1 // Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #include <stdlib.h>
16 #include <stdbool.h>
17 #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
18 #include "freertos/task.h"
19 #include "lwip/opt.h"
20 #include "lwip/init.h"
21 #include "lwip/mem.h"
22 #include "lwip/icmp.h"
23 #include "lwip/netif.h"
24 #include "lwip/sys.h"
25 #include "lwip/timeouts.h"
26 #include "lwip/inet.h"
27 #include "lwip/inet_chksum.h"
28 #include "lwip/ip.h"
29 #include "lwip/netdb.h"
30 #include "lwip/sockets.h"
31 #include "esp_log.h"
32 #include "ping/ping_sock.h"
34 const static char *TAG = "ping_sock";
36 #define PING_CHECK(a, str, goto_tag, ret_value, ...)                              \
37     do                                                                            \
38     {                                                                             \
39         if (!(a))                                                                 \
40         {                                                                         \
41             ESP_LOGE(TAG, "%s(%d): " str, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
42             ret = ret_value;                                                      \
43             goto goto_tag;                                                        \
44         }                                                                         \
45     } while (0)
47 #define PING_TIME_DIFF_MS(_end, _start) ((uint32_t)(((_end).tv_sec - (_start).tv_sec) * 1000 + \
48                                                     ((_end).tv_usec - (_start).tv_usec) / 1000))
52 #define PING_FLAGS_INIT (1 << 0)
53 #define PING_FLAGS_START (1 << 1)
55 typedef struct {
56     int sock;
57     struct sockaddr_storage target_addr;
58     TaskHandle_t ping_task_hdl;
59     struct icmp_echo_hdr *packet_hdr;
60     ip_addr_t recv_addr;
61     uint32_t recv_len;
62     uint32_t icmp_pkt_size;
63     uint32_t count;
64     uint32_t transmitted;
65     uint32_t received;
66     uint32_t interval_ms;
67     uint32_t elapsed_time_ms;
68     uint32_t total_time_ms;
69     uint8_t ttl;
70     uint32_t flags;
71     void (*on_ping_success)(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args);
72     void (*on_ping_timeout)(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args);
73     void (*on_ping_end)(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, void *args);
74     void *cb_args;
75 } esp_ping_t;
esp_ping_send(esp_ping_t * ep)77 static esp_err_t esp_ping_send(esp_ping_t *ep)
78 {
79     esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
80     ep->packet_hdr->seqno++;
81     /* generate checksum since "seqno" has changed */
82     ep->packet_hdr->chksum = 0;
83     if (ep->packet_hdr->type == ICMP_ECHO) {
84         ep->packet_hdr->chksum = inet_chksum(ep->packet_hdr, ep->icmp_pkt_size);
85     }
87     ssize_t sent = sendto(ep->sock, ep->packet_hdr, ep->icmp_pkt_size, 0,
88                       (struct sockaddr *)&ep->target_addr, sizeof(ep->target_addr));
90     if (sent != (ssize_t)ep->icmp_pkt_size) {
91         int opt_val;
92         socklen_t opt_len = sizeof(opt_val);
93         getsockopt(ep->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &opt_val, &opt_len);
94         ESP_LOGE(TAG, "send error=%d", opt_val);
95         ret = ESP_FAIL;
96     } else {
97         ep->transmitted++;
98     }
99     return ret;
100 }
esp_ping_receive(esp_ping_t * ep)102 static int esp_ping_receive(esp_ping_t *ep)
103 {
104     char buf[64]; // 64 bytes are enough to cover IP header and ICMP header
105     int len = 0;
106     struct sockaddr_storage from;
107     int fromlen = sizeof(from);
108     uint16_t data_head = 0;
110     while ((len = recvfrom(ep->sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, (socklen_t *)&fromlen)) > 0) {
111         if (from.ss_family == AF_INET) {
112             // IPv4
113             struct sockaddr_in *from4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)&from;
114             inet_addr_to_ip4addr(ip_2_ip4(&ep->recv_addr), &from4->sin_addr);
115             IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(ep->recv_addr, IPADDR_TYPE_V4);
116             data_head = (uint16_t)(sizeof(struct ip_hdr) + sizeof(struct icmp_echo_hdr));
