1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2018 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# Utility for testing the web server. Test cases:
18# Assume the device supports 'n' simultaneous open sockets
20# HTTP Server Tests
22# 0. Firmware Settings:
23# - Create a dormant thread whose sole job is to call httpd_stop() when instructed
24# - Measure the following before httpd_start() is called:
25#     - current free memory
26#     - current free sockets
27# - Measure the same whenever httpd_stop is called
28# - Register maximum possible URI handlers: should be successful
29# - Register one more URI handler: should fail
30# - Deregister on URI handler: should be successful
31# - Register on more URI handler: should succeed
32# - Register separate handlers for /hello, /hello/type_html. Also
33#   ensure that /hello/type_html is registered BEFORE  /hello. (tests
34#   that largest matching URI is picked properly)
35# - Create URI handler /adder. Make sure it uses a custom free_ctx
36#   structure to free it up
38# 1. Using Standard Python HTTP Client
39# - simple GET on /hello (returns Hello World. Ensures that basic
40#   firmware tests are complete, or returns error)
41# - POST on /hello (should fail)
42# - PUT on /hello (should fail)
43# - simple POST on /echo (returns whatever the POST data)
44# - simple PUT on /echo (returns whatever the PUT data)
45# - GET on /echo (should fail)
46# - simple GET on /hello/type_html (returns Content type as text/html)
47# - simple GET on /hello/status_500 (returns HTTP status 500)
48# - simple GET on /false_uri (returns HTTP status 404)
49# - largest matching URI handler is picked is already verified because
50#   of /hello and /hello/type_html tests
53# 2. Session Tests
54# - Sessions + Pipelining basics:
55#    - Create max supported sessions
56#    - On session i,
57#          - send 3 back-to-back POST requests with data i on /adder
58#          - read back 3 responses. They should be i, 2i and 3i
59#    - Tests that
60#          - pipelining works
61#          - per-session context is maintained for all supported
62#            sessions
63#    - Close all sessions
65# - Cleanup leftover data: Tests that the web server properly cleans
66#   up leftover data
67#    - Create a session
68#    - POST on /leftover_data with 52 bytes of data (data includes
69#      \r\n)(the handler only
70#      reads first 10 bytes and returns them, leaving the rest of the
71#      bytes unread)
72#    - GET on /hello (should return 'Hello World')
73#    - POST on /false_uri with 52  bytes of data (data includes \r\n)
74#      (should return HTTP 404)
75#    - GET on /hello (should return 'Hello World')
77# - Test HTTPd Asynchronous response
78#   - Create a session
79#   - GET on /async_data
80#   - returns 'Hello World!' as a response
81#   - the handler schedules an async response, which generates a second
82#     response 'Hello Double World!'
84# - Spillover test
85#    - Create max supported sessions with the web server
86#    - GET /hello on all the sessions (should return Hello World)
87#    - Create one more session, this should fail
88#    - GET /hello on all the sessions (should return Hello World)
90# - Timeout test
91#    - Create a session and only Send 'GE' on the same (simulates a
92#      client that left the network halfway through a request)
93#    - Wait for recv-wait-timeout
94#    - Server should automatically close the socket
97# ############ TODO TESTS #############
99# 3. Stress Tests
101# - httperf
102#     - Run the following httperf command:
103#     httperf --server= --wsess=8,50,0.5 --rate 8 --burst-length 2
105#     - The above implies that the test suite will open
106#           - 8 simultaneous connections with the server
107#           - the rate of opening the sessions will be 8 per sec. So in our
108#             case, a new connection will be opened every 0.2 seconds for 1 second
109#           - The burst length 2 indicates that 2 requests will be sent
110#             simultaneously on the same connection in a single go
111#           - 0.5 seconds is the time between sending out 2 bursts
112#           - 50 is the total number of requests that will be sent out
114#     - So in the above example, the test suite will open 8
115#       connections, each separated by 0.2 seconds. On each connection
116#       it will send 2 requests in a single burst. The bursts on a
117#       single connection will be separated by 0.5 seconds. A total of
118#       25 bursts (25 x 2 = 50) will be sent out
120# 4. Leak Tests
121# - Simple Leak test
122#    - Simple GET on /hello/restart (returns success, stop web server, measures leaks, restarts webserver)
123#    - Simple GET on /hello/restart_results (returns the leak results)
124# - Leak test with open sockets
125#    - Open 8 sessions
126#    - Simple GET on /hello/restart (returns success, stop web server,
127#      measures leaks, restarts webserver)
128#    - All sockets should get closed
