1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 NXP
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
8 #ifndef __FLASH_CONFIG__
9 #define __FLASH_CONFIG__
11 #include <stdint.h>
12 #include <stdbool.h>
13 #include "fsl_common.h"
15 /*! @name Driver version */
16 /*@{*/
17 /*! @brief FLASH_CONFIG driver version 2.0.0. */
19 /*@}*/
21 /*******************************************************************************
22  * Definition
23  ******************************************************************************/
25 /* FLEXSPI memory config block related defintions */
26 #define FLASH_CONFIG_BLOCK_TAG     (0x42464346)
27 #define FLASH_CONFIG_BLOCK_VERSION (0x56010400)
29 #define CMD_SDR        0x01
30 #define CMD_DDR        0x21
31 #define RADDR_SDR      0x02
32 #define RADDR_DDR      0x22
33 #define CADDR_SDR      0x03
34 #define CADDR_DDR      0x23
35 #define MODE1_SDR      0x04
36 #define MODE1_DDR      0x24
37 #define MODE2_SDR      0x05
38 #define MODE2_DDR      0x25
39 #define MODE4_SDR      0x06
40 #define MODE4_DDR      0x26
41 #define MODE8_SDR      0x07
42 #define MODE8_DDR      0x27
43 #define WRITE_SDR      0x08
44 #define WRITE_DDR      0x28
45 #define READ_SDR       0x09
46 #define READ_DDR       0x29
47 #define LEARN_SDR      0x0A
48 #define LEARN_DDR      0x2A
49 #define DATSZ_SDR      0x0B
50 #define DATSZ_DDR      0x2B
51 #define DUMMY_SDR      0x0C
52 #define DUMMY_DDR      0x2C
53 #define DUMMY_RWDS_SDR 0x0D
54 #define DUMMY_RWDS_DDR 0x2D
55 #define JMP_ON_CS      0x1F
56 #define STOP_EXE       0
58 #define FLEXSPI_1PAD 0
59 #define FLEXSPI_2PAD 1
60 #define FLEXSPI_4PAD 2
61 #define FLEXSPI_8PAD 3
63 #define FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(cmd0, pad0, op0, cmd1, pad1, op1)                                                              \
67 /* !@brief Data pad used in Read command */
68 enum
69 {
70     kSerialFlash_1Pads = 1,
71     kSerialFlash_2Pads = 2,
72     kSerialFlash_4Pads = 4,
73     kSerialFlash_8Pads = 8,
74 };
76 /* !@brief FLEXSPI clock configuration - In High speed boot mode */
77 enum
78 {
79     kFlexSpiSerialClk_30MHz  = 1,
80     kFlexSpiSerialClk_50MHz  = 2,
81     kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz  = 3,
82     kFlexSpiSerialClk_80MHz  = 4,
83     kFlexSpiSerialClk_100MHz = 5,
84     kFlexSpiSerialClk_120MHz = 6,
85     kFlexSpiSerialClk_133MHz = 7,
86     kFlexSpiSerialClk_166MHz = 8,
87     kFlexSpiSerialClk_200MHz = 9,
88 };
90 /* !@brief FLEXSPI clock configuration - In Normal boot SDR mode */
91 enum
92 {
93     kFlexSpiSerialClk_SDR_24MHz = 1,
94     kFlexSpiSerialClk_SDR_48MHz = 2,
95 };
97 /* !@brief FLEXSPI clock configuration - In Normal boot DDR mode */
98 enum
99 {
100     kFlexSpiSerialClk_DDR_48MHz = 1,
101 };
103 /* !@brief Misc feature bit definitions */
104 enum
105 {
106     kFlexSpiMiscOffset_DiffClkEnable         = 0, /* !< Bit for Differential clock enable */
107     kFlexSpiMiscOffset_WordAddressableEnable = 3, /* !< Bit for Word Addressable enable */
108     kFlexSpiMiscOffset_SafeConfigFreqEnable  = 4, /* !< Bit for Safe Configuration Frequency enable */
109     kFlexSpiMiscOffset_DdrModeEnable         = 6, /* !< Bit for DDR clock confiuration indication. */
110 };
112 /* !@brief Flash Configuration Command Type */
113 enum
114 {
115     kDeviceConfigCmdType_Generic,    /* !< Generic command, for example: configure dummy cycles, drive strength, etc */
116     kDeviceConfigCmdType_QuadEnable, /* !< Quad Enable command */