117         }
119         else {
120             // IPv6
121             struct sockaddr_in6 *from6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&from;
122             inet6_addr_to_ip6addr(ip_2_ip6(&ep->recv_addr), &from6->sin6_addr);
123             IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(ep->recv_addr, IPADDR_TYPE_V6);
124             data_head = (uint16_t)(sizeof(struct ip6_hdr) + sizeof(struct icmp6_echo_hdr));
125         }
126 #endif
127         if (len >= data_head) {
128             if (IP_IS_V4_VAL(ep->recv_addr)) {              // Currently we process IPv4
129                 struct ip_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip_hdr *)buf;
130                 struct icmp_echo_hdr *iecho = (struct icmp_echo_hdr *)(buf + (IPH_HL(iphdr) * 4));
131                 if ((iecho->id == ep->packet_hdr->id) && (iecho->seqno == ep->packet_hdr->seqno)) {
132                     ep->received++;
133                     ep->ttl = iphdr->_ttl;
134                     ep->recv_len = lwip_ntohs(IPH_LEN(iphdr)) - data_head;  // The data portion of ICMP
135                     return len;
136                 }
137             }
139             else if (IP_IS_V6_VAL(ep->recv_addr)) {      // Currently we process IPv6
140                 struct ip6_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip6_hdr *)buf;
141                 struct icmp6_echo_hdr *iecho6 = (struct icmp6_echo_hdr *)(buf + sizeof(struct ip6_hdr)); // IPv6 head length is 40
142                 if ((iecho6->id == ep->packet_hdr->id) && (iecho6->seqno == ep->packet_hdr->seqno)) {
143                     ep->received++;
144                     ep->recv_len = IP6H_PLEN(iphdr) - sizeof(struct icmp6_echo_hdr); //The data portion of ICMPv6
145                     return len;
146                 }
147             }
148 #endif
149         }
150         fromlen = sizeof(from);
151     }
152     // if timeout, len will be -1
153     return len;
154 }
esp_ping_thread(void * args)156 static void esp_ping_thread(void *args)
157 {
158     esp_ping_t *ep = (esp_ping_t *)(args);
159     TickType_t last_wake;
160     struct timeval start_time, end_time;
161     int recv_ret;
163     while (1) {
164         /* wait for ping start signal */
165         if (ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, pdMS_TO_TICKS(PING_CHECK_START_TIMEOUT_MS))) {
166             /* initialize runtime statistics */
167             ep->packet_hdr->seqno = 0;
168             ep->transmitted = 0;
169             ep->received = 0;
170             ep->total_time_ms = 0;
172             last_wake = xTaskGetTickCount();
173             while ((ep->flags & PING_FLAGS_START) && ((ep->count == 0) || (ep->packet_hdr->seqno < ep->count))) {
174                 esp_ping_send(ep);
175                 gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
176                 recv_ret = esp_ping_receive(ep);
177                 gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL);
178                 ep->elapsed_time_ms = PING_TIME_DIFF_MS(end_time, start_time);
179                 ep->total_time_ms += ep->elapsed_time_ms;
180                 if (recv_ret >= 0) {
181                     if (ep->on_ping_success) {
182                         ep->on_ping_success((esp_ping_handle_t)ep, ep->cb_args);
183                     }
184                 } else {
185                     if (ep->on_ping_timeout) {
186                         ep->on_ping_timeout((esp_ping_handle_t)ep, ep->cb_args);
187                     }
188                 }
189                 if (pdMS_TO_TICKS(ep->interval_ms)) {
190                     vTaskDelayUntil(&last_wake, pdMS_TO_TICKS(ep->interval_ms)); // to get a more accurate delay
191                 }
192             }
193             /* batch of ping operations finished */
194             if (ep->on_ping_end) {
195                 ep->on_ping_end((esp_ping_handle_t)ep, ep->cb_args);
196             }
197         } else {
198             // check if ping has been de-initialized
199             if (!(ep->flags & PING_FLAGS_INIT)) {
200                 break;
201             }
202         }
203     }
204     /* before exit task, free all resources */
205     if (ep->packet_hdr) {
206         free(ep->packet_hdr);
207     }
208     if (ep->sock > 0) {
