 256 rising clock edges.
10541  *  0b1001..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 1024; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 512 rising clock edges.
10542  *  0b1010..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 2048; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 1024 rising clock edges.
10543  *  0b1011..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 4096; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 2048 rising clock edges.
10544  *  0b1100..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 8192; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 4096 rising clock edges.
10545  *  0b1101..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 16,384; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 8192 rising clock edges.
10546  *  0b1110..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 32,768; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 16,384 rising clock edges.
10547  *  0b1111..Prescaler divides the prescaler clock by 65,536; glitch filter recognizes change on input pin after 32,768 rising clock edges.
10548  */
10549 #define LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_PSR_PRESCALE_MASK)
10550 /*! @} */
10552 /*! @name CMR - Low Power Timer Compare Register */
10553 /*! @{ */
10555 #define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
10556 #define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_SHIFT                  (0U)
10557 /*! COMPARE - Compare Value
10558  */
10559 #define LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CMR_COMPARE_MASK)
10560 /*! @} */
10562 /*! @name CNR - Low Power Timer Counter Register */
10563 /*! @{ */
10565 #define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
10566 #define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_SHIFT                  (0U)
10567 /*! COUNTER - Counter Value
10568  */
10569 #define LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_SHIFT)) & LPTMR_CNR_COUNTER_MASK)
10570 /*! @} */
10573 /*!
10574  * @}
10575  */ /* end of group LPTMR_Register_Masks */
10578 /* LPTMR - Peripheral instance base addresses */
10579 /** Peripheral LPTMR base address */
10580 #define LPTMR_BASE                               (0x4003C000u)
10581 /** Peripheral LPTMR base pointer */
10582 #define LPTMR                                    ((LPTMR_Type *)LPTMR_BASE)
10583 /** Array initializer of LPTMR peripheral base addresses */
10584 #define LPTMR_BASE_ADDRS                         { LPTMR_BASE }
10585 /** Array initializer of LPTMR peripheral base pointers */
10586 #define LPTMR_BASE_PTRS                          { LPTMR }
10587 /** Interrupt vectors for the LPTMR peripheral type */
10588 #define LPTMR_IRQS                               { LPTMR_IRQn }
10590 /*!
10591  * @}
10592  */ /* end of group LPTMR_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
10595 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10596    -- MCG Peripheral Access Layer
10597    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10599 /*!
10600  * @addtogroup MCG_Peripheral_Access_Layer MCG Peripheral Access Layer
10601  * @{
10602  */
10604 /** MCG - Register Layout Typedef */
10605 typedef struct {
10606   __IO uint8_t C1;                                 /**< MCG Control 1 Register, offset: 0x0 */
10607   __IO uint8_t C2;                                 /**< MCG Control 2 Register, offset: 0x1 */
10608   __IO uint8_t C3;                                 /**< MCG Control 3 Register, offset: 0x2 */
10609   __IO uint8_t C4;                                 /**< MCG Control 4 Register, offset: 0x3 */
10610   __IO uint8_t C5;                                 /**< MCG Control 5 Register, offset: 0x4 */
10611   __IO uint8_t C6;                                 /**< MCG Control 6 Register, offset: 0x5 */
10612   __IO uint8_t S;                                  /**< MCG Status Register, offset: 0x6 */
10613        uint8_t RESERVED_0[1];
10614   __IO uint8_t SC;                                 /**< MCG Status and Control Register, offset: 0x8 */
10615        uint8_t RESERVED_1[1];
10616   __IO uint8_t ATCVH;                              /**< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register, offset: 0xA */
10617   __IO uint8_t ATCVL;                              /**< MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register, offset: 0xB */
10618   __IO uint8_t C7;                                 /**< MCG Control 7 Register, offset: 0xC */
10619   __IO uint8_t C8;                                 /**< MCG Control 8 Register, offset: 0xD */
10620   __I  uint8_t C9;                                 /**< MCG Control 9 Register, offset: 0xE */
10621 } MCG_Type;
10623 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10624    -- MCG Register Masks
10625    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10627 /*!
10628  * @addtogroup MCG_Register_Masks MCG Register Masks
10629  * @{
10630  */
10632 /*! @name C1 - MCG Control 1 Register */
10633 /*! @{ */
10635 #define MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_MASK                     (0x1U)
10636 #define MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_SHIFT                    (0U)
10637 /*! IREFSTEN - Internal Reference Stop Enable
10638  *  0b0..Internal reference clock is disabled in Stop mode.
10639  *  0b1..Internal reference clock is enabled in Stop mode if IRCLKEN is set or if MCG is in FEI, FBI, or BLPI modes before entering Stop mode.
10640  */
10641 #define MCG_C1_IREFSTEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_SHIFT)) & MCG_C1_IREFSTEN_MASK)
10643 #define MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK                      (0x2U)
10644 #define MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_SHIFT                     (1U)
10645 /*! IRCLKEN - Internal Reference Clock Enable
10646  *  0b0..MCGIRCLK inactive.
10647  *  0b1..MCGIRCLK active.
10648  */
10649 #define MCG_C1_IRCLKEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_SHIFT)) & MCG_C1_IRCLKEN_MASK)
10651 #define MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK                        (0x4U)
10652 #define MCG_C1_IREFS_SHIFT                       (2U)
10653 /*! IREFS - Internal Reference Select
10654  *  0b0..External reference clock is selected.
10655  *  0b1..The slow internal reference clock is selected.
10656  */
10657 #define MCG_C1_IREFS(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C1_IREFS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C1_IREFS_MASK)
10659 #define MCG_C1_FRDIV_MASK                        (0x38U)
10660 #define MCG_C1_FRDIV_SHIFT                       (3U)
10661 /*! FRDIV - FLL External Reference Divider
10662  *  0b000..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 1; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 32.
10663  *  0b001..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 2; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 64.
10664  *  0b010..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 4; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 128.
10665  *  0b011..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 8; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 256.
10666  *  0b100..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 16; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 512.
10667  *  0b101..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 32; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1024.
10668  *  0b110..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 64; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1280 .
10669  *  0b111..If RANGE = 0 , Divide Factor is 128; for all other RANGE values, Divide Factor is 1536 .
10670  */
10671 #define MCG_C1_FRDIV(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C1_FRDIV_SHIFT)) & MCG_C1_FRDIV_MASK)
10673 #define MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK                         (0xC0U)
10674 #define MCG_C1_CLKS_SHIFT                        (6U)
10675 /*! CLKS - Clock Source Select
10676  *  0b00..Encoding 0 - Output of FLL or PLL is selected (depends on PLLS control bit).
10677  *  0b01..Encoding 1 - Internal reference clock is selected.
10678  *  0b10..Encoding 2 - External reference clock is selected.
10679  *  0b11..Encoding 3 - Reserved.
10680  */
10681 #define MCG_C1_CLKS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C1_CLKS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C1_CLKS_MASK)
10682 /*! @} */
10684 /*! @name C2 - MCG Control 2 Register */
10685 /*! @{ */
10687 #define MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK                         (0x1U)
10688 #define MCG_C2_IRCS_SHIFT                        (0U)
10689 /*! IRCS - Internal Reference Clock Select
10690  *  0b0..Slow internal reference clock selected.
10691  *  0b1..Fast internal reference clock selected.
10692  */
10693 #define MCG_C2_IRCS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_IRCS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK)
10695 #define MCG_C2_LP_MASK                           (0x2U)
10696 #define MCG_C2_LP_SHIFT                          (1U)
10697 /*! LP - Low Power Select
10698  *  0b0..FLL or PLL is not disabled in bypass modes.
10699  *  0b1..FLL or PLL is disabled in bypass modes (lower power)
10700  */
10701 #define MCG_C2_LP(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_LP_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_LP_MASK)
10703 #define MCG_C2_EREFS0_MASK                       (0x4U)
10704 #define MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT                      (2U)
10705 /*! EREFS0 - External Reference Select
10706  *  0b0..External reference clock requested.
10707  *  0b1..Oscillator requested.
10708  */
10709 #define MCG_C2_EREFS0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_EREFS0_MASK)
10711 #define MCG_C2_HGO0_MASK                         (0x8U)
10712 #define MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT                        (3U)
10713 /*! HGO0 - High Gain Oscillator Select
10714  *  0b0..Configure crystal oscillator for low-power operation.
10715  *  0b1..Configure crystal oscillator for high-gain operation.
10716  */
10717 #define MCG_C2_HGO0(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_HGO0_MASK)
10719 #define MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK                       (0x30U)
10720 #define MCG_C2_RANGE0_SHIFT                      (4U)
10721 /*! RANGE0 - Frequency Range Select
10722  *  0b00..Encoding 0 - Low frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .
10723  *  0b01..Encoding 1 - High frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .
10724  *  0b1x..Encoding 2 - Very high frequency range selected for the crystal oscillator .
10725  */
10726 #define MCG_C2_RANGE0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_RANGE0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK)
10728 #define MCG_C2_LOCRE0_MASK                       (0x80U)
10729 #define MCG_C2_LOCRE0_SHIFT                      (7U)
10730 /*! LOCRE0 - Loss of Clock Reset Enable
10731  *  0b0..Interrupt request is generated on a loss of OSC external reference clock.
10732  *  0b1..Generate a reset request on a loss of OSC external reference clock.
10733  */
10734 #define MCG_C2_LOCRE0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C2_LOCRE0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C2_LOCRE0_MASK)
10735 /*! @} */
10737 /*! @name C3 - MCG Control 3 Register */
10738 /*! @{ */
10740 #define MCG_C3_SCTRIM_MASK                       (0xFFU)
10741 #define MCG_C3_SCTRIM_SHIFT                      (0U)
10742 /*! SCTRIM - Slow Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting
10743  */
10744 #define MCG_C3_SCTRIM(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C3_SCTRIM_SHIFT)) & MCG_C3_SCTRIM_MASK)
10745 /*! @} */
10747 /*! @name C4 - MCG Control 4 Register */
10748 /*! @{ */
10750 #define MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK                      (0x1U)
10751 #define MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_SHIFT                     (0U)
10752 /*! SCFTRIM - Slow Internal Reference Clock Fine Trim
10753  */
10754 #define MCG_C4_SCFTRIM(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_SHIFT)) & MCG_C4_SCFTRIM_MASK)
10756 #define MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK                       (0x1EU)
10757 #define MCG_C4_FCTRIM_SHIFT                      (1U)
10758 /*! FCTRIM - Fast Internal Reference Clock Trim Setting
10759  */
10760 #define MCG_C4_FCTRIM(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C4_FCTRIM_SHIFT)) & MCG_C4_FCTRIM_MASK)
10762 #define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_MASK                     (0x60U)
10763 #define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_SHIFT                    (5U)
10764 /*! DRST_DRS - DCO Range Select
10765  *  0b00..Encoding 0 - Low range (reset default).
10766  *  0b01..Encoding 1 - Mid range.
10767  *  0b10..Encoding 2 - Mid-high range.
10768  *  0b11..Encoding 3 - High range.
10769  */
10770 #define MCG_C4_DRST_DRS(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C4_DRST_DRS_MASK)
10772 #define MCG_C4_DMX32_MASK                        (0x80U)
10773 #define MCG_C4_DMX32_SHIFT                       (7U)
10774 /*! DMX32 - DCO Maximum Frequency with 32.768 kHz Reference
10775  *  0b0..DCO has a default range of 25%.
10776  *  0b1..DCO is fine-tuned for maximum frequency with 32.768 kHz reference.
10777  */
10778 #define MCG_C4_DMX32(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C4_DMX32_SHIFT)) & MCG_C4_DMX32_MASK)
10779 /*! @} */
10781 /*! @name C5 - MCG Control 5 Register */
10782 /*! @{ */
10784 #define MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_MASK                     (0x20U)
10785 #define MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_SHIFT                    (5U)
10786 /*! PLLSTEN0 - PLL Stop Enable
10787  *  0b0..MCGPLLCLK is disabled in any of the Stop modes.
10788  *  0b1..MCGPLLCLK is enabled if system is in Normal Stop mode.
10789  */
10790 #define MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C5_PLLSTEN0_MASK)
10792 #define MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK                    (0x40U)
10793 #define MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_SHIFT                   (6U)
10794 /*! PLLCLKEN0 - PLL Clock Enable
10795  *  0b0..MCGPLLCLK is inactive.
10796  *  0b1..MCGPLLCLK is active.
10797  */
10798 #define MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C5_PLLCLKEN0_MASK)
10799 /*! @} */
10801 /*! @name C6 - MCG Control 6 Register */
10802 /*! @{ */
10804 #define MCG_C6_CHGPMP_BIAS_MASK                  (0x1FU)
10805 #define MCG_C6_CHGPMP_BIAS_SHIFT                 (0U)
10806 /*! CHGPMP_BIAS - Directly controls the PLL Charge Pump Current. Appropiate selection of this value
10807  *    is imperative to ensure stable operation of the PLL closed loop system. The default value for
10808  *    this field is set to 5'b01000 out of reset which generates a nominal 750nA charge pump current
10809  *    (lcp).
10810  */
10811 #define MCG_C6_CHGPMP_BIAS(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C6_CHGPMP_BIAS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C6_CHGPMP_BIAS_MASK)
10813 #define MCG_C6_CME0_MASK                         (0x20U)
10814 #define MCG_C6_CME0_SHIFT                        (5U)
10815 /*! CME0 - Clock Monitor Enable
10816  *  0b0..External clock monitor is disabled for OSC.
10817  *  0b1..External clock monitor is enabled for OSC.
10818  */
10819 #define MCG_C6_CME0(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C6_CME0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C6_CME0_MASK)
10821 #define MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK                         (0x40U)
10822 #define MCG_C6_PLLS_SHIFT                        (6U)
10823 /*! PLLS - PLL Select
10824  *  0b0..FLL is selected.
10825  *  0b1..PLL is selected (PLL reference clock must be in the range of 31.25-39.0625 KHz prior to setting the PLLS bit).
10826  */
10827 #define MCG_C6_PLLS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C6_PLLS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C6_PLLS_MASK)
10829 #define MCG_C6_LOLIE0_MASK                       (0x80U)
10830 #define MCG_C6_LOLIE0_SHIFT                      (7U)
10831 /*! LOLIE0 - Loss of Lock Interrrupt Enable
10832  *  0b0..No interrupt request is generated on loss of lock.
10833  *  0b1..Generate an interrupt request on loss of lock.
10834  */
10835 #define MCG_C6_LOLIE0(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C6_LOLIE0_SHIFT)) & MCG_C6_LOLIE0_MASK)
10836 /*! @} */
10838 /*! @name S - MCG Status Register */
10839 /*! @{ */
10841 #define MCG_S_IRCST_MASK                         (0x1U)
10842 #define MCG_S_IRCST_SHIFT                        (0U)
10843 /*! IRCST - Internal Reference Clock Status
10844  *  0b0..Source of internal reference clock is the slow clock (32 kHz IRC).
10845  *  0b1..Source of internal reference clock is the fast clock (4 MHz IRC).
10846  */
10847 #define MCG_S_IRCST(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_IRCST_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_IRCST_MASK)
10849 #define MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK                      (0x2U)
10850 #define MCG_S_OSCINIT0_SHIFT                     (1U)
10851 /*! OSCINIT0 - OSC Initialization
10852  */
10853 #define MCG_S_OSCINIT0(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_OSCINIT0_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_OSCINIT0_MASK)
10855 #define MCG_S_CLKST_MASK                         (0xCU)
10856 #define MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT                        (2U)
10857 /*! CLKST - Clock Mode Status
10858  *  0b00..Encoding 0 - Output of the FLL is selected (reset default).
10859  *  0b01..Encoding 1 - Internal reference clock is selected.
10860  *  0b10..Encoding 2 - External reference clock is selected.
10861  *  0b11..Encoding 3 - Output of the PLL is selected .
10862  */
10863 #define MCG_S_CLKST(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_CLKST_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_CLKST_MASK)
10865 #define MCG_S_IREFST_MASK                        (0x10U)
10866 #define MCG_S_IREFST_SHIFT                       (4U)
10867 /*! IREFST - Internal Reference Status
10868  *  0b0..Source of FLL reference clock is the external reference clock.
10869  *  0b1..Source of FLL reference clock is the internal reference clock.
10870  */
10871 #define MCG_S_IREFST(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_IREFST_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_IREFST_MASK)
10873 #define MCG_S_PLLST_MASK                         (0x20U)
10874 #define MCG_S_PLLST_SHIFT                        (5U)
10875 /*! PLLST - PLL Select Status
10876  *  0b0..Source of PLLS clock is FLL clock.
10877  *  0b1..Source of PLLS clock is PLL output clock.
10878  */
10879 #define MCG_S_PLLST(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_PLLST_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_PLLST_MASK)
10881 #define MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK                         (0x40U)
10882 #define MCG_S_LOCK0_SHIFT                        (6U)
10883 /*! LOCK0 - Lock Status
10884  *  0b0..PLL is currently unlocked.
10885  *  0b1..PLL is currently locked.
10886  */
10887 #define MCG_S_LOCK0(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_LOCK0_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_LOCK0_MASK)
10889 #define MCG_S_LOLS0_MASK                         (0x80U)
10890 #define MCG_S_LOLS0_SHIFT                        (7U)
10891 /*! LOLS0 - Loss of Lock Status
10892  *  0b0..PLL has not lost lock since LOLS 0 was last cleared.
10893  *  0b1..PLL has lost lock since LOLS 0 was last cleared.
10894  */
10895 #define MCG_S_LOLS0(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_S_LOLS0_SHIFT)) & MCG_S_LOLS0_MASK)
10896 /*! @} */
10898 /*! @name SC - MCG Status and Control Register */
10899 /*! @{ */
10901 #define MCG_SC_LOCS0_MASK                        (0x1U)
10902 #define MCG_SC_LOCS0_SHIFT                       (0U)
10903 /*! LOCS0 - OSC Loss of Clock Status
10904  *  0b0..Loss of OSC has not occurred.
10905  *  0b1..Loss of OSC has occurred.
10906  */
10907 #define MCG_SC_LOCS0(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_LOCS0_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_LOCS0_MASK)
10909 #define MCG_SC_FCRDIV_MASK                       (0xEU)
10910 #define MCG_SC_FCRDIV_SHIFT                      (1U)
10911 /*! FCRDIV - Fast Clock Internal Reference Divider
10912  *  0b000..Divide Factor is 1
10913  *  0b001..Divide Factor is 2.
10914  *  0b010..Divide Factor is 4.
10915  *  0b011..Divide Factor is 8.
10916  *  0b100..Divide Factor is 16
10917  *  0b101..Divide Factor is 32
10918  *  0b110..Divide Factor is 64
10919  *  0b111..Divide Factor is 128.
10920  */
10921 #define MCG_SC_FCRDIV(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_FCRDIV_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_FCRDIV_MASK)
10923 #define MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_MASK                     (0x10U)
10924 #define MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_SHIFT                    (4U)
10925 /*! FLTPRSRV - FLL Filter Preserve Enable
10926  *  0b0..FLL filter and FLL frequency will reset on changes to currect clock mode.
10927  *  0b1..Fll filter and FLL frequency retain their previous values during new clock mode change.
10928  */
10929 #define MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_FLTPRSRV_MASK)
10931 #define MCG_SC_ATMF_MASK                         (0x20U)
10932 #define MCG_SC_ATMF_SHIFT                        (5U)
10933 /*! ATMF - Automatic Trim Machine Fail Flag
10934  *  0b0..Automatic Trim Machine completed normally.
10935  *  0b1..Automatic Trim Machine failed.
10936  */
10937 #define MCG_SC_ATMF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_ATMF_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_ATMF_MASK)
10939 #define MCG_SC_ATMS_MASK                         (0x40U)
10940 #define MCG_SC_ATMS_SHIFT                        (6U)
10941 /*! ATMS - Automatic Trim Machine Select
10942  *  0b0..32 kHz Internal Reference Clock selected.
10943  *  0b1..4 MHz Internal Reference Clock selected.
10944  */
10945 #define MCG_SC_ATMS(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_ATMS_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_ATMS_MASK)
10947 #define MCG_SC_ATME_MASK                         (0x80U)
10948 #define MCG_SC_ATME_SHIFT                        (7U)
10949 /*! ATME - Automatic Trim Machine Enable
10950  *  0b0..Auto Trim Machine disabled.
10951  *  0b1..Auto Trim Machine enabled.
10952  */
10953 #define MCG_SC_ATME(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_SC_ATME_SHIFT)) & MCG_SC_ATME_MASK)
10954 /*! @} */
10956 /*! @name ATCVH - MCG Auto Trim Compare Value High Register */
10957 /*! @{ */
10959 #define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_MASK                     (0xFFU)
10960 #define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_SHIFT                    (0U)
10961 /*! ATCVH - ATM Compare Value High
10962  */
10963 #define MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_SHIFT)) & MCG_ATCVH_ATCVH_MASK)
10964 /*! @} */
10966 /*! @name ATCVL - MCG Auto Trim Compare Value Low Register */
10967 /*! @{ */
10969 #define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_MASK                     (0xFFU)
10970 #define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_SHIFT                    (0U)
10971 /*! ATCVL - ATM Compare Value Low
10972  */
10973 #define MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_SHIFT)) & MCG_ATCVL_ATCVL_MASK)
10974 /*! @} */
10976 /*! @name C7 - MCG Control 7 Register */
10977 /*! @{ */
10979 #define MCG_C7_OSCSEL_MASK                       (0x1U)
10980 #define MCG_C7_OSCSEL_SHIFT                      (0U)
10981 /*! OSCSEL - MCG OSC Clock Select
10982  *  0b0..Selects Oscillator (OSCCLK).
10983  *  0b1..Selects 32 kHz RTC Oscillator.
10984  */
10985 #define MCG_C7_OSCSEL(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C7_OSCSEL_SHIFT)) & MCG_C7_OSCSEL_MASK)
10987 #define MCG_C7_PLL32KREFSEL_MASK                 (0xC0U)
10988 #define MCG_C7_PLL32KREFSEL_SHIFT                (6U)
10989 /*! PLL32KREFSEL - MCG PLL 32Khz Reference Clock Select
10990  *  0b00..Selects 32 kHz RTC Oscillator.
10991  *  0b01..Selects 32 kHz IRC.
10992  *  0b10..Selects FLL FRDIV clock.
10993  *  0b11..Reserved.
10994  */
10995 #define MCG_C7_PLL32KREFSEL(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C7_PLL32KREFSEL_SHIFT)) & MCG_C7_PLL32KREFSEL_MASK)
10996 /*! @} */
10998 /*! @name C8 - MCG Control 8 Register */
10999 /*! @{ */
11001 #define MCG_C8_LOCS1_MASK                        (0x1U)
11002 #define MCG_C8_LOCS1_SHIFT                       (0U)
11003 /*! LOCS1 - RTC Loss of Clock Status
11004  *  0b0..Loss of RTC has not occur.
11005  *  0b1..Loss of RTC has occur
11006  */
11007 #define MCG_C8_LOCS1(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C8_LOCS1_SHIFT)) & MCG_C8_LOCS1_MASK)
11009 #define MCG_C8_COARSE_LOLIE_MASK                 (0x10U)
11010 #define MCG_C8_COARSE_LOLIE_SHIFT                (4U)
11011 /*! COARSE_LOLIE - Loss of Coarse Lock Interrrupt Enable
11012  *  0b0..No interrupt request is generated on coarse loss of lock.
11013  *  0b1..Generate an interrupt request on coarse loss of lock.
11014  */
11015 #define MCG_C8_COARSE_LOLIE(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C8_COARSE_LOLIE_SHIFT)) & MCG_C8_COARSE_LOLIE_MASK)
11017 #define MCG_C8_CME1_MASK                         (0x20U)
11018 #define MCG_C8_CME1_SHIFT                        (5U)
11019 /*! CME1 - Clock Monitor Enable1
11020  *  0b0..External clock monitor is disabled for RTC clock.
11021  *  0b1..External clock monitor is enabled for RTC clock.
11022  */
11023 #define MCG_C8_CME1(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C8_CME1_SHIFT)) & MCG_C8_CME1_MASK)
11025 #define MCG_C8_LOLRE_MASK                        (0x40U)
11026 #define MCG_C8_LOLRE_SHIFT                       (6U)
11027 /*! LOLRE - PLL Loss of Lock Reset Enable
11028  *  0b0..Interrupt request is generated on a PLL loss of lock indication. The PLL loss of lock interrupt enable
11029  *       bit must also be set to generate the interrupt request.
11030  *  0b1..Generate a reset request on a PLL loss of lock indication.
11031  */
11032 #define MCG_C8_LOLRE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C8_LOLRE_SHIFT)) & MCG_C8_LOLRE_MASK)
11034 #define MCG_C8_LOCRE1_MASK                       (0x80U)
11035 #define MCG_C8_LOCRE1_SHIFT                      (7U)
11036 /*! LOCRE1 - Loss of Clock Reset Enable
11037  *  0b0..Interrupt request is generated on a loss of RTC external reference clock.
11038  *  0b1..Generate a reset request on a loss of RTC external reference clock
11039  */
11040 #define MCG_C8_LOCRE1(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C8_LOCRE1_SHIFT)) & MCG_C8_LOCRE1_MASK)
11041 /*! @} */
11043 /*! @name C9 - MCG Control 9 Register */
11044 /*! @{ */
11046 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOCK_MASK                  (0x40U)
11047 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOCK_SHIFT                 (6U)
11048 /*! COARSE_LOCK - Coarse Lock Status
11049  *  0b0..PLL is currently unlocked.
11050  *  0b1..PLL is currently locked after first sample.
11051  */
11052 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOCK(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C9_COARSE_LOCK_SHIFT)) & MCG_C9_COARSE_LOCK_MASK)
11054 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOLS_MASK                  (0x80U)
11055 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOLS_SHIFT                 (7U)
11056 /*! COARSE_LOLS - Coarse Loss of Lock Status
11057  *  0b0..PLL has not lost lock since COARSE_LOLS was last cleared.
11058  *  0b1..PLL has lost lock since COARSE_LOLS was last cleared.
11059  */
11060 #define MCG_C9_COARSE_LOLS(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << MCG_C9_COARSE_LOLS_SHIFT)) & MCG_C9_COARSE_LOLS_MASK)
11061 /*! @} */
11064 /*!
11065  * @}
11066  */ /* end of group MCG_Register_Masks */
11069 /* MCG - Peripheral instance base addresses */
11070 /** Peripheral MCG base address */
11071 #define MCG_BASE                                 (0x40064000u)
11072 /** Peripheral MCG base pointer */
11073 #define MCG                                      ((MCG_Type *)MCG_BASE)
11074 /** Array initializer of MCG peripheral base addresses */
11075 #define MCG_BASE_ADDRS                           { MCG_BASE }
11076 /** Array initializer of MCG peripheral base pointers */
11077 #define MCG_BASE_PTRS                            { MCG }
11078 /** Interrupt vectors for the MCG peripheral type */
11079 #define MCG_IRQS                                 { MCG_IRQn }
11080 /* MCG C2[EREFS] backward compatibility */
11081 #define MCG_C2_EREFS_MASK         (MCG_C2_EREFS0_MASK)
11082 #define MCG_C2_EREFS_SHIFT        (MCG_C2_EREFS0_SHIFT)
11083 #define MCG_C2_EREFS_WIDTH        (MCG_C2_EREFS0_WIDTH)
11084 #define MCG_C2_EREFS(x)           (MCG_C2_EREFS0(x))
11086 /* MCG C2[HGO] backward compatibility */
11087 #define MCG_C2_HGO_MASK         (MCG_C2_HGO0_MASK)
11088 #define MCG_C2_HGO_SHIFT        (MCG_C2_HGO0_SHIFT)
11089 #define MCG_C2_HGO_WIDTH        (MCG_C2_HGO0_WIDTH)
11090 #define MCG_C2_HGO(x)           (MCG_C2_HGO0(x))
11092 /* MCG C2[RANGE] backward compatibility */
11093 #define MCG_C2_RANGE_MASK         (MCG_C2_RANGE0_MASK)
11094 #define MCG_C2_RANGE_SHIFT        (MCG_C2_RANGE0_SHIFT)
11095 #define MCG_C2_RANGE_WIDTH        (MCG_C2_RANGE0_WIDTH)
11096 #define MCG_C2_RANGE(x)           (MCG_C2_RANGE0(x))
11099 /*!
11100  * @}
11101  */ /* end of group MCG_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
11104 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11105    -- MCM Peripheral Access Layer
11106    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11108 /*!
11109  * @addtogroup MCM_Peripheral_Access_Layer MCM Peripheral Access Layer
11110  * @{
11111  */
11113 /** MCM - Register Layout Typedef */
11114 typedef struct {
11115        uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
11116   __I  uint16_t PLASC;                             /**< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration, offset: 0x8 */
11117   __I  uint16_t PLAMC;                             /**< Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration, offset: 0xA */
11118   __IO uint32_t PLACR;                             /**< Platform Control Register, offset: 0xC */
11119        uint8_t RESERVED_1[32];
11120   __IO uint32_t PID;                               /**< Process ID register, offset: 0x30 */
11121        uint8_t RESERVED_2[12];
11122   __IO uint32_t CPO;                               /**< Compute Operation Control Register, offset: 0x40 */
11123        uint8_t RESERVED_3[60];
11124   __IO uint32_t MATCR[1];                          /**< Master Attribute Configuration Register, array offset: 0x80, array step: 0x4 */
11125 } MCM_Type;
11127 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11128    -- MCM Register Masks
11129    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11131 /*!
11132  * @addtogroup MCM_Register_Masks MCM Register Masks
11133  * @{
11134  */
11136 /*! @name PLASC - Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration */
11137 /*! @{ */
11139 #define MCM_PLASC_ASC_MASK                       (0xFFU)
11140 #define MCM_PLASC_ASC_SHIFT                      (0U)
11141 /*! ASC - Each bit in the ASC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the
11142  *    crossbar switch's slave input port.
11143  *  0b00000000..A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is absent.
11144  *  0b00000001..A bus slave connection to AXBS input port n is present.
11145  */
11146 #define MCM_PLASC_ASC(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << MCM_PLASC_ASC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLASC_ASC_MASK)
11147 /*! @} */
11149 /*! @name PLAMC - Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration */
11150 /*! @{ */
11152 #define MCM_PLAMC_AMC_MASK                       (0xFFU)
11153 #define MCM_PLAMC_AMC_SHIFT                      (0U)
11154 /*! AMC - Each bit in the AMC field indicates whether there is a corresponding connection to the AXBS master input port.
11155  *  0b00000000..A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is absent
11156  *  0b00000001..A bus master connection to AXBS input port n is present
11157  */
11158 #define MCM_PLAMC_AMC(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << MCM_PLAMC_AMC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLAMC_AMC_MASK)
11159 /*! @} */
11161 /*! @name PLACR - Platform Control Register */
11162 /*! @{ */
11164 #define MCM_PLACR_ARB_MASK                       (0x200U)
11165 #define MCM_PLACR_ARB_SHIFT                      (9U)
11166 /*! ARB - Arbitration select
11167  *  0b0..Fixed-priority arbitration for the crossbar masters
11168  *  0b1..Round-robin arbitration for the crossbar masters
11169  */
11170 #define MCM_PLACR_ARB(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_ARB_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_ARB_MASK)
11172 #define MCM_PLACR_CFCC_MASK                      (0x400U)
11173 #define MCM_PLACR_CFCC_SHIFT                     (10U)
11174 /*! CFCC - Clear Flash Controller Cache
11175  */
11176 #define MCM_PLACR_CFCC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_CFCC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_CFCC_MASK)
11178 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_MASK                     (0x800U)
11179 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_SHIFT                    (11U)
11180 /*! DFCDA - Disable Flash Controller Data Caching
11181  *  0b0..Enable flash controller data caching
11182  *  0b1..Disable flash controller data caching.
11183  */
11184 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCDA(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_DFCDA_MASK)
11186 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_MASK                     (0x1000U)
11187 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_SHIFT                    (12U)
11188 /*! DFCIC - Disable Flash Controller Instruction Caching
11189  *  0b0..Enable flash controller instruction caching.
11190  *  0b1..Disable flash controller instruction caching.
11191  */
11192 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCIC(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_DFCIC_MASK)
11194 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCC_MASK                      (0x2000U)
11195 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCC_SHIFT                     (13U)
11196 /*! DFCC - Disable Flash Controller Cache
11197  *  0b0..Enable flash controller cache.
11198  *  0b1..Disable flash controller cache.
11199  */
11200 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_DFCC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_DFCC_MASK)
11202 #define MCM_PLACR_EFDS_MASK                      (0x4000U)
11203 #define MCM_PLACR_EFDS_SHIFT                     (14U)
11204 /*! EFDS - Enable Flash Data Speculation
11205  *  0b0..Disable flash data speculation.
11206  *  0b1..Enable flash data speculation.
11207  */
11208 #define MCM_PLACR_EFDS(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_EFDS_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_EFDS_MASK)
11210 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCS_MASK                      (0x8000U)
11211 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCS_SHIFT                     (15U)
11212 /*! DFCS - Disable Flash Controller Speculation
11213  *  0b0..Enable flash controller speculation.
11214  *  0b1..Disable flash controller speculation.
11215  */
11216 #define MCM_PLACR_DFCS(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_DFCS_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_DFCS_MASK)
11218 #define MCM_PLACR_ESFC_MASK                      (0x10000U)
11219 #define MCM_PLACR_ESFC_SHIFT                     (16U)
11220 /*! ESFC - Enable Stalling Flash Controller
11221  *  0b0..Disable stalling flash controller when flash is busy.
11222  *  0b1..Enable stalling flash controller when flash is busy.
11223  */
11224 #define MCM_PLACR_ESFC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PLACR_ESFC_SHIFT)) & MCM_PLACR_ESFC_MASK)
11225 /*! @} */
11227 /*! @name PID - Process ID register */
11228 /*! @{ */
11230 #define MCM_PID_PID_MASK                         (0xFFU)
11231 #define MCM_PID_PID_SHIFT                        (0U)
11232 /*! PID - M0_PID For MPU
11233  *  0b00000000..Reserved for privileged secure tasks
11234  */
11235 #define MCM_PID_PID(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_PID_PID_SHIFT)) & MCM_PID_PID_MASK)
11236 /*! @} */
11238 /*! @name CPO - Compute Operation Control Register */
11239 /*! @{ */
11241 #define MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_MASK                      (0x1U)
11242 #define MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_SHIFT                     (0U)
11243 /*! CPOREQ - Compute Operation Request
11244  *  0b0..Request is cleared.
11245  *  0b1..Request Compute Operation.
11246  */
11247 #define MCM_CPO_CPOREQ(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_SHIFT)) & MCM_CPO_CPOREQ_MASK)
11249 #define MCM_CPO_CPOACK_MASK                      (0x2U)
11250 #define MCM_CPO_CPOACK_SHIFT                     (1U)
11251 /*! CPOACK - Compute Operation Acknowledge
11252  *  0b0..Compute operation entry has not completed or compute operation exit has completed.
11253  *  0b1..Compute operation entry has completed or compute operation exit has not completed.
11254  */
11255 #define MCM_CPO_CPOACK(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_CPO_CPOACK_SHIFT)) & MCM_CPO_CPOACK_MASK)
11257 #define MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_MASK                      (0x4U)
11258 #define MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_SHIFT                     (2U)
11259 /*! CPOWOI - Compute Operation Wake-up on Interrupt
11260  *  0b0..No effect.
11261  *  0b1..When set, the CPOREQ is cleared on any interrupt or exception vector fetch.
11262  */
11263 #define MCM_CPO_CPOWOI(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_SHIFT)) & MCM_CPO_CPOWOI_MASK)
11264 /*! @} */
11266 /*! @name MATCR - Master Attribute Configuration Register */
11267 /*! @{ */
11269 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC0_MASK                      (0x7U)
11270 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC0_SHIFT                     (0U)
11271 /*! ATC0 - Attribute Configuration Master n
11272  *  0b00x..Master attributes are statically forced to {privileged, secure}.
11273  *  0b010..Master attributes are statically forced to {user, secure}.
11274  *  0b011..Master attributes are statically forced to {user, nonsecure}.
11275  *  0b100..Enable master attribute {privileged or user} and statically force {secure}.
11276  *  0b101..Enable master attribute {privileged or user} and statically force {nonsecure}.
11277  *  0b11x..Enable master attribute {privileged or user, secure or nonsecure}
11278  */
11279 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_MATCR_ATC0_SHIFT)) & MCM_MATCR_ATC0_MASK)
11281 #define MCM_MATCR_RO0_MASK                       (0x80U)
11282 #define MCM_MATCR_RO0_SHIFT                      (7U)
11283 /*! RO0 - Read-Only Master n
11284  *  0b0..Writes to the ATCn are allowed.
11285  *  0b1..Writes to the ATCn are ignored.
11286  */
11287 #define MCM_MATCR_RO0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_MATCR_RO0_SHIFT)) & MCM_MATCR_RO0_MASK)
11289 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC2_MASK                      (0x70000U)
11290 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC2_SHIFT                     (16U)
11291 /*! ATC2 - Attribute Configuration Master n
11292  *  0b00x..Master attributes are statically forced to {privileged, secure}.
11293  *  0b010..Master attributes are statically forced to {user, secure}.
11294  *  0b011..Master attributes are statically forced to {user, nonsecure}.
11295  *  0b100..Enable master attribute {privileged or user} and statically force {secure}.
11296  *  0b101..Enable master attribute {privileged or user} and statically force {nonsecure}.
11297  *  0b11x..Enable master attribute {privileged or user, secure or nonsecure}
11298  */
11299 #define MCM_MATCR_ATC2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_MATCR_ATC2_SHIFT)) & MCM_MATCR_ATC2_MASK)
11301 #define MCM_MATCR_RO2_MASK                       (0x800000U)
11302 #define MCM_MATCR_RO2_SHIFT                      (23U)
11303 /*! RO2 - Read-Only Master n
11304  *  0b0..Writes to the ATCn are allowed.
11305  *  0b1..Writes to the ATCn are ignored.
11306  */
11307 #define MCM_MATCR_RO2(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MCM_MATCR_RO2_SHIFT)) & MCM_MATCR_RO2_MASK)
11308 /*! @} */
11310 /* The count of MCM_MATCR */
11311 #define MCM_MATCR_COUNT                          (1U)
11314 /*!
11315  * @}
11316  */ /* end of group MCM_Register_Masks */
11319 /* MCM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
11320 /** Peripheral MCM base address */
11321 #define MCM_BASE                                 (0xF0003000u)
11322 /** Peripheral MCM base pointer */
11323 #define MCM                                      ((MCM_Type *)MCM_BASE)
11324 /** Array initializer of MCM peripheral base addresses */
11325 #define MCM_BASE_ADDRS                           { MCM_BASE }
11326 /** Array initializer of MCM peripheral base pointers */
11327 #define MCM_BASE_PTRS                            { MCM }
11329 /*!
11330  * @}
11331  */ /* end of group MCM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
11334 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11335    -- MTB Peripheral Access Layer
11336    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11338 /*!
11339  * @addtogroup MTB_Peripheral_Access_Layer MTB Peripheral Access Layer
11340  * @{
11341  */
11343 /** MTB - Register Layout Typedef */
11344 typedef struct {
11345   __IO uint32_t POSITION;                          /**< MTB Position Register, offset: 0x0 */
11346   __IO uint32_t MASTER;                            /**< MTB Master Register, offset: 0x4 */
11347   __IO uint32_t FLOW;                              /**< MTB Flow Register, offset: 0x8 */
11348   __I  uint32_t BASE;                              /**< MTB Base Register, offset: 0xC */
11349        uint8_t RESERVED_0[3824];
11350   __I  uint32_t MODECTRL;                          /**< Integration Mode Control Register, offset: 0xF00 */
11351        uint8_t RESERVED_1[156];
11352   __I  uint32_t TAGSET;                            /**< Claim TAG Set Register, offset: 0xFA0 */
11353   __I  uint32_t TAGCLEAR;                          /**< Claim TAG Clear Register, offset: 0xFA4 */
11354        uint8_t RESERVED_2[8];
11355   __I  uint32_t LOCKACCESS;                        /**< Lock Access Register, offset: 0xFB0 */
11356   __I  uint32_t LOCKSTAT;                          /**< Lock Status Register, offset: 0xFB4 */
11357   __I  uint32_t AUTHSTAT;                          /**< Authentication Status Register, offset: 0xFB8 */
11358   __I  uint32_t DEVICEARCH;                        /**< Device Architecture Register, offset: 0xFBC */
11359        uint8_t RESERVED_3[8];
11360   __I  uint32_t DEVICECFG;                         /**< Device Configuration Register, offset: 0xFC8 */
11361   __I  uint32_t DEVICETYPID;                       /**< Device Type Identifier Register, offset: 0xFCC */
11362   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID4;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD0 */
11363   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID5;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD4 */
11364   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID6;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD8 */
11365   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID7;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFDC */
11366   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID0;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE0 */
11367   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID1;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE4 */
11368   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID2;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE8 */
11369   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID3;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFEC */
11370   __I  uint32_t COMPID[4];                         /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
11371 } MTB_Type;
11373 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11374    -- MTB Register Masks
11375    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11377 /*!
11378  * @addtogroup MTB_Register_Masks MTB Register Masks
11379  * @{
11380  */
11382 /*! @name POSITION - MTB Position Register */
11383 /*! @{ */
11385 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_MASK                   (0x4U)
11386 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_SHIFT                  (2U)
11387 /*! WRAP - WRAP
11388  */
11389 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_POSITION_WRAP_SHIFT)) & MTB_POSITION_WRAP_MASK)
11391 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK                (0xFFFFFFF8U)
11392 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT               (3U)
11393 /*! POINTER - Trace Packet Address Pointer[28:0]
11394  */
11395 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT)) & MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK)
11396 /*! @} */
11398 /*! @name MASTER - MTB Master Register */
11399 /*! @{ */
11401 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK                     (0x1FU)
11402 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT                    (0U)
11403 /*! MASK - Mask
11404  */
11405 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK)
11407 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_MASK                 (0x20U)
11408 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_SHIFT                (5U)
11409 /*! TSTARTEN - Trace Start Input Enable
11410  */
11411 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_MASK)
11413 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_MASK                  (0x40U)
11414 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_SHIFT                 (6U)
11415 /*! TSTOPEN - Trace Stop Input Enable
11416  */
11417 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_MASK)
11419 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_MASK                 (0x80U)
11420 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_SHIFT                (7U)
11421 /*! SFRWPRIV - Special Function Register Write Privilege
11422  */
11423 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_MASK)
11425 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_MASK                  (0x100U)
11426 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_SHIFT                 (8U)
11427 /*! RAMPRIV - RAM Privilege
11428  */
11429 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_MASK)
11431 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_MASK                  (0x200U)
11432 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_SHIFT                 (9U)
11433 /*! HALTREQ - Halt Request
11434  */
11435 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_MASK)
11437 #define MTB_MASTER_EN_MASK                       (0x80000000U)
11438 #define MTB_MASTER_EN_SHIFT                      (31U)
11439 /*! EN - Main Trace Enable
11440  */
11441 #define MTB_MASTER_EN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_EN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_EN_MASK)
11442 /*! @} */
11444 /*! @name FLOW - MTB Flow Register */
11445 /*! @{ */
11447 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_MASK                   (0x1U)
11448 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_SHIFT                  (0U)
11450  */
11451 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_MASK)
11453 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_MASK                   (0x2U)
11454 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_SHIFT                  (1U)
11456  */
11457 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_MASK)
11459 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFF8U)
11460 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT                 (3U)
11461 /*! WATERMARK - WATERMARK[28:0]
11462  */
11463 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK)
11464 /*! @} */
11466 /*! @name BASE - MTB Base Register */
11467 /*! @{ */
11469 #define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_MASK                   (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11470 #define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_SHIFT                  (0U)
11472  */
11473 #define MTB_BASE_BASEADDR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_SHIFT)) & MTB_BASE_BASEADDR_MASK)
11474 /*! @} */
11476 /*! @name MODECTRL - Integration Mode Control Register */
11477 /*! @{ */
11479 #define MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_MASK               (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11480 #define MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_SHIFT              (0U)
11482  */
11483 #define MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_SHIFT)) & MTB_MODECTRL_MODECTRL_MASK)
11484 /*! @} */
11486 /*! @name TAGSET - Claim TAG Set Register */
11487 /*! @{ */
11489 #define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_MASK                   (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11490 #define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_SHIFT                  (0U)
11491 /*! TAGSET - TAGSET
11492  */
11493 #define MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_SHIFT)) & MTB_TAGSET_TAGSET_MASK)
11494 /*! @} */
11496 /*! @name TAGCLEAR - Claim TAG Clear Register */
11497 /*! @{ */
11499 #define MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_MASK               (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11500 #define MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_SHIFT              (0U)
11502  */
11503 #define MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_SHIFT)) & MTB_TAGCLEAR_TAGCLEAR_MASK)
11504 /*! @} */
11506 /*! @name LOCKACCESS - Lock Access Register */
11507 /*! @{ */
11510 #define MTB_LOCKACCESS_LOCKACCESS_SHIFT          (0U)
11512 /*! @} */
11514 /*! @name LOCKSTAT - Lock Status Register */
11515 /*! @{ */
11517 #define MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_MASK               (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11518 #define MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_SHIFT              (0U)
11520  */
11521 #define MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_SHIFT)) & MTB_LOCKSTAT_LOCKSTAT_MASK)
11522 /*! @} */
11524 /*! @name AUTHSTAT - Authentication Status Register */
11525 /*! @{ */
11527 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_MASK                   (0x1U)
11528 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_SHIFT                  (0U)
11529 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_SHIFT)) & MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT0_MASK)
11531 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_MASK                   (0x4U)
11532 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_SHIFT                  (2U)
11533 /*! BIT2 - BIT2
11534  */
11535 #define MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_SHIFT)) & MTB_AUTHSTAT_BIT2_MASK)
11536 /*! @} */
11538 /*! @name DEVICEARCH - Device Architecture Register */
11539 /*! @{ */
11542 #define MTB_DEVICEARCH_DEVICEARCH_SHIFT          (0U)
11544  */
11546 /*! @} */
11548 /*! @name DEVICECFG - Device Configuration Register */
11549 /*! @{ */
11551 #define MTB_DEVICECFG_DEVICECFG_MASK             (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11552 #define MTB_DEVICECFG_DEVICECFG_SHIFT            (0U)
11554  */
11555 #define MTB_DEVICECFG_DEVICECFG(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_DEVICECFG_DEVICECFG_SHIFT)) & MTB_DEVICECFG_DEVICECFG_MASK)
11556 /*! @} */
11558 /*! @name DEVICETYPID - Device Type Identifier Register */
11559 /*! @{ */
11564  */
11566 /*! @} */
11568 /*! @name PERIPHID4 - Peripheral ID Register */
11569 /*! @{ */
11571 #define MTB_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11572 #define MTB_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11574  */
11575 #define MTB_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK)
11576 /*! @} */
11578 /*! @name PERIPHID5 - Peripheral ID Register */
11579 /*! @{ */
11581 #define MTB_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11582 #define MTB_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11584  */
11585 #define MTB_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK)
11586 /*! @} */
11588 /*! @name PERIPHID6 - Peripheral ID Register */
11589 /*! @{ */
11591 #define MTB_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11592 #define MTB_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11594  */
11595 #define MTB_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK)
11596 /*! @} */
11598 /*! @name PERIPHID7 - Peripheral ID Register */
11599 /*! @{ */
11601 #define MTB_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11602 #define MTB_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11604  */
11605 #define MTB_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK)
11606 /*! @} */
11608 /*! @name PERIPHID0 - Peripheral ID Register */
11609 /*! @{ */
11611 #define MTB_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11612 #define MTB_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11614  */
11615 #define MTB_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK)
11616 /*! @} */
11618 /*! @name PERIPHID1 - Peripheral ID Register */
11619 /*! @{ */
11621 #define MTB_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11622 #define MTB_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11624  */
11625 #define MTB_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK)
11626 /*! @} */
11628 /*! @name PERIPHID2 - Peripheral ID Register */
11629 /*! @{ */
11631 #define MTB_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11632 #define MTB_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11634  */
11635 #define MTB_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK)
11636 /*! @} */
11638 /*! @name PERIPHID3 - Peripheral ID Register */
11639 /*! @{ */
11641 #define MTB_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11642 #define MTB_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
11644  */
11645 #define MTB_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTB_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK)
11646 /*! @} */
11648 /*! @name COMPID - Component ID Register */
11649 /*! @{ */
11651 #define MTB_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                   (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11652 #define MTB_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT                  (0U)
11653 /*! COMPID - Component ID
11654  */
11655 #define MTB_COMPID_COMPID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT)) & MTB_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
11656 /*! @} */
11658 /* The count of MTB_COMPID */
11659 #define MTB_COMPID_COUNT                         (4U)
11662 /*!
