1 /*
2  * Copyright 2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
9 #ifndef _FSL_PF3000_H_
10 #define _FSL_PF3000_H_
12 /*******************************************************************************
13  * Includes
14  ******************************************************************************/
15 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <stdbool.h>
18 /*******************************************************************************
19  * Definitions
20  ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @brief PF3000 Default I2C address. */
23 #define PF3000_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR 0x08U
25 /*! @brief Define the PMIC Register Memory Map of PF3000. */
26 /*! Functional page. */
27 #define PF3000_DEVICE_ID     0x00U
28 #define PF3000_SILICON_REV   0x03U
29 #define PF3000_FAB_ID        0x04U
30 #define PF3000_SW_INT_STAT0  0x05U
31 #define PF3000_SW_INT_MASK0  0x06U
32 #define PF3000_SW_INT_SENSE0 0x07U
33 #define PF3000_SW_INT_STAT1  0x08U
34 #define PF3000_SW_INT_MASK1  0x09U
35 #define PF3000_SW_INT_SENSE1 0x0AU
36 #define PF3000_SW_INT_STAT3  0x0EU
37 #define PF3000_SW_INT_MASK3  0x0FU
38 #define PF3000_SW_INT_SENSE3 0x10U
39 #define PF3000_SW_INT_STAT4  0x11U
40 #define PF3000_SW_INT_MASK4  0x12U
41 #define PF3000_SW_INT_SENSE4 0x13U
42 #define PF3000_COIN_CTRL     0x1AU
43 #define PF3000_PWR_CTRL      0x1BU
44 #define PF3000_MEMA          0x1CU
45 #define PF3000_MEMB          0x1DU
46 #define PF3000_MEMC          0x1EU
47 #define PF3000_MEMD          0x1FU
48 #define PF3000_SW1A_VOLT     0x20U
49 #define PF3000_SW1A_STBY     0x21U
50 #define PF3000_SW1A_OFF      0x22U
51 #define PF3000_SW1A_MODE     0x23U
52 #define PF3000_SW1A_CONF     0x24U
53 #define PF3000_SW1B_VOLT     0x2EU
54 #define PF3000_SW1B_STBY     0x2FU
55 #define PF3000_SW1B_OFF      0x30U
56 #define PF3000_SW1B_MODE     0x31U
57 #define PF3000_SW1B_CONF     0x32U
58 #define PF3000_SW2_VOLT      0x35U
59 #define PF3000_SW2_STBY      0x36U
60 #define PF3000_SW2_OFF       0x37U
61 #define PF3000_SW2_MODE      0x38U
62 #define PF3000_SW2_CONF      0x39U
63 #define PF3000_SW3_VOLT      0x3CU
64 #define PF3000_SW3_STBY      0x3DU
65 #define PF3000_SW3_OFF       0x3EU
66 #define PF3000_SW3_MODE      0x3FU
67 #define PF3000_SW3_CONF      0x40U
68 #define PF3000_SWBST_CTRL    0x66U
69 #define PF3000_LDOG_CTRL     0x69U
70 #define PF3000_VREFDDR_CTRL  0x6AU
71 #define PF3000_VSNVS_CTRL    0x6BU
72 #define PF3000_VLDO1_CTRL    0x6CU
73 #define PF3000_VLDO2_CTRL    0x6DU
74 #define PF3000_VCC_SD_CTRL   0x6EU
75 #define PF3000_V33_CTRL      0x6FU
76 #define PF3000_VLDO3_CTRL    0x70U
77 #define PF3000_VLDO4_CTRL    0x71U
78 #define PF3000_PAGE_REGISTER 0x7FU
80 /*! Extended page 1. (Only list some registers) */
81 #define PF3000_OTP_SW1x_CONFIG 0xA2U
82 #define PF3000_OTP_SW2_VOLT    0xACU
84 /*! @brief PF3000 Operating Status definition. */
85 typedef enum _pf3000_operating_status
86 {
87     kPF3000_OperatingStatusSystemOn = 0x0U, /* Indicates the state machine is in On Status. */
88     kPF3000_OperatingStatusStandby  = 0x1U, /* Indicates the state machine is in Standby Status. */
89     kPF3000_OperatingStatusOff      = 0x2U, /* Indicates the state machine is in Off Status. */
90     kPF3000_OperatingStatusSleep    = 0x3U, /* Indicates the state machine is in Sleep Status. */
91     kPF3000_OperatingStatusCoinCell = 0x4U, /* Indicates the state machine is in Coin Cell Status. */
92 } pf3000_operating_status_t;
94 /*! @brief PF3000 Sub-Module definition. */
95 typedef enum _pf3000_module
96 {
97     kPF3000_ModuleSwitch1A    = 0x0U, /* Switch1A Sub-Module Identifier. */
