1 /*
2 * Copyright 2019 NXP
3 *
4 *
5 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6 */
8 #include "fsl_common.h"
9 #include "fsl_component_exception_handling.h"
11 /*******************************************************************************
12 * Definitions
13 ******************************************************************************/
15 /* Firstly check the current LR value, All a valid LR EXC_RETURN values have bits[31:5] set to one.
16 * If the bits[31:5] of LR is one, then use check the LR to get faulted SP.
17 * If bits[31:5] is not all one, then LR have been pushed to current MSP, will loop check MSP to get
18 * valid LR value, and use the LR value to get which SP happen faulted.
19 * Then check bit[2] of LR to get which SP faulted happen, if bit[2] of LR is one, then fault happen
20 * with PSP, if bit[2] of LR is zero, then fault happen with MSP. */
21 #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) || defined(__GNUC__)
22 #define COPY_TO_STACK() \
23 __asm volatile("push {r0-r1}"); \
24 __asm volatile("push {r0-r5}"); \
25 __asm volatile("mrs r1, msp"); \
26 __asm volatile("adds r1, r1, #32"); \
27 __asm volatile("mov r5, r1"); \
28 __asm volatile("and r2, lr,#0xffffffe0"); \
29 __asm volatile("cmp r2, #0xffffffe0"); \
30 __asm volatile( \
31 "beq _lr_case \n" \
32 "_loop_check: \n" \
33 "mov r4, #4\n" \
34 "adds r1, r1, #4\n" \
35 "ldr r3,[r1]\n" \
36 "and r2, r3,#0xffffffe0 \n" \
37 "cmp r2, #0xffffffe0 \n" \
38 "bne _loop_check \n" \
39 "b _handle_lr\n" \
40 "_lr_case: \n" \
41 "mov r4, #0\n" \
42 "mov r3, lr\n" \
43 "_handle_lr: "); \
44 __asm volatile("adds r1, r1, r4"); \
45 __asm volatile("msr msp, r1"); \
46 __asm volatile("tst r3,#4"); \
47 __asm volatile( \
48 "ite eq \n" \
49 "mrseq r0, msp \n" \
50 "mrsne r0, psp"); \
51 __asm volatile("push {r0}"); \
52 __asm volatile("mrs r0, ipsr"); \
53 __asm volatile("push {r0}"); \
54 __asm volatile("ldr r0, =g_exceptionStackStruct"); \
55 __asm volatile("str sp, [r0]"); \
56 __asm volatile("sub r5, r5, #32"); \
57 __asm volatile("msr msp, r5"); \
58 __asm volatile("pop {r0-r5}");
60 #elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
COPY_TO_STACK(void)61 __ASM void COPY_TO_STACK(void)
62 {
64 EXTERN g_exceptionStackStruct
66 push {r0-r1}
67 push {r0-r5}
68 mrs r1, msp
69 adds r1, r1, #32
70 mov r5, r1
71 and r2, lr, #0xffffffe0
72 cmp r2, #0xffffffe0
73 beq _lr_case
74 _loop_check
75 mov r4, #4
76 adds r1, r1, #4
77 ldr r3, [r1]
78 and r2, r3, #0xffffffe0
79 cmp r2, #0xffffffe0
80 bne _loop_check
81 b _handle_lr
82 _lr_case
83 mov r4, #0
84 mov r3, lr
85 _handle_lr
86 adds r1, r1, r4
87 msr msp, r1
88 tst r3, #4
89 ite eq
90 mrseq r0, msp
91 mrsne r0, psp
92 push{r0}
93 mrs r0, ipsr
94 push{r0}
95 ldr r0, = g_exceptionStackStruct
96 str sp,[r0]
97 sub r5, r5, #32
98 msr msp, r5
99 pop {r0-r5}
100 bx lr
103 }
104 #endif
106 /*******************************************************************************
107 * Variables
108 ******************************************************************************/
110 #ifndef __ARMCC_VERSION
111 static
112 #endif
113 exception_stack_data_t *g_exceptionStackStruct = NULL;
115 static const scb_data_text_t scb_data_text[] = {{32, 0x000, "CPUID - CPUID Base Register"},
116 {32, 0x004, "ICSR - Interrupt Control and State Register"},
117 {32, 0x008, "VTOR - Vector Table Offset Register"},
118 {32, 0x00C, "AIRCR - Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register"},
119 {32, 0x010, "SCR - System Control Register"},
120 {32, 0x014, "CCR - Configuration Control Register"},
121 {8, 0x018, "SHPR[0] - System Handlers Priority Registers 0"},
122 {8, 0x019, "SHPR[1] - System Handlers Priority Registers 1"},
123 {8, 0x01a, "SHPR[2] - System Handlers Priority Registers 2"},
124 {8, 0x01b, "SHPR[3] - System Handlers Priority Registers 3"},
125 {8, 0x01C, "SHPR[4] - System Handlers Priority Registers 4"},
126 {8, 0x01d, "SHPR[5] - System Handlers Priority Registers 5"},
127 {8, 0x01e, "SHPR[6] - System Handlers Priority Registers 6"},
128 {8, 0x01f, "SHPR[7] - System Handlers Priority Registers 7"},
129 {8, 0x020, "SHPR[8] - System Handlers Priority Registers 8"},