129#    - Simple GET on /hello/restart_results (returns the leak results)
132from __future__ import division, print_function
134import argparse
135import http.client
136import random
137import socket
138import string
139import sys
140import threading
141import time
142from builtins import object, range, str
145    import Utility
146except ImportError:
147    import os
149    # This environment variable is expected on the host machine
150    # > export TEST_FW_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf/tools/tiny-test-fw
151    test_fw_path = os.getenv('TEST_FW_PATH')
152    if test_fw_path and test_fw_path not in sys.path:
153        sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path)
155    import Utility
157_verbose_ = False
160class Session(object):
161    def __init__(self, addr, port, timeout=15):
162        self.client = socket.create_connection((addr, int(port)), timeout=timeout)
163        self.target = addr
164        self.status = 0
165        self.encoding = ''
166        self.content_type = ''
167        self.content_len = 0
169    def send_err_check(self, request, data=None):
170        rval = True
171        try:
172            self.client.sendall(request.encode())
173            if data:
174                self.client.sendall(data.encode())
175        except socket.error as err:
176            self.client.close()
177            Utility.console_log('Socket Error in send :', err)
178            rval = False
179        return rval
181    def send_get(self, path, headers=None):
182        request = 'GET ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + self.target
183        if headers:
184            for field, value in headers.items():
185                request += '\r\n' + field + ': ' + value
186        request += '\r\n\r\n'
187        return self.send_err_check(request)
189    def send_put(self, path, data, headers=None):
190        request = 'PUT ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + self.target
191        if headers:
192            for field, value in headers.items():
193                request += '\r\n' + field + ': ' + value
194        request += '\r\nContent-Length: ' + str(len(data)) + '\r\n\r\n'
195        return self.send_err_check(request, data)
197    def send_post(self, path, data, headers=None):
198        request = 'POST ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + self.target
199        if headers:
200            for field, value in headers.items():
201                request += '\r\n' + field + ': ' + value
202        request += '\r\nContent-Length: ' + str(len(data)) + '\r\n\r\n'
203        return self.send_err_check(request, data)
205    def read_resp_hdrs(self):
206        try:
207            state = 'nothing'
208            resp_read = ''
209            while True:
210                char = self.client.recv(1).decode()
211                if char == '\r' and state == 'nothing':
212                    state = 'first_cr'
213                elif char == '\n' and state == 'first_cr':
214                    state = 'first_lf'
215                elif char == '\r' and state == 'first_lf':
216                    state = 'second_cr'
217                elif char == '\n' and state == 'second_cr':
218                    state = 'second_lf'
219                else:
220                    state = 'nothing'
221                resp_read += char
222                if state == 'second_lf':
223                    break
224            # Handle first line
225            line_hdrs = resp_read.splitlines()
226            line_comp = line_hdrs[0].split()
227            self.status = line_comp[1]
228            del line_hdrs[0]
229            self.encoding = ''
230            self.content_type = ''
231            headers = dict()
232            # Process other headers
233            for h in range(len(line_hdrs)):
234                line_comp = line_hdrs[h].split(':')
235                if line_comp[0] == 'Content-Length':
236                    self.content_len = int(line_comp[1])
237                if line_comp[0] == 'Content-Type':
238                    self.content_type = line_comp[1].lstrip()
239                if line_comp[0] == 'Transfer-Encoding':
240                    self.encoding = line_comp[1].lstrip()
241                if len(line_comp) == 2:
242                    headers[line_comp[0]] = line_comp[1].lstrip()
243            return headers
244        except socket.error as err:
245            self.client.close()
246            Utility.console_log('Socket Error in recv :', err)
247            return None
249    def read_resp_data(self):
250        try:
251            read_data = ''
252            if self.encoding != 'chunked':
253                while len(read_data) != self.content_len:
254                    read_data += self.client.recv(self.content_len).decode()
255            else:
256                chunk_data_buf = ''
257                while (True):
258                    # Read one character into temp  buffer
