1 /*
2  * Copyright 2017, NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
7 #ifndef _FSL_POWER_H_
8 #define _FSL_POWER_H_
10 #include "fsl_common.h"
11 #include "fsl_device_registers.h"
12 #include <stdint.h>
14 /*!
15  * @addtogroup power
16  * @{
17  */
18 /*******************************************************************************
19  * Definitions
20  ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @name Driver version */
23 /*@{*/
24 /*! @brief power driver version 1.0.0. */
26 /*@}*/
28 /* Power mode configuration API parameter */
29 typedef enum _power_mode_config
30 {
31     kPmu_Sleep          = 0U,
32     kPmu_Deep_Sleep     = 1U,
33     kPmu_PowerDown      = 2U,
34     kPmu_Deep_PowerDown = 3U,
35 } power_mode_cfg_t;
37 /**
38  * @brief Analog components power modes control during low power modes
39  */
40 typedef enum pd_bits
41 {
42     kPDRUNCFG_PD_DCDC         = (1UL << 0),
43     kPDRUNCFG_PD_BIAS         = (1UL << 1),
44     kPDRUNCFG_PD_BODCORE      = (1UL << 2),
45     kPDRUNCFG_PD_BODVBAT      = (1UL << 3),
46     kPDRUNCFG_PD_FRO1M        = (1UL << 4),
47     kPDRUNCFG_PD_FRO192M      = (1UL << 5),
48     kPDRUNCFG_PD_FRO32K       = (1UL << 6),
49     kPDRUNCFG_PD_XTAL32K      = (1UL << 7),
50     kPDRUNCFG_PD_XTAL32M      = (1UL << 8),
51     kPDRUNCFG_PD_PLL0         = (1UL << 9),
52     kPDRUNCFG_PD_PLL1         = (1UL << 10),
53     kPDRUNCFG_PD_USB0_PHY     = (1UL << 11),
54     kPDRUNCFG_PD_USB1_PHY     = (1UL << 12),
55     kPDRUNCFG_PD_COMP         = (1UL << 13),
56     kPDRUNCFG_PD_TEMPSENS     = (1UL << 14),
57     kPDRUNCFG_PD_GPADC        = (1UL << 15),
58     kPDRUNCFG_PD_LDOMEM       = (1UL << 16),
60     kPDRUNCFG_PD_LDOUSBHS     = (1UL << 18),
61     kPDRUNCFG_PD_LDOGPADC     = (1UL << 19),
62     kPDRUNCFG_PD_LDOXO32M     = (1UL << 20),
63     kPDRUNCFG_PD_LDOFLASHNV   = (1UL << 21),
64     kPDRUNCFG_PD_RNG          = (1UL << 22),
65     kPDRUNCFG_PD_PLL0_SSCG    = (1UL << 23),
66     kPDRUNCFG_PD_ROM          = (1UL << 24),
67     /*
68        This enum member has no practical meaning,it is used to avoid MISRA issue,
69        user should not trying to use it.
