1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2017-2020 NXP
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  *
7  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
8  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
9  *
10  * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
11  *   of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12  *
13  * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
14  *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
15  *   other materials provided with the distribution.
16  *
17  * o Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
18  *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
19  *   software without specific prior written permission.
20  *
31  */
33 /*!
34  * Header file containing the public API for the System Controller (SC)
35  * Security (SECO) function.
36  *
37  * @addtogroup SECO_SVC SECO: Security Service
38  *
39  * Module for the Security (SECO) service.
40  *
41  * @anchor seco_err
42  *
43  * @includedoc seco/details.dox
44  *
45  * @{
46  */
48 #ifndef SC_SECO_API_H
49 #define SC_SECO_API_H
51 /* Includes */
53 #include "main/types.h"
54 #include "svc/rm/rm_api.h"
56 /* Defines */
58 /*!
59  * @name Defines for sc_seco_auth_cmd_t
60  */
61 /*@{*/
62 #define SC_SECO_AUTH_CONTAINER          0U   /*!< Authenticate container */
63 #define SC_SECO_VERIFY_IMAGE            1U   /*!< Verify image */
64 #define SC_SECO_REL_CONTAINER           2U   /*!< Release container */
65 #define SC_SECO_AUTH_SECO_FW            3U   /*!< SECO Firmware */
66 #define SC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_TX_FW         4U   /*!< HDMI TX Firmware */
67 #define SC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_RX_FW         5U   /*!< HDMI RX Firmware */
68 #define SC_SECO_EVERIFY_IMAGE           6U   /*!< Enhanced verify image */
69 /*@}*/
71 /*!
72  * @name Defines for seco_rng_stat_t
73  */
74 /*@{*/
75 #define SC_SECO_RNG_STAT_UNAVAILABLE    0U  /*!< Unable to initialize the RNG */
76 #define SC_SECO_RNG_STAT_INPROGRESS     1U  /*!< Initialization is on-going */
77 #define SC_SECO_RNG_STAT_READY          2U  /*!< Initialized */
78 /*@}*/
80 /* Types */
82 /*!
83  * This type is used to issue SECO authenticate commands.
84  */
85 typedef uint8_t sc_seco_auth_cmd_t;
87 /*!
88  * This type is used to return the RNG initialization status.
89  */
90 typedef uint32_t sc_seco_rng_stat_t;
92 /* Functions */
94 /*!
95  * @name Image Functions
96  * @{
97  */
99 /*!
100  * This function loads a SECO image.
101  *
102  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
103  * @param[in]     addr_src    address of image source
104  * @param[in]     addr_dst    address of image destination
105  * @param[in]     len         length of image to load
106  * @param[in]     fw          SC_TRUE = firmware load
107  *
108  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
109  *
110  * Return errors codes:
111  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
112  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
113  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
114  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
115  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
116  *
117  * This is used to load images via the SECO. Examples include SECO
118  * Firmware and IVT/CSF data used for authentication. These are usually
119  * loaded into SECO TCM. \a addr_src is in secure memory.
120  *
121  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
122  */
123 sc_err_t sc_seco_image_load(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr_src,
124     sc_faddr_t addr_dst, uint32_t len, sc_bool_t fw);
126 /*!
127  * This function is used to authenticate a SECO image or command.
128  *
129  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
130  * @param[in]     cmd         authenticate command
131  * @param[in]     addr        address of/or metadata
132  *
133  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
134  *
135  * Return errors codes:
136  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
137  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
138  * - SC_ERR_BUSY if SECO is busy with another authentication request,
139  * - SC_ERR_FAIL if SECO response is bad,
140  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
141  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
142  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
143  *
144  * This is used to authenticate a SECO image or issue a security
145  * command. \a addr often points to an container. It is also
146  * just data (or even unused) for some commands.
