1 // Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
14 #ifndef _SOC_SPI_MEM_STRUCT_H_
15 #define _SOC_SPI_MEM_STRUCT_H_
16 #ifdef __cplusplus
17 extern "C" {
18 #endif
20 typedef volatile struct spi_mem_dev_s {
21     union {
22         struct {
23             uint32_t mst_st:         4;                 /*The current status of SPI1 master FSM.*/
24             uint32_t st:             4;                 /*The current status of SPI1 slave FSM: mspi_st. 0: idle state  1: preparation state  2: send command state  3: send address state  4: wait state  5: read data state  6:write data state  7: done state  8: read data end state.*/
25             uint32_t reserved8:      9;                 /*reserved*/
26             uint32_t flash_pe:       1;                 /*In user mode  it is set to indicate that program/erase operation will be triggered. The bit is combined with spi_mem_usr bit. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
27             uint32_t usr:            1;                 /*User define command enable.  An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
28             uint32_t flash_hpm:      1;                 /*Drive Flash into high performance mode.  The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
29             uint32_t flash_res:      1;                 /*This bit combined with reg_resandres bit releases Flash from the power-down state or high performance mode and obtains the devices ID. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
30             uint32_t flash_dp:       1;                 /*Drive Flash into power down.  An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
31             uint32_t flash_ce:       1;                 /*Chip erase enable. Chip erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
32             uint32_t flash_be:       1;                 /*Block erase enable(32KB) .  Block erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
33             uint32_t flash_se:       1;                 /*Sector erase enable(4KB). Sector erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
34             uint32_t flash_pp:       1;                 /*Page program enable(1 byte ~256 bytes data to be programmed). Page program operation  will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done .1: enable 0: disable.*/
35             uint32_t flash_wrsr:     1;                 /*Write status register enable.   Write status operation  will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
36             uint32_t flash_rdsr:     1;                 /*Read status register-1.  Read status operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
37             uint32_t flash_rdid:     1;                 /*Read JEDEC ID . Read ID command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
38             uint32_t flash_wrdi:     1;                 /*Write flash disable. Write disable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
39             uint32_t flash_wren:     1;                 /*Write flash enable.  Write enable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
40             uint32_t flash_read:     1;                 /*Read flash enable. Read flash operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
41         };
42         uint32_t val;
43     } cmd;
44     uint32_t addr;                                      /*SPI1 address register*/
45     union {
46         struct {
47             uint32_t reserved0:       3;                /*reserved*/
48             uint32_t fdummy_out:      1;                /*In the dummy phase the signal level of spi is output by the spi controller.*/
49             uint32_t reserved4:       3;                /*reserved*/
50             uint32_t fcmd_dual:       1;                /*Apply 2 signals during command phase 1:enable 0: disable*/
51             uint32_t fcmd_quad:       1;                /*Apply 4 signals during command phase 1:enable 0: disable*/
52             uint32_t reserved9:       1;                /*reserved*/
53             uint32_t fcs_crc_en:      1;                /*For SPI1   initialize crc32 module before writing encrypted data to flash. Active low.*/
54             uint32_t tx_crc_en:       1;                /*For SPI1   enable crc32 when writing encrypted data to flash. 1: enable 0:disable*/
55             uint32_t reserved12:      1;                /*reserved*/
56             uint32_t fastrd_mode:     1;                /*This bit enable the bits: spi_mem_fread_qio  spi_mem_fread_dio  spi_mem_fread_qout and spi_mem_fread_dout. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