70        */
71     kPDRUNCFG_ForceUnsigned = 0x80000000U,
72 } pd_bit_t;
74 /**
75  * @brief BOD VBAT level
76  */
77 typedef enum _power_bod_vbat_level
78 {
79     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1000mv = 0,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1V */
80     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1100mv = 1,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.1V */
81     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1200mv = 2,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.2V */
82     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1300mv = 3,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.3V */
83     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1400mv = 4,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.4V */
84     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1500mv = 5,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.5V */
85     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1600mv = 6,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.6V */
86     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1650mv = 7,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.65V */
87     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1700mv = 8,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.7V */
88     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1750mv = 9,  /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.75V */
89     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1800mv = 10, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.8V */
90     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel1900mv = 11, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 1.9V */
91     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2000mv = 12, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2V */
92     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2100mv = 13, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.1V */
93     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2200mv = 14, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.2V */
94     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2300mv = 15, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.3V */
95     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2400mv = 16, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.4V */
96     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2500mv = 17, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.5V */
97     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2600mv = 18, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.6V */
98     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2700mv = 19, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.7V */
99     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2806mv = 20, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.806V */
100     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel2900mv = 21, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 2.9V */
101     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel3000mv = 22, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 3.0V */
102     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel3100mv = 23, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 3.1V */
103     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel3200mv = 24, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 3.2V */
104     kPOWER_BodVbatLevel3300mv = 25, /*!< Brown out detector VBAT level 3.3V */
105 } power_bod_vbat_level_t;
107 /**
108  * @brief BOD Hysteresis control
109  */
110 typedef enum _power_bod_hyst
111 {
112     kPOWER_BodHystLevel25mv  = 0U, /*!< BOD Hysteresis control level 25mv */
113     kPOWER_BodHystLevel50mv  = 1U, /*!< BOD Hysteresis control level 50mv */
114     kPOWER_BodHystLevel75mv  = 2U, /*!< BOD Hysteresis control level 75mv */
115     kPOWER_BodHystLevel100mv = 3U, /*!< BOD Hysteresis control level 100mv */
116 } power_bod_hyst_t;
117 /**
118  * @brief BOD core level
119  */
120 typedef enum _power_bod_core_level
121 {
122     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel600mv = 0, /*!< Brown out detector core level 600mV */
123     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel650mv = 1, /*!< Brown out detector core level 650mV */
124     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel700mv = 2, /*!< Brown out detector core level 700mV */
125     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel750mv = 3, /*!< Brown out detector core level 750mV */
126     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel800mv = 4, /*!< Brown out detector core level 800mV */
127     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel850mv = 5, /*!< Brown out detector core level 850mV */
128     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel900mv = 6, /*!< Brown out detector core level 900mV */
129     kPOWER_BodCoreLevel950mv = 7, /*!< Brown out detector core level 950mV */
130 } power_bod_core_level_t;
132 /**
133  * @brief Device Reset Causes
134  */
135 typedef enum _power_device_reset_cause
136 {
137     kRESET_CAUSE_POR            = 0UL, /*!< Power On Reset */
138     kRESET_CAUSE_PADRESET       = 1UL, /*!< Hardware Pin Reset */
139     kRESET_CAUSE_BODRESET       = 2UL, /*!< Brown-out Detector reset (either BODVBAT or BODCORE) */
140     kRESET_CAUSE_ARMSYSTEMRESET = 3UL, /*!< ARM System Reset */
141     kRESET_CAUSE_WDTRESET       = 4UL, /*!< Watchdog Timer Reset */
142     kRESET_CAUSE_SWRRESET       = 5UL, /*!< Software Reset */
143     kRESET_CAUSE_CDOGRESET      = 6UL, /*!< Code Watchdog Reset */
144     /* Reset causes in DEEP-POWER-DOWN low power mode */
145     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_WAKEUPIO     = 7UL,  /*!< Any of the 4 wake-up pins */
146     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_RTC          = 8UL,  /*!< Real Time Counter (RTC) */
147     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_OSTIMER      = 9UL,  /*!< OS Event Timer (OSTIMER) */
148     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_WAKEUPIO_RTC = 10UL, /*!< Any of the 4 wake-up pins and RTC (it is not possible to distinguish
149                                                   which of these 2 events occured first) */
