1 /***************************************************************************//**
2 * \file cy_smif_memslot.h
3 * \version 2.20
4 *
5 * \brief
6 *  This file provides the constants and parameter values for the memory-level
7 *  APIs of the SMIF driver.
8 *
9 * Note:
10 *
11 ********************************************************************************
12 * \copyright
13 * Copyright 2016-2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
14 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
15 *
16 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
17 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
18 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
19 *
20 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
21 *
22 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
23 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
24 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
25 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
26 * limitations under the License.
27 *******************************************************************************/
29 #if !defined (CY_SMIF_MEMORYSLOT_H)
32 #include "cy_device.h"
34 #if defined (CY_IP_MXSMIF)
36 #include <stdint.h>
37 #include <stdbool.h>
38 #include "cy_syslib.h"
39 #include "cy_smif.h"
41 #if defined(__cplusplus)
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
46 /**
47 * \addtogroup group_smif_macros_status
48 * \{
49 */
51 /***************************************
52 *            Constants
53 ****************************************/
54 #define CY_SMIF_DEVICE_BUSY        (1U)    /**< The external memory is busy */
55 #define CY_SMIF_DEVICE_READY       (0U)    /**< The external memory is ready */
57 /** \} group_smif_macros_status */
59 /**
60 * \addtogroup group_smif_macros_cmd
61 * \{
62 */
63 #define CY_SMIF_CMD_WITHOUT_PARAM  (0U)    /**< No parameter */
64 #define CY_SMIF_TX_LAST_BYTE       (1U)    /**< The last byte in the command transmission
65                                             * (SS is set high after the transmission)
66                                             */
67 #define CY_SMIF_TX_NOT_LAST_BYTE   (0U)     /**< Not the last byte in the command transmission
68                                             * (SS remains low after the transmission)
69                                             */
70 #define CY_SMIF_READ_ONE_BYTE      (1U)     /**< Read 1 byte */
71 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_ONE_BYTE     (1U)     /**< Write 1 byte */
72 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_TWO_BYTES    (2U)     /**< Write 2 bytes */
73 #define CY_SMIF_ONE_WORD           (4U)     /**< 4 bytes */
75 #define CY_SMIF_DUAL_QUAD_DISABLED (0U)     /**< The dual quad transmission mode is disabled */
76 #define CY_SMIF_DUAL_QUAD_ENABLED  (1U)     /**< The dual quad transmission mode is enabled */
79 /** \} group_smif_macros_status */
81 /**
82 * \addtogroup group_smif_macros_flags
83 * \{
84 */
86 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_ALL_DISABLED       (0U) /**< All memory configuration flags are disabled */
87 /** Enables the write capability for the memory slave in the memory-mapped
88  * mode. Valid when the memory-mapped mode is enabled */
90 /** Determines if the device is memory-mapped. If enabled, this memory slot will
91  * be initialized in System init */
92 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_MEMORY_MAPPED      (2U)
93 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_DETECT_SFDP        (4U) /**< Enables the Autodetect using the SFDP */
94 /** Enables the crypto support for this memory slave. All access to the
95 * memory device goes through the encryption/decryption
96 * Valid when the memory-mapped mode is enabled */
99 #if (CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION>=3) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
100 /**
101 * \note
102 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
103 **/
104 /** Enables IP version 3 features such as octal SPI/DDR mode/ 2 byte addressing
105 */
106 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_SMIF_REV_3      (8U)
107 #endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION */
109 /** \} group_smif_macros_flags */
111 /**
112 * \addtogroup group_smif_macros_sfdp
113 * \{
114 */
116 /***************************************
117 *            SFDP constants
118 ****************************************/
119 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ADDRESS_LENGTH                 (0x03U)                 /**< The length of the SFDP address */
120 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PARAM_HEADER_LENGTH            (0x8U)                  /**< The length of the Parameter header */
121 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PARAMETER_TABLE_LENGTH         (0x64U)                 /**< The length of the Parameter table */
122 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_LENGTH                         (CY_SMIF_SFDP_PARAMETER_TABLE_LENGTH) /**< The length of the SFDP */
123 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_00              (0x00U)                 /**< The SFDP Signature byte 0x00. Should be "S" */
124 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_01              (0x01U)                 /**< The SFDP Signature byte 0x01. Should be "F" */
125 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_02              (0x02U)                 /**< The SFDP Signature byte 0x02. Should be "D" */
126 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_03              (0x03U)                 /**< The SFDP Signature byte 0x03. Should be "P" */
127 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_MINOR_REV                      (0x04U)                 /**< The SFDP Header byte 0x04. Defines the JEDEC JESD216 Revision */
128 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_MAJOR_REV                      (0x05U)                 /**< The SFDP Header byte 0x05. Defines the SFDP Major Revision */
129 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_MAJOR_REV_1                    (0x01U)                 /**< The SFDP Major Revision is 1 */
130 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_JEDEC_REV_B                    (0x06U)                 /**< The JEDEC JESD216 Revision is B */
131 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PARAM_TABLE_PTR                (0x0CU)                 /**< Specifies the start of the JEDEC Basic Flash
