1 /******************************************************************************
2  * @file     statistics_functions.h
3  * @brief    Public header file for CMSIS DSP Library
4  * @version  V1.9.0
5  * @date     23 April 2021
6  * Target Processor: Cortex-M and Cortex-A cores
7  ******************************************************************************/
8 /*
9  * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
12  *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
16  *
17  * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18  *
19  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
21  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23  * limitations under the License.
24  */
30 #include "arm_math_types.h"
31 #include "arm_math_memory.h"
33 #include "dsp/none.h"
34 #include "dsp/utils.h"
36 #include "dsp/basic_math_functions.h"
37 #include "dsp/fast_math_functions.h"
39 #ifdef   __cplusplus
40 extern "C"
41 {
42 #endif
45 /**
46  * @defgroup groupStats Statistics Functions
47  */
49 /**
50  * @brief Computation of the LogSumExp
51  *
52  * In probabilistic computations, the dynamic of the probability values can be very
53  * wide because they come from gaussian functions.
54  * To avoid underflow and overflow issues, the values are represented by their log.
55  * In this representation, multiplying the original exp values is easy : their logs are added.
56  * But adding the original exp values is requiring some special handling and it is the
57  * goal of the LogSumExp function.
58  *
59  * If the values are x1...xn, the function is computing:
60  *
61  * ln(exp(x1) + ... + exp(xn)) and the computation is done in such a way that
62  * rounding issues are minimised.
63  *
64  * The max xm of the values is extracted and the function is computing:
65  * xm + ln(exp(x1 - xm) + ... + exp(xn - xm))
66  *
67  * @param[in]  *in         Pointer to an array of input values.
68  * @param[in]  blockSize   Number of samples in the input array.
69  * @return LogSumExp
70  *
71  */
74 float32_t arm_logsumexp_f32(const float32_t *in, uint32_t blockSize);
76 /**
77  * @brief Dot product with log arithmetic
78  *
79  * Vectors are containing the log of the samples
80  *
81  * @param[in]       pSrcA points to the first input vector
82  * @param[in]       pSrcB points to the second input vector
83  * @param[in]       blockSize number of samples in each vector
84  * @param[in]       pTmpBuffer temporary buffer of length blockSize
85  * @return The log of the dot product .
86  *
87  */
90 float32_t arm_logsumexp_dot_prod_f32(const float32_t * pSrcA,
91   const float32_t * pSrcB,
92   uint32_t blockSize,
93   float32_t *pTmpBuffer);
95 /**
96  * @brief Entropy
97  *
98  * @param[in]  pSrcA        Array of input values.
99  * @param[in]  blockSize    Number of samples in the input array.
100  * @return     Entropy      -Sum(p ln p)
101  *
102  */
105 float32_t arm_entropy_f32(const float32_t * pSrcA,uint32_t blockSize);
108 /**
109  * @brief Entropy
110  *
111  * @param[in]  pSrcA        Array of input values.
112  * @param[in]  blockSize    Number of samples in the input array.
113  * @return     Entropy      -Sum(p ln p)
114  *
115  */
118 float64_t arm_entropy_f64(const float64_t * pSrcA, uint32_t blockSize);
121 /**
122  * @brief Kullback-Leibler
123  *
124  * @param[in]  pSrcA         Pointer to an array of input values for probability distribution A.
125  * @param[in]  pSrcB         Pointer to an array of input values for probability distribution B.
126  * @param[in]  blockSize     Number of samples in the input array.
127  * @return Kullback-Leibler  Divergence D(A || B)
128  *
129  */
130 float32_t arm_kullback_leibler_f32(const float32_t * pSrcA
131   ,const float32_t * pSrcB
132   ,uint32_t blockSize);
135 /**
136  * @brief Kullback-Leibler
137  *
138  * @param[in]  pSrcA         Pointer to an array of input values for probability distribution A.
139  * @param[in]  pSrcB         Pointer to an array of input values for probability distribution B.
140  * @param[in]  blockSize     Number of samples in the input array.
141  * @return Kullback-Leibler  Divergence D(A || B)
142  *
143  */
144 float64_t arm_kullback_leibler_f64(const float64_t * pSrcA,
145                 const float64_t * pSrcB,
146                 uint32_t blockSize);
149  /**
150    * @brief  Sum of the squares of the elements of a Q31 vector.
151    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
152    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
153    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
154    */
155   void arm_power_q31(
156   const q31_t * pSrc,
157         uint32_t blockSize,
158         q63_t * pResult);
161   /**
162    * @brief  Sum of the squares of the elements of a floating-point vector.
163    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
164    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
165    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
166    */
167   void arm_power_f32(
168   const float32_t * pSrc,
169         uint32_t blockSize,
170         float32_t * pResult);
173   /**
174    * @brief  Sum of the squares of the elements of a Q15 vector.
