1 /****************************************************************************//**
2  * @file     i2c.h
3  * @version  V1.00
4  * @brief    M480 series I2C driver header file
5  *
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  * @copyright (C) 2016-2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
8 *****************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef __I2C_H__
10 #define __I2C_H__
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C"
14 {
15 #endif
18 /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
19   @{
20 */
22 /** @addtogroup I2C_Driver I2C Driver
23   @{
24 */
26 /** @addtogroup I2C_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS I2C Exported Constants
27   @{
28 */
30 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 /*  I2C_CTL constant definitions.                                                                            */
32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 #define I2C_CTL_STA_SI            0x28UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STA and SI bits          \hideinitializer */
34 #define I2C_CTL_STA_SI_AA         0x2CUL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STA, SI and AA bits      \hideinitializer */
35 #define I2C_CTL_STO_SI            0x18UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STO and SI bits          \hideinitializer */
36 #define I2C_CTL_STO_SI_AA         0x1CUL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STO, SI and AA bits      \hideinitializer */
37 #define I2C_CTL_SI                0x08UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set SI bit                   \hideinitializer */
38 #define I2C_CTL_SI_AA             0x0CUL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set SI and AA bits           \hideinitializer */
39 #define I2C_CTL_STA               0x20UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STA bit                  \hideinitializer */
40 #define I2C_CTL_STO               0x10UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set STO bit                  \hideinitializer */
41 #define I2C_CTL_AA                0x04UL /*!< I2C_CTL setting for I2C control bits. It would set AA bit                   \hideinitializer */
43 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*  I2C GCMode constant definitions.                                                                       */
45 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
46 #define I2C_GCMODE_ENABLE           1    /*!< Enable  I2C GC Mode                                                         \hideinitializer */
47 #define I2C_GCMODE_DISABLE          0    /*!< Disable I2C GC Mode                                                         \hideinitializer */
49 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
50 /*  I2C SMBUS constant definitions.                                                                        */
51 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
52 #define I2C_SMBH_ENABLE             1    /*!< Enable  SMBus Host Mode enable                                              \hideinitializer */
53 #define I2C_SMBD_ENABLE             0    /*!< Enable  SMBus Device Mode enable                                            \hideinitializer */
54 #define I2C_PECTX_ENABLE            1    /*!< Enable  SMBus Packet Error Check Transmit function                          \hideinitializer */
55 #define I2C_PECTX_DISABLE           0    /*!< Disable SMBus Packet Error Check Transmit function                          \hideinitializer */
57 /*@}*/ /* end of group I2C_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
59 /** @addtogroup I2C_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS I2C Exported Functions
60   @{
61 */
62 /**
63  *    @brief        The macro is used to set I2C bus condition at One Time
64  *
65  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
66  *    @param[in]    u8Ctrl     A byte writes to I2C control register
67  *
68  *    @return       None
69  *
70  *    @details      Set I2C_CTL register to control I2C bus conditions of START, STOP, SI, ACK.
71  *    \hideinitializer
72  */
73 #define I2C_SET_CONTROL_REG(i2c, u8Ctrl) ((i2c)->CTL0 = ((i2c)->CTL0 & ~0x3c) | (u8Ctrl))
75 /**
76  *    @brief        The macro is used to set START condition of I2C Bus
77  *
78  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
79  *
80  *    @return       None
81  *
82  *    @details      Set the I2C bus START condition in I2C_CTL register.
83  *    \hideinitializer
84  */
85 #define I2C_START(i2c)  ((i2c)->CTL0 = ((i2c)->CTL0 & ~I2C_CTL0_SI_Msk) | I2C_CTL0_STA_Msk)
87 /**
88  *    @brief        The macro is used to wait I2C bus status get ready
89  *
90  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
91  *
92  *    @return       None
93  *
94  *    @details      When a new status is presented of I2C bus, the SI flag will be set in I2C_CTL register.
95  *    \hideinitializer
96  */
97 #define I2C_WAIT_READY(i2c)     while(!((i2c)->CTL0 & I2C_CTL0_SI_Msk))
99 /**
100  *    @brief        The macro is used to Read I2C Bus Data Register
101  *
102  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
103  *
104  *    @return       A byte of I2C data register
105  *
106  *    @details      I2C controller read data from bus and save it in I2CDAT register.
