1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3  * Copyright 2016-2019 NXP
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7  */
8 #ifndef _FSL_SDRAMC_H_
9 #define _FSL_SDRAMC_H_
11 #include "fsl_common.h"
13 /*!
14  * @addtogroup sdramc
15  * @{
16  */
18 /*******************************************************************************
19  * Definitions
20  ******************************************************************************/
22 /*! @name Driver version */
23 /*@{*/
24 /*! @brief SDRAMC driver version 2.1.1. */
26 /*@}*/
28 /*! @brief SDRAM controller auto-refresh timing. */
29 typedef enum _sdramc_refresh_time
30 {
31     kSDRAMC_RefreshThreeClocks = 0x0U, /*!< The refresh timing with three bus clocks. */
32     kSDRAMC_RefreshSixClocks,          /*!< The refresh timing with six bus clocks. */
33     kSDRAMC_RefreshNineClocks          /*!< The refresh timing with nine bus clocks. */
34 } sdramc_refresh_time_t;
36 /*!
37  * @brief Setting latency for SDRAM controller timing specifications.
38  *
39  * The latency setting affects the following SDRAM timing specifications:
40  *       - trcd: SRAS assertion to SCAS assertion \n
41  *       - tcasl: SCAS assertion to data out \n
42  *       - tras: ACTV command to Precharge command \n
43  *       - trp: Precharge command to ACTV command \n
44  *       - trwl, trdl: Last data input to Precharge command \n
45  *       - tep: Last data out to Precharge command \n
46  * The details of the latency setting and timing specifications are shown in the following table list. \n
47  *   latency      trcd:          tcasl         tras           trp        trwl,trdl        tep   \n
48  *    0       1 bus clock    1 bus clock   2 bus clocks   1 bus clock   1 bus clock   1 bus clock  \n
49  *    1       2 bus clock    2 bus clock   4 bus clocks   2 bus clock   1 bus clock   1 bus clock  \n
50  *    2       3 bus clock    3 bus clock   6 bus clocks   3 bus clock   1 bus clock   1 bus clock  \n
51  *    3       3 bus clock    3 bus clock   6 bus clocks   3 bus clock   1 bus clock   1 bus clock  \n
52  */
53 typedef enum _sdramc_latency
54 {
55     kSDRAMC_LatencyZero = 0x0U, /*!< Latency  0. */
56     kSDRAMC_LatencyOne,         /*!< Latency  1. */
57     kSDRAMC_LatencyTwo,         /*!< Latency  2. */
58     kSDRAMC_LatencyThree,       /*!< Latency  3. */
59 } sdramc_latency_t;
61 /*! @brief SDRAM controller command bit location. */
62 typedef enum _sdramc_command_bit_location
63 {
64     kSDRAMC_Commandbit17 = 0x0U, /*!< Command bit location is bit 17. */
65     kSDRAMC_Commandbit18,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 18. */
66     kSDRAMC_Commandbit19,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 19. */
67     kSDRAMC_Commandbit20,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 20. */
68     kSDRAMC_Commandbit21,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 21. */
69     kSDRAMC_Commandbit22,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 22. */
70     kSDRAMC_Commandbit23,        /*!< Command bit location is bit 23. */
71     kSDRAMC_Commandbit24         /*!< Command bit location is bit 24. */
72 } sdramc_command_bit_location_t;
74 /*! @brief SDRAM controller command. */
75 typedef enum _sdramc_command
76 {
77     kSDRAMC_ImrsCommand = 0x0U,        /*!< Initiate MRS command. */
78     kSDRAMC_PrechargeCommand,          /*!< Initiate precharge command.  */
79     kSDRAMC_SelfrefreshEnterCommand,   /*!< Enter self-refresh command. */
80     kSDRAMC_SelfrefreshExitCommand,    /*!< Exit self-refresh command. */
81     kSDRAMC_AutoRefreshEnableCommand,  /*!< Enable Auto refresh command. */
82     kSDRAMC_AutoRefreshDisableCommand, /*!< Disable Auto refresh command.  */
83 } sdramc_command_t;
85 /*! @brief SDRAM port size. */
86 typedef enum _sdramc_port_size
87 {
88     kSDRAMC_PortSize32Bit = 0x0U, /*!< 32-Bit port size. */
89     kSDRAMC_PortSize8Bit,         /*!< 8-Bit port size. */
90     kSDRAMC_PortSize16Bit         /*!< 16-Bit port size. */
91 } sdramc_port_size_t;
93 /*! @brief SDRAM controller block selection. */
94 typedef enum _sdramc_block_selection
95 {
96     kSDRAMC_Block0 = 0x0U, /*!< Select SDRAM block 0. */
97     kSDRAMC_Block1,        /*!< Select SDRAM block 1. */
98 } sdramc_block_selection_t;
100 /*! @brief SDRAM controller block control configuration structure. */
101 typedef struct _sdramc_blockctl_config
102 {
103     sdramc_block_selection_t block;         /*!< The block number. */
104     sdramc_port_size_t portSize;            /*!< The port size of the associated SDRAM block. */
105     sdramc_command_bit_location_t location; /*!< The command bit location. */
106     sdramc_latency_t latency;               /*!< The latency for some timing specifications. */
107     uint32_t address;                       /*!< The base address of the SDRAM block. */
108     uint32_t addressMask;                   /*!< The base address mask of the SDRAM block. */
109 } sdramc_blockctl_config_t;
111 /*! @brief SDRAM controller refresh timing configuration structure. */
112 typedef struct _sdramc_refresh_config
113 {
114     sdramc_refresh_time_t refreshTime; /*!< Trc:The number of bus clocks inserted
115                                             between a REF and next ACTIVE command. */
116     uint32_t sdramRefreshRow;          /*!< The SDRAM refresh time each row: ns/row. */
117     uint32_t busClock_Hz;              /*!< The bus clock for SDRAMC. */
118 } sdramc_refresh_config_t;
120 /*!