98     kPF3000_ModuleSwitch1B    = 0x1U, /* Switch1B Sub-Module Identifier. */
99     kPF3000_ModuleSwitch2     = 0x2U, /* Switch2 Sub-Module Identifier. */
100     kPF3000_ModuleSwitch3     = 0x3U, /* Switch3 Sub-Module Identifier. */
101     kPF3000_ModuleSwitchBoost = 0x4U, /* SwitchBoost Sub-Module Identifier. */
102     kPF3000_ModuleLdo1        = 0x5U, /* LDO1 Sub-Module Identifier. */
103     kPF3000_ModuleLdo2        = 0x6U, /* LDO2 Sub-Module Identifier. */
104     kPF3000_ModuleLdo3        = 0x7U, /* LDO3 Sub-Module Identifier. */
105     kPF3000_ModuleLdo4        = 0x8U, /* LDO4 Sub-Module Identifier. */
106     kPF3000_ModuleVcc_sd      = 0x9U, /* VCC_SD Sub-Module Identifier. */
107     kPF3000_ModuleV33         = 0xaU, /* V33 Sub-Module Identifier. */
108     kPF3000_ModuleVsnvs       = 0xbU, /* VSNVS Sub-Module Identifier. */
109     kPF3000_ModuleVrefDdr     = 0xcU, /* VREFDDR Sub-Module Identifier. */
110 } pf3000_module_t;
112 /*! @brief PF3000 Interrupt Source definition. */
113 enum _pf3000_interrupt_source
114 {
115     kPF3000_IntSrcPwrOn      = 0x1U,                 /* Power on. */
116     kPF3000_IntSrcLowVoltage = 0x2U,                 /* Low-voltage. */
117     kPF3000_IntSrcTherm110   = 0x4U,                 /* Die temperature crosses 110C interrupt source. */
118     kPF3000_IntSrcTherm120   = 0x8U,                 /* Die temperature crosses 120C interrupt source. */
119     kPF3000_IntSrcTherm125   = 0x10U,                /* Die temperature crosses 125C interrupt source. */
120     kPF3000_IntSrcTherm130   = 0x20U,                /* Die temperature crosses 130C interrupt source. */
122     kPF3000_IntSrcSw1aCurrentLimit = 0x1U << 8U,     /* Switch1A current limit interrupt source. */
123     kPF3000_IntSrcSw1bCurrentLimit = 0x2U << 8U,     /* Switch1B current limit interrupt source. */
124     kPF3000_IntSrcSw2CurrentLimit  = 0x8U << 8U,     /* Switch2  current limit interrupt source. */
125     kPF3000_IntSrcSw3CurrentLimit  = 0x10U << 8U,    /* Switch3  current limit interrupt source. */
127     kPF3000_IntSrcSwBstCurrentLimit = 0x1U << 16U,   /* Switch Boost  current limit interrupt source. */
128     kPF3000_IntSrcVpwrVoltageLimit  = 0x4U << 16U,   /* VPWR overvoltage interrupt source. */
129     kPF3000_IntSrcOtpAutoFuseDone   = 0x40U << 16U,  /* OTP auto fuse blow interrupt source. */
130     kPF3000_IntSrcOtpError          = 0x80U << 16U,  /* OTP error interrupt source. */
132     kPF3000_IntSrcLdo1CurrentLimit   = 0x1U << 24U,  /* LDO1 current limit interrupt source. */
133     kPF3000_IntSrcLdo2CurrentLimit   = 0x2U << 24U,  /* LDO2 current limit interrupt source. */
134     kPF3000_IntSrcVcc_sdCurrentLimit = 0x4U << 24U,  /* VCC_SD current limit interrupt source. */
135     kPF3000_IntSrcV33CurrentLimit    = 0x8U << 24U,  /* V33 current limit interrupt source. */
136     kPF3000_IntSrcLdo3CurrentLimit   = 0x10U << 24U, /* LDO3 current limit interrupt source. */
137     kPF3000_IntSrcLdo4CurrentLimit   = 0x20U << 24U, /* LDO4 current limit interrupt source. */
138 };
140 /*! @brief PF3000 Off Mode definition. */
141 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_off_mode
142 {
143     kPF3000_OffModeAfterTurnOff   = 0x0U, /* OFF mode entered after a turn-off event. */
144     kPF3000_SleepModeAfterTurnOff = 0x1U, /* Sleep mode entered after a turn-off event. */
145 } pf3000_off_mode_t;
147 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Mode Control . */
148 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_mode
149 {
150     kPF3000_SwitchModeOffOff = 0x0U, /* Off in normal mode, Off in Standby mode. */
151     kPF3000_SwitchModePwmOff = 0x1U, /* PWM in normal mode, Off in Standby mode. */