147  *
148  * Implementation of this command depends on the underlying security
149  * architecture of the device. For example, on devices with SECO FW,
150  * the following options apply:
151  *
152  * - cmd=SC_SECO_AUTH_CONTAINER, addr=container address (sends AHAB_AUTH_CONTAINER_REQ to SECO)
153  * - cmd=SC_SECO_VERIFY_IMAGE, addr=image mask (sends AHAB_VERIFY_IMAGE_REQ to SECO)
154  * - cmd=SC_SECO_REL_CONTAINER, addr unused (sends AHAB_RELEASE_CONTAINER_REQ to SECO)
155  * - cmd=SC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_TX_FW, addr unused (sends AHAB_ENABLE_HDMI_X_REQ with Subsystem=0 to SECO)
156  * - cmd=SC_SECO_AUTH_HDMI_RX_FW, addr unused (sends AHAB_ENABLE_HDMI_X_REQ with Subsystem=1 to SECO)
157  *
158  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
159  */
160 sc_err_t sc_seco_authenticate(sc_ipc_t ipc,
161     sc_seco_auth_cmd_t cmd, sc_faddr_t addr);
163 /*!
164  * This function is used to authenticate a SECO image or command. This is an
165  * enhanced version that has additional mask arguments.
166  *
167  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
168  * @param[in]     cmd         authenticate command
169  * @param[in]     addr        address of/or metadata
170  * @param[in]     mask1       metadata
171  * @param[in]     mask2       metadata
172  *
173  * Return errors codes:
174  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
175  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
176  * - SC_ERR_BUSY if SECO is busy with another authentication request,
177  * - SC_ERR_FAIL if SECO response is bad,
178  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
179  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
180  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
181  *
182  * This supports all the commands found in sc_seco_authenticate(). Those
183  * commands should set both masks to 0 (except SC_SECO_VERIFY_IMAGE).
185  * New commands are as follows:
186  *
187  * - cmd=SC_SECO_VERIFY_IMAGE, addr unused, mask1=image mask, mask2 unused (sends AHAB_VERIFY_IMAGE_REQ to SECO)
188  * - cmd=SC_SECO_EVERIFY_IMAGE, addr=container address, mask1=image mask, mask2=move mask (sends AHAB_EVERIFY_IMAGE_REQ to SECO)
189  *
190  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
191  */
192 sc_err_t sc_seco_enh_authenticate(sc_ipc_t ipc,
193     sc_seco_auth_cmd_t cmd, sc_faddr_t addr,
194     uint32_t mask1, uint32_t mask2);
196 /* @} */
198 /*!
199  * @name Lifecycle Functions
200  * @{
201  */
203 /*!
204  * This function updates the lifecycle of the device.
205  *
206  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
207  * @param[in]     change      desired lifecycle transition
208  *
209  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
210  *
211  * Return errors codes:
212  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
213  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
214  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
215  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
216  *
217  * This function is used for going from Open to NXP Closed to OEM Closed.
218  * Note \a change is NOT the new desired lifecycle. It is a lifecycle
219  * transition as documented in the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em>.
220  *
221  * If any SECO request fails or only succeeds because the part is in an
222  * "OEM open" lifecycle, then a request to transition from "NXP closed"
223  * to "OEM closed" will also fail. For example, booting a signed container
224  * when the OEM SRK is not fused will succeed, but as it is an abnormal
225  * situation, a subsequent request to transition the lifecycle will return
226  * an error.
227  */
228 sc_err_t sc_seco_forward_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t change);
230 /*!
231  * This function updates the lifecycle to one of the return lifecycles.
232  *
233  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
234  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
235  *
236  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
237  *
238  * Return errors codes:
239  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
240  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
241  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
242  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
243  *
244  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
245  *
246  * To switch back to NXP states (Full Field Return), message must be signed
247  * by NXP SRK. For OEM States (Partial Field Return), must be signed by OEM
248  * SRK.
249  *
250  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
251  */
252 sc_err_t sc_seco_return_lifecycle(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
254 /*!
255  * This function is used to commit into the fuses any new SRK revocation
256  * and FW version information that have been found in the primary and
257  * secondary containers.