11663  * @}
11664  */ /* end of group MTB_Register_Masks */
11667 /* MTB - Peripheral instance base addresses */
11668 /** Peripheral MTB base address */
11669 #define MTB_BASE                                 (0xF0000000u)
11670 /** Peripheral MTB base pointer */
11671 #define MTB                                      ((MTB_Type *)MTB_BASE)
11672 /** Array initializer of MTB peripheral base addresses */
11673 #define MTB_BASE_ADDRS                           { MTB_BASE }
11674 /** Array initializer of MTB peripheral base pointers */
11675 #define MTB_BASE_PTRS                            { MTB }
11677 /*!
11678  * @}
11679  */ /* end of group MTB_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
11682 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11683    -- MTBDWT Peripheral Access Layer
11684    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11686 /*!
11687  * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Peripheral_Access_Layer MTBDWT Peripheral Access Layer
11688  * @{
11689  */
11691 /** MTBDWT - Register Layout Typedef */
11692 typedef struct {
11693   __I  uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< MTB DWT Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
11694        uint8_t RESERVED_0[28];
11695   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
11696     __IO uint32_t COMP;                              /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Register, array offset: 0x20, array step: 0x10 */
11697     __IO uint32_t MASK;                              /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Mask Register, array offset: 0x24, array step: 0x10 */
11698     __IO uint32_t FCT;                               /**< MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 0..MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 1, array offset: 0x28, array step: 0x10 */
11699          uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
11700   } COMPARATOR[2];
11701        uint8_t RESERVED_1[448];
11702   __IO uint32_t TBCTRL;                            /**< MTB_DWT Trace Buffer Control Register, offset: 0x200 */
11703        uint8_t RESERVED_2[3524];
11704   __I  uint32_t DEVICECFG;                         /**< Device Configuration Register, offset: 0xFC8 */
11705   __I  uint32_t DEVICETYPID;                       /**< Device Type Identifier Register, offset: 0xFCC */
11706   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID4;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD0 */
11707   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID5;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD4 */
11708   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID6;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD8 */
11709   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID7;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFDC */
11710   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID0;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE0 */
11711   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID1;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE4 */
11712   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID2;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE8 */
11713   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID3;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFEC */
11714   __I  uint32_t COMPID[4];                         /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
11715 } MTBDWT_Type;
11717 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11718    -- MTBDWT Register Masks
11719    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11721 /*!
11722  * @addtogroup MTBDWT_Register_Masks MTBDWT Register Masks
11723  * @{
11724  */
11726 /*! @name CTRL - MTB DWT Control Register */
11727 /*! @{ */
11729 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFU)
11730 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_SHIFT             (0U)
11731 /*! DWTCFGCTRL - DWT configuration controls
11732  */
11733 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_CTRL_DWTCFGCTRL_MASK)
11735 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_MASK                  (0xF0000000U)
11736 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_SHIFT                 (28U)
11737 /*! NUMCMP - Number of comparators
11738  */
11739 #define MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_CTRL_NUMCMP_MASK)
11740 /*! @} */
11742 /*! @name COMP - MTB_DWT Comparator Register */
11743 /*! @{ */
11745 #define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_MASK                    (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11746 #define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_SHIFT                   (0U)
11747 /*! COMP - Reference value for comparison
11748  */
11749 #define MTBDWT_COMP_COMP(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_COMP_COMP_MASK)
11750 /*! @} */
11752 /* The count of MTBDWT_COMP */
11753 #define MTBDWT_COMP_COUNT                        (2U)
11755 /*! @name MASK - MTB_DWT Comparator Mask Register */
11756 /*! @{ */
11758 #define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_MASK                    (0x1FU)
11759 #define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_SHIFT                   (0U)
11760 /*! MASK - MASK
11761  */
11762 #define MTBDWT_MASK_MASK(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_MASK_MASK_MASK)
11763 /*! @} */
11765 /* The count of MTBDWT_MASK */
11766 #define MTBDWT_MASK_COUNT                        (2U)
11768 /*! @name FCT - MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 0..MTB_DWT Comparator Function Register 1 */
11769 /*! @{ */
11771 #define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_MASK                 (0xFU)
11772 #define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_SHIFT                (0U)
11773 /*! FUNCTION - Function
11774  *  0b0000..Disabled.
11775  *  0b0100..Instruction fetch.
11776  *  0b0101..Data operand read.
11777  *  0b0110..Data operand write.
11778  *  0b0111..Data operand (read + write).
11779  */
11780 #define MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_FCT_FUNCTION_MASK)
11782 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_MASK               (0x100U)
11783 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_SHIFT              (8U)
11784 /*! DATAVMATCH - Data Value Match
11785  *  0b0..Perform address comparison.
11786  *  0b1..Perform data value comparison.
11787  */
11788 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVMATCH_MASK)
11790 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_MASK                (0xC00U)
11791 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_SHIFT               (10U)
11792 /*! DATAVSIZE - Data Value Size
11793  *  0b00..Byte.
11794  *  0b01..Halfword.
11795  *  0b10..Word.
11796  *  0b11..Reserved. Any attempts to use this value results in UNPREDICTABLE behavior.
11797  */
11798 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVSIZE_MASK)
11800 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_MASK               (0xF000U)
11801 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_SHIFT              (12U)
11802 /*! DATAVADDR0 - Data Value Address 0
11803  */
11804 #define MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_FCT_DATAVADDR0_MASK)
11806 #define MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_MASK                  (0x1000000U)
11807 #define MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_SHIFT                 (24U)
11808 /*! MATCHED - Comparator match
11809  *  0b0..No match.
11810  *  0b1..Match occurred.
11811  */
11812 #define MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_FCT_MATCHED_MASK)
11813 /*! @} */
11815 /* The count of MTBDWT_FCT */
11816 #define MTBDWT_FCT_COUNT                         (2U)
11818 /*! @name TBCTRL - MTB_DWT Trace Buffer Control Register */
11819 /*! @{ */
11821 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_MASK                (0x1U)
11822 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_SHIFT               (0U)
11823 /*! ACOMP0 - Action based on Comparator 0 match
11824  *  0b0..Trigger TSTOP based on the assertion of MTBDWT_FCT0[MATCHED].
11825  *  0b1..Trigger TSTART based on the assertion of MTBDWT_FCT0[MATCHED].
11826  */
11827 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP0_MASK)
11829 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_MASK                (0x2U)
11830 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_SHIFT               (1U)
11831 /*! ACOMP1 - Action based on Comparator 1 match
11832  *  0b0..Trigger TSTOP based on the assertion of MTBDWT_FCT1[MATCHED].
11833  *  0b1..Trigger TSTART based on the assertion of MTBDWT_FCT1[MATCHED].
11834  */
11835 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_TBCTRL_ACOMP1_MASK)
11837 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_MASK               (0xF0000000U)
11838 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_SHIFT              (28U)
11839 /*! NUMCOMP - Number of Comparators
11840  */
11841 #define MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_TBCTRL_NUMCOMP_MASK)
11842 /*! @} */
11844 /*! @name DEVICECFG - Device Configuration Register */
11845 /*! @{ */
11850  */
11852 /*! @} */
11854 /*! @name DEVICETYPID - Device Type Identifier Register */
11855 /*! @{ */
11860  */
11862 /*! @} */
11864 /*! @name PERIPHID4 - Peripheral ID Register */
11865 /*! @{ */
11868 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11870  */
11871 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK)
11872 /*! @} */
11874 /*! @name PERIPHID5 - Peripheral ID Register */
11875 /*! @{ */
11878 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11880  */
11881 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK)
11882 /*! @} */
11884 /*! @name PERIPHID6 - Peripheral ID Register */
11885 /*! @{ */
11888 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11890  */
11891 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK)
11892 /*! @} */
11894 /*! @name PERIPHID7 - Peripheral ID Register */
11895 /*! @{ */
11898 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11900  */
11901 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK)
11902 /*! @} */
11904 /*! @name PERIPHID0 - Peripheral ID Register */
11905 /*! @{ */
11908 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11910  */
11911 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK)
11912 /*! @} */
11914 /*! @name PERIPHID1 - Peripheral ID Register */
11915 /*! @{ */
11918 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11920  */
11921 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK)
11922 /*! @} */
11924 /*! @name PERIPHID2 - Peripheral ID Register */
11925 /*! @{ */
11928 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11930  */
11931 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK)
11932 /*! @} */
11934 /*! @name PERIPHID3 - Peripheral ID Register */
11935 /*! @{ */
11938 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT          (0U)
11940  */
11941 #define MTBDWT_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK)
11942 /*! @} */
11944 /*! @name COMPID - Component ID Register */
11945 /*! @{ */
11947 #define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                (0xFFFFFFFFU)
11948 #define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT               (0U)
11949 /*! COMPID - Component ID
11950  */
11951 #define MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT)) & MTBDWT_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
11952 /*! @} */
11954 /* The count of MTBDWT_COMPID */
11955 #define MTBDWT_COMPID_COUNT                      (4U)
11958 /*!
11959  * @}
11960  */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Register_Masks */
11963 /* MTBDWT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
11964 /** Peripheral MTBDWT base address */
11965 #define MTBDWT_BASE                              (0xF0001000u)
11966 /** Peripheral MTBDWT base pointer */
11967 #define MTBDWT                                   ((MTBDWT_Type *)MTBDWT_BASE)
11968 /** Array initializer of MTBDWT peripheral base addresses */
11969 #define MTBDWT_BASE_ADDRS                        { MTBDWT_BASE }
11970 /** Array initializer of MTBDWT peripheral base pointers */
11971 #define MTBDWT_BASE_PTRS                         { MTBDWT }
11973 /*!
11974  * @}
11975  */ /* end of group MTBDWT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
11978 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11979    -- NV Peripheral Access Layer
11980    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11982 /*!
11983  * @addtogroup NV_Peripheral_Access_Layer NV Peripheral Access Layer
11984  * @{
11985  */
11987 /** NV - Register Layout Typedef */
11988 typedef struct {
11989   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY3;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 3., offset: 0x0 */
11990   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY2;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 2., offset: 0x1 */
11991   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY1;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 1., offset: 0x2 */
11992   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY0;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 0., offset: 0x3 */
11993   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY7;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 7., offset: 0x4 */
11994   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY6;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 6., offset: 0x5 */
11995   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY5;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 5., offset: 0x6 */
11996   __I  uint8_t BACKKEY4;                           /**< Backdoor Comparison Key 4., offset: 0x7 */
11997   __I  uint8_t FPROT3;                             /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - Low Register, offset: 0x8 */
11998   __I  uint8_t FPROT2;                             /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - High Register, offset: 0x9 */
11999   __I  uint8_t FPROT1;                             /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - Low Register, offset: 0xA */
12000   __I  uint8_t FPROT0;                             /**< Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - High Register, offset: 0xB */
12001   __I  uint8_t FSEC;                               /**< Non-volatile Flash Security Register, offset: 0xC */
12002   __I  uint8_t FOPT;                               /**< Non-volatile Flash Option Register, offset: 0xD */
12003 } NV_Type;
12005 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12006    -- NV Register Masks
12007    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12009 /*!
12010  * @addtogroup NV_Register_Masks NV Register Masks
12011  * @{
12012  */
12014 /*! @name BACKKEY3 - Backdoor Comparison Key 3. */
12015 /*! @{ */
12017 #define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12018 #define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12019 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12020  */
12021 #define NV_BACKKEY3_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY3_KEY_MASK)
12022 /*! @} */
12024 /*! @name BACKKEY2 - Backdoor Comparison Key 2. */
12025 /*! @{ */
12027 #define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12028 #define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12029 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12030  */
12031 #define NV_BACKKEY2_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY2_KEY_MASK)
12032 /*! @} */
12034 /*! @name BACKKEY1 - Backdoor Comparison Key 1. */
12035 /*! @{ */
12037 #define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12038 #define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12039 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12040  */
12041 #define NV_BACKKEY1_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY1_KEY_MASK)
12042 /*! @} */
12044 /*! @name BACKKEY0 - Backdoor Comparison Key 0. */
12045 /*! @{ */
12047 #define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12048 #define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12049 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12050  */
12051 #define NV_BACKKEY0_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY0_KEY_MASK)
12052 /*! @} */
12054 /*! @name BACKKEY7 - Backdoor Comparison Key 7. */
12055 /*! @{ */
12057 #define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12058 #define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12059 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12060  */
12061 #define NV_BACKKEY7_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY7_KEY_MASK)
12062 /*! @} */
12064 /*! @name BACKKEY6 - Backdoor Comparison Key 6. */
12065 /*! @{ */
12067 #define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12068 #define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12069 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12070  */
12071 #define NV_BACKKEY6_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY6_KEY_MASK)
12072 /*! @} */
12074 /*! @name BACKKEY5 - Backdoor Comparison Key 5. */
12075 /*! @{ */
12077 #define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12078 #define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12079 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12080  */
12081 #define NV_BACKKEY5_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY5_KEY_MASK)
12082 /*! @} */
12084 /*! @name BACKKEY4 - Backdoor Comparison Key 4. */
12085 /*! @{ */
12087 #define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_MASK                     (0xFFU)
12088 #define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_SHIFT                    (0U)
12089 /*! KEY - Backdoor Comparison Key.
12090  */
12091 #define NV_BACKKEY4_KEY(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_SHIFT)) & NV_BACKKEY4_KEY_MASK)
12092 /*! @} */
12094 /*! @name FPROT3 - Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - Low Register */
12095 /*! @{ */
12097 #define NV_FPROT3_PROT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
12098 #define NV_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12099 /*! PROT - P-Flash Region Protect
12100  */
12101 #define NV_FPROT3_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FPROT3_PROT_SHIFT)) & NV_FPROT3_PROT_MASK)
12102 /*! @} */
12104 /*! @name FPROT2 - Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 1 - High Register */
12105 /*! @{ */
12107 #define NV_FPROT2_PROT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
12108 #define NV_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12109 /*! PROT - P-Flash Region Protect
12110  */
12111 #define NV_FPROT2_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FPROT2_PROT_SHIFT)) & NV_FPROT2_PROT_MASK)
12112 /*! @} */
12114 /*! @name FPROT1 - Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - Low Register */
12115 /*! @{ */
12117 #define NV_FPROT1_PROT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
12118 #define NV_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12119 /*! PROT - P-Flash Region Protect
12120  */
12121 #define NV_FPROT1_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FPROT1_PROT_SHIFT)) & NV_FPROT1_PROT_MASK)
12122 /*! @} */
12124 /*! @name FPROT0 - Non-volatile P-Flash Protection 0 - High Register */
12125 /*! @{ */
12127 #define NV_FPROT0_PROT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
12128 #define NV_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12129 /*! PROT - P-Flash Region Protect
12130  */
12131 #define NV_FPROT0_PROT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FPROT0_PROT_SHIFT)) & NV_FPROT0_PROT_MASK)
12132 /*! @} */
12134 /*! @name FSEC - Non-volatile Flash Security Register */
12135 /*! @{ */
12137 #define NV_FSEC_SEC_MASK                         (0x3U)
12138 #define NV_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT                        (0U)
12139 /*! SEC - Flash Security
12140  *  0b10..MCU security status is unsecure
12141  *  0b11..MCU security status is secure
12142  */
12143 #define NV_FSEC_SEC(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FSEC_SEC_SHIFT)) & NV_FSEC_SEC_MASK)
12145 #define NV_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK                      (0xCU)
12146 #define NV_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT                     (2U)
12147 /*! FSLACC - Freescale Failure Analysis Access Code
12148  *  0b10..Freescale factory access denied
12149  *  0b11..Freescale factory access granted
12150  */
12151 #define NV_FSEC_FSLACC(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FSEC_FSLACC_SHIFT)) & NV_FSEC_FSLACC_MASK)
12153 #define NV_FSEC_MEEN_MASK                        (0x30U)
12154 #define NV_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT                       (4U)
12155 /*! MEEN
12156  *  0b10..Mass erase is disabled
12157  *  0b11..Mass erase is enabled
12158  */
12159 #define NV_FSEC_MEEN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FSEC_MEEN_SHIFT)) & NV_FSEC_MEEN_MASK)
12161 #define NV_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK                       (0xC0U)
12162 #define NV_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT                      (6U)
12163 /*! KEYEN - Backdoor Key Security Enable
12164  *  0b10..Backdoor key access enabled
12165  *  0b11..Backdoor key access disabled
12166  */
12167 #define NV_FSEC_KEYEN(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FSEC_KEYEN_SHIFT)) & NV_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK)
12168 /*! @} */
12170 /*! @name FOPT - Non-volatile Flash Option Register */
12171 /*! @{ */
12173 #define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT_MASK                      (0x1U)
12174 #define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12175 /*! LPBOOT
12176  *  0b0..Low-power boot
12177  *  0b1..Normal boot
12178  */
12179 #define NV_FOPT_LPBOOT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FOPT_LPBOOT_SHIFT)) & NV_FOPT_LPBOOT_MASK)
12181 #define NV_FOPT_NMI_EN_MASK                      (0x4U)
12182 #define NV_FOPT_NMI_EN_SHIFT                     (2U)
12183 /*! NMI_EN
12184  *  0b0..NMI interrupts are always blocked
12185  *  0b1..NMI_b pin/interrupts reset default to enabled
12186  */
12187 #define NV_FOPT_NMI_EN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FOPT_NMI_EN_SHIFT)) & NV_FOPT_NMI_EN_MASK)
12189 #define NV_FOPT_EXE_MODE_MASK                    (0x8U)
12190 #define NV_FOPT_EXE_MODE_SHIFT                   (3U)
12191 /*! EXE_MODE
12192  *  0b0..Execution Mode is RUN Mode
12193  *  0b1..Execution Mode is VLPR Mode
12194  */
12195 #define NV_FOPT_EXE_MODE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FOPT_EXE_MODE_SHIFT)) & NV_FOPT_EXE_MODE_MASK)
12197 #define NV_FOPT_CLK_SRC_MASK                     (0x20U)
12198 #define NV_FOPT_CLK_SRC_SHIFT                    (5U)
12199 /*! CLK_SRC
12200  *  0b0..Externally supplied clock used by Flash
12201  *  0b1..Internal clock source used by Flash
12202  */
12203 #define NV_FOPT_CLK_SRC(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << NV_FOPT_CLK_SRC_SHIFT)) & NV_FOPT_CLK_SRC_MASK)
12204 /*! @} */
12207 /*!
12208  * @}
12209  */ /* end of group NV_Register_Masks */
12212 /* NV - Peripheral instance base addresses */
12213 /** Peripheral FTFA_FlashConfig base address */
12214 #define FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE                    (0x400u)
12215 /** Peripheral FTFA_FlashConfig base pointer */
12216 #define FTFA_FlashConfig                         ((NV_Type *)FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE)
12217 /** Array initializer of NV peripheral base addresses */
12218 #define NV_BASE_ADDRS                            { FTFA_FlashConfig_BASE }
12219 /** Array initializer of NV peripheral base pointers */
12220 #define NV_BASE_PTRS                             { FTFA_FlashConfig }
12222 /*!
12223  * @}
12224  */ /* end of group NV_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
12227 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12228    -- OSC Peripheral Access Layer
12229    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12231 /*!
12232  * @addtogroup OSC_Peripheral_Access_Layer OSC Peripheral Access Layer
12233  * @{
12234  */
12236 /** OSC - Register Layout Typedef */
12237 typedef struct {
12238   __IO uint8_t CR;                                 /**< OSC Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
12239 } OSC_Type;
12241 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12242    -- OSC Register Masks
12243    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12245 /*!
12246  * @addtogroup OSC_Register_Masks OSC Register Masks
12247  * @{
12248  */
12250 /*! @name CR - OSC Control Register */
12251 /*! @{ */
12253 #define OSC_CR_SC16P_MASK                        (0x1U)
12254 #define OSC_CR_SC16P_SHIFT                       (0U)
12255 /*! SC16P - Oscillator 16 pF Capacitor Load Configure
12256  *  0b0..Disable the selection.
12257  *  0b1..Add 16 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
12258  */
12259 #define OSC_CR_SC16P(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_SC16P_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_SC16P_MASK)
12261 #define OSC_CR_SC8P_MASK                         (0x2U)
12262 #define OSC_CR_SC8P_SHIFT                        (1U)
12263 /*! SC8P - Oscillator 8 pF Capacitor Load Configure
12264  *  0b0..Disable the selection.
12265  *  0b1..Add 8 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
12266  */
12267 #define OSC_CR_SC8P(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_SC8P_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_SC8P_MASK)
12269 #define OSC_CR_SC4P_MASK                         (0x4U)
12270 #define OSC_CR_SC4P_SHIFT                        (2U)
12271 /*! SC4P - Oscillator 4 pF Capacitor Load Configure
12272  *  0b0..Disable the selection.
12273  *  0b1..Add 4 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
12274  */
12275 #define OSC_CR_SC4P(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_SC4P_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_SC4P_MASK)
12277 #define OSC_CR_SC2P_MASK                         (0x8U)
12278 #define OSC_CR_SC2P_SHIFT                        (3U)
12279 /*! SC2P - Oscillator 2 pF Capacitor Load Configure
12280  *  0b0..Disable the selection.
12281  *  0b1..Add 2 pF capacitor to the oscillator load.
12282  */
12283 #define OSC_CR_SC2P(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_SC2P_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_SC2P_MASK)
12285 #define OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_MASK                     (0x20U)
12286 #define OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_SHIFT                    (5U)
12287 /*! EREFSTEN - External Reference Stop Enable
12288  *  0b0..External reference clock is disabled in Stop mode.
12289  *  0b1..External reference clock stays enabled in Stop mode if ERCLKEN is set before entering Stop mode.
12290  */
12291 #define OSC_CR_EREFSTEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_EREFSTEN_MASK)
12293 #define OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_MASK                      (0x80U)
12294 #define OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_SHIFT                     (7U)
12295 /*! ERCLKEN - External Reference Enable
12296  *  0b0..External reference clock is inactive.
12297  *  0b1..External reference clock is enabled.
12298  */
12299 #define OSC_CR_ERCLKEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_SHIFT)) & OSC_CR_ERCLKEN_MASK)
12300 /*! @} */
12303 /*!
12304  * @}
12305  */ /* end of group OSC_Register_Masks */
12308 /* OSC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
12309 /** Peripheral OSC base address */
12310 #define OSC_BASE                                 (0x40066000u)
12311 /** Peripheral OSC base pointer */
12312 #define OSC                                      ((OSC_Type *)OSC_BASE)
12313 /** Array initializer of OSC peripheral base addresses */
12314 #define OSC_BASE_ADDRS                           { OSC_BASE }
12315 /** Array initializer of OSC peripheral base pointers */
12316 #define OSC_BASE_PTRS                            { OSC }
12318 /*!
12319  * @}
12320  */ /* end of group OSC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
12323 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12324    -- PIT Peripheral Access Layer
12325    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12327 /*!
12328  * @addtogroup PIT_Peripheral_Access_Layer PIT Peripheral Access Layer
12329  * @{
12330  */
12332 /** PIT - Register Layout Typedef */
12333 typedef struct {
12334   __IO uint32_t MCR;                               /**< PIT Module Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
12335        uint8_t RESERVED_0[252];
12336   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
12337     __IO uint32_t LDVAL;                             /**< Timer Load Value Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x10 */
12338     __I  uint32_t CVAL;                              /**< Current Timer Value Register, array offset: 0x104, array step: 0x10 */
12339     __IO uint32_t TCTRL;                             /**< Timer Control Register, array offset: 0x108, array step: 0x10 */
12340     __IO uint32_t TFLG;                              /**< Timer Flag Register, array offset: 0x10C, array step: 0x10 */
12341   } CHANNEL[2];
12342 } PIT_Type;
12344 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12345    -- PIT Register Masks
12346    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12348 /*!
12349  * @addtogroup PIT_Register_Masks PIT Register Masks
12350  * @{
12351  */
12353 /*! @name MCR - PIT Module Control Register */
12354 /*! @{ */
12356 #define PIT_MCR_FRZ_MASK                         (0x1U)
12357 #define PIT_MCR_FRZ_SHIFT                        (0U)
12358 /*! FRZ - Freeze
12359  *  0b0..Timers continue to run in Debug mode.
12360  *  0b1..Timers are stopped in Debug mode.
12361  */
12362 #define PIT_MCR_FRZ(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_MCR_FRZ_SHIFT)) & PIT_MCR_FRZ_MASK)
12364 #define PIT_MCR_MDIS_MASK                        (0x2U)
12365 #define PIT_MCR_MDIS_SHIFT                       (1U)
12366 /*! MDIS - Module Disable - (PIT section)
12367  *  0b0..Clock for standard PIT timers is enabled.
12368  *  0b1..Clock for standard PIT timers is disabled.
12369  */
12370 #define PIT_MCR_MDIS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_MCR_MDIS_SHIFT)) & PIT_MCR_MDIS_MASK)
12371 /*! @} */
12373 /*! @name LDVAL - Timer Load Value Register */
12374 /*! @{ */
12376 #define PIT_LDVAL_TSV_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFFFU)
12377 #define PIT_LDVAL_TSV_SHIFT                      (0U)
12378 /*! TSV - Timer Start Value
12379  */
12380 #define PIT_LDVAL_TSV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_LDVAL_TSV_SHIFT)) & PIT_LDVAL_TSV_MASK)
12381 /*! @} */
12383 /* The count of PIT_LDVAL */
12384 #define PIT_LDVAL_COUNT                          (2U)
12386 /*! @name CVAL - Current Timer Value Register */
12387 /*! @{ */
12389 #define PIT_CVAL_TVL_MASK                        (0xFFFFFFFFU)
12390 #define PIT_CVAL_TVL_SHIFT                       (0U)
12391 /*! TVL - Current Timer Value
12392  */
12393 #define PIT_CVAL_TVL(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_CVAL_TVL_SHIFT)) & PIT_CVAL_TVL_MASK)
12394 /*! @} */
12396 /* The count of PIT_CVAL */
12397 #define PIT_CVAL_COUNT                           (2U)
12399 /*! @name TCTRL - Timer Control Register */
12400 /*! @{ */
12402 #define PIT_TCTRL_TEN_MASK                       (0x1U)
12403 #define PIT_TCTRL_TEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
12404 /*! TEN - Timer Enable
12405  *  0b0..Timer n is disabled.
12406  *  0b1..Timer n is enabled.
12407  */
12408 #define PIT_TCTRL_TEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_TCTRL_TEN_SHIFT)) & PIT_TCTRL_TEN_MASK)
12410 #define PIT_TCTRL_TIE_MASK                       (0x2U)
12411 #define PIT_TCTRL_TIE_SHIFT                      (1U)
12412 /*! TIE - Timer Interrupt Enable
12413  *  0b0..Interrupt requests from Timer n are disabled.
12414  *  0b1..Interrupt will be requested whenever TIF is set.
12415  */
12416 #define PIT_TCTRL_TIE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_TCTRL_TIE_SHIFT)) & PIT_TCTRL_TIE_MASK)
12418 #define PIT_TCTRL_CHN_MASK                       (0x4U)
12419 #define PIT_TCTRL_CHN_SHIFT                      (2U)
12420 /*! CHN - Chain Mode
12421  *  0b0..Timer is not chained.
12422  *  0b1..Timer is chained to previous timer. For example, for Channel 2, if this field is set, Timer 2 is chained to Timer 1.
12423  */
12424 #define PIT_TCTRL_CHN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_TCTRL_CHN_SHIFT)) & PIT_TCTRL_CHN_MASK)
12425 /*! @} */
12427 /* The count of PIT_TCTRL */
12428 #define PIT_TCTRL_COUNT                          (2U)
12430 /*! @name TFLG - Timer Flag Register */
12431 /*! @{ */
12433 #define PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK                        (0x1U)
12434 #define PIT_TFLG_TIF_SHIFT                       (0U)
12435 /*! TIF - Timer Interrupt Flag
12436  *  0b0..Timeout has not yet occurred.
12437  *  0b1..Timeout has occurred.
12438  */
12439 #define PIT_TFLG_TIF(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PIT_TFLG_TIF_SHIFT)) & PIT_TFLG_TIF_MASK)
12440 /*! @} */
12442 /* The count of PIT_TFLG */
12443 #define PIT_TFLG_COUNT                           (2U)
12446 /*!
12447  * @}
12448  */ /* end of group PIT_Register_Masks */
12451 /* PIT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
12452 /** Peripheral PIT0 base address */
12453 #define PIT0_BASE                                (0x4002D000u)
12454 /** Peripheral PIT0 base pointer */
12455 #define PIT0                                     ((PIT_Type *)PIT0_BASE)
12456 /** Peripheral PIT1 base address */
12457 #define PIT1_BASE                                (0x4002E000u)
12458 /** Peripheral PIT1 base pointer */
12459 #define PIT1                                     ((PIT_Type *)PIT1_BASE)
12460 /** Array initializer of PIT peripheral base addresses */
12461 #define PIT_BASE_ADDRS                           { PIT0_BASE, PIT1_BASE }
12462 /** Array initializer of PIT peripheral base pointers */
12463 #define PIT_BASE_PTRS                            { PIT0, PIT1 }
12464 /** Interrupt vectors for the PIT peripheral type */
12465 #define PIT_IRQS                                 { { PIT0_PIT1_IRQn, PIT0_PIT1_IRQn }, { PIT0_PIT1_IRQn, PIT0_PIT1_IRQn } }
12467 /*!
12468  * @}
12469  */ /* end of group PIT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
12472 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12473    -- PMC Peripheral Access Layer
12474    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12476 /*!
12477  * @addtogroup PMC_Peripheral_Access_Layer PMC Peripheral Access Layer
12478  * @{
12479  */
12481 /** PMC - Register Layout Typedef */
12482 typedef struct {
12483   __IO uint8_t LVDSC1;                             /**< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register, offset: 0x0 */
12484   __IO uint8_t LVDSC2;                             /**< Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register, offset: 0x1 */
12485   __IO uint8_t REGSC;                              /**< Regulator Status And Control register, offset: 0x2 */
12486 } PMC_Type;
12488 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12489    -- PMC Register Masks
12490    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12492 /*!
12493  * @addtogroup PMC_Register_Masks PMC Register Masks
12494  * @{
12495  */
12497 /*! @name LVDSC1 - Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register */
12498 /*! @{ */
12500 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_MASK                     (0x3U)
12501 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_SHIFT                    (0U)
12502 /*! LVDV - Low-Voltage Detect Voltage Select
12503  *  0b00..Low trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDL )
12504  *  0b01..High trip point selected (V LVD = V LVDH )
12505  *  0b10..Reserved
12506  *  0b11..Reserved
12507  */
12508 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC1_LVDV_MASK)
12510 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_MASK                    (0x10U)
12511 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_SHIFT                   (4U)
12512 /*! LVDRE - Low-Voltage Detect Reset Enable
12513  *  0b0..LVDF does not generate hardware resets
12514  *  0b1..Force an MCU reset when LVDF = 1
12515  */
12516 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC1_LVDRE_MASK)
12518 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_MASK                    (0x20U)
12519 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_SHIFT                   (5U)
12520 /*! LVDIE - Low-Voltage Detect Interrupt Enable
12521  *  0b0..Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling)
12522  *  0b1..Request a hardware interrupt when LVDF = 1
12523  */
12524 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC1_LVDIE_MASK)
12526 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_MASK                   (0x40U)
12527 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_SHIFT                  (6U)
12528 /*! LVDACK - Low-Voltage Detect Acknowledge
12529  */
12530 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC1_LVDACK_MASK)
12532 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_MASK                     (0x80U)
12533 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_SHIFT                    (7U)
12534 /*! LVDF - Low-Voltage Detect Flag
12535  *  0b0..Low-voltage event not detected
12536  *  0b1..Low-voltage event detected
12537  */
12538 #define PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC1_LVDF_MASK)
12539 /*! @} */
12541 /*! @name LVDSC2 - Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register */
12542 /*! @{ */
12544 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_MASK                     (0x3U)
12545 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_SHIFT                    (0U)
12546 /*! LVWV - Low-Voltage Warning Voltage Select
12547  *  0b00..Low trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW1)
12548  *  0b01..Mid 1 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW2)
12549  *  0b10..Mid 2 trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW3)
12550  *  0b11..High trip point selected (VLVW = VLVW4)
12551  */
12552 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC2_LVWV_MASK)
12554 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_MASK                    (0x20U)
12555 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_SHIFT                   (5U)
12556 /*! LVWIE - Low-Voltage Warning Interrupt Enable
12557  *  0b0..Hardware interrupt disabled (use polling)
12558  *  0b1..Request a hardware interrupt when LVWF = 1
12559  */
12560 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC2_LVWIE_MASK)
12562 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_MASK                   (0x40U)
12563 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_SHIFT                  (6U)
12564 /*! LVWACK - Low-Voltage Warning Acknowledge
12565  */
12566 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC2_LVWACK_MASK)
12568 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_MASK                     (0x80U)
12569 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_SHIFT                    (7U)
12570 /*! LVWF - Low-Voltage Warning Flag
12571  *  0b0..Low-voltage warning event not detected
12572  *  0b1..Low-voltage warning event detected
12573  */
12574 #define PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_SHIFT)) & PMC_LVDSC2_LVWF_MASK)
12575 /*! @} */
12577 /*! @name REGSC - Regulator Status And Control register */
12578 /*! @{ */
12580 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBE_MASK                      (0x1U)
12581 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBE_SHIFT                     (0U)
12582 /*! BGBE - Bandgap Buffer Enable
12583  *  0b0..Bandgap buffer not enabled
12584  *  0b1..Bandgap buffer enabled
12585  */
12586 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBE(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_REGSC_BGBE_SHIFT)) & PMC_REGSC_BGBE_MASK)
12588 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBDS_MASK                     (0x2U)
12589 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBDS_SHIFT                    (1U)
12590 /*! BGBDS - Bandgap Buffer Drive Select
12591  *  0b0..Low drive
12592  *  0b1..High drive
12593  */
12594 #define PMC_REGSC_BGBDS(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_REGSC_BGBDS_SHIFT)) & PMC_REGSC_BGBDS_MASK)
12596 #define PMC_REGSC_REGONS_MASK                    (0x4U)
12597 #define PMC_REGSC_REGONS_SHIFT                   (2U)
12598 /*! REGONS - Regulator In Run Regulation Status
12599  *  0b0..Regulator is in stop regulation or in transition to/from it
12600  *  0b1..Regulator is in run regulation
12601  */
12602 #define PMC_REGSC_REGONS(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_REGSC_REGONS_SHIFT)) & PMC_REGSC_REGONS_MASK)
12604 #define PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK                    (0x8U)
12605 #define PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_SHIFT                   (3U)
12606 /*! ACKISO - Acknowledge Isolation
12607  *  0b0..Peripherals and I/O pads are in normal run state.
12608  *  0b1..Certain peripherals and I/O pads are in an isolated and latched state.
12609  */
12610 #define PMC_REGSC_ACKISO(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_SHIFT)) & PMC_REGSC_ACKISO_MASK)
12612 #define PMC_REGSC_BGEN_MASK                      (0x10U)
12613 #define PMC_REGSC_BGEN_SHIFT                     (4U)
12614 /*! BGEN - Bandgap Enable In VLPx Operation
12615  *  0b0..Bandgap voltage reference is disabled in VLPx , and VLLSx modes.
12616  *  0b1..Bandgap voltage reference is enabled in VLPx , and VLLSx modes.
12617  */
12618 #define PMC_REGSC_BGEN(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << PMC_REGSC_BGEN_SHIFT)) & PMC_REGSC_BGEN_MASK)
12619 /*! @} */
12622 /*!
12623  * @}
12624  */ /* end of group PMC_Register_Masks */
12627 /* PMC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
12628 /** Peripheral PMC base address */
12629 #define PMC_BASE                                 (0x4007D000u)
12630 /** Peripheral PMC base pointer */
12631 #define PMC                                      ((PMC_Type *)PMC_BASE)
12632 /** Array initializer of PMC peripheral base addresses */
12633 #define PMC_BASE_ADDRS                           { PMC_BASE }
12634 /** Array initializer of PMC peripheral base pointers */
12635 #define PMC_BASE_PTRS                            { PMC }
12636 /** Interrupt vectors for the PMC peripheral type */
12637 #define PMC_IRQS                                 { PMC_IRQn }
12639 /*!
12640  * @}
12641  */ /* end of group PMC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
12644 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12645    -- PORT Peripheral Access Layer
12646    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12648 /*!
12649  * @addtogroup PORT_Peripheral_Access_Layer PORT Peripheral Access Layer
12650  * @{
12651  */
12653 /** PORT - Register Layout Typedef */
12654 typedef struct {
12655   __IO uint32_t PCR[8];                            /**< Pin Control Register n, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
12656        uint8_t RESERVED_0[96];
12657   __O  uint32_t GPCLR;                             /**< Global Pin Control Low Register, offset: 0x80 */
12658   __O  uint32_t GPCHR;                             /**< Global Pin Control High Register, offset: 0x84 */
12659        uint8_t RESERVED_1[24];
12660   __IO uint32_t ISFR;                              /**< Interrupt Status Flag Register, offset: 0xA0 */
12661        uint8_t RESERVED_2[28];
12662   __IO uint32_t DFER;                              /**< Digital Filter Enable Register, offset: 0xC0 */
12663   __IO uint32_t DFCR;                              /**< Digital Filter Clock Register, offset: 0xC4 */
12664   __IO uint32_t DFWR;                              /**< Digital Filter Width Register, offset: 0xC8 */
12665 } PORT_Type;
12667 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12668    -- PORT Register Masks
12669    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12671 /*!
12672  * @addtogroup PORT_Register_Masks PORT Register Masks
12673  * @{
12674  */
12676 /*! @name PCR - Pin Control Register n */
12677 /*! @{ */
12679 #define PORT_PCR_PS_MASK                         (0x1U)
12680 #define PORT_PCR_PS_SHIFT                        (0U)
12681 /*! PS - Pull Select
12682  *  0b0..Internal pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding Port Pull Enable field is set.
12683  *  0b1..Internal pullup resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the corresponding Port Pull Enable field is set.
12684  */
12685 #define PORT_PCR_PS(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_PS_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_PS_MASK)
12687 #define PORT_PCR_PE_MASK                         (0x2U)
12688 #define PORT_PCR_PE_SHIFT                        (1U)
12689 /*! PE - Pull Enable
12690  *  0b0..Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is not enabled on the corresponding pin.
12691  *  0b1..Internal pullup or pulldown resistor is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input.
12692  */
12693 #define PORT_PCR_PE(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_PE_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_PE_MASK)
12695 #define PORT_PCR_SRE_MASK                        (0x4U)
12696 #define PORT_PCR_SRE_SHIFT                       (2U)
12697 /*! SRE - Slew Rate Enable
12698  *  0b0..Fast slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output.
12699  *  0b1..Slow slew rate is configured on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital output.
12700  */
12701 #define PORT_PCR_SRE(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_SRE_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_SRE_MASK)
12703 #define PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK                        (0x700U)
12704 #define PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT                       (8U)
12705 /*! MUX - Pin Mux Control
12706  *  0b000..Pin disabled (analog).
12707  *  0b001..Alternative 1 (GPIO).
12708  *  0b010..Alternative 2 (chip-specific).
12709  *  0b011..Alternative 3 (chip-specific).
12710  *  0b100..Alternative 4 (chip-specific).
12711  *  0b101..Alternative 5 (chip-specific).
12712  *  0b110..Alternative 6 (chip-specific).
12713  *  0b111..Alternative 7 (chip-specific).
12714  */
12715 #define PORT_PCR_MUX(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK)
12717 #define PORT_PCR_LK_MASK                         (0x8000U)
12718 #define PORT_PCR_LK_SHIFT                        (15U)
12719 /*! LK - Lock Register
12720  *  0b0..Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are not locked.
12721  *  0b1..Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are locked and cannot be updated until the next system reset.
12722  */
12723 #define PORT_PCR_LK(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_LK_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_LK_MASK)
12725 #define PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK                       (0xF0000U)
12726 #define PORT_PCR_IRQC_SHIFT                      (16U)
12727 /*! IRQC - Interrupt Configuration
12728  *  0b0000..Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
12729  *  0b0001..DMA request on rising edge.
12730  *  0b0010..DMA request on falling edge.
12731  *  0b0011..DMA request on either edge.
12732  *  0b1000..Interrupt when logic zero.
12733  *  0b1001..Interrupt on rising edge.
12734  *  0b1010..Interrupt on falling edge.
12735  *  0b1011..Interrupt on either edge.
12736  *  0b1100..Interrupt when logic one.
12737  */
12738 #define PORT_PCR_IRQC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_IRQC_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_IRQC_MASK)
12740 #define PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK                        (0x1000000U)
12741 #define PORT_PCR_ISF_SHIFT                       (24U)
12742 /*! ISF - Interrupt Status Flag
12743  *  0b0..Configured interrupt is not detected.
12744  *  0b1..Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a DMA request, then the
12745  *       corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the
12746  *       flag remains set until a logic one is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a level sensitive
12747  *       interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set again immediately after it is cleared.
12748  */
12749 #define PORT_PCR_ISF(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_PCR_ISF_SHIFT)) & PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK)
12750 /*! @} */
12752 /* The count of PORT_PCR */
12753 #define PORT_PCR_COUNT                           (8U)
12755 /*! @name GPCLR - Global Pin Control Low Register */
12756 /*! @{ */
12758 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
12759 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_SHIFT                    (0U)
12760 /*! GPWD - Global Pin Write Data
12761  */
12762 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_SHIFT)) & PORT_GPCLR_GPWD_MASK)
12764 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_MASK                     (0xFFFF0000U)
12765 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT                    (16U)
12766 /*! GPWE - Global Pin Write Enable
12767  *  0b0000000000000000..Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD.
12768  *  0b0000000000000001..Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD.
12769  */
12770 #define PORT_GPCLR_GPWE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_SHIFT)) & PORT_GPCLR_GPWE_MASK)
12771 /*! @} */
12773 /*! @name GPCHR - Global Pin Control High Register */
12774 /*! @{ */
12776 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
12777 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_SHIFT                    (0U)
12778 /*! GPWD - Global Pin Write Data
12779  */
12780 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_SHIFT)) & PORT_GPCHR_GPWD_MASK)
12782 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_MASK                     (0xFFFF0000U)
12783 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_SHIFT                    (16U)
12784 /*! GPWE - Global Pin Write Enable
12785  *  0b0000000000000000..Corresponding Pin Control Register is not updated with the value in GPWD.
12786  *  0b0000000000000001..Corresponding Pin Control Register is updated with the value in GPWD.
12787  */
12788 #define PORT_GPCHR_GPWE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_SHIFT)) & PORT_GPCHR_GPWE_MASK)
12789 /*! @} */
12791 /*! @name ISFR - Interrupt Status Flag Register */
12792 /*! @{ */
12794 #define PORT_ISFR_ISF_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFFFU)
12795 #define PORT_ISFR_ISF_SHIFT                      (0U)
12796 /*! ISF - Interrupt Status Flag
12797  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000000..Configured interrupt is not detected.
12798  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000001..Configured interrupt is detected. If the pin is configured to generate a
12799  *                                      DMA request, then the corresponding flag will be cleared automatically at
12800  *                                      the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set
12801  *                                      until a logic one is written to the flag. If the pin is configured for a
12802  *                                      level sensitive interrupt and the pin remains asserted, then the flag is set
12803  *                                      again immediately after it is cleared.
12804  */
12805 #define PORT_ISFR_ISF(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_ISFR_ISF_SHIFT)) & PORT_ISFR_ISF_MASK)
12806 /*! @} */
12808 /*! @name DFER - Digital Filter Enable Register */
12809 /*! @{ */
12811 #define PORT_DFER_DFE_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFFFU)
12812 #define PORT_DFER_DFE_SHIFT                      (0U)
12813 /*! DFE - Digital Filter Enable
12814  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000000..Digital filter is disabled on the corresponding pin and output of the digital filter is reset to zero.
12815  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000001..Digital filter is enabled on the corresponding pin, if the pin is configured as a digital input.
12816  */
12817 #define PORT_DFER_DFE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_DFER_DFE_SHIFT)) & PORT_DFER_DFE_MASK)
12818 /*! @} */
12820 /*! @name DFCR - Digital Filter Clock Register */
12821 /*! @{ */
12823 #define PORT_DFCR_CS_MASK                        (0x1U)
12824 #define PORT_DFCR_CS_SHIFT                       (0U)
12825 /*! CS - Clock Source
12826  *  0b0..Digital filters are clocked by the bus clock.
12827  *  0b1..Digital filters are clocked by the 1 kHz LPO clock.
