1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2022 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
8 #ifndef _FSL_I2S_H_
9 #define _FSL_I2S_H_
11 #include "fsl_device_registers.h"
12 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 #include "fsl_flexcomm.h"
15 /*******************************************************************************
16  * Definitions
17  ******************************************************************************/
19 /*!
20  * @addtogroup i2s_driver
21  * @{
22  */
24 /*! @file */
26 /*! @name Driver version */
27 /*@{*/
29 /*! @brief I2S driver version 2.3.2. */
31 /*@}*/
33 #ifndef I2S_NUM_BUFFERS
35 /*! @brief Number of buffers . */
36 #define I2S_NUM_BUFFERS (4U)
38 #endif
40 /*! @brief _i2s_status I2S status codes. */
41 enum
42 {
43     kStatus_I2S_BufferComplete =
44         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_I2S, 0),                /*!< Transfer from/into a single buffer has completed */
45     kStatus_I2S_Done = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_I2S, 1), /*!< All buffers transfers have completed */
46     kStatus_I2S_Busy =
47         MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_I2S, 2), /*!< Already performing a transfer and cannot queue another buffer */
48 };
50 /*!
51  * @brief I2S flags.
52  *
53  * @note These enums are meant to be OR'd together to form a bit mask.
54  */
55 typedef enum _i2s_flags
56 {
57     kI2S_TxErrorFlag = I2S_FIFOINTENSET_TXERR_MASK, /*!< TX error interrupt */
58     kI2S_TxLevelFlag = I2S_FIFOINTENSET_TXLVL_MASK, /*!< TX level interrupt */
59     kI2S_RxErrorFlag = I2S_FIFOINTENSET_RXERR_MASK, /*!< RX error interrupt */
60     kI2S_RxLevelFlag = I2S_FIFOINTENSET_RXLVL_MASK  /*!< RX level interrupt */
61 } i2s_flags_t;
63 /*! @brief Master / slave mode. */
64 typedef enum _i2s_master_slave
65 {
66     kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave  = 0x0, /*!< Normal slave */
67     kI2S_MasterSlaveWsSyncMaster = 0x1, /*!< WS synchronized master */
68     kI2S_MasterSlaveExtSckMaster = 0x2, /*!< Master using existing SCK */
69     kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalMaster = 0x3  /*!< Normal master */
70 } i2s_master_slave_t;
72 /*! @brief I2S mode. */
73 typedef enum _i2s_mode
74 {
75     kI2S_ModeI2sClassic = 0x0, /*!< I2S classic mode */
76     kI2S_ModeDspWs50    = 0x1, /*!< DSP mode, WS having 50% duty cycle */
77     kI2S_ModeDspWsShort = 0x2, /*!< DSP mode, WS having one clock long pulse */
78     kI2S_ModeDspWsLong  = 0x3  /*!< DSP mode, WS having one data slot long pulse */
79 } i2s_mode_t;
81 /*! @brief _i2s_secondary_channel I2S secondary channel. */
82 enum
83 {
84     kI2S_SecondaryChannel1 = 0U, /*!< secondary channel 1 */
85     kI2S_SecondaryChannel2 = 1U, /*!< secondary channel 2 */
86     kI2S_SecondaryChannel3 = 2U, /*!< secondary channel 3 */
87 };
89 /*! @brief I2S configuration structure. */
90 typedef struct _i2s_config
91 {
92     i2s_master_slave_t masterSlave; /*!< Master / slave configuration */
93     i2s_mode_t mode;                /*!< I2S mode */
94     bool rightLow;                  /*!< Right channel data in low portion of FIFO */
95     bool leftJust;                  /*!< Left justify data in FIFO */
97     bool pdmData; /*!< Data source is the D-Mic subsystem */
98 #endif
99     bool sckPol;          /*!< SCK polarity */
100     bool wsPol;           /*!< WS polarity */
101     uint16_t divider;     /*!< Flexcomm function clock divider (1 - 4096) */
102     bool oneChannel;      /*!< true mono, false stereo */
103     uint8_t dataLength;   /*!< Data length (4 - 32) */
104     uint16_t frameLength; /*!< Frame width (4 - 512) */
105     uint16_t position;    /*!< Data position in the frame */
106     uint8_t watermark;    /*!< FIFO trigger level */
107     bool txEmptyZero;     /*!< Transmit zero when buffer becomes empty or last item */
108     bool pack48; /*!< Packing format for 48-bit data (false - 24 bit values, true - alternating 32-bit and 16-bit
109                     values) */
110 } i2s_config_t;
112 /*! @brief Buffer to transfer from or receive audio data into. */
113 typedef struct _i2s_transfer
114 {
115     uint8_t *data;   /*!< Pointer to data buffer. */
116     size_t dataSize; /*!< Buffer size in bytes. */
117 } i2s_transfer_t;
119 /*! @brief Transactional state of the intialized transfer or receive I2S operation. */
120 typedef struct _i2s_handle i2s_handle_t;
122 /*!
