1 /*
2 ** ###################################################################
3 **     Processor:           LPC811M001JDH16
4 **     Compilers:           GNU C Compiler
5 **                          IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler for ARM
6 **                          Keil ARM C/C++ Compiler
7 **                          MCUXpresso Compiler
8 **
9 **     Reference manual:    LPC81x User manual Rev.1.6  2 April 2014
10 **     Version:             rev. 1.2, 2017-06-08
11 **     Build:               b200513
12 **
13 **     Abstract:
14 **         CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for LPC811
15 **
16 **     Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
17 **     Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
18 **     All rights reserved.
19 **
20 **     SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
21 **
22 **     http:                 www.nxp.com
23 **     mail:                 support@nxp.com
24 **
25 **     Revisions:
26 **     - rev. 1.0 (2016-08-12)
27 **         Initial version.
28 **     - rev. 1.1 (2016-11-25)
29 **         Update CANFD and Classic CAN register.
30 **         Add MAC TIMERSTAMP registers.
31 **     - rev. 1.2 (2017-06-08)
32 **         Remove RTC_CTRL_RTC_OSC_BYPASS.
34 **         Remove RESET and HALT from SYSCON_AHBCLKDIV.
35 **
36 ** ###################################################################
37 */
39 /*!
40  * @file LPC811.h
41  * @version 1.2
42  * @date 2017-06-08
43  * @brief CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for LPC811
44  *
45  * CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for LPC811
46  */
48 #ifndef _LPC811_H_
49 #define _LPC811_H_                               /**< Symbol preventing repeated inclusion */
51 /** Memory map major version (memory maps with equal major version number are
52  * compatible) */
53 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION 0x0100U
54 /** Memory map minor version */
55 #define MCU_MEM_MAP_VERSION_MINOR 0x0002U
58 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59    -- Interrupt vector numbers
60    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
62 /*!
63  * @addtogroup Interrupt_vector_numbers Interrupt vector numbers
64  * @{
65  */
67 /** Interrupt Number Definitions */
68 #define NUMBER_OF_INT_VECTORS 48                 /**< Number of interrupts in the Vector table */
70 typedef enum IRQn {
71   /* Auxiliary constants */
72   NotAvail_IRQn                = -128,             /**< Not available device specific interrupt */
74   /* Core interrupts */
75   NonMaskableInt_IRQn          = -14,              /**< Non Maskable Interrupt */
76   HardFault_IRQn               = -13,              /**< Cortex-M0 SV Hard Fault Interrupt */
77   SVCall_IRQn                  = -5,               /**< Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt */
78   PendSV_IRQn                  = -2,               /**< Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt */
79   SysTick_IRQn                 = -1,               /**< Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt */
81   /* Device specific interrupts */
82   SPI0_IRQn                    = 0,                /**< SPI0 interrupt */
83   SPI1_IRQn                    = 1,                /**< SPI1 interrupt */
84   Reserved18_IRQn              = 2,                /**< Reserved interrupt */
85   USART0_IRQn                  = 3,                /**< USART0 interrupt */
86   USART1_IRQn                  = 4,                /**< USART1 interrupt */
87   USART2_IRQn                  = 5,                /**< USART2 interrupt */
88   Reserved22_IRQn              = 6,                /**< Reserved interrupt */
89   Reserved23_IRQn              = 7,                /**< Reserved interrupt */
90   I2C0_IRQn                    = 8,                /**< I2C0 interrupt */
91   SCT0_IRQn                    = 9,                /**< State configurable timer interrupt */
92   MRT0_IRQn                    = 10,               /**< Multi-rate timer interrupt */
93   CMP_IRQn                     = 11,               /**< Analog comparator interrupt or Capacitive Touch interrupt */
94   WDT_IRQn                     = 12,               /**< Windowed watchdog timer interrupt */
95   BOD_IRQn                     = 13,               /**< BOD interrupts */
96   Reserved30_IRQn              = 14,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
97   WKT_IRQn                     = 15,               /**< Self-wake-up timer interrupt */
98   Reserved32_IRQn              = 16,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
99   Reserved33_IRQn              = 17,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
100   Reserved34_IRQn              = 18,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
101   Reserved35_IRQn              = 19,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
102   Reserved36_IRQn              = 20,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
103   Reserved37_IRQn              = 21,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
104   Reserved38_IRQn              = 22,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
105   Reserved39_IRQn              = 23,               /**< Reserved interrupt */
106   PIN_INT0_IRQn                = 24,               /**< Pin interrupt 0 or pattern match engine slice 0 interrupt */
107   PIN_INT1_IRQn                = 25,               /**< Pin interrupt 1 or pattern match engine slice 1 interrupt */
108   PIN_INT2_IRQn                = 26,               /**< Pin interrupt 2 or pattern match engine slice 2 interrupt */
109   PIN_INT3_IRQn                = 27,               /**< Pin interrupt 3 or pattern match engine slice 3 interrupt */
110   PIN_INT4_IRQn                = 28,               /**< Pin interrupt 4 or pattern match engine slice 4 interrupt */
111   PIN_INT5_IRQn                = 29,               /**< Pin interrupt 5 or pattern match engine slice 5 interrupt */
112   PIN_INT6_IRQn                = 30,               /**< Pin interrupt 6 or pattern match engine slice 6 interrupt */
113   PIN_INT7_IRQn                = 31                /**< Pin interrupt 7 or pattern match engine slice 7 interrupt */
114 } IRQn_Type;
116 /*!
117  * @}
118  */ /* end of group Interrupt_vector_numbers */
121 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
122    -- Cortex M0 Core Configuration
123    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
125 /*!
126  * @addtogroup Cortex_Core_Configuration Cortex M0 Core Configuration
127  * @{
128  */
130 #define __CM0PLUS_REV                  0x0000    /**< Core revision r0p0 */
131 #define __MPU_PRESENT                  0         /**< Defines if an MPU is present or not */
132 #define __VTOR_PRESENT                 1         /**< Defines if VTOR is present or not */
133 #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS               2         /**< Number of priority bits implemented in the NVIC */
134 #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig         0         /**< Vendor specific implementation of SysTickConfig is defined */
136 #include "core_cm0plus.h"              /* Core Peripheral Access Layer */
137 #include "system_LPC811.h"             /* Device specific configuration file */
139 /*!
140  * @}
141  */ /* end of group Cortex_Core_Configuration */
144 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
145    -- Device Peripheral Access Layer
146    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
148 /*!
149  * @addtogroup Peripheral_access_layer Device Peripheral Access Layer
150  * @{
151  */
154 /*
155 ** Start of section using anonymous unions
156 */
158 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
159   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
160     #pragma clang diagnostic push
161   #else
162     #pragma push
163     #pragma anon_unions
164   #endif
165 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
166   /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
167 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
168   #pragma language=extended
169 #else
170   #error Not supported compiler type
171 #endif
173 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174    -- ACOMP Peripheral Access Layer
175    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
177 /*!
178  * @addtogroup ACOMP_Peripheral_Access_Layer ACOMP Peripheral Access Layer
179  * @{
180  */
182 /** ACOMP - Register Layout Typedef */
183 typedef struct {
184   __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< Comparator control register, offset: 0x0 */
185   __IO uint32_t LAD;                               /**< Voltage ladder register, offset: 0x4 */
186 } ACOMP_Type;
188 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
189    -- ACOMP Register Masks
190    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
192 /*!
193  * @addtogroup ACOMP_Register_Masks ACOMP Register Masks
194  * @{
195  */
197 /*! @name CTRL - Comparator control register */
198 /*! @{ */
199 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGESEL_MASK                  (0x18U)
200 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGESEL_SHIFT                 (3U)
201 /*! EDGESEL - This field controls which edges on the comparator output set the COMPEDGE bit (bit 23 below):
202  *  0b00..Falling edges
203  *  0b01..Rising edges
204  *  0b10..Both edges
205  *  0b11..Both edges
206  */
207 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGESEL(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_EDGESEL_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_EDGESEL_MASK)
208 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSA_MASK                   (0x40U)
209 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSA_SHIFT                  (6U)
210 /*! COMPSA - Comparator output control
211  *  0b0..Comparator output is used directly.
212  *  0b1..Comparator output is synchronized to the bus clock for output to other modules.
213  */
214 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSA(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSA_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSA_MASK)
215 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VP_SEL_MASK              (0x700U)
216 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VP_SEL_SHIFT             (8U)
217 /*! COMP_VP_SEL - Selects positive voltage input
219  *  0b001..ACMP_I1
220  *  0b010..ACMP_I2
221  *  0b011..ACMP_I3
222  *  0b100..ACMP_I4
223  *  0b101..ACMP_I5
224  *  0b110..Band gap. Internal reference voltage.
225  *  0b111..DAC0 output
226  */
227 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VP_SEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VP_SEL_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VP_SEL_MASK)
228 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VM_SEL_MASK              (0x3800U)
229 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VM_SEL_SHIFT             (11U)
230 /*! COMP_VM_SEL - Selects negative voltage input
232  *  0b001..ACMP_I1
233  *  0b010..ACMP_I2
234  *  0b011..ACMP_I3
235  *  0b100..ACMP_I4
236  *  0b101..ACMP_I5
237  *  0b110..Band gap. Internal reference voltage.
238  *  0b111..DAC0 output
239  */
240 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VM_SEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VM_SEL_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_COMP_VM_SEL_MASK)
241 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGECLR_MASK                  (0x100000U)
242 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGECLR_SHIFT                 (20U)
243 /*! EDGECLR - Interrupt clear bit. To clear the COMPEDGE bit and thus negate the interrupt request,
244  *    toggle the EDGECLR bit by first writing a 1 and then a 0.
245  */
246 #define ACOMP_CTRL_EDGECLR(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_EDGECLR_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_EDGECLR_MASK)
247 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSTAT_MASK                 (0x200000U)
248 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSTAT_SHIFT                (21U)
249 /*! COMPSTAT - Comparator status. This bit reflects the state of the comparator output.
250  */
251 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSTAT(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSTAT_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_COMPSTAT_MASK)
252 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPEDGE_MASK                 (0x800000U)
253 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPEDGE_SHIFT                (23U)
254 /*! COMPEDGE - Comparator edge-detect status.
255  */
256 #define ACOMP_CTRL_COMPEDGE(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_COMPEDGE_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_COMPEDGE_MASK)
257 #define ACOMP_CTRL_HYS_MASK                      (0x6000000U)
258 #define ACOMP_CTRL_HYS_SHIFT                     (25U)
259 /*! HYS - Controls the hysteresis of the comparator. When the comparator is outputting a certain
260  *    state, this is the difference between the selected signals, in the opposite direction from the
261  *    state being output, that will switch the output.
262  *  0b00..None (the output will switch as the voltages cross)
263  *  0b01..5 mv
264  *  0b10..10 mv
265  *  0b11..20 mv
266  */
267 #define ACOMP_CTRL_HYS(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_CTRL_HYS_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_CTRL_HYS_MASK)
268 /*! @} */
270 /*! @name LAD - Voltage ladder register */
271 /*! @{ */
272 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADEN_MASK                     (0x1U)
273 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADEN_SHIFT                    (0U)
274 /*! LADEN - Voltage ladder enable
275  */
276 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADEN(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_LAD_LADEN_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_LAD_LADEN_MASK)
277 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADSEL_MASK                    (0x3EU)
278 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADSEL_SHIFT                   (1U)
279 /*! LADSEL - Voltage ladder value. The reference voltage Vref depends on the LADREF bit below. 00000
280  *    = VSS 00001 = 1 x Vref/31 00010 = 2 x Vref/31 ... 11111 = Vref
281  */
282 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADSEL(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_LAD_LADSEL_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_LAD_LADSEL_MASK)
283 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADREF_MASK                    (0x40U)
284 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADREF_SHIFT                   (6U)
285 /*! LADREF - Selects the reference voltage Vref for the voltage ladder.
286  *  0b0..Supply pin VDD
287  *  0b1..VDDCMP pin
288  */
289 #define ACOMP_LAD_LADREF(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << ACOMP_LAD_LADREF_SHIFT)) & ACOMP_LAD_LADREF_MASK)
290 /*! @} */
293 /*!
294  * @}
295  */ /* end of group ACOMP_Register_Masks */
298 /* ACOMP - Peripheral instance base addresses */
299 /** Peripheral ACOMP base address */
300 #define ACOMP_BASE                               (0x40024000u)
301 /** Peripheral ACOMP base pointer */
302 #define ACOMP                                    ((ACOMP_Type *)ACOMP_BASE)
303 /** Array initializer of ACOMP peripheral base addresses */
304 #define ACOMP_BASE_ADDRS                         { ACOMP_BASE }
305 /** Array initializer of ACOMP peripheral base pointers */
306 #define ACOMP_BASE_PTRS                          { ACOMP }
308 /*!
309  * @}
310  */ /* end of group ACOMP_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
313 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
314    -- CRC Peripheral Access Layer
315    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
317 /*!
318  * @addtogroup CRC_Peripheral_Access_Layer CRC Peripheral Access Layer
319  * @{
320  */
322 /** CRC - Register Layout Typedef */
323 typedef struct {
324   __IO uint32_t MODE;                              /**< CRC mode register, offset: 0x0 */
325   __IO uint32_t SEED;                              /**< CRC seed register, offset: 0x4 */
326   union {                                          /* offset: 0x8 */
327     __I  uint32_t SUM;                               /**< CRC checksum register, offset: 0x8 */
328     __O  uint32_t WR_DATA;                           /**< CRC data register, offset: 0x8 */
329   };
330 } CRC_Type;
332 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
333    -- CRC Register Masks
334    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
336 /*!
337  * @addtogroup CRC_Register_Masks CRC Register Masks
338  * @{
339  */
341 /*! @name MODE - CRC mode register */
342 /*! @{ */
343 #define CRC_MODE_CRC_POLY_MASK                   (0x3U)
344 #define CRC_MODE_CRC_POLY_SHIFT                  (0U)
345 /*! CRC_POLY - CRC polynomial: 1X = CRC-32 polynomial 01 = CRC-16 polynomial 00 = CRC-CCITT polynomial
346  */
347 #define CRC_MODE_CRC_POLY(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_MODE_CRC_POLY_SHIFT)) & CRC_MODE_CRC_POLY_MASK)
348 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_WR_MASK                 (0x4U)
349 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_WR_SHIFT                (2U)
350 /*! BIT_RVS_WR - Data bit order: 1 = Bit order reverse for CRC_WR_DATA (per byte) 0 = No bit order reverse for CRC_WR_DATA (per byte)
351  */
352 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_WR(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_WR_SHIFT)) & CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_WR_MASK)
353 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_WR_MASK                    (0x8U)
354 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_WR_SHIFT                   (3U)
355 /*! CMPL_WR - Data complement: 1 = 1's complement for CRC_WR_DATA 0 = No 1's complement for CRC_WR_DATA
356  */
357 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_WR(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_MODE_CMPL_WR_SHIFT)) & CRC_MODE_CMPL_WR_MASK)
358 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_SUM_MASK                (0x10U)
359 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_SUM_SHIFT               (4U)
360 /*! BIT_RVS_SUM - CRC sum bit order: 1 = Bit order reverse for CRC_SUM 0 = No bit order reverse for CRC_SUM
361  */
362 #define CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_SUM(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_SUM_SHIFT)) & CRC_MODE_BIT_RVS_SUM_MASK)
363 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_SUM_MASK                   (0x20U)
364 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_SUM_SHIFT                  (5U)
365 /*! CMPL_SUM - CRC sum complement: 1 = 1's complement for CRC_SUM 0 = No 1's complement for CRC_SUM
366  */
367 #define CRC_MODE_CMPL_SUM(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_MODE_CMPL_SUM_SHIFT)) & CRC_MODE_CMPL_SUM_MASK)
368 /*! @} */
370 /*! @name SEED - CRC seed register */
371 /*! @{ */
372 #define CRC_SEED_CRC_SEED_MASK                   (0xFFFFFFFFU)
373 #define CRC_SEED_CRC_SEED_SHIFT                  (0U)
374 /*! CRC_SEED - A write access to this register will load CRC seed value to CRC_SUM register with
375  *    selected bit order and 1's complement pre-processes. A write access to this register will
376  *    overrule the CRC calculation in progresses.
377  */
378 #define CRC_SEED_CRC_SEED(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_SEED_CRC_SEED_SHIFT)) & CRC_SEED_CRC_SEED_MASK)
379 /*! @} */
381 /*! @name SUM - CRC checksum register */
382 /*! @{ */
383 #define CRC_SUM_CRC_SUM_MASK                     (0xFFFFFFFFU)
384 #define CRC_SUM_CRC_SUM_SHIFT                    (0U)
385 /*! CRC_SUM - The most recent CRC sum can be read through this register with selected bit order and 1's complement post-processes.
386  */
387 #define CRC_SUM_CRC_SUM(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_SUM_CRC_SUM_SHIFT)) & CRC_SUM_CRC_SUM_MASK)
388 /*! @} */
390 /*! @name WR_DATA - CRC data register */
391 /*! @{ */
392 #define CRC_WR_DATA_CRC_WR_DATA_MASK             (0xFFFFFFFFU)
393 #define CRC_WR_DATA_CRC_WR_DATA_SHIFT            (0U)
394 /*! CRC_WR_DATA - Data written to this register will be taken to perform CRC calculation with
395  *    selected bit order and 1's complement pre-process. Any write size 8, 16 or 32-bit are allowed and
396  *    accept back-to-back transactions.
397  */
398 #define CRC_WR_DATA_CRC_WR_DATA(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << CRC_WR_DATA_CRC_WR_DATA_SHIFT)) & CRC_WR_DATA_CRC_WR_DATA_MASK)
399 /*! @} */
402 /*!
403  * @}
404  */ /* end of group CRC_Register_Masks */
407 /* CRC - Peripheral instance base addresses */
408 /** Peripheral CRC base address */
409 #define CRC_BASE                                 (0x50000000u)
410 /** Peripheral CRC base pointer */
411 #define CRC                                      ((CRC_Type *)CRC_BASE)
412 /** Array initializer of CRC peripheral base addresses */
413 #define CRC_BASE_ADDRS                           { CRC_BASE }
414 /** Array initializer of CRC peripheral base pointers */
415 #define CRC_BASE_PTRS                            { CRC }
417 /*!
418  * @}
419  */ /* end of group CRC_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
422 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
423    -- FLASH_CTRL Peripheral Access Layer
424    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
426 /*!
427  * @addtogroup FLASH_CTRL_Peripheral_Access_Layer FLASH_CTRL Peripheral Access Layer
428  * @{
429  */
431 /** FLASH_CTRL - Register Layout Typedef */
432 typedef struct {
433        uint8_t RESERVED_0[16];
434   __IO uint32_t FLASHCFG;                          /**< Flash configuration register, offset: 0x10 */
435        uint8_t RESERVED_1[12];
436   __IO uint32_t FMSSTART;                          /**< Flash signature start address register, offset: 0x20 */
437   __IO uint32_t FMSSTOP;                           /**< Flash signaure stop address register, offset: 0x24 */
438        uint8_t RESERVED_2[4];
439   __I  uint32_t FMSW0;                             /**< Flash signature generation result register returns the flash signature produced by the embedded signature generator.., offset: 0x2C */
440 } FLASH_CTRL_Type;
442 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
443    -- FLASH_CTRL Register Masks
444    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
446 /*!
447  * @addtogroup FLASH_CTRL_Register_Masks FLASH_CTRL Register Masks
448  * @{
449  */
451 /*! @name FLASHCFG - Flash configuration register */
452 /*! @{ */
455 /*! FLASHTIM - Flash memory access time. FLASHTIM +1 is equal to the number of system clocks used for flash access.
456  *  0b00..1 system clock flash access time.
457  *  0b01..2 system clock flash access time.
458  *  0b10..3 system clock flash access time.
459  *  0b11..Reserved.
460  */
462 /*! @} */
464 /*! @name FMSSTART - Flash signature start address register */
465 /*! @{ */
466 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTART_START_MASK           (0x1FFFFU)
467 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTART_START_SHIFT          (0U)
468 /*! START - Signature generation start address (corresponds to AHB byte address bits[18:2]).
469  */
470 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTART_START(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTART_START_SHIFT)) & FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTART_START_MASK)
471 /*! @} */
473 /*! @name FMSSTOP - Flash signaure stop address register */
474 /*! @{ */
475 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STOPA_MASK            (0x1FFFFU)
476 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STOPA_SHIFT           (0U)
477 /*! STOPA - Stop address for signature generation (the word specified by STOP is included in the
478  *    address range). The address is in units of memory words, not bytes.
479  */
480 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STOPA(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STOPA_SHIFT)) & FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STOPA_MASK)
481 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSSTOP_STRTBIST_MASK         (0x80000000U)
483 /*! STRTBIST - When this bit is written to 1, signature generation starts. At the end of signature
484  *    generation, this bit is automatically cleared.
485  */
487 /*! @} */
489 /*! @name FMSW0 - Flash signature generation result register returns the flash signature produced by the embedded signature generator.. */
490 /*! @{ */
491 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSW0_SIG_MASK                (0xFFFFFFFFU)
492 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSW0_SIG_SHIFT               (0U)
493 /*! SIG - 32-bit signature.
494  */
495 #define FLASH_CTRL_FMSW0_SIG(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << FLASH_CTRL_FMSW0_SIG_SHIFT)) & FLASH_CTRL_FMSW0_SIG_MASK)
496 /*! @} */
499 /*!
500  * @}
501  */ /* end of group FLASH_CTRL_Register_Masks */
504 /* FLASH_CTRL - Peripheral instance base addresses */
505 /** Peripheral FLASH_CTRL base address */
506 #define FLASH_CTRL_BASE                          (0x40040000u)
507 /** Peripheral FLASH_CTRL base pointer */
508 #define FLASH_CTRL                               ((FLASH_CTRL_Type *)FLASH_CTRL_BASE)
509 /** Array initializer of FLASH_CTRL peripheral base addresses */
510 #define FLASH_CTRL_BASE_ADDRS                    { FLASH_CTRL_BASE }
511 /** Array initializer of FLASH_CTRL peripheral base pointers */
512 #define FLASH_CTRL_BASE_PTRS                     { FLASH_CTRL }
514 /*!
515  * @}
516  */ /* end of group FLASH_CTRL_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
519 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
520    -- GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
521    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
523 /*!
524  * @addtogroup GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer GPIO Peripheral Access Layer
525  * @{
526  */
528 /** GPIO - Register Layout Typedef */
529 typedef struct {
530   __IO uint8_t B[1][18];                           /**< Byte pin registers for all port 0 and 1 GPIO pins, array offset: 0x0, array step: index*0x12, index2*0x1 */
531        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4078];
532   __IO uint32_t W[1][18];                          /**< Word pin registers for all port 0 and 1 GPIO pins, array offset: 0x1000, array step: index*0x48, index2*0x4 */
533        uint8_t RESERVED_1[4024];
534   __IO uint32_t DIR[1];                            /**< Direction registers, array offset: 0x2000, array step: 0x4 */
535        uint8_t RESERVED_2[124];
536   __IO uint32_t MASK[1];                           /**< Mask register, array offset: 0x2080, array step: 0x4 */
537        uint8_t RESERVED_3[124];
538   __IO uint32_t PIN[1];                            /**< Port pin register, array offset: 0x2100, array step: 0x4 */
539        uint8_t RESERVED_4[124];
540   __IO uint32_t MPIN[1];                           /**< Masked port register, array offset: 0x2180, array step: 0x4 */
541        uint8_t RESERVED_5[124];
542   __IO uint32_t SET[1];                            /**< Write: Set register for port Read: output bits for port, array offset: 0x2200, array step: 0x4 */
543        uint8_t RESERVED_6[124];
544   __O  uint32_t CLR[1];                            /**< Clear port, array offset: 0x2280, array step: 0x4 */
545        uint8_t RESERVED_7[124];
546   __O  uint32_t NOT[1];                            /**< Toggle port, array offset: 0x2300, array step: 0x4 */
547 } GPIO_Type;
549 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
550    -- GPIO Register Masks
551    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
553 /*!
554  * @addtogroup GPIO_Register_Masks GPIO Register Masks
555  * @{
556  */
558 /*! @name B - Byte pin registers for all port 0 and 1 GPIO pins */
559 /*! @{ */
560 #define GPIO_B_PBYTE_MASK                        (0x1U)
561 #define GPIO_B_PBYTE_SHIFT                       (0U)
562 /*! PBYTE - Read: state of the pin PIOm_n, regardless of direction, masking, or alternate function,
563  *    except that pins configured as analog I/O always read as 0. One register for each port pin.
564  *    Supported pins depends on the specific device and package. Write: loads the pin's output bit.
565  *    One register for each port pin. Supported pins depends on the specific device and package.
566  */
567 #define GPIO_B_PBYTE(x)                          (((uint8_t)(((uint8_t)(x)) << GPIO_B_PBYTE_SHIFT)) & GPIO_B_PBYTE_MASK)
568 /*! @} */
570 /* The count of GPIO_B */
571 #define GPIO_B_COUNT                             (1U)
573 /* The count of GPIO_B */
574 #define GPIO_B_COUNT2                            (18U)
576 /*! @name W - Word pin registers for all port 0 and 1 GPIO pins */
577 /*! @{ */
578 #define GPIO_W_PWORD_MASK                        (0xFFFFFFFFU)
579 #define GPIO_W_PWORD_SHIFT                       (0U)
580 /*! PWORD - Read 0: pin PIOm_n is LOW. Write 0: clear output bit. Read 0xFFFF FFFF: pin PIOm_n is
581  *    HIGH. Write any value 0x0000 0001 to 0xFFFF FFFF: set output bit. Only 0 or 0xFFFF FFFF can be
582  *    read. Writing any value other than 0 will set the output bit. One register for each port pin.
583  *    Supported pins depends on the specific device and package.
584  */
585 #define GPIO_W_PWORD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_W_PWORD_SHIFT)) & GPIO_W_PWORD_MASK)
586 /*! @} */
588 /* The count of GPIO_W */
589 #define GPIO_W_COUNT                             (1U)
591 /* The count of GPIO_W */
592 #define GPIO_W_COUNT2                            (18U)
594 /*! @name DIR - Direction registers */
595 /*! @{ */
596 #define GPIO_DIR_DIRP_MASK                       (0x3FFFFU)
597 #define GPIO_DIR_DIRP_SHIFT                      (0U)
598 /*! DIRP - Selects pin direction for pin PIOm_n (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported
599  *    pins depends on the specific device and package. 0 = input. 1 = output.
600  */
601 #define GPIO_DIR_DIRP(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_DIR_DIRP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_DIR_DIRP_MASK)
602 /*! @} */
604 /* The count of GPIO_DIR */
605 #define GPIO_DIR_COUNT                           (1U)
607 /*! @name MASK - Mask register */
608 /*! @{ */
609 #define GPIO_MASK_MASKP_MASK                     (0x3FFFFU)
610 #define GPIO_MASK_MASKP_SHIFT                    (0U)
611 /*! MASKP - Controls which bits corresponding to PIOm_n are active in the MPORT register (bit 0 =
612  *    PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins depends on the specific device and package. 0 =
613  *    Read MPORT: pin state; write MPORT: load output bit. 1 = Read MPORT: 0; write MPORT: output bit
614  *    not affected.
615  */
616 #define GPIO_MASK_MASKP(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_MASK_MASKP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_MASK_MASKP_MASK)
617 /*! @} */
619 /* The count of GPIO_MASK */
620 #define GPIO_MASK_COUNT                          (1U)
622 /*! @name PIN - Port pin register */
623 /*! @{ */
624 #define GPIO_PIN_PORT_MASK                       (0x3FFFFU)
625 #define GPIO_PIN_PORT_SHIFT                      (0U)
626 /*! PORT - Reads pin states or loads output bits (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported
627  *    pins depends on the specific device and package. 0 = Read: pin is low; write: clear output bit.
628  *    1 = Read: pin is high; write: set output bit.
629  */
630 #define GPIO_PIN_PORT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_PIN_PORT_SHIFT)) & GPIO_PIN_PORT_MASK)
631 /*! @} */
633 /* The count of GPIO_PIN */
634 #define GPIO_PIN_COUNT                           (1U)
636 /*! @name MPIN - Masked port register */
637 /*! @{ */
638 #define GPIO_MPIN_MPORTP_MASK                    (0x3FFFFU)
639 #define GPIO_MPIN_MPORTP_SHIFT                   (0U)
640 /*! MPORTP - Masked port register (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins depends on
641  *    the specific device and package. 0 = Read: pin is LOW and/or the corresponding bit in the MASK
642  *    register is 1; write: clear output bit if the corresponding bit in the MASK register is 0. 1
643  *    = Read: pin is HIGH and the corresponding bit in the MASK register is 0; write: set output bit
644  *    if the corresponding bit in the MASK register is 0.
645  */
646 #define GPIO_MPIN_MPORTP(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_MPIN_MPORTP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_MPIN_MPORTP_MASK)
647 /*! @} */
649 /* The count of GPIO_MPIN */
650 #define GPIO_MPIN_COUNT                          (1U)
652 /*! @name SET - Write: Set register for port Read: output bits for port */
653 /*! @{ */
654 #define GPIO_SET_SETP_MASK                       (0x3FFFFU)
655 #define GPIO_SET_SETP_SHIFT                      (0U)
656 /*! SETP - Read or set output bits (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins depends on
657  *    the specific device and package. 0 = Read: output bit: write: no operation. 1 = Read: output
658  *    bit; write: set output bit.
659  */
660 #define GPIO_SET_SETP(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_SET_SETP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_SET_SETP_MASK)
661 /*! @} */
663 /* The count of GPIO_SET */
664 #define GPIO_SET_COUNT                           (1U)
666 /*! @name CLR - Clear port */
667 /*! @{ */
668 #define GPIO_CLR_CLRP_MASK                       (0x3FFFFU)
669 #define GPIO_CLR_CLRP_SHIFT                      (0U)
670 /*! CLRP - Clear output bits (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins depends on the
671  *    specific device and package. 0 = No operation. 1 = Clear output bit.
672  */
673 #define GPIO_CLR_CLRP(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_CLR_CLRP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_CLR_CLRP_MASK)
674 /*! @} */
676 /* The count of GPIO_CLR */
677 #define GPIO_CLR_COUNT                           (1U)
679 /*! @name NOT - Toggle port */
680 /*! @{ */
681 #define GPIO_NOT_NOTP_MASK                       (0x3FFFFU)
682 #define GPIO_NOT_NOTP_SHIFT                      (0U)
683 /*! NOTP - Toggle output bits (bit 0 = PIOn_0, bit 1 = PIOn_1, etc.). Supported pins depends on the
684  *    specific device and package. 0 = no operation. 1 = Toggle output bit.
685  */
686 #define GPIO_NOT_NOTP(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << GPIO_NOT_NOTP_SHIFT)) & GPIO_NOT_NOTP_MASK)
687 /*! @} */
689 /* The count of GPIO_NOT */
690 #define GPIO_NOT_COUNT                           (1U)
693 /*!
694  * @}
695  */ /* end of group GPIO_Register_Masks */
698 /* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
699 /** Peripheral GPIO base address */
700 #define GPIO_BASE                                (0xA0000000u)
701 /** Peripheral GPIO base pointer */
702 #define GPIO                                     ((GPIO_Type *)GPIO_BASE)
703 /** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base addresses */
704 #define GPIO_BASE_ADDRS                          { GPIO_BASE }
705 /** Array initializer of GPIO peripheral base pointers */
706 #define GPIO_BASE_PTRS                           { GPIO }
708 /*!
709  * @}
710  */ /* end of group GPIO_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
713 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
714    -- I2C Peripheral Access Layer
715    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
717 /*!
718  * @addtogroup I2C_Peripheral_Access_Layer I2C Peripheral Access Layer
719  * @{
720  */
722 /** I2C - Register Layout Typedef */
723 typedef struct {
724   __IO uint32_t CFG;                               /**< Configuration for shared functions., offset: 0x0 */
725   __IO uint32_t STAT;                              /**< Status register for Master, Slave, and Monitor functions., offset: 0x4 */
726   __IO uint32_t INTENSET;                          /**< Interrupt Enable Set and read register., offset: 0x8 */
727   __O  uint32_t INTENCLR;                          /**< Interrupt Enable Clear register., offset: 0xC */
728   __IO uint32_t TIMEOUT;                           /**< Time-out value register., offset: 0x10 */
729   __IO uint32_t CLKDIV;                            /**< Clock pre-divider for the entire I2C interface. This determines what time increments are used for the MSTTIME register, and controls some timing of the Slave function., offset: 0x14 */
730   __I  uint32_t INTSTAT;                           /**< Interrupt Status register for Master, Slave, and Monitor functions., offset: 0x18 */
731        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
732   __IO uint32_t MSTCTL;                            /**< Master control register., offset: 0x20 */
733   __IO uint32_t MSTTIME;                           /**< Master timing configuration., offset: 0x24 */
734   __IO uint32_t MSTDAT;                            /**< Combined Master receiver and transmitter data register., offset: 0x28 */
735        uint8_t RESERVED_1[20];
736   __IO uint32_t SLVCTL;                            /**< Slave control register., offset: 0x40 */
737   __IO uint32_t SLVDAT;                            /**< Combined Slave receiver and transmitter data register., offset: 0x44 */
738   __IO uint32_t SLVADR[4];                         /**< Slave address register., array offset: 0x48, array step: 0x4 */
739   __IO uint32_t SLVQUAL0;                          /**< Slave Qualification for address 0., offset: 0x58 */
740        uint8_t RESERVED_2[36];
741   __I  uint32_t MONRXDAT;                          /**< Monitor receiver data register., offset: 0x80 */
742 } I2C_Type;
744 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
745    -- I2C Register Masks
746    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
748 /*!
749  * @addtogroup I2C_Register_Masks I2C Register Masks
750  * @{
751  */
753 /*! @name CFG - Configuration for shared functions. */
754 /*! @{ */
755 #define I2C_CFG_MSTEN_MASK                       (0x1U)
756 #define I2C_CFG_MSTEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
757 /*! MSTEN - Master Enable. When disabled, configurations settings for the Master function are not
758  *    changed, but the Master function is internally reset.
759  *  0b0..Disabled. The I2C Master function is disabled.
760  *  0b1..Enabled. The I2C Master function is enabled.
761  */
762 #define I2C_CFG_MSTEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CFG_MSTEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_CFG_MSTEN_MASK)
763 #define I2C_CFG_SLVEN_MASK                       (0x2U)
764 #define I2C_CFG_SLVEN_SHIFT                      (1U)
765 /*! SLVEN - Slave Enable. When disabled, configurations settings for the Slave function are not
766  *    changed, but the Slave function is internally reset.
767  *  0b0..Disabled. The I2C slave function is disabled.
768  *  0b1..Enabled. The I2C slave function is enabled.
769  */
770 #define I2C_CFG_SLVEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CFG_SLVEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_CFG_SLVEN_MASK)
771 #define I2C_CFG_MONEN_MASK                       (0x4U)
772 #define I2C_CFG_MONEN_SHIFT                      (2U)
773 /*! MONEN - Monitor Enable. When disabled, configurations settings for the Monitor function are not
774  *    changed, but the Monitor function is internally reset.
775  *  0b0..Disabled. The I2C Monitor function is disabled.
776  *  0b1..Enabled. The I2C Monitor function is enabled.
777  */
778 #define I2C_CFG_MONEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CFG_MONEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_CFG_MONEN_MASK)
779 #define I2C_CFG_TIMEOUTEN_MASK                   (0x8U)
780 #define I2C_CFG_TIMEOUTEN_SHIFT                  (3U)
781 /*! TIMEOUTEN - I2C bus Time-out Enable. When disabled, the time-out function is internally reset.
782  *  0b0..Disabled. Time-out function is disabled.
783  *  0b1..Enabled. Time-out function is enabled. Both types of time-out flags will be generated and will cause
784  *       interrupts if they are enabled. Typically, only one time-out will be used in a system.
785  */
786 #define I2C_CFG_TIMEOUTEN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CFG_TIMEOUTEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_CFG_TIMEOUTEN_MASK)
787 #define I2C_CFG_MONCLKSTR_MASK                   (0x10U)
788 #define I2C_CFG_MONCLKSTR_SHIFT                  (4U)
789 /*! MONCLKSTR - Monitor function Clock Stretching.
790  *  0b0..Disabled. The Monitor function will not perform clock stretching. Software or DMA may not always be able
791  *       to read data provided by the Monitor function before it is overwritten. This mode may be used when
792  *       non-invasive monitoring is critical.
793  *  0b1..Enabled. The Monitor function will perform clock stretching in order to ensure that software or DMA can
794  *       read all incoming data supplied by the Monitor function.
795  */
796 #define I2C_CFG_MONCLKSTR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CFG_MONCLKSTR_SHIFT)) & I2C_CFG_MONCLKSTR_MASK)
797 /*! @} */
799 /*! @name STAT - Status register for Master, Slave, and Monitor functions. */
800 /*! @{ */
801 #define I2C_STAT_MSTPENDING_MASK                 (0x1U)
802 #define I2C_STAT_MSTPENDING_SHIFT                (0U)
803 /*! MSTPENDING - Master Pending. Indicates that the Master is waiting to continue communication on
804  *    the I2C-bus (pending) or is idle. When the master is pending, the MSTSTATE bits indicate what
805  *    type of software service if any the master expects. This flag will cause an interrupt when set
806  *    if, enabled via the INTENSET register. The MSTPENDING flag is not set when the DMA is handling
807  *    an event (if the MSTDMA bit in the MSTCTL register is set). If the master is in the idle
808  *    state, and no communication is needed, mask this interrupt.
809  *  0b0..In progress. Communication is in progress and the Master function is busy and cannot currently accept a command.
810  *  0b1..Pending. The Master function needs software service or is in the idle state. If the master is not in the
811  *       idle state, it is waiting to receive or transmit data or the NACK bit.
812  */
813 #define I2C_STAT_MSTPENDING(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MSTPENDING_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MSTPENDING_MASK)
814 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTATE_MASK                   (0xEU)
815 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTATE_SHIFT                  (1U)
816 /*! MSTSTATE - Master State code. The master state code reflects the master state when the
817  *    MSTPENDING bit is set, that is the master is pending or in the idle state. Each value of this field
818  *    indicates a specific required service for the Master function. All other values are reserved. See
819  *    Table 400 for details of state values and appropriate responses.
820  *  0b000..Idle. The Master function is available to be used for a new transaction.
821  *  0b001..Receive ready. Received data available (Master Receiver mode). Address plus Read was previously sent and Acknowledged by slave.
822  *  0b010..Transmit ready. Data can be transmitted (Master Transmitter mode). Address plus Write was previously sent and Acknowledged by slave.
823  *  0b011..NACK Address. Slave NACKed address.
824  *  0b100..NACK Data. Slave NACKed transmitted data.
825  */
826 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTATE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MSTSTATE_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MSTSTATE_MASK)
827 #define I2C_STAT_MSTARBLOSS_MASK                 (0x10U)
828 #define I2C_STAT_MSTARBLOSS_SHIFT                (4U)
829 /*! MSTARBLOSS - Master Arbitration Loss flag. This flag can be cleared by software writing a 1 to
830  *    this bit. It is also cleared automatically a 1 is written to MSTCONTINUE.
831  *  0b0..No Arbitration Loss has occurred.
832  *  0b1..Arbitration loss. The Master function has experienced an Arbitration Loss. At this point, the Master
833  *       function has already stopped driving the bus and gone to an idle state. Software can respond by doing nothing,
834  *       or by sending a Start in order to attempt to gain control of the bus when it next becomes idle.
835  */
836 #define I2C_STAT_MSTARBLOSS(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MSTARBLOSS_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MSTARBLOSS_MASK)
837 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTSTPERR_MASK                (0x40U)
838 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTSTPERR_SHIFT               (6U)
839 /*! MSTSTSTPERR - Master Start/Stop Error flag. This flag can be cleared by software writing a 1 to
840  *    this bit. It is also cleared automatically a 1 is written to MSTCONTINUE.
841  *  0b0..No Start/Stop Error has occurred.
842  *  0b1..The Master function has experienced a Start/Stop Error. A Start or Stop was detected at a time when it is
843  *       not allowed by the I2C specification. The Master interface has stopped driving the bus and gone to an
844  *       idle state, no action is required. A request for a Start could be made, or software could attempt to insure
845  *       that the bus has not stalled.
846  */
847 #define I2C_STAT_MSTSTSTPERR(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MSTSTSTPERR_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MSTSTSTPERR_MASK)
848 #define I2C_STAT_SLVPENDING_MASK                 (0x100U)
849 #define I2C_STAT_SLVPENDING_SHIFT                (8U)
850 /*! SLVPENDING - Slave Pending. Indicates that the Slave function is waiting to continue
851  *    communication on the I2C-bus and needs software service. This flag will cause an interrupt when set if
852  *    enabled via INTENSET. The SLVPENDING flag is not set when the DMA is handling an event (if the
853  *    SLVDMA bit in the SLVCTL register is set). The SLVPENDING flag is read-only and is
854  *    automatically cleared when a 1 is written to the SLVCONTINUE bit in the SLVCTL register. The point in time
855  *    when SlvPending is set depends on whether the I2C interface is in HSCAPABLE mode. See Section
856  * When the I2C interface is configured to be HSCAPABLE, HS master codes are
857  *    detected automatically. Due to the requirements of the HS I2C specification, slave addresses must
858  *    also be detected automatically, since the address must be acknowledged before the clock can be
859  *    stretched.
860  *  0b0..In progress. The Slave function does not currently need service.
861  *  0b1..Pending. The Slave function needs service. Information on what is needed can be found in the adjacent SLVSTATE field.
