1FreeRTOS Additions
7ESP-IDF FreeRTOS is based on the Xtensa port of FreeRTOS v10.2.0 with significant modifications
8for SMP compatibility (see :doc:`ESP-IDF FreeRTOS SMP Changes<../../api-guides/freertos-smp>`).
9However various features specific to ESP-IDF FreeRTOS have been added. The features are as follows:
11:ref:`ring-buffers`: Ring buffers were added to provide a form of buffer that could accept
12entries of arbitrary lengths.
14:ref:`hooks`: ESP-IDF FreeRTOS hooks provides support for registering extra Idle and
15Tick hooks at run time. Moreover, the hooks can be asymmetric amongst both CPUs.
17:ref:`component-specific-properties`: Currently added only one component specific property `ORIG_INCLUDE_PATH`.
20.. _ring-buffers:
22Ring Buffers
25The ESP-IDF FreeRTOS ring buffer is a strictly FIFO buffer that supports arbitrarily sized items.
26Ring buffers are a more memory efficient alternative to FreeRTOS queues in situations where the
27size of items is variable. The capacity of a ring buffer is not measured by the number of items
28it can store, but rather by the amount of memory used for storing items. The ring buffer provides API
29to send an item, or to allocate space for an item in the ring buffer to be filled manually by the user.
30For efficiency reasons,
31**items are always retrieved from the ring buffer by reference**. As a result, all retrieved
32items *must also be returned* to the ring buffer by using :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItem` or :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItemFromISR`, in order for them to be removed from the ring buffer completely.
33The ring buffers are split into the three following types:
35**No-Split** buffers will guarantee that an item is stored in contiguous memory and will not
36attempt to split an item under any circumstances. Use no-split buffers when items must occupy
37contiguous memory. *Only this buffer type allows you getting the data item address and writting
38to the item by yourself.*
40**Allow-Split** buffers will allow an item to be split when wrapping around if doing so will allow
41the item to be stored. Allow-split buffers are more memory efficient than no-split buffers but
42can return an item in two parts when retrieving.
44**Byte buffers** do not store data as separate items. All data is stored as a sequence of bytes,
45and any number of bytes and be sent or retrieved each time. Use byte buffers when separate items
46do not need to be maintained (e.g. a byte stream).
48.. note::
49    No-split/allow-split buffers will always store items at 32-bit aligned addresses. Therefore when
50    retrieving an item, the item pointer is guaranteed to be 32-bit aligned. This is useful
51    especially when you need to send some data to the DMA.
53.. note::
54    Each item stored in no-split/allow-split buffers will **require an additional 8 bytes for a header**.
55    Item sizes will also be rounded up to a 32-bit aligned size (multiple of 4 bytes), however the true
56    item size is recorded within the header. The sizes of no-split/allow-split buffers will also
57    be rounded up when created.
62The following example demonstrates the usage of :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCreate`
63and :cpp:func:`xRingbufferSend` to create a ring buffer then send an item to it.
65.. code-block:: c
67    #include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
68    static char tx_item[] = "test_item";
70    ...
72        //Create ring buffer
73        RingbufHandle_t buf_handle;
74        buf_handle = xRingbufferCreate(1028, RINGBUF_TYPE_NOSPLIT);
75        if (buf_handle == NULL) {
76            printf("Failed to create ring buffer\n");
77        }
79        //Send an item
80        UBaseType_t res =  xRingbufferSend(buf_handle, tx_item, sizeof(tx_item), pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
81        if (res != pdTRUE) {
82            printf("Failed to send item\n");
83        }
85The following example demonstrates the usage of :cpp:func:`xRingbufferSendAcquire` and
86:cpp:func:`xRingbufferSendComplete` instead of :cpp:func:`xRingbufferSend` to apply for the
87memory on the ring buffer (of type `RINGBUF_TYPE_NOSPLIT`) and then send an item to it. This way
88adds one more step, but allows getting the address of the memory to write to, and writing to the
89memory yourself.
91.. code-block:: c
93    #include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
94    #include "soc/lldesc.h"
96    typedef struct {
97        lldesc_t dma_desc;
98        uint8_t buf[1];
99    } dma_item_t;
101    #define DMA_ITEM_SIZE(N) (sizeof(lldesc_t)+(((N)+3)&(~3)))
103    ...