107  *    \hideinitializer
108  */
109 #define I2C_GET_DATA(i2c)   ((i2c)->DAT)
111 /**
112  *    @brief        Write a Data to I2C Data Register
113  *
114  *    @param[in]    i2c         Specify I2C port
115  *    @param[in]    u8Data      A byte that writes to data register
116  *
117  *    @return       None
118  *
119  *    @details      When write a data to I2C_DAT register, the I2C controller will shift it to I2C bus.
120  *    \hideinitializer
121  */
122 #define I2C_SET_DATA(i2c, u8Data) ((i2c)->DAT = (u8Data))
124 /**
125  *    @brief        Get I2C Bus status code
126  *
127  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
128  *
129  *    @return       I2C status code
130  *
131  *    @details      To get this status code to monitor I2C bus event.
132  *    \hideinitializer
133  */
134 #define I2C_GET_STATUS(i2c) ((i2c)->STATUS0)
136 /**
137  *    @brief        Get Time-out flag from I2C Bus
138  *
139  *    @param[in]    i2c     Specify I2C port
140  *
141  *    @retval       0       I2C Bus time-out is not happened
142  *    @retval       1       I2C Bus time-out is happened
143  *
144  *    @details      When I2C bus occurs time-out event, the time-out flag will be set.
145  *    \hideinitializer
146  */
147 #define I2C_GET_TIMEOUT_FLAG(i2c)   ( ((i2c)->TOCTL & I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Msk) == I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Msk ? 1:0 )
149 /**
150  *    @brief        To get wake-up flag from I2C Bus
151  *
152  *    @param[in]    i2c     Specify I2C port
153  *
154  *    @retval       0       Chip is not woken-up from power-down mode
155  *    @retval       1       Chip is woken-up from power-down mode
156  *
157  *    @details      I2C bus occurs wake-up event, wake-up flag will be set.
158  *    \hideinitializer
159  */
160 #define I2C_GET_WAKEUP_FLAG(i2c) ( ((i2c)->WKSTS & I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Msk) == I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Msk ? 1:0  )
162 /**
163  *    @brief        To clear wake-up flag
164  *
165  *    @param[in]    i2c     Specify I2C port
166  *
167  *    @return       None
168  *
169  *    @details      If wake-up flag is set, use this macro to clear it.
170  *    \hideinitializer
171  */
172 #define I2C_CLEAR_WAKEUP_FLAG(i2c)  ((i2c)->WKSTS = I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Msk)
174 /**
175  * @brief      To get SMBus Status
176  *
177  * @param[in]  i2c          Specify I2C port
178  *
179  * @return     SMBus status
180  *
181  * @details    To get the Bus Management status of I2C_BUSSTS register
182  * \hideinitializer
183  *
184  */
185 #define I2C_SMBUS_GET_STATUS(i2c) ((i2c)->BUSSTS)
187 /**
188  * @brief      Get SMBus CRC value
189  *
190  * @param[in]  i2c          Specify I2C port
191  *
192  * @return     Packet error check byte value
193  *
194  * @details    The CRC check value after a transmission or a reception by count by using CRC8
195  * \hideinitializer
196  */
197 #define I2C_SMBUS_GET_PEC_VALUE(i2c) ((i2c)->PKTCRC)
199 /**
200  * @brief      Set SMBus Bytes number of Transmission or reception
201  *
202  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
203  * @param[in]  u32PktSize       Transmit / Receive bytes
204  *
205  * @return     None
206  *
207  * @details    The transmission or receive byte number in one transaction when PECEN is set. The maximum is 255 bytes.
