1 // Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 /*
16  Tests for the adc device driver on ESP32-S2 only
17 */
18 #include "sdkconfig.h"
22 #include "esp_system.h"
23 #include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
24 #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
25 #include "freertos/task.h"
26 #include "freertos/queue.h"
27 #include "driver/adc.h"
28 #include "driver/rtc_io.h"
29 #include "driver/gpio.h"
30 #include "unity.h"
31 #include "esp_system.h"
32 #include "esp_event.h"
33 #include "esp_wifi.h"
34 #include "esp_log.h"
35 #include "nvs_flash.h"
36 #include "test_utils.h"
37 #include "soc/adc_periph.h"
38 #include "test/test_common_adc.h"
39 #include "esp_rom_sys.h"
40 #include "driver/dac.h"
42 #include "soc/system_reg.h"
43 #include "soc/spi_reg.h"
44 #include "soc/soc.h"
45 #include "soc/lldesc.h"
46 #include "test/test_adc_dac_dma.h"
48 static const char *TAG = "test_adc";
50 #define PLATFORM_SELECT            (1)  //0: pxp; 1: chip
51 #if (PLATFORM_SELECT == 0)              //PXP platform
52 #include "soc/apb_ctrl_reg.h"
54 //PXP clk is slower.
55 #define SYS_DELAY_TIME_MOM    (1/40)
56 #define RTC_SLOW_CLK_FLAG     1     // Slow clock is 32KHz.
test_pxp_deinit_io(void)57 static void test_pxp_deinit_io(void)
58 {
59     for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
60         rtc_gpio_init(i);
61     }
62 }
63 #else
64 //PXP clk is slower.
65 #define SET_BREAK_POINT(flag)
66 #define SYS_DELAY_TIME_MOM    (1)
67 #define RTC_SLOW_CLK_FLAG     0     // Slow clock is 32KHz.
68 #endif
70 #define ADC_REG_BASE_TEST() ({    \
74 })
75 /** Sample rate = APB_CLK(80 MHz) / (CLK_DIV + 1) / TRIGGER_INTERVAL / 2. */
77 #define TEST_ADC_DIGI_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT     (9)
78 static uint8_t adc_test_num = 9;
79 static adc_channel_t adc_list[SOC_ADC_PATT_LEN_MAX] = {
80     ADC_CHANNEL_0,
81     ADC_CHANNEL_1,
82     ADC_CHANNEL_2,
83     ADC_CHANNEL_3,
84     ADC_CHANNEL_4,
85     ADC_CHANNEL_5,
86     ADC_CHANNEL_6,
87     // ADC_CHANNEL_7, // Workaround: IO18 is pullup outside in ESP32S2-Saola Runner.
88     ADC_CHANNEL_8,
89     ADC_CHANNEL_9,
90 };
91 /* For ESP32S2, it should use same atten, or, it will have error. */
94 extern esp_err_t adc_digi_reset(void);
96 /* Work mode.
97  * single: eof_num;
98  * double: SAR_EOF_NUMBER/2;
99  * alter: eof_num;
100  * */
101 #define SAR_SIMPLE_NUM  512  // Set sample number of enabled unit.
102 /* Use two DMA linker to save ADC data. ADC sample 1 times -> 2 byte data -> 2 DMA link buf. */
103 #define SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE(unit, sample_num)     (SAR_EOF_NUMBER(unit, sample_num))
104 #define SAR_EOF_NUMBER(unit, sample_num)        ((sample_num) * (unit))
105 #define SAR_MEAS_LIMIT_NUM(unit, sample_num)    (SAR_SIMPLE_NUM)
106 #define SAR_SIMPLE_TIMEOUT_MS  1000
108 typedef struct dma_msg {
109     uint32_t int_msk;
110     uint8_t *data;
111     uint32_t data_len;
112 } adc_dma_event_t;
114 static uint8_t link_buf[2][SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE(2, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM)] = {0};
115 static lldesc_t dma1 = {0};
116 static lldesc_t dma2 = {0};
117 static QueueHandle_t que_adc = NULL;
118 static adc_dma_event_t adc_evt;
120 /** ADC-DMA ISR handler. */
adc_dma_isr(void * arg)121 static IRAM_ATTR void adc_dma_isr(void *arg)
122 {
123     uint32_t int_st = REG_READ(SPI_DMA_INT_ST_REG(3));
124     int task_awoken = pdFALSE;
125     REG_WRITE(SPI_DMA_INT_CLR_REG(3), int_st);
126     if (int_st & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ST_M) {
127         adc_evt.int_msk = int_st;
128         xQueueSendFromISR(que_adc, &adc_evt, &task_awoken);
129     }
130     if (int_st & SPI_IN_DONE_INT_ST) {
131         adc_evt.int_msk = int_st;
132         xQueueSendFromISR(que_adc, &adc_evt, &task_awoken);
133     }
134     ESP_EARLY_LOGV(TAG, "int msk%x\n", int_st);
135     if (task_awoken == pdTRUE) {
136         portYIELD_FROM_ISR();
137     }
138 }
140 /**
141  * DMA liner initialization and start.