132                                                                             * Parameter Table in the SFDP structure
133                                                                             */
134 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_THREE_BYTES_ADDR_CODE          (0x00U)                 /**< Code for the SFDP Address Bytes Number 3 */
135 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_THREE_OR_FOUR_BYTES_ADDR_CODE  (0x01U)                 /**< Code for the SFDP Address Bytes Number 3 or 4 */
136 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FOUR_BYTES_ADDR_CODE           (0x02U)                 /**< Code for the SFDP Address Bytes Number 4 */
137 #define CY_SMIF_THREE_BYTES_ADDR                    (0x03U)                 /**< The address Bytes Number is 3 */
138 #define CY_SMIF_FOUR_BYTES_ADDR                     (0x04U)                 /**< The address Bytes Number is 4 */
139 #define CY_SMIF_READ_MODE_BYTE                      (0x5AU)                 /**< The mode byte for the SMIF read */
140 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_STATUS_REG1_CMD               (0x01U)                 /**< The write status register 1 command */
141 #define CY_SMIF_SINGLE_PROGRAM_CMD                  (0x02U)                 /**< The command for a single SMIF program */
142 #define CY_SMIF_SINGLE_READ_CMD                     (0x03U)                 /**< The command for a single SMIF read */
143 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_DISABLE_CMD                   (0x04U)                 /**< The Write Disable command */
144 #define CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG1_CMD                (0x05U)                 /**< The read status register 1 command */
145 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_ENABLE_CMD                    (0x06U)                 /**< The Write Enable command */
146 #define CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG2_T1_CMD             (0x35U)                 /**< The read status register 2 type 1 command */
147 #define CY_SMIF_WRITE_STATUS_REG2_CMD               (0x3EU)                 /**< The write status register 2 command */
148 #define CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG2_T2_CMD             (0x3FU)                 /**< The read status register 2 type 2 command */
149 #define CY_SMIF_CHIP_ERASE_CMD                      (0x60U)                 /**< The Chip Erase command */
150 #define CY_SMIF_QE_BIT_STATUS_REG2_T1               (0x02U)                 /**< The QE bit is in status register 2 type 1.
151                                                                             * It should be written as the second byte.
152                                                                             */
153 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_1S_1S      (0x0CU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-1S-1S SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
154 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_1S_2S      (0x3CU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-1S-2S SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
155 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_2S_2S      (0xBCU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-2S-2S SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
156 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_1S_4S      (0x6CU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-1S-4S SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
157 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_4S_4S      (0xECU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-4S-4S SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
159 #if (CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION>=3) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
160 /**
161 * \note
162 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
163 **/
164 #define CY_SMIF_FAST_READ_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_4D_4D      (0xEEU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-4D-4D SMIF fast read with 4-byte addressing */
165 #endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION */
167 #define CY_SMIF_PAGE_PROGRAM_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_1S_1S   (0x12U)                 /**< The command for a 1S-1S-1S SMIF page program with 4-byte addressing */
168 #define CY_SMIF_PAGE_PROGRAM_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_1S_4S   (0x34U)                 /**< The command for a 1S-1S-4S SMIF page program with 4-byte addressing */
169 #define CY_SMIF_PAGE_PROGRAM_4_BYTES_CMD_1S_4S_4S   (0x3EU)                 /**< The command for a 1S-4S-4S SMIF page program with 4-byte addressing */
172 #define CY_SMIF_BRWR_EXTADD_MASK                    (0x80U)                 /**< The Extended Address Enable (EXTADD) mask */
174 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_TIME_1MS                 (1U)                    /**< Units of Erase Typical Time in ms */
175 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_TIME_16MS                (16U)                   /**< Units of Erase Typical Time in ms */
176 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_TIME_128MS               (128U)                  /**< Units of Erase Typical Time in ms */
177 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_TIME_1S                  (1000U)                 /**< Units of Erase Typical Time in ms */
179 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_TIME_16MS           (16U)                   /**< Units of Chip Erase Typical Time in ms */
180 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_TIME_256MS          (256U)                  /**< Units of Chip Erase Typical Time in ms */
181 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_TIME_4S             (4000U)                 /**< Units of Chip Erase Typical Time in ms */
182 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_TIME_64S            (64000U)                /**< Units of Chip Erase Typical Time in ms */
184 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PROG_TIME_8US                  (8U)                    /**< Units of Page Program Typical Time in us */
185 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PROG_TIME_64US                 (64U)                   /**< Units of Page Program Typical Time in us */
