1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3 * Copyright 2016-2019 NXP
4 * All rights reserved.
5 *
6 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 */
8 #ifndef _FSL_QTMR_H_
9 #define _FSL_QTMR_H_
11 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 /*!
14 * @addtogroup qtmr
15 * @{
16 */
18 /*******************************************************************************
19 * Definitions
20 ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @name Driver version */
23 /*@{*/
24 #define FSL_QTMR_DRIVER_VERSION (MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 1)) /*!< Version. */
25 /*@}*/
27 /*! @brief Quad Timer primary clock source selection*/
28 typedef enum _qtmr_primary_count_source
29 {
30 kQTMR_ClockCounter0InputPin = 0, /*!< Use counter 0 input pin */
31 kQTMR_ClockCounter1InputPin, /*!< Use counter 1 input pin */
32 kQTMR_ClockCounter2InputPin, /*!< Use counter 2 input pin */
33 kQTMR_ClockCounter3InputPin, /*!< Use counter 3 input pin */
34 kQTMR_ClockCounter0Output, /*!< Use counter 0 output */
35 kQTMR_ClockCounter1Output, /*!< Use counter 1 output */
36 kQTMR_ClockCounter2Output, /*!< Use counter 2 output */
37 kQTMR_ClockCounter3Output, /*!< Use counter 3 output */
38 kQTMR_ClockDivide_1, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 1 prescaler */
39 kQTMR_ClockDivide_2, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 2 prescaler */
40 kQTMR_ClockDivide_4, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 4 prescaler */
41 kQTMR_ClockDivide_8, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 8 prescaler */
42 kQTMR_ClockDivide_16, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 16 prescaler */
43 kQTMR_ClockDivide_32, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 32 prescaler */
44 kQTMR_ClockDivide_64, /*!< IP bus clock divide by 64 prescaler */
45 kQTMR_ClockDivide_128 /*!< IP bus clock divide by 128 prescaler */
46 } qtmr_primary_count_source_t;
48 /*! @brief Quad Timer input sources selection*/
49 typedef enum _qtmr_input_source
50 {
51 kQTMR_Counter0InputPin = 0, /*!< Use counter 0 input pin */
52 kQTMR_Counter1InputPin, /*!< Use counter 1 input pin */
53 kQTMR_Counter2InputPin, /*!< Use counter 2 input pin */
54 kQTMR_Counter3InputPin /*!< Use counter 3 input pin */
55 } qtmr_input_source_t;
57 /*! @brief Quad Timer counting mode selection */
58 typedef enum _qtmr_counting_mode
59 {
60 kQTMR_NoOperation = 0, /*!< No operation */
61 kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdge, /*!< Count rising edges of primary source */
62 kQTMR_PriSrcRiseAndFallEdge, /*!< Count rising and falling edges of primary source */
63 kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdgeSecInpHigh, /*!< Count rise edges of pri SRC while sec inp high active */
64 kQTMR_QuadCountMode, /*!< Quadrature count mode, uses pri and sec sources */
65 kQTMR_PriSrcRiseEdgeSecDir, /*!< Count rising edges of pri SRC; sec SRC specifies dir */
66 kQTMR_SecSrcTrigPriCnt, /*!< Edge of sec SRC trigger primary count until compare*/
67 kQTMR_CascadeCount /*!< Cascaded count mode (up/down) */
68 } qtmr_counting_mode_t;
70 /*! @brief Quad Timer output mode selection*/
71 typedef enum _qtmr_output_mode
72 {
73 kQTMR_AssertWhenCountActive = 0, /*!< Assert OFLAG while counter is active*/
74 kQTMR_ClearOnCompare, /*!< Clear OFLAG on successful compare */
75 kQTMR_SetOnCompare, /*!< Set OFLAG on successful compare */
76 kQTMR_ToggleOnCompare, /*!< Toggle OFLAG on successful compare */
77 kQTMR_ToggleOnAltCompareReg, /*!< Toggle OFLAG using alternating compare registers */
78 kQTMR_SetOnCompareClearOnSecSrcInp, /*!< Set OFLAG on compare, clear on sec SRC input edge */
79 kQTMR_SetOnCompareClearOnCountRoll, /*!< Set OFLAG on compare, clear on counter rollover */
80 kQTMR_EnableGateClock /*!< Enable gated clock output while count is active */
81 } qtmr_output_mode_t;
83 /*! @brief Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge */
84 typedef enum _qtmr_input_capture_edge
85 {
86 kQTMR_NoCapture = 0, /*!< Capture is disabled */
87 kQTMR_RisingEdge, /*!< Capture on rising edge (IPS=0) or falling edge (IPS=1)*/
88 kQTMR_FallingEdge, /*!< Capture on falling edge (IPS=0) or rising edge (IPS=1)*/
89 kQTMR_RisingAndFallingEdge /*!< Capture on both edges */
90 } qtmr_input_capture_edge_t;
92 /*! @brief Quad Timer input capture edge mode, rising edge, or falling edge */
93 typedef enum _qtmr_preload_control