259                    read_ch = self.client.recv(1)
260                    # Check CRLF
261                    if (read_ch == '\r'):
262                        read_ch = self.client.recv(1).decode()
263                        if (read_ch == '\n'):
264                            # If CRLF decode length of chunk
265                            chunk_len = int(chunk_data_buf, 16)
266                            # Keep adding to contents
267                            self.content_len += chunk_len
268                            rem_len = chunk_len
269                            while (rem_len):
270                                new_data = self.client.recv(rem_len)
271                                read_data += new_data
272                                rem_len -= len(new_data)
273                            chunk_data_buf = ''
274                            # Fetch remaining CRLF
275                            if self.client.recv(2) != '\r\n':
276                                # Error in packet
277                                Utility.console_log('Error in chunked data')
278                                return None
279                            if not chunk_len:
280                                # If last chunk
281                                break
282                            continue
283                        chunk_data_buf += '\r'
284                    # If not CRLF continue appending
285                    # character to chunked data buffer
286                    chunk_data_buf += read_ch
287            return read_data
288        except socket.error as err:
289            self.client.close()
290            Utility.console_log('Socket Error in recv :', err)
291            return None
293    def close(self):
294        self.client.close()
297def test_val(text, expected, received):
298    if expected != received:
299        Utility.console_log(' Fail!')
300        Utility.console_log('  [reason] ' + text + ':')
301        Utility.console_log('        expected: ' + str(expected))
302        Utility.console_log('        received: ' + str(received))
303        return False
304    return True
307class adder_thread (threading.Thread):
308    def __init__(self, id, dut, port):
309        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
310        self.id = id
311        self.dut = dut
312        self.depth = 3
313        self.session = Session(dut, port)
315    def run(self):
316        self.response = []
318        # Pipeline 3 requests
319        if (_verbose_):
320            Utility.console_log('   Thread: Using adder start ' + str(self.id))
322        for _ in range(self.depth):
323            self.session.send_post('/adder', str(self.id))
324            time.sleep(2)
326        for _ in range(self.depth):
327            self.session.read_resp_hdrs()
328            self.response.append(self.session.read_resp_data())
330    def adder_result(self):
331        if len(self.response) != self.depth:
332            Utility.console_log('Error : missing response packets')
333            return False
334        for i in range(len(self.response)):
335            if not test_val('Thread' + str(self.id) + ' response[' + str(i) + ']',
336                            str(self.id * (i + 1)), str(self.response[i])):
337                return False
338        return True
340    def close(self):
341        self.session.close()
344def get_hello(dut, port):
345    # GET /hello should return 'Hello World!'
346    Utility.console_log("[test] GET /hello returns 'Hello World!' =>", end=' ')
347    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
348    conn.request('GET', '/hello')
349    resp = conn.getresponse()
350    if not test_val('status_code', 200, resp.status):
351        conn.close()
352        return False
353    if not test_val('data', 'Hello World!', resp.read().decode()):
354        conn.close()
355        return False
356    if not test_val('data', 'text/html', resp.getheader('Content-Type')):
357        conn.close()
358        return False
359    Utility.console_log('Success')
360    conn.close()
361    return True
364def put_hello(dut, port):
365    # PUT /hello returns 405'
366    Utility.console_log('[test] PUT /hello returns 405 =>', end=' ')
367    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
368    conn.request('PUT', '/hello', 'Hello')
369    resp = conn.getresponse()
370    if not test_val('status_code', 405, resp.status):
371        conn.close()
372        return False
373    Utility.console_log('Success')
374    conn.close()
375    return True
378def post_hello(dut, port):
379    # POST /hello returns 405'
380    Utility.console_log('[test] POST /hello returns 405 =>', end=' ')
381    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
382    conn.request('POST', '/hello', 'Hello')
383    resp = conn.getresponse()
384    if not test_val('status_code', 405, resp.status):
385        conn.close()
386        return False
387    Utility.console_log('Success')
388    conn.close()