187 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_UNIT_0                         (0U)                    /**< Units of Basic Flash Parameter Table Time Parameters */
188 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_UNIT_1                         (1U)                    /**< Units of Basic Flash Parameter Table Time Parameters */
189 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_UNIT_2                         (2U)                    /**< Units of Basic Flash Parameter Table Time Parameters */
190 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_UNIT_3                         (3U)                    /**< Units of Basic Flash Parameter Table Time Parameters */
193 #define CY_SMIF_STATUS_REG_BUSY_MASK                (0x01U)                 /**< The busy mask for the status registers */
194 #define CY_SMIF_NO_COMMAND_OR_MODE                  (0xFFFFFFFFUL)          /**< No command or mode present */
195 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_0                          (0x00UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 0 */
196 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_1                          (0x01UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 1 */
197 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_2                          (0x02UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 2 */
198 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_3                          (0x03UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 3 */
199 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_4                          (0x04UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 4 */
200 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QER_5                          (0x05UL)                /**< The quad Enable Requirements case 5 */
201 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QE_BIT_1_OF_SR_2               (0x02UL)                /**< The QE is bit 1 of the status register 2 */
202 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QE_BIT_6_OF_SR_1               (0x40UL)                /**< The QE is bit 6 of the status register 1 */
203 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QE_BIT_7_OF_SR_2               (0x80UL)                /**< The QE is bit 7 of the status register 2 */
204 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_02                   (0x02U)                 /**< The byte 0x02 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
205 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_04                   (0x04U)                 /**< The byte 0x04 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
206 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_05                   (0x05U)                 /**< The byte 0x05 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
207 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_06                   (0x06U)                 /**< The byte 0x06 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table:
208                                                                              * number of Parameter Headers (zero based, 05h = 6 parameters)
209                                                                              */
210 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_08                   (0x08U)                 /**< The byte 0x08 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
211 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_09                   (0x09U)                 /**< The byte 0x09 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
212 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0A                   (0x0AU)                 /**< The byte 0x0A of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
213 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0B                   (0x0BU)                 /**< The byte 0x0B of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
214 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0C                   (0x0CU)                 /**< The byte 0x0C of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
215 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0D                   (0x0DU)                 /**< The byte 0x0D of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
216 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0E                   (0x0EU)                 /**< The byte 0x0E of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
217 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_0F                   (0x0FU)                 /**< The byte 0x0F of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
218 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_1C                   (0x1CU)                 /**< The byte 0x1C of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
219 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_1D                   (0x1DU)                 /**< The byte 0x1D of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
220 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_23                   (0x23U)                 /**< The byte 0x23 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
221 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_28                   (0x28U)                 /**< The byte 0x28 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
222 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_3A                   (0x3AU)                 /**< The byte 0x3A of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
223 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_BYTE_3C                   (0x3CU)                 /**< The byte 0x3C of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
224 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_BFPT_ERASE_BYTE                (36U)                   /**< The byte 36 of the JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table */
226 #define CY_SMIF_JEDEC_BFPT_10TH_DWORD               (9U)                    /**< Offset to JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table: 10th DWORD  */
227 #define CY_SMIF_JEDEC_BFPT_11TH_DWORD               (10U)                   /**< Offset to JEDEC Basic Flash Parameter Table: 11th DWORD  */
