1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2020, 2022 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
8 #ifndef _FSL_FLEXIO_H_
9 #define _FSL_FLEXIO_H_
11 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 /*!
14  * @addtogroup flexio_driver
15  * @{
16  */
18 /*******************************************************************************
19  * Definitions
20  ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @name Driver version */
23 /*@{*/
24 /*! @brief FlexIO driver version. */
26 /*@}*/
28 /*! @brief Calculate FlexIO timer trigger.*/
29 #define FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_PININPUT(x)   ((uint32_t)(x) << 1U)
30 #define FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_SHIFTnSTAT(x) (((uint32_t)(x) << 2U) | 0x1U)
31 #define FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_TIMn(x)       (((uint32_t)(x) << 2U) | 0x3U)
33 /*! @brief Define time of timer trigger polarity.*/
34 typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_polarity
35 {
36     kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveHigh = 0x0U, /*!< Active high. */
37     kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow  = 0x1U, /*!< Active low. */
38 } flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t;
40 /*! @brief Define type of timer trigger source.*/
41 typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_source
42 {
43     kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceExternal = 0x0U, /*!< External trigger selected. */
44     kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal = 0x1U, /*!< Internal trigger selected. */
45 } flexio_timer_trigger_source_t;
47 /*! @brief Define type of timer/shifter pin configuration.*/
48 typedef enum _flexio_pin_config
49 {
50     kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutputDisabled         = 0x0U, /*!< Pin output disabled. */
51     kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection = 0x1U, /*!< Pin open drain or bidirectional output enable. */
52     kFLEXIO_PinConfigBidirectionOutputData  = 0x2U, /*!< Pin bidirectional output data. */
53     kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutput                 = 0x3U, /*!< Pin output. */
54 } flexio_pin_config_t;
56 /*! @brief Definition of pin polarity.*/
57 typedef enum _flexio_pin_polarity
58 {
59     kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh = 0x0U, /*!< Active high. */
60     kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow  = 0x1U, /*!< Active low. */
61 } flexio_pin_polarity_t;
63 /*! @brief Define type of timer work mode.*/
64 typedef enum _flexio_timer_mode
65 {
66     kFLEXIO_TimerModeDisabled        = 0x0U, /*!< Timer Disabled. */
67     kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit = 0x1U, /*!< Dual 8-bit counters baud/bit mode. */
68     kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitPWM     = 0x2U, /*!< Dual 8-bit counters PWM mode. */
69     kFLEXIO_TimerModeSingle16Bit     = 0x3U, /*!< Single 16-bit counter mode. */
70 } flexio_timer_mode_t;
72 /*! @brief Define type of timer initial output or timer reset condition.*/
73 typedef enum _flexio_timer_output
74 {
75     kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneNotAffectedByReset = 0x0U,  /*!< Logic one when enabled and is not affected by timer
76                                                        reset. */
77     kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset = 0x1U, /*!< Logic zero when enabled and is not affected by timer
78                                                        reset. */
79     kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneAffectedByReset  = 0x2U,    /*!< Logic one when enabled and on timer reset. */
80     kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroAffectedByReset = 0x3U,    /*!< Logic zero when enabled and on timer reset. */
81 } flexio_timer_output_t;
83 /*! @brief Define type of timer decrement.*/
84 typedef enum _flexio_timer_decrement_source
85 {
86     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput = 0x0U, /*!< Decrement counter on FlexIO clock, Shift clock
87                                                               equals Timer output. */
88     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTimerOutput,       /*!< Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges),
89                                                                      Shift clock equals Timer output. */
90     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnPinInputShiftPinInput,              /*!< Decrement counter on Pin input (both edges),
91                                                                      Shift clock equals Pin input. */
92     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTriggerInput       /*!< Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges),
93                                                                      Shift clock equals Trigger input. */
95     ,
96     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcDiv16OnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput,  /*!< Decrement counter on FlexIO clock divided by 16,
97                                                                Shift clock equals Timer output. */