142  * @param is_loop
143  *     - true: The two dma linked lists are connected end to end, with no end mark (eof).
144  *     - false: The two dma linked lists are connected end to end, with end mark (eof).
145  */
adc_dma_linker_init(adc_unit_t adc,bool is_loop)146 static uint32_t adc_dma_linker_init(adc_unit_t adc, bool is_loop)
147 {
148     dma1 = (lldesc_t) {
149         .size = SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM),
150         .owner = 1,
151         .buf = &link_buf[0][0],
152         .qe.stqe_next = &dma2,
153     };
154     dma2 = (lldesc_t) {
155         .size = SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM),
156         .owner = 1,
157         .buf = &link_buf[1][0],
158     };
159     if (is_loop) {
160         dma2.qe.stqe_next = &dma1;
161     } else {
162         dma2.qe.stqe_next = NULL;
163     }
164     return (uint32_t)&dma1;
165 }
167 #define DEBUG_CHECK_ENABLE  1
168 #define DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLE  1
169 #define DEBUG_CHECK_ERROR   10
171 /**
172  * Check the ADC-DMA data in linker buffer by input level.
173  * ideal_level
174  *     - -1: Don't check data.
175  *     -  0: ADC channel voltage is 0v.
176  *     -  1: ADC channel voltage is 3.3v.
177  *     -  2: ADC channel voltage is 1.4v.
178  */
adc_dma_data_check(adc_unit_t adc,int ideal_level)179 static esp_err_t adc_dma_data_check(adc_unit_t adc, int ideal_level)
180 {
181     int unit_old = 1;
182     int ch_cnt = 0;
183     for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 2; cnt++) {
184         esp_rom_printf("\n[%s] link_buf[%d]: \n", __func__, cnt % 2);
185         for (int i = 0; i < SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM); i += 2) {
186             uint8_t h = link_buf[cnt % 2][i + 1], l = link_buf[cnt % 2][i];
187             uint16_t temp = (h << 8 | l);
188             adc_digi_output_data_t *data = (adc_digi_output_data_t *)&temp;
190             if (adc > ADC_UNIT_2) {  //ADC_ENCODE_11BIT
192                 if (i % 16 == 0) {
193                     esp_rom_printf("\n");
194                 }
195                 esp_rom_printf("[%d_%d_%04x] ", data->type2.unit, data->type2.channel, data->type2.data);
196 #endif
198                 if (ideal_level >= 0) {
199                     TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(unit_old, data->type2.unit);
200                     unit_old = data->type2.unit;
201                     if (data->type2.channel > ADC_CHANNEL_MAX) {
202                         printf("Data invalid [%d]\n", data->type2.channel);
203                         continue;
204                     }
205                     int cur_ch = ((ch_cnt++ / 2) % adc_test_num);
206                     TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( data->type2.channel, adc_list[cur_ch] );
207                 }
208                 if (ideal_level == 1) {         // high level 3.3v
209                     TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0x7FF, data->type2.data );
210                 } else if (ideal_level == 0) {  // low level 0v
211                     TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( 10, data->type2.data );
212                 } else if (ideal_level == 2) {  // middle level 1.4v
213                     TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN( 128, 1100, data->type2.data );
214                 } else if (ideal_level == 3) {  // normal level
215                 } else { // no check
216                 }
217 #endif
218             } else {        //ADC_ENCODE_12BIT
220                 if (i % 16 == 0) {
221                     esp_rom_printf("\n");
222                 }
223                 esp_rom_printf("[%d_%04x] ", data->type1.channel, data->type1.data);
224 #endif
226                 if (ideal_level >= 0) {
227                     int cur_ch = ((ch_cnt++) % adc_test_num);
228                     TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( adc_list[cur_ch], data->type1.channel );
229                 }
230                 if (ideal_level == 1) {         // high level 3.3v
231                     TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0XFFF, data->type1.data );
232                 } else if (ideal_level == 0) {  // low level 0v
233                     TEST_ASSERT_LESS_THAN( 10, data->type1.data );
234                 } else if (ideal_level == 2) {  // middle level 1.4v