12828  */
12829 #define PORT_DFCR_CS(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_DFCR_CS_SHIFT)) & PORT_DFCR_CS_MASK)
12830 /*! @} */
12832 /*! @name DFWR - Digital Filter Width Register */
12833 /*! @{ */
12835 #define PORT_DFWR_FILT_MASK                      (0x1FU)
12836 #define PORT_DFWR_FILT_SHIFT                     (0U)
12837 /*! FILT - Filter Length
12838  */
12839 #define PORT_DFWR_FILT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PORT_DFWR_FILT_SHIFT)) & PORT_DFWR_FILT_MASK)
12840 /*! @} */
12843 /*!
12844  * @}
12845  */ /* end of group PORT_Register_Masks */
12848 /* PORT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
12849 /** Peripheral PORTA base address */
12850 #define PORTA_BASE                               (0x40046000u)
12851 /** Peripheral PORTA base pointer */
12852 #define PORTA                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTA_BASE)
12853 /** Peripheral PORTB base address */
12854 #define PORTB_BASE                               (0x40047000u)
12855 /** Peripheral PORTB base pointer */
12856 #define PORTB                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTB_BASE)
12857 /** Peripheral PORTC base address */
12858 #define PORTC_BASE                               (0x40048000u)
12859 /** Peripheral PORTC base pointer */
12860 #define PORTC                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTC_BASE)
12861 /** Peripheral PORTD base address */
12862 #define PORTD_BASE                               (0x40049000u)
12863 /** Peripheral PORTD base pointer */
12864 #define PORTD                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTD_BASE)
12865 /** Peripheral PORTE base address */
12866 #define PORTE_BASE                               (0x4004A000u)
12867 /** Peripheral PORTE base pointer */
12868 #define PORTE                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTE_BASE)
12869 /** Peripheral PORTF base address */
12870 #define PORTF_BASE                               (0x4004B000u)
12871 /** Peripheral PORTF base pointer */
12872 #define PORTF                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTF_BASE)
12873 /** Peripheral PORTG base address */
12874 #define PORTG_BASE                               (0x4004C000u)
12875 /** Peripheral PORTG base pointer */
12876 #define PORTG                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTG_BASE)
12877 /** Peripheral PORTH base address */
12878 #define PORTH_BASE                               (0x4004D000u)
12879 /** Peripheral PORTH base pointer */
12880 #define PORTH                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTH_BASE)
12881 /** Peripheral PORTI base address */
12882 #define PORTI_BASE                               (0x4004E000u)
12883 /** Peripheral PORTI base pointer */
12884 #define PORTI                                    ((PORT_Type *)PORTI_BASE)
12885 /** Array initializer of PORT peripheral base addresses */
12887 /** Array initializer of PORT peripheral base pointers */
12888 #define PORT_BASE_PTRS                           { PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD, PORTE, PORTF, PORTG, PORTH, PORTI }
12889 /** Interrupt vectors for the PORT peripheral type */
12890 #define PORT_IRQS                                { PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn, PTx_IRQn }
12892 /*!
12893  * @}
12894  */ /* end of group PORT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
12897 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12898    -- RCM Peripheral Access Layer
12899    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12901 /*!
12902  * @addtogroup RCM_Peripheral_Access_Layer RCM Peripheral Access Layer
12903  * @{
12904  */
12906 /** RCM - Register Layout Typedef */
12907 typedef struct {
12908   __I  uint8_t SRS0;                               /**< System Reset Status Register 0, offset: 0x0 */
12909   __I  uint8_t SRS1;                               /**< System Reset Status Register 1, offset: 0x1 */
12910        uint8_t RESERVED_0[2];
12911   __IO uint8_t RPFC;                               /**< Reset Pin Filter Control register, offset: 0x4 */
12912   __IO uint8_t RPFW;                               /**< Reset Pin Filter Width register, offset: 0x5 */
12913 } RCM_Type;
12915 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12916    -- RCM Register Masks
12917    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
12919 /*!
12920  * @addtogroup RCM_Register_Masks RCM Register Masks
12921  * @{
12922  */
12924 /*! @name SRS0 - System Reset Status Register 0 */
12925 /*! @{ */
12927 #define RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_MASK                     (0x1U)
12928 #define RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_SHIFT                    (0U)
12929 /*! WAKEUP - Low Leakage Wakeup Reset
12930  *  0b0..Reset not caused by wakeup source
12931  *  0b1..Reset caused by wakeup source
12932  */
12933 #define RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_WAKEUP_MASK)
12935 #define RCM_SRS0_LVD_MASK                        (0x2U)
12936 #define RCM_SRS0_LVD_SHIFT                       (1U)
12937 /*! LVD - Low-Voltage Detect Reset
12938  *  0b0..Reset not caused by LVD trip or POR
12939  *  0b1..Reset caused by LVD trip or POR
12940  */
12941 #define RCM_SRS0_LVD(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_LVD_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_LVD_MASK)
12943 #define RCM_SRS0_LOC_MASK                        (0x4U)
12944 #define RCM_SRS0_LOC_SHIFT                       (2U)
12945 /*! LOC - Loss-of-Clock Reset
12946  *  0b0..Reset not caused by a loss of external clock.
12947  *  0b1..Reset caused by a loss of external clock.
12948  */
12949 #define RCM_SRS0_LOC(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_LOC_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_LOC_MASK)
12951 #define RCM_SRS0_LOL_MASK                        (0x8U)
12952 #define RCM_SRS0_LOL_SHIFT                       (3U)
12953 /*! LOL - Loss-of-Lock Reset
12954  *  0b0..Reset not caused by a loss of lock in the PLL
12955  *  0b1..Reset caused by a loss of lock in the PLL
12956  */
12957 #define RCM_SRS0_LOL(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_LOL_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_LOL_MASK)
12959 #define RCM_SRS0_WDOG_MASK                       (0x20U)
12960 #define RCM_SRS0_WDOG_SHIFT                      (5U)
12961 /*! WDOG - Watchdog
12962  *  0b0..Reset not caused by watchdog timeout
12963  *  0b1..Reset caused by watchdog timeout
12964  */
12965 #define RCM_SRS0_WDOG(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_WDOG_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_WDOG_MASK)
12967 #define RCM_SRS0_PIN_MASK                        (0x40U)
12968 #define RCM_SRS0_PIN_SHIFT                       (6U)
12969 /*! PIN - External Reset Pin
12970  *  0b0..Reset not caused by external reset pin
12971  *  0b1..Reset caused by external reset pin
12972  */
12973 #define RCM_SRS0_PIN(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_PIN_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_PIN_MASK)
12975 #define RCM_SRS0_POR_MASK                        (0x80U)
12976 #define RCM_SRS0_POR_SHIFT                       (7U)
12977 /*! POR - Power-On Reset
12978  *  0b0..Reset not caused by POR
12979  *  0b1..Reset caused by POR
12980  */
12981 #define RCM_SRS0_POR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS0_POR_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS0_POR_MASK)
12982 /*! @} */
12984 /*! @name SRS1 - System Reset Status Register 1 */
12985 /*! @{ */
12987 #define RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_MASK                     (0x2U)
12988 #define RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_SHIFT                    (1U)
12989 /*! LOCKUP - Core Lockup
12990  *  0b0..Reset not caused by core LOCKUP event
12991  *  0b1..Reset caused by core LOCKUP event
12992  */
12993 #define RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS1_LOCKUP_MASK)
12995 #define RCM_SRS1_SW_MASK                         (0x4U)
12996 #define RCM_SRS1_SW_SHIFT                        (2U)
12997 /*! SW - Software
12998  *  0b0..Reset not caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit
12999  *  0b1..Reset caused by software setting of SYSRESETREQ bit
13000  */
13001 #define RCM_SRS1_SW(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS1_SW_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS1_SW_MASK)
13003 #define RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_MASK                     (0x8U)
13004 #define RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_SHIFT                    (3U)
13005 /*! MDM_AP - MDM-AP System Reset Request
13006  *  0b0..Reset not caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit
13007  *  0b1..Reset caused by host debugger system setting of the System Reset Request bit
13008  */
13009 #define RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS1_MDM_AP_MASK)
13011 #define RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_MASK                    (0x20U)
13012 #define RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_SHIFT                   (5U)
13013 /*! SACKERR - Stop Mode Acknowledge Error Reset
13014  *  0b0..Reset not caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode
13015  *  0b1..Reset caused by peripheral failure to acknowledge attempt to enter stop mode
13016  */
13017 #define RCM_SRS1_SACKERR(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_SHIFT)) & RCM_SRS1_SACKERR_MASK)
13018 /*! @} */
13020 /*! @name RPFC - Reset Pin Filter Control register */
13021 /*! @{ */
13023 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_MASK                  (0x3U)
13024 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_SHIFT                 (0U)
13025 /*! RSTFLTSRW - Reset Pin Filter Select in Run and Wait Modes
13026  *  0b00..All filtering disabled
13027  *  0b01..Bus clock filter enabled for normal operation
13028  *  0b10..LPO clock filter enabled for normal operation
13029  *  0b11..Reserved
13030  */
13031 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_SHIFT)) & RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSRW_MASK)
13033 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_MASK                   (0x4U)
13034 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_SHIFT                  (2U)
13035 /*! RSTFLTSS - Reset Pin Filter Select in Stop Mode
13036  *  0b0..All filtering disabled
13037  *  0b1..LPO clock filter enabled
13038  */
13039 #define RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_SHIFT)) & RCM_RPFC_RSTFLTSS_MASK)
13040 /*! @} */
13042 /*! @name RPFW - Reset Pin Filter Width register */
13043 /*! @{ */
13045 #define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_MASK                  (0x1FU)
13046 #define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_SHIFT                 (0U)
13047 /*! RSTFLTSEL - Reset Pin Filter Bus Clock Select
13048  *  0b00000..Bus clock filter count is 1
13049  *  0b00001..Bus clock filter count is 2
13050  *  0b00010..Bus clock filter count is 3
13051  *  0b00011..Bus clock filter count is 4
13052  *  0b00100..Bus clock filter count is 5
13053  *  0b00101..Bus clock filter count is 6
13054  *  0b00110..Bus clock filter count is 7
13055  *  0b00111..Bus clock filter count is 8
13056  *  0b01000..Bus clock filter count is 9
13057  *  0b01001..Bus clock filter count is 10
13058  *  0b01010..Bus clock filter count is 11
13059  *  0b01011..Bus clock filter count is 12
13060  *  0b01100..Bus clock filter count is 13
13061  *  0b01101..Bus clock filter count is 14
13062  *  0b01110..Bus clock filter count is 15
13063  *  0b01111..Bus clock filter count is 16
13064  *  0b10000..Bus clock filter count is 17
13065  *  0b10001..Bus clock filter count is 18
13066  *  0b10010..Bus clock filter count is 19
13067  *  0b10011..Bus clock filter count is 20
13068  *  0b10100..Bus clock filter count is 21
13069  *  0b10101..Bus clock filter count is 22
13070  *  0b10110..Bus clock filter count is 23
13071  *  0b10111..Bus clock filter count is 24
13072  *  0b11000..Bus clock filter count is 25
13073  *  0b11001..Bus clock filter count is 26
13074  *  0b11010..Bus clock filter count is 27
13075  *  0b11011..Bus clock filter count is 28
13076  *  0b11100..Bus clock filter count is 29
13077  *  0b11101..Bus clock filter count is 30
13078  *  0b11110..Bus clock filter count is 31
13079  *  0b11111..Bus clock filter count is 32
13080  */
13081 #define RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_SHIFT)) & RCM_RPFW_RSTFLTSEL_MASK)
13082 /*! @} */
13085 /*!
13086  * @}
13087  */ /* end of group RCM_Register_Masks */
13090 /* RCM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
13091 /** Peripheral RCM base address */
13092 #define RCM_BASE                                 (0x4007B000u)
13093 /** Peripheral RCM base pointer */
13094 #define RCM                                      ((RCM_Type *)RCM_BASE)
13095 /** Array initializer of RCM peripheral base addresses */
13096 #define RCM_BASE_ADDRS                           { RCM_BASE }
13097 /** Array initializer of RCM peripheral base pointers */
13098 #define RCM_BASE_PTRS                            { RCM }
13100 /*!
13101  * @}
13102  */ /* end of group RCM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
13105 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13106    -- RNG Peripheral Access Layer
13107    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13109 /*!
13110  * @addtogroup RNG_Peripheral_Access_Layer RNG Peripheral Access Layer
13111  * @{
13112  */
13114 /** RNG - Register Layout Typedef */
13115 typedef struct {
13116   __IO uint32_t CR;                                /**< RNGA Control Register, offset: 0x0 */
13117   __I  uint32_t SR;                                /**< RNGA Status Register, offset: 0x4 */
13118   __O  uint32_t ER;                                /**< RNGA Entropy Register, offset: 0x8 */
13119   __I  uint32_t OR;                                /**< RNGA Output Register, offset: 0xC */
13120 } RNG_Type;
13122 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13123    -- RNG Register Masks
13124    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13126 /*!
13127  * @addtogroup RNG_Register_Masks RNG Register Masks
13128  * @{
13129  */
13131 /*! @name CR - RNGA Control Register */
13132 /*! @{ */
13134 #define RNG_CR_GO_MASK                           (0x1U)
13135 #define RNG_CR_GO_SHIFT                          (0U)
13136 /*! GO - Go
13137  *  0b0..Disabled
13138  *  0b1..Enabled
13139  */
13140 #define RNG_CR_GO(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_CR_GO_SHIFT)) & RNG_CR_GO_MASK)
13142 #define RNG_CR_HA_MASK                           (0x2U)
13143 #define RNG_CR_HA_SHIFT                          (1U)
13144 /*! HA - High Assurance
13145  *  0b0..Disabled
13146  *  0b1..Enabled
13147  */
13148 #define RNG_CR_HA(x)                             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_CR_HA_SHIFT)) & RNG_CR_HA_MASK)
13150 #define RNG_CR_INTM_MASK                         (0x4U)
13151 #define RNG_CR_INTM_SHIFT                        (2U)
13152 /*! INTM - Interrupt Mask
13153  *  0b0..Not masked
13154  *  0b1..Masked
13155  */
13156 #define RNG_CR_INTM(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_CR_INTM_SHIFT)) & RNG_CR_INTM_MASK)
13158 #define RNG_CR_CLRI_MASK                         (0x8U)
13159 #define RNG_CR_CLRI_SHIFT                        (3U)
13160 /*! CLRI - Clear Interrupt
13161  *  0b0..Do not clear the interrupt.
13162  *  0b1..Clear the interrupt. When you write 1 to this field, RNGA then resets the error-interrupt indicator (SR[ERRI]). This bit always reads as 0.
13163  */
13164 #define RNG_CR_CLRI(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_CR_CLRI_SHIFT)) & RNG_CR_CLRI_MASK)
13166 #define RNG_CR_SLP_MASK                          (0x10U)
13167 #define RNG_CR_SLP_SHIFT                         (4U)
13168 /*! SLP - Sleep
13169  *  0b0..Normal mode
13170  *  0b1..Sleep (low-power) mode
13171  */
13172 #define RNG_CR_SLP(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_CR_SLP_SHIFT)) & RNG_CR_SLP_MASK)
13173 /*! @} */
13175 /*! @name SR - RNGA Status Register */
13176 /*! @{ */
13178 #define RNG_SR_SECV_MASK                         (0x1U)
13179 #define RNG_SR_SECV_SHIFT                        (0U)
13180 /*! SECV - Security Violation
13181  *  0b0..No security violation
13182  *  0b1..Security violation
13183  */
13184 #define RNG_SR_SECV(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_SECV_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_SECV_MASK)
13186 #define RNG_SR_LRS_MASK                          (0x2U)
13187 #define RNG_SR_LRS_SHIFT                         (1U)
13188 /*! LRS - Last Read Status
13189  *  0b0..No underflow
13190  *  0b1..Underflow
13191  */
13192 #define RNG_SR_LRS(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_LRS_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_LRS_MASK)
13194 #define RNG_SR_ORU_MASK                          (0x4U)
13195 #define RNG_SR_ORU_SHIFT                         (2U)
13196 /*! ORU - Output Register Underflow
13197  *  0b0..No underflow
13198  *  0b1..Underflow
13199  */
13200 #define RNG_SR_ORU(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_ORU_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_ORU_MASK)
13202 #define RNG_SR_ERRI_MASK                         (0x8U)
13203 #define RNG_SR_ERRI_SHIFT                        (3U)
13204 /*! ERRI - Error Interrupt
13205  *  0b0..No underflow
13206  *  0b1..Underflow
13207  */
13208 #define RNG_SR_ERRI(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_ERRI_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_ERRI_MASK)
13210 #define RNG_SR_SLP_MASK                          (0x10U)
13211 #define RNG_SR_SLP_SHIFT                         (4U)
13212 /*! SLP - Sleep
13213  *  0b0..Normal mode
13214  *  0b1..Sleep (low-power) mode
13215  */
13216 #define RNG_SR_SLP(x)                            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_SLP_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_SLP_MASK)
13218 #define RNG_SR_OREG_LVL_MASK                     (0xFF00U)
13219 #define RNG_SR_OREG_LVL_SHIFT                    (8U)
13220 /*! OREG_LVL - Output Register Level
13221  *  0b00000000..No words (empty)
13222  *  0b00000001..One word (valid)
13223  */
13224 #define RNG_SR_OREG_LVL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_OREG_LVL_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_OREG_LVL_MASK)
13226 #define RNG_SR_OREG_SIZE_MASK                    (0xFF0000U)
13227 #define RNG_SR_OREG_SIZE_SHIFT                   (16U)
13228 /*! OREG_SIZE - Output Register Size
13229  *  0b00000001..One word (this value is fixed)
13230  */
13231 #define RNG_SR_OREG_SIZE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_SR_OREG_SIZE_SHIFT)) & RNG_SR_OREG_SIZE_MASK)
13232 /*! @} */
13234 /*! @name ER - RNGA Entropy Register */
13235 /*! @{ */
13237 #define RNG_ER_EXT_ENT_MASK                      (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13238 #define RNG_ER_EXT_ENT_SHIFT                     (0U)
13239 /*! EXT_ENT - External Entropy
13240  */
13241 #define RNG_ER_EXT_ENT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_ER_EXT_ENT_SHIFT)) & RNG_ER_EXT_ENT_MASK)
13242 /*! @} */
13244 /*! @name OR - RNGA Output Register */
13245 /*! @{ */
13247 #define RNG_OR_RANDOUT_MASK                      (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13248 #define RNG_OR_RANDOUT_SHIFT                     (0U)
13249 /*! RANDOUT - Random Output
13250  *  0b00000000000000000000000000000000..Invalid data (if you read this field when it is 0 and SR[OREG_LVL] is 0,
13251  *                                      RNGA then writes 1 to SR[ERRI], SR[ORU], and SR[LRS]; when the error
13252  *                                      interrupt is not masked (CR[INTM]=0), RNGA also asserts an error interrupt request
13253  *                                      to the interrupt controller).
13254  */
13255 #define RNG_OR_RANDOUT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << RNG_OR_RANDOUT_SHIFT)) & RNG_OR_RANDOUT_MASK)
13256 /*! @} */
13259 /*!
13260  * @}
13261  */ /* end of group RNG_Register_Masks */
13264 /* RNG - Peripheral instance base addresses */
13265 /** Peripheral RNG base address */
13266 #define RNG_BASE                                 (0x40029000u)
13267 /** Peripheral RNG base pointer */
13268 #define RNG                                      ((RNG_Type *)RNG_BASE)
13269 /** Array initializer of RNG peripheral base addresses */
13270 #define RNG_BASE_ADDRS                           { RNG_BASE }
13271 /** Array initializer of RNG peripheral base pointers */
13272 #define RNG_BASE_PTRS                            { RNG }
13273 /** Interrupt vectors for the RNG peripheral type */
13274 #define RNG_IRQS                                 { RNGA_IRQn }
13276 /*!
13277  * @}
13278  */ /* end of group RNG_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
13281 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13282    -- ROM Peripheral Access Layer
13283    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13285 /*!
13286  * @addtogroup ROM_Peripheral_Access_Layer ROM Peripheral Access Layer
13287  * @{
13288  */
13290 /** ROM - Register Layout Typedef */
13291 typedef struct {
13292   __I  uint32_t ENTRY[3];                          /**< Entry, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
13293   __I  uint32_t TABLEMARK;                         /**< End of Table Marker Register, offset: 0xC */
13294        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4028];
13295   __I  uint32_t SYSACCESS;                         /**< System Access Register, offset: 0xFCC */
13296   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID4;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD0 */
13297   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID5;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD4 */
13298   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID6;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFD8 */
13299   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID7;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFDC */
13300   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID0;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE0 */
13301   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID1;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE4 */
13302   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID2;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFE8 */
13303   __I  uint32_t PERIPHID3;                         /**< Peripheral ID Register, offset: 0xFEC */
13304   __I  uint32_t COMPID[4];                         /**< Component ID Register, array offset: 0xFF0, array step: 0x4 */
13305 } ROM_Type;
13307 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13308    -- ROM Register Masks
13309    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13311 /*!
13312  * @addtogroup ROM_Register_Masks ROM Register Masks
13313  * @{
13314  */
13316 /*! @name ENTRY - Entry */
13317 /*! @{ */
13319 #define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_MASK                     (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13320 #define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_SHIFT                    (0U)
13321 /*! ENTRY - ENTRY
13322  */
13323 #define ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_SHIFT)) & ROM_ENTRY_ENTRY_MASK)
13324 /*! @} */
13326 /* The count of ROM_ENTRY */
13327 #define ROM_ENTRY_COUNT                          (3U)
13329 /*! @name TABLEMARK - End of Table Marker Register */
13330 /*! @{ */
13332 #define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13333 #define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_SHIFT                 (0U)
13334 /*! MARK - MARK
13335  */
13336 #define ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_SHIFT)) & ROM_TABLEMARK_MARK_MASK)
13337 /*! @} */
13339 /*! @name SYSACCESS - System Access Register */
13340 /*! @{ */
13342 #define ROM_SYSACCESS_SYSACCESS_MASK             (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13343 #define ROM_SYSACCESS_SYSACCESS_SHIFT            (0U)
13345  */
13346 #define ROM_SYSACCESS_SYSACCESS(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_SYSACCESS_SYSACCESS_SHIFT)) & ROM_SYSACCESS_SYSACCESS_MASK)
13347 /*! @} */
13349 /*! @name PERIPHID4 - Peripheral ID Register */
13350 /*! @{ */
13352 #define ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13353 #define ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13355  */
13356 #define ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID4_PERIPHID_MASK)
13357 /*! @} */
13359 /*! @name PERIPHID5 - Peripheral ID Register */
13360 /*! @{ */
13362 #define ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13363 #define ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13365  */
13366 #define ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID5_PERIPHID_MASK)
13367 /*! @} */
13369 /*! @name PERIPHID6 - Peripheral ID Register */
13370 /*! @{ */
13372 #define ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13373 #define ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13375  */
13376 #define ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID6_PERIPHID_MASK)
13377 /*! @} */
13379 /*! @name PERIPHID7 - Peripheral ID Register */
13380 /*! @{ */
13382 #define ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13383 #define ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13385  */
13386 #define ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID7_PERIPHID_MASK)
13387 /*! @} */
13389 /*! @name PERIPHID0 - Peripheral ID Register */
13390 /*! @{ */
13392 #define ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13393 #define ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13395  */
13396 #define ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID0_PERIPHID_MASK)
13397 /*! @} */
13399 /*! @name PERIPHID1 - Peripheral ID Register */
13400 /*! @{ */
13402 #define ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13403 #define ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13405  */
13406 #define ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID1_PERIPHID_MASK)
13407 /*! @} */
13409 /*! @name PERIPHID2 - Peripheral ID Register */
13410 /*! @{ */
13412 #define ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13413 #define ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13415  */
13416 #define ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID2_PERIPHID_MASK)
13417 /*! @} */
13419 /*! @name PERIPHID3 - Peripheral ID Register */
13420 /*! @{ */
13422 #define ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK              (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13423 #define ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT             (0U)
13425  */
13426 #define ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_SHIFT)) & ROM_PERIPHID3_PERIPHID_MASK)
13427 /*! @} */
13429 /*! @name COMPID - Component ID Register */
13430 /*! @{ */
13432 #define ROM_COMPID_COMPID_MASK                   (0xFFFFFFFFU)
13433 #define ROM_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT                  (0U)
13434 /*! COMPID - Component ID
13435  */
13436 #define ROM_COMPID_COMPID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ROM_COMPID_COMPID_SHIFT)) & ROM_COMPID_COMPID_MASK)
13437 /*! @} */
13439 /* The count of ROM_COMPID */
13440 #define ROM_COMPID_COUNT                         (4U)
13443 /*!
13444  * @}
13445  */ /* end of group ROM_Register_Masks */
13448 /* ROM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
13449 /** Peripheral ROM base address */
13450 #define ROM_BASE                                 (0xF0002000u)
13451 /** Peripheral ROM base pointer */
13452 #define ROM                                      ((ROM_Type *)ROM_BASE)
13453 /** Array initializer of ROM peripheral base addresses */
13454 #define ROM_BASE_ADDRS                           { ROM_BASE }
13455 /** Array initializer of ROM peripheral base pointers */
13456 #define ROM_BASE_PTRS                            { ROM }
13458 /*!
13459  * @}
13460  */ /* end of group ROM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
13463 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13464    -- RTC Peripheral Access Layer
13465    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13467 /*!
13468  * @addtogroup RTC_Peripheral_Access_Layer RTC Peripheral Access Layer
13469  * @{
13470  */
13472 /** RTC - Register Layout Typedef */
13473 typedef struct {
13474   __IO uint16_t YEARMON;                           /**< RTC Year and Month Counters Register, offset: 0x0 */
13475   __IO uint16_t DAYS;                              /**< RTC Days and Day-of-Week Counters Register, offset: 0x2 */
13476   __IO uint16_t HOURMIN;                           /**< RTC Hours and Minutes Counters Register, offset: 0x4 */
13477   __IO uint16_t SECONDS;                           /**< RTC Seconds Counters Register, offset: 0x6 */
13478   __IO uint16_t ALM_YEARMON;                       /**< RTC Year and Months Alarm Register, offset: 0x8 */
13479   __IO uint16_t ALM_DAYS;                          /**< RTC Days Alarm Register, offset: 0xA */
13480   __IO uint16_t ALM_HOURMIN;                       /**< RTC Hours and Minutes Alarm Register, offset: 0xC */
13481   __IO uint16_t ALM_SECONDS;                       /**< RTC Seconds Alarm Register, offset: 0xE */
13482   __IO uint16_t CTRL;                              /**< RTC Control Register, offset: 0x10 */
13483   __IO uint16_t STATUS;                            /**< RTC Status Register, offset: 0x12 */
13484   __IO uint16_t ISR;                               /**< RTC Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0x14 */
13485   __IO uint16_t IER;                               /**< RTC Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x16 */
13486        uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
13487   __IO uint16_t GP_DATA_REG;                       /**< RTC General Purpose Data Register, offset: 0x20 */
13488   __IO uint16_t DST_HOUR;                          /**< RTC Daylight Saving Hour Register, offset: 0x22 */
13489   __IO uint16_t DST_MONTH;                         /**< RTC Daylight Saving Month Register, offset: 0x24 */
13490   __IO uint16_t DST_DAY;                           /**< RTC Daylight Saving Day Register, offset: 0x26 */
13491   __IO uint16_t COMPEN;                            /**< RTC Compensation Register, offset: 0x28 */
13492        uint8_t RESERVED_1[8];
13493   __IO uint16_t TAMPER_SCR;                        /**< RTC Tamper Status and Control Register, offset: 0x32 */
13494   __IO uint16_t FILTER01_CFG;                      /**< RTC Tamper 0 1 Filter Configuration Register, offset: 0x34 */
13495   __IO uint16_t FILTER2_CFG;                       /**< RTC Tamper 2 Filter Configuration Register, offset: 0x36 */
13496        uint8_t RESERVED_2[10];
13497   __IO uint16_t CTRL2;                             /**< RTC Control 2 Register, offset: 0x42 */
13498 } RTC_Type;
13500 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13501    -- RTC Register Masks
13502    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
13504 /*!
13505  * @addtogroup RTC_Register_Masks RTC Register Masks
13506  * @{
13507  */
13509 /*! @name YEARMON - RTC Year and Month Counters Register */
13510 /*! @{ */
13512 #define RTC_YEARMON_MON_CNT_MASK                 (0xFU)
13513 #define RTC_YEARMON_MON_CNT_SHIFT                (0U)
13514 /*! MON_CNT
13515  *  0b0000..Illegal Value
13516  *  0b0001..January
13517  *  0b0010..February
13518  *  0b0011..March
13519  *  0b0100..April
13520  *  0b0101..May
13521  *  0b0110..June
13522  *  0b0111..July
13523  *  0b1000..August
13524  *  0b1001..September
13525  *  0b0010..October
13526  *  0b0011..November
13527  *  0b1100..December
13528  *  0b1101..Illegal Value
13529  *  0b1110..Illegal Value
13530  *  0b1111..Illegal Value
13531  */
13532 #define RTC_YEARMON_MON_CNT(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_YEARMON_MON_CNT_SHIFT)) & RTC_YEARMON_MON_CNT_MASK)
13534 #define RTC_YEARMON_YROFST_MASK                  (0xFF00U)
13535 #define RTC_YEARMON_YROFST_SHIFT                 (8U)
13536 /*! YROFST - Year Offset Count Value
13537  */
13538 #define RTC_YEARMON_YROFST(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_YEARMON_YROFST_SHIFT)) & RTC_YEARMON_YROFST_MASK)
13539 /*! @} */
13541 /*! @name DAYS - RTC Days and Day-of-Week Counters Register */
13542 /*! @{ */
13544 #define RTC_DAYS_DAY_CNT_MASK                    (0x1FU)
13545 #define RTC_DAYS_DAY_CNT_SHIFT                   (0U)
13546 /*! DAY_CNT - Days Counter Value.
13547  */
13548 #define RTC_DAYS_DAY_CNT(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DAYS_DAY_CNT_SHIFT)) & RTC_DAYS_DAY_CNT_MASK)
13550 #define RTC_DAYS_DOW_MASK                        (0x700U)
13551 #define RTC_DAYS_DOW_SHIFT                       (8U)
13552 /*! DOW - Day of Week Counter Value.
13553  *  0b000..Sunday
13554  *  0b001..Monday
13555  *  0b010..Tuesday
13556  *  0b011..Wednesday
13557  *  0b100..Thrusday
13558  *  0b101..Friday
13559  *  0b110..Saturday
13560  *  0b111..Reserved
13561  */
13562 #define RTC_DAYS_DOW(x)                          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DAYS_DOW_SHIFT)) & RTC_DAYS_DOW_MASK)
13563 /*! @} */
13565 /*! @name HOURMIN - RTC Hours and Minutes Counters Register */
13566 /*! @{ */
13568 #define RTC_HOURMIN_MIN_CNT_MASK                 (0x3FU)
13569 #define RTC_HOURMIN_MIN_CNT_SHIFT                (0U)
13570 /*! MIN_CNT - Minutes Counter Value.
13571  */
13572 #define RTC_HOURMIN_MIN_CNT(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_HOURMIN_MIN_CNT_SHIFT)) & RTC_HOURMIN_MIN_CNT_MASK)
13574 #define RTC_HOURMIN_HOUR_CNT_MASK                (0x1F00U)
13575 #define RTC_HOURMIN_HOUR_CNT_SHIFT               (8U)
13576 /*! HOUR_CNT - Hours Counter Value.
13577  */
13578 #define RTC_HOURMIN_HOUR_CNT(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_HOURMIN_HOUR_CNT_SHIFT)) & RTC_HOURMIN_HOUR_CNT_MASK)
13579 /*! @} */
13581 /*! @name SECONDS - RTC Seconds Counters Register */
13582 /*! @{ */
13584 #define RTC_SECONDS_SEC_CNT_MASK                 (0x3FU)
13585 #define RTC_SECONDS_SEC_CNT_SHIFT                (0U)
13586 /*! SEC_CNT - Seconds Counter Value.
13587  */
13588 #define RTC_SECONDS_SEC_CNT(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_SECONDS_SEC_CNT_SHIFT)) & RTC_SECONDS_SEC_CNT_MASK)
13589 /*! @} */
13591 /*! @name ALM_YEARMON - RTC Year and Months Alarm Register */
13592 /*! @{ */
13594 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_MON_MASK             (0xFU)
13595 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_MON_SHIFT            (0U)
13596 /*! ALM_MON - Months Value for Alarm.
13597  */
13598 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_MON(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_MON_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_MON_MASK)
13600 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_YEAR_MASK            (0xFF00U)
13601 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_YEAR_SHIFT           (8U)
13602 /*! ALM_YEAR - Year Value for Alarm.
13603  */
13604 #define RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_YEAR(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_YEAR_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_YEARMON_ALM_YEAR_MASK)
13605 /*! @} */
13607 /*! @name ALM_DAYS - RTC Days Alarm Register */
13608 /*! @{ */
13610 #define RTC_ALM_DAYS_ALM_DAY_MASK                (0x1FU)
13611 #define RTC_ALM_DAYS_ALM_DAY_SHIFT               (0U)
13612 /*! ALM_DAY - Days Value for Alarm.
13613  */
13614 #define RTC_ALM_DAYS_ALM_DAY(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_DAYS_ALM_DAY_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_DAYS_ALM_DAY_MASK)
13615 /*! @} */
13617 /*! @name ALM_HOURMIN - RTC Hours and Minutes Alarm Register */
13618 /*! @{ */
13620 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_MIN_MASK             (0x3FU)
13621 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_MIN_SHIFT            (0U)
13622 /*! ALM_MIN - Minutes Value for Alarm.
13623  */
13624 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_MIN(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_MIN_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_MIN_MASK)
13626 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_HOUR_MASK            (0x1F00U)
13627 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_HOUR_SHIFT           (8U)
13628 /*! ALM_HOUR - Hours Value for Alarm.
13629  */
13630 #define RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_HOUR(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_HOUR_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_HOURMIN_ALM_HOUR_MASK)
13631 /*! @} */
13633 /*! @name ALM_SECONDS - RTC Seconds Alarm Register */
13634 /*! @{ */
13636 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_ALM_SEC_MASK             (0x3FU)
13637 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_ALM_SEC_SHIFT            (0U)
13638 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_ALM_SEC(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_SECONDS_ALM_SEC_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_SECONDS_ALM_SEC_MASK)
13640 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_DEC_SEC_MASK             (0x100U)
13641 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_DEC_SEC_SHIFT            (8U)
13642 /*! DEC_SEC - Decrement Seconds Counter by 1.
13643  */
13644 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_DEC_SEC(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_SECONDS_DEC_SEC_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_SECONDS_DEC_SEC_MASK)
13646 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_INC_SEC_MASK             (0x200U)
13647 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_INC_SEC_SHIFT            (9U)
13648 /*! INC_SEC - Increment Seconds Counter by 1.
13649  */
13650 #define RTC_ALM_SECONDS_INC_SEC(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ALM_SECONDS_INC_SEC_SHIFT)) & RTC_ALM_SECONDS_INC_SEC_MASK)
13651 /*! @} */
13653 /*! @name CTRL - RTC Control Register */
13654 /*! @{ */
13656 #define RTC_CTRL_FINEEN_MASK                     (0x1U)
13657 #define RTC_CTRL_FINEEN_SHIFT                    (0U)
13658 /*! FINEEN - Fine compensation enable bit
13659  *  0b1..Fine compensation is enabled.
13660  *  0b0..Fine compensation is disabled
13661  */
13662 #define RTC_CTRL_FINEEN(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_FINEEN_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_FINEEN_MASK)
13664 #define RTC_CTRL_COMP_EN_MASK                    (0x2U)
13665 #define RTC_CTRL_COMP_EN_SHIFT                   (1U)
13666 #define RTC_CTRL_COMP_EN(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_COMP_EN_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_COMP_EN_MASK)
13668 #define RTC_CTRL_ALM_MATCH_MASK                  (0xCU)
13669 #define RTC_CTRL_ALM_MATCH_SHIFT                 (2U)
13670 /*! ALM_MATCH - Alarm Match bits.
13671  *  0b00..Only Seconds, Minutes, and Hours matched.
13672  *  0b01..Only Seconds, Minutes, Hours, and Days matched.
13673  *  0b10..Only Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, and Months matched.
13674  *  0b11..Only Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, and Year (offset) matched.
13675  */
13676 #define RTC_CTRL_ALM_MATCH(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_ALM_MATCH_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_ALM_MATCH_MASK)
13678 #define RTC_CTRL_TIMER_STB_MASK_MASK             (0x10U)
13679 #define RTC_CTRL_TIMER_STB_MASK_SHIFT            (4U)
13680 /*! TIMER_STB_MASK - Sampling timer clocks mask
13681  *  0b1..Sampling clocks are gated in standby mode
13682  *  0b0..Sampling clocks are not gated when in standby mode
13683  */
13684 #define RTC_CTRL_TIMER_STB_MASK(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_TIMER_STB_MASK_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_TIMER_STB_MASK_MASK)
13686 #define RTC_CTRL_DST_EN_MASK                     (0x40U)
13687 #define RTC_CTRL_DST_EN_SHIFT                    (6U)
13688 /*! DST_EN - Daylight Saving Enable.
13689  *  0b0..Disabled. Daylight saving changes are not applied. Daylight saving registers can be modified.
13690  *  0b1..Enabled. Daylight saving changes are applied.
13691  */
13692 #define RTC_CTRL_DST_EN(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_DST_EN_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_DST_EN_MASK)
13694 #define RTC_CTRL_SWR_MASK                        (0x100U)
13695 #define RTC_CTRL_SWR_SHIFT                       (8U)
13696 /*! SWR - Software Reset bit.
13697  *  0b0..Software Reset cleared.
13698  *  0b1..Software Reset asserted.
13699  */
13700 #define RTC_CTRL_SWR(x)                          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_SWR_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_SWR_MASK)
13702 #define RTC_CTRL_CLKOUT_MASK                     (0x6000U)
13703 #define RTC_CTRL_CLKOUT_SHIFT                    (13U)
13704 /*! CLKOUT - RTC Clock Output Selection.
13705  *  0b00..No Output Clock
13706  *  0b01..Fine 1 Hz Clock
13707  *  0b10..32.768 kHz Clock
13708  *  0b11..Coarse 1 Hz Clock
13709  */
13710 #define RTC_CTRL_CLKOUT(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL_CLKOUT_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL_CLKOUT_MASK)
13711 /*! @} */
13713 /*! @name STATUS - RTC Status Register */
13714 /*! @{ */
13716 #define RTC_STATUS_INVAL_BIT_MASK                (0x1U)
13717 #define RTC_STATUS_INVAL_BIT_SHIFT               (0U)
13718 /*! INVAL_BIT - Invalidate CPU read/write access bit.
13719  *  0b0..Time /Date Counters can be read/written. Time /Date is valid.
13720  *  0b1..Time /Date Counter values are changing or Time /Date is invalid and cannot be read or written.
13721  */
13722 #define RTC_STATUS_INVAL_BIT(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_INVAL_BIT_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_INVAL_BIT_MASK)
13724 #define RTC_STATUS_WRITE_PROT_EN_MASK            (0x2U)
13725 #define RTC_STATUS_WRITE_PROT_EN_SHIFT           (1U)
13726 /*! WRITE_PROT_EN - Write Protect Enable status bit.
13727  *  0b0..Registers are unlocked and can be accessed.
13728  *  0b1..Registers are locked and in read-only mode.
13729  */
13730 #define RTC_STATUS_WRITE_PROT_EN(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_WRITE_PROT_EN_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_WRITE_PROT_EN_MASK)
13732 #define RTC_STATUS_CPU_LOW_VOLT_MASK             (0x4U)
13733 #define RTC_STATUS_CPU_LOW_VOLT_SHIFT            (2U)
13734 /*! CPU_LOW_VOLT - CPU Low Voltage Warning status bit.
13735  *  0b0..CPU in Normal Operating Voltage.
13736  *  0b1..CPU Voltage is below Normal Operating Voltage. RTC Registers in read-only mode.
13737  */
13738 #define RTC_STATUS_CPU_LOW_VOLT(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_CPU_LOW_VOLT_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_CPU_LOW_VOLT_MASK)
13740 #define RTC_STATUS_RST_SRC_MASK                  (0x8U)
13741 #define RTC_STATUS_RST_SRC_SHIFT                 (3U)
13742 /*! RST_SRC - Reset Source bit.
13743  *  0b0..Part was reset due to Standby Mode Exit (that is when VDD is powered up and VBAT was not powered down at all).
13744  *  0b1..Part was reset due to Power-On Reset (that is Power On Reset when both VBAT and VDD are powered up).
13745  */
13746 #define RTC_STATUS_RST_SRC(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_RST_SRC_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_RST_SRC_MASK)
13748 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_INT_MASK                  (0x20U)
13749 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_INT_SHIFT                 (5U)
13750 /*! CMP_INT - Compensation Interval bit.
13751  */
13752 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_INT(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_CMP_INT_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_CMP_INT_MASK)
13754 #define RTC_STATUS_WE_MASK                       (0xC0U)
13755 #define RTC_STATUS_WE_SHIFT                      (6U)
13756 /*! WE - Write Enable bits.
13757  *  0b10..Enable Write Protection - Registers are locked.
13758  */
13759 #define RTC_STATUS_WE(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_WE_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_WE_MASK)
13761 #define RTC_STATUS_BUS_ERR_MASK                  (0x100U)
13762 #define RTC_STATUS_BUS_ERR_SHIFT                 (8U)
13763 /*! BUS_ERR - Bus Error bit.
13764  *  0b0..Read and Write accesses are normal.
13765  *  0b1..Read or Write accesses occurred when INVAL_BIT was asserted.
13766  */
13767 #define RTC_STATUS_BUS_ERR(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_BUS_ERR_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_BUS_ERR_MASK)
13769 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_DONE_MASK                 (0x800U)
13770 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_DONE_SHIFT                (11U)
13771 /*! CMP_DONE - Compensation Done bit.
13772  *  0b0..Compensation busy or not enabled.
13773  *  0b1..Compensation completed.
13774  */
13775 #define RTC_STATUS_CMP_DONE(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_STATUS_CMP_DONE_SHIFT)) & RTC_STATUS_CMP_DONE_MASK)
13776 /*! @} */
13778 /*! @name ISR - RTC Interrupt Status Register */
13779 /*! @{ */
13781 #define RTC_ISR_TAMPER_IS_MASK                   (0x1U)
13782 #define RTC_ISR_TAMPER_IS_SHIFT                  (0U)
13783 /*! TAMPER_IS - Tamper Interrupt Status bit.
13784  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13785  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted (Default on reset) .
13786  */
13787 #define RTC_ISR_TAMPER_IS(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_TAMPER_IS_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_TAMPER_IS_MASK)
13789 #define RTC_ISR_ALM_IS_MASK                      (0x4U)
13790 #define RTC_ISR_ALM_IS_SHIFT                     (2U)
13791 /*! ALM_IS - Alarm Interrupt Status bit.
13792  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13793  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13794  */
13795 #define RTC_ISR_ALM_IS(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_ALM_IS_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_ALM_IS_MASK)
13797 #define RTC_ISR_DAY_IS_MASK                      (0x8U)
13798 #define RTC_ISR_DAY_IS_SHIFT                     (3U)
13799 /*! DAY_IS - Days Interrupt Status bit.
13800  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13801  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13802  */
13803 #define RTC_ISR_DAY_IS(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_DAY_IS_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_DAY_IS_MASK)
13805 #define RTC_ISR_HOUR_IS_MASK                     (0x10U)
13806 #define RTC_ISR_HOUR_IS_SHIFT                    (4U)
13807 /*! HOUR_IS - Hours Interrupt Status bit.
13808  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13809  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13810  */
13811 #define RTC_ISR_HOUR_IS(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_HOUR_IS_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_HOUR_IS_MASK)
13813 #define RTC_ISR_MIN_IS_MASK                      (0x20U)
13814 #define RTC_ISR_MIN_IS_SHIFT                     (5U)
13815 /*! MIN_IS - Minutes Interrupt Status bit.
13816  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13817  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13818  */
13819 #define RTC_ISR_MIN_IS(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_MIN_IS_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_MIN_IS_MASK)
13821 #define RTC_ISR_IS_1HZ_MASK                      (0x40U)
13822 #define RTC_ISR_IS_1HZ_SHIFT                     (6U)
13823 /*! IS_1HZ - 1 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13824  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13825  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13826  */
13827 #define RTC_ISR_IS_1HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_1HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_1HZ_MASK)
13829 #define RTC_ISR_IS_2HZ_MASK                      (0x80U)
13830 #define RTC_ISR_IS_2HZ_SHIFT                     (7U)
13831 /*! IS_2HZ - 2 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13832  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13833  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13834  */
13835 #define RTC_ISR_IS_2HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_2HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_2HZ_MASK)
13837 #define RTC_ISR_IS_4HZ_MASK                      (0x100U)
13838 #define RTC_ISR_IS_4HZ_SHIFT                     (8U)
13839 /*! IS_4HZ - 4 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13840  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13841  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13842  */
13843 #define RTC_ISR_IS_4HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_4HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_4HZ_MASK)
13845 #define RTC_ISR_IS_8HZ_MASK                      (0x200U)
13846 #define RTC_ISR_IS_8HZ_SHIFT                     (9U)
13847 /*! IS_8HZ - 8 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13848  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13849  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13850  */
13851 #define RTC_ISR_IS_8HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_8HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_8HZ_MASK)
13853 #define RTC_ISR_IS_16HZ_MASK                     (0x400U)
13854 #define RTC_ISR_IS_16HZ_SHIFT                    (10U)
13855 /*! IS_16HZ - 16 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13856  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13857  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13858  */
13859 #define RTC_ISR_IS_16HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_16HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_16HZ_MASK)
13861 #define RTC_ISR_IS_32HZ_MASK                     (0x800U)
13862 #define RTC_ISR_IS_32HZ_SHIFT                    (11U)
13863 /*! IS_32HZ - 32 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13864  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13865  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13866  */
13867 #define RTC_ISR_IS_32HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_32HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_32HZ_MASK)
13869 #define RTC_ISR_IS_64HZ_MASK                     (0x1000U)
13870 #define RTC_ISR_IS_64HZ_SHIFT                    (12U)
13871 /*! IS_64HZ - 64 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13872  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13873  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13874  */
13875 #define RTC_ISR_IS_64HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_64HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_64HZ_MASK)
13877 #define RTC_ISR_IS_128HZ_MASK                    (0x2000U)
13878 #define RTC_ISR_IS_128HZ_SHIFT                   (13U)
13879 /*! IS_128HZ - 128 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13880  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13881  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13882  */
13883 #define RTC_ISR_IS_128HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_128HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_128HZ_MASK)
13885 #define RTC_ISR_IS_256HZ_MASK                    (0x4000U)
13886 #define RTC_ISR_IS_256HZ_SHIFT                   (14U)
13887 /*! IS_256HZ - 256 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13888  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13889  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13890  */
13891 #define RTC_ISR_IS_256HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_256HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_256HZ_MASK)
13893 #define RTC_ISR_IS_512HZ_MASK                    (0x8000U)
13894 #define RTC_ISR_IS_512HZ_SHIFT                   (15U)
13895 /*! IS_512HZ - 512 Hz Interval Interrupt Status bit.