150     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_WAKEUPIO_OSTIMER = 11UL,     /*!< Any of the 4 wake-up pins and OSTIMER (it is not possible to
151                                                           distinguish which of these 2 events occured first) */
152     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_RTC_OSTIMER = 12UL,          /*!< Real Time Counter or OS Event Timer (it is not possible to
153                                                           distinguish which of these 2 events occured first) */
154     kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_WAKEUPIO_RTC_OSTIMER = 13UL, /*!< Any of the 4 wake-up pins (it is not possible to distinguish
155                                                           which of these 3 events occured first) */
156     /* Miscallenous */
158         14UL, /*!< No reset cause (for example, this code is used when waking up from DEEP-SLEEP low power mode) */
159     kRESET_CAUSE_NOT_DETERMINISTIC = 15UL, /*!< Unknown Reset Cause. Should be treated like "Hardware Pin Reset" from an
160                                               application point of view. */
161 } power_device_reset_cause_t;
163 /**
164  * @brief Device Boot Modes
165  */
166 typedef enum _power_device_boot_mode
167 {
169         0UL, /*!< All non Low Power Mode wake up (Power On Reset, Pin Reset, BoD Reset, ARM System Reset ... ) */
170     kBOOT_MODE_LP_DEEP_SLEEP      = 1UL, /*!< Wake up from DEEP-SLEEP Low Power mode */
171     kBOOT_MODE_LP_POWER_DOWN      = 2UL, /*!< Wake up from POWER-DOWN Low Power mode */
172     kBOOT_MODE_LP_DEEP_POWER_DOWN = 4UL, /*!< Wake up from DEEP-POWER-DOWN Low Power mode */
173 } power_device_boot_mode_t;
175 /**
176  * @brief SRAM instances retention control during low power modes
177  */
179     (1UL << 0) /*!< Enable SRAMX_0 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
181     (1UL << 1) /*!< Enable SRAMX_1 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
183     (1UL << 2) /*!< Enable SRAMX_2 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
185     (1UL << 3) /*!< Enable SRAMX_3 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
187     (1UL << 4) /*!< Enable SRAM0_0 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
189     (1UL << 6) /*!< Enable SRAM1_0 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
191     (1UL << 7) /*!< Enable SRAM2_0 retention when entering in Low power modes       */
193     (1UL << 14) /*!< Enable SRAM USB HS retention when entering in Low power modes   */
195 /**
196  * @brief Low Power Modes Wake up sources
197  */
198 #define WAKEUP_SYS             (1ULL << 0) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */ /* WWDT0_IRQ and BOD_IRQ*/
199 #define WAKEUP_SDMA0           (1ULL << 1)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
200 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_GLOBALINT0 (1ULL << 2)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP, POWER DOWN                 ] */
201 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_GLOBALINT1 (1ULL << 3)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP, POWER DOWN                 ] */
202 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_0     (1ULL << 4)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
203 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_1     (1ULL << 5)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
204 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_2     (1ULL << 6)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
205 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_3     (1ULL << 7)  /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
206 #define WAKEUP_UTICK           (1ULL << 8)  /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
207 #define WAKEUP_MRT             (1ULL << 9)  /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
208 #define WAKEUP_CTIMER0         (1ULL << 10) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
209 #define WAKEUP_CTIMER1         (1ULL << 11) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
210 #define WAKEUP_SCT             (1ULL << 12) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
211 #define WAKEUP_CTIMER3         (1ULL << 13) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
212 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM0       (1ULL << 14) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
213 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM1       (1ULL << 15) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
214 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM2       (1ULL << 16) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
215 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM3       (1ULL << 17) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP, POWER DOWN                 ] */
216 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM4       (1ULL << 18) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
217 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM5       (1ULL << 19) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
218 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM6       (1ULL << 20) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
219 #define WAKEUP_FLEXCOMM7       (1ULL << 21) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
220 #define WAKEUP_ADC             (1ULL << 22) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
221 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 23)
222 #define WAKEUP_ACMP (1ULL << 24) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP, POWER DOWN                 ] */
223 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 25)
224 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 26)
225 #define WAKEUP_USB0_NEEDCLK          (1ULL << 27) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
226 #define WAKEUP_USB0                  (1ULL << 28) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
228 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 30)
229 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 31)
230 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_4    (1ULL << 32) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
231 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_5    (1ULL << 33) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