258  *
259  * @param[in]      ipc         IPC handle
260  * @param[in,out]  info        pointer to information type to be committed
261  *
262  * The return \a info will contain what was actually committed.
263  *
264  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
265  *
266  * Return errors codes:
267  * - SC_ERR_PARM if \a info is invalid,
268  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
269  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
270  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
271  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
272  */
273 sc_err_t sc_seco_commit(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *info);
275 /* @} */
277 /*!
278  * @name Attestation Functions
279  * @{
280  */
282 /*!
283  * This function is used to set the attestation mode. Only the owner of
284  * the SC_R_ATTESTATION resource may make this call.
285  *
286  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
287  * @param[in]     mode        mode
288  *
289  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
290  *
291  * Return errors codes:
292  * - SC_ERR_PARM if \a mode is invalid,
293  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if SC_R_ATTESTATON not owned by caller,
294  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
295  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
296  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
297  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
298  *
299  * This is used to set the SECO attestation mode. This can be prover
300  * or verifier. See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more on the
301  * supported modes, mode values, and mode behavior.
302  */
303 sc_err_t sc_seco_attest_mode(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t mode);
305 /*!
306  * This function is used to request attestation. Only the owner of
307  * the SC_R_ATTESTATION resource may make this call.
308  *
309  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
310  * @param[in]     nonce       unique value
311  *
312  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
313  *
314  * Return errors codes:
315  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if SC_R_ATTESTATON not owned by caller,
316  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
317  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
318  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
319  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
320  *
321  * This is used to ask SECO to perform an attestation. The result depends
322  * on the attestation mode. After this call, the signature can be
323  * requested or a verify can be requested.
324  *
325  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
326  */
327 sc_err_t sc_seco_attest(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint64_t nonce);
329 /*!
330  * This function is used to retrieve the attestation public key.
331  * Mode must be verifier. Only the owner of the SC_R_ATTESTATION resource
332  * may make this call.
333  *
334  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
335  * @param[in]     addr        address to write response
336  *
337  * Result will be written to \a addr. The \a addr parameter must point
338  * to an address SECO can access. It must be 64-bit aligned. There
339  * should be 96 bytes of space.
340  *
341  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
342  *
343  * Return errors codes:
344  * - SC_ERR_PARM if \a addr bad or attestation has not been requested,
345  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if SC_R_ATTESTATON not owned by caller,
346  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
347  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
348  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
349  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
350  *
351  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
352  */
353 sc_err_t sc_seco_get_attest_pkey(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
355 /*!
356  * This function is used to retrieve attestation signature and parameters.
357  * Mode must be provider. Only the owner of the SC_R_ATTESTATION resource
358  * may make this call.
359  *
360  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
361  * @param[in]     addr        address to write response
362  *
363  * Result will be written to \a addr. The \a addr parameter must point
364  * to an address SECO can access. It must be 64-bit aligned. There
365  * should be 120 bytes of space.
366  *
367  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
368  *
369  * Return errors codes:
370  * - SC_ERR_PARM if \a addr bad or attestation has not been requested,
371  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if SC_R_ATTESTATON not owned by caller,
372  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
373  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
374  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
375  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
376  *
377  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
378  */
379 sc_err_t sc_seco_get_attest_sign(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
381 /*!
382  * This function is used to verify attestation. Mode must be verifier.
383  * Only the owner of the SC_R_ATTESTATION resource may make this call.
384  *
385  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
386  * @param[in]     addr        address of signature
387  *
388  * The \a addr parameter must point to an address SECO can access. It must be
389  * 64-bit aligned.
390  *
391  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
392  *
393  * Return errors codes:
394  * - SC_ERR_PARM if \a addr bad or attestation has not been requested,
395  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if SC_R_ATTESTATON not owned by caller,
396  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
397  * - SC_ERR_FAIL if signature doesn't match,
398  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
399  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
400  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
401  *
402  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
403  */
404 sc_err_t sc_seco_attest_verify(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
406 /* @} */
408 /*!
409  * @name Key Functions
410  * @{
411  */
413 /*!
414  * This function is used to generate a SECO key blob.