13896  *  0b0..Interrupt is de-asserted.
13897  *  0b1..Interrupt is asserted.
13898  */
13899 #define RTC_ISR_IS_512HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_ISR_IS_512HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_ISR_IS_512HZ_MASK)
13900 /*! @} */
13902 /*! @name IER - RTC Interrupt Enable Register */
13903 /*! @{ */
13905 #define RTC_IER_TAMPER_IE_MASK                   (0x1U)
13906 #define RTC_IER_TAMPER_IE_SHIFT                  (0U)
13907 /*! TAMPER_IE - Tamper Interrupt Enable bit.
13908  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13909  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled (Default on reset).
13910  */
13911 #define RTC_IER_TAMPER_IE(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_TAMPER_IE_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_TAMPER_IE_MASK)
13913 #define RTC_IER_ALM_IE_MASK                      (0x4U)
13914 #define RTC_IER_ALM_IE_SHIFT                     (2U)
13915 /*! ALM_IE - Alarm Interrupt Enable bit.
13916  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13917  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13918  */
13919 #define RTC_IER_ALM_IE(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_ALM_IE_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_ALM_IE_MASK)
13921 #define RTC_IER_DAY_IE_MASK                      (0x8U)
13922 #define RTC_IER_DAY_IE_SHIFT                     (3U)
13923 /*! DAY_IE - Days Interrupt Enable bit.
13924  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13925  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13926  */
13927 #define RTC_IER_DAY_IE(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_DAY_IE_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_DAY_IE_MASK)
13929 #define RTC_IER_HOUR_IE_MASK                     (0x10U)
13930 #define RTC_IER_HOUR_IE_SHIFT                    (4U)
13931 /*! HOUR_IE - Hours Interrupt Enable bit.
13932  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13933  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13934  */
13935 #define RTC_IER_HOUR_IE(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_HOUR_IE_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_HOUR_IE_MASK)
13937 #define RTC_IER_MIN_IE_MASK                      (0x20U)
13938 #define RTC_IER_MIN_IE_SHIFT                     (5U)
13939 /*! MIN_IE - Minutes Interrupt Enable bit.
13940  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13941  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13942  */
13943 #define RTC_IER_MIN_IE(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_MIN_IE_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_MIN_IE_MASK)
13945 #define RTC_IER_IE_1HZ_MASK                      (0x40U)
13946 #define RTC_IER_IE_1HZ_SHIFT                     (6U)
13947 /*! IE_1HZ - 1 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13948  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13949  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13950  */
13951 #define RTC_IER_IE_1HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_1HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_1HZ_MASK)
13953 #define RTC_IER_IE_2HZ_MASK                      (0x80U)
13954 #define RTC_IER_IE_2HZ_SHIFT                     (7U)
13955 /*! IE_2HZ - 2 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13956  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13957  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13958  */
13959 #define RTC_IER_IE_2HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_2HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_2HZ_MASK)
13961 #define RTC_IER_IE_4HZ_MASK                      (0x100U)
13962 #define RTC_IER_IE_4HZ_SHIFT                     (8U)
13963 /*! IE_4HZ - 4 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13964  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13965  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13966  */
13967 #define RTC_IER_IE_4HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_4HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_4HZ_MASK)
13969 #define RTC_IER_IE_8HZ_MASK                      (0x200U)
13970 #define RTC_IER_IE_8HZ_SHIFT                     (9U)
13971 /*! IE_8HZ - 8 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13972  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13973  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13974  */
13975 #define RTC_IER_IE_8HZ(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_8HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_8HZ_MASK)
13977 #define RTC_IER_IE_16HZ_MASK                     (0x400U)
13978 #define RTC_IER_IE_16HZ_SHIFT                    (10U)
13979 /*! IE_16HZ - 16 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13980  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13981  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13982  */
13983 #define RTC_IER_IE_16HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_16HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_16HZ_MASK)
13985 #define RTC_IER_IE_32HZ_MASK                     (0x800U)
13986 #define RTC_IER_IE_32HZ_SHIFT                    (11U)
13987 /*! IE_32HZ - 32 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13988  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13989  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13990  */
13991 #define RTC_IER_IE_32HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_32HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_32HZ_MASK)
13993 #define RTC_IER_IE_64HZ_MASK                     (0x1000U)
13994 #define RTC_IER_IE_64HZ_SHIFT                    (12U)
13995 /*! IE_64HZ - 64 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
13996  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
13997  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
13998  */
13999 #define RTC_IER_IE_64HZ(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_64HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_64HZ_MASK)
14001 #define RTC_IER_IE_128HZ_MASK                    (0x2000U)
14002 #define RTC_IER_IE_128HZ_SHIFT                   (13U)
14003 /*! IE_128HZ - 128 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
14004  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
14005  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
14006  */
14007 #define RTC_IER_IE_128HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_128HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_128HZ_MASK)
14009 #define RTC_IER_IE_256HZ_MASK                    (0x4000U)
14010 #define RTC_IER_IE_256HZ_SHIFT                   (14U)
14011 /*! IE_256HZ - 256 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
14012  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
14013  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
14014  */
14015 #define RTC_IER_IE_256HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_256HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_256HZ_MASK)
14017 #define RTC_IER_IE_512HZ_MASK                    (0x8000U)
14018 #define RTC_IER_IE_512HZ_SHIFT                   (15U)
14019 /*! IE_512HZ - 512 Hz Interval Interrupt Enable bit.
14020  *  0b0..Interrupt is disabled.
14021  *  0b1..Interrupt is enabled.
14022  */
14023 #define RTC_IER_IE_512HZ(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_IER_IE_512HZ_SHIFT)) & RTC_IER_IE_512HZ_MASK)
14024 /*! @} */
14026 /*! @name GP_DATA_REG - RTC General Purpose Data Register */
14027 /*! @{ */
14029 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG0_MASK                (0x1U)
14030 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG0_SHIFT               (0U)
14031 /*! CFG0 - 32 kHz RTC OSC Control
14032  *  0b0..Enables the oscillator
14033  *  0b1..Disables the oscillator
14034  */
14035 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG0(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG0_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG0_MASK)
14037 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG1_MASK                (0x2U)
14038 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG1_SHIFT               (1U)
14039 /*! CFG1 - Switched capacitor 2 pF enable
14040  *  0b0..Disables capacitor
14041  *  0b1..Enables capacitor
14042  */
14043 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG1(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG1_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG1_MASK)
14045 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG2_MASK                (0x4U)
14046 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG2_SHIFT               (2U)
14047 /*! CFG2 - Switched capacitor 4 pF enable
14048  *  0b0..Disables capacitor
14049  *  0b1..Enables capacitor
14050  */
14051 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG2(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG2_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG2_MASK)
14053 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG3_MASK                (0x8U)
14054 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG3_SHIFT               (3U)
14055 /*! CFG3 - Switched capacitor 8 pF enable
14056  *  0b0..Disables capacitor
14057  *  0b1..Enables capacitor
14058  */
14059 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG3(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG3_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG3_MASK)
14061 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG4_MASK                (0x10U)
14062 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG4_SHIFT               (4U)
14063 /*! CFG4 - Switched capacitor 16 pF enable
14064  *  0b0..Disables capacitor
14065  *  0b1..Enables capacitor
14066  */
14067 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG4(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG4_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG4_MASK)
14069 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG7_MASK                (0x80U)
14070 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG7_SHIFT               (7U)
14071 /*! CFG7 - Boot mode override bit
14072  *  0b0..Boot in RUN
14073  *  0b1..Boot in VLPR
14074  */
14075 #define RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG7(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG7_SHIFT)) & RTC_GP_DATA_REG_CFG7_MASK)
14076 /*! @} */
14078 /*! @name DST_HOUR - RTC Daylight Saving Hour Register */
14079 /*! @{ */
14081 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_END_HOUR_MASK           (0x1FU)
14082 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_END_HOUR_SHIFT          (0U)
14083 /*! DST_END_HOUR - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Hours End Value.
14084  */
14085 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_END_HOUR(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_END_HOUR_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_END_HOUR_MASK)
14087 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_START_HOUR_MASK         (0x1F00U)
14088 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_START_HOUR_SHIFT        (8U)
14089 /*! DST_START_HOUR - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Hours Start Value.
14090  */
14091 #define RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_START_HOUR(x)           (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_START_HOUR_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_HOUR_DST_START_HOUR_MASK)
14092 /*! @} */
14094 /*! @name DST_MONTH - RTC Daylight Saving Month Register */
14095 /*! @{ */
14097 #define RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_END_MONTH_MASK         (0xFU)
14098 #define RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_END_MONTH_SHIFT        (0U)
14099 /*! DST_END_MONTH - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Month End Value.
14100  */
14101 #define RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_END_MONTH(x)           (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_END_MONTH_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_END_MONTH_MASK)
14103 #define RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_START_MONTH_MASK       (0xF00U)
14105 /*! DST_START_MONTH - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Month Start Value.
14106  */
14107 #define RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_START_MONTH(x)         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_START_MONTH_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_MONTH_DST_START_MONTH_MASK)
14108 /*! @} */
14110 /*! @name DST_DAY - RTC Daylight Saving Day Register */
14111 /*! @{ */
14113 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_END_DAY_MASK             (0x1FU)
14114 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_END_DAY_SHIFT            (0U)
14115 /*! DST_END_DAY - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Day End Value.
14116  */
14117 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_END_DAY(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_DAY_DST_END_DAY_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_DAY_DST_END_DAY_MASK)
14119 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_START_DAY_MASK           (0x1F00U)
14120 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_START_DAY_SHIFT          (8U)
14121 /*! DST_START_DAY - Daylight Saving Time (DST) Day Start Value.
14122  */
14123 #define RTC_DST_DAY_DST_START_DAY(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_DST_DAY_DST_START_DAY_SHIFT)) & RTC_DST_DAY_DST_START_DAY_MASK)
14124 /*! @} */
14126 /*! @name COMPEN - RTC Compensation Register */
14127 /*! @{ */
14129 #define RTC_COMPEN_COMPEN_VAL_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
14130 #define RTC_COMPEN_COMPEN_VAL_SHIFT              (0U)
14131 /*! COMPEN_VAL - Compensation Value
14132  */
14133 #define RTC_COMPEN_COMPEN_VAL(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_COMPEN_COMPEN_VAL_SHIFT)) & RTC_COMPEN_COMPEN_VAL_MASK)
14134 /*! @} */
14136 /*! @name TAMPER_SCR - RTC Tamper Status and Control Register */
14137 /*! @{ */
14139 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_EN_MASK              (0xFU)
14140 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_EN_SHIFT             (0U)
14141 /*! TMPR_EN - Tamper Control
14142  */
14143 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_EN(x)                (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_EN_SHIFT)) & RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_EN_MASK)
14145 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_STS_MASK             (0xF00U)
14146 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_STS_SHIFT            (8U)
14147 /*! TMPR_STS - Tamper Status Bit
14148  */
14149 #define RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_STS(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_STS_SHIFT)) & RTC_TAMPER_SCR_TMPR_STS_MASK)
14150 /*! @} */
14152 /*! @name FILTER01_CFG - RTC Tamper 0 1 Filter Configuration Register */
14153 /*! @{ */
14155 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR1_MASK           (0xFU)
14156 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR1_SHIFT          (0U)
14157 /*! FIL_DUR1 - Tamper Detect Bit 1 Filter Duration
14158  *  0b0000..Filtering operation disabled.
14159  */
14160 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR1(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR1_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR1_MASK)
14162 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL1_MASK           (0x70U)
14163 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL1_SHIFT          (4U)
14164 /*! CLK_SEL1 - Tamper Filter 1 Clock Select
14165  *  0b000..32 kHz clock
14166  *  0b001..512 Hz clock
14167  *  0b010..128 Hz clock
14168  *  0b011..64 Hz clock
14169  *  0b100..16 Hz clock
14170  *  0b101..8 Hz clock
14171  *  0b110..4 Hz clock
14172  *  0b111..2 Hz clock
14173  */
14174 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL1(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL1_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL1_MASK)
14176 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL1_MASK               (0x80U)
14177 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL1_SHIFT              (7U)
14178 /*! POL1 - Tamper Detect Input Bit 1 Polarity Control
14179  *  0b0..Tamper detect input bit 1 is active high.
14180  *  0b1..Tamper detect input bit 1 is active low.
14181  */
14182 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL1(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL1_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL1_MASK)
14184 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR0_MASK           (0xF00U)
14185 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR0_SHIFT          (8U)
14186 /*! FIL_DUR0 - Tamper Detect Bit 0 Filter Duration
14187  *  0b0000..Filtering operation disabled.
14188  */
14189 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR0(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR0_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_FIL_DUR0_MASK)
14191 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL0_MASK           (0x7000U)
14192 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL0_SHIFT          (12U)
14193 /*! CLK_SEL0 - Tamper Filter 0 Clock Select
14194  *  0b000..32 kHz clock
14195  *  0b001..512 Hz clock
14196  *  0b010..128 Hz clock
14197  *  0b011..64 Hz clock
14198  *  0b100..16 Hz clock
14199  *  0b101..8 Hz clock
14200  *  0b110..4 Hz clock
14201  *  0b111..2 Hz clock
14202  */
14203 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL0(x)             (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL0_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_CLK_SEL0_MASK)
14205 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL0_MASK               (0x8000U)
14206 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL0_SHIFT              (15U)
14207 /*! POL0 - Tamper Detect Input Bit 0 Polarity Control
14208  *  0b0..Tamper detect input bit 0 is active high.
14209  *  0b1..Tamper detect input bit 0 is active low.
14210  */
14211 #define RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL0(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL0_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER01_CFG_POL0_MASK)
14212 /*! @} */
14214 /*! @name FILTER2_CFG - RTC Tamper 2 Filter Configuration Register */
14215 /*! @{ */
14217 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_FIL_DUR2_MASK            (0xF00U)
14218 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_FIL_DUR2_SHIFT           (8U)
14219 /*! FIL_DUR2 - Tamper Detect Bit 2 Filter Duration
14220  *  0b0000..Filtering operation disabled.
14221  */
14222 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_FIL_DUR2(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER2_CFG_FIL_DUR2_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER2_CFG_FIL_DUR2_MASK)
14224 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_CLK_SEL2_MASK            (0x7000U)
14225 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_CLK_SEL2_SHIFT           (12U)
14226 /*! CLK_SEL2 - Tamper Filter 2 Clock Select
14227  *  0b000..32 kHz clock
14228  *  0b001..512 Hz clock
14229  *  0b010..128 Hz clock
14230  *  0b011..64 Hz clock
14231  *  0b100..16 Hz clock
14232  *  0b101..8 Hz clock
14233  *  0b110..4 Hz clock
14234  *  0b111..2 Hz clock
14235  */
14236 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_CLK_SEL2(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER2_CFG_CLK_SEL2_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER2_CFG_CLK_SEL2_MASK)
14238 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_POL2_MASK                (0x8000U)
14239 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_POL2_SHIFT               (15U)
14240 /*! POL2 - Tamper Detect Input Bit 2 Polarity Control
14241  *  0b0..Tamper detect input bit 2 is active high.
14242  *  0b1..Tamper detect input bit 2 is active low.
14243  */
14244 #define RTC_FILTER2_CFG_POL2(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_FILTER2_CFG_POL2_SHIFT)) & RTC_FILTER2_CFG_POL2_MASK)
14245 /*! @} */
14247 /*! @name CTRL2 - RTC Control 2 Register */
14248 /*! @{ */
14250 #define RTC_CTRL2_TAMP_CFG_OVER_MASK             (0x1U)
14251 #define RTC_CTRL2_TAMP_CFG_OVER_SHIFT            (0U)
14252 /*! TAMP_CFG_OVER - Tamper Configuration Over
14253  *  0b0..Tamper filter processing disabled.
14254  *  0b1..Tamper filter processing enabled. To enable the tamper feature, this bitfield should be set.
14255  */
14256 #define RTC_CTRL2_TAMP_CFG_OVER(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL2_TAMP_CFG_OVER_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL2_TAMP_CFG_OVER_MASK)
14258 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_STATUS_MASK             (0x60U)
14259 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_STATUS_SHIFT            (5U)
14260 /*! WAKEUP_STATUS - Wakeup Status
14261  *  0b00..The wakeup/hibernation pin is in HiZ mode.
14262  *  0b01..The wakeup/hibernation pin is at logic 0. MCU is in sleep mode.
14263  *  0b10..The wakeup/ hibernation pin is at logic 1. MCU is in sleep mode.
14264  *  0b11..Reserved
14265  */
14266 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_STATUS(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_STATUS_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_STATUS_MASK)
14268 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_MODE_MASK               (0x80U)
14269 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_MODE_SHIFT              (7U)
14270 /*! WAKEUP_MODE - Wakeup Mode
14271  *  0b0..Tamper pin 0 is used as the tamper pin.
14272  *  0b1..Tamper pin 0 is used as a wakeup/hibernation pin.
14273  */
14274 #define RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_MODE(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_MODE_SHIFT)) & RTC_CTRL2_WAKEUP_MODE_MASK)
14275 /*! @} */
14278 /*!
14279  * @}
14280  */ /* end of group RTC_Register_Masks */
14283 /* RTC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
14284 /** Peripheral RTC base address */
14285 #define RTC_BASE                                 (0x40050000u)
14286 /** Peripheral RTC base pointer */
14287 #define RTC                                      ((RTC_Type *)RTC_BASE)
14288 /** Array initializer of RTC peripheral base addresses */
14289 #define RTC_BASE_ADDRS                           { RTC_BASE }
14290 /** Array initializer of RTC peripheral base pointers */
14291 #define RTC_BASE_PTRS                            { RTC }
14292 /** Interrupt vectors for the RTC peripheral type */
14293 #define RTC_IRQS                                 { RTC_IRQn }
14295 /*!
14296  * @}
14297  */ /* end of group RTC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
14300 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14301    -- SIM Peripheral Access Layer
14302    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14304 /*!
14305  * @addtogroup SIM_Peripheral_Access_Layer SIM Peripheral Access Layer
14306  * @{
14307  */
14309 /** SIM - Register Layout Typedef */
14310 typedef struct {
14311   __IO uint32_t SOPT1;                             /**< System Options Register 1, offset: 0x0 */
14312   __IO uint32_t SOPT1_CFG;                         /**< SOPT1 Configuration Register, offset: 0x4 */
14313        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4092];
14314   __IO uint32_t CTRL_REG;                          /**< System Control Register, offset: 0x1004 */
14315        uint8_t RESERVED_1[28];
14316   __I  uint32_t SDID;                              /**< System Device Identification Register, offset: 0x1024 */
14317        uint8_t RESERVED_2[12];
14318   __IO uint32_t SCGC4;                             /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 4, offset: 0x1034 */
14319   __IO uint32_t SCGC5;                             /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 5, offset: 0x1038 */
14320   __IO uint32_t SCGC6;                             /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 6, offset: 0x103C */
14321   __IO uint32_t SCGC7;                             /**< System Clock Gating Control Register 7, offset: 0x1040 */
14322   __IO uint32_t CLKDIV1;                           /**< System Clock Divider Register 1, offset: 0x1044 */
14323        uint8_t RESERVED_3[4];
14324   __IO uint32_t FCFG1;                             /**< Flash Configuration Register 1, offset: 0x104C */
14325   __I  uint32_t FCFG2;                             /**< Flash Configuration Register 2, offset: 0x1050 */
14326   __I  uint32_t UIDH;                              /**< Unique Identification Register High, offset: 0x1054 */
14327   __I  uint32_t UIDMH;                             /**< Unique Identification Register Mid-High, offset: 0x1058 */
14328   __I  uint32_t UIDML;                             /**< Unique Identification Register Mid-Low, offset: 0x105C */
14329   __I  uint32_t UIDL;                              /**< Unique Identification Register Low, offset: 0x1060 */
14330        uint8_t RESERVED_4[8];
14331   __IO uint32_t MISC_CTL;                          /**< Miscellaneous Control Register, offset: 0x106C */
14332 } SIM_Type;
14334 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14335    -- SIM Register Masks
14336    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14338 /*!
14339  * @addtogroup SIM_Register_Masks SIM Register Masks
14340  * @{
14341  */
14343 /*! @name SOPT1 - System Options Register 1 */
14344 /*! @{ */
14346 #define SIM_SOPT1_SRAMSIZE_MASK                  (0xF000U)
14347 #define SIM_SOPT1_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT                 (12U)
14348 /*! SRAMSIZE - Returns the size of the system RAM
14349  *  0b0101..16kB System RAM
14350  */
14351 #define SIM_SOPT1_SRAMSIZE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_SRAMSIZE_MASK)
14353 #define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK                 (0xC0000U)
14354 #define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_SHIFT                (18U)
14355 /*! OSC32KSEL - 32K oscillator clock select
14356  *  0b00..OSC32KCLK
14357  *  0b01..ERCLK32K
14358  *  0b10..MCGIRCLK
14359  *  0b11..LPO
14360  */
14361 #define SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_OSC32KSEL_MASK)
14362 /*! @} */
14364 /*! @name SOPT1_CFG - SOPT1 Configuration Register */
14365 /*! @{ */
14367 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR1SEL_MASK             (0x3U)
14368 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR1SEL_SHIFT            (0U)
14369 /*! LPTMR1SEL - LP timer Channel1 Select
14370  *  0b00..Pad PTE4
14371  *  0b01..Pad PTF4
14372  *  0b10..Pad PTG1
14373  *  0b11..Reserved
14374  */
14375 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR1SEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR1SEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR1SEL_MASK)
14377 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR2SEL_MASK             (0xCU)
14378 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR2SEL_SHIFT            (2U)
14379 /*! LPTMR2SEL - LP timer Channel2 Select
14380  *  0b00..Pad PTD6
14381  *  0b01..Pad PTF3
14382  *  0b10..Pad PTG5
14383  *  0b11..Reserved
14384  */
14385 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR2SEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR2SEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR2SEL_MASK)
14387 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR3SEL_MASK             (0x30U)
14388 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR3SEL_SHIFT            (4U)
14389 /*! LPTMR3SEL - LP timer Channel3 Select
14390  *  0b00..Pad PTD5
14391  *  0b01..Pad PTG0
14392  *  0b10..Pad PTG6
14393  *  0b11..Reserved
14394  */
14395 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR3SEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR3SEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_LPTMR3SEL_MASK)
14397 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_CMPOLPTMR0SEL_MASK         (0x40U)
14398 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_CMPOLPTMR0SEL_SHIFT        (6U)
14399 /*! CMPOLPTMR0SEL - Comparator output selection for LPTMR channel0
14400  *  0b0..CMP[1] output selected as LPTMR input[0]
14401  *  0b1..CMP[0] output selected as LPTMR input[0]
14402  */
14403 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_CMPOLPTMR0SEL(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_CMPOLPTMR0SEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_CMPOLPTMR0SEL_MASK)
14405 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMSBDIS_MASK              (0x100U)
14406 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMSBDIS_SHIFT             (8U)
14407 /*! RAMSBDIS
14408  *  0b0..Source bias of System SRAM enabled during VLPR and VLPW modes.
14409  *  0b1..Source bias of System SRAM disabled during VLPR and VLPW modes.
14410  */
14411 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMSBDIS(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMSBDIS_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMSBDIS_MASK)
14413 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMBPEN_MASK               (0x200U)
14414 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMBPEN_SHIFT              (9U)
14415 /*! RAMBPEN - RAM Bitline Precharge Enable
14416  *  0b0..Bitline precharge of system SRAM disabled during VLPR and VLPW modes.
14417  *  0b1..Bitline precharge of system SRAM enabled during VLPR and VLPW modes.
14418  */
14419 #define SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMBPEN(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMBPEN_SHIFT)) & SIM_SOPT1_CFG_RAMBPEN_MASK)
14420 /*! @} */
14422 /*! @name CTRL_REG - System Control Register */
14423 /*! @{ */
14425 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_NMIDIS_MASK                 (0x1U)
14426 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_NMIDIS_SHIFT                (0U)
14427 /*! NMIDIS - NMI Disable
14428  *  0b0..NMI enabled
14429  *  0b1..NMI disabled
14430  */
14431 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_NMIDIS(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CTRL_REG_NMIDIS_SHIFT)) & SIM_CTRL_REG_NMIDIS_MASK)
14433 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PLL_VLP_EN_MASK             (0x2U)
14434 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PLL_VLP_EN_SHIFT            (1U)
14435 /*! PLL_VLP_EN - PLL VLP Enable
14436  */
14437 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PLL_VLP_EN(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CTRL_REG_PLL_VLP_EN_SHIFT)) & SIM_CTRL_REG_PLL_VLP_EN_MASK)
14439 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PTC2_HD_EN_MASK             (0x4U)
14440 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PTC2_HD_EN_SHIFT            (2U)
14441 /*! PTC2_HD_EN - PTC2 HighDrive Enable
14442  */
14443 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_PTC2_HD_EN(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CTRL_REG_PTC2_HD_EN_SHIFT)) & SIM_CTRL_REG_PTC2_HD_EN_MASK)
14445 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL_MASK        (0x18U)
14446 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL_SHIFT       (3U)
14447 /*! SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL - SAR ADC Trigger Clk Select
14448  *  0b00..Bus Clock (During Low Power Modes such as stop, the Bus clock is not available for conversion and should
14449  *        not be selected in case a conversion needs to be performed while in stop)
14450  *  0b01..ADC asynchronous Clock
14451  *  0b10..ERCLK32K
14452  *  0b11..OSCCLK
14453  */
14454 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL(x)          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CTRL_REG_SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_CTRL_REG_SAR_TRG_CLK_SEL_MASK)
14456 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_CLKOUTSEL_MASK              (0xE0U)
14457 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_CLKOUTSEL_SHIFT             (5U)
14458 /*! CLKOUTSEL - Clock out Select
14459  *  0b000..Disabled
14460  *  0b001..Gated Core Clk
14461  *  0b010..Bus/Flash Clk
14462  *  0b011..LPO clock from PMC
14463  *  0b100..IRC clock from MCG
14464  *  0b101..Muxed 32Khz source (please refer SOPT1[19:18] for possible options)
14465  *  0b110..MHz Oscillator external reference clock
14466  *  0b111..PLL clock output from MCG
14467  */
14468 #define SIM_CTRL_REG_CLKOUTSEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CTRL_REG_CLKOUTSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_CTRL_REG_CLKOUTSEL_MASK)
14469 /*! @} */
14471 /*! @name SDID - System Device Identification Register */
14472 /*! @{ */
14474 #define SIM_SDID_PINID_MASK                      (0xFU)
14475 #define SIM_SDID_PINID_SHIFT                     (0U)
14476 /*! PINID - Pincount identification
14477  *  0b0011..44-pin
14478  *  0b0100..Reserved
14479  *  0b0101..64-pin
14480  *  0b0110..Reserved
14481  *  0b0111..Reserved
14482  *  0b1000..100-pin
14483  *  0b1001..Reserved
14484  *  0b1010..Reserved
14485  *  0b1011..Reserved
14486  *  0b1100..Reserved
14487  *  0b1101..Reserved
14488  *  0b1110..Reserved
14489  *  0b1111..Reserved
14490  */
14491 #define SIM_SDID_PINID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_PINID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_PINID_MASK)
14493 #define SIM_SDID_DIEID_MASK                      (0xF0U)
14494 #define SIM_SDID_DIEID_SHIFT                     (4U)
14495 /*! DIEID - Die ID
14496  *  0b0000..First cut
14497  */
14498 #define SIM_SDID_DIEID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_DIEID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_DIEID_MASK)
14500 #define SIM_SDID_REVID_MASK                      (0xF00U)
14501 #define SIM_SDID_REVID_SHIFT                     (8U)
14502 /*! REVID - Revision ID
14503  *  0b0010..Third Cut
14504  */
14505 #define SIM_SDID_REVID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_REVID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_REVID_MASK)
14507 #define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_MASK                   (0xF000U)
14508 #define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT                  (12U)
14509 /*! SRAMSIZE - SRAM Size
14510  *  0b0101..16kB SRAM
14511  */
14512 #define SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_SRAMSIZE_MASK)
14514 #define SIM_SDID_ATTR_MASK                       (0xF0000U)
14515 #define SIM_SDID_ATTR_SHIFT                      (16U)
14516 /*! ATTR - Attribute ID
14517  *  0b0000..M0+ core
14518  */
14519 #define SIM_SDID_ATTR(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_ATTR_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_ATTR_MASK)
14521 #define SIM_SDID_SERIESID_MASK                   (0xF00000U)
14522 #define SIM_SDID_SERIESID_SHIFT                  (20U)
14523 /*! SERIESID - Series ID
14524  *  0b0011..Metering Series
14525  */
14526 #define SIM_SDID_SERIESID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_SERIESID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_SERIESID_MASK)
14528 #define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK                   (0xF000000U)
14529 #define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_SHIFT                  (24U)
14530 /*! SUBFAMID - Sub-Family ID
14531  *  0b0010..Device derivatives with 2 AFE enabled (AFE Channels 0 and 2 are enabled)
14532  *  0b0011..Device derivatives with 3 AFE enabled (AFE Channels 0, 1, and 2 are enabled)
14533  *  0b0100..Device derivatives with 4 AFE enabled
14534  */
14535 #define SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_SUBFAMID_MASK)
14537 #define SIM_SDID_FAMID_MASK                      (0xF0000000U)
14538 #define SIM_SDID_FAMID_SHIFT                     (28U)
14539 /*! FAMID - Metering family ID
14540  *  0b0001..Device derivatives without LCD
14541  *  0b0011..Device derivatives with LCD
14542  */
14543 #define SIM_SDID_FAMID(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SDID_FAMID_SHIFT)) & SIM_SDID_FAMID_MASK)
14544 /*! @} */
14546 /*! @name SCGC4 - System Clock Gating Control Register 4 */
14547 /*! @{ */
14549 #define SIM_SCGC4_EWM_MASK                       (0x2U)
14550 #define SIM_SCGC4_EWM_SHIFT                      (1U)
14551 /*! EWM - External Watchdog Monitor Clock gate control
14552  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14553  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14554  */
14555 #define SIM_SCGC4_EWM(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_EWM_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_EWM_MASK)
14557 #define SIM_SCGC4_MCG_MASK                       (0x10U)
14558 #define SIM_SCGC4_MCG_SHIFT                      (4U)
14559 /*! MCG - MCG clock gate control.
14560  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14561  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14562  */
14563 #define SIM_SCGC4_MCG(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_MCG_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_MCG_MASK)
14565 #define SIM_SCGC4_OSC_MASK                       (0x40U)
14566 #define SIM_SCGC4_OSC_SHIFT                      (6U)
14567 /*! OSC - Oscillator (Mhz) Clock Gate Control
14568  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14569  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14570  */
14571 #define SIM_SCGC4_OSC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_OSC_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_OSC_MASK)
14573 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_MASK                      (0x80U)
14574 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_SHIFT                     (7U)
14575 /*! I2C0 - I2C0 Clock Gate Control
14576  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14577  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14578  */
14579 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_I2C0_MASK)
14581 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_MASK                      (0x100U)
14582 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_SHIFT                     (8U)
14583 /*! I2C1 - I2C1 Clock Gate Control
14584  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14585  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14586  */
14587 #define SIM_SCGC4_I2C1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_I2C1_MASK)
14589 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART0_MASK                     (0x400U)
14590 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART0_SHIFT                    (10U)
14591 /*! UART0 - UART0 Clock Gate Control
14592  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14593  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14594  */
14595 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART0(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_UART0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_UART0_MASK)
14597 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART1_MASK                     (0x800U)
14598 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART1_SHIFT                    (11U)
14599 /*! UART1 - UART1 Clock Gate Control
14600  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14601  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14602  */
14603 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART1(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_UART1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_UART1_MASK)
14605 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART2_MASK                     (0x1000U)
14606 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART2_SHIFT                    (12U)
14607 /*! UART2 - UART2 Clock Gate Control
14608  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14609  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14610  */
14611 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART2(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_UART2_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_UART2_MASK)
14613 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART3_MASK                     (0x2000U)
14614 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART3_SHIFT                    (13U)
14615 /*! UART3 - UART3 Clock Gate Control
14616  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14617  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14618  */
14619 #define SIM_SCGC4_UART3(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_UART3_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_UART3_MASK)
14621 #define SIM_SCGC4_VREF_MASK                      (0x8000U)
14622 #define SIM_SCGC4_VREF_SHIFT                     (15U)
14623 /*! VREF - VREF Clock Gate Control
14624  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14625  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14626  */
14627 #define SIM_SCGC4_VREF(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_VREF_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_VREF_MASK)
14629 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP0_MASK                      (0x40000U)
14630 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP0_SHIFT                     (18U)
14631 /*! CMP0 - High Speed Comparator0 Clock Gate Control.
14632  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14633  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14634  */
14635 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_CMP0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_CMP0_MASK)
14637 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP1_MASK                      (0x80000U)
14638 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP1_SHIFT                     (19U)
14639 /*! CMP1 - High Speed Comparator1 Clock Gate Control.
14640  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14641  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14642  */
14643 #define SIM_SCGC4_CMP1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_CMP1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_CMP1_MASK)
14645 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_MASK                      (0x200000U)
14646 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_SHIFT                     (21U)
14647 /*! SPI0 - SPI0 Clock Gate Control
14648  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14649  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14650  */
14651 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_SPI0_MASK)
14653 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_MASK                      (0x400000U)
14654 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_SHIFT                     (22U)
14655 /*! SPI1 - SPI1 Clock Gate Control
14656  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14657  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14658  */
14659 #define SIM_SCGC4_SPI1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC4_SPI1_MASK)
14660 /*! @} */
14662 /*! @name SCGC5 - System Clock Gating Control Register 5 */
14663 /*! @{ */
14665 #define SIM_SCGC5_SLCD_MASK                      (0x8U)
14666 #define SIM_SCGC5_SLCD_SHIFT                     (3U)
14667 /*! SLCD - Segmented LCD Clock Gate Control
14668  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14669  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14670  */
14671 #define SIM_SCGC5_SLCD(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_SLCD_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_SLCD_MASK)
14673 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK                     (0x40U)
14674 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_SHIFT                    (6U)
14675 /*! PORTA - PCTLA Clock Gate Control
14676  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14677  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14678  */
14679 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTA(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTA_MASK)
14681 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_MASK                     (0x80U)
14682 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_SHIFT                    (7U)
14683 /*! PORTB - PCTLB Clock Gate Control
14684  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14685  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14686  */
14687 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTB(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTB_MASK)
14689 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_MASK                     (0x100U)
14690 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_SHIFT                    (8U)
14691 /*! PORTC - PCTLC Clock Gate Control
14692  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14693  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14694  */
14695 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTC(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTC_MASK)
14697 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK                     (0x200U)
14698 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT                    (9U)
14699 /*! PORTD - PCTLD Clock Gate Control
14700  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14701  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14702  */
14703 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTD_MASK)
14705 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK                     (0x400U)
14706 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT                    (10U)
14707 /*! PORTE - PCTLE Clock Gate Control
14708  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14709  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14710  */
14711 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK)
14713 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTF_MASK                     (0x800U)
14714 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTF_SHIFT                    (11U)
14715 /*! PORTF - PCTLF Clock Gate Control
14716  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14717  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14718  */
14719 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTF(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTF_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTF_MASK)
14721 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTG_MASK                     (0x1000U)
14722 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTG_SHIFT                    (12U)
14723 /*! PORTG - PCTLG Clock Gate Control
14724  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14725  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14726  */
14727 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTG(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTG_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTG_MASK)
14729 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTH_MASK                     (0x2000U)
14730 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTH_SHIFT                    (13U)
14731 /*! PORTH - PCTLH Clock Gate Control
14732  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14733  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14734  */
14735 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTH(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTH_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTH_MASK)
14737 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTI_MASK                     (0x4000U)
14738 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTI_SHIFT                    (14U)
14739 /*! PORTI - PCTLI Clock Gate Control
14740  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14741  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14742  */
14743 #define SIM_SCGC5_PORTI(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_PORTI_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_PORTI_MASK)
14745 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTC_MASK                      (0x10000U)
14746 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTC_SHIFT                     (16U)
14747 /*! IRTC - IRTC Clock Gate Control
14748  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14749  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14750  */
14751 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_IRTC_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_IRTC_MASK)
14753 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTCREGFILE_MASK               (0x20000U)
14754 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTCREGFILE_SHIFT              (17U)
14755 /*! IRTCREGFILE - IRTC_REG_FILE Clock Gate Control
14756  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14757  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14758  */
14759 #define SIM_SCGC5_IRTCREGFILE(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_IRTCREGFILE_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_IRTCREGFILE_MASK)
14761 #define SIM_SCGC5_WDOG_MASK                      (0x80000U)
14762 #define SIM_SCGC5_WDOG_SHIFT                     (19U)
14763 /*! WDOG - Watchdog Clock Gate Control
14764  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14765  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14766  */
14767 #define SIM_SCGC5_WDOG(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_WDOG_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_WDOG_MASK)
14769 #define SIM_SCGC5_XBAR_MASK                      (0x200000U)
14770 #define SIM_SCGC5_XBAR_SHIFT                     (21U)
14771 /*! XBAR - Peripheral Crossbar Clock Gate Control
14772  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14773  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14774  */
14775 #define SIM_SCGC5_XBAR(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_XBAR_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_XBAR_MASK)
14777 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR0_MASK                      (0x800000U)
14778 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR0_SHIFT                     (23U)
14779 /*! TMR0 - Quadtimer0 Clock Gate Control
14780  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14781  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14782  */
14783 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_TMR0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_TMR0_MASK)
14785 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR1_MASK                      (0x1000000U)
14786 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR1_SHIFT                     (24U)
14787 /*! TMR1 - Quadtimer1 Clock Gate Control
14788  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14789  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14790  */
14791 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_TMR1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_TMR1_MASK)
14793 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR2_MASK                      (0x2000000U)
14794 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR2_SHIFT                     (25U)
14795 /*! TMR2 - Quadtimer2 Clock Gate Control
14796  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14797  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14798  */
14799 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_TMR2_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_TMR2_MASK)
14801 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR3_MASK                      (0x4000000U)
14802 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR3_SHIFT                     (26U)
14803 /*! TMR3 - Quadtimer3 Clock Gate Control
14804  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14805  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14806  */
14807 #define SIM_SCGC5_TMR3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC5_TMR3_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC5_TMR3_MASK)
14808 /*! @} */
14810 /*! @name SCGC6 - System Clock Gating Control Register 6 */
14811 /*! @{ */
14813 #define SIM_SCGC6_FTFA_MASK                      (0x1U)
14814 #define SIM_SCGC6_FTFA_SHIFT                     (0U)
14815 /*! FTFA - FTFA Clock Gate Control
14816  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14817  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14818  */
14819 #define SIM_SCGC6_FTFA(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_FTFA_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_FTFA_MASK)
14821 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX0_MASK                   (0x2U)
14822 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX0_SHIFT                  (1U)
14823 /*! DMAMUX0 - DMA MUX0 Clock Gate Control
14824  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14825  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14826  */
14827 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX0(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX0_MASK)
14829 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX1_MASK                   (0x4U)
14830 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX1_SHIFT                  (2U)
14831 /*! DMAMUX1 - DMA MUX1 Clock Gate Control
14832  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14833  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14834  */
14835 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX1(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX1_MASK)
14837 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX2_MASK                   (0x8U)
14838 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX2_SHIFT                  (3U)
14839 /*! DMAMUX2 - DMA MUX2 Clock Gate Control
14840  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14841  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14842  */
14843 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX2(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX2_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX2_MASK)
14845 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX3_MASK                   (0x10U)
14846 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX3_SHIFT                  (4U)
14847 /*! DMAMUX3 - DMA MUX3 Clock Gate Control
14848  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14849  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14850  */
14851 #define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX3(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX3_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX3_MASK)
14853 #define SIM_SCGC6_RNGA_MASK                      (0x200U)
14854 #define SIM_SCGC6_RNGA_SHIFT                     (9U)
14855 /*! RNGA - RNGA Clock Gate Control
14856  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14857  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14858  */
14859 #define SIM_SCGC6_RNGA(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_RNGA_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_RNGA_MASK)
14861 #define SIM_SCGC6_ADC_MASK                       (0x800U)
14862 #define SIM_SCGC6_ADC_SHIFT                      (11U)
14863 /*! ADC - SAR ADC Clock Gate Control
14864  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14865  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14866  */
14867 #define SIM_SCGC6_ADC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_ADC_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_ADC_MASK)
14869 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT0_MASK                      (0x2000U)
14870 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT0_SHIFT                     (13U)
14871 /*! PIT0 - PIT0 Clock Gate Control
14872  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14873  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14874  */
14875 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_PIT0_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_PIT0_MASK)
14877 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT1_MASK                      (0x4000U)
14878 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT1_SHIFT                     (14U)
14879 /*! PIT1 - PIT1 Clock Gate Control
14880  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14881  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14882  */
14883 #define SIM_SCGC6_PIT1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_PIT1_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_PIT1_MASK)
14885 #define SIM_SCGC6_AFE_MASK                       (0x10000U)
14886 #define SIM_SCGC6_AFE_SHIFT                      (16U)
14887 /*! AFE - AFE Clock Gate Control
14888  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14889  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14890  */
14891 #define SIM_SCGC6_AFE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_AFE_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_AFE_MASK)
14893 #define SIM_SCGC6_CRC_MASK                       (0x100000U)
14894 #define SIM_SCGC6_CRC_SHIFT                      (20U)
14895 /*! CRC - Programmable CRC Clock Gate Control
14896  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14897  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14898  */
14899 #define SIM_SCGC6_CRC(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_CRC_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_CRC_MASK)
14901 #define SIM_SCGC6_LPTMR_MASK                     (0x10000000U)
14902 #define SIM_SCGC6_LPTMR_SHIFT                    (28U)
14903 /*! LPTMR - LPTMR Clock Gate Control
14904  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14905  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14906  */
14907 #define SIM_SCGC6_LPTMR(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_LPTMR_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_LPTMR_MASK)
14909 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_LP_MASK                    (0x40000000U)
14910 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_LP_SHIFT                   (30U)
14911 /*! SIM_LP - SIM_LP Clock Gate Control
14912  *  0b1..Clock is enabled
14913  *  0b0..Clock is disabled
14914  */
14915 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_LP(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_SIM_LP_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_SIM_LP_MASK)
14917 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_HP_MASK                    (0x80000000U)
14918 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_HP_SHIFT                   (31U)
14919 /*! SIM_HP - SIM_HP Clock Gate Control
14920  *  0b1..Clock is always enabled to SIM
14921  */
14922 #define SIM_SCGC6_SIM_HP(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC6_SIM_HP_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC6_SIM_HP_MASK)
14923 /*! @} */
14925 /*! @name SCGC7 - System Clock Gating Control Register 7 */
14926 /*! @{ */
14928 #define SIM_SCGC7_MPU_MASK                       (0x1U)
14929 #define SIM_SCGC7_MPU_SHIFT                      (0U)
14930 /*! MPU - MPU Clock Gate control.
14931  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14932  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14933  */
14934 #define SIM_SCGC7_MPU(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC7_MPU_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC7_MPU_MASK)
14936 #define SIM_SCGC7_DMA_MASK                       (0x2U)
14937 #define SIM_SCGC7_DMA_SHIFT                      (1U)
14938 /*! DMA - DMA Clock Gate control.