105        //Retrieve space for DMA descriptor and corresponding data buffer
106        //This has to be done with SendAcquire, or the address may be different when copy
107        dma_item_t item;
108        UBaseType_t res =  xRingbufferSendAcquire(buf_handle,
109                            &item, DMA_ITEM_SIZE(buffer_size), pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
110        if (res != pdTRUE) {
111            printf("Failed to acquire memory for item\n");
112        }
113        item->dma_desc = (lldesc_t) {
114            .size = buffer_size,
115            .length = buffer_size,
116            .eof = 0,
117            .owner = 1,
118            .buf = &item->buf,
119        };
120        //Actually send to the ring buffer for consumer to use
121        res = xRingbufferSendComplete(buf_handle, &item);
122        if (res != pdTRUE) {
123            printf("Failed to send item\n");
124        }
126The following example demonstrates retrieving and returning an item from a **no-split ring buffer**
127using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceive` and :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItem`
129.. code-block:: c
131    ...
133        //Receive an item from no-split ring buffer
134        size_t item_size;
135        char *item = (char *)xRingbufferReceive(buf_handle, &item_size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
137        //Check received item
138        if (item != NULL) {
139            //Print item
140            for (int i = 0; i < item_size; i++) {
141                printf("%c", item[i]);
142            }
143            printf("\n");
144            //Return Item
145            vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)item);
146        } else {
147            //Failed to receive item
148            printf("Failed to receive item\n");
149        }
152The following example demonstrates retrieving and returning an item from an **allow-split ring buffer**
153using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveSplit` and :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItem`
155.. code-block:: c
157    ...
159        //Receive an item from allow-split ring buffer
160        size_t item_size1, item_size2;
161        char *item1, *item2;
162        BaseType_t ret = xRingbufferReceiveSplit(buf_handle, (void **)&item1, (void **)&item2, &item_size1, &item_size2, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
164        //Check received item
165        if (ret == pdTRUE && item1 != NULL) {
166            for (int i = 0; i < item_size1; i++) {
167                printf("%c", item1[i]);
168            }
169            vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)item1);
170            //Check if item was split
171            if (item2 != NULL) {
172                for (int i = 0; i < item_size2; i++) {
173                    printf("%c", item2[i]);
174                }
175                vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)item2);
176            }
177            printf("\n");
178        } else {
179            //Failed to receive item
180            printf("Failed to receive item\n");
181        }
184The following example demonstrates retrieving and returning an item from a **byte buffer**
185using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveUpTo` and :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItem`
187.. code-block:: c
189    ...
191        //Receive data from byte buffer
192        size_t item_size;
193        char *item = (char *)xRingbufferReceiveUpTo(buf_handle, &item_size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000), sizeof(tx_item));
195        //Check received data
196        if (item != NULL) {
197            //Print item
198            for (int i = 0; i < item_size; i++) {
199                printf("%c", item[i]);
200            }
201            printf("\n");
202            //Return Item
203            vRingbufferReturnItem(buf_handle, (void *)item);
204        } else {
205            //Failed to receive item
206            printf("Failed to receive item\n");
207        }
210For ISR safe versions of the functions used above, call :cpp:func:`xRingbufferSendFromISR`, :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveFromISR`,
211:cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveSplitFromISR`, :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveUpToFromISR`, and :cpp:func:`vRingbufferReturnItemFromISR`
213.. note::
215    Two calls to RingbufferReceive[UpTo][FromISR]() are required if the bytes wraps around the end of the ring buffer.
217Sending to Ring Buffer
220The following diagrams illustrate the differences between no-split/allow-split buffers
221and byte buffers with regards to sending items/data. The diagrams assume that three
222items of sizes **18, 3, and 27 bytes** are sent respectively to a **buffer of 128 bytes**.
224.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_send_non_byte_buf.diag
225    :caption: Sending items to no-split/allow-split ring buffers
226    :align: center
228For no-split/allow-split buffers, a header of 8 bytes precedes every data item. Furthermore, the space
229occupied by each item is **rounded up to the nearest 32-bit aligned size** in order to maintain overall
23032-bit alignment. However the true size of the item is recorded inside the header which will be
231returned when the item is retrieved.
233Referring to the diagram above, the 18, 3, and 27 byte items are **rounded up to 20, 4, and 28 bytes**
234respectively. An 8 byte header is then added in front of each item.