415  *
416  * @param[in]     ipc          IPC handle
417  * @param[in]     id           key identifier
418  * @param[in]     load_addr    load address
419  * @param[in]     export_addr  export address
420  * @param[in]     max_size     max export size
421  *
422  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
423  *
424  * Return errors codes:
425  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
426  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
427  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
428  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
429  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
430  *
431  * This function is used to encapsulate sensitive keys in a specific structure
432  * called a blob, which provides both confidentiality and integrity protection.
433  *
434  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
435  */
436 sc_err_t sc_seco_gen_key_blob(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t id,
437     sc_faddr_t load_addr, sc_faddr_t export_addr, uint16_t max_size);
439 /*!
440  * This function is used to load a SECO key.
441  *
442  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
443  * @param[in]     id          key identifier
444  * @param[in]     addr        key address
445  *
446  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
447  *
448  * Return errors codes:
449  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
450  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
451  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
452  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
453  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
454  *
455  * This function is used to install private cryptographic keys encapsulated
456  * in a blob previously generated by SECO. The controller can be either the
457  * IEE or the VPU. The blob header carries the controller type and the key
458  * size, as provided by the user when generating the key blob.
459  *
460  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
461  */
462 sc_err_t sc_seco_load_key(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t id,
463     sc_faddr_t addr);
465 /* @} */
467 /*!
468  * @name Manufacturing Protection Functions
469  * @{
470  */
472 /*!
473  * This function is used to get the manufacturing protection public key.
474  *
475  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
476  * @param[in]     dst_addr    destination address
477  * @param[in]     dst_size    destination size
478  *
479  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
480  *
481  * Return errors codes:
482  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
483  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
484  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
485  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
486  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
487  *
488  * This function is supported only in OEM-closed lifecycle. It generates
489  * the mfg public key and stores it in a specific location in the secure
490  * memory.
491  *
492  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
493  */
494 sc_err_t sc_seco_get_mp_key(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t dst_addr,
495     uint16_t dst_size);
497 /*!
498  * This function is used to update the manufacturing protection message
499  * register.
500  *
501  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
502  * @param[in]     addr        data address
503  * @param[in]     size        size
504  * @param[in]     lock        lock_reg
505  *
506  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
507  *
508  * Return errors codes:
509  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
510  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
511  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
512  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
513  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
514  *
515  * This function is supported only in OEM-closed lifecycle. It updates the
516  * content of the MPMR (Manufacturing Protection Message register of 256
517  * bits). This register will be appended to the input-data message when
518  * generating the signature. Please refer to the CAAM block guide for details.
519  *
520  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
521  */
522 sc_err_t sc_seco_update_mpmr(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr,
523     uint8_t size, uint8_t lock);
525 /*!
526  * This function is used to get the manufacturing protection signature.
527  *
528  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
529  * @param[in]     msg_addr    message address
530  * @param[in]     msg_size    message size
531  * @param[in]     dst_addr    destination address
532  * @param[in]     dst_size    destination size
533  *
534  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
535  *
536  * Return errors codes:
537  * - SC_ERR_PARM if word fuse index param out of range or invalid,
538  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
539  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
540  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
541  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
542  *
543  * This function is used to generate an ECDSA signature for an input-data
544  * message and to store it in a specific location in the secure memory. It
545  * is only supported in OEM-closed lifecycle. In order to get the ECDSA
546  * signature, the RNG must be initialized. In case it has not been started
547  * an error will be returned.
548  *
549  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
550  */
551 sc_err_t sc_seco_get_mp_sign(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t msg_addr,
552     uint16_t msg_size, sc_faddr_t dst_addr, uint16_t dst_size);
554 /* @} */
556 /*!
557  * @name Debug Functions
558  * @{
559  */
561 /*!
562  * This function is used to return the SECO FW build info.
563  *
564  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
565  * @param[out]    version     pointer to return build number
566  * @param[out]    commit      pointer to return commit ID (git SHA-1)
567  */
568 void sc_seco_build_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint32_t *version,
569     uint32_t *commit);
571 /*!