235                     TEST_ASSERT_INT_WITHIN( 256, 2200, data->type1.data );
236                 } else if (ideal_level == 3) {  // normal level
237                 } else { // no check
238                 }
239 #endif
240             }
241             link_buf[cnt % 2][i] = 0;
242             link_buf[cnt % 2][i + 1] = 0;
243         }
244         esp_rom_printf("\n");
245     }
246     return ESP_OK;
247 }
adc_dma_data_multi_st_check(adc_unit_t adc,void * dma_addr,uint32_t int_mask)249 static esp_err_t adc_dma_data_multi_st_check(adc_unit_t adc, void *dma_addr, uint32_t int_mask)
250 {
251     adc_dma_event_t evt;
253     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adc IO normal, test ...");
254     for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
255         adc_io_normal(adc, adc_list[i]);
256     }
257     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_start() );
258     while (1) {
259         TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( xQueueReceive(que_adc, &evt, SAR_SIMPLE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS), pdTRUE );
260         if (evt.int_msk & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA) {
261             break;
262         }
263     }
264     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_stop() );
265     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
266     adc_digi_reset();
267     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_dma_data_check(adc, -1) ); // Don't check data.
269     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adc IO fake tie high, test ...");
270     for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
271         adc_fake_tie_high(adc, adc_list[i]);
272     }
273     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_start() );
274     while (1) {
275         TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( xQueueReceive(que_adc, &evt, SAR_SIMPLE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS), pdTRUE );
276         if (evt.int_msk & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA) {
277             break;
278         }
279     }
280     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_stop() );
281     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
282     adc_digi_reset();
283     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_dma_data_check(adc, 1) );
285     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adc IO fake tie low, test ...");
286     for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
287         adc_fake_tie_low(adc, adc_list[i]);
288     }
289     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_start() );
290     while (1) {
291         TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( xQueueReceive(que_adc, &evt, SAR_SIMPLE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS), pdTRUE );
292         if (evt.int_msk & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA) {
293             break;
294         }
295     }
296     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_stop() );
297     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
298     adc_digi_reset();
299     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_dma_data_check(adc, 0) );
301     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adc IO fake tie middle, test ...");
302     for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
303         adc_fake_tie_middle(adc, adc_list[i]);
304     }
305     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_start() );
306     while (1) {
307         TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( xQueueReceive(que_adc, &evt, SAR_SIMPLE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS), pdTRUE );
308         if (evt.int_msk & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA) {
309             break;
310         }
311     }
312     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_stop() );
313     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
314     adc_digi_reset();
315     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_dma_data_check(adc, 2) );
317     return ESP_OK;
318 }
320 #include "soc/apb_saradc_struct.h"
321 /**
322  * Test the partten table setting. It's easy wrong.
323  *
324  * @param adc_n ADC unit.
325  * @param in_partten_len The length of partten be set.
326  * @param in_last_ch The channel number of the last message.