175    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
176    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
177    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
178    */
179   void arm_power_q15(
180   const q15_t * pSrc,
181         uint32_t blockSize,
182         q63_t * pResult);
185   /**
186    * @brief  Sum of the squares of the elements of a Q7 vector.
187    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
188    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
189    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
190    */
191   void arm_power_q7(
192   const q7_t * pSrc,
193         uint32_t blockSize,
194         q31_t * pResult);
197   /**
198    * @brief  Mean value of a Q7 vector.
199    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
200    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
201    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
202    */
203   void arm_mean_q7(
204   const q7_t * pSrc,
205         uint32_t blockSize,
206         q7_t * pResult);
209   /**
210    * @brief  Mean value of a Q15 vector.
211    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
212    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
213    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
214    */
215   void arm_mean_q15(
216   const q15_t * pSrc,
217         uint32_t blockSize,
218         q15_t * pResult);
221   /**
222    * @brief  Mean value of a Q31 vector.
223    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
224    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
225    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
226    */
227   void arm_mean_q31(
228   const q31_t * pSrc,
229         uint32_t blockSize,
230         q31_t * pResult);
233   /**
234    * @brief  Mean value of a floating-point vector.
235    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
236    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
237    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
238    */
239   void arm_mean_f32(
240   const float32_t * pSrc,
241         uint32_t blockSize,
242         float32_t * pResult);
245   /**
246    * @brief  Variance of the elements of a floating-point vector.
247    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
248    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
249    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
250    */
251   void arm_var_f32(
252   const float32_t * pSrc,
253         uint32_t blockSize,
254         float32_t * pResult);
257   /**
258    * @brief  Variance of the elements of a Q31 vector.
259    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
260    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
261    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
262    */
263   void arm_var_q31(
264   const q31_t * pSrc,
265         uint32_t blockSize,
266         q31_t * pResult);
269   /**
270    * @brief  Variance of the elements of a Q15 vector.
271    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
272    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
273    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
274    */
275   void arm_var_q15(
276   const q15_t * pSrc,
277         uint32_t blockSize,
278         q15_t * pResult);
281   /**
282    * @brief  Root Mean Square of the elements of a floating-point vector.
283    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
284    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
285    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
286    */
287   void arm_rms_f32(
288   const float32_t * pSrc,
289         uint32_t blockSize,
290         float32_t * pResult);
293   /**
294    * @brief  Root Mean Square of the elements of a Q31 vector.
295    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
296    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
297    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
298    */
299   void arm_rms_q31(
300   const q31_t * pSrc,
301         uint32_t blockSize,
302         q31_t * pResult);
305   /**
306    * @brief  Root Mean Square of the elements of a Q15 vector.
307    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
308    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
309    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
310    */
311   void arm_rms_q15(
312   const q15_t * pSrc,
313         uint32_t blockSize,
314         q15_t * pResult);
317   /**
318    * @brief  Standard deviation of the elements of a floating-point vector.
319    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
320    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
321    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
322    */
323   void arm_std_f32(
324   const float32_t * pSrc,
325         uint32_t blockSize,
326         float32_t * pResult);
329   /**
330    * @brief  Standard deviation of the elements of a Q31 vector.
331    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
332    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
333    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
334    */
335   void arm_std_q31(
336   const q31_t * pSrc,
337         uint32_t blockSize,
338         q31_t * pResult);
341   /**
342    * @brief  Standard deviation of the elements of a Q15 vector.
343    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
344    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
345    * @param[out] pResult    is output value.
346    */
347   void arm_std_q15(
348   const q15_t * pSrc,
349         uint32_t blockSize,
350         q15_t * pResult);
354   /**
355    * @brief  Minimum value of a Q7 vector.
356    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
357    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
358    * @param[out] result     is output pointer
359    * @param[in]  index      is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
360    */
361   void arm_min_q7(
362   const q7_t * pSrc,
363         uint32_t blockSize,
364         q7_t * result,
365         uint32_t * index);
367   /**
368    * @brief  Minimum value of absolute values of a Q7 vector.
369    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
370    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
371    * @param[out] result     is output pointer
372    * @param[in]  index      is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
373    */
374   void arm_absmin_q7(
375   const q7_t * pSrc,
376         uint32_t blockSize,
377         q7_t * result,
378         uint32_t * index);
381   /**
382    * @brief  Minimum value of a Q15 vector.
383    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
384    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
385    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
386    * @param[in]  pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
387    */
388   void arm_min_q15(
389   const q15_t * pSrc,
390         uint32_t blockSize,
391         q15_t * pResult,
392         uint32_t * pIndex);
394 /**
395    * @brief  Minimum value of absolute values of a Q15 vector.