57             uint32_t fread_dual:      1;                /*In the read operations  read-data phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
58             uint32_t resandres:       1;                /*The Device ID is read out to SPI_MEM_RD_STATUS register   this bit combine with spi_mem_flash_res bit. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
59             uint32_t reserved16:      2;                /*reserved*/
60             uint32_t q_pol:           1;                /*The bit is used to set MISO line polarity  1: high 0  low*/
61             uint32_t d_pol:           1;                /*The bit is used to set MOSI line polarity  1: high 0  low*/
62             uint32_t fread_quad:      1;                /*In the read operations read-data phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
63             uint32_t wp:              1;                /*Write protect signal output when SPI is idle.  1: output high  0: output low.*/
64             uint32_t wrsr_2b:         1;                /*two bytes data will be written to status register when it is set. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
65             uint32_t fread_dio:       1;                /*In the read operations address phase and read-data phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
66             uint32_t fread_qio:       1;                /*In the read operations address phase and read-data phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
67             uint32_t reserved25:      7;                /*reserved*/
68         };
69         uint32_t val;
70     } ctrl;
71     union {
72         struct {
73             uint32_t clk_mode:            2;            /*SPI clock mode bits. 0: SPI clock is off when CS inactive 1: SPI clock is delayed one cycle after CS inactive 2: SPI clock is delayed two cycles after CS inactive 3: SPI clock is alwasy on.*/
74             uint32_t cs_hold_dly_res:    10;            /*After RES/DP/HPM command is sent  SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 512) SPI_CLK cycles.*/
75             uint32_t reserved2:           18;               /*reserved*/
76             uint32_t rxfifo_rst:       1;               /*SPI0 RX FIFO reset signal.*/
77             uint32_t rxfifo_wfull_err: 1;               /*1: SPI0 RX FIFO write full error  Cache/EDMA do not read all the data out. 0: Not error.*/
78         };
79         uint32_t val;
80     } ctrl1;
81     union {
82         struct {
83             uint32_t cs_setup_time: 5;                  /*(cycles-1) of prepare phase by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_mem_cs_setup bit.*/
84             uint32_t cs_hold_time:  5;                  /*Spi cs signal is delayed to inactive by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_mem_cs_hold bit.*/
85             uint32_t reserved10:       15;                  /*reserved*/
86             uint32_t cs_hold_delay: 6;                  /*These bits are used to set the minimum CS high time tSHSL between SPI burst transfer when accesses to flash. tSHSL is (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY[5:0] + 1) MSPI core clock cycles.*/
87             uint32_t sync_reset:    1;                  /*The FSM will be reset.*/
88         };
89         uint32_t val;
90     } ctrl2;
91     union {
92         struct {
93             uint32_t clkcnt_l:       8;                 /*In the master mode it must be equal to spi_mem_clkcnt_N.*/
94             uint32_t clkcnt_h:       8;                 /*In the master mode it must be floor((spi_mem_clkcnt_N+1)/2-1).*/
95             uint32_t clkcnt_n:       8;                 /*In the master mode it is the divider of spi_mem_clk. So spi_mem_clk frequency is system/(spi_mem_clkcnt_N+1)*/
96             uint32_t reserved24:         7;                 /*reserved*/
97             uint32_t clk_equ_sysclk: 1;                 /*Set this bit in 1-division mode.*/
98         };
99         uint32_t val;
100     } clock;
101     union {
102         struct {
103             uint32_t reserved0:          6;                 /*reserved*/
104             uint32_t cs_hold:        1;                 /*spi cs keep low when spi is in  done  phase. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
105             uint32_t cs_setup:       1;                 /*spi cs is enable when spi is in  prepare  phase. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
106             uint32_t reserved8:          1;                 /*reserved*/
107             uint32_t ck_out_edge:       1;          /*the bit combined with spi_mem_mosi_delay_mode bits to set mosi signal delay mode.*/
108             uint32_t reserved10:            2;          /*reserved*/