327  */
adc_check_patt_table(adc_unit_t adc,uint32_t in_partten_len,adc_channel_t in_last_ch)328 static esp_err_t adc_check_patt_table(adc_unit_t adc, uint32_t in_partten_len, adc_channel_t in_last_ch)
329 {
330     esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL;
331     uint8_t index = (in_partten_len - 1) / 4;
332     uint8_t offset = 24 - ((in_partten_len - 1) % 4) * 8;
333     uint32_t temp = 0, len;
335     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_1) {
336         len = APB_SARADC.ctrl.sar1_patt_len + 1;
337         temp = APB_SARADC.sar1_patt_tab[index];
338         printf("patt1 len %d\n", len);
339         printf("patt1 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar1_patt_tab[0]);
340         printf("patt1 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar1_patt_tab[1]);
341         printf("patt1 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar1_patt_tab[2]);
342         printf("patt1 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar1_patt_tab[3]);
343         if (in_partten_len == len) {
344             if (in_last_ch == (((temp >> (offset + 4))) & 0xf)) {
345                 ret = ESP_OK;
346             }
347         }
348     }
349     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_2) {
350         len = APB_SARADC.ctrl.sar2_patt_len + 1;
351         temp = APB_SARADC.sar2_patt_tab[index];
352         printf("patt2 len %d\n", len);
353         printf("patt2 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar2_patt_tab[0]);
354         printf("patt2 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar2_patt_tab[1]);
355         printf("patt2 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar2_patt_tab[2]);
356         printf("patt2 0x%08x\n", APB_SARADC.sar2_patt_tab[3]);
357         if (in_partten_len == len) {
358             if (in_last_ch == (((temp >> (offset + 4))) & 0xf)) {
359                 ret = ESP_OK;
360             }
361         }
362     }
363     return ret;
364 }
366 /**
367  * Testcase: Check the base function of ADC-DMA. Include:
368  * - Various conversion modes.
369  * - Whether the channel and data are lost.
370  * - Whether the data is the same as the channel voltage.
371  */
test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(adc_unit_t adc)372 int test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(adc_unit_t adc)
373 {
374     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  >> %s <<  ", __func__);
375     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  >> adc unit: %x <<  ", adc);
377     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_init() );
378     /* arbiter config */
379     adc_arbiter_t arb_cfg = {
380         .mode = ADC_ARB_MODE_FIX,
381         .dig_pri = 0,
382         .pwdet_pri = 2,
383         .rtc_pri = 1,
384     };
385     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_arbiter_config(ADC_UNIT_2, &arb_cfg) );   // If you want use force
387     adc_digi_config_t config = {
388         .conv_limit_en = false,
389         .conv_limit_num = 0,
390         .interval = TEST_ADC_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_DEFAULT,
391         .dig_clk.use_apll = 0,  // APB clk
392         .dig_clk.div_num = TEST_ADC_DIGI_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT,
393         .dig_clk.div_b = 0,
394         .dig_clk.div_a = 0,
395         .dma_eof_num = SAR_EOF_NUMBER((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM),
396     };
397     /* Config pattern table */
398     adc_digi_pattern_table_t adc1_patt[SOC_ADC_PATT_LEN_MAX] = {0};
399     adc_digi_pattern_table_t adc2_patt[SOC_ADC_PATT_LEN_MAX] = {0};
400     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_1) {
401         config.adc1_pattern_len = adc_test_num;
402         config.adc1_pattern = adc1_patt;
403         for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
404             adc1_patt[i].atten = TEST_ADC_ATTEN_DEFAULT;
405             adc1_patt[i].channel = adc_list[i];
406             adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_1, adc_list[i]);
407         }
408     }
409     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_2) {
410         config.adc2_pattern_len = adc_test_num;
411         config.adc2_pattern = adc2_patt;
412         for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
413             adc2_patt[i].atten = TEST_ADC_ATTEN_DEFAULT;
414             adc2_patt[i].channel = adc_list[i];
415             adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_2, adc_list[i]);
416         }
417     }
418     if (adc == ADC_UNIT_1) {
419         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_SINGLE_UNIT_1;
420         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_12BIT;
421     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_2) {
422         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_SINGLE_UNIT_2;
423         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_12BIT;
424     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_BOTH) {
425         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_BOTH_UNIT;
426         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT;
427     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_ALTER) {
428         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_ALTER_UNIT;
429         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT;
430     }
431     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_controller_config(&config) );
433     /* ADC-DMA linker init */
434     if (que_adc == NULL) {
435         que_adc = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(adc_dma_event_t));
436     } else {
437         xQueueReset(que_adc);
438     }
439     uint32_t int_mask = SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA;
440     uint32_t dma_addr = adc_dma_linker_init(adc, false);
441     adc_dac_dma_isr_register(adc_dma_isr, NULL, int_mask);
442     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
444     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_check_patt_table(adc, adc_test_num, adc_list[adc_test_num - 1]) );
445     adc_dma_data_multi_st_check(adc, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
447     adc_dac_dma_linker_deinit();
448     adc_dac_dma_isr_deregister(adc_dma_isr, NULL);
449     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_deinit() );
450     vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
452     return 0;
453 }
455 TEST_CASE("ADC DMA single read", "[ADC]")
456 {
457     test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(ADC_UNIT_BOTH);
459     test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(ADC_UNIT_ALTER);
461     test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(ADC_UNIT_1);
463     test_adc_dig_dma_single_unit(ADC_UNIT_2);
464 }
466 #include "touch_scope.h"
467 /**
468  * 0: ADC1 channels raw data debug.