123  * @brief Callback function invoked from transactional API
124  *        on completion of a single buffer transfer.
125  *
126  * @param base I2S base pointer.
127  * @param handle pointer to I2S transaction.
128  * @param completionStatus status of the transaction.
129  * @param userData optional pointer to user arguments data.
130  */
131 typedef void (*i2s_transfer_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base,
132                                         i2s_handle_t *handle,
133                                         status_t completionStatus,
134                                         void *userData);
136 /*! @brief Members not to be accessed / modified outside of the driver. */
137 struct _i2s_handle
138 {
139     volatile uint32_t state;                    /*!< State of transfer */
140     i2s_transfer_callback_t completionCallback; /*!< Callback function pointer */
141     void *userData;                             /*!< Application data passed to callback */
142     bool oneChannel;                            /*!< true mono, false stereo */
143     uint8_t dataLength;                         /*!< Data length (4 - 32) */
144     bool pack48;       /*!< Packing format for 48-bit data (false - 24 bit values, true - alternating 32-bit and 16-bit
145                           values) */
146     uint8_t watermark; /*!< FIFO trigger level */
147     bool useFifo48H;   /*!< When dataLength 17-24: true use FIFOWR48H, false use FIFOWR */
149     volatile i2s_transfer_t i2sQueue[I2S_NUM_BUFFERS]; /*!< Transfer queue storing transfer buffers */
150     volatile uint8_t queueUser;                        /*!< Queue index where user's next transfer will be stored */
151     volatile uint8_t queueDriver;                      /*!< Queue index of buffer actually used by the driver */
152     volatile uint32_t errorCount;                      /*!< Number of buffer underruns/overruns */
153     volatile uint32_t transferCount;                   /*!< Number of bytes transferred */
154 };
156 /*******************************************************************************
157  * API
158  ******************************************************************************/
160 #if defined(__cplusplus)
161 extern "C" {
162 #endif
164 /*!
165  * @name Initialization and deinitialization
166  * @{
167  */
169 /*!
170  * @brief Initializes the FLEXCOMM peripheral for I2S transmit functionality.
171  *
172  * Ungates the FLEXCOMM clock and configures the module
173  * for I2S transmission using a configuration structure.
174  * The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by
175  * I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig().
176  *
177  * @note This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use
178  * the I2S driver.
179  *
180  * @param base I2S base pointer.
181  * @param config pointer to I2S configuration structure.
182  */
183 void I2S_TxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config);
185 /*!
186  * @brief Initializes the FLEXCOMM peripheral for I2S receive functionality.
187  *
188  * Ungates the FLEXCOMM clock and configures the module
189  * for I2S receive using a configuration structure.
190  * The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by
191  * I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig().
192  *
193  * @note This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use
194  * the I2S driver.
195  *
196  * @param base I2S base pointer.
197  * @param config pointer to I2S configuration structure.
198  */
199 void I2S_RxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config);
201 /*!
202  * @brief Sets the I2S Tx configuration structure to default values.
203  *
204  * This API initializes the configuration structure for use in I2S_TxInit().
205  * The initialized structure can remain unchanged in I2S_TxInit(), or it can be modified
206  * before calling I2S_TxInit().
207  * Example:
208    @code
209    i2s_config_t config;
210    I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig(&config);
211    @endcode
212  *
213  * Default values:
214  * @code
215  *   config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalMaster;
216  *   config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic;
217  *   config->rightLow = false;
218  *   config->leftJust = false;
219  *   config->pdmData = false;
220  *   config->sckPol = false;
221  *   config->wsPol = false;
222  *   config->divider = 1;
223  *   config->oneChannel = false;
224  *   config->dataLength = 16;
225  *   config->frameLength = 32;
226  *   config->position = 0;
227  *   config->watermark = 4;
228  *   config->txEmptyZero = true;
229  *   config->pack48 = false;
230  * @endcode
231  *
232  * @param config pointer to I2S configuration structure.