208  * \hideinitializer
209  */
210 #define I2C_SMBUS_SET_PACKET_BYTE_COUNT(i2c, u32PktSize) ((i2c)->PKTSIZE = (u32PktSize))
212 /**
213  * @brief      Enable SMBus Alert function
214  *
215  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
216  *
217  * @return     None
218  *
219  * @details    Device Mode(BMHEN=0): If ALERTEN(I2C_BUSCTL[4]) is set, the Alert pin will pull lo, and reply ACK when get ARP from host
220  *             Host   Mode(BMHEN=1): If ALERTEN(I2C_BUSCTL[4]) is set, the Alert pin is supported to receive alert state(Lo trigger)
221  * \hideinitializer
222  */
223 #define I2C_SMBUS_ENABLE_ALERT(i2c) ((i2c)->BUSCTL |= I2C_BUSCTL_ALERTEN_Msk)
225 /**
226  * @brief      Disable SMBus Alert pin function
227  *
228  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
229  *
230  * @return     None
231  *
232  * @details    Device Mode(BMHEN=0): If ALERTEN(I2C_BUSCTL[4]) is clear, the Alert pin will pull hi, and reply NACK when get ARP from host
233  *             Host   Mode(BMHEN=1): If ALERTEN(I2C_BUSCTL[4]) is clear, the Alert pin is not supported to receive alert state(Lo trigger)
234  * \hideinitializer
235  */
236 #define I2C_SMBUS_DISABLE_ALERT(i2c) ((i2c)->BUSCTL &= ~I2C_BUSCTL_ALERTEN_Msk)
238 /**
239  * @brief      Set SMBus SUSCON pin is output mode
240  *
241  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
242  *
243  * @return     None
244  *
245  * @details    This function to set SUSCON(I2C_BUSCTL[6]) pin is output mode.
246  *
247  * \hideinitializer
248  */
249 #define I2C_SMBUS_SET_SUSCON_OUT(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL |= I2C_BUSCTL_SCTLOEN_Msk)
251 /**
252  * @brief      Set SMBus SUSCON pin is input mode
253  *
254  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
255  *
256  * @return     None
257  *
258  * @details    This function to set SUSCON(I2C_BUSCTL[6]) pin is input mode.
259  *
260  * \hideinitializer
261  */
262 #define I2C_SMBUS_SET_SUSCON_IN(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL &= ~I2C_BUSCTL_SCTLOEN_Msk)
264 /**
265  * @brief      Set SMBus SUSCON pin output high state
266  *
267  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
268  *
269  * @return     None
270  *
271  * @details    This function to set SUSCON(I2C_BUSCTL[6]) pin is output hi state.
272  * \hideinitializer
273  */
274 #define I2C_SMBUS_SET_SUSCON_HIGH(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL |= I2C_BUSCTL_SCTLOSTS_Msk)
277 /**
278  * @brief      Set SMBus SUSCON pin output low state
279  *
280  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
281  *
282  * @return     None
283  *
284  * @details    This function to set SUSCON(I2C_BUSCTL[6]) pin is output lo state.
285  * \hideinitializer
286  */
287 #define I2C_SMBUS_SET_SUSCON_LOW(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL &= ~I2C_BUSCTL_SCTLOSTS_Msk)
289 /**
290  * @brief      Enable SMBus Acknowledge control by manual
291  *
292  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
293  *
294  * @return     None
295  *
296  * @details    The 9th bit can response the ACK or NACK according the received data by user. When the byte is received, SCLK line stretching to low between the 8th and 9th SCLK pulse.
297  * \hideinitializer
298  */
299 #define I2C_SMBUS_ACK_MANUAL(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL |= I2C_BUSCTL_ACKMEN_Msk)
301 /**
302  * @brief      Disable SMBus Acknowledge control by manual
303  *
304  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
305  *
306  * @return     None
307  *
308  * @details    Disable acknowledge response control by user.
