1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
7  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
14  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  *
18  * $Date:        31. March 2020
19  * $Revision:    V2.3
20  *
21  * Project:      USB Device Driver definitions
22  */
24 /* History:
25  *  Version 2.3
26  *    Removed volatile from ARM_USBD_STATE
27  *  Version 2.2
28  *    ARM_USBD_STATE made volatile
29  *  Version 2.1
30  *    Added ARM_USBD_ReadSetupPacket function
31  *  Version 2.0
32  *    Removed ARM_USBD_DeviceConfigure function
33  *    Removed ARM_USBD_SET_ADDRESS_STAGE parameter from ARM_USBD_DeviceSetAddress function
34  *    Removed ARM_USBD_EndpointReadStart function
35  *    Replaced ARM_USBD_EndpointRead and ARM_USBD_EndpointWrite functions with ARM_USBD_EndpointTransfer
36  *    Added ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferGetResult function
37  *    Renamed ARM_USBD_EndpointAbort function to ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferAbort
38  *    Changed prefix ARM_DRV -> ARM_DRIVER
39  *    Changed return values of some functions to int32_t
40  *  Version 1.10
41  *    Namespace prefix ARM_ added
42  *  Version 1.00
43  *    Initial release
44  */
46 #ifndef DRIVER_USBD_H_
47 #define DRIVER_USBD_H_
49 #ifdef  __cplusplus
50 extern "C"
51 {
52 #endif
54 #include "Driver_USB.h"
59 #define _ARM_Driver_USBD_(n)      Driver_USBD##n
60 #define  ARM_Driver_USBD_(n) _ARM_Driver_USBD_(n)
63 /**
64 \brief USB Device State
65 */
66 typedef struct _ARM_USBD_STATE {
67   uint32_t vbus     : 1;                ///< USB Device VBUS flag
68   uint32_t speed    : 2;                ///< USB Device speed setting (ARM_USB_SPEED_xxx)
69   uint32_t active   : 1;                ///< USB Device active flag
70   uint32_t reserved : 28;
74 /****** USB Device Event *****/
75 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_VBUS_ON          (1UL << 0)      ///< USB Device VBUS On
76 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_VBUS_OFF         (1UL << 1)      ///< USB Device VBUS Off
77 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_RESET            (1UL << 2)      ///< USB Reset occurred
78 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_HIGH_SPEED       (1UL << 3)      ///< USB switch to High Speed occurred
79 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_SUSPEND          (1UL << 4)      ///< USB Suspend occurred
80 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_RESUME           (1UL << 5)      ///< USB Resume occurred
82 /****** USB Endpoint Event *****/
83 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_SETUP            (1UL << 0)      ///< SETUP Packet
84 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_OUT              (1UL << 1)      ///< OUT Packet(s)
85 #define ARM_USBD_EVENT_IN               (1UL << 2)      ///< IN Packet(s)
88 #ifndef __DOXYGEN_MW__                  // exclude from middleware documentation
90 // Function documentation
91 /**
92   \fn          ARM_DRIVER_VERSION ARM_USBD_GetVersion (void)
93   \brief       Get driver version.
94   \return      \ref ARM_DRIVER_VERSION
95 */
96 /**
97   \fn          ARM_USBD_CAPABILITIES ARM_USBD_GetCapabilities (void)
98   \brief       Get driver capabilities.
99   \return      \ref ARM_USBD_CAPABILITIES
100 */
101 /**
102   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_Initialize (ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t   cb_device_event,
103                                             ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t cb_endpoint_event)
104   \brief       Initialize USB Device Interface.
105   \param[in]   cb_device_event    Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent
106   \param[in]   cb_endpoint_event  Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent
107   \return      \ref execution_status
108 */
109 /**
110   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_Uninitialize (void)
111   \brief       De-initialize USB Device Interface.
112   \return      \ref execution_status
113 */
114 /**
115   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_PowerControl (ARM_POWER_STATE state)
116   \brief       Control USB Device Interface Power.
117   \param[in]   state  Power state
118   \return      \ref execution_status
119 */
120 /**
121   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_DeviceConnect (void)
122   \brief       Connect USB Device.
123   \return      \ref execution_status
124 */
125 /**
126   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_DeviceDisconnect (void)
127   \brief       Disconnect USB Device.
128   \return      \ref execution_status
129 */
130 /**
131   \fn          ARM_USBD_STATE ARM_USBD_DeviceGetState (void)
132   \brief       Get current USB Device State.
133   \return      Device State \ref ARM_USBD_STATE
134 */
135 /**
136   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_DeviceRemoteWakeup (void)
137   \brief       Trigger USB Remote Wakeup.
138   \return      \ref execution_status
139 */
140 /**
141   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_DeviceSetAddress (uint8_t dev_addr)
142   \brief       Set USB Device Address.
143   \param[in]   dev_addr  Device Address
144   \return      \ref execution_status
145 */
146 /**
147   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_ReadSetupPacket (uint8_t *setup)
148   \brief       Read setup packet received over Control Endpoint.
149   \param[out]  setup  Pointer to buffer for setup packet
150   \return      \ref execution_status
151 */
152 /**
153   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointConfigure (uint8_t  ep_addr,
154                                                    uint8_t  ep_type,
155                                                    uint16_t ep_max_packet_size)
156   \brief       Configure USB Endpoint.
157   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
158                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
159                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
160   \param[in]   ep_type  Endpoint Type (ARM_USB_ENDPOINT_xxx)
161   \param[in]   ep_max_packet_size Endpoint Maximum Packet Size
162   \return      \ref execution_status
163 */
164 /**
165   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure (uint8_t ep_addr)
166   \brief       Unconfigure USB Endpoint.