389    return True
392def post_echo(dut, port):
393    # POST /echo echoes data'
394    Utility.console_log('[test] POST /echo echoes data =>', end=' ')
395    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
396    conn.request('POST', '/echo', 'Hello')
397    resp = conn.getresponse()
398    if not test_val('status_code', 200, resp.status):
399        conn.close()
400        return False
401    if not test_val('data', 'Hello', resp.read().decode()):
402        conn.close()
403        return False
404    Utility.console_log('Success')
405    conn.close()
406    return True
409def put_echo(dut, port):
410    # PUT /echo echoes data'
411    Utility.console_log('[test] PUT /echo echoes data =>', end=' ')
412    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
413    conn.request('PUT', '/echo', 'Hello')
414    resp = conn.getresponse()
415    if not test_val('status_code', 200, resp.status):
416        conn.close()
417        return False
418    if not test_val('data', 'Hello', resp.read().decode()):
419        conn.close()
420        return False
421    Utility.console_log('Success')
422    conn.close()
423    return True
426def get_echo(dut, port):
427    # GET /echo returns 404'
428    Utility.console_log('[test] GET /echo returns 405 =>', end=' ')
429    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
430    conn.request('GET', '/echo')
431    resp = conn.getresponse()
432    if not test_val('status_code', 405, resp.status):
433        conn.close()
434        return False
435    Utility.console_log('Success')
436    conn.close()
437    return True
440def get_test_headers(dut, port):
441    # GET /test_header returns data of Header2'
442    Utility.console_log('[test] GET /test_header =>', end=' ')
443    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
444    custom_header = {'Header1': 'Value1', 'Header3': 'Value3'}
445    header2_values = ['', '  ', 'Value2', '   Value2', 'Value2  ', '  Value2  ']
446    for val in header2_values:
447        custom_header['Header2'] = val
448        conn.request('GET', '/test_header', headers=custom_header)
449        resp = conn.getresponse()
450        if not test_val('status_code', 200, resp.status):
451            conn.close()
452            return False
453        hdr_val_start_idx = val.find('Value2')
454        if hdr_val_start_idx == -1:
455            if not test_val('header: Header2', '', resp.read().decode()):
456                conn.close()
457                return False
458        else:
459            if not test_val('header: Header2', val[hdr_val_start_idx:], resp.read().decode()):
460                conn.close()
461                return False
462        resp.read()
463    Utility.console_log('Success')
464    conn.close()
465    return True
468def get_hello_type(dut, port):
469    # GET /hello/type_html returns text/html as Content-Type'
470    Utility.console_log('[test] GET /hello/type_html has Content-Type of text/html =>', end=' ')
471    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
472    conn.request('GET', '/hello/type_html')
473    resp = conn.getresponse()
474    if not test_val('status_code', 200, resp.status):
475        conn.close()
476        return False
477    if not test_val('data', 'Hello World!', resp.read().decode()):
478        conn.close()
479        return False
480    if not test_val('data', 'text/html', resp.getheader('Content-Type')):
481        conn.close()
482        return False
483    Utility.console_log('Success')
484    conn.close()
485    return True
488def get_hello_status(dut, port):
489    # GET /hello/status_500 returns status 500'
490    Utility.console_log('[test] GET /hello/status_500 returns status 500 =>', end=' ')
491    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
492    conn.request('GET', '/hello/status_500')
493    resp = conn.getresponse()
494    if not test_val('status_code', 500, resp.status):
495        conn.close()
496        return False
497    Utility.console_log('Success')
498    conn.close()
499    return True
502def get_false_uri(dut, port):
503    # GET /false_uri returns status 404'
504    Utility.console_log('[test] GET /false_uri returns status 404 =>', end=' ')
505    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut, int(port), timeout=15)
506    conn.request('GET', '/false_uri')
507    resp = conn.getresponse()
508    if not test_val('status_code', 404, resp.status):
509        conn.close()
510        return False
511    Utility.console_log('Success')
512    conn.close()
513    return True
516def parallel_sessions_adder(dut, port, max_sessions):
517    # POSTs on /adder in parallel sessions
518    Utility.console_log('[test] POST {pipelined} on /adder in ' + str(max_sessions) + ' sessions =>', end=' ')
519    t = []
520    # Create all sessions
521    for i in range(max_sessions):
522        t.append(adder_thread(i, dut, port))
524    for i in range(len(t)):
525        t[i].start()
527    for i in range(len(t)):
528        t[i].join()