152     kPF3000_SwitchModePfmOff = 0x3U, /* PFM in normal mode, Off in Standby mode. */
153     kPF3000_SwitchModeApsOff = 0x4U, /* APS in normal mode, Off in Standby mode. */
154     kPF3000_SwitchModePwmPwm = 0x5U, /* PWM in normal mode, PWM in Standby mode. */
155     kPF3000_SwitchModePwmAps = 0x6U, /* PWM in normal mode, APS in Standby mode. */
156     kPF3000_SwitchModeApsAps = 0x8U, /* APS in normal mode, APS in Standby mode. */
157     kPF3000_SwitchModeApsPfm = 0xCU, /* APS in normal mode, PFM in Standby mode. */
158     kPF3000_SwitchModePwmPfm = 0xDU, /* PWM in normal mode, PFM in Standby mode. */
159 } pf3000_switch_mode_t;
161 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch DVS Speed Attribute definition. */
162 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_dvs_speed
163 {
164     kPF3000_SwitchDvsSpeed_25mVPer2us = 0x0U, /* Switch DVS rate at 25mV/2us. */
165     kPF3000_SwitchDvsSpeed_25mVPer4us = 0x1U, /* Switch DVS rate at 25mV/4us. */
166 } pf3000_switch_dvs_speed_t;
168 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Phase Clock definition. */
169 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_phase_clock
170 {
171     kPF3000_SwitchPhaseClock_0   = 0x0U, /* Switch phase clock 0 degree. */
172     kPF3000_SwitchPhaseClock_90  = 0x1U, /* Switch phase clock 90 degree. */
173     kPF3000_SwitchPhaseClock_180 = 0x2U, /* Switch phase clock 180 degree. */
174     kPF3000_SwitchPhaseClock_270 = 0x3U, /* Switch phase clock 270 degree. */
175 } pf3000_switch_phase_clock_t;
177 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Frequency definition. */
178 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_frequency
179 {
180     kPF3000_SwitchFrequency_1M = 0x0U, /* Switch Frequency 1MHz. */
181     kPF3000_SwitchFrequency_2M = 0x1U, /* Switch Frequency 2MHz. */
182     kPF3000_SwitchFrequency_4M = 0x2U, /* Switch Frequency 4MHz. */
183 } pf3000_switch_phase_frequency_t;
185 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Current Limit Attribute definition. */
186 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_current_limit
187 {
188     kPF3000_SwitchCurrentLimit_2A75 = 0x0U, /* Switch Current Limit: Typical current limit of 2.75A. */
189     kPF3000_SwitchCurrentLimit_2A   = 0x1U, /* Switch Current Limit: Typical current limit of 2A. */
190 } pf3000_switch_current_limit_t;
192 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Attribute Structure definition. */
193 typedef struct _pf3000_switch_attribute
194 {
195     pf3000_off_mode_t offMode;                  /* Switch Off Mode Selection. */
196     pf3000_switch_mode_t mode;                  /* Switch Mode Selection. */
197     pf3000_switch_dvs_speed_t dvsSpeed;         /* Switch DVS Speed Selection. */
198     pf3000_switch_phase_clock_t phaseClock;     /* Switch Phase Clock Selection. */
199     pf3000_switch_phase_frequency_t frequency;  /* Switch Phase Frequency Selection. */
200     pf3000_switch_current_limit_t currentLimit; /* Switch Current Limit Selection. */
201 } pf3000_switch_attribute_t;
203 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Boost mode definition. */
204 typedef enum _pf3000_switch_boost_mode
205 {
206     kPF3000_SwitchBoostModeOff  = 0x0U, /* Switch Boost is in Off mode. */
207     kPF3000_SwitchBoostModePfm  = 0x1U, /* Switch Boost is in PFM mode. */
208     kPF3000_SwitchBoostModeAuto = 0x2U, /* Switch Boost is in AUTO mode. */
209     kPF3000_SwitchBoostModeAps  = 0x3U, /* Switch Boost is in APS mode. */
210 } pf3000_switch_boost_mode_t;
212 /*! @brief PF3000 Switch Boost Attribute Structure definition. */
213 typedef struct _pf3000_switch_boost_attribute
214 {