862  */
863 #define I2C_STAT_SLVPENDING(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVPENDING_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVPENDING_MASK)
864 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE_MASK                   (0x600U)
865 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE_SHIFT                  (9U)
866 /*! SLVSTATE - Slave State code. Each value of this field indicates a specific required service for
867  *    the Slave function. All other values are reserved. See Table 401 for state values and actions.
868  *    note that the occurrence of some states and how they are handled are affected by DMA mode and
869  *    Automatic Operation modes.
870  *  0b00..Slave address. Address plus R/W received. At least one of the four slave addresses has been matched by hardware.
871  *  0b01..Slave receive. Received data is available (Slave Receiver mode).
872  *  0b10..Slave transmit. Data can be transmitted (Slave Transmitter mode).
873  */
874 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE_MASK)
875 #define I2C_STAT_SLVNOTSTR_MASK                  (0x800U)
876 #define I2C_STAT_SLVNOTSTR_SHIFT                 (11U)
877 /*! SLVNOTSTR - Slave Not Stretching. Indicates when the slave function is stretching the I2C clock.
878  *    This is needed in order to gracefully invoke Deep Sleep or Power-down modes during slave
879  *    operation. This read-only flag reflects the slave function status in real time.
880  *  0b0..Stretching. The slave function is currently stretching the I2C bus clock. Deep-Sleep or Power-down mode cannot be entered at this time.
881  *  0b1..Not stretching. The slave function is not currently stretching the I 2C bus clock. Deep-sleep or
882  *       Power-down mode could be entered at this time.
883  */
884 #define I2C_STAT_SLVNOTSTR(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVNOTSTR_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVNOTSTR_MASK)
885 #define I2C_STAT_SLVIDX_MASK                     (0x3000U)
886 #define I2C_STAT_SLVIDX_SHIFT                    (12U)
887 /*! SLVIDX - Slave address match Index. This field is valid when the I2C slave function has been
888  *    selected by receiving an address that matches one of the slave addresses defined by any enabled
889  *    slave address registers, and provides an identification of the address that was matched. It is
890  *    possible that more than one address could be matched, but only one match can be reported here.
891  *  0b00..Address 0. Slave address 0 was matched.
892  *  0b01..Address 1. Slave address 1 was matched.
893  *  0b10..Address 2. Slave address 2 was matched.
894  *  0b11..Address 3. Slave address 3 was matched.
895  */
896 #define I2C_STAT_SLVIDX(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVIDX_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVIDX_MASK)
897 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSEL_MASK                     (0x4000U)
898 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSEL_SHIFT                    (14U)
899 /*! SLVSEL - Slave selected flag. SLVSEL is set after an address match when software tells the Slave
900  *    function to acknowledge the address, or when the address has been automatically acknowledged.
901  *    It is cleared when another address cycle presents an address that does not match an enabled
902  *    address on the Slave function, when slave software decides to NACK a matched address, when
903  *    there is a Stop detected on the bus, when the master NACKs slave data, and in some combinations of
904  *    Automatic Operation. SLVSEL is not cleared if software NACKs data.
905  *  0b0..Not selected. The Slave function is not currently selected.
906  *  0b1..Selected. The Slave function is currently selected.
907  */
908 #define I2C_STAT_SLVSEL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVSEL_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVSEL_MASK)
909 #define I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL_MASK                   (0x8000U)
910 #define I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL_SHIFT                  (15U)
911 /*! SLVDESEL - Slave Deselected flag. This flag will cause an interrupt when set if enabled via
912  *    INTENSET. This flag can be cleared by writing a 1 to this bit.
913  *  0b0..Not deselected. The Slave function has not become deselected. This does not mean that it is currently
914  *       selected. That information can be found in the SLVSEL flag.
915  *  0b1..Deselected. The Slave function has become deselected. This is specifically caused by the SLVSEL flag
916  *       changing from 1 to 0. See the description of SLVSEL for details on when that event occurs.
917  */
918 #define I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL_MASK)
919 #define I2C_STAT_MONRDY_MASK                     (0x10000U)
920 #define I2C_STAT_MONRDY_SHIFT                    (16U)
921 /*! MONRDY - Monitor Ready. This flag is cleared when the MONRXDAT register is read.
922  *  0b0..No data. The Monitor function does not currently have data available.
923  *  0b1..Data waiting. The Monitor function has data waiting to be read.
924  */
925 #define I2C_STAT_MONRDY(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MONRDY_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MONRDY_MASK)
926 #define I2C_STAT_MONOV_MASK                      (0x20000U)
927 #define I2C_STAT_MONOV_SHIFT                     (17U)
928 /*! MONOV - Monitor Overflow flag.
929  *  0b0..No overrun. Monitor data has not overrun.
930  *  0b1..Overrun. A Monitor data overrun has occurred. This can only happen when Monitor clock stretching not
931  *       enabled via the MONCLKSTR bit in the CFG register. Writing 1 to this bit clears the flag.
932  */
933 #define I2C_STAT_MONOV(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MONOV_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MONOV_MASK)
934 #define I2C_STAT_MONACTIVE_MASK                  (0x40000U)
935 #define I2C_STAT_MONACTIVE_SHIFT                 (18U)
936 /*! MONACTIVE - Monitor Active flag. Indicates when the Monitor function considers the I 2C bus to
937  *    be active. Active is defined here as when some Master is on the bus: a bus Start has occurred
938  *    more recently than a bus Stop.
939  *  0b0..Inactive. The Monitor function considers the I2C bus to be inactive.
940  *  0b1..Active. The Monitor function considers the I2C bus to be active.
941  */
942 #define I2C_STAT_MONACTIVE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MONACTIVE_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MONACTIVE_MASK)
943 #define I2C_STAT_MONIDLE_MASK                    (0x80000U)
944 #define I2C_STAT_MONIDLE_SHIFT                   (19U)
945 /*! MONIDLE - Monitor Idle flag. This flag is set when the Monitor function sees the I2C bus change
946  *    from active to inactive. This can be used by software to decide when to process data
947  *    accumulated by the Monitor function. This flag will cause an interrupt when set if enabled via the
948  *    INTENSET register. The flag can be cleared by writing a 1 to this bit.
949  *  0b0..Not idle. The I2C bus is not idle, or this flag has been cleared by software.
950  *  0b1..Idle. The I2C bus has gone idle at least once since the last time this flag was cleared by software.
951  */
952 #define I2C_STAT_MONIDLE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_MONIDLE_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_MONIDLE_MASK)
953 #define I2C_STAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_MASK               (0x1000000U)
954 #define I2C_STAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_SHIFT              (24U)
955 /*! EVENTTIMEOUT - Event Time-out Interrupt flag. Indicates when the time between events has been
956  *    longer than the time specified by the TIMEOUT register. Events include Start, Stop, and clock
957  *    edges. The flag is cleared by writing a 1 to this bit. No time-out is created when the I2C-bus
958  *    is idle.
959  *  0b0..No time-out. I2C bus events have not caused a time-out.
960  *  0b1..Event time-out. The time between I2C bus events has been longer than the time specified by the TIMEOUT register.
961  */
962 #define I2C_STAT_EVENTTIMEOUT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_MASK)
963 #define I2C_STAT_SCLTIMEOUT_MASK                 (0x2000000U)
964 #define I2C_STAT_SCLTIMEOUT_SHIFT                (25U)
965 /*! SCLTIMEOUT - SCL Time-out Interrupt flag. Indicates when SCL has remained low longer than the
966  *    time specific by the TIMEOUT register. The flag is cleared by writing a 1 to this bit.
967  *  0b0..No time-out. SCL low time has not caused a time-out.
968  *  0b1..Time-out. SCL low time has caused a time-out.
969  */
970 #define I2C_STAT_SCLTIMEOUT(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_STAT_SCLTIMEOUT_SHIFT)) & I2C_STAT_SCLTIMEOUT_MASK)
971 /*! @} */
973 /*! @name INTENSET - Interrupt Enable Set and read register. */
974 /*! @{ */
975 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDINGEN_MASK           (0x1U)
976 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDINGEN_SHIFT          (0U)
977 /*! MSTPENDINGEN - Master Pending interrupt Enable.
978  *  0b0..Disabled. The MstPending interrupt is disabled.
979  *  0b1..Enabled. The MstPending interrupt is enabled.
980  */
981 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDINGEN(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDINGEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_MSTPENDINGEN_MASK)
982 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTARBLOSSEN_MASK           (0x10U)
983 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTARBLOSSEN_SHIFT          (4U)
984 /*! MSTARBLOSSEN - Master Arbitration Loss interrupt Enable.
985  *  0b0..Disabled. The MstArbLoss interrupt is disabled.
986  *  0b1..Enabled. The MstArbLoss interrupt is enabled.
987  */
988 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTARBLOSSEN(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_MSTARBLOSSEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_MSTARBLOSSEN_MASK)
989 #define I2C_INTENSET_MSTSTSTPERREN_MASK          (0x40U)
991 /*! MSTSTSTPERREN - Master Start/Stop Error interrupt Enable.
992  *  0b0..Disabled. The MstStStpErr interrupt is disabled.
993  *  0b1..Enabled. The MstStStpErr interrupt is enabled.
994  */
996 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDINGEN_MASK           (0x100U)
997 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDINGEN_SHIFT          (8U)
998 /*! SLVPENDINGEN - Slave Pending interrupt Enable.
999  *  0b0..Disabled. The SlvPending interrupt is disabled.
1000  *  0b1..Enabled. The SlvPending interrupt is enabled.
1001  */
1002 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDINGEN(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDINGEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDINGEN_MASK)
1003 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVNOTSTREN_MASK            (0x800U)
1004 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVNOTSTREN_SHIFT           (11U)
1005 /*! SLVNOTSTREN - Slave Not Stretching interrupt Enable.
1006  *  0b0..Disabled. The SlvNotStr interrupt is disabled.
1007  *  0b1..Enabled. The SlvNotStr interrupt is enabled.
1008  */
1009 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVNOTSTREN(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_SLVNOTSTREN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_SLVNOTSTREN_MASK)
1010 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESELEN_MASK             (0x8000U)
1011 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESELEN_SHIFT            (15U)
1012 /*! SLVDESELEN - Slave Deselect interrupt Enable.
1013  *  0b0..Disabled. The SlvDeSel interrupt is disabled.
1014  *  0b1..Enabled. The SlvDeSel interrupt is enabled.
1015  */
1016 #define I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESELEN(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESELEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESELEN_MASK)
1017 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONRDYEN_MASK               (0x10000U)
1018 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONRDYEN_SHIFT              (16U)
1019 /*! MONRDYEN - Monitor data Ready interrupt Enable.
1020  *  0b0..Disabled. The MonRdy interrupt is disabled.
1021  *  0b1..Enabled. The MonRdy interrupt is enabled.
1022  */
1023 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONRDYEN(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_MONRDYEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_MONRDYEN_MASK)
1024 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONOVEN_MASK                (0x20000U)
1025 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONOVEN_SHIFT               (17U)
1026 /*! MONOVEN - Monitor Overrun interrupt Enable.
1027  *  0b0..Disabled. The MonOv interrupt is disabled.
1028  *  0b1..Enabled. The MonOv interrupt is enabled.
1029  */
1030 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONOVEN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_MONOVEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_MONOVEN_MASK)
1031 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONIDLEEN_MASK              (0x80000U)
1032 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONIDLEEN_SHIFT             (19U)
1033 /*! MONIDLEEN - Monitor Idle interrupt Enable.
1034  *  0b0..Disabled. The MonIdle interrupt is disabled.
1035  *  0b1..Enabled. The MonIdle interrupt is enabled.
1036  */
1037 #define I2C_INTENSET_MONIDLEEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_MONIDLEEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_MONIDLEEN_MASK)
1038 #define I2C_INTENSET_EVENTTIMEOUTEN_MASK         (0x1000000U)
1040 /*! EVENTTIMEOUTEN - Event time-out interrupt Enable.
1041  *  0b0..Disabled. The Event time-out interrupt is disabled.
1042  *  0b1..Enabled. The Event time-out interrupt is enabled.
1043  */
1045 #define I2C_INTENSET_SCLTIMEOUTEN_MASK           (0x2000000U)
1046 #define I2C_INTENSET_SCLTIMEOUTEN_SHIFT          (25U)
1047 /*! SCLTIMEOUTEN - SCL time-out interrupt Enable.
1048  *  0b0..Disabled. The SCL time-out interrupt is disabled.
1049  *  0b1..Enabled. The SCL time-out interrupt is enabled.
1050  */
1051 #define I2C_INTENSET_SCLTIMEOUTEN(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENSET_SCLTIMEOUTEN_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENSET_SCLTIMEOUTEN_MASK)
1052 /*! @} */
1054 /*! @name INTENCLR - Interrupt Enable Clear register. */
1055 /*! @{ */
1056 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MSTPENDINGCLR_MASK          (0x1U)
1057 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MSTPENDINGCLR_SHIFT         (0U)
1058 /*! MSTPENDINGCLR - Master Pending interrupt clear. Writing 1 to this bit clears the corresponding
1059  *    bit in the INTENSET register if implemented.
1060  */
1062 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MSTARBLOSSCLR_MASK          (0x10U)
1063 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MSTARBLOSSCLR_SHIFT         (4U)
1064 /*! MSTARBLOSSCLR - Master Arbitration Loss interrupt clear.
1065  */
1067 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MSTSTSTPERRCLR_MASK         (0x40U)
1069 /*! MSTSTSTPERRCLR - Master Start/Stop Error interrupt clear.
1070  */
1072 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVPENDINGCLR_MASK          (0x100U)
1073 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVPENDINGCLR_SHIFT         (8U)
1074 /*! SLVPENDINGCLR - Slave Pending interrupt clear.
1075  */
1077 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVNOTSTRCLR_MASK           (0x800U)
1078 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVNOTSTRCLR_SHIFT          (11U)
1079 /*! SLVNOTSTRCLR - Slave Not Stretching interrupt clear.
1080  */
1081 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVNOTSTRCLR(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENCLR_SLVNOTSTRCLR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENCLR_SLVNOTSTRCLR_MASK)
1082 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVDESELCLR_MASK            (0x8000U)
1083 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVDESELCLR_SHIFT           (15U)
1084 /*! SLVDESELCLR - Slave Deselect interrupt clear.
1085  */
1086 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SLVDESELCLR(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENCLR_SLVDESELCLR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENCLR_SLVDESELCLR_MASK)
1087 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONRDYCLR_MASK              (0x10000U)
1088 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONRDYCLR_SHIFT             (16U)
1089 /*! MONRDYCLR - Monitor data Ready interrupt clear.
1090  */
1091 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONRDYCLR(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENCLR_MONRDYCLR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENCLR_MONRDYCLR_MASK)
1092 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONOVCLR_MASK               (0x20000U)
1093 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONOVCLR_SHIFT              (17U)
1094 /*! MONOVCLR - Monitor Overrun interrupt clear.
1095  */
1096 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONOVCLR(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENCLR_MONOVCLR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENCLR_MONOVCLR_MASK)
1097 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONIDLECLR_MASK             (0x80000U)
1098 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONIDLECLR_SHIFT            (19U)
1099 /*! MONIDLECLR - Monitor Idle interrupt clear.
1100  */
1101 #define I2C_INTENCLR_MONIDLECLR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTENCLR_MONIDLECLR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTENCLR_MONIDLECLR_MASK)
1102 #define I2C_INTENCLR_EVENTTIMEOUTCLR_MASK        (0x1000000U)
1104 /*! EVENTTIMEOUTCLR - Event time-out interrupt clear.
1105  */
1107 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SCLTIMEOUTCLR_MASK          (0x2000000U)
1108 #define I2C_INTENCLR_SCLTIMEOUTCLR_SHIFT         (25U)
1109 /*! SCLTIMEOUTCLR - SCL time-out interrupt clear.
1110  */
1112 /*! @} */
1114 /*! @name TIMEOUT - Time-out value register. */
1115 /*! @{ */
1116 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TOMIN_MASK                   (0xFU)
1117 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TOMIN_SHIFT                  (0U)
1118 /*! TOMIN - Time-out time value, bottom four bits. These are hard-wired to 0xF. This gives a minimum
1119  *    time-out of 16 I2C function clocks and also a time-out resolution of 16 I2C function clocks.
1120  */
1121 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TOMIN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_TIMEOUT_TOMIN_SHIFT)) & I2C_TIMEOUT_TOMIN_MASK)
1122 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TO_MASK                      (0xFFF0U)
1123 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TO_SHIFT                     (4U)
1124 /*! TO - Time-out time value. Specifies the time-out interval value in increments of 16 I 2C
1125  *    function clocks, as defined by the CLKDIV register. To change this value while I2C is in operation,
1126  *    disable all time-outs, write a new value to TIMEOUT, then re-enable time-outs. 0x000 = A
1127  *    time-out will occur after 16 counts of the I2C function clock. 0x001 = A time-out will occur after
1128  *    32 counts of the I2C function clock. 0xFFF = A time-out will occur after 65,536 counts of the
1129  *    I2C function clock.
1130  */
1131 #define I2C_TIMEOUT_TO(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_TIMEOUT_TO_SHIFT)) & I2C_TIMEOUT_TO_MASK)
1132 /*! @} */
1134 /*! @name CLKDIV - Clock pre-divider for the entire I2C interface. This determines what time increments are used for the MSTTIME register, and controls some timing of the Slave function. */
1135 /*! @{ */
1136 #define I2C_CLKDIV_DIVVAL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
1137 #define I2C_CLKDIV_DIVVAL_SHIFT                  (0U)
1138 /*! DIVVAL - This field controls how the Flexcomm clock (FCLK) is used by the I2C functions that
1139  *    need an internal clock in order to operate. 0x0000 = FCLK is used directly by the I2C. 0x0001 =
1140  *    FCLK is divided by 2 before use. 0x0002 = FCLK is divided by 3 before use. 0xFFFF = FCLK is
1141  *    divided by 65,536 before use.
1142  */
1143 #define I2C_CLKDIV_DIVVAL(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_CLKDIV_DIVVAL_SHIFT)) & I2C_CLKDIV_DIVVAL_MASK)
1144 /*! @} */
1146 /*! @name INTSTAT - Interrupt Status register for Master, Slave, and Monitor functions. */
1147 /*! @{ */
1148 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTPENDING_MASK              (0x1U)
1149 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTPENDING_SHIFT             (0U)
1150 /*! MSTPENDING - Master Pending.
1151  */
1152 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTPENDING(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MSTPENDING_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MSTPENDING_MASK)
1153 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTARBLOSS_MASK              (0x10U)
1154 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTARBLOSS_SHIFT             (4U)
1155 /*! MSTARBLOSS - Master Arbitration Loss flag.
1156  */
1157 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTARBLOSS(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MSTARBLOSS_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MSTARBLOSS_MASK)
1158 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTSTSTPERR_MASK             (0x40U)
1159 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTSTSTPERR_SHIFT            (6U)
1160 /*! MSTSTSTPERR - Master Start/Stop Error flag.
1161  */
1162 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MSTSTSTPERR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MSTSTSTPERR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MSTSTSTPERR_MASK)
1163 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVPENDING_MASK              (0x100U)
1164 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVPENDING_SHIFT             (8U)
1165 /*! SLVPENDING - Slave Pending.
1166  */
1167 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVPENDING(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_SLVPENDING_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_SLVPENDING_MASK)
1168 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVNOTSTR_MASK               (0x800U)
1169 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVNOTSTR_SHIFT              (11U)
1170 /*! SLVNOTSTR - Slave Not Stretching status.
1171  */
1172 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVNOTSTR(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_SLVNOTSTR_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_SLVNOTSTR_MASK)
1173 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVDESEL_MASK                (0x8000U)
1174 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVDESEL_SHIFT               (15U)
1175 /*! SLVDESEL - Slave Deselected flag.
1176  */
1177 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SLVDESEL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_SLVDESEL_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_SLVDESEL_MASK)
1178 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONRDY_MASK                  (0x10000U)
1179 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONRDY_SHIFT                 (16U)
1180 /*! MONRDY - Monitor Ready.
1181  */
1182 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONRDY(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MONRDY_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MONRDY_MASK)
1183 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONOV_MASK                   (0x20000U)
1184 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONOV_SHIFT                  (17U)
1185 /*! MONOV - Monitor Overflow flag.
1186  */
1187 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONOV(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MONOV_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MONOV_MASK)
1188 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONIDLE_MASK                 (0x80000U)
1189 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONIDLE_SHIFT                (19U)
1190 /*! MONIDLE - Monitor Idle flag.
1191  */
1192 #define I2C_INTSTAT_MONIDLE(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_MONIDLE_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_MONIDLE_MASK)
1193 #define I2C_INTSTAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_MASK            (0x1000000U)
1194 #define I2C_INTSTAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_SHIFT           (24U)
1195 /*! EVENTTIMEOUT - Event time-out Interrupt flag.
1196  */
1197 #define I2C_INTSTAT_EVENTTIMEOUT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_EVENTTIMEOUT_MASK)
1198 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SCLTIMEOUT_MASK              (0x2000000U)
1199 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SCLTIMEOUT_SHIFT             (25U)
1200 /*! SCLTIMEOUT - SCL time-out Interrupt flag.
1201  */
1202 #define I2C_INTSTAT_SCLTIMEOUT(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_INTSTAT_SCLTIMEOUT_SHIFT)) & I2C_INTSTAT_SCLTIMEOUT_MASK)
1203 /*! @} */
1205 /*! @name MSTCTL - Master control register. */
1206 /*! @{ */
1207 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTCONTINUE_MASK              (0x1U)
1208 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTCONTINUE_SHIFT             (0U)
1209 /*! MSTCONTINUE - Master Continue.
1210  *  0b0..No effect.
1211  *  0b1..Informs the Master function to continue to the next operation.
1212  */
1213 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTCONTINUE(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTCTL_MSTCONTINUE_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTCTL_MSTCONTINUE_MASK)
1214 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTART_MASK                 (0x2U)
1215 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTART_SHIFT                (1U)
1216 /*! MSTSTART - Master Start control.
1217  *  0b0..No effect.
1218  *  0b1..Start. A Start will be generated on the I2C bus at the next allowed time.
1219  */
1220 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTART(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTART_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTART_MASK)
1221 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTOP_MASK                  (0x4U)
1222 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTOP_SHIFT                 (2U)
1223 /*! MSTSTOP - Master Stop control.
1224  *  0b0..No effect.
1225  *  0b1..Stop. A Stop will be generated on the I2C bus at the next allowed time, preceded by a NACK to the slave
1226  *       if the master is receiving data from the slave (Master Receiver mode).
1227  */
1228 #define I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTOP(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTOP_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTCTL_MSTSTOP_MASK)
1229 /*! @} */
1231 /*! @name MSTTIME - Master timing configuration. */
1232 /*! @{ */
1233 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLLOW_MASK               (0x7U)
1234 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLLOW_SHIFT              (0U)
1235 /*! MSTSCLLOW - Master SCL Low time. Specifies the minimum low time that will be asserted by this
1236  *    master on SCL. Other devices on the bus (masters or slaves) could lengthen this time. This
1237  *    corresponds to the parameter t LOW in the I2C bus specification. I2C bus specification parameters
1238  *    tBUF and tSU;STA have the same values and are also controlled by MSTSCLLOW.
1239  *  0b000..2 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 2 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1240  *  0b001..3 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 3 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1241  *  0b010..4 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 4 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1242  *  0b011..5 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 5 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1243  *  0b100..6 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 6 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1244  *  0b101..7 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 7 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1245  *  0b110..8 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 8 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1246  *  0b111..9 clocks. Minimum SCL low time is 9 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1247  */
1248 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLLOW(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLLOW_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLLOW_MASK)
1249 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLHIGH_MASK              (0x70U)
1250 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLHIGH_SHIFT             (4U)
1251 /*! MSTSCLHIGH - Master SCL High time. Specifies the minimum high time that will be asserted by this
1252  *    master on SCL. Other masters in a multi-master system could shorten this time. This
1253  *    corresponds to the parameter tHIGH in the I2C bus specification. I2C bus specification parameters
1254  *    tSU;STO and tHD;STA have the same values and are also controlled by MSTSCLHIGH.
1255  *  0b000..2 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 2 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1256  *  0b001..3 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 3 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider .
1257  *  0b010..4 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 4 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1258  *  0b011..5 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 5 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1259  *  0b100..6 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 6 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1260  *  0b101..7 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 7 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1261  *  0b110..8 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 8 clock of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1262  *  0b111..9 clocks. Minimum SCL high time is 9 clocks of the I2C clock pre-divider.
1263  */
1264 #define I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLHIGH(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLHIGH_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTTIME_MSTSCLHIGH_MASK)
1265 /*! @} */
1267 /*! @name MSTDAT - Combined Master receiver and transmitter data register. */
1268 /*! @{ */
1269 #define I2C_MSTDAT_DATA_MASK                     (0xFFU)
1270 #define I2C_MSTDAT_DATA_SHIFT                    (0U)
1271 /*! DATA - Master function data register. Read: read the most recently received data for the Master
1272  *    function. Write: transmit data using the Master function.
1273  */
1274 #define I2C_MSTDAT_DATA(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MSTDAT_DATA_SHIFT)) & I2C_MSTDAT_DATA_MASK)
1275 /*! @} */
1277 /*! @name SLVCTL - Slave control register. */
1278 /*! @{ */
1279 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE_MASK              (0x1U)
1280 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE_SHIFT             (0U)
1281 /*! SLVCONTINUE - Slave Continue.
1282  *  0b0..No effect.
1283  *  0b1..Continue. Informs the Slave function to continue to the next operation. This must done after writing
1284  *       transmit data, reading received data, or any other housekeeping related to the next bus operation.
1285  */
1286 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE_MASK)
1287 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK_MASK                  (0x2U)
1288 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK_SHIFT                 (1U)
1289 /*! SLVNACK - Slave NACK.
1290  *  0b0..No effect.
1291  *  0b1..NACK. Causes the Slave function to NACK the master when the slave is receiving data from the master (Slave Receiver mode).
1292  */
1293 #define I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK_MASK)
1294 /*! @} */
1296 /*! @name SLVDAT - Combined Slave receiver and transmitter data register. */
1297 /*! @{ */
1298 #define I2C_SLVDAT_DATA_MASK                     (0xFFU)
1299 #define I2C_SLVDAT_DATA_SHIFT                    (0U)
1300 /*! DATA - Slave function data register. Read: read the most recently received data for the Slave
1301  *    function. Write: transmit data using the Slave function.
1302  */
1303 #define I2C_SLVDAT_DATA(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVDAT_DATA_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVDAT_DATA_MASK)
1304 /*! @} */
1306 /*! @name SLVADR - Slave address register. */
1307 /*! @{ */
1308 #define I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE_MASK                (0x1U)
1309 #define I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE_SHIFT               (0U)
1310 /*! SADISABLE - Slave Address n Disable.
1311  *  0b0..Enabled. Slave Address n is enabled.
1312  *  0b1..Ignored Slave Address n is ignored.
1313  */
1314 #define I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE_MASK)
1315 #define I2C_SLVADR_SLVADR_MASK                   (0xFEU)
1316 #define I2C_SLVADR_SLVADR_SHIFT                  (1U)
1317 /*! SLVADR - Slave Address. Seven bit slave address that is compared to received addresses if enabled.
1318  */
1319 #define I2C_SLVADR_SLVADR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVADR_SLVADR_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVADR_SLVADR_MASK)
1320 /*! @} */
1322 /* The count of I2C_SLVADR */
1323 #define I2C_SLVADR_COUNT                         (4U)
1325 /*! @name SLVQUAL0 - Slave Qualification for address 0. */
1326 /*! @{ */
1327 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_QUALMODE0_MASK              (0x1U)
1328 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_QUALMODE0_SHIFT             (0U)
1329 /*! QUALMODE0 - Qualify mode for slave address 0.
1330  *  0b0..Mask. The SLVQUAL0 field is used as a logical mask for matching address 0.
1331  *  0b1..Extend. The SLVQUAL0 field is used to extend address 0 matching in a range of addresses.
1332  */
1333 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_QUALMODE0(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVQUAL0_QUALMODE0_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVQUAL0_QUALMODE0_MASK)
1334 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_SLVQUAL0_MASK               (0xFEU)
1335 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_SLVQUAL0_SHIFT              (1U)
1336 /*! SLVQUAL0 - Slave address Qualifier for address 0. A value of 0 causes the address in SLVADR0 to
1337  *    be used as-is, assuming that it is enabled. If QUALMODE0 = 0, any bit in this field which is
1338  *    set to 1 will cause an automatic match of the corresponding bit of the received address when it
1339  *    is compared to the SLVADR0 register. If QUALMODE0 = 1, an address range is matched for
1340  *    address 0. This range extends from the value defined by SLVADR0 to the address defined by SLVQUAL0
1341  *    (address matches when SLVADR0[7:1] <= received address <= SLVQUAL0[7:1]).
1342  */
1343 #define I2C_SLVQUAL0_SLVQUAL0(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_SLVQUAL0_SLVQUAL0_SHIFT)) & I2C_SLVQUAL0_SLVQUAL0_MASK)
1344 /*! @} */
1346 /*! @name MONRXDAT - Monitor receiver data register. */
1347 /*! @{ */
1348 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRXDAT_MASK               (0xFFU)
1349 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRXDAT_SHIFT              (0U)
1350 /*! MONRXDAT - Monitor function Receiver Data. This reflects every data byte that passes on the I2C pins.
1351  */
1352 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRXDAT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRXDAT_SHIFT)) & I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRXDAT_MASK)
1353 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONSTART_MASK               (0x100U)
1354 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONSTART_SHIFT              (8U)
1355 /*! MONSTART - Monitor Received Start.
1356  *  0b0..No start detected. The Monitor function has not detected a Start event on the I2C bus.
1357  *  0b1..Start detected. The Monitor function has detected a Start event on the I2C bus.
1358  */
1359 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONSTART(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MONRXDAT_MONSTART_SHIFT)) & I2C_MONRXDAT_MONSTART_MASK)
1360 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRESTART_MASK             (0x200U)
1361 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRESTART_SHIFT            (9U)
1362 /*! MONRESTART - Monitor Received Repeated Start.
1363  *  0b0..No repeated start detected. The Monitor function has not detected a Repeated Start event on the I2C bus.
1364  *  0b1..Repeated start detected. The Monitor function has detected a Repeated Start event on the I2C bus.
1365  */
1366 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRESTART(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRESTART_SHIFT)) & I2C_MONRXDAT_MONRESTART_MASK)
1367 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONNACK_MASK                (0x400U)
1368 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONNACK_SHIFT               (10U)
1369 /*! MONNACK - Monitor Received NACK.
1370  *  0b0..Acknowledged. The data currently being provided by the Monitor function was acknowledged by at least one master or slave receiver.
1371  *  0b1..Not acknowledged. The data currently being provided by the Monitor function was not acknowledged by any receiver.
1372  */
1373 #define I2C_MONRXDAT_MONNACK(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << I2C_MONRXDAT_MONNACK_SHIFT)) & I2C_MONRXDAT_MONNACK_MASK)
1374 /*! @} */
1377 /*!
1378  * @}
1379  */ /* end of group I2C_Register_Masks */
1382 /* I2C - Peripheral instance base addresses */
1383 /** Peripheral I2C0 base address */
1384 #define I2C0_BASE                                (0x40050000u)
1385 /** Peripheral I2C0 base pointer */
1386 #define I2C0                                     ((I2C_Type *)I2C0_BASE)
1387 /** Array initializer of I2C peripheral base addresses */
1388 #define I2C_BASE_ADDRS                           { I2C0_BASE }
1389 /** Array initializer of I2C peripheral base pointers */
1390 #define I2C_BASE_PTRS                            { I2C0 }
1391 /** Interrupt vectors for the I2C peripheral type */
1392 #define I2C_IRQS                                 { I2C0_IRQn }
1394 /*!
1395  * @}
1396  */ /* end of group I2C_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
1399 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1400    -- IOCON Peripheral Access Layer
1401    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1403 /*!
1404  * @addtogroup IOCON_Peripheral_Access_Layer IOCON Peripheral Access Layer
1405  * @{
1406  */
1408 /** IOCON - Register Layout Typedef */
1409 typedef struct {
1410   __IO uint32_t PIO[19];                           /**< Digital I/O control for pins PIO0_17..Digital I/O control for pins PIO0_14, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
1411 } IOCON_Type;
1413 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1414    -- IOCON Register Masks
1415    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1417 /*!
1418  * @addtogroup IOCON_Register_Masks IOCON Register Masks
1419  * @{
1420  */
1422 /*! @name PIO - Digital I/O control for pins PIO0_17..Digital I/O control for pins PIO0_14 */
1423 /*! @{ */
1424 #define IOCON_PIO_MODE_MASK                      (0x18U)
1425 #define IOCON_PIO_MODE_SHIFT                     (3U)
1426 /*! MODE - Selects function mode (on-chip pull-up/pull-down resistor control).
1427  *  0b00..Inactive. Inactive (no pull-down/pull-up resistor enabled).
1428  *  0b01..Pull-down. Pull-down resistor enabled.
1429  *  0b10..Pull-up. Pull-up resistor enabled.
1430  *  0b11..Repeater. Repeater mode.
1431  */
1432 #define IOCON_PIO_MODE(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_MODE_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_MODE_MASK)
1433 #define IOCON_PIO_HYS_MASK                       (0x20U)
1434 #define IOCON_PIO_HYS_SHIFT                      (5U)
1435 /*! HYS - Hysteresis.
1436  *  0b0..Disable
1437  *  0b1..Enable
1438  */
1439 #define IOCON_PIO_HYS(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_HYS_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_HYS_MASK)
1440 #define IOCON_PIO_INV_MASK                       (0x40U)
1441 #define IOCON_PIO_INV_SHIFT                      (6U)
1442 /*! INV - Invert input
1443  *  0b0..Input not inverted (HIGH on pin reads as 1; LOW on pin reads as 0).
1444  *  0b1..Input inverted (HIGH on pin reads as 0, LOW on pin reads as 1).
1445  */
1446 #define IOCON_PIO_INV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_INV_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_INV_MASK)
1447 #define IOCON_PIO_I2CMODE_MASK                   (0x300U)
1448 #define IOCON_PIO_I2CMODE_SHIFT                  (8U)
1449 /*! I2CMODE - Selects I2C mode.
1450  *  0b00..Standard mode/ Fast-mode I2C.
1451  *  0b01..Standard GPIO functionality. Requires external pull-up for GPIO output function.
1452  *  0b10..Fast-mode Plus I2C
1453  *  0b11..Reserved
1454  */
1455 #define IOCON_PIO_I2CMODE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_I2CMODE_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_I2CMODE_MASK)
1456 #define IOCON_PIO_OD_MASK                        (0x400U)
1457 #define IOCON_PIO_OD_SHIFT                       (10U)
1458 /*! OD - Open-drain mode.
1459  *  0b0..Disable.
1460  *  0b1..Open-drain mode enabled. Remark: This is not a true open-drain mode.
1461  */
1462 #define IOCON_PIO_OD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_OD_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_OD_MASK)
1463 #define IOCON_PIO_S_MODE_MASK                    (0x1800U)
1464 #define IOCON_PIO_S_MODE_SHIFT                   (11U)
1465 /*! S_MODE - Digital filter sample mode.
1466  *  0b00..Bypass input filter.
1467  *  0b01..1 clock cycle. Input pulses shorter than one filter clock are rejected.
1468  *  0b10..2 clock cycles. Input pulses shorter than two filter clocks are rejected.
1469  *  0b11..3 clock cycles. Input pulses shorter than three filter clocks are rejected.
1470  */
1471 #define IOCON_PIO_S_MODE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_S_MODE_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_S_MODE_MASK)
1472 #define IOCON_PIO_CLK_DIV_MASK                   (0xE000U)
1473 #define IOCON_PIO_CLK_DIV_SHIFT                  (13U)
1474 /*! CLK_DIV - Select peripheral clock divider for input filter sampling clock. Value 0x7 is reserved.
1475  *  0b000..IOCONCLKDIV0
1476  *  0b001..IOCONCLKDIV1
1477  *  0b010..IOCONCLKDIV2
1478  *  0b011..IOCONCLKDIV3
1479  *  0b100..IOCONCLKDIV4
1480  *  0b101..IOCONCLKDIV5
1481  *  0b110..IOCONCLKDIV6
1482  */
1483 #define IOCON_PIO_CLK_DIV(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << IOCON_PIO_CLK_DIV_SHIFT)) & IOCON_PIO_CLK_DIV_MASK)
1484 /*! @} */
1486 /* The count of IOCON_PIO */
1487 #define IOCON_PIO_COUNT                          (19U)
1490 /*!
1491  * @}
1492  */ /* end of group IOCON_Register_Masks */
1495 /* IOCON - Peripheral instance base addresses */
1496 /** Peripheral IOCON base address */
1497 #define IOCON_BASE                               (0x40044000u)
1498 /** Peripheral IOCON base pointer */
1499 #define IOCON                                    ((IOCON_Type *)IOCON_BASE)
1500 /** Array initializer of IOCON peripheral base addresses */
1501 #define IOCON_BASE_ADDRS                         { IOCON_BASE }
1502 /** Array initializer of IOCON peripheral base pointers */
1503 #define IOCON_BASE_PTRS                          { IOCON }
1505 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_17       (0 )
1506 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_13       (1 )
1507 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_12       (2 )
1508 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_5        (3 )
1509 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_4        (4 )
1510 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_3        (5 )
1511 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_2        (6 )
1512 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_11       (7 )
1513 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_10       (8 )
1514 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_16       (9 )
1515 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_15       (10)
1516 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_1        (11)
1517 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_9        (13)
1518 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_8        (14)
1519 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_7        (15)
1520 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_6        (16)
1521 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_0        (17)
1522 #define    IOCON_INDEX_PIO0_14       (18)
1525 /*!
1526  * @}
1527  */ /* end of group IOCON_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
1530 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1531    -- MRT Peripheral Access Layer
1532    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1534 /*!
1535  * @addtogroup MRT_Peripheral_Access_Layer MRT Peripheral Access Layer
1536  * @{
1537  */
1539 /** MRT - Register Layout Typedef */
1540 typedef struct {
1541   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x0, array step: 0x10 */
1542     __IO uint32_t INTVAL;                            /**< MRT Time interval value register. This value is loaded into the TIMER register., array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x10 */
1543     __I  uint32_t TIMER;                             /**< MRT Timer register. This register reads the value of the down-counter., array offset: 0x4, array step: 0x10 */
1544     __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< MRT Control register. This register controls the MRT modes., array offset: 0x8, array step: 0x10 */
1545     __IO uint32_t STAT;                              /**< MRT Status register., array offset: 0xC, array step: 0x10 */
1546   } CHANNEL[4];
1547        uint8_t RESERVED_0[176];
1548   __I  uint32_t MODCFG;                            /**< Module Configuration register. This register provides information about this particular MRT instance., offset: 0xF0 */
1549   __I  uint32_t IDLE_CH;                           /**< Idle channel register. This register returns the number of the first idle channel., offset: 0xF4 */
1550   __IO uint32_t IRQ_FLAG;                          /**< Global interrupt flag register, offset: 0xF8 */
1551 } MRT_Type;
1553 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1554    -- MRT Register Masks
1555    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1557 /*!
1558  * @addtogroup MRT_Register_Masks MRT Register Masks
1559  * @{
1560  */
1562 /*! @name CHANNEL_INTVAL - MRT Time interval value register. This value is loaded into the TIMER register. */
1563 /*! @{ */
1565 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_IVALUE_SHIFT          (0U)
1566 /*! IVALUE - Time interval load value. This value is loaded into the TIMERn register and the MRT
1567  *    channel n starts counting down from IVALUE -1. If the timer is idle, writing a non-zero value to
1568  *    this bit field starts the timer immediately. If the timer is running, writing a zero to this
1569  *    bit field does the following: If LOAD = 1, the timer stops immediately. If LOAD = 0, the timer
1570  *    stops at the end of the time interval.
1571  */
1572 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_IVALUE(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_IVALUE_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_IVALUE_MASK)
1573 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_LOAD_MASK             (0x80000000U)
1574 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_LOAD_SHIFT            (31U)
1575 /*! LOAD - Determines how the timer interval value IVALUE -1 is loaded into the TIMERn register.
1576  *    This bit is write-only. Reading this bit always returns 0.
1577  *  0b0..No force load. The load from the INTVALn register to the TIMERn register is processed at the end of the
1578  *       time interval if the repeat mode is selected.
1579  *  0b1..Force load. The INTVALn interval value IVALUE -1 is immediately loaded into the TIMERn register while TIMERn is running.
1580  */
1581 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_LOAD(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_LOAD_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_LOAD_MASK)
1582 /*! @} */
1584 /* The count of MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL */
1585 #define MRT_CHANNEL_INTVAL_COUNT                 (4U)
1587 /*! @name CHANNEL_TIMER - MRT Timer register. This register reads the value of the down-counter. */
1588 /*! @{ */
1589 #define MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_VALUE_MASK             (0x7FFFFFFFU)
1590 #define MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_VALUE_SHIFT            (0U)
1591 /*! VALUE - Holds the current timer value of the down-counter. The initial value of the TIMERn
1592  *    register is loaded as IVALUE - 1 from the INTVALn register either at the end of the time interval
1593  *    or immediately in the following cases: INTVALn register is updated in the idle state. INTVALn
1594  *    register is updated with LOAD = 1. When the timer is in idle state, reading this bit fields
1595  *    returns -1 (0x00FF FFFF).
1596  */
1597 #define MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_VALUE(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_VALUE_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_VALUE_MASK)
1598 /*! @} */
1600 /* The count of MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER */
1601 #define MRT_CHANNEL_TIMER_COUNT                  (4U)
1603 /*! @name CHANNEL_CTRL - MRT Control register. This register controls the MRT modes. */
1604 /*! @{ */
1605 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_INTEN_MASK              (0x1U)
1606 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_INTEN_SHIFT             (0U)
1607 /*! INTEN - Enable the TIMERn interrupt.