167   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
168                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
169                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
170   \return      \ref execution_status
171 */
172 /**
173   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointStall (uint8_t ep_addr, bool stall)
174   \brief       Set/Clear Stall for USB Endpoint.
175   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
176                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
177                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
178   \param[in]   stall  Operation
179                 - \b false Clear
180                 - \b true Set
181   \return      \ref execution_status
182 */
183 /**
184   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointTransfer (uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num)
185   \brief       Read data from or Write data to USB Endpoint.
186   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
187                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
188                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
189   \param[out]  data Pointer to buffer for data to read or with data to write
190   \param[in]   num  Number of data bytes to transfer
191   \return      \ref execution_status
192 */
193 /**
194   \fn          uint32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferGetResult (uint8_t ep_addr)
195   \brief       Get result of USB Endpoint transfer.
196   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
197                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
198                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
199   \return      number of successfully transferred data bytes
200 */
201 /**
202   \fn          int32_t ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferAbort (uint8_t ep_addr)
203   \brief       Abort current USB Endpoint transfer.
204   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
205                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
206                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
207   \return      \ref execution_status
208 */
209 /**
210   \fn          uint16_t ARM_USBD_GetFrameNumber (void)
211   \brief       Get current USB Frame Number.
212   \return      Frame Number
213 */
215 /**
216   \fn          void ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent (uint32_t event)
217   \brief       Signal USB Device Event.
218   \param[in]   event \ref USBD_dev_events
219   \return      none
220 */
221 /**
222   \fn          void ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent (uint8_t ep_addr, uint32_t event)
223   \brief       Signal USB Endpoint Event.
224   \param[in]   ep_addr  Endpoint Address
225                 - ep_addr.0..3: Address
226                 - ep_addr.7:    Direction
227   \param[in]   event \ref USBD_ep_events
228   \return      none
229 */
231 typedef void (*ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t)   (uint32_t event);                    ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent : Signal USB Device Event.
232 typedef void (*ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t) (uint8_t ep_addr, uint32_t event);   ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent : Signal USB Endpoint Event.
235 /**
236 \brief USB Device Driver Capabilities.
237 */
238 typedef struct _ARM_USBD_CAPABILITIES {
239   uint32_t vbus_detection  : 1;         ///< VBUS detection
240   uint32_t event_vbus_on   : 1;         ///< Signal VBUS On event
241   uint32_t event_vbus_off  : 1;         ///< Signal VBUS Off event
242   uint32_t reserved        : 29;        ///< Reserved (must be zero)
246 /**
247 \brief Access structure of the USB Device Driver.
248 */
249 typedef struct _ARM_DRIVER_USBD {
250   ARM_DRIVER_VERSION    (*GetVersion)                (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_GetVersion : Get driver version.
251   ARM_USBD_CAPABILITIES (*GetCapabilities)           (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.
252   int32_t               (*Initialize)                (ARM_USBD_SignalDeviceEvent_t   cb_device_event,
253                                                       ARM_USBD_SignalEndpointEvent_t cb_endpoint_event);  ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_Initialize : Initialize USB Device Interface.
254   int32_t               (*Uninitialize)              (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_Uninitialize : De-initialize USB Device Interface.
255   int32_t               (*PowerControl)              (ARM_POWER_STATE state);                             ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_PowerControl : Control USB Device Interface Power.
256   int32_t               (*DeviceConnect)             (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_DeviceConnect : Connect USB Device.
257   int32_t               (*DeviceDisconnect)          (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_DeviceDisconnect : Disconnect USB Device.
258   ARM_USBD_STATE        (*DeviceGetState)            (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_DeviceGetState : Get current USB Device State.
259   int32_t               (*DeviceRemoteWakeup)        (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_DeviceRemoteWakeup : Trigger USB Remote Wakeup.
260   int32_t               (*DeviceSetAddress)          (uint8_t dev_addr);                                  ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_DeviceSetAddress : Set USB Device Address.
261   int32_t               (*ReadSetupPacket)           (uint8_t *setup);                                    ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_ReadSetupPacket : Read setup packet received over Control Endpoint.
262   int32_t               (*EndpointConfigure)         (uint8_t ep_addr,
263                                                       uint8_t ep_type,
264                                                       uint16_t ep_max_packet_size);                       ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointConfigure : Configure USB Endpoint.
265   int32_t               (*EndpointUnconfigure)       (uint8_t ep_addr);                                   ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointUnconfigure : Unconfigure USB Endpoint.
266   int32_t               (*EndpointStall)             (uint8_t ep_addr, bool stall);                       ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointStall : Set/Clear Stall for USB Endpoint.
267   int32_t               (*EndpointTransfer)          (uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *data, uint32_t num);      ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointTransfer : Read data from or Write data to USB Endpoint.
268   uint32_t              (*EndpointTransferGetResult) (uint8_t ep_addr);                                   ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferGetResult : Get result of USB Endpoint transfer.
269   int32_t               (*EndpointTransferAbort)     (uint8_t ep_addr);                                   ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_EndpointTransferAbort : Abort current USB Endpoint transfer.
270   uint16_t              (*GetFrameNumber)            (void);                                              ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_USBD_GetFrameNumber : Get current USB Frame Number.
271 } const ARM_DRIVER_USBD;
273 #endif /* __DOXYGEN_MW__ */
275 #ifdef  __cplusplus
276 }
277 #endif
279 #endif /* DRIVER_USBD_H_ */