94 {
95 kQTMR_NoPreload = 0, /*!< Never preload */
96 kQTMR_LoadOnComp1, /*!< Load upon successful compare with value in COMP1 */
97 kQTMR_LoadOnComp2 /*!< Load upon successful compare with value in COMP2*/
98 } qtmr_preload_control_t;
100 /*! @brief List of Quad Timer run options when in Debug mode */
101 typedef enum _qtmr_debug_action
102 {
103 kQTMR_RunNormalInDebug = 0U, /*!< Continue with normal operation */
104 kQTMR_HaltCounter, /*!< Halt counter */
105 kQTMR_ForceOutToZero, /*!< Force output to logic 0 */
106 kQTMR_HaltCountForceOutZero /*!< Halt counter and force output to logic 0 */
107 } qtmr_debug_action_t;
109 /*! @brief List of Quad Timer interrupts */
110 typedef enum _qtmr_interrupt_enable
111 {
112 kQTMR_CompareInterruptEnable = (1U << 0), /*!< Compare interrupt.*/
113 kQTMR_Compare1InterruptEnable = (1U << 1), /*!< Compare 1 interrupt.*/
114 kQTMR_Compare2InterruptEnable = (1U << 2), /*!< Compare 2 interrupt.*/
115 kQTMR_OverflowInterruptEnable = (1U << 3), /*!< Timer overflow interrupt.*/
116 kQTMR_EdgeInterruptEnable = (1U << 4) /*!< Input edge interrupt.*/
117 } qtmr_interrupt_enable_t;
119 /*! @brief List of Quad Timer flags */
120 typedef enum _qtmr_status_flags
121 {
122 kQTMR_CompareFlag = (1U << 0), /*!< Compare flag */
123 kQTMR_Compare1Flag = (1U << 1), /*!< Compare 1 flag */
124 kQTMR_Compare2Flag = (1U << 2), /*!< Compare 2 flag */
125 kQTMR_OverflowFlag = (1U << 3), /*!< Timer overflow flag */
126 kQTMR_EdgeFlag = (1U << 4) /*!< Input edge flag */
127 } qtmr_status_flags_t;
129 /*!
130 * @brief Quad Timer config structure
131 *
132 * This structure holds the configuration settings for the Quad Timer peripheral. To initialize this
133 * structure to reasonable defaults, call the QTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a
134 * pointer to your config structure instance.
135 *
136 * The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
137 */
138 typedef struct _qtmr_config
139 {
140 qtmr_primary_count_source_t primarySource; /*!< Specify the primary count source */
141 qtmr_input_source_t secondarySource; /*!< Specify the secondary count source */
142 bool enableMasterMode; /*!< true: Broadcast compare function output to other counters;
143 false no broadcast */
144 bool enableExternalForce; /*!< true: Compare from another counter force state of OFLAG signal
145 false: OFLAG controlled by local counter */
146 uint8_t faultFilterCount; /*!< Fault filter count */
147 uint8_t faultFilterPeriod; /*!< Fault filter period;value of 0 will bypass the filter */
148 qtmr_debug_action_t debugMode; /*!< Operation in Debug mode */
149 } qtmr_config_t;
151 /*******************************************************************************
152 * API
153 ******************************************************************************/
155 #if defined(__cplusplus)
156 extern "C" {
157 #endif
159 /*!
160 * @name Initialization and deinitialization
161 * @{
162 */
164 /*!
165 * @brief Ungates the Quad Timer clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
166 *
167 * @note This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the Quad Timer driver.
168 *
169 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
170 * @param config Pointer to user's Quad Timer config structure
171 */
172 void QTMR_Init(TMR_Type *base, const qtmr_config_t *config);
174 /*!
175 * @brief Stops the counter and gates the Quad Timer clock
176 *
177 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
178 */
179 void QTMR_Deinit(TMR_Type *base);
181 /*!
182 * @brief Fill in the Quad Timer config struct with the default settings
183 *
184 * The default values are:
185 * @code
186 * config->debugMode = kQTMR_RunNormalInDebug;
187 * config->enableExternalForce = false;
188 * config->enableMasterMode = false;
189 * config->faultFilterCount = 0;
190 * config->faultFilterPeriod = 0;
191 * config->primarySource = kQTMR_ClockDivide_2;
192 * config->secondarySource = kQTMR_Counter0InputPin;
193 * @endcode
194 * @param config Pointer to user's Quad Timer config structure.
195 */
196 void QTMR_GetDefaultConfig(qtmr_config_t *config);
198 /*! @}*/
200 /*!
201 * @brief Sets up Quad timer module for PWM signal output.
202 *
203 * The function initializes the timer module according to the parameters passed in by the user. The
204 * function also sets up the value compare registers to match the PWM signal requirements.