530    res = True
531    for i in range(len(t)):
532        if not test_val('Thread' + str(i) + ' Failed', t[i].adder_result(), True):
533            res = False
534        t[i].close()
535    if (res):
536        Utility.console_log('Success')
537    return res
540def async_response_test(dut, port):
541    # Test that an asynchronous work is executed in the HTTPD's context
542    # This is tested by reading two responses over the same session
543    Utility.console_log('[test] Test HTTPD Work Queue (Async response) =>', end=' ')
544    s = Session(dut, port)
546    s.send_get('/async_data')
547    s.read_resp_hdrs()
548    if not test_val('First Response', 'Hello World!', s.read_resp_data()):
549        s.close()
550        return False
551    s.read_resp_hdrs()
552    if not test_val('Second Response', 'Hello Double World!', s.read_resp_data()):
553        s.close()
554        return False
555    s.close()
556    Utility.console_log('Success')
557    return True
560def leftover_data_test(dut, port):
561    # Leftover data in POST is purged (valid and invalid URIs)
562    Utility.console_log('[test] Leftover data in POST is purged (valid and invalid URIs) =>', end=' ')
563    s = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut + ':' + port, timeout=15)
565    s.request('POST', url='/leftover_data', body='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
566    resp = s.getresponse()
567    if not test_val('Partial data', 'abcdefghij', resp.read().decode()):
568        s.close()
569        return False
571    s.request('GET', url='/hello')
572    resp = s.getresponse()
573    if not test_val('Hello World Data', 'Hello World!', resp.read().decode()):
574        s.close()
575        return False
577    s.request('POST', url='/false_uri', body='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\r\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
578    resp = s.getresponse()
579    if not test_val('False URI Status', str(404), str(resp.status)):
580        s.close()
581        return False
582    # socket would have been closed by server due to error
583    s.close()
585    s = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut + ':' + port, timeout=15)
586    s.request('GET', url='/hello')
587    resp = s.getresponse()
588    if not test_val('Hello World Data', 'Hello World!', resp.read().decode()):
589        s.close()
590        return False
592    s.close()
593    Utility.console_log('Success')
594    return True
597def spillover_session(dut, port, max_sess):
598    # Session max_sess_sessions + 1 is rejected
599    Utility.console_log('[test] Session max_sess_sessions (' + str(max_sess) + ') + 1 is rejected =>', end=' ')
600    s = []
601    _verbose_ = True
602    for i in range(max_sess + 1):
603        if (_verbose_):
604            Utility.console_log('Executing ' + str(i))
605        try:
606            a = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut + ':' + port, timeout=15)
607            a.request('GET', url='/hello')
608            resp = a.getresponse()
609            if not test_val('Connection ' + str(i), 'Hello World!', resp.read().decode()):
610                a.close()
611                break
612            s.append(a)
613        except Exception:
614            if (_verbose_):
615                Utility.console_log('Connection ' + str(i) + ' rejected')
616            a.close()
617            break
619    # Close open connections
620    for a in s:
621        a.close()
623    # Check if number of connections is equal to max_sess
624    Utility.console_log(['Fail','Success'][len(s) == max_sess])
625    return (len(s) == max_sess)
628def recv_timeout_test(dut, port):
629    Utility.console_log('[test] Timeout occurs if partial packet sent =>', end=' ')
630    s = Session(dut, port)
631    s.client.sendall(b'GE')
632    s.read_resp_hdrs()
633    resp = s.read_resp_data()
634    if not test_val('Request Timeout', 'Server closed this connection', resp):
635        s.close()
636        return False
637    s.close()
638    Utility.console_log('Success')
639    return True
642def packet_size_limit_test(dut, port, test_size):
643    Utility.console_log('[test] send size limit test =>', end=' ')
644    retry = 5
645    while (retry):
646        retry -= 1
647        Utility.console_log('data size = ', test_size)
648        s = http.client.HTTPConnection(dut + ':' + port, timeout=15)
649        random_data = ''.join(string.printable[random.randint(0,len(string.printable)) - 1] for _ in list(range(test_size)))
650        path = '/echo'
651        s.request('POST', url=path, body=random_data)
652        resp = s.getresponse()
653        if not test_val('Error', '200', str(resp.status)):
654            if test_val('Error', '500', str(resp.status)):
655                Utility.console_log('Data too large to be allocated')
656                test_size = test_size // 10
657            else:
658                Utility.console_log('Unexpected error')
659            s.close()