309  * \hideinitializer
310  */
311 #define I2C_SMBUS_ACK_AUTO(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL &= ~I2C_BUSCTL_ACKMEN_Msk)
313 /**
314  * @brief      Enable SMBus Acknowledge manual interrupt
315  *
316  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
317  *
318  * @return     None
319  *
320  * @details    This function is used to enable SMBUS acknowledge manual interrupt on the 9th clock cycle when SMBUS=1 and ACKMEN=1
321  * \hideinitializer
322  */
323 #define I2C_SMBUS_9THBIT_INT_ENABLE(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL |= I2C_BUSCTL_ACKM9SI_Msk)
325 /**
326  * @brief      Disable SMBus Acknowledge manual interrupt
327  *
328  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
329  *
330  * @return     None
331  *
332  * @details    This function is used to disable SMBUS acknowledge manual interrupt on the 9th clock cycle when SMBUS=1 and ACKMEN=1
333  * \hideinitializer
334  */
335 #define I2C_SMBUS_9THBIT_INT_DISABLE(i2c)   ((i2c)->BUSCTL &= ~I2C_BUSCTL_ACKM9SI_Msk)
337 /**
338  * @brief      Enable SMBus PEC clear at REPEAT START
339  *
340  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
341  *
342  * @return     None
343  *
344  * @details    This function is used to enable the condition of REAEAT START can clear the PEC calculation.
345  * \hideinitializer
346  */
349 /**
350  * @brief      Disable SMBus PEC clear at Repeat START
351  *
352  * @param[in]  i2c              Specify I2C port
353  *
354  * @return     None
355  *
356  * @details    This function is used to disable the condition of Repeat START can clear the PEC calculation.
357  * \hideinitializer
358  */
361 /**
362   * @brief      Enable RX PDMA function.
363   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
364   * @return     None.
365   * @details    Set RXPDMAEN bit of I2C_CTL1 register to enable RX PDMA transfer function.
366   * \hideinitializer
367   */
368 #define I2C_ENABLE_RX_PDMA(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 |= I2C_CTL1_RXPDMAEN_Msk)
370 /**
371   * @brief      Enable TX PDMA function.
372   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
373   * @return     None.
374   * @details    Set TXPDMAEN bit of I2C_CTL1 register to enable TX PDMA transfer function.
375   * \hideinitializer
376   */
377 #define I2C_ENABLE_TX_PDMA(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 |= I2C_CTL1_TXPDMAEN_Msk)
379 /**
380   * @brief      Disable RX PDMA transfer.
381   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
382   * @return     None.
383   * @details    Clear RXPDMAEN bit of I2C_CTL1 register to disable RX PDMA transfer function.
384   * \hideinitializer
385   */
386 #define I2C_DISABLE_RX_PDMA(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 &= ~I2C_CTL1_RXPDMAEN_Msk)
388 /**
389   * @brief      Disable TX PDMA transfer.
390   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
391   * @return     None.
392   * @details    Clear TXPDMAEN bit of I2C_CTL1 register to disable TX PDMA transfer function.
393   * \hideinitializer
394   */
395 #define I2C_DISABLE_TX_PDMA(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 &= ~I2C_CTL1_TXPDMAEN_Msk)
397 /**
398   * @brief      Enable PDMA stretch function.
399   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
400   * @return     None.
401   * @details    Enable this function is to stretch bus by hardware after PDMA transfer is done if SI is not cleared.
402   * \hideinitializer
403   */
404 #define I2C_ENABLE_PDMA_STRETCH(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 |= I2C_CTL1_PDMASTR_Msk)
406 /**
407   * @brief      Disable PDMA stretch function.
408   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
409   * @return     None.
410   * @details    I2C will send STOP after PDMA transfers done automatically.
411   * \hideinitializer
412   */
413 #define I2C_DISABLE_PDMA_STRETCH(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 &= ~I2C_CTL1_PDMASTR_Msk)
415 /**
416   * @brief      Reset PDMA function.
417   * @param[in]  i2c The pointer of the specified I2C module.
418   * @return     None.
419   * @details    I2C PDMA engine will be reset after this function is called.
420   * \hideinitializer
421   */
422 #define I2C_DISABLE_RST_PDMA(i2c)   ((i2c)->CTL1 |= I2C_CTL1_PDMARST_Msk)
424 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
425 /* inline functions                                                                                        */
426 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
428 /* Declare these inline functions here to avoid MISRA C 2004 rule 8.1 error */
429 __STATIC_INLINE void I2C_STOP(I2C_T *i2c);
431 /**
432  *    @brief        The macro is used to set STOP condition of I2C Bus
433  *
434  *    @param[in]    i2c        Specify I2C port
435  *
436  *    @return       None
437  *
438  *    @details      Set the I2C bus STOP condition in I2C_CTL register.