469  * 1: ADC2 channels raw data debug.
470  * 2: ADC1 one channel raw data debug.
471  */
472 #define SCOPE_DEBUG_TYPE            0
473 #define SCOPE_DEBUG_CHANNEL_MAX    (10)
474 #define SCOPE_DEBUG_ENABLE         (0)
475 #define SCOPE_UART_BUADRATE        (256000)
476 #define SCOPE_DEBUG_FREQ_MS        (50)
477 #define SCOPE_OUTPUT_UART          (0)
478 static float scope_temp[SCOPE_DEBUG_CHANNEL_MAX] = {0};  // max scope channel is 10.
test_adc_dig_scope_debug_unit(adc_unit_t adc)480 int test_adc_dig_scope_debug_unit(adc_unit_t adc)
481 {
482     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  >> %s <<  ", __func__);
483     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "  >> adc unit: %x <<  ", adc);
485     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_init() );
486     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_2) {
487         /* arbiter config */
488         adc_arbiter_t arb_cfg = {
489             .mode = ADC_ARB_MODE_FIX,
490             .dig_pri = 0,
491             .pwdet_pri = 2,
492             .rtc_pri = 1,
493         };
494         TEST_ESP_OK( adc_arbiter_config(ADC_UNIT_2, &arb_cfg) );   // If you want use force
495     }
496     adc_digi_config_t config = {
497         .conv_limit_en = false,
498         .conv_limit_num = 0,
499         .interval = TEST_ADC_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_DEFAULT,
500         .dig_clk.use_apll = 0,  // APB clk
501         .dig_clk.div_num = TEST_ADC_DIGI_CLK_DIV_DEFAULT,
502         .dig_clk.div_a = 0,
503         .dig_clk.div_b = 0,
504         .dma_eof_num = SAR_EOF_NUMBER((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM),
505     };
506     /* Config pattern table */
507     adc_digi_pattern_table_t adc1_patt[SOC_ADC_PATT_LEN_MAX] = {0};
508     adc_digi_pattern_table_t adc2_patt[SOC_ADC_PATT_LEN_MAX] = {0};
509     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_1) {
510         config.adc1_pattern_len = adc_test_num;
511         config.adc1_pattern = adc1_patt;
512         for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
513             adc1_patt[i].atten = TEST_ADC_ATTEN_DEFAULT;
514             adc1_patt[i].channel = adc_list[i];
515             adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_1, adc_list[i]);
516         }
517     }
518     if (adc & ADC_UNIT_2) {
519         config.adc2_pattern_len = adc_test_num;
520         config.adc2_pattern = adc2_patt;
521         for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
522             adc2_patt[i].atten = TEST_ADC_ATTEN_DEFAULT;
523             adc2_patt[i].channel = adc_list[i];
524             adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_2, adc_list[i]);
525         }
526     }
527     if (adc == ADC_UNIT_1) {
528         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_SINGLE_UNIT_1;
529         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_12BIT;
530     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_2) {
531         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_SINGLE_UNIT_2;
532         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_12BIT;
533     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_BOTH) {
534         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_BOTH_UNIT;
535         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT;
536     } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_ALTER) {
537         config.conv_mode = ADC_CONV_ALTER_UNIT;
538         config.format = ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT;
539     }
540     TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_controller_config(&config) );
542         /* ADC-DMA linker init */
543     if (que_adc == NULL) {
544         que_adc = xQueueCreate(5, sizeof(adc_dma_event_t));
545     } else {
546         xQueueReset(que_adc);
547     }