130 {8, 0x021, "SHPR[9] - System Handlers Priority Registers 9"},
131 {8, 0x022, "SHPR[10] - System Handlers Priority Registers 10"},
132 {8, 0x023, "SHPR[11] - System Handlers Priority Registers 11"},
133 {32, 0x024, "SHCSR - System Handler Control and State Register"},
134 {32, 0x028, "CFSR - Configurable Fault Status Register"},
135 {32, 0x02C, "HFSR - HardFault Status Register"},
136 {32, 0x030, "DFSR - Debug Fault Status Register"},
137 {32, 0x034, "MMFAR - MemManage Fault Address Register"},
138 {32, 0x038, "BFAR - BusFault Address Register"},
139 {32, 0x03C, "AFSR - Auxiliary Fault Status Register"},
140 {32, 0x040, "ID_PFR[0] - Processor Feature Register"},
141 {32, 0x044, "ID_PFR[1] - Processor Feature Register"},
142 {32, 0x048, "ID_DFR - Debug Feature Register"},
143 {32, 0x04C, "ID_AFR - Auxiliary Feature Register"},
144 {32, 0x050, "ID_MFR[0] - Memory Model Feature Register"},
145 {32, 0x054, "ID_MFR[1] - Memory Model Feature Register"},
146 {32, 0x058, "ID_MFR[2] - Memory Model Feature Register"},
147 {32, 0x05C, "ID_MFR[3] - Memory Model Feature Register"},
148 {32, 0x060, "ID_ISAR[0] - Instruction Set Attributes Register"},
149 {32, 0x064, "ID_ISAR[1] - Instruction Set Attributes Register"},
150 {32, 0x068, "ID_ISAR[2] - Instruction Set Attributes Register"},
151 {32, 0x06C, "ID_ISAR[3] - Instruction Set Attributes Register"},
152 {32, 0x070, "ID_ISAR[4] - Instruction Set Attributes Register"},
153 {32, 0x078, "CLIDR - Cache Level ID register"},
154 {32, 0x07C, "CTR - Cache Type register"},
155 {32, 0x080, "CCSIDR - Cache Size ID Register"},
156 {32, 0x084, "CSSELR - Cache Size Selection Register"},
157 {32, 0x088, "CPACR - Coprocessor Access Control Register"},
158 {32, 0x240, "MVFR0 - Media and VFP Feature Register 0"},
159 {32, 0x244, "MVFR1 - Media and VFP Feature Register 1"},
160 {32, 0x248, "MVFR2 - Media and VFP Feature Register 2"},
161 {32, 0x290, "ITCMCR - Instruction Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Register"},
162 {32, 0x294, "DTCMCR - Data Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Registers"},
163 {32, 0x298, "AHBPCR - AHBP Control Register"},
164 {32, 0x29C, "CACR - L1 Cache Control Register"},
165 {32, 0x2A0, "AHBSCR - AHB Slave Control Register"},
166 {32, 0x2A8, "ABFSR - Auxiliary Bus Fault Status Register"}};
168 /*******************************************************************************
169 * Prototypes
170 ******************************************************************************/
172 /*******************************************************************************
173 * Code
174 ******************************************************************************/
EXCEPTION_ConfigurableFaultStatusRegisterPrint(void)177 static void EXCEPTION_ConfigurableFaultStatusRegisterPrint(void)
178 {
179 uint32_t cfsr = SCB->CFSR;
181 /* Configurable Fault Status Register */
182 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - CFSR - Configurable Fault Status Register\r\n", cfsr);
183 /* MemManage Fault Status Register (part of SCB Configurable Fault Status Register) */
184 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_IACCVIOL_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): IACCVIOL Mask */
185 {
187 " > The processor attempted an instruction fetch from a location that does not permit execution\r\n");
188 }
189 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_DACCVIOL_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): DACCVIOL Mask */
190 {
192 " > The processor attempted a load or store at a location that does not permit the operation\r\n");
193 }
194 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_MSTKERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): MSTKERR Mask */
195 {
196 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Unstack for an exception return has caused one or more access violations\r\n");
197 }
198 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_MUNSTKERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): MUNSTKERR Mask */
199 {
200 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Stacking for an exception entry has caused one or more access violations\r\n");
201 }