109             uint32_t fwrite_dual:       1;          /*In the write operations read-data phase apply 2 signals*/
110             uint32_t fwrite_quad:       1;          /*In the write operations read-data phase apply 4 signals*/
111             uint32_t fwrite_dio:        1;          /*In the write operations address phase and read-data phase apply 2 signals.*/
112             uint32_t fwrite_qio:        1;          /*In the write operations address phase and read-data phase apply 4 signals.*/
113             uint32_t reserved16:            8;          /*reserved*/
114             uint32_t usr_miso_highpart: 1;          /*read-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_mem_w8~spi_mem_w15. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
115             uint32_t usr_mosi_highpart: 1;          /*write-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_mem_w8~spi_mem_w15. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
116             uint32_t usr_dummy_idle:    1;          /*SPI clock is disable in dummy phase when the bit is enable.*/
117             uint32_t usr_mosi:          1;          /*This bit enable the write-data phase of an operation.*/
118             uint32_t usr_miso:          1;          /*This bit enable the read-data phase of an operation.*/
119             uint32_t usr_dummy:         1;          /*This bit enable the dummy phase of an operation.*/
120             uint32_t usr_addr:          1;          /*This bit enable the address phase of an operation.*/
121             uint32_t usr_command:       1;          /*This bit enable the command phase of an operation.*/
122         };
123         uint32_t val;
124     } user;
125     union {
126         struct {
127             uint32_t usr_dummy_cyclelen:     6;         /*The length in spi_mem_clk cycles of dummy phase. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
128             uint32_t reserved6:             20;         /*reserved*/
129             uint32_t usr_addr_bitlen:        6;         /*The length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
130         };
131         uint32_t val;
132     } user1;
133     union {
134         struct {
135             uint32_t usr_command_value:     16;         /*The value of  command.*/
136             uint32_t reserved16:            12;         /*reserved*/
137             uint32_t usr_command_bitlen:     4;         /*The length in bits of command phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)*/
138         };
139         uint32_t val;
140     } user2;
141     union {
142         struct {
143             uint32_t usr_mosi_bit_len:    10;           /*The length in bits of write-data. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
144             uint32_t reserved10:          22;           /*reserved*/
145         };
146         uint32_t val;
147     } mosi_dlen;
148     union {
149         struct {
150             uint32_t usr_miso_bit_len:    10;           /*The length in bits of  read-data. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
151             uint32_t reserved10:          22;           /*reserved*/
152         };
153         uint32_t val;
154     } miso_dlen;
155     union {
156         struct {
157             uint32_t status:     16;                    /*The value is stored when set spi_mem_flash_rdsr bit and spi_mem_flash_res bit.*/
158             uint32_t wb_mode:     8;                    /*Mode bits in the flash fast read mode  it is combined with spi_mem_fastrd_mode bit.*/
159             uint32_t reserved24:  8;                    /*reserved*/
160         };
161         uint32_t val;
162     } rd_status;
163     uint32_t reserved_30;
164     union {
165         struct {
166             uint32_t cs0_dis:            1;             /*SPI_CS0 pin enable  1: disable SPI_CS0  0: SPI_CS0 pin is active to select SPI device  such as flash  external RAM and so on.*/
167             uint32_t cs1_dis:            1;             /*SPI_CS1 pin enable  1: disable SPI_CS1  0: SPI_CS1 pin is active to select SPI device  such as flash  external RAM and so on.*/
168             uint32_t reserved2:          1;             /*reserved*/
169             uint32_t mst_st_trans_end:         1;       /*The bit is used to indicate the  spi0_mst_st controlled transmitting is done.*/
170             uint32_t mst_st_trans_end_en:      1;       /*The bit is used to enable the interrupt of  spi0_mst_st controlled transmitting is done.*/
171             uint32_t st_trans_end:             1;       /*The bit is used to indicate the  spi0_slv_st controlled transmitting is done.*/
172             uint32_t st_trans_end_en:          1;       /*The bit is used to enable the interrupt of spi0_slv_st controlled transmitting is done.*/