209         close(ep->sock);
210     }
211     free(ep);
212     vTaskDelete(NULL);
213 }
esp_ping_new_session(const esp_ping_config_t * config,const esp_ping_callbacks_t * cbs,esp_ping_handle_t * hdl_out)215 esp_err_t esp_ping_new_session(const esp_ping_config_t *config, const esp_ping_callbacks_t *cbs, esp_ping_handle_t *hdl_out)
216 {
217     esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL;
218     esp_ping_t *ep = NULL;
219     PING_CHECK(config, "ping config can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
220     PING_CHECK(hdl_out, "ping handle can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
222     ep = mem_calloc(1, sizeof(esp_ping_t));
223     PING_CHECK(ep, "no memory for esp_ping object", err, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM);
225     /* set INIT flag, so that ping task won't exit (must set before create ping task) */
226     ep->flags |= PING_FLAGS_INIT;
228     /* create ping thread */
229     BaseType_t xReturned = xTaskCreate(esp_ping_thread, "ping", config->task_stack_size, ep,
230                                        config->task_prio, &ep->ping_task_hdl);
231     PING_CHECK(xReturned == pdTRUE, "create ping task failed", err, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM);
233     /* callback functions */
234     if (cbs) {
235         ep->cb_args = cbs->cb_args;
236         ep->on_ping_end = cbs->on_ping_end;
237         ep->on_ping_timeout = cbs->on_ping_timeout;
238         ep->on_ping_success = cbs->on_ping_success;
239     }
240     /* set parameters for ping */
241     ep->recv_addr = config->target_addr;
242     ep->count = config->count;
243     ep->interval_ms = config->interval_ms;
244     ep->icmp_pkt_size = sizeof(struct icmp_echo_hdr) + config->data_size;
245     ep->packet_hdr = mem_calloc(1, ep->icmp_pkt_size);
246     PING_CHECK(ep->packet_hdr, "no memory for echo packet", err, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM);
247     /* set ICMP type and code field */
248     ep->packet_hdr->code = 0;
249     /* ping id should be unique, treat task handle as ping ID */
250     ep->packet_hdr->id = ((uint32_t)ep->ping_task_hdl) & 0xFFFF;
251     /* fill the additional data buffer with some data */
252     char *d = (char *)(ep->packet_hdr) + sizeof(struct icmp_echo_hdr);
253     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < config->data_size; i++) {
254         d[i] = 'A' + i;
255     }
257     /* create socket */
258     if (IP_IS_V4(&config->target_addr)
260         || ip6_addr_isipv4mappedipv6(ip_2_ip6(&config->target_addr))
261 #endif
262     ) {
263         ep->sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IP_PROTO_ICMP);
264     }
266     else {
267         ep->sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IP6_NEXTH_ICMP6);
268     }
269 #endif
270     PING_CHECK(ep->sock > 0, "create socket failed: %d", err, ESP_FAIL, ep->sock);
271     /* set if index */
272     if(config->interface) {
273         struct ifreq iface;
274         if(netif_index_to_name(config->interface, iface.ifr_name) == NULL) {
275             ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fail to find interface name with netif index %d", config->interface);
276             goto err;
277         }
278         if(setsockopt(ep->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, &iface, sizeof(iface)) != 0) {
279             ESP_LOGE(TAG, "fail to setsockopt SO_BINDTODEVICE");
280             goto err;
281         }
282     }
283     struct timeval timeout;
284     timeout.tv_sec = config->timeout_ms / 1000;
285     timeout.tv_usec = (config->timeout_ms % 1000) * 1000;
286     /* set receive timeout */
287     setsockopt(ep->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));
289     /* set tos */
290     setsockopt(ep->sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, &config->tos, sizeof(config->tos));
292     /* set socket address */
293     if (IP_IS_V4(&config->target_addr)) {
294         struct sockaddr_in *to4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ep->target_addr;
295         to4->sin_family = AF_INET;
296         inet_addr_from_ip4addr(&to4->sin_addr, ip_2_ip4(&config->target_addr));
297         ep->packet_hdr->type = ICMP_ECHO;
298     }
300     if (IP_IS_V6(&config->target_addr)) {