660            Utility.console_log('Retry...')
661            continue
662        resp = resp.read().decode()
663        result = (resp == random_data)
664        if not result:
665            test_val('Data size', str(len(random_data)), str(len(resp)))
666            s.close()
667            Utility.console_log('Retry...')
668            continue
669        s.close()
670        Utility.console_log('Success')
671        return True
672    Utility.console_log('Failed')
673    return False
676def arbitrary_termination_test(dut, port):
677    Utility.console_log('[test] Arbitrary termination test =>', end=' ')
678    cases = [
679        {
680            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom: SomeValue\r\n\r\n',
681            'code': '200',
682            'header': 'SomeValue'
683        },
684        {
685            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom: SomeValue\r\n\r\n',
686            'code': '200',
687            'header': 'SomeValue'
688        },
689        {
690            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\nCustom: SomeValue\r\n\r\n',
691            'code': '200',
692            'header': 'SomeValue'
693        },
694        {
695            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom: SomeValue\n\r\n',
696            'code': '200',
697            'header': 'SomeValue'
698        },
699        {
700            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom: SomeValue\r\n\n',
701            'code': '200',
702            'header': 'SomeValue'
703        },
704        {
705            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\nHost: ' + dut + '\nCustom: SomeValue\n\n',
706            'code': '200',
707            'header': 'SomeValue'
708        },
709        {
710            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: 5\n\r\nABCDE',
711            'code': '200',
712            'body': 'ABCDE'
713        },
714        {
715            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\nABCDE',
716            'code': '200',
717            'body': 'ABCDE'
718        },
719        {
720            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: 5\n\nABCDE',
721            'code': '200',
722            'body': 'ABCDE'
723        },
724        {
725            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: 5\n\n\rABCD',
726            'code': '200',
727            'body': '\rABCD'
728        },
729        {
730            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\r\nCustom: SomeValue\r\r\n\r\r\n',
731            'code': '400'
732        },
733        {
734            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n',
735            'code': '400'
736        },
737        {
738            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\n\rHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n',
739            'code': '400'
740        },
741        {
742            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\rCustom: SomeValue\r\n',
743            'code': '400'
744        },
745        {
746            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom: Some\rValue\r\n',
747            'code': '400'
748        },
749        {
750            'request': 'POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nCustom- SomeValue\r\n\r\n',
751            'code': '400'
752        }
753    ]
754    for case in cases:
755        s = Session(dut, port)
756        s.client.sendall((case['request']).encode())
757        resp_hdrs = s.read_resp_hdrs()
758        resp_body = s.read_resp_data()
759        s.close()
760        if not test_val('Response Code', case['code'], s.status):
761            return False
762        if 'header' in case.keys():
763            resp_hdr_val = None
764            if 'Custom' in resp_hdrs.keys():
765                resp_hdr_val = resp_hdrs['Custom']
766            if not test_val('Response Header', case['header'], resp_hdr_val):
767                return False
768        if 'body' in case.keys():
769            if not test_val('Response Body', case['body'], resp_body):
770                return False
771    Utility.console_log('Success')
772    return True
775def code_500_server_error_test(dut, port):
776    Utility.console_log('[test] 500 Server Error test =>', end=' ')
777    s = Session(dut, port)
778    # Sending a very large content length will cause malloc to fail
779    content_len = 2**30