230 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_CMD_OFFSET          (1UL)    /**< The offset for the detection command instruction in the Sector Map command descriptor */
231 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_ADDR_CODE_OFFSET    (2UL)    /**< The offset for the detection command address length in the Sector Map command descriptor */
232 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_REG_MSK_OFFSET      (3UL)    /**< The offset for the read data mask in the Sector Map command descriptor */
233 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_REG_ADDR_OFFSET     (4UL)    /**< The offset for the detection command address in the Sector Map command descriptor */
234 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_REGION_COUNT_OFFSET (2UL)    /**< The offset for the regions count in the Sector Map descriptor */
235 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_CONFIG_ID_OFFSET    (2UL)    /**< The offset for the configuration ID in the Sector Map descriptor */
236 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_SUPPORTED_ET_MASK   (0xFU)   /**< The mask for the supported erase type code in the Sector Map descriptor */
237 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_ADDR_BYTES_Msk      (0xC0UL) /**< The mask for the configuration detection command address bytes in the Sector Map descriptor */
238 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SECTOR_MAP_ADDR_BYTES_Pos      (6UL)    /**< The position of the configuration detection command address bytes in the Sector Map descriptor */
241 /* ----------------------------  1st DWORD  ---------------------------- */
242 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_1_4_Pos            (6UL)                   /**< The SFDP 1-1-4 fast read support (Bit 6)               */
243 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_1_4_Msk            (0x40UL)                /**< The SFDP 1-1-4 fast read support (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
244 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_4_4_Pos            (5UL)                   /**< The SFDP 1-4-4 fast read support (Bit 5)               */
245 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_4_4_Msk            (0x20UL)                /**< The SFDP 1-4-4 fast read support (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
246 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_2_2_Pos            (4UL)                   /**< The SFDP 1-2-2 fast read support (Bit 4)               */
247 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_2_2_Msk            (0x10UL)                /**< The SFDP 1-2-2 fast read support (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
249 #if (CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION>=3) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
250 /**
251 * \note
252 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
253 **/
254 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_DTR_SUPPORT_Pos                  (3UL)                   /**< The SFDP DTR support (Bit 3)                           */
255 /**
256 * \note
257 * This macro is available for CAT1B devices.
258 **/
259 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_DTR_SUPPORT_Msk                  (0x08UL)                /**< The SFDP DTR support (Bitfield-Mask: 0x08)             */
260 #endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION */
262 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ADDRESS_BYTES_Pos              (1UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of address bytes (Bit 1)               */
263 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ADDRESS_BYTES_Msk              (0x06UL)                /**< The SFDP number of address bytes (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
264 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_1_2_Pos            (0UL)                   /**< The SFDP 1-1-2 fast read support (Bit 0)               */
265 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_FAST_READ_1_1_2_Msk            (0x01UL)                /**< The SFDP 1-1-2 fast read support (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
267 /* ----------------------------  2nd DWORD  ---------------------------- */
268 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIZE_ABOVE_4GB_Msk             (0x80000000UL)          /**< Flash memory density bit define if it >= 4 Gbit  or <= 2Gbit */
270 /* ----------------------------  3rd DWORD  ---------------------------- */
271 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_4_4_DUMMY_CYCLES_Pos         (0UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1-4-4 fast read dummy cycles (Bit 0)               */
272 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_4_4_DUMMY_CYCLES_Msk         (0x1FUL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1-4-4 fast read dummy cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1F) */
273 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_4_4_MODE_CYCLES_Pos          (5UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1-4-4 fast read mode cycles (Bit 5)                */
274 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_4_4_MODE_CYCLES_Msk          (0xE0UL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1-4-4 fast read mode cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07)  */
275 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_4_DUMMY_CYCLES_Pos         (0UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1-1-4 fast read dummy cycles (Bit 0)               */
276 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_4_DUMMY_CYCLES_Msk         (0x1FUL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1-1-4 fast read dummy cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1F) */
277 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_4_MODE_CYCLES_Pos          (5UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1-1-4 fast read mode cycles (Bit 5)                */
278 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_4_MODE_CYCLES_Msk          (0xE0UL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1-1-4 fast read mode cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07)  */
280 /* ----------------------------  4th DWORD  ---------------------------- */
281 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_2_DUMMY_CYCLES_Pos         (0UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1_1_2 fast read dummy cycles (Bit 0)               */