98     kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcDiv256OnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput, /*!< Decrement counter on FlexIO clock divided by 256,
99                                                                 Shift clock equals Timer output. */
100     kFLEXIO_TimerRisSrcOnPinInputShiftPinInput,             /*!< Decrement counter on Pin input (rising edges),
101                                                                      Shift clock equals Pin input. */
102     kFLEXIO_TimerRisSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTriggerInput /*!< Decrement counter on Trigger input (rising edges), Shift
103                                                           clock equals Trigger input. */
104 #endif                                                 /* FSL_FEATURE_FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMDCE_FIELD_WIDTH */
105 } flexio_timer_decrement_source_t;
107 /*! @brief Define type of timer reset condition.*/
108 typedef enum _flexio_timer_reset_condition
109 {
110     kFLEXIO_TimerResetNever                            = 0x0U, /*!< Timer never reset. */
111     kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput     = 0x2U, /*!< Timer reset on Timer Pin equal to Timer Output. */
112     kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerEqualToTimerOutput = 0x3U, /*!< Timer reset on Timer Trigger equal to
113                                                                 Timer Output. */
114     kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinRisingEdge     = 0x4U,         /*!< Timer reset on Timer Pin rising edge. */
115     kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerRisingEdge = 0x6U,         /*!< Timer reset on Trigger rising edge. */
116     kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerBothEdge   = 0x7U,         /*!< Timer reset on Trigger rising or falling edge. */
117 } flexio_timer_reset_condition_t;
119 /*! @brief Define type of timer disable condition.*/
120 typedef enum _flexio_timer_disable_condition
121 {
122     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableNever                    = 0x0U, /*!< Timer never disabled. */
123     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPreTimerDisable        = 0x1U, /*!< Timer disabled on Timer N-1 disable. */
124     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare           = 0x2U, /*!< Timer disabled on Timer compare. */
125     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompareTriggerLow = 0x3U, /*!< Timer disabled on Timer compare and Trigger Low. */
126     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdge            = 0x4U, /*!< Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge. */
127     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdgeTriggerHigh = 0x5U, /*!< Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge provided
128                                                           Trigger is high. */
129     kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTriggerFallingEdge = 0x6U,     /*!< Timer disabled on Trigger falling edge. */
130 } flexio_timer_disable_condition_t;
132 /*! @brief Define type of timer enable condition.*/
133 typedef enum _flexio_timer_enable_condition
134 {
135     kFLEXIO_TimerEnabledAlways                    = 0x0U, /*!< Timer always enabled. */
136     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPrevTimerEnable          = 0x1U, /*!< Timer enabled on Timer N-1 enable. */
137     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh              = 0x2U, /*!< Timer enabled on Trigger high. */
138     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHighPinHigh       = 0x3U, /*!< Timer enabled on Trigger high and Pin high. */
139     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdge            = 0x4U, /*!< Timer enabled on Pin rising edge. */
140     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdgeTriggerHigh = 0x5U, /*!< Timer enabled on Pin rising edge and Trigger high. */
141     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerRisingEdge        = 0x6U, /*!< Timer enabled on Trigger rising edge. */
142     kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerBothEdge          = 0x7U, /*!< Timer enabled on Trigger rising or falling edge. */
143 } flexio_timer_enable_condition_t;
145 /*! @brief Define type of timer stop bit generate condition.*/
146 typedef enum _flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition
147 {
148     kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitDisabled                    = 0x0U, /*!< Stop bit disabled. */
149     kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompare        = 0x1U, /*!< Stop bit is enabled on timer compare. */
150     kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable        = 0x2U, /*!< Stop bit is enabled on timer disable. */
151     kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompareDisable = 0x3U, /*!< Stop bit is enabled on timer compare and timer
152                                                              disable. */
153 } flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t;
155 /*! @brief Define type of timer start bit generate condition.*/
156 typedef enum _flexio_timer_start_bit_condition
157 {
158     kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitDisabled = 0x0U, /*!< Start bit disabled. */