780    s.client.sendall(('POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: ' + str(content_len) + '\r\n\r\nABCD').encode())
781    s.read_resp_hdrs()
782    s.read_resp_data()
783    if not test_val('Server Error', '500', s.status):
784        s.close()
785        return False
786    s.close()
787    Utility.console_log('Success')
788    return True
791def code_501_method_not_impl(dut, port):
792    Utility.console_log('[test] 501 Method Not Implemented =>', end=' ')
793    s = Session(dut, port)
794    path = '/hello'
795    s.client.sendall(('ABC ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
796    s.read_resp_hdrs()
797    s.read_resp_data()
798    # Presently server sends back 400 Bad Request
799    # if not test_val("Server Error", "501", s.status):
800    #     s.close()
801    #     return False
802    if not test_val('Server Error', '400', s.status):
803        s.close()
804        return False
805    s.close()
806    Utility.console_log('Success')
807    return True
810def code_505_version_not_supported(dut, port):
811    Utility.console_log('[test] 505 Version Not Supported =>', end=' ')
812    s = Session(dut, port)
813    path = '/hello'
814    s.client.sendall(('GET ' + path + ' HTTP/2.0\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
815    s.read_resp_hdrs()
816    s.read_resp_data()
817    if not test_val('Server Error', '505', s.status):
818        s.close()
819        return False
820    s.close()
821    Utility.console_log('Success')
822    return True
825def code_400_bad_request(dut, port):
826    Utility.console_log('[test] 400 Bad Request =>', end=' ')
827    s = Session(dut, port)
828    path = '/hello'
829    s.client.sendall(('XYZ ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
830    s.read_resp_hdrs()
831    s.read_resp_data()
832    if not test_val('Client Error', '400', s.status):
833        s.close()
834        return False
835    s.close()
836    Utility.console_log('Success')
837    return True
840def code_404_not_found(dut, port):
841    Utility.console_log('[test] 404 Not Found =>', end=' ')
842    s = Session(dut, port)
843    path = '/dummy'
844    s.client.sendall(('GET ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
845    s.read_resp_hdrs()
846    s.read_resp_data()
847    if not test_val('Client Error', '404', s.status):
848        s.close()
849        return False
850    s.close()
851    Utility.console_log('Success')
852    return True
855def code_405_method_not_allowed(dut, port):
856    Utility.console_log('[test] 405 Method Not Allowed =>', end=' ')
857    s = Session(dut, port)
858    path = '/hello'
859    s.client.sendall(('POST ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
860    s.read_resp_hdrs()
861    s.read_resp_data()
862    if not test_val('Client Error', '405', s.status):
863        s.close()
864        return False
865    s.close()
866    Utility.console_log('Success')
867    return True
870def code_408_req_timeout(dut, port):
871    Utility.console_log('[test] 408 Request Timeout =>', end=' ')
872    s = Session(dut, port)
873    s.client.sendall(('POST /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\n\r\nABCD').encode())
874    s.read_resp_hdrs()
875    s.read_resp_data()
876    if not test_val('Client Error', '408', s.status):
877        s.close()
878        return False
879    s.close()
880    Utility.console_log('Success')
881    return True
884def code_411_length_required(dut, port):
885    Utility.console_log('[test] 411 Length Required =>', end=' ')
886    s = Session(dut, port)
887    path = '/echo'
888    s.client.sendall(('POST ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ' + dut + '\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n').encode())
889    s.read_resp_hdrs()
890    s.read_resp_data()
891    # Presently server sends back 400 Bad Request
892    # if not test_val("Client Error", "411", s.status):
893    #    s.close()
894    #    return False
895    if not test_val('Client Error', '400', s.status):
896        s.close()
897        return False
898    s.close()
899    Utility.console_log('Success')
900    return True
903def send_getx_uri_len(dut, port, length):
904    s = Session(dut, port)
905    method = 'GET '
906    version = ' HTTP/1.1\r\n'
907    path = '/' + 'x' * (length - len(method) - len(version) - len('/'))
908    s.client.sendall(method.encode())
909    time.sleep(1)
910    s.client.sendall(path.encode())