232 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_6    (1ULL << 34) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
233 #define WAKEUP_GPIO_INT0_7    (1ULL << 35) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
234 #define WAKEUP_CTIMER2        (1ULL << 36) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
235 #define WAKEUP_CTIMER4        (1ULL << 37) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
237 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 39)
238 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 40)
239 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 41)
240 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 42)
241 #define CAN0_INT0 (1ULL << 43) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
242 #define CAN1_INT0 (1ULL << 44) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
243 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 45)
244 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 46)
245 #define WAKEUP_USB1                (1ULL << 47) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
246 #define WAKEUP_USB1_NEEDCLK        (1ULL << 48) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
247 #define WAKEUP_SEC_HYPERVISOR_CALL (1ULL << 49) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
248 #define WAKEUP_SEC_GPIO_INT0_0     (1ULL << 50) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
249 #define WAKEUP_SEC_GPIO_INT0_1     (1ULL << 51) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
250 #define WAKEUP_PLU                 (1ULL << 52) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
251 #define WAKEUP_SEC_VIO             (1ULL << 53)
252 #define WAKEUP_SHA                 (1ULL << 54) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
253 #define WAKEUP_CASPER              (1ULL << 55) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
254 #define WAKEUP_PUF                 (1ULL << 56) /*!< [SLEEP,                                        ] */
255 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 57)
256 #define WAKEUP_SDMA1   (1ULL << 58) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
257 #define WAKEUP_LSPI_HS (1ULL << 59) /*!< [SLEEP, DEEP SLEEP                             ] */
258 //#define CDOG (1ULL << 60)           !< [SLEEP,                                        ]
259 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 61)
260 // reserved                                         (1ULL << 62)
261 #define WAKEUP_ALLWAKEUPIOS (1ULL << 63) /*!< [                             , DEEP POWER DOWN] */
263 /**
264  * @brief Sleep Postpone
265  */
266 #define LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_FORCED (1UL << 0) /*!< Force peripheral clocking to stay on during deep-sleep mode. */
267 #define LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_PERIPHERALS                                                                                \
268     (1UL << 1) /*!< Wake for Flexcomms. Any Flexcomm FIFO reaching the level specified by its own TXLVL will cause \
269                   peripheral clocking to wake up temporarily while the related status is asserted */
270 #define LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_SDMA0                                                                                 \
271     (1UL << 3) /*!< Wake for DMA0. DMA0 being busy will cause peripheral clocking to remain running until DMA \
272                   completes. Used in conjonction with LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_PERIPHERALS */
273 #define LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_SDMA1                                                                                 \
274     (1UL << 5) /*!< Wake for DMA1. DMA0 being busy will cause peripheral clocking to remain running until DMA \
275                   completes. Used in conjonction with LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_PERIPHERALS */
276 #define LOWPOWER_HWWAKE_ENABLE_FRO192M                                                                  \
277     (1UL << 31) /*!< Need to be set if FRO192M is disable - via PDCTRL0 - in Deep Sleep mode and any of \
280 #define LOWPOWER_CPURETCTRL_ENA_DISABLE 0 /*!< In POWER DOWN mode, CPU Retention is disabled */
281 #define LOWPOWER_CPURETCTRL_ENA_ENABLE  1 /*!< In POWER DOWN mode, CPU Retention is enabled  */
282 /**
283  * @brief Wake up I/O sources
284  */
285 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO0_INDEX 0 /*!< Pin P1( 1) */
286 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO1_INDEX 2 /*!< Pin P0(28) */
287 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO2_INDEX 4 /*!< Pin P1(18) */
288 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO3_INDEX 6 /*!< Pin P1(30) */
290 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_DISABLE        0 /*!< Wake up is disable                      */
291 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_RISING         1 /*!< Wake up on rising edge                  */
292 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_FALLING        2 /*!< Wake up on falling edge                 */
293 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_RISING_FALLING 3 /*!< Wake up on both rising or falling edges */
295 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO0MODE_INDEX 12 /*!< Pin P1( 1) */
296 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO1MODE_INDEX 14 /*!< Pin P0(28) */
297 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO2MODE_INDEX 16 /*!< Pin P1(18) */
298 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_PIO3MODE_INDEX 18 /*!< Pin P1(30) */
300 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_IO_MODE_PLAIN    0 /*!< Wake up Pad is plain input              */
301 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_IO_MODE_PULLDOWN 1 /*!< Wake up Pad is pull-down                */
302 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_IO_MODE_PULLUP   2 /*!< Wake up Pad is pull-up                  */
303 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIOSRC_IO_MODE_REPEATER 3 /*!< Wake up Pad is in repeater              */
305 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO0_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX 8  /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 pull-up/down configuration index */