215     pf3000_switch_boost_mode_t standbyMode; /* LDO Off Mode Selection. */
216     pf3000_switch_boost_mode_t normalMode;  /* LDO Standby Enable. */
217 } pf3000_switch_boost_attribute_t;
219 /*! @brief PF3000 LDO standby mode enable. */
220 typedef enum _pf3000_ldo_standby_on_off
221 {
222     kPF3000_LdoOnDuringStandby  = 0x0U, /* LDO is ON during standby mode. */
223     kPF3000_LdoOffDuringStandby = 0x1U, /* LDO is OFF during standby mode. */
224 } pf3000_ldo_standby_on_off_t;
226 /*! @brief PF3000 LDO Attribute Structure definition. */
227 typedef struct _pf3000_ldo_attribute
228 {
229     pf3000_off_mode_t offMode;                /* LDO Off Mode Selection. */
230     bool enableLowPower;                      /* LDO Low Power enable. */
231     pf3000_ldo_standby_on_off_t standbyOnOff; /* LDO Standby Enable. */
232 } pf3000_ldo_attribute_t;
234 /*! @brief PF3000 Coin Cell Charging Voltage Attribute definition. */
235 typedef enum _pf3000_coin_cell_charging_voltage
236 {
237     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_2V5 = 0x0U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 2.5V. */
238     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_2V7 = 0x1U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 2.7V. */
239     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_2V8 = 0x2U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 2.8V. */
240     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_2V9 = 0x3U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 2.9V. */
241     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_3V0 = 0x4U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 3.0V. */
242     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_3V1 = 0x5U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 3.1V. */
243     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_3V2 = 0x6U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 3.2V. */
244     kPF3000_CoinCellChargingVoltage_3V3 = 0x7U, /* Coin cell charger charging voltage 3.3V. */
245 } pf3000_coin_cell_charging_voltage_t;
247 /*! @brief PF3000 Coin Cell Attribute Structure definition. */
248 typedef struct _pf3000_coin_cell_attribute
249 {
250     bool enableCoinCellCharger;                                  /* Enable Coin Cell Charger. */
251     pf3000_coin_cell_charging_voltage_t coinCellChargingVoltage; /* Vsnvs Coin Cell Charging Voltage Selection. */
252 } pf3000_coin_cell_attribute_t;
254 /*! @brief PF3000 Standby Active Polarity definition. */
255 typedef enum _pf3000_standby_polarity
256 {
257     kPF3000_StandbyPolActiveHigh = 0x0U, /* Standby pin input active high. */
258     kPF3000_StandbyPolActiveLow  = 0x1U, /* Standby pin input active low. */
259 } pf3000_standby_polarity_t;
261 /*! @brief PF3000 Standby Delay Time definition. */
262 typedef enum _pf3000_standby_delay
263 {
264     kPF3000_StandbyDelay_None         = 0x0U, /* No additional delay. */
265     kPF3000_StandbyDelay_1x32kHzCycle = 0x1U, /* 1 x 32kHz cycle additional delay. */
266     kPF3000_StandbyDelay_2x32kHzCycle = 0x2U, /* 2 x 32kHz cycle additional delay. */
267     kPF3000_StandbyDelay_3x32kHzCycle = 0x3U, /* 3 x 32kHz cycle additional delay. */
268 } pf3000_standby_delay_t;
270 /*! @brief PF3000 Standby Pad Attribute Structure definition. */
271 typedef struct _pf3000_standby_attribute
272 {
273     pf3000_standby_polarity_t standbyPolarity; /* Standby Active Polarity Selection. */
274     pf3000_standby_delay_t standbyDelay;       /* Select delay of Standby pin (after synchronization). */
275 } pf3000_standby_attribute_t;
277 /*! @brief PF3000 Power On Pad Debounce Time definition. */
278 typedef enum _pf3000_power_on_debounce
279 {
