1CONFIG_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_ASSERTIONS_DISABLE=y 2CONFIG_FREERTOS_ASSERT_DISABLE=y 3CONFIG_COMPILER_HIDE_PATHS_MACROS=n 4 5# the other sdkconfig builds Bluedroid, build NimBLE here 6# 7# (Note: ESP32-S2 will build both these configs as well, but they're identical. This is simpler than 8# needing to specify per-target configs for both Bluedroid and Nimble on ESP32, ESP32-C3.) 9CONFIG_BT_ENABLED=y 10CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ENABLED=y 11CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_CRYPTO_STACK_MBEDTLS=n 12CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MESH=y 13CONFIG_BLE_MESH=y 14CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1 15