306 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO1_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX 9  /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 pull-up/down configuration index */
307 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO2_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX 10 /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 pull-up/down configuration index */
308 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO3_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX 11 /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 pull-up/down configuration index */
311     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO0_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 pull-up/down mask */
313     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO1_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 pull-up/down mask */
315     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO2_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 pull-up/down mask */
317     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO3_PULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 pull-up/down mask */
319 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PULLDOWN 0 /*!< Select pull-down                */
320 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PULLUP   1 /*!< Select pull-up                  */
323     12 /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
325     13 /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
327     14 /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
329     15 /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
331     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO0_DISABLEPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 pull-up/down disable/enable mask */
333     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO1_DISABLEPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 pull-up/down disable/enable mask */
335     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO2_DISABLEPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 pull-up/down disable/enable mask */
337     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO3_DISABLEPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 pull-up/down disable/enable mask */
340     (16) /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 use external pull-up/down disable/enable control index*/
342     (17) /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 use external pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
344     (18) /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 use external pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
346     (19) /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 use external pull-up/down disable/enable control index */
347 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO0_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_MASK                                                    \
348     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO0_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 0 use external pull-up/down \
349                                                                    disable/enable mask, 0: disable, 1: enable */
350 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO1_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_MASK                                                    \
351     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO1_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 1 use external pull-up/down \
352                                                                    disable/enable mask, 0: disable, 1: enable */
353 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO2_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_MASK                                                    \
354     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO2_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 2 use external pull-up/down \
355                                                                    disable/enable mask, 0: disable, 1: enable */
356 #define LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO3_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_MASK                                                    \
357     (1UL << LOWPOWER_WAKEUPIO_PIO3_USEEXTERNALPULLUPDOWN_INDEX) /*!< Wake-up I/O 3 use external pull-up/down \
358                                                                    disable/enable mask, 0: disable, 1: enable */
360 #ifdef __cplusplus
361 extern "C" {
362 #endif
363 /*******************************************************************************
364  * API
365  ******************************************************************************/
367 /*!
368  * @brief API to enable PDRUNCFG bit in the Syscon. Note that enabling the bit powers down the peripheral
369  *
370  * @param en    peripheral for which to enable the PDRUNCFG bit
371  * @return none
372  */
POWER_EnablePD(pd_bit_t en)373 static inline void POWER_EnablePD(pd_bit_t en)
374 {
375     /* PDRUNCFGSET */
376     PMC->PDRUNCFGSET0 = (uint32_t)en;
377 }
379 /*!
380  * @brief API to disable PDRUNCFG bit in the Syscon. Note that disabling the bit powers up the peripheral
381  *
382  * @param en    peripheral for which to disable the PDRUNCFG bit
383  * @return none
384  */
POWER_DisablePD(pd_bit_t en)385 static inline void POWER_DisablePD(pd_bit_t en)
386 {
387     /* PDRUNCFGCLR */
388     PMC->PDRUNCFGCLR0 = (uint32_t)en;
389 }
391 /*!
392  * @brief set BOD VBAT level.
393  *
394  * @param level BOD detect level
395  * @param hyst BoD Hysteresis control
396  * @param enBodVbatReset VBAT brown out detect reset
397  */
398 void POWER_SetBodVbatLevel(power_bod_vbat_level_t level, power_bod_hyst_t hyst, bool enBodVbatReset);
401 /*!
402  * @brief set BOD core level.
403  *
404  * @param level BOD detect level
405  * @param hyst BoD Hysteresis control
406  * @param enBodCoreReset core brown out detect reset
407  */
408 void POWER_SetBodCoreLevel(power_bod_core_level_t level, power_bod_hyst_t hyst, bool enBodCoreReset);
409 #endif
411 /*!
412  * @brief API to enable deep sleep bit in the ARM Core.
413  *
414  * @return none
415  */
POWER_EnableDeepSleep(void)416 static inline void POWER_EnableDeepSleep(void)
417 {
419 }
421 /*!
422  * @brief API to disable deep sleep bit in the ARM Core.