159     kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled  = 0x1U, /*!< Start bit enabled. */
160 } flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t;
162 /*! @brief FlexIO as PWM channel output state */
163 typedef enum _flexio_timer_output_state
164 {
165     kFLEXIO_PwmLow = 0, /*!< The output state of PWM channel is low */
166     kFLEXIO_PwmHigh,    /*!< The output state of PWM channel is high */
167 } flexio_timer_output_state_t;
169 /*! @brief Define type of timer polarity for shifter control. */
170 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_timer_polarity
171 {
172     kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive = 0x0U, /*!< Shift on positive edge of shift clock. */
173     kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnNegitive = 0x1U, /*!< Shift on negative edge of shift clock. */
174 } flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t;
176 /*! @brief Define type of shifter working mode.*/
177 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_mode
178 {
179     kFLEXIO_ShifterDisabled            = 0x0U, /*!< Shifter is disabled. */
180     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeReceive         = 0x1U, /*!< Receive mode. */
181     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit        = 0x2U, /*!< Transmit mode. */
182     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchStore      = 0x4U, /*!< Match store mode. */
183     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchContinuous = 0x5U, /*!< Match continuous mode. */
185     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeState = 0x6U, /*!< SHIFTBUF contents are used for storing
186                                       programmable state attributes. */
187 #endif                               /* FSL_FEATURE_FLEXIO_HAS_STATE_MODE */
189     kFLEXIO_ShifterModeLogic = 0x7U, /*!< SHIFTBUF contents are used for implementing
190                                      programmable logic look up table. */
191 #endif                               /* FSL_FEATURE_FLEXIO_HAS_LOGIC_MODE */
192 } flexio_shifter_mode_t;
194 /*! @brief Define type of shifter input source.*/
195 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_input_source
196 {
197     kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin               = 0x0U, /*!< Shifter input from pin. */
198     kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromNextShifterOutput = 0x1U, /*!< Shifter input from Shifter N+1. */
199 } flexio_shifter_input_source_t;
201 /*! @brief Define of STOP bit configuration.*/
202 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_stop_bit
203 {
204     kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitDisable = 0x0U, /*!< Disable shifter stop bit. */
205     kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitLow     = 0x2U, /*!< Set shifter stop bit to logic low level. */
206     kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh    = 0x3U, /*!< Set shifter stop bit to logic high level. */
207 } flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t;
209 /*! @brief Define type of START bit configuration.*/
210 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_start_bit
211 {
212     kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnEnable = 0x0U, /*!< Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads
213                                                              data on enable. */
214     kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnShift = 0x1U,  /*!< Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads
215                                                              data on first shift. */
216     kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow  = 0x2U,                     /*!< Set shifter start bit to logic low level. */
217     kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitHigh = 0x3U,                     /*!< Set shifter start bit to logic high level. */
218 } flexio_shifter_start_bit_t;
220 /*! @brief Define FlexIO shifter buffer type*/
221 typedef enum _flexio_shifter_buffer_type
222 {
223     kFLEXIO_ShifterBuffer               = 0x0U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Register. */
224     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitSwapped     = 0x1U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Bit Byte Swapped Register. */
225     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferByteSwapped    = 0x2U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Byte Swapped Register. */
226     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitByteSwapped = 0x3U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Bit Swapped Register. */
228     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferNibbleByteSwapped = 0x4U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Nibble Byte Swapped Register. */
229 #endif                                             /*FSL_FEATURE_FLEXIO_HAS_SHFT_BUFFER_NIBBLE_BYTE_SWAP*/
231     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferHalfWordSwapped = 0x5U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Half Word Swapped Register. */
232 #endif
234     kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferNibbleSwapped = 0x6U, /*!< Shifter Buffer N Nibble Swapped Register. */