14939  *  0b0..Clock disabled
14940  *  0b1..Clock enabled
14941  */
14942 #define SIM_SCGC7_DMA(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_SCGC7_DMA_SHIFT)) & SIM_SCGC7_DMA_MASK)
14943 /*! @} */
14945 /*! @name CLKDIV1 - System Clock Divider Register 1 */
14946 /*! @{ */
14948 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSCLKMODE_MASK              (0x8000000U)
14949 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSCLKMODE_SHIFT             (27U)
14950 /*! SYSCLKMODE - System Clock Mode
14951  *  0b0..1:1:1
14952  *  0b1..2:1:1
14953  */
14954 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSCLKMODE(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSCLKMODE_SHIFT)) & SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSCLKMODE_MASK)
14956 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSDIV_MASK                  (0xF0000000U)
14957 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSDIV_SHIFT                 (28U)
14958 /*! SYSDIV - System Clock divider
14959  *  0b0000..Divide by 1
14960  *  0b0001..Divide by 2
14961  *  0b0010..Divide by 3
14962  *  0b0011..Divide by 4 and so on..... If FOPT[0] is 0, the divider is set to div-by-8 after system reset is
14963  *          deasserted (after completion of system initialization sequence)
14964  */
14965 #define SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSDIV(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSDIV_SHIFT)) & SIM_CLKDIV1_SYSDIV_MASK)
14966 /*! @} */
14968 /*! @name FCFG1 - Flash Configuration Register 1 */
14969 /*! @{ */
14971 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_MASK                  (0x1U)
14972 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_SHIFT                 (0U)
14973 /*! FLASHDIS - Flash Disable
14974  *  0b0..Flash is enabled
14975  *  0b1..Flash is disabled
14976  */
14977 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_SHIFT)) & SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDIS_MASK)
14979 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_MASK                 (0x2U)
14980 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_SHIFT                (1U)
14981 /*! FLASHDOZE - Flash Doze
14982  *  0b0..Flash remains enabled during Wait mode
14983  *  0b1..Flash is disabled for the duration of Wait mode
14984  */
14985 #define SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_SHIFT)) & SIM_FCFG1_FLASHDOZE_MASK)
14987 #define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_MASK                    (0xF000000U)
14988 #define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_SHIFT                   (24U)
14989 /*! PFSIZE - Program flash size
14990  *  0b0000..Reserved
14991  *  0b0001..Reserved
14992  *  0b0011..Reserved
14993  *  0b0100..Reserved
14994  *  0b0101..64 KB of program flash memory, 2 KB protection region
14995  *  0b0110..Reserved
14996  *  0b0111..128 KB of program flash memory, 4 KB protection region
14997  *  0b1000..Reserved
14998  *  0b1001..Reserved
14999  *  0b1111..(Default)
15000  */
15001 #define SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_SHIFT)) & SIM_FCFG1_PFSIZE_MASK)
15002 /*! @} */
15004 /*! @name FCFG2 - Flash Configuration Register 2 */
15005 /*! @{ */
15007 #define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_MASK                   (0x7F000000U)
15008 #define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_SHIFT                  (24U)
15009 /*! MAXADDR - Max address block
15010  */
15011 #define SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_SHIFT)) & SIM_FCFG2_MAXADDR_MASK)
15012 /*! @} */
15014 /*! @name UIDH - Unique Identification Register High */
15015 /*! @{ */
15017 #define SIM_UIDH_UID127_96_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFFFU)
15018 #define SIM_UIDH_UID127_96_SHIFT                 (0U)
15019 /*! UID127_96 - Unique Identification UID[127:96]
15020  */
15021 #define SIM_UIDH_UID127_96(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_UIDH_UID127_96_SHIFT)) & SIM_UIDH_UID127_96_MASK)
15022 /*! @} */
15024 /*! @name UIDMH - Unique Identification Register Mid-High */
15025 /*! @{ */
15027 #define SIM_UIDMH_UID95_64_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFFFU)
15028 #define SIM_UIDMH_UID95_64_SHIFT                 (0U)
15029 /*! UID95_64 - Unique Identification UID[95:64]
15030  */
15031 #define SIM_UIDMH_UID95_64(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_UIDMH_UID95_64_SHIFT)) & SIM_UIDMH_UID95_64_MASK)
15032 /*! @} */
15034 /*! @name UIDML - Unique Identification Register Mid-Low */
15035 /*! @{ */
15037 #define SIM_UIDML_UID63_32_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFFFU)
15038 #define SIM_UIDML_UID63_32_SHIFT                 (0U)
15039 /*! UID63_32 - Unique Identification UID[63:32]
15040  */
15041 #define SIM_UIDML_UID63_32(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_UIDML_UID63_32_SHIFT)) & SIM_UIDML_UID63_32_MASK)
15042 /*! @} */
15044 /*! @name UIDL - Unique Identification Register Low */
15045 /*! @{ */
15047 #define SIM_UIDL_UID31_0_MASK                    (0xFFFFFFFFU)
15048 #define SIM_UIDL_UID31_0_SHIFT                   (0U)
15049 /*! UID31_0 - Unique Identification UID[31:0]
15050  */
15051 #define SIM_UIDL_UID31_0(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_UIDL_UID31_0_SHIFT)) & SIM_UIDL_UID31_0_MASK)
15052 /*! @} */
15054 /*! @name MISC_CTL - Miscellaneous Control Register */
15055 /*! @{ */
15059 /*! XBARAFEMODOUTSEL - XBAR AFE Modulator Output Select
15060  *  0b00..Sigma Delta Modulator 0 data output
15061  *  0b01..Sigma Delta Modulator 1 data output
15062  *  0b10..Sigma Delta Modulator 2 data output
15063  *  0b11..Sigma Delta Modulator 3 data output
15064  */
15067 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_DMADONESEL_MASK             (0xCU)
15068 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_DMADONESEL_SHIFT            (2U)
15069 /*! DMADONESEL - DMA Done select
15070  *  0b00..DMA0
15071  *  0b01..DMA1
15072  *  0b10..DMA2
15073  *  0b11..DMA3
15074  */
15075 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_DMADONESEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_DMADONESEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_DMADONESEL_MASK)
15077 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKSEL_MASK              (0x30U)
15078 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKSEL_SHIFT             (4U)
15079 /*! AFECLKSEL - AFE Clock Source Select
15080  *  0b00..MCG PLL Clock selected
15081  *  0b01..MCG FLL Clock selected
15082  *  0b10..OSC Clock selected
15083  *  0b11..Disabled
15084  */
15085 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKSEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKSEL_MASK)
15087 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKPADDIR_MASK           (0x40U)
15088 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKPADDIR_SHIFT          (6U)
15089 /*! AFECLKPADDIR - AFE Clock Pad Direction
15090  *  0b0..AFE CLK PAD is input
15091  *  0b1..AFE CLK PAD is output
15092  */
15093 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKPADDIR(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKPADDIR_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_AFECLKPADDIR_MASK)
15095 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UARTMODTYPE_MASK            (0x80U)
15096 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UARTMODTYPE_SHIFT           (7U)
15097 /*! UARTMODTYPE - UART Modulation Type
15098  *  0b0..TypeA (ORed) Modulation selected for IRDA
15099  *  0b1..TypeB (ANDed) Modulation selected for IRDA
15100  */
15101 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UARTMODTYPE(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_UARTMODTYPE_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_UARTMODTYPE_MASK)
15103 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART0IRSEL_MASK             (0x100U)
15104 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART0IRSEL_SHIFT            (8U)
15105 /*! UART0IRSEL - UART0 IRDA Select
15106  *  0b0..Pad RX input (PTD[0] or PTF[3], as selected in Pinmux control) selected for RX input of UART0 and UART0 TX signal is not used for modulation
15107  *  0b1..UART0 selected for IRDA modulation. UART0 TX modulated by XBAR_OUT[14] and UART0 RX input connected to XBAR_OUT[13]
15108  */
15109 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART0IRSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_UART0IRSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_UART0IRSEL_MASK)
15111 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART1IRSEL_MASK             (0x200U)
15112 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART1IRSEL_SHIFT            (9U)
15113 /*! UART1IRSEL - UART1 IRDA Select
15114  *  0b0..Pad RX input (PTD[2] or PTI[0], as selected in Pinmux control) selected for RX input of UART1 and UART1 TX signal is not used for modulation
15115  *  0b1..UART1 selected for IRDA modulation. UART1 TX modulated by XBAR_OUT[14] and UART1 RX input connected to XBAR_OUT[13]
15116  */
15117 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART1IRSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_UART1IRSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_UART1IRSEL_MASK)
15119 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART2IRSEL_MASK             (0x400U)
15120 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART2IRSEL_SHIFT            (10U)
15121 /*! UART2IRSEL - UART2 IRDA Select
15122  *  0b0..Pad RX input PTE[6] selected for RX input of UART2 and UART2 TX signal is not used for modulation
15123  *  0b1..UART2 selected for IRDA modulation. UART2 TX modulated by XBAR_OUT[14] and UART2 RX input connected to XBAR_OUT[13].
15124  */
15125 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART2IRSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_UART2IRSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_UART2IRSEL_MASK)
15127 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART3IRSEL_MASK             (0x800U)
15128 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART3IRSEL_SHIFT            (11U)
15129 /*! UART3IRSEL - UART3 IRDA Select
15130  *  0b0..Pad RX input (PTC[3] or PTD[7], as selected in Pinmux control) selected for RX input of UART3 and UART3 TX signal is not used for modulation
15131  *  0b1..UART3 selected for IRDA modulation. UART3 TX modulated by XBAR_OUT[14] and UART3 RX input connected to XBAR_OUT[13].
15132  */
15133 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_UART3IRSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_UART3IRSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_UART3IRSEL_MASK)
15135 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_XBARPITOUTSEL_MASK          (0x3000U)
15136 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_XBARPITOUTSEL_SHIFT         (12U)
15137 /*! XBARPITOUTSEL - XBAR PIT Output select
15138  *  0b00..PIT0[0] (default)
15139  *  0b01..PIT0[1]
15140  *  0b10..PIT1[0]
15141  *  0b11..PIT1[1]
15142  */
15143 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_XBARPITOUTSEL(x)            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_XBARPITOUTSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_XBARPITOUTSEL_MASK)
15145 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_EWMINSEL_MASK               (0x4000U)
15146 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_EWMINSEL_SHIFT              (14U)
15147 /*! EWMINSEL - External Watchdog Monitor Input Select
15148  *  0b0..Input from PAD (PTE[2] or PTE[4] as selected from Pinmux control )
15149  *  0b1..Peripheral Crossbar (XBAR) Output[32]
15150  */
15151 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_EWMINSEL(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_EWMINSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_EWMINSEL_MASK)
15153 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PLLCLKSEL_MASK          (0x8000U)
15154 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PLLCLKSEL_SHIFT         (15U)
15155 /*! TMR0PLLCLKSEL - Timer CH0 PLL clock select
15156  *  0b0..Selects Bus Clock as source for the Timer CH0
15157  *  0b1..Selects the PLL_AFE clock as the source for Timer CH0. The PLL_AFE clock source is itself selected using the MISC_CTL[5:4]
15158  */
15159 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PLLCLKSEL(x)            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PLLCLKSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PLLCLKSEL_MASK)
15161 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0SCSSEL_MASK             (0x10000U)
15162 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0SCSSEL_SHIFT            (16U)
15163 /*! TMR0SCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel0 Secondary Count Source Select
15164  *  0b0..Pad PTF1 or PTD5, depending upon PCTL configuration.
15165  *  0b1..Peripheral Crossbar (XBAR) Output[5]
15166  */
15167 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0SCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0SCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0SCSSEL_MASK)
15169 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1SCSSEL_MASK             (0x20000U)
15170 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1SCSSEL_SHIFT            (17U)
15171 /*! TMR1SCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel1 Secondary Count Source Select
15172  *  0b0..Pad PTG0 or PTC6, depending upon PCTL configuration.
15173  *  0b1..Peripheral Crossbar (XBAR) Output[6]
15174  */
15175 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1SCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1SCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1SCSSEL_MASK)
15177 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2SCSSEL_MASK             (0x40000U)
15178 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2SCSSEL_SHIFT            (18U)
15179 /*! TMR2SCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel2 Secondary Count Source Select
15180  *  0b0..Pad PTF7 or PTF0, depending upon PCTL configuration.
15181  *  0b1..Peripheral Crossbar (XBAR) Output[7]
15182  */
15183 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2SCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2SCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2SCSSEL_MASK)
15185 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3SCSSEL_MASK             (0x80000U)
15186 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3SCSSEL_SHIFT            (19U)
15187 /*! TMR3SCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel3 Secondary Count Source Select
15188  *  0b0..Pad PTE5 or PTD1, depending upon PCTL configuration.
15189  *  0b1..Peripheral Crossbar (XBAR) Output[8]
15190  */
15191 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3SCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3SCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3SCSSEL_MASK)
15193 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PCSSEL_MASK             (0x300000U)
15194 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PCSSEL_SHIFT            (20U)
15195 /*! TMR0PCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel0 Primary Count Source Select
15196  *  0b00..Bus Clock
15197  *  0b01..Peripheral Crossbar Output [9]
15198  *  0b10..Peripheral Crossbar Output [10]
15199  *  0b11..Disabled
15200  */
15201 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR0PCSSEL_MASK)
15203 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1PCSSEL_MASK             (0xC00000U)
15204 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1PCSSEL_SHIFT            (22U)
15205 /*! TMR1PCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel1 Primary Count Source Select
15206  *  0b00..Bus Clock
15207  *  0b01..Peripheral Crossbar Output [9]
15208  *  0b10..Peripheral Crossbar Output [10]
15209  *  0b11..Disabled
15210  */
15211 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1PCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1PCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR1PCSSEL_MASK)
15213 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2PCSSEL_MASK             (0x3000000U)
15214 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2PCSSEL_SHIFT            (24U)
15215 /*! TMR2PCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel2 Primary Count Source Select
15216  *  0b00..Bus Clock
15217  *  0b01..Peripheral Crossbar Output [9]
15218  *  0b10..Peripheral Crossbar Output [10]
15219  *  0b11..Disabled
15220  */
15221 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2PCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2PCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR2PCSSEL_MASK)
15223 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3PCSSEL_MASK             (0xC000000U)
15224 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3PCSSEL_SHIFT            (26U)
15225 /*! TMR3PCSSEL - Quadtimer Channel3 Primary Count Source Select
15226  *  0b00..Bus Clock
15227  *  0b01..Peripheral Crossbar Output [9]
15228  *  0b10..Peripheral Crossbar Output [10]
15229  *  0b11..Disabled
15230  */
15231 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3PCSSEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3PCSSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_TMR3PCSSEL_MASK)
15233 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_RTCCLKSEL_MASK              (0x10000000U)
15234 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_RTCCLKSEL_SHIFT             (28U)
15235 /*! RTCCLKSEL - RTC Clock select
15236  *  0b0..RTC OSC_32K clock selected
15237  *  0b1..32K IRC Clock selected
15238  */
15239 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_RTCCLKSEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_RTCCLKSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_RTCCLKSEL_MASK)
15241 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFOUTEN_MASK           (0x20000000U)
15242 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFOUTEN_SHIFT          (29U)
15243 /*! VREFBUFOUTEN - VrefBuffer Output Enable
15244  *  0b0..Buffer does not drive PAD
15245  *  0b1..Buffer drives selected voltage (selected by vref_buffer_sel) on pad
15246  */
15247 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFOUTEN(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFOUTEN_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFOUTEN_MASK)
15249 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFINSEL_MASK           (0x40000000U)
15250 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFINSEL_SHIFT          (30U)
15251 /*! VREFBUFINSEL - VrefBuffer Input Select
15252  *  0b0..Internal Reference selected as Buffer Input
15253  *  0b1..External Reference selected as Buffer Input
15254  */
15255 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFINSEL(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFINSEL_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFINSEL_MASK)
15257 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFPD_MASK              (0x80000000U)
15258 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFPD_SHIFT             (31U)
15259 /*! VREFBUFPD - VrefBuffer Power Down
15260  *  0b0..Buffer Enabled
15261  *  0b1..Buffer Powered Down
15262  */
15263 #define SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFPD(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFPD_SHIFT)) & SIM_MISC_CTL_VREFBUFPD_MASK)
15264 /*! @} */
15267 /*!
15268  * @}
15269  */ /* end of group SIM_Register_Masks */
15272 /* SIM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
15273 /** Peripheral SIM base address */
15274 #define SIM_BASE                                 (0x4003E000u)
15275 /** Peripheral SIM base pointer */
15276 #define SIM                                      ((SIM_Type *)SIM_BASE)
15277 /** Array initializer of SIM peripheral base addresses */
15278 #define SIM_BASE_ADDRS                           { SIM_BASE }
15279 /** Array initializer of SIM peripheral base pointers */
15280 #define SIM_BASE_PTRS                            { SIM }
15282 /*!
15283  * @}
15284  */ /* end of group SIM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
15287 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15288    -- SMC Peripheral Access Layer
15289    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15291 /*!
15292  * @addtogroup SMC_Peripheral_Access_Layer SMC Peripheral Access Layer
15293  * @{
15294  */
15296 /** SMC - Register Layout Typedef */
15297 typedef struct {
15298   __IO uint8_t PMPROT;                             /**< Power Mode Protection register, offset: 0x0 */
15299   __IO uint8_t PMCTRL;                             /**< Power Mode Control register, offset: 0x1 */
15300   __IO uint8_t STOPCTRL;                           /**< Stop Control Register, offset: 0x2 */
15301   __I  uint8_t PMSTAT;                             /**< Power Mode Status register, offset: 0x3 */
15302 } SMC_Type;
15304 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15305    -- SMC Register Masks
15306    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15308 /*!
15309  * @addtogroup SMC_Register_Masks SMC Register Masks
15310  * @{
15311  */
15313 /*! @name PMPROT - Power Mode Protection register */
15314 /*! @{ */
15316 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_MASK                    (0x2U)
15317 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_SHIFT                   (1U)
15318 /*! AVLLS - Allow Very-Low-Leakage Stop Mode
15319  *  0b0..Any VLLSx mode is not allowed
15320  *  0b1..Any VLLSx mode is allowed
15321  */
15322 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMPROT_AVLLS_MASK)
15324 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_MASK                     (0x20U)
15325 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_SHIFT                    (5U)
15326 /*! AVLP - Allow Very-Low-Power Modes
15327  *  0b0..VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS are not allowed.
15328  *  0b1..VLPR, VLPW, and VLPS are allowed.
15329  */
15330 #define SMC_PMPROT_AVLP(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMPROT_AVLP_MASK)
15331 /*! @} */
15333 /*! @name PMCTRL - Power Mode Control register */
15334 /*! @{ */
15336 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_MASK                    (0x7U)
15337 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_SHIFT                   (0U)
15338 /*! STOPM - Stop Mode Control
15339  *  0b000..Normal Stop (STOP)
15340  *  0b001..Reserved
15341  *  0b010..Very-Low-Power Stop (VLPS)
15342  *  0b011..Reserved
15343  *  0b100..Very-Low-Leakage Stop (VLLSx)
15344  *  0b101..Reserved
15345  *  0b110..Reseved
15346  *  0b111..Reserved
15347  */
15348 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMCTRL_STOPM_MASK)
15350 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_MASK                    (0x8U)
15351 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_SHIFT                   (3U)
15352 /*! STOPA - Stop Aborted
15353  *  0b0..The previous stop mode entry was successful.
15354  *  0b1..The previous stop mode entry was aborted.
15355  */
15356 #define SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMCTRL_STOPA_MASK)
15358 #define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK                     (0x60U)
15359 #define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT                    (5U)
15360 /*! RUNM - Run Mode Control
15361  *  0b00..Normal Run mode (RUN)
15362  *  0b01..Reserved
15363  *  0b10..Very-Low-Power Run mode (VLPR)
15364  *  0b11..Reserved
15365  */
15366 #define SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMCTRL_RUNM_MASK)
15367 /*! @} */
15369 /*! @name STOPCTRL - Stop Control Register */
15370 /*! @{ */
15372 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_MASK                  (0x7U)
15373 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_SHIFT                 (0U)
15374 /*! VLLSM - VLLS Mode Control
15375  *  0b000..VLLS0
15376  *  0b001..VLLS1
15377  *  0b010..VLLS2
15378  *  0b011..VLLS3
15379  *  0b100..Reserved
15380  *  0b101..Reserved
15381  *  0b110..Reserved
15382  *  0b111..Reserved
15383  */
15384 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_SHIFT)) & SMC_STOPCTRL_VLLSM_MASK)
15386 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_MASK                  (0x20U)
15387 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_SHIFT                 (5U)
15388 /*! PORPO - POR Power Option
15389  *  0b0..POR detect circuit is enabled in VLLS0
15390  *  0b1..POR detect circuit is disabled in VLLS0
15391  */
15392 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_SHIFT)) & SMC_STOPCTRL_PORPO_MASK)
15394 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_MASK                 (0xC0U)
15395 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_SHIFT                (6U)
15396 /*! PSTOPO - Partial Stop Option
15397  *  0b00..STOP - Normal Stop mode
15398  *  0b01..PSTOP1 - Partial Stop with both system and bus clocks disabled
15399  *  0b10..PSTOP2 - Partial Stop with system clock disabled and bus clock enabled
15400  *  0b11..Reserved
15401  */
15402 #define SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_SHIFT)) & SMC_STOPCTRL_PSTOPO_MASK)
15403 /*! @} */
15405 /*! @name PMSTAT - Power Mode Status register */
15406 /*! @{ */
15408 #define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_MASK                   (0xFFU)
15409 #define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_SHIFT                  (0U)
15410 /*! PMSTAT - Power Mode Status
15411  */
15412 #define SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_SHIFT)) & SMC_PMSTAT_PMSTAT_MASK)
15413 /*! @} */
15416 /*!
15417  * @}
15418  */ /* end of group SMC_Register_Masks */
15421 /* SMC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
15422 /** Peripheral SMC base address */
15423 #define SMC_BASE                                 (0x4007E000u)
15424 /** Peripheral SMC base pointer */
15425 #define SMC                                      ((SMC_Type *)SMC_BASE)
15426 /** Array initializer of SMC peripheral base addresses */
15427 #define SMC_BASE_ADDRS                           { SMC_BASE }
15428 /** Array initializer of SMC peripheral base pointers */
15429 #define SMC_BASE_PTRS                            { SMC }
15431 /*!
15432  * @}
15433  */ /* end of group SMC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
15436 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15437    -- SPI Peripheral Access Layer
15438    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15440 /*!
15441  * @addtogroup SPI_Peripheral_Access_Layer SPI Peripheral Access Layer
15442  * @{
15443  */
15445 /** SPI - Register Layout Typedef */
15446 typedef struct {
15447   __IO uint8_t S;                                  /**< SPI Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
15448   __IO uint8_t BR;                                 /**< SPI Baud Rate Register, offset: 0x1 */
15449   __IO uint8_t C2;                                 /**< SPI Control Register 2, offset: 0x2 */
15450   __IO uint8_t C1;                                 /**< SPI Control Register 1, offset: 0x3 */
15451   __IO uint8_t ML;                                 /**< SPI Match Register low, offset: 0x4 */
15452   __IO uint8_t MH;                                 /**< SPI match register high, offset: 0x5 */
15453   __IO uint8_t DL;                                 /**< SPI Data Register low, offset: 0x6 */
15454   __IO uint8_t DH;                                 /**< SPI data register high, offset: 0x7 */
15455        uint8_t RESERVED_0[2];
15456   __IO uint8_t CI;                                 /**< SPI clear interrupt register, offset: 0xA */
15457   __IO uint8_t C3;                                 /**< SPI control register 3, offset: 0xB */
15458 } SPI_Type;
15460 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15461    -- SPI Register Masks
15462    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15464 /*!
15465  * @addtogroup SPI_Register_Masks SPI Register Masks
15466  * @{
15467  */
15469 /*! @name S - SPI Status Register */
15470 /*! @{ */
15472 #define SPI_S_RFIFOEF_MASK                       (0x1U)
15473 #define SPI_S_RFIFOEF_SHIFT                      (0U)
15474 /*! RFIFOEF - SPI read FIFO empty flag
15475  *  0b0..Read FIFO has data. Reads of the DH:DL registers in 16-bit mode or the DL register in 8-bit mode will empty the read FIFO.
15476  *  0b1..Read FIFO is empty.
15477  */
15478 #define SPI_S_RFIFOEF(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_RFIFOEF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_RFIFOEF_MASK)
15480 #define SPI_S_TXFULLF_MASK                       (0x2U)
15481 #define SPI_S_TXFULLF_SHIFT                      (1U)
15482 /*! TXFULLF - Transmit FIFO full flag
15483  *  0b0..Transmit FIFO has less than 8 bytes
15484  *  0b1..Transmit FIFO has 8 bytes of data
15485  */
15486 #define SPI_S_TXFULLF(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_TXFULLF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_TXFULLF_MASK)
15488 #define SPI_S_TNEAREF_MASK                       (0x4U)
15489 #define SPI_S_TNEAREF_SHIFT                      (2U)
15490 /*! TNEAREF - Transmit FIFO nearly empty flag
15491  *  0b0..Transmit FIFO has more than 16 bits (when C3[5] is 0) or more than 32 bits (when C3[5] is 1) remaining to transmit
15492  *  0b1..Transmit FIFO has an amount of data equal to or less than 16 bits (when C3[5] is 0) or 32 bits (when C3[5] is 1) remaining to transmit
15493  */
15494 #define SPI_S_TNEAREF(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_TNEAREF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_TNEAREF_MASK)
15496 #define SPI_S_RNFULLF_MASK                       (0x8U)
15497 #define SPI_S_RNFULLF_SHIFT                      (3U)
15498 /*! RNFULLF - Receive FIFO nearly full flag
15499  *  0b0..Receive FIFO has received less than 48 bits (when C3[4] is 0) or less than 32 bits (when C3[4] is 1)
15500  *  0b1..Receive FIFO has received data of an amount equal to or greater than 48 bits (when C3[4] is 0) or 32 bits (when C3[4] is 1)
15501  */
15502 #define SPI_S_RNFULLF(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_RNFULLF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_RNFULLF_MASK)
15504 #define SPI_S_MODF_MASK                          (0x10U)
15505 #define SPI_S_MODF_SHIFT                         (4U)
15506 /*! MODF - Master Mode Fault Flag
15507  *  0b0..No mode fault error
15508  *  0b1..Mode fault error detected
15509  */
15510 #define SPI_S_MODF(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_MODF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_MODF_MASK)
15512 #define SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK                         (0x20U)
15513 #define SPI_S_SPTEF_SHIFT                        (5U)
15514 /*! SPTEF - SPI Transmit Buffer Empty Flag (when FIFO is not supported or not enabled) or SPI
15515  *    transmit FIFO empty flag (when FIFO is supported and enabled)
15516  *  0b0..SPI transmit buffer not empty (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or SPI FIFO not empty (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15517  *  0b1..SPI transmit buffer empty (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or SPI FIFO empty (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15518  */
15519 #define SPI_S_SPTEF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_SPTEF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_SPTEF_MASK)
15521 #define SPI_S_SPMF_MASK                          (0x40U)
15522 #define SPI_S_SPMF_SHIFT                         (6U)
15523 /*! SPMF - SPI Match Flag
15524  *  0b0..Value in the receive data buffer does not match the value in the MH:ML registers
15525  *  0b1..Value in the receive data buffer matches the value in the MH:ML registers
15526  */
15527 #define SPI_S_SPMF(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_SPMF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_SPMF_MASK)
15529 #define SPI_S_SPRF_MASK                          (0x80U)
15530 #define SPI_S_SPRF_SHIFT                         (7U)
15531 /*! SPRF - SPI Read Buffer Full Flag (when FIFO is not supported or not enabled) or SPI read FIFO
15532  *    FULL flag (when FIFO is supported and enabled)
15533  *  0b0..No data available in the receive data buffer (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or Read FIFO is not full (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15534  *  0b1..Data available in the receive data buffer (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or Read FIFO is full (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15535  */
15536 #define SPI_S_SPRF(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_S_SPRF_SHIFT)) & SPI_S_SPRF_MASK)
15537 /*! @} */
15539 /*! @name BR - SPI Baud Rate Register */
15540 /*! @{ */
15542 #define SPI_BR_SPR_MASK                          (0xFU)
15543 #define SPI_BR_SPR_SHIFT                         (0U)
15544 /*! SPR - SPI Baud Rate Divisor
15545  *  0b0000..Baud rate divisor is 2.
15546  *  0b0001..Baud rate divisor is 4.
15547  *  0b0010..Baud rate divisor is 8.
15548  *  0b0011..Baud rate divisor is 16.
15549  *  0b0100..Baud rate divisor is 32.
15550  *  0b0101..Baud rate divisor is 64.
15551  *  0b0110..Baud rate divisor is 128.
15552  *  0b0111..Baud rate divisor is 256.
15553  *  0b1000..Baud rate divisor is 512.
15554  */
15555 #define SPI_BR_SPR(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_BR_SPR_SHIFT)) & SPI_BR_SPR_MASK)
15557 #define SPI_BR_SPPR_MASK                         (0x70U)
15558 #define SPI_BR_SPPR_SHIFT                        (4U)
15559 /*! SPPR - SPI Baud Rate Prescale Divisor
15560  *  0b000..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 1.
15561  *  0b001..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 2.
15562  *  0b010..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 3.
15563  *  0b011..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 4.
15564  *  0b100..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 5.
15565  *  0b101..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 6.
15566  *  0b110..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 7.
15567  *  0b111..Baud rate prescaler divisor is 8.
15568  */
15569 #define SPI_BR_SPPR(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_BR_SPPR_SHIFT)) & SPI_BR_SPPR_MASK)
15570 /*! @} */
15572 /*! @name C2 - SPI Control Register 2 */
15573 /*! @{ */
15575 #define SPI_C2_SPC0_MASK                         (0x1U)
15576 #define SPI_C2_SPC0_SHIFT                        (0U)
15577 /*! SPC0 - SPI Pin Control 0
15578  *  0b0..SPI uses separate pins for data input and data output (pin mode is normal). In master mode of operation:
15579  *       MISO is master in and MOSI is master out. In slave mode of operation: MISO is slave out and MOSI is slave
15580  *       in.
15581  *  0b1..SPI configured for single-wire bidirectional operation (pin mode is bidirectional). In master mode of
15582  *       operation: MISO is not used by SPI; MOSI is master in when BIDIROE is 0 or master I/O when BIDIROE is 1. In
15583  *       slave mode of operation: MISO is slave in when BIDIROE is 0 or slave I/O when BIDIROE is 1; MOSI is not
15584  *       used by SPI.
15585  */
15586 #define SPI_C2_SPC0(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_SPC0_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_SPC0_MASK)
15588 #define SPI_C2_SPISWAI_MASK                      (0x2U)
15589 #define SPI_C2_SPISWAI_SHIFT                     (1U)
15590 /*! SPISWAI - SPI Stop in Wait Mode
15591  *  0b0..SPI clocks continue to operate in Wait mode.
15592  *  0b1..SPI clocks stop when the MCU enters Wait mode.
15593  */
15594 #define SPI_C2_SPISWAI(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_SPISWAI_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_SPISWAI_MASK)
15596 #define SPI_C2_RXDMAE_MASK                       (0x4U)
15597 #define SPI_C2_RXDMAE_SHIFT                      (2U)
15598 /*! RXDMAE - Receive DMA enable
15599  *  0b0..DMA request for receive is disabled and interrupt from SPRF is allowed
15600  *  0b1..DMA request for receive is enabled and interrupt from SPRF is disabled
15601  */
15602 #define SPI_C2_RXDMAE(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_RXDMAE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_RXDMAE_MASK)
15604 #define SPI_C2_BIDIROE_MASK                      (0x8U)
15605 #define SPI_C2_BIDIROE_SHIFT                     (3U)
15606 /*! BIDIROE - Bidirectional Mode Output Enable
15607  *  0b0..Output driver disabled so SPI data I/O pin acts as an input
15608  *  0b1..SPI I/O pin enabled as an output
15609  */
15610 #define SPI_C2_BIDIROE(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_BIDIROE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_BIDIROE_MASK)
15612 #define SPI_C2_MODFEN_MASK                       (0x10U)
15613 #define SPI_C2_MODFEN_SHIFT                      (4U)
15614 /*! MODFEN - Master Mode-Fault Function Enable
15615  *  0b0..Mode fault function disabled, master SS pin reverts to general-purpose I/O not controlled by SPI
15616  *  0b1..Mode fault function enabled, master SS pin acts as the mode fault input or the slave select output
15617  */
15618 #define SPI_C2_MODFEN(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_MODFEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_MODFEN_MASK)
15620 #define SPI_C2_TXDMAE_MASK                       (0x20U)
15621 #define SPI_C2_TXDMAE_SHIFT                      (5U)
15622 /*! TXDMAE - Transmit DMA enable
15623  *  0b0..DMA request for transmit is disabled and interrupt from SPTEF is allowed
15624  *  0b1..DMA request for transmit is enabled and interrupt from SPTEF is disabled
15625  */
15626 #define SPI_C2_TXDMAE(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_TXDMAE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_TXDMAE_MASK)
15628 #define SPI_C2_SPIMODE_MASK                      (0x40U)
15629 #define SPI_C2_SPIMODE_SHIFT                     (6U)
15630 /*! SPIMODE - SPI 8-bit or 16-bit mode
15631  *  0b0..8-bit SPI shift register, match register, and buffers
15632  *  0b1..16-bit SPI shift register, match register, and buffers
15633  */
15634 #define SPI_C2_SPIMODE(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_SPIMODE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_SPIMODE_MASK)
15636 #define SPI_C2_SPMIE_MASK                        (0x80U)
15637 #define SPI_C2_SPMIE_SHIFT                       (7U)
15638 /*! SPMIE - SPI Match Interrupt Enable
15639  *  0b0..Interrupts from SPMF inhibited (use polling)
15640  *  0b1..When SPMF is 1, requests a hardware interrupt
15641  */
15642 #define SPI_C2_SPMIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C2_SPMIE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C2_SPMIE_MASK)
15643 /*! @} */
15645 /*! @name C1 - SPI Control Register 1 */
15646 /*! @{ */
15648 #define SPI_C1_LSBFE_MASK                        (0x1U)
15649 #define SPI_C1_LSBFE_SHIFT                       (0U)
15650 /*! LSBFE - LSB First (shifter direction)
15651  *  0b0..SPI serial data transfers start with the most significant bit.
15652  *  0b1..SPI serial data transfers start with the least significant bit.
15653  */
15654 #define SPI_C1_LSBFE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_LSBFE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_LSBFE_MASK)
15656 #define SPI_C1_SSOE_MASK                         (0x2U)
15657 #define SPI_C1_SSOE_SHIFT                        (1U)
15658 /*! SSOE - Slave Select Output Enable
15659  *  0b0..When C2[MODFEN] is 0: In master mode, SS pin function is general-purpose I/O (not SPI). In slave mode, SS
15660  *       pin function is slave select input. When C2[MODFEN] is 1: In master mode, SS pin function is SS input for
15661  *       mode fault. In slave mode, SS pin function is slave select input.
15662  *  0b1..When C2[MODFEN] is 0: In master mode, SS pin function is general-purpose I/O (not SPI). In slave mode, SS
15663  *       pin function is slave select input. When C2[MODFEN] is 1: In master mode, SS pin function is automatic SS
15664  *       output. In slave mode: SS pin function is slave select input.
15665  */
15666 #define SPI_C1_SSOE(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_SSOE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_SSOE_MASK)
15668 #define SPI_C1_CPHA_MASK                         (0x4U)
15669 #define SPI_C1_CPHA_SHIFT                        (2U)
15670 /*! CPHA - Clock Phase
15671  *  0b0..First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer.
15672  *  0b1..First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer.
15673  */
15674 #define SPI_C1_CPHA(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_CPHA_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_CPHA_MASK)
15676 #define SPI_C1_CPOL_MASK                         (0x8U)
15677 #define SPI_C1_CPOL_SHIFT                        (3U)
15678 /*! CPOL - Clock Polarity
15679  *  0b0..Active-high SPI clock (idles low)
15680  *  0b1..Active-low SPI clock (idles high)
15681  */
15682 #define SPI_C1_CPOL(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_CPOL_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_CPOL_MASK)
15684 #define SPI_C1_MSTR_MASK                         (0x10U)
15685 #define SPI_C1_MSTR_SHIFT                        (4U)
15686 /*! MSTR - Master/Slave Mode Select
15687  *  0b0..SPI module configured as a slave SPI device
15688  *  0b1..SPI module configured as a master SPI device
15689  */
15690 #define SPI_C1_MSTR(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_MSTR_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_MSTR_MASK)
15692 #define SPI_C1_SPTIE_MASK                        (0x20U)
15693 #define SPI_C1_SPTIE_SHIFT                       (5U)
15694 /*! SPTIE - SPI Transmit Interrupt Enable
15695  *  0b0..Interrupts from SPTEF inhibited (use polling)
15696  *  0b1..When SPTEF is 1, hardware interrupt requested
15697  */
15698 #define SPI_C1_SPTIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_SPTIE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_SPTIE_MASK)
15700 #define SPI_C1_SPE_MASK                          (0x40U)
15701 #define SPI_C1_SPE_SHIFT                         (6U)
15702 /*! SPE - SPI System Enable
15703  *  0b0..SPI system inactive
15704  *  0b1..SPI system enabled
15705  */
15706 #define SPI_C1_SPE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_SPE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_SPE_MASK)
15708 #define SPI_C1_SPIE_MASK                         (0x80U)
15709 #define SPI_C1_SPIE_SHIFT                        (7U)
15710 /*! SPIE - SPI Interrupt Enable: for SPRF and MODF (when FIFO is not supported or not enabled) or
15711  *    for read FIFO (when FIFO is supported and enabled)
15712  *  0b0..Interrupts from SPRF and MODF are inhibited-use polling (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or Read
15713  *       FIFO Full Interrupts are disabled (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15714  *  0b1..Request a hardware interrupt when SPRF or MODF is 1 (when FIFOMODE is not present or is 0) or Read FIFO
15715  *       Full Interrupts are enabled (when FIFOMODE is 1)
15716  */
15717 #define SPI_C1_SPIE(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C1_SPIE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C1_SPIE_MASK)
15718 /*! @} */
15720 /*! @name ML - SPI Match Register low */
15721 /*! @{ */
15723 #define SPI_ML_Bits_MASK                         (0xFFU)
15724 #define SPI_ML_Bits_SHIFT                        (0U)
15725 /*! Bits - Hardware compare value (low byte)
15726  */
15727 #define SPI_ML_Bits(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_ML_Bits_SHIFT)) & SPI_ML_Bits_MASK)
15728 /*! @} */
15730 /*! @name MH - SPI match register high */
15731 /*! @{ */
15733 #define SPI_MH_Bits_MASK                         (0xFFU)
15734 #define SPI_MH_Bits_SHIFT                        (0U)
15735 /*! Bits - Hardware compare value (high byte)
15736  */
15737 #define SPI_MH_Bits(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_MH_Bits_SHIFT)) & SPI_MH_Bits_MASK)
15738 /*! @} */
15740 /*! @name DL - SPI Data Register low */
15741 /*! @{ */
15743 #define SPI_DL_Bits_MASK                         (0xFFU)
15744 #define SPI_DL_Bits_SHIFT                        (0U)
15745 /*! Bits - Data (low byte)
15746  */
15747 #define SPI_DL_Bits(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_DL_Bits_SHIFT)) & SPI_DL_Bits_MASK)
15748 /*! @} */
15750 /*! @name DH - SPI data register high */
15751 /*! @{ */
15753 #define SPI_DH_Bits_MASK                         (0xFFU)
15754 #define SPI_DH_Bits_SHIFT                        (0U)
15755 /*! Bits - Data (high byte)
15756  */
15757 #define SPI_DH_Bits(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_DH_Bits_SHIFT)) & SPI_DH_Bits_MASK)
15758 /*! @} */
15760 /*! @name CI - SPI clear interrupt register */
15761 /*! @{ */
15763 #define SPI_CI_SPRFCI_MASK                       (0x1U)
15764 #define SPI_CI_SPRFCI_SHIFT                      (0U)
15765 /*! SPRFCI - Receive FIFO full flag clear interrupt
15766  */
15767 #define SPI_CI_SPRFCI(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_SPRFCI_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_SPRFCI_MASK)
15769 #define SPI_CI_SPTEFCI_MASK                      (0x2U)
15770 #define SPI_CI_SPTEFCI_SHIFT                     (1U)
15771 /*! SPTEFCI - Transmit FIFO empty flag clear interrupt
15772  */
15773 #define SPI_CI_SPTEFCI(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_SPTEFCI_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_SPTEFCI_MASK)
15775 #define SPI_CI_RNFULLFCI_MASK                    (0x4U)
15776 #define SPI_CI_RNFULLFCI_SHIFT                   (2U)
15777 /*! RNFULLFCI - Receive FIFO nearly full flag clear interrupt
15778  */
15779 #define SPI_CI_RNFULLFCI(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_RNFULLFCI_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_RNFULLFCI_MASK)
15781 #define SPI_CI_TNEAREFCI_MASK                    (0x8U)
15782 #define SPI_CI_TNEAREFCI_SHIFT                   (3U)
15783 /*! TNEAREFCI - Transmit FIFO nearly empty flag clear interrupt
15784  */
15785 #define SPI_CI_TNEAREFCI(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_TNEAREFCI_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_TNEAREFCI_MASK)
15787 #define SPI_CI_RXFOF_MASK                        (0x10U)
15788 #define SPI_CI_RXFOF_SHIFT                       (4U)
15789 /*! RXFOF - Receive FIFO overflow flag
15790  *  0b0..Receive FIFO overflow condition has not occurred
15791  *  0b1..Receive FIFO overflow condition occurred
15792  */
15793 #define SPI_CI_RXFOF(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_RXFOF_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_RXFOF_MASK)
15795 #define SPI_CI_TXFOF_MASK                        (0x20U)
15796 #define SPI_CI_TXFOF_SHIFT                       (5U)
15797 /*! TXFOF - Transmit FIFO overflow flag
15798  *  0b0..Transmit FIFO overflow condition has not occurred
15799  *  0b1..Transmit FIFO overflow condition occurred
15800  */
15801 #define SPI_CI_TXFOF(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_TXFOF_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_TXFOF_MASK)
15803 #define SPI_CI_RXFERR_MASK                       (0x40U)
15804 #define SPI_CI_RXFERR_SHIFT                      (6U)
15805 /*! RXFERR - Receive FIFO error flag
15806  *  0b0..No receive FIFO error occurred
15807  *  0b1..A receive FIFO error occurred
15808  */
15809 #define SPI_CI_RXFERR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_RXFERR_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_RXFERR_MASK)
15811 #define SPI_CI_TXFERR_MASK                       (0x80U)
15812 #define SPI_CI_TXFERR_SHIFT                      (7U)
15813 /*! TXFERR - Transmit FIFO error flag
15814  *  0b0..No transmit FIFO error occurred
15815  *  0b1..A transmit FIFO error occurred
15816  */
15817 #define SPI_CI_TXFERR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_CI_TXFERR_SHIFT)) & SPI_CI_TXFERR_MASK)
15818 /*! @} */
15820 /*! @name C3 - SPI control register 3 */
15821 /*! @{ */
15823 #define SPI_C3_FIFOMODE_MASK                     (0x1U)
15824 #define SPI_C3_FIFOMODE_SHIFT                    (0U)
15825 /*! FIFOMODE - FIFO mode enable
15826  *  0b0..Buffer mode disabled
15827  *  0b1..Data available in the receive data buffer
15828  */
15829 #define SPI_C3_FIFOMODE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_FIFOMODE_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_FIFOMODE_MASK)
15831 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLIEN_MASK                    (0x2U)
15832 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLIEN_SHIFT                   (1U)
15833 /*! RNFULLIEN - Receive FIFO nearly full interrupt enable
15834  *  0b0..No interrupt upon RNFULLF being set
15835  *  0b1..Enable interrupts upon RNFULLF being set
15836  */
15837 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLIEN(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_RNFULLIEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_RNFULLIEN_MASK)
15839 #define SPI_C3_TNEARIEN_MASK                     (0x4U)
15840 #define SPI_C3_TNEARIEN_SHIFT                    (2U)
15841 /*! TNEARIEN - Transmit FIFO nearly empty interrupt enable
15842  *  0b0..No interrupt upon TNEAREF being set
15843  *  0b1..Enable interrupts upon TNEAREF being set
15844  */
15845 #define SPI_C3_TNEARIEN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_TNEARIEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_TNEARIEN_MASK)
15847 #define SPI_C3_INTCLR_MASK                       (0x8U)
15848 #define SPI_C3_INTCLR_SHIFT                      (3U)
15849 /*! INTCLR - Interrupt clearing mechanism select
15850  *  0b0..These interrupts are cleared when the corresponding flags are cleared depending on the state of the FIFOs
15851  *  0b1..These interrupts are cleared by writing the corresponding bits in the CI register
15852  */
15853 #define SPI_C3_INTCLR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_INTCLR_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_INTCLR_MASK)
15855 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLF_MARK_MASK                 (0x10U)
15856 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLF_MARK_SHIFT                (4U)
15857 /*! RNFULLF_MARK - Receive FIFO nearly full watermark
15858  *  0b0..RNFULLF is set when the receive FIFO has 48 bits or more
15859  *  0b1..RNFULLF is set when the receive FIFO has 32 bits or more
15860  */
15861 #define SPI_C3_RNFULLF_MARK(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_RNFULLF_MARK_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_RNFULLF_MARK_MASK)
15863 #define SPI_C3_TNEAREF_MARK_MASK                 (0x20U)
15864 #define SPI_C3_TNEAREF_MARK_SHIFT                (5U)
15865 /*! TNEAREF_MARK - Transmit FIFO nearly empty watermark
15866  *  0b0..TNEAREF is set when the transmit FIFO has 16 bits or less
15867  *  0b1..TNEAREF is set when the transmit FIFO has 32 bits or less
15868  */
15869 #define SPI_C3_TNEAREF_MARK(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << SPI_C3_TNEAREF_MARK_SHIFT)) & SPI_C3_TNEAREF_MARK_MASK)
15870 /*! @} */
15873 /*!
15874  * @}
15875  */ /* end of group SPI_Register_Masks */
15878 /* SPI - Peripheral instance base addresses */
15879 /** Peripheral SPI0 base address */
15880 #define SPI0_BASE                                (0x40075000u)
15881 /** Peripheral SPI0 base pointer */
15882 #define SPI0                                     ((SPI_Type *)SPI0_BASE)
15883 /** Peripheral SPI1 base address */
15884 #define SPI1_BASE                                (0x40076000u)
15885 /** Peripheral SPI1 base pointer */
15886 #define SPI1                                     ((SPI_Type *)SPI1_BASE)
15887 /** Array initializer of SPI peripheral base addresses */
15888 #define SPI_BASE_ADDRS                           { SPI0_BASE, SPI1_BASE }
15889 /** Array initializer of SPI peripheral base pointers */
15890 #define SPI_BASE_PTRS                            { SPI0, SPI1 }
15891 /** Interrupt vectors for the SPI peripheral type */
15892 #define SPI_IRQS                                 { SPI0_IRQn, SPI1_IRQn }
15894 /*!
15895  * @}
15896  */ /* end of group SPI_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
15899 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15900    -- SYSMPU Peripheral Access Layer
15901    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15903 /*!
15904  * @addtogroup SYSMPU_Peripheral_Access_Layer SYSMPU Peripheral Access Layer
15905  * @{
15906  */
15908 /** SYSMPU - Register Layout Typedef */
15909 typedef struct {
15910   __IO uint32_t CESR;                              /**< Control/Error Status Register, offset: 0x0 */
15911        uint8_t RESERVED_0[12];
15912   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8 */
15913     __I  uint32_t EAR;                               /**< Error Address Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x10, array step: 0x8 */
15914     __I  uint32_t EDR;                               /**< Error Detail Register, slave port n, array offset: 0x14, array step: 0x8 */
15915   } SP[2];
15916        uint8_t RESERVED_1[992];
15917   __IO uint32_t WORD[8][4];                        /**< Region Descriptor n, Word 0..Region Descriptor n, Word 3, array offset: 0x400, array step: index*0x10, index2*0x4 */
15918        uint8_t RESERVED_2[896];
15919   __IO uint32_t RGDAAC[8];                         /**< Region Descriptor Alternate Access Control n, array offset: 0x800, array step: 0x4 */
15920 } SYSMPU_Type;
15922 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15923    -- SYSMPU Register Masks
15924    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15926 /*!
15927  * @addtogroup SYSMPU_Register_Masks SYSMPU Register Masks
15928  * @{
15929  */
15931 /*! @name CESR - Control/Error Status Register */
15932 /*! @{ */
15934 #define SYSMPU_CESR_VLD_MASK                     (0x1U)
15935 #define SYSMPU_CESR_VLD_SHIFT                    (0U)
15936 /*! VLD - Valid
15937  *  0b0..MPU is disabled. All accesses from all bus masters are allowed.