117     kDeviceConfigCmdType_Spi2Xpi,    /* !< Switch from SPI to DPI/QPI/OPI mode */
118     kDeviceConfigCmdType_Xpi2Spi,    /* !< Switch from DPI/QPI/OPI to SPI mode */
119     kDeviceConfigCmdType_Spi2NoCmd,  /* !< Switch to 0-4-4/0-8-8 mode */
120     kDeviceConfigCmdType_Reset,      /* !< Reset device command */
121 };
123 typedef struct
124 {
125     uint8_t time_100ps;  /* !< Data valid time, in terms of 100ps */
126     uint8_t delay_cells; /* !< Data valid time, in terms of delay cells */
127 } flexspi_dll_time_t;
129 /* !@brief FlexSPI LUT Sequence structure */
130 typedef struct _lut_sequence
131 {
132     uint8_t seqNum; /* !< Sequence Number, valid number: 1-16 */
133     uint8_t seqId;  /* !< Sequence Index, valid number: 0-15 */
134     uint16_t reserved;
135 } flexspi_lut_seq_t;
137 /* !@brief FlexSPI Memory Configuration Block */
138 typedef struct _FlexSPIConfig
139 {
140     uint32_t tag;       /* !< [0x000-0x003] Tag, fixed value 0x42464346UL */
141     uint32_t version;   /* !< [0x004-0x007] Version,[31:24] -'V', [23:16] - Major, [15:8] - Minor, [7:0] - bugfix */
142     uint32_t reserved0; /* !< [0x008-0x00b] Reserved for future use */
143     uint8_t readSampleClkSrc;    /* !< [0x00c-0x00c] Read Sample Clock Source, valid value: 0/1/3 */
144     uint8_t csHoldTime;          /* !< [0x00d-0x00d] CS hold time, default value: 3 */
145     uint8_t csSetupTime;         /* !< [0x00e-0x00e] CS setup time, default value: 3 */
146     uint8_t columnAddressWidth;  /* !< [0x00f-0x00f] Column Address with, for HyperBus protocol, it is fixed to 3, For
147        Serial NAND, need to refer to datasheet */
148     uint8_t deviceModeCfgEnable; /* !< [0x010-0x010] Device Mode Configure enable flag, 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable */
149     uint8_t deviceModeType; /* !< [0x011-0x011] Specify the configuration command type:Quad Enable, DPI/QPI/OPI switch,
150      Generic configuration, etc. */
151     uint16_t waitTimeCfgCommands;    /* !< [0x012-0x013] Wait time for all configuration commands, unit: 100us, Used for
152         DPI/QPI/OPI switch or reset command */
153     flexspi_lut_seq_t deviceModeSeq; /* !< [0x014-0x017] Device mode sequence info, [7:0] - LUT sequence id, [15:8] -
154      LUt sequence number, [31:16] Reserved */
155     uint32_t deviceModeArg;          /* !< [0x018-0x01b] Argument/Parameter for device configuration */
156     uint8_t configCmdEnable;         /* !< [0x01c-0x01c] Configure command Enable Flag, 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable */
157     uint8_t configModeType[3];       /* !< [0x01d-0x01f] Configure Mode Type, similar as deviceModeTpe */
158     flexspi_lut_seq_t configCmdSeqs[3]; /* !< [0x020-0x02b] Sequence info for Device Configuration command, similar as
159                                            deviceModeSeq */
160     uint32_t reserved1;                 /* !< [0x02c-0x02f] Reserved for future use */
161     uint32_t configCmdArgs[3];          /* !< [0x030-0x03b] Arguments/Parameters for device Configuration commands */
162     uint32_t reserved2;                 /* !< [0x03c-0x03f] Reserved for future use */
163     uint32_t controllerMiscOption; /* !< [0x040-0x043] Controller Misc Options, see Misc feature bit definitions for
164       more details */
165     uint8_t deviceType;            /* !< [0x044-0x044] Device Type:  See Flash Type Definition for more details */
166     uint8_t sflashPadType; /* !< [0x045-0x045] Serial Flash Pad Type: 1 - Single, 2 - Dual, 4 - Quad, 8 - Octal */