235 #endif
236 } flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t;
238 /*! @brief Define FlexIO user configuration structure. */
239 typedef struct _flexio_config_
240 {
241     bool enableFlexio;     /*!< Enable/disable FlexIO module */
242     bool enableInDoze;     /*!< Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode */
243     bool enableInDebug;    /*!< Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode */
244     bool enableFastAccess; /*!< Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires
245                            the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock. */
246 } flexio_config_t;
248 /*! @brief Define FlexIO timer configuration structure. */
249 typedef struct _flexio_timer_config
250 {
251     /* Trigger. */
252     uint32_t triggerSelect;                          /*!< The internal trigger selection number using MACROs. */
253     flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t triggerPolarity; /*!< Trigger Polarity. */
254     flexio_timer_trigger_source_t triggerSource;     /*!< Trigger Source, internal (see 'trgsel') or external. */
255     /* Pin. */
256     flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig;     /*!< Timer Pin Configuration. */
257     uint32_t pinSelect;                /*!< Timer Pin number Select. */
258     flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity; /*!< Timer Pin Polarity. */
259     /* Timer. */
260     flexio_timer_mode_t timerMode;                  /*!< Timer work Mode. */
261     flexio_timer_output_t timerOutput;              /*!< Configures the initial state of the Timer Output and
262                                                     whether it is affected by the Timer reset. */
263     flexio_timer_decrement_source_t timerDecrement; /*!< Configures the source of the Timer decrement and the
264                                                     source of the Shift clock. */
265     flexio_timer_reset_condition_t timerReset;      /*!< Configures the condition that causes the timer counter
266                                                     (and optionally the timer output) to be reset. */
267     flexio_timer_disable_condition_t timerDisable;  /*!< Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be
268                                                     disabled and stop decrementing. */
269     flexio_timer_enable_condition_t timerEnable;    /*!< Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be
270                                                     enabled and start decrementing. */
271     flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t timerStop;    /*!< Timer STOP Bit generation. */
272     flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t timerStart;  /*!< Timer STRAT Bit generation. */
273     uint32_t timerCompare;                          /*!< Value for Timer Compare N Register. */
274 } flexio_timer_config_t;
276 /*! @brief Define FlexIO shifter configuration structure. */
277 typedef struct _flexio_shifter_config
278 {
279     /* Timer. */
280     uint32_t timerSelect;                          /*!< Selects which Timer is used for controlling the
281                                                     logic/shift register and generating the Shift clock. */
282     flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t timerPolarity; /*!< Timer Polarity. */
283     /* Pin. */
284     flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig;     /*!< Shifter Pin Configuration. */
285     uint32_t pinSelect;                /*!< Shifter Pin number Select. */
286     flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity; /*!< Shifter Pin Polarity. */
287     /* Shifter. */
288     flexio_shifter_mode_t shifterMode; /*!< Configures the mode of the Shifter. */
290     uint32_t parallelWidth;                    /*!< Configures the parallel width when using parallel mode.*/
291 #endif                                         /* FSL_FEATURE_FLEXIO_HAS_PARALLEL_WIDTH */
292     flexio_shifter_input_source_t inputSource; /*!< Selects the input source for the shifter. */
293     flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t shifterStop;     /*!< Shifter STOP bit. */
294     flexio_shifter_start_bit_t shifterStart;   /*!< Shifter START bit. */
295 } flexio_shifter_config_t;
298 /*! @brief FLEXIO gpio direction definition */
299 typedef enum _flexio_gpio_direction
300 {
301     kFLEXIO_DigitalInput  = 0U, /*!< Set current pin as digital input*/
302     kFLEXIO_DigitalOutput = 1U, /*!< Set current pin as digital output*/
303 } flexio_gpio_direction_t;
305 /*! @brief FLEXIO gpio input config */
306 typedef enum _flexio_pin_input_config
307 {
308     kFLEXIO_InputInterruptDisabled = 0x0U, /*!< Interrupt request is disabled. */
309     kFLEXIO_InputInterruptEnable   = 0x1U, /*!< Interrupt request is enable. */
310     kFLEXIO_FlagRisingEdgeEnable   = 0x2U, /*!< Input pin flag on rising edge. */
311     kFLEXIO_FlagFallingEdgeEnable  = 0x4U, /*!< Input pin flag on falling edge. */
312 } flexio_pin_input_config_t;
314 /*!
315  * @brief The FLEXIO pin configuration structure.
316  *
317  * Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time.
318  * If configured as an input pin, use inputConfig param.
319  * If configured as an output pin, use outputLogic.