15938  *  0b1..MPU is enabled
15939  */
15940 #define SYSMPU_CESR_VLD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_CESR_VLD_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_CESR_VLD_MASK)
15942 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NRGD_MASK                    (0xF00U)
15943 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NRGD_SHIFT                   (8U)
15944 /*! NRGD - Number Of Region Descriptors
15945  *  0b0000..8 region descriptors
15946  *  0b0001..12 region descriptors
15947  *  0b0010..16 region descriptors
15948  */
15949 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NRGD(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_CESR_NRGD_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_CESR_NRGD_MASK)
15951 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NSP_MASK                     (0xF000U)
15952 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NSP_SHIFT                    (12U)
15953 /*! NSP - Number Of Slave Ports
15954  */
15955 #define SYSMPU_CESR_NSP(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_CESR_NSP_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_CESR_NSP_MASK)
15957 #define SYSMPU_CESR_HRL_MASK                     (0xF0000U)
15958 #define SYSMPU_CESR_HRL_SHIFT                    (16U)
15959 /*! HRL - Hardware Revision Level
15960  */
15961 #define SYSMPU_CESR_HRL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_CESR_HRL_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_CESR_HRL_MASK)
15963 #define SYSMPU_CESR_SPERR_MASK                   (0xC0000000U)
15964 #define SYSMPU_CESR_SPERR_SHIFT                  (30U)
15965 /*! SPERR - Slave Port n Error
15966  *  0b00..No error has occurred for slave port n.
15967  *  0b01..An error has occurred for slave port n.
15968  */
15969 #define SYSMPU_CESR_SPERR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_CESR_SPERR_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_CESR_SPERR_MASK)
15970 /*! @} */
15972 /*! @name EAR - Error Address Register, slave port n */
15973 /*! @{ */
15975 #define SYSMPU_EAR_EADDR_MASK                    (0xFFFFFFFFU)
15976 #define SYSMPU_EAR_EADDR_SHIFT                   (0U)
15977 /*! EADDR - Error Address
15978  */
15979 #define SYSMPU_EAR_EADDR(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EAR_EADDR_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EAR_EADDR_MASK)
15980 /*! @} */
15982 /* The count of SYSMPU_EAR */
15983 #define SYSMPU_EAR_COUNT                         (2U)
15985 /*! @name EDR - Error Detail Register, slave port n */
15986 /*! @{ */
15988 #define SYSMPU_EDR_ERW_MASK                      (0x1U)
15989 #define SYSMPU_EDR_ERW_SHIFT                     (0U)
15990 /*! ERW - Error Read/Write
15991  *  0b0..Read
15992  *  0b1..Write
15993  */
15994 #define SYSMPU_EDR_ERW(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EDR_ERW_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EDR_ERW_MASK)
15996 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EATTR_MASK                    (0xEU)
15997 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EATTR_SHIFT                   (1U)
15998 /*! EATTR - Error Attributes
15999  *  0b000..User mode, instruction access
16000  *  0b001..User mode, data access
16001  *  0b010..Supervisor mode, instruction access
16002  *  0b011..Supervisor mode, data access
16003  */
16004 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EATTR(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EDR_EATTR_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EDR_EATTR_MASK)
16006 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EMN_MASK                      (0xF0U)
16007 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EMN_SHIFT                     (4U)
16008 /*! EMN - Error Master Number
16009  */
16010 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EMN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EDR_EMN_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EDR_EMN_MASK)
16012 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EPID_MASK                     (0xFF00U)
16013 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EPID_SHIFT                    (8U)
16014 /*! EPID - Error Process Identification
16015  */
16016 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EPID(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EDR_EPID_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EDR_EPID_MASK)
16018 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EACD_MASK                     (0xFFFF0000U)
16019 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EACD_SHIFT                    (16U)
16020 /*! EACD - Error Access Control Detail
16021  */
16022 #define SYSMPU_EDR_EACD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_EDR_EACD_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_EDR_EACD_MASK)
16023 /*! @} */
16025 /* The count of SYSMPU_EDR */
16026 #define SYSMPU_EDR_COUNT                         (2U)
16028 /*! @name WORD - Region Descriptor n, Word 0..Region Descriptor n, Word 3 */
16029 /*! @{ */
16031 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0UM_MASK                    (0x7U)
16032 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0UM_SHIFT                   (0U)
16033 /*! M0UM - Bus Master 0 User Mode Access Control
16034  */
16035 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0UM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M0UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M0UM_MASK)
16037 #define SYSMPU_WORD_VLD_MASK                     (0x1U)
16038 #define SYSMPU_WORD_VLD_SHIFT                    (0U)
16039 /*! VLD - Valid
16040  *  0b0..Region descriptor is invalid
16041  *  0b1..Region descriptor is valid
16042  */
16043 #define SYSMPU_WORD_VLD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_VLD_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_VLD_MASK)
16045 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0SM_MASK                    (0x18U)
16046 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0SM_SHIFT                   (3U)
16047 /*! M0SM - Bus Master 0 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16048  */
16049 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0SM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M0SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M0SM_MASK)
16051 #define SYSMPU_WORD_ENDADDR_MASK                 (0xFFFFFFE0U)
16052 #define SYSMPU_WORD_ENDADDR_SHIFT                (5U)
16053 /*! ENDADDR - End Address
16054  */
16055 #define SYSMPU_WORD_ENDADDR(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_ENDADDR_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_ENDADDR_MASK)
16057 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0PE_MASK                    (0x20U)
16058 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0PE_SHIFT                   (5U)
16059 /*! M0PE - Bus Master 0 Process Identifier enable
16060  */
16061 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M0PE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M0PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M0PE_MASK)
16063 #define SYSMPU_WORD_SRTADDR_MASK                 (0xFFFFFFE0U)
16064 #define SYSMPU_WORD_SRTADDR_SHIFT                (5U)
16065 /*! SRTADDR - Start Address
16066  */
16067 #define SYSMPU_WORD_SRTADDR(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_SRTADDR_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_SRTADDR_MASK)
16069 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1UM_MASK                    (0x1C0U)
16070 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1UM_SHIFT                   (6U)
16071 /*! M1UM - Bus Master 1 User Mode Access Control
16072  */
16073 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1UM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M1UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M1UM_MASK)
16075 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1SM_MASK                    (0x600U)
16076 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1SM_SHIFT                   (9U)
16077 /*! M1SM - Bus Master 1 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16078  */
16079 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1SM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M1SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M1SM_MASK)
16081 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1PE_MASK                    (0x800U)
16082 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1PE_SHIFT                   (11U)
16083 /*! M1PE - Bus Master 1 Process Identifier enable
16084  */
16085 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M1PE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M1PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M1PE_MASK)
16087 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2UM_MASK                    (0x7000U)
16088 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2UM_SHIFT                   (12U)
16089 /*! M2UM - Bus Master 2 User Mode Access control
16090  */
16091 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2UM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M2UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M2UM_MASK)
16093 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2SM_MASK                    (0x18000U)
16094 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2SM_SHIFT                   (15U)
16095 /*! M2SM - Bus Master 2 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16096  */
16097 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2SM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M2SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M2SM_MASK)
16099 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PIDMASK_MASK                 (0xFF0000U)
16100 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PIDMASK_SHIFT                (16U)
16101 /*! PIDMASK - Process Identifier Mask
16102  */
16103 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PIDMASK(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_PIDMASK_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_PIDMASK_MASK)
16105 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2PE_MASK                    (0x20000U)
16106 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2PE_SHIFT                   (17U)
16107 /*! M2PE - Bus Master 2 Process Identifier Enable
16108  */
16109 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M2PE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M2PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M2PE_MASK)
16111 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3UM_MASK                    (0x1C0000U)
16112 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3UM_SHIFT                   (18U)
16113 /*! M3UM - Bus Master 3 User Mode Access Control
16114  *  0b000..An attempted access of that mode may be terminated with an access error (if not allowed by another descriptor) and the access not performed.
16115  *  0b001..Allows the given access type to occur
16116  */
16117 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3UM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M3UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M3UM_MASK)
16119 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3SM_MASK                    (0x600000U)
16120 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3SM_SHIFT                   (21U)
16121 /*! M3SM - Bus Master 3 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16122  *  0b00..r/w/x; read, write and execute allowed
16123  *  0b01..r/x; read and execute allowed, but no write
16124  *  0b10..r/w; read and write allowed, but no execute
16125  *  0b11..Same as User mode defined in M3UM
16126  */
16127 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3SM(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M3SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M3SM_MASK)
16129 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3PE_MASK                    (0x800000U)
16130 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3PE_SHIFT                   (23U)
16131 /*! M3PE - Bus Master 3 Process Identifier Enable
16132  *  0b0..Do not include the process identifier in the evaluation
16133  *  0b1..Include the process identifier and mask (RGDn_WORD3) in the region hit evaluation
16134  */
16135 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M3PE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M3PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M3PE_MASK)
16137 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4WE_MASK                    (0x1000000U)
16138 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4WE_SHIFT                   (24U)
16139 /*! M4WE - Bus Master 4 Write Enable
16140  *  0b0..Bus master 4 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16141  *  0b1..Bus master 4 writes allowed
16142  */
16143 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4WE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M4WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M4WE_MASK)
16145 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PID_MASK                     (0xFF000000U)
16146 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PID_SHIFT                    (24U)
16147 /*! PID - Process Identifier
16148  */
16149 #define SYSMPU_WORD_PID(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_PID_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_PID_MASK)
16151 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4RE_MASK                    (0x2000000U)
16152 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4RE_SHIFT                   (25U)
16153 /*! M4RE - Bus Master 4 Read Enable
16154  *  0b0..Bus master 4 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16155  *  0b1..Bus master 4 reads allowed
16156  */
16157 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M4RE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M4RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M4RE_MASK)
16159 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5WE_MASK                    (0x4000000U)
16160 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5WE_SHIFT                   (26U)
16161 /*! M5WE - Bus Master 5 Write Enable
16162  *  0b0..Bus master 5 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16163  *  0b1..Bus master 5 writes allowed
16164  */
16165 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5WE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M5WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M5WE_MASK)
16167 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5RE_MASK                    (0x8000000U)
16168 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5RE_SHIFT                   (27U)
16169 /*! M5RE - Bus Master 5 Read Enable
16170  *  0b0..Bus master 5 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16171  *  0b1..Bus master 5 reads allowed
16172  */
16173 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M5RE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M5RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M5RE_MASK)
16175 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6WE_MASK                    (0x10000000U)
16176 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6WE_SHIFT                   (28U)
16177 /*! M6WE - Bus Master 6 Write Enable
16178  *  0b0..Bus master 6 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16179  *  0b1..Bus master 6 writes allowed
16180  */
16181 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6WE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M6WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M6WE_MASK)
16183 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6RE_MASK                    (0x20000000U)
16184 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6RE_SHIFT                   (29U)
16185 /*! M6RE - Bus Master 6 Read Enable
16186  *  0b0..Bus master 6 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16187  *  0b1..Bus master 6 reads allowed
16188  */
16189 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M6RE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M6RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M6RE_MASK)
16191 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7WE_MASK                    (0x40000000U)
16192 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7WE_SHIFT                   (30U)
16193 /*! M7WE - Bus Master 7 Write Enable
16194  *  0b0..Bus master 7 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16195  *  0b1..Bus master 7 writes allowed
16196  */
16197 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7WE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M7WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M7WE_MASK)
16199 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7RE_MASK                    (0x80000000U)
16200 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7RE_SHIFT                   (31U)
16201 /*! M7RE - Bus Master 7 Read Enable
16202  *  0b0..Bus master 7 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16203  *  0b1..Bus master 7 reads allowed
16204  */
16205 #define SYSMPU_WORD_M7RE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_WORD_M7RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_WORD_M7RE_MASK)
16206 /*! @} */
16208 /* The count of SYSMPU_WORD */
16209 #define SYSMPU_WORD_COUNT                        (8U)
16211 /* The count of SYSMPU_WORD */
16212 #define SYSMPU_WORD_COUNT2                       (4U)
16214 /*! @name RGDAAC - Region Descriptor Alternate Access Control n */
16215 /*! @{ */
16217 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0UM_MASK                  (0x7U)
16218 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0UM_SHIFT                 (0U)
16219 /*! M0UM - Bus Master 0 User Mode Access Control
16220  */
16221 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0UM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0UM_MASK)
16223 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0SM_MASK                  (0x18U)
16224 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0SM_SHIFT                 (3U)
16225 /*! M0SM - Bus Master 0 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16226  */
16227 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0SM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0SM_MASK)
16229 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0PE_MASK                  (0x20U)
16230 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0PE_SHIFT                 (5U)
16231 /*! M0PE - Bus Master 0 Process Identifier Enable
16232  */
16233 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0PE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M0PE_MASK)
16235 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1UM_MASK                  (0x1C0U)
16236 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1UM_SHIFT                 (6U)
16237 /*! M1UM - Bus Master 1 User Mode Access Control
16238  */
16239 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1UM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1UM_MASK)
16241 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1SM_MASK                  (0x600U)
16242 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1SM_SHIFT                 (9U)
16243 /*! M1SM - Bus Master 1 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16244  */
16245 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1SM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1SM_MASK)
16247 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1PE_MASK                  (0x800U)
16248 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1PE_SHIFT                 (11U)
16249 /*! M1PE - Bus Master 1 Process Identifier Enable
16250  */
16251 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1PE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M1PE_MASK)
16253 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2UM_MASK                  (0x7000U)
16254 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2UM_SHIFT                 (12U)
16255 /*! M2UM - Bus Master 2 User Mode Access Control
16256  */
16257 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2UM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2UM_MASK)
16259 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2SM_MASK                  (0x18000U)
16260 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2SM_SHIFT                 (15U)
16261 /*! M2SM - Bus Master 2 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16262  */
16263 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2SM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2SM_MASK)
16265 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2PE_MASK                  (0x20000U)
16266 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2PE_SHIFT                 (17U)
16267 /*! M2PE - Bus Master 2 Process Identifier Enable
16268  */
16269 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2PE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M2PE_MASK)
16271 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3UM_MASK                  (0x1C0000U)
16272 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3UM_SHIFT                 (18U)
16273 /*! M3UM - Bus Master 3 User Mode Access Control
16274  *  0b000..An attempted access of that mode may be terminated with an access error (if not allowed by another descriptor) and the access not performed.
16275  *  0b001..Allows the given access type to occur
16276  */
16277 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3UM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3UM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3UM_MASK)
16279 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3SM_MASK                  (0x600000U)
16280 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3SM_SHIFT                 (21U)
16281 /*! M3SM - Bus Master 3 Supervisor Mode Access Control
16282  *  0b00..r/w/x; read, write and execute allowed
16283  *  0b01..r/x; read and execute allowed, but no write
16284  *  0b10..r/w; read and write allowed, but no execute
16285  *  0b11..Same as User mode defined in M3UM
16286  */
16287 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3SM(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3SM_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3SM_MASK)
16289 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3PE_MASK                  (0x800000U)
16290 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3PE_SHIFT                 (23U)
16291 /*! M3PE - Bus Master 3 Process Identifier Enable
16292  *  0b0..Do not include the process identifier in the evaluation
16293  *  0b1..Include the process identifier and mask (RGDn.RGDAAC) in the region hit evaluation
16294  */
16295 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3PE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3PE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M3PE_MASK)
16297 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4WE_MASK                  (0x1000000U)
16298 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4WE_SHIFT                 (24U)
16299 /*! M4WE - Bus Master 4 Write Enable
16300  *  0b0..Bus master 4 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16301  *  0b1..Bus master 4 writes allowed
16302  */
16303 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4WE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4WE_MASK)
16305 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4RE_MASK                  (0x2000000U)
16306 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4RE_SHIFT                 (25U)
16307 /*! M4RE - Bus Master 4 Read Enable
16308  *  0b0..Bus master 4 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16309  *  0b1..Bus master 4 reads allowed
16310  */
16311 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4RE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M4RE_MASK)
16313 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5WE_MASK                  (0x4000000U)
16314 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5WE_SHIFT                 (26U)
16315 /*! M5WE - Bus Master 5 Write Enable
16316  *  0b0..Bus master 5 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16317  *  0b1..Bus master 5 writes allowed
16318  */
16319 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5WE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5WE_MASK)
16321 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5RE_MASK                  (0x8000000U)
16322 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5RE_SHIFT                 (27U)
16323 /*! M5RE - Bus Master 5 Read Enable
16324  *  0b0..Bus master 5 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16325  *  0b1..Bus master 5 reads allowed
16326  */
16327 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5RE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M5RE_MASK)
16329 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6WE_MASK                  (0x10000000U)
16330 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6WE_SHIFT                 (28U)
16331 /*! M6WE - Bus Master 6 Write Enable
16332  *  0b0..Bus master 6 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16333  *  0b1..Bus master 6 writes allowed
16334  */
16335 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6WE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6WE_MASK)
16337 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6RE_MASK                  (0x20000000U)
16338 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6RE_SHIFT                 (29U)
16339 /*! M6RE - Bus Master 6 Read Enable
16340  *  0b0..Bus master 6 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16341  *  0b1..Bus master 6 reads allowed
16342  */
16343 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6RE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M6RE_MASK)
16345 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7WE_MASK                  (0x40000000U)
16346 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7WE_SHIFT                 (30U)
16347 /*! M7WE - Bus Master 7 Write Enable
16348  *  0b0..Bus master 7 writes terminate with an access error and the write is not performed
16349  *  0b1..Bus master 7 writes allowed
16350  */
16351 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7WE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7WE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7WE_MASK)
16353 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7RE_MASK                  (0x80000000U)
16354 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7RE_SHIFT                 (31U)
16355 /*! M7RE - Bus Master 7 Read Enable
16356  *  0b0..Bus master 7 reads terminate with an access error and the read is not performed
16357  *  0b1..Bus master 7 reads allowed
16358  */
16359 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7RE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7RE_SHIFT)) & SYSMPU_RGDAAC_M7RE_MASK)
16360 /*! @} */
16362 /* The count of SYSMPU_RGDAAC */
16363 #define SYSMPU_RGDAAC_COUNT                      (8U)
16366 /*!
16367  * @}
16368  */ /* end of group SYSMPU_Register_Masks */
16371 /* SYSMPU - Peripheral instance base addresses */
16372 /** Peripheral SYSMPU base address */
16373 #define SYSMPU_BASE                              (0x4000A000u)
16374 /** Peripheral SYSMPU base pointer */
16375 #define SYSMPU                                   ((SYSMPU_Type *)SYSMPU_BASE)
16376 /** Array initializer of SYSMPU peripheral base addresses */
16377 #define SYSMPU_BASE_ADDRS                        { SYSMPU_BASE }
16378 /** Array initializer of SYSMPU peripheral base pointers */
16379 #define SYSMPU_BASE_PTRS                         { SYSMPU }
16381 /*!
16382  * @}
16383  */ /* end of group SYSMPU_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
16386 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16387    -- TMR Peripheral Access Layer
16388    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16390 /*!
16391  * @addtogroup TMR_Peripheral_Access_Layer TMR Peripheral Access Layer
16392  * @{
16393  */
16395 /** TMR - Register Layout Typedef */
16396 typedef struct {
16397   __IO uint16_t COMP1;                             /**< Timer Channel Compare Register 1, offset: 0x0 */
16398   __IO uint16_t COMP2;                             /**< Timer Channel Compare Register 2, offset: 0x2 */
16399   __IO uint16_t CAPT;                              /**< Timer Channel Capture Register, offset: 0x4 */
16400   __IO uint16_t LOAD;                              /**< Timer Channel Load Register, offset: 0x6 */
16401   __IO uint16_t HOLD;                              /**< Timer Channel Hold Register, offset: 0x8 */
16402   __IO uint16_t CNTR;                              /**< Timer Channel Counter Register, offset: 0xA */
16403   __IO uint16_t CTRL;                              /**< Timer Channel Control Register, offset: 0xC */
16404   __IO uint16_t SCTRL;                             /**< Timer Channel Status and Control Register, offset: 0xE */
16405   __IO uint16_t CMPLD1;                            /**< Timer Channel Comparator Load Register 1, offset: 0x10 */
16406   __IO uint16_t CMPLD2;                            /**< Timer Channel Comparator Load Register 2, offset: 0x12 */
16407   __IO uint16_t CSCTRL;                            /**< Timer Channel Comparator Status and Control Register, offset: 0x14 */
16408   __IO uint16_t FILT;                              /**< Timer Channel Input Filter Register, offset: 0x16 */
16409        uint8_t RESERVED_0[6];
16410   __IO uint16_t ENBL;                              /**< Timer Channel Enable Register, offset: 0x1E */
16411 } TMR_Type;
16413 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16414    -- TMR Register Masks
16415    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16417 /*!
16418  * @addtogroup TMR_Register_Masks TMR Register Masks
16419  * @{
16420  */
16422 /*! @name COMP1 - Timer Channel Compare Register 1 */
16423 /*! @{ */
16425 #define TMR_COMP1_COMPARISON_1_MASK              (0xFFFFU)
16426 #define TMR_COMP1_COMPARISON_1_SHIFT             (0U)
16427 /*! COMPARISON_1 - Comparison Value 1
16428  */
16429 #define TMR_COMP1_COMPARISON_1(x)                (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_COMP1_COMPARISON_1_SHIFT)) & TMR_COMP1_COMPARISON_1_MASK)
16430 /*! @} */
16432 /*! @name COMP2 - Timer Channel Compare Register 2 */
16433 /*! @{ */
16435 #define TMR_COMP2_COMPARISON_2_MASK              (0xFFFFU)
16436 #define TMR_COMP2_COMPARISON_2_SHIFT             (0U)
16437 /*! COMPARISON_2 - Comparison Value 2
16438  */
16439 #define TMR_COMP2_COMPARISON_2(x)                (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_COMP2_COMPARISON_2_SHIFT)) & TMR_COMP2_COMPARISON_2_MASK)
16440 /*! @} */
16442 /*! @name CAPT - Timer Channel Capture Register */
16443 /*! @{ */
16445 #define TMR_CAPT_CAPTURE_MASK                    (0xFFFFU)
16446 #define TMR_CAPT_CAPTURE_SHIFT                   (0U)
16447 /*! CAPTURE - Capture Value
16448  */
16449 #define TMR_CAPT_CAPTURE(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CAPT_CAPTURE_SHIFT)) & TMR_CAPT_CAPTURE_MASK)
16450 /*! @} */
16452 /*! @name LOAD - Timer Channel Load Register */
16453 /*! @{ */
16455 #define TMR_LOAD_LOAD_MASK                       (0xFFFFU)
16456 #define TMR_LOAD_LOAD_SHIFT                      (0U)
16457 /*! LOAD - Timer Load Register
16458  */
16459 #define TMR_LOAD_LOAD(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_LOAD_LOAD_SHIFT)) & TMR_LOAD_LOAD_MASK)
16460 /*! @} */
16462 /*! @name HOLD - Timer Channel Hold Register */
16463 /*! @{ */
16465 #define TMR_HOLD_HOLD_MASK                       (0xFFFFU)
16466 #define TMR_HOLD_HOLD_SHIFT                      (0U)
16467 #define TMR_HOLD_HOLD(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_HOLD_HOLD_SHIFT)) & TMR_HOLD_HOLD_MASK)
16468 /*! @} */
16470 /*! @name CNTR - Timer Channel Counter Register */
16471 /*! @{ */
16473 #define TMR_CNTR_COUNTER_MASK                    (0xFFFFU)
16474 #define TMR_CNTR_COUNTER_SHIFT                   (0U)
16475 #define TMR_CNTR_COUNTER(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CNTR_COUNTER_SHIFT)) & TMR_CNTR_COUNTER_MASK)
16476 /*! @} */
16478 /*! @name CTRL - Timer Channel Control Register */
16479 /*! @{ */
16481 #define TMR_CTRL_OUTMODE_MASK                    (0x7U)
16482 #define TMR_CTRL_OUTMODE_SHIFT                   (0U)
16483 /*! OUTMODE - Output Mode
16484  *  0b000..Asserted while counter is active
16485  *  0b001..Clear OFLAG output on successful compare
16486  *  0b010..Set OFLAG output on successful compare
16487  *  0b011..Toggle OFLAG output on successful compare
16488  *  0b100..Toggle OFLAG output using alternating compare registers
16489  *  0b101..Set on compare, cleared on secondary source input edge
16490  *  0b110..Set on compare, cleared on counter rollover
16491  *  0b111..Enable gated clock output while counter is active
16492  */
16493 #define TMR_CTRL_OUTMODE(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_OUTMODE_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_OUTMODE_MASK)
16495 #define TMR_CTRL_COINIT_MASK                     (0x8U)
16496 #define TMR_CTRL_COINIT_SHIFT                    (3U)
16497 /*! COINIT - Co-Channel Initialization
16498  *  0b0..Co-channel counter/timers cannot force a re-initialization of this counter/timer
16499  *  0b1..Co-channel counter/timers may force a re-initialization of this counter/timer
16500  */
16501 #define TMR_CTRL_COINIT(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_COINIT_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_COINIT_MASK)
16503 #define TMR_CTRL_DIR_MASK                        (0x10U)
16504 #define TMR_CTRL_DIR_SHIFT                       (4U)
16505 /*! DIR - Count Direction
16506  *  0b0..Count up.
16507  *  0b1..Count down.
16508  */
16509 #define TMR_CTRL_DIR(x)                          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_DIR_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_DIR_MASK)
16511 #define TMR_CTRL_LENGTH_MASK                     (0x20U)
16512 #define TMR_CTRL_LENGTH_SHIFT                    (5U)
16513 /*! LENGTH - Count Length
16514  *  0b0..Roll over.
16515  *  0b1..Count until compare, then re-initialize. If counting up, a successful compare occurs when the counter
16516  *       reaches a COMP1 value. If counting down, a successful compare occurs when the counter reaches a COMP2 value.
16517  *       When output mode $4 is used, alternating values of COMP1 and COMP2 are used to generate successful
16518  *       comparisons. For example, the counter counts until a COMP1 value is reached, re-initializes, counts until COMP2
16519  *       value is reached, re-initializes, counts until COMP1 value is reached, and so on.
16520  */
16521 #define TMR_CTRL_LENGTH(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_LENGTH_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_LENGTH_MASK)
16523 #define TMR_CTRL_ONCE_MASK                       (0x40U)
16524 #define TMR_CTRL_ONCE_SHIFT                      (6U)
16525 /*! ONCE - Count Once
16526  *  0b0..Count repeatedly.
16527  *  0b1..Count until compare and then stop. If counting up, a successful compare occurs when the counter reaches a
16528  *       COMP1 value. If counting down, a successful compare occurs when the counter reaches a COMP2 value. When
16529  *       output mode $4 is used, the counter re-initializes after reaching the COMP1 value, continues to count to
16530  *       the COMP2 value, and then stops.
16531  */
16532 #define TMR_CTRL_ONCE(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_ONCE_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_ONCE_MASK)
16534 #define TMR_CTRL_SCS_MASK                        (0x180U)
16535 #define TMR_CTRL_SCS_SHIFT                       (7U)
16536 /*! SCS - Secondary Count Source
16537  *  0b00..Counter 0 input pin
16538  *  0b01..Counter 1 input pin
16539  *  0b10..Counter 2 input pin
16540  *  0b11..Counter 3 input pin
16541  */
16542 #define TMR_CTRL_SCS(x)                          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_SCS_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_SCS_MASK)
16544 #define TMR_CTRL_PCS_MASK                        (0x1E00U)
16545 #define TMR_CTRL_PCS_SHIFT                       (9U)
16546 /*! PCS - Primary Count Source
16547  *  0b0000..Counter 0 input pin
16548  *  0b0001..Counter 1 input pin
16549  *  0b0010..Counter 2 input pin
16550  *  0b0011..Counter 3 input pin
16551  *  0b0100..Counter 0 output
16552  *  0b0101..Counter 1 output
16553  *  0b0110..Counter 2 output
16554  *  0b0111..Counter 3 output
16555  *  0b1000..IP bus clock divide by 1 prescaler
16556  *  0b1001..IP bus clock divide by 2 prescaler
16557  *  0b1010..IP bus clock divide by 4 prescaler
16558  *  0b1011..IP bus clock divide by 8 prescaler
16559  *  0b1100..IP bus clock divide by 16 prescaler
16560  *  0b1101..IP bus clock divide by 32 prescaler
16561  *  0b1110..IP bus clock divide by 64 prescaler
16562  *  0b1111..IP bus clock divide by 128 prescaler
16563  */
16564 #define TMR_CTRL_PCS(x)                          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_PCS_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_PCS_MASK)
16566 #define TMR_CTRL_CM_MASK                         (0xE000U)
16567 #define TMR_CTRL_CM_SHIFT                        (13U)
16568 /*! CM - Count Mode
16569  *  0b000..No operation
16570  *  0b001..Count rising edges of primary sourceRising edges are counted only when SCTRL[IPS] = 0. Falling edges
16571  *         are counted when SCTRL[IPS] = 1. If the primary count source is IP bus clock divide by 1, only rising
16572  *         edges are counted regardless of the value of SCTRL[IPS].
16573  *  0b010..Count rising and falling edges of primary sourceIP bus clock divide by 1 cannot be used as a primary count source in edge count mode.
16574  *  0b011..Count rising edges of primary source while secondary input high active
16575  *  0b100..Quadrature count mode, uses primary and secondary sources
16576  *  0b101..Count rising edges of primary source; secondary source specifies directionRising edges are counted only
16577  *         when SCTRL[IPS] = 0. Falling edges are counted when SCTRL[IPS] = 1.
16578  *  0b110..Edge of secondary source triggers primary count until compare
16579  *  0b111..Cascaded counter mode (up/down)The primary count source must be set to one of the counter outputs.
16580  */
16581 #define TMR_CTRL_CM(x)                           (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CTRL_CM_SHIFT)) & TMR_CTRL_CM_MASK)
16582 /*! @} */
16584 /*! @name SCTRL - Timer Channel Status and Control Register */
16585 /*! @{ */
16587 #define TMR_SCTRL_OEN_MASK                       (0x1U)
16588 #define TMR_SCTRL_OEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
16589 /*! OEN - Output Enable
16590  *  0b0..The external pin is configured as an input.
16591  *  0b1..The OFLAG output signal is driven on the external pin. Other timer groups using this external pin as
16592  *       their input see the driven value. The polarity of the signal is determined by OPS.
16593  */
16594 #define TMR_SCTRL_OEN(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_OEN_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_OEN_MASK)
16596 #define TMR_SCTRL_OPS_MASK                       (0x2U)
16597 #define TMR_SCTRL_OPS_SHIFT                      (1U)
16598 /*! OPS - Output Polarity Select
16599  *  0b0..True polarity.
16600  *  0b1..Inverted polarity.
16601  */
16602 #define TMR_SCTRL_OPS(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_OPS_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_OPS_MASK)
16604 #define TMR_SCTRL_FORCE_MASK                     (0x4U)
16605 #define TMR_SCTRL_FORCE_SHIFT                    (2U)
16606 /*! FORCE - Force OFLAG Output
16607  */
16608 #define TMR_SCTRL_FORCE(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_FORCE_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_FORCE_MASK)
16610 #define TMR_SCTRL_VAL_MASK                       (0x8U)
16611 #define TMR_SCTRL_VAL_SHIFT                      (3U)
16612 /*! VAL - Forced OFLAG Value
16613  */
16614 #define TMR_SCTRL_VAL(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_VAL_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_VAL_MASK)
16616 #define TMR_SCTRL_EEOF_MASK                      (0x10U)
16617 #define TMR_SCTRL_EEOF_SHIFT                     (4U)
16618 /*! EEOF - Enable External OFLAG Force
16619  */
16620 #define TMR_SCTRL_EEOF(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_EEOF_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_EEOF_MASK)
16622 #define TMR_SCTRL_MSTR_MASK                      (0x20U)
16623 #define TMR_SCTRL_MSTR_SHIFT                     (5U)
16624 /*! MSTR - Master Mode
16625  */
16626 #define TMR_SCTRL_MSTR(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_MSTR_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_MSTR_MASK)
16628 #define TMR_SCTRL_CAPTURE_MODE_MASK              (0xC0U)
16629 #define TMR_SCTRL_CAPTURE_MODE_SHIFT             (6U)
16630 /*! CAPTURE_MODE - Input Capture Mode
16631  *  0b00..Capture function is disabled
16632  *  0b01..Load capture register on rising edge (when IPS=0) or falling edge (when IPS=1) of input
16633  *  0b10..Load capture register on falling edge (when IPS=0) or rising edge (when IPS=1) of input
16634  *  0b11..Load capture register on both edges of input
16635  */
16636 #define TMR_SCTRL_CAPTURE_MODE(x)                (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_CAPTURE_MODE_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_CAPTURE_MODE_MASK)
16638 #define TMR_SCTRL_INPUT_MASK                     (0x100U)
16639 #define TMR_SCTRL_INPUT_SHIFT                    (8U)
16640 /*! INPUT - External Input Signal
16641  */
16642 #define TMR_SCTRL_INPUT(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_INPUT_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_INPUT_MASK)
16644 #define TMR_SCTRL_IPS_MASK                       (0x200U)
16645 #define TMR_SCTRL_IPS_SHIFT                      (9U)
16646 /*! IPS - Input Polarity Select
16647  */
16648 #define TMR_SCTRL_IPS(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_IPS_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_IPS_MASK)
16650 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEFIE_MASK                     (0x400U)
16651 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEFIE_SHIFT                    (10U)
16652 /*! IEFIE - Input Edge Flag Interrupt Enable
16653  */
16654 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEFIE(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_IEFIE_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_IEFIE_MASK)
16656 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEF_MASK                       (0x800U)
16657 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEF_SHIFT                      (11U)
16658 /*! IEF - Input Edge Flag
16659  */
16660 #define TMR_SCTRL_IEF(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_IEF_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_IEF_MASK)
16662 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOFIE_MASK                     (0x1000U)
16663 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOFIE_SHIFT                    (12U)
16664 /*! TOFIE - Timer Overflow Flag Interrupt Enable
16665  */
16666 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOFIE(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_TOFIE_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_TOFIE_MASK)
16668 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOF_MASK                       (0x2000U)
16669 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOF_SHIFT                      (13U)
16670 /*! TOF - Timer Overflow Flag
16671  */
16672 #define TMR_SCTRL_TOF(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_TOF_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_TOF_MASK)
16674 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCFIE_MASK                     (0x4000U)
16675 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCFIE_SHIFT                    (14U)
16676 /*! TCFIE - Timer Compare Flag Interrupt Enable
16677  */
16678 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCFIE(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_TCFIE_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_TCFIE_MASK)
16680 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCF_MASK                       (0x8000U)
16681 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCF_SHIFT                      (15U)
16682 /*! TCF - Timer Compare Flag
16683  */
16684 #define TMR_SCTRL_TCF(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_SCTRL_TCF_SHIFT)) & TMR_SCTRL_TCF_MASK)
16685 /*! @} */
16687 /*! @name CMPLD1 - Timer Channel Comparator Load Register 1 */
16688 /*! @{ */
16690 #define TMR_CMPLD1_COMPARATOR_LOAD_1_MASK        (0xFFFFU)
16691 #define TMR_CMPLD1_COMPARATOR_LOAD_1_SHIFT       (0U)
16692 #define TMR_CMPLD1_COMPARATOR_LOAD_1(x)          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CMPLD1_COMPARATOR_LOAD_1_SHIFT)) & TMR_CMPLD1_COMPARATOR_LOAD_1_MASK)
16693 /*! @} */
16695 /*! @name CMPLD2 - Timer Channel Comparator Load Register 2 */
16696 /*! @{ */
16698 #define TMR_CMPLD2_COMPARATOR_LOAD_2_MASK        (0xFFFFU)
16699 #define TMR_CMPLD2_COMPARATOR_LOAD_2_SHIFT       (0U)
16700 #define TMR_CMPLD2_COMPARATOR_LOAD_2(x)          (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CMPLD2_COMPARATOR_LOAD_2_SHIFT)) & TMR_CMPLD2_COMPARATOR_LOAD_2_MASK)
16701 /*! @} */
16703 /*! @name CSCTRL - Timer Channel Comparator Status and Control Register */
16704 /*! @{ */
16706 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL1_MASK                      (0x3U)
16707 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL1_SHIFT                     (0U)
16708 /*! CL1 - Compare Load Control 1
16709  *  0b00..Never preload
16710  *  0b01..Load upon successful compare with the value in COMP1
16711  *  0b10..Load upon successful compare with the value in COMP2
16712  *  0b11..Reserved
16713  */
16714 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL1(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_CL1_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_CL1_MASK)
16716 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL2_MASK                      (0xCU)
16717 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL2_SHIFT                     (2U)
16718 /*! CL2 - Compare Load Control 2
16719  *  0b00..Never preload
16720  *  0b01..Load upon successful compare with the value in COMP1
16721  *  0b10..Load upon successful compare with the value in COMP2
16722  *  0b11..Reserved
16723  */
16724 #define TMR_CSCTRL_CL2(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_CL2_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_CL2_MASK)
16726 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1_MASK                     (0x10U)
16727 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1_SHIFT                    (4U)
16728 /*! TCF1 - Timer Compare 1 Interrupt Flag
16729  */
16730 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1_MASK)
16732 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2_MASK                     (0x20U)
16733 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2_SHIFT                    (5U)
16734 /*! TCF2 - Timer Compare 2 Interrupt Flag
16735  */
16736 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2_MASK)
16738 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1EN_MASK                   (0x40U)
16739 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1EN_SHIFT                  (6U)
16740 /*! TCF1EN - Timer Compare 1 Interrupt Enable
16741  */
16742 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1EN(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1EN_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_TCF1EN_MASK)
16744 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2EN_MASK                   (0x80U)
16745 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2EN_SHIFT                  (7U)
16746 /*! TCF2EN - Timer Compare 2 Interrupt Enable
16747  */
16748 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2EN(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2EN_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_TCF2EN_MASK)
16750 #define TMR_CSCTRL_UP_MASK                       (0x200U)
16751 #define TMR_CSCTRL_UP_SHIFT                      (9U)
16752 /*! UP - Counting Direction Indicator
16753  *  0b0..The last count was in the DOWN direction.
16754  *  0b1..The last count was in the UP direction.
16755  */
16756 #define TMR_CSCTRL_UP(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_UP_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_UP_MASK)
16758 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCI_MASK                      (0x400U)
16759 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCI_SHIFT                     (10U)
16760 /*! TCI - Triggered Count Initialization Control
16761  *  0b0..Stop counter upon receiving a second trigger event while still counting from the first trigger event.
16762  *  0b1..Reload the counter upon receiving a second trigger event while still counting from the first trigger event.
16763  */
16764 #define TMR_CSCTRL_TCI(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_TCI_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_TCI_MASK)
16766 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ROC_MASK                      (0x800U)
16767 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ROC_SHIFT                     (11U)
16768 /*! ROC - Reload on Capture
16769  *  0b0..Do not reload the counter on a capture event.
16770  *  0b1..Reload the counter on a capture event.
16771  */
16772 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ROC(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_ROC_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_ROC_MASK)
16774 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ALT_LOAD_MASK                 (0x1000U)
16775 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ALT_LOAD_SHIFT                (12U)
16776 /*! ALT_LOAD - Alternative Load Enable
16777  *  0b0..Counter can be re-initialized only with the LOAD register.
16778  *  0b1..Counter can be re-initialized with the LOAD or CMPLD2 registers depending on count direction.
16779  */
16780 #define TMR_CSCTRL_ALT_LOAD(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_ALT_LOAD_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_ALT_LOAD_MASK)
16782 #define TMR_CSCTRL_FAULT_MASK                    (0x2000U)
16783 #define TMR_CSCTRL_FAULT_SHIFT                   (13U)
16784 /*! FAULT - Fault Enable
16785  *  0b0..Fault function disabled.
16786  *  0b1..Fault function enabled.
16787  */
16788 #define TMR_CSCTRL_FAULT(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_FAULT_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_FAULT_MASK)
16790 #define TMR_CSCTRL_DBG_EN_MASK                   (0xC000U)
16791 #define TMR_CSCTRL_DBG_EN_SHIFT                  (14U)
16792 /*! DBG_EN - Debug Actions Enable
16793  *  0b00..Continue with normal operation during debug mode. (default)
16794  *  0b01..Halt TMR counter during debug mode.
16795  *  0b10..Force TMR output to logic 0 (prior to consideration of SCTRL[OPS]).
16796  *  0b11..Both halt counter and force output to 0 during debug mode.
16797  */
16798 #define TMR_CSCTRL_DBG_EN(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_CSCTRL_DBG_EN_SHIFT)) & TMR_CSCTRL_DBG_EN_MASK)
16799 /*! @} */
16801 /*! @name FILT - Timer Channel Input Filter Register */
16802 /*! @{ */
16804 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_PER_MASK                   (0xFFU)
16805 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_PER_SHIFT                  (0U)
16806 /*! FILT_PER - Input Filter Sample Period
16807  */
16808 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_PER(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_FILT_FILT_PER_SHIFT)) & TMR_FILT_FILT_PER_MASK)
16810 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_CNT_MASK                   (0x700U)
16811 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_CNT_SHIFT                  (8U)
16812 /*! FILT_CNT - Input Filter Sample Count
16813  */
16814 #define TMR_FILT_FILT_CNT(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_FILT_FILT_CNT_SHIFT)) & TMR_FILT_FILT_CNT_MASK)
16815 /*! @} */
16817 /*! @name ENBL - Timer Channel Enable Register */
16818 /*! @{ */
16820 #define TMR_ENBL_ENBL_MASK                       (0xFU)
16821 #define TMR_ENBL_ENBL_SHIFT                      (0U)
16822 /*! ENBL - Timer Channel Enable
16823  *  0b0000..Timer channel is disabled.
16824  *  0b0001..Timer channel is enabled. (default)
16825  */
16826 #define TMR_ENBL_ENBL(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << TMR_ENBL_ENBL_SHIFT)) & TMR_ENBL_ENBL_MASK)
16827 /*! @} */
16830 /*!
16831  * @}
16832  */ /* end of group TMR_Register_Masks */
16835 /* TMR - Peripheral instance base addresses */
16836 /** Peripheral TMR0 base address */
16837 #define TMR0_BASE                                (0x40057000u)
16838 /** Peripheral TMR0 base pointer */
16839 #define TMR0                                     ((TMR_Type *)TMR0_BASE)
16840 /** Peripheral TMR1 base address */
16841 #define TMR1_BASE                                (0x40058000u)
16842 /** Peripheral TMR1 base pointer */
16843 #define TMR1                                     ((TMR_Type *)TMR1_BASE)
16844 /** Peripheral TMR2 base address */
16845 #define TMR2_BASE                                (0x40059000u)
16846 /** Peripheral TMR2 base pointer */
16847 #define TMR2                                     ((TMR_Type *)TMR2_BASE)
16848 /** Peripheral TMR3 base address */
16849 #define TMR3_BASE                                (0x4005A000u)
16850 /** Peripheral TMR3 base pointer */
16851 #define TMR3                                     ((TMR_Type *)TMR3_BASE)
16852 /** Array initializer of TMR peripheral base addresses */
16853 #define TMR_BASE_ADDRS                           { TMR0_BASE, TMR1_BASE, TMR2_BASE, TMR3_BASE }
16854 /** Array initializer of TMR peripheral base pointers */
16855 #define TMR_BASE_PTRS                            { TMR0, TMR1, TMR2, TMR3 }
16856 /** Interrupt vectors for the TMR peripheral type */
16857 #define TMR_IRQS                                 { TMR0_IRQn, TMR1_IRQn, TMR2_IRQn, TMR3_IRQn }
16859 /*!
16860  * @}
16861  */ /* end of group TMR_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
16864 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16865    -- UART Peripheral Access Layer
16866    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16868 /*!
16869  * @addtogroup UART_Peripheral_Access_Layer UART Peripheral Access Layer
16870  * @{
16871  */
16873 /** UART - Register Layout Typedef */
16874 typedef struct {
16875   __IO uint8_t BDH;                                /**< UART Baud Rate Registers: High, offset: 0x0 */
16876   __IO uint8_t BDL;                                /**< UART Baud Rate Registers: Low, offset: 0x1 */
16877   __IO uint8_t C1;                                 /**< UART Control Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
16878   __IO uint8_t C2;                                 /**< UART Control Register 2, offset: 0x3 */
16879   __I  uint8_t S1;                                 /**< UART Status Register 1, offset: 0x4 */
16880   __IO uint8_t S2;                                 /**< UART Status Register 2, offset: 0x5 */
16881   __IO uint8_t C3;                                 /**< UART Control Register 3, offset: 0x6 */
16882   __IO uint8_t D;                                  /**< UART Data Register, offset: 0x7 */
16883   __IO uint8_t MA1;                                /**< UART Match Address Registers 1, offset: 0x8 */
16884   __IO uint8_t MA2;                                /**< UART Match Address Registers 2, offset: 0x9 */
16885   __IO uint8_t C4;                                 /**< UART Control Register 4, offset: 0xA */
16886   __IO uint8_t C5;                                 /**< UART Control Register 5, offset: 0xB */
16887   __I  uint8_t ED;                                 /**< UART Extended Data Register, offset: 0xC */
16888   __IO uint8_t MODEM;                              /**< UART Modem Register, offset: 0xD */
16889        uint8_t RESERVED_0[2];
16890   __IO uint8_t PFIFO;                              /**< UART FIFO Parameters, offset: 0x10 */
16891   __IO uint8_t CFIFO;                              /**< UART FIFO Control Register, offset: 0x11 */
16892   __IO uint8_t SFIFO;                              /**< UART FIFO Status Register, offset: 0x12 */
16893   __IO uint8_t TWFIFO;                             /**< UART FIFO Transmit Watermark, offset: 0x13 */
16894   __I  uint8_t TCFIFO;                             /**< UART FIFO Transmit Count, offset: 0x14 */
16895   __IO uint8_t RWFIFO;                             /**< UART FIFO Receive Watermark, offset: 0x15 */
16896   __I  uint8_t RCFIFO;                             /**< UART FIFO Receive Count, offset: 0x16 */
16897        uint8_t RESERVED_1[1];
16898   __IO uint8_t C7816;                              /**< UART 7816 Control Register, offset: 0x18 */
16899   __IO uint8_t IE7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register, offset: 0x19 */
16900   __IO uint8_t IS7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register, offset: 0x1A */
16901   union {                                          /* offset: 0x1B */
16902     __IO uint8_t WP7816T0;                           /**< UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B */
16903     __IO uint8_t WP7816T1;                           /**< UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register, offset: 0x1B */
16904   };
16905   __IO uint8_t WN7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Wait N Register, offset: 0x1C */
16906   __IO uint8_t WF7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Wait FD Register, offset: 0x1D */
16907   __IO uint8_t ET7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Error Threshold Register, offset: 0x1E */
16908   __IO uint8_t TL7816;                             /**< UART 7816 Transmit Length Register, offset: 0x1F */
16909 } UART_Type;
16911 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16912    -- UART Register Masks
16913    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16915 /*!