167     uint8_t serialClkFreq; /* !< [0x046-0x046] Serial Flash Frequencey, device specific definitions, See System Boot
168      Chapter for more details */
169     uint8_t lutCustomSeqEnable; /* !< [0x047-0x047] LUT customization Enable, it is required if the program/erase cannot
170      be done using 1 LUT sequence, currently, only applicable to HyperFLASH */
171     uint32_t reserved3[2];      /* !< [0x048-0x04f] Reserved for future use */
172     uint32_t sflashA1Size;      /* !< [0x050-0x053] Size of Flash connected to A1 */
173     uint32_t sflashA2Size;      /* !< [0x054-0x057] Size of Flash connected to A2 */
174     uint32_t sflashB1Size;      /* !< [0x058-0x05b] Size of Flash connected to B1 */
175     uint32_t sflashB2Size;      /* !< [0x05c-0x05f] Size of Flash connected to B2 */
176     uint32_t csPadSettingOverride;       /* !< [0x060-0x063] CS pad setting override value */
177     uint32_t sclkPadSettingOverride;     /* !< [0x064-0x067] SCK pad setting override value */
178     uint32_t dataPadSettingOverride;     /* !< [0x068-0x06b] data pad setting override value */
179     uint32_t dqsPadSettingOverride;      /* !< [0x06c-0x06f] DQS pad setting override value */
180     uint32_t timeoutInMs;                /* !< [0x070-0x073] Timeout threshold for read status command */
181     uint32_t commandInterval;            /* !< [0x074-0x077] CS deselect interval between two commands */
182     flexspi_dll_time_t dataValidTime[2]; /* !< [0x078-0x07b] CLK edge to data valid time for PORT A and PORT B */
183     uint16_t busyOffset;                 /* !< [0x07c-0x07d] Busy offset, valid value: 0-31 */
184     uint16_t busyBitPolarity; /* !< [0x07e-0x07f] Busy flag polarity, 0 - busy flag is 1 when flash device is busy, 1 -
185      busy flag is 0 when flash device is busy */
186     uint32_t lookupTable[64]; /* !< [0x080-0x17f] Lookup table holds Flash command sequences */
187     flexspi_lut_seq_t lutCustomSeq[12]; /* !< [0x180-0x1af] Customizable LUT Sequences */
188     uint32_t reserved4[4];              /* !< [0x1b0-0x1bf] Reserved for future use */
189 } flexspi_mem_config_t;
190 /*
191  *  Serial NOR configuration block
192  */
193 typedef struct _flexspi_nor_config
194 {
195     flexspi_mem_config_t memConfig; /* !< Common memory configuration info via FlexSPI */
196     uint32_t pageSize;              /* !< Page size of Serial NOR */
197     uint32_t sectorSize;            /* !< Sector size of Serial NOR */
198     uint8_t ipcmdSerialClkFreq;     /* !< Clock frequency for IP command */
199     uint8_t isUniformBlockSize;     /* !< Sector/Block size is the same */
200     uint8_t isDataOrderSwapped;     /* !< Data order (D0, D1, D2, D3) is swapped (D1,D0, D3, D2) */
201     uint8_t reserved0[1];           /* !< Reserved for future use */
202     uint8_t serialNorType;          /* !< Serial NOR Flash type: 0/1/2/3 */
203     uint8_t needExitNoCmdMode;      /* !< Need to exit NoCmd mode before other IP command */
204     uint8_t halfClkForNonReadCmd;   /* !< Half the Serial Clock for non-read command: true/false */
205     uint8_t needRestoreNoCmdMode;   /* !< Need to Restore NoCmd mode after IP commmand execution */
206     uint32_t blockSize;             /* !< Block size */
207     uint32_t flashStateCtx;         /* !< Flash State Context */
208     uint32_t reserve2[10];          /* !< Reserved for future use */
209 } flexspi_nor_config_t;
210 #ifdef __cplusplus
211 extern "C" {
212 #endif
214 #ifdef __cplusplus
215 }
216 #endif
217 #endif /* __FLASH_CONFIG__ */