202 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_MLSPERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): MLSPERR Mask */
203 {
204 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > A MemManage fault occurred during floating-point lazy state preservation\r\n");
205 }
206 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_MMARVALID_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (MMFSR): MMARVALID Mask */
207 {
208 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > MMAR holds a valid fault address: ");
209 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - MMFAR - MemManage Fault Address Register\r\n", SCB->MMFAR);
210 }
212 /* BusFault Status Register (part of SCB Configurable Fault Status Register) */
213 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_IBUSERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): IBUSERR Mask */
214 {
215 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Instruction bus error\r\n");
216 }
217 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_PRECISERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): PRECISERR Mask */
218 {
220 " > A data bus error has occurred, PC value stacked for the exception return points to the instruction "
221 "that caused the fault\r\n");
222 }
223 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_IMPRECISERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): IMPRECISERR Mask */
224 {
226 " > A data bus error has occurred, return address in the stack frame is not related to the instruction "
227 "that caused the error\r\n");
228 }
229 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_UNSTKERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): UNSTKERR Mask */
230 {
231 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Unstack for an exception return has caused one or more BusFaults\r\n");
232 }
233 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_STKERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): STKERR Mask */
234 {
235 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Stacking for an exception entry has caused one or more BusFaults\r\n");
236 }
237 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_LSPERR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): LSPERR Mask */
238 {
239 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > A bus fault occurred during floating-point lazy state preservation\r\n");
240 }
241 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_BFARVALID_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (BFSR): BFARVALID Mask */
242 {
243 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > BFAR holds a valid fault address: ");
244 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - BFAR - BusFault Address Register\r\n", SCB->BFAR);
245 }
247 /* UsageFault Status Register (part of SCB Configurable Fault Status Register) */
248 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_UNDEFINSTR_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): UNDEFINSTR Mask */
249 {
250 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > The processor has attempted to execute an undefined instruction\r\n");
251 }
252 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_INVSTATE_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): INVSTATE Mask */
253 {
255 " > The processor has attempted to execute an instruction that makes illegal use of the EPSR\r\n");
256 }
257 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_INVPC_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): INVPC Mask */
258 {
259 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > The processor has attempted an illegal load of EXC_RETURN to the PC\r\n");
260 }
261 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_NOCP_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): NOCP Mask */
262 {
263 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > The processor has attempted to access a coprocessor\r\n");
264 }
265 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_UNALIGNED_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): UNALIGNED Mask */
266 {
267 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > The processor has made an unaligned memory access\r\n");