16916  * @addtogroup UART_Register_Masks UART Register Masks
16917  * @{
16918  */
16920 /*! @name BDH - UART Baud Rate Registers: High */
16921 /*! @{ */
16923 #define UART_BDH_SBR_MASK                        (0x1FU)
16924 #define UART_BDH_SBR_SHIFT                       (0U)
16925 /*! SBR - UART Baud Rate Bits
16926  */
16927 #define UART_BDH_SBR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_BDH_SBR_SHIFT)) & UART_BDH_SBR_MASK)
16929 #define UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_MASK                    (0x40U)
16930 #define UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_SHIFT                   (6U)
16931 /*! RXEDGIE - RxD Input Active Edge Interrupt Enable
16932  *  0b0..Hardware interrupts from RXEDGIF disabled using polling.
16933  *  0b1..RXEDGIF interrupt request enabled.
16934  */
16935 #define UART_BDH_RXEDGIE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_SHIFT)) & UART_BDH_RXEDGIE_MASK)
16936 /*! @} */
16938 /*! @name BDL - UART Baud Rate Registers: Low */
16939 /*! @{ */
16941 #define UART_BDL_SBR_MASK                        (0xFFU)
16942 #define UART_BDL_SBR_SHIFT                       (0U)
16943 /*! SBR - UART Baud Rate Bits
16944  */
16945 #define UART_BDL_SBR(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_BDL_SBR_SHIFT)) & UART_BDL_SBR_MASK)
16946 /*! @} */
16948 /*! @name C1 - UART Control Register 1 */
16949 /*! @{ */
16951 #define UART_C1_PT_MASK                          (0x1U)
16952 #define UART_C1_PT_SHIFT                         (0U)
16953 /*! PT - Parity Type
16954  *  0b0..Even parity.
16955  *  0b1..Odd parity.
16956  */
16957 #define UART_C1_PT(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_PT_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_PT_MASK)
16959 #define UART_C1_PE_MASK                          (0x2U)
16960 #define UART_C1_PE_SHIFT                         (1U)
16961 /*! PE - Parity Enable
16962  *  0b0..Parity function disabled.
16963  *  0b1..Parity function enabled.
16964  */
16965 #define UART_C1_PE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_PE_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_PE_MASK)
16967 #define UART_C1_ILT_MASK                         (0x4U)
16968 #define UART_C1_ILT_SHIFT                        (2U)
16969 /*! ILT - Idle Line Type Select
16970  *  0b0..Idle character bit count starts after start bit.
16971  *  0b1..Idle character bit count starts after stop bit.
16972  */
16973 #define UART_C1_ILT(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_ILT_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_ILT_MASK)
16975 #define UART_C1_WAKE_MASK                        (0x8U)
16976 #define UART_C1_WAKE_SHIFT                       (3U)
16977 /*! WAKE - Receiver Wakeup Method Select
16978  *  0b0..Idle line wakeup.
16979  *  0b1..Address mark wakeup.
16980  */
16981 #define UART_C1_WAKE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_WAKE_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_WAKE_MASK)
16983 #define UART_C1_M_MASK                           (0x10U)
16984 #define UART_C1_M_SHIFT                          (4U)
16985 /*! M - 9-bit or 8-bit Mode Select
16986  *  0b0..Normal-start + 8 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop.
16987  *  0b1..Use-start + 9 data bits (MSB/LSB first as determined by MSBF) + stop.
16988  */
16989 #define UART_C1_M(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_M_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_M_MASK)
16991 #define UART_C1_RSRC_MASK                        (0x20U)
16992 #define UART_C1_RSRC_SHIFT                       (5U)
16993 /*! RSRC - Receiver Source Select
16994  *  0b0..Selects internal loop back mode. The receiver input is internally connected to transmitter output.
16995  *  0b1..Single wire UART mode where the receiver input is connected to the transmit pin input signal.
16996  */
16997 #define UART_C1_RSRC(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_RSRC_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_RSRC_MASK)
16999 #define UART_C1_LOOPS_MASK                       (0x80U)
17000 #define UART_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT                      (7U)
17001 /*! LOOPS - Loop Mode Select
17002  *  0b0..Normal operation.
17003  *  0b1..Loop mode where transmitter output is internally connected to receiver input. The receiver input is determined by RSRC.
17004  */
17005 #define UART_C1_LOOPS(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C1_LOOPS_SHIFT)) & UART_C1_LOOPS_MASK)
17006 /*! @} */
17008 /*! @name C2 - UART Control Register 2 */
17009 /*! @{ */
17011 #define UART_C2_SBK_MASK                         (0x1U)
17012 #define UART_C2_SBK_SHIFT                        (0U)
17013 /*! SBK - Send Break
17014  *  0b0..Normal transmitter operation.
17015  *  0b1..Queue break characters to be sent.
17016  */
17017 #define UART_C2_SBK(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_SBK_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_SBK_MASK)
17019 #define UART_C2_RWU_MASK                         (0x2U)
17020 #define UART_C2_RWU_SHIFT                        (1U)
17021 /*! RWU - Receiver Wakeup Control
17022  *  0b0..Normal operation.
17023  *  0b1..RWU enables the wakeup function and inhibits further receiver interrupt requests. Normally, hardware
17024  *       wakes the receiver by automatically clearing RWU.
17025  */
17026 #define UART_C2_RWU(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_RWU_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_RWU_MASK)
17028 #define UART_C2_RE_MASK                          (0x4U)
17029 #define UART_C2_RE_SHIFT                         (2U)
17030 /*! RE - Receiver Enable
17031  *  0b0..Receiver off.
17032  *  0b1..Receiver on.
17033  */
17034 #define UART_C2_RE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_RE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_RE_MASK)
17036 #define UART_C2_TE_MASK                          (0x8U)
17037 #define UART_C2_TE_SHIFT                         (3U)
17038 /*! TE - Transmitter Enable
17039  *  0b0..Transmitter off.
17040  *  0b1..Transmitter on.
17041  */
17042 #define UART_C2_TE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_TE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_TE_MASK)
17044 #define UART_C2_ILIE_MASK                        (0x10U)
17045 #define UART_C2_ILIE_SHIFT                       (4U)
17046 /*! ILIE - Idle Line Interrupt Enable
17047  *  0b0..IDLE interrupt requests disabled.
17048  *  0b1..IDLE interrupt requests enabled.
17049  */
17050 #define UART_C2_ILIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_ILIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_ILIE_MASK)
17052 #define UART_C2_RIE_MASK                         (0x20U)
17053 #define UART_C2_RIE_SHIFT                        (5U)
17054 /*! RIE - Receiver Full Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable
17055  *  0b0..RDRF interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled.
17056  *  0b1..RDRF interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled.
17057  */
17058 #define UART_C2_RIE(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_RIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_RIE_MASK)
17060 #define UART_C2_TCIE_MASK                        (0x40U)
17061 #define UART_C2_TCIE_SHIFT                       (6U)
17062 /*! TCIE - Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable
17063  *  0b0..TC interrupt requests disabled.
17064  *  0b1..TC interrupt requests enabled.
17065  */
17066 #define UART_C2_TCIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_TCIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_TCIE_MASK)
17068 #define UART_C2_TIE_MASK                         (0x80U)
17069 #define UART_C2_TIE_SHIFT                        (7U)
17070 /*! TIE - Transmitter Interrupt or DMA Transfer Enable.
17071  *  0b0..TDRE interrupt and DMA transfer requests disabled.
17072  *  0b1..TDRE interrupt or DMA transfer requests enabled.
17073  */
17074 #define UART_C2_TIE(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C2_TIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C2_TIE_MASK)
17075 /*! @} */
17077 /*! @name S1 - UART Status Register 1 */
17078 /*! @{ */
17080 #define UART_S1_PF_MASK                          (0x1U)
17081 #define UART_S1_PF_SHIFT                         (0U)
17082 /*! PF - Parity Error Flag
17083  *  0b0..No parity error detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth
17084  *       greater than 1, then there may be data in the receive buffer what was received with a parity error.
17085  *  0b1..At least one dataword was received with a parity error since the last time this flag was cleared.
17086  */
17087 #define UART_S1_PF(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_PF_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_PF_MASK)
17089 #define UART_S1_FE_MASK                          (0x2U)
17090 #define UART_S1_FE_SHIFT                         (1U)
17091 /*! FE - Framing Error Flag
17092  *  0b0..No framing error detected.
17093  *  0b1..Framing error.
17094  */
17095 #define UART_S1_FE(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_FE_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_FE_MASK)
17097 #define UART_S1_NF_MASK                          (0x4U)
17098 #define UART_S1_NF_SHIFT                         (2U)
17099 /*! NF - Noise Flag
17100  *  0b0..No noise detected since the last time this flag was cleared. If the receive buffer has a depth greater
17101  *       than 1 then there may be data in the receiver buffer that was received with noise.
17102  *  0b1..At least one dataword was received with noise detected since the last time the flag was cleared.
17103  */
17104 #define UART_S1_NF(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_NF_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_NF_MASK)
17106 #define UART_S1_OR_MASK                          (0x8U)
17107 #define UART_S1_OR_SHIFT                         (3U)
17108 /*! OR - Receiver Overrun Flag
17109  *  0b0..No overrun has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17110  *  0b1..Overrun has occurred or the overrun flag has not been cleared since the last overrun occured.
17111  */
17112 #define UART_S1_OR(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_OR_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_OR_MASK)
17114 #define UART_S1_IDLE_MASK                        (0x10U)
17115 #define UART_S1_IDLE_SHIFT                       (4U)
17116 /*! IDLE - Idle Line Flag
17117  *  0b0..Receiver input is either active now or has never become active since the IDLE flag was last cleared.
17118  *  0b1..Receiver input has become idle or the flag has not been cleared since it last asserted.
17119  */
17120 #define UART_S1_IDLE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_IDLE_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_IDLE_MASK)
17122 #define UART_S1_RDRF_MASK                        (0x20U)
17123 #define UART_S1_RDRF_SHIFT                       (5U)
17124 /*! RDRF - Receive Data Register Full Flag
17125  *  0b0..The number of datawords in the receive buffer is less than the number indicated by RXWATER.
17126  *  0b1..The number of datawords in the receive buffer is equal to or greater than the number indicated by RXWATER
17127  *       at some point in time since this flag was last cleared.
17128  */
17129 #define UART_S1_RDRF(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_RDRF_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_RDRF_MASK)
17131 #define UART_S1_TC_MASK                          (0x40U)
17132 #define UART_S1_TC_SHIFT                         (6U)
17133 /*! TC - Transmit Complete Flag
17134  *  0b0..Transmitter active (sending data, a preamble, or a break).
17135  *  0b1..Transmitter idle (transmission activity complete).
17136  */
17137 #define UART_S1_TC(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_TC_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_TC_MASK)
17139 #define UART_S1_TDRE_MASK                        (0x80U)
17140 #define UART_S1_TDRE_SHIFT                       (7U)
17141 /*! TDRE - Transmit Data Register Empty Flag
17142  *  0b0..The amount of data in the transmit buffer is greater than the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER].
17143  *  0b1..The amount of data in the transmit buffer is less than or equal to the value indicated by TWFIFO[TXWATER]
17144  *       at some point in time since the flag has been cleared.
17145  */
17146 #define UART_S1_TDRE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S1_TDRE_SHIFT)) & UART_S1_TDRE_MASK)
17147 /*! @} */
17149 /*! @name S2 - UART Status Register 2 */
17150 /*! @{ */
17152 #define UART_S2_RAF_MASK                         (0x1U)
17153 #define UART_S2_RAF_SHIFT                        (0U)
17154 /*! RAF - Receiver Active Flag
17155  *  0b0..UART receiver idle/inactive waiting for a start bit.
17156  *  0b1..UART receiver active, RxD input not idle.
17157  */
17158 #define UART_S2_RAF(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_RAF_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_RAF_MASK)
17160 #define UART_S2_BRK13_MASK                       (0x4U)
17161 #define UART_S2_BRK13_SHIFT                      (2U)
17162 /*! BRK13 - Break Transmit Character Length
17163  *  0b0..Break character is 10, 11, or 12 bits long.
17164  *  0b1..Break character is 13 or 14 bits long.
17165  */
17166 #define UART_S2_BRK13(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_BRK13_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_BRK13_MASK)
17168 #define UART_S2_RWUID_MASK                       (0x8U)
17169 #define UART_S2_RWUID_SHIFT                      (3U)
17170 /*! RWUID - Receive Wakeup Idle Detect
17171  *  0b0..S1[IDLE] is not set upon detection of an idle character.
17172  *  0b1..S1[IDLE] is set upon detection of an idle character.
17173  */
17174 #define UART_S2_RWUID(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_RWUID_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_RWUID_MASK)
17176 #define UART_S2_RXINV_MASK                       (0x10U)
17177 #define UART_S2_RXINV_SHIFT                      (4U)
17178 /*! RXINV - Receive Data Inversion
17179  *  0b0..Receive data is not inverted.
17180  *  0b1..Receive data is inverted.
17181  */
17182 #define UART_S2_RXINV(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_RXINV_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_RXINV_MASK)
17184 #define UART_S2_MSBF_MASK                        (0x20U)
17185 #define UART_S2_MSBF_SHIFT                       (5U)
17186 /*! MSBF - Most Significant Bit First
17187  *  0b0..LSB (bit0) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit. Further, the first bit received
17188  *       after the start bit is identified as bit0.
17189  *  0b1..MSB (bit8, bit7 or bit6) is the first bit that is transmitted following the start bit, depending on the
17190  *       setting of C1[M] and C1[PE]. Further, the first bit received after the start bit is identified as bit8,
17191  *       bit7, or bit6, depending on the setting of C1[M] and C1[PE].
17192  */
17193 #define UART_S2_MSBF(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_MSBF_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_MSBF_MASK)
17195 #define UART_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK                     (0x40U)
17196 #define UART_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT                    (6U)
17197 /*! RXEDGIF - RxD Pin Active Edge Interrupt Flag
17198  *  0b0..No active edge on the receive pin has occurred.
17199  *  0b1..An active edge on the receive pin has occurred.
17200  */
17201 #define UART_S2_RXEDGIF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_S2_RXEDGIF_SHIFT)) & UART_S2_RXEDGIF_MASK)
17202 /*! @} */
17204 /*! @name C3 - UART Control Register 3 */
17205 /*! @{ */
17207 #define UART_C3_PEIE_MASK                        (0x1U)
17208 #define UART_C3_PEIE_SHIFT                       (0U)
17209 /*! PEIE - Parity Error Interrupt Enable
17210  *  0b0..PF interrupt requests are disabled.
17211  *  0b1..PF interrupt requests are enabled.
17212  */
17213 #define UART_C3_PEIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_PEIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_PEIE_MASK)
17215 #define UART_C3_FEIE_MASK                        (0x2U)
17216 #define UART_C3_FEIE_SHIFT                       (1U)
17217 /*! FEIE - Framing Error Interrupt Enable
17218  *  0b0..FE interrupt requests are disabled.
17219  *  0b1..FE interrupt requests are enabled.
17220  */
17221 #define UART_C3_FEIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_FEIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_FEIE_MASK)
17223 #define UART_C3_NEIE_MASK                        (0x4U)
17224 #define UART_C3_NEIE_SHIFT                       (2U)
17225 /*! NEIE - Noise Error Interrupt Enable
17226  *  0b0..NF interrupt requests are disabled.
17227  *  0b1..NF interrupt requests are enabled.
17228  */
17229 #define UART_C3_NEIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_NEIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_NEIE_MASK)
17231 #define UART_C3_ORIE_MASK                        (0x8U)
17232 #define UART_C3_ORIE_SHIFT                       (3U)
17233 /*! ORIE - Overrun Error Interrupt Enable
17234  *  0b0..OR interrupts are disabled.
17235  *  0b1..OR interrupt requests are enabled.
17236  */
17237 #define UART_C3_ORIE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_ORIE_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_ORIE_MASK)
17239 #define UART_C3_TXINV_MASK                       (0x10U)
17240 #define UART_C3_TXINV_SHIFT                      (4U)
17241 /*! TXINV - Transmit Data Inversion.
17242  *  0b0..Transmit data is not inverted.
17243  *  0b1..Transmit data is inverted.
17244  */
17245 #define UART_C3_TXINV(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_TXINV_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_TXINV_MASK)
17247 #define UART_C3_TXDIR_MASK                       (0x20U)
17248 #define UART_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT                      (5U)
17249 /*! TXDIR - Transmitter Pin Data Direction in Single-Wire mode
17250  *  0b0..TXD pin is an input in single wire mode.
17251  *  0b1..TXD pin is an output in single wire mode.
17252  */
17253 #define UART_C3_TXDIR(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_TXDIR_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_TXDIR_MASK)
17255 #define UART_C3_T8_MASK                          (0x40U)
17256 #define UART_C3_T8_SHIFT                         (6U)
17257 /*! T8 - Transmit Bit 8
17258  */
17259 #define UART_C3_T8(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_T8_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_T8_MASK)
17261 #define UART_C3_R8_MASK                          (0x80U)
17262 #define UART_C3_R8_SHIFT                         (7U)
17263 /*! R8 - Received Bit 8
17264  */
17265 #define UART_C3_R8(x)                            (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C3_R8_SHIFT)) & UART_C3_R8_MASK)
17266 /*! @} */
17268 /*! @name D - UART Data Register */
17269 /*! @{ */
17271 #define UART_D_RT_MASK                           (0xFFU)
17272 #define UART_D_RT_SHIFT                          (0U)
17273 #define UART_D_RT(x)                             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_D_RT_SHIFT)) & UART_D_RT_MASK)
17274 /*! @} */
17276 /*! @name MA1 - UART Match Address Registers 1 */
17277 /*! @{ */
17279 #define UART_MA1_MA_MASK                         (0xFFU)
17280 #define UART_MA1_MA_SHIFT                        (0U)
17281 /*! MA - Match Address
17282  */
17283 #define UART_MA1_MA(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MA1_MA_SHIFT)) & UART_MA1_MA_MASK)
17284 /*! @} */
17286 /*! @name MA2 - UART Match Address Registers 2 */
17287 /*! @{ */
17289 #define UART_MA2_MA_MASK                         (0xFFU)
17290 #define UART_MA2_MA_SHIFT                        (0U)
17291 /*! MA - Match Address
17292  */
17293 #define UART_MA2_MA(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MA2_MA_SHIFT)) & UART_MA2_MA_MASK)
17294 /*! @} */
17296 /*! @name C4 - UART Control Register 4 */
17297 /*! @{ */
17299 #define UART_C4_BRFA_MASK                        (0x1FU)
17300 #define UART_C4_BRFA_SHIFT                       (0U)
17301 /*! BRFA - Baud Rate Fine Adjust
17302  */
17303 #define UART_C4_BRFA(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C4_BRFA_SHIFT)) & UART_C4_BRFA_MASK)
17305 #define UART_C4_M10_MASK                         (0x20U)
17306 #define UART_C4_M10_SHIFT                        (5U)
17307 /*! M10 - 10-bit Mode select
17308  *  0b0..The parity bit is the ninth bit in the serial transmission.
17309  *  0b1..The parity bit is the tenth bit in the serial transmission.
17310  */
17311 #define UART_C4_M10(x)                           (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C4_M10_SHIFT)) & UART_C4_M10_MASK)
17313 #define UART_C4_MAEN2_MASK                       (0x40U)
17314 #define UART_C4_MAEN2_SHIFT                      (6U)
17315 /*! MAEN2 - Match Address Mode Enable 2
17316  *  0b0..All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN1 is cleared.
17317  *  0b1..All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most
17318  *       significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA2 register. If no match occurs, the data is discarded.
17319  *       If a match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E]
17320  *       is set/enabled.
17321  */
17322 #define UART_C4_MAEN2(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C4_MAEN2_SHIFT)) & UART_C4_MAEN2_MASK)
17324 #define UART_C4_MAEN1_MASK                       (0x80U)
17325 #define UART_C4_MAEN1_SHIFT                      (7U)
17326 /*! MAEN1 - Match Address Mode Enable 1
17327  *  0b0..All data received is transferred to the data buffer if MAEN2 is cleared.
17328  *  0b1..All data received with the most significant bit cleared, is discarded. All data received with the most
17329  *       significant bit set, is compared with contents of MA1 register. If no match occurs, the data is discarded.
17330  *       If match occurs, data is transferred to the data buffer. This field must be cleared when C7816[ISO7816E] is
17331  *       set/enabled.
17332  */
17333 #define UART_C4_MAEN1(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C4_MAEN1_SHIFT)) & UART_C4_MAEN1_MASK)
17334 /*! @} */
17336 /*! @name C5 - UART Control Register 5 */
17337 /*! @{ */
17339 #define UART_C5_RDMAS_MASK                       (0x20U)
17340 #define UART_C5_RDMAS_SHIFT                      (5U)
17341 /*! RDMAS - Receiver Full DMA Select
17342  *  0b0..If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDFR interrupt request signal is asserted to request an interrupt service.
17343  *  0b1..If C2[RIE] and S1[RDRF] are set, the RDRF DMA request signal is asserted to request a DMA transfer.
17344  */
17345 #define UART_C5_RDMAS(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C5_RDMAS_SHIFT)) & UART_C5_RDMAS_MASK)
17347 #define UART_C5_TDMAS_MASK                       (0x80U)
17348 #define UART_C5_TDMAS_SHIFT                      (7U)
17349 /*! TDMAS - Transmitter DMA Select
17350  *  0b0..If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE interrupt request signal is asserted to request interrupt service.
17351  *  0b1..If C2[TIE] is set and the S1[TDRE] flag is set, the TDRE DMA request signal is asserted to request a DMA transfer.
17352  */
17353 #define UART_C5_TDMAS(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C5_TDMAS_SHIFT)) & UART_C5_TDMAS_MASK)
17354 /*! @} */
17356 /*! @name ED - UART Extended Data Register */
17357 /*! @{ */
17359 #define UART_ED_PARITYE_MASK                     (0x40U)
17360 #define UART_ED_PARITYE_SHIFT                    (6U)
17361 /*! PARITYE
17362  *  0b0..The dataword was received without a parity error.
17363  *  0b1..The dataword was received with a parity error.
17364  */
17365 #define UART_ED_PARITYE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_ED_PARITYE_SHIFT)) & UART_ED_PARITYE_MASK)
17367 #define UART_ED_NOISY_MASK                       (0x80U)
17368 #define UART_ED_NOISY_SHIFT                      (7U)
17369 /*! NOISY
17370  *  0b0..The dataword was received without noise.
17371  *  0b1..The data was received with noise.
17372  */
17373 #define UART_ED_NOISY(x)                         (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_ED_NOISY_SHIFT)) & UART_ED_NOISY_MASK)
17374 /*! @} */
17376 /*! @name MODEM - UART Modem Register */
17377 /*! @{ */
17379 #define UART_MODEM_TXCTSE_MASK                   (0x1U)
17380 #define UART_MODEM_TXCTSE_SHIFT                  (0U)
17381 /*! TXCTSE - Transmitter clear-to-send enable
17382  *  0b0..CTS has no effect on the transmitter.
17383  *  0b1..Enables clear-to-send operation. The transmitter checks the state of CTS each time it is ready to send a
17384  *       character. If CTS is asserted, the character is sent. If CTS is deasserted, the signal TXD remains in the
17385  *       mark state and transmission is delayed until CTS is asserted. Changes in CTS as a character is being sent
17386  *       do not affect its transmission.
17387  */
17388 #define UART_MODEM_TXCTSE(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MODEM_TXCTSE_SHIFT)) & UART_MODEM_TXCTSE_MASK)
17390 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSE_MASK                   (0x2U)
17391 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSE_SHIFT                  (1U)
17392 /*! TXRTSE - Transmitter request-to-send enable
17393  *  0b0..The transmitter has no effect on RTS.
17394  *  0b1..When a character is placed into an empty transmitter data buffer , RTS asserts one bit time before the
17395  *       start bit is transmitted. RTS deasserts one bit time after all characters in the transmitter data buffer and
17396  *       shift register are completely sent, including the last stop bit. (FIFO) Ensure that C2[TE] is asserted
17397  *       before assertion of this bit.
17398  */
17399 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSE(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MODEM_TXRTSE_SHIFT)) & UART_MODEM_TXRTSE_MASK)
17401 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSPOL_MASK                 (0x4U)
17402 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSPOL_SHIFT                (2U)
17403 /*! TXRTSPOL - Transmitter request-to-send polarity
17404  *  0b0..Transmitter RTS is active low.
17405  *  0b1..Transmitter RTS is active high.
17406  */
17407 #define UART_MODEM_TXRTSPOL(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MODEM_TXRTSPOL_SHIFT)) & UART_MODEM_TXRTSPOL_MASK)
17409 #define UART_MODEM_RXRTSE_MASK                   (0x8U)
17410 #define UART_MODEM_RXRTSE_SHIFT                  (3U)
17411 /*! RXRTSE - Receiver request-to-send enable
17412  *  0b0..The receiver has no effect on RTS.
17413  *  0b1..RTS is deasserted if the number of characters in the receiver data register (FIFO) is equal to or greater
17414  *       than RWFIFO[RXWATER]. RTS is asserted when the number of characters in the receiver data register (FIFO)
17415  *       is less than RWFIFO[RXWATER]. See Hardware flow control
17416  */
17417 #define UART_MODEM_RXRTSE(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_MODEM_RXRTSE_SHIFT)) & UART_MODEM_RXRTSE_MASK)
17418 /*! @} */
17420 /*! @name PFIFO - UART FIFO Parameters */
17421 /*! @{ */
17423 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFIFOSIZE_MASK               (0x7U)
17424 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFIFOSIZE_SHIFT              (0U)
17425 /*! RXFIFOSIZE - Receive FIFO. Buffer Depth
17426  *  0b000..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword.
17427  *  0b001..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords.
17428  *  0b010..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords.
17429  *  0b011..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords.
17430  *  0b100..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords.
17431  *  0b101..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords.
17432  *  0b110..Receive FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords.
17433  *  0b111..Reserved.
17434  */
17435 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFIFOSIZE(x)                 (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_PFIFO_RXFIFOSIZE_SHIFT)) & UART_PFIFO_RXFIFOSIZE_MASK)
17437 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFE_MASK                     (0x8U)
17438 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFE_SHIFT                    (3U)
17439 /*! RXFE - Receive FIFO Enable
17440  *  0b0..Receive FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support)
17441  *  0b1..Receive FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicted by RXFIFOSIZE.
17442  */
17443 #define UART_PFIFO_RXFE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_PFIFO_RXFE_SHIFT)) & UART_PFIFO_RXFE_MASK)
17445 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE_MASK               (0x70U)
17446 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE_SHIFT              (4U)
17447 /*! TXFIFOSIZE - Transmit FIFO. Buffer Depth
17448  *  0b000..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 1 dataword.
17449  *  0b001..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 4 datawords.
17450  *  0b010..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 8 datawords.
17451  *  0b011..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 16 datawords.
17452  *  0b100..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 32 datawords.
17453  *  0b101..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 64 datawords.
17454  *  0b110..Transmit FIFO/Buffer depth = 128 datawords.
17455  *  0b111..Reserved.
17456  */
17457 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE(x)                 (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE_SHIFT)) & UART_PFIFO_TXFIFOSIZE_MASK)
17459 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFE_MASK                     (0x80U)
17460 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFE_SHIFT                    (7U)
17461 /*! TXFE - Transmit FIFO Enable
17462  *  0b0..Transmit FIFO is not enabled. Buffer is depth 1. (Legacy support).
17463  *  0b1..Transmit FIFO is enabled. Buffer is depth indicated by TXFIFOSIZE.
17464  */
17465 #define UART_PFIFO_TXFE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_PFIFO_TXFE_SHIFT)) & UART_PFIFO_TXFE_MASK)
17466 /*! @} */
17468 /*! @name CFIFO - UART FIFO Control Register */
17469 /*! @{ */
17471 #define UART_CFIFO_RXUFE_MASK                    (0x1U)
17472 #define UART_CFIFO_RXUFE_SHIFT                   (0U)
17473 /*! RXUFE - Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable
17474  *  0b0..RXUF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.
17475  *  0b1..RXUF flag generates an interrupt to the host.
17476  */
17477 #define UART_CFIFO_RXUFE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_CFIFO_RXUFE_SHIFT)) & UART_CFIFO_RXUFE_MASK)
17479 #define UART_CFIFO_TXOFE_MASK                    (0x2U)
17480 #define UART_CFIFO_TXOFE_SHIFT                   (1U)
17481 /*! TXOFE - Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
17482  *  0b0..TXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.
17483  *  0b1..TXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.
17484  */
17485 #define UART_CFIFO_TXOFE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_CFIFO_TXOFE_SHIFT)) & UART_CFIFO_TXOFE_MASK)
17487 #define UART_CFIFO_RXOFE_MASK                    (0x4U)
17488 #define UART_CFIFO_RXOFE_SHIFT                   (2U)
17489 /*! RXOFE - Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable
17490  *  0b0..RXOF flag does not generate an interrupt to the host.
17491  *  0b1..RXOF flag generates an interrupt to the host.
17492  */
17493 #define UART_CFIFO_RXOFE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_CFIFO_RXOFE_SHIFT)) & UART_CFIFO_RXOFE_MASK)
17495 #define UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH_MASK                  (0x40U)
17496 #define UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH_SHIFT                 (6U)
17497 /*! RXFLUSH - Receive FIFO/Buffer Flush
17498  *  0b0..No flush operation occurs.
17499  *  0b1..All data in the receive FIFO/buffer is cleared out.
17500  */
17501 #define UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH_SHIFT)) & UART_CFIFO_RXFLUSH_MASK)
17503 #define UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH_MASK                  (0x80U)
17504 #define UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH_SHIFT                 (7U)
17505 /*! TXFLUSH - Transmit FIFO/Buffer Flush
17506  *  0b0..No flush operation occurs.
17507  *  0b1..All data in the transmit FIFO/Buffer is cleared out.
17508  */
17509 #define UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH_SHIFT)) & UART_CFIFO_TXFLUSH_MASK)
17510 /*! @} */
17512 /*! @name SFIFO - UART FIFO Status Register */
17513 /*! @{ */
17515 #define UART_SFIFO_RXUF_MASK                     (0x1U)
17516 #define UART_SFIFO_RXUF_SHIFT                    (0U)
17517 /*! RXUF - Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag
17518  *  0b0..No receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17519  *  0b1..At least one receive buffer underflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17520  */
17521 #define UART_SFIFO_RXUF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_SFIFO_RXUF_SHIFT)) & UART_SFIFO_RXUF_MASK)
17523 #define UART_SFIFO_TXOF_MASK                     (0x2U)
17524 #define UART_SFIFO_TXOF_SHIFT                    (1U)
17525 /*! TXOF - Transmitter Buffer Overflow Flag
17526  *  0b0..No transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17527  *  0b1..At least one transmit buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17528  */
17529 #define UART_SFIFO_TXOF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_SFIFO_TXOF_SHIFT)) & UART_SFIFO_TXOF_MASK)
17531 #define UART_SFIFO_RXOF_MASK                     (0x4U)
17532 #define UART_SFIFO_RXOF_SHIFT                    (2U)
17533 /*! RXOF - Receiver Buffer Overflow Flag
17534  *  0b0..No receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17535  *  0b1..At least one receive buffer overflow has occurred since the last time the flag was cleared.
17536  */
17537 #define UART_SFIFO_RXOF(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_SFIFO_RXOF_SHIFT)) & UART_SFIFO_RXOF_MASK)
17539 #define UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT_MASK                   (0x40U)
17540 #define UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT_SHIFT                  (6U)
17541 /*! RXEMPT - Receive Buffer/FIFO Empty
17542  *  0b0..Receive buffer is not empty.
17543  *  0b1..Receive buffer is empty.
17544  */
17545 #define UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT_SHIFT)) & UART_SFIFO_RXEMPT_MASK)
17547 #define UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT_MASK                   (0x80U)
17548 #define UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT_SHIFT                  (7U)
17549 /*! TXEMPT - Transmit Buffer/FIFO Empty
17550  *  0b0..Transmit buffer is not empty.
17551  *  0b1..Transmit buffer is empty.
17552  */
17553 #define UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT_SHIFT)) & UART_SFIFO_TXEMPT_MASK)
17554 /*! @} */
17556 /*! @name TWFIFO - UART FIFO Transmit Watermark */
17557 /*! @{ */
17559 #define UART_TWFIFO_TXWATER_MASK                 (0xFFU)
17560 #define UART_TWFIFO_TXWATER_SHIFT                (0U)
17561 /*! TXWATER - Transmit Watermark
17562  */
17563 #define UART_TWFIFO_TXWATER(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_TWFIFO_TXWATER_SHIFT)) & UART_TWFIFO_TXWATER_MASK)
17564 /*! @} */
17566 /*! @name TCFIFO - UART FIFO Transmit Count */
17567 /*! @{ */
17569 #define UART_TCFIFO_TXCOUNT_MASK                 (0xFFU)
17570 #define UART_TCFIFO_TXCOUNT_SHIFT                (0U)
17571 /*! TXCOUNT - Transmit Counter
17572  */
17573 #define UART_TCFIFO_TXCOUNT(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_TCFIFO_TXCOUNT_SHIFT)) & UART_TCFIFO_TXCOUNT_MASK)
17574 /*! @} */
17576 /*! @name RWFIFO - UART FIFO Receive Watermark */
17577 /*! @{ */
17579 #define UART_RWFIFO_RXWATER_MASK                 (0xFFU)
17580 #define UART_RWFIFO_RXWATER_SHIFT                (0U)
17581 /*! RXWATER - Receive Watermark
17582  */
17583 #define UART_RWFIFO_RXWATER(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_RWFIFO_RXWATER_SHIFT)) & UART_RWFIFO_RXWATER_MASK)
17584 /*! @} */
17586 /*! @name RCFIFO - UART FIFO Receive Count */
17587 /*! @{ */
17589 #define UART_RCFIFO_RXCOUNT_MASK                 (0xFFU)
17590 #define UART_RCFIFO_RXCOUNT_SHIFT                (0U)
17591 /*! RXCOUNT - Receive Counter
17592  */
17593 #define UART_RCFIFO_RXCOUNT(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_RCFIFO_RXCOUNT_SHIFT)) & UART_RCFIFO_RXCOUNT_MASK)
17594 /*! @} */
17596 /*! @name C7816 - UART 7816 Control Register */
17597 /*! @{ */
17599 #define UART_C7816_ISO_7816E_MASK                (0x1U)
17600 #define UART_C7816_ISO_7816E_SHIFT               (0U)
17601 /*! ISO_7816E - ISO-7816 Functionality Enabled
17602  *  0b0..ISO-7816 functionality is turned off/not enabled.
17603  *  0b1..ISO-7816 functionality is turned on/enabled.
17604  */
17605 #define UART_C7816_ISO_7816E(x)                  (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C7816_ISO_7816E_SHIFT)) & UART_C7816_ISO_7816E_MASK)
17607 #define UART_C7816_TTYPE_MASK                    (0x2U)
17608 #define UART_C7816_TTYPE_SHIFT                   (1U)
17609 /*! TTYPE - Transfer Type
17610  *  0b0..T = 0 per the ISO-7816 specification.
17611  *  0b1..T = 1 per the ISO-7816 specification.
17612  */
17613 #define UART_C7816_TTYPE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C7816_TTYPE_SHIFT)) & UART_C7816_TTYPE_MASK)
17615 #define UART_C7816_INIT_MASK                     (0x4U)
17616 #define UART_C7816_INIT_SHIFT                    (2U)
17617 /*! INIT - Detect Initial Character
17618  *  0b0..Normal operating mode. Receiver does not seek to identify initial character.
17619  *  0b1..Receiver searches for initial character.
17620  */
17621 #define UART_C7816_INIT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C7816_INIT_SHIFT)) & UART_C7816_INIT_MASK)
17623 #define UART_C7816_ANACK_MASK                    (0x8U)
17624 #define UART_C7816_ANACK_SHIFT                   (3U)
17625 /*! ANACK - Generate NACK on Error
17626  *  0b0..No NACK is automatically generated.
17627  *  0b1..A NACK is automatically generated if a parity error is detected or if an invalid initial character is detected.
17628  */
17629 #define UART_C7816_ANACK(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C7816_ANACK_SHIFT)) & UART_C7816_ANACK_MASK)
17631 #define UART_C7816_ONACK_MASK                    (0x10U)
17632 #define UART_C7816_ONACK_SHIFT                   (4U)
17633 /*! ONACK - Generate NACK on Overflow
17634  *  0b0..The received data does not generate a NACK when the receipt of the data results in an overflow event.
17635  *  0b1..If the receiver buffer overflows, a NACK is automatically sent on a received character.
17636  */
17637 #define UART_C7816_ONACK(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_C7816_ONACK_SHIFT)) & UART_C7816_ONACK_MASK)
17638 /*! @} */
17640 /*! @name IE7816 - UART 7816 Interrupt Enable Register */
17641 /*! @{ */
17643 #define UART_IE7816_RXTE_MASK                    (0x1U)
17644 #define UART_IE7816_RXTE_SHIFT                   (0U)
17645 /*! RXTE - Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable
17646  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[RXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17647  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[RXT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17648  */
17649 #define UART_IE7816_RXTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_RXTE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_RXTE_MASK)
17651 #define UART_IE7816_TXTE_MASK                    (0x2U)
17652 #define UART_IE7816_TXTE_SHIFT                   (1U)
17653 /*! TXTE - Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt Enable
17654  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[TXT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17655  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[TXT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17656  */
17657 #define UART_IE7816_TXTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_TXTE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_TXTE_MASK)
17659 #define UART_IE7816_GTVE_MASK                    (0x4U)
17660 #define UART_IE7816_GTVE_SHIFT                   (2U)
17661 /*! GTVE - Guard Timer Violated Interrupt Enable
17662  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[GTV] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17663  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[GTV] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17664  */
17665 #define UART_IE7816_GTVE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_GTVE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_GTVE_MASK)
17667 #define UART_IE7816_INITDE_MASK                  (0x10U)
17668 #define UART_IE7816_INITDE_SHIFT                 (4U)
17669 /*! INITDE - Initial Character Detected Interrupt Enable
17670  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[INITD] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17671  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[INITD] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17672  */
17673 #define UART_IE7816_INITDE(x)                    (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_INITDE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_INITDE_MASK)
17675 #define UART_IE7816_BWTE_MASK                    (0x20U)
17676 #define UART_IE7816_BWTE_SHIFT                   (5U)
17677 /*! BWTE - Block Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
17678  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[BWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17679  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[BWT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17680  */
17681 #define UART_IE7816_BWTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_BWTE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_BWTE_MASK)
17683 #define UART_IE7816_CWTE_MASK                    (0x40U)
17684 #define UART_IE7816_CWTE_SHIFT                   (6U)
17685 /*! CWTE - Character Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
17686  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[CWT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17687  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[CWT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17688  */
17689 #define UART_IE7816_CWTE(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_CWTE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_CWTE_MASK)
17691 #define UART_IE7816_WTE_MASK                     (0x80U)
17692 #define UART_IE7816_WTE_SHIFT                    (7U)
17693 /*! WTE - Wait Timer Interrupt Enable
17694  *  0b0..The assertion of IS7816[WT] does not result in the generation of an interrupt.
17695  *  0b1..The assertion of IS7816[WT] results in the generation of an interrupt.
17696  */
17697 #define UART_IE7816_WTE(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IE7816_WTE_SHIFT)) & UART_IE7816_WTE_MASK)
17698 /*! @} */
17700 /*! @name IS7816 - UART 7816 Interrupt Status Register */
17701 /*! @{ */
17703 #define UART_IS7816_RXT_MASK                     (0x1U)
17704 #define UART_IS7816_RXT_SHIFT                    (0U)
17705 /*! RXT - Receive Threshold Exceeded Interrupt
17706  *  0b0..The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is less than
17707  *       or equal to the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD].
17708  *  0b1..The number of consecutive NACKS generated as a result of parity errors and buffer overruns is greater than the value in ET7816[RXTHRESHOLD].
17709  */
17710 #define UART_IS7816_RXT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_RXT_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_RXT_MASK)
17712 #define UART_IS7816_TXT_MASK                     (0x2U)
17713 #define UART_IS7816_TXT_SHIFT                    (1U)
17714 /*! TXT - Transmit Threshold Exceeded Interrupt
17715  *  0b0..The number of retries and corresponding NACKS does not exceed the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD].
17716  *  0b1..The number of retries and corresponding NACKS exceeds the value in ET7816[TXTHRESHOLD].
17717  */
17718 #define UART_IS7816_TXT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_TXT_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_TXT_MASK)
17720 #define UART_IS7816_GTV_MASK                     (0x4U)
17721 #define UART_IS7816_GTV_SHIFT                    (2U)
17722 /*! GTV - Guard Timer Violated Interrupt
17723  *  0b0..A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has not been violated.
17724  *  0b1..A guard time (GT, CGT, or BGT) has been violated.
17725  */
17726 #define UART_IS7816_GTV(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_GTV_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_GTV_MASK)
17728 #define UART_IS7816_INITD_MASK                   (0x10U)
17729 #define UART_IS7816_INITD_SHIFT                  (4U)
17730 /*! INITD - Initial Character Detected Interrupt
17731  *  0b0..A valid initial character has not been received.
17732  *  0b1..A valid initial character has been received.
17733  */
17734 #define UART_IS7816_INITD(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_INITD_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_INITD_MASK)
17736 #define UART_IS7816_BWT_MASK                     (0x20U)
17737 #define UART_IS7816_BWT_SHIFT                    (5U)
17738 /*! BWT - Block Wait Timer Interrupt
17739  *  0b0..Block wait time (BWT) has not been violated.
17740  *  0b1..Block wait time (BWT) has been violated.
17741  */
17742 #define UART_IS7816_BWT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_BWT_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_BWT_MASK)
17744 #define UART_IS7816_CWT_MASK                     (0x40U)
17745 #define UART_IS7816_CWT_SHIFT                    (6U)
17746 /*! CWT - Character Wait Timer Interrupt
17747  *  0b0..Character wait time (CWT) has not been violated.
17748  *  0b1..Character wait time (CWT) has been violated.
17749  */
17750 #define UART_IS7816_CWT(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_CWT_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_CWT_MASK)
17752 #define UART_IS7816_WT_MASK                      (0x80U)
17753 #define UART_IS7816_WT_SHIFT                     (7U)
17754 /*! WT - Wait Timer Interrupt
17755  *  0b0..Wait time (WT) has not been violated.
17756  *  0b1..Wait time (WT) has been violated.
17757  */
17758 #define UART_IS7816_WT(x)                        (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_IS7816_WT_SHIFT)) & UART_IS7816_WT_MASK)
17759 /*! @} */
17761 /*! @name WP7816T0 - UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register */
17762 /*! @{ */
17764 #define UART_WP7816T0_WI_MASK                    (0xFFU)
17765 #define UART_WP7816T0_WI_SHIFT                   (0U)
17766 /*! WI - Wait Time Integer (C7816[TTYPE] = 0)
17767  */
17768 #define UART_WP7816T0_WI(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_WP7816T0_WI_SHIFT)) & UART_WP7816T0_WI_MASK)
17769 /*! @} */
17771 /*! @name WP7816T1 - UART 7816 Wait Parameter Register */
17772 /*! @{ */
17774 #define UART_WP7816T1_BWI_MASK                   (0xFU)
17775 #define UART_WP7816T1_BWI_SHIFT                  (0U)
17776 /*! BWI - Block Wait Time Integer(C7816[TTYPE] = 1)
17777  */
17778 #define UART_WP7816T1_BWI(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_WP7816T1_BWI_SHIFT)) & UART_WP7816T1_BWI_MASK)
17780 #define UART_WP7816T1_CWI_MASK                   (0xF0U)
17781 #define UART_WP7816T1_CWI_SHIFT                  (4U)
17782 /*! CWI - Character Wait Time Integer (C7816[TTYPE] = 1)
17783  */
17784 #define UART_WP7816T1_CWI(x)                     (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_WP7816T1_CWI_SHIFT)) & UART_WP7816T1_CWI_MASK)
17785 /*! @} */
17787 /*! @name WN7816 - UART 7816 Wait N Register */
17788 /*! @{ */
17790 #define UART_WN7816_GTN_MASK                     (0xFFU)
17791 #define UART_WN7816_GTN_SHIFT                    (0U)
17792 /*! GTN - Guard Band N
17793  */
17794 #define UART_WN7816_GTN(x)                       (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_WN7816_GTN_SHIFT)) & UART_WN7816_GTN_MASK)
17795 /*! @} */
17797 /*! @name WF7816 - UART 7816 Wait FD Register */
17798 /*! @{ */
17800 #define UART_WF7816_GTFD_MASK                    (0xFFU)
17801 #define UART_WF7816_GTFD_SHIFT                   (0U)
17802 /*! GTFD - FD Multiplier
17803  */
17804 #define UART_WF7816_GTFD(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_WF7816_GTFD_SHIFT)) & UART_WF7816_GTFD_MASK)
17805 /*! @} */
17807 /*! @name ET7816 - UART 7816 Error Threshold Register */
17808 /*! @{ */
17810 #define UART_ET7816_RXTHRESHOLD_MASK             (0xFU)
17811 #define UART_ET7816_RXTHRESHOLD_SHIFT            (0U)
17812 /*! RXTHRESHOLD - Receive NACK Threshold
17813  */
17814 #define UART_ET7816_RXTHRESHOLD(x)               (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_ET7816_RXTHRESHOLD_SHIFT)) & UART_ET7816_RXTHRESHOLD_MASK)
17816 #define UART_ET7816_TXTHRESHOLD_MASK             (0xF0U)
17817 #define UART_ET7816_TXTHRESHOLD_SHIFT            (4U)
17818 /*! TXTHRESHOLD - Transmit NACK Threshold
17819  *  0b0000..TXT asserts on the first NACK that is received.
17820  *  0b0001..TXT asserts on the second NACK that is received.
17821  */
17822 #define UART_ET7816_TXTHRESHOLD(x)               (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_ET7816_TXTHRESHOLD_SHIFT)) & UART_ET7816_TXTHRESHOLD_MASK)
17823 /*! @} */
17825 /*! @name TL7816 - UART 7816 Transmit Length Register */
17826 /*! @{ */
17828 #define UART_TL7816_TLEN_MASK                    (0xFFU)
17829 #define UART_TL7816_TLEN_SHIFT                   (0U)
17830 /*! TLEN - Transmit Length
17831  */
17832 #define UART_TL7816_TLEN(x)                      (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << UART_TL7816_TLEN_SHIFT)) & UART_TL7816_TLEN_MASK)
17833 /*! @} */
17836 /*!