572  * This function is used to return SECO chip info.
573  *
574  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
575  * @param[out]    lc          pointer to return lifecycle
576  * @param[out]    monotonic   pointer to return monotonic counter
577  * @param[out]    uid_l       pointer to return UID (lower 32 bits)
578  * @param[out]    uid_h       pointer to return UID (upper 32 bits)
579  *
580  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
581  *
582  * Return errors codes:
583  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
584  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
585  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
586  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
587  */
588 sc_err_t sc_seco_chip_info(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *lc,
589     uint16_t *monotonic, uint32_t *uid_l, uint32_t *uid_h);
591 /*!
592  * This function securely enables debug.
593  *
594  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
595  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
596  *
597  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
598  *
599  * Return errors codes:
600  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
601  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
602  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
603  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
604  *
605  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
606  *
607  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
608  */
609 sc_err_t sc_seco_enable_debug(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
611 /*!
612  * This function is used to return an event from the SECO error log.
613  *
614  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
615  * @param[out]    idx         index of event to return
616  * @param[out]    event       pointer to return event
617  *
618  * @return Returns an error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
619  *
620  * Return errors codes:
621  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
622  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
623  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
624  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
625  *
626  * Read of \a idx 0 captures events from SECO. Loop starting
627  * with 0 until an error is returned to dump all events.
628  */
629 sc_err_t sc_seco_get_event(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t idx,
630     uint32_t *event);
632 /* @} */
634 /*!
635  * @name Miscellaneous Functions
636  * @{
637  */
639 /*!
640  * This function securely writes a group of fuse words.
641  *
642  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
643  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
644  *
645  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
646  *
647  * Return errors codes:
648  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
649  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
650  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
651  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
652  *
653  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
654  *
655  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
656  */
657 sc_err_t sc_seco_fuse_write(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
659 /*!
660  * This function applies a patch.
661  *
662  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
663  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
664  *
665  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
666  *
667  * Return errors codes:
668  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
669  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
670  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
671  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
672  *
673  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
674  *
675  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
676  */
677 sc_err_t sc_seco_patch(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
679 /*!
680  * This function partitions the monotonic counter. Only the owner of the
681  * SC_R_SYSTEM resource or a partition with access permissions to
682  * SC_R_SYSTEM can do this.
683  *
684  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
685  * @param[in,out] she         pointer to number of SHE bits
686  *
687  * SECO uses an OTP monotonic counter to protect the SHE and HSM key-stores
688  * from roll-back attack. This function is used to define the number of
689  * monotonic counter bits allocated to SHE use. Two monotonic counter bits
690  * are used to store this information while the remaining bits are allocated
691  * to the HSM user. This function must be called before any SHE or HSM key stores
692  * are created in the system, otherwise the default configuration is applied.
693  * Returns the actual number of SHE bits.
694  *
695  * If the partition has been already configured, any attempt to re-configure
696  * the SHE partition to a different value will result in a failure response.
697  *
698  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
699  *
700  * Return errors codes:
701  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
702  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller does not have SC_R_SYSTEM access
703  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
704  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
705  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
706  *
707  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
708  */
709 sc_err_t sc_seco_set_mono_counter_partition(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint16_t *she);
711 /*!
712  * This function configures the SECO in FIPS mode. Only the owner of the
713  * SC_R_SYSTEM resource or a partition with access permissions to
714  * SC_R_SYSTEM can do this.
715  *
716  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
717  * @param[in]     mode        FIPS mode
718  * @param[out]    reason      pointer to return failure reason
719  *
720  * This function permanently configures the SECO in FIPS approved mode. When in
721  * FIPS approved mode the following services will be disabled and receive a
722  * failure response:
723  *
724  * - Encrypted boot is not supported
725  * - Attestation is not supported
726  * - Manufacturing protection is not supported
727  * - DTCP load
728  * - SHE services are not supported
729  * - Assign JR is not supported (all JRs owned by SECO)
730  *
731  * Return errors codes:
732  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
733  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller does not have SC_R_SYSTEM access
734  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
735  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
736  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
737  *
738  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
739  */
740 sc_err_t sc_seco_set_fips_mode(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t mode, uint32_t *reason);
742 /*!