233  */
234 void I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config);
236 /*!
237  * @brief Sets the I2S Rx configuration structure to default values.
238  *
239  * This API initializes the configuration structure for use in I2S_RxInit().
240  * The initialized structure can remain unchanged in I2S_RxInit(), or it can be modified
241  * before calling I2S_RxInit().
242  * Example:
243    @code
244    i2s_config_t config;
245    I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig(&config);
246    @endcode
247  *
248  * Default values:
249  * @code
250  *   config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave;
251  *   config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic;
252  *   config->rightLow = false;
253  *   config->leftJust = false;
254  *   config->pdmData = false;
255  *   config->sckPol = false;
256  *   config->wsPol = false;
257  *   config->divider = 1;
258  *   config->oneChannel = false;
259  *   config->dataLength = 16;
260  *   config->frameLength = 32;
261  *   config->position = 0;
262  *   config->watermark = 4;
263  *   config->txEmptyZero = false;
264  *   config->pack48 = false;
265  * @endcode
266  *
267  * @param config pointer to I2S configuration structure.
268  */
269 void I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config);
271 /*!
272  * @brief De-initializes the I2S peripheral.
273  *
274  * This API gates the FLEXCOMM clock. The I2S module can't operate unless I2S_TxInit
275  * or I2S_RxInit is called to enable the clock.
276  *
277  * @param base I2S base pointer.
278  */
279 void I2S_Deinit(I2S_Type *base);
281 /*!
282  * @brief Transmitter/Receiver bit clock rate configurations.
283  *
284  * @param base SAI base pointer.
285  * @param sourceClockHz bit clock source frequency.
286  * @param sampleRate audio data sample rate.
287  * @param bitWidth audio data bitWidth.
288  * @param channelNumbers audio channel numbers.
289  */
290 void I2S_SetBitClockRate(
291     I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers);
293 /*! @} */
295 /*!
296  * @name Non-blocking API
297  * @{
298  */
300 /*!
301  * @brief Initializes handle for transfer of audio data.
302  *
303  * @param base I2S base pointer.
304  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
305  * @param callback function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
306  * @param userData pointer to data passed to callback.
307  */
308 void I2S_TxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData);
310 /*!
311  * @brief Begins or queue sending of the given data.
312  *
313  * @param base I2S base pointer.
314  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
315  * @param transfer data buffer.
316  *
317  * @retval kStatus_Success
318  * @retval kStatus_I2S_Busy if all queue slots are occupied with unsent buffers.
319  */
320 status_t I2S_TxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer);
322 /*!
323  * @brief Aborts sending of data.
324  *
325  * @param base I2S base pointer.
326  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
327  */
328 void I2S_TxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle);
330 /*!
331  * @brief Initializes handle for reception of audio data.
332  *
333  * @param base I2S base pointer.
334  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
335  * @param callback function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
336  * @param userData pointer to data passed to callback.
337  */
338 void I2S_RxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData);
340 /*!
341  * @brief Begins or queue reception of data into given buffer.
342  *
343  * @param base I2S base pointer.
344  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
345  * @param transfer data buffer.
346  *
347  * @retval kStatus_Success
348  * @retval kStatus_I2S_Busy if all queue slots are occupied with buffers which are not full.
349  */
350 status_t I2S_RxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer);
352 /*!
353  * @brief Aborts receiving of data.
354  *
355  * @param base I2S base pointer.
356  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
357  */
358 void I2S_RxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle);
360 /*!
361  * @brief Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
362  *
363  * @param base I2S base pointer.
364  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
365  * @param[out] count number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
366  *
367  * @retval kStatus_Success
368  * @retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress there is no non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
369  */
370 status_t I2S_TransferGetCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count);
372 /*!
373  * @brief Returns number of buffer underruns or overruns.
374  *
375  * @param base I2S base pointer.
376  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
377  * @param[out] count number of transmit errors encountered so far by the non-blocking transaction.