173             uint32_t reserved7:                    2;       /*reserved*/
174             uint32_t ck_idle_edge:       1;             /*1: spi clk line is high when idle     0: spi clk line is low when idle*/
175             uint32_t cs_keep_active:     1;             /*spi cs line keep low when the bit is set.*/
176             uint32_t reserved11:                  21;       /*reserved*/
177         };
178         uint32_t val;
179     } misc;
180     uint32_t tx_crc;                                    /*SPI1 TX CRC data register.*/
181     union {
182         struct {
183             uint32_t req_en:               1;           /*For SPI0  Cache access enable  1: enable  0:disable.*/
184             uint32_t usr_addr_4byte:           1;       /*For SPI1   cache  read flash with 4 bytes address  1: enable  0:disable.*/
185             uint32_t flash_usr_cmd:        1;           /*For SPI0   cache  read flash for user define command  1: enable  0:disable.*/
186             uint32_t fdin_dual:                1;       /*For SPI1  din phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_dio.*/
187             uint32_t fdout_dual:               1;       /*For SPI1  dout phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_dio.*/
188             uint32_t faddr_dual:               1;       /*For SPI1  address phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.  The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_dio.*/
189             uint32_t fdin_quad:                1;       /*For SPI1  din phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.  The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_qio.*/
190             uint32_t fdout_quad:               1;       /*For SPI1  dout phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.  The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_qio.*/
191             uint32_t faddr_quad:               1;       /*For SPI1  address phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.  The bit is the same with spi_mem_fread_qio.*/
192             uint32_t reserved9:               23;       /*reserved*/
193         };
194         uint32_t val;
195     } cache_fctrl;
196     uint32_t reserved_40;
197     uint32_t reserved_44;
198     uint32_t reserved_48;
199     uint32_t reserved_4c;
200     uint32_t reserved_50;
201     union {
202         struct {
203             uint32_t spi0_st:              4;           /*The current status of SPI0 slave FSM: spi0_slv_st. 0: idle state  1: preparation state  2: send command state  3: send address state  4: wait state  5: read data state  6:write data state  7: done state  8: read data end state.*/
204             uint32_t spi0_mst_st:          3;           /*The current status of SPI0 master FSM: spi0_mst_st. 0: idle state  1:EM_CACHE_GRANT   2: program/erase suspend state  3: SPI0 read data state  4: wait cache/EDMA sent data is stored in SPI0 TX FIFO  5: SPI0 write data state.*/
205             uint32_t cspi_lock_delay_time: 5;           /*The lock delay time of SPI0/1 arbiter by spi0_slv_st  after PER is sent by SPI1.*/
206             uint32_t reserved12:              20;           /*reserved*/
207         };
208         uint32_t val;
209     } fsm;
210     uint32_t data_buf[16];
211     union {
212         struct {
213             uint32_t reserved0:                1;       /*reserved*/
214             uint32_t waiti_dummy:              1;       /*The dummy phase enable when wait flash idle (RDSR)*/
215             uint32_t waiti_cmd:                8;       /*The command to wait flash idle(RDSR).*/
216             uint32_t waiti_dummy_cyclelen:     6;       /*The dummy cycle length when wait flash idle(RDSR).*/
217             uint32_t reserved16:              16;       /*reserved*/
218         };
219         uint32_t val;
220     } flash_waiti_ctrl;
221     union {
222         struct {
223             uint32_t flash_per:             1;          /*program erase resume bit  program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
224             uint32_t flash_pes:             1;          /*program erase suspend bit  program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
225             uint32_t flash_per_wait_en:     1;          /*Set this bit to enable SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 128) SPI_CLK cycles after program erase suspend.*/
226             uint32_t flash_pes_wait_en:     1;          /*Set this bit to enable SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after program erase suspend.*/