1608  *  0b0..Disabled. TIMERn interrupt is disabled.
1609  *  0b1..Enabled. TIMERn interrupt is enabled.
1610  */
1611 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_INTEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_INTEN_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_INTEN_MASK)
1612 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_MODE_MASK               (0x6U)
1613 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_MODE_SHIFT              (1U)
1614 /*! MODE - Selects timer mode.
1615  *  0b00..Repeat interrupt mode.
1616  *  0b01..One-shot interrupt mode.
1617  *  0b10..One-shot stall mode.
1618  *  0b11..Reserved.
1619  */
1620 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_MODE(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_MODE_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_MODE_MASK)
1621 /*! @} */
1623 /* The count of MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL */
1624 #define MRT_CHANNEL_CTRL_COUNT                   (4U)
1626 /*! @name CHANNEL_STAT - MRT Status register. */
1627 /*! @{ */
1628 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_INTFLAG_MASK            (0x1U)
1629 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_INTFLAG_SHIFT           (0U)
1630 /*! INTFLAG - Monitors the interrupt flag.
1631  *  0b0..No pending interrupt. Writing a zero is equivalent to no operation.
1632  *  0b1..Pending interrupt. The interrupt is pending because TIMERn has reached the end of the time interval. If
1633  *       the INTEN bit in the CONTROLn is also set to 1, the interrupt for timer channel n and the global interrupt
1634  *       are raised. Writing a 1 to this bit clears the interrupt request.
1635  */
1636 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_INTFLAG(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_INTFLAG_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_INTFLAG_MASK)
1637 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_RUN_MASK                (0x2U)
1638 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_RUN_SHIFT               (1U)
1639 /*! RUN - Indicates the state of TIMERn. This bit is read-only.
1640  *  0b0..Idle state. TIMERn is stopped.
1641  *  0b1..Running. TIMERn is running.
1642  */
1643 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_RUN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_RUN_SHIFT)) & MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_RUN_MASK)
1644 /*! @} */
1646 /* The count of MRT_CHANNEL_STAT */
1647 #define MRT_CHANNEL_STAT_COUNT                   (4U)
1649 /*! @name MODCFG - Module Configuration register. This register provides information about this particular MRT instance. */
1650 /*! @{ */
1651 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOC_MASK                      (0xFU)
1652 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOC_SHIFT                     (0U)
1653 /*! NOC - Identifies the number of channels in this MRT.(4 channels on this device.)
1654  */
1655 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOC(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_MODCFG_NOC_SHIFT)) & MRT_MODCFG_NOC_MASK)
1656 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOB_MASK                      (0x1F0U)
1657 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOB_SHIFT                     (4U)
1658 /*! NOB - Identifies the number of timer bits in this MRT. (31 bits wide on this device.)
1659  */
1660 #define MRT_MODCFG_NOB(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_MODCFG_NOB_SHIFT)) & MRT_MODCFG_NOB_MASK)
1661 /*! @} */
1663 /*! @name IDLE_CH - Idle channel register. This register returns the number of the first idle channel. */
1664 /*! @{ */
1665 #define MRT_IDLE_CH_CHAN_MASK                    (0xF0U)
1666 #define MRT_IDLE_CH_CHAN_SHIFT                   (4U)
1667 /*! CHAN - Idle channel. Reading the CHAN bits, returns the lowest idle timer channel. The number is
1668  *    positioned such that it can be used as an offset from the MRT base address in order to access
1669  *    the registers for the allocated channel. If all timer channels are running, CHAN = 0xF. See
1670  *    text above for more details.
1671  */
1672 #define MRT_IDLE_CH_CHAN(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_IDLE_CH_CHAN_SHIFT)) & MRT_IDLE_CH_CHAN_MASK)
1673 /*! @} */
1675 /*! @name IRQ_FLAG - Global interrupt flag register */
1676 /*! @{ */
1677 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG0_MASK                 (0x1U)
1678 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG0_SHIFT                (0U)
1679 /*! GFLAG0 - Monitors the interrupt flag of TIMER0.
1680  *  0b0..No pending interrupt. Writing a zero is equivalent to no operation.
1681  *  0b1..Pending interrupt. The interrupt is pending because TIMER0 has reached the end of the time interval. If
1682  *       the INTEN bit in the CONTROL0 register is also set to 1, the interrupt for timer channel 0 and the global
1683  *       interrupt are raised. Writing a 1 to this bit clears the interrupt request.
1684  */
1685 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG0(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG0_SHIFT)) & MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG0_MASK)
1686 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG1_MASK                 (0x2U)
1687 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG1_SHIFT                (1U)
1688 /*! GFLAG1 - Monitors the interrupt flag of TIMER1. See description of channel 0.
1689  */
1690 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG1(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG1_SHIFT)) & MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG1_MASK)
1691 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG2_MASK                 (0x4U)
1692 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG2_SHIFT                (2U)
1693 /*! GFLAG2 - Monitors the interrupt flag of TIMER2. See description of channel 0.
1694  */
1695 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG2(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG2_SHIFT)) & MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG2_MASK)
1696 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG3_MASK                 (0x8U)
1697 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG3_SHIFT                (3U)
1698 /*! GFLAG3 - Monitors the interrupt flag of TIMER3. See description of channel 0.
1699  */
1700 #define MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG3(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG3_SHIFT)) & MRT_IRQ_FLAG_GFLAG3_MASK)
1701 /*! @} */
1704 /*!
1705  * @}
1706  */ /* end of group MRT_Register_Masks */
1709 /* MRT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
1710 /** Peripheral MRT0 base address */
1711 #define MRT0_BASE                                (0x40004000u)
1712 /** Peripheral MRT0 base pointer */
1713 #define MRT0                                     ((MRT_Type *)MRT0_BASE)
1714 /** Array initializer of MRT peripheral base addresses */
1715 #define MRT_BASE_ADDRS                           { MRT0_BASE }
1716 /** Array initializer of MRT peripheral base pointers */
1717 #define MRT_BASE_PTRS                            { MRT0 }
1718 /** Interrupt vectors for the MRT peripheral type */
1719 #define MRT_IRQS                                 { MRT0_IRQn }
1721 /*!
1722  * @}
1723  */ /* end of group MRT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
1726 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1727    -- MTB Peripheral Access Layer
1728    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1730 /*!
1731  * @addtogroup MTB_Peripheral_Access_Layer MTB Peripheral Access Layer
1732  * @{
1733  */
1735 /** MTB - Register Layout Typedef */
1736 typedef struct {
1737   __IO uint32_t POSITION;                          /**< POSITION Register, offset: 0x0 */
1738   __IO uint32_t MASTER;                            /**< MASTER Register, offset: 0x4 */
1739   __IO uint32_t FLOW;                              /**< FLOW Register, offset: 0x8 */
1740   __I  uint32_t BASE;                              /**< Indicates where the SRAM is located in the processor memory map. This register is provided to enable auto discovery of the MTB SRAM location, by a debug agent., offset: 0xC */
1741 } MTB_Type;
1743 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1744    -- MTB Register Masks
1745    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1747 /*!
1748  * @addtogroup MTB_Register_Masks MTB Register Masks
1749  * @{
1750  */
1752 /*! @name POSITION - POSITION Register */
1753 /*! @{ */
1754 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_MASK                   (0x4U)
1755 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP_SHIFT                  (2U)
1756 /*! WRAP - This bit is set to 1 automatically when the POINTER value wraps as determined by the
1757  *    MASTER.MASK field in the MASTER Trace Control Register.
1758  */
1759 #define MTB_POSITION_WRAP(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_POSITION_WRAP_SHIFT)) & MTB_POSITION_WRAP_MASK)
1760 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK                (0xFFFFFFF8U)
1761 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT               (3U)
1762 /*! POINTER - Trace packet location pointer. Because a packet consists of two words, the POINTER
1763  *    field is the location of the first word of a packet. This field contains bits [31:3] of the
1764  *    address, in the SRAM, where the next trace packet will be written. The field points to an unused
1765  *    location and is automatically incremented. A debug agent can calculate the system address, on
1766  *    the AHB-Lite bus, of the SRAM location pointed to by the POSITION register using the following
1767  *    equation: system address = BASE + ((P + (2AWIDTH - (BASE MOD 2AWIDTH))) MOD 2AWIDTH). Where P =
1768  *    POSITION AND 0xFFFF_FFF8. Where BASE is the BASE register value
1769  */
1770 #define MTB_POSITION_POINTER(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_POSITION_POINTER_SHIFT)) & MTB_POSITION_POINTER_MASK)
1771 /*! @} */
1773 /*! @name MASTER - MASTER Register */
1774 /*! @{ */
1775 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK                     (0x1FU)
1776 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT                    (0U)
1777 /*! MASK - This value determines the maximum size of the trace buffer in SRAM. It specifies the
1778  *    most-significant bit of the POSITION.POINTER field that can be updated by automatic increment. If
1779  *    the trace tries to advance past this power of two, the POSITION.WRAP bit is set to 1, the
1780  *    POSITION.POINTER[MASK:0] bits are set to zero, and the POSITION.POINTER[AWIDTH-4:MASK+1] bits
1781  *    remain unchanged. This field causes the trace packet information to be stored in a circular buffer
1782  *    of size 2(MASK+4) bytes, that can be positioned in memory at multiples of this size. Valid
1783  *    values of this field are zero to AWIDTH-4. Values greater than the maximum have the same effect
1784  *    as the maximum.
1785  */
1786 #define MTB_MASTER_MASK(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_MASK_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_MASK_MASK)
1787 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_MASK                 (0x20U)
1788 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_SHIFT                (5U)
1789 /*! TSTARTEN - Trace start input enable. If this bit is 1 and the TSTART signal is HIGH, then the EN
1790  *    bit is set to 1. Tracing continues until a stop condition occurs.
1791  */
1792 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_TSTARTEN_MASK)
1793 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_MASK                  (0x40U)
1794 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_SHIFT                 (6U)
1795 /*! TSTOPEN - Trace stop input enable. If this bit is 1 and the TSTOP signal is HIGH, then the EN
1796  *    bit is set to 0. If a trace packet is being written to memory, the write is completed before
1797  *    tracing is stopped.
1798  */
1799 #define MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_TSTOPEN_MASK)
1800 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_MASK                 (0x80U)
1801 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_SHIFT                (7U)
1802 /*! SFRWPRIV - Special Function Register Write Privilege bit. If this bit is 0, then User or
1803  *    Privileged AHB-Lite read and write accesses to the Special Function Registers are permitted. If this
1804  *    bit is 1, then only Privileged write accesses are permitted and User write accesses are
1805  *    ignored. The HPROT[1] signal determines if an access is User or Privileged.
1806  */
1807 #define MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_SFRWPRIV_MASK)
1808 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_MASK                  (0x100U)
1809 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_SHIFT                 (8U)
1810 /*! RAMPRIV - SRAM Privilege bit. If this bit is 0, then User or Privileged AHB-Lite read and write
1811  *    accesses to the SRAM are permitted. If this bit is 1, then only Privileged AHB-Lite read and
1812  *    write accesses to the SRAM are permitted and User accesses are RAZ/WI. The HPROT[1] signal
1813  *    determines if an access is User or Privileged.
1814  */
1815 #define MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_RAMPRIV_MASK)
1816 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_MASK                  (0x200U)
1817 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_SHIFT                 (9U)
1818 /*! HALTREQ - Halt request bit. This bit is connected to the halt request signal of the trace logic,
1819  *    EDBGRQ. When HALTREQ is set to 1, EDBGRQ is asserted if DBGEN is also HIGH. The HALTREQ bit
1820  *    can be automatically set to 1 using the FLOW.WATERMARK field.
1821  */
1822 #define MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_HALTREQ_MASK)
1823 #define MTB_MASTER_EN_MASK                       (0x80000000U)
1824 #define MTB_MASTER_EN_SHIFT                      (31U)
1825 /*! EN - Main trace enable bit. When this bit is 1 trace data is written into the SRAM memory
1826  *    location addressed by POSITION.POINTER. The POSITION.POINTER value auto increments after the trace
1827  *    data packet is written. The EN bit can be automatically set to 0 using the FLOW.WATERMARK field
1828  *    and the FLOW.AUTOSTOP bit. The EN bit is automatically set to 1 if the TSTARTEN bit is 1 and
1829  *    the TSTART signal is HIGH. The EN bit is automatically set to 0 if TSTOPEN bit is 1 and the
1830  *    TSTOP signal is HIGH.
1831  */
1832 #define MTB_MASTER_EN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_MASTER_EN_SHIFT)) & MTB_MASTER_EN_MASK)
1833 /*! @} */
1835 /*! @name FLOW - FLOW Register */
1836 /*! @{ */
1837 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_MASK                   (0x1U)
1838 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_SHIFT                  (0U)
1839 /*! AUTOSTOP - If this bit is 1 and WATERMARK is equal to POSITION.POINTER, then the MASTER.EN bit
1840  *    is automatically set to 0. This stops tracing.
1841  */
1842 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_AUTOSTOP_MASK)
1843 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_MASK                   (0x2U)
1844 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_SHIFT                  (1U)
1845 /*! AUTOHALT - If this bit is 1 and WATERMARK is equal to POSITION.POINTER, then the MASTER.HALTREQ
1846  *    bit is automatically set to 1. If the DBGEN signal is HIGH, the MTB asserts this halt request
1847  *    to the Cortex-M0+ processor by asserting the EDBGRQ signal.
1848  */
1849 #define MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_AUTOHALT_MASK)
1850 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFF8U)
1851 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT                 (3U)
1852 /*! WATERMARK - WATERMARK value. This field contains an address in the same format as the
1853  *    POSITION.POINTER field. When the POSITION.POINTER matches the WATERMARK field value, actions defined by
1854  *    the AUTOHALT and AUTOSTOP bits are performed.
1855  */
1856 #define MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_SHIFT)) & MTB_FLOW_WATERMARK_MASK)
1857 /*! @} */
1859 /*! @name BASE - Indicates where the SRAM is located in the processor memory map. This register is provided to enable auto discovery of the MTB SRAM location, by a debug agent. */
1860 /*! @{ */
1861 #define MTB_BASE_BASE_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFFFU)
1862 #define MTB_BASE_BASE_SHIFT                      (0U)
1863 /*! BASE - The value provided is the value of the SRAMBASEADDR[31:0] signal.
1864  */
1865 #define MTB_BASE_BASE(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << MTB_BASE_BASE_SHIFT)) & MTB_BASE_BASE_MASK)
1866 /*! @} */
1869 /*!
1870  * @}
1871  */ /* end of group MTB_Register_Masks */
1874 /* MTB - Peripheral instance base addresses */
1875 /** Peripheral MTB base address */
1876 #define MTB_BASE                                 (0x14000000u)
1877 /** Peripheral MTB base pointer */
1878 #define MTB                                      ((MTB_Type *)MTB_BASE)
1879 /** Array initializer of MTB peripheral base addresses */
1880 #define MTB_BASE_ADDRS                           { MTB_BASE }
1881 /** Array initializer of MTB peripheral base pointers */
1882 #define MTB_BASE_PTRS                            { MTB }
1884 /*!
1885  * @}
1886  */ /* end of group MTB_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
1889 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1890    -- PINT Peripheral Access Layer
1891    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1893 /*!
1894  * @addtogroup PINT_Peripheral_Access_Layer PINT Peripheral Access Layer
1895  * @{
1896  */
1898 /** PINT - Register Layout Typedef */
1899 typedef struct {
1900   __IO uint32_t ISEL;                              /**< Pin Interrupt Mode register, offset: 0x0 */
1901   __IO uint32_t IENR;                              /**< Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt enable register, offset: 0x4 */
1902   __O  uint32_t SIENR;                             /**< Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt set register, offset: 0x8 */
1903   __O  uint32_t CIENR;                             /**< Pin interrupt level (rising edge interrupt) clear register, offset: 0xC */
1904   __IO uint32_t IENF;                              /**< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt enable register, offset: 0x10 */
1905   __O  uint32_t SIENF;                             /**< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt set register, offset: 0x14 */
1906   __O  uint32_t CIENF;                             /**< Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt clear register, offset: 0x18 */
1907   __IO uint32_t RISE;                              /**< Pin interrupt rising edge register, offset: 0x1C */
1908   __IO uint32_t FALL;                              /**< Pin interrupt falling edge register, offset: 0x20 */
1909   __IO uint32_t IST;                               /**< Pin interrupt status register, offset: 0x24 */
1910   __IO uint32_t PMCTRL;                            /**< Pattern match interrupt control register, offset: 0x28 */
1911   __IO uint32_t PMSRC;                             /**< Pattern match interrupt bit-slice source register, offset: 0x2C */
1912   __IO uint32_t PMCFG;                             /**< Pattern match interrupt bit slice configuration register, offset: 0x30 */
1913 } PINT_Type;
1915 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1916    -- PINT Register Masks
1917    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1919 /*!
1920  * @addtogroup PINT_Register_Masks PINT Register Masks
1921  * @{
1922  */
1924 /*! @name ISEL - Pin Interrupt Mode register */
1925 /*! @{ */
1926 #define PINT_ISEL_PMODE_MASK                     (0xFFU)
1927 #define PINT_ISEL_PMODE_SHIFT                    (0U)
1928 /*! PMODE - Selects the interrupt mode for each pin interrupt. Bit n configures the pin interrupt
1929  *    selected in PINTSELn. 0 = Edge sensitive 1 = Level sensitive
1930  */
1931 #define PINT_ISEL_PMODE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_ISEL_PMODE_SHIFT)) & PINT_ISEL_PMODE_MASK)
1932 /*! @} */
1934 /*! @name IENR - Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt enable register */
1935 /*! @{ */
1936 #define PINT_IENR_ENRL_MASK                      (0xFFU)
1937 #define PINT_IENR_ENRL_SHIFT                     (0U)
1938 /*! ENRL - Enables the rising edge or level interrupt for each pin interrupt. Bit n configures the
1939  *    pin interrupt selected in PINTSELn. 0 = Disable rising edge or level interrupt. 1 = Enable
1940  *    rising edge or level interrupt.
1941  */
1942 #define PINT_IENR_ENRL(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_IENR_ENRL_SHIFT)) & PINT_IENR_ENRL_MASK)
1943 /*! @} */
1945 /*! @name SIENR - Pin interrupt level or rising edge interrupt set register */
1946 /*! @{ */
1947 #define PINT_SIENR_SETENRL_MASK                  (0xFFU)
1948 #define PINT_SIENR_SETENRL_SHIFT                 (0U)
1949 /*! SETENRL - Ones written to this address set bits in the IENR, thus enabling interrupts. Bit n
1950  *    sets bit n in the IENR register. 0 = No operation. 1 = Enable rising edge or level interrupt.
1951  */
1952 #define PINT_SIENR_SETENRL(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_SIENR_SETENRL_SHIFT)) & PINT_SIENR_SETENRL_MASK)
1953 /*! @} */
1955 /*! @name CIENR - Pin interrupt level (rising edge interrupt) clear register */
1956 /*! @{ */
1957 #define PINT_CIENR_CENRL_MASK                    (0xFFU)
1958 #define PINT_CIENR_CENRL_SHIFT                   (0U)
1959 /*! CENRL - Ones written to this address clear bits in the IENR, thus disabling the interrupts. Bit
1960  *    n clears bit n in the IENR register. 0 = No operation. 1 = Disable rising edge or level
1961  *    interrupt.
1962  */
1963 #define PINT_CIENR_CENRL(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_CIENR_CENRL_SHIFT)) & PINT_CIENR_CENRL_MASK)
1964 /*! @} */
1966 /*! @name IENF - Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt enable register */
1967 /*! @{ */
1968 #define PINT_IENF_ENAF_MASK                      (0xFFU)
1969 #define PINT_IENF_ENAF_SHIFT                     (0U)
1970 /*! ENAF - Enables the falling edge or configures the active level interrupt for each pin interrupt.
1971  *    Bit n configures the pin interrupt selected in PINTSELn. 0 = Disable falling edge interrupt
1972  *    or set active interrupt level LOW. 1 = Enable falling edge interrupt enabled or set active
1973  *    interrupt level HIGH.
1974  */
1975 #define PINT_IENF_ENAF(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_IENF_ENAF_SHIFT)) & PINT_IENF_ENAF_MASK)
1976 /*! @} */
1978 /*! @name SIENF - Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt set register */
1979 /*! @{ */
1980 #define PINT_SIENF_SETENAF_MASK                  (0xFFU)
1981 #define PINT_SIENF_SETENAF_SHIFT                 (0U)
1982 /*! SETENAF - Ones written to this address set bits in the IENF, thus enabling interrupts. Bit n
1983  *    sets bit n in the IENF register. 0 = No operation. 1 = Select HIGH-active interrupt or enable
1984  *    falling edge interrupt.
1985  */
1986 #define PINT_SIENF_SETENAF(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_SIENF_SETENAF_SHIFT)) & PINT_SIENF_SETENAF_MASK)
1987 /*! @} */
1989 /*! @name CIENF - Pin interrupt active level or falling edge interrupt clear register */
1990 /*! @{ */
1991 #define PINT_CIENF_CENAF_MASK                    (0xFFU)
1992 #define PINT_CIENF_CENAF_SHIFT                   (0U)
1993 /*! CENAF - Ones written to this address clears bits in the IENF, thus disabling interrupts. Bit n
1994  *    clears bit n in the IENF register. 0 = No operation. 1 = LOW-active interrupt selected or
1995  *    falling edge interrupt disabled.
1996  */
1997 #define PINT_CIENF_CENAF(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_CIENF_CENAF_SHIFT)) & PINT_CIENF_CENAF_MASK)
1998 /*! @} */
2000 /*! @name RISE - Pin interrupt rising edge register */
2001 /*! @{ */
2002 #define PINT_RISE_RDET_MASK                      (0xFFU)
2003 #define PINT_RISE_RDET_SHIFT                     (0U)
2004 /*! RDET - Rising edge detect. Bit n detects the rising edge of the pin selected in PINTSELn. Read
2005  *    0: No rising edge has been detected on this pin since Reset or the last time a one was written
2006  *    to this bit. Write 0: no operation. Read 1: a rising edge has been detected since Reset or the
2007  *    last time a one was written to this bit. Write 1: clear rising edge detection for this pin.
2008  */
2009 #define PINT_RISE_RDET(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_RISE_RDET_SHIFT)) & PINT_RISE_RDET_MASK)
2010 /*! @} */
2012 /*! @name FALL - Pin interrupt falling edge register */
2013 /*! @{ */
2014 #define PINT_FALL_FDET_MASK                      (0xFFU)
2015 #define PINT_FALL_FDET_SHIFT                     (0U)
2016 /*! FDET - Falling edge detect. Bit n detects the falling edge of the pin selected in PINTSELn. Read
2017  *    0: No falling edge has been detected on this pin since Reset or the last time a one was
2018  *    written to this bit. Write 0: no operation. Read 1: a falling edge has been detected since Reset or
2019  *    the last time a one was written to this bit. Write 1: clear falling edge detection for this
2020  *    pin.
2021  */
2022 #define PINT_FALL_FDET(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_FALL_FDET_SHIFT)) & PINT_FALL_FDET_MASK)
2023 /*! @} */
2025 /*! @name IST - Pin interrupt status register */
2026 /*! @{ */
2027 #define PINT_IST_PSTAT_MASK                      (0xFFU)
2028 #define PINT_IST_PSTAT_SHIFT                     (0U)
2029 /*! PSTAT - Pin interrupt status. Bit n returns the status, clears the edge interrupt, or inverts
2030  *    the active level of the pin selected in PINTSELn. Read 0: interrupt is not being requested for
2031  *    this interrupt pin. Write 0: no operation. Read 1: interrupt is being requested for this
2032  *    interrupt pin. Write 1 (edge-sensitive): clear rising- and falling-edge detection for this pin.
2033  *    Write 1 (level-sensitive): switch the active level for this pin (in the IENF register).
2034  */
2035 #define PINT_IST_PSTAT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_IST_PSTAT_SHIFT)) & PINT_IST_PSTAT_MASK)
2036 /*! @} */
2038 /*! @name PMCTRL - Pattern match interrupt control register */
2039 /*! @{ */
2040 #define PINT_PMCTRL_SEL_PMATCH_MASK              (0x1U)
2041 #define PINT_PMCTRL_SEL_PMATCH_SHIFT             (0U)
2042 /*! SEL_PMATCH - Specifies whether the 8 pin interrupts are controlled by the pin interrupt function or by the pattern match function.
2043  *  0b0..Pin interrupt. Interrupts are driven in response to the standard pin interrupt function.
2044  *  0b1..Pattern match. Interrupts are driven in response to pattern matches.
2045  */
2046 #define PINT_PMCTRL_SEL_PMATCH(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCTRL_SEL_PMATCH_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCTRL_SEL_PMATCH_MASK)
2047 #define PINT_PMCTRL_ENA_RXEV_MASK                (0x2U)
2048 #define PINT_PMCTRL_ENA_RXEV_SHIFT               (1U)
2049 /*! ENA_RXEV - Enables the RXEV output to the CPU and/or to a GPIO output when the specified boolean expression evaluates to true.
2050  *  0b0..Disabled. RXEV output to the CPU is disabled.
2051  *  0b1..Enabled. RXEV output to the CPU is enabled.
2052  */
2053 #define PINT_PMCTRL_ENA_RXEV(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCTRL_ENA_RXEV_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCTRL_ENA_RXEV_MASK)
2054 #define PINT_PMCTRL_PMAT_MASK                    (0xFF000000U)
2055 #define PINT_PMCTRL_PMAT_SHIFT                   (24U)
2056 /*! PMAT - This field displays the current state of pattern matches. A 1 in any bit of this field
2057  *    indicates that the corresponding product term is matched by the current state of the appropriate
2058  *    inputs.
2059  */
2060 #define PINT_PMCTRL_PMAT(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCTRL_PMAT_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCTRL_PMAT_MASK)
2061 /*! @} */
2063 /*! @name PMSRC - Pattern match interrupt bit-slice source register */
2064 /*! @{ */
2065 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC0_MASK                     (0x700U)
2066 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC0_SHIFT                    (8U)
2067 /*! SRC0 - Selects the input source for bit slice 0
2068  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2069  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2070  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2071  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2072  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2073  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2074  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2075  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 0.
2076  */
2077 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC0(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC0_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC0_MASK)
2078 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC1_MASK                     (0x3800U)
2079 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC1_SHIFT                    (11U)
2080 /*! SRC1 - Selects the input source for bit slice 1
2081  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2082  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2083  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2084  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2085  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2086  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2087  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2088  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 1.
2089  */
2090 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC1(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC1_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC1_MASK)
2091 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC2_MASK                     (0x1C000U)
2092 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC2_SHIFT                    (14U)
2093 /*! SRC2 - Selects the input source for bit slice 2
2094  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2095  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2096  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2097  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2098  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2099  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2100  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2101  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 2.
2102  */
2103 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC2(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC2_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC2_MASK)
2104 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC3_MASK                     (0xE0000U)
2105 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC3_SHIFT                    (17U)
2106 /*! SRC3 - Selects the input source for bit slice 3
2107  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2108  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2109  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2110  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2111  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2112  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2113  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2114  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 3.
2115  */
2116 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC3(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC3_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC3_MASK)
2117 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC4_MASK                     (0x700000U)
2118 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC4_SHIFT                    (20U)
2119 /*! SRC4 - Selects the input source for bit slice 4
2120  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2121  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2122  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2123  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2124  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2125  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2126  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2127  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 4.
2128  */
2129 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC4(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC4_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC4_MASK)
2130 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC5_MASK                     (0x3800000U)
2131 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC5_SHIFT                    (23U)
2132 /*! SRC5 - Selects the input source for bit slice 5
2133  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2134  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2135  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2136  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2137  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2138  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2139  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2140  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 5.
2141  */
2142 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC5(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC5_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC5_MASK)
2143 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC6_MASK                     (0x1C000000U)
2144 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC6_SHIFT                    (26U)
2145 /*! SRC6 - Selects the input source for bit slice 6
2146  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2147  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2148  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2149  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2150  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2151  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2152  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2153  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 6.
2154  */
2155 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC6(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC6_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC6_MASK)
2156 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC7_MASK                     (0xE0000000U)
2157 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC7_SHIFT                    (29U)
2158 /*! SRC7 - Selects the input source for bit slice 7
2159  *  0b000..Input 0. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL0 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2160  *  0b001..Input 1. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL1 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2161  *  0b010..Input 2. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL2 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2162  *  0b011..Input 3. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL3 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2163  *  0b100..Input 4. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL4 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2164  *  0b101..Input 5. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL5 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2165  *  0b110..Input 6. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL6 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2166  *  0b111..Input 7. Selects the pin selected in the PINTSEL7 register as the source to bit slice 7.
2167  */
2168 #define PINT_PMSRC_SRC7(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMSRC_SRC7_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMSRC_SRC7_MASK)
2169 /*! @} */
2171 /*! @name PMCFG - Pattern match interrupt bit slice configuration register */
2172 /*! @{ */
2173 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS0_MASK             (0x1U)
2174 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS0_SHIFT            (0U)
2175 /*! PROD_ENDPTS0 - Determines whether slice 0 is an endpoint.
2176  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 0 is not an endpoint.
2177  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 0 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 0 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2178  */
2179 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS0(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS0_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS0_MASK)
2180 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS1_MASK             (0x2U)
2181 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS1_SHIFT            (1U)
2182 /*! PROD_ENDPTS1 - Determines whether slice 1 is an endpoint.
2183  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 1 is not an endpoint.
2184  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 1 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 1 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2185  */
2186 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS1(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS1_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS1_MASK)
2187 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS2_MASK             (0x4U)
2188 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS2_SHIFT            (2U)
2189 /*! PROD_ENDPTS2 - Determines whether slice 2 is an endpoint.
2190  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 2 is not an endpoint.
2191  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 2 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 2 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2192  */
2193 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS2(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS2_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS2_MASK)
2194 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS3_MASK             (0x8U)
2195 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS3_SHIFT            (3U)
2196 /*! PROD_ENDPTS3 - Determines whether slice 3 is an endpoint.
2197  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 3 is not an endpoint.
2198  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 3 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 3 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2199  */
2200 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS3(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS3_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS3_MASK)
2201 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS4_MASK             (0x10U)
2202 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS4_SHIFT            (4U)
2203 /*! PROD_ENDPTS4 - Determines whether slice 4 is an endpoint.
2204  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 4 is not an endpoint.
2205  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 4 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 4 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2206  */
2207 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS4(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS4_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS4_MASK)
2208 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS5_MASK             (0x20U)
2209 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS5_SHIFT            (5U)
2210 /*! PROD_ENDPTS5 - Determines whether slice 5 is an endpoint.
2211  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 5 is not an endpoint.
2212  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 5 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 5 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2213  */
2214 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS5(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS5_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS5_MASK)
2215 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS6_MASK             (0x40U)
2216 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS6_SHIFT            (6U)
2217 /*! PROD_ENDPTS6 - Determines whether slice 6 is an endpoint.
2218  *  0b0..No effect. Slice 6 is not an endpoint.
2219  *  0b1..endpoint. Slice 6 is the endpoint of a product term (minterm). Pin interrupt 6 in the NVIC is raised if the minterm evaluates as true.
2220  */
2221 #define PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS6(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS6_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_PROD_ENDPTS6_MASK)
2222 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG0_MASK                     (0x700U)
2223 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG0_SHIFT                    (8U)
2224 /*! CFG0 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 0.
2225  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2226  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2227  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2228  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2229  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2230  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2231  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2232  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2233  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2234  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2235  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2236  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2237  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2238  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2239  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2240  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2241  */
2242 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG0(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG0_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG0_MASK)
2243 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG1_MASK                     (0x3800U)
2244 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG1_SHIFT                    (11U)
2245 /*! CFG1 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 1.
2246  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2247  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2248  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2249  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2250  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2251  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2252  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2253  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2254  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2255  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2256  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2257  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2258  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2259  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2260  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2261  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2262  */
2263 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG1(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG1_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG1_MASK)
2264 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG2_MASK                     (0x1C000U)
2265 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG2_SHIFT                    (14U)
2266 /*! CFG2 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 2.
2267  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2268  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2269  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2270  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2271  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2272  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2273  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2274  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2275  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2276  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2277  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2278  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2279  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2280  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2281  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2282  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2283  */
2284 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG2(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG2_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG2_MASK)
2285 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG3_MASK                     (0xE0000U)
2286 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG3_SHIFT                    (17U)
2287 /*! CFG3 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 3.
2288  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2289  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2290  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2291  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2292  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2293  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2294  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2295  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2296  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2297  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2298  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2299  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2300  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2301  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2302  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2303  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2304  */
2305 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG3(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG3_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG3_MASK)
2306 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG4_MASK                     (0x700000U)
2307 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG4_SHIFT                    (20U)
2308 /*! CFG4 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 4.
2309  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2310  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2311  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2312  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2313  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2314  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2315  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2316  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2317  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2318  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2319  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2320  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2321  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2322  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2323  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2324  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2325  */
2326 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG4(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG4_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG4_MASK)
2327 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG5_MASK                     (0x3800000U)
2328 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG5_SHIFT                    (23U)
2329 /*! CFG5 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 5.
2330  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2331  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2332  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2333  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2334  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2335  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2336  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2337  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2338  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2339  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2340  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2341  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2342  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2343  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2344  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2345  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2346  */
2347 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG5(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG5_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG5_MASK)
2348 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG6_MASK                     (0x1C000000U)
2349 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG6_SHIFT                    (26U)
2350 /*! CFG6 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 6.
2351  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2352  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2353  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2354  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2355  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2356  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2357  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2358  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2359  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2360  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2361  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2362  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2363  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2364  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2365  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2366  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2367  */
2368 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG6(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG6_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG6_MASK)
2369 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG7_MASK                     (0xE0000000U)
2370 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG7_SHIFT                    (29U)
2371 /*! CFG7 - Specifies the match contribution condition for bit slice 7.
2372  *  0b000..Constant HIGH. This bit slice always contributes to a product term match.
2373  *  0b001..Sticky rising edge. Match occurs if a rising edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2374  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2375  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2376  *  0b010..Sticky falling edge. Match occurs if a falling edge on the specified input has occurred since the last
2377  *         time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only cleared when the PMCFG or the
2378  *         PMSRC registers are written to.
2379  *  0b011..Sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs if either a rising or falling edge on the specified input
2380  *         has occurred since the last time the edge detection for this bit slice was cleared. This bit is only
2381  *         cleared when the PMCFG or the PMSRC registers are written to.
2382  *  0b100..High level. Match (for this bit slice) occurs when there is a high level on the input specified for this bit slice in the PMSRC register.
2383  *  0b101..Low level. Match occurs when there is a low level on the specified input.
2384  *  0b110..Constant 0. This bit slice never contributes to a match (should be used to disable any unused bit slices).
2385  *  0b111..Event. Non-sticky rising or falling edge. Match occurs on an event - i.e. when either a rising or
2386  *         falling edge is first detected on the specified input (this is a non-sticky version of value 0x3) . This bit
2387  *         is cleared after one clock cycle.
2388  */
2389 #define PINT_PMCFG_CFG7(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PINT_PMCFG_CFG7_SHIFT)) & PINT_PMCFG_CFG7_MASK)
2390 /*! @} */
2393 /*!
2394  * @}
2395  */ /* end of group PINT_Register_Masks */
2398 /* PINT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
2399 /** Peripheral PINT base address */
2400 #define PINT_BASE                                (0xA0004000u)
2401 /** Peripheral PINT base pointer */
2402 #define PINT                                     ((PINT_Type *)PINT_BASE)
2403 /** Array initializer of PINT peripheral base addresses */
2404 #define PINT_BASE_ADDRS                          { PINT_BASE }
2405 /** Array initializer of PINT peripheral base pointers */
2406 #define PINT_BASE_PTRS                           { PINT }
2407 /** Interrupt vectors for the PINT peripheral type */
2408 #define PINT_IRQS                                { PIN_INT0_IRQn, PIN_INT1_IRQn, PIN_INT2_IRQn, PIN_INT3_IRQn, PIN_INT4_IRQn, PIN_INT5_IRQn, PIN_INT6_IRQn, PIN_INT7_IRQn }
2410 /*!
2411  * @}
2412  */ /* end of group PINT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
2415 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2416    -- PMU Peripheral Access Layer
2417    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2419 /*!
2420  * @addtogroup PMU_Peripheral_Access_Layer PMU Peripheral Access Layer
2421  * @{
2422  */
2424 /** PMU - Register Layout Typedef */
2425 typedef struct {
2426   __IO uint32_t PCON;                              /**< Power control register, offset: 0x0 */
2427   __IO uint32_t GPREG[4];                          /**< General purpose register N, array offset: 0x4, array step: 0x4 */
2428   __IO uint32_t DPDCTRL;                           /**< Deep power-down control register. Also includes bits for general purpose storage., offset: 0x14 */
2429 } PMU_Type;
2431 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2432    -- PMU Register Masks
2433    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2435 /*!
2436  * @addtogroup PMU_Register_Masks PMU Register Masks
2437  * @{
2438  */
2440 /*! @name PCON - Power control register */
2441 /*! @{ */
2442 #define PMU_PCON_PM_MASK                         (0x7U)
2443 #define PMU_PCON_PM_SHIFT                        (0U)
2444 /*! PM - Power mode
2445  *  0b000..Default. The part is in active or sleep mode.
2446  *  0b001..Deep-sleep mode. ARM WFI will enter Deep-sleep mode.
2447  *  0b010..Power-down mode. ARM WFI will enter Power-down mode.
2448  *  0b011..Deep power-down mode. ARM WFI will enter Deep-power down mode (ARM Cortex-M0+ core powered-down).
2449  */
2450 #define PMU_PCON_PM(x)                           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_PCON_PM_SHIFT)) & PMU_PCON_PM_MASK)
2451 #define PMU_PCON_NODPD_MASK                      (0x8U)
2452 #define PMU_PCON_NODPD_SHIFT                     (3U)
2453 /*! NODPD - A 1 in this bit prevents entry to Deep power-down mode when 0x3 is written to the PM
2454  *    field above, the SLEEPDEEP bit is set, and a WFI is executed. This bit is cleared only by
2455  *    power-on reset, so writing a one to this bit locks the part in a mode in which Deep power-down mode
2456  *    is blocked.
2457  */
2458 #define PMU_PCON_NODPD(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_PCON_NODPD_SHIFT)) & PMU_PCON_NODPD_MASK)
2459 #define PMU_PCON_SLEEPFLAG_MASK                  (0x100U)
2460 #define PMU_PCON_SLEEPFLAG_SHIFT                 (8U)
2461 /*! SLEEPFLAG - Sleep mode flag
2462  *  0b0..Active mode. Read: No power-down mode entered. Part is in Active mode. Write: No effect.
2463  *  0b1..Low power mode. Read: Sleep, Deep-sleep or Power-down mode entered. Write: Writing a 1 clears the SLEEPFLAG bit to 0.
2464  */
2465 #define PMU_PCON_SLEEPFLAG(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_PCON_SLEEPFLAG_SHIFT)) & PMU_PCON_SLEEPFLAG_MASK)
2466 #define PMU_PCON_DPDFLAG_MASK                    (0x800U)
2467 #define PMU_PCON_DPDFLAG_SHIFT                   (11U)
2468 /*! DPDFLAG - Deep power-down flag
2469  *  0b0..Not Deep power-down. Read: Deep power-down mode not entered. Write: No effect.
2470  *  0b1..Deep power-down. Read: Deep power-down mode entered. Write: Clear the Deep power-down flag.
2471  */
2472 #define PMU_PCON_DPDFLAG(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_PCON_DPDFLAG_SHIFT)) & PMU_PCON_DPDFLAG_MASK)
2473 /*! @} */
2475 /*! @name GPREG - General purpose register N */
2476 /*! @{ */
2477 #define PMU_GPREG_GPDATA_MASK                    (0xFFFFFFFFU)
2478 #define PMU_GPREG_GPDATA_SHIFT                   (0U)
2479 /*! GPDATA - Data retained during Deep power-down mode.
2480  */
2481 #define PMU_GPREG_GPDATA(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_GPREG_GPDATA_SHIFT)) & PMU_GPREG_GPDATA_MASK)
2482 /*! @} */
2484 /* The count of PMU_GPREG */
2485 #define PMU_GPREG_COUNT                          (4U)
2487 /*! @name DPDCTRL - Deep power-down control register. Also includes bits for general purpose storage. */
2488 /*! @{ */
2489 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEUPHYS_MASK               (0x1U)
2490 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEUPHYS_SHIFT              (0U)
2491 /*! WAKEUPHYS - WAKEUP pin hysteresis enable
2492  *  0b0..Disabled. Hysteresis for WAKEUP pin disabled.
2493  *  0b1..Enabled. Hysteresis for WAKEUP pin enabled.
2494  */
2495 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEUPHYS(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEUPHYS_SHIFT)) & PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEUPHYS_MASK)
2496 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_WAKEPAD_DISABLE_MASK         (0x2U)
2498 /*! WAKEPAD_DISABLE - WAKEUP pin disable. Setting this bit disables the wake-up pin, so it can be
2499  *    used for other purposes. Remark: Never set this bit if you intend to use a pin to wake up the
2500  *    part from Deep power-down mode. You can only disable the wake-up pin if the self wake-up timer
2501  *    is enabled and configured. Remark: Setting this bit is not necessary if Deep power-down mode is
2502  *    not used.
2503  *  0b0..Enabled. The wake-up function is enabled on pin PIO0_4.
2504  *  0b1..Disabled. Setting this bit disables the wake-up function on pin PIO0_4.