320  */
321 typedef struct _flexio_gpio_config
322 {
323     flexio_gpio_direction_t pinDirection; /*!< FLEXIO pin direction, input or output */
324     uint8_t outputLogic;                  /*!< Set a default output logic, which has no use in input */
325     uint8_t inputConfig;                  /*!< Set an input config */
326 } flexio_gpio_config_t;
329 /*! @brief typedef for FlexIO simulated driver interrupt handler.*/
330 typedef void (*flexio_isr_t)(void *base, void *handle);
332 /*******************************************************************************
333  * Variables
334  ******************************************************************************/
335 /*! @brief Pointers to flexio bases for each instance. */
336 extern FLEXIO_Type *const s_flexioBases[];
339 /*! @brief Pointers to flexio clocks for each instance. */
340 extern const clock_ip_name_t s_flexioClocks[];
342 /*******************************************************************************
343  * API
344  ******************************************************************************/
346 #if defined(__cplusplus)
347 extern "C" {
348 #endif /*_cplusplus*/
350 /*!
351  * @name FlexIO Initialization and De-initialization
352  * @{
353  */
355 /*!
356  * @brief Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO module. The configuration
357  * can used directly to call the FLEXIO_Configure().
358  *
359  * Example:
360    @code
361    flexio_config_t config;
362    FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
363    @endcode
364  *
365  * @param userConfig pointer to flexio_config_t structure
366 */
367 void FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_config_t *userConfig);
369 /*!
370  * @brief Configures the FlexIO with a FlexIO configuration. The configuration structure
371  * can be filled by the user or be set with default values by FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig().
372  *
373  * Example
374    @code
375    flexio_config_t config = {
376    .enableFlexio = true,
377    .enableInDoze = false,
378    .enableInDebug = true,
379    .enableFastAccess = false
380    };
381    FLEXIO_Configure(base, &config);
382    @endcode
383  *
384  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
385  * @param userConfig pointer to flexio_config_t structure
386 */
387 void FLEXIO_Init(FLEXIO_Type *base, const flexio_config_t *userConfig);
389 /*!
390  * @brief Gates the FlexIO clock. Call this API to stop the FlexIO clock.
391  *
392  * @note After calling this API, call the FLEXO_Init to use the FlexIO module.
393  *
394  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
395  */
396 void FLEXIO_Deinit(FLEXIO_Type *base);
398 /*!
399  * @brief Get instance number for FLEXIO module.
400  *
401  * @param base FLEXIO peripheral base address.
402  */
403 uint32_t FLEXIO_GetInstance(FLEXIO_Type *base);
405 /* @} */
407 /*!
408  * @name FlexIO Basic Operation
409  * @{
410  */
412 /*!
413  * @brief Resets the FlexIO module.
414  *
415  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
416  */
417 void FLEXIO_Reset(FLEXIO_Type *base);
419 /*!
420  * @brief Enables the FlexIO module operation.
421  *
422  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
423  * @param enable true to enable, false to disable.
424  */
FLEXIO_Enable(FLEXIO_Type * base,bool enable)425 static inline void FLEXIO_Enable(FLEXIO_Type *base, bool enable)
426 {
427     if (enable)
428     {
429         base->CTRL |= FLEXIO_CTRL_FLEXEN_MASK;
430     }
431     else
432     {
433         base->CTRL &= ~FLEXIO_CTRL_FLEXEN_MASK;
434     }
435 }
438 /*!
439  * @brief Reads the input data on each of the FlexIO pins.
440  *
441  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
442  * @return FlexIO pin input data
443  */
FLEXIO_ReadPinInput(FLEXIO_Type * base)444 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_ReadPinInput(FLEXIO_Type *base)
445 {
446     return base->PIN;
447 }
451 /*!
452  * @brief Gets the current state pointer for state mode use.
453  *
454  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
455  * @return current State pointer
456  */
FLEXIO_GetShifterState(FLEXIO_Type * base)457 static inline uint8_t FLEXIO_GetShifterState(FLEXIO_Type *base)
458 {
459     return ((uint8_t)(base->SHIFTSTATE) & FLEXIO_SHIFTSTATE_STATE_MASK);
460 }
463 /*!