396    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
397    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
398    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
399    * @param[in]  pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
400    */
401   void arm_absmin_q15(
402   const q15_t * pSrc,
403         uint32_t blockSize,
404         q15_t * pResult,
405         uint32_t * pIndex);
408   /**
409    * @brief  Minimum value of a Q31 vector.
410    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
411    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
412    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
413    * @param[out] pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
414    */
415   void arm_min_q31(
416   const q31_t * pSrc,
417         uint32_t blockSize,
418         q31_t * pResult,
419         uint32_t * pIndex);
421   /**
422    * @brief  Minimum value of absolute values of a Q31 vector.
423    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
424    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
425    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
426    * @param[out] pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
427    */
428   void arm_absmin_q31(
429   const q31_t * pSrc,
430         uint32_t blockSize,
431         q31_t * pResult,
432         uint32_t * pIndex);
435   /**
436    * @brief  Minimum value of a floating-point vector.
437    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
438    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
439    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
440    * @param[out] pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
441    */
442   void arm_min_f32(
443   const float32_t * pSrc,
444         uint32_t blockSize,
445         float32_t * pResult,
446         uint32_t * pIndex);
448   /**
449    * @brief  Minimum value of absolute values of a floating-point vector.
450    * @param[in]  pSrc       is input pointer
451    * @param[in]  blockSize  is the number of samples to process
452    * @param[out] pResult    is output pointer
453    * @param[out] pIndex     is the array index of the minimum value in the input buffer.
454    */
455   void arm_absmin_f32(
456   const float32_t * pSrc,
457         uint32_t blockSize,
458         float32_t * pResult,
459         uint32_t * pIndex);
462 /**
463  * @brief Maximum value of a Q7 vector.
464  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
465  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
466  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
467  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
468  */
469   void arm_max_q7(
470   const q7_t * pSrc,
471         uint32_t blockSize,
472         q7_t * pResult,
473         uint32_t * pIndex);
475 /**
476  * @brief Maximum value of absolute values of a Q7 vector.
477  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
478  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
479  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
480  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
481  */
482   void arm_absmax_q7(
483   const q7_t * pSrc,
484         uint32_t blockSize,
485         q7_t * pResult,
486         uint32_t * pIndex);
489 /**
490  * @brief Maximum value of a Q15 vector.
491  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
492  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
493  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
494  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
495  */
496   void arm_max_q15(
497   const q15_t * pSrc,
498         uint32_t blockSize,
499         q15_t * pResult,
500         uint32_t * pIndex);
502 /**
503  * @brief Maximum value of absolute values of a Q15 vector.
504  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
505  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
506  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
507  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
508  */
509   void arm_absmax_q15(
510   const q15_t * pSrc,
511         uint32_t blockSize,
512         q15_t * pResult,
513         uint32_t * pIndex);
515 /**
516  * @brief Maximum value of a Q31 vector.
517  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
518  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
519  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
520  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
521  */
522   void arm_max_q31(
523   const q31_t * pSrc,
524         uint32_t blockSize,
525         q31_t * pResult,
526         uint32_t * pIndex);
528 /**
529  * @brief Maximum value of absolute values of a Q31 vector.
530  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
531  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
532  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
533  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
534  */
535   void arm_absmax_q31(
536   const q31_t * pSrc,
537         uint32_t blockSize,
538         q31_t * pResult,
539         uint32_t * pIndex);
541 /**
542  * @brief Maximum value of a floating-point vector.
543  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
544  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
545  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
546  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
547  */
548   void arm_max_f32(
549   const float32_t * pSrc,
550         uint32_t blockSize,
551         float32_t * pResult,
552         uint32_t * pIndex);
554 /**
555  * @brief Maximum value of absolute values of a floating-point vector.
556  * @param[in]  pSrc       points to the input buffer
557  * @param[in]  blockSize  length of the input vector
558  * @param[out] pResult    maximum value returned here
559  * @param[out] pIndex     index of maximum value returned here
560  */
561   void arm_absmax_f32(
562   const float32_t * pSrc,
563         uint32_t blockSize,
564         float32_t * pResult,
565         uint32_t * pIndex);
567   /**
568     @brief         Maximum value of a floating-point vector.
569     @param[in]     pSrc       points to the input vector
570     @param[in]     blockSize  number of samples in input vector
571     @param[out]    pResult    maximum value returned here
572     @return        none
573    */
574   void arm_max_no_idx_f32(
575       const float32_t *pSrc,
576       uint32_t   blockSize,
577       float32_t *pResult);
582 #ifdef   __cplusplus
583 }
584 #endif
586 #endif /* ifndef _STATISTICS_FUNCTIONS_H_ */