378  *
379  * @retval kStatus_Success
380  * @retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress there is no non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
381  */
382 status_t I2S_TransferGetErrorCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count);
384 /*! @} */
386 /*!
387  * @name Enable / disable
388  * @{
389  */
391 /*!
392  * @brief Enables I2S operation.
393  *
394  * @param base I2S base pointer.
395  */
I2S_Enable(I2S_Type * base)396 static inline void I2S_Enable(I2S_Type *base)
397 {
398     base->CFG1 |= I2S_CFG1_MAINENABLE(1U);
399 }
402 /*!
403  * @brief Enables I2S secondary channel.
404  *
405  * @param base I2S      base pointer.
406  * @param channel       seondary channel channel number, reference _i2s_secondary_channel.
407  * @param oneChannel    true is treated as single channel, functionality left channel for this pair.
408  * @param position      define the location within the frame of the data, should not bigger than 0x1FFU.
409  */
410 void I2S_EnableSecondaryChannel(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool oneChannel, uint32_t position);
412 /*!
413  * @brief Disables I2S secondary channel.
414  *
415  * @param base I2S      base pointer.
416  * @param channel       seondary channel channel number, reference _i2s_secondary_channel.
417  */
I2S_DisableSecondaryChannel(I2S_Type * base,uint32_t channel)418 static inline void I2S_DisableSecondaryChannel(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
419 {
422 #endif
424     base->SECCHANNEL[channel].PCFG1 &= ~I2S_CFG1_MAINENABLE_MASK;
425 }
426 #endif
427 /*!
428  * @brief Disables I2S operation.
429  *
430  * @param base I2S base pointer.
431  */
I2S_Disable(I2S_Type * base)432 static inline void I2S_Disable(I2S_Type *base)
433 {
434     base->CFG1 &= (~I2S_CFG1_MAINENABLE(1U));
435 }
437 /*! @} */
439 /*!
440  * @name Interrupts
441  * @{
442  */
444 /*!
445  * @brief Enables I2S FIFO interrupts.
446  *
447  * @param base I2S base pointer.
448  * @param interruptMask bit mask of interrupts to enable. See #i2s_flags_t for the set
449  *      of constants that should be OR'd together to form the bit mask.
450  */
I2S_EnableInterrupts(I2S_Type * base,uint32_t interruptMask)451 static inline void I2S_EnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
452 {
453     base->FIFOINTENSET = interruptMask;
454 }
456 /*!
457  * @brief Disables I2S FIFO interrupts.
458  *
459  * @param base I2S base pointer.
460  * @param interruptMask bit mask of interrupts to enable. See #i2s_flags_t for the set
461  *      of constants that should be OR'd together to form the bit mask.
462  */
I2S_DisableInterrupts(I2S_Type * base,uint32_t interruptMask)463 static inline void I2S_DisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
464 {
465     base->FIFOINTENCLR = interruptMask;
466 }
468 /*!
469  * @brief Returns the set of currently enabled I2S FIFO interrupts.
470  *
471  * @param base I2S base pointer.
472  *
473  * @return A bitmask composed of #i2s_flags_t enumerators OR'd together
474  *         to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
475  */
I2S_GetEnabledInterrupts(I2S_Type * base)476 static inline uint32_t I2S_GetEnabledInterrupts(I2S_Type *base)
477 {
478     return base->FIFOINTENSET;
479 }
481 /*!
482  * @brief Flush the valid data in TX fifo.
483  *
484  * @param base I2S base pointer.
485  * @return kStatus_Fail empty TX fifo failed, kStatus_Success empty tx fifo success.
486  */
487 status_t I2S_EmptyTxFifo(I2S_Type *base);
489 /*!
490  * @brief Invoked from interrupt handler when transmit FIFO level decreases.
491  *
492  * @param base I2S base pointer.
493  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
494  */
495 void I2S_TxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle);
497 /*!
498  * @brief Invoked from interrupt handler when receive FIFO level decreases.
499  *
500  * @param base I2S base pointer.
501  * @param handle pointer to handle structure.
502  */
503 void I2S_RxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle);
505 /*! @} */
507 /*! @} */
509 #if defined(__cplusplus)
510 }
511 #endif
513 #endif /* _FSL_I2S_H_ */