423  *
424  * @return none
425  */
POWER_DisableDeepSleep(void)426 static inline void POWER_DisableDeepSleep(void)
427 {
429 }
431 /**
432  * @brief   Shut off the Flash and execute the _WFI(), then power up the Flash after wake-up event
433  *  This MUST BE EXECUTED outside the Flash:
434  *  either from ROM or from SRAM. The rest could stay in Flash. But, for consistency, it is
435  *  preferable to have all functions defined in this file implemented in ROM.
436  *
437  * @return  Nothing
438  */
439 void POWER_CycleCpuAndFlash(void);
441 /**
442  * @brief   Configures and enters in DEEP-SLEEP low power mode
443  * @param   exclude_from_pd:
444  * @param   sram_retention_ctrl:
445  * @param   wakeup_interrupts:
446  * @param   hardware_wake_ctrl:
448  * @return  Nothing
449  *
450  *          !!! IMPORTANT NOTES :
451  0 - CPU0 & System CLock frequency is switched to FRO12MHz and is NOT restored back by the API.
452  *           1 - CPU0 Interrupt Enable registers (NVIC->ISER) are modified by this function. They are restored back in
453  case of CPU retention or if POWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an interrupt is pending).
454  *           2 - The Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is disabled and its configuration before calling this function will be
455  restored back if POWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an RTC or OSTIMER interrupt is pending).
456  *           3 - The HARD FAULT handler should execute from SRAM. (The Hard fault handler should initiate a full chip
457  reset) reset)
458  */
459 void POWER_EnterDeepSleep(uint32_t exclude_from_pd,
460                           uint32_t sram_retention_ctrl,
461                           uint64_t wakeup_interrupts,
462                           uint32_t hardware_wake_ctrl);
464 /**
465  * @brief   Configures and enters in POWERDOWN low power mode
466  * @param   exclude_from_pd:
467  * @param   sram_retention_ctrl:
468  * @param   wakeup_interrupts:
469  * @param   cpu_retention_ctrl:  0 = CPU retention is disable / 1 = CPU retention is enabled, all other values are
472  * @return  Nothing
473  *
474  *          !!! IMPORTANT NOTES :
475  0 - CPU0 & System CLock frequency is switched to FRO12MHz and is NOT restored back by the API.
476  *           1 - CPU0 Interrupt Enable registers (NVIC->ISER) are modified by this function. They are restored back in
477  case of CPU retention or if POWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an interrupt is pending).
478  *           2 - The Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is disabled and its configuration before calling this function will be
479  restored back if POWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an RTC or OSTIMER interrupt is pending).
480  *           3 - In case of CPU retention, it is the responsability of the user to make sure that SRAM instance
481  containing the stack used to call this function WILL BE preserved during low power (via parameter
482  "sram_retention_ctrl")
483  *           4 - The HARD FAULT handler should execute from SRAM. (The Hard fault handler should initiate a full chip
484  reset) reset)
485  */
487 void POWER_EnterPowerDown(uint32_t exclude_from_pd,
488                           uint32_t sram_retention_ctrl,
489                           uint64_t wakeup_interrupts,
490                           uint32_t cpu_retention_ctrl);
492 /**
493  * @brief   Configures and enters in DEEPPOWERDOWN low power mode
494  * @param   exclude_from_pd:
495  * @param   sram_retention_ctrl:
496  * @param   wakeup_interrupts:
497  * @param   wakeup_io_ctrl:
499  * @return  Nothing
500  *
501  *          !!! IMPORTANT NOTES :
502  0 - CPU0 & System CLock frequency is switched to FRO12MHz and is NOT restored back by the API.
503  *           1 - CPU0 Interrupt Enable registers (NVIC->ISER) are modified by this function. They are restored back if
504  DEEPPOWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an RTC or OSTIMER interrupt is pending).
505  *           2 - The Non Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is disabled and its configuration before calling this function will be
506  restored back if DEEPPOWERDOWN is not taken (for instance because an RTC or OSTIMER interrupt is pending).
507  *           3 - The HARD FAULT handler should execute from SRAM. (The Hard fault handler should initiate a full chip
508  reset)
509  */
510 void POWER_EnterDeepPowerDown(uint32_t exclude_from_pd,
511                               uint32_t sram_retention_ctrl,
512                               uint64_t wakeup_interrupts,
513                               uint32_t wakeup_io_ctrl);
515 /**
516  * @brief   Configures and enters in SLEEP low power mode
517  *
518  * @return  Nothing
519  */
520 void POWER_EnterSleep(void);
522 /*!