236.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_send_byte_buf.diag
237    :caption: Sending items to byte buffers
238    :align: center
240Byte buffers treat data as a sequence of bytes and does not incur any overhead
241(no headers). As a result, all data sent to a byte buffer is merged into a single item.
243Referring to the diagram above, the 18, 3, and 27 byte items are sequentially written to the
244byte buffer and **merged into a single item of 48 bytes**.
246Using SendAcquire and SendComplete
249Items in no-split buffers are acquired (by SendAcquire) in strict FIFO order and must be sent to
250the buffer by SendComplete for the data to be accessible by the consumer. Multiple items can be
251sent or acquired without calling SendComplete, and the items do not necessarily need to be
252completed in the order they were acquired. However the receiving of data items must occur in FIFO
253order, therefore not calling SendComplete the earliest acquired item will prevent the subsequent
254items from being received.
256The following diagrams illustrate what will happen when SendAcquire/SendComplete don't happen in
257the same order. At the beginning, there is already an data item of 16 bytes sent to the ring
258buffer. Then SendAcquire is called to acquire space of 20, 8, 24 bytes on the ring buffer.
260.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_send_acquire_complete.diag
261    :caption: SendAcquire/SendComplete items in no-split ring buffers
262    :align: center
264After that, we fill (use) the buffers, and send them to the ring buffer by SendComplete in the
265order of 8, 24, 20. When 8 bytes and 24 bytes data are sent, the consumer still can only get the
26616 bytes data item. Due to the usage if 20 bytes item is not complete, it's not available, nor
267the following data items.
269When the 20 bytes item is finally completed, all the 3 data items can be received now, in the
270order of 20, 8, 24 bytes, right after the 16 bytes item existing in the buffer at the beginning.
272Allow-split/byte buffers do not allow using SendAcquire/SendComplete since acquired buffers are
273required to be complete (not wrapped).
276Wrap around
279The following diagrams illustrate the differences between no-split, allow-split, and byte
280buffers when a sent item requires a wrap around. The diagrams assumes a buffer of **128 bytes**
281with **56 bytes of free space that wraps around** and a sent item of **28 bytes**.
283.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_wrap_no_split.diag
284    :caption: Wrap around in no-split buffers
285    :align: center
287No-split buffers will **only store an item in continuous free space and will not split
288an item under any circumstances**. When the free space at the tail of the buffer is insufficient
289to completely store the item and its header, the free space at the tail will be **marked as dummy data**.
290The buffer will then wrap around and store the item in the free space at the head of the buffer.
292Referring to the diagram above, the 16 bytes of free space at the tail of the buffer is
293insufficient to store the 28 byte item. Therefore the 16 bytes is marked as dummy data and
294the item is written to the free space at the head of the buffer instead.
296.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_wrap_allow_split.diag
297    :caption: Wrap around in allow-split buffers
298    :align: center
300Allow-split buffers will attempt to **split the item into two parts** when the free space at the tail
301of the buffer is insufficient to store the item data and its header. Both parts of the
302split item will have their own headers (therefore incurring an extra 8 bytes of overhead).
304Referring to the diagram above, the 16 bytes of free space at the tail of the buffer is insufficient
305to store the 28 byte item. Therefore the item is split into two parts (8 and 20 bytes) and written
306as two parts to the buffer.
308.. note::
309    Allow-split buffers treats the both parts of the split item as two separate items, therefore call
310    :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveSplit` instead of :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceive` to receive both
311    parts of a split item in a thread safe manner.
313.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_wrap_byte_buf.diag
314    :caption: Wrap around in byte buffers
315    :align: center
317Byte buffers will **store as much data as possible into the free space at the tail of buffer**. The remaining
318data will then be stored in the free space at the head of the buffer. No overhead is incurred when wrapping
319around in byte buffers.
321Referring to the diagram above, the 16 bytes of free space at the tail of the buffer is insufficient to
322completely store the 28 bytes of data. Therefore the 16 bytes of free space is filled with data, and the
323remaining 12 bytes are written to the free space at the head of the buffer. The buffer now contains
324data in two separate continuous parts, and each part continuous will be treated as a separate item by the
325byte buffer.
330The following diagrams illustrates the differences between no-split/allow-split and
331byte buffers in retrieving and returning data.