280     kPF3000_PowerOnDebounce_TurnOn0msFall31ms25Rise31ms25 = 0x0U,      /* Power On Pad Debounce: 0ms turn on;
281                                                                           31.25ms falling edge; 31.25ms rising edge. */
282     kPF3000_PowerOnDebounce_TurnOn31ms25msFall31ms25Rise31ms25 = 0x1U, /* Power On Pad Debounce: 31.25ms turn on;
283                                                                         31.25ms falling edge; 31.25ms rising edge. */
284     kPF3000_PowerOnDebounce_TurnOn125msFall125ms25Rise31ms25 = 0x2U,   /* Power On Pad Debounce: 125ms turn on;
285                                                                           125ms falling edge; 31.25ms rising edge. */
286     kPF3000_PowerOnDebounce_TurnOn750msFall750ms25Rise31ms25 = 0x3U,   /* Power On Pad Debounce: 750ms turn on;
287                                                                           750ms falling edge; 31.25ms rising edge. */
288 } pf3000_power_on_debounce_t;
290 /*! @brief PF3000 PWRON Pad Attribute Structure definition. */
291 typedef struct _pf3000_power_on_attribute
292 {
293     pf3000_power_on_debounce_t debounce; /* Power On Pad Debounce Time Selection. */
294     bool longPressAllowOffMode;          /* Allow OFF mode after PWRON held low for 4 seconds. */
295     bool longPressRestart;               /* Enables restart of system when PWRON held low for 4 seconds. */
296 } pf3000_power_on_attribute_t;
298 /*! @brief PF3000 SW1A SW1B mode selection. */
299 typedef enum _pf3000_switch1_mode
300 {
301     kPF3000_SW1SinglePhase     = 0x0U, /* Switch 1 A/B Single Phase. */
302     kPF3000_SW1IndependentMode = 0x3U, /* Switch 1A and 1B Independent mode */
303 } pf3000_switch1_mode_t;
305 /*! @brief PF3000 SW2 voltage range. */
306 typedef enum _pf3000_switch2_range
307 {
308     kPF3000_SW2LowVoltRange  = 0x0U, /* Switch 1 A/B Single Phase. */
309     kPF3000_SW2HighVoltRange = 0x1U, /* Switch 1A and 1B Independent mode */
310 } pf3000_switch2_range_t;
312 /*! @brief PF3000 Handle definition. */
313 typedef struct _pf3000_handle
314 {
315     /* Pointer to the user-defined I2C Send Data function. */
316     bool (*I2C_SendFunc)(
317         uint8_t deviceAddress, uint32_t subAddress, uint8_t subAddressSize, uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txBuffSize);
318     /* Pointer to the user-defined I2C Receive Data function. */
319     bool (*I2C_ReceiveFunc)(
320         uint8_t deviceAddress, uint32_t subAddress, uint8_t subAddressSize, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxBuffSize);
321     /* The I2C Slave Address Read From OTP. */
322     uint8_t slaveAddress;
323     /* VSD_VSEL. */
324     bool vccsdVsel;
325     /* SW1A SW1B mode selection. */
326     pf3000_switch1_mode_t switch1Mode;
327     /* SW2 voltage range. */
328     pf3000_switch2_range_t switch2Range;
329 } pf3000_handle_t;
331 /*! @brief PF3000 Configuration Structure definition. */
332 typedef struct _pf3000_config
333 {
334     /* Pointer to the user-defined I2C Send Data function. */
335     bool (*I2C_SendFunc)(
336         uint8_t deviceAddress, uint32_t subAddress, uint8_t subAddressSize, uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txBuffSize);
337     /* Pointer to the user-defined I2C Receive Data function. */
338     bool (*I2C_ReceiveFunc)(
339         uint8_t deviceAddress, uint32_t subAddress, uint8_t subAddressSize, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxBuffSize);
341     /* The PF3000 I2C Slave Address. */
342     uint8_t slaveAddress;
343     /* Short-circuit protection enable. */
344     bool enableRegSCP;
345     /* VSD_VSEL. */
346     bool vccsdVsel;
347 } pf3000_config_t;
349 /*!
