1 /*
2  * Copyright 1997-2016 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2022 NXP
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
8 /*!
9  * @file S32K142.h
10  * @version 1.1
11  * @date 2022-02-01
12  * @brief Peripheral Access Layer for S32K142
13  *
14  * This file contains register definitions and macros for easy access to their
15  * bit fields.
16  *
17  * This file assumes LITTLE endian system.
18  */
20 /* Prevention from multiple including the same memory map */
21 #if !defined(S32K142_H_)  /* Check if memory map has not been already included */
22 #define S32K142_H_
24 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25    -- IP Header Files
26    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
28 /* IP Header Files List */
29 #include "S32K142_ADC.h"
30 #include "S32K142_AIPS.h"
31 #include "S32K142_CMP.h"
32 #include "S32K142_CRC.h"
33 #include "S32K142_DMA.h"
34 #include "S32K142_DMAMUX.h"
35 #include "S32K142_EIM.h"
36 #include "S32K142_ERM.h"
37 #include "S32K142_EWM.h"
38 #include "S32K142_FLEXCAN.h"
39 #include "S32K142_FLEXIO.h"
40 #include "S32K142_FTFC.h"
41 #include "S32K142_FTM.h"
42 #include "S32K142_GPIO.h"
43 #include "S32K142_LMEM.h"
44 #include "S32K142_LPI2C.h"
45 #include "S32K142_LPIT.h"
46 #include "S32K142_LPSPI.h"
47 #include "S32K142_LPTMR.h"
48 #include "S32K142_LPUART.h"
49 #include "S32K142_MCM.h"
50 #include "S32K142_MPU.h"
51 #include "S32K142_MSCM.h"
52 #include "S32K142_NVIC.h"
53 #include "S32K142_PCC.h"
54 #include "S32K142_PDB.h"
55 #include "S32K142_PMC.h"
56 #include "S32K142_PORT.h"
57 #include "S32K142_RCM.h"
58 #include "S32K142_RTC.h"
59 #include "S32K142_SCB.h"
60 #include "S32K142_SCG.h"
61 #include "S32K142_SIM.h"
62 #include "S32K142_SMC.h"
63 #include "S32K142_SYSTICK.h"
64 #include "S32K142_TRGMUX.h"
65 #include "S32K142_WDOG.h"
67 #endif  /* #if !defined(S32K142_H_) */