2505  */
2507 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCEN_MASK                 (0x4U)
2508 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCEN_SHIFT                (2U)
2509 /*! LPOSCEN - Enable the low-power oscillator for use with the 10 kHz self wake-up timer clock. You
2510  *    must set this bit if the CLKSEL bit in the self wake-up timer CTRL bit is set. Do not enable
2511  *    the low-power oscillator if the self wake-up timer is clocked by the divided IRC or the
2512  *    external clock input.
2513  *  0b0..Disabled.
2514  *  0b1..Enabled.
2515  */
2516 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCEN_SHIFT)) & PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCEN_MASK)
2517 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCDPDEN_MASK              (0x8U)
2518 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCDPDEN_SHIFT             (3U)
2519 /*! LPOSCDPDEN - causes the low-power oscillator to remain running during Deep power-down mode
2520  *    provided that bit 2 in this register is set as well. You must set this bit for the self wake-up
2521  *    timer to be able to wake up the part from Deep power-down mode. Remark: Do not set this bit
2522  *    unless you use the self wake-up timer with the low-power oscillator clock source to wake up from
2523  *    Deep power-down mode.
2524  *  0b0..Disabled.
2525  *  0b1..Enabled.
2526  */
2527 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCDPDEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCDPDEN_SHIFT)) & PMU_DPDCTRL_LPOSCDPDEN_MASK)
2528 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_GPDATA_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFF0U)
2529 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_GPDATA_SHIFT                 (4U)
2530 /*! GPDATA - Data retained during Deep power-down mode.
2531  */
2532 #define PMU_DPDCTRL_GPDATA(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << PMU_DPDCTRL_GPDATA_SHIFT)) & PMU_DPDCTRL_GPDATA_MASK)
2533 /*! @} */
2536 /*!
2537  * @}
2538  */ /* end of group PMU_Register_Masks */
2541 /* PMU - Peripheral instance base addresses */
2542 /** Peripheral PMU base address */
2543 #define PMU_BASE                                 (0x40020000u)
2544 /** Peripheral PMU base pointer */
2545 #define PMU                                      ((PMU_Type *)PMU_BASE)
2546 /** Array initializer of PMU peripheral base addresses */
2547 #define PMU_BASE_ADDRS                           { PMU_BASE }
2548 /** Array initializer of PMU peripheral base pointers */
2549 #define PMU_BASE_PTRS                            { PMU }
2551 /*!
2552  * @}
2553  */ /* end of group PMU_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
2556 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2557    -- SCT Peripheral Access Layer
2558    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2560 /*!
2561  * @addtogroup SCT_Peripheral_Access_Layer SCT Peripheral Access Layer
2562  * @{
2563  */
2565 /** SCT - Register Layout Typedef */
2566 typedef struct {
2567   __IO uint32_t CONFIG;                            /**< SCT configuration register, offset: 0x0 */
2568   union {                                          /* offset: 0x4 */
2569     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x4 */
2570       __IO uint16_t CTRLL;                             /**< SCT_CTRLL register, offset: 0x4 */
2571       __IO uint16_t CTRLH;                             /**< SCT_CTRLH register, offset: 0x6 */
2572     } CTRL_ACCESS16BIT;
2573     __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< SCT control register, offset: 0x4 */
2574   };
2575   union {                                          /* offset: 0x8 */
2576     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x8 */
2577       __IO uint16_t LIMITL;                            /**< SCT_LIMITL register, offset: 0x8 */
2578       __IO uint16_t LIMITH;                            /**< SCT_LIMITH register, offset: 0xA */
2579     } LIMIT_ACCESS16BIT;
2580     __IO uint32_t LIMIT;                             /**< SCT limit event select register, offset: 0x8 */
2581   };
2582   union {                                          /* offset: 0xC */
2583     struct {                                         /* offset: 0xC */
2584       __IO uint16_t HALTL;                             /**< SCT_HALTL register, offset: 0xC */
2585       __IO uint16_t HALTH;                             /**< SCT_HALTH register, offset: 0xE */
2586     } HALT_ACCESS16BIT;
2587     __IO uint32_t HALT;                              /**< SCT halt event select register, offset: 0xC */
2588   };
2589   union {                                          /* offset: 0x10 */
2590     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x10 */
2591       __IO uint16_t STOPL;                             /**< SCT_STOPL register, offset: 0x10 */
2592       __IO uint16_t STOPH;                             /**< SCT_STOPH register, offset: 0x12 */
2593     } STOP_ACCESS16BIT;
2594     __IO uint32_t STOP;                              /**< SCT stop event select register, offset: 0x10 */
2595   };
2596   union {                                          /* offset: 0x14 */
2597     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x14 */
2598       __IO uint16_t STARTL;                            /**< SCT_STARTL register, offset: 0x14 */
2599       __IO uint16_t STARTH;                            /**< SCT_STARTH register, offset: 0x16 */
2600     } START_ACCESS16BIT;
2601     __IO uint32_t START;                             /**< SCT start event select register, offset: 0x14 */
2602   };
2603        uint8_t RESERVED_0[40];
2604   union {                                          /* offset: 0x40 */
2605     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x40 */
2606       __IO uint16_t COUNTL;                            /**< SCT_COUNTL register, offset: 0x40 */
2607       __IO uint16_t COUNTH;                            /**< SCT_COUNTH register, offset: 0x42 */
2608     } COUNT_ACCESS16BIT;
2609     __IO uint32_t COUNT;                             /**< SCT counter register, offset: 0x40 */
2610   };
2611   union {                                          /* offset: 0x44 */
2612     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x44 */
2613       __IO uint16_t STATEL;                            /**< SCT_STATEL register, offset: 0x44 */
2614       __IO uint16_t STATEH;                            /**< SCT_STATEH register, offset: 0x46 */
2615     } STATE_ACCESS16BIT;
2616     __IO uint32_t STATE;                             /**< SCT state register, offset: 0x44 */
2617   };
2618   __I  uint32_t INPUT;                             /**< SCT input register, offset: 0x48 */
2619   union {                                          /* offset: 0x4C */
2620     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x4C */
2621       __IO uint16_t REGMODEL;                          /**< SCT_REGMODEL register, offset: 0x4C */
2622       __IO uint16_t REGMODEH;                          /**< SCT_REGMODEH register, offset: 0x4E */
2624     __IO uint32_t REGMODE;                           /**< SCT match/capture mode register, offset: 0x4C */
2625   };
2626   __IO uint32_t OUTPUT;                            /**< SCT output register, offset: 0x50 */
2627   __IO uint32_t OUTPUTDIRCTRL;                     /**< SCT output counter direction control register, offset: 0x54 */
2628   __IO uint32_t RES;                               /**< SCT conflict resolution register, offset: 0x58 */
2629        uint8_t RESERVED_1[148];
2630   __IO uint32_t EVEN;                              /**< SCT event interrupt enable register, offset: 0xF0 */
2631   __IO uint32_t EVFLAG;                            /**< SCT event flag register, offset: 0xF4 */
2632   __IO uint32_t CONEN;                             /**< SCT conflict interrupt enable register, offset: 0xF8 */
2633   __IO uint32_t CONFLAG;                           /**< SCT conflict flag register, offset: 0xFC */
2634   union {                                          /* offset: 0x100 */
2635     union {                                          /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2636       struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2637         __IO uint16_t CAPL;                              /**< SCT_CAPL register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2638         __IO uint16_t CAPH;                              /**< SCT_CAPH register, array offset: 0x102, array step: 0x4 */
2639       } CAP_ACCESS16BIT[5];
2640       __IO uint32_t CAP[5];                            /**< SCT capture register of capture channel, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2641     };
2642     union {                                          /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2643       struct {                                         /* offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2644         __IO uint16_t MATCHL;                            /**< SCT_MATCHL register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2645         __IO uint16_t MATCHH;                            /**< SCT_MATCHH register, array offset: 0x102, array step: 0x4 */
2646       } MATCH_ACCESS16BIT[5];
2647       __IO uint32_t MATCH[5];                          /**< SCT match value register of match channels, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x4 */
2648     };
2649   };
2650        uint8_t RESERVED_2[236];
2651   union {                                          /* offset: 0x200 */
2652     union {                                          /* offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2653       struct {                                         /* offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2654         __IO uint16_t CAPCTRLL;                          /**< SCT_CAPCTRLL register, array offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2655         __IO uint16_t CAPCTRLH;                          /**< SCT_CAPCTRLH register, array offset: 0x202, array step: 0x4 */
2656       } CAPCTRL_ACCESS16BIT[5];
2657       __IO uint32_t CAPCTRL[5];                        /**< SCT capture control register, array offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2658     };
2659     union {                                          /* offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2660       struct {                                         /* offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2661         __IO uint16_t MATCHRELL;                         /**< SCT_MATCHRELL register, array offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2662         __IO uint16_t MATCHRELH;                         /**< SCT_MATCHRELH register, array offset: 0x202, array step: 0x4 */
2663       } MATCHREL_ACCESS16BIT[5];
2664       __IO uint32_t MATCHREL[5];                       /**< SCT match reload value register, array offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4 */
2665     };
2666   };
2667        uint8_t RESERVED_3[236];
2668   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x300, array step: 0x8 */
2669     __IO uint32_t STATE;                             /**< SCT event state register 0, array offset: 0x300, array step: 0x8 */
2670     __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< SCT event control register 0, array offset: 0x304, array step: 0x8 */
2671   } EV[6];
2672        uint8_t RESERVED_4[464];
2673   struct {                                         /* offset: 0x500, array step: 0x8 */
2674     __IO uint32_t SET;                               /**< SCT output 0 set register, array offset: 0x500, array step: 0x8 */
2675     __IO uint32_t CLR;                               /**< SCT output 0 clear register, array offset: 0x504, array step: 0x8 */
2676   } OUT[4];
2677 } SCT_Type;
2679 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2680    -- SCT Register Masks
2681    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2683 /*!
2684  * @addtogroup SCT_Register_Masks SCT Register Masks
2685  * @{
2686  */
2688 /*! @name CONFIG - SCT configuration register */
2689 /*! @{ */
2690 #define SCT_CONFIG_UNIFY_MASK                    (0x1U)
2691 #define SCT_CONFIG_UNIFY_SHIFT                   (0U)
2692 /*! UNIFY - SCT operation
2693  *  0b0..The SCT operates as two 16-bit counters named COUNTER_L and COUNTER_H.
2694  *  0b1..The SCT operates as a unified 32-bit counter.
2695  */
2696 #define SCT_CONFIG_UNIFY(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_UNIFY_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_UNIFY_MASK)
2697 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_MASK                  (0x6U)
2698 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_SHIFT                 (1U)
2699 /*! CLKMODE - SCT clock mode
2700  *  0b00..System Clock Mode. The system clock clocks the entire SCT module including the counter(s) and counter prescalers.
2701  *  0b01..Sampled System Clock Mode. The system clock clocks the SCT module, but the counter and prescalers are
2702  *        only enabled to count when the designated edge is detected on the input selected by the CKSEL field. The
2703  *        minimum pulse width on the selected clock-gate input is 1 bus clock period. This mode is the
2704  *        high-performance, sampled-clock mode.
2705  *  0b10..SCT Input Clock Mode. The input/edge selected by the CKSEL field clocks the SCT module, including the
2706  *        counters and prescalers, after first being synchronized to the system clock. The minimum pulse width on the
2707  *        clock input is 1 bus clock period. This mode is the low-power, sampled-clock mode.
2708  *  0b11..Asynchronous Mode. The entire SCT module is clocked directly by the input/edge selected by the CKSEL
2709  *        field. In this mode, the SCT outputs are switched synchronously to the SCT input clock - not the system
2710  *        clock. The input clock rate must be at least half the system clock rate and can be the same or faster than
2711  *        the system clock.
2712  */
2713 #define SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_CLKMODE_MASK)
2714 #define SCT_CONFIG_CKSEL_MASK                    (0x78U)
2715 #define SCT_CONFIG_CKSEL_SHIFT                   (3U)
2716 /*! CKSEL - SCT clock select. The specific functionality of the designated input/edge is dependent
2717  *    on the CLKMODE bit selection in this register.
2718  *  0b0000..Rising edges on input 0.
2719  *  0b0001..Falling edges on input 0.
2720  *  0b0010..Rising edges on input 1.
2721  *  0b0011..Falling edges on input 1.
2722  *  0b0100..Rising edges on input 2.
2723  *  0b0101..Falling edges on input 2.
2724  *  0b0110..Rising edges on input 3.
2725  *  0b0111..Falling edges on input 3.
2726  */
2727 #define SCT_CONFIG_CKSEL(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_CKSEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_CKSEL_MASK)
2728 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_L_MASK               (0x80U)
2729 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_L_SHIFT              (7U)
2730 /*! NORELOAD_L - A 1 in this bit prevents the lower match registers from being reloaded from their
2731  *    respective reload registers. Setting this bit eliminates the need to write to the reload
2732  *    registers MATCHREL if the match values are fixed. Software can write to set or clear this bit at any
2733  *    time. This bit applies to both the higher and lower registers when the UNIFY bit is set.
2734  */
2735 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_L(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_L_MASK)
2736 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_H_MASK               (0x100U)
2737 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_H_SHIFT              (8U)
2738 /*! NORELOAD_H - A 1 in this bit prevents the higher match registers from being reloaded from their
2739  *    respective reload registers. Setting this bit eliminates the need to write to the reload
2740  *    registers MATCHREL if the match values are fixed. Software can write to set or clear this bit at
2741  *    any time. This bit is not used when the UNIFY bit is set.
2742  */
2743 #define SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_H(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_NORELOAD_H_MASK)
2744 #define SCT_CONFIG_INSYNC_MASK                   (0x1FE00U)
2745 #define SCT_CONFIG_INSYNC_SHIFT                  (9U)
2746 /*! INSYNC - Synchronization for input N (bit 9 = input 0, bit 10 = input 1,, bit 12 = input 3); all
2747  *    other bits are reserved. A 1 in one of these bits subjects the corresponding input to
2748  *    synchronization to the SCT clock, before it is used to create an event. If an input is known to
2749  *    already be synchronous to the SCT clock, this bit may be set to 0 for faster input response. (Note:
2750  *    The SCT clock is the system clock for CKMODEs 0-2. It is the selected, asynchronous SCT input
2751  *    clock for CKMODE3). Note that the INSYNC field only affects inputs used for event generation.
2752  *    It does not apply to the clock input specified in the CKSEL field.
2753  */
2754 #define SCT_CONFIG_INSYNC(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_INSYNC_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_INSYNC_MASK)
2755 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_L_MASK              (0x20000U)
2756 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_L_SHIFT             (17U)
2757 /*! AUTOLIMIT_L - A one in this bit causes a match on match register 0 to be treated as a de-facto
2758  *    LIMIT condition without the need to define an associated event. As with any LIMIT event, this
2759  *    automatic limit causes the counter to be cleared to zero in unidirectional mode or to change
2760  *    the direction of count in bi-directional mode. Software can write to set or clear this bit at
2761  *    any time. This bit applies to both the higher and lower registers when the UNIFY bit is set.
2762  */
2763 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_L(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_L_MASK)
2764 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_H_MASK              (0x40000U)
2765 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_H_SHIFT             (18U)
2766 /*! AUTOLIMIT_H - A one in this bit will cause a match on match register 0 to be treated as a
2767  *    de-facto LIMIT condition without the need to define an associated event. As with any LIMIT event,
2768  *    this automatic limit causes the counter to be cleared to zero in unidirectional mode or to
2769  *    change the direction of count in bi-directional mode. Software can write to set or clear this bit
2770  *    at any time. This bit is not used when the UNIFY bit is set.
2771  */
2772 #define SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_H(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFIG_AUTOLIMIT_H_MASK)
2773 /*! @} */
2775 /*! @name CTRLL - SCT_CTRLL register */
2776 /*! @{ */
2777 #define SCT_CTRLL_DOWN_L_MASK                    (0x1U)
2778 #define SCT_CTRLL_DOWN_L_SHIFT                   (0U)
2779 /*! DOWN_L - This bit is 1 when the L or unified counter is counting down. Hardware sets this bit
2780  *    when the counter is counting up, counter limit occurs, and BIDIR = 1.Hardware clears this bit
2781  *    when the counter is counting down and a limit condition occurs or when the counter reaches 0.
2782  */
2783 #define SCT_CTRLL_DOWN_L(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_DOWN_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_DOWN_L_MASK)
2784 #define SCT_CTRLL_STOP_L_MASK                    (0x2U)
2785 #define SCT_CTRLL_STOP_L_SHIFT                   (1U)
2786 /*! STOP_L - When this bit is 1 and HALT is 0, the L or unified counter does not run, but I/O events
2787  *    related to the counter can occur. If a designated start event occurs, this bit is cleared and
2788  *    counting resumes.
2789  */
2790 #define SCT_CTRLL_STOP_L(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_STOP_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_STOP_L_MASK)
2791 #define SCT_CTRLL_HALT_L_MASK                    (0x4U)
2792 #define SCT_CTRLL_HALT_L_SHIFT                   (2U)
2793 /*! HALT_L - When this bit is 1, the L or unified counter does not run and no events can occur. A
2794  *    reset sets this bit. When the HALT_L bit is one, the STOP_L bit is cleared. It is possible to
2795  *    remove the halt condition while keeping the SCT in the stop condition (not running) with a
2796  *    single write to this register to simultaneously clear the HALT bit and set the STOP bit. Once set,
2797  *    only software can clear this bit to restore counter operation. This bit is set on reset.
2798  */
2799 #define SCT_CTRLL_HALT_L(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_HALT_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_HALT_L_MASK)
2800 #define SCT_CTRLL_CLRCTR_L_MASK                  (0x8U)
2801 #define SCT_CTRLL_CLRCTR_L_SHIFT                 (3U)
2802 /*! CLRCTR_L - Writing a 1 to this bit clears the L or unified counter. This bit always reads as 0.
2803  */
2804 #define SCT_CTRLL_CLRCTR_L(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_CLRCTR_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_CLRCTR_L_MASK)
2805 #define SCT_CTRLL_BIDIR_L_MASK                   (0x10U)
2806 #define SCT_CTRLL_BIDIR_L_SHIFT                  (4U)
2807 /*! BIDIR_L - L or unified counter direction select
2808  *  0b0..Up. The counter counts up to a limit condition, then is cleared to zero.
2809  *  0b1..Up-down. The counter counts up to a limit, then counts down to a limit condition or to 0.
2810  */
2811 #define SCT_CTRLL_BIDIR_L(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_BIDIR_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_BIDIR_L_MASK)
2812 #define SCT_CTRLL_PRE_L_MASK                     (0x1FE0U)
2813 #define SCT_CTRLL_PRE_L_SHIFT                    (5U)
2814 /*! PRE_L - Specifies the factor by which the SCT clock is prescaled to produce the L or unified
2815  *    counter clock. The counter clock is clocked at the rate of the SCT clock divided by PRE_L+1.
2816  *    Clear the counter (by writing a 1 to the CLRCTR bit) whenever changing the PRE value.
2817  */
2818 #define SCT_CTRLL_PRE_L(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLL_PRE_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLL_PRE_L_MASK)
2819 /*! @} */
2821 /*! @name CTRLH - SCT_CTRLH register */
2822 /*! @{ */
2823 #define SCT_CTRLH_DOWN_H_MASK                    (0x1U)
2824 #define SCT_CTRLH_DOWN_H_SHIFT                   (0U)
2825 /*! DOWN_H - This bit is 1 when the H counter is counting down. Hardware sets this bit when the
2826  *    counter is counting, a counter limit condition occurs, and BIDIR is 1. Hardware clears this bit
2827  *    when the counter is counting down and a limit condition occurs or when the counter reaches 0.
2828  */
2829 #define SCT_CTRLH_DOWN_H(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_DOWN_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_DOWN_H_MASK)
2830 #define SCT_CTRLH_STOP_H_MASK                    (0x2U)
2831 #define SCT_CTRLH_STOP_H_SHIFT                   (1U)
2832 /*! STOP_H - When this bit is 1 and HALT is 0, the H counter does not, run but I/O events related to
2833  *    the counter can occur. If such an event matches the mask in the Start register, this bit is
2834  *    cleared and counting resumes.
2835  */
2836 #define SCT_CTRLH_STOP_H(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_STOP_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_STOP_H_MASK)
2837 #define SCT_CTRLH_HALT_H_MASK                    (0x4U)
2838 #define SCT_CTRLH_HALT_H_SHIFT                   (2U)
2839 /*! HALT_H - When this bit is 1, the H counter does not run and no events can occur. A reset sets
2840  *    this bit. When the HALT_H bit is one, the STOP_H bit is cleared. It is possible to remove the
2841  *    halt condition while keeping the SCT in the stop condition (not running) with a single write to
2842  *    this register to simultaneously clear the HALT bit and set the STOP bit. Once set, this bit
2843  *    can only be cleared by software to restore counter operation. This bit is set on reset.
2844  */
2845 #define SCT_CTRLH_HALT_H(x)                      (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_HALT_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_HALT_H_MASK)
2846 #define SCT_CTRLH_CLRCTR_H_MASK                  (0x8U)
2847 #define SCT_CTRLH_CLRCTR_H_SHIFT                 (3U)
2848 /*! CLRCTR_H - Writing a 1 to this bit clears the H counter. This bit always reads as 0.
2849  */
2850 #define SCT_CTRLH_CLRCTR_H(x)                    (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_CLRCTR_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_CLRCTR_H_MASK)
2851 #define SCT_CTRLH_BIDIR_H_MASK                   (0x10U)
2852 #define SCT_CTRLH_BIDIR_H_SHIFT                  (4U)
2853 /*! BIDIR_H - Direction select
2854  *  0b0..The H counter counts up to its limit condition, then is cleared to zero.
2855  *  0b1..The H counter counts up to its limit, then counts down to a limit condition or to 0.
2856  */
2857 #define SCT_CTRLH_BIDIR_H(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_BIDIR_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_BIDIR_H_MASK)
2858 #define SCT_CTRLH_PRE_H_MASK                     (0x1FE0U)
2859 #define SCT_CTRLH_PRE_H_SHIFT                    (5U)
2860 /*! PRE_H - Specifies the factor by which the SCT clock is prescaled to produce the H counter clock.
2861  *    The counter clock is clocked at the rate of the SCT clock divided by PRELH+1. Clear the
2862  *    counter (by writing a 1 to the CLRCTR bit) whenever changing the PRE value.
2863  */
2864 #define SCT_CTRLH_PRE_H(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRLH_PRE_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRLH_PRE_H_MASK)
2865 /*! @} */
2867 /*! @name CTRL - SCT control register */
2868 /*! @{ */
2869 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_L_MASK                     (0x1U)
2870 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_L_SHIFT                    (0U)
2871 /*! DOWN_L - This bit is 1 when the L or unified counter is counting down. Hardware sets this bit
2872  *    when the counter is counting up, counter limit occurs, and BIDIR = 1.Hardware clears this bit
2873  *    when the counter is counting down and a limit condition occurs or when the counter reaches 0.
2874  */
2875 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_L(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_DOWN_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_DOWN_L_MASK)
2876 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_L_MASK                     (0x2U)
2877 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_L_SHIFT                    (1U)
2878 /*! STOP_L - When this bit is 1 and HALT is 0, the L or unified counter does not run, but I/O events
2879  *    related to the counter can occur. If a designated start event occurs, this bit is cleared and
2880  *    counting resumes.
2881  */
2882 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_L(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_STOP_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_STOP_L_MASK)
2883 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_L_MASK                     (0x4U)
2884 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_L_SHIFT                    (2U)
2885 /*! HALT_L - When this bit is 1, the L or unified counter does not run and no events can occur. A
2886  *    reset sets this bit. When the HALT_L bit is one, the STOP_L bit is cleared. It is possible to
2887  *    remove the halt condition while keeping the SCT in the stop condition (not running) with a
2888  *    single write to this register to simultaneously clear the HALT bit and set the STOP bit. Once set,
2889  *    only software can clear this bit to restore counter operation. This bit is set on reset.
2890  */
2891 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_L(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_HALT_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_HALT_L_MASK)
2892 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L_MASK                   (0x8U)
2893 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L_SHIFT                  (3U)
2894 /*! CLRCTR_L - Writing a 1 to this bit clears the L or unified counter. This bit always reads as 0.
2895  */
2896 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_L_MASK)
2897 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L_MASK                    (0x10U)
2898 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L_SHIFT                   (4U)
2899 /*! BIDIR_L - L or unified counter direction select
2900  *  0b0..Up. The counter counts up to a limit condition, then is cleared to zero.
2901  *  0b1..Up-down. The counter counts up to a limit, then counts down to a limit condition or to 0.
2902  */
2903 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_L_MASK)
2904 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_L_MASK                      (0x1FE0U)
2905 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_L_SHIFT                     (5U)
2906 /*! PRE_L - Specifies the factor by which the SCT clock is prescaled to produce the L or unified
2907  *    counter clock. The counter clock is clocked at the rate of the SCT clock divided by PRE_L+1.
2908  *    Clear the counter (by writing a 1 to the CLRCTR bit) whenever changing the PRE value.
2909  */
2910 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_L(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_PRE_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_PRE_L_MASK)
2911 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_H_MASK                     (0x10000U)
2912 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_H_SHIFT                    (16U)
2913 /*! DOWN_H - This bit is 1 when the H counter is counting down. Hardware sets this bit when the
2914  *    counter is counting, a counter limit condition occurs, and BIDIR is 1. Hardware clears this bit
2915  *    when the counter is counting down and a limit condition occurs or when the counter reaches 0.
2916  */
2917 #define SCT_CTRL_DOWN_H(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_DOWN_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_DOWN_H_MASK)
2918 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_H_MASK                     (0x20000U)
2919 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_H_SHIFT                    (17U)
2920 /*! STOP_H - When this bit is 1 and HALT is 0, the H counter does not, run but I/O events related to
2921  *    the counter can occur. If such an event matches the mask in the Start register, this bit is
2922  *    cleared and counting resumes.
2923  */
2924 #define SCT_CTRL_STOP_H(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_STOP_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_STOP_H_MASK)
2925 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_H_MASK                     (0x40000U)
2926 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_H_SHIFT                    (18U)
2927 /*! HALT_H - When this bit is 1, the H counter does not run and no events can occur. A reset sets
2928  *    this bit. When the HALT_H bit is one, the STOP_H bit is cleared. It is possible to remove the
2929  *    halt condition while keeping the SCT in the stop condition (not running) with a single write to
2930  *    this register to simultaneously clear the HALT bit and set the STOP bit. Once set, this bit
2931  *    can only be cleared by software to restore counter operation. This bit is set on reset.
2932  */
2933 #define SCT_CTRL_HALT_H(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_HALT_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_HALT_H_MASK)
2934 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H_MASK                   (0x80000U)
2935 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H_SHIFT                  (19U)
2936 /*! CLRCTR_H - Writing a 1 to this bit clears the H counter. This bit always reads as 0.
2937  */
2938 #define SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_CLRCTR_H_MASK)
2939 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H_MASK                    (0x100000U)
2940 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H_SHIFT                   (20U)
2941 /*! BIDIR_H - Direction select
2942  *  0b0..The H counter counts up to its limit condition, then is cleared to zero.
2943  *  0b1..The H counter counts up to its limit, then counts down to a limit condition or to 0.
2944  */
2945 #define SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_BIDIR_H_MASK)
2946 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_H_MASK                      (0x1FE00000U)
2947 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_H_SHIFT                     (21U)
2948 /*! PRE_H - Specifies the factor by which the SCT clock is prescaled to produce the H counter clock.
2949  *    The counter clock is clocked at the rate of the SCT clock divided by PRELH+1. Clear the
2950  *    counter (by writing a 1 to the CLRCTR bit) whenever changing the PRE value.
2951  */
2952 #define SCT_CTRL_PRE_H(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CTRL_PRE_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CTRL_PRE_H_MASK)
2953 /*! @} */
2955 /*! @name LIMITL - SCT_LIMITL register */
2956 /*! @{ */
2957 #define SCT_LIMITL_LIMITL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
2958 #define SCT_LIMITL_LIMITL_SHIFT                  (0U)
2959 #define SCT_LIMITL_LIMITL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_LIMITL_LIMITL_SHIFT)) & SCT_LIMITL_LIMITL_MASK)
2960 /*! @} */
2962 /*! @name LIMITH - SCT_LIMITH register */
2963 /*! @{ */
2964 #define SCT_LIMITH_LIMITH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
2965 #define SCT_LIMITH_LIMITH_SHIFT                  (0U)
2966 #define SCT_LIMITH_LIMITH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_LIMITH_LIMITH_SHIFT)) & SCT_LIMITH_LIMITH_MASK)
2967 /*! @} */
2969 /*! @name LIMIT - SCT limit event select register */
2970 /*! @{ */
2971 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_L_MASK                  (0x3FU)
2972 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_L_SHIFT                 (0U)
2973 /*! LIMMSK_L - If bit n is one, event n is used as a counter limit for the L or unified counter
2974  *    (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
2975  */
2976 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_L(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_L_MASK)
2977 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_H_MASK                  (0x3F0000U)
2978 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_H_SHIFT                 (16U)
2979 /*! LIMMSK_H - If bit n is one, event n is used as a counter limit for the H counter (event 0 = bit
2980  *    16, event 1 = bit 17, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
2981  */
2982 #define SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_H(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_LIMIT_LIMMSK_H_MASK)
2983 /*! @} */
2985 /*! @name HALTL - SCT_HALTL register */
2986 /*! @{ */
2987 #define SCT_HALTL_HALTL_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
2988 #define SCT_HALTL_HALTL_SHIFT                    (0U)
2989 #define SCT_HALTL_HALTL(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_HALTL_HALTL_SHIFT)) & SCT_HALTL_HALTL_MASK)
2990 /*! @} */
2992 /*! @name HALTH - SCT_HALTH register */
2993 /*! @{ */
2994 #define SCT_HALTH_HALTH_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
2995 #define SCT_HALTH_HALTH_SHIFT                    (0U)
2996 #define SCT_HALTH_HALTH(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_HALTH_HALTH_SHIFT)) & SCT_HALTH_HALTH_MASK)
2997 /*! @} */
2999 /*! @name HALT - SCT halt event select register */
3000 /*! @{ */
3001 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_L_MASK                  (0x3FU)
3002 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_L_SHIFT                 (0U)
3003 /*! HALTMSK_L - If bit n is one, event n sets the HALT_L bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit 0,
3004  *    event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3005  */
3006 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_L(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_L_MASK)
3007 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_H_MASK                  (0x3F0000U)
3008 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_H_SHIFT                 (16U)
3009 /*! HALTMSK_H - If bit n is one, event n sets the HALT_H bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit 16,
3010  *    event 1 = bit 17, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3011  */
3012 #define SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_H(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_HALT_HALTMSK_H_MASK)
3013 /*! @} */
3015 /*! @name STOPL - SCT_STOPL register */
3016 /*! @{ */
3017 #define SCT_STOPL_STOPL_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3018 #define SCT_STOPL_STOPL_SHIFT                    (0U)
3019 #define SCT_STOPL_STOPL(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STOPL_STOPL_SHIFT)) & SCT_STOPL_STOPL_MASK)
3020 /*! @} */
3022 /*! @name STOPH - SCT_STOPH register */
3023 /*! @{ */
3024 #define SCT_STOPH_STOPH_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3025 #define SCT_STOPH_STOPH_SHIFT                    (0U)
3026 #define SCT_STOPH_STOPH(x)                       (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STOPH_STOPH_SHIFT)) & SCT_STOPH_STOPH_MASK)
3027 /*! @} */
3029 /*! @name STOP - SCT stop event select register */
3030 /*! @{ */
3031 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_L_MASK                  (0x3FU)
3032 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_L_SHIFT                 (0U)
3033 /*! STOPMSK_L - If bit n is one, event n sets the STOP_L bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit 0,
3034  *    event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3035  */
3036 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_L(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_L_MASK)
3037 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_H_MASK                  (0x3F0000U)
3038 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_H_SHIFT                 (16U)
3039 /*! STOPMSK_H - If bit n is one, event n sets the STOP_H bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit 16,
3040  *    event 1 = bit 17, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3041  */
3042 #define SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_H(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_STOP_STOPMSK_H_MASK)
3043 /*! @} */
3045 /*! @name STARTL - SCT_STARTL register */
3046 /*! @{ */
3047 #define SCT_STARTL_STARTL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3048 #define SCT_STARTL_STARTL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3049 #define SCT_STARTL_STARTL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STARTL_STARTL_SHIFT)) & SCT_STARTL_STARTL_MASK)
3050 /*! @} */
3052 /*! @name STARTH - SCT_STARTH register */
3053 /*! @{ */
3054 #define SCT_STARTH_STARTH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3055 #define SCT_STARTH_STARTH_SHIFT                  (0U)
3056 #define SCT_STARTH_STARTH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STARTH_STARTH_SHIFT)) & SCT_STARTH_STARTH_MASK)
3057 /*! @} */
3059 /*! @name START - SCT start event select register */
3060 /*! @{ */
3061 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_L_MASK                (0x3FU)
3062 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_L_SHIFT               (0U)
3063 /*! STARTMSK_L - If bit n is one, event n clears the STOP_L bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit
3064  *    0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3065  */
3066 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_L(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_START_STARTMSK_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_START_STARTMSK_L_MASK)
3067 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_H_MASK                (0x3F0000U)
3068 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_H_SHIFT               (16U)
3069 /*! STARTMSK_H - If bit n is one, event n clears the STOP_H bit in the CTRL register (event 0 = bit
3070  *    16, event 1 = bit 17, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3071  */
3072 #define SCT_START_STARTMSK_H(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_START_STARTMSK_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_START_STARTMSK_H_MASK)
3073 /*! @} */
3075 /*! @name COUNTL - SCT_COUNTL register */
3076 /*! @{ */
3077 #define SCT_COUNTL_COUNTL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3078 #define SCT_COUNTL_COUNTL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3079 #define SCT_COUNTL_COUNTL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_COUNTL_COUNTL_SHIFT)) & SCT_COUNTL_COUNTL_MASK)
3080 /*! @} */
3082 /*! @name COUNTH - SCT_COUNTH register */
3083 /*! @{ */
3084 #define SCT_COUNTH_COUNTH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3085 #define SCT_COUNTH_COUNTH_SHIFT                  (0U)
3086 #define SCT_COUNTH_COUNTH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_COUNTH_COUNTH_SHIFT)) & SCT_COUNTH_COUNTH_MASK)
3087 /*! @} */
3089 /*! @name COUNT - SCT counter register */
3090 /*! @{ */
3091 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_L_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3092 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_L_SHIFT                    (0U)
3093 /*! CTR_L - When UNIFY = 0, read or write the 16-bit L counter value. When UNIFY = 1, read or write
3094  *    the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit unified counter.
3095  */
3096 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_L(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_COUNT_CTR_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_COUNT_CTR_L_MASK)
3097 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_H_MASK                     (0xFFFF0000U)
3098 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_H_SHIFT                    (16U)
3099 /*! CTR_H - When UNIFY = 0, read or write the 16-bit H counter value. When UNIFY = 1, read or write
3100  *    the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit unified counter.
3101  */
3102 #define SCT_COUNT_CTR_H(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_COUNT_CTR_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_COUNT_CTR_H_MASK)
3103 /*! @} */
3105 /*! @name STATEL - SCT_STATEL register */
3106 /*! @{ */
3107 #define SCT_STATEL_STATEL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3108 #define SCT_STATEL_STATEL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3109 #define SCT_STATEL_STATEL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STATEL_STATEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_STATEL_STATEL_MASK)
3110 /*! @} */
3112 /*! @name STATEH - SCT_STATEH register */
3113 /*! @{ */
3114 #define SCT_STATEH_STATEH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3115 #define SCT_STATEH_STATEH_SHIFT                  (0U)
3116 #define SCT_STATEH_STATEH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_STATEH_STATEH_SHIFT)) & SCT_STATEH_STATEH_MASK)
3117 /*! @} */
3119 /*! @name STATE - SCT state register */
3120 /*! @{ */
3121 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_L_MASK                   (0x1FU)
3122 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_L_SHIFT                  (0U)
3123 /*! STATE_L - State variable.
3124  */
3125 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_L(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_STATE_STATE_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_STATE_STATE_L_MASK)
3126 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_H_MASK                   (0x1F0000U)
3127 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_H_SHIFT                  (16U)
3128 /*! STATE_H - State variable.
3129  */
3130 #define SCT_STATE_STATE_H(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_STATE_STATE_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_STATE_STATE_H_MASK)
3131 /*! @} */
3133 /*! @name INPUT - SCT input register */
3134 /*! @{ */
3135 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN0_MASK                      (0x1U)
3136 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN0_SHIFT                     (0U)
3137 /*! AIN0 - Input 0 state. Input 0 state on the last SCT clock edge.
3138  */
3139 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_AIN0_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_AIN0_MASK)
3140 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN1_MASK                      (0x2U)
3141 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN1_SHIFT                     (1U)
3142 /*! AIN1 - Input 1 state. Input 1 state on the last SCT clock edge.
3143  */
3144 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_AIN1_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_AIN1_MASK)
3145 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN2_MASK                      (0x4U)
3146 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN2_SHIFT                     (2U)
3147 /*! AIN2 - Input 2 state. Input 2 state on the last SCT clock edge.
3148  */
3149 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_AIN2_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_AIN2_MASK)
3150 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN3_MASK                      (0x8U)
3151 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN3_SHIFT                     (3U)
3152 /*! AIN3 - Input 3 state. Input 3 state on the last SCT clock edge.
3153  */
3154 #define SCT_INPUT_AIN3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_AIN3_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_AIN3_MASK)
3155 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN0_MASK                      (0x10000U)
3156 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN0_SHIFT                     (16U)
3157 /*! SIN0 - Input 0 state. Input 0 state following the synchronization specified by INSYNC.
3158  */
3159 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN0(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_SIN0_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_SIN0_MASK)
3160 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN1_MASK                      (0x20000U)
3161 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN1_SHIFT                     (17U)
3162 /*! SIN1 - Input 1 state. Input 1 state following the synchronization specified by INSYNC.
3163  */
3164 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN1(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_SIN1_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_SIN1_MASK)
3165 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN2_MASK                      (0x40000U)
3166 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN2_SHIFT                     (18U)
3167 /*! SIN2 - Input 2 state. Input 2 state following the synchronization specified by INSYNC.
3168  */
3169 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN2(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_SIN2_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_SIN2_MASK)
3170 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN3_MASK                      (0x80000U)
3171 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN3_SHIFT                     (19U)
3172 /*! SIN3 - Input 3 state. Input 3 state following the synchronization specified by INSYNC.
3173  */
3174 #define SCT_INPUT_SIN3(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_INPUT_SIN3_SHIFT)) & SCT_INPUT_SIN3_MASK)
3175 /*! @} */
3177 /*! @name REGMODEL - SCT_REGMODEL register */
3178 /*! @{ */
3179 #define SCT_REGMODEL_REGMODEL_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
3180 #define SCT_REGMODEL_REGMODEL_SHIFT              (0U)
3181 #define SCT_REGMODEL_REGMODEL(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_REGMODEL_REGMODEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_REGMODEL_REGMODEL_MASK)
3182 /*! @} */
3184 /*! @name REGMODEH - SCT_REGMODEH register */
3185 /*! @{ */
3186 #define SCT_REGMODEH_REGMODEH_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
3187 #define SCT_REGMODEH_REGMODEH_SHIFT              (0U)
3188 #define SCT_REGMODEH_REGMODEH(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_REGMODEH_REGMODEH_SHIFT)) & SCT_REGMODEH_REGMODEH_MASK)
3189 /*! @} */
3191 /*! @name REGMODE - SCT match/capture mode register */
3192 /*! @{ */
3193 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_L_MASK                (0x1FU)
3194 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_L_SHIFT               (0U)
3195 /*! REGMOD_L - Each bit controls one match/capture register (register 0 = bit 0, register 1 = bit 1,
3196  *    etc.). The number of bits = number of match/captures in this SCT. 0 = register operates as
3197  *    match register. 1 = register operates as capture register.
3198  */
3199 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_L(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_L_MASK)
3200 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_H_MASK                (0x1F0000U)
3201 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_H_SHIFT               (16U)
3202 /*! REGMOD_H - Each bit controls one match/capture register (register 0 = bit 16, register 1 = bit
3203  *    17, etc.). The number of bits = number of match/captures in this SCT. 0 = register operates as
3204  *    match registers. 1 = register operates as capture registers.
3205  */
3206 #define SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_H(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_REGMODE_REGMOD_H_MASK)
3207 /*! @} */
3209 /*! @name OUTPUT - SCT output register */
3210 /*! @{ */
3211 #define SCT_OUTPUT_OUT_MASK                      (0xFU)
3212 #define SCT_OUTPUT_OUT_SHIFT                     (0U)
3213 /*! OUT - Writing a 1 to bit n forces the corresponding output HIGH. Writing a 0 forces the
3214  *    corresponding output LOW (output 0 = bit 0, output 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of
3215  *    outputs in this SCT.
3216  */
3217 #define SCT_OUTPUT_OUT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUTPUT_OUT_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUTPUT_OUT_MASK)
3218 /*! @} */
3220 /*! @name OUTPUTDIRCTRL - SCT output counter direction control register */
3221 /*! @{ */
3222 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR0_MASK           (0x3U)
3223 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR0_SHIFT          (0U)
3224 /*! SETCLR0 - Set/clear operation on output 0. Value 0x3 is reserved. Do not program this value.
3225  *  0b00..Set and clear do not depend on the direction of any counter.
3226  *  0b01..Set and clear are reversed when counter L or the unified counter is counting down.
3227  *  0b10..Set and clear are reversed when counter H is counting down. Do not use if UNIFY = 1.
3228  */
3229 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR0(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR0_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR0_MASK)
3230 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR1_MASK           (0xCU)
3231 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR1_SHIFT          (2U)
3232 /*! SETCLR1 - Set/clear operation on output 1. Value 0x3 is reserved. Do not program this value.