121  * @brief SDRAM controller configuration structure.
122  *
123  * Defines a configure structure and uses the SDRAMC_Configure() function to make necessary
124  * initializations.
125  */
126 typedef struct _sdramc_config_t
127 {
128     sdramc_refresh_config_t *refreshConfig; /*!< Refresh timing configure structure pointer. */
129     sdramc_blockctl_config_t *blockConfig;  /*!< Block configure structure pointer. If both SDRAM
130                                                  blocks are used, use the two continuous blockConfig. */
131     uint8_t numBlockConfig;                 /*!< SDRAM block numbers for configuration. */
132 } sdramc_config_t;
134 /*******************************************************************************
135  * API
136  ******************************************************************************/
138 #if defined(__cplusplus)
139 extern "C" {
140 #endif
142 /*!
143  * @name SDRAM Controller Initialization and De-initialization
144  * @{
145  */
147 /*!
148  * @brief Initializes the SDRAM controller.
149  * This function ungates the SDRAM controller clock and initializes the SDRAM controller.
150  * This function must be called before calling any other SDRAM controller driver functions.
151  * Example
152    @code
153     sdramc_refresh_config_t refreshConfig;
154     sdramc_blockctl_config_t blockConfig;
155     sdramc_config_t config;
157     refreshConfig.refreshTime  = kSDRAM_RefreshThreeClocks;
158     refreshConfig.sdramRefreshRow = 15625;
159     refreshConfig.busClock = 60000000;
161     blockConfig.block = kSDRAMC_Block0;
162     blockConfig.portSize = kSDRAMC_PortSize16Bit;
163     blockConfig.location = kSDRAMC_Commandbit19;
164     blockConfig.latency = kSDRAMC_RefreshThreeClocks;
165     blockConfig.address = SDRAM_START_ADDRESS;
166     blockConfig.addressMask = 0x7c0000;
168     config.refreshConfig = &refreshConfig,
169     config.blockConfig = &blockConfig,
170     config.totalBlocks = 1;
172     SDRAMC_Init(SDRAM, &config);
173    @endcode
174  *
175  * @param base SDRAM controller peripheral base address.
176  * @param configure The SDRAM configuration structure pointer.
177  */
178 void SDRAMC_Init(SDRAM_Type *base, sdramc_config_t *configure);
180 /*!
181  * @brief Deinitializes the SDRAM controller module and gates the clock.
182  * This function gates the SDRAM controller clock. As a result, the SDRAM
183  * controller module doesn't work after calling this function.
184  *
185  * @param base SDRAM controller peripheral base address.
186  */
187 void SDRAMC_Deinit(SDRAM_Type *base);
189 /* @} */
191 /*!
192  * @name SDRAM Controller Basic Operation
193  * @{
194  */
196 /*!
197  * @brief Sends the SDRAM command.
198  * This function sends commands to SDRAM. The commands are precharge command, initialization MRS command,
199  * auto-refresh enable/disable command, and self-refresh enter/exit commands.
200  * Note that the self-refresh enter/exit commands are all blocks setting and "block"
201  * is ignored. Ensure to set the correct "block" when send other commands.
202  *
203  * @param base SDRAM controller peripheral base address.
204  * @param block The block selection.
205  * @param command The SDRAM command, see "sdramc_command_t".
206  *        kSDRAMC_ImrsCommand -  Initialize MRS command   \n
207  *        kSDRAMC_PrechargeCommand  - Initialize precharge command   \n
208  *        kSDRAMC_SelfrefreshEnterCommand - Enter self-refresh command \n
209  *        kSDRAMC_SelfrefreshExitCommand  -  Exit self-refresh command \n
210  *        kSDRAMC_AutoRefreshEnableCommand  - Enable auto refresh command \n
211  *        kSDRAMC_AutoRefreshDisableCommand  - Disable auto refresh command
212  */
213 void SDRAMC_SendCommand(SDRAM_Type *base, sdramc_block_selection_t block, sdramc_command_t command);
215 /*!
216  * @brief Enables/disables the write protection.
217  *
218  * @param base SDRAM peripheral base address.
219  * @param block The block which is selected.
220  * @param enable True enable write protection, false disable write protection.
221  */
SDRAMC_EnableWriteProtect(SDRAM_Type * base,sdramc_block_selection_t block,bool enable)222 static inline void SDRAMC_EnableWriteProtect(SDRAM_Type *base, sdramc_block_selection_t block, bool enable)
223 {
224     if (enable)
225     {
226         base->BLOCK[block].CM |= SDRAM_CM_WP_MASK;
227     }
228     else
229     {
230         base->BLOCK[block].CM &= ~SDRAM_CM_WP_MASK;
231     }
232 }
234 /*!
235  * @brief Enables/disables the valid operation.
236  *
237  * @param base SDRAM peripheral base address.
238  * @param block The block which is selected.
239  * @param enable True enable the valid operation; false disable the valid operation.
240  */
SDRAMC_EnableOperateValid(SDRAM_Type * base,sdramc_block_selection_t block,bool enable)241 static inline void SDRAMC_EnableOperateValid(SDRAM_Type *base, sdramc_block_selection_t block, bool enable)
242 {
243     if (enable)
244     {
245         base->BLOCK[block].CM |= SDRAM_CM_V_MASK;
246     }
247     else
248     {
249         base->BLOCK[block].CM &= ~SDRAM_CM_V_MASK;
250     }
251 }
253 /* @} */
255 #if defined(__cplusplus)
256 }
257 #endif
259 /*! @}*/
261 #endif /* _FSL_SDRAMC_H_*/