743  * This function starts the random number generator.
744  *
745  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
746  * @param[out]    status      pointer to return state of RNG
747  *
748  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
749  *
750  * Return errors codes:
751  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
752  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
753  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
754  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
755  *
756  * The RNG is started automatically after all CPUs are booted. This
757  * function can be used to start earlier and to check the status.
758  *
759  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
760  */
761 sc_err_t sc_seco_start_rng(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_seco_rng_stat_t *status);
763 /*!
764  * This function sends a generic signed message to the
765  * SECO SHE/HSM components.
766  *
767  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
768  * @param[in]     addr        address of message block
769  *
770  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
771  *
772  * Return errors codes:
773  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
774  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
775  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
776  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
777  *
778  * Note \a addr must be a pointer to a signed message block.
779  *
780  * See the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for more info.
781  */
782 sc_err_t sc_seco_sab_msg(sc_ipc_t ipc, sc_faddr_t addr);
784 /*!
785  * This function is used to enable security violation and tamper interrupts.
786  * These are then reported using the IRQ service via the SC_IRQ_SECVIO
787  * interrupt. Note it is automatically enabled at boot.
788  *
789  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
790  *
791  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
792  *
793  * Return errors codes:
794  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller does not own SC_R_SECVIO,
795  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
796  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
797  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
798  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
799  *
800  * The security violation interrupt is self-masking. Once it is cleared in
801  * the SNVS it must be re-enabled using this function.
802  */
803 sc_err_t sc_seco_secvio_enable(sc_ipc_t ipc);
805 /*!
806  * This function is used to read/write SNVS security violation
807  * and tamper registers.
808  *
809  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
810  * @param[in]     id          register ID
811  * @param[in]     access      0=read, 1=write
812  * @param[in]     data0       pointer to data to read or write
813  * @param[in]     data1       pointer to data to read or write
814  * @param[in]     data2       pointer to data to read or write
815  * @param[in]     data3       pointer to data to read or write
816  * @param[in]     data4       pointer to data to read or write
817  * @param[in]     size        number of valid data words
818  *
819  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
820  *
821  * Return errors codes:
822  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller does not own SC_R_SECVIO,
823  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
824  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
825  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
826  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
827  *
828  * Unused data words can be passed a NULL pointer.
829  *
830  * See AHAB_MANAGE_SNVS_REQ in the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em> for
831  * more info.
832  */
833 sc_err_t sc_seco_secvio_config(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t id, uint8_t access,
834     uint32_t *data0, uint32_t *data1, uint32_t *data2, uint32_t *data3,
835     uint32_t *data4, uint8_t size);
837 /*!
838  * This function is used to read/write SNVS security violation
839  * and tamper DGO registers.
840  *
841  * @param[in]     ipc         IPC handle
842  * @param[in]     id          regsiter ID
843  * @param[in]     access      0=read, 1=write
844  * @param[in]     data        pointer to data to read or write
845  *
846  * @return Returns and error code (SC_ERR_NONE = success).
847  *
848  * Return errors codes:
849  * - SC_ERR_NOACCESS if caller does not own SC_R_SECVIO,
850  * - SC_ERR_UNAVAILABLE if SECO not available,
851  * - SC_ERR_IPC if SECO response has bad header tag or size,
852  * - SC_ERR_VERSION if SECO response has bad version,
853  * - Others, see the [Security Service Detailed Description](\ref seco_err) section
854  *
855  * See AHAB_MANAGE_SNVS_DGO_REQ in the <em>SECO API Reference Guide</em>
856  * for more info.
857  */
858 sc_err_t sc_seco_secvio_dgo_config(sc_ipc_t ipc, uint8_t id,
859     uint8_t access, uint32_t *data);
861 /* @} */
863 #endif /* SC_SECO_API_H */
865 /**@}*/