350  * @addtogroup pf3000
351  * @{
352  */
354 /*******************************************************************************
355  * API
356  ******************************************************************************/
357 #if defined(__cplusplus)
358 extern "C" {
359 #endif
361 /*!
362  * @name Initialization function
363  * @{
364  */
366 /*!
367  * @brief Gets the default configuration structure.
368  *
369  * This function initializes the PF3000 configuration structure to default values. The default
370  * values are as follows.
371  * @code
372  *   pf3000Config->I2C_SendFunc              = NULL;
373  *   pf3000Config->I2C_ReceiveFunc           = NULL;
374  *   pf3000Config->slaveAddress              = PF3000_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR;
375  *   pf3000Config->enableRegSCP              = true;
376  *   pf3000Config->vccsdVsel                 = 0U;
377  * @endcode
378  * @param config Pointer to the PF3000 configuration structure.
379  */
380 void PF3000_GetDefaultConfig(pf3000_config_t *config);
382 /*!
383  * @brief Initializes a PF3000 instance.
384  *
385  * This function initializes the PF3000 module with user-defined settings.
386  * This example shows how to set up the pf3000_config_t parameters and how
387  * to call the PF3000_Init function by passing in these parameters.
388  * @code
389  *   pf3000_config_t pf3000Config;
390  *   pf3000Config.I2C_SendFunc              = APP_I2C_SendFunc;
391  *   pf3000Config.I2C_ReceiveFunc           = APP_I2C_ReceiveFunc;
392  *   pf3000Config.slaveAddress              = PF3000_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR;
393  * @endcode
394  *
395  * @param handle PF3000 Handle.
396  * @param config Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.
397  */
398 void PF3000_Init(pf3000_handle_t *handle, const pf3000_config_t *config);
399 /* @} */
401 /*!
402  * @name Basic register access functions
403  * @{
404  */
406 /*!
407  * @brief Write the value to register of PF3000.
408  *
409  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
410  * @param reg variable store address of register.
411  * @param val variable store value which is written to PF3000.
412  * @return true if success or false if error.
413  */
414 bool PF3000_WriteReg(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);
416 /*!
417  * @brief Read the value of register in PF3000.
418  *
419  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
420  * @param reg variable store address of register.
421  * @param val pointer store return value.
422  * @return true if success or false if error.
423  */
424 bool PF3000_ReadReg(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *val);
426 /*!
427  * @brief Modify some bits in the register in PF3000.
428  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
429  * @param reg variable store address of register.
430  * @param mask The mask code for the bits want to write. The bit you want to write should be 1.
431  * @param val Value needs to write into the register.
432  * @return true if success or false if error.
433  */
434 bool PF3000_ModifyReg(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t mask, uint8_t val);
436 /*!
437  * @brief Dump the register content in PF3000.
438  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
439  * @param page The page of the register in.
440  * @param reg The address of the first register to dump.
441  * @param buffer The buffer to store the dumped content.
442  * @param size The count of registers to dump.
443  * @return true if success or false if error.