227             uint32_t pes_per_en:            1;          /*Set this bit to enable PES end triggers PER transfer option. If this bit is 0  application should send PER after PES is done.*/
228             uint32_t flash_pes_en:          1;          /*Set this bit to enable Auto-suspending function.*/
229             uint32_t pesr_end_msk:         16;          /*The mask value when check SUS/SUS1/SUS2 status bit. If the read status value is status_in[15:0](only status_in[7:0] is valid when only one byte of data is read out  status_in[15:0] is valid when two bytes of data are read out)  SUS/SUS1/SUS2 = status_in[15:0]^ SPI_MEM_PESR_END_MSK[15:0].*/
230             uint32_t frd_sus_2b:            1;          /*1: Read two bytes when check flash SUS/SUS1/SUS2 status bit. 0:  Read one byte when check flash SUS/SUS1/SUS2 status bit*/
231             uint32_t per_end_en:            1;          /*1: Both WIP and SUS/SUS1/SUS2 bits should be checked to insure the resume status of flash. 0: Only need to check WIP is 0.*/
232             uint32_t pes_end_en:            1;          /*1: Both WIP and SUS/SUS1/SUS2 bits should be checked to insure the suspend status of flash. 0: Only need to check WIP is 0.*/
233             uint32_t sus_timeout_cnt:       7;          /*When SPI1 checks SUS/SUS1/SUS2 bits fail for SPI_MEM_SUS_TIMEOUT_CNT[6:0] times  it will be treated as check pass.*/
234         };
235         uint32_t val;
236     } flash_sus_ctrl;
237     union {
238         struct {
239             uint32_t flash_per_command:     8;          /*Program/Erase resume command.*/
240             uint32_t flash_pes_command:     8;          /*Program/Erase suspend command.*/
241             uint32_t wait_pesr_command:    16;          /*Flash SUS/SUS1/SUS2 status bit read command. The command should be sent when SUS/SUS1/SUS2 bit should be checked to insure the suspend or resume status of flash.*/
242         };
243         uint32_t val;
244     } flash_sus_cmd;
245     union {
246         struct {
247             uint32_t flash_sus:     1;                  /*The status of flash suspend  only used in SPI1.*/
248             uint32_t reserved1:    31;                  /*reserved*/
249         };
250         uint32_t val;
251     } sus_status;
252     union {
253         struct {
254             uint32_t timing_clk_ena:       1;           /*The bit is used to enable timing adjust clock for all reading operations.*/
255             uint32_t timing_cali:              1;       /*The bit is used to enable timing auto-calibration for all reading operations.*/
256             uint32_t extra_dummy_cyclelen:     3;       /*add extra dummy spi clock cycle length for spi clock calibration.*/
257             uint32_t reserved5:               27;           /*reserved*/
258         };
259         uint32_t val;
260     } timing_cali;
261     union {
262         struct {
263             uint32_t din0_mode: 2;                      /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: input without delayed  1: input with the posedge of clk_apb 2 input with the negedge of clk_apb   3: input with the posedge of clk_160  4 input with the negedge of clk_160  5: input with the spi_clk high edge   6: input with the spi_clk low edge*/
264             uint32_t din1_mode: 2;                      /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: input without delayed  1: input with the posedge of clk_apb 2 input with the negedge of clk_apb   3: input with the posedge of clk_160  4 input with the negedge of clk_160  5: input with the spi_clk high edge   6: input with the spi_clk low edge*/
265             uint32_t din2_mode: 2;                      /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: input without delayed  1: input with the posedge of clk_apb 2 input with the negedge of clk_apb   3: input with the posedge of clk_160  4 input with the negedge of clk_160  5: input with the spi_clk high edge   6: input with the spi_clk low edge*/
266             uint32_t din3_mode: 2;                      /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: input without delayed  1: input with the posedge of clk_apb 2 input with the negedge of clk_apb   3: input with the posedge of clk_160  4 input with the negedge of clk_160  5: input with the spi_clk high edge   6: input with the spi_clk low edge*/
267             uint32_t reserved8:    24;                      /*reserved*/
268         };
269         uint32_t val;
270     } din_mode;
271     union {
272         struct {
273             uint32_t din0_num: 2;                       /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: delayed by 1 cycle  1: delayed by 2 cycles ...*/