464  * @brief Configures the shifter with the shifter configuration. The configuration structure
465  * covers both the SHIFTCTL and SHIFTCFG registers. To configure the shifter to the proper
466  * mode, select which timer controls the shifter to shift, whether to generate start bit/stop
467  *  bit, and the polarity of start bit and stop bit.
468  *
469  * Example
470    @code
471    flexio_shifter_config_t config = {
472    .timerSelect = 0,
473    .timerPolarity = kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive,
474    .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection,
475    .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow,
476    .shifterMode = kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit,
477    .inputSource = kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin,
478    .shifterStop = kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh,
479    .shifterStart = kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow
480    };
481    FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(base, &config);
482    @endcode
483  *
484  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
485  * @param index Shifter index
486  * @param shifterConfig Pointer to flexio_shifter_config_t structure
487 */
488 void FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_shifter_config_t *shifterConfig);
489 /*!
490  * @brief Configures the timer with the timer configuration. The configuration structure
491  * covers both the TIMCTL and TIMCFG registers. To configure the timer to the proper
492  * mode, select trigger source for timer and the timer pin output and the timing for timer.
493  *
494  * Example
495    @code
496    flexio_timer_config_t config = {
497    .triggerSelect = FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_SHIFTnSTAT(0),
498    .triggerPolarity = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow,
499    .triggerSource = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal,
500    .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection,
501    .pinSelect = 0,
502    .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh,
503    .timerMode = kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit,
504    .timerOutput = kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset,
505    .timerDecrement = kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput,
506    .timerReset = kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput,
507    .timerDisable = kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare,
508    .timerEnable = kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh,
509    .timerStop = kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable,
510    .timerStart = kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled
511    };
512    FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(base, &config);
513    @endcode
514  *
515  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
516  * @param index Timer index
517  * @param timerConfig Pointer to the flexio_timer_config_t structure
518 */
519 void FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_timer_config_t *timerConfig);
521 /*!
522  * @brief This function set the value of the prescaler on flexio channels
523  *
524  * @param base       Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
525  * @param clocksource  Set clock value
526  */
FLEXIO_SetClockMode(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint8_t index,flexio_timer_decrement_source_t clocksource)527 static inline void FLEXIO_SetClockMode(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, flexio_timer_decrement_source_t clocksource)
528 {
529     uint32_t reg = base->TIMCFG[index];
533     reg |= FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMDEC(clocksource);
535     base->TIMCFG[index] = reg;
536 }
538 /* @} */
540 /*!
541  * @name FlexIO Interrupt Operation
542  * @{
543  */
545 /*!
546  * @brief Enables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
547  *
548  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
549  * @param mask The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
550  * @note For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate
551  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
552  */
FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)553 static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
554 {
555     base->SHIFTSIEN |= mask;
556 }
558 /*!
559  * @brief Disables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt won't generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
560  *
561  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
562  * @param mask The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
563  * @note For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate
564  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
565  */
FLEXIO_DisableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)566 static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
567 {
568     base->SHIFTSIEN &= ~mask;
569 }
571 /*!
572  * @brief Enables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SEF is set.
573  *
574  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
575  * @param mask The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
576  * @note For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate
577  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
578  */
FLEXIO_EnableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)579 static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
580 {
581     base->SHIFTEIEN |= mask;
582 }
584 /*!
585  * @brief Disables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt won't generate when the corresponding SEF is set.
586  *
587  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
588  * @param mask The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
589  * @note For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate
590  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
591  */
FLEXIO_DisableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)592 static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
593 {
594     base->SHIFTEIEN &= ~mask;
595 }
597 /*!
598  * @brief Enables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
599  *
600  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
601  * @param mask The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
602  * @note For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate
603  * the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
604  */
FLEXIO_EnableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)605 static inline void FLEXIO_EnableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
606 {
607     base->TIMIEN |= mask;
608 }
610 /*!
611  * @brief Disables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt won't generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
612  *
613  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
614  * @param mask The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
615  * @note For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate
616  * the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
617  */
FLEXIO_DisableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)618 static inline void FLEXIO_DisableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
619 {
620     base->TIMIEN &= ~mask;
621 }
623 /* @} */
625 /*!