911    time.sleep(1)
912    s.client.sendall((version + 'Host: ' + dut + '\r\n\r\n').encode())
913    s.read_resp_hdrs()
914    s.read_resp_data()
915    s.close()
916    return s.status
919def code_414_uri_too_long(dut, port, max_uri_len):
920    Utility.console_log('[test] 414 URI Too Long =>', end=' ')
921    status = send_getx_uri_len(dut, port, max_uri_len)
922    if not test_val('Client Error', '404', status):
923        return False
924    status = send_getx_uri_len(dut, port, max_uri_len + 1)
925    if not test_val('Client Error', '414', status):
926        return False
927    Utility.console_log('Success')
928    return True
931def send_postx_hdr_len(dut, port, length):
932    s = Session(dut, port)
933    path = '/echo'
934    host = 'Host: ' + dut
935    custom_hdr_field = '\r\nCustom: '
936    custom_hdr_val = 'x' * (length - len(host) - len(custom_hdr_field) - len('\r\n\r\n') + len('0'))
937    request = ('POST ' + path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n' + host + custom_hdr_field + custom_hdr_val + '\r\n\r\n').encode()
938    s.client.sendall(request[:length // 2])
939    time.sleep(1)
940    s.client.sendall(request[length // 2:])
941    hdr = s.read_resp_hdrs()
942    resp = s.read_resp_data()
943    s.close()
944    if hdr and ('Custom' in hdr):
945        return (hdr['Custom'] == custom_hdr_val), resp
946    return False, s.status
949def code_431_hdr_too_long(dut, port, max_hdr_len):
950    Utility.console_log('[test] 431 Header Too Long =>', end=' ')
951    res, status = send_postx_hdr_len(dut, port, max_hdr_len)
952    if not res:
953        return False
954    res, status = send_postx_hdr_len(dut, port, max_hdr_len + 1)
955    if not test_val('Client Error', '431', status):
956        return False
957    Utility.console_log('Success')
958    return True
961def test_upgrade_not_supported(dut, port):
962    Utility.console_log('[test] Upgrade Not Supported =>', end=' ')
963    s = Session(dut, port)
964    # path = "/hello"
965    s.client.sendall(('OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:' + dut + '\r\nUpgrade: TLS/1.0\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n\r\n').encode())
966    s.read_resp_hdrs()
967    s.read_resp_data()
968    if not test_val('Client Error', '400', s.status):
969        s.close()
970        return False
971    s.close()
972    Utility.console_log('Success')
973    return True
976if __name__ == '__main__':
977    # Execution begins here...
978    # Configuration
979    # Max number of threads/sessions
980    max_sessions = 7
981    max_uri_len = 512
982    max_hdr_len = 512
984    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run HTTPD Test')
985    parser.add_argument('-4','--ipv4', help='IPv4 address')
986    parser.add_argument('-6','--ipv6', help='IPv6 address')
987    parser.add_argument('-p','--port', help='Port')
988    args = vars(parser.parse_args())
990    dut4 = args['ipv4']
991    dut6 = args['ipv6']
992    port = args['port']
993    dut  = dut4
995    _verbose_ = True
997    Utility.console_log('### Basic HTTP Client Tests')
998    get_hello(dut, port)
999    post_hello(dut, port)
1000    put_hello(dut, port)
1001    post_echo(dut, port)
1002    get_echo(dut, port)
1003    put_echo(dut, port)
1004    get_hello_type(dut, port)
1005    get_hello_status(dut, port)
1006    get_false_uri(dut, port)
1007    get_test_headers(dut, port)
1009    Utility.console_log('### Error code tests')
1010    code_500_server_error_test(dut, port)
1011    code_501_method_not_impl(dut, port)
1012    code_505_version_not_supported(dut, port)
1013    code_400_bad_request(dut, port)
1014    code_404_not_found(dut, port)
1015    code_405_method_not_allowed(dut, port)
1016    code_408_req_timeout(dut, port)
1017    code_414_uri_too_long(dut, port, max_uri_len)
1018    code_431_hdr_too_long(dut, port, max_hdr_len)
1019    test_upgrade_not_supported(dut, port)
1021    # Not supported yet (Error on chunked request)
1022    # code_411_length_required(dut, port)
1024    Utility.console_log('### Sessions and Context Tests')
1025    parallel_sessions_adder(dut, port, max_sessions)
1026    leftover_data_test(dut, port)
1027    async_response_test(dut, port)
1028    spillover_session(dut, port, max_sessions)
1029    recv_timeout_test(dut, port)
1030    packet_size_limit_test(dut, port, 50 * 1024)
1031    arbitrary_termination_test(dut, port)
1032    get_hello(dut, port)
1034    sys.exit()