333.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_read_ret_non_byte_buf.diag
334    :caption: Retrieving/Returning items in no-split/allow-split ring buffers
335    :align: center
337Items in no-split/allow-split buffers are **retrieved in strict FIFO order** and **must be returned**
338for the occupied space to be freed. Multiple items can be retrieved before returning, and the items
339do not necessarily need to be returned in the order they were retrieved. However the freeing of space
340must occur in FIFO order, therefore not returning the earliest retrieved item will prevent the space
341of subsequent items from being freed.
343Referring to the diagram above, the **16, 20, and 8 byte items are retrieved in FIFO order**. However the items
344are not returned in they were retrieved (20, 8, 16). As such, the space is not freed until the first item
345(16 byte) is returned.
347.. packetdiag:: ../../../_static/diagrams/ring-buffer/ring_buffer_read_ret_byte_buf.diag
348    :caption: Retrieving/Returning data in byte buffers
349    :align: center
351Byte buffers **do not allow multiple retrievals before returning** (every retrieval must be followed by a return
352before another retrieval is permitted). When using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceive` or
353:cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveFromISR`, all continuous stored data will be retrieved. :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveUpTo`
354or :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveUpToFromISR` can be used to restrict the maximum number of bytes retrieved. Since
355every retrieval must be followed by a return, the space will be freed as soon as the data is returned.
357Referring to the diagram above, the 38 bytes of continuous stored data at the tail of the buffer is retrieved,
358returned, and freed. The next call to :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceive` or :cpp:func:`xRingbufferReceiveFromISR`
359then wraps around and does the same to the 30 bytes of continuous stored data at the head of the buffer.
361Ring Buffers with Queue Sets
364Ring buffers can be added to FreeRTOS queue sets using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferAddToQueueSetRead` such that every
365time a ring buffer receives an item or data, the queue set is notified. Once added to a queue set, every
366attempt to retrieve an item from a ring buffer should be preceded by a call to :cpp:func:`xQueueSelectFromSet`.
367To check whether the selected queue set member is the ring buffer, call :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCanRead`.
369The following example demonstrates queue set usage with ring buffers.
371.. code-block:: c
373    #include "freertos/queue.h"
374    #include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
376    ...
378        //Create ring buffer and queue set
379        RingbufHandle_t buf_handle = xRingbufferCreate(1028, RINGBUF_TYPE_NOSPLIT);
380        QueueSetHandle_t queue_set = xQueueCreateSet(3);
382        //Add ring buffer to queue set
383        if (xRingbufferAddToQueueSetRead(buf_handle, queue_set) != pdTRUE) {
384            printf("Failed to add to queue set\n");
385        }
387    ...
389        //Block on queue set
390        xQueueSetMemberHandle member = xQueueSelectFromSet(queue_set, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000));
392        //Check if member is ring buffer
393        if (member != NULL && xRingbufferCanRead(buf_handle, member) == pdTRUE) {
394            //Member is ring buffer, receive item from ring buffer
395            size_t item_size;
396            char *item = (char *)xRingbufferReceive(buf_handle, &item_size, 0);
398            //Handle item
399            ...
401        } else {
402            ...
403        }
405Ring Buffers with Static Allocation
408The :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCreateStatic` can be used to create ring buffers with specific memory requirements (such as a ring buffer being allocated in external RAM). All blocks of memory used by a ring buffer must be manually allocated beforehand then passed to the :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCreateStatic` to be initialized as a ring buffer. These blocks include the following:
410- The ring buffer's data structure of type :cpp:type:`StaticRingbuffer_t`
411- The ring buffer's storage area of size ``xBufferSize``. Note that ``xBufferSize`` must be 32-bit aligned for no-split/allow-split buffers.
413The manner in which these blocks are allocated will depend on the users requirements (e.g. all blocks being statically declared, or dynamically allocated with specific capabilities such as external RAM).
415.. note::
416    When deleting a ring buffer created via :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCreateStatic`,
417    the function :cpp:func:`vRingbufferDelete` will not free any of the memory blocks. This must be done manually by the user after :cpp:func:`vRingbufferDelete` is called.
419The code snippet below demonstrates a ring buffer being allocated entirely in external RAM.
421.. code-block:: c
423    #include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
424    #include "freertos/semphr.h"
425    #include "esp_heap_caps.h"
427    #define BUFFER_SIZE     400      //32-bit aligned size
429    ...