3233  *  0b00..Set and clear do not depend on the direction of any counter.
3234  *  0b01..Set and clear are reversed when counter L or the unified counter is counting down.
3235  *  0b10..Set and clear are reversed when counter H is counting down. Do not use if UNIFY = 1.
3236  */
3237 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR1(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR1_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR1_MASK)
3238 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR2_MASK           (0x30U)
3239 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR2_SHIFT          (4U)
3240 /*! SETCLR2 - Set/clear operation on output 2. Value 0x3 is reserved. Do not program this value.
3241  *  0b00..Set and clear do not depend on the direction of any counter.
3242  *  0b01..Set and clear are reversed when counter L or the unified counter is counting down.
3243  *  0b10..Set and clear are reversed when counter H is counting down. Do not use if UNIFY = 1.
3244  */
3245 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR2(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR2_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR2_MASK)
3246 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR3_MASK           (0xC0U)
3247 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR3_SHIFT          (6U)
3248 /*! SETCLR3 - Set/clear operation on output 3. Value 0x3 is reserved. Do not program this value.
3249  *  0b00..Set and clear do not depend on the direction of any counter.
3250  *  0b01..Set and clear are reversed when counter L or the unified counter is counting down.
3251  *  0b10..Set and clear are reversed when counter H is counting down. Do not use if UNIFY = 1.
3252  */
3253 #define SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR3(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR3_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUTPUTDIRCTRL_SETCLR3_MASK)
3254 /*! @} */
3256 /*! @name RES - SCT conflict resolution register */
3257 /*! @{ */
3258 #define SCT_RES_O0RES_MASK                       (0x3U)
3259 #define SCT_RES_O0RES_SHIFT                      (0U)
3260 /*! O0RES - Effect of simultaneous set and clear on output 0.
3261  *  0b00..No change.
3262  *  0b01..Set output (or clear based on the SETCLR0 field in the OUTPUTDIRCTRL register).
3263  *  0b10..Clear output (or set based on the SETCLR0 field).
3264  *  0b11..Toggle output.
3265  */
3266 #define SCT_RES_O0RES(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_RES_O0RES_SHIFT)) & SCT_RES_O0RES_MASK)
3267 #define SCT_RES_O1RES_MASK                       (0xCU)
3268 #define SCT_RES_O1RES_SHIFT                      (2U)
3269 /*! O1RES - Effect of simultaneous set and clear on output 1.
3270  *  0b00..No change.
3271  *  0b01..Set output (or clear based on the SETCLR1 field in the OUTPUTDIRCTRL register).
3272  *  0b10..Clear output (or set based on the SETCLR1 field).
3273  *  0b11..Toggle output.
3274  */
3275 #define SCT_RES_O1RES(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_RES_O1RES_SHIFT)) & SCT_RES_O1RES_MASK)
3276 #define SCT_RES_O2RES_MASK                       (0x30U)
3277 #define SCT_RES_O2RES_SHIFT                      (4U)
3278 /*! O2RES - Effect of simultaneous set and clear on output 2.
3279  *  0b00..No change.
3280  *  0b01..Set output (or clear based on the SETCLR2 field in the OUTPUTDIRCTRL register).
3281  *  0b10..Clear output n (or set based on the SETCLR2 field).
3282  *  0b11..Toggle output.
3283  */
3284 #define SCT_RES_O2RES(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_RES_O2RES_SHIFT)) & SCT_RES_O2RES_MASK)
3285 #define SCT_RES_O3RES_MASK                       (0xC0U)
3286 #define SCT_RES_O3RES_SHIFT                      (6U)
3287 /*! O3RES - Effect of simultaneous set and clear on output 3.
3288  *  0b00..No change.
3289  *  0b01..Set output (or clear based on the SETCLR3 field in the OUTPUTDIRCTRL register).
3290  *  0b10..Clear output (or set based on the SETCLR3 field).
3291  *  0b11..Toggle output.
3292  */
3293 #define SCT_RES_O3RES(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_RES_O3RES_SHIFT)) & SCT_RES_O3RES_MASK)
3294 /*! @} */
3296 /*! @name EVEN - SCT event interrupt enable register */
3297 /*! @{ */
3298 #define SCT_EVEN_IEN_MASK                        (0x3FU)
3299 #define SCT_EVEN_IEN_SHIFT                       (0U)
3300 /*! IEN - The SCT requests an interrupt when bit n of this register and the event flag register are
3301  *    both one (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in
3302  *    this SCT.
3303  */
3304 #define SCT_EVEN_IEN(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EVEN_IEN_SHIFT)) & SCT_EVEN_IEN_MASK)
3305 /*! @} */
3307 /*! @name EVFLAG - SCT event flag register */
3308 /*! @{ */
3309 #define SCT_EVFLAG_FLAG_MASK                     (0x3FU)
3310 #define SCT_EVFLAG_FLAG_SHIFT                    (0U)
3311 /*! FLAG - Bit n is one if event n has occurred since reset or a 1 was last written to this bit
3312  *    (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of events in this SCT.
3313  */
3314 #define SCT_EVFLAG_FLAG(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EVFLAG_FLAG_SHIFT)) & SCT_EVFLAG_FLAG_MASK)
3315 /*! @} */
3317 /*! @name CONEN - SCT conflict interrupt enable register */
3318 /*! @{ */
3319 #define SCT_CONEN_NCEN_MASK                      (0xFU)
3320 #define SCT_CONEN_NCEN_SHIFT                     (0U)
3321 /*! NCEN - The SCT requests an interrupt when bit n of this register and the SCT conflict flag
3322  *    register are both one (output 0 = bit 0, output 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of
3323  *    outputs in this SCT.
3324  */
3325 #define SCT_CONEN_NCEN(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONEN_NCEN_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONEN_NCEN_MASK)
3326 /*! @} */
3328 /*! @name CONFLAG - SCT conflict flag register */
3329 /*! @{ */
3330 #define SCT_CONFLAG_NCFLAG_MASK                  (0xFU)
3331 #define SCT_CONFLAG_NCFLAG_SHIFT                 (0U)
3332 /*! NCFLAG - Bit n is one if a no-change conflict event occurred on output n since reset or a 1 was
3333  *    last written to this bit (output 0 = bit 0, output 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits =
3334  *    number of outputs in this SCT.
3335  */
3336 #define SCT_CONFLAG_NCFLAG(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFLAG_NCFLAG_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFLAG_NCFLAG_MASK)
3337 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRL_MASK                 (0x40000000U)
3338 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRL_SHIFT                (30U)
3339 /*! BUSERRL - The most recent bus error from this SCT involved writing CTR L/Unified, STATE
3340  *    L/Unified, MATCH L/Unified, or the Output register when the L/U counter was not halted. A word write
3341  *    to certain L and H registers can be half successful and half unsuccessful.
3342  */
3343 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRL(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRL_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRL_MASK)
3344 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRH_MASK                 (0x80000000U)
3345 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRH_SHIFT                (31U)
3346 /*! BUSERRH - The most recent bus error from this SCT involved writing CTR H, STATE H, MATCH H, or
3347  *    the Output register when the H counter was not halted.
3348  */
3349 #define SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRH(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRH_SHIFT)) & SCT_CONFLAG_BUSERRH_MASK)
3350 /*! @} */
3352 /*! @name CAPL - SCT_CAPL register */
3353 /*! @{ */
3354 #define SCT_CAPL_CAPL_MASK                       (0xFFFFU)
3355 #define SCT_CAPL_CAPL_SHIFT                      (0U)
3356 #define SCT_CAPL_CAPL(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPL_CAPL_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPL_CAPL_MASK)
3357 /*! @} */
3359 /* The count of SCT_CAPL */
3360 #define SCT_CAPL_COUNT                           (5U)
3362 /*! @name CAPH - SCT_CAPH register */
3363 /*! @{ */
3364 #define SCT_CAPH_CAPH_MASK                       (0xFFFFU)
3365 #define SCT_CAPH_CAPH_SHIFT                      (0U)
3366 #define SCT_CAPH_CAPH(x)                         (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPH_CAPH_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPH_CAPH_MASK)
3367 /*! @} */
3369 /* The count of SCT_CAPH */
3370 #define SCT_CAPH_COUNT                           (5U)
3372 /*! @name CAP - SCT capture register of capture channel */
3373 /*! @{ */
3374 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_L_MASK                      (0xFFFFU)
3375 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_L_SHIFT                     (0U)
3376 /*! CAPn_L - When UNIFY = 0, read the 16-bit counter value at which this register was last captured.
3377  *    When UNIFY = 1, read the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit value at which this register was last
3378  *    captured.
3379  */
3380 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_L(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CAP_CAPn_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAP_CAPn_L_MASK)
3381 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_H_MASK                      (0xFFFF0000U)
3382 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_H_SHIFT                     (16U)
3383 /*! CAPn_H - When UNIFY = 0, read the 16-bit counter value at which this register was last captured.
3384  *    When UNIFY = 1, read the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit value at which this register was last
3385  *    captured.
3386  */
3387 #define SCT_CAP_CAPn_H(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CAP_CAPn_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAP_CAPn_H_MASK)
3388 /*! @} */
3390 /* The count of SCT_CAP */
3391 #define SCT_CAP_COUNT                            (5U)
3393 /*! @name MATCHL - SCT_MATCHL register */
3394 /*! @{ */
3395 #define SCT_MATCHL_MATCHL_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3396 #define SCT_MATCHL_MATCHL_SHIFT                  (0U)
3397 #define SCT_MATCHL_MATCHL(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHL_MATCHL_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHL_MATCHL_MASK)
3398 /*! @} */
3400 /* The count of SCT_MATCHL */
3401 #define SCT_MATCHL_COUNT                         (5U)
3403 /*! @name MATCHH - SCT_MATCHH register */
3404 /*! @{ */
3405 #define SCT_MATCHH_MATCHH_MASK                   (0xFFFFU)
3406 #define SCT_MATCHH_MATCHH_SHIFT                  (0U)
3407 #define SCT_MATCHH_MATCHH(x)                     (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHH_MATCHH_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHH_MATCHH_MASK)
3408 /*! @} */
3410 /* The count of SCT_MATCHH */
3411 #define SCT_MATCHH_COUNT                         (5U)
3413 /*! @name MATCH - SCT match value register of match channels */
3414 /*! @{ */
3415 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_L_MASK                  (0xFFFFU)
3416 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_L_SHIFT                 (0U)
3417 /*! MATCHn_L - When UNIFY = 0, read or write the 16-bit value to be compared to the L counter. When
3418  *    UNIFY = 1, read or write the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit value to be compared to the unified
3419  *    counter.
3420  */
3421 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_L(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_L_MASK)
3422 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_H_MASK                  (0xFFFF0000U)
3423 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_H_SHIFT                 (16U)
3424 /*! MATCHn_H - When UNIFY = 0, read or write the 16-bit value to be compared to the H counter. When
3425  *    UNIFY = 1, read or write the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit value to be compared to the unified
3426  *    counter.
3427  */
3428 #define SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_H(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCH_MATCHn_H_MASK)
3429 /*! @} */
3431 /* The count of SCT_MATCH */
3432 #define SCT_MATCH_COUNT                          (5U)
3434 /*! @name CAPCTRLL - SCT_CAPCTRLL register */
3435 /*! @{ */
3436 #define SCT_CAPCTRLL_CAPCTRLL_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
3437 #define SCT_CAPCTRLL_CAPCTRLL_SHIFT              (0U)
3438 #define SCT_CAPCTRLL_CAPCTRLL(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPCTRLL_CAPCTRLL_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPCTRLL_CAPCTRLL_MASK)
3439 /*! @} */
3441 /* The count of SCT_CAPCTRLL */
3442 #define SCT_CAPCTRLL_COUNT                       (5U)
3444 /*! @name CAPCTRLH - SCT_CAPCTRLH register */
3445 /*! @{ */
3446 #define SCT_CAPCTRLH_CAPCTRLH_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
3447 #define SCT_CAPCTRLH_CAPCTRLH_SHIFT              (0U)
3448 #define SCT_CAPCTRLH_CAPCTRLH(x)                 (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPCTRLH_CAPCTRLH_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPCTRLH_CAPCTRLH_MASK)
3449 /*! @} */
3451 /* The count of SCT_CAPCTRLH */
3452 #define SCT_CAPCTRLH_COUNT                       (5U)
3454 /*! @name CAPCTRL - SCT capture control register */
3455 /*! @{ */
3456 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_L_MASK               (0xFFFFU)
3457 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_L_SHIFT              (0U)
3458 /*! CAPCONn_L - If bit m is one, event m causes the CAPn_L (UNIFY = 0) or the CAPn (UNIFY = 1)
3459  *    register to be loaded (event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc.). The number of bits = number of
3460  *    match/captures in this SCT.
3461  */
3462 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_L(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_L_MASK)
3463 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_H_MASK               (0xFFFF0000U)
3464 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_H_SHIFT              (16U)
3465 /*! CAPCONn_H - If bit m is one, event m causes the CAPn_H (UNIFY = 0) register to be loaded (event
3466  *    0 = bit 16, event 1 = bit 17, etc.). The number of bits = number of match/captures in this SCT.
3467  */
3468 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_H(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_CAPCTRL_CAPCONn_H_MASK)
3469 /*! @} */
3471 /* The count of SCT_CAPCTRL */
3472 #define SCT_CAPCTRL_COUNT                        (5U)
3474 /*! @name MATCHRELL - SCT_MATCHRELL register */
3475 /*! @{ */
3476 #define SCT_MATCHRELL_MATCHRELL_MASK             (0xFFFFU)
3477 #define SCT_MATCHRELL_MATCHRELL_SHIFT            (0U)
3478 #define SCT_MATCHRELL_MATCHRELL(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHRELL_MATCHRELL_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHRELL_MATCHRELL_MASK)
3479 /*! @} */
3481 /* The count of SCT_MATCHRELL */
3482 #define SCT_MATCHRELL_COUNT                      (5U)
3484 /*! @name MATCHRELH - SCT_MATCHRELH register */
3485 /*! @{ */
3486 #define SCT_MATCHRELH_MATCHRELH_MASK             (0xFFFFU)
3487 #define SCT_MATCHRELH_MATCHRELH_SHIFT            (0U)
3488 #define SCT_MATCHRELH_MATCHRELH(x)               (((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHRELH_MATCHRELH_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHRELH_MATCHRELH_MASK)
3489 /*! @} */
3491 /* The count of SCT_MATCHRELH */
3492 #define SCT_MATCHRELH_COUNT                      (5U)
3494 /*! @name MATCHREL - SCT match reload value register */
3495 /*! @{ */
3496 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_L_MASK              (0xFFFFU)
3497 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_L_SHIFT             (0U)
3498 /*! RELOADn_L - When UNIFY = 0, specifies the 16-bit value to be loaded into the MATCHn_L register.
3499  *    When UNIFY = 1, specifies the lower 16 bits of the 32-bit value to be loaded into the MATCHn
3500  *    register.
3501  */
3502 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_L(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_L_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_L_MASK)
3503 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_H_MASK              (0xFFFF0000U)
3504 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_H_SHIFT             (16U)
3505 /*! RELOADn_H - When UNIFY = 0, specifies the 16-bit to be loaded into the MATCHn_H register. When
3506  *    UNIFY = 1, specifies the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit value to be loaded into the MATCHn
3507  *    register.
3508  */
3509 #define SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_H(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_H_SHIFT)) & SCT_MATCHREL_RELOADn_H_MASK)
3510 /*! @} */
3512 /* The count of SCT_MATCHREL */
3513 #define SCT_MATCHREL_COUNT                       (5U)
3515 /*! @name EV_STATE - SCT event state register 0 */
3516 /*! @{ */
3517 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK0_MASK              (0x1U)
3518 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK0_SHIFT             (0U)
3519 /*! STATEMSK0 - If bit m is one, event n happens in state m of the counter selected by the HEVENT
3520  *    bit (n = event number, m = state number; state 0 = bit 0, state 1= bit 1, etc.). The number of
3521  *    bits = number of states in this SCT.
3522  */
3523 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK0(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK0_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK0_MASK)
3524 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK1_MASK              (0x2U)
3525 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK1_SHIFT             (1U)
3526 /*! STATEMSK1 - If bit m is one, event n happens in state m of the counter selected by the HEVENT
3527  *    bit (n = event number, m = state number; state 0 = bit 0, state 1= bit 1, etc.). The number of
3528  *    bits = number of states in this SCT.
3529  */
3530 #define SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK1(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK1_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_STATE_STATEMSK1_MASK)
3531 /*! @} */
3533 /* The count of SCT_EV_STATE */
3534 #define SCT_EV_STATE_COUNT                       (6U)
3536 /*! @name EV_CTRL - SCT event control register 0 */
3537 /*! @{ */
3538 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHSEL_MASK                (0xFU)
3539 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHSEL_SHIFT               (0U)
3540 /*! MATCHSEL - Selects the Match register associated with this event (if any). A match can occur
3541  *    only when the counter selected by the HEVENT bit is running.
3542  */
3543 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHSEL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHSEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHSEL_MASK)
3544 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_HEVENT_MASK                  (0x10U)
3545 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_HEVENT_SHIFT                 (4U)
3546 /*! HEVENT - Select L/H counter. Do not set this bit if UNIFY = 1.
3547  *  0b0..Selects the L state and the L match register selected by MATCHSEL.
3548  *  0b1..Selects the H state and the H match register selected by MATCHSEL.
3549  */
3550 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_HEVENT(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_HEVENT_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_HEVENT_MASK)
3551 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_OUTSEL_MASK                  (0x20U)
3552 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_OUTSEL_SHIFT                 (5U)
3553 /*! OUTSEL - Input/output select
3554  *  0b0..Selects the inputs selected by IOSEL.
3555  *  0b1..Selects the outputs selected by IOSEL.
3556  */
3557 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_OUTSEL(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_OUTSEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_OUTSEL_MASK)
3558 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOSEL_MASK                   (0x3C0U)
3559 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOSEL_SHIFT                  (6U)
3560 /*! IOSEL - Selects the input or output signal number associated with this event (if any). Do not
3561  *    select an input in this register if CKMODE is 1x. In this case the clock input is an implicit
3562  *    ingredient of every event.
3563  */
3564 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOSEL(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_IOSEL_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_IOSEL_MASK)
3565 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOCOND_MASK                  (0xC00U)
3566 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOCOND_SHIFT                 (10U)
3567 /*! IOCOND - Selects the I/O condition for event n. (The detection of edges on outputs lag the
3568  *    conditions that switch the outputs by one SCT clock). In order to guarantee proper edge/state
3569  *    detection, an input must have a minimum pulse width of at least one SCT clock period .
3570  *  0b00..LOW
3571  *  0b01..Rise
3572  *  0b10..Fall
3573  *  0b11..HIGH
3574  */
3575 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_IOCOND(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_IOCOND_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_IOCOND_MASK)
3576 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_COMBMODE_MASK                (0x3000U)
3577 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_COMBMODE_SHIFT               (12U)
3578 /*! COMBMODE - Selects how the specified match and I/O condition are used and combined.
3579  *  0b00..OR. The event occurs when either the specified match or I/O condition occurs.
3580  *  0b01..MATCH. Uses the specified match only.
3581  *  0b10..IO. Uses the specified I/O condition only.
3582  *  0b11..AND. The event occurs when the specified match and I/O condition occur simultaneously.
3583  */
3584 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_COMBMODE(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_COMBMODE_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_COMBMODE_MASK)
3585 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATELD_MASK                 (0x4000U)
3586 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATELD_SHIFT                (14U)
3587 /*! STATELD - This bit controls how the STATEV value modifies the state selected by HEVENT when this
3588  *    event is the highest-numbered event occurring for that state.
3589  *  0b0..STATEV value is added into STATE (the carry-out is ignored).
3590  *  0b1..STATEV value is loaded into STATE.
3591  */
3592 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATELD(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_STATELD_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_STATELD_MASK)
3593 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATEV_MASK                  (0xF8000U)
3594 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATEV_SHIFT                 (15U)
3595 /*! STATEV - This value is loaded into or added to the state selected by HEVENT, depending on
3596  *    STATELD, when this event is the highest-numbered event occurring for that state. If STATELD and
3597  *    STATEV are both zero, there is no change to the STATE value.
3598  */
3599 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_STATEV(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_STATEV_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_STATEV_MASK)
3600 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHMEM_MASK                (0x100000U)
3601 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHMEM_SHIFT               (20U)
3602 /*! MATCHMEM - If this bit is one and the COMBMODE field specifies a match component to the
3603  *    triggering of this event, then a match is considered to be active whenever the counter value is
3604  *    GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO the value specified in the match register when counting up, LESS THEN OR
3605  *    EQUAL TO the match value when counting down. If this bit is zero, a match is only be active
3606  *    during the cycle when the counter is equal to the match value.
3607  */
3608 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHMEM(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHMEM_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_MATCHMEM_MASK)
3609 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_DIRECTION_MASK               (0x600000U)
3610 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_DIRECTION_SHIFT              (21U)
3611 /*! DIRECTION - Direction qualifier for event generation. This field only applies when the counters
3612  *    are operating in BIDIR mode. If BIDIR = 0, the SCT ignores this field. Value 0x3 is reserved.
3613  *  0b00..Direction independent. This event is triggered regardless of the count direction.
3614  *  0b01..Counting up. This event is triggered only during up-counting when BIDIR = 1.
3615  *  0b10..Counting down. This event is triggered only during down-counting when BIDIR = 1.
3616  */
3617 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_DIRECTION(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_EV_CTRL_DIRECTION_SHIFT)) & SCT_EV_CTRL_DIRECTION_MASK)
3618 /*! @} */
3620 /* The count of SCT_EV_CTRL */
3621 #define SCT_EV_CTRL_COUNT                        (6U)
3623 /*! @name OUT_SET - SCT output 0 set register */
3624 /*! @{ */
3625 #define SCT_OUT_SET_SET_MASK                     (0x3FU)
3626 #define SCT_OUT_SET_SET_SHIFT                    (0U)
3627 /*! SET - A 1 in bit m selects event m to set output n (or clear it if SETCLRn = 0x1 or 0x2) output
3628  *    0 = bit 0, output 1 = bit 1, etc. The number of bits = number of events in this SCT. When the
3629  *    counter is used in bi-directional mode, it is possible to reverse the action specified by the
3630  *    output set and clear registers when counting down, See the OUTPUTCTRL register.
3631  */
3632 #define SCT_OUT_SET_SET(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUT_SET_SET_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUT_SET_SET_MASK)
3633 /*! @} */
3635 /* The count of SCT_OUT_SET */
3636 #define SCT_OUT_SET_COUNT                        (4U)
3638 /*! @name OUT_CLR - SCT output 0 clear register */
3639 /*! @{ */
3640 #define SCT_OUT_CLR_CLR_MASK                     (0x3FU)
3641 #define SCT_OUT_CLR_CLR_SHIFT                    (0U)
3642 /*! CLR - A 1 in bit m selects event m to clear output n (or set it if SETCLRn = 0x1 or 0x2) event 0
3643  *    = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, etc. The number of bits = number of events in this SCT. When the
3644  *    counter is used in bi-directional mode, it is possible to reverse the action specified by the
3645  *    output set and clear registers when counting down, See the OUTPUTCTRL register.
3646  */
3647 #define SCT_OUT_CLR_CLR(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SCT_OUT_CLR_CLR_SHIFT)) & SCT_OUT_CLR_CLR_MASK)
3648 /*! @} */
3650 /* The count of SCT_OUT_CLR */
3651 #define SCT_OUT_CLR_COUNT                        (4U)
3654 /*!
3655  * @}
3656  */ /* end of group SCT_Register_Masks */
3659 /* SCT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
3660 /** Peripheral SCT0 base address */
3661 #define SCT0_BASE                                (0x50004000u)
3662 /** Peripheral SCT0 base pointer */
3663 #define SCT0                                     ((SCT_Type *)SCT0_BASE)
3664 /** Array initializer of SCT peripheral base addresses */
3665 #define SCT_BASE_ADDRS                           { SCT0_BASE }
3666 /** Array initializer of SCT peripheral base pointers */
3667 #define SCT_BASE_PTRS                            { SCT0 }
3668 /** Interrupt vectors for the SCT peripheral type */
3669 #define SCT_IRQS                                 { SCT0_IRQn }
3671 /*!
3672  * @}
3673  */ /* end of group SCT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
3676 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3677    -- SPI Peripheral Access Layer
3678    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3680 /*!
3681  * @addtogroup SPI_Peripheral_Access_Layer SPI Peripheral Access Layer
3682  * @{
3683  */
3685 /** SPI - Register Layout Typedef */
3686 typedef struct {
3687   __IO uint32_t CFG;                               /**< SPI Configuration register, offset: 0x0 */
3688   __IO uint32_t DLY;                               /**< SPI Delay register, offset: 0x4 */
3689   __IO uint32_t STAT;                              /**< SPI Status. Some status flags can be cleared by writing a 1 to that bit position, offset: 0x8 */
3690   __IO uint32_t INTENSET;                          /**< SPI Interrupt Enable read and Set. A complete value may be read from this register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes that bit to be set., offset: 0xC */
3691   __O  uint32_t INTENCLR;                          /**< SPI Interrupt Enable Clear. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes the corresponding bit in INTENSET to be cleared., offset: 0x10 */
3692   __I  uint32_t RXDAT;                             /**< SPI Receive Data, offset: 0x14 */
3693   __IO uint32_t TXDATCTL;                          /**< SPI Transmit Data with Control, offset: 0x18 */
3694   __IO uint32_t TXDAT;                             /**< SPI Transmit Data., offset: 0x1C */
3695   __IO uint32_t TXCTL;                             /**< SPI Transmit Control, offset: 0x20 */
3696   __IO uint32_t DIV;                               /**< SPI clock Divider, offset: 0x24 */
3697   __I  uint32_t INTSTAT;                           /**< SPI Interrupt Status, offset: 0x28 */
3698 } SPI_Type;
3700 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3701    -- SPI Register Masks
3702    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3704 /*!
3705  * @addtogroup SPI_Register_Masks SPI Register Masks
3706  * @{
3707  */
3709 /*! @name CFG - SPI Configuration register */
3710 /*! @{ */
3711 #define SPI_CFG_ENABLE_MASK                      (0x1U)
3712 #define SPI_CFG_ENABLE_SHIFT                     (0U)
3713 /*! ENABLE - SPI enable.
3714  *  0b0..Disabled. The SPI is disabled and the internal state machine and counters are reset.
3715  *  0b1..Enabled. The SPI is enabled for operation.
3716  */
3717 #define SPI_CFG_ENABLE(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_ENABLE_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_ENABLE_MASK)
3718 #define SPI_CFG_MASTER_MASK                      (0x4U)
3719 #define SPI_CFG_MASTER_SHIFT                     (2U)
3720 /*! MASTER - Master mode select.
3721  *  0b0..Slave mode. The SPI will operate in slave mode. SCK, MOSI, and the SSEL signals are inputs, MISO is an output.
3722  *  0b1..Master mode. The SPI will operate in master mode. SCK, MOSI, and the SSEL signals are outputs, MISO is an input.
3723  */
3724 #define SPI_CFG_MASTER(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_MASTER_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_MASTER_MASK)
3725 #define SPI_CFG_LSBF_MASK                        (0x8U)
3726 #define SPI_CFG_LSBF_SHIFT                       (3U)
3727 /*! LSBF - LSB First mode enable.
3728  *  0b0..Standard. Data is transmitted and received in standard MSB first order.
3729  *  0b1..Reverse. Data is transmitted and received in reverse order (LSB first).
3730  */
3731 #define SPI_CFG_LSBF(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_LSBF_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_LSBF_MASK)
3732 #define SPI_CFG_CPHA_MASK                        (0x10U)
3733 #define SPI_CFG_CPHA_SHIFT                       (4U)
3734 /*! CPHA - Clock Phase select.
3735  *  0b0..Change. The SPI captures serial data on the first clock transition of the transfer (when the clock
3736  *       changes away from the rest state). Data is changed on the following edge.
3737  *  0b1..Capture. The SPI changes serial data on the first clock transition of the transfer (when the clock
3738  *       changes away from the rest state). Data is captured on the following edge.
3739  */
3740 #define SPI_CFG_CPHA(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_CPHA_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_CPHA_MASK)
3741 #define SPI_CFG_CPOL_MASK                        (0x20U)
3742 #define SPI_CFG_CPOL_SHIFT                       (5U)
3743 /*! CPOL - Clock Polarity select.
3744  *  0b0..Low. The rest state of the clock (between transfers) is low.
3745  *  0b1..High. The rest state of the clock (between transfers) is high.
3746  */
3747 #define SPI_CFG_CPOL(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_CPOL_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_CPOL_MASK)
3748 #define SPI_CFG_LOOP_MASK                        (0x80U)
3749 #define SPI_CFG_LOOP_SHIFT                       (7U)
3750 /*! LOOP - Loopback mode enable. Loopback mode applies only to Master mode, and connects transmit
3751  *    and receive data connected together to allow simple software testing.
3752  *  0b0..Disabled.
3753  *  0b1..Enabled.
3754  */
3755 #define SPI_CFG_LOOP(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_LOOP_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_LOOP_MASK)
3756 #define SPI_CFG_SPOL0_MASK                       (0x100U)
3757 #define SPI_CFG_SPOL0_SHIFT                      (8U)
3758 /*! SPOL0 - SSEL0 Polarity select.
3759  *  0b0..Low. The SSEL0 pin is active low.
3760  *  0b1..High. The SSEL0 pin is active high.
3761  */
3762 #define SPI_CFG_SPOL0(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_CFG_SPOL0_SHIFT)) & SPI_CFG_SPOL0_MASK)
3763 /*! @} */
3765 /*! @name DLY - SPI Delay register */
3766 /*! @{ */
3767 #define SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY_MASK                   (0xFU)
3768 #define SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY_SHIFT                  (0U)
3769 /*! PRE_DELAY - Controls the amount of time between SSEL assertion and the beginning of a data
3770  *    transfer. There is always one SPI clock time between SSEL assertion and the first clock edge. This
3771  *    is not considered part of the pre-delay. 0x0 = No additional time is inserted. 0x1 = 1 SPI
3772  *    clock time is inserted. 0x2 = 2 SPI clock times are inserted. 0xF = 15 SPI clock times are
3773  *    inserted.
3774  */
3775 #define SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY_SHIFT)) & SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY_MASK)
3776 #define SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY_MASK                  (0xF0U)
3777 #define SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY_SHIFT                 (4U)
3778 /*! POST_DELAY - Controls the amount of time between the end of a data transfer and SSEL
3779  *    deassertion. 0x0 = No additional time is inserted. 0x1 = 1 SPI clock time is inserted. 0x2 = 2 SPI clock
3780  *    times are inserted. 0xF = 15 SPI clock times are inserted.
3781  */
3782 #define SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY_SHIFT)) & SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY_MASK)
3783 #define SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY_MASK                 (0xF00U)
3784 #define SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY_SHIFT                (8U)
3785 /*! FRAME_DELAY - If the EOF flag is set, controls the minimum amount of time between the current
3786  *    frame and the next frame (or SSEL deassertion if EOT). 0x0 = No additional time is inserted. 0x1
3787  *    = 1 SPI clock time is inserted. 0x2 = 2 SPI clock times are inserted. 0xF = 15 SPI clock
3788  *    times are inserted.
3789  */
3790 #define SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY_SHIFT)) & SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY_MASK)
3791 #define SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY_MASK              (0xF000U)
3792 #define SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY_SHIFT             (12U)
3793 /*! TRANSFER_DELAY - Controls the minimum amount of time that the SSEL is deasserted between
3794  *    transfers. 0x0 = The minimum time that SSEL is deasserted is 1 SPI clock time. (Zero added time.) 0x1
3795  *    = The minimum time that SSEL is deasserted is 2 SPI clock times. 0x2 = The minimum time that
3796  *    SSEL is deasserted is 3 SPI clock times. 0xF = The minimum time that SSEL is deasserted is 16
3797  *    SPI clock times.
3798  */
3799 #define SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY_SHIFT)) & SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY_MASK)
3800 /*! @} */
3802 /*! @name STAT - SPI Status. Some status flags can be cleared by writing a 1 to that bit position */
3803 /*! @{ */
3804 #define SPI_STAT_RXRDY_MASK                      (0x1U)
3805 #define SPI_STAT_RXRDY_SHIFT                     (0U)
3806 /*! RXRDY - Receiver Ready flag. When 1, indicates that data is available to be read from the
3807  *    receiver buffer. Cleared after a read of the RXDAT register.
3808  */
3809 #define SPI_STAT_RXRDY(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_RXRDY_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_RXRDY_MASK)
3810 #define SPI_STAT_TXRDY_MASK                      (0x2U)
3811 #define SPI_STAT_TXRDY_SHIFT                     (1U)
3812 /*! TXRDY - Transmitter Ready flag. When 1, this bit indicates that data may be written to the
3813  *    transmit buffer. Previous data may still be in the process of being transmitted. Cleared when data
3814  *    is written to TXDAT or TXDATCTL until the data is moved to the transmit shift register.
3815  */
3816 #define SPI_STAT_TXRDY(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_TXRDY_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_TXRDY_MASK)
3817 #define SPI_STAT_RXOV_MASK                       (0x4U)
3818 #define SPI_STAT_RXOV_SHIFT                      (2U)
3819 /*! RXOV - Receiver Overrun interrupt flag. This flag applies only to slave mode (Master = 0). This
3820  *    flag is set when the beginning of a received character is detected while the receiver buffer
3821  *    is still in use. If this occurs, the receiver buffer contents are preserved, and the incoming
3822  *    data is lost. Data received by the SPI should be considered undefined if RxOv is set.
3823  */
3824 #define SPI_STAT_RXOV(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_RXOV_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_RXOV_MASK)
3825 #define SPI_STAT_TXUR_MASK                       (0x8U)
3826 #define SPI_STAT_TXUR_SHIFT                      (3U)
3827 /*! TXUR - Transmitter Underrun interrupt flag. This flag applies only to slave mode (Master = 0).
3828  *    In this case, the transmitter must begin sending new data on the next input clock if the
3829  *    transmitter is idle. If that data is not available in the transmitter holding register at that
3830  *    point, there is no data to transmit and the TXUR flag is set. Data transmitted by the SPI should be
3831  *    considered undefined if TXUR is set.
3832  */
3833 #define SPI_STAT_TXUR(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_TXUR_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_TXUR_MASK)
3834 #define SPI_STAT_SSA_MASK                        (0x10U)
3835 #define SPI_STAT_SSA_SHIFT                       (4U)
3836 /*! SSA - Slave Select Assert. This flag is set whenever any slave select transitions from
3837  *    deasserted to asserted, in both master and slave modes. This allows determining when the SPI
3838  *    transmit/receive functions become busy, and allows waking up the device from reduced power modes when a
3839  *    slave mode access begins. This flag is cleared by software.
3840  */
3841 #define SPI_STAT_SSA(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_SSA_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_SSA_MASK)
3842 #define SPI_STAT_SSD_MASK                        (0x20U)
3843 #define SPI_STAT_SSD_SHIFT                       (5U)
3844 /*! SSD - Slave Select Deassert. This flag is set whenever any asserted slave selects transition to
3845  *    deasserted, in both master and slave modes. This allows determining when the SPI
3846  *    transmit/receive functions become idle. This flag is cleared by software.
3847  */
3848 #define SPI_STAT_SSD(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_SSD_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_SSD_MASK)
3849 #define SPI_STAT_STALLED_MASK                    (0x40U)
3850 #define SPI_STAT_STALLED_SHIFT                   (6U)
3851 /*! STALLED - Stalled status flag. This indicates whether the SPI is currently in a stall condition.
3852  */
3853 #define SPI_STAT_STALLED(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_STALLED_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_STALLED_MASK)
3854 #define SPI_STAT_ENDTRANSFER_MASK                (0x80U)
3855 #define SPI_STAT_ENDTRANSFER_SHIFT               (7U)
3856 /*! ENDTRANSFER - End Transfer control bit. Software can set this bit to force an end to the current
3857  *    transfer when the transmitter finishes any activity already in progress, as if the EOT flag
3858  *    had been set prior to the last transmission. This capability is included to support cases where
3859  *    it is not known when transmit data is written that it will be the end of a transfer. The bit
3860  *    is cleared when the transmitter becomes idle as the transfer comes to an end. Forcing an end
3861  *    of transfer in this manner causes any specified FRAME_DELAY and TRANSFER_DELAY to be inserted.
3862  */
3863 #define SPI_STAT_ENDTRANSFER(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_ENDTRANSFER_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_ENDTRANSFER_MASK)
3864 #define SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_MASK                    (0x100U)
3865 #define SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_SHIFT                   (8U)
3866 /*! MSTIDLE - Master idle status flag. This bit is 1 whenever the SPI master function is fully idle.
3867  *    This means that the transmit holding register is empty and the transmitter is not in the
3868  *    process of sending data.
3869  */
3870 #define SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_SHIFT)) & SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_MASK)
3871 /*! @} */
3873 /*! @name INTENSET - SPI Interrupt Enable read and Set. A complete value may be read from this register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes that bit to be set. */
3874 /*! @{ */
3875 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_MASK                (0x1U)
3876 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_SHIFT               (0U)
3877 /*! RXRDYEN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when receiver data is available.
3878  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when receiver data is available.
3879  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated when receiver data is available in the RXDAT register.
3880  */
3881 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXRDYEN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_MASK)
3882 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_MASK                (0x2U)
3883 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_SHIFT               (1U)
3884 /*! TXRDYEN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when the transmitter holding register is available.
3885  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when the transmitter holding register is available.
3886  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated when data may be written to TXDAT.
3887  */
3888 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXRDYEN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_MASK)
3889 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN_MASK                 (0x4U)
3890 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN_SHIFT                (2U)
3891 /*! RXOVEN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when a receiver overrun occurs. This happens in
3892  *    slave mode when there is a need for the receiver to move newly received data to the RXDAT
3893  *    register when it is already in use. The interface prevents receiver overrun in Master mode by not
3894  *    allowing a new transmission to begin when a receiver overrun would otherwise occur.
3895  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when a receiver overrun occurs.
3896  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated if a receiver overrun occurs.
3897  */
3898 #define SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_RXOVEN_MASK)
3899 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN_MASK                 (0x8U)
3900 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN_SHIFT                (3U)
3901 /*! TXUREN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when a transmitter underrun occurs. This happens
3902  *    in slave mode when there is a need to transmit data when none is available.
3903  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when the transmitter underruns.
3904  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated if the transmitter underruns.
3905  */
3906 #define SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_TXUREN_MASK)
3907 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN_MASK                  (0x10U)
3908 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN_SHIFT                 (4U)
3909 /*! SSAEN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when the Slave Select is asserted.
3910  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when any Slave Select transitions from deasserted to asserted.
3911  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated when any Slave Select transitions from deasserted to asserted.
3912  */
3913 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_SSAEN_MASK)
3914 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN_MASK                  (0x20U)
3915 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN_SHIFT                 (5U)
3916 /*! SSDEN - Determines whether an interrupt occurs when the Slave Select is deasserted.
3917  *  0b0..No interrupt will be generated when all asserted Slave Selects transition to deasserted.
3918  *  0b1..An interrupt will be generated when all asserted Slave Selects transition to deasserted.
3919  */
3920 #define SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENSET_SSDEN_MASK)
3921 /*! @} */
3923 /*! @name INTENCLR - SPI Interrupt Enable Clear. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes the corresponding bit in INTENSET to be cleared. */
3924 /*! @{ */
3925 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXRDYEN_MASK                (0x1U)
3926 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXRDYEN_SHIFT               (0U)
3927 /*! RXRDYEN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3928  */
3929 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXRDYEN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_RXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_RXRDYEN_MASK)
3930 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXRDYEN_MASK                (0x2U)
3931 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXRDYEN_SHIFT               (1U)
3932 /*! TXRDYEN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3933  */
3934 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXRDYEN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_TXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_TXRDYEN_MASK)
3935 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN_MASK                 (0x4U)
3936 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN_SHIFT                (2U)
3937 /*! RXOVEN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3938  */
3939 #define SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_RXOVEN_MASK)
3940 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN_MASK                 (0x8U)
3941 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN_SHIFT                (3U)
3942 /*! TXUREN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3943  */
3944 #define SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_TXUREN_MASK)
3945 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN_MASK                  (0x10U)
3946 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN_SHIFT                 (4U)
3947 /*! SSAEN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3948  */
3949 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_SSAEN_MASK)
3950 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN_MASK                  (0x20U)
3951 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN_SHIFT                 (5U)
3952 /*! SSDEN - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bits in the INTENSET register.
3953  */
3954 #define SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTENCLR_SSDEN_MASK)
3955 /*! @} */
3957 /*! @name RXDAT - SPI Receive Data */
3958 /*! @{ */
3959 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_MASK                     (0xFFFFU)
3960 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_SHIFT                    (0U)
3961 /*! RXDAT - Receiver Data. This contains the next piece of received data. The number of bits that
3962  *    are used depends on the LEN setting in TXCTL / TXDATCTL.
3963  */
3964 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXDAT(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_SHIFT)) & SPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_MASK)
3965 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSEL0_N_MASK                 (0x10000U)
3966 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSEL0_N_SHIFT                (16U)
3967 /*! RXSSEL0_N - Slave Select for receive. This field allows the state of the SSEL0 pin to be saved
3968  *    along with received data. The value will reflect the SSEL0 pin for both master and slave
3969  *    operation. A zero indicates that a slave select is active. The actual polarity of each slave select
3970  *    pin is configured by the related SPOL bit in CFG.