268 }
269 if (0U != (cfsr & SCB_CFSR_DIVBYZERO_Msk)) /* SCB CFSR (UFSR): DIVBYZERO Mask */
270 {
271 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > The processor has executed an SDIV or UDIV instruction with a divisor of 0\r\n");
272 }
273 }
EXCEPTION_HardFaultStatusRegisterPrint(void)275 static void EXCEPTION_HardFaultStatusRegisterPrint(void)
276 {
277 uint32_t hfsr = SCB->HFSR;
278 /* HardFault Status Register */
279 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - HFSR - HardFault Status Register\r\n", hfsr);
281 /* SCB Hard Fault Status Register Definitions (part of SCB Configurable Fault Status Register) */
282 if (0U != (hfsr & SCB_HFSR_VECTTBL_Msk)) /* SCB HFSR: VECTTBL Mask */
283 {
284 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > BusFault on vector table read\r\n");
285 }
286 if (0U != (hfsr & SCB_HFSR_FORCED_Msk)) /* SCB HFSR: FORCED Mask */
287 {
288 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" > Forced HardFault\r\n");
289 }
290 if (0U != (hfsr & SCB_HFSR_DEBUGEVT_Msk)) /* SCB HFSR: DEBUGEVT Mask */
291 {
293 " > Reserved for Debug use. When writing to the register you must write 1 to this bit, otherwise behavior "
294 "is unpredictable\r\n");
295 }
296 }
EXCEPTION_HardFaultRegisterPrint(void)298 static void EXCEPTION_HardFaultRegisterPrint(void)
299 {
300 (void)EXCEPTION_ConfigurableFaultStatusRegisterPrint();
301 (void)EXCEPTION_HardFaultStatusRegisterPrint();
302 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(scb_data_text); i++)
303 {
304 if (32U == scb_data_text[i].type)
305 {
306 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - %s\r\n", *(uint32_t *)(SCB_BASE + scb_data_text[i].offset),
307 scb_data_text[i].str);
308 }
309 else if (8U == scb_data_text[i].type)
310 {
311 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("0x%08X - %s\r\n", *(uint8_t *)(SCB_BASE + scb_data_text[i].offset), scb_data_text[i].str);
312 }
313 else
314 {
315 /* MISRA C-2012 Rule 15.7 */
316 }
317 }
318 }
319 #endif
EXCEPTION_StackFramePrint(void)321 static void EXCEPTION_StackFramePrint(void)
322 {
324 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("\r\n--- Stack frame -------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
325 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" IPSR= 0x%08X >>>>> ", g_exceptionStackStruct->IPSR);
326 switch (g_exceptionStackStruct->IPSR & 0xFFU)
327 {
328 case 0:
329 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Thread mode");
330 break;
331 case 1:
332 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 1");
333 break;
334 case 2:
336 break;
337 case 3:
338 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("HardFault");
339 break;
340 case 4:
341 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("MemManage");
342 break;
343 case 5:
344 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("BusFault");
345 break;
346 case 6:
347 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("UsageFault");
348 break;
349 case 7:
350 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 7");
351 break;
352 case 8:
353 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 8");
354 break;
355 case 9:
356 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 9");
357 break;
358 case 10:
359 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 10");
360 break;
361 case 11:
362 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("SVCall");
363 break;
364 case 12:
365 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved for Debug");
366 break;
367 case 13:
368 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("Reserved 13");
369 break;
370 case 14:
371 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("PendSV");
372 break;
373 case 15:
374 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("SysTick");
375 break;
376 default:
377 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("IRQ%d", (g_exceptionStackStruct->IPSR & 0xFFU) - 16U);
378 break;
379 }
380 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" <<<<<\r\n");
382 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" R0 = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->R0);