548     uint32_t int_mask = SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ENA;
549     uint32_t dma_addr = adc_dma_linker_init(adc, false);
550     adc_dac_dma_isr_register(adc_dma_isr, NULL, int_mask);
551     adc_dac_dma_linker_start(DMA_ONLY_ADC_INLINK, (void *)dma_addr, int_mask);
553     ESP_LOGI(TAG, "adc IO fake tie middle, test ...");
554     for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
555         adc_fake_tie_middle(adc, adc_list[i]);
556     }
558     return 0;
559 }
scope_output(int adc_num,int channel,int data)561 static void scope_output(int adc_num, int channel, int data)
562 {
563     /** can replace by uart log.*/
565     static int icnt = 0;
566     if (icnt++ % 8 == 0) {
567         esp_rom_printf("\n");
568     }
569     esp_rom_printf("[%d_%d_%04x] ", adc_num, channel, data);
570     return;
571 #endif
572 #if SCOPE_DEBUG_TYPE == 0
573     if (adc_num != 0) {
574         return;
575     }
576 #elif SCOPE_DEBUG_TYPE == 1
577     if (adc_num != 1) {
578         return;
579     }
580 #endif
581     int i;
582     /* adc Read */
583     for (i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
584         if (adc_list[i] == channel && scope_temp[i] == 0) {
585             scope_temp[i] = data;
586             break;
587         }
588     }
589     if (i == adc_test_num) {
590         test_tp_print_to_scope(scope_temp, adc_test_num);
591         vTaskDelay(SCOPE_DEBUG_FREQ_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS);
592         for (int i = 0; i < adc_test_num; i++) {
593             scope_temp[i] = 0;
594         }
595     }
596 }
598 /**
599  * Manual test: Capture ADC-DMA data and display it on the serial oscilloscope. Used to observe the stability of the data.
600  * Use step:
601  *      1. Run this test from the unit test app.
602  *      2. Use `ESP-Tuning Tool`(download from `www.espressif.com`) to capture.
603  *      3. The readings of multiple channels will be displayed on the tool.
604  */
605 TEST_CASE("test_adc_digi_slope_debug", "[adc_dma][ignore]")
606 {
607     adc_dma_event_t evt;
608     test_tp_scope_debug_init(0, -1, -1, SCOPE_UART_BUADRATE);
609     adc_unit_t adc = ADC_CONV_BOTH_UNIT;
610     test_adc_dig_scope_debug_unit(adc);
611     while (1) {
612         TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_start() );
613         TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( xQueueReceive(que_adc, &evt, portMAX_DELAY), pdTRUE );
614         if (evt.int_msk & SPI_IN_SUC_EOF_INT_ST) {
615             TEST_ESP_OK( adc_digi_stop() );
616             adc_digi_reset();
617             for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 2; cnt++) {
618                 esp_rom_printf("cnt%d\n", cnt);
619                 for (int i = 0; i < SAR_DMA_DATA_SIZE((adc > 2) ? 2 : 1, SAR_SIMPLE_NUM); i += 2) {
620                     uint8_t h = link_buf[cnt % 2][i + 1], l = link_buf[cnt % 2][i];
621                     uint16_t temp = (h << 8 | l);
622                     adc_digi_output_data_t *data = (adc_digi_output_data_t *)&temp;
623                     if (adc > ADC_UNIT_2) {  //ADC_ENCODE_11BIT
624                         scope_output(data->type2.unit, data->type2.channel, data->type2.data);
625                     } else {        //ADC_ENCODE_12BIT
626                         if (adc == ADC_UNIT_1) {
627                             scope_output(0, data->type1.channel, data->type1.data);
628                         } else if (adc == ADC_UNIT_2) {
629                             scope_output(1, data->type1.channel, data->type1.data);
630                         }
631                     }
632                     link_buf[cnt % 2][i] = 0;
633                     link_buf[cnt % 2][i + 1] = 0;
634                 }
635             }
636         }
637     }
638 }
640 #endif // CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2