274             uint32_t din1_num: 2;                       /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: delayed by 1 cycle  1: delayed by 2 cycles ...*/
275             uint32_t din2_num: 2;                       /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: delayed by 1 cycle  1: delayed by 2 cycles ...*/
276             uint32_t din3_num: 2;                       /*the input signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: delayed by 1 cycle  1: delayed by 2 cycles ...*/
277             uint32_t reserved8:   24;                       /*reserved*/
278         };
279         uint32_t val;
280     } din_num;
281     union {
282         struct {
283             uint32_t dout0_mode: 1;                     /*the output signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: output without delayed  1: output with the posedge of clk_apb 2 output with the negedge of clk_apb  3: output with the posedge of clk_160 4 output with the negedge of clk_160 5: output with the spi_clk high edge  6: output with the spi_clk low edge*/
284             uint32_t dout1_mode: 1;                     /*the output signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: output without delayed  1: output with the posedge of clk_apb 2 output with the negedge of clk_apb  3: output with the posedge of clk_160 4 output with the negedge of clk_160 5: output with the spi_clk high edge  6: output with the spi_clk low edge*/
285             uint32_t dout2_mode: 1;                     /*the output signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: output without delayed  1: output with the posedge of clk_apb 2 output with the negedge of clk_apb  3: output with the posedge of clk_160 4 output with the negedge of clk_160 5: output with the spi_clk high edge  6: output with the spi_clk low edge*/
286             uint32_t dout3_mode: 1;                     /*the output signals are delayed by system clock cycles  0: output without delayed  1: output with the posedge of clk_apb 2 output with the negedge of clk_apb  3: output with the posedge of clk_160 4 output with the negedge of clk_160 5: output with the spi_clk high edge  6: output with the spi_clk low edge*/
287             uint32_t reserved4:     28;                     /*reserved*/
288         };
289         uint32_t val;
290     } dout_mode;
291     uint32_t reserved_b8;
292     uint32_t reserved_bc;
293     union {
294         struct {
295             uint32_t per_end_int_ena:        1;         /*The enable bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt.*/
296             uint32_t pes_end_int_ena:        1;         /*The enable bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt.*/
297             uint32_t wpe_end_int_ena:        1;         /*The enable bit for SPI_MEM_WPE_END_INT interrupt.*/
298             uint32_t st_end_int_ena:         1;         /*The enable bit for SPI_MEM_SLV_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
299             uint32_t mst_st_end_int_ena:     1;         /*The enable bit for SPI_MEM_MST_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
300             uint32_t reserved5:             27;         /*reserved*/
301         };
302         uint32_t val;
303     } int_ena;
304     union {
305         struct {
306             uint32_t per_end:                1;         /*The clear bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt.*/
307             uint32_t pes_end:                1;         /*The clear bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt.*/
308             uint32_t wpe_end:                1;         /*The clear bit for SPI_MEM_WPE_END_INT interrupt.*/
309             uint32_t st_end:                 1;         /*The clear bit for SPI_MEM_SLV_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
310             uint32_t mst_st_end:             1;         /*The clear bit for SPI_MEM_MST_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
311             uint32_t reserved5:             27;         /*reserved*/
312         };
313         uint32_t val;
314     } int_clr;
315     union {
316         struct {
317             uint32_t per_end:                1;         /*The raw bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when Auto Resume command (0x7A) is sent and flash is resumed. 0: Others.*/
318             uint32_t pes_end:                1;         /*The raw bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt.1: Triggered when Auto Suspend command (0x75) is sent and flash is suspended. 0: Others.*/
319             uint32_t wpe_end:                1;         /*The raw bit for SPI_MEM_WPE_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when WRSR/PP/SE/BE/CE is sent and flash is already idle. 0: Others.*/