523  * @brief Power Library API to choose normal regulation and set the voltage for the desired operating frequency.
524  *
525  * @param system_freq_hz  - The desired frequency (in Hertz) at which the part would like to operate,
526  *                note that the voltage and flash wait states should be set before changing frequency
527  * @return none
528  */
529 void POWER_SetVoltageForFreq(uint32_t system_freq_hz);
531 /**
532  * @brief   Sets board-specific trim values for 16MHz XTAL
533  * @param   pi32_16MfXtalIecLoadpF_x100 Load capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF becomes 120
534  * @param   pi32_16MfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100 PCB +ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF
535  * becomes 120
536  * @param   pi32_16MfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100 PCB -ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF
537  * becomes 120
538  * @return  none
539  * @note    Following default Values can be used:
540  *          pi32_32MfXtalIecLoadpF_x100    Load capacitance, pF x 100 : 600
541  *          pi32_32MfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100 PCB +ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100 : 20
542  *          pi32_32MfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100 PCB -ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100 : 40
543  */
544 extern void POWER_Xtal16mhzCapabankTrim(int32_t pi32_16MfXtalIecLoadpF_x100,
545                                         int32_t pi32_16MfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100,
546                                         int32_t pi32_16MfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100);
547 /**
548  * @brief   Sets board-specific trim values for 32kHz XTAL
549  * @param   pi32_32kfXtalIecLoadpF_x100 Load capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF becomes 120
550  * @param   pi32_32kfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100 PCB +ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF
551  becomes 120
552  * @param   pi32_32kfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100 PCB -ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100. For example, 6pF becomes 600, 1.2pF
553  becomes 120
555  * @return  none
556  * @note    Following default Values can be used:
557  *          pi32_32kfXtalIecLoadpF_x100    Load capacitance, pF x 100 : 600
558  *          pi32_32kfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100 PCB +ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100 : 40
559  *          pi32_32kfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100 PCB -ve parasitic capacitance, pF x 100 : 40
560  */
561 extern void POWER_Xtal32khzCapabankTrim(int32_t pi32_32kfXtalIecLoadpF_x100,
562                                         int32_t pi32_32kfXtalPPcbParCappF_x100,
563                                         int32_t pi32_32kfXtalNPcbParCappF_x100);
564 /**
565  * @brief   Enables and sets LDO for 16MHz XTAL
566  * @return  none
567  */
568 extern void POWER_SetXtal16mhzLdo(void);
570 /**
571  * @brief   Return some key information related to the device reset causes / wake-up sources, for all power modes.
572  * @param   p_reset_cause   : the device reset cause, according to the definition of power_device_reset_cause_t type.
573  * @param   p_boot_mode     : the device boot mode, according to the definition of power_device_boot_mode_t type.
574  * @param   p_wakeupio_cause: the wake-up pin sources, according to the definition of register PMC->WAKEIOCAUSE[3:0].
576  * @return  Nothing
577  *
579  *         !!!   valid ONLY for LPC55S69 (not for LPC55S16 and LPC55S06)   !!!
580  *         !!!   when FALLING EDGE DETECTION is enabled on wake-up pins:   !!!
581  *         - 1. p_wakeupio_cause is NOT ACCURATE
582  *         - 2. Spurious kRESET_CAUSE_DPDRESET_WAKEUPIO* event is reported when
583  *              several wake-up sources are enabled during DEEP-POWER-DOWN
584  *              (like enabling wake-up on RTC and Falling edge wake-up pins)
585  *
586  */
587 void POWER_GetWakeUpCause(power_device_reset_cause_t *p_reset_cause,
588                           power_device_boot_mode_t *p_boot_mode,
589                           uint32_t *p_wakeupio_cause);
590 #ifdef __cplusplus
591 }
592 #endif
594 /**
595  * @}
596  */
598 #endif /* _FSL_POWER_H_ */