431    //Allocate ring buffer data structure and storage area into external RAM
432    StaticRingbuffer_t *buffer_struct = (StaticRingbuffer_t *)heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(StaticRingbuffer_t), MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
433    uint8_t *buffer_storage = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*BUFFER_SIZE, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
435    //Create a ring buffer with manually allocated memory
436    RingbufHandle_t handle = xRingbufferCreateStatic(BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_TYPE, buffer_storage, buffer_struct);
438    ...
440    //Delete the ring buffer after used
441    vRingbufferDelete(handle);
443    //Manually free all blocks of memory
444    free(buffer_struct);
445    free(buffer_storage);
448Ring Buffer API Reference
451.. note::
452    Ideally, ring buffers can be used with multiple tasks in an SMP fashion where the **highest
453    priority task will always be serviced first.** However due to the usage of binary semaphores
454    in the ring buffer's underlying implementation, priority inversion may occur under very
455    specific circumstances.
457    The ring buffer governs sending by a binary semaphore which is given whenever space is
458    freed on the ring buffer. The highest priority task waiting to send will repeatedly take
459    the semaphore until sufficient free space becomes available or until it times out. Ideally
460    this should prevent any lower priority tasks from being serviced as the semaphore should
461    always be given to the highest priority task.
463    However in between iterations of acquiring the semaphore, there is a **gap in the critical
464    section** which may permit another task (on the other core or with an even higher priority) to
465    free some space on the ring buffer and as a result give the semaphore. Therefore the semaphore
466    will be given before the highest priority task can re-acquire the semaphore. This will result
467    in the **semaphore being acquired by the second highest priority task** waiting to send, hence
468    causing priority inversion.
470    This side effect will not affect ring buffer performance drastically given if the number
471    of tasks using the ring buffer simultaneously is low, and the ring buffer is not operating
472    near maximum capacity.
474.. include-build-file:: inc/ringbuf.inc
477.. _hooks:
482FreeRTOS consists of Idle Hooks and Tick Hooks which allow for application
483specific functionality to be added to the Idle Task and Tick Interrupt.
484ESP-IDF provides its own Idle and Tick Hook API in addition to the hooks
485provided by Vanilla FreeRTOS. ESP-IDF hooks have the added benefit of
486being run time configurable and asymmetrical.
488Vanilla FreeRTOS Hooks
491Idle and Tick Hooks in vanilla FreeRTOS are implemented by the user
492defining the functions ``vApplicationIdleHook()`` and  ``vApplicationTickHook()``
493respectively somewhere in the application. Vanilla FreeRTOS will run the user
494defined Idle Hook and Tick Hook on every iteration of the Idle Task and Tick
495Interrupt respectively.
497Vanilla FreeRTOS hooks are referred to as **Legacy Hooks** in ESP-IDF FreeRTOS.
498To enable legacy hooks, :ref:`CONFIG_FREERTOS_LEGACY_HOOKS` should be enabled
499in :doc:`project configuration menu </api-reference/kconfig>`.
501Due to vanilla FreeRTOS being designed for single core, ``vApplicationIdleHook()``
502and ``vApplicationTickHook()`` can only be defined once. However, the ESP32 is dual core
503in nature, therefore same Idle Hook and Tick Hook are used for both cores (in other words,
504the hooks are symmetrical for both cores).
506In a dual core system, ``vApplicationTickHook()`` must be located in IRAM (for example
507by adding the IRAM_ATTR attribute).
509ESP-IDF Idle and Tick Hooks
511Due to the the dual core nature of the ESP32, it may be necessary for some
512applications to have separate hooks for each core. Furthermore, it may
513be necessary for the Idle Tasks or Tick Interrupts to execute multiple hooks
514that are configurable at run time. Therefore the ESP-IDF provides it's own hooks
515API in addition to the legacy hooks provided by Vanilla FreeRTOS.
517The ESP-IDF tick/idle hooks are registered at run time, and each tick/idle hook
518must be registered to a specific CPU. When the idle task runs/tick Interrupt
519occurs on a particular CPU, the CPU will run each of its registered idle/tick hooks
520in turn.
523Hooks API Reference
526.. include-build-file:: inc/esp_freertos_hooks.inc
529.. _component-specific-properties:
531Component Specific Properties
534Besides standart component variables that could be gotten with basic cmake build properties FreeRTOS component also provides an arguments (only one so far) for simpler integration with other modules:
536- `ORIG_INCLUDE_PATH` -  contains an absolute path to freertos root include folder. Thus instead of `#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"` you can refer to headers directly: `#include "FreeRTOS.h"`.