3971  */
3972 #define SPI_RXDAT_RXSSEL0_N(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_RXDAT_RXSSEL0_N_SHIFT)) & SPI_RXDAT_RXSSEL0_N_MASK)
3973 #define SPI_RXDAT_SOT_MASK                       (0x100000U)
3974 #define SPI_RXDAT_SOT_SHIFT                      (20U)
3975 /*! SOT - Start of Transfer flag. This flag will be 1 if this is the first data after the SSELs went
3976  *    from deasserted to asserted (i.e., any previous transfer has ended). This information can be
3977  *    used to identify the first piece of data in cases where the transfer length is greater than 16
3978  *    bit.
3979  */
3980 #define SPI_RXDAT_SOT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_RXDAT_SOT_SHIFT)) & SPI_RXDAT_SOT_MASK)
3981 /*! @} */
3983 /*! @name TXDATCTL - SPI Transmit Data with Control */
3984 /*! @{ */
3985 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXDAT_MASK                  (0xFFFFU)
3986 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXDAT_SHIFT                 (0U)
3987 /*! TXDAT - Transmit Data. This field provides from 1 to 16 bits of data to be transmitted.
3988  */
3989 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXDAT(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_TXDAT_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_TXDAT_MASK)
3990 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXSSEL0_N_MASK              (0x10000U)
3991 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXSSEL0_N_SHIFT             (16U)
3992 /*! TXSSEL0_N - Transmit Slave Select. This field asserts SSEL0 in master mode. The output on the
3993  *    pin is active LOW by default. Remark: The active state of the SSEL0 pin is configured by bits in
3994  *    the CFG register.
3995  *  0b0..SSEL0 asserted.
3996  *  0b1..SSEL0 not asserted.
3997  */
3998 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_TXSSEL0_N(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_TXSSEL0_N_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_TXSSEL0_N_MASK)
3999 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_MASK                    (0x100000U)
4000 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_SHIFT                   (20U)
4001 /*! EOT - End of Transfer. The asserted SSEL will be deasserted at the end of a transfer, and remain
4002  *    so for at least the time specified by the Transfer_delay value in the DLY register.
4003  *  0b0..This piece of data is not treated as the end of a transfer. SSEL will not be deasserted at the end of this data.
4004  *  0b1..This piece of data is treated as the end of a transfer. SSEL will be deasserted at the end of this piece of data.
4005  */
4006 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_MASK)
4007 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF_MASK                    (0x200000U)
4008 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF_SHIFT                   (21U)
4009 /*! EOF - End of Frame. Between frames, a delay may be inserted, as defined by the FRAME_DELAY value
4010  *    in the DLY register. The end of a frame may not be particularly meaningful if the FRAME_DELAY
4011  *    value = 0. This control can be used as part of the support for frame lengths greater than 16
4012  *    bits.
4013  *  0b0..This piece of data transmitted is not treated as the end of a frame.
4014  *  0b1..This piece of data is treated as the end of a frame, causing the FRAME_DELAY time to be inserted before subsequent data is transmitted.
4015  */
4016 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_EOF_MASK)
4017 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE_MASK               (0x400000U)
4018 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE_SHIFT              (22U)
4019 /*! RXIGNORE - Receive Ignore. This allows data to be transmitted using the SPI without the need to
4020  *    read unneeded data from the receiver.Setting this bit simplifies the transmit process and can
4021  *    be used with the DMA.
4022  *  0b0..Received data must be read in order to allow transmission to progress. In slave mode, an overrun error
4023  *       will occur if received data is not read before new data is received.
4024  *  0b1..Received data is ignored, allowing transmission without reading unneeded received data. No receiver flags are generated.
4025  */
4026 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_RXIGNORE_MASK)
4027 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_LEN_MASK                    (0xF000000U)
4028 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_LEN_SHIFT                   (24U)
4029 /*! LEN - Data Length. Specifies the data length from 1 to 16 bits. Note that transfer lengths
4030  *    greater than 16 bits are supported by implementing multiple sequential transmits. 0x0 = Data
4031  *    transfer is 1 bit in length. 0x1 = Data transfer is 2 bits in length. 0x2 = Data transfer is 3 bits
4032  *    in length. ... 0xF = Data transfer is 16 bits in length.
4033  *  0b0000..
4034  *  0b0001..Data transfer is 1 bit in length.
4035  *  0b0010..Data transfer is 2 bit in length.
4036  *  0b0011..Data transfer is 3 bit in length.
4037  *  0b0100..Data transfer is 4 bit in length.
4038  *  0b0101..Data transfer is 5 bit in length.
4039  *  0b0110..Data transfer is 6 bit in length.
4040  *  0b0111..Data transfer is 7 bit in length.
4041  *  0b1000..Data transfer is 8 bit in length.
4042  *  0b1001..Data transfer is 9 bit in length.
4043  *  0b1010..Data transfer is 10 bit in length.
4044  *  0b1011..Data transfer is 11 bit in length.
4045  *  0b1100..Data transfer is 12 bit in length.
4046  *  0b1101..Data transfer is 13 bit in length.
4047  *  0b1110..Data transfer is 14 bit in length.
4048  *  0b1111..Data transfer is 15 bit in length.
4049  */
4050 #define SPI_TXDATCTL_LEN(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDATCTL_LEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDATCTL_LEN_MASK)
4051 /*! @} */
4053 /*! @name TXDAT - SPI Transmit Data. */
4054 /*! @{ */
4055 #define SPI_TXDAT_DATA_MASK                      (0xFFFFU)
4056 #define SPI_TXDAT_DATA_SHIFT                     (0U)
4057 /*! DATA - Transmit Data. This field provides from 4 to 16 bits of data to be transmitted.
4058  */
4059 #define SPI_TXDAT_DATA(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXDAT_DATA_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXDAT_DATA_MASK)
4060 /*! @} */
4062 /*! @name TXCTL - SPI Transmit Control */
4063 /*! @{ */
4064 #define SPI_TXCTL_TXSSEL0_N_MASK                 (0x10000U)
4065 #define SPI_TXCTL_TXSSEL0_N_SHIFT                (16U)
4066 /*! TXSSEL0_N - Transmit Slave Select 0.
4067  */
4068 #define SPI_TXCTL_TXSSEL0_N(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXCTL_TXSSEL0_N_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXCTL_TXSSEL0_N_MASK)
4069 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOT_MASK                       (0x100000U)
4070 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOT_SHIFT                      (20U)
4071 /*! EOT - End of Transfer.
4072  */
4073 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXCTL_EOT_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXCTL_EOT_MASK)
4074 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOF_MASK                       (0x200000U)
4075 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOF_SHIFT                      (21U)
4076 /*! EOF - End of Frame.
4077  */
4078 #define SPI_TXCTL_EOF(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXCTL_EOF_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXCTL_EOF_MASK)
4079 #define SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE_MASK                  (0x400000U)
4080 #define SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE_SHIFT                 (22U)
4081 /*! RXIGNORE - Receive Ignore.
4082  */
4083 #define SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXCTL_RXIGNORE_MASK)
4084 #define SPI_TXCTL_LEN_MASK                       (0xF000000U)
4085 #define SPI_TXCTL_LEN_SHIFT                      (24U)
4086 /*! LEN - Data transfer Length.
4087  */
4088 #define SPI_TXCTL_LEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_TXCTL_LEN_SHIFT)) & SPI_TXCTL_LEN_MASK)
4089 /*! @} */
4091 /*! @name DIV - SPI clock Divider */
4092 /*! @{ */
4093 #define SPI_DIV_DIVVAL_MASK                      (0xFFFFU)
4094 #define SPI_DIV_DIVVAL_SHIFT                     (0U)
4095 /*! DIVVAL - Rate divider value. Specifies how the Flexcomm clock (FCLK) is divided to produce the
4096  *    SPI clock rate in master mode. DIVVAL is -1 encoded such that the value 0 results in FCLK/1,
4097  *    the value 1 results in FCLK/2, up to the maximum possible divide value of 0xFFFF, which results
4098  *    in FCLK/65536.
4099  */
4100 #define SPI_DIV_DIVVAL(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_DIV_DIVVAL_SHIFT)) & SPI_DIV_DIVVAL_MASK)
4101 /*! @} */
4103 /*! @name INTSTAT - SPI Interrupt Status */
4104 /*! @{ */
4105 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY_MASK                   (0x1U)
4106 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY_SHIFT                  (0U)
4107 /*! RXRDY - Receiver Ready flag.
4108  */
4109 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_RXRDY_MASK)
4110 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY_MASK                   (0x2U)
4111 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY_SHIFT                  (1U)
4112 /*! TXRDY - Transmitter Ready flag.
4113  */
4114 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_TXRDY_MASK)
4115 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV_MASK                    (0x4U)
4116 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV_SHIFT                   (2U)
4117 /*! RXOV - Receiver Overrun interrupt flag.
4118  */
4119 #define SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_RXOV_MASK)
4120 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR_MASK                    (0x8U)
4121 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR_SHIFT                   (3U)
4122 /*! TXUR - Transmitter Underrun interrupt flag.
4123  */
4124 #define SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_TXUR_MASK)
4125 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSA_MASK                     (0x10U)
4126 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSA_SHIFT                    (4U)
4127 /*! SSA - Slave Select Assert.
4128  */
4129 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSA(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_SSA_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_SSA_MASK)
4130 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSD_MASK                     (0x20U)
4131 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSD_SHIFT                    (5U)
4132 /*! SSD - Slave Select Deassert.
4133  */
4134 #define SPI_INTSTAT_SSD(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SPI_INTSTAT_SSD_SHIFT)) & SPI_INTSTAT_SSD_MASK)
4135 /*! @} */
4138 /*!
4139  * @}
4140  */ /* end of group SPI_Register_Masks */
4143 /* SPI - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4144 /** Peripheral SPI0 base address */
4145 #define SPI0_BASE                                (0x40058000u)
4146 /** Peripheral SPI0 base pointer */
4147 #define SPI0                                     ((SPI_Type *)SPI0_BASE)
4148 /** Array initializer of SPI peripheral base addresses */
4149 #define SPI_BASE_ADDRS                           { SPI0_BASE }
4150 /** Array initializer of SPI peripheral base pointers */
4151 #define SPI_BASE_PTRS                            { SPI0 }
4152 /** Interrupt vectors for the SPI peripheral type */
4153 #define SPI_IRQS                                 { SPI0_IRQn }
4155 /*!
4156  * @}
4157  */ /* end of group SPI_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4160 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4161    -- SWM Peripheral Access Layer
4162    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4164 /*!
4165  * @addtogroup SWM_Peripheral_Access_Layer SWM Peripheral Access Layer
4166  * @{
4167  */
4169 /** SWM - Register Layout Typedef */
4170 typedef struct {
4171   union {                                          /* offset: 0x0 */
4172     struct {                                         /* offset: 0x0 */
4173       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN0;                        /**< Pin assign register 0. Assign movable functions U0_TXD, U0_RXD, U0_RTS, U0_CTS., offset: 0x0 */
4174       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN1;                        /**< Pin assign register 1. Assign movable functions U0_SCLK, U1_TXD, U1_RXD, U1_RTS., offset: 0x4 */
4175       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN2;                        /**< Pin assign register 2. Assign movable functions U1_CTS, U1_SCLK, U2_TXD, U2_RXD., offset: 0x8 */
4176       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN3;                        /**< Pin assign register 3. Assign movable function U2_RTS, U2_CTS, U2_SCLK, SPI0_SCK., offset: 0xC */
4177       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN4;                        /**< Pin assign register 4. Assign movable functions SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO,SPI0_SSEL, SPI1_SCK., offset: 0x10 */
4178       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN5;                        /**< Pin assign register 5. Assign movable functions SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO,SPI1_SSEL, CTIN_0, offset: 0x14 */
4179       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN6;                        /**< Pin assign register 6. Assign movable functions CTIN_1, CTIN_2, CTIN_3,CTOUT_0., offset: 0x18 */
4180       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN7;                        /**< Pin assign register 7. Assign movable functions CTOUT_1, CTOUT_2, CTOUT_3,I2C_SDA., offset: 0x1C */
4181       __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN8;                        /**< Pin assign register 8. Assign movable functions I2C_SCL, ACMP_O, CLKOUT,GPIO_INT_BMAT., offset: 0x20 */
4182     } PINASSIGN;
4183     __IO uint32_t PINASSIGN_DATA[9];                 /**< Pin assign register, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */
4184   };
4185        uint8_t RESERVED_0[412];
4186   __IO uint32_t PINENABLE0;                        /**< Pin enable register 0. Enables fixed-pin functions ACMP_I0, ACMP_I1, SWCLK, SWDIO, XTALIN, XTALOUT, RESET, CLKIN, VDDCMP and so on., offset: 0x1C0 */
4187 } SWM_Type;
4189 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4190    -- SWM Register Masks
4191    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4193 /*!
4194  * @addtogroup SWM_Register_Masks SWM Register Masks
4195  * @{
4196  */
4198 /*! @name PINASSIGN0 - Pin assign register 0. Assign movable functions U0_TXD, U0_RXD, U0_RTS, U0_CTS. */
4199 /*! @{ */
4200 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_TXD_O_MASK             (0xFFU)
4201 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_TXD_O_SHIFT            (0U)
4202 /*! U0_TXD_O - U0_TXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4203  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4204  */
4205 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_TXD_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_TXD_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_TXD_O_MASK)
4206 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RXD_I_MASK             (0xFF00U)
4207 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RXD_I_SHIFT            (8U)
4208 /*! U0_RXD_I - U0_RXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4209  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4210  */
4211 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RXD_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RXD_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RXD_I_MASK)
4212 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RTS_O_MASK             (0xFF0000U)
4213 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RTS_O_SHIFT            (16U)
4214 /*! U0_RTS_O - U0_RTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4215  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4216  */
4217 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RTS_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RTS_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_RTS_O_MASK)
4218 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_CTS_I_MASK             (0xFF000000U)
4219 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_CTS_I_SHIFT            (24U)
4220 /*! U0_CTS_I - U0_CTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4221  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4222  */
4223 #define SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_CTS_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_CTS_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN0_U0_CTS_I_MASK)
4224 /*! @} */
4226 /*! @name PINASSIGN1 - Pin assign register 1. Assign movable functions U0_SCLK, U1_TXD, U1_RXD, U1_RTS. */
4227 /*! @{ */
4228 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U0_SCLK_IO_MASK           (0xFFU)
4229 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U0_SCLK_IO_SHIFT          (0U)
4230 /*! U0_SCLK_IO - U0_SCLK function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4231  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4232  */
4233 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U0_SCLK_IO(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN1_U0_SCLK_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN1_U0_SCLK_IO_MASK)
4234 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_TXD_O_MASK             (0xFF00U)
4235 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_TXD_O_SHIFT            (8U)
4236 /*! U1_TXD_O - U1_TXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4237  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4238  */
4239 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_TXD_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_TXD_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_TXD_O_MASK)
4240 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RXD_I_MASK             (0xFF0000U)
4241 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RXD_I_SHIFT            (16U)
4242 /*! U1_RXD_I - U1_RXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4243  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4244  */
4245 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RXD_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RXD_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RXD_I_MASK)
4246 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RTS_O_MASK             (0xFF000000U)
4247 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RTS_O_SHIFT            (24U)
4248 /*! U1_RTS_O - U1_RTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4249  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4250  */
4251 #define SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RTS_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RTS_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN1_U1_RTS_O_MASK)
4252 /*! @} */
4254 /*! @name PINASSIGN2 - Pin assign register 2. Assign movable functions U1_CTS, U1_SCLK, U2_TXD, U2_RXD. */
4255 /*! @{ */
4256 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_CTS_I_MASK             (0xFFU)
4257 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_CTS_I_SHIFT            (0U)
4258 /*! U1_CTS_I - U1_CTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4259  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4260  */
4261 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_CTS_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_CTS_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_CTS_I_MASK)
4262 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_SCLK_IO_MASK           (0xFF00U)
4263 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_SCLK_IO_SHIFT          (8U)
4264 /*! U1_SCLK_IO - U1_SCLK function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4265  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4266  */
4267 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_SCLK_IO(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_SCLK_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN2_U1_SCLK_IO_MASK)
4268 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_TXD_O_MASK             (0xFF0000U)
4269 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_TXD_O_SHIFT            (16U)
4270 /*! U2_TXD_O - U2_TXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4271  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4272  */
4273 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_TXD_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_TXD_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_TXD_O_MASK)
4274 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_RXD_I_MASK             (0xFF000000U)
4275 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_RXD_I_SHIFT            (24U)
4276 /*! U2_RXD_I - U2_RXD function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4277  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4278  */
4279 #define SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_RXD_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_RXD_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN2_U2_RXD_I_MASK)
4280 /*! @} */
4282 /*! @name PINASSIGN3 - Pin assign register 3. Assign movable function U2_RTS, U2_CTS, U2_SCLK, SPI0_SCK. */
4283 /*! @{ */
4284 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_RTS_O_MASK             (0xFFU)
4285 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_RTS_O_SHIFT            (0U)
4286 /*! U2_RTS_O - U2_RTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4287  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4288  */
4289 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_RTS_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_RTS_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_RTS_O_MASK)
4290 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_CTS_I_MASK             (0xFF00U)
4291 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_CTS_I_SHIFT            (8U)
4292 /*! U2_CTS_I - U2_CTS function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4293  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4294  */
4295 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_CTS_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_CTS_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_CTS_I_MASK)
4296 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_SCLK_IO_MASK           (0xFF0000U)
4297 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_SCLK_IO_SHIFT          (16U)
4298 /*! U2_SCLK_IO - U2_SCLK function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4299  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4300  */
4301 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_SCLK_IO(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_SCLK_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN3_U2_SCLK_IO_MASK)
4302 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_SPI0_SCK_IO_MASK          (0xFF000000U)
4303 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_SPI0_SCK_IO_SHIFT         (24U)
4304 /*! SPI0_SCK_IO - SPI0_SCK function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4305  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4306  */
4307 #define SWM_PINASSIGN3_SPI0_SCK_IO(x)            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN3_SPI0_SCK_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN3_SPI0_SCK_IO_MASK)
4308 /*! @} */
4310 /*! @name PINASSIGN4 - Pin assign register 4. Assign movable functions SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO,SPI0_SSEL, SPI1_SCK. */
4311 /*! @{ */
4312 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MOSI_IO_MASK         (0xFFU)
4313 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MOSI_IO_SHIFT        (0U)
4314 /*! SPI0_MOSI_IO - SPI0_MOSI function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4315  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4316  */
4317 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MOSI_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MOSI_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MOSI_IO_MASK)
4318 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MISO_IO_MASK         (0xFF00U)
4319 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MISO_IO_SHIFT        (8U)
4320 /*! SPI0_MISO_IO - SPI0_MISIO function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to
4321  *    this function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4322  */
4323 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MISO_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MISO_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_MISO_IO_MASK)
4324 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_SSEL_IO_MASK         (0xFF0000U)
4325 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_SSEL_IO_SHIFT        (16U)
4326 /*! SPI0_SSEL_IO - SPI0_SSEL function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4327  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4328  */
4329 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_SSEL_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_SSEL_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI0_SSEL_IO_MASK)
4330 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI1_SCK_IO_MASK          (0xFF000000U)
4331 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI1_SCK_IO_SHIFT         (24U)
4332 /*! SPI1_SCK_IO - SPI1_SCK function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4333  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4334  */
4335 #define SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI1_SCK_IO(x)            (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI1_SCK_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN4_SPI1_SCK_IO_MASK)
4336 /*! @} */
4338 /*! @name PINASSIGN5 - Pin assign register 5. Assign movable functions SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO,SPI1_SSEL, CTIN_0 */
4339 /*! @{ */
4340 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MOSI_IO_MASK         (0xFFU)
4341 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MOSI_IO_SHIFT        (0U)
4342 /*! SPI1_MOSI_IO - SPI1_MOSI function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4343  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4344  */
4345 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MOSI_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MOSI_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MOSI_IO_MASK)
4346 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MISO_IO_MASK         (0xFF00U)
4347 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MISO_IO_SHIFT        (8U)
4348 /*! SPI1_MISO_IO - SPI1_MISIO function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to
4349  *    this function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4350  */
4351 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MISO_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MISO_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_MISO_IO_MASK)
4352 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_SSEL_IO_MASK         (0xFF0000U)
4353 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_SSEL_IO_SHIFT        (16U)
4354 /*! SPI1_SSEL_IO - SPI1_SSEL function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4355  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4356  */
4357 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_SSEL_IO(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_SSEL_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN5_SPI1_SSEL_IO_MASK)
4358 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_CTIN_0_I_MASK             (0xFF000000U)
4359 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_CTIN_0_I_SHIFT            (24U)
4360 /*! CTIN_0_I - CTIN_0 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4361  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4362  */
4363 #define SWM_PINASSIGN5_CTIN_0_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN5_CTIN_0_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN5_CTIN_0_I_MASK)
4364 /*! @} */
4366 /*! @name PINASSIGN6 - Pin assign register 6. Assign movable functions CTIN_1, CTIN_2, CTIN_3,CTOUT_0. */
4367 /*! @{ */
4368 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_1_I_MASK             (0xFFU)
4369 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_1_I_SHIFT            (0U)
4370 /*! CTIN_1_I - CTIN_1 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4371  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4372  */
4373 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_1_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_1_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_1_I_MASK)
4374 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_2_I_MASK             (0xFF00U)
4375 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_2_I_SHIFT            (8U)
4376 /*! CTIN_2_I - CTIN_2 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4377  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4378  */
4379 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_2_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_2_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_2_I_MASK)
4380 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_3_I_MASK             (0xFF0000U)
4381 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_3_I_SHIFT            (16U)
4382 /*! CTIN_3_I - CTIN_3 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4383  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4384  */
4385 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_3_I(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_3_I_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTIN_3_I_MASK)
4386 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTOUT_0_O_MASK            (0xFF000000U)
4387 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTOUT_0_O_SHIFT           (24U)
4388 /*! CTOUT_0_O - CTOUT_0 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4389  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4390  */
4391 #define SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTOUT_0_O(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTOUT_0_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN6_CTOUT_0_O_MASK)
4392 /*! @} */
4394 /*! @name PINASSIGN7 - Pin assign register 7. Assign movable functions CTOUT_1, CTOUT_2, CTOUT_3,I2C_SDA. */
4395 /*! @{ */
4396 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_1_O_MASK            (0xFFU)
4397 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_1_O_SHIFT           (0U)
4398 /*! CTOUT_1_O - CTOUT_1 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4399  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4400  */
4401 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_1_O(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_1_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_1_O_MASK)
4402 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_2_O_MASK            (0xFF00U)
4403 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_2_O_SHIFT           (8U)
4404 /*! CTOUT_2_O - CTOUT_2 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4405  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4406  */
4407 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_2_O(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_2_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_2_O_MASK)
4408 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_3_O_MASK            (0xFF0000U)
4409 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_3_O_SHIFT           (16U)
4410 /*! CTOUT_3_O - CTOUT_3 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4411  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4412  */
4413 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_3_O(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_3_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN7_CTOUT_3_O_MASK)
4414 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_I2C_SDA_IO_MASK           (0xFF000000U)
4415 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_I2C_SDA_IO_SHIFT          (24U)
4416 /*! I2C_SDA_IO - I2C_SDA function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4417  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4418  */
4419 #define SWM_PINASSIGN7_I2C_SDA_IO(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN7_I2C_SDA_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN7_I2C_SDA_IO_MASK)
4420 /*! @} */
4422 /*! @name PINASSIGN8 - Pin assign register 8. Assign movable functions I2C_SCL, ACMP_O, CLKOUT,GPIO_INT_BMAT. */
4423 /*! @{ */
4424 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_I2C_SCL_IO_MASK           (0xFFU)
4425 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_I2C_SCL_IO_SHIFT          (0U)
4426 /*! I2C_SCL_IO - I2C_SCL function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4427  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4428  */
4429 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_I2C_SCL_IO(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN8_I2C_SCL_IO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN8_I2C_SCL_IO_MASK)
4430 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_ACMP_O_O_MASK             (0xFF00U)
4431 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_ACMP_O_O_SHIFT            (8U)
4432 /*! ACMP_O_O - ACMP_O_O function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4433  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4434  */
4435 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_ACMP_O_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN8_ACMP_O_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN8_ACMP_O_O_MASK)
4436 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_CLKOUT_O_MASK             (0xFF0000U)
4437 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_CLKOUT_O_SHIFT            (16U)
4438 /*! CLKOUT_O - CLKOUT function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4439  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4440  */
4441 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_CLKOUT_O(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN8_CLKOUT_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN8_CLKOUT_O_MASK)
4442 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_GPIO_INT_BMAT_O_MASK      (0xFF000000U)
4444 /*! GPIO_INT_BMAT_O - GPIO_INT_BMAT function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned
4445  *    to this function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0(= 0) to PIO0_17 (= 0x11).
4446  */
4447 #define SWM_PINASSIGN8_GPIO_INT_BMAT_O(x)        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN8_GPIO_INT_BMAT_O_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN8_GPIO_INT_BMAT_O_MASK)
4448 /*! @} */
4450 /*! @name PINASSIGN_DATA - Pin assign register */
4451 /*! @{ */
4452 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA0_MASK            (0xFFU)
4453 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA0_SHIFT           (0U)
4454 /*! DATA0 - T0_MAT3 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4455  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0 (= 0) to PIO0_31 (= 0x1F) and from PIO1_0 (=0x20)
4456  *    to PIO1_21(=0x35).
4457  */
4458 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA0(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA0_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA0_MASK)
4459 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA1_MASK            (0xFF00U)
4460 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA1_SHIFT           (8U)
4461 /*! DATA1 - T0_CAP0 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4462  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0 (= 0) to PIO0_31 (= 0x1F) and from PIO1_0 (=0x20)
4463  *    to PIO1_21(=0x35).
4464  */
4465 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA1(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA1_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA1_MASK)
4466 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA2_MASK            (0xFF0000U)
4467 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA2_SHIFT           (16U)
4468 /*! DATA2 - T0_CAP1 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4469  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0 (= 0) to PIO0_31 (= 0x1F) and from PIO1_0 (=0x20)
4470  *    to PIO1_21(=0x35).
4471  */
4472 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA2(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA2_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA2_MASK)
4473 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA3_MASK            (0xFF000000U)
4474 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA3_SHIFT           (24U)
4475 /*! DATA3 - T0_CAP2 function assignment. The value is the pin number to be assigned to this
4476  *    function. The following pins are available: PIO0_0 (= 0) to PIO0_31 (= 0x1F) and from PIO1_0 (=0x20)
4477  *    to PIO1_21(=0x35).
4478  */
4479 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA3(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA3_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_DATA3_MASK)
4480 /*! @} */
4482 /* The count of SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA */
4483 #define SWM_PINASSIGN_DATA_COUNT                 (9U)
4485 /*! @name PINENABLE0 - Pin enable register 0. Enables fixed-pin functions ACMP_I0, ACMP_I1, SWCLK, SWDIO, XTALIN, XTALOUT, RESET, CLKIN, VDDCMP and so on. */
4486 /*! @{ */
4487 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I1_MASK              (0x1U)
4488 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I1_SHIFT             (0U)
4489 /*! ACMP_I1 - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable
4490  *    function can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed--pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4491  *    assigned to this pin.
4492  *  0b0..Enable ACMP_I1. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_0.
4493  *  0b1..Disable ACMP_I1. GPIO function PIO0_0 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_0.
4494  */
4495 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I1(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I1_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I1_MASK)
4496 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I2_MASK              (0x2U)
4497 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I2_SHIFT             (1U)
4498 /*! ACMP_I2 - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable
4499  *    function can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed-pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4500  *    assigned to this pin. Functions CLKIN and ACMP_I2 are connected to the same pin PIO0_1. To use
4501  *    ACMP_I2, disable the CLKIN function in bit 7 of this register and enable ACMP_I2.
4502  *  0b0..Enable ACMP_I2. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_1.
4503  *  0b1..Disable ACMP_I2. GPIO function PIO0_1 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_1.
4504  */
4505 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I2(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I2_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_ACMP_I2_MASK)
4506 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWCLK_MASK                (0x4U)
4507 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWCLK_SHIFT               (2U)
4508 /*! SWCLK - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4509  *    can be assigned to this pin. This function is selected by default.
4510  *  0b0..Enable SWCLK. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_3.
4511  *  0b1..Disable SWCLK. GPIO function PIO0_3 is selected on this pin. Any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_3.
4512  */
4513 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWCLK(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_SWCLK_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_SWCLK_MASK)
4514 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWDIO_MASK                (0x8U)
4515 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWDIO_SHIFT               (3U)
4516 /*! SWDIO - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4517  *    can be assigned to this pin. This function is selected by default.
4518  *  0b0..Enable SWDIO. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_2.
4519  *  0b1..Disable SWDIO. GPIO function PIO0_2 is selected on this pin. Any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_2.
4520  */
4521 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_SWDIO(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_SWDIO_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_SWDIO_MASK)
4522 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALIN_MASK               (0x10U)
4523 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALIN_SHIFT              (4U)
4524 /*! XTALIN - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4525  *    can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed--pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4526  *    assigned to this pin.
4527  *  0b0..Enable XTALIN. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_8.
4528  *  0b1..Disable XTALIN. GPIO function PIO0_8 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_8.
4529  */
4530 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALIN(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALIN_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALIN_MASK)
4531 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALOUT_MASK              (0x20U)
4532 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALOUT_SHIFT             (5U)
4533 /*! XTALOUT - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable
4534  *    function can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed--pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4535  *    assigned to this pin.
4536  *  0b0..Enable XTALOUT. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_9.
4537  *  0b1..Disable XTALOUT. GPIO function PIO0_9 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_9.
4538  */
4539 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALOUT(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALOUT_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_XTALOUT_MASK)
4540 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_RESETN_MASK               (0x40U)
4541 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_RESETN_SHIFT              (6U)
4542 /*! RESETN - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4543  *    can be assigned to this pin. This function is selected by default.
4544  *  0b0..Enable RESETN. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_5.
4545  *  0b1..Disable RESETN. GPIO function PIO0_5 is selected on this pin. Any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_5.
4546  */
4547 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_RESETN(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_RESETN_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_RESETN_MASK)
4548 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_CLKIN_MASK                (0x80U)
4549 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_CLKIN_SHIFT               (7U)
4550 /*! CLKIN - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4551  *    can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed-pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4552  *    assigned to this pin. Functions CLKIN and ACMP_I2 are connected to the same pin PIO0_1. To use
4553  *    CLKIN, disable ACMP_I2 in bit 1 of this register and enable CLKIN.
4554  *  0b0..Enable CLKIN. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_1.
4555  *  0b1..Disable CLKIN. GPIO function PIO0_1 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin CLKIN.
4556  */
4557 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_CLKIN(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_CLKIN_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_CLKIN_MASK)
4558 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_VDDCMP_MASK               (0x100U)
4559 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_VDDCMP_SHIFT              (8U)
4560 /*! VDDCMP - Enables fixed-pin function. Writing a 1 deselects the function and any movable function
4561  *    can be assigned to this pin. By default the fixed--pin function is deselected and GPIO is
4562  *    assigned to this pin.
4563  *  0b0..Enable VDDCMP. This function is enabled on pin PIO0_6.
4564  *  0b1..Disable VDDCMP. GPIO function PIO0_6 (default) or any other movable function can be assigned to pin PIO0_6.
4565  */
4566 #define SWM_PINENABLE0_VDDCMP(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SWM_PINENABLE0_VDDCMP_SHIFT)) & SWM_PINENABLE0_VDDCMP_MASK)
4567 /*! @} */
4570 /*!
4571  * @}
4572  */ /* end of group SWM_Register_Masks */
4575 /* SWM - Peripheral instance base addresses */
4576 /** Peripheral SWM0 base address */
4577 #define SWM0_BASE                                (0x4000C000u)
4578 /** Peripheral SWM0 base pointer */
4579 #define SWM0                                     ((SWM_Type *)SWM0_BASE)
4580 /** Array initializer of SWM peripheral base addresses */
4581 #define SWM_BASE_ADDRS                           { SWM0_BASE }
4582 /** Array initializer of SWM peripheral base pointers */
4583 #define SWM_BASE_PTRS                            { SWM0 }
4585 /*!
4586  * @}
4587  */ /* end of group SWM_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
4590 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4591    -- SYSCON Peripheral Access Layer
4592    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4594 /*!
4595  * @addtogroup SYSCON_Peripheral_Access_Layer SYSCON Peripheral Access Layer
4596  * @{
4597  */
4599 /** SYSCON - Register Layout Typedef */
4600 typedef struct {
4601   __IO uint32_t SYSMEMREMAP;                       /**< System Remap register, offset: 0x0 */
4602   __IO uint32_t PRESETCTRL;                        /**< Peripheral reset control register, offset: 0x4 */
4603   __IO uint32_t SYSPLLCTRL;                        /**< PLL control, offset: 0x8 */
4604   __I  uint32_t SYSPLLSTAT;                        /**< PLL status, offset: 0xC */
4605        uint8_t RESERVED_0[16];
4606   __IO uint32_t SYSOSCCTRL;                        /**< system oscillator control, offset: 0x20 */
4607   __IO uint32_t WDTOSCCTRL;                        /**< Watchdog oscillator control, offset: 0x24 */
4608        uint8_t RESERVED_1[8];
4609   __IO uint32_t SYSRSTSTAT;                        /**< System reset status register, offset: 0x30 */
4610        uint8_t RESERVED_2[12];
4611   __IO uint32_t SYSPLLCLKSEL;                      /**< System PLL clock source select register, offset: 0x40 */
4612   __IO uint32_t SYSPLLCLKUEN;                      /**< System PLL clock source update enable register, offset: 0x44 */
4613        uint8_t RESERVED_3[40];
4614   __IO uint32_t MAINCLKSEL;                        /**< Main clock source select, offset: 0x70 */
4615   __IO uint32_t MAINCLKUEN;                        /**< Main clock source update enable, offset: 0x74 */
4616   __IO uint32_t SYSAHBCLKDIV;                      /**< System clock divider, offset: 0x78 */
4617        uint8_t RESERVED_4[4];
4618   __IO uint32_t SYSAHBCLKCTRL;                     /**< System clock control, offset: 0x80 */
4619        uint8_t RESERVED_5[16];
4620   __IO uint32_t UARTCLKDIV;                        /**< USART clock divider, offset: 0x94 */
4621        uint8_t RESERVED_6[72];
4622   __IO uint32_t CLKOUTSEL;                         /**< CLKOUT clock source select, offset: 0xE0 */
4623   __IO uint32_t CLKOUTUEN;                         /**< CLKOUT clock source update enable, offset: 0xE4 */
4624   __IO uint32_t CLKOUTDIV;                         /**< clock out divider, offset: 0xE8 */
4625        uint8_t RESERVED_7[4];
4626   __IO uint32_t UARTFRGDIV;                        /**< USART common fractional generator divider value, offset: 0xF0 */
4627   __IO uint32_t UARTFRGMULT;                       /**< USART common fractional generator divider value, offset: 0xF4 */
4628        uint8_t RESERVED_8[4];
4629   __IO uint32_t EXTTRACECMD;                       /**< External trace buffer command register, offset: 0xFC */
4630   __I  uint32_t PIOPORCAP0;                        /**< POR captured PIO status 0, offset: 0x100 */
4631        uint8_t RESERVED_9[48];
4632   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV6;                      /**< Peripheral clock 6 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x134 */
4633   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV5;                      /**< Peripheral clock 6 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x138 */
4634   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV4;                      /**< Peripheral clock 4 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x13C */
4635   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV3;                      /**< Peripheral clock 3 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x140 */
4636   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV2;                      /**< Peripheral clock 2 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x144 */
4637   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV1;                      /**< Peripheral clock 1 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x148 */
4638   __IO uint32_t IOCONCLKDIV0;                      /**< Peripheral clock 0 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter, offset: 0x14C */
4639   __IO uint32_t BODCTRL;                           /**< BOD control register, offset: 0x150 */
4640   __IO uint32_t SYSTCKCAL;                         /**< System tick timer calibration register, offset: 0x154 */
4641        uint8_t RESERVED_10[24];
4642   __IO uint32_t IRQLATENCY;                        /**< IRQ latency register, offset: 0x170 */
4643   __IO uint32_t NMISRC;                            /**< NMI source selection register, offset: 0x174 */
4644   __IO uint32_t PINTSEL[8];                        /**< Pin interrupt select registers N, array offset: 0x178, array step: 0x4 */
4645        uint8_t RESERVED_11[108];
4646   __IO uint32_t STARTERP0;                         /**< Start logic 0 pin wake-up enable register 0, offset: 0x204 */
4647        uint8_t RESERVED_12[12];
4648   __IO uint32_t STARTERP1;                         /**< Start logic 0 pin wake-up enable register 1, offset: 0x214 */
4649        uint8_t RESERVED_13[24];
4650   __IO uint32_t PDSLEEPCFG;                        /**< Deep-sleep configuration register, offset: 0x230 */
4651   __IO uint32_t PDAWAKECFG;                        /**< Wake-up configuration register, offset: 0x234 */
4652   __IO uint32_t PDRUNCFG;                          /**< Power configuration register, offset: 0x238 */
4653        uint8_t RESERVED_14[444];
4654   __I  uint32_t DEVICE_ID;                         /**< Part ID register, offset: 0x3F8 */
4655 } SYSCON_Type;
4657 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4658    -- SYSCON Register Masks
4659    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4661 /*!
4662  * @addtogroup SYSCON_Register_Masks SYSCON Register Masks
4663  * @{
4664  */
4666 /*! @name SYSMEMREMAP - System Remap register */
4667 /*! @{ */
4668 #define SYSCON_SYSMEMREMAP_MAP_MASK              (0x3U)
4669 #define SYSCON_SYSMEMREMAP_MAP_SHIFT             (0U)
4670 /*! MAP - System memory remap. Value 0x3 is reserved.
4671  *  0b00..Boot Loader Mode. Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Boot ROM.
4672  *  0b01..User RAM Mode. Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Static RAM.
4673  *  0b10..User Flash Mode. Interrupt vectors are not re-mapped and reside in Flash.
4674  */
4675 #define SYSCON_SYSMEMREMAP_MAP(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSMEMREMAP_MAP_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSMEMREMAP_MAP_MASK)
4676 /*! @} */
4678 /*! @name PRESETCTRL - Peripheral reset control register */
4679 /*! @{ */
4680 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI0_RST_N_MASK        (0x1U)
4681 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI0_RST_N_SHIFT       (0U)
4682 /*! SPI0_RST_N - SPI0 reset control.
4683  *  0b0..Assert the SPI0 reset.
4684  *  0b1..Clear the SPI0 reset.
4685  */
4686 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI0_RST_N(x)          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI0_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI0_RST_N_MASK)
4687 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI1_RST_N_MASK        (0x2U)
4688 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI1_RST_N_SHIFT       (1U)
4689 /*! SPI1_RST_N - SPI1 reset control.
4690  *  0b0..Assert the SPI1 reset.
4691  *  0b1..Clear the SPI1 reset.
4692  */
4693 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI1_RST_N(x)          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI1_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SPI1_RST_N_MASK)
4696 /*! UARTFRG_RST_N - USART fractional baud rate generator(UARTFRG) reset control.
4697  *  0b0..Assert the UARTFRG reset.
4698  *  0b1..Clear the UARTFRG reset.
4699  */
4701 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_UART0_RST_N_MASK       (0x8U)
4703 /*! UART0_RST_N - USART0 reset control.
4704  *  0b0..Assert the USART0 reset.
4705  *  0b1..Clear the USART0 reset.
4706  */
4708 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_UART1_RST_N_MASK       (0x10U)
4710 /*! UART1_RST_N - USART1 reset control.
4711  *  0b0..Assert the USART1 reset.
4712  *  0b1..Clear the USART1 reset.
4713  */
4715 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_UART2_RST_N_MASK       (0x20U)
4717 /*! UART2_RST_N - USART2 reset control.
4718  *  0b0..Assert the USART2 reset.
4719  *  0b1..Clear the USART2 reset.
4720  */
4722 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_I2C0_RST_N_MASK        (0x40U)
4723 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_I2C0_RST_N_SHIFT       (6U)
4724 /*! I2C0_RST_N - I2C0 reset control.
4725  *  0b0..Assert the I2C0 reset.
4726  *  0b1..Clear the I2C0 reset.
4727  */
4728 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_I2C0_RST_N(x)          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_I2C0_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_I2C0_RST_N_MASK)
4729 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_MRT_RST_N_MASK         (0x80U)
4730 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_MRT_RST_N_SHIFT        (7U)
4731 /*! MRT_RST_N - Multi-rate timer (MRT) reset control.
4732  *  0b0..Assert the MRT reset.
4733  *  0b1..Clear the MRT reset.
4734  */
4735 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_MRT_RST_N(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_MRT_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_MRT_RST_N_MASK)
4736 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SCT_RST_N_MASK         (0x100U)
4737 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SCT_RST_N_SHIFT        (8U)
4738 /*! SCT_RST_N - SCT reset control.
4739  *  0b0..Assert the SCT reset.
4740  *  0b1..Clear the SCT reset.
4741  */
4742 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SCT_RST_N(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SCT_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_SCT_RST_N_MASK)
4743 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_WKT_RST_N_MASK         (0x200U)
4744 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_WKT_RST_N_SHIFT        (9U)
4745 /*! WKT_RST_N - Self-wake-up timer (WKT) reset control.
4746  *  0b0..Assert the WKT reset.
4747  *  0b1..Clear the WKT reset.
4748  */
4749 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_WKT_RST_N(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_WKT_RST_N_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_WKT_RST_N_MASK)
4750 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_GPIO_RST_N_MASK        (0x400U)
4752 /*! GPIO_RST_N - GPIO and GPIO pin interrupt reset control.
4753  *  0b0..Assert the GPIO reset.
4754  *  0b1..Clear the GPIO reset.