626  * @name FlexIO Status Operation
627  * @{
628  */
630 /*!
631  * @brief Gets the shifter status flags.
632  *
633  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
634  * @return Shifter status flags
635  */
FLEXIO_GetShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base)636 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
637 {
638     return ((base->SHIFTSTAT) & FLEXIO_SHIFTSTAT_SSF_MASK);
639 }
641 /*!
642  * @brief Clears the shifter status flags.
643  *
644  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
645  * @param mask The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
646  * @note For clearing multiple shifter status flags, for example, two shifter status flags, can calculate
647  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
648  */
FLEXIO_ClearShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)649 static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
650 {
651     base->SHIFTSTAT = mask;
652 }
654 /*!
655  * @brief Gets the shifter error flags.
656  *
657  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
658  * @return Shifter error flags
659  */
FLEXIO_GetShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base)660 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
661 {
662     return ((base->SHIFTERR) & FLEXIO_SHIFTERR_SEF_MASK);
663 }
665 /*!
666  * @brief Clears the shifter error flags.
667  *
668  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
669  * @param mask The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
670  * @note For clearing multiple shifter error flags, for example, two shifter error flags, can calculate
671  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
672  */
FLEXIO_ClearShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)673 static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
674 {
675     base->SHIFTERR = mask;
676 }
678 /*!
679  * @brief Gets the timer status flags.
680  *
681  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
682  * @return Timer status flags
683  */
FLEXIO_GetTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base)684 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
685 {
686     return ((base->TIMSTAT) & FLEXIO_TIMSTAT_TSF_MASK);
687 }
689 /*!
690  * @brief Clears the timer status flags.
691  *
692  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
693  * @param mask The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
694  * @note For clearing multiple timer status flags, for example, two timer status flags, can calculate
695  * the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
696  */
FLEXIO_ClearTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)697 static inline void FLEXIO_ClearTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
698 {
699     base->TIMSTAT = mask;
700 }
702 /* @} */
704 /*!
705  * @name FlexIO DMA Operation
706  * @{
707  */
709 /*!
710  * @brief Enables/disables the shifter status DMA. The DMA request  generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
711  *
712  * @note For multiple shifter status DMA enables, for example, calculate
713  * the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
714  *
715  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
716  * @param mask The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
717  * @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
718  */
FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusDMA(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask,bool enable)719 static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusDMA(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
720 {
721     if (enable)
722     {
723         base->SHIFTSDEN |= mask;
724     }
725     else
726     {
727         base->SHIFTSDEN &= ~mask;
728     }
729 }
731 /*!
732  * @brief Gets the shifter buffer address for the DMA transfer usage.
733  *
734  * @param base FlexIO peripheral base address
735  * @param type Shifter type of flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t
736  * @param index Shifter index
737  * @return Corresponding shifter buffer index
738  */
739 uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterBufferAddress(FLEXIO_Type *base, flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t type, uint8_t index);
741 /*!
742  * @brief Registers the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
743  *
744  * @param base Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
745  * @param handle Pointer to the handler for FlexIO simulated peripheral.
746  * @param isr FlexIO simulated peripheral interrupt handler.
747  * @retval kStatus_Success Successfully create the handle.
748  * @retval kStatus_OutOfRange The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
749  */
750 status_t FLEXIO_RegisterHandleIRQ(void *base, void *handle, flexio_isr_t isr);
752 /*!
753  * @brief Unregisters the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
754  *
755  * @param base Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
756  * @retval kStatus_Success Successfully create the handle.
757  * @retval kStatus_OutOfRange The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
758  */
759 status_t FLEXIO_UnregisterHandleIRQ(void *base);
760 /* @} */
764 /*!
765  * @brief Configure a FLEXIO pin used by the board.
766  *
767  * To Config the FLEXIO PIN, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file.
768  * Then, call the FLEXIO_SetPinConfig() function.
769  *
770  * This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration.