282 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_2_DUMMY_CYCLES_Msk         (0x1FUL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1_1_2 fast read dummy cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1F) */
283 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_2_MODE_CYCLES_Pos          (5UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1_1_2 fast read mode cycles (Bit 5)                */
284 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_1_2_MODE_CYCLES_Msk          (0xE0UL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1_1_2 fast read mode cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07)  */
285 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_2_2_DUMMY_CYCLES_Pos         (0UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1_2_2 fast read dummy cycles (Bit 0)               */
286 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_2_2_DUMMY_CYCLES_Msk         (0x1FUL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1_2_2 fast read dummy cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1F) */
287 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_2_2_MODE_CYCLES_Pos          (5UL)                   /**< The SFDP number of 1_2_2 fast read mode cycles (Bit 5)                */
288 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_1_2_2_MODE_CYCLES_Msk          (0xE0UL)                /**< The SFDP number of 1_2_2 fast read mode cycles (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07)  */
290 /* ----------------------------  10th DWORD  --------------------------- */
291 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_T1_COUNT_Pos             (4UL)                   /**< Erase Type 1 Erase, Typical time: count (Bits 8:4) */
292 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_T1_COUNT_Msk             (0x1F0UL)               /**< Erase Type 1 Erase, Typical time: count (Bitfield-Mask ) */
293 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_T1_UNITS_Pos             (9UL)                   /**< Erase Type 1 Erase, Typical time: units (Bits 10:9) */
294 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_T1_UNITS_Msk             (0x600UL)               /**< Erase Type 1 Erase, Typical time: units (Bitfield-Mask ) */
295 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_MUL_COUNT_Pos            (0UL)                   /**< Multiplier from typical erase time to maximum erase time (Bits 3:0) */
296 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ERASE_MUL_COUNT_Msk            (0x0FUL)                /**< Multiplier from typical erase time to maximum erase time (Bitfield-Mask ) */
299 /* ----------------------------  11th DWORD  --------------------------- */
300 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_SIZE_Pos                  (4UL)                   /**< The SFDP page size (Bit 4)                                    */
301 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_SIZE_Msk                  (0xF0UL)                /**< The SFDP page size (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0F)                      */
302 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_PROG_COUNT_Pos            (8UL)                   /**< The SFDP Chip Page Program Typical time: count (Bits 12:8)    */
303 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_PROG_COUNT_Msk            (0x1F00UL)              /**< The SFDP Chip Page Program Typical time: count (Bitfield-Mask)*/
304 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_PROG_UNITS_Pos            (13UL)                  /**< The SFDP Chip Page Program Typical time: units (Bit 13)       */
305 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PAGE_PROG_UNITS_Msk            (0x2000UL)              /**< The SFDP Chip Page Program Typical time: units (Bitfield-Mask)*/
306 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_COUNT_Pos           (24UL)                  /**< The SFDP Chip Erase Typical time: count (Bits 28:24)          */
307 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_COUNT_Msk           (0x1F000000UL)          /**< The SFDP Chip Erase Typical time: count (Bitfield-Mask)       */
308 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_UNITS_Pos           (29UL)                  /**< The SFDP Chip Erase Typical time: units (Bits 29:30)          */
309 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_CHIP_ERASE_UNITS_Msk           (0x60000000UL)          /**< The SFDP Chip Erase Typical time: units (Bitfield-Mask)       */
310 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PROG_MUL_COUNT_Pos             (0UL)                   /**< Multiplier from typical time to max time for Page or byte program (Bits 3:0)          */
311 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_PROG_MUL_COUNT_Msk             (0x0FUL)                /**< Multiplier from typical time to max time for Page or byte program (Bitfield-Mask)       */
313 /* ----------------------------  15th DWORD  --------------------------- */
314 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QE_REQUIREMENTS_Pos            (4UL)                   /**< The SFDP quad enable requirements field (Bit 4)               */
315 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_QE_REQUIREMENTS_Msk            (0x70UL)                /**< The SFDP quad enable requirements field (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
318 /* ----------------------------  16th DWORD  --------------------------- */
319 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ENTER_4_BYTE_METHOD_B7 (1U)                            /**< Issue 0xB7 instruction */
320 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ENTER_4_BYTE_METHOD_WR_EN_B7 (2U)                      /**< Issue write enable instruction followed with 0xB7 */
321 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ENTER_4_BYTE_METHOD_ALWAYS_4_BYTE (0x40U)              /**< Memory always operates in 4-byte mode */
322 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_ENTER_4_BYTE_METHOD_B7_CMD (0xB7U)                     /**< The instruction required to enter 4-byte addressing mode */
325 /** \cond INTERNAL */
326 /*******************************************************************************
327 * These are legacy constants and API. They are left here just
328 * for backward compatibility.
329 * Do not use them in new designs.