320             uint32_t st_end:                 1;         /*The raw bit for SPI_MEM_SLV_ST_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when spi1_slv_st is changed from non idle state to idle state. It means that SPI_CS raises high. 0: Others*/
321             uint32_t mst_st_end:             1;         /*The raw bit for SPI_MEM_MST_ST_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when spi1_mst_st is changed from non idle state to idle state. 0: Others.*/
322             uint32_t reserved5:             27;         /*reserved*/
323         };
324         uint32_t val;
325     } int_raw;
326     union {
327         struct {
328             uint32_t per_end:               1;          /*The status bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt.*/
329             uint32_t pes_end:               1;          /*The status bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt.*/
330             uint32_t wpe_end:               1;          /*The status bit for SPI_MEM_WPE_END_INT interrupt.*/
331             uint32_t st_end:                1;          /*The status bit for SPI_MEM_SLV_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
332             uint32_t mst_st_end:            1;          /*The status bit for SPI_MEM_MST_ST_END_INT interrupt.*/
333             uint32_t reserved5:            27;          /*reserved*/
334         };
335         uint32_t val;
336     } int_st;
337     uint32_t reserved_d0;
338     uint32_t reserved_d4;
339     uint32_t reserved_d8;
340     union {
341         struct {
342             uint32_t clk_en:     1;                     /*Register clock gate enable signal. 1: Enable. 0: Disable.*/
343             uint32_t reserved1: 31;                         /*reserved*/
344         };
345         uint32_t val;
346     } clock_gate;
347     union {
348         struct {
349             uint32_t spi01_clk_sel: 2;                  /*When the digital system clock selects PLL clock and the frequency of PLL clock is 480MHz  the value of reg_spi01_clk_sel:  0: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) is 80MHz. 1: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) is 120MHz.  2: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) 160MHz. 3: Not used. When the digital system clock selects PLL clock and the frequency of PLL clock is 320MHz  the value of reg_spi01_clk_sel:  0: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) is 80MHz. 1: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) is 80MHz.  2: SPI0/1 module clock (clk) 160MHz. 3: Not used.*/
350             uint32_t reserved2:        30;                  /*reserved*/
351         };
352         uint32_t val;
353     } core_clk_sel;
354     uint32_t reserved_e4;
355     uint32_t reserved_e8;
356     uint32_t reserved_ec;
357     uint32_t reserved_f0;
358     uint32_t reserved_f4;
359     uint32_t reserved_f8;
360     uint32_t reserved_fc;
361     uint32_t reserved_100;
362     uint32_t reserved_104;
363     uint32_t reserved_108;
364     uint32_t reserved_10c;
365     uint32_t reserved_110;
366     uint32_t reserved_114;
367     uint32_t reserved_118;
368     uint32_t reserved_11c;
369     uint32_t reserved_120;
370     uint32_t reserved_124;
371     uint32_t reserved_128;
372     uint32_t reserved_12c;
373     uint32_t reserved_130;
374     uint32_t reserved_134;
375     uint32_t reserved_138;
376     uint32_t reserved_13c;
377     uint32_t reserved_140;
378     uint32_t reserved_144;
379     uint32_t reserved_148;
380     uint32_t reserved_14c;
381     uint32_t reserved_150;
382     uint32_t reserved_154;
383     uint32_t reserved_158;
384     uint32_t reserved_15c;
385     uint32_t reserved_160;
386     uint32_t reserved_164;
387     uint32_t reserved_168;
388     uint32_t reserved_16c;
389     uint32_t reserved_170;
390     uint32_t reserved_174;
391     uint32_t reserved_178;
392     uint32_t reserved_17c;
393     uint32_t reserved_180;
394     uint32_t reserved_184;
395     uint32_t reserved_188;
396     uint32_t reserved_18c;
397     uint32_t reserved_190;
398     uint32_t reserved_194;
399     uint32_t reserved_198;
400     uint32_t reserved_19c;
401     uint32_t reserved_1a0;
402     uint32_t reserved_1a4;
403     uint32_t reserved_1a8;
404     uint32_t reserved_1ac;
405     uint32_t reserved_1b0;
406     uint32_t reserved_1b4;
407     uint32_t reserved_1b8;
408     uint32_t reserved_1bc;
409     uint32_t reserved_1c0;
410     uint32_t reserved_1c4;
411     uint32_t reserved_1c8;
412     uint32_t reserved_1cc;
413     uint32_t reserved_1d0;
414     uint32_t reserved_1d4;
415     uint32_t reserved_1d8;
416     uint32_t reserved_1dc;
417     uint32_t reserved_1e0;