771  * @code
772  * Define a digital input pin configuration,
773  * flexio_gpio_config_t config =
774  * {
775  *   kFLEXIO_DigitalInput,
776  *   0U,
777  *   kFLEXIO_FlagRisingEdgeEnable | kFLEXIO_InputInterruptEnable,
778  * }
779  * Define a digital output pin configuration,
780  * flexio_gpio_config_t config =
781  * {
782  *   kFLEXIO_DigitalOutput,
783  *   0U,
784  *   0U
785  * }
786  * @endcode
787  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
788  * @param pin    FLEXIO pin number.
789  * @param config FLEXIO pin configuration pointer.
790  */
791 void FLEXIO_SetPinConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, flexio_gpio_config_t *config);
793 /*!
794  * @name GPIO Output Operations
795  * @{
796  */
798 /*!
799  * @brief Sets the output level of the multiple FLEXIO pins to the logic 0.
800  *
801  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
802  * @param mask   FLEXIO pin number mask
803  */
FLEXIO_ClearPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)804 static inline void FLEXIO_ClearPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
805 {
806     base->PINOUTCLR = mask;
807 }
809 /*!
810  * @brief Sets the output level of the multiple FLEXIO pins to the logic 1.
811  *
812  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
813  * @param mask   FLEXIO pin number mask
814  */
FLEXIO_SetPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)815 static inline void FLEXIO_SetPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
816 {
817     base->PINOUTSET = mask;
818 }
820 /*!
821  * @brief Reverses the current output logic of the multiple FLEXIO pins.
822  *
823  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
824  * @param mask   FLEXIO pin number mask
825  */
FLEXIO_TogglePortOutput(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)826 static inline void FLEXIO_TogglePortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
827 {
828     base->PINOUTTOG = mask;
829 }
831 /*!
832  * @brief Sets the output level of the FLEXIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.
833  *
834  * @param base    FlexIO peripheral base address
835  * @param pin     FLEXIO pin number.
836  * @param output  FLEXIO pin output logic level.
837  *        - 0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.
838  *        - 1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.
839  */
FLEXIO_PinWrite(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t pin,uint8_t output)840 static inline void FLEXIO_PinWrite(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)
841 {
842     if (output == 0U)
843     {
844         FLEXIO_ClearPortOutput(base, 1UL << pin);
845     }
846     else
847     {
848         FLEXIO_SetPortOutput(base, 1UL << pin);
849     }
850 }
852 /*!
853  * @brief Enables the FLEXIO output pin function.
854  *
855  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
856  * @param pin    FLEXIO pin number.
857  */
FLEXIO_EnablePinOutput(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t pin)858 static inline void FLEXIO_EnablePinOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
859 {
860     base->PINOUTE |= (1UL << pin);
861 }
862 /*@}*/
864 /*!
865  * @name FLEXIO PIN Input Operations
866  * @{
867  */
869 /*!
870  * @brief  Reads the current input value of the FLEXIO pin.
871  *
872  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
873  * @param pin    FLEXIO pin number.
874  * @retval FLEXIO port input value
875  *        - 0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.
876  *        - 1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.
877  */
FLEXIO_PinRead(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t pin)878 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_PinRead(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
879 {
880     return (((base->PIN) >> pin) & 0x01U);
881 }
883 /*!
884  * @brief Gets the FLEXIO input pin status.
885  *
886  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
887  * @param pin    FLEXIO pin number.
888  * @retval FLEXIO port input status
889  *        - 0: corresponding pin input capture no status.
890  *        - 1: corresponding pin input capture rising or falling edge.
891  */
FLEXIO_GetPinStatus(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t pin)892 static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetPinStatus(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
893 {
894     return (((base->PINSTAT) >> pin) & 0x01U);
895 }
897 /*!
898  * @brief Clears the multiple FLEXIO input pins status.
899  *
900  * @param base   FlexIO peripheral base address
901  * @param mask   FLEXIO pin number mask
902  */
FLEXIO_ClearPortStatus(FLEXIO_Type * base,uint32_t mask)903 static inline void FLEXIO_ClearPortStatus(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
904 {
905     base->PINSTAT = mask;
906 }
907 /*@}*/
911 #if defined(__cplusplus)
912 }
913 #endif /*_cplusplus*/
914 /*@}*/
916 #endif /*_FSL_FLEXIO_H_*/