4755  */
4757 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_FLASH_RST_N_MASK       (0x800U)
4759 /*! FLASH_RST_N - Flash controller reset control.
4760  *  0b0..Assert the flash controller reset.
4761  *  0b1..Clear the flash controller reset.
4762  */
4764 #define SYSCON_PRESETCTRL_ACMP_RST_N_MASK        (0x1000U)
4766 /*! ACMP_RST_N - Analog comparator reset control.
4767  *  0b0..Assert the analog comparator reset.
4768  *  0b1..Clear the analog comparator controller reset.
4769  */
4771 /*! @} */
4773 /*! @name SYSPLLCTRL - PLL control */
4774 /*! @{ */
4775 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_MSEL_MASK              (0x1FU)
4776 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_MSEL_SHIFT             (0U)
4777 /*! MSEL - Feedback divider value. The division value M is the programmed MSEL value + 1. 00000:
4778  *    Division ratio M = 1 to 11111: Division ratio M = 32
4779  */
4780 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_MSEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_MSEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_MSEL_MASK)
4781 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_PSEL_MASK              (0x60U)
4782 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_PSEL_SHIFT             (5U)
4783 /*! PSEL - Post divider ratio P. The division ratio is 2 x P.
4784  *  0b00..P = 1
4785  *  0b01..P = 2
4786  *  0b10..P = 4
4787  *  0b11..P = 8
4788  */
4789 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_PSEL(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_PSEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSPLLCTRL_PSEL_MASK)
4790 /*! @} */
4792 /*! @name SYSPLLSTAT - PLL status */
4793 /*! @{ */
4794 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLSTAT_LOCK_MASK              (0x1U)
4795 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLSTAT_LOCK_SHIFT             (0U)
4796 /*! LOCK - PLL0 lock indicator
4797  */
4798 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLSTAT_LOCK(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSPLLSTAT_LOCK_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSPLLSTAT_LOCK_MASK)
4799 /*! @} */
4801 /*! @name SYSOSCCTRL - system oscillator control */
4802 /*! @{ */
4803 #define SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_BYPASS_MASK            (0x1U)
4804 #define SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_BYPASS_SHIFT           (0U)
4805 /*! BYPASS - Bypass system oscillator
4806  */
4807 #define SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_BYPASS(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_BYPASS_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_BYPASS_MASK)
4808 #define SYSCON_SYSOSCCTRL_FREQRANGE_MASK         (0x2U)
4810 /*! FREQRANGE - oscillator low / high transconductance selection input (Active High) 1-20MHz '0' : 15-50MHz '1'
4811  */
4813 /*! @} */
4815 /*! @name WDTOSCCTRL - Watchdog oscillator control */
4816 /*! @{ */
4817 #define SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_DIVSEL_MASK            (0x1FU)
4818 #define SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_DIVSEL_SHIFT           (0U)
4819 /*! DIVSEL - Select divider for Fclkana. wdt_osc_clk = Fclkana/ (2 x (1 + DIVSEL)) 00000: 2 x (1 +
4820  *    DIVSEL) = 2 00001: 2 x (1 + DIVSEL) = 4 to 11111: 2 x (1 + DIVSEL) = 64
4821  */
4822 #define SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_DIVSEL(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_DIVSEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_DIVSEL_MASK)
4823 #define SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_FREQSEL_MASK           (0x1E0U)
4824 #define SYSCON_WDTOSCCTRL_FREQSEL_SHIFT          (5U)
4825 /*! FREQSEL - Frequency select. Selects the frequency of the oscillator. 0x00 = invalid setting when
4826  *    watchdog oscillator is running 0x1 = 0.6 MHz 0x2 = 1.05 MHz 0x3 = 1.4 MHz 0x4 = 1.75 MHz 0x5
4827  *    = 2.1 MHz 0x6 = 2.4 MHz 0x7 = 2.7 MHz 0x8 = 3.0 MHz 0x9 = 3.25 MHz 0xA = 3.5 MHz 0xB = 3.75
4828  *    MHz 0xC = 4.0 MHz 0xD = 4.2 MHz 0xE = 4.4 MHz 0xF = 4.6 MHz
4829  */
4831 /*! @} */
4833 /*! @name SYSRSTSTAT - System reset status register */
4834 /*! @{ */
4835 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_POR_MASK               (0x1U)
4836 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_POR_SHIFT              (0U)
4837 /*! POR - POR reset status.
4838  *  0b0..No POR detected.
4839  *  0b1..POR detected. Writing a one clears this reset.
4840  */
4841 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_POR(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_POR_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_POR_MASK)
4842 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_EXTRST_MASK            (0x2U)
4843 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_EXTRST_SHIFT           (1U)
4844 /*! EXTRST - Status of the external RESET pin. External reset status.
4845  *  0b0..No reset event detected.
4846  *  0b1..Reset detected. Writing a one clears this reset.
4847  */
4848 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_EXTRST(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_EXTRST_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_EXTRST_MASK)
4849 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_WDT_MASK               (0x4U)
4850 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_WDT_SHIFT              (2U)
4851 /*! WDT - Status of the Watchdog reset.
4852  *  0b0..No WDT reset detected.
4853  *  0b1..WDT reset detected. Writing a one clears this reset.
4854  */
4855 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_WDT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_WDT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_WDT_MASK)
4856 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_BOD_MASK               (0x8U)
4857 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_BOD_SHIFT              (3U)
4858 /*! BOD - Status of the Brown-out detect reset.
4859  *  0b0..No BOD reset detected.
4860  *  0b1..BOD reset detected. Writing a one clears this reset.
4861  */
4862 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_BOD(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_BOD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_BOD_MASK)
4863 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_SYSRST_MASK            (0x10U)
4864 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_SYSRST_SHIFT           (4U)
4865 /*! SYSRST - Status of the software system reset.
4866  *  0b0..No System reset detected.
4867  *  0b1..System reset detected. Writing a one clears this reset.
4868  */
4869 #define SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_SYSRST(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_SYSRST_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSRSTSTAT_SYSRST_MASK)
4870 /*! @} */
4872 /*! @name SYSPLLCLKSEL - System PLL clock source select register */
4873 /*! @{ */
4874 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKSEL_SEL_MASK             (0x3U)
4875 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKSEL_SEL_SHIFT            (0U)
4876 /*! SEL - System PLL clock source
4877  *  0b00..IRC
4878  *  0b01..Crystal Oscillator (SYSOSC)
4879  *  0b10..Reserved
4880  *  0b11..CLKIN. External clock input.
4881  */
4882 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKSEL_SEL(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKSEL_SEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKSEL_SEL_MASK)
4883 /*! @} */
4885 /*! @name SYSPLLCLKUEN - System PLL clock source update enable register */
4886 /*! @{ */
4887 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKUEN_ENA_MASK             (0x1U)
4888 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKUEN_ENA_SHIFT            (0U)
4889 /*! ENA - Enable system PLL clock source update
4890  *  0b0..no change
4891  *  0b1..update clock source
4892  */
4893 #define SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKUEN_ENA(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKUEN_ENA_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSPLLCLKUEN_ENA_MASK)
4894 /*! @} */
4896 /*! @name MAINCLKSEL - Main clock source select */
4897 /*! @{ */
4898 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_SEL_MASK               (0x3U)
4899 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_SEL_SHIFT              (0U)
4900 /*! SEL - Clock source for main clock.
4901  *  0b00..IRC Oscillator.
4902  *  0b01..PLL input.
4903  *  0b10..Watchdog oscillator.
4904  *  0b11..PLL output.
4905  */
4906 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_SEL(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_SEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_MAINCLKSEL_SEL_MASK)
4907 /*! @} */
4909 /*! @name MAINCLKUEN - Main clock source update enable */
4910 /*! @{ */
4911 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKUEN_ENA_MASK               (0x1U)
4912 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKUEN_ENA_SHIFT              (0U)
4913 /*! ENA - Enable main clock source update.
4914  *  0b0..No change.
4915  *  0b1..Update clock source.
4916  */
4917 #define SYSCON_MAINCLKUEN_ENA(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_MAINCLKUEN_ENA_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_MAINCLKUEN_ENA_MASK)
4918 /*! @} */
4920 /*! @name SYSAHBCLKDIV - System clock divider */
4921 /*! @{ */
4922 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKDIV_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
4923 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKDIV_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
4924 /*! DIV - System AHB clock divider values 0: System clock disabled. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
4925  */
4926 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKDIV_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKDIV_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKDIV_DIV_MASK)
4927 /*! @} */
4929 /*! @name SYSAHBCLKCTRL - System clock control */
4930 /*! @{ */
4931 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SYS_MASK            (0x1U)
4932 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SYS_SHIFT           (0U)
4933 /*! SYS - Enables the clock for the AHB, the APB bridge, the Cortex-M0+ core clocks, SYSCON, and the
4934  *    PMU. This bit is read only and always reads as 1.
4935  */
4936 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SYS(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SYS_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SYS_MASK)
4937 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ROM_MASK            (0x2U)
4938 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ROM_SHIFT           (1U)
4939 /*! ROM - Enables clock for ROM.
4940  *  0b0..Disable.
4941  *  0b1..Enable.
4942  */
4943 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ROM(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ROM_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ROM_MASK)
4944 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_RAM0_1_MASK         (0x4U)
4945 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_RAM0_1_SHIFT        (2U)
4946 /*! RAM0_1 - Enables clock for SRAM0 and SRAM1.
4947  *  0b0..Disable.
4948  *  0b1..Enable.
4949  */
4950 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_RAM0_1(x)           (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_RAM0_1_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_RAM0_1_MASK)
4953 /*! FLASHREG - Enables clock for flash register interface.
4954  *  0b0..Disable.
4955  *  0b1..Enable.
4956  */
4958 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_FLASH_MASK          (0x10U)
4960 /*! FLASH - Enables clock for flash.
4961  *  0b0..Disable.
4962  *  0b1..Enable.
4963  */
4965 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_I2C0_MASK           (0x20U)
4966 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_I2C0_SHIFT          (5U)
4967 /*! I2C0 - Enables clock for I2C0.
4968  *  0b0..Disable.
4969  *  0b1..Enable.
4970  */
4971 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_I2C0(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_I2C0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_I2C0_MASK)
4972 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_GPIO_MASK           (0x40U)
4973 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_GPIO_SHIFT          (6U)
4974 /*! GPIO - Enables clock for GPIO port registers and GPIO pin interrupt registers.
4975  *  0b0..Disable.
4976  *  0b1..Enable.
4977  */
4979 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SWM_MASK            (0x80U)
4980 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SWM_SHIFT           (7U)
4981 /*! SWM - Enables clock for switch matrix.
4982  *  0b0..Disable.
4983  *  0b1..Enable.
4984  */
4985 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SWM(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SWM_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SWM_MASK)
4986 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SCT_MASK            (0x100U)
4987 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SCT_SHIFT           (8U)
4988 /*! SCT - Enables clock for state configurable timer SCTimer/PWM.
4989  *  0b0..Disable.
4990  *  0b1..Enable.
4991  */
4992 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SCT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SCT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SCT_MASK)
4993 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WKT_MASK            (0x200U)
4994 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WKT_SHIFT           (9U)
4995 /*! WKT - Enables clock for self-wake-up timer.
4996  *  0b0..Disable.
4997  *  0b1..Enable.
4998  */
4999 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WKT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WKT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WKT_MASK)
5000 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_MRT_MASK            (0x400U)
5001 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_MRT_SHIFT           (10U)
5002 /*! MRT - Enables clock for multi-rate timer.
5003  *  0b0..Disable.
5004  *  0b1..Enable.
5005  */
5006 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_MRT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_MRT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_MRT_MASK)
5007 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI0_MASK           (0x800U)
5008 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI0_SHIFT          (11U)
5009 /*! SPI0 - Enables clock for SPI0.
5010  *  0b0..Disable.
5011  *  0b1..Enable.
5012  */
5013 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI0(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI0_MASK)
5014 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI1_MASK           (0x1000U)
5015 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI1_SHIFT          (12U)
5016 /*! SPI1 - Enables clock for SPI1.
5017  *  0b0..Disable.
5018  *  0b1..Enable.
5019  */
5020 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI1(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI1_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_SPI1_MASK)
5021 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_CRC_MASK            (0x2000U)
5022 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_CRC_SHIFT           (13U)
5023 /*! CRC - Enables clock for CRC.
5024  *  0b0..Disable.
5025  *  0b1..Enable.
5026  */
5027 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_CRC(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_CRC_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_CRC_MASK)
5028 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART0_MASK          (0x4000U)
5029 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART0_SHIFT         (14U)
5030 /*! UART0 - Enables clock for USART0.
5031  *  0b0..Disable.
5032  *  0b1..Enable.
5033  */
5035 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART1_MASK          (0x8000U)
5036 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART1_SHIFT         (15U)
5037 /*! UART1 - Enables clock for USART1.
5038  *  0b0..Disable.
5039  *  0b1..Enable.
5040  */
5042 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART2_MASK          (0x10000U)
5043 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART2_SHIFT         (16U)
5044 /*! UART2 - Enables clock for USART2.
5045  *  0b0..Disable.
5046  *  0b1..Enable.
5047  */
5049 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WWDT_MASK           (0x20000U)
5050 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_WWDT_SHIFT          (17U)
5051 /*! WWDT - Enables clock for WWDT.
5052  *  0b0..Disable.
5053  *  0b1..Enable.
5054  */
5056 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_IOCON_MASK          (0x40000U)
5058 /*! IOCON - Enables clock for IOCON block.
5059  *  0b0..Disable.
5060  *  0b1..Enable.
5061  */
5063 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ACMP_MASK           (0x80000U)
5064 #define SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_ACMP_SHIFT          (19U)
5065 /*! ACMP - Enables clock to analog comparator.
5066  *  0b0..Disable.
5067  *  0b1..Enable.
5068  */
5070 /*! @} */
5072 /*! @name UARTCLKDIV - USART clock divider */
5073 /*! @{ */
5074 #define SYSCON_UARTCLKDIV_DIV_MASK               (0xFFU)
5075 #define SYSCON_UARTCLKDIV_DIV_SHIFT              (0U)
5076 /*! DIV - USART fractional baud rate generator clock divider values. 0: Clock disabled. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5077  */
5078 #define SYSCON_UARTCLKDIV_DIV(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_UARTCLKDIV_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_UARTCLKDIV_DIV_MASK)
5079 /*! @} */
5081 /*! @name CLKOUTSEL - CLKOUT clock source select */
5082 /*! @{ */
5083 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTSEL_SEL_MASK                (0x3U)
5084 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTSEL_SEL_SHIFT               (0U)
5085 /*! SEL - CLKOUT clock source.
5086  *  0b00..IRC oscillator
5087  *  0b01..Crystal oscillator (SYSOSC)
5088  *  0b10..Watchdog oscillator
5089  *  0b11..Main clock
5090  */
5091 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTSEL_SEL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_CLKOUTSEL_SEL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_CLKOUTSEL_SEL_MASK)
5092 /*! @} */
5094 /*! @name CLKOUTUEN - CLKOUT clock source update enable */
5095 /*! @{ */
5096 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTUEN_ENA_MASK                (0x1U)
5097 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTUEN_ENA_SHIFT               (0U)
5098 /*! ENA - Enable CLKOUT clock source update.
5099  *  0b0..No change
5100  *  0b1..Update clock source
5101  */
5102 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTUEN_ENA(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_CLKOUTUEN_ENA_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_CLKOUTUEN_ENA_MASK)
5103 /*! @} */
5105 /*! @name CLKOUTDIV - clock out divider */
5106 /*! @{ */
5107 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTDIV_DIV_MASK                (0xFFU)
5108 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTDIV_DIV_SHIFT               (0U)
5109 /*! DIV - CLKOUT clock divider values. 0: Disable CLKOUT clock divider 1: Divide by 1 to 255: Divide by 255
5110  */
5111 #define SYSCON_CLKOUTDIV_DIV(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_CLKOUTDIV_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_CLKOUTDIV_DIV_MASK)
5112 /*! @} */
5114 /*! @name UARTFRGDIV - USART common fractional generator divider value */
5115 /*! @{ */
5116 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGDIV_DIV_MASK               (0xFFU)
5117 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGDIV_DIV_SHIFT              (0U)
5118 /*! DIV - Denominator of the fractional divider. DIV is equal to the programmed value +1. Always set
5119  *    to 0xFF to use with the fractional baud rate generator.
5120  */
5121 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGDIV_DIV(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_UARTFRGDIV_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_UARTFRGDIV_DIV_MASK)
5122 /*! @} */
5124 /*! @name UARTFRGMULT - USART common fractional generator divider value */
5125 /*! @{ */
5126 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGMULT_MULT_MASK             (0xFFU)
5127 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGMULT_MULT_SHIFT            (0U)
5128 /*! MULT - Numerator of the fractional divider. MULT is equal to the programmed value.
5129  */
5130 #define SYSCON_UARTFRGMULT_MULT(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_UARTFRGMULT_MULT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_UARTFRGMULT_MULT_MASK)
5131 /*! @} */
5133 /*! @name EXTTRACECMD - External trace buffer command register */
5134 /*! @{ */
5135 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_START_MASK            (0x1U)
5136 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_START_SHIFT           (0U)
5137 /*! START - Trace start command. Writing a one to this bit sets the TSTART signal to the MTB to HIGH
5138  *    and starts tracing if the TSTARTEN bit in the MTB master register is set to one as well.
5139  */
5140 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_START(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_START_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_START_MASK)
5141 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_STOP_MASK             (0x2U)
5142 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_STOP_SHIFT            (1U)
5143 /*! STOP - Trace stop command. Writing a one to this bit sets the TSTOP signal in the MTB to HIGH
5144  *    and stops tracing if the TSTOPEN bit in the MTB master register is set to one as well.
5145  */
5146 #define SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_STOP(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_STOP_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_EXTTRACECMD_STOP_MASK)
5147 /*! @} */
5149 /*! @name PIOPORCAP0 - POR captured PIO status 0 */
5150 /*! @{ */
5151 #define SYSCON_PIOPORCAP0_PIOSTAT_MASK           (0x3FFFFU)
5152 #define SYSCON_PIOPORCAP0_PIOSTAT_SHIFT          (0U)
5153 /*! PIOSTAT - State of PIO0_17 through PIO0_0 at power-on reset
5154  */
5155 #define SYSCON_PIOPORCAP0_PIOSTAT(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PIOPORCAP0_PIOSTAT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PIOPORCAP0_PIOSTAT_MASK)
5156 /*! @} */
5158 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV6 - Peripheral clock 6 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5159 /*! @{ */
5160 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV6_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5161 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV6_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5162 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5163  */
5164 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV6_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV6_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV6_DIV_MASK)
5165 /*! @} */
5167 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV5 - Peripheral clock 6 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5168 /*! @{ */
5169 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV5_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5170 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV5_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5171 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5172  */
5173 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV5_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV5_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV5_DIV_MASK)
5174 /*! @} */
5176 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV4 - Peripheral clock 4 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5177 /*! @{ */
5178 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV4_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5179 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV4_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5180 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5181  */
5182 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV4_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV4_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV4_DIV_MASK)
5183 /*! @} */
5185 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV3 - Peripheral clock 3 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5186 /*! @{ */
5187 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV3_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5188 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV3_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5189 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5190  */
5191 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV3_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV3_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV3_DIV_MASK)
5192 /*! @} */
5194 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV2 - Peripheral clock 2 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5195 /*! @{ */
5196 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV2_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5197 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV2_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5198 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5199  */
5200 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV2_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV2_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV2_DIV_MASK)
5201 /*! @} */
5203 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV1 - Peripheral clock 1 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5204 /*! @{ */
5205 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV1_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5206 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV1_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5207 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5208  */
5209 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV1_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV1_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV1_DIV_MASK)
5210 /*! @} */
5212 /*! @name IOCONCLKDIV0 - Peripheral clock 0 to the IOCON block for programmable glitch filter */
5213 /*! @{ */
5214 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV0_DIV_MASK             (0xFFU)
5215 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV0_DIV_SHIFT            (0U)
5216 /*! DIV - IOCON glitch filter clock divider values 0: Disable IOCONFILTR_PCLK. 1: Divide by 1. to 255: Divide by 255.
5217  */
5218 #define SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV0_DIV(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV0_DIV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_IOCONCLKDIV0_DIV_MASK)
5219 /*! @} */
5221 /*! @name BODCTRL - BOD control register */
5222 /*! @{ */
5223 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTLEV_MASK            (0x3U)
5224 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTLEV_SHIFT           (0U)
5225 /*! BODRSTLEV - BOD reset level
5226  *  0b00..Reserved
5227  *  0b01..Level 1
5228  *  0b10..Level 2
5229  *  0b11..Level 3
5230  */
5231 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTLEV(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTLEV_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTLEV_MASK)
5232 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODINTVAL_MASK            (0xCU)
5233 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODINTVAL_SHIFT           (2U)
5234 /*! BODINTVAL - BOD interrupt level
5235  *  0b00..Reserved
5236  *  0b01..Level 1
5237  *  0b10..Level 2
5238  *  0b11..Level 3
5239  */
5240 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODINTVAL(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODINTVAL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODINTVAL_MASK)
5241 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTENA_MASK            (0x10U)
5242 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTENA_SHIFT           (4U)
5243 /*! BODRSTENA - BOD reset enable
5244  *  0b0..Disable reset function.
5245  *  0b1..Enable reset function.
5246  */
5247 #define SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTENA(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTENA_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_BODCTRL_BODRSTENA_MASK)
5248 /*! @} */
5250 /*! @name SYSTCKCAL - System tick timer calibration register */
5251 /*! @{ */
5252 #define SYSCON_SYSTCKCAL_CAL_MASK                (0x3FFFFFFU)
5253 #define SYSCON_SYSTCKCAL_CAL_SHIFT               (0U)
5254 /*! CAL - System tick timer calibration value.
5255  */
5256 #define SYSCON_SYSTCKCAL_CAL(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_SYSTCKCAL_CAL_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_SYSTCKCAL_CAL_MASK)
5257 /*! @} */
5259 /*! @name IRQLATENCY - IRQ latency register */
5260 /*! @{ */
5261 #define SYSCON_IRQLATENCY_LATENCY_MASK           (0xFFU)
5262 #define SYSCON_IRQLATENCY_LATENCY_SHIFT          (0U)
5263 /*! LATENCY - 8-bit latency value.
5264  */
5266 /*! @} */
5268 /*! @name NMISRC - NMI source selection register */
5269 /*! @{ */
5270 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_IRQN_MASK                  (0x1FU)
5271 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_IRQN_SHIFT                 (0U)
5272 /*! IRQN - The IRQ number of the interrupt that acts as the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) if bit 31 is 1
5273  */
5274 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_IRQN(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_NMISRC_IRQN_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_NMISRC_IRQN_MASK)
5275 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_NMIEN_MASK                 (0x80000000U)
5276 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_NMIEN_SHIFT                (31U)
5277 /*! NMIEN - Write a 1 to this bit to enable the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) source selected by bits 4:0.
5278  */
5279 #define SYSCON_NMISRC_NMIEN(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_NMISRC_NMIEN_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_NMISRC_NMIEN_MASK)
5280 /*! @} */
5282 /*! @name PINTSEL - Pin interrupt select registers N */
5283 /*! @{ */
5284 #define SYSCON_PINTSEL_INTPIN_MASK               (0x3FU)
5285 #define SYSCON_PINTSEL_INTPIN_SHIFT              (0U)
5286 /*! INTPIN - Pin number select for pin interrupt or pattern match engine input. (PIO0_0 to PIO0_17 correspond to numbers 0 to 17).
5287  */
5288 #define SYSCON_PINTSEL_INTPIN(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PINTSEL_INTPIN_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PINTSEL_INTPIN_MASK)
5289 /*! @} */
5291 /* The count of SYSCON_PINTSEL */
5292 #define SYSCON_PINTSEL_COUNT                     (8U)
5294 /*! @name STARTERP0 - Start logic 0 pin wake-up enable register 0 */
5295 /*! @{ */
5296 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT0_MASK              (0x1U)
5297 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT0_SHIFT             (0U)
5298 /*! PINT0 - GPIO pin interrupt 0 wake-up
5299  *  0b0..Disabled
5300  *  0b1..Enabled
5301  */
5302 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT0(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT0_MASK)
5303 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT1_MASK              (0x2U)
5304 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT1_SHIFT             (1U)
5305 /*! PINT1 - GPIO pin interrupt 1 wake-up
5306  *  0b0..Disabled
5307  *  0b1..Enabled
5308  */
5309 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT1(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT1_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT1_MASK)
5310 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT2_MASK              (0x4U)
5311 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT2_SHIFT             (2U)
5312 /*! PINT2 - GPIO pin interrupt 2 wake-up
5313  *  0b0..Disabled
5314  *  0b1..Enabled
5315  */
5316 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT2(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT2_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT2_MASK)
5317 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT3_MASK              (0x8U)
5318 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT3_SHIFT             (3U)
5319 /*! PINT3 - GPIO pin interrupt 3 wake-up
5320  *  0b0..Disabled
5321  *  0b1..Enabled
5322  */
5323 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT3(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT3_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT3_MASK)
5324 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT4_MASK              (0x10U)
5325 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT4_SHIFT             (4U)
5326 /*! PINT4 - GPIO pin interrupt 4 wake-up
5327  *  0b0..Disabled
5328  *  0b1..Enabled
5329  */
5330 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT4(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT4_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT4_MASK)
5331 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT5_MASK              (0x20U)
5332 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT5_SHIFT             (5U)
5333 /*! PINT5 - GPIO pin interrupt 5 wake-up
5334  *  0b0..Disabled
5335  *  0b1..Enabled
5336  */
5337 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT5(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT5_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT5_MASK)
5338 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT6_MASK              (0x40U)
5339 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT6_SHIFT             (6U)
5340 /*! PINT6 - GPIO pin interrupt 6 wake-up
5341  *  0b0..Disabled
5342  *  0b1..Enabled
5343  */
5344 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT6(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT6_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT6_MASK)
5345 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT7_MASK              (0x80U)
5346 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT7_SHIFT             (7U)
5347 /*! PINT7 - GPIO pin interrupt 7 wake-up
5348  *  0b0..Disabled
5349  *  0b1..Enabled
5350  */
5351 #define SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT7(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT7_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP0_PINT7_MASK)
5352 /*! @} */
5354 /*! @name STARTERP1 - Start logic 0 pin wake-up enable register 1 */
5355 /*! @{ */
5356 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI0_MASK               (0x1U)
5357 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI0_SHIFT              (0U)
5358 /*! SPI0 - SPI0 interrupt wake-up
5359  *  0b0..Disabled
5360  *  0b1..Enabled
5361  */
5362 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI0(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI0_MASK)
5363 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI1_MASK               (0x2U)
5364 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI1_SHIFT              (1U)
5365 /*! SPI1 - SPI1 interrupt wake-up
5366  *  0b0..Disabled
5367  *  0b1..Enabled
5368  */
5369 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI1(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI1_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_SPI1_MASK)
5370 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART0_MASK             (0x8U)
5371 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART0_SHIFT            (3U)
5372 /*! USART0 - USART0 interrupt wake-up. Configure USART in synchronous slave mode.
5373  *  0b0..Disabled
5374  *  0b1..Enabled
5375  */
5376 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART0(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART0_MASK)
5377 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART1_MASK             (0x10U)
5378 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART1_SHIFT            (4U)
5379 /*! USART1 - USART1 interrupt wake-up. Configure USART in synchronous slave mode.
5380  *  0b0..Disabled
5381  *  0b1..Enabled
5382  */
5383 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART1(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART1_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART1_MASK)
5384 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART2_MASK             (0x20U)
5385 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART2_SHIFT            (5U)
5386 /*! USART2 - USART2 interrupt wake-up. Configure USART in synchronous slave mode.
5387  *  0b0..Disabled
5388  *  0b1..Enabled
5389  */
5390 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART2(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART2_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_USART2_MASK)
5391 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_I2C0_MASK               (0x100U)
5392 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_I2C0_SHIFT              (8U)
5393 /*! I2C0 - I2C0 interrupt wake-up.
5394  *  0b0..Disabled
5395  *  0b1..Enabled
5396  */
5397 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_I2C0(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_I2C0_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_I2C0_MASK)
5398 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WWDT_MASK               (0x1000U)
5399 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WWDT_SHIFT              (12U)
5400 /*! WWDT - WWDT interrupt wake-up
5401  *  0b0..Disabled
5402  *  0b1..Enabled
5403  */
5404 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WWDT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_WWDT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_WWDT_MASK)
5405 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_BOD_MASK                (0x2000U)
5406 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_BOD_SHIFT               (13U)
5407 /*! BOD - BOD interrupt wake-up
5408  *  0b0..Disabled
5409  *  0b1..Enabled
5410  */
5411 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_BOD(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_BOD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_BOD_MASK)
5412 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WKT_MASK                (0x8000U)
5413 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WKT_SHIFT               (15U)
5414 /*! WKT - Self-wake-up timer interrupt wake-up
5415  *  0b0..Disabled
5416  *  0b1..Enabled
5417  */
5418 #define SYSCON_STARTERP1_WKT(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_STARTERP1_WKT_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_STARTERP1_WKT_MASK)
5419 /*! @} */
5421 /*! @name PDSLEEPCFG - Deep-sleep configuration register */
5422 /*! @{ */
5423 #define SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_BOD_PD_MASK            (0x8U)
5424 #define SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT           (3U)
5425 /*! BOD_PD - BOD power-down control for Deep-sleep and Power-down mode
5426  *  0b0..powered
5427  *  0b1..powered down
5428  */
5429 #define SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_BOD_PD(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_BOD_PD_MASK)
5430 #define SYSCON_PDSLEEPCFG_WDTOSC_PD_MASK         (0x40U)
5432 /*! WDTOSC_PD - Watchdog oscillator power-down control for Deep-sleep and Power-down mode. Changing
5433  *    this bit to powered-down has no effect when the LOCK bit in the WWDT MOD register is set. In
5434  *    this case, the watchdog oscillator is always running.
5435  *  0b0..Disabled
5436  *  0b1..Enabled
5437  */
5439 /*! @} */
5441 /*! @name PDAWAKECFG - Wake-up configuration register */
5442 /*! @{ */
5443 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRCOUT_PD_MASK         (0x1U)
5445 /*! IRCOUT_PD - IRC oscillator output wake-up configuration
5446  *  0b0..powered
5447  *  0b1..powered down
5448  */
5450 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRC_PD_MASK            (0x2U)
5451 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRC_PD_SHIFT           (1U)
5452 /*! IRC_PD - IRC oscillator power-down wake-up configuration
5453  *  0b0..powered
5454  *  0b1..powered down
5455  */
5456 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRC_PD(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRC_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_IRC_PD_MASK)
5457 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_FLASH_PD_MASK          (0x4U)
5458 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_FLASH_PD_SHIFT         (2U)
5459 /*! FLASH_PD - Flash wake-up configuration
5460  *  0b0..powered
5461  *  0b1..powered down
5462  */
5464 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_BOD_PD_MASK            (0x8U)
5465 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT           (3U)
5466 /*! BOD_PD - BOD wake-up configuration
5467  *  0b0..powered
5468  *  0b1..powered down
5469  */
5470 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_BOD_PD(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_BOD_PD_MASK)
5471 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_SYSOSC_PD_MASK         (0x20U)
5473 /*! SYSOSC_PD - Crystal oscillator wake-up configuration
5474  *  0b0..powered
5475  *  0b1..powered down
5476  */
5478 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_WDTOSC_PD_MASK         (0x40U)
5480 /*! WDTOSC_PD - Watchdog oscillator wake-up configuration. Changing this bit to powered-down has no
5481  *    effect when the LOCK bit in the WWDT MOD register is set. In this case, the watchdog
5482  *    oscillator is always running
5483  *  0b0..Disabled
5484  *  0b1..Enabled
5485  */
5487 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_SYSPLL_PD_MASK         (0x80U)
5489 /*! SYSPLL_PD - System PLL wake-up configuration
5490  *  0b0..Disabled
5491  *  0b1..Enabled
5492  */
5494 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_ACMP_MASK              (0x8000U)
5495 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_ACMP_SHIFT             (15U)
5496 /*! ACMP - Analog comparator wake-up configuration
5497  *  0b0..Disabled
5498  *  0b1..Enabled
5499  */
5500 #define SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_ACMP(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_ACMP_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDAWAKECFG_ACMP_MASK)
5501 /*! @} */
5503 /*! @name PDRUNCFG - Power configuration register */
5504 /*! @{ */
5505 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRCOUT_PD_MASK           (0x1U)
5506 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRCOUT_PD_SHIFT          (0U)
5507 /*! IRCOUT_PD - IRC oscillator output wake-up configuration
5508  *  0b0..powered
5509  *  0b1..powered down
5510  */
5511 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRCOUT_PD(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRCOUT_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRCOUT_PD_MASK)
5512 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRC_PD_MASK              (0x2U)
5513 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRC_PD_SHIFT             (1U)
5514 /*! IRC_PD - IRC oscillator power-down wake-up configuration
5515  *  0b0..powered
5516  *  0b1..powered down
5517  */
5518 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRC_PD(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRC_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_IRC_PD_MASK)
5519 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_FLASH_PD_MASK            (0x4U)
5520 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_FLASH_PD_SHIFT           (2U)
5521 /*! FLASH_PD - Flash wake-up configuration
5522  *  0b0..powered
5523  *  0b1..powered down
5524  */
5525 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_FLASH_PD(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_FLASH_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_FLASH_PD_MASK)
5526 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_BOD_PD_MASK              (0x8U)
5527 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT             (3U)
5528 /*! BOD_PD - BOD wake-up configuration
5529  *  0b0..powered
5530  *  0b1..powered down
5531  */
5532 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_BOD_PD(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_BOD_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_BOD_PD_MASK)
5533 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSOSC_PD_MASK           (0x20U)
5534 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSOSC_PD_SHIFT          (5U)
5535 /*! SYSOSC_PD - Crystal oscillator wake-up configuration
5536  *  0b0..powered
5537  *  0b1..powered down
5538  */
5539 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSOSC_PD(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSOSC_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSOSC_PD_MASK)
5540 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_WDTOSC_PD_MASK           (0x40U)
5541 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_WDTOSC_PD_SHIFT          (6U)
5542 /*! WDTOSC_PD - Watchdog oscillator wake-up configuration. Changing this bit to powered-down has no
5543  *    effect when the LOCK bit in the WWDT MOD register is set. In this case, the watchdog
5544  *    oscillator is always running
5545  *  0b0..Disabled
5546  *  0b1..Enabled
5547  */
5548 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_WDTOSC_PD(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_WDTOSC_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_WDTOSC_PD_MASK)
5549 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSPLL_PD_MASK           (0x80U)
5550 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSPLL_PD_SHIFT          (7U)
5551 /*! SYSPLL_PD - System PLL wake-up configuration
5552  *  0b0..Disabled
5553  *  0b1..Enabled
5554  */
5555 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSPLL_PD(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSPLL_PD_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_SYSPLL_PD_MASK)
5556 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_ACMP_MASK                (0x8000U)
5557 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_ACMP_SHIFT               (15U)
5558 /*! ACMP - Analog comparator wake-up configuration
5559  *  0b0..Disabled
5560  *  0b1..Enabled
5561  */
5562 #define SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_ACMP(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_ACMP_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_PDRUNCFG_ACMP_MASK)
5563 /*! @} */
5565 /*! @name DEVICE_ID - Part ID register */
5566 /*! @{ */
5568 #define SYSCON_DEVICE_ID_DEVICEID_SHIFT          (0U)
5569 /*! DEVICEID - Part ID
5570  */
5571 #define SYSCON_DEVICE_ID_DEVICEID(x)             (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << SYSCON_DEVICE_ID_DEVICEID_SHIFT)) & SYSCON_DEVICE_ID_DEVICEID_MASK)
5572 /*! @} */
5575 /*!
5576  * @}
5577  */ /* end of group SYSCON_Register_Masks */
5580 /* SYSCON - Peripheral instance base addresses */
5581 /** Peripheral SYSCON base address */
5582 #define SYSCON_BASE                              (0x40048000u)
5583 /** Peripheral SYSCON base pointer */
5584 #define SYSCON                                   ((SYSCON_Type *)SYSCON_BASE)
5585 /** Array initializer of SYSCON peripheral base addresses */
5586 #define SYSCON_BASE_ADDRS                        { SYSCON_BASE }
5587 /** Array initializer of SYSCON peripheral base pointers */
5588 #define SYSCON_BASE_PTRS                         { SYSCON }
5590 /*!
5591  * @}
5592  */ /* end of group SYSCON_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
5595 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5596    -- USART Peripheral Access Layer
5597    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
5599 /*!
5600  * @addtogroup USART_Peripheral_Access_Layer USART Peripheral Access Layer
5601  * @{
5602  */
5604 /** USART - Register Layout Typedef */
5605 typedef struct {
5606   __IO uint32_t CFG;                               /**< USART Configuration register. Basic USART configuration settings that typically are not changed during operation., offset: 0x0 */
5607   __IO uint32_t CTL;                               /**< USART Control register. USART control settings that are more likely to change during operation., offset: 0x4 */
5608   __IO uint32_t STAT;                              /**< USART Status register. The complete status value can be read here. Writing ones clears some bits in the register. Some bits can be cleared by writing a 1 to them., offset: 0x8 */
5609   __IO uint32_t INTENSET;                          /**< Interrupt Enable read and Set register. Contains an individual interrupt enable bit for each potential USART interrupt. A complete value may be read from this register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes that bit to be set., offset: 0xC */
5610   __O  uint32_t INTENCLR;                          /**< Interrupt Enable Clear register. Allows clearing any combination of bits in the INTENSET register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes the corresponding bit to be cleared., offset: 0x10 */
5611   __I  uint32_t RXDAT;                             /**< Receiver Data register. Contains the last character received., offset: 0x14 */
5612   __I  uint32_t RXDATSTAT;                         /**< Receiver Data with Status register. Combines the last character received with the current USART receive status. Allows DMA or software to recover incoming data and status together., offset: 0x18 */
5613   __IO uint32_t TXDAT;                             /**< Transmit Data register. Data to be transmitted is written here., offset: 0x1C */
5614   __IO uint32_t BRG;                               /**< Baud Rate Generator register. 16-bit integer baud rate divisor value., offset: 0x20 */
5615   __I  uint32_t INTSTAT;                           /**< Interrupt status register. Reflects interrupts that are currently enabled., offset: 0x24 */
5616 } USART_Type;
5618 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5619    -- USART Register Masks
5620    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
5622 /*!
5623  * @addtogroup USART_Register_Masks USART Register Masks
5624  * @{
5625  */
5627 /*! @name CFG - USART Configuration register. Basic USART configuration settings that typically are not changed during operation. */
5628 /*! @{ */
5629 #define USART_CFG_ENABLE_MASK                    (0x1U)
5630 #define USART_CFG_ENABLE_SHIFT                   (0U)
5631 /*! ENABLE - USART Enable.
5632  *  0b0..Disabled. The USART is disabled and the internal state machine and counters are reset. While Enable = 0,
5633  *       all USART interrupts and DMA transfers are disabled. When Enable is set again, CFG and most other control
5634  *       bits remain unchanged. When re-enabled, the USART will immediately be ready to transmit because the
5635  *       transmitter has been reset and is therefore available.
5636  *  0b1..Enabled. The USART is enabled for operation.
5637  */
5638 #define USART_CFG_ENABLE(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_ENABLE_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_ENABLE_MASK)
5639 #define USART_CFG_DATALEN_MASK                   (0xCU)
5640 #define USART_CFG_DATALEN_SHIFT                  (2U)
5641 /*! DATALEN - Selects the data size for the USART.
5642  *  0b00..7 bit Data length.
5643  *  0b01..8 bit Data length.
5644  *  0b10..9 bit data length. The 9th bit is commonly used for addressing in multidrop mode. See the ADDRDET bit in the CTL register.
5645  *  0b11..Reserved.
5646  */
5647 #define USART_CFG_DATALEN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_DATALEN_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_DATALEN_MASK)
5648 #define USART_CFG_PARITYSEL_MASK                 (0x30U)
5649 #define USART_CFG_PARITYSEL_SHIFT                (4U)
5650 /*! PARITYSEL - Selects what type of parity is used by the USART.
5651  *  0b00..No parity.
5652  *  0b01..Reserved.
5653  *  0b10..Even parity. Adds a bit to each character such that the number of 1s in a transmitted character is even,
5654  *        and the number of 1s in a received character is expected to be even.
5655  *  0b11..Odd parity. Adds a bit to each character such that the number of 1s in a transmitted character is odd,
5656  *        and the number of 1s in a received character is expected to be odd.
5657  */
5658 #define USART_CFG_PARITYSEL(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_PARITYSEL_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_PARITYSEL_MASK)
5659 #define USART_CFG_STOPLEN_MASK                   (0x40U)
5660 #define USART_CFG_STOPLEN_SHIFT                  (6U)
5661 /*! STOPLEN - Number of stop bits appended to transmitted data. Only a single stop bit is required for received data.
5662  *  0b0..1 stop bit.
5663  *  0b1..2 stop bits. This setting should only be used for asynchronous communication.
5664  */
5665 #define USART_CFG_STOPLEN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_STOPLEN_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_STOPLEN_MASK)
5666 #define USART_CFG_CTSEN_MASK                     (0x200U)
5667 #define USART_CFG_CTSEN_SHIFT                    (9U)
5668 /*! CTSEN - CTS Enable. Determines whether CTS is used for flow control. CTS can be from the input
5669  *    pin, or from the USART's own RTS if loopback mode is enabled.
5670  *  0b0..No flow control. The transmitter does not receive any automatic flow control signal.
5671  *  0b1..Flow control enabled. The transmitter uses the CTS input (or RTS output in loopback mode) for flow control purposes.