444  */
445 bool PF3000_DumpReg(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint8_t page, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size);
447 /* @} */
449 /*!
450  * @name Interrupts
451  * @{
452  */
454 /*!
455  * @brief Enables PF3000 interrupts according to the provided interrupt source mask.
456  *
457  * This function enables the PF3000 interrupts according to the provided interrupt source.
458  * The interrupt source mask is a logical OR of enumeration members:
459  * see @ref _pf3000_interrupt_source all interrupt sources;
460  *
461  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
462  * @param source Logic ORed interrupt sources of selected interrupt category to enable.
463  */
464 void PF3000_EnableInterrupts(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint32_t source);
466 /*!
467  * @brief Disable PF3000 interrupts according to the provided interrupt source mask.
468  *
469  * This function disables the PF3000 interrupts according to the provided interrupt source.
470  * The interrupt source mask is a logical OR of enumeration members:
471  * see @ref _pf3000_interrupt_source all interrupt sources;
472  *
473  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
474  * @param source Logic ORed interrupt sources of selected interrupt category to disable.
475  */
476 void PF3000_DisableInterrupts(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint32_t source);
478 /*!
479  * @brief Get interrupt flags of selected interrupt category.
480  *
481  * This function gets all interrupt flags of selected interrupt.
482  * The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the corresponding interrupt source:
483  * see @ref _pf3000_interrupt_source all interrupt sources;
484  *
485  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
486  * @return status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the corresponding interrupt source.
487  */
488 uint32_t PF3000_GetInterruptStatus(pf3000_handle_t *handle);
490 /*!
491  * @brief Clear interrupt flags of selected interrupt category.
492  *
493  * This function clears all interrupt flags of selected interrupt.
494  * The interrupt source mask is a logical OR of enumeration members:
495  * see @ref _pf3000_interrupt_source all interrupt sources;
496  *
497  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
498  * @param source Logic ORed interrupt sources of selected interrupt category to clear.
499  */
500 void PF3000_ClearInterruptStatus(pf3000_handle_t *handle, uint32_t source);
501 /* @} */
503 /*!
504  * @name Regulator control functions
505  * @{
506  */
508 /*!
509  * @brief Enable/Disable the output of selected regulator.
510  *
511  * This function is used to enable/disable the output of selected regulator
512  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_module_t.
513  * For PF3000, LDO1, LDO2, LDO3, LDO4, VCC_SD, V33 and VREFDDE can be enabled or disabled.
514  *
515  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
516  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
517  * @param enable Set true to enable regulator, set false to disable regulator.
518  */
519 void PF3000_EnableRegulator(pf3000_handle_t *handle, pf3000_module_t module, bool enable);
520 /*!
521  * @brief Query the output state of selected regulator.
522  *
523  * This function is used to query the output state of selected regulator
524  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_module_t.
525  * For PF3000, LDO1, LDO2, LDO3, LDO4, VCC_SD, V33 and VREFDDE can queried.
526  * For other regulators, they are always enabled.
527  *
528  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
529  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
530  * @return true if regulator is enabled, false if regulator is disabled.
531  */
532 bool PF3000_IsRegulatorEnabled(pf3000_handle_t *handle, pf3000_module_t module);
533 /*!
534  * @brief Set the output voltage of selected regulator.
535  *
536  * This function is used to set the output voltage of selected regulator
537  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_module_t under selected operating status
538  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_operating_status_t. The output state of
539  * the regulators will change automatically once the operating status
540  * changed.
541  * Note that, voltage of VSNVS and VREFDDR can't be set.
542  * VSNVS is fixed in 3.0V, while VREFDDR is at one half the input voltage.
543  * And
544  *
545  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
546  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
547  * @param status The operating status of PF3000 to set.
548  *        Note that, status is only useful for SW1A, SW1B, SW2 and SW3.
549  *        For other regulator, status is not used.
550  * @param voltage The output voltage in uV to set.
551  */
552 void PF3000_SetRegulatorOutputVoltage(pf3000_handle_t *handle,
553                                       pf3000_module_t module,
554                                       pf3000_operating_status_t status,
555                                       uint32_t voltage);
556 /*!