418     uint32_t reserved_1e4;
419     uint32_t reserved_1e8;
420     uint32_t reserved_1ec;
421     uint32_t reserved_1f0;
422     uint32_t reserved_1f4;
423     uint32_t reserved_1f8;
424     uint32_t reserved_1fc;
425     uint32_t reserved_200;
426     uint32_t reserved_204;
427     uint32_t reserved_208;
428     uint32_t reserved_20c;
429     uint32_t reserved_210;
430     uint32_t reserved_214;
431     uint32_t reserved_218;
432     uint32_t reserved_21c;
433     uint32_t reserved_220;
434     uint32_t reserved_224;
435     uint32_t reserved_228;
436     uint32_t reserved_22c;
437     uint32_t reserved_230;
438     uint32_t reserved_234;
439     uint32_t reserved_238;
440     uint32_t reserved_23c;
441     uint32_t reserved_240;
442     uint32_t reserved_244;
443     uint32_t reserved_248;
444     uint32_t reserved_24c;
445     uint32_t reserved_250;
446     uint32_t reserved_254;
447     uint32_t reserved_258;
448     uint32_t reserved_25c;
449     uint32_t reserved_260;
450     uint32_t reserved_264;
451     uint32_t reserved_268;
452     uint32_t reserved_26c;
453     uint32_t reserved_270;
454     uint32_t reserved_274;
455     uint32_t reserved_278;
456     uint32_t reserved_27c;
457     uint32_t reserved_280;
458     uint32_t reserved_284;
459     uint32_t reserved_288;
460     uint32_t reserved_28c;
461     uint32_t reserved_290;
462     uint32_t reserved_294;
463     uint32_t reserved_298;
464     uint32_t reserved_29c;
465     uint32_t reserved_2a0;
466     uint32_t reserved_2a4;
467     uint32_t reserved_2a8;
468     uint32_t reserved_2ac;
469     uint32_t reserved_2b0;
470     uint32_t reserved_2b4;
471     uint32_t reserved_2b8;
472     uint32_t reserved_2bc;
473     uint32_t reserved_2c0;
474     uint32_t reserved_2c4;
475     uint32_t reserved_2c8;
476     uint32_t reserved_2cc;
477     uint32_t reserved_2d0;
478     uint32_t reserved_2d4;
479     uint32_t reserved_2d8;
480     uint32_t reserved_2dc;
481     uint32_t reserved_2e0;
482     uint32_t reserved_2e4;
483     uint32_t reserved_2e8;
484     uint32_t reserved_2ec;
485     uint32_t reserved_2f0;
486     uint32_t reserved_2f4;
487     uint32_t reserved_2f8;
488     uint32_t reserved_2fc;
489     uint32_t reserved_300;
490     uint32_t reserved_304;
491     uint32_t reserved_308;
492     uint32_t reserved_30c;
493     uint32_t reserved_310;
494     uint32_t reserved_314;
495     uint32_t reserved_318;
496     uint32_t reserved_31c;
497     uint32_t reserved_320;
498     uint32_t reserved_324;
499     uint32_t reserved_328;
500     uint32_t reserved_32c;
501     uint32_t reserved_330;
502     uint32_t reserved_334;
503     uint32_t reserved_338;
504     uint32_t reserved_33c;
505     uint32_t reserved_340;
506     uint32_t reserved_344;
507     uint32_t reserved_348;
508     uint32_t reserved_34c;
509     uint32_t reserved_350;
510     uint32_t reserved_354;
511     uint32_t reserved_358;
512     uint32_t reserved_35c;
513     uint32_t reserved_360;
514     uint32_t reserved_364;
515     uint32_t reserved_368;
516     uint32_t reserved_36c;
517     uint32_t reserved_370;
518     uint32_t reserved_374;
519     uint32_t reserved_378;
520     uint32_t reserved_37c;
521     uint32_t reserved_380;
522     uint32_t reserved_384;
523     uint32_t reserved_388;
524     uint32_t reserved_38c;
525     uint32_t reserved_390;
526     uint32_t reserved_394;
527     uint32_t reserved_398;
528     uint32_t reserved_39c;
529     uint32_t reserved_3a0;
530     uint32_t reserved_3a4;
531     uint32_t reserved_3a8;
532     uint32_t reserved_3ac;
533     uint32_t reserved_3b0;
534     uint32_t reserved_3b4;
535     uint32_t reserved_3b8;
536     uint32_t reserved_3bc;
537     uint32_t reserved_3c0;
538     uint32_t reserved_3c4;
539     uint32_t reserved_3c8;
540     uint32_t reserved_3cc;
541     uint32_t reserved_3d0;
542     uint32_t reserved_3d4;
543     uint32_t reserved_3d8;
544     uint32_t reserved_3dc;
545     uint32_t reserved_3e0;
546     uint32_t reserved_3e4;
547     uint32_t reserved_3e8;
548     uint32_t reserved_3ec;
549     uint32_t reserved_3f0;
550     uint32_t reserved_3f4;
551     uint32_t reserved_3f8;
552     union {
553         struct {
554             uint32_t date:      28;                     /*Version control register*/
555             uint32_t reserved28: 4;                     /*reserved*/
556         };
557         uint32_t val;
558     } date;
559 } spi_mem_dev_t;
560 extern spi_mem_dev_t SPIMEM0;
561 extern spi_mem_dev_t SPIMEM1;
563 _Static_assert(sizeof(spi_mem_dev_t) == 0x400, "spi_mem_dev_t size error!");
565 #ifdef __cplusplus
566 }
567 #endif
569 #endif  /* _SOC_SPI_MEM_STRUCT_H_ */