383 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" R1 = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->R1);
384 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" R2 = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->R2);
385 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" R3 = 0x%08X\r\n", g_exceptionStackStruct->R3);
386 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" R12 = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->R12);
387 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" LR = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->LR);
388 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" PC = 0x%08X ", g_exceptionStackStruct->PC);
389 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" PSR = 0x%08X\r\n", g_exceptionStackStruct->xPSR);
390 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF(" SP (when faulted) = 0x%08X\r\n", g_exceptionStackStruct->SP);
391 (void)EXCEPTION_PRINTF("\n--- System Control Block (SCB) ----------------------------------------\r\n");
392 (void)EXCEPTION_HardFaultRegisterPrint();
393 while (0U != (g_exceptionStackStruct->IPSR & 0xFFU))
394 {
395 }
397 #endif
398 }
EXCEPTION_CopyToStack(void)400 static void EXCEPTION_CopyToStack(void)
401 {
402 /* Push SP (when faulted) and IPSR to MSP and save MSP contain the exception Stack Struct to
403 * g_exceptionStackStruct*/
405 }
407 void NMI_Handler(void);
NMI_Handler(void)408 void NMI_Handler(void)
410 {
411 EXCEPTION_DataPrint();
412 }
413 #else
414 {
415 while (1)
416 {
417 }
418 }
419 #endif
421 #if (defined(__MCUXPRESSO) && defined(__SEMIHOST_HARDFAULT_DISABLE)) || (!defined(__MCUXPRESSO))
422 void HardFault_Handler(void);
HardFault_Handler(void)423 void HardFault_Handler(void)
425 {
426 EXCEPTION_DataPrint();
427 }
428 #else
429 {
430 while (1)
431 {
432 }
433 }
434 #endif
435 #endif
436 void MemManage_Handler(void);
MemManage_Handler(void)437 void MemManage_Handler(void)
439 {
440 EXCEPTION_DataPrint();
441 }
442 #else
443 {
444 while (1)
445 {
446 }
447 }
448 #endif
449 void BusFault_Handler(void);
BusFault_Handler(void)450 void BusFault_Handler(void)
452 {
453 EXCEPTION_DataPrint();
454 }
455 #else
456 {
457 while (1)
458 {
459 }
460 }
461 #endif
462 void UsageFault_Handler(void);
UsageFault_Handler(void)463 void UsageFault_Handler(void)
465 {
466 EXCEPTION_DataPrint();
467 }
468 #else
469 {
470 while (1)
471 {
472 }
473 }
474 #endif
476 /*!
477 * @brief Exception data print function.
478 *
479 * This function should be called at first place in the ISR where the R0-R3, R12, LR, PC and xPSR
480 * have been saved in the stack by ARM,
481 * so that the SP and IPSR could be saved right after them. By default, exception handling module will
482 * overwrite the following ISR as the reference:
483 * NMI_Handler, HardFault_Handler, MemManage_Handler, BusFault_Handler, UsageFault_Handler.
484 * The users can refer to these ISRs to have their owner ISRs to output the stack frame information.
485 *
486 * At last, all the stack frame information would be output from UART instance initialized in the debug
487 * console if EXCEPTION_HANDLING_LOG_ENABLE is set to 1.
488 * USB CDC could not be supported.
489 * SWO is not supported yet.
490 * If no UART instance is initialized because debug console is not enabled or there is no HW UART instance available,
491 * the users need to route EXCEPTION_PRINTF to an available IO function to output the stack frame information.
492 * This function should NOT be called in the task context.
493 *
494 * @note For MCUXpresso IDE, make sure unselect Include semihost Hardfault handler feature on SDK import wizard,
495 * otherwise HardFault_Handler function of semihost_hardfault.c project will be used on MCUXpresso project.
496 * Make sure __SEMIHOST_HARDFAULT_DISABLE Macro is defined in if want to use HardFault_Handler function
497 * in exception_handling.c.
498 *
499 * @retval No return vaule.
500 */
EXCEPTION_DataPrint(void)502 void EXCEPTION_DataPrint(void)
503 {
504 /* Here set g_exceptionStackStruct to 0x1 to avoid compiler optimization on some compiler */
505 g_exceptionStackStruct = (exception_stack_data_t *)0x1;
506 (void)EXCEPTION_CopyToStack();
507 (void)EXCEPTION_StackFramePrint();
508 }