557  * @brief Query the output voltage of selected regulator.
558  *
559  * This function is used to query the output voltage of selected regulator
560  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_module_t under selected operating status
561  * enumerated in @ref pf3000_operating_status_t.
562  * Note that, voltage of VREFDDR can't be set. It's one half the input voltage.
563  *
564  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
565  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
566  * @param status The operating status of PF3000 to set.
567  *        Note that, status is only useful for SW1A, SW1B, SW2 and SW3.
568  *        For other regulator, status is not used.
569  * @return voltage The output voltage in uV of selected regulator.
570  */
571 uint32_t PF3000_GetRegulatorOutputVoltage(pf3000_handle_t *handle,
572                                           pf3000_module_t module,
573                                           pf3000_operating_status_t status);
574 /*!
575  * @brief Set the attributes of selected Buck Switch.
576  *
577  * This function is used to set the attributes of Buck Switch regulator.
578  * All the available attributes for Switch are listed in
579  * @ref pf3000_switch_attribute_t.
580  *
581  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
582  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
583  * @param attribute Pointer to the Switch Attribute structure to set.
584  */
585 void PF3000_SetSwitchAttribute(pf3000_handle_t *handle,
586                                pf3000_module_t module,
587                                const pf3000_switch_attribute_t *attribute);
588 /*!
589  * @brief Set the attributes of Switch Boost.
590  *
591  * This function is used to set the attributes of Switch Boost regulator.
592  * All the available attributes for Switch Boost are listed in
593  * @ref pf3000_switch_boost_attribute_t.
594  *
595  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
596  * @param attribute Pointer to the Switch Boost Attribute structure to set.
597  */
598 void PF3000_SetSwitchBoostAttribute(pf3000_handle_t *handle, const pf3000_switch_boost_attribute_t *attribute);
599 /*!
600  * @brief Set the attributes of selected LDO.
601  *
602  * This function is used to set the attributes of LDO regulator.
603  * All the available attributes for LDO regulator are listed in
604  * @ref pf3000_ldo_attribute_t.
605  *
606  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
607  * @param module Sub-modules in PF3000 device.
608  * @param attribute Pointer to the LDO Attribute structure to set.
609  */
610 void PF3000_SetLdoAttribute(pf3000_handle_t *handle, pf3000_module_t module, const pf3000_ldo_attribute_t *attribute);
611 /*!
612  * @brief Set the attributes of Coin Cell.
613  *
614  * This function is used to set the attributes of Coin Cell.
615  * All the available attributes for Coin Cell are listed in
616  * @ref pf3000_coin_cell_attribute_t.
617  *
618  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
619  * @param attribute Pointer to the Coin Cell Attribute structure to set.
620  */
621 void PF3000_SetCoinCellAttribute(pf3000_handle_t *handle, const pf3000_coin_cell_attribute_t *attribute);
622 /*!
623  * @brief Set the attributes of Standby Pad.
624  *
625  * This function is used to set the attributes of Standby Pad.
626  * All the available attributes for Standby Pad are listed in
627  * @ref pf3000_standby_attribute_t.
628  *
629  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
630  * @param attribute Pointer to the Standby Pad Attribute structure to set.
631  */
632 void PF3000_SetStandbyPadAttribute(pf3000_handle_t *handle, const pf3000_standby_attribute_t *attribute);
633 /*!
634  * @brief Set the attributes of PowerOn Pad.
635  *
636  * This function is used to set the attributes of PowerOn Pad.
637  * All the available attributes for PowerOn Pad are listed in
638  * @ref pf3000_power_on_attribute_t.
639  *
640  * @param handle Pointer to a valid PF3000 instance structure.
641  * @param attribute Pointer to the PowerOn Pad Attribute structure to set.
642  */
643 void PF3000_SetPwrOnPadAttibute(pf3000_handle_t *handle, const pf3000_power_on_attribute_t *attribute);
644 /* @} */
646 #if defined(__cplusplus)
647 }
648 #endif
650 /*! @} */
652 #endif /* _FSL_PF3000_H_ */
654 /*******************************************************************************
655  * EOF
656  ******************************************************************************/