439  */
I2C_STOP(I2C_T * i2c)440 __STATIC_INLINE void I2C_STOP(I2C_T *i2c)
441 {
443     (i2c)->CTL0 |= (I2C_CTL0_SI_Msk | I2C_CTL0_STO_Msk);
444     while(i2c->CTL0 & I2C_CTL0_STO_Msk)
445     {
446     }
447 }
449 void I2C_ClearTimeoutFlag(I2C_T *i2c);
450 void I2C_Close(I2C_T *i2c);
451 void I2C_Trigger(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8Start, uint8_t u8Stop, uint8_t u8Si, uint8_t u8Ack);
452 void I2C_DisableInt(I2C_T *i2c);
453 void I2C_EnableInt(I2C_T *i2c);
454 uint32_t I2C_GetBusClockFreq(I2C_T *i2c);
455 uint32_t I2C_GetIntFlag(I2C_T *i2c);
456 uint32_t I2C_GetStatus(I2C_T *i2c);
457 uint32_t I2C_Open(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t u32BusClock);
458 uint8_t I2C_GetData(I2C_T *i2c);
459 void I2C_SetSlaveAddr(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveNo, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8GCMode);
460 void I2C_SetSlaveAddrMask(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveNo, uint8_t u8SlaveAddrMask);
461 uint32_t I2C_SetBusClockFreq(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t u32BusClock);
462 void I2C_EnableTimeout(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8LongTimeout);
463 void I2C_DisableTimeout(I2C_T *i2c);
464 void I2C_EnableWakeup(I2C_T *i2c);
465 void I2C_DisableWakeup(I2C_T *i2c);
466 void I2C_SetData(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8Data);
467 void I2C_SMBusClearInterruptFlag(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SMBusIntFlag);
468 uint8_t I2C_WriteByte(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t data);
469 uint32_t I2C_WriteMultiBytes(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t data[], uint32_t u32wLen);
470 uint8_t I2C_WriteByteOneReg(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8DataAddr, uint8_t data);
471 uint32_t I2C_WriteMultiBytesOneReg(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8DataAddr, uint8_t data[], uint32_t u32wLen);
472 uint8_t I2C_WriteByteTwoRegs(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint16_t u16DataAddr, uint8_t data);
473 uint32_t I2C_WriteMultiBytesTwoRegs(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint16_t u16DataAddr, uint8_t data[], uint32_t u32wLen);
474 uint8_t I2C_ReadByte(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr);
475 uint32_t I2C_ReadMultiBytes(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t rdata[], uint32_t u32rLen);
476 uint8_t I2C_ReadByteOneReg(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8DataAddr);
477 uint32_t I2C_ReadMultiBytesOneReg(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint8_t u8DataAddr, uint8_t rdata[], uint32_t u32rLen);
478 uint8_t I2C_ReadByteTwoRegs(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint16_t u16DataAddr);
479 uint32_t I2C_ReadMultiBytesTwoRegs(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8SlaveAddr, uint16_t u16DataAddr, uint8_t rdata[], uint32_t u32rLen);
480 uint32_t I2C_SMBusGetStatus(I2C_T *i2c);
481 void I2C_SMBusSetPacketByteCount(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t u32PktSize);
482 void I2C_SMBusOpen(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8HostDevice);
483 void I2C_SMBusClose(I2C_T *i2c);
484 void I2C_SMBusPECTxEnable(I2C_T *i2c, uint8_t u8PECTxEn);
485 uint8_t I2C_SMBusGetPECValue(I2C_T *i2c);
486 void I2C_SMBusIdleTimeout(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t us, uint32_t u32Hclk);
487 void I2C_SMBusTimeout(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t ms, uint32_t u32Pclk);
488 void I2C_SMBusClockLoTimeout(I2C_T *i2c, uint32_t ms, uint32_t u32Pclk);
490 /*@}*/ /* end of group I2C_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
492 /*@}*/ /* end of group I2C_Driver */
494 /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
496 #ifdef __cplusplus
497 }
498 #endif
500 #endif
502 /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/