5672  */
5673 #define USART_CFG_CTSEN(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_CTSEN_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_CTSEN_MASK)
5674 #define USART_CFG_SYNCEN_MASK                    (0x800U)
5675 #define USART_CFG_SYNCEN_SHIFT                   (11U)
5676 /*! SYNCEN - Selects synchronous or asynchronous operation.
5677  *  0b0..Asynchronous mode.
5678  *  0b1..Synchronous mode.
5679  */
5680 #define USART_CFG_SYNCEN(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_SYNCEN_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_SYNCEN_MASK)
5681 #define USART_CFG_CLKPOL_MASK                    (0x1000U)
5682 #define USART_CFG_CLKPOL_SHIFT                   (12U)
5683 /*! CLKPOL - Selects the clock polarity and sampling edge of received data in synchronous mode.
5684  *  0b0..Falling edge. Un_RXD is sampled on the falling edge of SCLK.
5685  *  0b1..Rising edge. Un_RXD is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK.
5686  */
5687 #define USART_CFG_CLKPOL(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_CLKPOL_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_CLKPOL_MASK)
5688 #define USART_CFG_SYNCMST_MASK                   (0x4000U)
5689 #define USART_CFG_SYNCMST_SHIFT                  (14U)
5690 /*! SYNCMST - Synchronous mode Master select.
5691  *  0b0..Slave. When synchronous mode is enabled, the USART is a slave.
5692  *  0b1..Master. When synchronous mode is enabled, the USART is a master.
5693  */
5694 #define USART_CFG_SYNCMST(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_SYNCMST_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_SYNCMST_MASK)
5695 #define USART_CFG_LOOP_MASK                      (0x8000U)
5696 #define USART_CFG_LOOP_SHIFT                     (15U)
5697 /*! LOOP - Selects data loopback mode.
5698  *  0b0..Normal operation.
5699  *  0b1..Loopback mode. This provides a mechanism to perform diagnostic loopback testing for USART data. Serial
5700  *       data from the transmitter (Un_TXD) is connected internally to serial input of the receive (Un_RXD). Un_TXD
5701  *       and Un_RTS activity will also appear on external pins if these functions are configured to appear on device
5702  *       pins. The receiver RTS signal is also looped back to CTS and performs flow control if enabled by CTSEN.
5703  */
5704 #define USART_CFG_LOOP(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CFG_LOOP_SHIFT)) & USART_CFG_LOOP_MASK)
5705 /*! @} */
5707 /*! @name CTL - USART Control register. USART control settings that are more likely to change during operation. */
5708 /*! @{ */
5709 #define USART_CTL_TXBRKEN_MASK                   (0x2U)
5710 #define USART_CTL_TXBRKEN_SHIFT                  (1U)
5711 /*! TXBRKEN - Break Enable.
5712  *  0b0..Normal operation.
5713  *  0b1..Continuous break. Continuous break is sent immediately when this bit is set, and remains until this bit
5714  *       is cleared. A break may be sent without danger of corrupting any currently transmitting character if the
5715  *       transmitter is first disabled (TXDIS in CTL is set) and then waiting for the transmitter to be disabled
5716  *       (TXDISINT in STAT = 1) before writing 1 to TXBRKEN.
5717  */
5718 #define USART_CTL_TXBRKEN(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CTL_TXBRKEN_SHIFT)) & USART_CTL_TXBRKEN_MASK)
5719 #define USART_CTL_ADDRDET_MASK                   (0x4U)
5720 #define USART_CTL_ADDRDET_SHIFT                  (2U)
5721 /*! ADDRDET - Enable address detect mode.
5722  *  0b0..Disabled. The USART presents all incoming data.
5723  *  0b1..Enabled. The USART receiver ignores incoming data that does not have the most significant bit of the data
5724  *       (typically the 9th bit) = 1. When the data MSB bit = 1, the receiver treats the incoming data normally,
5725  *       generating a received data interrupt. Software can then check the data to see if this is an address that
5726  *       should be handled. If it is, the ADDRDET bit is cleared by software and further incoming data is handled
5727  *       normally.
5728  */
5729 #define USART_CTL_ADDRDET(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CTL_ADDRDET_SHIFT)) & USART_CTL_ADDRDET_MASK)
5730 #define USART_CTL_TXDIS_MASK                     (0x40U)
5731 #define USART_CTL_TXDIS_SHIFT                    (6U)
5732 /*! TXDIS - Transmit Disable.
5733  *  0b0..Not disabled. USART transmitter is not disabled.
5734  *  0b1..Disabled. USART transmitter is disabled after any character currently being transmitted is complete. This
5735  *       feature can be used to facilitate software flow control.
5736  */
5737 #define USART_CTL_TXDIS(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CTL_TXDIS_SHIFT)) & USART_CTL_TXDIS_MASK)
5738 #define USART_CTL_CC_MASK                        (0x100U)
5739 #define USART_CTL_CC_SHIFT                       (8U)
5740 /*! CC - Continuous Clock generation. By default, SCLK is only output while data is being transmitted in synchronous mode.
5741  *  0b0..Clock on character. In synchronous mode, SCLK cycles only when characters are being sent on Un_TXD or to
5742  *       complete a character that is being received.
5743  *  0b1..Continuous clock. SCLK runs continuously in synchronous mode, allowing characters to be received on
5744  *       Un_RxD independently from transmission on Un_TXD).
5745  */
5746 #define USART_CTL_CC(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CTL_CC_SHIFT)) & USART_CTL_CC_MASK)
5747 #define USART_CTL_CLRCCONRX_MASK                 (0x200U)
5748 #define USART_CTL_CLRCCONRX_SHIFT                (9U)
5749 /*! CLRCCONRX - Clear Continuous Clock.
5750  *  0b0..No effect. No effect on the CC bit.
5751  *  0b1..Auto-clear. The CC bit is automatically cleared when a complete character has been received. This bit is cleared at the same time.
5752  */
5753 #define USART_CTL_CLRCCONRX(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_CTL_CLRCCONRX_SHIFT)) & USART_CTL_CLRCCONRX_MASK)
5754 /*! @} */
5756 /*! @name STAT - USART Status register. The complete status value can be read here. Writing ones clears some bits in the register. Some bits can be cleared by writing a 1 to them. */
5757 /*! @{ */
5758 #define USART_STAT_RXRDY_MASK                    (0x1U)
5759 #define USART_STAT_RXRDY_SHIFT                   (0U)
5760 /*! RXRDY - Receiver Ready flag. When 1, indicates that data is available to be read from the
5761  *    receiver buffer. Cleared after a read of the RXDAT or RXDATSTAT registers.
5762  */
5763 #define USART_STAT_RXRDY(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_RXRDY_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_RXRDY_MASK)
5764 #define USART_STAT_RXIDLE_MASK                   (0x2U)
5765 #define USART_STAT_RXIDLE_SHIFT                  (1U)
5766 /*! RXIDLE - Receiver Idle. When 0, indicates that the receiver is currently in the process of
5767  *    receiving data. When 1, indicates that the receiver is not currently in the process of receiving
5768  *    data.
5769  */
5770 #define USART_STAT_RXIDLE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_RXIDLE_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_RXIDLE_MASK)
5771 #define USART_STAT_TXRDY_MASK                    (0x4U)
5772 #define USART_STAT_TXRDY_SHIFT                   (2U)
5773 /*! TXRDY - Transmitter Ready flag. When 1, this bit indicates that data may be written to the
5774  *    transmit buffer. Previous data may still be in the process of being transmitted. Cleared when data
5775  *    is written to TXDAT. Set when the data is moved from the transmit buffer to the transmit shift
5776  *    register.
5777  */
5778 #define USART_STAT_TXRDY(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_TXRDY_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_TXRDY_MASK)
5779 #define USART_STAT_TXIDLE_MASK                   (0x8U)
5780 #define USART_STAT_TXIDLE_SHIFT                  (3U)
5781 /*! TXIDLE - Transmitter Idle. When 0, indicates that the transmitter is currently in the process of
5782  *    sending data.When 1, indicate that the transmitter is not currently in the process of sending
5783  *    data.
5784  */
5785 #define USART_STAT_TXIDLE(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_TXIDLE_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_TXIDLE_MASK)
5786 #define USART_STAT_CTS_MASK                      (0x10U)
5787 #define USART_STAT_CTS_SHIFT                     (4U)
5788 /*! CTS - This bit reflects the current state of the CTS signal, regardless of the setting of the
5789  *    CTSEN bit in the CFG register. This will be the value of the CTS input pin unless loopback mode
5790  *    is enabled.
5791  */
5792 #define USART_STAT_CTS(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_CTS_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_CTS_MASK)
5793 #define USART_STAT_DELTACTS_MASK                 (0x20U)
5794 #define USART_STAT_DELTACTS_SHIFT                (5U)
5795 /*! DELTACTS - This bit is set when a change in the state is detected for the CTS flag above. This bit is cleared by software.
5796  */
5797 #define USART_STAT_DELTACTS(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_DELTACTS_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_DELTACTS_MASK)
5798 #define USART_STAT_TXDISSTAT_MASK                (0x40U)
5799 #define USART_STAT_TXDISSTAT_SHIFT               (6U)
5800 /*! TXDISSTAT - Transmitter Disabled Interrupt flag. When 1, this bit indicates that the USART
5801  *    transmitter is fully idle after being disabled via the TXDIS in the CTL register (TXDIS = 1).
5802  */
5803 #define USART_STAT_TXDISSTAT(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_TXDISSTAT_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_TXDISSTAT_MASK)
5804 #define USART_STAT_OVERRUNINT_MASK               (0x100U)
5805 #define USART_STAT_OVERRUNINT_SHIFT              (8U)
5806 /*! OVERRUNINT - Overrun Error interrupt flag. This flag is set when a new character is received
5807  *    while the receiver buffer is still in use. If this occurs, the newly received character in the
5808  *    shift register is lost.
5809  */
5810 #define USART_STAT_OVERRUNINT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_OVERRUNINT_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_OVERRUNINT_MASK)
5811 #define USART_STAT_RXBRK_MASK                    (0x400U)
5812 #define USART_STAT_RXBRK_SHIFT                   (10U)
5813 /*! RXBRK - Received Break. This bit reflects the current state of the receiver break detection
5814  *    logic. It is set when the Un_RXD pin remains low for 16 bit times. Note that FRAMERRINT will also
5815  *    be set when this condition occurs because the stop bit(s) for the character would be missing.
5816  *    RXBRK is cleared when the Un_RXD pin goes high.
5817  */
5818 #define USART_STAT_RXBRK(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_RXBRK_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_RXBRK_MASK)
5819 #define USART_STAT_DELTARXBRK_MASK               (0x800U)
5820 #define USART_STAT_DELTARXBRK_SHIFT              (11U)
5821 /*! DELTARXBRK - This bit is set when a change in the state of receiver break detection occurs.Cleared by software.
5822  */
5823 #define USART_STAT_DELTARXBRK(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_DELTARXBRK_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_DELTARXBRK_MASK)
5824 #define USART_STAT_START_MASK                    (0x1000U)
5825 #define USART_STAT_START_SHIFT                   (12U)
5826 /*! START - This bit is set when a start is detected on the receiver input. Its purpose is primarily
5827  *    to allow wake-up from Deep-sleep or Power-down mode immediately when a start is detected.
5828  *    Cleared by software.
5829  */
5830 #define USART_STAT_START(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_START_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_START_MASK)
5831 #define USART_STAT_FRAMERRINT_MASK               (0x2000U)
5832 #define USART_STAT_FRAMERRINT_SHIFT              (13U)
5833 /*! FRAMERRINT - Framing Error interrupt flag. This flag is set when a character is received with a
5834  *    missing stop bit at the expected location. This could be an indication of a baud rate or
5835  *    configuration mismatch with the transmitting source.
5836  */
5837 #define USART_STAT_FRAMERRINT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_FRAMERRINT_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_FRAMERRINT_MASK)
5838 #define USART_STAT_PARITYERRINT_MASK             (0x4000U)
5839 #define USART_STAT_PARITYERRINT_SHIFT            (14U)
5840 /*! PARITYERRINT - Parity Error interrupt flag. This flag is set when a parity error is detected in a received character.
5841  */
5842 #define USART_STAT_PARITYERRINT(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_PARITYERRINT_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_PARITYERRINT_MASK)
5843 #define USART_STAT_RXNOISEINT_MASK               (0x8000U)
5844 #define USART_STAT_RXNOISEINT_SHIFT              (15U)
5845 /*! RXNOISEINT - Received Noise interrupt flag. Three samples of received data are taken in order to
5846  *    determine the value of each received data bit, except in synchronous mode. This acts as a
5847  *    noise filter if one sample disagrees. This flag is set when a received data bit contains one
5848  *    disagreeing sample. This could indicate line noise, a baud rate or character format mismatch, or
5849  *    loss of synchronization during data reception.
5850  */
5851 #define USART_STAT_RXNOISEINT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_STAT_RXNOISEINT_SHIFT)) & USART_STAT_RXNOISEINT_MASK)
5852 /*! @} */
5854 /*! @name INTENSET - Interrupt Enable read and Set register. Contains an individual interrupt enable bit for each potential USART interrupt. A complete value may be read from this register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes that bit to be set. */
5855 /*! @{ */
5856 #define USART_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_MASK              (0x1U)
5857 #define USART_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_SHIFT             (0U)
5858 /*! RXRDYEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when there is a received character available to be read from the RXDAT register.
5859  */
5860 #define USART_INTENSET_RXRDYEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_RXRDYEN_MASK)
5861 #define USART_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_MASK              (0x4U)
5862 #define USART_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_SHIFT             (2U)
5863 /*! TXRDYEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when the TXDAT register is available to take another character to transmit.
5864  */
5865 #define USART_INTENSET_TXRDYEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_TXRDYEN_MASK)
5866 #define USART_INTENSET_DELTACTSEN_MASK           (0x20U)
5867 #define USART_INTENSET_DELTACTSEN_SHIFT          (5U)
5868 /*! DELTACTSEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when there is a change in the state of the CTS input.
5869  */
5871 #define USART_INTENSET_TXDISEN_MASK              (0x40U)
5872 #define USART_INTENSET_TXDISEN_SHIFT             (6U)
5873 /*! TXDISEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when the transmitter is fully disabled as indicated by
5874  *    the TXDISINT flag in STAT. See description of the TXDISINT bit for details.
5875  */
5876 #define USART_INTENSET_TXDISEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_TXDISEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_TXDISEN_MASK)
5877 #define USART_INTENSET_OVERRUNEN_MASK            (0x100U)
5878 #define USART_INTENSET_OVERRUNEN_SHIFT           (8U)
5879 /*! OVERRUNEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when an overrun error occurred.
5880  */
5881 #define USART_INTENSET_OVERRUNEN(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_OVERRUNEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_OVERRUNEN_MASK)
5882 #define USART_INTENSET_DELTARXBRKEN_MASK         (0x800U)
5884 /*! DELTARXBRKEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when a change of state has occurred in the detection
5885  *    of a received break condition (break condition asserted or deasserted).
5886  */
5888 #define USART_INTENSET_STARTEN_MASK              (0x1000U)
5889 #define USART_INTENSET_STARTEN_SHIFT             (12U)
5890 /*! STARTEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when a received start bit has been detected.
5891  */
5892 #define USART_INTENSET_STARTEN(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_STARTEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_STARTEN_MASK)
5893 #define USART_INTENSET_FRAMERREN_MASK            (0x2000U)
5894 #define USART_INTENSET_FRAMERREN_SHIFT           (13U)
5895 /*! FRAMERREN - When 1, enables an interrupt when a framing error has been detected.
5896  */
5897 #define USART_INTENSET_FRAMERREN(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_FRAMERREN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_FRAMERREN_MASK)
5898 #define USART_INTENSET_PARITYERREN_MASK          (0x4000U)
5900 /*! PARITYERREN - When 1, enables an interrupt when a parity error has been detected.
5901  */
5903 #define USART_INTENSET_RXNOISEEN_MASK            (0x8000U)
5904 #define USART_INTENSET_RXNOISEEN_SHIFT           (15U)
5905 /*! RXNOISEEN - When 1, enables an interrupt when noise is detected.
5906  */
5907 #define USART_INTENSET_RXNOISEEN(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENSET_RXNOISEEN_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENSET_RXNOISEEN_MASK)
5908 /*! @} */
5910 /*! @name INTENCLR - Interrupt Enable Clear register. Allows clearing any combination of bits in the INTENSET register. Writing a 1 to any implemented bit position causes the corresponding bit to be cleared. */
5911 /*! @{ */
5912 #define USART_INTENCLR_RXRDYCLR_MASK             (0x1U)
5913 #define USART_INTENCLR_RXRDYCLR_SHIFT            (0U)
5914 /*! RXRDYCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5915  */
5916 #define USART_INTENCLR_RXRDYCLR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENCLR_RXRDYCLR_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENCLR_RXRDYCLR_MASK)
5917 #define USART_INTENCLR_TXRDYCLR_MASK             (0x4U)
5918 #define USART_INTENCLR_TXRDYCLR_SHIFT            (2U)
5919 /*! TXRDYCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5920  */
5921 #define USART_INTENCLR_TXRDYCLR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENCLR_TXRDYCLR_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENCLR_TXRDYCLR_MASK)
5922 #define USART_INTENCLR_DELTACTSCLR_MASK          (0x20U)
5924 /*! DELTACTSCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5925  */
5927 #define USART_INTENCLR_TXDISINTCLR_MASK          (0x40U)
5929 /*! TXDISINTCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5930  */
5932 #define USART_INTENCLR_OVERRUNCLR_MASK           (0x100U)
5933 #define USART_INTENCLR_OVERRUNCLR_SHIFT          (8U)
5934 /*! OVERRUNCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5935  */
5937 #define USART_INTENCLR_DELTARXBRKCLR_MASK        (0x800U)
5939 /*! DELTARXBRKCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5940  */
5942 #define USART_INTENCLR_STARTCLR_MASK             (0x1000U)
5943 #define USART_INTENCLR_STARTCLR_SHIFT            (12U)
5944 /*! STARTCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5945  */
5946 #define USART_INTENCLR_STARTCLR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTENCLR_STARTCLR_SHIFT)) & USART_INTENCLR_STARTCLR_MASK)
5947 #define USART_INTENCLR_FRAMERRCLR_MASK           (0x2000U)
5948 #define USART_INTENCLR_FRAMERRCLR_SHIFT          (13U)
5949 /*! FRAMERRCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5950  */
5952 #define USART_INTENCLR_PARITYERRCLR_MASK         (0x4000U)
5954 /*! PARITYERRCLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5955  */
5957 #define USART_INTENCLR_RXNOISECLR_MASK           (0x8000U)
5958 #define USART_INTENCLR_RXNOISECLR_SHIFT          (15U)
5959 /*! RXNOISECLR - Writing 1 clears the corresponding bit in the INTENSET register.
5960  */
5962 /*! @} */
5964 /*! @name RXDAT - Receiver Data register. Contains the last character received. */
5965 /*! @{ */
5966 #define USART_RXDAT_RXDAT_MASK                   (0x1FFU)
5967 #define USART_RXDAT_RXDAT_SHIFT                  (0U)
5968 /*! RXDAT - The USART Receiver Data register contains the next received character. The number of
5969  *    bits that are relevant depends on the USART configuration settings.
5970  */
5971 #define USART_RXDAT_RXDAT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_RXDAT_RXDAT_SHIFT)) & USART_RXDAT_RXDAT_MASK)
5972 /*! @} */
5974 /*! @name RXDATSTAT - Receiver Data with Status register. Combines the last character received with the current USART receive status. Allows DMA or software to recover incoming data and status together. */
5975 /*! @{ */
5976 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXDAT_MASK               (0x1FFU)
5977 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXDAT_SHIFT              (0U)
5978 /*! RXDAT - The USART Receiver Data register contains the next received character. The number of
5979  *    bits that are relevant depends on the USART configuration settings.
5980  */
5981 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXDAT(x)                 (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_RXDATSTAT_RXDAT_SHIFT)) & USART_RXDATSTAT_RXDAT_MASK)
5982 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_FRAMERR_MASK             (0x2000U)
5983 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_FRAMERR_SHIFT            (13U)
5984 /*! FRAMERR - Framing Error status flag. This bit is valid when there is a character to be read in
5985  *    the RXDAT register and reflects the status of that character. This bit will set when the
5986  *    character in RXDAT was received with a missing stop bit at the expected location. This could be an
5987  *    indication of a baud rate or configuration mismatch with the transmitting source.
5988  */
5989 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_FRAMERR(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_RXDATSTAT_FRAMERR_SHIFT)) & USART_RXDATSTAT_FRAMERR_MASK)
5990 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_PARITYERR_MASK           (0x4000U)
5991 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_PARITYERR_SHIFT          (14U)
5992 /*! PARITYERR - Parity Error status flag. This bit is valid when there is a character to be read in
5993  *    the RXDAT register and reflects the status of that character. This bit will be set when a
5994  *    parity error is detected in a received character.
5995  */
5997 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXNOISE_MASK             (0x8000U)
5998 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXNOISE_SHIFT            (15U)
5999 /*! RXNOISE - Received Noise flag.
6000  */
6001 #define USART_RXDATSTAT_RXNOISE(x)               (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_RXDATSTAT_RXNOISE_SHIFT)) & USART_RXDATSTAT_RXNOISE_MASK)
6002 /*! @} */
6004 /*! @name TXDAT - Transmit Data register. Data to be transmitted is written here. */
6005 /*! @{ */
6006 #define USART_TXDAT_TXDAT_MASK                   (0x1FFU)
6007 #define USART_TXDAT_TXDAT_SHIFT                  (0U)
6008 /*! TXDAT - Writing to the USART Transmit Data Register causes the data to be transmitted as soon as
6009  *    the transmit shift register is available and any conditions for transmitting data are met:
6010  *    CTS low (if CTSEN bit = 1), TXDIS bit = 0.
6011  */
6012 #define USART_TXDAT_TXDAT(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_TXDAT_TXDAT_SHIFT)) & USART_TXDAT_TXDAT_MASK)
6013 /*! @} */
6015 /*! @name BRG - Baud Rate Generator register. 16-bit integer baud rate divisor value. */
6016 /*! @{ */
6017 #define USART_BRG_BRGVAL_MASK                    (0xFFFFU)
6018 #define USART_BRG_BRGVAL_SHIFT                   (0U)
6019 /*! BRGVAL - This value is used to divide the USART input clock to determine the baud rate, based on
6020  *    the input clock from the FRG. 0 = FCLK is used directly by the USART function. 1 = FCLK is
6021  *    divided by 2 before use by the USART function. 2 = FCLK is divided by 3 before use by the USART
6022  *    function. 0xFFFF = FCLK is divided by 65,536 before use by the USART function.
6023  */
6024 #define USART_BRG_BRGVAL(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_BRG_BRGVAL_SHIFT)) & USART_BRG_BRGVAL_MASK)
6025 /*! @} */
6027 /*! @name INTSTAT - Interrupt status register. Reflects interrupts that are currently enabled. */
6028 /*! @{ */
6029 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXRDY_MASK                 (0x1U)
6030 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXRDY_SHIFT                (0U)
6031 /*! RXRDY - Receiver Ready flag.
6032  */
6033 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXRDY(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_RXRDY_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_RXRDY_MASK)
6034 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXRDY_MASK                 (0x4U)
6035 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXRDY_SHIFT                (2U)
6036 /*! TXRDY - Transmitter Ready flag.
6037  */
6038 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXRDY(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_TXRDY_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_TXRDY_MASK)
6039 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTACTS_MASK              (0x20U)
6040 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTACTS_SHIFT             (5U)
6041 /*! DELTACTS - This bit is set when a change in the state of the CTS input is detected.
6042  */
6043 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTACTS(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_DELTACTS_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_DELTACTS_MASK)
6044 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXDISINT_MASK              (0x40U)
6045 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXDISINT_SHIFT             (6U)
6046 /*! TXDISINT - Transmitter Disabled Interrupt flag.
6047  */
6048 #define USART_INTSTAT_TXDISINT(x)                (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_TXDISINT_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_TXDISINT_MASK)
6049 #define USART_INTSTAT_OVERRUNINT_MASK            (0x100U)
6050 #define USART_INTSTAT_OVERRUNINT_SHIFT           (8U)
6051 /*! OVERRUNINT - Overrun Error interrupt flag.
6052  */
6053 #define USART_INTSTAT_OVERRUNINT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_OVERRUNINT_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_OVERRUNINT_MASK)
6054 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTARXBRK_MASK            (0x800U)
6055 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTARXBRK_SHIFT           (11U)
6056 /*! DELTARXBRK - This bit is set when a change in the state of receiver break detection occurs.
6057  */
6058 #define USART_INTSTAT_DELTARXBRK(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_DELTARXBRK_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_DELTARXBRK_MASK)
6059 #define USART_INTSTAT_START_MASK                 (0x1000U)
6060 #define USART_INTSTAT_START_SHIFT                (12U)
6061 /*! START - This bit is set when a start is detected on the receiver input.
6062  */
6063 #define USART_INTSTAT_START(x)                   (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_START_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_START_MASK)
6064 #define USART_INTSTAT_FRAMERRINT_MASK            (0x2000U)
6065 #define USART_INTSTAT_FRAMERRINT_SHIFT           (13U)
6066 /*! FRAMERRINT - Framing Error interrupt flag.
6067  */
6068 #define USART_INTSTAT_FRAMERRINT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_FRAMERRINT_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_FRAMERRINT_MASK)
6069 #define USART_INTSTAT_PARITYERRINT_MASK          (0x4000U)
6071 /*! PARITYERRINT - Parity Error interrupt flag.
6072  */
6074 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXNOISEINT_MASK            (0x8000U)
6075 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXNOISEINT_SHIFT           (15U)
6076 /*! RXNOISEINT - Received Noise interrupt flag.
6077  */
6078 #define USART_INTSTAT_RXNOISEINT(x)              (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << USART_INTSTAT_RXNOISEINT_SHIFT)) & USART_INTSTAT_RXNOISEINT_MASK)
6079 /*! @} */
6082 /*!
6083  * @}
6084  */ /* end of group USART_Register_Masks */
6087 /* USART - Peripheral instance base addresses */
6088 /** Peripheral USART0 base address */
6089 #define USART0_BASE                              (0x40064000u)
6090 /** Peripheral USART0 base pointer */
6091 #define USART0                                   ((USART_Type *)USART0_BASE)
6092 /** Peripheral USART1 base address */
6093 #define USART1_BASE                              (0x40068000u)
6094 /** Peripheral USART1 base pointer */
6095 #define USART1                                   ((USART_Type *)USART1_BASE)
6096 /** Array initializer of USART peripheral base addresses */
6097 #define USART_BASE_ADDRS                         { USART0_BASE, USART1_BASE }
6098 /** Array initializer of USART peripheral base pointers */
6099 #define USART_BASE_PTRS                          { USART0, USART1 }
6100 /** Interrupt vectors for the USART peripheral type */
6101 #define USART_IRQS                               { USART0_IRQn, USART1_IRQn }
6103 /*!
6104  * @}
6105  */ /* end of group USART_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
6108 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6109    -- WKT Peripheral Access Layer
6110    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6112 /*!
6113  * @addtogroup WKT_Peripheral_Access_Layer WKT Peripheral Access Layer
6114  * @{
6115  */
6117 /** WKT - Register Layout Typedef */
6118 typedef struct {
6119   __IO uint32_t CTRL;                              /**< Self wake-up timer control register., offset: 0x0 */
6120        uint8_t RESERVED_0[8];
6121   __IO uint32_t COUNT;                             /**< Counter register., offset: 0xC */
6122 } WKT_Type;
6124 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6125    -- WKT Register Masks
6126    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6128 /*!
6129  * @addtogroup WKT_Register_Masks WKT Register Masks
6130  * @{
6131  */
6133 /*! @name CTRL - Self wake-up timer control register. */
6134 /*! @{ */
6135 #define WKT_CTRL_CLKSEL_MASK                     (0x1U)
6136 #define WKT_CTRL_CLKSEL_SHIFT                    (0U)
6137 /*! CLKSEL - Select the self wake-up timer clock source. Remark: This bit only has an effect if the SEL_EXTCLK bit is not set.
6138  *  0b0..Divided IRC clock. This clock runs at 750 kHz and provides time-out periods of up to approximately 95
6139  *       minutes in 1.33 us increments. Remark: This clock is not available in not available in Deep-sleep,
6140  *       power-down, deep power-down modes. Do not select this option if the timer is to be used to wake up from one of these
6141  *       modes.
6142  *  0b1..This is the (nominally) 10 kHz clock and provides time-out periods of up to approximately 119 hours in
6143  *       100 us increments. The accuracy of this clock is limited to +/- 40 % over temperature and processing.
6144  *       Remark: This clock is available in all power modes. Prior to use, the low-power oscillator must be enabled. The
6145  *       oscillator must also be set to remain active in Deep power-down if needed.
6146  */
6147 #define WKT_CTRL_CLKSEL(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WKT_CTRL_CLKSEL_SHIFT)) & WKT_CTRL_CLKSEL_MASK)
6148 #define WKT_CTRL_ALARMFLAG_MASK                  (0x2U)
6149 #define WKT_CTRL_ALARMFLAG_SHIFT                 (1U)
6150 /*! ALARMFLAG - Wake-up or alarm timer flag.
6151  *  0b0..No time-out. The self wake-up timer has not timed out. Writing a 0 to has no effect.
6152  *  0b1..Time-out. The self wake-up timer has timed out. This flag generates an interrupt request which can wake
6153  *       up the part from any reduced power mode including Deep power-down if the clock source is the low power
6154  *       oscillator. Writing a 1 clears this status bit.
6155  */
6156 #define WKT_CTRL_ALARMFLAG(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WKT_CTRL_ALARMFLAG_SHIFT)) & WKT_CTRL_ALARMFLAG_MASK)
6157 #define WKT_CTRL_CLEARCTR_MASK                   (0x4U)
6158 #define WKT_CTRL_CLEARCTR_SHIFT                  (2U)
6159 /*! CLEARCTR - Clears the self wake-up timer.
6160  *  0b0..No effect. Reading this bit always returns 0.
6161  *  0b1..Clear the counter. Counting is halted until a new count value is loaded.
6162  */
6163 #define WKT_CTRL_CLEARCTR(x)                     (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WKT_CTRL_CLEARCTR_SHIFT)) & WKT_CTRL_CLEARCTR_MASK)
6164 /*! @} */
6166 /*! @name COUNT - Counter register. */
6167 /*! @{ */
6168 #define WKT_COUNT_VALUE_MASK                     (0xFFFFFFFFU)
6169 #define WKT_COUNT_VALUE_SHIFT                    (0U)
6170 /*! VALUE - A write to this register pre-loads start count value into the timer and starts the
6171  *    count-down sequence. A read reflects the current value of the timer.
6172  */
6173 #define WKT_COUNT_VALUE(x)                       (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WKT_COUNT_VALUE_SHIFT)) & WKT_COUNT_VALUE_MASK)
6174 /*! @} */
6177 /*!
6178  * @}
6179  */ /* end of group WKT_Register_Masks */
6182 /* WKT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
6183 /** Peripheral WKT base address */
6184 #define WKT_BASE                                 (0x40008000u)
6185 /** Peripheral WKT base pointer */
6186 #define WKT                                      ((WKT_Type *)WKT_BASE)
6187 /** Array initializer of WKT peripheral base addresses */
6188 #define WKT_BASE_ADDRS                           { WKT_BASE }
6189 /** Array initializer of WKT peripheral base pointers */
6190 #define WKT_BASE_PTRS                            { WKT }
6191 /** Interrupt vectors for the WKT peripheral type */
6192 #define WKT_IRQS                                 { WKT_IRQn }
6194 /*!
6195  * @}
6196  */ /* end of group WKT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
6199 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6200    -- WWDT Peripheral Access Layer
6201    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6203 /*!
6204  * @addtogroup WWDT_Peripheral_Access_Layer WWDT Peripheral Access Layer
6205  * @{
6206  */
6208 /** WWDT - Register Layout Typedef */
6209 typedef struct {
6210   __IO uint32_t MOD;                               /**< Watchdog mode register. This register contains the basic mode and status of the Watchdog Timer., offset: 0x0 */
6211   __IO uint32_t TC;                                /**< Watchdog timer constant register. This 24-bit register determines the time-out value., offset: 0x4 */
6212   __O  uint32_t FEED;                              /**< Watchdog feed sequence register. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55 to this register reloads the Watchdog timer with the value contained in TC., offset: 0x8 */
6213   __I  uint32_t TV;                                /**< Watchdog timer value register. This 24-bit register reads out the current value of the Watchdog timer., offset: 0xC */
6214        uint8_t RESERVED_0[4];
6215   __IO uint32_t WARNINT;                           /**< Watchdog Warning Interrupt compare value., offset: 0x14 */
6216   __IO uint32_t WINDOW;                            /**< Watchdog Window compare value., offset: 0x18 */
6217 } WWDT_Type;
6219 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6220    -- WWDT Register Masks
6221    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6223 /*!
6224  * @addtogroup WWDT_Register_Masks WWDT Register Masks
6225  * @{
6226  */
6228 /*! @name MOD - Watchdog mode register. This register contains the basic mode and status of the Watchdog Timer. */
6229 /*! @{ */
6230 #define WWDT_MOD_WDEN_MASK                       (0x1U)
6231 #define WWDT_MOD_WDEN_SHIFT                      (0U)
6232 /*! WDEN - Watchdog enable bit. Once this bit is set to one and a watchdog feed is performed, the
6233  *    watchdog timer will run permanently.
6234  *  0b0..Stop. The watchdog timer is stopped.
6235  *  0b1..Run. The watchdog timer is running.
6236  */
6237 #define WWDT_MOD_WDEN(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_WDEN_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_WDEN_MASK)
6238 #define WWDT_MOD_WDRESET_MASK                    (0x2U)
6239 #define WWDT_MOD_WDRESET_SHIFT                   (1U)
6240 /*! WDRESET - Watchdog reset enable bit. Once this bit has been written with a 1 it cannot be re-written with a 0.
6241  *  0b0..Interrupt. A watchdog time-out will not cause a chip reset.
6242  *  0b1..Reset. A watchdog time-out will cause a chip reset.
6243  */
6244 #define WWDT_MOD_WDRESET(x)                      (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_WDRESET_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_WDRESET_MASK)
6245 #define WWDT_MOD_WDTOF_MASK                      (0x4U)
6246 #define WWDT_MOD_WDTOF_SHIFT                     (2U)
6247 /*! WDTOF - Watchdog time-out flag. Set when the watchdog timer times out, by a feed error, or by
6248  *    events associated with WDPROTECT. Cleared by software writing a 0 to this bit position. Causes a
6249  *    chip reset if WDRESET = 1.
6250  */
6251 #define WWDT_MOD_WDTOF(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_WDTOF_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_WDTOF_MASK)
6252 #define WWDT_MOD_WDINT_MASK                      (0x8U)
6253 #define WWDT_MOD_WDINT_SHIFT                     (3U)
6254 /*! WDINT - Warning interrupt flag. Set when the timer is at or below the value in WDWARNINT.
6255  *    Cleared by software writing a 1 to this bit position. Note that this bit cannot be cleared while the
6256  *    WARNINT value is equal to the value of the TV register. This can occur if the value of
6257  *    WARNINT is 0 and the WDRESET bit is 0 when TV decrements to 0.
6258  */
6259 #define WWDT_MOD_WDINT(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_WDINT_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_WDINT_MASK)
6260 #define WWDT_MOD_WDPROTECT_MASK                  (0x10U)
6261 #define WWDT_MOD_WDPROTECT_SHIFT                 (4U)
6262 /*! WDPROTECT - Watchdog update mode. This bit can be set once by software and is only cleared by a reset.
6263  *  0b0..Flexible. The watchdog time-out value (TC) can be changed at any time.
6264  *  0b1..Threshold. The watchdog time-out value (TC) can be changed only after the counter is below the value of WDWARNINT and WDWINDOW.
6265  */
6266 #define WWDT_MOD_WDPROTECT(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_WDPROTECT_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_WDPROTECT_MASK)
6267 #define WWDT_MOD_LOCK_MASK                       (0x20U)
6268 #define WWDT_MOD_LOCK_SHIFT                      (5U)
6269 /*! LOCK - Once this bit is set to one and a watchdog feed is performed, disabling or powering down
6270  *    the watchdog oscillator is prevented by hardware. This bit can be set once by software and is
6271  *    only cleared by any reset.
6272  */
6273 #define WWDT_MOD_LOCK(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_MOD_LOCK_SHIFT)) & WWDT_MOD_LOCK_MASK)
6274 /*! @} */
6276 /*! @name TC - Watchdog timer constant register. This 24-bit register determines the time-out value. */
6277 /*! @{ */
6278 #define WWDT_TC_COUNT_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFU)
6279 #define WWDT_TC_COUNT_SHIFT                      (0U)
6280 /*! COUNT - Watchdog time-out value.
6281  */
6282 #define WWDT_TC_COUNT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_TC_COUNT_SHIFT)) & WWDT_TC_COUNT_MASK)
6283 /*! @} */
6285 /*! @name FEED - Watchdog feed sequence register. Writing 0xAA followed by 0x55 to this register reloads the Watchdog timer with the value contained in TC. */
6286 /*! @{ */
6287 #define WWDT_FEED_FEED_MASK                      (0xFFU)
6288 #define WWDT_FEED_FEED_SHIFT                     (0U)
6289 /*! FEED - Feed value should be 0xAA followed by 0x55.
6290  */
6291 #define WWDT_FEED_FEED(x)                        (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_FEED_FEED_SHIFT)) & WWDT_FEED_FEED_MASK)
6292 /*! @} */
6294 /*! @name TV - Watchdog timer value register. This 24-bit register reads out the current value of the Watchdog timer. */
6295 /*! @{ */
6296 #define WWDT_TV_COUNT_MASK                       (0xFFFFFFU)
6297 #define WWDT_TV_COUNT_SHIFT                      (0U)
6298 /*! COUNT - Counter timer value.
6299  */
6300 #define WWDT_TV_COUNT(x)                         (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_TV_COUNT_SHIFT)) & WWDT_TV_COUNT_MASK)
6301 /*! @} */
6303 /*! @name WARNINT - Watchdog Warning Interrupt compare value. */
6304 /*! @{ */
6305 #define WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT_MASK                (0x3FFU)
6306 #define WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT_SHIFT               (0U)
6307 /*! WARNINT - Watchdog warning interrupt compare value.
6308  */
6309 #define WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT(x)                  (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT_SHIFT)) & WWDT_WARNINT_WARNINT_MASK)
6310 /*! @} */
6312 /*! @name WINDOW - Watchdog Window compare value. */
6313 /*! @{ */
6314 #define WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW_MASK                  (0xFFFFFFU)
6315 #define WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW_SHIFT                 (0U)
6316 /*! WINDOW - Watchdog window value.
6317  */
6318 #define WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW(x)                    (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x)) << WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW_SHIFT)) & WWDT_WINDOW_WINDOW_MASK)
6319 /*! @} */
6322 /*!
6323  * @}
6324  */ /* end of group WWDT_Register_Masks */
6327 /* WWDT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
6328 /** Peripheral WWDT base address */
6329 #define WWDT_BASE                                (0x40000000u)
6330 /** Peripheral WWDT base pointer */
6331 #define WWDT                                     ((WWDT_Type *)WWDT_BASE)
6332 /** Array initializer of WWDT peripheral base addresses */
6333 #define WWDT_BASE_ADDRS                          { WWDT_BASE }
6334 /** Array initializer of WWDT peripheral base pointers */
6335 #define WWDT_BASE_PTRS                           { WWDT }
6336 /** Interrupt vectors for the WWDT peripheral type */
6337 #define WWDT_IRQS                                { WDT_IRQn }
6339 /*!
6340  * @}
6341  */ /* end of group WWDT_Peripheral_Access_Layer */
6344 /*
6345 ** End of section using anonymous unions
6346 */
6348 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
6349   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
6350     #pragma clang diagnostic pop
6351   #else
6352     #pragma pop
6353   #endif
6354 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
6355   /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
6356 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
6357   #pragma language=default
6358 #else
6359   #error Not supported compiler type
6360 #endif
6362 /*!
6363  * @}
6364  */ /* end of group Peripheral_access_layer */
6367 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6368    -- Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_SHIFT, xxx_MASK).
6369    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6371 /*!
6372  * @addtogroup Bit_Field_Generic_Macros Macros for use with bit field definitions (xxx_SHIFT, xxx_MASK).
6373  * @{
6374  */
6376 #if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
6377   #if (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
6378     #pragma clang system_header
6379   #endif
6380 #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
6381   #pragma system_include
6382 #endif
6384 /**
6385  * @brief Mask and left-shift a bit field value for use in a register bit range.
6386  * @param field Name of the register bit field.
6387  * @param value Value of the bit field.
6388  * @return Masked and shifted value.
6389  */
6390 #define NXP_VAL2FLD(field, value)    (((value) << (field ## _SHIFT)) & (field ## _MASK))
6391 /**
6392  * @brief Mask and right-shift a register value to extract a bit field value.
6393  * @param field Name of the register bit field.
6394  * @param value Value of the register.
6395  * @return Masked and shifted bit field value.
6396  */
6397 #define NXP_FLD2VAL(field, value)    (((value) & (field ## _MASK)) >> (field ## _SHIFT))
6399 /*!
6400  * @}
6401  */ /* end of group Bit_Field_Generic_Macros */
6404 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6405    -- SDK Compatibility
6406    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6408 /*!
6409  * @addtogroup SDK_Compatibility_Symbols SDK Compatibility
6410  * @{
6411  */
6413 /* No SDK compatibility issues. */
6415 /*!
6416  * @}
6417  */ /* end of group SDK_Compatibility_Symbols */
6420 #endif  /* _LPC811_H_ */