17837  * @}
17838  */ /* end of group UART_Register_Masks */
17841 /* UART - Peripheral instance base addresses */
17842 /** Peripheral UART0 base address */
17843 #define UART0_BASE                               (0x4006A000u)
17844 /** Peripheral UART0 base pointer */
17845 #define UART0                                    ((UART_Type *)UART0_BASE)
17846 /** Peripheral UART1 base address */
17847 #define UART1_BASE                               (0x4006B000u)
17848 /** Peripheral UART1 base pointer */
17849 #define UART1                                    ((UART_Type *)UART1_BASE)
17850 /** Peripheral UART2 base address */
17851 #define UART2_BASE                               (0x4006C000u)
17852 /** Peripheral UART2 base pointer */
17853 #define UART2                                    ((UART_Type *)UART2_BASE)
17854 /** Peripheral UART3 base address */
17855 #define UART3_BASE                               (0x4006D000u)
17856 /** Peripheral UART3 base pointer */
17857 #define UART3                                    ((UART_Type *)UART3_BASE)
17858 /** Array initializer of UART peripheral base addresses */
17859 #define UART_BASE_ADDRS                          { UART0_BASE, UART1_BASE, UART2_BASE, UART3_BASE }
17860 /** Array initializer of UART peripheral base pointers */
17861 #define UART_BASE_PTRS                           { UART0, UART1, UART2, UART3 }
17862 /** Interrupt vectors for the UART peripheral type */
17863 #define UART_RX_TX_IRQS                          { UART0_UART1_IRQn, UART0_UART1_IRQn, UART2_UART3_IRQn, UART2_UART3_IRQn }
17864 #define UART_ERR_IRQS                            { UART0_UART1_IRQn, UART0_UART1_IRQn, UART2_UART3_IRQn, UART2_UART3_IRQn }
17866 /*!
17867  * @}
17868  */ /* end of group UART_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
17871 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17872    -- VREF Peripheral Access Layer
17873    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
17875 /*!
17876  * @addtogroup VREF_Peripheral_Access_Layer VREF Peripheral Access Layer
17877  * @{
17878  */
17880 /** VREF - Register Layout Typedef */
17881 typedef struct {
17882   __IO uint8_t VREFH_TRM;                          /**< VREF Trim Register, offset: 0x0 */
17883   __IO uint8_t VREFH_SC;                           /**< VREF Status and Control Register, offset: 0x1 */
17884        uint8_t RESERVED_0[3];
17885   __IO uint8_t VREFL_TRM;                          /**< VREFL TRIM Register, offset: 0x5 */
17886 } VREF_Type;
17888 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17889    -- VREF Register Masks
17890    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
17892 /*!
17893  * @addtogroup VREF_Register_Masks VREF Register Masks
17894  * @{
17895  */
17897 /*! @name VREFH_TRM - VREF Trim Register */
17898 /*! @{ */
17900 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_TRIM_MASK                 (0x3FU)
17901 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_TRIM_SHIFT                (0U)
17902 /*! TRIM - Trim bits
17903  *  0b000000..Min
17904  *  0b111111..Max
17905  */
17906 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_TRIM(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_TRM_TRIM_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_TRM_TRIM_MASK)
17908 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_CHOPEN_MASK               (0x40U)
17909 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_CHOPEN_SHIFT              (6U)
17910 /*! CHOPEN - Chop oscillator enable. When set, internal chopping operation is enabled and the
17911  *    internal analog offset will be minimized.
17912  *  0b0..Chop oscillator is disabled.
17913  *  0b1..Chop oscillator is enabled.
17914  */
17915 #define VREF_VREFH_TRM_CHOPEN(x)                 (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_TRM_CHOPEN_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_TRM_CHOPEN_MASK)
17916 /*! @} */
17918 /*! @name VREFH_SC - VREF Status and Control Register */
17919 /*! @{ */
17921 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_MODE_LV_MASK               (0x3U)
17922 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_MODE_LV_SHIFT              (0U)
17923 /*! MODE_LV - Buffer Mode selection
17924  *  0b00..Bandgap on only, for stabilization and startup
17925  *  0b01..High power buffer mode enabled
17926  *  0b10..Low-power buffer mode enabled
17927  *  0b11..Reserved
17928  */
17929 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_MODE_LV(x)                 (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_SC_MODE_LV_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_SC_MODE_LV_MASK)
17931 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFST_MASK                (0x4U)
17932 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFST_SHIFT               (2U)
17933 /*! VREFST - Internal Voltage Reference stable
17934  *  0b0..The module is disabled or not stable.
17935  *  0b1..The module is stable.
17936  */
17937 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFST(x)                  (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFST_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFST_MASK)
17939 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_ICOMPEN_MASK               (0x20U)
17940 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_ICOMPEN_SHIFT              (5U)
17941 /*! ICOMPEN - Second order curvature compensation enable
17942  *  0b0..Disabled
17943  *  0b1..Enabled
17944  */
17945 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_ICOMPEN(x)                 (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_SC_ICOMPEN_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_SC_ICOMPEN_MASK)
17947 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_REGEN_MASK                 (0x40U)
17948 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_REGEN_SHIFT                (6U)
17949 /*! REGEN - Regulator enable
17950  *  0b0..Internal 1.75 V regulator is disabled.
17951  *  0b1..Internal 1.75 V regulator is enabled.
17952  */
17953 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_REGEN(x)                   (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_SC_REGEN_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_SC_REGEN_MASK)
17955 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFEN_MASK                (0x80U)
17956 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFEN_SHIFT               (7U)
17957 /*! VREFEN - Internal Voltage Reference enable
17958  *  0b0..The module is disabled.
17959  *  0b1..The module is enabled.
17960  */
17961 #define VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFEN(x)                  (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFEN_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFH_SC_VREFEN_MASK)
17962 /*! @} */
17964 /*! @name VREFL_TRM - VREFL TRIM Register */
17965 /*! @{ */
17967 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_TRIM_MASK           (0x7U)
17968 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_TRIM_SHIFT          (0U)
17969 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_TRIM(x)             (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_TRIM_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_TRIM_MASK)
17971 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_EN_MASK             (0x8U)
17972 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_EN_SHIFT            (3U)
17973 /*! VREFL_EN
17974  *  0b0..Disable
17975  *  0b1..Enable
17976  */
17977 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_EN(x)               (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_EN_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_EN_MASK)
17979 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_SEL_MASK            (0x10U)
17980 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_SEL_SHIFT           (4U)
17981 /*! VREFL_SEL
17982  *  0b0..Internal reference
17983  *  0b1..External reference
17984  */
17985 #define VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_SEL(x)              (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_SEL_SHIFT)) & VREF_VREFL_TRM_VREFL_SEL_MASK)
17986 /*! @} */
17989 /*!
17990  * @}
17991  */ /* end of group VREF_Register_Masks */
17994 /* VREF - Peripheral instance base addresses */
17995 /** Peripheral VREF base address */
17996 #define VREF_BASE                                (0x4006F000u)
17997 /** Peripheral VREF base pointer */
17998 #define VREF                                     ((VREF_Type *)VREF_BASE)
17999 /** Array initializer of VREF peripheral base addresses */
18000 #define VREF_BASE_ADDRS                          { VREF_BASE }
18001 /** Array initializer of VREF peripheral base pointers */
18002 #define VREF_BASE_PTRS                           { VREF }
18004 /*!
18005  * @}
18006  */ /* end of group VREF_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
18009 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18010    -- WDOG Peripheral Access Layer
18011    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18013 /*!
18014  * @addtogroup WDOG_Peripheral_Access_Layer WDOG Peripheral Access Layer
18015  * @{
18016  */
18018 /** WDOG - Register Layout Typedef */
18019 typedef struct {
18020   __IO uint16_t STCTRLH;                           /**< Watchdog Status and Control Register High, offset: 0x0 */
18021   __IO uint16_t STCTRLL;                           /**< Watchdog Status and Control Register Low, offset: 0x2 */
18022   __IO uint16_t TOVALH;                            /**< Watchdog Time-out Value Register High, offset: 0x4 */
18023   __IO uint16_t TOVALL;                            /**< Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low, offset: 0x6 */
18024   __IO uint16_t WINH;                              /**< Watchdog Window Register High, offset: 0x8 */
18025   __IO uint16_t WINL;                              /**< Watchdog Window Register Low, offset: 0xA */
18026   __IO uint16_t REFRESH;                           /**< Watchdog Refresh register, offset: 0xC */
18027   __IO uint16_t UNLOCK;                            /**< Watchdog Unlock register, offset: 0xE */
18028   __IO uint16_t TMROUTH;                           /**< Watchdog Timer Output Register High, offset: 0x10 */
18029   __IO uint16_t TMROUTL;                           /**< Watchdog Timer Output Register Low, offset: 0x12 */
18030   __IO uint16_t RSTCNT;                            /**< Watchdog Reset Count register, offset: 0x14 */
18031   __IO uint16_t PRESC;                             /**< Watchdog Prescaler register, offset: 0x16 */
18032 } WDOG_Type;
18034 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18035    -- WDOG Register Masks
18036    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18038 /*!
18039  * @addtogroup WDOG_Register_Masks WDOG Register Masks
18040  * @{
18041  */
18043 /*! @name STCTRLH - Watchdog Status and Control Register High */
18044 /*! @{ */
18046 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WDOGEN_MASK                 (0x1U)
18047 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WDOGEN_SHIFT                (0U)
18048 /*! WDOGEN
18049  *  0b0..WDOG is disabled.
18050  *  0b1..WDOG is enabled.
18051  */
18052 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WDOGEN(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_WDOGEN_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_WDOGEN_MASK)
18054 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_MASK                 (0x2U)
18055 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_SHIFT                (1U)
18056 /*! CLKSRC
18057  *  0b0..WDOG clock sourced from LPO .
18058  *  0b1..WDOG clock sourced from alternate clock source.
18059  */
18060 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_CLKSRC_MASK)
18062 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_IRQRSTEN_MASK               (0x4U)
18063 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_IRQRSTEN_SHIFT              (2U)
18064 /*! IRQRSTEN
18065  *  0b0..WDOG time-out generates reset only.
18066  *  0b1..WDOG time-out initially generates an interrupt. After WCT, it generates a reset.
18067  */
18068 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_IRQRSTEN(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_IRQRSTEN_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_IRQRSTEN_MASK)
18070 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WINEN_MASK                  (0x8U)
18071 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WINEN_SHIFT                 (3U)
18072 /*! WINEN
18073  *  0b0..Windowing mode is disabled.
18074  *  0b1..Windowing mode is enabled.
18075  */
18076 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_WINEN(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_WINEN_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_WINEN_MASK)
18078 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_MASK            (0x10U)
18079 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_SHIFT           (4U)
18081  *  0b0..No further updates allowed to WDOG write-once registers.
18082  *  0b1..WDOG write-once registers can be unlocked for updating.
18083  */
18084 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_ALLOWUPDATE_MASK)
18086 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DBGEN_MASK                  (0x20U)
18087 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DBGEN_SHIFT                 (5U)
18088 /*! DBGEN
18089  *  0b0..WDOG is disabled in CPU Debug mode.
18090  *  0b1..WDOG is enabled in CPU Debug mode.
18091  */
18092 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DBGEN(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_DBGEN_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_DBGEN_MASK)
18094 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_MASK                 (0x40U)
18095 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_SHIFT                (6U)
18096 /*! STOPEN
18097  *  0b0..WDOG is disabled in CPU Stop mode.
18098  *  0b1..WDOG is enabled in CPU Stop mode.
18099  */
18100 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_STOPEN_MASK)
18102 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTWDOG_MASK               (0x400U)
18103 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTWDOG_SHIFT              (10U)
18104 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTWDOG(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTWDOG_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTWDOG_MASK)
18106 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTSEL_MASK                (0x800U)
18107 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTSEL_SHIFT               (11U)
18108 /*! TESTSEL
18109  *  0b0..Quick test. The timer runs in normal operation. You can load a small time-out value to do a quick test.
18110  *  0b1..Byte test. Puts the timer in the byte test mode where individual bytes of the timer are enabled for
18111  *       operation and are compared for time-out against the corresponding byte of the programmed time-out value. Select
18112  *       the byte through BYTESEL[1:0] for testing.
18113  */
18114 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTSEL(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTSEL_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_TESTSEL_MASK)
18116 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_MASK                (0x3000U)
18117 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_SHIFT               (12U)
18118 /*! BYTESEL
18119  *  0b00..Byte 0 selected
18120  *  0b01..Byte 1 selected
18121  *  0b10..Byte 2 selected
18122  *  0b11..Byte 3 selected
18123  */
18124 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_BYTESEL_MASK)
18126 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DISTESTWDOG_MASK            (0x4000U)
18127 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DISTESTWDOG_SHIFT           (14U)
18129  *  0b0..WDOG functional test mode is not disabled.
18130  *  0b1..WDOG functional test mode is disabled permanently until reset.
18131  */
18132 #define WDOG_STCTRLH_DISTESTWDOG(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLH_DISTESTWDOG_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLH_DISTESTWDOG_MASK)
18133 /*! @} */
18135 /*! @name STCTRLL - Watchdog Status and Control Register Low */
18136 /*! @{ */
18138 #define WDOG_STCTRLL_INTFLG_MASK                 (0x8000U)
18139 #define WDOG_STCTRLL_INTFLG_SHIFT                (15U)
18140 #define WDOG_STCTRLL_INTFLG(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_STCTRLL_INTFLG_SHIFT)) & WDOG_STCTRLL_INTFLG_MASK)
18141 /*! @} */
18143 /*! @name TOVALH - Watchdog Time-out Value Register High */
18144 /*! @{ */
18146 #define WDOG_TOVALH_TOVALHIGH_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
18147 #define WDOG_TOVALH_TOVALHIGH_SHIFT              (0U)
18148 #define WDOG_TOVALH_TOVALHIGH(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_TOVALH_TOVALHIGH_SHIFT)) & WDOG_TOVALH_TOVALHIGH_MASK)
18149 /*! @} */
18151 /*! @name TOVALL - Watchdog Time-out Value Register Low */
18152 /*! @{ */
18154 #define WDOG_TOVALL_TOVALLOW_MASK                (0xFFFFU)
18155 #define WDOG_TOVALL_TOVALLOW_SHIFT               (0U)
18156 #define WDOG_TOVALL_TOVALLOW(x)                  (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_TOVALL_TOVALLOW_SHIFT)) & WDOG_TOVALL_TOVALLOW_MASK)
18157 /*! @} */
18159 /*! @name WINH - Watchdog Window Register High */
18160 /*! @{ */
18162 #define WDOG_WINH_WINHIGH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
18163 #define WDOG_WINH_WINHIGH_SHIFT                  (0U)
18164 #define WDOG_WINH_WINHIGH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_WINH_WINHIGH_SHIFT)) & WDOG_WINH_WINHIGH_MASK)
18165 /*! @} */
18167 /*! @name WINL - Watchdog Window Register Low */
18168 /*! @{ */
18170 #define WDOG_WINL_WINLOW_MASK                    (0xFFFFU)
18171 #define WDOG_WINL_WINLOW_SHIFT                   (0U)
18172 #define WDOG_WINL_WINLOW(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_WINL_WINLOW_SHIFT)) & WDOG_WINL_WINLOW_MASK)
18173 /*! @} */
18175 /*! @name REFRESH - Watchdog Refresh register */
18176 /*! @{ */
18178 #define WDOG_REFRESH_WDOGREFRESH_MASK            (0xFFFFU)
18179 #define WDOG_REFRESH_WDOGREFRESH_SHIFT           (0U)
18180 #define WDOG_REFRESH_WDOGREFRESH(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_REFRESH_WDOGREFRESH_SHIFT)) & WDOG_REFRESH_WDOGREFRESH_MASK)
18181 /*! @} */
18183 /*! @name UNLOCK - Watchdog Unlock register */
18184 /*! @{ */
18186 #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_MASK              (0xFFFFU)
18187 #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_SHIFT             (0U)
18188 #define WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK(x)                (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_SHIFT)) & WDOG_UNLOCK_WDOGUNLOCK_MASK)
18189 /*! @} */
18191 /*! @name TMROUTH - Watchdog Timer Output Register High */
18192 /*! @{ */
18194 #define WDOG_TMROUTH_TIMEROUTHIGH_MASK           (0xFFFFU)
18195 #define WDOG_TMROUTH_TIMEROUTHIGH_SHIFT          (0U)
18197 /*! @} */
18199 /*! @name TMROUTL - Watchdog Timer Output Register Low */
18200 /*! @{ */
18202 #define WDOG_TMROUTL_TIMEROUTLOW_MASK            (0xFFFFU)
18203 #define WDOG_TMROUTL_TIMEROUTLOW_SHIFT           (0U)
18204 #define WDOG_TMROUTL_TIMEROUTLOW(x)              (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_TMROUTL_TIMEROUTLOW_SHIFT)) & WDOG_TMROUTL_TIMEROUTLOW_MASK)
18205 /*! @} */
18207 /*! @name RSTCNT - Watchdog Reset Count register */
18208 /*! @{ */
18210 #define WDOG_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_MASK                  (0xFFFFU)
18211 #define WDOG_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_SHIFT                 (0U)
18212 #define WDOG_RSTCNT_RSTCNT(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_SHIFT)) & WDOG_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_MASK)
18213 /*! @} */
18215 /*! @name PRESC - Watchdog Prescaler register */
18216 /*! @{ */
18218 #define WDOG_PRESC_PRESCVAL_MASK                 (0x700U)
18219 #define WDOG_PRESC_PRESCVAL_SHIFT                (8U)
18220 #define WDOG_PRESC_PRESCVAL(x)                   (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << WDOG_PRESC_PRESCVAL_SHIFT)) & WDOG_PRESC_PRESCVAL_MASK)
18221 /*! @} */
18224 /*!
18225  * @}
18226  */ /* end of group WDOG_Register_Masks */
18229 /* WDOG - Peripheral instance base addresses */
18230 /** Peripheral WDOG base address */
18231 #define WDOG_BASE                                (0x40053000u)
18232 /** Peripheral WDOG base pointer */
18233 #define WDOG                                     ((WDOG_Type *)WDOG_BASE)
18234 /** Array initializer of WDOG peripheral base addresses */
18235 #define WDOG_BASE_ADDRS                          { WDOG_BASE }
18236 /** Array initializer of WDOG peripheral base pointers */
18237 #define WDOG_BASE_PTRS                           { WDOG }
18238 /** Interrupt vectors for the WDOG peripheral type */
18239 #define WDOG_IRQS                                { WDOG_IRQn }
18241 /*!
18242  * @}
18243  */ /* end of group WDOG_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
18246 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18247    -- XBAR Peripheral Access Layer
18248    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18250 /*!
18251  * @addtogroup XBAR_Peripheral_Access_Layer XBAR Peripheral Access Layer
18252  * @{
18253  */
18255 /** XBAR - Register Layout Typedef */
18256 typedef struct {
18257   __IO uint16_t SEL0;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 0, offset: 0x0 */
18258   __IO uint16_t SEL1;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 1, offset: 0x2 */
18259   __IO uint16_t SEL2;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 2, offset: 0x4 */
18260   __IO uint16_t SEL3;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 3, offset: 0x6 */
18261   __IO uint16_t SEL4;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 4, offset: 0x8 */
18262   __IO uint16_t SEL5;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 5, offset: 0xA */
18263   __IO uint16_t SEL6;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 6, offset: 0xC */
18264   __IO uint16_t SEL7;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 7, offset: 0xE */
18265   __IO uint16_t SEL8;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 8, offset: 0x10 */
18266   __IO uint16_t SEL9;                              /**< Crossbar Select Register 9, offset: 0x12 */
18267   __IO uint16_t SEL10;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 10, offset: 0x14 */
18268   __IO uint16_t SEL11;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 11, offset: 0x16 */
18269   __IO uint16_t SEL12;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 12, offset: 0x18 */
18270   __IO uint16_t SEL13;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 13, offset: 0x1A */
18271   __IO uint16_t SEL14;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 14, offset: 0x1C */
18272   __IO uint16_t SEL15;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 15, offset: 0x1E */
18273   __IO uint16_t SEL16;                             /**< Crossbar Select Register 16, offset: 0x20 */
18274   __IO uint16_t CTRL0;                             /**< Crossbar Control Register 0, offset: 0x22 */
18275 } XBAR_Type;
18277 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18278    -- XBAR Register Masks
18279    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
18281 /*!
18282  * @addtogroup XBAR_Register_Masks XBAR Register Masks
18283  * @{
18284  */
18286 /*! @name SEL0 - Crossbar Select Register 0 */
18287 /*! @{ */
18289 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL0_MASK                      (0x3FU)
18290 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL0_SHIFT                     (0U)
18291 /*! SEL0
18292  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18293  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18294  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18295  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18296  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18297  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18298  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18299  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18300  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18301  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18302  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18303  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18304  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18305  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18306  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18307  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18308  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18309  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18310  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18311  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18312  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18313  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18314  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18315  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18316  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18317  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18318  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18319  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18320  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18321  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18322  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18323  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18324  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18325  */
18326 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL0(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL0_SEL0_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL0_SEL0_MASK)
18328 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL1_MASK                      (0x3F00U)
18329 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL1_SHIFT                     (8U)
18330 /*! SEL1
18331  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18332  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18333  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18334  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18335  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18336  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18337  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18338  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18339  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18340  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18341  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18342  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18343  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18344  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18345  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18346  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18347  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18348  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18349  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18350  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18351  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18352  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18353  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18354  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18355  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18356  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18357  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18358  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18359  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18360  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18361  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18362  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18363  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18364  */
18365 #define XBAR_SEL0_SEL1(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL0_SEL1_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL0_SEL1_MASK)
18366 /*! @} */
18368 /*! @name SEL1 - Crossbar Select Register 1 */
18369 /*! @{ */
18371 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL2_MASK                      (0x3FU)
18372 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL2_SHIFT                     (0U)
18373 /*! SEL2
18374  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18375  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18376  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18377  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18378  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18379  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18380  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18381  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18382  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18383  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18384  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18385  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18386  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18387  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18388  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18389  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18390  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18391  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18392  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18393  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18394  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18395  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18396  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18397  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18398  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18399  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18400  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18401  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18402  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18403  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18404  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18405  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18406  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18407  */
18408 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL2(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL1_SEL2_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL1_SEL2_MASK)
18410 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL3_MASK                      (0x3F00U)
18411 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL3_SHIFT                     (8U)
18412 /*! SEL3
18413  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18414  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18415  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18416  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18417  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18418  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18419  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18420  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18421  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18422  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18423  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18424  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18425  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18426  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18427  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18428  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18429  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18430  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18431  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18432  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18433  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18434  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18435  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18436  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18437  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18438  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18439  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18440  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18441  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18442  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18443  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18444  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18445  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18446  */
18447 #define XBAR_SEL1_SEL3(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL1_SEL3_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL1_SEL3_MASK)
18448 /*! @} */
18450 /*! @name SEL2 - Crossbar Select Register 2 */
18451 /*! @{ */
18453 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL4_MASK                      (0x3FU)
18454 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL4_SHIFT                     (0U)
18455 /*! SEL4
18456  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18457  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18458  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18459  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18460  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18461  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18462  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18463  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18464  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18465  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18466  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18467  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18468  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18469  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18470  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18471  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18472  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18473  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18474  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18475  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18476  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18477  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18478  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18479  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18480  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18481  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18482  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18483  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18484  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18485  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18486  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18487  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18488  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18489  */
18490 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL4(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL2_SEL4_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL2_SEL4_MASK)
18492 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL5_MASK                      (0x3F00U)
18493 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL5_SHIFT                     (8U)
18494 /*! SEL5
18495  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18496  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18497  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18498  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18499  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18500  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18501  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18502  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18503  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18504  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18505  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18506  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18507  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18508  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18509  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18510  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18511  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18512  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18513  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18514  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18515  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18516  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18517  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18518  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18519  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18520  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18521  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18522  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18523  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18524  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18525  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18526  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18527  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18528  */
18529 #define XBAR_SEL2_SEL5(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL2_SEL5_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL2_SEL5_MASK)
18530 /*! @} */
18532 /*! @name SEL3 - Crossbar Select Register 3 */
18533 /*! @{ */
18535 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL6_MASK                      (0x3FU)
18536 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL6_SHIFT                     (0U)
18537 /*! SEL6
18538  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18539  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18540  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18541  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18542  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18543  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18544  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18545  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18546  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18547  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18548  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18549  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18550  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18551  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18552  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18553  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18554  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18555  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18556  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18557  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18558  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18559  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18560  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18561  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18562  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18563  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18564  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18565  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18566  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18567  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18568  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18569  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18570  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18571  */
18572 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL6(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL3_SEL6_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL3_SEL6_MASK)
18574 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL7_MASK                      (0x3F00U)
18575 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL7_SHIFT                     (8U)
18576 /*! SEL7
18577  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18578  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18579  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18580  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18581  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18582  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18583  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18584  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18585  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18586  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18587  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18588  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18589  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18590  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18591  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18592  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18593  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18594  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18595  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18596  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18597  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18598  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18599  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18600  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18601  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18602  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18603  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18604  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18605  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18606  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18607  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18608  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18609  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18610  */
18611 #define XBAR_SEL3_SEL7(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL3_SEL7_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL3_SEL7_MASK)
18612 /*! @} */
18614 /*! @name SEL4 - Crossbar Select Register 4 */
18615 /*! @{ */
18617 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL8_MASK                      (0x3FU)
18618 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL8_SHIFT                     (0U)
18619 /*! SEL8
18620  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18621  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18622  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18623  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18624  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18625  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18626  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18627  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18628  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18629  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18630  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18631  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18632  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18633  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18634  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18635  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18636  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18637  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18638  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18639  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18640  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18641  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18642  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18643  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18644  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18645  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18646  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18647  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18648  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18649  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18650  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18651  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18652  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18653  */
18654 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL8(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL4_SEL8_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL4_SEL8_MASK)
18656 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL9_MASK                      (0x3F00U)
18657 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL9_SHIFT                     (8U)
18658 /*! SEL9
18659  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18660  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18661  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18662  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18663  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18664  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18665  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18666  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18667  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18668  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18669  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18670  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18671  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18672  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18673  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18674  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18675  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18676  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18677  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18678  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18679  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18680  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18681  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18682  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18683  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18684  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18685  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18686  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18687  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18688  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18689  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18690  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18691  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18692  */
18693 #define XBAR_SEL4_SEL9(x)                        (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL4_SEL9_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL4_SEL9_MASK)
18694 /*! @} */
18696 /*! @name SEL5 - Crossbar Select Register 5 */
18697 /*! @{ */
18699 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL10_MASK                     (0x3FU)
18700 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL10_SHIFT                    (0U)
18701 /*! SEL10
18702  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18703  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18704  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18705  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18706  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18707  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18708  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18709  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18710  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18711  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18712  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18713  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18714  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18715  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18716  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18717  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18718  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18719  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18720  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18721  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18722  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18723  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18724  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18725  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18726  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18727  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18728  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18729  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18730  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18731  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18732  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18733  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18734  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18735  */
18736 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL10(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL5_SEL10_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL5_SEL10_MASK)
18738 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL11_MASK                     (0x3F00U)
18739 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL11_SHIFT                    (8U)
18740 /*! SEL11
18741  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18742  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18743  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18744  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18745  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18746  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18747  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18748  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18749  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18750  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18751  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18752  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18753  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18754  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18755  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18756  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18757  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18758  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18759  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18760  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18761  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18762  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18763  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18764  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18765  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18766  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18767  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18768  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18769  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18770  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18771  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18772  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18773  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18774  */
18775 #define XBAR_SEL5_SEL11(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL5_SEL11_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL5_SEL11_MASK)
18776 /*! @} */
18778 /*! @name SEL6 - Crossbar Select Register 6 */
18779 /*! @{ */
18781 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL12_MASK                     (0x3FU)
18782 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL12_SHIFT                    (0U)
18783 /*! SEL12
18784  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18785  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18786  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18787  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18788  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18789  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18790  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18791  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18792  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18793  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18794  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18795  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18796  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18797  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18798  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18799  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18800  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18801  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18802  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18803  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18804  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18805  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18806  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18807  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18808  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18809  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18810  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18811  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18812  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18813  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18814  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18815  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18816  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18817  */
18818 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL12(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL6_SEL12_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL6_SEL12_MASK)
18820 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL13_MASK                     (0x3F00U)
18821 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL13_SHIFT                    (8U)
18822 /*! SEL13
18823  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18824  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18825  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18826  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18827  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18828  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18829  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18830  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18831  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18832  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18833  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18834  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18835  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18836  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18837  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18838  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18839  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18840  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18841  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18842  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18843  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18844  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18845  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18846  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18847  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18848  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18849  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18850  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18851  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18852  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18853  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18854  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18855  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18856  */
18857 #define XBAR_SEL6_SEL13(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL6_SEL13_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL6_SEL13_MASK)
18858 /*! @} */
18860 /*! @name SEL7 - Crossbar Select Register 7 */
18861 /*! @{ */
18863 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL14_MASK                     (0x3FU)
18864 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL14_SHIFT                    (0U)
18865 /*! SEL14
18866  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18867  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18868  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18869  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18870  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18871  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18872  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18873  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18874  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18875  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18876  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18877  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18878  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18879  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18880  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18881  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18882  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18883  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18884  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18885  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18886  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18887  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18888  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18889  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18890  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18891  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18892  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18893  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18894  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18895  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18896  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18897  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18898  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18899  */
18900 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL14(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL7_SEL14_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL7_SEL14_MASK)
18902 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL15_MASK                     (0x3F00U)
18903 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL15_SHIFT                    (8U)
18904 /*! SEL15
18905  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18906  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18907  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18908  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18909  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18910  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18911  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18912  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18913  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18914  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18915  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18916  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18917  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18918  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18919  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18920  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18921  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18922  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18923  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18924  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18925  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18926  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18927  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18928  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18929  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18930  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18931  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18932  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18933  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18934  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18935  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18936  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18937  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18938  */
18939 #define XBAR_SEL7_SEL15(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL7_SEL15_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL7_SEL15_MASK)
18940 /*! @} */
18942 /*! @name SEL8 - Crossbar Select Register 8 */
18943 /*! @{ */
18945 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL16_MASK                     (0x3FU)
18946 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL16_SHIFT                    (0U)
18947 /*! SEL16
18948  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18949  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18950  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18951  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18952  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18953  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18954  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18955  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18956  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18957  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18958  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18959  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18960  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
18961  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
18962  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
18963  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
18964  *  0b010000..PIT Output
18965  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
18966  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
18967  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
18968  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
18969  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
18970  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
18971  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
18972  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
18973  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
18974  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
18975  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
18976  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
18977  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
18978  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
18979  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
18980  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
18981  */
18982 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL16(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL8_SEL16_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL8_SEL16_MASK)
18984 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL17_MASK                     (0x3F00U)
18985 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL17_SHIFT                    (8U)
18986 /*! SEL17
18987  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
18988  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
18989  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
18990  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
18991  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
18992  *  0b000101..Clock Output
18993  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
18994  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
18995  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
18996  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
18997  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
18998  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
18999  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19000  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19001  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19002  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19003  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19004  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19005  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19006  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19007  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19008  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19009  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19010  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19011  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19012  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19013  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19014  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19015  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19016  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19017  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19018  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19019  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19020  */
19021 #define XBAR_SEL8_SEL17(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL8_SEL17_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL8_SEL17_MASK)
19022 /*! @} */
19024 /*! @name SEL9 - Crossbar Select Register 9 */
19025 /*! @{ */
19027 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL18_MASK                     (0x3FU)
19028 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL18_SHIFT                    (0U)
19029 /*! SEL18
19030  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19031  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19032  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19033  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19034  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19035  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19036  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19037  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19038  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19039  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19040  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19041  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19042  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19043  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19044  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19045  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19046  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19047  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19048  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19049  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19050  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19051  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19052  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19053  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19054  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19055  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19056  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19057  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19058  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19059  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19060  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19061  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19062  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19063  */
19064 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL18(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL9_SEL18_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL9_SEL18_MASK)
19066 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL19_MASK                     (0x3F00U)
19067 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL19_SHIFT                    (8U)
19068 /*! SEL19
19069  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19070  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19071  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19072  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19073  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19074  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19075  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19076  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19077  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19078  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19079  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19080  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19081  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19082  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19083  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19084  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19085  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19086  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19087  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19088  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19089  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19090  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19091  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19092  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19093  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19094  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19095  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19096  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19097  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19098  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19099  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19100  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19101  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19102  */
19103 #define XBAR_SEL9_SEL19(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL9_SEL19_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL9_SEL19_MASK)
19104 /*! @} */
19106 /*! @name SEL10 - Crossbar Select Register 10 */
19107 /*! @{ */
19109 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL20_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19110 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL20_SHIFT                   (0U)
19111 /*! SEL20
19112  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19113  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19114  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19115  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19116  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19117  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19118  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19119  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19120  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19121  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19122  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19123  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19124  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19125  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19126  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19127  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19128  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19129  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19130  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19131  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19132  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19133  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19134  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19135  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19136  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19137  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19138  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19139  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19140  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19141  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19142  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19143  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19144  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19145  */
19146 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL20(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL10_SEL20_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL10_SEL20_MASK)
19148 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL21_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19149 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL21_SHIFT                   (8U)
19150 /*! SEL21
19151  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19152  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19153  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19154  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19155  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19156  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19157  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19158  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19159  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19160  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19161  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19162  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19163  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19164  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19165  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19166  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19167  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19168  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19169  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19170  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19171  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19172  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19173  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19174  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19175  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19176  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19177  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19178  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19179  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19180  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19181  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19182  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19183  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19184  */
19185 #define XBAR_SEL10_SEL21(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL10_SEL21_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL10_SEL21_MASK)
19186 /*! @} */
19188 /*! @name SEL11 - Crossbar Select Register 11 */
19189 /*! @{ */
19191 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL22_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19192 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL22_SHIFT                   (0U)
19193 /*! SEL22
19194  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19195  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19196  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19197  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19198  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19199  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19200  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19201  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19202  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19203  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19204  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19205  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19206  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19207  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19208  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19209  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19210  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19211  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19212  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19213  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19214  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19215  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19216  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19217  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19218  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19219  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19220  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19221  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19222  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19223  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19224  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19225  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19226  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19227  */
19228 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL22(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL11_SEL22_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL11_SEL22_MASK)
19230 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL23_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19231 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL23_SHIFT                   (8U)
19232 /*! SEL23
19233  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19234  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19235  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19236  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19237  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19238  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19239  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19240  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19241  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19242  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19243  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19244  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19245  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19246  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19247  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19248  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19249  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19250  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19251  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19252  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19253  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19254  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19255  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19256  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19257  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19258  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19259  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19260  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19261  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19262  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19263  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19264  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19265  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19266  */
19267 #define XBAR_SEL11_SEL23(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL11_SEL23_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL11_SEL23_MASK)
19268 /*! @} */
19270 /*! @name SEL12 - Crossbar Select Register 12 */
19271 /*! @{ */
19273 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL24_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19274 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL24_SHIFT                   (0U)
19275 /*! SEL24
19276  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19277  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19278  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19279  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19280  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19281  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19282  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19283  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19284  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19285  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19286  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19287  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19288  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19289  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19290  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19291  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19292  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19293  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19294  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19295  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19296  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19297  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19298  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19299  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19300  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19301  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19302  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19303  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19304  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19305  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19306  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19307  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19308  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19309  */
19310 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL24(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL12_SEL24_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL12_SEL24_MASK)
19312 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL25_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19313 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL25_SHIFT                   (8U)
19314 /*! SEL25
19315  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19316  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19317  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19318  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19319  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19320  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19321  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19322  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19323  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19324  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19325  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19326  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19327  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19328  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19329  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19330  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19331  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19332  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19333  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19334  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19335  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19336  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19337  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19338  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19339  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19340  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19341  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19342  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19343  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19344  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19345  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19346  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19347  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19348  */
19349 #define XBAR_SEL12_SEL25(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL12_SEL25_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL12_SEL25_MASK)
19350 /*! @} */
19352 /*! @name SEL13 - Crossbar Select Register 13 */
19353 /*! @{ */
19355 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL26_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19356 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL26_SHIFT                   (0U)
19357 /*! SEL26
19358  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19359  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19360  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19361  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19362  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19363  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19364  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19365  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19366  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19367  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19368  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19369  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19370  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19371  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19372  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19373  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19374  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19375  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19376  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19377  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19378  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19379  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19380  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19381  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19382  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19383  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19384  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19385  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19386  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19387  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19388  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19389  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19390  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19391  */
19392 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL26(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL13_SEL26_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL13_SEL26_MASK)
19394 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL27_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19395 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL27_SHIFT                   (8U)
19396 /*! SEL27
19397  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19398  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19399  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19400  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19401  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19402  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19403  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19404  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19405  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19406  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19407  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19408  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19409  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19410  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19411  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19412  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19413  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19414  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19415  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19416  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19417  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19418  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19419  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19420  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19421  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19422  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19423  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19424  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19425  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19426  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19427  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19428  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19429  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19430  */
19431 #define XBAR_SEL13_SEL27(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL13_SEL27_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL13_SEL27_MASK)
19432 /*! @} */
19434 /*! @name SEL14 - Crossbar Select Register 14 */
19435 /*! @{ */
19437 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL28_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19438 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL28_SHIFT                   (0U)
19439 /*! SEL28
19440  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19441  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19442  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19443  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19444  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19445  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19446  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19447  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19448  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19449  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19450  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19451  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19452  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19453  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19454  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19455  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19456  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19457  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19458  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19459  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19460  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19461  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19462  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19463  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19464  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19465  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19466  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19467  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19468  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19469  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19470  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19471  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19472  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19473  */
19474 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL28(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL14_SEL28_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL14_SEL28_MASK)
19476 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL29_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19477 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL29_SHIFT                   (8U)
19478 /*! SEL29
19479  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19480  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19481  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19482  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19483  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19484  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19485  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19486  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19487  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19488  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19489  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19490  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19491  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19492  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19493  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19494  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19495  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19496  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19497  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19498  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19499  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19500  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19501  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19502  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19503  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19504  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19505  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19506  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19507  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19508  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19509  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19510  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19511  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19512  */
19513 #define XBAR_SEL14_SEL29(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL14_SEL29_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL14_SEL29_MASK)
19514 /*! @} */
19516 /*! @name SEL15 - Crossbar Select Register 15 */
19517 /*! @{ */
19519 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL30_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19520 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL30_SHIFT                   (0U)
19521 /*! SEL30
19522  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19523  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19524  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19525  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19526  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19527  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19528  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19529  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19530  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19531  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19532  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19533  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19534  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19535  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19536  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19537  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19538  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19539  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19540  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19541  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19542  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19543  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19544  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19545  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19546  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19547  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19548  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19549  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19550  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19551  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19552  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19553  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19554  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19555  */
19556 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL30(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL15_SEL30_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL15_SEL30_MASK)
19558 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL31_MASK                    (0x3F00U)
19559 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL31_SHIFT                   (8U)
19560 /*! SEL31
19561  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19562  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19563  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19564  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19565  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19566  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19567  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19568  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19569  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19570  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19571  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19572  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19573  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19574  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19575  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19576  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19577  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19578  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19579  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19580  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19581  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19582  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19583  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19584  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19585  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19586  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19587  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19588  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19589  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19590  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19591  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19592  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19593  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19594  */
19595 #define XBAR_SEL15_SEL31(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL15_SEL31_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL15_SEL31_MASK)
19596 /*! @} */
19598 /*! @name SEL16 - Crossbar Select Register 16 */
19599 /*! @{ */
19601 #define XBAR_SEL16_SEL32_MASK                    (0x3FU)
19602 #define XBAR_SEL16_SEL32_SHIFT                   (0U)
19603 /*! SEL32
19604  *  0b000000..Logic 1 (VDD)
19605  *  0b000001..Logic 0 (VSS)
19606  *  0b000010..AFE modulator clock output
19607  *  0b000011..AFE modulator data output
19608  *  0b000100..LPTimer Output
19609  *  0b000101..Clock Output
19610  *  0b000110..Quad Timer channel 0 output
19611  *  0b000111..Quad Timer channel 1 output
19612  *  0b001000..Quad Timer channel 2 output
19613  *  0b001001..Quad Timer channel 3 output
19614  *  0b001010..iRTC Clock Output
19615  *  0b001011..CMP0 Output
19616  *  0b001100..CMP1 Output
19617  *  0b001101..iRTC Alarm Output
19618  *  0b001110..UART TX Output (after modulation)
19619  *  0b001111..EWM Output (EWM_OUT)
19620  *  0b010000..PIT Output
19621  *  0b010001..XBAR Input pin 0
19622  *  0b010010..XBAR Input pin 1
19623  *  0b010011..XBAR Input pin 2
19624  *  0b010100..XBAR Input pin 3
19625  *  0b010101..XBAR Input pin 4
19626  *  0b010110..XBAR Input pin 5
19627  *  0b010111..XBAR Input pin 6
19628  *  0b011000..XBAR Input pin 7
19629  *  0b011001..XBAR Input pin 8
19630  *  0b011010..ORed conversion complete flag for all SAR ADC channels
19631  *  0b011011..ORed conversion complete flag for all AFE channels
19632  *  0b011100..AFE Channel 0 conversion complete
19633  *  0b011101..AFE Channel 1 conversion complete
19634  *  0b011110..AFE Channel 2 conversion complete
19635  *  0b011111..AFE Channel 3 conversion complete
19636  *  0b100000..DMA Done Signal
19637  */
19638 #define XBAR_SEL16_SEL32(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_SEL16_SEL32_SHIFT)) & XBAR_SEL16_SEL32_MASK)
19639 /*! @} */
19641 /*! @name CTRL0 - Crossbar Control Register 0 */
19642 /*! @{ */
19644 #define XBAR_CTRL0_DEN0_MASK                     (0x1U)
19645 #define XBAR_CTRL0_DEN0_SHIFT                    (0U)
19646 /*! DEN0 - DMA Enable for XBAR_OUT0
19647  *  0b0..DMA disabled
19648  *  0b1..DMA enabled
19649  */
19650 #define XBAR_CTRL0_DEN0(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_CTRL0_DEN0_SHIFT)) & XBAR_CTRL0_DEN0_MASK)
19652 #define XBAR_CTRL0_IEN0_MASK                     (0x2U)
19653 #define XBAR_CTRL0_IEN0_SHIFT                    (1U)
19654 /*! IEN0 - Interrupt Enable for XBAR_OUT0
19655  *  0b0..Interrupt disabled
19656  *  0b1..Interrupt enabled
19657  */
19658 #define XBAR_CTRL0_IEN0(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_CTRL0_IEN0_SHIFT)) & XBAR_CTRL0_IEN0_MASK)
19660 #define XBAR_CTRL0_EDGE0_MASK                    (0xCU)
19661 #define XBAR_CTRL0_EDGE0_SHIFT                   (2U)
19662 /*! EDGE0 - Active edge for edge detection on XBAR_OUT0
19663  *  0b00..STS0 never asserts
19664  *  0b01..STS0 asserts on rising edges of XBAR_OUT0
19665  *  0b10..STS0 asserts on falling edges of XBAR_OUT0
19666  *  0b11..STS0 asserts on rising and falling edges of XBAR_OUT0
19667  */
19668 #define XBAR_CTRL0_EDGE0(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_CTRL0_EDGE0_SHIFT)) & XBAR_CTRL0_EDGE0_MASK)
19670 #define XBAR_CTRL0_STS0_MASK                     (0x10U)
19671 #define XBAR_CTRL0_STS0_SHIFT                    (4U)
19672 /*! STS0 - Edge detection status for XBAR_OUT0
19673  *  0b0..Active edge not yet detected on XBAR_OUT0
19674  *  0b1..Active edge detected on XBAR_OUT0
19675  */
19676 #define XBAR_CTRL0_STS0(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << XBAR_CTRL0_STS0_SHIFT)) & XBAR_CTRL0_STS0_MASK)
19677 /*! @} */
19680 /*!
19681  * @}
19682  */ /* end of group XBAR_Register_Masks */
19685 /* XBAR - Peripheral instance base addresses */
19686 /** Peripheral XBAR base address */
19687 #define XBAR_BASE                                (0x40055000u)
19688 /** Peripheral XBAR base pointer */
19689 #define XBAR                                     ((XBAR_Type *)XBAR_BASE)
19690 /** Array initializer of XBAR peripheral base addresses */
19691 #define XBAR_BASE_ADDRS                          { XBAR_BASE }
19692 /** Array initializer of XBAR peripheral base pointers */
19693 #define XBAR_BASE_PTRS                           { XBAR }
19694 /** Interrupt vectors for the XBAR peripheral type */
19695 #define XBAR_IRQS                                { XBAR_IRQn }
19697 /*!
19698  * @}
19699  */ /* end of group XBAR_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
19702 /*
19703 ** End of section using anonymous unions
19704 */
19706 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
19707   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
19708     #pragma clang diagnostic pop
19709   #else
19710     #pragma pop
19711   #endif
19712 #elif defined(__CWCC__)
19713   #pragma pop
19714 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
19715   /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
19716 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
19717   #pragma language=default
19718 #else
19719   #error Not supported compiler type
19720 #endif
19722 /*!
19723  * @}
19724  */ /* end of group Peripheral_access_layer */
19727 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19728    -- Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_SHIFT, xxx_MASK).
19729    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19731 /*!
19732  * @addtogroup Bit_Field_Generic_Macros Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_SHIFT, xxx_MASK).
19733  * @{
19734  */
19736 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
19737   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
19738     #pragma clang system_header
19739   #endif
19740 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
19741   #pragma system_include
19742 #endif
19744 /**
19745  * @brief Mask and left-shift a bit field value for use in a register bit range.
19746  * @param field Name of the register bit field.
19747  * @param value Value of the bit field.
19748  * @return Masked and shifted value.
19749  */
19750 #define NXP_VAL2FLD(field, value)    (((value) << (field ## _SHIFT)) & (field ## _MASK))
19751 /**
19752  * @brief Mask and right-shift a register value to extract a bit field value.
19753  * @param field Name of the register bit field.
19754  * @param value Value of the register.
19755  * @return Masked and shifted bit field value.
19756  */
19757 #define NXP_FLD2VAL(field, value)    (((value) & (field ## _MASK)) >> (field ## _SHIFT))
19759 /*!
19760  * @}
19761  */ /* end of group Bit_Field_Generic_Macros */
19764 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19765    -- SDK Compatibility
19766    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19768 /*!
19769  * @addtogroup SDK_Compatibility_Symbols SDK Compatibility
19770  * @{
19771  */
19773 /* No SDK compatibility issues. */
19775 /*!
19776  * @}
19777  */ /* end of group SDK_Compatibility_Symbols */
19780 #endif  /* _MKM33ZA5_H_ */