330 *******************************************************************************/
332 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_WR_EN                          CY_SMIF_FLAG_WRITE_ENABLE
333 #define CY_SMIF_FLAG_CRYPTO_EN                      CY_SMIF_FLAG_CRYPTO_ENABLE
334 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SING_BYTE_00                   CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_00
335 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SING_BYTE_01                   CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_01
336 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SING_BYTE_02                   CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_02
337 #define CY_SMIF_SFDP_SING_BYTE_03                   CY_SMIF_SFDP_SIGNATURE_BYTE_03
338 #define CY_SMIF_WR_STS_REG1_CMD                     CY_SMIF_WRITE_STATUS_REG1_CMD
339 #define CY_SMIF_WR_DISABLE_CMD                      CY_SMIF_WRITE_DISABLE_CMD
340 #define CY_SMIF_RD_STS_REG1_CMD                     CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG1_CMD
341 #define CY_SMIF_WR_ENABLE_CMD                       CY_SMIF_WRITE_ENABLE_CMD
342 #define CY_SMIF_RD_STS_REG2_T1_CMD                  CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG2_T1_CMD
343 #define CY_SMIF_WR_STS_REG2_CMD                     CY_SMIF_WRITE_STATUS_REG2_CMD
344 #define CY_SMIF_RD_STS_REG2_T2_CMD                  CY_SMIF_READ_STATUS_REG2_T2_CMD
345 #define CY_SMIF_QE_BIT_STS_REG2_T1                  CY_SMIF_QE_BIT_STATUS_REG2_T1
348 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_Init                        Cy_SMIF_MemInit
349 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_DeInit                      Cy_SMIF_MemDeInit
350 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdWriteEnable              Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteEnable
351 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdWriteDisable             Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteDisable
352 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_IsBusy                      Cy_SMIF_MemIsBusy
353 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_QuadEnable                  Cy_SMIF_MemQuadEnable
354 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdReadSts                  Cy_SMIF_MemCmdReadStatus
355 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdWriteSts                 Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteStatus
356 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdChipErase                Cy_SMIF_MemCmdChipErase
357 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdSectorErase              Cy_SMIF_MemCmdSectorErase
358 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_SfdpDetect                  Cy_SMIF_MemSfdpDetect
359 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdProgram                  Cy_SMIF_MemCmdProgram
360 #define Cy_SMIF_Memslot_CmdRead                     Cy_SMIF_MemCmdRead
362 /** \endcond */
363 /** \} group_smif_macros_sfdp */
366 /**
367 * \addtogroup group_smif_data_structures_memslot
368 * \{
369 */
371 /** This command structure is used to store the Read/Write command
372  * configuration. */
373 typedef struct
374 {
375     uint32_t command;                       /**< The 8-bit command. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no command present */
376     cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t cmdWidth;       /**< The width of the command transfer */
377     cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t addrWidth;      /**< The width of the address transfer */
378     uint32_t mode;                          /**< The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present */
379     cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t modeWidth;      /**< The width of the mode transfer */
380     uint32_t dummyCycles;                   /**< The number of the dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles */
381     cy_en_smif_txfr_width_t dataWidth;      /**< The width of the data transfer */
382 #if (CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION>=3) || defined (CY_DOXYGEN)
383     /**
384     * \note
385     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
386     **/
387     cy_en_smif_data_rate_t dataRate;           /**< The Data rate of data */
388     /**
389     * \note
390     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
391     **/
392     cy_en_smif_field_presence_t dummyCyclesPresence;   /**< This specifies the presence of the dummy field */
393     /**
394     * \note
395     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
396     **/
397     cy_en_smif_field_presence_t modePresence;  /**< This specifies the presence of the mode field */
398     /**
399     * \note
400     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
401     **/
402     uint32_t modeH;                            /**< The 8-bit command. This value is 0x0 when there is no higher byte mode present */
403     /**
404     * \note
405     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
406     **/
407     cy_en_smif_data_rate_t modeRate;           /**< The Data rate of mode */
408     /**
409     * \note
410     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
411     **/
412     cy_en_smif_data_rate_t addrRate;           /**< The Data rate of address */
413     /**
414     * \note
415     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
416     **/
417     cy_en_smif_field_presence_t cmdPresence;   /**< This specifies the presence of the command field */
418     /**
419     * \note
420     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
421     **/
422     uint32_t commandH;                         /**< The 8-bit command. This value is 0x0 when there is no higher byte command present */
423     /**
424     * \note
425     * This parameter is available for CAT1B devices.