205 *
206 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
207 * @param pwmFreqHz PWM signal frequency in Hz
208 * @param dutyCyclePercent PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100
209 * 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)...
210 * 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)
211 * @param outputPolarity true: invert polarity of the output signal, false: no inversion
212 * @param srcClock_Hz Main counter clock in Hz.
213 *
214 * @return Returns an error if there was error setting up the signal.
215 */
216 status_t QTMR_SetupPwm(
217 TMR_Type *base, uint32_t pwmFreqHz, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent, bool outputPolarity, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
219 /*!
220 * @brief Allows the user to count the source clock cycles until a capture event arrives.
221 *
222 * The count is stored in the capture register.
223 *
224 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
225 * @param capturePin Pin through which we receive the input signal to trigger the capture
226 * @param inputPolarity true: invert polarity of the input signal, false: no inversion
227 * @param reloadOnCapture true: reload the counter when an input capture occurs, false: no reload
228 * @param captureMode Specifies which edge of the input signal triggers a capture
229 */
230 void QTMR_SetupInputCapture(TMR_Type *base,
231 qtmr_input_source_t capturePin,
232 bool inputPolarity,
233 bool reloadOnCapture,
234 qtmr_input_capture_edge_t captureMode);
236 /*!
237 * @name Interrupt Interface
238 * @{
239 */
241 /*!
242 * @brief Enables the selected Quad Timer interrupts
243 *
244 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
245 * @param mask The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the
246 * enumeration ::qtmr_interrupt_enable_t
247 */
248 void QTMR_EnableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
250 /*!
251 * @brief Disables the selected Quad Timer interrupts
252 *
253 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
254 * @param mask The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the
255 * enumeration ::qtmr_interrupt_enable_t
256 */
257 void QTMR_DisableInterrupts(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
259 /*!
260 * @brief Gets the enabled Quad Timer interrupts
261 *
262 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
263 *
264 * @return The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the
265 * enumeration ::qtmr_interrupt_enable_t
266 */
267 uint32_t QTMR_GetEnabledInterrupts(TMR_Type *base);
269 /*! @}*/
271 /*!
272 * @name Status Interface
273 * @{
274 */
276 /*!
277 * @brief Gets the Quad Timer status flags
278 *
279 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
280 *
281 * @return The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the
282 * enumeration ::qtmr_status_flags_t
283 */
284 uint32_t QTMR_GetStatus(TMR_Type *base);
286 /*!
287 * @brief Clears the Quad Timer status flags.
288 *
289 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
290 * @param mask The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the
291 * enumeration ::qtmr_status_flags_t
292 */
293 void QTMR_ClearStatusFlags(TMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
295 /*! @}*/
297 /*!
298 * @name Read and Write the timer period
299 * @{
300 */
302 /*!
303 * @brief Sets the timer period in ticks.
304 *
305 * Timers counts from initial value till it equals the count value set here. The counter
306 * will then reinitialize to the value specified in the Load register.
307 *
308 * @note
309 * 1. This function will write the time period in ticks to COMP1 or COMP2 register
310 * depending on the count direction
311 * 2. User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks
312 * 3. This function supports cases, providing only primary source clock without secondary source clock.
313 *
314 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
315 * @param ticks Timer period in units of ticks
316 */
317 void QTMR_SetTimerPeriod(TMR_Type *base, uint16_t ticks);
319 /*!
320 * @brief Reads the current timer counting value.
321 *
322 * This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a
323 * timer period.
324 *
325 * @note User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec
326 *
327 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
328 *
329 * @return Current counter value in ticks
330 */
QTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(TMR_Type * base)331 static inline uint16_t QTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(TMR_Type *base)
332 {
333 return base->CNTR;
334 }
336 /*! @}*/
338 /*!
339 * @name Timer Start and Stop
340 * @{
341 */
343 /*!
344 * @brief Starts the Quad Timer counter.
345 *
346 *
347 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
348 * @param clockSource Quad Timer clock source
349 */
QTMR_StartTimer(TMR_Type * base,qtmr_counting_mode_t clockSource)350 static inline void QTMR_StartTimer(TMR_Type *base, qtmr_counting_mode_t clockSource)
351 {
352 uint16_t reg = base->CTRL;
354 reg &= ~(uint16_t)TMR_CTRL_CM_MASK;
355 reg |= TMR_CTRL_CM(clockSource);
356 base->CTRL = reg;
357 }
359 /*!
360 * @brief Stops the Quad Timer counter.
361 *
362 * @param base Quad Timer peripheral base address
363 */
QTMR_StopTimer(TMR_Type * base)364 static inline void QTMR_StopTimer(TMR_Type *base)
365 {
366 base->CTRL &= ~(uint16_t)TMR_CTRL_CM_MASK;
367 }
369 /*! @}*/
371 #if defined(__cplusplus)
372 }
373 #endif
375 /*! @}*/
377 #endif /* _FSL_QTMR_H_ */