301         struct sockaddr_in6 *to6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ep->target_addr;
302         to6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
303         inet6_addr_from_ip6addr(&to6->sin6_addr, ip_2_ip6(&config->target_addr));
304         ep->packet_hdr->type = ICMP6_TYPE_EREQ;
305     }
306 #endif
307     /* return ping handle to user */
308     *hdl_out = (esp_ping_handle_t)ep;
309     return ESP_OK;
310 err:
311     if (ep) {
312         if (ep->sock > 0) {
313             close(ep->sock);
314         }
315         if (ep->packet_hdr) {
316             free(ep->packet_hdr);
317         }
318         if (ep->ping_task_hdl) {
319             vTaskDelete(ep->ping_task_hdl);
320         }
321         free(ep);
322     }
323     return ret;
324 }
esp_ping_delete_session(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)326 esp_err_t esp_ping_delete_session(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)
327 {
328     esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
329     esp_ping_t *ep = (esp_ping_t *)hdl;
330     PING_CHECK(ep, "ping handle can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
331     /* reset init flags, then ping task will exit */
332     ep->flags &= ~PING_FLAGS_INIT;
333     return ESP_OK;
334 err:
335     return ret;
336 }
esp_ping_start(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)338 esp_err_t esp_ping_start(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)
339 {
340     esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
341     esp_ping_t *ep = (esp_ping_t *)hdl;
342     PING_CHECK(ep, "ping handle can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
343     ep->flags |= PING_FLAGS_START;
344     xTaskNotifyGive(ep->ping_task_hdl);
345     return ESP_OK;
346 err:
347     return ret;
348 }
esp_ping_stop(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)350 esp_err_t esp_ping_stop(esp_ping_handle_t hdl)
351 {
352     esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
353     esp_ping_t *ep = (esp_ping_t *)hdl;
354     PING_CHECK(ep, "ping handle can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
355     ep->flags &= ~PING_FLAGS_START;
356     return ESP_OK;
357 err:
358     return ret;
359 }
esp_ping_get_profile(esp_ping_handle_t hdl,esp_ping_profile_t profile,void * data,uint32_t size)361 esp_err_t esp_ping_get_profile(esp_ping_handle_t hdl, esp_ping_profile_t profile, void *data, uint32_t size)
362 {
363     esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;
364     esp_ping_t *ep = (esp_ping_t *)hdl;
365     const void *from = NULL;
366     uint32_t copy_size = 0;
367     PING_CHECK(ep, "ping handle can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
368     PING_CHECK(data, "profile data can't be null", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG);
369     switch (profile) {
370     case ESP_PING_PROF_SEQNO:
371         from = &ep->packet_hdr->seqno;
372         copy_size = sizeof(ep->packet_hdr->seqno);
373         break;
374     case ESP_PING_PROF_TTL:
375         from = &ep->ttl;
376         copy_size = sizeof(ep->ttl);
377         break;
379         from = &ep->transmitted;
380         copy_size = sizeof(ep->transmitted);
381         break;
382     case ESP_PING_PROF_REPLY:
383         from = &ep->received;
384         copy_size = sizeof(ep->received);
385         break;
386     case ESP_PING_PROF_IPADDR:
387         from = &ep->recv_addr;
388         copy_size = sizeof(ep->recv_addr);
389         break;
390     case ESP_PING_PROF_SIZE:
391         from = &ep->recv_len;
392         copy_size = sizeof(ep->recv_len);
393         break;
395         from = &ep->elapsed_time_ms;
396         copy_size = sizeof(ep->elapsed_time_ms);
397         break;
399         from = &ep->total_time_ms;
400         copy_size = sizeof(ep->total_time_ms);
401         break;
402     default:
403         PING_CHECK(false, "unknow profile: %d", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, profile);
404         break;
405     }
406     PING_CHECK(size >= copy_size, "unmatched data size for profile %d", err, ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE, profile);
407     memcpy(data, from, copy_size);
408     return ESP_OK;
409 err:
410     return ret;
411 }