426     **/
427     cy_en_smif_data_rate_t cmdRate;            /**< The Data rate of command */
428 #endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF_VERSION */
429 } cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t;
431 /** This structure specifies data used for memory with hybrid sectors */
432 typedef struct
433 {
434     uint32_t regionAddress;                 /**< This specifies the address where a region starts */
435     uint32_t sectorsCount;                  /**< This specifies the number of sectors in the region */
436     uint32_t eraseCmd;                      /**< This specifies the region specific erase instruction */
437     uint32_t eraseSize;                     /**< This specifies the size of one sector */
438     uint32_t eraseTime;                     /**< Max time for sector erase type 1 cycle time in ms */
439 } cy_stc_smif_hybrid_region_info_t;
442 /**
443 *
444 * This configuration structure of the SMIF memory device is used to store
445 * device-specific parameters.
446 * These parameters are used to set up the memory mode initialization and the
447 * memory API.
448 */
449 typedef struct
450 {
451     uint32_t numOfAddrBytes;                              /**< This specifies the number of address bytes used by the
452                                                           * memory slave device, valid values 1-4 */
453     uint32_t memSize;                                     /**< The memory size: For densities of 2 gigabits or less - the size in bytes;
454                                                           * For densities 4 gigabits and above - bit-31 is set to 1b to define that
455                                                           * this memory is 4 gigabits and above; and other 30:0 bits define N where
456                                                           * the density is computed as 2^N bytes.
457                                                           * For example, 0x80000021 corresponds to 2^30 = 1 gigabyte.
458                                                           */
459     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* readCmd;                       /**< This specifies the Read command */
460     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* writeEnCmd;                    /**< This specifies the Write Enable command */
461     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* writeDisCmd;                   /**< This specifies the Write Disable command */
462     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* eraseCmd;                      /**< This specifies the Erase command */
463     uint32_t eraseSize;                                   /**< This specifies the sector size of each Erase */
464     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* chipEraseCmd;                  /**< This specifies the Chip Erase command */
465     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* programCmd;                    /**< This specifies the Program command */
466     uint32_t programSize;                                 /**< This specifies the page size for programming */
467     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* readStsRegWipCmd;              /**< This specifies the command to read the WIP-containing status register  */
468     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* readStsRegQeCmd;               /**< This specifies the command to read the QE-containing status register */
469     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* writeStsRegQeCmd;              /**< This specifies the command to write into the QE-containing status register */
470     cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t* readSfdpCmd;                   /**< This specifies the read SFDP command */
471     uint32_t stsRegBusyMask;                              /**< The Busy mask for the status registers */
472     uint32_t stsRegQuadEnableMask;                        /**< The QE mask for the status registers */
473     uint32_t eraseTime;                                   /**< Max time for erase type 1 cycle time in ms */
474     uint32_t chipEraseTime;                               /**< Max time for chip erase cycle time in ms */
475     uint32_t programTime;                                 /**< Max time for page program cycle time in us */
476     uint32_t hybridRegionCount;                           /**< This specifies the number of regions for memory with hybrid sectors */
477     cy_stc_smif_hybrid_region_info_t** hybridRegionInfo;  /**< This specifies data for memory with hybrid sectors */
478 } cy_stc_smif_mem_device_cfg_t;
481 /**
482 *
483 * This SMIF memory configuration structure is used to store the memory configuration for the memory mode of operation.
484 * This data structure is stored in a fixed location in the flash. The data structure is required
485 * for the initialization of the SMIF in the SystemInit.
486 */
487 typedef struct
488 {
489     /** Determines the slave select where the memory device is placed */
490     cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect;
491     /** Determines if the device is memory-mapped, enables the Autodetect
492      * using the SFDP, enables the write capability, or enables the crypto
493      * support for this memory slave */
494     uint32_t flags;
495     /** The data-line selection options for a slave device */
496     cy_en_smif_data_select_t dataSelect;
497     /** The base address the memory slave is mapped to in the PSoC memory map.
498      * This address must be a multiple of the SMIF XIP memory size/capacity. The
499      * SMIF XIP memory region should NOT overlap with other memory regions
500      * (with exception to dual quad mode). Valid when the memory-mapped mode is
501      * enabled.
502      */
503     uint32_t baseAddress;
504     /** The size/capacity allocated in the PSoC memory map for the memory slave
505      * device. The capacity is allocated from the base address. The capacity
506      * must be a power of 2 and greater or equal than 64 KB. Valid when
507      * memory-mapped mode is enabled
508      */
509     uint32_t memMappedSize;
510     /** Defines if this memory device is one of the devices in the dual quad SPI
511      * configuration. Equals the sum of the slave-slot numbers.  */
512     uint32_t dualQuadSlots;
513     cy_stc_smif_mem_device_cfg_t* deviceCfg;   /**< The configuration of the device */
514 } cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t;
517 /**
518 *
519 * This SMIF memory configuration structure is used to store the memory configuration for the memory mode of operation.
520 * This data structure is stored in a fixed location in the flash. The data structure is required
521 * for the initialization of the SMIF in the SystemInit.
522 */
523 typedef struct
524 {
525     uint32_t memCount;                         /**< The number of SMIF memory defined  */
526     cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t** memConfig;      /**< The pointer to the array of the memory configuration structures of size Memory_count */
527     uint32_t majorVersion;                     /**< The version of the SMIF driver */
528     uint32_t minorVersion;                     /**< The version of the SMIF Driver */
529 } cy_stc_smif_block_config_t;
532 /** \} group_smif_data_structures_memslot */
535 /**
536 * \addtogroup group_smif_mem_slot_functions
537 * \{
538 */
539 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemInit(SMIF_Type *base,
540                                 cy_stc_smif_block_config_t const * blockConfig,
541                                 cy_stc_smif_context_t *context);
542 void        Cy_SMIF_MemDeInit(SMIF_Type *base);
543 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteEnable( SMIF_Type *base,
544                                         cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
545                                         cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
546 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteDisable(SMIF_Type *base,
547                                          cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
548                                          cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
549 bool Cy_SMIF_MemIsBusy(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
550                                     cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
551 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemQuadEnable(SMIF_Type *base,
552                                         cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
553                                         cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
554 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdReadStatus(SMIF_Type *base,
555                                         cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
556                                         uint8_t *status, uint8_t command,
557                                         cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
558 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdWriteStatus(SMIF_Type *base,
559                                         cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
560                                         void const *status, uint8_t command,
561                                         cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
562 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdChipErase(SMIF_Type *base,
563                                         cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
564                                         cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
565 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdSectorErase(SMIF_Type *base,
566                                             cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
567                                             uint8_t const *sectorAddr,
568                                             cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
569 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdProgram(SMIF_Type *base,
570                                     cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
571                                     uint8_t const *addr,
572                                     uint8_t const *writeBuff,
573                                     uint32_t size,
574                                     cy_smif_event_cb_t cmdCompleteCb,
575                                     cy_stc_smif_context_t *context);
576 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemCmdRead(SMIF_Type *base,
577                                     cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
578                                     uint8_t const *addr,
579                                     uint8_t *readBuff,
580                                     uint32_t size,
581                                     cy_smif_event_cb_t cmdCompleteCb,
582                                     cy_stc_smif_context_t *context);
583 cy_en_smif_status_t    Cy_SMIF_MemSfdpDetect(SMIF_Type *base,
584                                     cy_stc_smif_mem_device_cfg_t *device,
585                                     cy_en_smif_slave_select_t slaveSelect,
586                                     cy_en_smif_data_select_t dataSelect,
587                                     cy_stc_smif_context_t *context);
589 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemIsReady(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
590                                        uint32_t timeoutUs, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
591 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemIsQuadEnabled(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
592                                              bool *isQuadEnabled, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
593 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemEnableQuadMode(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
594                                               uint32_t timeoutUs, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
595 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemRead(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
596                                     uint32_t address, uint8_t rxBuffer[],
597                                     uint32_t length, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
598 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemWrite(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
599                                      uint32_t address, uint8_t const txBuffer[],
600                                      uint32_t length, cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
601 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemEraseSector(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
602                                            uint32_t address, uint32_t length,
603                                            cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
604 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemEraseChip(SMIF_Type *base, cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memConfig,
605                                          cy_stc_smif_context_t const *context);
606 cy_en_smif_status_t Cy_SMIF_MemLocateHybridRegion(cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t const *memDevice,
607                                                cy_stc_smif_hybrid_region_info_t** regionInfo, uint32_t address);
608 /** \} group_smif_mem_slot_functions */
611 #if defined(__cplusplus)
612 }
613 #endif
615 #endif /* CY_IP_MXSMIF */
617 #endif /* (CY_SMIF_MEMORYSLOT_H) */
620 /* [] END OF FILE */